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:~ so ns of Azgad , one tho usa nd two hund red and twenty-two ; -sons of Adonikam,
:~ six hund red a nd sixty-six; 'so ns o f Bigvai, two thousa nd a nd fifty-six ; -sons of
Ih Ad in, four hundred and fifty-fo ur ; 'sons of Ater, th at is to say of He zeki ah ,
: ~ ninet y-eight ; ' son s of Beza i, three hund red and twenty-three ; 'sons of J orah,
THE BOOK OF 1') o ne hu ndred a nd twelve ; ' so ns of Hashum, two hundred and twen ty-three ;

;\' sons o f Gibbar, nine ty-five ; 'men of Bethleh em , one hundred a nd twenty -t hree ;

EZRA AND NEHEMIAH 'i men of Neto pha h, fifty-six ; •men of Anathoth , one hundred and twenty-eight;
l,~ men of Beth -azrnaveth, fo rty-two; - rnen of K iriath -jearirn, C hephi rah a nd
' h Beeroth, seven hun dred a nd fort y-three ; 'men of Ra mah and G eba, six hu nd red

,~ a nd twenty-one ; ' men of Mich mas, one hundred a nd twenty-two ; 'men of Bethel
E ZRA ;~ a nd Ai, two hund red and twenty-t hree; -so ns of Nebo, fifty-two; -sons of
\I Magbish, on e hund red an d fifty-six ; 'sons of a not her Elam , on e tho usand two
I. T HE RE TURN F R O M EXILE :; hund red and fifty-fou r; -son s o f Ha rim. three hundred and twenty; 'men of
II Lod , Hadi d and O no, seven hundred and twe nty-five; 'men of Jer icho , three
AN D THE RE BUILDING OF THE TEM PLE " hun d red a nd for ty-five ; ' son s of Senaa h, three tho usa nd six hundred a nd thi rty. Ne3:3
II . T he pr iests: so ns of Jcdaiah, that is to say the Ho use of Jeshua, nin e hundred
The return of the exiles : ~ a nd sevent y-three ; 'sons of Im mel', on e tho usa nd a nd fifty-two; 'so ns of Pashhu r,
1'2 C h 36: Now in the first yea r of C yrus king of Pers ia," to fulfil the word of \ 'j o ne t housa nd two hu nd red a nd forty -seven; ' sons o f Harim, o ne tho usand an d
22-2 3
/ r 25 :11·/2;
Z c 1: / 2
1 Ya hweh that was sp o ken through Jerem ia h, I, Ya hweh ro used the spirit of
Cy rus king of Persia to issue a proclamatio n a nd to ha ve it publi cly d isplayed

seventeen .
T he Levite s: son s of Jc sh ua, that is to say Ka d miel, Binn ui, Hodaviah, N e 12:24
Is 4 5: 1 thr o ughout his ki ngdom: · 'Thus spea ks Cy ru s king o f Persia, " Ya hweh, the seventy-four.
G od o f heaven, has given me all the kingd oms o f the ear th ; he has or dered me
to b uild him a Tem ple in Jerusa lem , in J udah .' -W hoeve r ther e is a mong yo u
" TThe he cantors:" so ns of Asap h, o ne hun dr ed a nd twen ty-eight.
gat ekeepe rs: so ns o f Sha llum, so ns of Atcr, so ns of Ta lman, son s o f
of a ll his people," may his God be with him ! Let him go u p to Jer usa lem in Ak kub, so ns of Hat ita . son s of Shoba i: in al l, one hundred and thirty-ni ne.
J udah to build the Temp le of Ya hweh. the God of Israel -s-he is the God who II T he oblates:" so ns of Z iha , son s of Has upha, so ns of Tab baoth , -sons of N~ tt
is in Jerus a lem. 'A nd let each sur vivor ,' where ver he lives, be helped by the 4 I Keros, sons of Sia ha , sons o f r adon, -sons of Leba na h, so ns of Hagabah , sons
peo ple of tha t place with silve r a nd gold , with goo ds an d cattle, as well as If, of Ak kub, -son s of Hag a b, so ns o f Sham lai, so ns of Ha nan , -son s of G iddel,
vol unta ry offer ings for the Temple of God whic h is in Jeru sa lem." 'j II so ns of Gahar, so ns of Rea iah , ' SOIl S of Rezin, so ns o f Nekod a, so ns of Gazza m,
T hen the head s of fa milies of J uda h and of Benja min, the priests a nd th e I:~ nns of Uzza , son s o f Pasea h, so ns o f Bcsa i, -so ns o f Asnah, so ns of the Meunites,
Lev ites, in fact a ll whose spirit had been rou sed by God , pre pa red 10 go an d SO ilS o f the Ncphisites, -sons o f Ba kbuk, SOilS of Hak upha , so ns of Ha rhur,
E x 3:22 : SO ilS o f Baz luth, so ns of Mehida, so ns of Harsha, 'sons of Barkes, son s of Sisera,
11:2 ; 12:35 reb uild the Te mp le of Yahweh in Jer usa lem ; -a nd all t heir neighb ours ga ve the m
every assistance with silver , go ld. goods, cattle, quanti ties of costl y gifts" a nd Sl' ns of Tema h, -son s of Neziah, so ns of Hat ipha.
with voluntary offerings of every kind. T he so ns of Solom on 's slaves : so ns of So ta i, so ns of Hasso phe reth, so ns of
King Cy ru s took the vessels of the Temple of Yahweh which Nebuchad nezzar " l'cru da, -sons of Jaa lah . so ns of Da rk on, so ns of Gid del, 'sons of She phatia h,
ha d carried away fro m Jerus alem and dedicated to the temple of his god .• Cyrus,
kin g of Per sia, handed th em over to Mithred ath, the tr eas urer, who co unted •. The co nq ues t of Ba b ylo n by C yr us dales From rnlurion fr o m t he bo o ks of th e C h ro nicler a nd so me-
III autum n of 539 : th e firs t yea r o f h is rer an (o ver thc tim es provides a useful chec k on the text of Ezr a nd
them out to She shbazza r, the p rince of Judah. h • T he inve ntory was as follows : 9 II,Ih)'lo nia n empire ) beg ins in N isa n ( March -A pr ill 5.lN. !':c.l
thirty gol den bow ls for offer ings; o ne tho usa nd a nd twent y-nine silver bo wls h . T he ' seve nty ' rea rs o f ca m iviry fo re to ld b}.· h. Leader of the first par ty of imm lgra nt s, see
I n- nn nh is a r o un d number. t ho ua b it co u nt be In trodu ct io n .
fo r -offerings ; - thirty gold en bowls ; fou r h undred a nd ten silver bow ls ; o ne 10 IIllde l to e d literally by ma k ing t hc s u biec u on o f Judah i. Tex t co rr.
thousa nd other vessels.' - In all , five tho usa nd four hundred vessels of go ld a nd 11 hrll in wit h t he reign or Jchoiak im (609 ). d . 2 K 2-t: I. 2 a . I'his lis t. p laced he re by the a u tho r becaus e it
I h' na t t played b y Cyr us is de cla red in Is 4-t:2S : 4 5: If. is necessa ry for the na r ra tive th at fo llow s. is ta ken
silve r. Sheshbazzar took all the se with him when the exiles travelled back fro m c . lhe Per sia n ki ngs we re as a whole extremel y from (he M em oirs of N eh em iah. whe re it is used as a
Ba bylon to Jerusalem. . ~ n l t l . lI h e t ic to wa rd s (he religion s o f th e s ubje ct ed basis for th e re po p u la tion of Jer usale m in a bout 44 5.
I " "lIlc!!; th ey rein sta ted a mi act ivel y su ppor ted t hem Even if the list include s succe ssive part ies ofi mmtara rus.
IIN e7:6-72 ~ tu te ping a measur e o f co n tro l. T hei r a u trud c il s ti ll se ems t ha t a co nsid er a ble nu mb er retu rned with
) The list of the returning exiles a IllWllldli the je wish r etimon was no ex cep tio n . It is Zcr ubba bc l. who hea ds t he list. The text ha s been
It' lllllh ic th a t J uda ism fu rth er ben efit ed be cause of the ....o rr cct eu wit h th e hel p of Ne 7 :h-72 . t he G reek version

t 2 T hese were the people of the pro vince who retu rned from captivity and exile. I
After being deported to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar king o f Ba bylo n, they
re tu rned to Jerusalem a nd to Judah, each to his own town .• T hey a rrived with
1' 1111111" sp ecia l dev o ti on to ' the Rod s of he a ven' ,
nhwe h , wh o in the official do cum ent s is al ways re ferre d
10 l l !l ' t he G od of heaven ' rna}' ha ve been t ho ugh t of
an d I Esd 5:4-45; t hese co n ta in vari a nt s o f th e names
an d lig ures.
h. T welve in all ; the; number o f the tribes o f Israel.
In the sup reme god ac kn o wledged by th e Persia n c. T he luyfol k ar e list ed by cla n fo r th e UDPer
Zerubbabel, Jeshua, Nehemiah, Seraiah, Reelaiah, Naharnani, Mordeca i, clas ses. by pla ce- of origin for the low er,
) Bilsha n, Mispar, Bigvai, Rehum and Baa na h. b
II. T he expression apparentl y in cl udes t he ex iles
/' IIn lU th e N . Kingd om , But cr . v. 5.
T he list of the men of the people of Israel:' ' so ns of Parosh, two thousand I' . l'cc hnical term fo r the faith fu l nu cleu s o f Isr ael d . No t re ck one d among the Levit es, un like 3: 10.
Ih'll hud taken shape du rin g the Ex ile. cf'. Is 5 1:7 ; 49: 13 O ne grou p onl y is menti oned. unli ke 1 C h 6: 16f.
one hundred and seventy-two ; -sons of Shephatiah, three hundred and seventy- 4 ntl,1 1 1l 4 : 3 ~ . e . T he o rig in of [he Net hinirn Cgiven o ne s' IS th e
two; -sons of Ara h, seven hundred a nd seventy-five ; ' sons o f Paha th-moa b, ~ f. I his ed ict appears in the fo r m of a n rocla ma tlc n . literal mea nin g o f this Hebr . wor d a nd of the corre-
III Il chr.. by p ublic hera ld s to t he exiled Je ws a nd no spo nd ing G reek) is described in Jos 9:27. Th e 'so ns
th a t is to say the so ns of Jeshua an d Joab , two thousan d eight hu nd red a nd twelve ; d<lllh i dr awn up by Jew s em plo yed in the Pe rsia n of So lo mo n's slaves' ( v 55 an d Ne I I:3) are de scendants
sons o f Ela m, one thousand two hundred an d fifty-four ; -sons of Za ttu, nine ~ tun u cflcry. 6:3-5 . on t he o the r h an d . is a mem or and um of pri so ners o f war o r of for ei gners su bject to fo rced
" ll uu- usc of Persian officia ls . la bo ur. Th ese tw o groups did the men ia l wo r k o f the
hundred and fo rty-five; 'so ns of Zaccai, seven hundred an d sixty ; -so ns of Yo II. 'I ex t co rr. fol lowing I Esd 2:9 (T he G ree k, Te mp le ( wo odc u tters. wa ter-ca rri ers) . Cf. Ezk 44:7-9.
Ba ni, six hun dred and forty-two; ' son s of Bebai , six hundred a nd twenty-th ree ; 11 Il l h uu onl ca l wo rk ca lled 1 Es d ha l', is in p art a co m- T hey rese m ble th e ' o bla tes' of t he medie va l m on asteri es.
EZRA 5 72 573 EZRA

so ns o f Ha uil. so ns o f Pochcrcth-haz-zebaim . sons of Ami . •T he tota l of the oR 12 True, many pr iests and Lev ites, many heads of fam ilies, who were then old and
H g2:3
oblates a nd the so ns o f Solomon', slaves: t hree hundred a nd ninet y-two . had seen with their own eyes the earlier Temple on its foundations, m wept aloud, U
Tb 14:5
The following. who came' 1'1'0111 Tc l-mcla h, Tel-ha rsha, Cherub, Ad da n and 59 13 but many others rai sed their voices in shouts of joy. -And nobody could dist inguish
Im me l', cou ld not prove tha t thei r families a nd an cestr y were o f Israc lite orig in: the shouts of joy from the sound of the people's weeping ; for the people shouted
sons of Dela ia h, so ns of Tob iah, so ns o f Nekoda: six hun d red a nd fifty-two. 60 so loudly that the noise could be heard far away.
2 S l i:27: And amo ng the priests: so ns of Hahaiah, so ns of Ha k koz , so ns of Barz illai. who 61
! 9: J 2f
IK 2-7 had married one of the da ughte rs o f Harzillai, the G ilead itc, whose name he An indictment of the Samaritans: their tactics under Cyrus-
adopted .• These peo ple sea rc hed in their ancestral registers but could not be 62 But when the enemies of Judah and Benjamin heard that the exiles were
located in them, so they were exc luded from the priesthood-as unc lean -and His 6 .1
Excellency" forba de them to eat the sacred foods" until a priest co uld be found
4 building a sanctuary for Yahweh, the God of Israel, -they came to Zerubbabel
and Jeshu a > and the heads of families a i.d said, 'We would like to build with
fo r the Urirn a nd T humm irn .' you, for we seek your God as you do and we have sac rificed - to h im since the
T he whole assembl y nu m bered fo rty-two t housa nd three hu ndred a nd sixty 64 time of Esarhaddo n king of Assyria, who brought us here' ." -Zerubbabel,
peo ple, - ri o t coun ting their slaves and ma idser vants to the number of seven 65 Jesh ua, and the ot her heads of Israelite famil ies repl ied, 'It is not righ t that you
tho usa nd three hundred a nd thirty-seven. T hey also had two hund red male and shou ld join us in building a Temple for our God; we alone may bui ld for
fema le singers. •The ir ho rses numb ered seven hun d red a nd thirty-s ix, their mule s 66 Ya hweh, the God of Israel, as we were ordered by Cyrus king of Persia' .
two hund red a nd fort y-live, -r hcir ca mels four hu ndred a nd thirty-five and the ir 67 4 Then the people o f t he co untry ' set out to dishearten and frighte n the people of
d onkeys six thou sa nd seven hund red and twen ty. Juda h from build ing any fu rther; -they lured counsellors! aga inst them , to defea t
W hen they a rr ived at the Tem ple 0 1' Ya hweh in Jerusa lem, a ce rta in numb er 6R thei r pu rpose. T h is lasted throughout the reign of Cy rus kin g of Pers ia and
of head s of fa milies mad e vo luntary offering s fo r the Temple o f Go d, for its un til the reign of Dari us king of Pers ia.
re build ing on its site. -In acco rda nce with the ir means they ga ve sixty-o ne 69
thousa nd gold d rachmas, five thou sand silver minas and one hundred pr iestly Samaritan ta ctic s under Xerxe s and Artaxerxesr
ro bes to the sacred fu nds . At the beginning of the reign of Xe rxes " they' lodged a complai nt aga inst
The pries ts, Levites an d part o f the people sett led in Jer usale m; the gate keepers. 70 the inh a bitants of J udah and Jerusa lem.
canto rs, oblat es a nd a ll the ot her Israelites, in their ow n towns. In th e time of Ar taxerxes,' Mithredath , Ta beel and the rest of their colleagues
denounced Jerusalem" in writing to Ar taxe rxes king of Pe rsia. The text of the
The resump tion of worship document was in the Ar a ma ic scr ipt and the Ar amaic la nguage.
11Ne7:72b: W hen the seventh mon th ca rne a nd the so ns o f Israel were in their ow n tow ns, Then Re hum t he governor' and Shimshai the sec retary wro te the followi ng
3 they a ll gathered as o ne man in Je rusale m." -Jeshua so n o f Jo zada k, with his
brother priests, a nd Zc ru h ba bcl so n of Shca lticl , with his brothe rs," bega n to

lette r denounc ing Jerusa lem to Ki ng Artaxerxes-· Re hum the governor and

IK R:h-t ! rebuild the a ltar o f the God of Israel. to o ffer holoca usts there , as it is writte n f. The decision was lat e r re ve rsed, a t least fo r th e 10:10 .
Dn9;::!S so ns of Hakk o z, Ne 3:4 .2 .; Ezr 8:33. J. 'in fine lin e n ' corr.• cr. 2 Ch 5:12,
in the Law o f Moses the ma n of God. -The a lta r was set u p o n its o ld site," .1 g . The governor. probably Sheshbazzar a t t his
despite the ir fea r o f the sur rou nd ing peoples, a nd o n it they offered ho loca usts Period. is ca lled by his title of hon our. Tirshat ha , a
Ex2 3: 14 !- Persian word apparently meaning 'His Reverence '; m. ' o n its fou ndations' cor r.: ' w he n the foundations
to Ya hweh, ho loca usts morning a nd eveni ng; -t hcy celebra ted th e fea st of 4 it recu rs in Ne 7:6 5.6 9 : R:9; 10:2 . The governor does wer e be ing laid' Hebr., whi ch adds ' t ha t is . o f th e
Nb:2S:3-S Ta bern acles, acc ording to the written Law . with as man y da ily holo cau sts as a re T emple '.
not interfere in religiou s affairs . Ezek iel's instructi on s
have borne fruit . cf. Ezk -1-5: 7·1 7 ; 46:1-10.12.1 6-1 8. 4 a , Hg 1:2 blamed th e de la y in b uilding the Temple
orda ined for each da y ; -thcn , in addit io n to the perpetual holocaus t. they offer ed h . On this p ries tly p rlv iteg e sec Lv 22 :IOf : 10:14-15. (from 538 to 520) on the ind iffe re nce of the J ews . The
t hose prescribed for the sa bba ths," New Mo on feasts and a ll the so lem nities i. To consult God by means of the sacred lots , C h ro n icle r e m p hasises the Samari tan o pposit ion .
sacred to Yahweh, as well a, those volunta ry offerings made by ·ind ivid ua ls cf I S 14:41 +. The hieh p r iest ha s not therefore ye t b . 'Jes hu a' Greek; omitted b y Hebr .
bee n inves ted: cf. Zc J . c . ' we h ave sacrificed' cere, Greek. Svr. : ' we do
to Yahweh .' • From the first da y o f the seventh mo nth they bega n otTering 6 3 a . The same phrase (corr.) is used (0 de scribe thi s not sacrifice' Hebr.
tl rst gathering o f the imm ig rant s and th e o ne orga niz ed d . This deportation s ho uld perhaps be related 10
holoc a usts to Ya hwe h, though the fo undat ion s o f the sa nctua ry of Ya hweh had h)-' Ez ra, Ne 7:72b-8: I. Esarhaddon's Egyptian campaign a nd to the capture
not yet bee n laid.' b. The mention of Zerubbabet a nd Jes hua a s o f Tvre (670 ; see Is 7:8b (according to t he H ebr.
1 C h22 :4 tuking this initiative is ed itorial. T he work ha s be en readi ng 'six ty-five Years').
2C h2:9. 14 T he n they ga ve money to t he mason s and ca rpenters ; to the Sid o nia ns and 7 o llh: ia lh' assigned 10 S hes hba zzar, 5:l3-1 6: 6: 3·5 . e. The exp ression ' pe o ple of the c o u ntry' (' a m
Ty rian s they ga ve food, d rink a nd o il, so tha t they wo uld bring ced a r wood from c . 'o n it s si te' G ree k, Syr ., c f. 2:6 8 ; ' on it s foun- ba ' ar ez) means primarily those wit h la nd e d p ropert y,
d auon s' Hebr. 2 K 23 :30,35, as opposed to those who have no ne
Le ba non by sea to Ja ffa, for wh ich Cy rus king of Pe rsia had given permi ssion. " d . ' fo r the sabbat hs' 2 Esd. cr. 2 Ch 2:3 : o mitted (dalla tll ha'oret) , The re ference her e is to Sa m a ri ta n
It was in the second mon th of the seco nd year " afte r t heir arr ival a t the Temp le s hv l lc br . se tt lers, see 10:2,11: Ne 10:31f: t he expression is
e. ' Vo lunrarv sa cr ifices as OPPos ed to tho se th e refo re ass u m ing a reli gio us sense. that o f common
o f God in Je rusa lem tha t Zeru bbabe l son of Shealtiel an d Jeshua son of Jo zada k, PI esc ri bed by the Law or o bligatory as th e res ult of a fo lk ignorant of the Law a nd in a permane nt sta te of
with the rest of t heir brothers, the pr iests, the Levites a nd a ll the peo ple who V I I \\', cf. Lv 7: 11+ . legal impurity.
had returned to Jerusa lem fro m capt ivity, bega n th e wo rk; they a ppo inted the r, Fo r th e C hronicler thi s is a res u mp tion of th e f. Ro ya l o fficials re siden t in Samaria,
who le sys tem of worsh ip as lai d d own by th e ' P ries tly' g . He re th e 'A r a m a ic so urc e ' begins : it e nds at

)J Levites who were twen ty years old or mo re to superintend the wor k o n the
Te m ple o f Ya hweh.' -So Jcshua, his so ns a nd his b roth ers, with Kad miel, Binnui
tex ts o f the L aw.

re mote.
1:, Prepar a tio ns sim ilar to those m a de fo r So lo mon's
6: 18. T he C hr o n icler , ho we ve r, su m m a r ises a sect io n
of it , in H eb r. : vv. 6-7.
h . E n d of 486 to beginnin g of 48 5,

an d Hodavia h.: ag reed to superintend the workme n at the Tem ple of G od. k i , Those mentioned in v . 4 ,
I W he n the builders had laid the founda tions of the sa nctua ry o f Ya hweh, the 10
II, H z 1:14 : 2:IO f a nd Zc 4:9 p ut th e beg inn ing
II I th e wor k in the second yea r of D a rius : it
a ct uully began un d er C yr us, Ez r 5: 16, but ca n h a ve
i . A rtaxe rxe s I (465-424) .
k , Lit. ' wr o te against Jer us al e-m' corr . : ' w r o te wi th
2: 4 1
pr iests in line linen' ca me with trumpets, and the Levites, the so ns of Asa ph, m ade lillie Progress. t he a gr eement (of M ith re d a th)' G reek, Arab .• Sv r.:
) J b 3X:7
with cymbals, to praise Yahweh accord ing to the ordinances of Dav id king of I. It is a c ha racter istic of t he Chronicler to give
puuniuenc e to t he Levu es .
'btshla m' Cag a inst Je rus a lem ') is re ga r ded by 1 Esd,
V u lg, as t he n a me of the le adi ng p lain tiff.
Israe l; - they cha nted pra ise a nd thank sgiving to Yahweh, ' Fo r he is good, for I I I. ' Ih nn ui an d H od a viah ' corr.. c f. 2:40 ; 'and hi s I. Governor of Sa ma ria , cf . v, 17. Sa maria wa s
NbI 0:5 \ I" " HI , the so ns of J uda h' Hebr. the c a pita l of the pr o vin ce which st ill in cl ud ed Juda h :
PsIOO:S I : h is lo ve for Israe l is eve rlast ing". And all the people sho ute d aloud the pra ises o f
(]6 k , Th e Hebr. a dd s ' the sons o f He na d ad, the ir it s governor th e re for e ha d superviso ry righ ts over
J r 33: 11 Ya hwe h, since the foundatio ns of the Temple of Ya hweh had now been laid . lio n a nd th eir br others' , glo ss fo llo wi ng N e 3:18, 24; Jerusa lem .
EZRA 574 575 EZRA 6:8 UJ

S h ims ha i the sec retary and t he rest of thei r colleagues, the judges and legates, "Who gave you authority to build this Temple and to do this woodwork?"
Persian o fficia ls, th e people of U ru k, Ba byl o n a nd Susa-that is, t he Ela m ites- 10 We a lso a sked their names so that you might be informed ; hence we have been I

and the other peo ples whom Assu rb a n ipal the G rea t deported a nd set tled in th e 10 able to list t he na mes o f those who a re superintending these me n .
to w ns of Samaria a nd in t he re st of T ra nse u p hr at es.'" 11 'They gave us t h is answer , "We are the servants of the God of heaven and
T h is is a copy o f t he letter the y sen t: 11 earth ; we a re re bu ild in g a Temple wh ich u ntil recen tly had been stand ing for
'To Ki n g Artaxerxes, fro m your ser va nts , the peo ple of Transeu phrates: 12 many years and which was b uilt and fin ished by a great king of Isr ael. - But our
' Whereas - t he kin g shoul d be info r med t hat the Jews, who have co m e u p from 12 ancestors angered the God of hea ve n a nd he delivered t hem int o the po wer o f
you r co untry to Jerusalem, are no w re bui ldi n g th a t rebellio us a nd wic ked c ity ; Nebuchadnez za r th e C ha ldaea n, king of Ba bylon , who destroyed that T em ple and
they a re wo rk ing to re st o re the walls, and th e founda tio ns are a lrea d y la id ," 13 deported the peo ple to Ba by lon . -I n th e fir st year of C yr us ki ng of Ba byl o n,
and whereas the kin g shou ld be informed t ha t if t his city is rebui lt a nd the wa lls 13 14 however , K ing Cyrus a u t ho rised t he re building o f t h is Te m ple of God; - fu rt he r-
a re resto red, they will refuse to pay t ribu te, custo m s or to lls, a nd that in sho rt m o re, those vesse ls o f go ld an d silver bel on gin g to t he T em ple o f God, whi ch
th is city w ill damage the au th ority o f t he k ings, -and whereas , because we eat 14 N eb uc had nezz a r ha d re m o ved fro m th e sa nct ua ry in J eru sa lem and ta ke n to
th e salt of th e pal ace, it does not seem p ro per to us to see thi s affront o ffe red th a t of Ba bylo n, K ing Cyru s in tu rn re m o ved fro m t he sanctuary in Bab ylon an d
to t he k ing; we t herefo re se nd thi s infor ma tion to t he k ing -so that a search 15 h anded ba c k to a m a n ca lled Shesh bazzar, whom he appointed high com-
m a y be made in t he a rc h ives of yo ur an cestors: in wh ich ar chi ves you will find it 15 missione r, -wit h the words: T a ke t hese vesse ls ; go and return them to t he
pr o ved th at t his city is a rebelliou s city , th e ba ne of t he kin gs a nd t he provinces, sa nctua ry in Je rus a lem a nd let t he Te m ple o f G od be rebu ilt on its original site;
a nd th a t sed iti on has bee n stirred up t here fro m a nc ient ti mes ; wh ich is why this 16 t he aforesaid S hes h baz zar th erefo re came and lai d the foundations of t he Te m ple

city wa s destroy ed . - We inform the kin g th at if th is city is rebuilt and its wa lls 16 of God in Jer usa lem ; th ey hav e been b ui ldi ng it eve r since,' a nd it is still not
a re restored , you will so o n have no terri to ries left in Tra nse up hrates.' finis hed."
The kin g sent t his reply: 17 17 'Where for e, if it please the king, let sea rc h be made in the k ing's munimen t
'T o R ehu m the governor, to Shi m sh ai the secretary, a nd to the rest o f th ei r rooms in Ba by lo n , t o find o u t if it is true that Ki ng C yr us gave permission fo r
co lleagues resident in Samaria and elsewhere in Tra nse up h ra tes, pe ace ! th e rebuilding o f t h is T emple o f God in J e rusa le m . A nd let the k ing's decision
' Whereas - the document you sent to me has bee n t ranslated a nd rea d before o n this matter be se nt to u s.'
m e, -a nd by my o rd ers search has been made, and it has been foun d t hat fro m
an c ient tim es thi s c ity has rise n a ga inst k ings a nd that rebellion an d seditio n
19 1 6 T he n, o n the order o f K in g D a rius, a search was made in Babylon ia in the
m uni ment rooms w he re t he a rc h ives were ke pt ; -a t Ec ba ta na , the fortress
have been con t rived in it ; -and that po we rfu l kin gs have reigned in Jerusalem , 20 situated in t he p rov ince of M ed ia, a sc ro ll wa s found whi ch ran thus:
w ho d o minated all Tra nseuphrates,v exact ing tribute, cus to ms a nd tolls, you 21 'Mem orandu m . 1:4+

must now o rder th e wo r k of these men to cea se im med ia tely: th is c ity is not to 'I n th e firs t year of Cyrus th e kin g, K ing C yrus decreed :
be rebuil t until I give fu rt her orders. - Beware of neg ligence in th is ma tt er 22 "Tem ple o f G od in Jeru sal em .
le st fu r the r harm be do ne to t he king's interests.' " T he T emple will be rebui lt as a place a t wh ich sa cr ifices a re o ffe red and to
A s soon as the copy of King A rta xerxes' d ocu me nt had bee n read before 23 wh ic h offeri ngs are broug ht to be b urnt. a Its he ight is to be sixty CUbits, its widt h
N c 1:3+ Re h urn the go verno r; " Sh imshai t he sec retary a nd their co lleagues , they hurried 4 sixty cubi ts . " -T he re a re to be t h ree th icknesses of sto ne blocks a nd one o f wo od .'
to the J ews in Jerusa lem a nd stopped their work by force of a rms . , The expense is to be met by the king's ho use hol d. - F ur t her m o re, t he vesse ls
o f gold and silver from the T em ple of G o d which Nebuchadnezzar took from
Th e buil ding of the Templ e (520-5 15 H.C.) th e sanctuary in Jerusalem a nd b rough t to Babyl o n are to be resto red so t ha t
vThus th e work o n the T em ple o f God in J erusal em was brought to a standstill; 24 everyth ing may be re stored to the sanctuary in J e rusal em and be pu t back in
it re m ained interrupted until the second year of t he reign of D a r ius k in g o f the T em ple of God ." :"
'W he refore, Tattcnai , sa tr a p o f Transeu phrates, She t ha r-boz enai a nd yo u,
H. 1i~i~ 5
Pe rsia .
T hen the prophets H a ggai a nd Zecha ria h son of Id do began to prophesy to
th e J ews of Judah a nd Jerusalem in the na me of the God of Israel w ho was
1 7 t he ir colleagues, t he offic ia ls of Tra nse up h ra tes, wit hd ra w fr om there; -Ie a ve
th e high co mm iss ion er of J uda h' a nd the elde rs o f th e Jew s to work o n t his
with them. -At this, Zeru b babel son o f S heal tiel a nd Je shua son of Joza d a k 2 H Te mple of God; t hey are to re b uild th is Tem ple of God o n its a ncient site . -T h is,

st a rted again to bu ild t he Temple o f G od in J erusalem ; t he p rophets o f G od I decree, is how yo u must ass ist the elders of the Je ws in the reconstructio n of
we re with t he people, giving them coura ge." -It was then that T a tt ena i, satrap 3 this Te mple of God: the expenses of t hese people are to be pa id, p romptly a nd
o f Tra nseu p h ra tes, Shethar-bozena i and th eir colleagues came to them and
asked, ' Who ga ve you authority to build thi s Temple a nd to do t his wo odwork ? m. ' the towns' G ree k: ' the tow n' H cbr. T he Heb r. t he work on ly be ga n then . T he lea di ng Da rt played
"W ha t are the names of th e men responsible for th is b uilding?' -B ut the eyes l ll l d ~ ' whe reas' , cr. v. l lc. T he lis t o f Sama r itan by Zer ub babel is stressed by Hg an d Z c. bu t h ere the
nhu ntiff s includes the hig hes t a u thor it ies in th e prov in ce , 'ciders' co me to th e for e. v. 5.
of th eir God were on the elders o f the Jews; they were not compelled to the lead in g Persian offic ia ls a nd the heads of th e b . Add. (cf. v. 9 b ) ' t he n we as ked ' : var. 'the n t he y
sto p whi le a report on the m atter was sent to D a rius a nd a n official ed ict va rio us groups of se tt lers according to their cou ntr ies as ked ' . I
III orunn . Z
aw a ited . n . '( the foundat io ns) arc lai d ' cf. 5:16; 'th ey are c. The el de rs em bro ide r the fac ts. cf. 4: 1-5. 23-24.
Copy of the letter that Tattenai, satrap of Transeuphrates, Shethar-bozenai 6 ",ulem hling [or: re pa iri ng] ( the fo u nd a ti ons)' H ebr. to p re vent t he a u tho r isa tio n of 538 from la psing.
an d his colleagues, the o fficial s in Transeu ph rates, sent to King D a riu s. -They 7
o . Delibe r a te ly exag ge ra ted a llu sion to th e emp ire s 6 a . 'o fferi ng s brought to be b u rn t' co r r. , cf 1 Esd
ell Dav id and Solomon. 'i ts found ation ' He br.
sent a report to him whi ch ran as foll ows: p. 'the governor' o ne He br . MS . vers ions . b. Text corrupt.
Q . Ed itoria l verse lin k in g wha t fo llow s wi th 4:5 . c, 'one' (i. e . course of wood) Greek; ' ne w' u.e. new
'To K ing D a rius, all peace! -T he ki ng shoul d be info rmed th at we went to 8
~ 11. T hese two ver ses co m bine info r ma ti o n fro m wo o d, o ne co u rse) He br. T he wo od lines the wall
t he district o f J uda h, to th e Te mple of t he gr ea t God: it is being built of blocks II i und Zc. The in it ial e nt h usia sm for building t he on the inside . cr. 5:8.
I CI1lD le. stimu la ted by Shesbbazzar . 5: 16. had petered d . 'e ve ryth ing' added by coni. ' m a y be rest ored '
o f stone; the wa lls ar e being panelled wi t h wo od ; t he work is bei ng done w ith uut , and in the a ut umn of 520 there was not hin g to ve rsi ons ; 'YOU w ill re place it' Gree k .
great care a nd ma kes progress in th eir ha nd s. - Q uestio ning the eld ers , we asked, 9 "huw but ruins . Hg 1:4. It m a y therefor e be said t hat e. ' e!' Judah' 1 Esd; 'of the Jews ' Hebr,

without fail, from the royal revenue-that is, from the tribute of Transeuphrates. The edict of Artax erxes-
What they need for holocausts to the God of heaven: young bulls, rams and 9
II T his is a cop y of the document which King Ar tax erxes handed to Ezra, ,
lambs, as also wheat, salt, wine and oil, is to be supplied to them daily, without the priest -scribe, the scribe who was especially learn ed in the text of Ya hweh' s
fail, as requ ired by the priests of Jerusalem, -so that they may offer acceptable 10
comma nd ments and his laws relating to Israel :
sacrifices to the God of heaven and pray for the lives of the king and" his sons . 12 'Artaxerxes,r king of kin gs, to the priest Ezra , scribe of the Law of the
I also decree this: If anyone disobeys this edict, a beam is to be torn from his 11 1:2+
God of heaven, perfe ct peaceJ
house, he is to be pilloried upright on it and his house is to be made into a dung
13 'Here then are my or ders: Anyo ne in my kingdom who is of the peopl e
heap for this crime .• May the God who causes his name to live there overthrow 12
of Israel, of their priests or their Levites a nd who freely chooses to go to Jeru-
any king or people who dares to defy this and destroy the Temple of God in
14 salem , may go with yo u.• For you are sent by the king and his seven co unsellors
Jerusalem! I, Darius, have issued this decree. Let it be obeyed to the letter!'
to make an insp ect ion of J uda h a nd Jerusalem according to the Law of yo ur
Then Tattenai, satrap of Transeuphrates, Shethar-bozenai and their colleagues 13
15 God, which is in your possession , -a nd als o to ca rry the silver a nd go ld which the
obeyed to the letter the inst ructions sent by King Darius.• The elders of the Jews, 14
kin g and his co unsello rs ha ve volunta rily offered to the Go d of Israel who dwells
for the ir part, pros pered with their building, inspired by Haggai the prophet
16 in Jerusale m, -as well as all the silver a nd gold yo u find in th e whole pro vince
and Zechariah son of Iddo. They finished the building in accordance with the
of Bab ylon ia, together with those voluntary offerings given by the peop le an d
order of the God of Israel a nd the o rder of Cyrus a nd of Darius." •T his 15
17 the priests for the Te mple of their God in Jerusa lem. • Fur ther, with this money
Temple was finished o n the twenty-third day of the mo nth of Adar ; it was
take pa ins to buy bull s, rams a nd lambs, as well as the ob lat ions a nd libat io ns
the sixth year of th e reign of King Darius." -T he Israe lites-t he priests, the 16
Ps 30:1
which go with th em; you must offer them on the altar of the Temple of yo ur Go d in
Levites and the remainder of the ex ilcst-e-joyful ly dedicat ed this Temple of God;
1& Jerusalem. -T he gold a nd silver left ove r you may spend as yo u and yo ur brot hers
for the dedication of this Temple of God they offered o ne hun dred bulls, two 17
19 think right , according to the will of yo ur Go d . • Place the vessels th at ha ve been
hu nd red ram s, four hund red lam bs and, as a sac rifice fo r sin for the whole of
given you for the ser vice of the Te mple of yo ur God before yo ur Go d in Je rusalem.
Israel , twelve he-goats, correspo nding to the nu mbe r of the tribes of Israe l.
20 For a nything else necessary for the Tem ple of your G od, which yo u may find
T hen they install ed the priests according to their order s in the service of the 18
21 occasion to provide, you may d raw on the roya l treasury . •I, K ing Artaxerxes,
Te mple of G od/ in Jeru salem, as is written in the Boo k of Moses."
give thi s command to a ll the treasur ers of T ra nseuphrates: Whatever the priest
The Passover of 515 B.C. Ezra, scribe of the La w of the G od of heaven , may ask of you must be instantly
2! allowed : • up to one hun d red ta lents of silver , one hund red measu res of wheat,
E:d2:1 1- The exiles celebrated the Passover on the four teent h day of the first mo nt h. 19 one hu ndred baths of wine, one hundr ed ba ths of oil, and salt as reque sted.
The Levites, as one man, had purified themselves; a ll were pure, so they sacr ificed 20 23 Everything th at the Go d of heaven commands must be car ried out zealo usly fo r
the passover for all the exiles, for the ir brothers the pr iests and for themse lves.' the Temp le of t he God of heaven, lest the wra th shou ld co me o n the rea lm of
Ps 47:9 The follow ing ate the passover: the Israel ites who had returned from exile and 21 24 the king and of his son s. •Yo u are also informed that it is forbidden to impose
all those who, having broken with the impurity of the surround ing peoples, tr ibu te, cus tom s or tolls o n an y of the priests, Levites, cantors , ga tekeepers,
joined them to seek Yahweh, the God of Israe l. -For seven days they joyfully" ob lates ; in short, o n th e servants of this Temple of Go d.
celebrated the feast of Unleavened Bread, for Yahweh had given them cause to 25 • And you, Ezra , by virtue of the wisdo m of your God, which is in yo ur posses -
rejoice, having moved the heart of the king of Assyr ia to encourage their sion,' you a re to a ppoi nt scribes" and j ud ges to administer ju stice for the whole
work on the Temple of God, the God of Israel. people of Transeuphrates, that is, for all who kno w the Law of your Go d.' Yo u 2Ch17 :9
Es t 8:125
26 must teach th ose who do not know it. • If an yone does not obey the Law of
your G od-which is the law of the king-let j udgement be st rictly executed on
him: death, bani shment, confiscation or imp risonment.'
OF THE COMMUNITY BY EZRA AND NEHEM IAH f. Prayer for a pa ga n sov ereign is encouraged in a n o r ien tal cou r t. The title of ' scr ibe ' therefor e
Jr 29:7; Ba 1:10-11 ; J M 7:33 ; cr. a lso R m 13:1-7 ; (vv. 12 a nd 21) ind ica tes t hat Ezra was a kin d o f
I P 2:13· 17. mi nis ter for Jewi sh a ffa irs at the Pe rsia n co urt. Bu t
The mission and personality of Ezra" g . The H e br. adds 'a nd of A r tax erxe s. k ing o f the C hro nic ler , th in king of E zr a' s activi ty in J er usalem.
Pe rs ia ' . Ne 8:8+ . gives the officia l tit le a relig io us meani ng ;
After these events, in the reign of Artaxerxes king of Persia, Ezra son of
7 Seraiah, son of Azariah, son of Hilkiah, -son of Shallum, son of Zadok, son
of Ahitub, 'son of Amariah, son of Azariah, son of Meraioth, -son of Ze rah iah,

h. ' t he twen ty-th ird d ay ' I Esd : ' the thi rd da y' th e sc r ibe is the man wh o reads. tra ns lates, expou nds
Heb e. The date is April Is t S IS, T h is Te m p le, the Law to God' s pe op le. E zra is th e fa the r o f th ese
re modelled by H erod th e G rea t . cf. In 2:20 + , was in scri bes who d iet m uch go od wor k in the po st-e xilic
lise for 585 yea rs : it wa s de str oyed by T it us in 70 A . D. period . whic h was co n tin ued by th e sc r ibe s (g ra m-
son of Uzzi, son of Bukki, 'son of Abishua, son of Ph inehas, son of Eleazar, 5 i. T he elit e of th e co m m u n it y. cf. 4: I . ma te is) of the time of C hris t.
I. ' of the Temple of God' Svt. , Rec . Luc.: ' of G od '
son of the chief pr iest Aaron, b • this man Ezra ca me up from Babylon . He was 6
He be. and G ree k .
a scribe versed' in the Law of Mose s, which had been given by Ya hweh, t he G od k . T he Ara maic doc ume nt ends here . Vv. 19-22 d . N o te three po ints abou t the ed ict : i . the per -
7:2>l .x. I,~ a rc fro m th e Ch ro n icler 's pe n. m iss io n for Jews livi ng in Baby lon to sett le' in Judah.
Nl.: 2:X,I R of Israel. As the favour of his God, Ya hweh, was with him, the king gave him all I, A t the beginning of th e verse the Heb r. ha s v , 13 ; ii. the ele va tio n of the Mosaic La w ( 0 the sta tus
he asked . ·A certa in nu mber of Israelites, priests, Levitcs, ca ntors, ga tekeepers 7 ' T he p riests a nd', bu t cf. v. 20b ; 2 C h 35:11. The of law o f the state, vv. 25 -26 ; not o n ly the Palestinia n
C hro nicler characte ris tically represent s the Levne s as co m mu n ity. v , 14, b ut also the Jewish co m m u ni ties
and o blates went up to Jer usalem in the sevent h yea r of the reign of King Arta- sla ugh tering the paschal vict ims , cf 2 C h 35:6 .1 I . F or west of the E up hrates , v, 25. a re to be gove rn ed on the
xerxes .• He a rr ived in Jer usa lem in the fifth mo nth : it was the seventh yea r of 8 II long time lay men had done so . D t 16:2; E x 12:6 . b asis of th is La w. whic h is to be obli gatory for all .
the king's reign, • for he had decided to depa rt from Ba bylon on the first da y of 9
7 a . Vv. 1·11 are b y the C h ro nicler : he uses Ezra ' s v , 26 ; iii. th e financial arrangement s, 'I V. J5-20. O n
re po r t, see Introduct ion . the re lig io us policy o f the Persia n k ing s. see 1:2 + .
the first month , a nd he arrive d in Jer usalem on the first day of the fifth mon th ; b. T he ge ne al og y of Ezra acco mm od ates the exiles ' e. Vv. J2-26 are in A ra maic .
a nx iety to see a d uly ac cr edited pr iesthood. 2:62 ; 8:2. f . ' peace ' I Esd , svr.: o m itt ed by H e br.
the kindly favour of his God was certainly with him. • For Ezra had devoted 10
Hut it has probably been co nst r ucte d by t he C hro nic ler 11: . The Law.
Ps 11'1:45
himse lf to the study of the Law of Ya hweh, to practising it and to teaching wit h I C h 5:28f as its fou nda ti on . h. 's cri bes ' G reek ; 'j udg es' H ebr .
c. Li t. ' r a pid scribe', cf. Ps 45:1. T he ir sk ill in the i. 't he law' G re ek, I Esd ; 't he la ws' H eb r. To
Israe l its laws a nd customs. a u o f wri ti ng made the scr ibes Indispensable officials ' kn o w' the La w is to obse rve it.
7: 27 EZRA 579 EZRA
The journey of Ezra from Babylonia to Palestine before the leading priests, the Levites and the heads of families of Israel in
Blessed be Yahweh , the G od of our ancest or s, who moved the king' s hea rt in 27 30 Jeru salem in the chambers of the Temple of Yahweh.' •The priests and Levites
th is way to glorify the Temp le of Yahweh in Jeru salem -and who won for me 2 8 then took charge of the silver, the gold and the vessels thus weighed , to ta ke
7:6 the favour of th e king, his cou nsellor s an d all the mos t power ful of the king's them to Jerusalem to the Temple of our God.
officials. F or my pa rt , I took cour age, for the favou r of Ya hweh my G od 31 On the twelfth da y of the first month we left t he river of A hava to go to
was with me, and I gathered the leadin g men of Israel together to set out with Je ru salem; the favour of our G od was with us and protected us on the mad from
me. 32 enemies and thieves.• We arrived in Jerusalem and stayed th ere, resting , for
Th ese, with their geneal ogies, are the heads of fam ilies who set ou t fr om 1 t hree da ys. - O n the fourth da y the silver, the gold and the vessels were weighed
8 Babylon with me in the reign of King Artaxerxes:"
Of the sons of Phinehas : G ershom; of the son s of It hamar: b Daniel; of th e
3 .1
in the Temple of our Go d a nd handed over to the priest M ererno th so n of Uriah
an d, with him, Eleaza r so n of Phinehas ; with them were the Levites J oza bad
sons of D avid: H attush -son of Shecaniah ; of th e son s of Paros h: Zecha riah, 3 34 son of Je shua and Noadiah so n of Binnui.• Number and weight , all was there .
with whom one hundred an d fifty male s were registered ; •of the sons of Pa hath- 4 T he tot al weight was put on record.
moa b: Eliehoenai son of Ze rahiah, and with him two hundred males ; - of the 5 35 At th at time · those who came back from captivity, the exiles, offered
sons of Zattu: Shecaniah son of Jahaziel, and with him th ree hund red mal es ; holocausts to the G od of Israel: twelve bulls for all Israe l, ninety-six rams,
of the sons of Ad in: Ebed son of Jonat han , an d wit h him fifty males ; - of the ~ seventy-two lambs, twelve he-goats for sin; the whole as a holocaust to Yahweh.
sons of Elam: Jeshaiah son of Athaliah, and with him seventy males ; - of t he 8 36 The kin g's instructions were notified to the king 's sat raps and the governors
sons of Shephatiah: Zebadiah son of Michael, and with him eight y male s; -of 9 of Trans euph ra tes, who then assisted the people and the Temple of God .
t he sons of J oa b: Obadiah son of Jeh iel, and with him two hun d red and eighteen
M I2 :I O ~1 2
males; -of the sons of Bani : Shelomith son of Jos iphiah, and with him a hundred 10 The marriages with foreigners dissolved a
and sixty males ; · of the sons of Bebai: Zechariah son of Bebai, and with him 11
twenty-eight males; -of th e sons of Azgad: Jo hanan son of Ha kkatan, and wit h 12
1 9 Once this was done, the leaders approached me to say, 'T he people of Israel,
the priests and the Levites, have not broken with the nat ives of the countries

him a hundred and ten males ; - of the son s of Ado nikam: the younger so ns, 13 who are steeped in b abominations-Canaanites, Hitt ites, Perizzites, Jebusites, D t 7:1 +
whose names are : Eliphelet, Jeiel and Shernaiah, and with t hem sixty 2 A mmonites, Moabites, Egyptians an d Amorites-· but have found wives among
ma les; -and of the sons of Bigvai: Ut ha i son of Za bud , and with him seventy 14 these forei gn women for themselves and for thei r sons; the holy race has been Nc9:2
ma les. mingling with the natives of the countries; in this act of treachery the chief
I assembled t hem near th e river that runs to Ahava,: where we cam ped for 15 3 me n and officials have led the way' . · At this news I tore my garment and my P s I19:136
three day s. O bser ving them I saw laymen an d priests , bu t no Levites. - So 16 4 cloak ; I to re hair from my head and beard and sat down , quite overco me. •All
I dispatched Eliezer, Ariel, Shema iah , Elnat han , Jarib, Elnat ha n, Nathan, who trembled at the words of the God of Israel gathered round me, when faced Is 66:2.5
Zechar ia h an d Meshullam, men of ju dgement , -and sent th em to lddo, the 17 by this treachery of the exiles. c For my part, 1 went on sitting there, overcome,
lead ing ma n in the region of Casiphia; I to ld them the words t hey were 5 until the evening oblation . · At the evening sacrifice 1 came out of my stupor
to say to Iddo and his kinsmen, living in the region of Casiphia, to provide a nd falling on my knees, with my ga rment and cloak torn, I stretched out my
7:6 us with servants for the Te mple of ou r God .• Then, th ank s to t he kindl y favo ur I S 6 ha nds to Ya hweh my God, - and said :"
of our G od which was with us , they sent us a capable man, of the sons of Ma hli ' My God, I am ashamed, 1 blus h to lift my face to you, my God. For our 2Ch30:1 5
P s 38:4
son of Levi son' of Israel, Sherebiah with his so ns and kinsme n: eighteen men; crimes hav e increased, until they are higher tha n ou r head s, and ou r sin ha s D n 3:24
also Hashabiah and with him his brother Jeshaiah of th e sons of Merari, as 19 7 piled up to heaven . •From the days of our ancestors until now our guilt ha s been
2:43+ well as their sons: twenty men; -and of the oblates whom David and his notables 20 great ; on account of our crimes we, our kings and our priests, were given into
had assigned to serve the Levites: two hundred and twenty oblates. All were the power of th e kings of other countries, given to the sword, to cap tivity, to
reg istere d by na me. pillage and to shame, as is the case today. -But now, suddenly, Ya hweh our Go d
T here, beside the river of Ahav a, I proclaimed a fast: we were to humb le 21 by his favour has left us a remnant and granted us a refuge in his holy place; this Is4:3 +
ourselves befo re our God an d pray to him for a successful journey for us, o ur is how our G od has cheered our eyes and given us a little resp ite in our slavery.
children an d our belongings ; -since 1 should have been ashamed to ask the 22 9 Fo r we ar e slaves ; but God has not forgotten us in our slavery; he has Ps106:46
N e 2:9 king for an armed guard and cavalry to protect us from a n enemy on the ro ad, shown us kind ness in the eyes of the kings of Persia, obtaining permission for
for we had alrea dy told th e king, 'The hand of o ur G od is held out in blessing over us to rebuild th e Temple of our God and restore its ru ins, and he has found us
all who seek him, his power and his anger over all who turn away fro m him' . 10 sa fety and shelter in Judah and in Jerusalem. • But now what can we say, my
So we fasted, pleading with our G od for thi s favou r, an d he answered our 2 3
praye rs. H a, The group wh ich r eturned w ith Ezra nu mbered fo r bidde n. G n 4 1:45 ; 48:5f: N b 12:lf; R l 1:4; 2 S 3:3 .
1 chos e twelve of the lead ing pries ts, an d then Sherebiah an d H asha biah 24 ubout 1500 men besides wo men a nd ch ildren; ' a b o ut They we re how ever for bid d en by Dr to co mba t ido la try .
50(lO in all . The layfolk arc divide d into twe lve fam ilies . wh ich pagan women te nde d to b ri ng with them int o
and with them ten of the ir kinsmen ; . 1 weighed ou t for them the silver, th e gold 2 5
J) an d the vessels, th e offerin gs that the king , his counsellors, his nobles an d all
1I1l arrangemen t favoured by Ez r a. 8:2 4 .35 . So me the home. Dt 7: 1-4. cf. 23 :4f. The dan ger increased
names have been correct ed fo llowing 1 Esd a nd vers io ns . after the Ex ile p robably be cau se the ma jor ity of th e
b. T he descendants of I tham ar ha d su ffered the return in g ex iles were men. The rea so n fo r the di vo rce
the Israelites present had prese nted for the Temple of our God. -So I weighed 26
I ou t an d handed o ver to them. six hund red and fifty talents of silver, one hundred
co nseq uences of the d isg ra ce of t heir a nce sto r A bia tha r is st ill reli giou s. 9: 1.11, but a seco nd reason n ow
( I K 2 :27) and mi n istered in the prov incia l shrines. em erg es : concern fo r racial purity, 9:2 . Tho ugh
silver vessels wort h two talents," one hundred talen ts of gold, -twenty golden 27 In the Jerusalem of th e C hro ni cler's time they were be lo ng in g to the same period . Rt a nd Jon rep resen t
rep resent ed by eight priestly gro ups. a nd the de- an e ntire ly d ifferen t sch ool of tho ught.
bo wls wort h a thousan d darics an d two vessels of fine gilded bronze which sce nd a nts of Eleazar (t he Zadok ites) by sixt een , 1 Ch b. 's teeped in' Greek; 'a cco rd ing to' Hebr.
1.4 :4 . c . T he Jewish commu nit y in ge ner al is ca lled after
were as valuabl e as gold . · 1 told the m, 'Yo u ar e consecrated to Yahweh; thes e 28
~I vessels ar e sacred; the silver and gold ar e voluntary offerings to Yahweh, the G od
c . Site u nk now n.
d . ' two talents' corr .
its m ost d isting u ished p art , the Gola h (exile s). 4:1 ;
6: 16; 10:6.8.16 ; cf. Is 4:3 + .
of you r ancestors . •Take charge of the m an d guard them until you weigh the m 29 d . T h e prayer of Ezra. wh ich is al s o a se rm o n . is
9 II. In an cient Israel su ch marriages were not in sp ir ed by Dr and the prophets. v v, 11f.
God, if after this kindness we ha ve desert ed your command ments, -wh ich, 11 The list of the guilty-
through your servants the prophets, you ordain ed in these words, "The land '-'r
18 Among the memb ers of the priesthood, h these ar e the names of those who
g~f~~~j you are ent ering to pos sess is a land un clea n becau se of the fo ulness of the
were found to ha ve married foreign women: among the sons of Jeshua son of
natives of the countries a nd of t he abomi nations with which their impurities'
19 Jozadak and among his brothers: Ma aseiah, Elieze r, Jarib and Gedaliah; - they
D t 7:3 have infected it fro m end to end. •So you must not give your da ughters to the ir 12
pledged their word to put their wives away and, for th eir sin, offered a ram as
sons no r take their daughters for your sons; you must not be co ncerned for
a sacrifice ! of reparation;
t heir peace or their prosperity, so that you yourselves may grow strong, ea t
20 a mong the so ns of Immer: Hanani and Zebadiah ;
t he best of wha t the co untry prod uces and leave it as an inheritance to your
21 among the sons of Harim: Maaseiah, Elijah, Shemaiah, Jehiel and U zziah;
sons for ever."
among the sons of Pashhur: Elioenai, Maaseiah, Ishmael, Nethanel, Jozabad
'Now after all tha t has co me upo n us on account of our evil deeds an d our great 13
and Elasah.
fault - although you, our God, have rated I our crimes less than the ir wickedness
and left us this remnant here -·are we to break your commandments again and 14
23 Among the Levites: Jozabad, Shi rnei, Kelaiah-that is, Ke lita-Pethahiah, g,7i
Ju da h, and Eliezer.
intermarry with these people who practise such abominations? Would you not
24 A mong the cantor s: Eliashi b a nd Zaccur.
be pro voked to th e point of destroying us, so that not even the smallest
Amo ng the gate keepe rs: Shallurn, Telem an d Uri.
remnant would survive? •Ya hweh, God of Israel, by your justice- we survive 15
25 And among the Israe lites ;'
as the remnant we are today; here we are before you with our sin. And because
of the sons of Pa rosh : Ram iah Izzia h Malchijah Mijarnin, Eleazar,
of it, no one can survive in your presence.'
Malchijah a nd Benaiah ; " ,
While Ezra, weeping and prostrate before the Temple of God, prayed
10 and confessed, a grea t crowd of Israelites gathered round him , men , women
and children, weeping bitterly too. -Then Shecaniah son of Jehiel , one of th e

of the son s of Elam: Mattaniah, Zechariah, Je hiel, Abdi, Jeremoth a nd Elija h;
of the so ns of Za tt u: Elioe na i, Eliashib, Ma ttaniah, Jeremoth, Za bad a nd
Aziza ;
sons of Elam, spoke up and said to Ezra, 'We have betrayed our God by marrying
fore ign women, taken from the natives of the countries. But , in spite of th is,
2M of the sons of Bebai: Je ho ha na n, Hana nia h, Zabbai, Athlai ;
there is still some hope for Israel. •We will make a solemn promise before our G od 3
29 of the so ns of Bigvai: Meshullam, Malluch, Jedaiah, Jashub, Sheal, Jeremoth;
to put away our foreign wives and the children born to them, as my lord- an d
JO of the sons of Pa hat h-moa b: Ad na, C helal, Benaiah, Maaseiah, Mattaniah,
those wh o tremble at the commandment of our God may advise. Let us act in Bezalel, Binn ui a nd Ma nass eh;
acco rdance with the La w.• U p ! Thi s is for you to decide, bu t we will support 4
31 of the sons of Harim: Eliezer, Isshija h, Malchija h, Shernaia h, Sh imeon,
32 Benjamin, Mal luch, Shema riah;
yo u. Ta ke courag e; to wor k!' -Then Ezra sto od up a nd put th e leading priests 5
an d Levites and all Israel on oat h to do wha t had been said . They to o k th e oa th. 33 of the so ns of Hashu m: Mattenai, Ma tt attah, Zabad, Eliphelet , Jere rnai,
Ezra left his place before th e Te mple of God a nd went to th e ro om of Jeh ohanan 6
Ma nasseh, Shirnei;
35 0 f the sons of Ba ni: Maada i, Amra m, U el, •Bena iah , Bed iah , Cheluhi,
son of Eliashi b, where he spent the night " wit hout ea ting bread or drinking
j~ Vania h, Meremo th, Elias hib, -Matta niah, Ma ttenai and Jaasa u;
wat er; he was in mourning for the exiles' treachery.
A proclamation was issued in J udah a nd in Jeru sa lem to all the exiles that 7
j~ of the sons of Binnu i: Sh imei, -S helernia h, N a tha n and Ada iah;
the y were to assemble in Jerus alem: -an yon e who did not come withi n three 8
1? of the so ns of Zaccai : Shas hai, Sha ra i, ·Aza rel, Shelerniah, Shemariah,
42 Shallurn, Amariah, Joseph ;
days-such was the warning of th e leaders an d elde rs- would ha ve all his goo ds
seized - and would himself be excluded from the community of the exiles. -As 9
4) of the sons of Nebo: Jeiel, Matt ithiah, Zabad, Zebina, Jaddai, Joel , Benaiah.
a result, all the men of Judah and Benjamin assembled in Jerusalem within the All these had married foreign wives ; they put them away, both women and
three days ; it was the ninth month, the twentieth day of the month; all the people children."
gathered in the square before th e Temple of G od ; the occasion itself, and the
heavy rain, had them trembling. -Then Ezra the priest stood up and spoke, 10
'You have committed treason by marrying foreign women; you have added
to the sin of Israel. • But now give thanks to Yahweh, the God of your ancestors, 11
Ne 9:2 and do his will, by separating fro m the natives of the country and fro m your
foreign wives.' -In a loud voice the whole assembly answered , ' Yes, o ur du ty 12
is to do as you say. -But there are a great many people here and it is the 13
rainy season; we cannot stay out in the op en ; besides, this is not something that
ca n be dealt with in one or two days , since many of us have sinned in this respect.
e . 'Foulness' , 'a b o m ina tio n ', ' im p urity" are char ac- f. 'c hose' 1 Esd, Greek Rec . Luc.
Our leaders could represent the full assembly ;" all those from our towns who 14 ter tstlcs of ido lat ry .
have foreign wives could come at stated times, accompanied by elders and judges t, 'r ated' some Hcb r. MSS , Svr.: 'taken away' g. T h is list of clergy a nd la ity is probably abbrevi - J:
Hebr. a ted. only members of the upper classes being named. W
from each town, until we have turned away God's anger which has been thu s g . G od' s savin g justice which is a lso essent ially Some names are corrected followin g 1 Es d and versions.

ro used against us.' -Only Jonathan son of Asahel and Jahzeiah son of Tikvah 15 me rciful. See R m 1:17. h. The four priestly families are the same as in
10 a . 'my lo rd ' corr. : '(the) Lor d ' Hebr, 2 :36· 38 : the list does not go back to Aaron as the
supported by Meshullam and Shabbethai the Levite, were opposed to this Ch ro nicler himse lf wo u ld have done. cr. 7:5 + .
b. 'spent the night' 1 Esd. Greek Rec . L uc.; ' went' I. 'a s a sacrifice' Greek Rec. Luc .• I Esd: ' they
procedure. ' •The exiles acted on this suggestion. Ezra the prie st chose / as 16 H eb r. were guilt y' Hebr.
helpers the heads of famili es fo r eaeh House, all designated by name . The session c. Li t. 'put under the b an ' , cf . Jos 6:17 +; Lv I. The lay families named here all occur in 2:3-35 :
27:28 + .
fo r investigating individual cas es began on the first day of the tenth mon th. fo ur are found in th e lis t of th ose who ac co mpanied
d. Co m mi tte e of in q ui ry co nsis ting of th e lead ing Ez ra , 8:2- 14 .
And by the first day of the first mon th they had dealt with all the men who had 17 men . k . ' they sen t them away, both wo m en a nd ch ild ren'
married foreign wome n. e, T he o bject ion seems to co me fr om en thusi as ts 1 Es d; 'amo n g them were wo m en wh o gave bir th t o
who thi n k the procedu re to o slow. children' Hebr .

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