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Luis Alberto Navarrete Obando

(Translated into English by the same author)

La educacin comienza con la vida y no acaba sino con la muerte Jos Mart
1. Preamble.
Dr. Jaime Honorius Durand, Professor University of school of Post degree of the University private "San Pedro", to prolong an essay by the author of this item, with great concern, States the following: "For anyone who is immersed in the University academic world must ignore is him the responsibility that we have with the company accountable for the assignment in the training of human resources." This leads us to the need for some questions whose answer must influence with chaise longue clarity in the world of current pedagogy with a new question is responding to the social requirements?, if the response is positive, immediately raises other questions, then if this were the case, can how then we explain the lack of quality and competencies of graduates? Because those social problems are becoming larger and the gaps arising from the field of knowledge are enormous, with regard to the countries develops...? The teacher teaches to learn, so that students learn how to learn and compliance with the education for life and for life, fulfilling the postulates of knowing, knowing do, wanting to do and learn to live together. (...). This essay the author seeks to systematize the problem, that of itself is a step forward, serving as a basis for further reflection. "Looking forward to continue and deepen the subject". *

2. 2. By way of introduction.
The role of the family and of society in the identification of the teenager. To begin writing this work, I have believed appropriate to first talk about the "identification of adolescents", that it was always arduous for those, as some authors have written; because according to them, this is the main work of this period in the life cycle of the first. Today become more difficult in times in which, under the "identity crisis of society" in general, where same adults go through a disorientation which could be resolved only through examination and mutual dialectic between generations, all over the civilized world. So, within that society in crisis, the family, at this stage of the adolescent, is no longer the preferred place where information is sought. It has been replaced by media and the impact of joining groups. Joint sources, that act as crucibles. For some sociologists believe that the task of adolescence is grow up and leave. What many among young people is as sad as difficult. There, the emancipation of these, simultaneous though surreptitious, the parents - sometimes - taking form of rebellion where questioning the values of the old generation; where are highlighted the falsehoods and where demand a right of autonomy. Autonomy which can be expressed as free will in different lenses, such as the of slighting University education; or otherwise, as to quote, the blind - in metaphorical terms - Guide to another less blind, that the groups, for so many, they pose. From there, renunciation to the "principles of the previous generation," even though it is minimal or symbolic, and the recomposition of values that were accepted and which now are rejected, simply come from parents or their representatives, are now more complex than in the past. It is as if the previous generation to fail in giving constant and valid examples that are essential to providing a mature, solid and lasting identity for adolescents. Characterization of the parents, as figures living existential crises themselves, also appears as an obstacle in their lives confused and unsuspecting, those. Pg. 1 de 5

In times of emotional stability, always travelling together, and identity can be preserved while being who is. In other words, keeping the sentiment and the notion of an individuality based on personal awareness. But the most notable sign of the ideological vacuum in which adolescents are submerged lies in the discourse of the parents has slipped toward the conservative flat car, to the immediate conservation auto; I mean, when they fear for their physical safety, and may be left to situations of lack extreme. As well, as the conservative auto mediato when raising them that every sense of his current life is governed by the need to avoid falling in the job chain in the near future; but have fun what you can, but that at the same time that dream that they will survive economically. Many adolescents in this or any other island countries in his psychology, as they tend to be countries of Latin America, facing daily the incongruous contradictions of authority figures that project themselves in the mass media, as models of virtue to follow. 3. 3. A brief summary. East work "Formation of values in adolescents", intended as its name implies, form values both in young children and particularly adolescents; where affirm the values form part of the cultures of countries, regions and organizations with differences between them; influencing its formation the economic, political and social problems. Try this work, analyzing them to only in Latin America and the Caribbean, specifically y in Cuba, where this issue is has work since the beginning of the cubana revolution; which presents their backgrounds in the contributions of the Cuban thought, where there was development of science and consciousness as a way to achieve desired political independence at the time. Where unfailingly was the best way to achieve the objectives proposed at the time the education school, appearing an own educational theory; Hence that also in this paper will try to outline the process of the "teaching -learning". In this regard were highlighted notable creators. The ethics of each one of them thought is in the field of moral ideas; where the unity between the universal and specific, were present the integral formation of the student based on philosophical, sociological and psychological bases the formation of habits mora... In the connection points out Jos Manuel Ruiz Calleja: "the direction of the educational teaching process is an address shared between students and the teacher." The teacher is the representative of social aspirations, but which will be object of transformation are students and this is a process of not only aware but motivated. For that reason the students have to participate actively in the direction of its formation. "." (sic), (the underlined is ours). Through the implementation of the present work; the teacher, Professor or teacher becomes a facilitator, as guide and stimulates to reflect how to learn, while it handles diversity through the variety of activities, ways to organize space and evaluation, enabling the interest, participation and personal involvement of the students. In this way helps to activate the appropriation of knowledge, skills and intellectual capacities, in close coordination with the formation of feelings, qualities, values, beliefs and ideas; What taxed to the progressive transition from dependence to independence and ensures the development of the capacity for learning throughout life, from the domain of skills and strategies for learning to learn. Technical education calls the game and used human communication so that the person reaches his self-realization through the understanding of others, tolerance and constant reflection. In the process of education take part educators, learners, the family, the educational institution, society, etc.; where should each of these areas enable a climate of respect and tolerance. The educator must have respect for his ideology, himself, his political conception, their initiatives and professional. Pg. 2 de 5

The learner must meet two conditions: respect for the teacher and their own autonomy. You must be tolerant of the views of Professor, provided that it not knowingly broke the rights of the student. The school must be free of manipulation of intolerance of the teaching team of intransigence from students or parents. The society in which it is inserted the school; projected school their worldview and be respectful with the dignity of the individual human. The teacher commitment is twofold: 1) attend and assist the student to run their risk; (and 2) risking himself before it and to the student. This commitment must be liberator and not manipulative; the teacher has to seek the independence of judgement and action, because the less students need their support, as it progresses chronological and escolarmente, the greater has been the profit obtained in the educational process. Paciano spectacular quoting Drr, describes three classes of commitments in education: commitment to the spirit, social engagement and commitment to teaching.

A) Commitment of the spirit, is the commitment to itself, aware of the decision taken and created
doctrine, that no longer allows useless thoughts, but loyalty to ourselves. It is a positive act, not a mere attitude hostile and rebellious, because nothing is producing, rather than a systematic denial of what others do. He is called spirit of compromise to this behavior, because only the spirit is freedom and the discovery of the truth conditions both for this kind of responsibility, which on a daily basis creates man, conquering his own image and auto take place.

B) Social commitment, is a consequence of public and community commitment to the spirit,

given the social nature of human life, not hermit can retreat in solitude. Social commitment means that not the rights of the group, move forward with the personal whims, because the Group wins his freedom on the basis of sacrifices and fulsome resignations of individuals can break. The society exists through the efforts of its members, that participates in the purposes and common interests. Men which identifies political, religious and scientifically is socially committed. Freedom and commitment requires to participate. C) Educational commitment, obliges the educator to methodically investigate truth, undergo checks its assumptions, discard their dreams and adhere to realities, be faithful to himself in the Chair and advisory and decision-making levels of the educational institution. Commitment to teaching, makes him the educator respect slow separation learner is making with regard to the criteria and worldview of the first; and accept the personality of each one as the only way of self-realization. Indeed, as we said above, values are part of the cultures of countries, regions and organisations, with differences between them, influencing its formation the economic, political and social problems. Thus, with the proposals made at the time, by notable creators of own educational theory, they resorted to the most appropriate means to achieve the objectives proposed at the time, was the formal education. Esther Baxter Prez refers to the contributions made by several researchers as the German pedagogue Schalz, who raises that the values are always a relationship subject-object, are the result of a specific reflection of the awareness process assessments. They express the importance, the significance of the reality or certain phenomenon for men. This position is very important for the work of the educator, because it crystallizes the moral, political and ideological education of learners.

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In this sense, is of interest expressed by Irina Orchemika in his work "The formation of the citizen"; where refers to the qualities of children, ethical values, the place parents and teachers in their training. These considerations determine the guiding nucleus of the conduct of its members, as well as the appropriate relationship between the individual counselors and social or collective. By what you can infer from these researchers to form values should take into account the stages of development, from childhood to youth, that they not be formed simultaneously, being always present as a leadership role. Note raised by Dr. Luis Ignacio Gomes Gutirrez, Minister of education of Cuba, Fidel Castro Ruz quoting Ex President of the Socialist Republic of Cuba, who in turn expressed: "our Commander in Chief said: "the parents should be the first to educate their children. And to ensure the education of children must be guaranteed the education of their parents.". With regard to education, Jose Marti put it, "educate is to deposit in each man all human work to him to preceded;" make every man summary of the living world to this day in which they live; It is to put it at the level of his time, so you can stay afloat; "it is to prepare man for life." For this reason that in the case of Cuba, serving as example for other countries that make up Latin America and El Caribbean, one of the battles that is is waging is continuing to develop and refine the various instructional programmes created for all ages, to multiply the educational work: with the purpose of raising new generations of a general culture. With regard to what has been said above, Fidel Castro Ruz, in the case of Cuba, raised, "...""Our country is going to take a giant leap in the educational field and cultural..." (sic); adding, that "ideas today are the essential tool in the fight of our species by their own solution and ideas are born of education." "The basic values, including ethics are sowing through them" (sic). (The underlining is ours). This is the case, we find the typical problems of the students belonging to the institutions of basic education, especially irresponsibility in the preparation of homework, disrespect teachers, physical or verbal aggression to peers, and difficulties in their mode of action. These irregularities are the product of the: inadequate preparation of the General integral teachers to deal with working with values; primarily those found in training; limitations in strengthening these values from the class. From there, not always one considers educational psychology characteristics for the strengthening of the values with students. Above can provide us elements to form the profile of the man with an Integral General culture as it is intended with the battle of ideas and as dream you of Jos Mart. To resolve this situation, counselors and executors have to comply with a series of actions in educational centres, such as: Projected actions to systematically upgrade the comprehensive diagnosis of the school and the community. Organize, plan and evaluate all information related to school organization. Plan and develop the system of scientific-methodological work with methodological actions and scientific improvement for each grade, mainly teachers in training. Design strategies for working with the family, the community and the differentiated attention to learners. Engage parents in the fulfilment of the educational tasks. Raise awareness and engage the teachers with the educational transformation and other actions. The Integral General Professor should be Guide, tutor and counselor of education of fifteen student - appropriate average, to my mind - and to have present that the model of school to, is that the student should become the Centre of the educational process. You must prepare him for life and to be followers of the work of each society. Pg. 4 de 5

They are those who must use methodologies that foster the dialogue, reflection and that promote the exercise of thinking, teach their students to "learn - learn"; It must also conceive a developer way class, participate together with their pupils in all activities and be an observer systematic modes of action of each of them, with the aim of developing strategies that will help to rectify or encouraging their behaviors, so that in this way form the different values that students need in their training. I.e., the teacher has become the coach and driver of the class, but no longer a mere transmitter of default knowledge; where this has been conceiving the teaching process, prepared for such a function, on the basis of their ability, too, "learn - learn", "learn - teach", and "teach - learn".


Por el Dr. Luis Alberto Navarrete Obando; Abogado; Educador Social; Docente Investigador Universitario; Doctor en Filosofa y Humanidades por la Universidad La Salle, Barcelona - Espaa; Doctor en Ciencias de la Educacin Superior, con mencin en Educacin e Investigacin Universitaria; por iniciar estudios en Post Grado de Doctorado sobre Investigacin Universitaria en la Universidad de Sao Paulo - Brasil; Doctor en Investigacin Universitaria en la Universidad de La Habana - Cuba; Escritor, Ensayista, y Poeta; Catedrtico Principal de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Polticas de la Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca; Catedrtico Principal de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Polticas de la Universidad Privada del Norte Filial Cajamarca; Catedrtico invitado por la Escuela de Post Grado de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo; Catedrtico invitado por la Escuela de Post Grado de la Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico, Mxico D.F.; Catedrtico invitado de la Universidad De Los ngeles EE.UU.; colaborador de las Revistas Virtuales: de la Universidad La Habana Cuba (,); de la Comunidad Europea, a cargo de la Universidad de Madrid Espaa (, de la Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico (; de la Revista Virtual especializada en temas de Derecho, Sociales, Culturales, Literarios, Econmicos, entre otros ( y; de la Revista Virtual CIENCIAs JURDICAs & POLTICAs ( y/o; entre otras; colaborador en la elaboracin del Diccionario Histrico Jurdico de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nacin de Mxico y en el Anuario de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nacin de dicho pas; colaborador en diferentes Diarios y Revistas especializadas en su pas (Per); y, columnista en el Diario Oficial Panorama Cajamarquino (; Director Gerente de la Fundacin para el Desarrollo y Bienestar Familiar FUNDEBIF (; Gerente General del Estudio Jurdico Contable: NAVARRETE & OBANDO ASESORES, CONSULTORES & ANALISTAS (;,

Notas: 1) El autor del presente trabajo es Columnista periodstico: Derecho y Sociedad, de los Diarios La Repblica,; El Comercio,; Diario Oficial El Peruano,; Diario Oficial de Cajamarca, Panorama Cajamarquino, de circulacin Regional (Cajamarca),
2) Derechos reservados de Autor, registrado en INDECOPI; Derecho y Sociedad, Cdigo de
marca registrada LANO-CPP-1420-P.

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