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March 31, 2013

the Confessor

Catholic Church San Felipe de Jess Chapel

Easter Sunday

Prayer for Pope Francis I O Compassionate and Loving God, Make Pope Francis always an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred and discord, let him sow love. Where there is injury, help him to bring forgiveness and reconciliation. Where there is doubt, may he enliven faith in your Church as it strives to do your will. Where there is despair, may he bring the hope that you gave to us through your Son. Where there is darkness, may he shine the light of the Gospel. Where there is sadness, may he bring the joy of the Resurrection. May we too follow in the footsteps of Jesus, so that we can do our part to build your Church. Grant that we may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, To be understood as to understand, To be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, in pardoning that we are pardoned, And in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.

St Edward the Confessor Catholic Church

PARISH OFFICE Phone: 496-1307 ~ HOURS
Monday-Friday Saturday Sunday

Fax: 496-1557

8 am - 8 pm 8 am - 5 pm 8 am - 5 pm


Saturday Sunday 8:15 am & 5:30 pm (Vigil) 7:30, 9:00, & 11:00 am 12:30 & 5:30 pm Mon Friday 8:15 am 5:30 P.M., Except Thursday Eve of Holy Day 5:30 pm Holy Day See Week Day Calendar

(949) 496-1307 33926 Calle La Primavera Dana Point, California 92629
Sacrament of the Sick In the event of serious illness or medical emergency, Anointing of the Sick and Eucharist may be arranged by contacting the Parish Office. Call (949) 257-8017 for a medical emergency after 8 p.m. Sacrament of Baptism Parents of infants requesting information about Baptism may contact the Faith Formation Office, 496-6011. Infant Baptisms are celebrated on the first and third Sunday of each month following catechesis for parents and godparents of candidates. Celebration of Christian Funerals At the time of death, a family member should contact the parish office, as soon as possible, to arrange the date and time for the Funeral Liturgy. Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Adults requesting information about full initiation and communion with the Roman Catholic Church (the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation) may contact the Faith Formation Office , 4966011. Sacrament of Matrimony The Sacrament presumes active sacramental participation on the part of one or both persons. Couples must begin preparation for their Sacrament at least six months prior to their proposed wedding date. Please call the Parish Office for more information. Eucharistic Adoration On the first and third Monday of each month we gather in prayer and praise before the Blessed Sacrament. The Diocesan intention is that of an increase of vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Please visit our website,, for more information. Page 1


Wednesday 6:00-7:30 pm Saturday 4:00 5:00 pm (and by appointment)


Rev. Steve Sallot - Pastor

Extension 2880 Rev. Chris HeathParochial Vicar Extension 2109 Rev. Mario Juarez Parochial Vicar Extension 2870 Deacon Ron Tiberi Extension 2505 Business Office429-2874 Parish Pay542-4310 Christian Service Office496-1572
Ann McKown-Director of Christian Service Joan Fleming-Director of Parish Ministries

Parish Ministries Office542-4311 Website496-1307 X 2203

Laurie Saine Rick Dellefield, Director Sharon Rands, Principal

Music 496-1307, extension 2872 Parish School 496-1241 Preschool 240-8485

Cheryl Pickrel, Principal

Faith Formation Office 496-6011

Donna Couch, Director of Faith Formation Gloria Fetta, Director of Family Ministries Aimee Martinez, Coordinator Sunday Childrens Ministry

Youth Ministry 496-9719

Gary Foote-Coordinator Middle School Ministry-496-1307X 2210 Jason Trujillo

March 31, 2013

San Felipe de Jess

26010 Domingo Ave Capistrano Beach, Ca 92624 (949) 496-1307 (St. Edward) Victor Samano, Deacon (949) 493-8918 (oficina de San Felipe) San Felipe Chapel Office Hours
MISAS EN ESPAOL Sbado 5:30 p.m. Domingo 10:00 y 11:30 a.m. Da de Obligacin 7:30 p.m. Primer Viernes 7:30 p.m. CONFESIONES EN SN. EDUARDO Mircoles 7:00 p.m. Sbado 4:00 p.m. LA ADORACION al Santisimo Sacramento cada primer viernes del mes, 8am7:00pm EDUCACIN RELIGIOSA HORARIO Lunes y Martes 5:30-8:30pm BAUTISMOS Plticas: primer martes de cada mes. Bautismo: segundo sbado de cada mes QUINCEAERAS EN SN. EDUARDO Tercer sbado de cada mes BODAS Llamar 6 meses con anticipacin EMERGENCIA En caso de una enfermedad seria, emergencia mdica, un fallecimiento o por la necesidad de recibir la uncin de los enfermos y la Eucarista, llame a la oficina de Sn. Eduardo el Confesor al (949) 257-8017 para una emergencia despus de las 8pm. Easter Sunday Mon., Tues., Thurs.: 5:309 p.m. MASS IN ENGLISH Sunday 8:00 a.m. SACRAMENT OF PENANCE AT ST. EDWARD CHURCH Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Saturday 4:00 p.m. ADORATION of the Blessed Sacrament 1st Friday of every month, 8am7:00pm. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (949) 493-8918 BAPTISMS The 2nd Saturday of each month at 11 a.m. The class is the 1st Tuesday of the month from 6:308:30 pm. To arrange baptisms, marriages and other events please contact San Felipe de Jess (949) 493-8918 Registration forms are available at the church or online at EMERGENCY In the event of serious illness or medical emergency, Anointing of the Sick and Eucharist may be arranged by contacting the St. Edward Parish Office. Call (949) 257-8017 for a medical emergency after 8:00 p.m.

Altar Server/Monaguillos Gloria Luz Galvez Baile Folklrico Dance Caballeros de Colon/ Knights of Columbus Capo Community Mariachi Program Cenaculo Misionero Choirs/Coros Eucharistic Ministry (English) Ministros Eucarsticos (Spanish) Faith Formation/ Educacin Religiosa Jvenes Para Cristo Lectors (English) Lectores (Spanish) Javier Martinez Apolonio Ontiveros Rosa Ceja Anita Uribe Vidal Ruelas Jeanne Exworthy Sergio Reza Sr. Sue Dunning CSJ Osvaldo Sandoval Jeanne Exworthy Linda Bowers Bertha Cardenas (949)566-4587 (949) 394-3912 (949) 347-8524 (949) 830-1560 (949) 728-0283 (949) 606-6240 (949) 496-4115 (949) 306-7717 (949) 493-8918 (949) 630-6507 (949) 496-4115 (949) 492-1163 (949) 257-9030 (949) 697-5209 (949) 365-2181 (949) 456-5988 (949) 842-7186 (949) 207-8369 (949) 257-9030

Jacinto y Urbana Marriage Encounter/ Encuentro Matrimonial Aranda Mission Hospital Health Jaime Bowley Ministry Quinceaera R.C.I.A./R.I.C.A. Ushers/Ujieres Raquel Mares Martha Rodriguez Lourdes Zuno

Vidas en Transformacion Bertha Cardenas


Mes de febrero

$ 14,424

Page 2




Not Registered? Visit and register today!

Join us in April to learn about For Christ Forever, a campaign to benefit our parish and diocese. If you didnt receive your invitation in the mail, contact us at (949) 481-4000 or email


Jesse Perez, St. Edward parishioner

truly a blessing from God. The Cathedral is not only a magnificent building, but one that will become a focal point for our church community of Orange County and beyond. The rest of the buildings are a real plus that will provide the needed space to meet the needs of the fast growing church in the Diocese of Orange. To people who have not visited these grounds I say: Don't miss out on this opportunity-seeing is believing. Oh, and bring a camera. I thank God for all those who have participated in making the difficult decisions, and for those who volunteer their time to get the message out. With God's help, and with the support from each one of us, the "For Christ Forever Campaign" will be a total success.
March 31, 2013 Page 3

They say that the first impression is the lasting impression. Mine was WOW, this facility is

Traces of Grace
Dear Fellow Parishioners; Funny the variety of things that get people fired up. For some, it is March Madness and who will carry the championship hoop home. For others it is the discovery of layers of ice on Mars indicating that life on the planet might well have existed at some point. For some of us humans, it is the election of a new Pope who has taken the name of Francis and who is breaking a few of the rules of Papal protocol to give a breath of fresh air to the possibilities for our new Pontiff. But all of those things are ultimately empty unless it is our conviction that on an early morning, a stone was rolled back by heavenly forces and that the power of the Resurrection was released into our creation to change our future. And that it is the mission of the Church to follow the crucified and risen Jesus as disciples into every time and place. I trust that it is this belief that energizes our new Pope Francis and it is my hope that we too are able to enter into that same power of love and faith. If you are glancing at this bulletin, know that in some way you have been graced by God. You may not have been here for a long time, or you may have been here last week. But know that we are brothers and sisters belonging to the same Church and that The Lord calls each of us to a deeper faith walk in this Easter season. We welcome you and encourage you to pray for our new Pope as well as open yourself to the call of Jesus to follow him more deeply. Take a look at our website or updated mobile app or stop by the parish office and meet our new Ministry Director, Joan Fleming. We would like to engage you more significantly this year in the life of this parish community. Together in Christ;

Fr. Steve Sallot Pastor

Tours are filling fast! Experience an exclusive insiders tour of the Christ Cathedral Campus Bus Tours Departing from St. Edward *
April 20 (Saturday) - English/Spanish April 25 (Thursday) Bus tours depart St. Edward at 12:00 noon and return approximately by 3:30 p.m.

Drive Yourself Tour *

April 2 (Tues) Tour begins promptly at 10:30 a.m. April 6 (Sat) Tour begins promptly at 10:30 a.m. April 25 (Thurs) Tour begins promptly at 10:30 a.m. * Restrictions apply to all tours: No children under 8, no restrooms on bus, tours subject to cancellation.

Call (949) 481-4000 or email The following information is required to reserve your seat: Date of tour requested, Name, Phone, Email, Number of adults, Number of children (must be 8 or older).
Easter Sunday Page 4

Todos los feligreses estn invitados a la recepcin en el Saln Knight Hall ah podr aprender acerca de la Campaa, Cristo para Siempre y de la nueva Catedral de Cristal Asegrese de regresar su tarjeta de asistencia lo ms pronto posible! (Venga con sus preguntas, no con su cartera.) Todava no se Registra? Visite nuestra pagina web para registrarse!
Acompenos en Abril y aprenda acerca de la Campaa Cristo por Siempre en beneficio de nuestra parroquia y dicesis. Si no ha recibido su invitacin por correo, llmenos al (949) 481-4000 o email

Jesse Prez, Feligrs de San Eduardo

Catedral de Cristal tiene que venir!

Dicen que la primera impresin es la mejor La ma fue un WOW! este lugar es verdaderamente una

bendicin de Dios. La Catedral no slo es un magnfico edificio, sino que se convertir en un punto importante para la comunidad de todo el condado de Orange y ms all. El resto de los edificios son una aadidura pues estos podrn ser utilizados para satisfacer las necesidades de la iglesia, que esta creciendo rpidamente en la Dicesis de Orange.

Para las personas que no han visitado este lugar les digo: No se pierda esta oportunidadesta de ver para creer. Ah, y trigase una cmara. Doy gracias a Dios por todos aquellos que han decidido apoyar esta causal, y aquellos que ofrecen su tiempo para llevar el mensaje. Con la ayuda de Dios, y el apoyo de cada uno de nosotros, la "Campaa Cristo para Siempre" va a ser un xito total".

March 31, 2013

Page 5

Rasgos de Gracia
Queridos feligreses; Es divertido ver la como la gente se emociona de diferentes cosas. Para algunos, es emocionante saber quien se llevara el campeonato en el prximo juego. Para otros, es el descubrimiento de algunas capas de hielo en el planeta Marte que indica que pudo haber vida en ese planeta en algn momento. Para algunos de nosotros los seres humanos, es la eleccin de un nuevo Papa, que ha tomado el nombre de Francisco y que est rompiendo algunas de las reglas de protocolo Papal para dar un soplo de aire fresco a las posibilidades de un nuevo Pontfice. Pero todas estas cosas son superficiales, al menos que por nuestra conviccin creamos firmemente que en una maana muy temprano, una piedra fue removida por las fuerzas celestiales y que el poder de la Resurreccin fue puesto en nuestra creacin para cambiar nuestro futuro. Y esta es la misin de la Iglesia; seguir como discpulos al Cristo crucificado y resucitado siempre y en todo lugar. Confo en que esta creencia es la que le da fuerzas a nuestro Papa Francisco y espero que a nosotros tambin nos de la fuerza para entrar en ese mismo ambiente de amor y de fe. Si usted se encuentra hojeando este boletn, debe saber que de alguna manera Dios lo ha bendecido. Tal vez usted no haya estado aqu mucho tiempo, o solo pudo estar aqu la semana pasada. Pero sabemos que todos somos hermanos y pertenecemos a la misma Iglesia y que El Seor nos llama a seguirlo con una fe ms profunda en este tiempo de Cuaresma. Les damos la bienvenida y los invito a orar por nuestro Papa, as como tambin a abrirnos a la invitacin que Jess nos hace a seguirle de corazn. chele un vistazo a nuestro sitio web o a nuestra aplicacin mvil o pase por la oficina de la parroquia y conozca a nuestra Directora de Ministerios, Joan Fleming. Nos gustara una mayor participacin de parte de usted en la vida de esta comunidad parroquial. Juntos en Cristo;

Pbro. Steve Sallot Prroco

Los Tours se estn llenando Pronto! Experimente este recorrido inolvidable

Catedral de Cristo
Autobuses que salen de Eduardo * Conduzca usted mismo al Tour*
Sbado 20 de Abril - Ingls / Espaol Martes 2 de Abril el Tour comienza a las 10:30am en punto. Jueves 25 de Abril Sbado 6 de Abril Tour comienza a las 10:30 am en punto. El autobs saldr de San Eduardo a las 12:00 del medioda y Jueves 25 de Abril el Tour comienza a las 10:30 am regresa aproximadamente a las 3:30 p.m.

Lame al (949) 481-4000 o mndenos un correo al:

La siguiente informacin es necesaria para reservar su asiento: Fecha del tour, Nombre, Telfono, correo electrnico, cuantos adultos viajan, Cuantos nios mayores de 8 aos viajan Easter Sunday Page 6


ST. EWARD'S RETREAT FOR WOMEN will be held at Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center in Sierra Madre on the weekend of April 5, 2013. Join your fellow parishioners for this weekend of spiritual enrichment and growth. The retreat which is led by the Passionist retreat team begins Friday evening with a buffet supper and concludes Sunday after 11:00 am Mass. The theme for this year is, "The Gift of Mater Dolorosa: The Memoria Passionis." Please phone Liz Mojica, (949) 422-1241, our parish retreat Captain for information or to make your reservation. Requested donation: $195.00 ($50 nonrefundable deposit)

What does Blessed John Paul II say to you, women 18118? Discover your authentic feminine genius through studying the Letter to Women, written to YOU by Blessed John Paul II. Space is limited, NO homework, 8 week study group. Monday mornings April 22-June 17 from 9 A.M.11 A.M. Or deepen your relationship with our Blessed Mother who is the perfect model of femininity, virtue and discipleship, by studying JP IIs encyclical Mother of the Redeemer. Space limited, NO home work, 8-week study group, Monday evenings 7 P.M.P.M. April 22-June 17. Contact: Carey Ware, 949-661-9156; email or Margit Mills, 949-766-3608; Registration on-line is required, $80 or apply for a scholarship. Page 7

Easter Eggs Needed

The Knight of Columbus need Easter Eggs filled with goodies for their Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday April 7th. If you can help and donate eggs please call Laszlo Hegedus at 949-510-8795. March 31, 2013

From the Office for Parish Our office is located on the Knight Hall side of the rectory . We can be reached by calling 496-6011 or on the web:

Faith Formation

Coming up in Faith Formation:

Sunday March 31stEaster Sunday Tuesday April 2nd
9:00am-Bible Study in Knight Hall 7:30pm-RCIA-Knight Hall


The next Serenity Day is Tuesday May 7th MARK YOUR CALENDAR

Wednesday April 3rd

9:00am-Women of Wisdom-Knight Hall

All are welcome to join us for a halfday silent retreat with Joyce Cottage, Presenter, in Knight Hall at 9:00, following the 8:15 Mass in the Church. 1st Communion Retreat Day is Coming!
Saturday April 20th is the once-a-year retreat day for our children who are preparing for their First Holy Communion. It is a day packed with fellowship and hands-on learning for this special time in these childrens lives. Please keep these kids in your prayers throughout the coming months.

Sunday April 7th

9:00am-Sunday Session A Group 2:00pm-Infant Baptisms in the Church 4:00pm-Confirmation I Classes 4:00pm-Outlet Classes-in the School

CRE Reminder: There are no weekday Childrens Religious Ed classes this week Monday Classes resume April 15th, Wednesday classes resume April 17th Have a beautiful, restful break! Sunday classes DO MEET with the A Group session on April 7th.

Our community's congratulations and blessings to the following individuals who completed the sacraments of initiation at the Great Easter Vigil on Saturday, March 30th:
Trevor Allen Aimee Bevi Grant Bevi Melissa Bevi Sandy Bevi Dakota Boitnott Humberto Calderon Cheyenne Rose Calderon Joslyn Calderon Christine Crowell Drew Crowell Todd Cunningham Seth Feldman Alberto Gonzalez Leslie Gonzalez Neil Hewko Kathleen Jackson Emily Jensen Lindsay Jenson Joe Johnson Clark Meyer James Norman Camille Perkins Kenneth Perkins Nathaniel Perkins Steven Perkins Zachary Perkins Francis Sracic Paula Tajziachi Whitney Tajziachi John Tancreto Devin Tancreto Gary Tucker Wendy Tucker Cathy Wayne-Welsh Stephen Wayne Anna Wesselink

Easter Sunday

Page 8

Please remember members of our Armed Forces and their families in your prayers.

In Remembrance
Our parish offers their sympathy and prayers to the families of Carol Long, Gladyce Kalman, Maria Jurica, Michael Katzmark and the men and women who have died serving our country.

The Sick
Catherine Peterson Mary Lou Allec Lisa Reese Mary Lyon Ronald Lohman James Howard Mary Hearn Bob Firks Michael Mc Guire Mary Daily Isabelle Farac Colleen Sanchez Joan Sanchez Jean Kelly Werner Barden Peter Vimmerstedt Bob Zens Rick Rought Andrs Pea Ron Kuhn Ron Moras Jennifer Hollister Eric Wolf Ruben Aguilera Mary Binns Jennifer Herman Libby Cigliano Aggie Molnar Michael Smirnov Danielle Martin Cathy Wayne Doris Lindberg Kary Robinson Dolores Waggoner Ione Senzig Ann Kelliher Laverne Henning Eloise Jimenez

Sunday 7:30 a.m.

Mass Intentions

7:30 a.m. KH 8:00 a.m. SF 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. KH 11:00 a.m. 11:00a.m. KH 12:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Monday 8:15 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Tuesday 8:15 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Wednesday 8:15 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Thursday 8:15 a.m. Friday 8:15 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Saturday 8:15 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. SF 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m.

Mar. 31: Maurice de Rosier (1993), Stoddard Johnson (1995), Julian Iorio (2006), Apr. 1: Rick Skeffington (2004) Patricia Kelly (2011) Apr. 2: Alice St. Aubin (1982), Helen Murphy (1984), Ann DeSilvia (1994), Irene Sanchez (1995) Leo Devlin (2004, Michael Zaccaro (2004), Walter Tomaszewski (2011) Apr. 4: William Handley (1987), Richard Loskorn (1989) Apr. 5: Frank Woolbert (1977), Jack Schmidt (1984), Jack Marino (1992), Frank Sgambellone (1993), Edward Francis Sullivan (1996), Barbara Jones (2008) Apr. 6: Carl Borton (1983), Merle Borman (1994), Deacon John J. McQuade (1999), Nancy Murphy (2002), Lynn Corral (2007) Apr. 7: Jose Luis Gutierrez (2005), Michael West (2008)

March 31 Robert Beasley Milton Brandolino Phillip Arena Madeline Arena David Poindexter Maria Sarrano Robert De Vincentis Nicki Liddi Lucille Rausch Thomas Prophet Carmen Amelia Montoya Alejandro Mejia Cancelled April 1 Rick Rought Tom Carroll April 2 Walter Kummetz Rose Matlock April 3 Christopher Whitman Hill Ogletree April 4 Linda Chubbs April 5 David Poindexter Frances Lefner April 6 Jesse Carlson Kevin Kipper April 7 Ronnie Morales Anthony Carbonara George Malone Maria Jurica Dean Romano Mary Lou Rowley Laura Ogletree Najeeb Nasser

March 31, 2013

Page 9

Good Stewards All

Daily Schedule
7:30 a.m. Monday-Saturday Pro Life Rosary, Morning Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours) 8:15 a.m.MassMonday through Saturday 5:15 p.m.Evening Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours, except Sat.) 5:30 p.m.Mass,-Monday Saturday (except Thursday ) (Saturday is Sundays Liturgy) We invite you to celebrate daily Mass with us!

In the month of February 2013

St. Edward and San Felipe de Jesus ministries provided:
24 3 0 7 Individuals Couples Young Woman Funerals Baptisms: Weddings : Quinceaeras Bereavement:

Scripture Readings for the Week

Monday: Acts of the Apostles 2;14, 22-33; Matthew 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts of the Apostles 2:36-41; John 20:11-18 Wednesday: Acts of the Apostles 3:1-10; Luke 24:13-35 Thursday: Acts of the apostles 3:11-26; Luke 24:35-48 Friday: Acts of the Apostles 4:1-12; John 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts of the Apostles 4:13-21; Mark 16:9-15 Sunday: Acts of the Apostles 5:12-16; Revelation 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; John 20:19-31

Christian Service ... Food Distribution *: 88 Families (136 adults, 178 children) Services provided: 20 Referrals provided: 8
* Food Distribution is sponsored by St. Vincent de Paul and administered by St. Edwards Christian Service Ministry.

Stewardship Your Offerings for February

February Collection:
Parish Pay:

Wedding Banns
Brian Felicetti & Lien Hong Lam, April 6, 2013 Matt Daraskavich & Erin Angelo, April 6, 2013 Mark Polquin & Maureen Welker, April 6, 2013 Adam Morisoli & Brandice Goertzen, April 13, 2013

$ 93,288
$ 82,344

Year to Date Actual $1,369,646

This Weeks Events

Collection: $ 82,201 Parish Pay: $ 93,082 $1,336,657 Monday 8:45 a.m. Tuesday 9:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Wednesday 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Thursday 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. April 1 Adoration, Church April 2 Bible Study, Knight Hall Blue Army, Church April 3 Circle of Praise, Cry Room Women of Wisdom, Knight Hall Confessions, Church April 4 Marriage Enrichment Bible Study, Ministry Bldg. Dining Room April 5 Prayer Shawl, Church Meeting Room April 7 Pancake breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt, KH Page 10

Thank you for your generosity!

PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS SERENITY DAY TUESDAY, MAY 7, 2013 All are welcome to join us for a half-day silent retreat with Joyce Cottage, Presenter, in Knight Hall at 9:00, following the 8:15 Mass in the Church.

Easter Sunday

Inviting Married Couples-Thursday April 4 Circle your calendar for an evening of Living Catholic Marriage, a series of topics to enrich marriage by helping husbands and wives communicate better and grow stronger in their faith. We will meet at 7:30 PM in St. Edwards School, 2nd floor Parish Room. Come join us! For more information, call Bob & Mary Dausch at 949-481-1102.



This year St. Edward women have the opportunity to attend an extra retreat May 24-26th for those who cant attend in the fall or those who would like the quiet time away twice a year. If you need or want a quiet week-end in prayer with Our Lord, please contact Julie Landguard 949-466-9103. The May retreat is in addition to our regularly scheduled retreat October 4th thru 6th.

You are Invited to a Holy Hour on the

Feast of Divine Mercy Sunday

With Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament And closing with Benediction. We will dedicate ourselves To contemplate and implore the Divine Mercy of God, and to imitate our prayerful Savior in a spirit of love to our Eternal Father with the Holy Spirit On the 2nd. Sunday of Easter April 7th, 2013 Commencing at 3:00 pm

At San Felipe de Jesus Catholic Church

26010 Domingo Ave. Capistrano Beach, Ca.
If you have any questions you may contact: Dean or Andrea Leon

March 31, 2013

Page 11

Parish Ministries
For more information about these ministries, please visit our website: or call Joni Fleming, Director of Parish Ministries, at (949) 542-4311.
Altar Guild Altar Server Alter Server (scheduling) Art & Environment Eucharist Minister Eucharist Minister to the Sick & Homebound Lector Media /StedCast Ministry Music Ministry Usher
Youth Music/Faith Out Loud

Outreach & Support

Gabrielle Kirkman Deana Progar Tom Littlejohn Deana Progar Rocco Falabella LaVerne Klopp Maureen Walker Donna Couch Rick Dellefield Rob Wagner John Di Mare Tim Horrigan (949) 683-1567 (949) 525-7092 (949) 489-5595 (949) 525-7092 (949) 240-8037 (949) 496-1307 x2207 (949) 374-0506 (949) 496-6011 (949) 496-1307 x2872 (949) 842-2277 (626) 824-6084 (949) 496-1307 x2501 Binky Patrol Blood Drive Support for Chronic Illness (HELP) Christian Service (Food Distribution) Detention Ministry English & Spanish Lessons Faith in Action Knight of Columbus Prayer Shawl Ministry Respect Life Mary Howe Greg Montevideo Margaret Prendiville Ann McKown Diane Wetherbee Maria Simmons Christe Roknich Ralph Laconte Joia Smart Don Walz (949) 249-2066 (949) 493-7605 (949) 496-7312 (949) 496-1572 (949) 212-0384 (949) 661-8827 (949) 240-5892 (949) 351-4266 (949) 496-1307 (949) 493-3134 (949) 488-7718 (949) 443-0884 (949) 496-1307 x2503 (949) 496-7209

Faith Formation
Adult Formation Bible Study Donna Couch Donna Couch (949) 496-6011 (949) 496-6011 (949) 496-1307 x2500 (949) 496-6011 (949) 481-0882 (949) 496-6011 (949) 496-9719 (949) 496-1307 X 2210 (949) 496-6011 (949) 496-1307 X2500

Nellie Alcalde-Wayne Social Justice St. Vincent de Paul Society Delvin Lefner Catherine Hallett Stephen Ministry Dan Nichols

Childrens Sunday Liturgy of Aimee Martinez the Word Confirmation Elementary Childrens Religious Education Infant Baptism Ministry Insight (Grade 9-12) Outlet (Grade 6-8) RCIA Sunday Sacramental Preparation Donna Couch Gloria Fetta Faith Formation Office Gary Foote Jason Trujillo Donna Couch Aimee Martinez

Tijuana Ministry

Suzanne Luke

Parish Enrichment
Bereavement Finance Council Hospitality Mail Angels Marys Corner Gift Shop Pastoral Council Serra Club of South OC Web Ministry Gerry Holbert Randy Redwitz Esmeralda Troge Joan Fleming Suzanne Luke Fr. Steve Sallot Carol Lavigne Laurie Saine (949) 492-5754 (949) 753-1514 (949) 362-7495 (949) 542-4311 (949) 496-1307 (949) 496-1307 x2880 (949) 240-7621 (949) 496-1307 x2203

Family, Faith & Prayer Enrichment

Adoration Society Circle of Praise Cursillo Disciples of Divine Mercy Cenacle Endow Families of Nazareth Marriage Enrichment Mens Spirituality Ministry Moms in Prayer Natural Family Planning Our Lady's Blue Army Serenity Days Spiritual Direction Surf and Scripture Tuesday Bible Study Two Hearts Prayer Group
Where Work Meets Faith

Deana Progar Pam Conway Dan Abalos Deana Progar

(949) 525-7092 (949) 661-0158 (949) 366-3710 (949) 525-7092

Community & Social

Guess Whos Coming to Dinner Cub Scouts Girl Scouts Donna Rosen Karen DeBellis Erin Cerniglia Kristen Stovesand (949) 661-2514 (949) 493-3505 (949) 677-0220 (949) 249-4968

Carey Ware (949) 661-9156 Ann Marie Eckl (949) 234-0476 Joe & Rosemary Sinacori (949) 496-3478 Bob & Mary Dausch (949) 481-1102 Larry Parker (800) 799-1119 Donna La Chappelle (949) 495-8123 Meredith Thomas (949) 493-5914 Ann Mintie (949) 496-4653 Donna Couch (949) 496-6011 Donna Couch Kevin Perkins Elizabeth Smith Pam Conway Dennis & Jane Galligani Shirley Filadelfia Chris Kampmeier (949) 496-6011 (949) 370-6924 (949) 837-2141 (949) 661-0158 (949) 276-7382 (949) 496-1307 (949) 973-6106

School and Preschool

Consultative School Board Family Photo Fundraiser Fiesta with Friends Golf Tournament Monarch Main Event Mackenzie Frericks Karna Sadayasu Robert & Bonnie Brooks Kelly Latini Regina Marquis Ann Freestone Julie Kuntz Kristin Hunt Christy Pagel (949) 973-3103 (949) 388-6598 (949) 496-1241 (949) 429-3858

Parent Guild Org. (PGO) Consultative Preschool Board

(949) 412-6150 (949) 429-2964 (949) 443-1418 (949) 388-9705 (949) 370-3822 (949) 498-2044

Women of Wisdom Young Adult Prayer Group

School Religion Committee Rikki Daniels School Volunteers Michelle Ahumada Scrip Program Sara Brechbill

Easter Sunday

Page 12



Lesneski Mortuary
640 S El Camino Real, San Clemente
For All Y our Special Occasions At Ocean Ranch Village Next to Longs & Ralphs

(949) 492-1717
INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Quality Work at Fair Prices
FREE ESTIMATES Bonded & Insured Lic # 901198 Workers Comp Parishioner

Se Habla Espaol
Kenny Williams

Kimberly Williams


Xenak Painting Co.

Musical Equipment / Buy Sell Trade / Lessons 24731 La Plaza Dana Point, CA 92629 (949) 661-3984 Music Lessons all Instruments



(949) 492-1191
Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will.
For further information, please call the Parish Office.

Lifelike Silk Bouquets, Centerpieces, Boutonnieres & Other Wedding Supplies

12 FLOWER BUNDLES, 12 VASES AND 12 SPOOLS OF RIBBON STARTING AT $250! 20% Off for Parishioners (Code STED20). Excludes Package Deals


DRE #01030333

Mexican Food Products and Tortilleria
27124 Paseo Espada San Juan Capistrano 240-3440 34069 Doheny Pk. Road Capistrano Beach 240-8659 27981 Greenfield Dr. Laguna Niguel 362-1913 400 B Camino de Estrella San Clemente 240-9011



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Dr. Joseph Andrews Orthodontics

24661 Del Prado #1 Dana Point, CA

949 661 5882 Parishioner


Serving your community Since 1972

Dick Kopp Parishioner Lic. 278618

State Farm Insurance ELAINE LaVINE

Agent, Lic. #0F64179 Parishioner Dana Point, CA 92629 Off.: (949) 240-8944

Child Custody, Domestic Violence Property Division, Grandparents Rights



6 Venture, Suite 265 (949) 453-0530 Irvine, California 92618

Parishioner Since 1990

Laguna Niguel


(949) 661-3522


Laguna Hills Irvine Chapel and Crematory Arrangement Center (949) 581-4300 (949) 296-1010
FD 1293
007272 St Edward Church (C)

San Juan Capistrano Arrangement Center (949) 325-0143

FD 1916

FD 1818

Parishioners - Joe & Jane OConnor, Joe & Kathryn Fitzgerald

For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805

Medical e Insuranc


Individuals & Families Group Medical Plans for Employers & their Employees/ Families All Medicare Options


TUCKER TIRE Carpets & Drapes

California License # 0C32924


Serving Orange County Since 1957

Laguna Niguel


David Malt & Associates

34156 Pac. Coast Hwy. Dana Point, CA 92629

27751A La Paz Road Laguna Niguel

INSURANCE SERVICES Cell: 949-351-4985 Email:

(949) 661-4748

Specializing in Personal Injury and Criminal Defense Cases

Residential / Commercial Exterior / Interior Custom Finishing
Lic. #647760

Catholic Cemeteries
In-Ground Burial Mausoleum Crypts Cremation The Catholic Funeral Plan
Call or visit for more information.

ORANGE DIOCESE Honoring the Traditions of Catholic Families

$500 DISCOUNT for Advance Arrangements of Casket Interment Packages when you mention church bulletin.



24501 Del Prado Dana Point, CA 92629

(949) 859-7070

Providing Excellence in Vision Care. Est. 1957 by Dr. Ted P. Griffin

ASCENSION in Lake Forest 949-837-1331

GOOD SHEPHERD HOLY SEPULCHER in Huntington Beach 714-847-8546 in Orange 714-532-6551

(949) 240-7944
Car + Home = Savings
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San Clemente T: (949) 492-1853 Laguna Niguel T: (949) 495-3031 The Courtyards at Talega T: (949) 940-0200

Visit Our Website:

Join us for Mass at each location every Memorial Day & All Souls Day @ 10am


Car Accident Slip & Fall Job Injury FREE CONSULTATION Michael Majdick Parishioner


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Meal Preparation, Housekeeping, Laundry, Transportation, Grooming Trained, Insured, and Bonded Care Providers

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Insurance Lic#: 0492135 34085 Pacific Coast Hwy, Suite 204 Dana Point, CA 92629

Residential & Commercial Service

Bus: 949-661-3200
Average annual household savings based on national 2010 survey of new policyholders who reported savings by switching to State Farm.


Kris Christa, Parishioner



State Farm Insurance Companies, Home Office, Bloomington, IL

Brunch features Stuffed French Toast, Omelets, Steak & Eggs, Flapjacks, Western Benedict, and a Breakfast Sandwich on a Pretzel Bun.

Brunch at the Surfin Cowboy

I will donate 10% of my commission to your favorite charity upon close of escrow.

25 YEARS OF AWARD WINNING SERVICE Broker Associate California Native Eucharistic Minister Orange County Specialist
DRE #00826766


Also fresh handcrafted $5 Bloody Marys $5 Mimosas

The Surfin Cowboy Sports Bar & Grille 34235 Doheny Park Rd Capistrano Beach, CA 92624 949-272-5957


And Fish & Chips
Open Daily 34665 Golden Lantern

Complete Vision Care So. Laguna and Laguna Hills

direct 949.584.2018 office 949.373.1628

(949) 496-2807 Dana Point Harbor

007272 St Edward Church (B)

(949) 588-2020 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805

AND HEATING REPAIRS REMODELS Sewer & Drain Cleaning Service


Plan ahead today for the ones you love.

Lic #913023
Lic. OF00161

Over 15 Yrs Experience in Showers, Kitchens, Flooring, Etc (949) 922-6055 Free Estimates Bonded & Insured Dana Point, CA Lic #964816

For more information Parishioner call Maura OHara Unruh 949.436.0558

Paul Matthew &

STATE CONT. LIC. #346860

FREE Estimates Interior - Exterior Parishioner

Senior Discounts

Home Repairs & Water Damage

(949) 467-1100

San Clemente Veterinary Hospital

John Agostini, D.V.M.

MARYS Reasonable HELPING HANDS Piano & Voice Rates Appointments Cooking Lessons Laundry Errands Light Housekeeping
Mary Wilkins
Parishioner (949) 201-8339


Estate Planning Law Offices of

Tw o o f f i c e s t o s e r v e y o u
Laguna Niguel / Newpor t Beach

1833 S. El Camino Real San Clemente


Pick up/Delivery Yard in Irvine




GRACIE (949) 837-9663

Local Parishioners

Capistrano Nurses Registry

Affordable Companion-CNA & Hospice Care Shopping-Appts-Housekeeping-Meals-Bathing-Laundry

10AM - 2PM All-U-Can Eat! 40 Feet of Fabulous Food Watch all of your favorite NFL Games

(949) 661-0506

Sunday Brunch $2.00 Off
per person

Good for up to 6 People Must Present Coupon

Not valid with other offers Only valid on all you can eat buffet

Build Your Own Omelettes, Bacon, Sausage, Ham, Eggs Benedict, Pancakes, French Toast, Pastries, Fresh Fruits & Salads, House Specialties & much more. $16.95 Includes glass of bubbly $9.95 Children 10 and under Regular Brunch menu available

(949) 661-6003 24701 Del Prado Dana Point, CA 92629

Frank Godino, D.M.D.

Aesthetic & Comprehensive Dentistry Adults & Children

34190 Pacific Coast Hwy. Dana Point

(949) 493-7004 Parishioner

Sewer & Drain Specialists

Plumbing Heating Air Conditioning 24 Hr. Emergency Service Saturday Service at Regular Rates

30011 Ivy Glenn Drive, #212 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677

Ask About Our FREE Services
Lic. #249778
007272 St Edward Church (A)

(949) 240-2974 Life Disability Medical Annuities Long Term Care Insurance Planning Parishioner

For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805

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