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Borg critical of Muscat's comments on Tunisia, Egypt -

Monday, January 31, 2011, 16:13

Borg critical of Muscat's comments on Tunisia, Egypt

Foreign Minister Tonio Borg said today that calls by Opposition leader Joseph Muscat for Malta to unleash a tourism publicity campaign in view of the unrest in Tunisia and Egypt were insensitive and immature. He said that such comments also reflected inexperience. In a statement, Dr Borg said instability in the region could have a negative impact on Malta. However, should the current developments lead to changes that respectived the rules of democracy, such as freedom and tolerence, then they would be seen as positive and historic. Malta should not be looking at profiting from the current situiation but helping those peoples, without being paternalistic. Malta was historically a friend of Tunisia and Egypt and respected the decisions taken freely by their peoples, Dr Borg said. He hoped such good relations could be maintained.


Joe Borg
Feb 2nd 2011, 11:05 Oh yes, how insensitive and immature, we should pat Tunisia and Egypt on the back and wish them all the best instead, just like every country has done. WAKE UP! As if not every country in close proximity is trying to take advantage of this in some way or another. And here we are pretending to be saints while patronising the people in those countries. I believe Muscat was wise enough to realise that no matter what we say or we do, we cannot actually help the people in Tunisia or Egypt because we have no control over it, so why not help ourselves?

michael Grech
Feb 1st 2011, 09:19 I'm no nationalist and no fan of Tonio Borg, but I have to say that Dr Muscat's comments are really insensitive and out of place. As a Socialist, Dr Muscat should put international solidarity ahead of petty and parochial interests.

Muscat Pat
Feb 1st 2011, 09:06 WikiLeaks has just announced that Britain advised Libya on the Lockerbie bomber's release : Britain did not want to loose strong economic contracts! This is the real world; our Foreign Ministry's world is based on "Alice in Wonderland"!

Robert Agius
Feb 1st 2011, 08:16 What nice words directed at the rabble. I mean look at all the solidarity and sensitivity Malta and the rest of the world has shown a vastly starving continent. This is just another political stunt. Shame on you and the people who fall for such cheap tricks.

Raymond Sammut
Feb 1st 2011, 00:04 It should be clear to everyone that Muscat's comment, in the context of the great hardships in Tunisia and Egypt presently, were inappropriate. Leaders of countries (including those in opposition) would express concern for their citizens' safety and regional stability. Dr Muscat clearly erred on the importance of priority.

Roderick Spiteri
Jan 31st 2011, 22:05 Tant dan il-gvern hu niexef mill-ideat li proposta bhal tal-bierah minn Joseph Muscat hasdet lill-Gvern.

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Borg critical of Muscat's comments on Tunisia, Egypt -

Joe Micallef
Feb 1st 2011, 14:32 Propjament hasded il kull min ghandu nitfa dicenza - jidher illu mhux fil'kas tieghek

Anthony Mizzi
Jan 31st 2011, 21:32 insensitive and immature.- Get down from your throne Dr. Tonio and just move it , your country's future is at stake! What do you want than to sit and wait for inflows of more immigrants coming to Malta escaping from the unrest in Tunisia and Egypt ? It's all in the NATIONAL interest after all , in the interest of local tourism and it's all FREE ADVICE coming from Dr. Muscat, you did not have to pay fancy consultants to give it to you! Come on - if life gives you lemon make lemonade!

Jeff Scicluna
Jan 31st 2011, 21:07 dear Dr Borg... as i understand, it is ok to be insensitive and immature to your people by giving yourself a 500 honoraria but it is not ethical to launch a tourism campaign to gain tourists, which either way are not going to tunisia or egypt right now. these countries brought their loss on themselves and we won't be doing them any harm. after all nowadays it seems we are living in a society where survival of the fittest is a way of life. we have to change this mentality that whatever the labour party says is wrong or vice versa. as long as i know maltese citizens elected you in parliament because they thought it was for the best, which appearantly isn't because all of you are stuck in your own childish games that you call politics

Joe Micallef
Jan 31st 2011, 20:11 Typical and regular blunder by Muscat which gives away his gross inadaptability - with mentors like Sant, Vella and Sciberras Trigona could one expect better?

J. J. Borg
Jan 31st 2011, 20:21 Those comments are an insult to people in Egypt and Tunisia risking their lives for freedom.

Ray Borg
Jan 31st 2011, 19:54 DR.Borg we favor those who support MALTA and the MALTESE your comments are not in line with this policy.

alan smith
Jan 31st 2011, 19:35 Was it sensitive of Dr Borg to visit Albania a few days after the police killed three in a similar uprising. Was it sensitive to visit such a country in the first place when the EU had just issued a statement on the violence?

Enzo Caruana
Jan 31st 2011, 19:22 "Malta was historically a friend of Tunisia and Egypt and respected the decisions taken freely by their peoples, Dr Borg said". "Decisions are taken freely by their peoples". Tunisia and Egypt under Ben Ali and Mubarak were nothing near what we know as democratic states, poltical prisoners and all. What an absurd statement by our Minister of Foreign Affairs.

R Camilleri
Jan 31st 2011, 19:18 Why doesn't the Minister propose an advertising campaign in Tunis and Egypt with the following tag: Were you thinking of coming to Malta? No, stay here, because the Maltese people's hearts are with you.

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Borg critical of Muscat's comments on Tunisia, Egypt -

Jan 31st 2011, 19:15 How to improve tourism, lejber style, rely on other country's problems... din isbah min reception class.

Jan 31st 2011, 20:18 Yes calling our neighbors from Libja tal-habbaziz. How's that for PN style to attract tourism?

Fabio Saliba
Jan 31st 2011, 19:05 very well put. "Insensitive and immature". spot on.

Muscat Pat
Jan 31st 2011, 19:04 I thought that the Foreign Minister's job was to defend Malta's oil interest and not to dig and play local partisan politics. Actions and results in pounds shillings and pence speak louder than cheap propaganda! I suppose that when the dictator Ben Ali was given red carpet treatment in Malta, the sufferings of the Tunisian people were part of the meeting's agenda!

Joe Micallef
Jan 31st 2011, 21:14 The socialist mantra - you lose I win

alan smith
Jan 31st 2011, 19:03 i guess we should not accept any of the tourists who would have gone to Tunis or Egypt in solidarity. As usual the spin is incredible. There are two issues here the political one where our government and opposition should support the popular uprising and condemn ALL the oppressive regimes and make clear statements and the financial loss/gain of the uprising. We will soon pay much more for fuel due to the conflict,there is uncertainty in many financial markets and there will be thousands of tourists trying to re-book holidays. So if we can make an extra effort to get more tourists and try and make up for the increase in oil so be it. The leader of the opposition was not making a statement on foreign affairs but replying to a question on tourism. Mario DE Marco made a similar statement when similarly he was replying to someone complaining that the government was NOT DOING ENOUGH to attract the "Tunis" tourists to Malta. He in fact said that three plane loads had already been brought over.

Jan 31st 2011, 18:59 lil tal pn.. tibqawx boloh

Jan 31st 2011, 18:44 Jidispjecini imma T B ma femx il punt tal J M. U xi haga fuq li qed jigri : Dawn ghandhom drit jiprotestaw bhal kullhadd, drit liberu li jamlu i support these people now more than ever.

D. Micallef
Jan 31st 2011, 18:43 To all PN apologists; give us a break. We're not stupid. ''Dr de Marco was reacting to criticism during a radio phone-in programme in which a caller accused the Malta Tourism Authority of doing nothing to capitalise on the situation in Tunisia, a major destination in the Mediterranean. Dr de Marco said nobody liked to hear of trouble in neighbouring countries but denied the MTA was doing nothing, pointing out that tourists booked for Tunisia with a major UK tour operator were instead brought to Malta last week on three planes. All competing destinations, including Spain and Turkey, were seeking to attract tourists who would have had to cancel their holidays because of the trouble in Tunisia.'' /tunisia-tourists-diverted-to-malta

D Borg

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Borg critical of Muscat's comments on Tunisia, Egypt -

Jan 31st 2011, 18:35 To all the people criticizing Joseph Muscat: This appeared in The Times of Thursday, 20th January: "Three plane loads of tourists who originally planned to go to Tunisia were brought to Malta last week because of the turmoil in the North African country, Mario de Marco, the Parliamentary Secretary for Tourism said yesterday. Dr de Marco was reacting to criticism during a radio phone-in programme in which a caller accused the Malta Tourism Authority of doing nothing to capitalise on the situation in Tunisia, a major destination in the Mediterranean. Dr de Marco said nobody liked to hear of trouble in neighbouring countries but denied the MTA was doing nothing, pointing out that tourists booked for Tunisia with a major UK tour operator were instead brought to Malta last week on three planes. All competing destinations, including Spain and Turkey, were seeking to attract tourists who would have had to cancel their holidays because of the trouble in Tunisia." You're all nothing but a bunch of FAKES (just like Tonio Borg's spin)

D. Micallef
Jan 31st 2011, 18:31 Give us a break Dr. Borg. Nobody is happy with what is going on in Tunisia and Egypt. Instability in the Mediterranean region and people dying to fight their cause is not something to be happy about. But the reality is that these countries are loosing their business. Malta is not responsible for this. So why not compete with other countries for their business loss? By not competing the troubles will not diminish, and their business will still be fought for by other countries. Whilst showing solidarity and trying to help resolve the conflict with all the means at our disposition, there's nothing wrong in stating what realities are.

jesmond zammit
Jan 31st 2011, 18:26 b dawn il kummenti tal ministru tibda tifhem ghaliex dal pajjiz baqa lura. meta se jitghallmu l p.n. jikkusidraw , il proposti validi tal oppozizzjoni. is suppervja u infallibilta li il p.n. ihoss li ghandu, hi terribli.

T Cassar
Jan 31st 2011, 18:11 I say Muscat's comments were nothing special. I don't know why all the fuss. What about MHRA? Do they agree with Joseph Muscat or the Minister!?!?!

Anthony Deguara
Jan 31st 2011, 18:06 "Joseph Muscat's comments reflected inexperience" Well, and Tonio Borg's comments show that he knows utterly nothing about the tourist industry!! It's the way we operate in this industry!

Frans Tabone
Jan 31st 2011, 18:01 X'ghandu x'jaqsam Sur Ministru?!?! Ma jfissirx li jekk nirreklamaw lil pajjizna qed nikkompetu ma' Tunez u l-Egittu! Inkunu qed nikkompetu mal-pajjizi l-ohra li zgur li se jaghmlu minn kollox biex it-turisti jmorru hemm!! Fuq kollox, ma jfissirx li ma nistghux noffru s-sapport u l-ghajnuna taghna xorta mal-popli tal-Egittu u Tunez! Jien nghid li Joseph Muscat ma qal xejn kbir, sempliciment qal dak li hu ovvju! Mhux ovvja li rridu napprofittaw minn sitwazzjonijiet bhal dawn?

John Grima
Jan 31st 2011, 17:57 Who is the Minister trying to fool?! Joseph Muscat didn't suggest that we compete with Tunisia and Egypt and take their tourists!! As if tourists are still considering going to these countries! It's clear that these tourists will go to another country. Now we have 2 choices. Either try and convince these tourists to come to Malta, rather than another country; Or Be the nice guys and lose this golden opportunity. Unbelievable spin from the Minister!

Christian Sciberras
Jan 31st 2011, 17:44 To Dr Borg: The industry is not run by friends. No business has friends. Maybe there are compromises, contracts, mutual benefits, but no friends. That's how the industry works. I vouch for Dr Muscat on this one.

P Mallia
Jan 31st 2011, 17:42 What an insensitive statement by Joseph Muscat!

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Borg critical of Muscat's comments on Tunisia, Egypt -

Jan 31st 2011, 17:33 I am not into politics, but i totaly agree with mr. Tonio Borg, one should not try and profit out of another ones troubles. we must not forget that what goes round comes round, we just dont know when.

Ian Abela
Jan 31st 2011, 17:30 Well said Tonio

Jan 31st 2011, 17:21 I think the opposition leader's comments has to be taken in the context that we are resourceless country, and our main income is tourism, and like oil, every drop counts. Tunisia has oil, and going by the contestations with us in some areas, they fight for every drop of it. So no big deal that we fight for every head of tourist. We need to survive, even by being as crude as that oil. Yet as minister Borg said, stability still is the most important thing. The problem in such countries is that they have a democratic system, but elections are most of the time rigged. So how Malta and the EU are going to go about that? Yes, the EU should interfere to see that elections are fair, and once elected, every party will hold periodical elections and not grip to power. There is nothing paternalistic about that.

John Sant
Jan 31st 2011, 16:58 How diplomatic! Tiftakru meta qal li hu juza l-VETO fl-Ewropa. Rega zbalja .... u jerga jizbalja Where's George Vella et all?

Pace Martin
Jan 31st 2011, 16:53 How pathetic of Minister Borg. Muscat is only asking the tourism sector to try their best to try to bring more tourists at our destination since our direct competitors at the moment are at a crucial time in history. Pro active is the word. At least the Labour media, as far as I recall, do not bring photos of our tops brass meeting with Ben Ali and other as was the case of former dictator Nicolae Ceauescu.

a balzan
Jan 31st 2011, 16:53 Dear Dr Borg, Next time mention Mario De Marco as well. The links explains it all.

Nick Brace
Jan 31st 2011, 16:46 Is this why you gave yourself a hefty rise ,so you can come out with such dribble,its a dog eat dog world out there,grow up and think like a bussiness man like Dr Muscat and stop brown nosing the competion, Malta needs tourists for a healthy economy,hey if the competion is having problems I say bad luck and lets take advantage of the situation NOW,we need all the opportunities we can get, Malta did not create these problems in our, as you say friends countries,one last point you sir do not speak for the hoteliers of Malta of that I can assure you, that they are probably bewildered with such statesments...............

A. Vassallo
Jan 31st 2011, 16:39 The Minister Tonio Borg hoped that the good relations between Malta and these two countries could be maintained. Hoping that it is not too late now and no serious harm done after JM unwanted comments . Hoping that the Tunisian people and the Egyptian people both disregard the comments made by

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the inexperienced JM and still consider us Maltese a friendly nation and neighbours.

Martin Abela
Jan 31st 2011, 16:37 There's another word to describe Joseph Muscat's gaffe: FROGA FROGA FROGA

Alexander Morana
Jan 31st 2011, 21:40 Yes yes yes, very immature, parochial, juvenile and lack of tacit from a novice. The instability of Egypt and Tunisia should not be looked at as means of gains in Malta's tourist industry but a concern. If Egypt stays in limbo the whole Mediterranean sea will be unstable, thus all the Southern countries that depend on the tourists will suffer including Malta.

m. Vassallo
Jan 31st 2011, 16:37 Ok, our present government leaves much to be desired but for the leader of the Opposition to come out with such comments is appalling! Imagine if he becomes leader of our country - should be worry with being faced with cringing diplomatic faux pas?

Joanne Attard
Jan 31st 2011, 16:35 INSENSITIVE AND IMMATURE - spot on guys .....

Abigail Zahra
Jan 31st 2011, 16:33 Alternattiva Demokratika described Joseph Muscat as "cynical, silly, disrespectful and shows a lack of political savoir faire." Min tak il-parir biex tghaxxaqha Dr Muscat?

Lino Falzon
Jan 31st 2011, 16:33 Hallina Dr Borg. Dr Muscat's idea makes a lot of sense to us people who live by tourism. i hope you don't believe all the hype being pumped out by the Tourism Authority that everything is rosy and we're breaking all records in tourism. Tourism is still going downhill and will continue to do so unless your government starts giving it the importance it deserves.

Matthew Zammit
Jan 31st 2011, 16:31

CONFIRMED: Joseph Muscat is very suferfical.

Jan 31st 2011, 16:26 Dr.Borg, in my personal opinion, Dr.Muscat is not so wrong! Malta should take advantage of the current situation and make sure to attract those tourists which would have otherwise chosen Tunisia or Egypt. We DON't need to directly advertise on BBC : "Hey you! Don't go to Tunisia or Egypt, come to Malta". All it takes is to increase a bit our usual advertising pressure. I think we are all grownups and should understand that the market goes like this, you can't be a winner if you are not able to take advantage on your competitors. This does not mean that Malta would not offer humanitarian aid etc. if there is the need for! Criticizing Muscat on a good point and attacking him using the PN's most common used (and I think only) weak point of inexperience is useless if we really want the good for our country. M.Demicoli

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Albert Farrugia
Jan 31st 2011, 16:26 ...and yet only yesterday the Prime Minister was boasting that gaming companies set up shop in Malta, not in Ireland...because of the bad situation there. It was there on Radio 101 for all to hear..... I think it's natural that one tries to see how a bad situatio in another country can be turned into advantage for us.

Paul Borg
Jan 31st 2011, 16:25 Inexperience lead to comments and observations like the ones made by our foreign Minister. Where in Dr. Muscat's speech is there mention that Malta should not show solidarity with Tunisia and Egypt ? If one observes CNN SKY BLOOMBERG and BBC , one can clearly observe a spike in destination advertising. So is everyone insensitive . This ship has sank, and the banks and gaming sector will not help refloat it. On the other hand a good boost in winter tourism might help to gain some buoyancy again !!!

v mercieca
Jan 31st 2011, 16:22 No wonder our country is going to the dogs. Minister Borg is loosing a golden opportunity not to take up Dr Muscats suggestion. Facts are facts and being sensitive will not change the situation. However Malta stands to gain if the tourists who were going there would come here instead. Did Dr Borg consult with the hoteliers? I am sure the hoteliers would agree with Dr Muscat. I remember many years ago in the Mintoff administration when there was trouble in Lebanon and someone suggested that we should legislate and offer financial services so those foreigners operating through Lebanese financial vehicles who were fleeing Lebanon may come and operate from Malta. It was a lost opportunity. Dr Borg, let us learn from past mistakes.

r spiteri
Jan 31st 2011, 16:21 Muscat jifrah bid-deni tal-hbieb taghna u flok juri solidarjeta maghhom u jghinhom, jipprova jghakkishom iktar. Mur gib kellna l-problemi f'Malta u l-girien taghna flok jghinuna, jiehdu vantagg mill-problemi taghna u jghakksuna iktar.

alan smith
Jan 31st 2011, 16:17 Dear Hon Minister so is Malta a friend of the regimes in Egypt and Tunis?? Wow that is a real mature statement to make at this hour. I am sure all the Tunisians and Egyptians are so happy to hear that. By the way what is Malta's position on the Regimes i must have missed your press conference on the matter?

Joe Portelli
Jan 31st 2011, 18:46 A country should never support disorder, lawless instead of order. I know some western countries live in cuckoo land and believe people power in Delaware would be the same as in Bagdghad , but we now know that before you provide an african with a car for transport, one should have built the roads first. Since WWII, no such measures were applied in Tunisia, Egypt, Indonesia and many other places, we in the West simply bought the Rulers , now the citizens have seen what is happening over the walls and want the same, but unfortunetly they need time to learn to handle freedom , too much intoxication at present - look around the world, from Burma to Baghdad, from South Africa to Venezuela, from Morocco to Yemmen and from Northern Ireland to Wales ! We need diplomats not Opportunists.

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