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FOUNDATION OF EDUCATION ANTHROPOLOGICAL FOUNDATION OF EDUCATION Herodotus- universe is governed by fate and chance and nothing is permanent in human

affairs. Everything is process of becoming. Ibn Khalddun- Societies are held together by the power of social cohesiveness, which can be augmented by unifying force of religion. Christian Jargensen Thansen- develop the three epoch, stone age, bronze age, iron age. Herbart Spencer- survival of the fittest, the only, the most well adopted individual in a population would survive and reproduce. PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATION OF EDUCATION Realism- based on the view that reality is what we observe, it is believes that truth is what is we sense and observe and that goodness is found in the order of laws of nature as a result, exist to reveal the order of the world and the students. Idealism- thought that emphasizes the importance of mind, soul, or spirit. Truth is to be found. Truth is to be found in consistency of ideas. Goodness is the ideal state something to be striving for. Pragmatism- the world is ascertain and incomplete. It allows a room for improvement. Perennialism- focus on rationality. Essentialism- values of men are embedded in the universe, waiting to be discovered and understood. Existentialism- man has no fixed nature and shapes his being as he lives the existentialist sees the world as personal subjectivity. Existence preceded essence.

Reconstructionalism- society need of constant reconstruction and change, it involves a reconstruction of education and use of education in reconstructing society.

PHILOSOPERS (Realist) 1. Aristotle -founder of realism -founder of logic - virtue as golden mean - advocate moderation

2. Harris Broudy- value of education is to live a good life. 3. John Locke- A child is born with blank tablet 4. John Comenius-mind is like a mirror receiver an image from the physical world. 5. Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi- Teaching from known to unknown 6. Jean Jacques Rousseau- man is by nature good, child is the most important component of school system. (Idealist) Plato -poor leadership will lead to poor decisions -social justice is giving to whom it is due - leaders should be endued with superior intelligence MORAL FOUNDATION OF EDUCATION Phythagoras- mans intellect is higher than his sensual nature and best way to devote mental discipline Kung Fu Tze/ Confucius- leaders can only be great if they themselves lead exemplary lives. Buddha- human actions lead to rebirths wherein good deeds are inevitably rewarded and evil deeds are punished. The karmic process operates through a kind of natural moral law. Socrates- virtue is knowledge and vice is evil as a result of ignorance. Antithenes- essence of virtue is self-control and incapable of being taught. Pleasure is evil. Plato- intellect should be sovereign before the will while emotions are subject to intellect and will Aristotle- the highest and satisfying form of human existence is the man exercise his rational faculties to the fullest extent. Mencius- people are by nature good but this goodness manifest only when they experience peace of mind in turn depends on material security. Jesus Christ- emphasized on moral sincerity Saint Agustine of Tagaste- God did not deprive people of their free will even they turned to sin Muhammad- each person would be held accountable for his moral struggle at the end of time Thomas Hobbes- People seek security by entering into a contract in which each persons original power is yielded to a soverign. David Hume- moral system aims at the happiness of others and the happiness self. Immanuel Kant- reason is the final authority of morality Jeremy Bentham- human actions are motivated by a desired to obtained pleasure and avoid pain. Its the highest good is the greatest happiness of the greatest number of people.

The Financial Managers Responsibility 1. Forecasting 2. Major Investment and Financing Decisions 3. Coordination and Control 4. Dealing with the School Environment The Five Deadly Business Sins 1. The worship of high profit margins and of premium pricing 2. Mispricing a new product by charging what the market would bear 3. Cost-Driven Pricing 4. Slaughtering Tomorrows Opportunity on the Alter of Yesterday 5. Feeding Problems and Starving Opportunities

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