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Rise of Manufacturing & The Age of Jackson Growth of Factory After war of 1812 measures taken to expand American

n econ. Industries protected by Tariff of 1816 (raised import tariffs by 25%) State govts improving road, rover, and canal transport system. Before 1820 products made in US completed using putting out system merchants buy raw materials, recruit dozens of farm families to do work and sell finished product. Late 1780s textile industry started to use power driven machines & interchangeable parts. Power came from water so early factories along rivers, mostly in NE & middle states. 1790s factories began to weave cotton imported from south. Intro of cotton in same decade, more cotton= available. Production boomed and by 1840 textile industry employed 75,000 workers, females. Workforce for early factories hired using Lowell System young women from surrounding areas brought to work, working for inadequate pay, horrible conditions, living in dorms provided by factory. Temp work, many went home after several years. Constant turnover of workers kept worker demands low, pleasing factory owners. Econ middle class of manufacturers, bankers and their families grew. Factory towns grew rapidly. Econ panic hit US In 1819, caused by recovery of Euro economies after Napoleonic Wars, money policies of National Bank, and efforts of officials @ several branches of National Bank to enrich themselves through speculation. 1830s worker strikes began. 1840s real labor movement in textile industry. Monroe Doctrine America beginning to consider itself a major world power. In 1823 President Monroe announced Doctrine which was based on the fact that many LA countries declared indep after Napoleonic Era and many in US & LA felt that Spanish & F might send armies to reassert their control of the region. Doctrines stated that countries in Western Hemisphere off limits to Euro control. Policy Toward NA 1824 president James Monroe proposed that all NA be moved west of Miss River. Conflict continued east of Miss btwn settlers and various NA tribes. Tribes signed legal treaties for lands, settlement encroached on NA territories. Monroe claimed that his proposal would benefit NA, bc settlers would never bother them iff settled west of Miss. Some tribes (like Cherokee) adopted systems of govt similar to those in many states, did not stave off pressure for removal. Georgia pressured Cherokee to sell land, Cherokee felt like they had a valid treaty for land, decided to take case to federal court. 1831 Cherokee Nation v. Georgia. Chief Justice John Marshall stated that NA had no real standing in court, bc not state/ foreign country. Marshall affirmed that Cherokee had a right to the land they possessed. Constitution states that it is job of executive branch to enforce the laws or decisions of the other 2 ranches. Andrew Jackson, president, and a large part of his rep based on successful fights against NA. Jackson declined to take action to enforce this decision. In Inaugural speech, he reaffirmed his support for NA removal. Congress passed & Jackson signed Removal Act of 1830- authorized removal of all tribes east of Miss. Tribes forced to move beginning in 1831. 1838 Cherokees were finally marched west @ gunpoint in Trail of Tears; 1/3 died of disease/exhaustion along the way. Many NA never able to adjust to alien environment west of Miss. 2nd Great Awakening Rise of industry, growing commercialization of cities, and westernization altered America 1800-1830. Transport changing; road linked Potomac and Ohio Rivers and Erie Canal completed. 2nd great Awakening- began in late 1790s reached highest point in 1830s. preachers of this era (Timothy Dwight & Charles Finney) proclaimed that ones actions on Earth played at least some role in the individuals fate after death. Revival meetings during this period (lasting up to a week) caused followers to faint, speak in tongues, or writhe uncontrollably. It began as rural phenomenon but by 1820s spread to the cities as well. Evangelical sects (Methodists & Baptists) grew in pop. Other Reform Movements Many involved in religious fervor of era wanted to use enthusiasm to reform society. Wanted to at to improve the lives of those living in the cities and other w/ disadvantages. Dorothea Dix campaigned for better treatment of mentally ill in 1830-40s. Prison reform movement also developed. Horace Mann spike out for formal education for all children, expansion of school year, and need for rigorous standards of teacher training. Christians esp in North began to speak out forcefully about the treatment of American slaves. 1820s-30s abolitionist movement gained supporters. Abolitionists considered slavery a sin. Most prominent abolitionist= William Lloyd Garrison founder of The Liberator an antislavery newspaper. American colonization society

(founded in South 1817) opposed slavery bc encouraged contact btwn blacks & whites. Members urged slave owners to free slaves and return them to Africa. Frederick Douglas= ex slave, another leader of abolitionist movement in 1845 wrote Narrative of the Life of FD, key text for those who opposed slavery. 1831 Nat Turner, V slave organized bloody slave revolt killing 60 whites. Revolt repressed & black codes and other restrictions on slaves in Southern States= more Harsh Political Reform: The Jacksonian Era (1829-1841) By 1824 18/24 states chose Electoral College by pop vote (up from 5 in 1800) Also by 1824 campaign banners, posters, buttons, hats= commonplace. More ppl could vote by 1824 prop qualifications= eliminated in most states. Blacks (even free blacks in North) & women still excluded. Election of 1824 Sec of Treasury William Crawford, Speaker of House Henry Clay, Sec of State JQ Adams, and Tennessees Andrew Jackson ran for pres. All considered themselves Republicans (referred to as Dem-Rep) AJ won popular vote but only 38% of electoral. Election turned over to House of Rep. Clay threw his support to JQ Adams who won in House and then appointed Clay to Sec of State. For next 4 years supporters of Jackson did everything they could to sabotage JQ Adams presidency reminding them of corrupt bargain btwn Adams and Clay that decided 1824 election. 1828 Presidential Campaign 1828 presidential campaign was a model for many political campaigns of the future. Rallies held by supporters, mudslinging- daily occurrence. Jacksons supporters claimed that JQ stole 1824 election and gave too many fancy dinners also claimed that when he was an envoy to Russia he helped obtain American prostitutes for Tsar. Supporters of Adams called Jackson murderer/adulterer. Jackson won easily and Dem Party- 1st party of US. Jackson as President AJ born in log cabin but when elected in 1828 he was a planter/slaveholder. 1st president from west and first achieved fame by fighting NA. had been a congressmen and senator from Tenn & serving as governor of FL. He was popular esp. w/ common ppl. Expressed loyalty to those who supported him politically. Infreq consulted w/ appointed cabinet, relying on Kitchen Cabinet inner circle of political supporters. Utilized spoils system to give other political supporters jobs in the govt. Jackson also wanted to return to the Jeffersonian ideal of America as a nation of indep yeoman farmers. Opposed excessive govt involvement in econ affairs bc feared in most cases only wealthy interests benefitted from involvement. Jackson favored a small govt not afraid to use the power of presidential veto to stop govt program he thought were excessive. End of presidency appointed Roger B. Taney as chief justice, Taney court would validate almost all of Jacksons decisions favoring states rights. Jackson=paradox. Spoke of need to limit influence of govt in society, he increased power of presidency. Jackson= no friend of abolitionists, slave owner, and opposed to reform the slave system. The Nullification Controversy 1828 congres spassed a bill authorizing new tariffs on imported manufacturing cloth & iron. Cost of these goods rose dramatically, legislators in SC began to revisit doctrine of nullification- individual states could rule on constitutionality of federal laws. Jacksons P John C. Calhoun of SC stated that practice of nullification= necessary to protect states from potential tyranny of federal govt. 1830 debate in US senate over western land sales btwn Robert Hayne of SC and Daniel Webster of MA evolved into debate on nullification. Webster/Hayne Debate. Dem Webster argued that if nullification were to precede results would be dissevered, discordant, and belligerent. Pres AJ= believer in states rights but opposed nullification. New tariffs imposed on imported goods, Nov 1832 specially called convention in SC voted to nullify law imposing these tariffs. Jackson moved troops and federal marshals to SC to collect tariff payment there. Congress authorized these decisions when it passed Force Act. Calhoun resigned as VP, crisis avoided when Congress passed bill acceptable to SC, lowered tariffs. The Bank Crisis 2nd BoUS chartered in 1816, issued national currency, regulated loan rates, controlled state banks. 1823+ run by Nicolas Biddle. AJ suspicious of govt involvement in econ suspicions, extended to BoUS. Clay going to run for pres in 1932 with BoUS- campaign issue. Began pushing to have BoUS rechartered, original charter did not expire until 1836 but he was convinced that national support of BoUS would sway votes his way. AJ vetoed rechartering proposal, claiming it served special interests and little else. Increased his popularity w/ public and helped ensure his reelection in 1832.

AJ wanted to destroy BoUS in 1833 ordered $$ to be removed from it and placed in state or local banks. (political enemies called these pet banks)To keep National Bank going Biddle increased interest rates and called in loans that had been made to state banks. Results= bank war and eventually Panic of 1837 & depression that would last into 1840s. The Whig Party: A Challenge to the Democratic Republicans 1830s Whig Party emerged as major opp Party to the party of Jackson. Whigs and Dem-Rep battled for elections throughout 1830s-40s. Dems favored a limited govt saw urbanization & industrialization as necessary evils; favored Jeffersonian America Whigs favored more governmental involvement in commercial activities and favored National Bank and industrial growth, opposed to rapid and uncontrolled settlement of the west. Whigs more likely to support reformist legislation. Businessmen from the North & NE supported by the common man (small farmers, factory workers, and small merchants) Dem MvB won 1836 election. Whig William Henry Harrison won 1840 election but died 1 month into office and was succeeded by John Tyler. The Union Expanded and Challenged 1835-1860 The Ideology of Manifest Destiny Manifest Destiny fueled continued American expansion westward. Beginning in 1830s some began to express view that G-d Plan that America expand beyond Miss River. Political leaders and Protestant missionary organization fervently supported westward expansion. Americans began to settle in Oregon in 1830s. 6 month 2,000 mile journey along Oregon Trail brought settlers to Oregon Territory, many settling in Willamette Valley. Oregon Fever stories of mild climate and possibility of fur trading fueled imaginations of many. Missionaries came to tame NA. 1845 over 5,000 streamed into Oregon Territory. Section of Oregon controlled by GB and section by America. Expansionists wanted all of Oregon to be under American control. Oregon Treaty 1846 gave most of Oregon to Americans. Cali Territory controlled by Spain attracted the interest of American settlers first arriving there in 1830s. future of expansion key issue in 1844 presidential campaign. Remember the Alamo! Drive for expansion fueled dreams of Americans, made eventual conflict w/ Mexico inevitable. Mexico gained indep from Spain and encouraged econ development of Texas. American econ investment encouraged in region; American settlers who would agree to become Mexican citizens, Catholics, & encourage other Americans to come to Mexico given large tracts of land for next to nothing. Many Americans in Texas not diligent in fulfilling their obligations to the Mexican govt causing the Mexican govt to act to reassert control over Texas. 1836 American settlers and some Mexicans living in Texas revolted against Mexican control of Texas. March 2, declared Texas indep state and established a constitution (slavery equal). Led by Davey Crockett & Jim Bowie 165 Texans defeated at the Alamo on Match 6th by over 3000 Mexican soldiers. Dec of indep issued in March 1836 by convention of Texans opposed to continued Mexican rule. American adventurers eager for land poured into Texas and helped Texans defeat the Mexican Army on April 21, 1836. Indep republic of Texas proclaimed. General Sam Houston who led the army that defeated the Mexicans became president. Most ppl living there (majority= Americans) desired to become part of the US. AJ gave speeches favoring the annexation of Texas and offered diplomatic recognition to the Lone Star Republic before he left office. Most Whigs against annexation bc feared it would cause war w/ Mexico and domestic dissension. Abolitionists (north) opposed to it, feared entry of another slave state into Union. AJ feared that annexation of Texas would hurt the chances of his chosen successor, MvB, in 1836 presidential election.. Never acted on annexation so TX turned to Euro for potential allies. MvB refused to support legislation that would make TX part of the US. William Henry Harrison, Whig, defeated MvB in 1840 election, died 1 month into office. His VP was John Tyler, Democrat who was placed on the ticket to appeal to Southerners. Tyler favored annexation and by mid 1844 completed negotiations w. Texans on a treaty that would bring Texas to US. John C. Calhoun (sec of state) wrote a note to GB govt about Texas stating that continuation of slavery= good. Doomed treaty when it went to senate. The Pivotal Election of 1844 Dem James K. Polk elected in 1844. Dark Horse candidate for pres, not announced as candidate before Dem convention. South and Southern interests increasing influenced and were reflected in Dem policies. Walker Tariff of 1846 established low tariff on imported goods, delighting many in South and disgusting many Northern industrialists.

Abolitionism entered presidential politics in 1844. Liberty Party (James Birney=pres candidate) abolitionist party. Birney attracted only 62,000 votes, abolitions and sectionalism divisions it would help to foster became a permanent part of political landscape until Civil War. 1844 election demonstrated desire for manifest destiny was most important issue facing America at the time. Polks support of American expansionism=major reason for his election. Polk inaugurated March 1845 & by Dec Texas entered into the Union. Expansionism and slavery= intertwined as a single issue. Status of slavery n each newly acquired territory=enormous political consequences, forces in North & South determined # of free/ slave states =. War w/ Mexico Numerous reasons for Mexican- American war. Patriots in Mexico outraged when Texas joined the US, considered Texas part of Mexico. War served the con interest of groups both in Mexico and US, main reason for war was the determination of president Polk to fulfill what he perceived to be Americas mission to occupy the lands all the way to the Pacific and willingness to use force to accomplish this aim. Polk did much to provoke war w. Mexicans; encouraged settlers in Mexico to occupy territory all the way to Rio Grande River, Mexicans considered to be outside territory of Texas. Polk also wanted to buy territory from Mexico, allow the US to expand all the way to Cali. Oct 1845 offered Mexican govt $5 mil for territory btwn Nueces and Rio Grande River, $25 mil for Cali, and $5 for other Mexican territory in West. John Slidell, diplomat to Mexico, never received by Mexican govt. early 1846 Polk sent American force commanded by Gen Z. Taylor to defend territory btwn Nueces and Rio Grande ricers, early April, part of force ambushed by Mexican army. Polk had to do little to convince the American congress to issue a declaration of war against Mexico on May 13, 1846. Whigs hoped conflict would be peacefully negotiated, abolitionists feared conflict w. Mexico was little more than a southern ruse to expand slavery in territories. Texas never achieved real prosperity since indep from Mexico, and Mexican govt riddled w/ corruption. Polk predicted that Mexicans would refuse American efforts to purchase western territories; proceeded through officials stationed there, to let Americans and Mexicans living in Cal know that if they rose in op to Mexican control US army would protect them, American naval and infantry forces arrived in Cali in late 1845 as show of US force. After settlers rose up in revolt, supported by American infantry forces commanded by John C. Fremont. On July 4 1846, Bear Flag Republic officially proclaimed in Cali territory. Effects of the Mexican War Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo signed Feb 2, 1848 officially ended the Mexican American War. Many who favored war considered treaty too generous to defeated Mexicans. For $15 mil US acquired Texas territory north of Rio Grande, NM, & Cali. US govt assumed all claims of Americans against Mexican govt. Territory of US increased by 1/3, controversy of slavery in new territories=immense. 1846, David Wilmot, Dem representative from Penn introduced an amendment to a bill authorizing funding for the Mexican American War stating that slavery could not exist in any territory acquired from Mexico. Wilmot Proviso passed by House 4x and rejected by senate each time. Each debate concerning bill stirred up intense sectional differences concerning slavery. Southerners argued that fed govt=no right to outlaw something in American territory that was legal in a # of American states. Polks decision to continue the line drawn by Miss Comp out to Pacific, slavery allowed in territories south and not allowed in those north of line. To avoid being hurt by controversies, Dems and Whigs said little about it in presidential election. Taylor ran as Whig and was victorious bc of War record in Mexico and because made no comments whatsoever on future of slavery. Some members of Liberty party and defectors from Whig and Dem party formed Free Soil party, main purpose was to oppose slavery in newly acquired western territory. Free soil nominated MvB. Political Challenges of 1850s By 1850s nature of debate on the issue of slavery made comp harder to come by. Discovery of gold in 1848 caused flood of diggers to enter territory. Pop swelled. Law enforcement and govt controls severely lacking in much of territory. Z Taylor encouraged settlers in Cali and NM to draft constitutions and apply for statehood. End of 11849 Cali adopted constitution prohibiting slavery, NM same 6 months later. Taylors proposal to allow Cali to enter Union as non slave state infuriated Southerners. Southern senators railed that much of Cali= south of Miss comp line; shouldnt slavery be allowed in that part of Cal i? Convention called for reps of southern states to discuss leaving the Union. Clay wrote comp of 1850. Both North and South got come of what they wanted. Northerners happy that legislation allowed Cali to enter Union as free state, that residents of NM & Utah would if these areas= slave territories, and slave trading eliminated in DC. Southerners satisfied over provisions; provisions of Fugitive Slave

Act toughened congress stating it didnt have jurisdiction over interstate slave trade and slavery allowed to continue in wash. 8months needed to pass all provisions. Senator Stephan Douglas= most effective spokesperson, Cali entering Union as free state gave free states majority. Pres election of 1852 another campaign devoid of much discussion of slave issue. Free soilers for votes received in 1848. Winfield Scott= Whig and made few public statements on political issues. Franklin Peirce= dark horse candidate and won Dem nomination than presidency. Effects of the Comp of 1850 Part of comp of 1850 that most bothered abolitionists was strengthening the Fugitive Slave Act. New provisions of bill, judges in North determined the fate of lacks accused of being escaped slaves/ Accused runaways were denied jury proceedings and often denied right to testify in own trials. Financial penalties imposed on Northerners who helped slaves escape of hid slaves. Harriet Beecher Stowes Uncle Toms Cabin written in response FSA and she demonstrated immortality of slavery in novel. The Presidency of Franklin Peirce Peirce= pro expansionism. 1853 sent a naval force under commodore Matthew Perry to Japan to open Japan to US trade and diplomatic contact. American diplomats negotiated Gadsden Purchase w/ Mexico gave America additional southern route for trade. Peirce also initiated efforts to purchase Cuba. Efforts proved unsuccessful many in administration favored seizing of Cuba by force infuriating many in North. Peirces policies seemed to benefit Southern interests and viewed w suspicion by many in North. Period= decline of Whig, former Whigs became members of Know-Nothing party response to rising immigration from Ireland and Germany were nativist and anti-Catholic. Favored restrictions on further immigration and various schemes that would keep recent immigrants from voting. 2nd most powerful party in America during years of Peirce administration. Demonstrated weakness of 2 party system n this period. The Return of Sectional Conflict Desire to organize in Kansas and Nebraska brought tensions between N & S back to forefront. According to Miss Comp slavery would be banned in both territories. Stephan A Douglas, sponsor of bill that proposed creation of Kansas and Nebraska territories wanted to create a large region free of NA so transcontinental RR could be built btwn Chicago and West Coast. Douglas pressured y southern senators and included provision ill that existence of slavery in these territories decided y vote of those who lived there. Kansas- Nebraska Act infuriated north. Bill passed w/ support of Prez Peirce. Fury over passage of KNA caused Republican Party, exclusively Northern one dedicated to principle slavery should be prohibited in all territories. Republican party would replace Know Nothings for 2nd most important. Bleeding Kansas: Slave or Free States and interests supporting/opposing slavery active in sending settlers into Kansas that would support cause. Abolitionists financed journey of many settlers opposed to slavery and many southern states encouraged settlers to travel there. Conflicts erupted btwn the 2 sides. Proslavery settlers flooded into Kansas from Missouri, ensuring election of pro-slavery legislature by casting illegal ballots. Legislature enacted measures designed to protect slavery in territory. Lecompton Const. made slavery illegal. Free soilers proceeded to elect own legislatures and adopted equally harsh anti-slavery legislation. Bleeding Kansas 1856 free soil settlement @ Lawrence attacked, and abolitionist John brown and followers killed 5 pro-slavery settlers. Fighting continued throughout year. Dem J. Buchanan won prez election of 1856. Opposition= split and John C Fremont= republican and Millard Fillmore= Know Nothing. The Dred Scott Decision Dred Scott (1856)= former slave suing for his freedom c owner took him 1st to free state Illinois then into free territory Wisconsin. Many hoped this would end controversy of slavery in territories. Final decision of SC supported southern position concerning slavery in territories. Court ruled Scott had no legal right to sue in fed court and his time in free state and free territory did not make him free. Congress had no right to prohibit slavery in the territories since const protected prop right and slaves=prop. Dred Scott made tensions btwn sections worse. Southerners felt position had been justified and felt little need to comp w. north. Northerners more convinced than ever that slave interests controlled all ranches of govt. President Buchanan antagonized Northerners by recommending that Kansas be admitted to the Union as Slave state though legislature in Kansas elected largely y illegal means (Kansas in Union in 1861) The Lincoln- Douglas Debates Stephan Douglas opposed y Abe in 1858 election for senator from Illinois. Lincoln=Whig now a Republican, broken from Whig party over slavery. Douglas and Lincoln debated at 7 locations throughout Illinois in months leading up to election. Issue of slavery and territories dominated debates. Debate in Freeport, Lincoln asked Douglas how the residents of a territory could exclude slavery (Dred Scott) and Douglas responded w/ Freeport

Doctrine ( maintained that territory could exclude slavery if laws and regulations written made slavery impossible to enforce) Douglas won, Lincoln recognized as up and coming force in party. John Browns Raid John brown and 18 followers seized federal arsenal @ Harpers Ferry VA hoping to incite slave uprising. Browns actions financed y several wealthy Northern abolitionists. Brown captured, tried for treason, and hanged. Response to Browns death= further intensified tensions btwn N & S. Northerners considered Brown brave while southerners outraged by Northern support. The Presidential Election of 1860 Lection of Abe in 1860 virtually ensured that some southern would leave the Union. Abe campaigned need to contain slavery in territories. Dem party split @ convention. Stephan Douglas support of Northern Dem and John Breckinridge=Southern Democrats. Douglas stated that slave issue in territories should be decided by a vote of those residing each territory; Breckinridge said slavery should be legally protected in territories. John Bell received some ex-Whig support as candidate of union party. Lincoln= 40% of pop vote and easily won Electoral College. To southerners election=insult. Man elected pres and virtually no one in south had voted for. Free states outnumbered slave states, natural that their representatives would dominate congress and Electoral College. Lincoln repeatedly stated that Repub had no interest in disturbing slavery in the South, Southerners did not believe him. SC=1st state to leave Union Dec 20, 1860. In next 6 weeks legislatures in Miss, GA, FL, AL, TX, & LA voted to do the same. Rep of these states created Confed States of America. Former mod Jeff Davis=pres. The Union Divided: The Civil War 1861-1865 Advantages of the North & South in the War Southerners excited when civil war began, realities facing them. Most of the nations wealth situated in North, industrialization of N would give N an advantage in producing guns, bullets, and other materials needed for warfare. Northern RR system superior. Most influential banks and financial markets in N. More ppl in N, S larger so conquering S=formidable task. S also felt that their officer cops led by Robert e. Lee=superior to officer corps of the Union led by Winfield Scott. The Aftermath of Succession Feb 1861 confed states of America created . states in Upper south (Kentucky and Virginia) not eager to join secessionist movement (fewer slaves) leaders of Ken and Maryland proposed that congress in wash enact legislation that would protect slavery in any territory or state where it already existed; desire of these leader was the preservation of the Union. Buchanan did little to aid situation. He stated that secession=illegal but nowhere in Const. was it stated that any state could be forced to remain in Union. Politicians in SC and elsewhere interpreted Buchanans statement as stating he would do nothing to bring back seceded states now that they were indep. Leaders in SC demanded surrender of Fort Sumter, federal fort in Charleston harbor. To test will of SC leaders, Buchanan sent unarmed merchant ship to bring supplies to the fort in Jan 1861. When ship was fired on Buchanan did not send the navy in, so patriots in SC and elsewhere felt certain indep was theirs. Crisis continued @ Fort Sumter, Senator John Crittenden of Ken emerged w/ compromise plan. Crittenden Planproposed that federal govt guarantees existence of slavery in any state where it existed, line of Miss Comp extended to Pacific, territories North of line=free and South=slave. Republicans in Congress rejected this plan, bc went away from concept of free soil that Lincoln elected on. The Attack on Fort Sumter & Beginning of the War Lincoln had to maintain the authority of the federal govt, at the same time do nothing that would provoke war w. South. Lincolns advisors thought negotiations could bring at least some of the states that had seceded back into Union. In Inauguration Speech Lincoln stated that force would be used to preserve the Union if necessary. April 1861 Lincoln sent another ship to supply Fort S. govt of SC informed ship would be arriving and that no troops would land unless the delivery of these supplies was interfered w/. Jefferson Davis and confederate govt saw this as an opportunity to strike against the Union. Confed guns bombed Fort S for 2 days, April 14 fort surrendered. Davis hopeful that early victory would force states in Upper South to turn to the Confed cause, also hoped to obtain GB and France assistance. Thought of compromise ended w. this. 3 days after surrender of Fort, Virginia passed a resolution favoring secession. Same day Lee rejected an offer to command the Union Army, resigned from the Union army,, and took control of the Confederate army. In the end Abe was able to keep 4 Upper South states in the Union (Ken, Miss, Mary, and Del)

War Aims and Strategies From beginning of the war, the southern defense of the slave system was unrelenting, position greatly undermined possibility of the Confederacy receiving aid from F & GB. Economically, Euro support of the Confed made sense. Euro nations depended on cotton cultivated in South. Both F & GB opposed slavery and outlawed it in their countries earlier. South overestimated GB need for southern cotton and GB proved they could get it elsewhere. Both sides began recruiting armies. Abe able to summon support in the northern states from simple claim that the action of the south was attacks on principles of the republican form of govt. both sides predicted early victory. Capital of the confederacy moved to Richmond, VA after VA joined confed. for political reasons Abe pushed early attacks against the South ( Winfield Scott stated best policy for N blockade all S ports and starve S into submissions). Union army advanced on Richmond. First Battle of Bull Run, Union forces back toward WA. Northern political leaders and generals conceded victory in this ward not as early as once thought. The Effects of Bull Run Battle of Bull Run showed both sides new tactics=necessary for victory. Plan proposed by W. Scott= Anaconda Plan, reviewed more carefully by Abe, Abe had US blockade Southern ports, war wore on = increasingly important. Industrial goods that S imported from industrial N in earlier years now could not be obtained from Euro either. Confed states could not export cotton to Euro for badly needed currency. Anaconda Plan called for N naval forces to control the Miss River. Union made major headway w/ this part of plan in April 1862 when Union naval force captured NO. Confederacy also made foreign trading mistake early 1862. Cotton producing states convinced not to export cotton to GB & F. Confed leaders thought textile factory owners in those countries would be so affected by this that would pressure their govts to help Confederacy and get their cotton back. Euro turned elsewhere for cotton. S wanted to export cotton later in the war, couldnt bc naval blockade. Became obvious organization of the south into a confed during period of war was disadvantage; individual state govts had constitutional right to black critical tax programs/ requisitions. Decision of confed to print paper money=no secure backing=detrimental. The Union Triumphant in the West Confed won more battles in 1862, 2nd battle of Bull Run general George McClellan=commander of Union army and began formulating a plan to attack the confed from the west. Feb 1862 forced commended by General US Grant captured Fort Henry and Donnellson in Tenn. Both sides realized importance of victories. Grant continued to conquer S territory from this position. April 6, 1862 incredibly bloody/inconclusive Battle of Shiloh fought. Bloodiest battle ever fought in America. McClellan began to develop the reputation as commander afraid to enter his troops into battle, situation warranted it. Confed attempted to use tech to defeat the Northern naval blockade. March 1862 1st ironclad ship, Merrimack Union displayed its 1st ironclad ship Monitor. 2 met once but neither ship did much damage. Developments in the N & S Nation founded on states rights- disadvantage for the confederacy. Many confederate soldiers enlisted for 1 year in 1861 ready to go home in 1862. General Lee insisted that system of conscription be into to ensure a steady of supply of soldiers. April 1862 confederate legislature passed, law requiring 3 years in army all white men 18[45. Advocates of state rights objected to these regulations. 3 southern governors tried to black conscription laws in states, saying only the individual states had right to make such laws. Confederacy also adopted plan to pay plantation owners who released slaves to serve in army, largely resisted bc it was econ harmful to slave owners. Late 1862 severe shortages of food etc. began to spread throughout the south. Prices rose and soldiers deserted the army to return home to help families. Large # of deserters and those who resisted the draft began a problem in some sections in south. Confederacy instituted an income tax to get income for the govt. actual collection of $$=difficult. Similar tensions in N. 1863 system of conscription introduced service of all men 20-45. Draft dodgers found, provision of the Northern draft (very unpop) allowed a drafted person to avoid service by hiring substitute or buy paying $300.replacement soldiers mostly Irish immigrants. Draft riots in NYC July 1863 nearly 2000 ppl dying in protests, many Irish Americans, many of those killed=blacks. Draft offices and other buildings destroyed. Irish Americans not want to take part in a war that would free the slaves which they perceived as competitors for jobs. North trouble financing war. 1861 federal income tax instituted. Short of money govt began issuing greenbacks money not backed by gold- legal tender until end of war. In war time setting president Lincoln assumed powers no previous president considered parts of ken under martial law. Some democrats (Copperheads) opposed the war stating it would lead to masses of freed slaves coming to the north and taking jobs, copperheads arrested and 3 deported from the north. Over 14,000 who opposed war imprisoned w/o trial and in several cases Lincoln ordered Writ of Habeas Corpus suspended.

Emancipation Proclamation Elected president Abraham Lincoln had no thought of freeing slaves, and repeatedly stated that he had no constitutional right to do so. On practical level abe realized that the continued existence of slavery in the south would make northern victory harder. Existence of slavery allowed south landowners to leave fields and fight in confederate army. Emancipation proclamation issued on Jan 1, 1863 timing=brilliant. Support for war in the north was waning and the emancipation proclamation gave northerners a moral justification to continue fighting. Measure received by different groups in predictable ways. Northern blacks heartened, southern condemned, and southern territories controlled by Union army slaves==freed. In GB agreed w/ proclamation; any last hope that GB might enter the war to aid Confed= dashed at this point. Whites in north feared that ex-slaves end up taking their job, and in 1862 congressional elections democrats picked up seats. Blacks not accepted into army at beginning of the war. After EP many ex slaves from Southern territories and free blacks from north joined Union Army. By 1865 10 % of union army. Black soldiers traditionally served in all black units w. white officers. 1863: The War Tips to the N Darkest days for union=late 1862 and early 1863. Union suffered major defeats @ Battle of Fredericksburg (December 13 1862) and Battle of Chancellorsville (May 1863) competent leadership of Union army=major problem. Time=enemy for confederate general lee. Increasingly difficult to get men/resources (n naval blockade= affecting Southern military efforts) June 1863 lee decided to move the confederacy out of VA into Penn. Battle of Gettysburg Lee defeated by Union army, commended by General George Meade. Bloodiest battle of War. Lees army= forced to retreat to VA and never again be able to mount attack into Northern territory. Fate of the confederate army sealed by defeat @ Gettysburg. Tide of war continued to swing to North bc of Several victories by armies commanded by US Grant. July 4, 1863 Grant completed his victory @ Vicksburg, ending siege of city that lasted 6 weeks. Victory at Vicksburg gave Union virtual control of Miss. In November Grant was victorious at Battle of Chattanooga. Lincolns G Address given 4 days earlier. January 1864 Grant= commander of Union army same time that some in confederate govt began speaking of need for pce negotiations w/ North Grant and army of the Potomac began to advance toward Richmond Spring 1864 while army by William T Sherman began toward ATL. War Weariness in North and South Both north and south pressures of long war obvious by 1864. South clear that confederate e would be defeated and food and material shortages continued. North presidential campaign of 1864= little excitement. Lincolns democratic opponent= General George McClellan. Word arrived that General Sherman took key Confederate city of ATL and no real enthusiasm for/by McClellan allowed Lincoln to win easy reelection. End of Confederacy Sherman employed a scorched earth policy as marched from ATL to Savannah GA in Nov-Dec 1864/ early april of 1865 lee took confederate army from Richmond and tried to escape to south. Union caught up to him and he finally surrendered on April 9. 1865 @ courthouse in Appomattox VA. By 1st week of June other confederate forces also surrendered and began to return to often devastated homelands. April 14 1865 Abe assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at Fords Theater. Booth=pro southerners. He and a group of coconspirators also planned to kill VP Andrew Johnson and other members of cabinet. Booth hunted down several days later and killed by gunfire. Others conspiring with him found and after military tribunals hanged. Difficult task of recon had to be handled by new pres Andrew Johnson, Tenn Dem. Era of Reconstruction Lincolns Plans for Reconstruction Reconstruction Era- the period where political leaders in N had to decide how former confederate states would be assimilated back into the Union Factors increased difficulty of southern assimilation after CW. Defeated confederate soldiers returned home and extent of devastation became known. Entire southern RR system and many farms/cities destroyed by war. 1/3 of all adult males residing in confederate states died or were wounded during war. Plantation owners whose plantations were not destroyed had to hire laborers and owners were strapped for cash. Freed blacks wandered countryside looking for work, poorer white men w/ jobs lived in fear of being replaced by freedmen. Problems were compounded by the assassination of Abe at the end of the CW. Abe given shape to Reconstruction plan as early as mid 1863. Lincoln= plan for former Confederates to rejoin Union= 10% Plan. Citizens of former

confederate states given option to swear allegiance to the govt in Washington (high ranking confederate militia and civilian authorities not offered). When 10% of registered voters in state signed pledge the state was offered a chance to form own state govt that had to be loyal to Washington Tenn, LA, & Ark all went through appropriate procedures, yet applications for renewed participation not approved by the Radical Republicans who dominated congress (men determined to punish the Southern states in any way possible for their Betrayal of Union group led by Thaddeus Stevens included several ardent abolitionists who believed that power in Southern states had to be totally reorganized in order for blacks to achieve equality). Radical Republicans saw creation of Reconstruction policy as constitutional issue stating that it was the job of Congress, not pres. Radical Republicans felt that action needed to counter the Black Codes, passed by all Southern state legislatures I 1866. Sets of regulations limited movement for blacks, prohibited interracial marriage. And insisted blacks obtain special certificates to hold certain jobs. Radical Republicans insisted on immediate voting rights for blacks in South. Wade-Davis Act passed by Congress in summer 1864 stating that Congress would only authorize a state govt in former confederate states when the majority of voters took and Ironclad oath stating that not now disloyal to the Union nor had ever been. Impossible for any state to reenter the Union w/o a large # of black voters. Lincoln killed bill w. pocket veto. Andrew Johnsons plan for Reconstruction Disappointment of the Radical Republicans, reconstruction plan announced by Andrew Johnson=relatively lenient. Johnson stated that the US should offer amnesty and pardon to any southerner who would swear allegiance to Union. Johnson also felt that ex. Confederate leaders should not be eligible and also opposed individuals (almost always plantation owners) whose property worth $20,000. Johnson= small farmer from Tenn possessed typical hatred that small farmers had for plantation owners. Johnson also created a fairly simple plan for confederate states to reenter union. Former confederate states followed procedures and elected members to the congress that met December 1865. loyalty of former confederate states questioned by some in North. Former confederate officials and military officers elected in local and even congressional elections. Issue of blacks getting vote or education for former slaves not even considered in any state legislature following CW. Radical Republicans of North found this totally unacceptable. Reconstruction Programs of Radical Republicans Radical republicans began to implement own program for reconstruction in south. Differed in tactics, all agreed that main goal in south should be to advance the political, econ, and social position of freedmen. 1865 congress passed Freedmens Bureau designed to help ex slaves get employment, education, and general assistance as adjusted to new lives. By 1866 large number of freedmen back on original plantations (against advice of FmB) working as tenant farmers. Programs established by FmB ex slaves could received 40 acres and mule. Some Radical Republicans stated that ex-slaves position would improve quickest in south if they were given the vote. Thaddeus Stevens felt black voters influenced by wealthy landowners often times employed them, 1st goal of federal govt should be to take land from former confed leaders and give it to freedmen. Joint Committee on Reconstruction 1st met Jan 1866. JC proposed and congress passed bill authorizing constitutionality of Freedmens Bureau and Civil Rights Bill early 1866. Johnson vetoed both, stating unconstitutional and emphasizing need to allow former confederate to have more say in affairs in the south. Tensions btwn congress and pres rose severely. Johnson gave speech claiming that Radical Republicans=traitors and he wanted to kill them. Congress overrode veto of both. Johnsons actions and demeanor caused many moderate Republicans to join forces w/ radical branch. Civil Rights Act of 1866 granted freedmen all the benefits of federal citizenship and promised that federal courts uphold these rights. Cases where rights were violated, federal trips used for enforcement. Civil Rights Act helped to enforce 13th amendment outlawed slavery. 14th amendment declared citizenship same in all states, states that did not give freedmen the vote would have reduced representation in congress and former confederate officials could not hold public office. Anti-black riots in NO & Memphis caused RR to push for passage of 14th more forcefully. Johnson publically opposed ratification of 14th. Radical Republicans won large margins in 1866 congressional elections and after radical republicans began to dictate reconstruction in South. Period of Radical Reconstruction Many democrats and even moderate republicans swept out of office in the 1866 congressional elections, RR put plans for Recon into action. 1867 Reconstruction Act placed southern states under military rule. South divided into 5 regions and a military general in control of each region. Former confederate states ordered to hold new constitutional convention to form state constitutions that allowed qualified blacks to vote and provided them w.

equal rights. Legislation barred former supporters of confed from voting and required that 14th amendment be passed in all former confederate states. To guarantee assistance of US army congress passed Army Act. Reducing the control of the pres over the army/ to ensure secretary of war Edward Stanton (ally of RR) not dismissed Congress passed Tenure of Office Act stating that prez could not dismiss any cabinet member w/o approval of senate. Impeachment of Andrew Johnson Fall 1867 Johnson tried to remove Stanton as sec of war. Radical Republicans proclaimed Johnson flouted constitution by violating TOA & began impeachment proceedings against him. House voted to impeach and Johnson became the 1st president to be impeached. Trials began in May, 2/3 of senate had to vote to convict pres to be removed. AJ escaped by one vote. Johnson served remainder of term w/o incident. 1868 election war hero US Grant (little political knowledge and few stated political opinions) led Republicans to victory. Radical Reconstruction Reinforced w/ election of grant Radical Republicans had an ally in the White House. 1870 final Reconstruction amendment ratified. 15th amendment stated that no American could be denied right to vote on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Election n South 1870 regulated by federal troops stationed there. In elections 1000s of southern blacks voted for the 1st time while many southern whites did not viewing process w/ disgust. 1870 election nearly 630 blacks elected as representatives in southern state legislatures; 16 to congress, 1 to senate, and one governor of Louisiana. Many southern whites resented the entire reconstruction process. Recon blamed on carpet baggers- Northerners who moved to south during the reconstruction period or scalawags white southern republicans Groups such as the Ku Klux Klan (founded in Tenn 1866) fueled white resentment into violence against blacks and their outside supporters in South. Klans activities ranged from trying to intimidate blacks at polling places to burning of crosses to torture and murder. Various federal laws passed to limit activities of Klan. 1000s of members arrested but group and activities persisted. The End of Reconstruction Grant won reelection in 1872 during his 2nd term federal and northern interest in affairs began to wane. Many original RR died or no longer active in govt. numerous corruption scandals in 2nd Grant administration. Recession in 1873 turned the interests of many northerners to econ and not political/social interests. Northern troops gradually removed from the south, allowing whites in southern states to regain control of Southern govts. Recon style reforms made by earliest state legislatures overturned. Political event officially ending Recon=Comp of 1877. Presidential election of 1876 Samuel Tilden= Democratic candidate running against republican Rutherford B Hayes. Tilden won pop vote and leading in electoral vote but needed electoral votes of FL, LA, & SC all still occupied by federal troops and under Republican control. Both sides claimed victory in those 3 states. Special congressional commission created to resolve. Commission had more Republicans than Democrats and ready to hand election to Hayes even though evidence stated Tilden won. Democrats in congress stated that they would loudly/publically protest commissions findings. Comp of 1877 worked out. Hayes=prez but promised to remove all federal troops from south and stop the enforcement of reconstruction era legislation in south. Blacks in south again reduced to 2nd class citizens. Shared of reconstruction era republican policies made south solidly democratic white southern support of Dem policy lasted nearly 100 years. Whites who returned to power in state legislatures in south 1878= the redeemers

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