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God is watching us constantly.

It has been close to 4 years since I visited any temple or a place of worship as unlike
most of my close friends who constantly offer ‘vrats’ and long worshipping prayers to
god. It’s not because I don’t believe in God but mainly because I don’t believe in the way
we chose to connect ourselves to god or any other kind of divinity.
I see God as my eternal friend whom I can seldom depend in times of hardships when I
am unable to cope up with alone. And really that helps without offering anything special
and earthly to him. But God has his own limitations when it comes to help. He will not
help if the trouble is short in comparison to what you can learn facing it. He can make
you comfortable facing an exam, but will not favor you in shaping your destiny, which
would be decided by the hard work and other success inputs you put in. He can get you
father convinced of new bike but will not teach you ride. He can make you win a sweep
stake, but will not tell you the secret to impress a girl.
Sort of a quote like ‘God see all but admires only a few’….

The conception of spirituality is too bold and wide and complex for anyone to express it
in words. It’s like a language that connect us to ourselves first and then to God and it’s
different for everyone. You don’t know what language I use and vice versa. My way of
practicing spirituality is to work out our best and expect the least. See great dreams but
tell no one about them. But I also believe that there can’t be one rigid principle that we
can hold for the entire life. As we grow old and mature, views change, beliefs alter and so
should be our ways to pursue things that are close to heart.

Temples, mosques, churches and all holy places stands at the cradle of religion and us
and are believed to be the first place of God. However, spirituality is not only about
worshipping temples and mosques. Spirituality is a subjective phenomenon, like an
unseen consequence of the entire attitude of our life, the way we attach meanings to
things and people, how we feel when we loose and win, how we keep ourselves
connected with the power that we believe in, what compassionate feeling we hold for
poors and prisoners etc. I believe to be able to see inside what is required is to first clear
our mind of doubts and understand and discover purposes to live every moment of our
life. I believe that from a wobble of a leaf in the densest part of the Amazon to a great
natural surprise like Tsunami, nothing ever happens without a substantial purpose. To
learn that life is created out of some purpose and we need to pay enough respect to it. To
believe that every dream has got enough manifestation power to make itself a reality
provided we see enough of it. To understand that the infinite symmetry and complexity
of this whole cosmos is a work of a superpower and we are prone to be submissive when
we look ourselves in turn. But the part that brings all the sorrow in our life is the lack of
wisdom to understand at an enough prior stage this purpose and when it’s reveled to us,
what we have is a beautiful perception. It is this collection of perceptions years later that
called bunch of an old man experiences.

Spirituality and religion are closely related but not the same. Like every work has certain
discipline for it. To test and verify an experiment, some scientific tools and theories are
needed. To win a game of black jack, you should be a master of rules as well the tricks.
To be healthy, some specific dietary is a must. Like wise to follow and reach the fruits of
religion, certain discipline and path is to follow. Spirituality is the road which leads to
the final altar of religion. The first question that enters our mind whenever we heard the
word religion is God. That’s only a meager part of a bigger concept we oversee. Religion
is a way to realize God and, no doubt, but the goal of religion is complete self-realization
indeed. I believe that whatever work that we do has its end at some kind of religion. The
goal of politics and science is religion and so as the goal of worshipping a God. The goal
of politics is to ensure that every citizen gets an equal and undivided share of the
nation’s progress and suffer equally of its loss. The goal of science is to unify every
theory and law of the universe to a common understanding and the goal of worshipping
God is to realize him so in some sense achieving and understanding the secrets of any
religion is the last stage to which human can evolve.
But religion has its loopholes and this is mainly its power to assimilate any kind of
thought and practice without getting altered. What I mean is, we witness crooked and
evil people couched with the sacred mask of religion who mislead common and
particularly innocent masses to a wrong path. Religion has no way to weed them out
There comes the role of science, the power of established knowledge. Besides giving us
solutions to problems of mundane existence, science help us to differentiate between
truth and false, myth and reality through tough experiments and verification. Science
gives us a way to test things, religion attach purpose to it so they are not separate
entities. Both have same goals..realization. One attempts to realize knowledge, other to
The recent case when the bible discovers the prophecies behind the Darwin’s prediction
is just one example that clearly shows that religion is not a separate entity but merely a
companion of Science. Like Science which is based on direct evidences that are collected
and verified with certain experimentations that require an optimum level of knowledge
and discipline of the subject, religion too, on the basis of practice, is the same. Science
does not bind us to accept the fact that it establishes, on the contrary, we are free to
deny any theory or scientific law provided we are ready to take the experimentation by
ourselves to verify the result.
Like science again, religion was meant (or was created) to constantly unite the world
into one close understanding but ironically the world has divided itself into religious
boundaries only. Ethnic and caste based religion does not have anything in common
with the true idealism of any religion. We have lost the maturity to know that all religion
essentially points towards the same God, and have conceptualized ourselves to accept
and understand that all religion are different and so as the concept of spirituality. We
believe every religious book has its own way to heaven, its own way to worship God.
But looking very subtlety every religion is pointing towards the same goal. The Bible
sends us messages to follow the life of Jesus and repose into him to earn heaven in the
future, is the same path what is being shown to Arjuna in Geeta. Like wise Judaism
believes in monotheism God or one God. The word Islam means "submission", or the
total surrender of oneself to God. All these prophecies and great teaching of thousands
of years are inherently the same in conception, so should be the path to reach any of
them?. Perhaps No!. Practice and views however may differ subjectively. God has
exposed himself into many religious books concealing only that part of him that can not
be understood without his wish.
I read it somewhere that the number of secrets of this universe is no more than the
number of secrets inside us and the universe is as far as it goes up as we are deep
inside. God has created us for some kind of benefit of this universe and I believe that
whatever we do, God is watching us constantly…..

Life teaches me a new lesson everyday in its own way and I am a fervent learner. My journey, as
a son, as a brother, as a senior, as a friend, as a student and as a professional, shall continue to
be my mad and an enduring pursuit of my most cherished dreams and some special hopes that I
am shy to share here and in such a pursuit, I ‘ld keep trying discovering and clipping new
meanings in my way….
I am Amit Radha Krishna Nigam

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