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It was a long and hard day of work; the man came home and collapsed on his sofa.

It was also an exhausting day of work for his wife; she came home and expected to pour out every single little detail of how hard her day was. As she continues her monologue, the man remained stoic and aloof, it almost seemed like he wasnt listening to her at all or worse, he was ignoring her. Suddenly, she turned and snapped, Talk to me!. Consequently, a fight broke out. This is a big problem for many couples of past, present and future, conflicts in communication can lead straight to the divorce attorneys office. Men and women have contrasting concepts of communication, derived from their contradictory expectations for a relationship, values, and as well as their distinct neurological makeups. Recognizing and respecting these differences can resolve confusion and ease friction that occurs in the interaction between men and women. The way men and women communicate differently lays on the neurological basis of the human brain. It has been established for a long period of time that men and women are built differently, inside and outside, genetically and physically, then should their communication styles be on the opposite poles? The answer is an affirmative YES. The communication center inside a womans brain is much larger than of a man. She is much more responsive to words and able to utilize words to express her feelings and emotions easier than a man. According to a renowned clinical psychologist, Dr. Peters, women have a larger hippocampus, the part of the brain that aids in learning, particularly, language. This reasoning offers an insight to the exhibition of strong command of language in women and their need to convey what they feels through the flow of words. A woman can explain and validate her feelings and experience in great meticulous details. In addition, the cerebral cortex in women is significantly more developed and thicker than in men, especially in those cortical areas that are responsible for verbal and emotional functioning. Therefore, scientifically speaking, women generally feel and

express emotions more readily, more visually and more verbally, than men. On the contrary, the cortical areas that are stronger in men are those in spatial and mechanical functioning, which makes them creature of action, not emotion. When a woman complains that her husband doesnt have any sentiments or feelings to contribute to the conversation, she needs to be reminded that men are almost incapable to do so physiologically. Men have a harder time accessing their feelings and emotions, due to the smaller and lesser developed cerebral cortex but an easier time solving tangible problems. The difference in visible expression of emotion is one of the biggest issues found in relationships, especially from a womans point of view. Under the bright light of science, the difference in communication styles of men and women can be summarized in the complex neurological makeup of the sexes, communication is talking for women and action for men. Two sets of divergent values that men and women rest their lives on contribute to the conflict and friction of communication between the sexes. Men are creatures of tangible objects, they dont belong to the distant and conceptual world of emotions. Power, competency, efficiency and concrete accomplishments are the main values men live on. They define themselves through their successes, materialistic wealth and their place on the social latter in the society. This is the reason behind the men-concentrated workforce in engineering and business. The buildings can be seen with the naked eyes and photo lenses and the money can be objectively measured in calculators and seen through statistics. The automatic mechanic of a man when he is met with a problem brought up by his significant other is coming up with a firm plan, step by step, to resolve the problem in the most efficient and fastest way. This is where friction occurs, women dont only want a solution and be done with it; they want to talk about it and share what they think and feel about the matter. While men perceive support as a form of

immediate solution, women think of support as patiently listening and empathizing to the problem. Women value love, communication, beauty and relationship. Opposite to men, who are goal-oriented, women are relationship-oriented. Women always seek to build a strong relationship where they can share their innermost and intimate feelings. When presented with a problem, a woman opts to talk about it with her loved one, go over every detail, feeling to get a three dimensional understanding of it. Ultimately, she suffers a sense of rejection, as her husband jumps to the solution without validating her feelings. The contrasting values of men and women create a barrier in a relationship, while both face the same problem; they have different views and approaches that can create conflicts in communication. Men and women are at extreme opposites when it comes to relationship expectations. In most cases, women come in a romantic relationship with their full hearts, and remain there with dedication and loyalty. Men, on the other hand, often leap into relationships so easily and hop out of it with the same easiness

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