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The Cursed Tower: A Warhammer Scenario

OVERVIEW Long ago, a proud Bretonnian Knight rode south to Araby to take part in a great battle. While in that desert land, the Knight uncovered an ancient scarab encrusted with jewels. The Knight took the scarab home as a trophy of his accomplishments during the battle. Unknowingly, he had returned with more than a simple antique. The scarab was a well of dark magic from the lost realm of Nehekhara, and an evil curse soon seeped from the scarab to poison the Knights proud castle. Years later, only a crumbling tower remains of the Knights home, but within, the scarabs power still calls to those who think themselves powerful enough to master it. Meanwhile, the Knight himself is forever damned to serve the scarab as a hideous Undead guardian. Now, two forces meet in the dark woods surrounding the ruined Bretonnian tower, both intent on being the first to break the scarabs curse and claim its power for themselves! ARMIES The forces are chosen up to an agreed points value. Both armies must possess a Wizard. If one army does not have any Wizards (such as Dwarfs), that army must have a character who adds dice to the Dispel Pool. BATTLEFIELD We recommend a 4' x 6' table for this scenario. If you are running this scenario on a different-sized table, you may have to adjust the Deployment Zones accordingly. In the center of the table, place the Ruined Bretonnian Gatehouse to represent the Cursed Tower. No other terrain may be placed within 10" of the center of the table. DEPLOYMENT After setting up terrain, both players roll a D6. The player with the higher result may select the Deployment Zone where he wishes to deploy. His opponent then places the first unit. Players then alternate placing units until all the forces are deployed. War machines are placed at the same time but do not have to be deployed together. Characters are placed at the same time after all other units but do not have to be deployed together. Scouts are deployed after everything else and are placed per the rules found on p. 112 of the Warhammer rulebook. One unit of Scouts may be placed on the battlements of the Cursed Tower itself. If Scouts are deployed on the battlements of the Cursed Tower, the unit is subject to the maddening curse suffusing the building below and suffers D3 S3 hits after deployment but before the game begins, with normal armor saves allowed. If both sides have Scouts, both players should roll a D6. The player with the highest result may choose to place his Scouts first or second. WHO GOES FIRST? Both players roll a D6. The player who finished deploying his units first (excluding Scouts) may add +1 to this die roll. The player with the highest result may select whether he wants to go first or second. LENGTH OF GAME The game lasts 8 turns. SPECIAL RULES

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