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[Language] Name=Ing [MainWords] ApplicationStarted=Application succesfully initialized. BrowseFifa=Browse for your main game folder (FIFAxx)...

CurrentOperation=Current operation DBOpened=Database succesfully opened. DBOpening=Opening database files DBNotOpened=Error opening database. DBSaved=Database succesfully saved. DBSaving=Saving database files DBNotSaved=Error saving database. DBRestore=Ripristino della copia di backup del DB DBRestored=Database succesfully restored. DBUndo=Canceling database changes DBUndone=Work completed succesfully. DBUpdating=Updating database. Deleting=Deleting Detected=detected EditedFilesList=Creating edited files list EnvironmentOpened=Fifa system succesfully opened. EnvironmentOpening=Opening environment EnvironmentNotOpened=Error opening fifa system. FirstRegRequired=First regeneration required, executing. Found=found at From=from GamePath=Current working path: Greetings=Have fun! OperationFailed=Operation failed. OperationSucceeded=Operation succeeded. Refcleaning1=Deleting references Refcleaning2=for all edited files Regenerating=Regenerating .bh File for Regeneration1=Indexes Regeneration2=regeneration RORemoving=Removing read-only attribute... [StatusStrings] Closing=Closing environment... Opening=Opening fifa environment... Initializing=Starting application... LanguageChanged=Application language changed. Loading=Wait... Reading=Wait... StatusError=Status mode error! Waiting=Ready to work! Working=Working... WorkInterrupted=Operation aborted. WorkCompleted=Operation completed. Writing=Wait... [ToolTips] Main=Click on right mouse button for features and info's. Bar=Show the operation progress. BarLabel=Show the description of the current operation. BarLogButton=Show the list of the executed operations. CancelButton=Exit the application. FifaFSButton=Show the FifaFS documentation. FifaMasterButton=Fly rigth to Rinaldo's FIFAMASTER web site!

FlagButton=Set the current program language. GoButton=Start the regeneration procedure. JobsCombo=Select the current regeneration option. [ContextMenu] Exit=Exit WorkingFolder=Set Current Working Folder Info=Info Languages=Languages Links=Links [ProgramOptions] RegenerationEdit=Take care of edited files stored directly in folders. RegenerationNoEdit=Ignore edited files stored directly in folders. CleanGraphicsWork=Removes references for all edited graphics files. CleanKitsWork=Removes references for kits related files only. CleanLogosWork=Removes references for logos related files only. CleanFacesWork=Removes references for faces related files only. CleanFlagsWork=Removes references for flags related files only. CleanLuasWork=Removes references for lua files only.

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