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Aidan Niles 3/20/13 Period 7 China Inquiry -- History 30% Project History Department Essential Learning: Make connections

and use the knowledge of the past to address current issues 1.) Inquiry Explore current China through the news. *Question provided for this inquiry. Compare and contrast cultural diffusion (sharing of ideas and goods) of ancient and modern China.

2.) Prediction What do you think you will find? (3-5+ sentences Stretch your thinking; Be specific; Draw connections from past history and current events) The cultural diffusion of ancient China will be less efficient than in Modern China . This happened because in ancient China, the Silk Route only traveled through Europe and the Middle East, This made the transfer of goods to far away places more difficult and more expensive. Since modern day technology is a lot faster and safer, people can ship more goods faster which allows for more cultural diffusion. Also, because blue prints and schematics can be shared easily, the spread of inventions and technology is much faster, making the inventions uniqueness to that specific culture less and less. Based on this prior knowledge, cultural diffusion has a strong chance to be greater than it was in the past.

3.) Citations of References A. China Revealed Silk Road Embedded Video (Only watch the first 3 minute video) B. Office of the US Trade Representative Text-- Website Use to properly cite the reference materials that you use for your investigation within the selected news site. Select APA format. Alphabetize. A.) Classic Discovery Shows. (n.d.). Discovery Channel. Retrieved from B.) China. (n.d.). Office of the United States Trade Representative. Retrieved from

Aidan Niles 3/20/13 Period 7

4.) Investigation (2+ pieces of evidence per Citation = 4+ Pieces of Evidence) (Expected and unexpected answers, insights, and questions related to the inquiry focus. Use Language Toolkit 2 for help with citations using APA style) 1.) China reopened trade in 1978. 2.) The Chinese created the worlds first trade superhighway 3.) China was the U.Ss 3rd largest goods export market in 2011 4.) China was the largest supplier of goods imports in 2011

5.) Analysis (5-8 sentences Follow PEEER Overview model) Write a PEEER paragraph that answers the Inquiry Question Compare and contrast cultural diffusion (sharing of ideas and goods) of ancient and modern China. For your Evidence statement use one of your Direct Quotes Color-code your paragraph -The cultural diffusion in ancient China is less efficient than in modern China. This illustrates that as technology is becoming more sophisticated, people can exchange ideas and goods much faster and in larger quantities than in ancient times. A statement from the Office of the United States Trade Representative states, The five largest import categories in 2011 were: Electrical Machinery ($98.7 billion), Machinery ($94.9 billion), Toys and Sports Equipment ($22.6 billion), Furniture and Bedding ($20.5 billion), and Footwear ($16.7 billion). When the cost is totaled the cost, it equals 253.4 billion dollars, which could have never been achieved in ancient China due to the perilous terrain, robbers, and the chance of goods breaking or rotting in the process. Also, the goods did not have the fast planes or swift ships of the modern age to carry them so land was the safest option. When all the facts are pieced together, the cultural diffusion between ancient China and modern China is greater.

Aidan Niles 3/20/13 Period 7 INQUIRY RUBRIC Research A Properly uses the 5 Ws of Website Evaluation and without exception Ideas and elaboration include thorough and insightful historical connections. Includes variety in sentence structure and high-level word choice throughout. Is free of most errors conventions. B Properly uses the 5 Ws of Website Evaluation and with few exceptions. Ideas and elaboration include insightful historical connections. Includes variety in sentence structure and high-level word choice occasionally. Is generally free of most errors in conventions. Follows instructions with one or two omissions, and includes Del Mar header, 12 point Cambria or Times New Roman font. C Somewhat uses the 5 Ws of Website Evaluation and properly. Ideas or elaboration includes insightful historical connections. Includes a lack of variety in sentence structure and highlevel word choice. Has some errors in conventions. D Does not use the 5 Ws of Website Evaluation and properly. Ideas nor elaboration include historical connections. Includes a lack of variety in sentence structure and high-level word choice throughout. Contains errors in conventions, so serious that meaning is somewhat obscured. Follows instructions with multiple omissions, and does not include Del Mar header, or 12 point Cambria or Times New Roman font.

Historical Connections

Written Expression

Quality of Work

Follows instructions completely and includes Del Mar header, 12 point Cambria or Times New Roman font.

Follows instructions with several omissions, may not include Del Mar header, or 12 point Cambria or Times New Roman font.

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