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Port of Entry Capacity Check

Action Plan for:

Vancouver International Airport District
February 2013

Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3 Development of Action Plan ..................................................................................................... 3 Detailed Action Plan .................................................................................................................. 3 Capacity Area: Communication.............................................................................................. 4 Capacity Area: Leadership and Support ................................................................................ 6 Capacity Area: Workplace Culture ......................................................................................... 7 Capacity Area: Financial Forecasting .................................................................................... 8 Annex A: Summary As Is and To Be Ratings by Capacity Area ..................................... 9 Annex B: Assessment of PCC Action Plan Impact ............................................................... 10

A Port of Entry Capacity Check (PCC) was conducted at the Vancouver International Airport District in Richmond, B.C. from November 19-22, 2012. The PCC was conducted to provide baseline information on management practices at the POE against which future improvements could be measured. The PCC was completed to:

assist POE and regional management in gauging management practices in place at the Vancouver International Airport District in support of the Agency priority of service excellence; and allow POE and regional management to plot a course to improve management capabilities where required.

A PCC report was prepared in November 2012 that summarized the current (as is) state of various management practices at the Vancouver International Airport District. The report also identified the desired (to be) state of these management practices, as determined by POE and regional management during a one-day Capacity Rating Session held on November 22, 2012, and the specific capacity areas for focused attention over the next 12 months. A table summarizing this information is provided at Annex A.

Development of Action Plan

Based on the results of the Capacity Rating Session and the information included in the PCC report of November 30, 2012, POE and regional management went about developing an Action Plan to enhance management practices in those PCC capacity areas identified for focused attention. Developing the action plan included the following key steps:

The development of the Action Plan was a collaborative effort of all members of the District SMT. Each member was consulted on every aspect of the Action Plan. The Action Plan is based primarily on an analysis of the results of the PCC as well as the results of the PSES survey completed by staff and management in the district. A holistic approach was adopted in developing Individual Action Plan items to gain maximum benefit. District Chief Stewards were presented with a copy of the Action Plan and consulted with on the contents therein.

The Action Plan was approved by the Regional Senior Management Committee on February 21, 2012.

Detailed Action Plan

Detailed action items and their planned completion dates are provided, by capacity area, in the pages that follow.

Assessing Action Plan Impact

The PCC is designed to support sustainable change and continuous improvement at a POE. In this regard, POE and regional management commit to assessing the effectiveness of this PCC Action Plan to determine whether the identified action items have had their desire impact. On or before October 31, 2013, POE and regional management will complete and submit the PCC Impact Template provided at Annex B. Based on this assessment, and if necessary, the herein action plan can and will be modified (with timelines extended) to ensure that the planned impact has been achieved. Furthermore, If desired impact have been achieved, POE and regional management will

commit to developing a new Action Plan to address other capacity area gaps (as is versus to be) identified through the initial PCC process, in support of the continuous improvement.

Capacity Area: Communication

Item 1

Action Items to be Implemented

Name: District Director to meet with all staff. Description: a) Through Town-Hall meetings or team meetings, the District Director will meet with all staff to (1) communicate the results of the locally designed, District specific survey, (2) personally commit to addressing the issues raised in the survey and (3) seek employee feedback on how best to do so.

Planned Completion Date

March 2013


Name: Internal Management Advisor/Consultant to meet with all staff. Description: a) To identify the details not revealed in the PSES survey, details necessary for establishing a roadmap for change. b) Prepare a report for the District Director and the district senior management team with recommendations on how best to address specific issues c) District to establish working groups comprised of employees, Union representatives and management to address specific issues tasked to them (for example, training, complaints, recognition, etc.), establish terms of reference and set dates for completion of interim and/or final reports outlining its recommendations to the SMT. March 2013 April 2013

July 2013 and then ongoing


Name: Schedule regular team meetings in the traffic Operation during VSSA make-up time every shift cycle, and monthly operational meetings in the Air Cargo and ASEO operations. Description: a) District Director and Chiefs to be invited to meetings. b) Attendance at these meetings will afford staff an opportunity to ask questions, raise issues, provide feedback and generally offer comments on topics of their choice. c) Important messages will be communicated by the District Director or Chiefs in attendance first hand. Commencing with the shift cycle beginning in May 2013 Ongoing


Name: Hold District Management Team (District Director, Chiefs, Superintendents and supervisors) meetings bi-annually. Description: a) The first meeting will focus on planning for the upcoming year to establish district priorities by (1) identifying and exploiting business transformation opportunities, (2) ensuring alignment with regional and national priorities and (3) obtaining the buy-in of the entire district management team. b) The second meeting will focus on the results of the first half of the year and to identify where any adjustments need to be made. March 2013

September 2013


Name: Close the loop on complaints. Description:

a) Superintendents to conduct briefings with teams during team meetings to ensure all staff are fully aware of the complaint monitoring process and the roles and responsibilities of all involved. b) Implement a mechanism to ensure all staff (BSOs and Superintendents) involved in a complaint are (1) informed of the results and have input, and (2) are made aware of what action they need to take, if any. c) Use complaints as a learning tool for all staff through team briefings or meetings. 1.6 Name: Redesign VIA Districts monthly newsletter. Description: a) Redesign VIA Districts monthly enforcement newsletter that is disseminated to all staff in the district from its current focus of describing noteworthy enforcement actions carried out in the district during the month to a format that provides a broader and more fulsome reporting of other aspects of work and life in the district (staff arrivals and departures, important announcements, etc. in addition to enforcement activity).

May 2013

May 2013


June 2013

Capacity Area: Leadership and Support

Item 2

Action Items to be Implemented

Name: Design and implement a district-wide rotation program for BSOs and Superintendents to give them opportunities to develop expertise in the various business lines and programs delivered in the district. Description: a) Communicate to all staff through team meetings with chiefs and directors (1) the importance of a district rotation scheme in the development of expertise in the various program lines, (2) the commitment to ensure the rotation program will be transparent and ongoing, and (3) the commitment to ensure the design of the rotation program will be a collaborative effort with representation from all areas of the district. b) Establish a working group of BSOs, managers and Union representatives to (1) collaborate on the design of the rotation program, (2) develop general learning paths in each program line and, (3) establish benchmarks to assist in identifying when an officer has become proficient in a given program area. c) Validate the findings and recommendations of the working group with superintendents and chiefs. d) Communicate (demystify) the rotation program to all staff within the district.

Planned Completion Date

May 2013

June 2013

September 2013

October 2013


Name: Increase the presence of the district director and chiefs throughout the district. Description: a) Foster a two-way communication with BSOs and superintendents to provide immediate feedback from mid and senior levels of management and to clearly identify the needs of staff. b) Increase the level and degree of management engagement in the dayto-day operation and to mentor/coach first line managers. Commence March 2013



Name: Name: Internal Management Advisor/Consultant to meet with all superintendents and chiefs. Description: a) Oversee and conduct a 360 degree feedback program for superintendents in the district to provide them with guidance and feedback to improve the communication with their teams. b) To provide them with timely guidance and feedback to improve the level of their engagement with their teams (how, when, why). June 2013

July 2013

Capacity Area: Workplace Culture

Item 3

Action Items to be Implemented

Name: Establish a recognition program in the district. Description: a) Establish a district recognition committee to identify how staff would like to be recognized. b) The committee will report results to the District senior Management Committee.

Planned Completion Date

April 2013 June 2013


Name: District Director to personally acknowledge exceptional work in the immigration, food plant and animal, and customs program lines Description: a) In concert with the district recognition committees work, develop a program within the district to highlight examples of work considered worthy of recognition by the District Director. For example, superintendents in all areas of the district will submit to their respective chief, instances of good work. Chiefs will review and upon approval will recommend to District Director cases for further consideration and acknowledgement. May 2013 and then ongoing


Name: Invite Union leadership in the district to attend the District Management Team Meeting. Description: a) As part of Managements on-going commitment to seek ways to improve Union Management relations within the District, invite District Union representatives (Chief Steward and above) to attend part of the District Management Team s meeting tentatively scheduled to occur during March 2013. The focus of this meeting is to establish district priorities for fiscal year 2013-2014. March 2013


Name: Re-establish the workplace wellness committee in the district comprised of representatives of employees and managers Description: a) The District Wellness Committee will meet quarterly. b) The committee will make recommendations and undertake activities designed to (1) improve organizational and personal health, and (2) contribute positively to workplace culture (e.g., by providing staff with information on nutrition and sleep patterns for shift workers, techniques for dealing with stress, programs to improve fitness, etc.). Commence April 2013 Ongoing

Capacity Area: Financial Forecasting

Item 4

Action Items to be Implemented

Name: Increase employee involvement and awareness in financial management process Description: a) Provide superintendents with a presentation on financial essentials to (1) reinforce understanding of their roles and responsibilities, (2) enhance awareness of financial realities and district financial priorities and, (3) share best practices to help find efficiencies in day-to-day operations. b) Provide all staff with a presentation on the relevance and impacts of using accurate coding (activity codes, internal order codes, cost centers) for timesheets and travel claims.

Planned Completion Date

June 2013

July 2013


Name: Enhance predictability and control of compensatory time (CT) payouts Description: a) Consult with Labour Relations regarding approving banking of CT and implications of approving overtime as cash only. b) Advise Superintendents and Supervisors on District approach on approving CT once consultation is completed. April 2013


Name: Collaborative meetings with Regional Finance Description: Senior Management Team members to meet with Regional Finance Manager and Analyst responsible for VIA on a quarterly basis to discuss: a) Best approach to ensure activities undertaken are effective, efficient, and are consistent with other District and Divisions. b) District and Regional financial position and possible reallocation of resources. c) Consistency in application of activity codes under the Agencys Program Alignment Architecture (PAA). Commence May 2013 Quarterly thereafter

Annex A: Summary As Is and To Be Ratings by Capacity Area

Good Management Practice

Elements and Capacity Areas

Ad Hoc

Manager Dependent

Advance Practice

Outstanding Practice

Element 1: People Management

Communication Management of Staff Performance Leadership and Support Training and Learning Workplace Culture

Element 2: Front-Line Service (Clients and Stakeholders)

Client Service Excellence Language of Choice Enforcement Activities
Management of External Partnerships

Element 3: Operational Management

Operational Planning & Monitoring

Financial Forecasting Equipment, Tools and Systems Physical Environment

Measuring Tracking and Reporting

"To Be"

"As Is"

Areas of Focus

Annex B: Assessment of PCC Action Plan Impact

POE Location: Date PCC Conducted: Date of this Report: insert Port of Entry name insert PCC conduct date insert assessment (current) date

NB: The PCC is designed to support sustainable change and continuous improvement at POEs. As such, while the implementation of action items is important, the primary objective is improved management practices to support enhanced service excellence. Accordingly, it is important that POE management, and the regional representatives responsible for monitoring action plan implementation, are cognizant of whether defined action items are having their desired impact. If necessary, action plans can and should be modified to ensure that their planned impact is achieved. Furthermore, action plans timelines can be extended if necessary.

Questions to Address
Capacity Area Identified for Focused Attention: Summarize the Current Situation as reported through the PCC: Summarize the Action Plan item(s) established to enhance management practices in this area: Describe the impact/ result of the Action Plan items implemented to date: In your estimation, have the action items established further to the PCC had their desired impact? Explain. Other comments:

POE Response (one table per capacity area identified for focused attention)
e.g. Communication

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