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Considerando a referenciao como um artifcio essencial para a produo e compreenso de textos, esta pesquisa visa investigar de que maneira

os livros didticos de portugus, muitas vezes o nico material de consulta do professor de lngua materna, abordam o tema da referenciao amplamente estudado por autores como Koch (2004, 2005, 2007, 2008), Cavalcante (2011), Koch e Elias (2007, 2009), Marcuschi (2008), entre outros , observando, principalmente, se fazem relao com anlise lingustica, produo textual e leitura, conforme exigem os Parmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN). Restringimos nossa anlise aos manuais voltados para o Ensino Mdio aprovados pelo Programa Nacional do Livro Didtico, comparando as colees aprovadas em 2009 (PNLEM) e 2012 (PNLD/EM). Essa comparao permitiu verificar alguns avanos na abordagem da referenciao, o que julgamos ser o reflexo do progresso dos estudos lingusticos, principalmente aqueles referentes Lingustica de Texto, nosso principal aporte terico. Contudo, ainda h muito a ser feito para associar esse mecanismo coerentemente aos mecanismos de organizao textual. Por meio desta anlise, possvel ter uma amostragem da abordagem da referenciao nos livros didticos de Ensino Mdio, que reflete, consequentemente, no trabalho do professor nas salas de aula de Lngua Portuguesa. Abstract: Considering the referential process as an essential tool for the production and comprehension of texts, this research aims at investigating the way that Portuguese Schoolbooks, which is, most of the times, the only material native language teachers consult, approach the issue of the referential process_ widely studied by authors such as Koch (2004, 2005, 2007, 2008), Cavalcante (2011), Koch e Elias (2007, 2009), Marcuschi (2008), among others mainly observing if they make any link with linguistic analysis, writing or reading, as the PCNs require. We have restrained our analysis to schoolbooks designed to High-school grades which have been approved by Programa Nacional do Livro Didtico, comparing them with the ones approved in 2009 (PNLEM) and 2012 (PNLD/EM). This comparison allowed us to notice some advances related to the referential process approach, which, we suppose, is a reflection of the linguistic studies progress, especially those concerning the Text Linguistics, our main theoretical support. Even though, there is still a lot more to be done to associate this mechanism coherently to the textual organization mechanism. Through this analysis, it is possible to have a sample of the referential process approach in High-school books, which reflects, consequently, in the teachers work in his Portuguese lessons.

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