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Submitted Pursuant to Article 80 of the Boston Zoning Code

327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street

Submitted to: Boston Redevelopment Authority One City Hall Square Boston, MA 02201 Submitted by: W2005 BHWII Realty, LLC 800 Boylston Street, Suite 3330 Boston, MA 02199 Prepared by: Epsilon Associates, Inc. 3 Clock Tower Place, Suite 250 Maynard, MA 01754 In Association with: Bargmann Hendrie + Archetype, Inc. Dalton & Finegold, LLP Haley & Aldrich Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. H.W. Moore Associates, Inc.

December 24, 2012


Submitted Pursuant to Article 80 of the Boston Zoning Code

327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street

Submitted to: Boston Redevelopment Authority One City Hall Square Boston, MA 02201 Submitted by: W2005 BHWII Realty, LLC 800 Boylston Street, Suite 3330 Boston, MA 02199 Prepared by: Epsilon Associates, Inc. 3 Clock Tower Place, Suite 250 Maynard, MA 01754 In Association with: Bargmann Hendrie + Archetype, Inc. Dalton & Finegold, LLP Haley & Aldrich Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. H.W. Moore Associates, Inc.

December 24, 2012

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1-1 1.1 Introduction 1-1 1.2 Project Team 1-3 1.3 Project Description 1-4 1.3.1 Project Site 1-4 327-337 Summer Street 1-4 319 A Street 1-4 1.3.2 Development Context 1-5 1.3.3 Architecture and Architectural Significance 1-5 327-337 Summer Street 1-5 319 A Street 1-14 1.3.4 Project Overview 1-14 327-337 Summer Street -- Residential with Glass Faade Addition Alternative 1-16 327-337 Summer Street Residential with Brick Faade Addition Alternative 1-16 327-337 Summer Street -- Office with Glass Faade Addition Alternative 1-16 327-337 Summer Street Office with Brick Faade Addition Alternative 1-28 319 A Street 1-28 1.3.5 Pedestrian Access and Vehicular Circulation 1-29 1.3.6 Construction Schedule 1-29 1.4 Public Benefits 1-30 1.5 Public Review 1-30 1.6 Legal Information 1-30 1.6.1 Legal Judgments Adverse to the Proposed Project 1-30 1.6.2 History of Tax Arrears on Property Owned in Boston by the Proponent 1-31 1.6.3 Site Control 1-31 1.7 Regulatory Controls and Permits 1-31 1.7.1 State Review 1-31 Applicability of MEPA 1-31 Massachusetts Historical Commission 1-32 1.7.2 City Review 1-32 1.7.3 Anticipated Permits, Reviews and Approvals 1-32 1.8 Zoning Compliance 1-33 1.8.1 Zoning District 1-33

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Table of Contents Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Table of Contents (Continued)

1.8.2 1.8.3 1.8.4 1.8.5 1.8.6 1.8.7 1.8.8 2.0 PDA No. 69 South Boston/The 100 Acres Use Regulations Bulk and Dimensional Requirements Floor Area Ratio Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements Groundwater Conservation Overlay District Linkage Requirements 1-33 1-33 1-33 1-34 1-35 1-36 1-37 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-2 2-2 2-2 2-2 2-5 2-7 2-7 2-15 2-15 2-19 2-19 2-21 2-21 2-21 2-22 2-22 2-25 2-30 2-31 2-31 2-31 2-31 2-31 2-32 2-33 2-34 2-34 2-39 2-48 2-48

TRANSPORTATION 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Project Overview 2.1.2 Study Area 2.1.3 Methodology 2.2 Existing Transportation Conditions 2.2.1 Existing Roadway Conditions 2.2.2 Existing Intersection Conditions 2.2.3 Existing Traffic Volumes 2.2.4 Existing Traffic Operations 2.2.5 Existing Parking 2.2.6 Existing Public Transportation 2.2.7 Existing Pedestrian Conditions 2.2.8 Existing Bicycle and Car Sharing 2.2.9 Existing Loading and Service 2.3 Evaluation of Long-term Impacts 2.3.1 No-Build Conditions Future Roadway Changes No-Build Background Growth No-Build Traffic Operations No-Build Conditions Public Transportation No-Build Pedestrian Conditions No-Build Bicycle Conditions 2.3.2 Build Conditions Site Access and Circulation Trip Generation Pass-by Trips Travel Mode Shares Vehicle Trips Trip Distribution Build Conditions Traffic Operations Transit Pedestrian and Bicycle Conditions

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Table of Contents (Continued) Bicycle Accommodations Parking Demand and Supply Loading and Service Accommodations Transportation Demand Management Evaluation of Short-term/Construction Impacts 2-49 2-50 2-51 2-51 2-52 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-2 3-2 3-3 3-3 3-3 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-8 3-8 3-8 3-8 3-9 3-9 3-9 3-9 3-24 3-24 3-24 3-25 3-25 3-31 3-31 3-31 3-31 3-34 3-34 3-34 3-34 3-35 3-36
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2.4 2.5 3.0

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 3.1 Wind 3.1.1 Introduction 3.1.2 Building and Site Information 3.1.3 Local Weather Data 3.1.4 Wind Comfort Criteria 3.1.5 Pedestrian Wind Conditions Background Previous Wind Tunnel Results Future Wind Conditions at Grade Future Wind Conditions on the Roof 3.1.6 Summary 3.2 Shadow 3.2.1 Introduction 3.2.2 Methodology 3.2.3 Vernal Equinox (March 21) 3.2.4 Summer Solstice (June 21) 3.2.5 Autumnal Equinox (September 21) 3.2.6 Winter Solstice (December 21) 3.2.7 Conclusions 3.3 Daylight 3.3.1 Introduction 3.3.2 Methodology 3.3.3 Daylight Analysis Results 3.3.4 Existing Conditions and Area Context 3.3.5 Conclusions 3.4 Solar Glare Impacts 3.4.1 Introduction 3.4.2 Methodology 3.4.3 Reflective Glare Analysis Spring Equinox Summer Solstice Autumnal Equinox Winter Solstice 3.4.4 Heat Loading on Nearby Buildings

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Table of Contents (Continued)

3.5 3.4.5 Conclusions Air Quality Analysis 3.5.1 Introduction 3.5.2 Microscale Analysis Intersection Selection Emissions Calculations (MOBILE6.2) Receptors and Meteorology Inputs Impact Calculations (CAL3QHC) Background Concentrations 3.5.3 Results 3.5.4 Conclusions Water Quality / Stormwater Flood Hazard Zone / Wetlands Geotechnical / Groundwater 3.8.1 Introduction 3.8.2 Site and Building Description 3.8.3 Proposed Construction 3.8.4 Soil and Bedrock Conditions 3.8.5 Groundwater 3.8.6 Proposed Foundations and Below-Grade Construction 3.8.7 Groundwater Protection 3.8.8 Protection of Existing Structures 3.8.9 Noise, Vibrations and Dust 3.8.10 Monitoring Solid and Hazardous Waste 3.9.1 Solid Waste Generation during Operation 3.9.2 Solid Waste Generation during Construction 3.9.3 Hazardous Wastes Noise 3.10.1 Introduction 3.10.2 Noise Terminology 3.10.3 Noise Regulations and Criteria 3.10.4 Existing Conditions Baseline Noise Environment Noise Measurement Locations Noise Measurement Methodology Measurement Equipment Baseline Ambient Noise Levels 3.10.5 Overview of Potential Project Noise Sources 3.10.6 Modeling Methodology Future Sound Levels Nighttime

3.6 3.7 3.8



3-42 3-42 3-42 3-43 3-44 3-44 3-45 3-45 3-45 3-51 3-51 3-55 3-56 3-56 3-56 3-56 3-57 3-57 3-58 3-58 3-58 3-59 3-59 3-59 3-59 3-59 3-61 3-61 3-62 3-62 3-62 3-64 3-65 3-65 3-65 3-66 3-66 3-68 3-68 3-71 3-72

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Table of Contents (Continued) Future Sound Levels Daytime 3.10.8 Conclusion Sustainable Design 3-75 3-77 3-82 4-1 5-1 5-1 5-3 5-3 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-7 5-7 5-8 5-8 5-9 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-4 6-4 6-4 6-4 6-4 6-6 6-6 6-6 6-6 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-8

3.12 4.0 5.0

SITE DESIGN AND URBAN DESIGN HISTORIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES 5.1 Historic Resources 5.1.1 Historic Resources within the Project Site 327 Summer Street 337 Summer Street 319 A Street 5.1.2 Historic Resources in the Vicinity of the Project Site 5.2 Archaeological Resources Within the Project Site 5.3 Relation of the Design Guidelines to PDA No. 69 5.4 Visual Impacts to Historic Resources 5.4.1 Rehabilitation 5.4.2 Infill, Horizontal and Rooftop Additions 5.4.3 Visual Impact Conclusions 5.5 Shadow Impacts to Historic Resources 5.6 Consistency with Local, State and Federal Regulatory Requirements INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS 6.1 Introduction and Agency Coordination 6.2 Sanitary Sewer 6.2.1 Existing Sewer Service 6.2.2 Projected Wastewater Flows 6.2.3 Sewer System Mitigation 6.3 Water Service 6.3.1 Existing Water Service 6.3.2 Proposed Water Service 6.3.3 Water Supply Conservation and Mitigation Measures 6.4 Storm Drainage System 6.4.1 Existing Storm Drainage System 6.4.2 Proposed Storm Drainage System Volume 6.4.3 DEP Stormwater Management Policy Standards 6.4.4 City of Boston Groundwater Overlay District 6.4.5 Mitigation Measures 6.5 Energy Requirements and Service 6.5.1 Existing and Proposed Electric Power 6.5.2 Gas Service


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Table of Contents (Continued)

6.6 6.7 6.5.3 Energy Conservation Measures Telephone and Cable Television Utility Protection During Construction 6-8 6-8 6-8

List of Figures
Figure 1-1 Figure 1-2 Figure 1-3 Figure 1-4 Figure 1-5 Figure 1-6 Figure 1-7 Figure 1-8 Figure 1-9 Figure 1-10 Figure 1-11 Figure 1-12 Figure 1-13 Figure 1-14 Figure 1-15 Figure 1-16 Figure 1-17 Figure 1-18 Figure 1-19 Figure 2-1 Figure 2-2 Figure 2-3 Figure 2-4 Figure 2-5 Figure 2-6 Figure 2-7 Figure 2-8 Figure 2-9 Figure 2-10 Figure 2-11 Figure 2-12 Locus Map Existing Conditions Site Plan Site Photographs Site Photographs Site Photographs Site Photographs Site Photographs Site Photographs Proposed Site Plan - Residential Alternative - Summer Street Level Proposed Site Plan - Residential Alternative - Pastene Alley Level Proposed Site Plan - Office Alternative - Summer Street Level Proposed Site Plan - Office Alternative - Pastene Alley Level 327-337 Summer Street North Elevation (Summer Street): Glass Addition 327-337 Summer Street East Elevation (West Service Road): Glass Addition 327-337 Summer Street North Elevation (Summer Street): Brick Addition 327-337 Summer Street East Elevation (West Service Road): Brick Addition 319 A Street North Elevation 319 A Street South Elevation 319 A Street East and West Elevations Study Area Intersections Existing Conditions (2012) Traffic Volumes, a.m. Peak Hour (8:009:00 a.m.) Existing Conditions (2012) Traffic Volumes, p.m. Peak Hour (5:006:00 p.m.) Existing Conditions (2012) Pedestrian Volumes, a.m. and p.m. Peak Hours Existing Conditions (2012) Bicycle Volumes, a.m. and p.m. Peak Hours Existing On-street Parking in Study Area Existing Off-street Parking in the Study Area Public Transportation in Study Area Area Development Projects No-Build Conditions (2017) Traffic Volumes, a.m. Peak Hour No-Build Conditions (2017) Traffic Volumes, p.m. Peak Hour Vehicular Trip Distribution, Entering

1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-10 1-11 1-12 1-13 1-17 1-18 1-19 1-20 1-21 1-22 1-23 1-24 1-25 1-26 1-27 2-3 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-16 2-17 2-20 2-24 2-26 2-27 2-35

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List of Figures (Continued)

Figure 2-13 Figure 2-14 Figure 2-15 Figure 2-16 Figure 2-17 Figure 2-18 Figure 2-19 Figure 3.1-1 Figure 3.1-2 Figure 3.1-3 Figure 3.2-1 Figure 3.2-2 Figure 3.2-3 Figure 3.2-4 Figure 3.2-5 Figure 3.2-6 Figure 3.2-7 Figure 3.2-8 Figure 3.2-9 Figure 3.2-10 Figure 3.2-11 Figure 3.2-12 Figure 3.2-13 Figure 3.2-14 Figure 3.3-1 Figure 3.3-2 Figure 3.3-3 Figure 3.3-4 Figure 3.4-1 Figure 3.4-2 Figure 3.4-3 Figure 3.4-4 Figure 3.4-5 Figure 3.5-1 Figure 3.5-2 Vehicular Trip Distribution, Exiting Project-generated TripsResidential Alternative, a.m. and p.m. Peak Hour Project-generated Trips Office Alternative, a.m. and p.m. Peak Hour Build Conditions (2017) Traffic Volumes Residential Alternative, a.m. Peak Hour Build Conditions (2017) Traffic Volumes Residential Alternative, p.m. Peak Hour Build Conditions (2017) Traffic Volumes Office Alternative, a.m. Peak Hour Build Conditions (2017) Traffic Volumes Office Alternative, p.m. Peak Hour Annual and Seasonal Wind Directionality Wind Tunnel Configurations for the Proposed Building at 315 A Street Wind Conditions on Pastene Alley Vernal Equinox 9:00 a.m. Vernal Equinox 12:00 p.m. Vernal Equinox 3:00 p.m. Summer Solstice 9:00 a.m. Summer Solstice 12:00 p.m. Summer Solstice 3:00 p.m. Summer Solstice 6:00 p.m. Autumnal Equinox 9:00 a.m. Autumnal Equinox 12:00 p.m. Autumnal Equinox 3:00 p.m. Autumnal Equinox 6:00 p.m. Winter Solstice --- 9:00 a.m. Winter Solstice 12:00 p.m. Winter Solstice 3:00 p.m. Viewpoint Locations Viewpoint 1 Viewpoint 2 Viewpoint 3 Solar Glare Impacts March 21, 3:00 PM Solar Glare Impacts September 21, 9:00 AM Solar Glare Impacts December 21, 9:00 AM Solar Glare Impacts December 21, 12:00 PM Solar Glare Impacts December 21, 3:00 PM Link and Receptor Locations for CAL3QHC modeling of Intersection 1: the intersection of Congress Street, A Street & Thomson Place Link and Receptor Locations for CAL3QHC modeling of Intersection 2: the intersection of Congress Street, West Service Road, and Boston Wharf Road 2-36 2-37 2-38 2-40 2-41 2-42 2-43 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-10 3-11 3-12 3-13 3-14 3-15 3-16 3-17 3-18 3-19 3-20 3-21 3-22 3-23 3-27 3-28 3-29 3-30 3-37 3-38 3-39 3-40 3-41 3-46 3-47

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List of Figures (Continued)

Figure 3.5-3 Link and Receptor Locations for CAL3QHC modeling of Intersection 3: the intersection of Summer Street and Melcher Street Figure 3.5-4 Link and Receptor Locations for CAL3QHC modeling of Intersection 4: the intersection of A Street and Melcher Street Figure 3.10-1 Sound Level Measurement Locations Figure 3.10-2 Sound Level Modeling Locations Figure 5-1 Figure 6-1 Figure 6-2 Historic Resources Existing Sewer and Storm Drainage Systems Existing Water System 3-48 3-49 3-67 3-73 5-2 6-3 6-5

List of Tables
Table 1-1 Table 1-2 Table 1-3 Table 2-1 Table 2-2 Table 2-3 Table 2-4 Table 2-5 Table 2-6 Table 2-7 Table 2-8 Table 2-9 Table 2-10 Table 2-11 Table 2-12 Table 2-13 Table 2-14 Table 2-15 Table 2-16 Table 2-17 Existing and Proposed Dimensions* Existing and Proposed Uses* Required Permits, Reviews, and Approvals 1-15 1-28 1-32

Development Program 2-1 Level of Service Criteria (HCM Excerpt) 2-12 Existing Conditions (2012) Capacity Analysis Summary, a.m. Peak Hour 2-13 Existing Conditions (2012) Capacity Analysis Summary, p.m. Peak Hour 2-14 Off-street Public Parking 2-18 Public Transportation in the Study Area 2-19 No-Build Development Projects 2-23 No-Build Conditions (2017) Capacity Analysis Summary, a.m. Peak Hour 2-28 No-Build Conditions (2017) Capacity Analysis Summary, p.m. Peak Hour 2-29 Travel Mode Shares 2-33 Vehicle Trips 2-34 Build Conditions (2017) Capacity Analysis Summary Residential Alternative, a.m. Peak Hour 2-44 Build Conditions (2017) Capacity Analysis Summary Residential Alternative, p.m. Peak Hour 2-45 Build Conditions (2017) Capacity Analysis Summary Office Alternative, a.m. Peak Hour 2-46 Build Conditions (2017) Capacity Analysis Summary Office Alternative, p.m. Peak Hour 2-47 Transit Trips 2-48 Walk/Bicycle Trips 2-49
viii Table of Contents Epsilon Associates, Inc.

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List of Tables (Continued)

Table 2-18 Table 2-19 Table 3.3-1 Table 3.5-1 Table 3.5-2 Table 3.5-3 Table 3.5-4 Table 3.5-5 Table 3.9-1 Table 3.9-2 Table 3.10-1 Table 3.10-2 Estimated Parking Demand Delivery Activity by Land Use 2-50 2-51

Daylight Obstruction Values 3-25 Observed Ambient Air Quality Concentrations and Selected Background Levels 3-50 Summary of Microscale Modeling Analysis (Existing 2012) 3-52 Summary of Microscale Modeling Analysis (No Build 2017) 3-53 Summary of Microscale Modeling Analysis (Residential Build Alternative 2017) 3-54 Summary of Microscale Modeling Analysis (Office Build Alternative 2017) 3-55 Solid Waste Generation Residential Alternative 3-60 Solid Waste Generation Office Alternative 3-60 City Noise Standards, Maximum Allowable Sound Pressure Levels 3-64 Baseline Ambient Sound Level Measurements 327-337 Summer Street, Boston, MA 3-69 Table 3.10-3-a Modeled Noise Sources 3-70 Table 3.10-3-b Modeled Sound Power Levels per Noise Source 3-71 Table 3.10-3-c Attenuation Values Applied to Mitigate Each Noise Source 3-71 Table 3.10-4-a Comparison of Future Predicted Project-Only Nighttime Sound Levels to the City of Boston Limits 3-72 Table 3.10-4-b Comparison of Future Predicted Nighttime Sound Levels with Existing Background MassDEP Noise Policy 3-74 Table 3.10-4-c MassDEP Noise Policy Pure-Tone Evaluation of Future Predicted Nighttime Sound Levels 3-74 Table 3.10-5-a Comparison of Future Predicted Project-Only Daytime Sound Levels to City Noise Standards 3-75 Table 3.10-5-b Comparison of Future Predicted Daytime Sound Levels with Existing Background MassDEP Noise Policy 3-76 Table 3.10-5-c MassDEP Noise Policy Pure-Tone Evaluation of Future Predicted Daytime Sound Levels 3-76 Table 5-1 Historic Resources Project Wastewater Flows 5-1 6-2

Table 6-1


List of Appendices
Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Site Survey and Legal Description Floor Plans and Renderings Transportation Air Quality
ix Table of Contents Epsilon Associates, Inc.

3011/PNF.doc 327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street

Section 1.0 Project Description


W2005 BWH II Realty, L.L.C. (the Proponent) proposes to rehabilitate and redevelop four lots, three of which are improved with a single existing building each: 327-333 Summer Street (327 Summer Street); 337-347 Summer Street (337 Summer Street); 319 A Street; and the approximately 1,811 square-foot undeveloped parcel that abuts 337 Summer Street to the east (Parcel C), as follows (collectively, the Project). The Project will involve redevelopment of the 327 Summer Street and 337 Summer Street buildings, which together have an existing gross floor area (GFA) of approximately 105,600 square feet (s.f.), into a single building, referred to as 327337 Summer Street. The Project will make two additions to 327-337 Summer Street: a two-story, approximately 15,300 square-foot, rooftop addition (Rooftop Addition); and an horizontal addition on the east side of the 337 Summer Street of approximately 18,900 s.f. (East Addition), to be built on Parcel C. The East Addition is proposed with a glass faade offering views to the original building, or, alternatively, as a brick structure designed in the character of the existing buildings faades. The Proponent is evaluating both a single-tenant office alternative and a primarily residential alternative for 327-337 Summer Street. All four alternatives residential use with a glass faade addition, residential use with a masonry faade addition, office use with a glass faade addition, and office use with a masonry faade addition are evaluated in this Expanded Project Notification Form (PNF). The Project will also involve the conversion of 319 A Street from its current use as office space into residential units, with first-floor retail, service, entertainmentrestaurant-recreational space. The GFA, currently approximately 47,000 s.f., will be increased to 47,700 s.f. with the addition of a lobby and stairwell on the ground floor. There are no alternative redevelopment scenarios for 319 A Street. This PNF initiates Large Project Review under Article 80 of the Boston Zoning Code. In addition to describing the Project, it analyzes the Projects potential impacts and proposes mitigation measures, as summarized below. Project-related new traffic will be minimal. Under the Residential Alternative, no changes in level of service would occur. Under the Office Alternative, only two changes in level of service would occur during the morning peak hour, and only two changes in level of service would occur during the evening peak hour (Subsection The Project will increase parking demand by just 58 spaces under the Residential Alternative or 107 spaces under the Office Alternative. The area has approximately 8,350 existing parking spaces, including the 585-space Necco Street Garage, which

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street


Project Description Epsilon Associates, Inc.

is across A Street from the Project site, owned by an affiliate of the Proponent, and currently operates below capacity (Subsection The Project would add only 17 transit trips during the morning peak hour and 26 transit trips during the evening peak hour under the Residential Alternatives, and only 46 transit trips during the morning peak hour and 50 transit trips during the evening peak hour under the Office Alternative, so it will not adversely affect transit capacity (Subsection New pedestrian and bicycle accommodations will improve access to the Project site (Subsections and The Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program will encourage nonvehicular travel to the Project site, emphasizing the sites proximity to public transportation services (Subsection 2.4). The Project will have little or no effect on pedestrian level winds, will generate minimal new shadow, will not significantly affect daylight reaching the Project area, and will not create significant adverse impacts from reflected solar glare (Subsections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4). Potential air quality and noise impacts will be below City and State thresholds (Subsections 3.5 and 3.10). Minimal geotechnical impacts are anticipated, and they will be monitored as required. The Projects stormwater will be managed in accordance with applicable regulations, and the Project will comply with Article 32 of the Boston Zoning Code (Subsection 3.8). The Project will help to enliven the Fort Point Channel neighborhood by providing accessible retail, service, entertainment-restaurant-recreational space, new residential use, and possibly additional office space, through the renovation and adaptive reuse of three 100-year-old warehouse buildings (Section 4.0). The Project involves renovation and adaptive reuse of three buildings located within the Fort Point Channel Historic District, which is listed on the State and National Registers of Historic Places (Section 5.0). Public benefits accruing from the Project include historic preservation, neighborhood creation, improved access and circulation, increased property taxes, and creation of temporary and permanent jobs (Subsection 1.4).

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street


Project Description Epsilon Associates, Inc.


Project Team
Proponent: W2005 BWH II Realty, L.L.C. 800 Boylston Street, Suite 3330 Boston, MA 02199 (617) 854-5500 John Matteson Richard Casner Bargmann Hendrie + Archetype, Inc. 300 A Street Boston, MA 02210 (617) 350-0450 Joel Bargmann Robert Del Savio Epsilon Associates, Inc. 3 Clock Tower Place, Suite 250 Maynard, MA 01754 (978) 897-7100 Laura Rome Catherine Ferrara


Permitting Consultants:

Transportation and Parking Howard / SteinHudson Associates, Inc. Consultants: 38 Chauncy Street, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02111 (617) 482-7080 Elizabeth Peart Guy D. Busa, Jr. Legal Counsel: Dalton & Finegold, LLP 34 Essex Street Andover, MA 01810 (978) 269-6404 Jared Eigerman H.W. Moore Associates, Inc. 112 Shawmut Avenue Boston, MA 02118 (617) 357-8145 Fred Keylor

Civil Engineer:

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street


Project Description Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Geotechnical Consultant:

Haley & Aldrich 465 Medford Street, Suite 2200 Boston, MA 02129 (617) 886-7400 Steve Kraemer Michael Atwood


Project Description
1.3.1 Project Site

The Project affects four existing parcels of land in South Bostons Fort Point Channel district, all owned by the Proponent and located along Pastene Alley, a private way not open to public travel: 327 Summer Street, 337 Summer Street; 319 A Street; and Parcel C (as all are defined in Subsection 1.1 above). The total Project site has a combined area of approximately 41,470 s.f. (0.95 acres). Under the Project, the four existing parcels will be combined into two parcels, as follows. 327-337 Summer Street

327 and 337 Summer Street are each currently improved with brick buildings of seven above-ground stories. The first story 1 of 327 Summer Street is accessible from Pastene Alley, and the first story of 337 Summer Street is accessible from both Pastene Alley and West Service Road, part of the highway system under the jurisdiction of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT). Pastene Alley and West Service Road are both at a lower elevation than Summer Street. The third stories of both buildings are accessible from Summer Street. Parcel C, which abuts 337 Summer Street to the east, will be merged with 327-337 Summer Street, such that the 327-337 Summer Street parcel will be bordered by Summer Street to the north, West Service Road to the east, 315 A Street (which includes a portion of Pastene Alley) to the south, and 321 Summer Street on the west, and have a total area of approximately 18,637 s.f. (0.43 acres). The existing 327 and 337 Summer Street buildings have a combined total GFA of approximately 105,600 s.f., while Parcel C is currently undeveloped. 319 A Street

319 A Street is improved with a brick building of five above-ground stories, and includes the adjacent portion of Pastene Alley, for a total area of approximately 22,833 s.f. (0.52 acres). 319 A Street is bordered by 311 Summer Street and 321 Summer Street to the north,

The first story is the lowest story of which sixty-five percent (65%) or more of the height is above grade. (Boston Zoning Code, art. 2A.)

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Project Description Epsilon Associates, Inc.

315 A Street to the east, a large surface parking lot owned by the United States Postal Service (USPS) to the south, and A Street to the west. The Project would not reconfigure the existing parcel. The existing building has a GFA of approximately 47,000 s.f. Figure 1-1 Aerial Locus Map depicts the Project site and surrounding structures. Figure 1-2 is the Existing Conditions Site Plan for 327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street. Figures 13 through 1-8 are photographs of the site. The site survey and legal description of the site are provided in Appendix A.


Development Context

The Project is located in the heart of a vibrant mixed-use and creative neighborhood in the Fort Point Channel district of South Boston. Located two blocks to the east of 327-337 Summer Street is the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. Just five blocks from South Station, the Project site is convenient to the MBTA subways, Silver Line, and Commuter Rail and the I-90 and I-93 connections to downtown Boston, Greater Boston, and Logan Airport. The Project site lies within the City of Bostons Planned Development Area No. 69, The 100 Acres Master Plan (PDA Master Plan).


Architecture and Architectural Significance

The existing three buildings at the Project site are considered representations of warehouse and commercial loft structures during the period of their development, and, therefore, historically significant. The Boston Wharf Company (BWC) developed each of the properties, with the architect Morton D. Safford using a simplified classical revival style derived from his earlier work at 254, 256 and 300 Summer Street in the late 19th century. 327-337 Summer Street

As noted above, the buildings at 327 and 337 Summer Street are currently two separate buildings. They were built in 1911 and 1907, respectively, for the BWC as warehouse space for the Joseph Middlebury, Jr. Inc., a company which produced bakery and confectioners supplies. The Summer Street elevations of both buildings are eight-bays wide and constructed in traditional tripartite design. Both buildings feature ground-floor commercial space along Summer Street that is articulated with tall plate-glass windows with glazed transoms set beneath a projecting cast stone beltcourse. Their upper levels consist of evenly spaced pairs of double-hung sash windows with a top level separated by a wide brick and cast stone beltcourse. Primary brick piers extend up to high-relief corbelled brick brackets and an overhanging parapet. The red-brick rear elevations of the buildings, which face Pastene Alley, and the secondary side elevation of 337 Summer Street facing West Service Road, all extend below Summer Street by one-and-one-half-stories. The lawful

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street


Project Description Epsilon Associates, Inc.


Project Site
Scale 1:2,400 1 inch = 200 feet 0 50 100 200 Feet

Basemap: Microsoft Bing Aerial Imagery, ESRI (2012)

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 1-1

Aerial Locus Map

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts
Existing Conditions Site Plan

Figure 1-2

319 A Street Detail from Pastene Alley

327 Summer Street Detail from Summer Street

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 1-3

Site Photographs

337 Summer Street Detail from Summer Street

A Street Looking Northeast at 319 A Street

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 1-4

Site Photographs

A Street Looking Southeast at 319 A Street

Looking Northeast at 327-337 Summer Street

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 1-5

Site Photographs

Looking West Down Pastene Alley

Pastene Alley Looking West at 319 A Street

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 1-6

Site Photographs

Summer Street above West Service Road Looking West at 327-337 Summer Street

Summer Street Looking Southeast at 327-337 Summer Street

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 1-7

Site Photographs

Summer Street Looking West at 327-337 Summer Street

West Service Road Looking Northwest at 327-337 Summer Street

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 1-8

Site Photographs

existing uses of 327 Summer Street are office, storage and light industry (ISD Permit No. 5056, Aug. 11, 1999). The lawful existing uses of 337 Summer Street are manufacturing, office, storage (ISD Permit No. 1016, Dec. 15, 1989). As noted above, Parcel C is undeveloped. 319 A Street

The building at 319 A Street was constructed in 1913 by the BWC for the Kistler Leather Co. The narrow brick building features a two-part form, rather than the tripartite form typical of the District, with the elevated first floor separated from the upper levels by a slightly projecting limestone beltcourse. The primary elevation is along A Street and features pairs of large window openings set between wide vertical piers extending up to low-relief corbelled brick brackets. The corbelled parapet wraps around the entire building and is set below a molded copper cornice. The two secondary elevations of the building are red brick, feature cast stone sills and triple windows within most of the vertical bays. Along the buildings Pastene Alley elevation, the eastern end of the ground floor is set back where a one-and-one-half-story train bay is located. The lawful existing uses of the building are office (ISD Permit No. 337, Sept. 14, 1999), service establishment (ISD Permit No. 2059, Dec. 26, 1997), and wholesale business including accessory storage (id.).


Project Overview

Under all alternatives, the Project entails: Combining 327 Summer Street, 337 Summer Street and Parcel C into a single parcel; Creating a single, integrated structure out of the two existing buildings at 327 and 337 Summer Street; Constructing a two-level rooftop addition to 327-337 Summer Street; Constructing the East Addition to 327-337 Summer Street located at Parcel C; and Converting the existing building at 319 A Street residential use with first-floor retail, service, entertainment-restaurant-recreational space. The Proponent is evaluating two alternative scenarios for the resulting building at 327-337 Summer Street: one with a single office tenant, and the other with residential uses above lower-level retail, service, entertainment-restaurant-recreational space. Existing and proposed dimensions for the Project are shown in Table 1-1. Existing and proposed uses for the Project are shown in Table 1-2, below.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street


Project Description Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Table 1-1

Existing and Proposed Dimensions*

41,470 s.f. 152,600 s.f. 187,500 s.f. 187,500 s.f.

Total Project Site Area Total Existing GFA Total Proposed GFA Residential Alternative Total Proposed GFA Office Alternative 327-337 Summer Street Existing GFA 327 Summer Street Existing GFA 337 Summer Street Existing GFA Proposed GFA Residential Alternative Existing GFA to remain Proposed Rooftop Addition (two stories) GFA Proposed Horizontal Addition GFA Proposed GFA Office Alternative Existing GFA to remain Proposed Rooftop Addition (two stories) GFA Proposed Horizontal Addition GFA Existing Building Height** Proposed Building Height Existing Building Height to remain Proposed Rooftop Addition (two stories) 319 A Street Existing GFA Proposed GFA Existing GFA to remain New GFA to be added Existing Building Height Proposed Building Height Existing Building Height to remain

105,600 s.f. 46,900 s.f. 58,700 s.f. 139,800 s.f. 105,600 s.f. 15,300 s.f. 18,900 s.f. 139,800 s.f. 105,600 s.f. 15,300 s.f. 18,900 s.f. 72-0 2 97-0 72-0 25-0

47,000 s.f. 47,700 s.f. 47,000 s.f. 700 s.f. 74-4 74-4 74-4

* All area measurements are rounded to the nearest 100 s.f. ** Building heights are measured according to Article 2A of the Boston Zoning Code.

Pursuant to the PDA Master Plan, building heights at this location, which is a portion of Parcel A 3, must be measured from Summer Street.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street


Project Description Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Figures 1-9 through 1-12 depict the proposed site plans under each alternative at the Summer Street and Pastene Alley levels. Figures 1-13 through 1-16 provide perspective sketches of 327-337 Summer Street under each faade alternative. Figures 1-17 through 1-19 provide perspective sketches of 319 A Street. Floor plans and additional renderings are included in Appendix B. 327-337 Summer Street -- Residential with Glass Faade Addition Alternative

Under the residential development alternative, the Summer Street building would include 92 residential units within approximately 110,800 s.f. These include eight (8) Innovation units located on the -2 Floor and -1 Mezzanine stories facing Pastene Alley, 77 studio, 1bedroom, and 2-bedroom units across the first through fifth floors, and seven (7) penthouse units. Approximately 4,000 s.f. of Innovation office space would be located with the Innovation dwelling units on the -1 Mezzanine. The first-through-third story retail, service, entertainment-restaurant-recreational use would have approximately 25,000 s.f. of GFA, and all would be accessed from Summer Street via new accessible entries. The East Addition of approximately 18,900 s.f. would be constructed on the east faade of 337 Summer Street, including on Parcel C. Under this alternative, the East Addition would be constructed as a minimalist glass faade. It would extend approximately thirty-two (32) feet from the existing easterly face of the building, allowing the public to see through the glass curtain wall to the existing brick faade beyond. 327-337 Summer Street Residential with Brick Faade Addition Alternative

This alternative would be identical to the Residential with Glass Faade-Addition Alternative except for the visual appearance of the East Addition. Under this alternative, the East Addition would still be approximately 18,900 s.f. and extend thirty-two (32) feet from the existing easterly face of the building, however, it would be constructed in brick to mimic the surrounding architecture. To distinguish the original building from the addition, an approximately six-foot vertical strip of glass would separate the new masonry from the existing masonry. This glass strip would create a new universally accessible entry to the retail and restaurant areas. 327-337 Summer Street -- Office with Glass Faade Addition Alternative

Under the single-tenant office alternative for 327-337 Summer Street, the Proponent would still construct the approximately 15,300 square-foot, two-story rooftop addition as well as the approximately 18,900 square-foot East Addition. Office use would make up 135,800 s.f. of GFA, plus another 4,000 s.f. of Innovation office space. Employees and visitors would access the building from Summer Street via new accessible entries on the third story. A new service entry would be built at Pastene Alley. This alternative would involve the construction of the East Addition with a minimalist glass faade, as described above in Subsection
3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street 1-16 Project Description Epsilon Associates, Inc.

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 1-9

Proposed Site Plan - Residential Alternative - Summer Street Level

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 1-10

Proposed Site Plan - Residential Alternative - Pastene Alley Level

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 1-11

Proposed Site Plan - Office Alternative - Summer Street Level

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 1-12

Proposed Site Plan - Office Alternative - Pastene Alley Level

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 1-13

327-337 Summer Street North Elevation (Summer Street): Glass Addition

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 1-14

327-337 Summer Street East Elevation (West Service Road): Glass Addition

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 1-15

327-337 Summer Street North Elevation (Summer Street): Brick Addition

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 1-16

327-337 Summer Street East Elevation (West Service Road): Brick Addition

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 1-17

319 A Street North Elevation

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 1-18

319 A Street South Elevation

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 1-19

319 A Street East and West Elevations

327-337 Summer Street Office with Brick Faade Addition Alternative

This alternative would be identical to the Office with Glass Faade Addition Alternative except for the visual appearance of the East Addition. Under this alternative, the East Addition would have a brick faade, as described above in Subsection 319 A Street

No matter which alternative proceeds at 327-337 Summer Street, the Project also involves the conversion of the top four floors and a portion of the first floor of the existing building at 319 A Street to approximately 43,600 s.f. of GFA in residential use, including 18 two- and three-bedroom units and residential common areas. This residential square footage includes adding an approximately 700 square-foot, lobby and stairwell that would be constructed in the former railroad bay now outside the building. The remainder of the first story would contain approximately 4,100 s.f. of retail, service, entertainment-restaurantrecreational use, for a total GFA of approximately 47,700 s.f. Table 1-2 Existing and Proposed Uses*
152,600 s.f. 187,500 s.f. 34,900 s.f. 187,500 s.f. 34,900 s.f.

Total Existing Uses GFA** Total Proposed Uses GFA Residential Alternative Net Additional GFA Residential Alternative Total Proposed Uses GFA Office Alternative Net Additional GFA Residential Alternative 327-337 Summer Street Existing Total GFA Office GFA Proposed Total GFA Residential Alternative Residential GFA (92 dwelling units) Retail, Svc., Enter.-Rest.-Recr. GFA Innovation Office GFA Proposed Total GFA Office Alternative Office GFA Innovation Office GFA 319 A Street Existing Total GFA Office GFA Proposed Total GFA Residential GFA (18 dwelling units) Retail, Svc., Enter.-Rest.-Recr. GFA

105,600 s.f. 105,600 s.f. 139,800 s.f. 110,800 s.f. 25,000 s.f. 4,000 s.f. 139,800 s.f. 135,800 s.f. 4,000 s.f.

47,000 s.f. 47,000 s.f. 47,700 s.f. 43,600 s.f. 4,100 s.f.

* All area measurements are rounded to the nearest 100 s.f. * GFA is measured according to Article 2A of the Boston Zoning Code.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street


Project Description Epsilon Associates, Inc.


Pedestrian Access and Vehicular Circulation

Pedestrians travelling to the Project site, which is a short walk from South Station and Downtown Boston, will enliven the neighborhood. Retail, service, entertainmentrestaurant-recreational space or office space at 327-337 Summer Street would be accessible from Summer Street at grade via fully-accessible entries, including a new accessible entry on the East Addition. Under the Residential Alternative, residents of 327-337 Summer Street could access their units from an accessible entry on Pastene Alley. Pedestrians will access retail space in 319 A Street from an existing A Street entry, and residents of 319 A Street will access their units from a new, fully accessible entry and lobby on Pastene Alley. Under either alternative, no parking will be provided on-site. It is anticipated that most automobiles coming to the two Project buildings will park at the Necco Street Garage, a public garage that is owned by an affiliate of the Proponent. Other parking facilities with over 8,000 spaces, however, are also available in the immediate vicinity of the site. Ramp connections from the regional highway system into the Seaport District are located at West Service Road (I-90 west/I-93 south) and B Street (I-90 east). From these ramps, Project vehicles will follow Congress Street, turn left onto A Street, and turn right onto Garage Access Way to reach the Necco Street Garage. The primary route to the garage to/from I-93 north ramps and downtown will be via the Summer Street, Congress Street, and Seaport Boulevard bridges. From Summer Street, automobiles will turn right onto Melcher Street, right onto Necco Street, and then left onto Garage Access Way to enter the Necco Street Garage. Traffic from A Street, south of the site, will turn left onto Garage Access Way to the Necco Street Garage. Overall, exiting trips are expected to follow these routes in reverse. Automobile trip distribution patterns are shown in Figure 2-12 and Figure 2-13, for the Projects entering and exiting automobile traffic, respectively. Delivery activity for both Project sites will occur behind the buildings along Pastene Alley and not on public streets. Delivery vehicles will generally exhibit the same arrival/departure trip distribution pattern as automobiles. Pastene Alley will be one-way westbound at the West Service Road intersection and two-way along on the segment abutting 319 A Street. Deliveries coming to the 327-337 Summer Street will use West Service Road to access Pastene Alley and exit via A Street. Deliveries to 319 A Street will likely use A Street to both enter and exit Pastene Alley, although deliveries can also enter Pastene Alley from West Service Road.


Construction Schedule

Project construction is estimated to last approximately 12 months, with initial site work expected to begin in the second quarter of 2013.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street


Project Description Epsilon Associates, Inc.


Public Benefits
The Project provides numerous public benefits to the neighborhood and the City of Boston, including the following: Building Preservation: The Project will preserve and enhance Bostons historic building stock through the adaptive reuse of three existing buildings that are considered examples of historic warehouse and industrial building architecture and are contributing buildings in the Fort Point Channel Historic District. Neighborhood Creation: The Project will enliven the neighborhood by increasing the population density through the creation of residences as well as more accessible street-level retail and/or usable commercial office space. Property Taxes: The Project is expected to generate approximately $250,000 (Residential Alternative) to $500,000 (Office Alternative) in additional annual property taxes for the City of Boston than the property currently contributes. Construction Jobs: The Project is expected to create 150 to 200 construction-related employment opportunities. Permanent Jobs: The Project creates the potential for up to approximately 370 ongoing employment opportunities. These include approximately five building management positions, approximately 29 retail, service, entertainment-restaurantrecreational jobs, and approximately 40 innovation office jobs. Approximately 300 general office jobs would be added under the Office Alternative, or an additional 25 retail, service, entertainment-restaurant-recreational jobs would be added under the Residential Alternative.


Public Review
As part of its planning efforts, the Proponent has consulted informally or will consult with officials from City agencies, including the Boston Redevelopment Authority, the Boston Landmarks Commission, and the Boston Transportation Department (BTD), as well as elected officials, to discuss the Project. The Proponent is committed to developing an effective dialogue with the community concerning the Project. The formal community outreach begins with the filing of this Project Notification Form, and the Proponent looks forward to a productive public review.


Legal Information
1.6.1 Legal Judgments Adverse to the Proposed Project

There are no legal judgments adverse to the Project.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street 1-30 Project Description Epsilon Associates, Inc.


History of Tax Arrears on Property Owned in Boston by the Proponent

The Proponent does not have a history of tax arrears on the property that it owns in the City of Boston.


Site Control

The Proponent acquired fee title to the Project site by two separate quitclaim deeds. The Proponent acquired fee title to 319 A Street, 327 Summer Street and 337 Summer Street by a quitclaim deed from The Boston Wharf Company dated November 23, 2005, and recorded at the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds (Registry) at Book 38553, Page 148. The Proponent acquired fee title to Parcel C by a quitclaim deed from the United States Postal Service dated September 12, 2011, and recorded at the Registry at Book 48383, Page 15. Ownership of Pastene Alley, a private way not open to public travel, is divided between the Proponent, through its ownership of 319 A Street, and the adjacent owner of 315 A Street. However, use of Pastene Alley is shared by its various abutters under a set of easement agreements. (See Harry R. Feldman, Inc., Easement Plan, No. 319 and No. 319R A Street, Boston (South Boston District), Mass., Sept. 19, 2011, recorded at the Registry at Plan Book 2011-324.)


Regulatory Controls and Permits


State Review
Applicability of MEPA

The Project is not subject to review under the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA), which is codified at Sections 62 through 62I of Chapter 30 of the Massachusetts General Laws (MGL), and implemented under the MEPA Regulations at Section 11 of Chapter 301 of the Code of Massachusetts Regulations (CMR). MEPA and the MEPA Regulations apply to: (i) projects undertaken by a state agency; (ii) those aspects of a project that are within the subject matter of any required state permit; (iii) projects involving state financial assistance; and (iv) those aspects of a project within the area of any real property acquired from a state agency. (301 CMR 11.01(2)(a).) MEPA review is triggered when one or more of the reasons set forth above apply, and when the proposed project exceeds one or more review thresholds set forth in the MEPA Regulations. (301 CMR 11.03.) None of the reasons set forth above apply, and, if even they were, no thresholds are exceeded by the Project.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street


Project Description Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Massachusetts Historical Commission

Because the Project does not require state agency action, it need not be reviewed by the Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) to demonstrate compliance with M.G.L. Chapter 9, Sec. 26-27c, as amended by Chapter 254 of the Acts of 1988. (950 CMR 71.00). By recorded agreement, however, the Proponent must consult with MHC regarding any development at Parcel C, the undeveloped parcel that will be merged with 327 and 337 Summer Street to build the East Addition, in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.


City Review

Because the Project will substantially rehabilitate at least one building having a gross floor area of more than 100,000 s.f., it is subject to Large Project Review under Section 80B of the Boston Zoning Code. This Expanded Project Notification Form is being prepared to initiate that review, and the Proponent expects that it will facilitate a comprehensive public process.


Anticipated Permits, Reviews and Approvals

Table 1-3 below presents a list of state and local agencies from which permits or other actions are expected to be required: Table 1-3

Required Permits, Reviews, and Approvals

Permit, Review or Approval Construction Dewatering Permit Notification prior to construction Schematic Design Review Approval of Fire Safety Equipment Demolition Permit for interior work Building Permits Specific Repair Plan Article 80 Large Project Review PDA Development Plan Amendment of PDA Master Plan Cooperation Agreement Boston Residents Construction Employment Plan Affordable Housing Agreement and Restriction Transportation Access Plan Agreement Construction Management Plan Water and Sewer Connection Permits General Service Application Site Plan Review Certificate of Design Approval

State Agencies
Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Pollution Control Department of Environmental Protection

City Agencies

Boston Civic Design Commission Boston Fire Department Boston Inspectional Services Department Boston Public Improvement Commission Boston Redevelopment Authority

Boston Transportation Department Boston Water and Sewer Commission Fort Point Channel Landmark District Commission

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street


Project Description Epsilon Associates, Inc.


Zoning Compliance
1.8.1 Zoning District

According to Zoning Map 4 (South Boston), the Project site is located within an underlying M-4 (Restricted Manufacturing) District, the overlaying area of the Master Plan for PDA No. 69, South Boston/The 100 Acres, the Groundwater Conservation Overlay District (GCOD), and the South Boston Restricted Parking Overlay District.


PDA No. 69 South Boston/The 100 Acres

The PDA Master Plan was enacted by the Zoning Commission on January 10, 2007, and it codified, in large measure, the BRAs Fort Point District 100 Acres Master Plan, dated September 7, 2006. As amended effective July 21, 2012, the PDA Master Plan envisions a dense, varied, and lively urban district (PDA Master Plan at p. 2). Individual PDA Development Plans, one for 327-337 Summer Street and another for 319 A Street, will be required for the proposed Project, which is located on portions of Parcels A2 and A3 of the PDA Master Plan No. 69, and are being filed concurrently with this Expanded PNF. No provisions of the underlying M-4 zoning establish use, dimensional, design, or other requirements for projects within PDAs. Therefore, for zoning restrictions, the PDA Development Plans for the proposed Project need only comply with the PDA Master Plan.


Use Regulations

The PDA Master Plan permits residential/commercial mixed use at the Project site (see Exhibit E to Master Plan for PDA No. 69). Exhibit F to the PDA No. 69 Master Plan sets forth the specific use categories that are permitted. The proposed residential, retail, service, entertainment-restaurant-recreational, and office uses are permitted at the Project site by the PDA Master Plan.


Bulk and Dimensional Requirements

The proposed Project involves the adaptive reuse of existing buildings plus certain vertical (rooftop) and east side (to-the-lot-line) additions to 327-337 Summer Street. The PDA Master Plan contemplates both, as summarized below (PDA Master Plan, p. 9): Infill extensions to a single existing building (e.g. the filling in of lightwells, or an extension to the lot line) should be clearly visually demarcated from the original structure, and must conform to the buildings cornice line. Rooftop additions must be equivalent to no more than ten percent of the preexisting gross floor area of the Existing Buildings; be set back from the cornice lines of the Existing Buildings to minimize and eliminate, where feasible, visibility from nearby streets; and add no more than two stories.
3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street 1-33 Project Description Epsilon Associates, Inc.

The proposed East Side (infill) and Rooftop Additions at 327-337 Summer Street, as well as the newly enclosed former railroad bay at 319 A Street, address these requirements. Extension of an existing building in the PDA Master Plan area must undergo BRA Site Plan and Design Review, as well as review by the Fort Point Channel Landmark District Commission (FPCLDC), and approval of a PDA Development Plan by the BRA Board and then the Boston Zoning Commission. The proposed Project will undergo such reviews.


Floor Area Ratio

To reinforce the prevailing physical conditions within the historic areas of the 100 Acres Master Plan Area, and to maintain strong, consistent urban street walls throughout the district, the PDA Master Plan provides that new buildings are intended to conform to a zerolot-line standard and be constructed to the sidewalk. In general, therefore, other than the height limitations specified in the PDA Master Plan, the sole dimensional regulation applicable to the proposed Project is floor area ratio (FAR). The 100 Acres Master Plan and the PDA Master Plan anticipate that the 100 Acres area may ultimately accommodate 5.9 million s.f. of net new development. The PDA Master Plan currently authorizes the build-out of approximately 70 percent of that amount (approximately 4.1 million s.f.). The remaining 1.8 million s.f. of potential development may take place when it is demonstrated to the BRA that adequate transportation infrastructure exists in the area to support the resulting new floor area. The PDA Master Plan sets maximum FARs for new construction on an aggregate basis by groupings of parcels (Parcel Groupings) within the PDA Master Plan area. These FAR limits are calculated excluding the gross floor area of any development that preexisted adoption of the PDA Master Plan on January 10, 2007. Because FAR limits apply to the specified Parcel Groupings in the aggregate, individual sites within them may have higher or lower FARs than one another. The PDA Master Plan designates the Project site as Parcel A3, which is part of the A1-A7 Parcel Grouping. The aggregate FAR limit for the A1-A7 Parcel Grouping is 1.3 under the 70 percent build-out scenario, which is now authorized. Because the 152,600 s.f. of GFA currently existing at the Project site is excluded from this limit, only the net addition of approximately 34,900 s.f. (as is the case under each alternative) is counted against FAR for the A1-A7 Parcel Grouping. The Project site measures approximately 41,470 s.f., which, on its own, would allow up to 53,925 s.f. of newly created GFA. As described above, however, FAR is calculated on an aggregate basis for Parcel Grouping A1-A7. The total lot area for Parcel Grouping A1-A7 is approximately 263,583 s.f. Therefore, at a maximum FAR of 1.3, the PDA Master Plan authorizes up to 342,658 gross s.f. of net new floor area across Parcel Grouping A1-A7.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street


Project Description Epsilon Associates, Inc.

The Existing Buildings have a combined total of approximately 152,600 s.f. of gross floor area. 3 The Project includes the addition of approximately 15,300 s.f. of GFA through a rooftop (vertical) addition to 327-337 Summer Street, the East Addition to 327-337 Summer Street of approximately 18,900 s.f. of GFA, and an infill addition to the ground floor of 319 A Street of approximately 700 s.f. of GFA. After excluding areas that do not meet the definition of GFA under the Boston Zoning Code, the total net additional GFA resulting from the Project is approximately 34,900 s.f. under each alternative. Previously built or approved GFA across Parcel Grouping A1-A7 includes 5,700 s.f. of new floor area built as part of ADD Incs completed project at 311 Summer Street, which is a portion of Parcel A2, plus approximately 163,190 s.f. of net new floor area currently under construction at 315 A Street (formerly 319 A Street Rear), which is a portion of Parcel A3, for a total of 168,890 s.f. of net new floor area. Adding 168,890 s.f. to the net new floor area for the Project of approximately 34,900 s.f. results in total net new gross floor area for the Parcel A1-A7 Grouping of approximately 203,790 s.f. When this allocation of 203,790 s.f. is, in turn, subtracted from the aggregate limit of 342,658 s.f. available under the current 1.3 FAR limit, it leaves approximately 138,868 s.f. of new gross floor area still available for Parcels A1-A7 after approval of the Project. Accordingly, under either the residential or the office alternatives, the Project is consistent with the PDA Master Plan as to floor area ratio.


Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements

The Master Plan for PDA No. 69 does not include specific off-street parking requirements. Where a project is subject to Large Project Review pursuant to Article 80 of the Zoning Code, the number of off-street parking spaces is determined through that process. No new parking spaces are proposed for the Project site. Some residential parking for the proposed Project would be provided in the nearby Necco Street Garage, which is owned and controlled by the Proponents affiliate W2005 BWH III Realty, LLC. The Necco Street Garage has the requisite license from the APCC. The number of loading bays required by Article 24 of the Zoning Code will also be determined during the Large Project Review process. It is proposed that the Project will make use of two existing loading bays on Pastene Alley.

Table 2 to the PDA Master Plan ascribes a floor area of 74,100 s.f. to the Site: 32,710 s.f. at 327 Summer Street; and 41,390 s.f. at 337 Summer Street. In fact, the three Existing Buildings have a total floor area of approximately 105,600 s.f. (46,900 s.f. at 327 Summer Street and 58,700 s.f. at 337 Summer Street), when those portions of the basement levels not devoted exclusively to uses accessory to building operation, or otherwise excluded from the Code's definition of "gross floor area," are taken into account. This was true when the PDA Master Plan was adopted. In conjunction with this PDA Development Plan, the Proponent seeks to amend Table 2 to the PDA Master Plan to correct this discrepancy.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street


Project Description Epsilon Associates, Inc.


Groundwater Conservation Overlay District

The Site is located within the GCOD, governed by Article 32 of the Code. Article 32 requires that projects meeting certain criteria employ mitigation measures to avoid adverse impacts to groundwater levels and, in some instances, to recharge storm water to help sustain groundwater levels. The Project is subject to Article 32 because the East Addition to 327-337 Summer Street will occupy more than 50 s.f. of lot area, and the Project includes substantial rehabilitation of structures as defined under Article 2A of the Code. Based on its location in South Boston, only the requirements of Section 32-6(b) of the Code apply to the Project. Under that section, the Project must demonstrate that it will result in no negative impact on groundwater levels at the Site or adjacent lots, subject to the terms of any (A) dewatering permit or (B) cooperation agreement entered into by the Proponent and the Authority. No such permits or agreements exist. The Project is not anticipated to impact short-term or permanent groundwater levels. No new basements will be constructed. New elevator pits, having bottoms near 7 ft. above Boston City Base datum, will be fully-waterproofed. Based on groundwater levels measured near the buildings, excavation to construct the elevator pits could require very limited, short-duration dewatering that is not anticipated to affect groundwater levels outside the buildings nor impact their wood pile foundations. The dewatering effluent will be managed and recharged on site. No off-site discharge of construction dewatering effluent is planned. Construction of the Project will include the installation of drilled-in foundations (small diameter piles or possibly caissons) to support the East Addition, and possibly supplemental support for the existing wood piles. The new drilled-in foundations will be installed in a manner that does not impact groundwater levels. Project design will not include permanent foundation drainage or other long-term pumping of water. Accordingly, the Project will comply with the applicable standards set forth in Section 326(b) of the Code by resulting in no negative impact on groundwater levels within the Site or on adjacent lots. If necessary, the Proponent will incorporate systems into the Project that meet the groundwater conservation standards set forth in Section 32-6(b). The Proponent will obtain a written determination from the Boston Water and Sewer Commission as to whether such standards are satisfactorily met, and will provide a copy of this letter to the Authority and to Boston Groundwater Trust prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Consistency for the Project. Compliance with this Development Plan shall constitute compliance with Article 32 without the necessity of the Projects obtaining a conditional use permit from the Board of Appeal.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street


Project Description Epsilon Associates, Inc.


Linkage Requirements

The BRAs Development Impact Project (DIP) exactions (linkage) program requires the payment of development exactions, or equivalent in-kind contributions, for the creation of affordable housing and job training programs. (Zoning Code 80B-7(1).) The Project will not, under either alternative, trigger the DIP exactions requirements of Section 80B-7. The Residential Alternative would not result in any new Development Impact Uses as defined in Section 80B-7.2(c) of the Zoning Code. The Office Alternative would result in only approximately 34,900 s.f. of new Development Impact Uses as defined in Section 80B7.2(c) of the Zoning Code, which is lower than the 100,000 square-foot threshold for DIP exactions.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street


Project Description Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Section 2.0 Transportation


This section describes the transportation issues associated with the proposed redevelopment of 327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street. The Site and surrounding area are shown in Figure 1-1.


Project Overview

The Project, located in the Fort Point Channel neighborhood of South Boston, includes the redevelopment of two1 existing buildings. The first building, at 327-337 Summer Street, is bounded by 321 Summer Street to the west, Summer Street to the north, West Service Road to the east, and Pastene Alley, a private way not open to public travel, to the south. The second building, at 319 A Street, is bounded by A Street to the west, Pastene Alley to the north (which for this segment, the Proponent owns in fee), the building currently under construction at 315 A Street to the east (formerly known as 319 A Street Rear), and a United States Postal Service (USPS) parking lot to the south. At this stage of planning, the Proponent is evaluating a Residential Alternative and an Office Alternative for 327-337 Summer Street. The site plans for each alternative are shown in Figures 1-9 through 1-12. Table 2-1 provides a summary of the proposed development programs. Table 2-1 Development Program
Type of Use Residential Retail Office Innovation Office Total Gross Floor Area
sf = square feet 1) Includes 327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street.

Residential Alternative1) 110 units 29,100 sf 4,000 sf 187,500 sf

Office Alternative1) 18 units 4,100 sf 135,800 sf 4,000 sf 187,500 sf

At present, 327 and 337 Summer Street are considered two separate buildings according to city records. Their joint operation as a single, integrated building will be formalized as part of the Project.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.


Study Area

The study area is generally bounded by Melcher Street to the west, Congress Street to the north, West Service Road to the east, and Necco Garage Road to the south. Study area intersections, selected in coordination with the Boston Transportation Department, are shown in Figure 2-1 and include the following: Summer Street/Melcher Street; Congress Street/A Street/Thomson Place; Congress Street/West Service Road/Boston Wharf Road; Melcher Street/Necco Street; A Street/Necco Garage Road; and A Street/Melcher Street.



In accordance with Boston Transportation Departments Transportation Access Plan Guidelines (2001) and the BRA Development Review Guidelines (2006), this section describes roadway, pedestrian, and bicycle conditions; transportation issues; parking and loading; and transportation goals for the proposed Project. Subsection 2.2 includes an inventory of existing (Year 2012) transportation conditions, including roadway capacities, parking, transit, pedestrian circulation, loading, and site conditions. Long-term impacts are evaluated for Year 2017, based on a five-year horizon from the existing year (2012). Expected roadway, parking, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian conditions are identified. NoBuild conditions, which include general background growth and additional vehicular traffic associated with specific planned developments near the Project site, are presented in Subsection 2.3.1. Build conditions, which include specific travel demand forecasts for the Project, are presented in Subsection 2.3.2. Transportation demand management strategies are presented in Subsection 2.4.


Existing Transportation Conditions

This Subsection 2.2 includes a description of existing study area roadway geometry, intersection traffic control, peak-hour vehicular and pedestrian volumes, transit availability, parking supply, and loading conditions.


Existing Roadway Conditions

The study area examined under Existing, No-Build, and Build conditions includes the following roadways, which are categorized according to classifications established by the MassDOT Office of Planning and Programming:
3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street 2-2 Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.



AV E .



ST .

ST .

















ST .




ST .



















ST .


Not to scale.


Signalized Intersection

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street PNF

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 2-1

Study Area Intersections



U Unsignalized Intersection

Summer Street is an urban principal arterial that runs generally eastwest between
Washington Street in Downtown Crossing to the west and East First Street in South Boston to the east, where it then becomes L Street. Summer Street has two lanes in each direction in the vicinity of the Project site. On-street parking is allowed on various sections of Summer Street throughout the study area. Sidewalks are provided along both sides of the roadway, are approximately 11-feet wide, and are generally uneven and in poor condition. In the study area, pavement markings on Summer Street are in good condition. Summer Street is part of the Citys Crossroads Initiative and is currently in design review by city agencies.

Melcher Street is a local road that begins at Summer Street and curves southeast to A Street.
Melcher Street consists of one travel lane in each direction, with parking on both sides of the street. Sidewalks along Melcher Street vary in width from approximately six to 10 feet and are in good condition.

Congress Street is an urban minor arterial that extends from New Sudbury Street in Boston
to Northern Avenue in South Boston. In the study area, Congress Street runs eastwest and generally comprises two lanes in each direction. Sidewalks provided along both sides of the roadway are found to be approximately eight- to 11-feet wide. Throughout most of the study area, the roadway and sidewalks are in reasonable condition. Parking is allowed on the north side of Congress Street in most of the study area, and between West Service Road and East Service Road on both sides. Congress Street is also currently in design review as part of the Citys Crossroads Initiative.

A Street is a collector street that connects Congress Street in the north with Dorchester
Avenue in the south. It provides two-way traffic flow within the study area, with parking restrictions varying from no parking to parking being allowed on one or both sides of the street. One travel lane is provided in each direction. Sidewalks provided along both sides of the road vary in width from approximately five to eight feet. A Street is generally in poor condition in the study area, with faded pavement markings and uneven sidewalks.

West Service Road (Boston Wharf Road) is a local street that runs northsouth from Seaport
Boulevard across Congress Street and under Summer Street to a point where it then curves to the east to intersect the South Boston Bypass Road. North of Congress Street, West Service Road is called Boston Wharf Road and consists primarily of one lane in each direction. Parking is allowed on both sides of Boston Wharf Road north of Congress Street. No parking is allowed in the vicinity of the Site. The sidewalks are in good condition and vary from six- to 13-feet wide.

Necco Street is a local street that runs north-south from Melcher Street to the Necco Garage
Road. Necco Street consists of one unmarked, travel lane in each direction and on-street parking along both sides of the street. Sidewalks provided along both sides of the street are approximately seven-feet wide.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

Necco Garage Road is a local street that runs east-west from Necco Street to A Street.
Necco Garage Road provides one travel lane in each direction. Necco Garage Road is generally free of pavement markings, apart from the marked parking lanes along both sides of the road. Sidewalks provided along both sides of the roadway vary from six- to 18-feet wide.


Existing Intersection Conditions

The following descriptions of the study area intersections include geometry, pedestrian facilities, and intersection traffic control. The intersections analyzed under Existing Conditions were selected in coordination with BTD.

Summer Street/Melcher Street is a three-way, signalized intersection. The Summer Street

eastbound approach consists of a 16-foot through lane and a 16-foot shared through/rightturn lane with a four-foot shoulder. The Summer Street westbound approach consists of a 16-foot shared left-turn/through lane and a 14-foot through lane. There is no parking on Summer Street west of Melcher Street. There are bus stops and eight-foot parking lanes along both sides of Summer Street just east of the intersection. Melcher Street, the northbound approach, consists of a 12-foot left-turn lane and a 12-foot right-turn lane. Parking is allowed on the west side of Melcher Street. Crosswalks and handicapped ramps are located across the northbound and eastbound approaches. Crosswalks are approximately 10-feet wide. Sidewalks provided along both sides of Summer Street and Melcher Street range in width from nine to 11 feet. This intersection is being redesigned as part of the Summer Street Crossroads Initiative. The Congress Street eastbound approach consists of a 12-foot shared left-turn/through lane, an 11-foot through lane, and a 10-foot right-turn lane with 56 feet of storage. There is metered parking just west of the right-turn storage lane on the eastbound approach of Congress Street. The Congress Street westbound approach consists of an 11-foot left-turn lane and a 12-foot shared through/right-turn lane. The northsouth approaches are offset, with the north leg of the intersection 23 feet to the west of the south leg. The A Street northbound approach consists of a 17-foot shared left-turn/through/right-turn lane. The Thomson Place southbound approach has no lane markings but operates as a 14-foot shared leftturn/through/right-turn lane. A bus stop is located on Congress Street westbound just to the east of A Street. Crosswalks and wheelchair ramps are provided across all approaches. Crosswalks are approximately 11 feet wide. Sidewalks provided along both sides of A Street and Congress Street vary from five to nine feet wide. This intersection is being redesigned as part of the Congress Street Crossroads Initiative.

Congress Street/A Street/Thomson Place is a four-way, signalized intersection.

Congress Street/West Service Road/Boston Wharf Road is a four-way, signalized

intersection. The Congress Street eastbound approach consists of a 13-foot shared leftturn/through lane and a 19-foot right-turn lane with 100 feet of storage. The Congress Street westbound approach consists of a 12-foot left-turn lane, an 11-foot through lane, and a 133011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street 2-5 Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

foot shared through/right-turn lane. Parking is provided along both sides of Congress Street east of the intersection, but no parking is allowed west of the intersection. The West Service Road northbound approach consists of a 12-foot left-turn lane and a 13-foot shared through/right-turn lane. The Boston Wharf Road southbound approach has an 11-foot shared left-turn/through lane and an 11-foot right-turn lane with 120 feet of storage. Adjacent to the intersection, metered parking is available along Boston Wharf Road on the east side of the intersection only. All approaches have wheelchair ramps and crosswalks. Crosswalks are approximately 15-feet wide. Sidewalks provided along both sides of West Service Road, Congress Street, and Boston Wharf Road vary in width from approximately seven to 11 feet.

A Street/Melcher Street/USPS Driveway/319 A Street Driveway is a five-leg, unsignalized

intersection. The A Street northbound approach consists of a 13-foot shared leftturn/through/right-turn lane. No on-street parking is provided along the A Street northbound approach. The A Street southbound approach has a 13-foot shared leftturn/through/right-turn lane with an 8-foot parking lane. Melcher Street is stop-controlled and functions as a 12-foot shared left-turn/through/right-turn lane with an eight-foot parking lane. The USPS Parking Lot westbound approach is unmarked and 40 feet wide. Adjacent to the USPS driveway and just south of 319 A Street is an additional unsignalized driveway. Each of these driveways operates with a shared left-turn/through/right-turn lane. Crosswalks and wheelchair ramps are provided across the southbound and eastbound approaches. Crosswalks are approximately 10-feet wide. Sidewalks provided along both sides of A Street and Melcher Street are approximately six- to nine-feet wide. However, the pavement markings at this intersection are worn. Under future conditions, the intersection of Melcher Street and A Street will be signalized and both the USPS driveway and the driveway to the south of 319 A Street will be restricted to access only. Egress from the USPS parking lot will be relocated to West Service Road at an existing curb cut. Egress from A Street addresses will be from Pastene Alley.

Melcher Street/Necco Street is a three-way, unsignalized intersection. The Melcher Street

eastbound approach consists of one 12-foot shared through/right-turn lane with a seven-foot parking lane. The Melcher Street westbound approach consists of one nine-foot shared leftturn/through lane and an eight-foot parking lane. The Necco Street northbound approach is 14-foot shared left-turn/right-turn lane. The marked parking lanes on the east and west side of the road are eight and nine feet wide respectively. A crosswalk and handicap-accessible ramps are provided across the Necco Street northbound approach. The crosswalk is 10-feet wide. Sidewalks along both sides of Necco Street are approximately seven feet wide. Sidewalks provided along both sides of Melcher Street are approximately nine feet wide.

A Street/Necco Garage Road is an unsignalized T intersection. The Necco Garage Road

eastbound approach is unmarked and functions as a 12-foot shared left-turn/right-turn lane with eight-foot marked parking lanes on both sides of the road. The A Street northbound approach consists of one 12-foot left-turn/through lane with a seven-foot parking lane. The
3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street 2-6 Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

A Street southbound approach has one 12-foot through/right-turn lane with an eight-foot parking lane. There are crosswalks with wheelchair ramps on the Necco Garage Road eastbound approach and the A Street southbound approach. Crosswalks are approximately 10-feet wide. Sidewalks provided along both sides of A Street and Necco Garage Road vary from seven- to 18-feet wide.


Existing Traffic Volumes

Traffic data was collected in July 2012 at the six study intersections. Turning movement counts were collected on weekdays from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. and from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Based on the turning-movement counts, the peak hours were identified as 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-3 show existing peak hour turning volumes for study area intersections for the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, respectively. Figure 2-4 shows the peak hour pedestrian volumes and Figure 2-5 shows the peak hour bicycle volumes. Complete traffic count data are included in Appendix C.


Existing Traffic Operations

Traffic operations are determined through an analysis of intersection Level of Service (LOS). LOS and delay at the intersections were analyzed using the Synchro software developed by Trafficware. Synchro 6 was used to evaluate the effects that closely-spaced intersections may have on one another. Synchro is based on the traffic operational analysis methodology of the Transportation Research Boards 2000 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM); LOS and delay (in seconds) are determined based on intersection geometry and available traffic data for each intersection. Signal timings and phasing used in this analysis were provided by BTD. Table 2-2, derived from the HCM, provides LOS criteria for signalized and unsignalized intersections. LOS A defines the most favorable condition, with minimum traffic delay. LOS F represents the worst condition, with significant traffic delay. LOS D is generally considered acceptable in an urban environment, such as the Fort Point Channel district.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.


608 308


* Illegal Movement

435 85




15 25 5 5



A ST .




ST .

156 5





15 11 4 7


71 26 41

13 326 194

82 233 90




15 38 4 1

ST .





0 0

11 4 7

134 382

114 302 2






27 8



*1 164 46 44



327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street PNF

79 411

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 2-2

Existing Conditions (2012) Traffic Volumes, a.m. Peak Hour (8:00-9:00 a.m.)


435 318 11


53 111 . MELCHER ST
40 559 41 7*

Not to scale.

* Illegal Movement

626 172


* Illegal Movement
396 25

7 15



21 0 44

CCO ST. 15 4 54

A ST .




ST .

127 8





12 15 4


81 227 81

375 258

93 392 447




76 9

ST .






15 4 6


10 508

95 320 11






8 12 9 1




43 14 24

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street PNF

12 359

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 2-3

Existing Conditions (2012) Traffic Volumes, p.m. Peak Hour (5:00-6:00 p.m.)


26 285 135 2*

9 276 236


127 166 . MELCHER ST

Not to scale.



397 (74)

A.M. (P.M.)
40 (7)



253 (214)

88 (44)



187 (65)



72 (101)


12 (4)


ST .

15 (12)





115 (81)

A ST .

37 (16)



5 (0) 54 (101)




ST .

53 (39) 60 (29)

62 (44)







13 (22)




28 (12) 15 (7)

100 (48)




327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street PNF

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 2-4

Existing Conditions (2012) Pedestrian Volumes, a.m. and p.m. Peak Hours


220 (253) 2 (12)


Not to scale.


SUM ME RS 17 T. (9) 13 (1)


18 4 (0 (6) )

A.M. (P.M.)




ST .












0 (0 0 (0 ) 0 (0 ) )



14 12 (1) (4)

ST .

12 (1 0 (0 ) ) 3 (0 )




ST .






CCO ST. 8( 4 ) 1( 0)




A ST .

13 3 (0 (3) )

ST .






0 4 (1 (2) 1 1 (0 ) )


0 (0 0 (0 ) 0 (0 ) )


0 4 (1 (0) 2 3 (2 ) )





0 (0 4 (1 ) 2)

0( 3 (6 0) )



1 (1 2 (2 4) 4 0 (0 ) )







0 0 (7) 0 ( (0) 3)

0( 2 ( 0) 0 ( 9) 0)

ST .

0 (0 0 (0 ) 0 (0 ) )

0 (0 0 (0 ) 0 (0 ) )












ST .




0 (0 0 (0 ) 0 (0 ) )





1( 4 (3 2) 2)

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street PNF

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 2-5

Existing Conditions (2012) Bicycle Volumes, a.m. and p.m. Peak Hours



0 (0 5 (0 ) 0 (1 ) )



1 (0) 16 (5)



0 (2 3 (1 ) 0 (0 3) 0 (0 ) )

Not to scale.

Table 2-2

Level of Service Criteria (HCM Excerpt)

Average Stopped Delay (sec./veh.) Signalized Intersections A B C D E F 10 >10 and 20 >20 and 35 >35 and 55 >55 and 80 >80 Unsignalized Intersections 10 >10 and 15 >15 and 25 >25 and 35 >35 and 50 >50

Level of Service

Table 2-3 and Table 2-4 show the Existing Conditions capacity analysis summary for all six study area intersections for the a.m. peak hour and p.m. hour, respectively. The tables show LOS, average delay, volume to capacity ratio, and 95th percentile queue length (feet) for the overall intersection and each approach. Under existing conditions, the following intersections or approaches operate below LOS D: At the intersection of Summer Street/Melcher Street in the a.m. peak hour, the Melcher Street northbound left/right movement operates at LOS E. In the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, the intersection of Congress Street/A Street/Thomson Place operates at LOS F and LOS E, respectively. During both peak hours, both the Congress Street westbound right movement and A Street northbound left/through/right movement operates at LOS F. At the intersection of Congress Street/West Service Road/Boston Wharf Road, the Congress Street westbound left-turn movement operates at LOS F during the afternoon peak hour. At the intersection of A Street/Melcher Street/USPS Parking Lot/319 A Driveway, the eastbound Melcher Street approach operates at LOS F due to heavy turning movements on the eastbound approach in the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. The westbound USPS driveway operates at LOS F during the a.m. peak hour, even with the minimal vehicle volumes at the approach, due to heavy volumes of conflicting vehicles traveling on A Street. No traffic was observed exiting the 319 A Street driveway during either peak period. At the intersection of A Street/Necco Garage Road, the eastbound Necco Garage Road approach operates at LOS E due to heavy volumes of conflicting vehicles traveling on A Street in the p.m. peak hour.
3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street 2-12 Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

Table 2-3

Existing Conditions (2012) Capacity Analysis Summary, a.m. Peak Hour

Intersection Level of Service C A C E F C A F C F C C D A B B D B D B Delay (seconds) 20.3 5.5 28.2 63.7 88.4 29.1 8.2 >80.0 25.2 >80.0 28.9 23.7 36.6 3.1 17.4 15.1 47.4 19.1 46.3 10.9 0.84 0.12 0.27 0.40 0.62 0.57 0.51 0.34 m#243 m12 m34 m154 165 99 70 30 V/C Ratio 95th Percentile Queue

Signalized Intersections
Summer Street/Melcher Street Summer EB thru | thru/right Summer WB left/thru | thru Melcher NB left/right Congress Street/A Street/Thomson Place Congress EB left/thru | thru Congress EB right Congress WB left Congress WB thru/right A Street NB left/thru/right Thomson SB left/thru/right Congress Street/West Service Road/ Boston Wharf Road Congress EB left/thru Congress EB right Congress WB left Congress WB thru | thru/right West Service NB left West Service NB thru/right Boston Wharf SB left/thru Boston Wharf SB right A Street/Melcher Street/USPS Driveway/ 319 A Driveway Melcher EB left/thru/right USPS Parking Lot WB left/thru/right 319 A Dwy WB left/thru/right A Street NB left/thru/right A Street SB left/thru/right A Street/Necco Garage Road Necco Garage EB left/right A NB left/thru A SB thru/right Necco Street/Melcher Street Melcher EB thru/right Melcher WB left/thru Necco NB left/right
# m

0.54 0.66 0.81 0.57 0.35 >1.00 0.41 >1.00 0.25

m95 253 m146 m#220 m89 #550 341 #220 35

Unsignalized Intersections


>50.0 >50.0 4.4 0.1 15.3 2.7 0.0 0.0 4.6 15.9

0.84 0.07 0.16 0.00 0.14 0.10 0.33 0.29 0.13 0.12

166 5 14 0 12 9 0 0 12 10

Light grey shading indicates LOS E or LOS F.

95th percentile volume exceeds capacity. Queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after 2 cycles. Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

Table 2-4

Existing Conditions (2012) Capacity Analysis Summary, p.m. Peak Hour

Level of Service Delay (seconds) V/C Ratio 95th Percentile Queue


Signalized Intersections
Summer Street/Melcher Street Summer EB thru | thru/right Summer WB left/thru | thru Melcher NB left/right Congress Street/A Street/Thomson Place Congress EB left/thru | thru Congress EB right Congress WB left Congress WB thru/right A Street NB left/thru/right Thomson SB left/thru/right Congress Street/West Service Road/ Boston Wharf Road Congress EB left/thru Congress EB right Congress WB left Congress WB thru | thru/right West Service NB left West Service NB thru/right Boston Wharf SB left/thru Boston Wharf SB right A Street/Melcher Street/USPS Driveway/ 319 A Driveway Melcher EB left/thru/right USPS Parking Lot WB left/thru/right 319 A Dwy WB left/thru/right A Street NB left/thru/right A Street SB left/thru/right A Street/Necco Garage Road Necco Garage EB left/right A NB left/thru A SB thru/right Necco Street/Melcher Street Melcher EB thru/right Melcher WB left/thru Necco NB left/right
# m


23.8 11.6 28.5 46.2 67.4 33.0 16.3 >80.0 15.6 >80.0 29.9 50.9 48.7 5.0 >80.0 11.3 39.0 20.8 51.2 7.3

0.53 0.38 0.85 0.64 0.49 >1.00 0.46 >1.00 0.26

m202 213 m239 #228 m#181 #300 151 98 19

0.93 0.50 >1.00 0.25 0.20 0.19 0.85 0.26

m#477 m45 m#282 55 61 30 320 28

Unsignalized Intersections


>80.0 34.0 3.2 0.4 40.6 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.8 17.2

>1.00 0.11 0.12 0.01 0.77 0.03 0.34 0.19 0.02 0.47

427 9 10 1 160 2 0 0 1 62

Light grey shading indicates LOS E or LOS F.

95th percentile volume exceeds capacity. Queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after 2 cycles. Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.


Existing Parking

At present, there are four on-site parking spaces, all of which serve 319 A Street. There are no on-site parking spaces serving 327-337 Summer Street. (Accommodation of the Projects future parking demand is presented in Section Figure 2-6 illustrates the on-street parking regulations within a quarter-mile, equivalent to a five-minute walk, of the Project site. In the study area, most of the parking adjacent to the Site is restricted to residential and private permits. While on-street parking in the area is limited, many off-street public parking facilities are located near the Site. As shown in Figure 2-7 and summarized in Table 2-5, about 6,900 spaces are in parking lots and about 1,450 spaces are in garages, providing a total of about 8,350 parking spaces near the Project site. About 75% of these spaces are available for public use.


Existing Public Transportation

Tenants of and visitors to the Site have several transit options. The Project is directly served by MBTA Bus Route 4, Route 7 and Route 11. Route 4 travels between North Station and Tide Street via The World Trade Center. Route 7 travels between Otis Street in Downtown Crossing to City Point in South Boston via Summer Street. Route 7 operates frequently with service every five minutes or less during peak hours, and every 15 minutes or less throughout the day. Route 11 only provides service in the outbound direction from Downtown Crossing at Bedford Street to City Point in South Boston. During the peak hour, the Route 11 runs every 20 minutes. Along Congress Street, about two blocks from the Project, three express bus routes primarily serve commuters between the North Shore (Salem and Marblehead) and the South Boston Waterfront. The Project is located within convenient walking distance slightly under a half-mile of the South Station Transportation Center, a transit hub that provides access to the MBTA Red Line, Silver Line, and seven commuter rail branches serving points south and west of Boston. South Station is also the terminus for Amtrak train service along the Northeast Corridor. Greyhound and Peter Pan provide regional and commuter bus service from South Station. Many commuters and visitors to the Fort Point Channel neighborhood travel into South Station on the Red Line, commuter rail, or other transit services, and then walk across the Fort Point Channel via Summer Street. MBTA services in the area are shown in Table 2-6 and mapped in Figure 2-8.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

Commercial Parking Unrestricted Parking Residential Parking

6:00 P.M.8:00 A.M.

Residential Parking Restricted Parking No Parking Except Loading Handicapped Parking

8:00 A.M.6:00 P.M. and Sat./Sun.

Permit Parking Only Metered Parking 2-Hour Parking





























rf R









pa s






ile 1/4-M





327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street PNF

Dorchester Ave.


Not to scale.

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 2-6

Existing On-street Parking in the Study Area

Parking Garage

Parking Lot Parking Garage

A D Sea p




















St H . S









rf R



rvi Eas ce t S Rd er vi .



St. C



Su mm





D Sea

rf R


ng B I re ss St H




Rd .


rt B




S So out h ut Bo h Bo st st on on By By pa pa ss ss Rd Rd . .




AS t.

le Ra /4-Mi
ile Ra





327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street PNF

Dorchester Ave.

St . D


Dorchester Ave.

Not to scale.

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 2-7

Existing Off-street Parking in the Study Area

Table 2-5

Off-street Public Parking

Map Key1) Facility/ Address Capacity (spaces) Private Public

A B C D E F G H I J K L M Subtotal in Lots

25 Northern Avenue Sleeper Street

Sleeper Street Lot Lincoln Place Parking

LAZ Parking

0 24 26

922 0 0

51 Sleeper Street LAZ Parking Farnsworth Street 29 Stillings Street

LAZ Parking LAZ Parking

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,787 1,902

299 1,417 579 85 18 28 375 1,256 0 4,979

390 Congress Street Lot 145 Northern Avenue 321 Congress Street
Stanhope Parking 338 Congress Street Stanhope Parking 381 Congress Street LAZ Parking Stanhope Parking LAZ Parking

391 Congress Street 284 A Street 135 A Street

Channelside Parking Lot

Post Office Employee Parking

1 2 3 Subtotal in Garages

17 Farnsworth Street

Farnsworth Parking Garage Stillings Street Garage Necco Street Garage

0 0 0 0

361 500 585 1,446

2949 Stillings Street 3060 Necco Street

Total Garage + Lot
1) See Figure 2-7.

1,902 8,327


3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

Table 2-6

Public Transportation in the Study Area

Service Red Line Route 4 Route 7 Route 11 Route 171 Route 448 Route 449 Route 459 Commuter Rail OriginDestination Ashmont/BraintreeAlewife North StationTide Street City PointOtis and Summer streets City PointDowntown Dudley Station-Airport MarbleheadDowntown Crossing (Express) MarbleheadDowntown Crossing (Express) Salem DepotDowntown Crossing South StationWorcester, Needham, Franklin, Providence, Middleborough, Plymouth, Greenbush Rush-hour Headway (minutes) 9 15 5 8 Varies* 60 60 60 30 to 90 varies by line

* 171 runs twice a day at 3:50 AM and 4:20 AM from Dudley Station to Airport Station Busway.


Existing Pedestrian Conditions

Pedestrian counts were taken as part of the intersection turning-movement counts in 2012 (see Figure 2-4). An inventory of sidewalks and crosswalks is provided in the intersection descriptions in Section 2.2.2. As described in greater detail above, sidewalks are generally provided along both sides of the study area roadways, with marked crosswalks provided at the signalized intersections.


Existing Bicycle and Car Sharing

Bicycle counts were taken as part of the intersection turning movement counts in 2012 (see Figure 2-5). No designated bicycle lanes exist within the immediate study area. Bicycle accommodation is planned along the A Street corridor as part of the City of Bostons Planned Development Area No. 69/The 100 Acres Master Plan, and the City is currently planning to implement bicycle lanes along the southern portion of the A Street corridor at West Broadway. It is expected that the City will continue implementation of bicycle accommodations north along the A Street corridor in the near future.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

MBTA Bus Route MBTA Silver Line MBTA Red Line


South Station



ce R


M el ch


South Station



4 7


















rf R




45 9 4





Courthouse Station




17 14



17 44 1 44 8 45 9 9



94 59
17 44 1 44 8 45 9 9 17 1


Rd rvi ce



















ile 1/4-M




17 44 1 44 8 7 45 9 9 17 1

So ut

Broadway Station

St .




Rd .

AS t.




Broadway Station









ile 1/4-M

















rf R





Courthouse 11 Station

a 4 port 7 B


17um 17 44 1 me1 448 rS 4 44 8 t. 49 4 45 9 59 9






Dorchester Ave.

Not to scale.

ST .

Dorchester Ave.

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street PNF


Boston, Massachusetts Figure 2-8

Public Transportation in the Study Area

The South Bay Harbor Trail will ultimately connect the Fort Point Channel district of South Boston to the Pierre Lallement Bike Path along the MBTA Orange Line/Southwest Corridor Park. Segments of the trail are in place, including the Harborwalk section in South Boston and the Melnea Cass Bike Path in Roxbury. The still-incomplete connecting segment will eventually operate along portions of the I-93 frontage roads between West Fourth Street and Biosquare Drive at Boston Medical Center. Hubway is a bicycle sharing system in Metro Boston, which was launched in July 2011 in Boston with 60 stations and 600 bicycles. Near the Project site there are Hubway stations at the corner of Congress Street/Sleeper Street (14 bicycles) and at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center on Summer Street (19 bicycles). Bicycles are not available for rent during winter months. Car sharing, predominantly provided by Zipcar in the Boston area, supplies easy access to vehicular transportation for those who do not own cars. Vehicles are rented hourly or daily with all vehicle costs (gas, maintenance, insurance, and parking) included in the rental fee. Vehicles are checked out for a specific time period and returned to their designated location. A total of six Zipcars are located at two locations close to the Project site: the Necco Street garage and the Childrens Museum, on Congress Street.


Existing Loading and Service

Loading and serving activities for both buildings, and other adjacent properties, occur along Pastene Alley, a private street not open to public travel which bisects the Site. Loading docks are located along the south side of 327-337 Summer Street and on the north side of 319 A Street. Because both buildings have recently had only temporary tenants, there is minimal loading activity occurring at present.


Evaluation of Long-term Impacts

It is standard practice to evaluate No-Build conditions (without the Project) and Build conditions (with the Project) to determine the extent to which future traffic operations will be affected by the Project. Based on standard industry practice, five years from the Existing Conditions (2017) has been designated as the future design year. This section describes and evaluates the projected 2017 No-Build and 2017 Build Conditions under both the Residential Alternative and the Office Alternative.


No-Build Conditions

No-Build Conditions are independent of the proposed Project and include existing traffic and future background growth. Any known roadway or operational improvements are also incorporated into the No-Build Conditions.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

Future Roadway Changes

The Site lies within the area studied by the City in its 100 Acres Master Plan. That 2006 plan, codified through the adoption in 2007 of Planned Development Area No. 69/The 100 Acres Master Plan, proposed a new street grid system that will disperse the traffic within the commercial area and provide more direct connections to the regional highway system. Currently under reconstruction as mitigation for the nearby Channel Center project, the intersection of Melcher Street/A Street will be signalized, and significant improvements will be made to pedestrian crossings. Additional improvements at this intersection include restricting the USPS driveway and the driveway behind 319 A Street to ingress only. Egress from the USPS parking lot will be relocated to the existing curb cut on West Service Road and egress from the A Street properties to Pastene Alley. These improvements have been included in the future year analysis. As a part of the City of Bostons Crossroad Initiative, a multi-disciplinary team provided a signal redesign of Congress and Summer Street intersections. Signal plans from the Crossroad Initiative were acquired and applied to No-Build and Build analysis for the intersections of Summer Street/Melcher Street, Congress Street/A Street/Thompson Place, and Congress Street/West Service Road/Boston Wharf Road. It should be noted that the purpose of the Crossroad Initiative is to improve the pedestrian service and safety within the study area, which may decrease vehicle levels of service at some locations. No-Build Background Growth

Typically, two steps are used to calculate and determine background traffic growth. The first is to apply a general growth rate to account for changes in demographics, auto usage, and ownership. The second step is to estimate traffic generated by planned new major developments. Based on a review of historical and recent traffic counts, a 0.5% annual rate was applied to the existing intersection volumes to account for background growth. The other major planned projects in the study are listed in Table 2-7 and mapped in Figure 2-9. Some of these projects are currently under construction and will be completed by the Year 2017 (future analysis year). Construction on other projects is likely to start before 2017. The peak hour traffic generated by these projects was incorporated into the future year analysis.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

Table 2-7

No-Build Development Projects

Development Project Fan Pier One Marina Drive One Channel Center Phase 2-4 320 Summer Street Pier 4 505 Congress Street Hotel 368 Congress Street 4963 Melcher Street Seaport Square Phase 1 381 Congress Street Waterside Place 319 A Street Rear 1,437,258 640,000 3,000 883,476 45,000 1,143 20,000 300 91,451 199,400 9,000 36,000 46,600 25,000 110 44 200 202 1,073 Land Use Cultural (sf)

Map Key1)

Office (sf) 500,000 525,407 121,000

Retail (sf) 40,000 101,376 7,500

Hotel (rooms)

Resident. (units)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total


310 533


See Figure 2-9.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

1 8 10

6 3

7 11

5 10

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Fan Pier One Marina Drive One Channel Center Phase 2-4 320 Summer Street Pier 4 505 Congress Street Hotel 368 Congress Street 49-63 Melcher Street Seaport Square Phase 1 381 Congress Waterside Place 315 A Street (Formerly 319 A Street Rear)

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street PNF

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 2-9

Area Development Projects

No-Build Traffic Operations

The 2017 No-Build analysis uses the same methodology described in Subsection 2.2.4 for Existing Conditions. No-Build traffic volumes are shown in Figure 2-10 and Figure 2-11 for the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, respectively. The resulting intersection operations are shown in Table 2-8 and Table 2-9. Complete Synchro reports are provided in Appendix C. At Summer Street/Melcher Street, the overall LOS for the p.m. peak hour worsens from LOS C under Existing Conditions to LOS D under No-Build Conditions. This is due to the Melcher Street northbound movement worsening from LOS D under Existing Conditions to LOS F under No-Build Conditions. The a.m. peak hour remains at LOS C, but the Summer Street eastbound movement does worsen from LOS A under Existing Conditions to LOS B under No-Build Conditions. At the Congress Street/A Street/Thomson Place, the overall intersection operation remains at LOS F during the a.m. peak hour. During the a.m. peak hour, the Congress Street eastbound left/thru movement operates at LOS C under Existing Conditions and worsens to LOS E under No-Build Conditions. The Congress Street eastbound right-turn movement operates at LOS A under Existing Conditions and worsens to LOS C under No-Build Conditions. The southbound Thompson Place movement operates at LOS C under Existing conditions and deteriorates to LOS D under No-Build Conditions. During the p.m. peak hour, the overall intersection operations worsen from LOS E to LOS F. The Congress Street eastbound left/thru movement operates at LOS C under Existing Conditions and worsens to LOS F under No-Build Conditions. The Congress Street eastbound right-turn movement operates at LOS B under Existing Conditions and worsens to LOS D under No-Build Conditions. The southbound Thompson Place movement operates at LOS C under Existing conditions and deteriorates to LOS E under No-Build Conditions. The overall LOS at Congress Street/West Service Road/Boston Wharf Road worsens from LOS C under Existing Conditions to LOS E under No-Build Conditions during the a.m. peak hour. The northbound West Service Road through/right-turn movement operates at LOS B under Existing Conditions and worsens to LOS C under No-Build Conditions. The southbound Boston Wharf Road left/through movement operates at LOS D under Existing Conditions and worsens to LOS F under No-Build Conditions. With lane-use changes from the Crossroad Initiative, some movements worsen in operations during the a.m. peak hour. The eastbound Congress Street right-turn movement operates at LOS A under Existing Conditions. Under No-Build Conditions, this lane becomes a shared through/right-turn lane that operates at LOS B. During the p.m. peak hour, operations worsen from LOS D to LOS F. The southbound Boston Wharf Road left/through movement operates at LOS D under Existing Conditions and worsens to LOS F under No-Build Conditions.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

Table 2-8

No-Build Conditions (2017) Capacity Analysis Summary, a.m. Peak Hour

Level of Service Delay (seconds) V/C Ratio 95th Percentile Queue


Signalized Intersections
Summer Street/Melcher Street Summer EB thru | thru/right Summer WB left/thru | thru Melcher NB left/right Congress Street/A Street/Thomson Place Congress EB left/thru | thru Congress EB right Congress WB left Congress WB thru/right A Street NB left/thru A Street NB right Thomson SB left/thru/right Congress Street/West Service Road/ Boston Wharf Road Congress EB left Congress EB thru/right Congress WB left Congress WB thru | thru/right West Service NB left West Service NB thru/right Boston Wharf SB left/thru Boston Wharf SB right A Street/Melcher Street/USPS Driveway/ 319 A Driveway Melcher EB left/thru/right A Street NB left/thru/right A Street SB left/thru/right A Street/Necco Garage Road Necco Garage EB left/right A NB left/thru A SB thru/right Necco Street/Melcher Street Melcher EB thru/right Melcher WB left/thru Necco NB left/right C B C E F E C F A F A D E D B F B D C F A B C B B 22.8 10.6 27.5 62.9 >80.0 63.7 24.8 >80.0 9.6 >80.0 5.7 52.5 65.8 38.7 12.6 >80.0 17.2 46.5 31.1 >80.0 4.2 17.6 27.5 14.3 16.3 0.79 0.67 0.61 32 370 m448 0.75 0.45 >1.00 0.51 0.75 0.68 >1.00 0.23 m132 m102 #92 m230 #166 251 #357 42 0.61 >1.00dl 0.86 0.91 0.53 >1.00 0.36 >1.00 0.38 0.57 m158 274 #204 m#312 m#205 #640 193 #217 m51 61

Unsignalized Intersections
F A A A A C >50.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 4.8 19.7 0.70 0.16 0.43 0.37 0.16 0.15 106 14 0 0 14 13

# 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity. Queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after 2 cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Cell shading indicates that level of service worsens to LOS E or LOS F compared to Existing Conditions.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.


623 399




449 105



ST .

ST .


14 26












A ST .

26 26 0 1

186 7




ST .





ST .

18 12 2 0

ST .



184 259 96



12 74 1 151


13 352 230



14 4 4


17 48 1 6 4

ST .


255 392

120 404 2

46 30




















ST .





177 147 49




327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street PNF

93 421

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 2-10

No-Build Conditions (2017) Traffic Volumes, a.m. Peak Hour


41 596 78

11 340 509











57 135 . MELCHER ST






Not to scale.


642 227




410 30


15 10 12


ST .

ST .








CCO ST. 15 2 54




A ST .

23 9 44

ST .

169 25 443




ST .


24 12 2

ST .





241 426 484



23 355 5 439


426 310




15 2 16 4 4

12 51 9 8

ST .


159 521

119 479 11

25 13 5 6





RD .











ST .





48 160 55



327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street PNF

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 2-11

No-Build Conditions (2017) Traffic Volumes, p.m. Peak Hour


17 368


27 300 145

9 310 377











147 278 . MELCHER ST






Not to scale.

Table 2-9

No-Build Conditions (2017) Capacity Analysis Summary, p.m. Peak Hour

Level of Service Delay (seconds) V/C Ratio 95th Percentile Queue


Signalized Intersections
Summer Street/Melcher Street Summer EB thru | thru/right Summer WB left/thru | thru Melcher NB left/right Congress Street/A Street/Thomson Place Congress EB left/thru | thru Congress EB right Congress WB left Congress WB thru/right A Street NB left/thru A Street NB right Thomson SB left/thru/right Congress Street/West Service Road/ Boston Wharf Road Congress EB left Congress EB thru/right Congress WB left Congress WB thru | thru/right West Service NB left West Service NB thru/right Boston Wharf SB left/thru Boston Wharf SB right A Street/Melcher Street/USPS Driveway/ 319 A Driveway Melcher EB left/thru/right A Street NB left/thru/right A Street SB left/thru/right A Street/Necco Garage Road Necco Garage EB left/right A NB left/thru A SB thru/right Necco Street/Melcher Street Melcher EB thru/right Melcher WB left/thru Necco NB left/right D B C F F F D F B F A E F B F F B C C F C C D C D 51.3 18.0 20.4 >80.0 >80.0 >80.0 41.6 >80.0 10.2 >80.0 4.8 74.6 >80.0 19.8 >80.0 >80.0 15.6 25.5 30.3 >80.0 20.9 33.5 36.2 28.7 36.4 0.85 0.86 0.79 10 #625 m588 0.52 >1.00 >1.00 0.27 0.23 0.56 >1.00 0.60 m102 m#547 m#238 89 51 167 #1397 120 0.59 0.41 >1.00 >1.00 0.73 0.99 0.38 >1.00 0.53 0.66 m264 228 m#543 #336 m#333 #434 173 96 m56 25

Unsignalized Intersections
F A A A A C >80.0 1.8 0.0 0.0 0.6 22.2 >1.00 0.06 0.46 0.21 0.02 0.56 5 0 0 1 84

# 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity. Queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after 2 cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal after 2 cycles Cell shading indicates that level of service worsens to LOS E or LOS F compared to Existing Conditions.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

The southbound Boston Wharf Road right-turn movement operates at LOS A under Existing Conditions and worsens to LOS C under No-Build Conditions. The eastbound Congress Street right-turn movement operates at LOS A under Existing Conditions. Under No-Build Conditions, this lane becomes a shared through/right-turn lane that operates at LOS F. The intersection of A Street/Melcher Street/USPS Parking Lot/319 A Street Driveway is currently unsignalized, but the future year analysis includes a new traffic signal and improved pedestrian crossings. The relocation of the USPS driveway egress movement to West Service Road and the A Street properties egress to Pastene Alley also helps to improve overall intersection operations. The intersection will operate at LOS B and LOS D during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, respectively. At the intersection of A Street/Necco Garage, the Necco Garage eastbound approach worsens from LOS C to LOS F in the a.m. peak hour and worsens from LOS E to LOS F during the p.m. peak hour from the addition of vehicles accessing Necco Street Garage. No-Build Conditions Public Transportation

While no specific improvements are planned for transit services in the immediate study area, completion of Phase III of the Silver Line, as described below, would directly benefit commuters and visitors to the adjacent South Boston Waterfront. Because of ongoing challenges in terms of funding and constructability, however, Phase III improvements have not been included in the No-Build or Build conditions.

Silver Line. The Silver Line is being completed in three phases, the first of which Silver
Line Washington Street opened in July 2002. It travels as a bus rapid transit (BRT) route along Washington Street between Dudley Square and Downtown. The second phase, Silver Line Waterfront, opened in December 2004 and runs as a BRT underground from South Station to Silver Line Way. The line then continues through the South Boston Waterfront aboveground to the BCEC, the Boston Marine Industrial Park, South Boston residential neighborhoods, and Logan International Airport. Silver Line Phase III, which is currently in design, will be a tunnel linking Downtown and South Station via the Boylston Street and Chinatown stations; it will connect Silver Line Phase I (Dudley Square to Downtown) and Phase II (South Station to the South Boston Waterfront). When the final phase has been completed, all three segments will connect to become the Silver Line the MBTAs fifth rapid transit line offering a seamless link between the communities of Roxbury, the South End, Chinatown, Downtown, and South Boston. This new transit line will connect passengers quickly and easily to the MBTAs other rapid transit linesthe Orange, Green, and Redto Logan Airport and to South Station, where they can board the south side commuter rail lines and Amtrak trains. The MBTA expects the Silver Line to accommodate some existing Green, Orange, and Red lines commuters and to provide additional service to attract those who currently do not use the public transit system.
3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street 2-30 Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

No-Build Pedestrian Conditions

Significant improvements to pedestrian crossings and sidewalks are proposed for the intersection of A Street/Melcher Street as part of the Channel Center mitigation commitments. These should be in place within the next five years. In the longer term, the 100 Acres Master Plan proposes an extension of Melcher Street eastward to West Service Road. No-Build Bicycle Conditions

Bicycle accommodation is planned along the A Street corridor as part of the Citys 100 Acres Master Plan and the City is currently planning to implement bicycle lanes along the southern portion of the A Street corridor at West Broadway. It is expected that the City will continue implementation of bicycle accommodations north along the A Street corridor in the near future. The South Bay Harbor Trail will ultimately connect the Fort Point Channel district in South Boston to the Pierre Lallement Bike Path along the MBTA Orange Line/Southwest Corridor Park. Segments of the Trail are in place, including the Harborwalk section in South Boston and the Melnea Cass Bike Path in Roxbury. The incomplete connecting segment will eventually operate along portions of the I-93 frontage roads between West Fourth Street and Biosquare Drive at Boston Medical Center.


Build Conditions

The Year 2017 Build Conditions traffic impacts associated with the proposed Project are presented in this Subsection 2.3.2. Site Access and Circulation

As shown in the site plans (Figures 1-9 through 1-12) the building at 327-337 Summer Street will have its primary doorways located on Summer Street, with secondary access available from Pastene Alley, two storeys below. The 319 A Street building will have doorways on A Street and also on Pastene Alley. For both buildings, service and loading will occur on Pastene Alley. Vehicle trips destined to the Site will park at nearby facilities. Trip Generation

Vehicle trip generation estimates for the Project use rates derived from ITEs Trip Generation (8th Edition, 2008) fitted curve equations and average trip rates. The ITE vehicle trip generation rates presented below identify the number of unadjusted vehicle trips associated with the Project. In an urban setting well served by transit, these unadjusted vehicle trips need to be adjusted to account for other travel mode shares. Several interim

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

steps further refine trip generation estimates to reflect the particular characteristics of the development program and building site. These interim steps account by pass-by trips and internal trips between land uses on-site. The following ITE land use codes (LUCs) were used to develop the new project-related vehicle trips for the Project: Apartments (rental dwelling units) are units located in rental buildings with at least three other dwelling units. Calculations of the number of trips use ITEs fitted curve equation per dwelling unit.

LUC 220 Apartment.

LUC 820 Retail/Shopping Center.

A shopping center is an integrated group of commercial establishments that is planned, developed, owned, and managed as a unit. A shopping centers composition is related to its market area in terms of size, location, and type of store. Calculations of the number of trips use ITEs average rate per 1,000 sf.

LUC 710 General Office Building. A general office building houses multiple tenants and
is a location where affairs of businesses, commercial or industrial organizations, or professional persons or firms are conducted. An office building or buildings may contain a mixture of tenants including professional services, insurance companies, investment brokers and tenant services, a restaurant or cafeteria and service retail facilities. Calculations of the number of trips use ITEs average rate per 1,000 sf. Each alternative also has a designated Innovation Office component, which may exhibit more transitory tenant activity than standard office space. An example would be the use of the Innovation Office space to serve a temporary entrepreneurial partnership between two local start-up companies. For analysis purposes, however, the Innovation Office space was considered general office space. Pass-by Trips

A portion of trips to the Project will be pass-by trips, which are already in the transportation network and not specifically destined to the proposed uses. ITE defines pass-by trips as trips made as intermediate stops on the way from an origin to a primary destination without a route diversion. This accounts for trips generated by people already in the area, as in common shopping districts or dense urban areas. For all time periods, a pass-by rate of 25% was applied to the retail, based on the nature of the area around the Project Site. The detailed trip generation sheets in Appendix C show the estimated pass-by trips for each time period.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

Travel Mode Shares

The BTD publishes vehicle, transit, and walk/bicycle mode shares specific to each area of Boston. The Project site is located within BTD Area 13. As is standard practice, these specific neighborhood mode shares have been adopted and used to estimate the number of new vehicle-person trips, transit trips, and walk/bicycle trips generated by the Project. Local vehicle occupancy rates (VOR) are adopted from the 2009 National Household Travel Survey and the 2000 U.S. Census and were used to convert vehicle-person trips to vehicle trips. The Project travel mode shares (by time of day and land use) and vehicle occupancy rates are shown in Table 2-10. Table 2-10 Travel Mode Shares
Land Use/ Direction In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out Transit Share Walk Share Auto Share Vehicle Occupancy Rate (VOR) 1.1 1.1 1.8 1.8 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.8 1.8 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.8 1.8 1.1 1.1

Residential Retail Office 19% 19% 5% 5% 21% 21% 16% 24% 4% 6% 17% 27% 24% 16% 6% 4% 27% 17% 34% 34% 43% 43% 22% 22% 47% 47% 52% 52% 57% 57% 49% 34% 53% 40% 60% 44% 34% 49% 40% 53% 44% 60%

a.m. Peak Hour

Residential Retail Office 36% 42% 43% 54% 23% 29%

p.m. Peak Hour

Residential Retail Office 42% 36% 54% 43% 29% 23%

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

Vehicle Trips

The resulting new vehicles trips associated with each alternative are shown in Table 2-11. Table 2-11 Vehicle Trips
Time Period Daily In Out a.m. Peak Hour In Out p.m. Peak Hour In Out
1) Includes 327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street.

Residential Alternative1) 858 429 429 34 16 18 70 33 37

Office Alternative1) 1,056 528 528 132 117 15 135 23 112

As shown in Table 2-11, the Residential Alternative would add 858 vehicle trips per day to local streets, with 429 entering vehicles and 429 exiting vehicles. The Project would generate 34 and 70 new vehicle trips during the a.m. peak hour and p.m. peak hour, respectively. The Office Alternative would generate more trips than the Residential Alternative, with a higher concentration of trips during the travel peak periods. Overall, 1,056 new vehicle trips per day would be generated under the Office Alternative. The Project would generate 132 and 135 new vehicle trips during the a.m. peak hour and p.m. peak hour, respectively. Trip Distribution

The trip distribution identifies the various travel paths for vehicles arriving at nearby parking facilities and the corresponding departure travel path. The distribution is a combination of trip origin information and trip destination information. The study team developed vehicle trip distribution based on BTDs origin-destination data for Area 13. The entering and exiting trip distribution patterns are shown in Figure 2-12 and Figure 2-13, respectively. The Project-generated vehicle trips are assigned to the study intersections based on the associated trip distribution. The peak hour Project-generated vehicle trips for the Residential Alternative are shown in Figure 2-14, and Project-generated vehicle trips for the Office Alternative are shown in Figure 2-15.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

5% 4%








ST .



















ST .









ST .
















RD .







ST .


Not to scale.

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street PNF

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 2-12

Vehicular Trip Distribution, Entering






ST .



ST .





ST .

















ST .

p -ram B On ) W 0 9 3 I9 (to I-








ST .











ST .





RD .









327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street PNF

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 2-13

Vehicular Trip Distribution, Exiting


ST .

Not to scale.



I-90 EB On-ramp





0 (0 1 (2 ) )


A.M. (P.M.)

0 (0 0 (0 ) )




ST .



0 (0 0 (0 ) 0 (0 ) )




0 (0 0 (0 ) 10 ( ) 21)

0( 1 ( 0) 2)

1 (1 ) 14 0 (0) (28 )




ST .


ST .





CCO ST. 1( 2 0( ) 0)




A ST .

0( 0 (0 0) )

ST .




1 (2 0 (0 ) 0 (0 ) )


0 (0 0 (0 ) 1 (3 ) )




0 11 (0) (22 3 (6 ) )




12 ( 0 (0 24) )

0 14 (0) (29 0 (0 ) )

14 (2 3 (6 9) )






RD .

0 (0 0 (0 ) 0 (0 ) )

0 (0 12 ) 0 (0 (24) )

ST .











ST .




5 (1 0 0 (0 ) 0 (0 ) )





327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street PNF

3 (7 0 (0 ) )

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 2-14

Project-generated Trips Residential Alternative, a.m. and p.m. Peak Hours



0 (0 5 (1 ) 0 (0 0) )


0 (0) 1 (2) . MELCHER ST









Not to scale.


0 (0 7 (1 ) )


A.M. (P.M.)

0 (0 0 (0 ) )





ST .





0 (0 0 (0 ) 0 (0 ) )





0 (0 0 (6 ) 76 ) (15 )

0( 7 ( 0) 1)

1 (4 ) 11 0 (0) (84 )




ST .


ST .





CCO ST. 1( 7 0( ) 0)




A ST .

0( 0 (0 0) )

ST .




6 (1 0 (0 ) 0 (0 ) )


0 (0 0 (0 ) 11 ) (2)




0 9 (6 (0) 2 (1 6) 8)





0 12 (0) (88 0 (0 ) )



12 ( 2 (1 88) 7)





87 ( 0 (0 17) )



RD .

0 (0 0 (0 ) 0 (0 ) )

0( 87 0) 0 ( (17) 0)

ST .











ST .




35 (7 0 (0 ) ) 0 (0 )




327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street PNF

23 (5 0 (0 ) )

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 2-15

Project-generated Trips Office Alternative, a.m. and p.m. Peak Hours



0 (0) 1 (7) . MELCHER ST









0 (0 35 ( ) 0 (0 7) )

Not to scale.

Build Conditions Traffic Operations

To estimate 2017 Build traffic volumes, the Project-generated vehicle trips for each alternative were added to the 2017 No-Build traffic volumes. The Year 2017 Build traffic volumes for the Residential Alternative are shown in Figure 2-16 and Figure 2-17, for the a.m. and p.m. peak hour, respectively. The Year 2017 Build traffic volumes for the Office Alternative are shown in Figure 2-18 and Figure 2-19, for the a.m. and p.m. peak hour, respectively. The capacity analysis results for the Residential Alternative Build Condition are shown in Table 2-12 and Table 2-13, for the a.m. and p.m. peak hour, respectively. The capacity analysis results for the Office Alternative Build Condition are shown in Table 2-14 and Table 2-15, for the a.m. and p.m. peak hour, respectively. Complete Synchro reports are provided in Appendix C. Under the Residential Alternative, all intersections will continue to operate at the same level of service as in the No-Build Conditions, indicating that this alternative will have no significant impact to traffic operations in the study area. Under the Office Alternative, all intersections continue to operate at the same level of service as in the No-Build Conditions with the following exceptions: Congress Street/West Service Road/Boston Wharf Road. The overall level of service at this intersection remains the same as in the No-Build Conditions for both the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. In the a.m. peak hour, the Boston Wharf Road northbound left-turn movement worsens from LOS D to LOS E. A Street/ Melcher Street/ USPS Driveway/ 319 A Driveway. While the overall level of service at this intersection worsens from LOS B to LOS C and from LOS C to LOS D in the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, respectively, all operations remain at LOS D or better. These results indicate that the Office Alternative will have minimal impact to traffic operations in the study area.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.


623 400




449 105







14 26




ST .

ST .









A ST .

26 26 0 2





ST .

187 7



ST .


18 12 2 0

ST .



184 270 99


12 74 2 151


13 352 231








267 392

120 418 2


60 33







RD .

14 4 4


17 49 1 8

ST .












ST .





182 147 49




96 421

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street PNF

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 2-16

Build Conditions (2017) Traffic Volumes Residential Alternative, a.m. Peak Hour




11 340 519








57 136 . MELCHER ST






41 601 71

Not to scale.

642 229




410 30





15 10 12


9 310 398


ST .

ST .










PL .









A ST .

23 9 46

ST .

170 25 471




ST .


24 12 2

ST .





241 448 490


23 355 7 439


426 310



CCO ST. 15 4 54




183 521

119 508 11

28 14 4 2







15 2 16 4 4

12 54 9 2

ST .












ST .





58 160 55




327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street PNF

24 368

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 2-17

Build Conditions (2017) Traffic Volumes Residential Alternative, p.m. Peak Hour


27 310 143


147 280 . MELCHER ST





Not to scale.

623 406




449 105





14 26


11 340 585


ST .

ST .










PL .









A ST .

26 26 0 8





ST .

187 7



ST .


18 12 2 0

ST .



184 268 98


12 74 7 151


13 352 241








342 392

120 416 2

58 32







14 4 4


17 53 1 7 4

ST .












ST .





212 147 49





327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street PNF

116 421

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 2-18

Build Conditions (2017) Traffic Volumes Office Alternative, a.m. Peak Hour


41 631 71


57 136 . MELCHER ST





Not to scale.


642 228




410 30


15 10 12










A ST .

23 9 45

ST .

173 25 527


ST .


24 12 2

ST .





241 492 502


23 355 6 439


426 312



CCO ST. 15 9 54





176 521

119 567 11



34 15 3 3








15 2 16 4 4

12 53 9 5

ST .












ST .





55 160 55



327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street PNF

22 368

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 2-19

Build Conditions (2017) Traffic Volumes Office Alternative, p.m. Peak Hour


27 307 143

9 310 392




ST .

ST .









147 285 . MELCHER ST






Not to scale.

Table 2-12

Build Conditions (2017) Capacity Analysis Summary Residential Alternative, a.m. Peak Hour
Intersection Level of Service C B C E F E C F A F A D E D B F B D C F A B C B B Delay (seconds) 22.9 10.6 27.6 63.9 >80.0 63.7 24.8 >80.0 9.7 >80.0 5.6 52.5 66.1 38.3 13.1 >80.0 17.3 48.8 31.1 >80.0 4.2 18.0 27.4 14.9 16.8 0.79 0.68 0.62 32 393 m450 0.75 0.47 >1.00 0.51 0.77 0.68 >1.00 0.23 m133 m114 #95 m232 #176 251 #359 42 V/C Ratio 95th Percentile Queue

Signalized Intersections
Summer Street/Melcher Street Summer EB thru | thru/right Summer WB left/thru | thru Melcher NB left/right Congress Street/A Street/Thomson Place Congress EB left/thru | thru Congress EB right Congress WB left Congress WB thru/right A Street NB left/thru A Street NB right Thomson SB left/thru/right Congress Street/West Service Road/ Boston Wharf Road Congress EB left Congress EB thru/right Congress WB left Congress WB thru | thru/right West Service NB left West Service NB thru/right Boston Wharf SB left/thru Boston Wharf SB right A Street/Melcher Street/USPS Driveway/ 319 A Driveway USPS Parking Lot WB left/thru/right A Street NB left/thru/right A Street SB left/thru/right A Street/Necco Garage Road Necco Garage EB left/right A NB left/thru A SB thru/right Necco Street/Melcher Street Melcher EB thru/right Melcher WB left/thru Necco NB left/right 0.61 >1.00 0.86 0.91 0.53 >1.00 0.36 >1.00 0.40 0.57 m158 274 #206 m#312 m#206 #655 195 #219 m50 61

Unsignalized Intersections
F A A A A C >50.0 4.3 0.0 0.0 4.8 19.9 0.98 0.17 0.43 0.37 0.16 0.16 179 15 0 0 14 14

# 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity. Queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after 2 cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Cell shading indicates level of service worsens to LOS E or LOS F compared to No-Build Conditions.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

Table 2-13

Build Conditions (2017) Capacity Analysis Summary Residential Alternative, p.m. Peak Hour
Intersection Level of Service D B C F F F D F B F A E F B F F B C C F C D D C D Delay (seconds) 51.8 18.0 20.4 >80.0 >80.0 >80.0 43.8 >80.0 10.3 >80.0 5.1 74.6 >80.0 19.8 >80.0 >80.0 15.8 26.4 30.3 >80.0 21.1 40.0 36.2 33.6 47.0 0.85 0.91 0.82 10 #674 m591 0.53 >1.00 >1.00 0.28 0.28 0.56 >1.00 0.61 m101 m#785 m#243 92 59 167 #1398 121 V/C Ratio 95th Percentile Queue

Signalized Intersections
Summer Street/Melcher Street Summer EB thru | thru/right Summer WB left/thru | thru Melcher NB left/right Congress Street/A Street/Thomson Place Congress EB left/thru | thru Congress EB right Congress WB left Congress WB thru/right A Street NB left/thru A Street NB right Thomson SB left/thru/right Congress Street/West Service Road/ Boston Wharf Road Congress EB left Congress EB thru/right Congress WB left Congress WB thru | thru/right West Service NB left West Service NB thru/right Boston Wharf SB left/thru Boston Wharf SB right A Street/Melcher Street/USPS Driveway/ 319 A Driveway Melcher EB left/thru/right A Street NB left/thru/right A Street SB left/thru/right A Street/Necco Garage Road Necco Garage EB left/right A NB left/thru A SB thru/right Necco Street/Melcher Street Melcher EB thru/right Melcher WB left/thru Necco NB left/right 0.59 0.41 >1.00 >1.00 0.73 >1.00 0.38 >1.00 0.55 0.66 m264 228 m#513 #336 m#333 #438 175 97 m56 25

Unsignalized Intersections
F A A A A C >50.0 2.7 0.0 0.0 0.6 22.6 >1.00 0.09 0.47 0.21 0.02 0.57 8 0 0 1 86

# 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity. Queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after 2 cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Cell shading indicates level of service worsens to LOS E or LOS F compared to No-Build Conditions.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

Table 2-14

Build Conditions (2017) Capacity Analysis Summary Office Alternative, a.m. Peak Hour
Intersection Level of Service Delay (seconds) V/C Ratio 95th Percentile Queue

Signalized Intersections
Summer Street/Melcher Street Summer EB thru | thru/right Summer WB left/thru | thru Melcher NB left/right Congress Street/A Street/Thomson Place Congress EB left/thru | thru Congress EB right Congress WB left Congress WB thru/right A Street NB left/thru A Street NB right Thomson SB left/thru/right Congress Street/West Service Road/ Boston Wharf Road Congress EB left Congress EB thru/right Congress WB left Congress WB thru | thru/right West Service NB left West Service NB thru/right Boston Wharf SB left/thru Boston Wharf SB right A Street/Melcher Street/USPS Driveway/ 319 A Driveway Melcher EB left/thru/right A Street NB thru/right A Street SB left/thru/right A Street/Necco Garage Road Necco Garage EB left/right A NB left/thru A SB thru/right Necco Street/Melcher Street Melcher EB thru/right Melcher WB left/thru Necco NB left/right C B C E F E C F B F A D E D B F B E C F A C C B C 22.9 10.6 27.7 63.3 >80.0 63.7 25.5 >80.0 10.3 >80.0 5.2 52.5 66.8 38.3 12.9 >80.0 17.9 66.3 31.1 >80.0 4.2 21.2 27.5 16.5 22.6 0.79 0.71 0.69 32 418 m462 0.75 0.46 >1.00 0.54 0.90 0.68 >1.00 0.24 m132 m109 #96 m243 #226 251 #357 43 0.62 >1.00 0.86 0.91 0.55 >1.00 0.36 >1.00 0.40 0.57 m159 274 #206 m#312 m#216 m#759 m199 #219 m46 61

Unsignalized Intersections
F A A A A C >50.0 6.1 0.0 0.0 4.8 20.0 >1.00 0.24 0.49 0.37 0.16 0.16 238 23 0 0 14 14

# 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity. Queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after 2 cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Cell shading indicates level of service worsens to LOS E or LOS F compared to No-Build Conditions.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

Table 2-15

Build Conditions (2017) Capacity Analysis Summary Office Alternative, p.m. Peak Hour
Intersection Level of Service D B C F F F D F B F A E F B F F B C C F C D D D D Delay (seconds) 52.0 14.2 20.4 >80.0 >80.0 >80.0 45.1 >80.0 10.2 >80.0 6.0 71.1 >80.0 18.9 >80.0 >80.0 15.7 26.2 30.3 >80.0 21.1 44.1 35.0 43.9 48.1 0.83 0.97 0.82 12 #751 m592 0.53 >1.00 >1.00 0.28 0.27 0.56 >1.00 0.61 m97 m#879 m#242 91 56 167 #1398 121 V/C Ratio 95th Percentile Queue

Signalized Intersections
Summer Street/Melcher Street Summer EB thru | thru/right Summer WB left/thru | thru Melcher NB left/right Congress Street/A Street/Thomson Place Congress EB left/thru | thru Congress EB right Congress WB left Congress WB thru/right A Street NB left/thru A Street NB right Thomson SB left/thru/right Congress Street/West Service Road/ Boston Wharf Road Congress EB left Congress EB THRU/right Congress WB left Congress WB thru | thru/right West Service NB left West Service NB thru/right Boston Wharf SB left/thru Boston Wharf SB right A Street/Melcher Street/USPS Driveway/ 319 A Driveway Melcher EB left/thru/right A Street NB left/thru A Street SB left/thru/right A Street/Necco Garage Road Necco Garage EB left/right A NB left/thru A SB thru/right Necco Street/Melcher Street Melcher EB thru/right Melcher WB left/thru Necco NB left/right 0.59 0.41 >1.00 >1.00 0.74 >1.00 0.38 >1.00 0.60 0.66 m213 228 m#533 #336 m#336 #429 174 98 m60 25

Unsignalized Intersections
F A A A A C >50.0 2.5 0.0 0.0 0.6 23.2 >1.00 0.09 0.47 0.21 0.02 0.58 7 0 0 1 90

# 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity. Queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after 2 cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Cell shading indicates level of service worsens to LOS E or LOS F compared to No-Build Conditions.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.


Based on the travel mode shares presented above in Table 2-10, the future transit trips generated by the Project were estimated and are shown in Table 2-16. Table 2-16 Transit Trips
Time Period Daily In Out a.m. Peak Hour In Out p.m. Peak Hour In Out
1) Includes 327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street.

Residential Alternative1) 250 125 125 17 4 13 26 17 9

Office Alternative1) 416 208 208 46 36 10 50 15 35

Under the Residential Alternative, the Project would generate 250 daily transit trips, 17 a.m. peak hour trips, and 26 p.m. peak transit trips. Under the Office Alternative, the Project would generate 416 daily transit trips, 46 a.m. peak hour trips, and 50 p.m. peak transit trips. Given the relatively low number of new transit trips under either alternative, the existing transit services in the area will be able to accommodate the increase. Pedestrian and Bicycle Conditions

Based on the walk mode shares presented in Table 2-10, the study team estimated the new walk/bicycle trips generated by the Project, as shown in Table 2-17. Under the Residential Alternative, the Project would generate 1,020 daily walk/bicycle trips, 46 a.m. peak hour trips, and 107 p.m. peak transit trips. Under the Office Alternative, the Project would generate 562 daily walk/bicycle trips, 64 a.m. peak hour trips, and 76 p.m. peak transit trips. Given the relatively low number of new walk/bicycle trips, the existing sidewalk and roadway networks in the area will be able to accommodate the increase under either alternative.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

Table 2-17

Walk/Bicycle Trips
Time Period Residential Alternative1) 1,020 In Out 510 510 46 17 29 107 62 45 Office Alternative1) 562 281 281 64 51 13 76 24 52


a.m. Peak Hour In Out p.m. Peak Hour In Out

1) Includes 327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street.

Bicycle Accommodations

Secure bicycle storage will be made available to Project occupants and visitors to encourage bicycling as an alternative mode of transportation. BTD has established guidelines to estimate the number of secure and protected bicycle parking/storage and outdoor spaces that should be provided with new projects.

Residential Alternative
Based on BTD guidelines, the Project would provide 120 on-site secure bicycle storage spaces and 14 public outdoor bicycle spaces assigned by site accordingly. One shower/changing facility would be provided for employees.

Office Alternative
Based on BTD guidelines, the Project would provide 61 on-site secure bicycle storage spaces and 15 public outdoor bicycle spaces assigned by site accordingly. Two shower/changing facilities would be provided for employees. Subject to necessary approvals, public bicycle racks will be provided on the sidewalks near each building entrance available for use by visitors. Bicycle racks, signs, and parking areas will conform to BTD standards and be sited in safe, secure locations. Because of the proximity of the Site to existing Hubway stations (Congress/Sleeper and Boston Convention Center), no new bicycle sharing station is required or proposed.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

Parking Demand and Supply

At present, there are four on-site parking spaces on Pastene Alley along the north side of the 319 A Street building. As part of the Project, these four spaces will be eliminated to allow for an enhanced interior lobby/stairway design at 319 A Street. The 327-337 Summer Street building does not currently have any on-site parking. BTD has established parking space guidelines throughout the City to ensure that the proper parking capacity is provided with new projects. While no parking is included on-site at the Project, an appropriate number of spaces for residents/tenants will be reserved in the nearby Necco Street garage, or other nearby facility. Table 2-18 shows the recommended BTD parking ratio for residential and office uses and the associated number of parking spaces. The retail parking demand can be met through the use of short-term meters along Summer Street and also at the numerous nearby parking facilities. (See Table 2-5.) Table 2-18 Estimated Parking Demand
Residential Alternative 1) Land Use Residential 0.50 spaces/ unit 2) 0.70 spaces/ 1,000 sf 3) 110 units Spaces 55 Office Alternative1) Land Use 18 units Spaces 9

Parking Rate

Office/ Innovation Office

1) 2) 3)

4,000 sf

139,800 sf


Includes 327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street. While BTD Guidelines (2001) recommend 1.01.5 spaces per unit for the South Boston Waterfront, the current trend is closer to 0.50 spaces per unit in Bostons downtown neighborhoods. BTD Guidelines for office space in South Boston Waterfront.

Under the Residential Alternative, about 55 spaces would be retained in off-site parking facilities for residents and a few spaces to support demand from the Innovation Office space. Under the Office Alternative, about nine spaces would be reserved in off-site parking facilities for residents. An arrangement for leasing up to 98 tenant parking spots would be established with one or more nearby parking facilities to accommodate the office demand.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

Loading and Service Accommodations

The number of daily deliveries generated by the Project, shown in Table 2-19, is based on local data. 2 The design, operations, and management of loading and service facilities for the Project will be coordinated with BTD, under a Transportation Access Plan Agreement, which is required for the Project. Table 2-19 Delivery Activity by Land Use
Daily (Weekday) Deliveries Residential Alternative1) Residential Retail Office/Innovation Office Total

Land Use

Office Alternative1) 1 1 7 9

1 2 1 4

Includes 327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street.

Loading and service operations for both buildings, including trash pick-up, will occur on Pastene Alley and not on public streets. Service operations for 327-337 Summer Street will occur along the south side of the building on Pastene Alley. Service vehicles for 319 A Street will also use Pastene Alley, along the north side of that building. Given the small number of anticipated daily deliveries, adequate capacity for loading activities is available along Pastene Alley.


Transportation Demand Management

The Proponent is committed to implementing a TDM program, through the commitments listed below, that supports the Citys efforts to reduce dependency on the automobile by encouraging travelers to use alternatives to driving alone, especially during peak time periods. Bicycle Amenities: Secure bicycle storage will be made available to occupants to encourage bicycling as an alternative mode of transportation. In accordance with BTD guidelines, the Proponent will provide 120 secure spaces and 14 public spaces under the Residential Alternative or 61 secure spaces and 15 public spaces under the Office Alternative. Bicycle amenities will be assigned by site accordingly.

Truck Trip Generation Rates by Land Use in the Central Artery/Tunnel Project Study Area, prepared by the Central Transportation Planning Staff, with support from Massachusetts Highway Department and Federal Highway Administration, September 1993.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

Bicycle racks, signs, and parking areas will conform to BTD standards and will be sited in safe, secure locations. Orientation Packets: The Proponent will provide orientation packets to new occupants containing information on available transportation choices, including transit routes and schedules. On-site management will work with residents and tenants as they move in to help facilitate transportation for new arrivals. Car-Sharing Service: The Proponent will promote the use of the two nearby Zipcar stations at the Necco Street garage and the Childrens Museum (a total of six vehicles are stationed at these locations). Transit Passes: The Proponent will encourage commercial occupants to subsidize transit passes for their employees. A Transportation Access Plan Agreement (TAPA) will be entered into between the Proponent and BTD. The TAPA will codify the specific measures and agreements between the Proponent and the City of Boston.


Evaluation of Short-term/Construction Impacts

Most construction activities will be accommodated within the current site boundaries. Details of the overall construction schedule, working hours, number of construction workers, worker transportation and parking, number of construction vehicles, and routes will be addressed in detail in a Construction Management Plan to be filed with BTD. To minimize transportation impacts during the construction period, the following measures will be considered for the Construction Management Plan: Limited construction worker parking on-site; Encouragement of worker carpooling; Consideration of a subsidy for MBTA passes for full-time employees; and Providing secure spaces on-site for workers' supplies and tools so they do not have to be brought to the site each day. The Construction Management Plan, to be executed with the City prior to commencement of construction, will document all committed measures.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Transportation Component Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

Section 3.0 Environmental Protection


3.1.1 Introduction

A qualitative assessment has been made to estimate the effect of the proposed Project on wind conditions around the proposed vertical and horizontal expansion at 327-337 Summer Street. The Project does not include any changes to the building envelope at 319 A Street, and so wind conditions were not studied there. The results of the analysis indicate that the Project will have little or no effect on wind conditions and pedestrian comfort. Wind conditions around the proposed development are expected to be similar to those that currently exist. This qualitative assessment is based on the following: a review of regional long-term meteorological data; previous wind-tunnel tests on buildings in Boston, including a proposed building adjacent to the current development site; Use of software developed by Rowan Williams Davies & Irwin Inc. (RWDI) (Windestimator 1 ) for estimating the potential wind comfort conditions around generalized building forms.


Building and Site Information

The Project site is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Summer Street and West Service Road. It is bordered by Pastene Alley, a private way not open to public travel, to the south. The existing surroundings include buildings of a similar height to the immediate west and south, as well as on the north side of Summer Street, plus open parking spaces to the east. Bostons Financial District is located to the northwest, and the airport and harbor is located to the northeast and east. The existing buildings at 327-337 Summer Street are five stories above Summer Street and seven stories along Pastene Alley and West Service Road. The proposed East Addition includes two bays of horizontal expansion at the east end of 327-337 Summer Street, and two stories of vertical addition above the existing roof of the newly combined buildings. (See Figures 1-13 through 1-16.)

H. Wu, C.J. Williams, H.A. Baker and W.F. Waechter (2004), Knowledge-based Desk-Top Analysis of Pedestrian Wind Conditions, ASCE Structure Congress 2004, Nashville, Tennessee.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Primary pedestrian areas include building entrances and sidewalks along Summer Street. Limited pedestrian usage is expected along West Service Road and Pastene Alley. Potentially, the rooftop areas can be used as outdoor terraces in the summer when the weather conditions are more favorable.


Local Weather Data

The wind roses in Figure 3.1-1 summarize the annual and seasonal wind climates in the Boston area, based on the long-term data from Boston Logan International Airport between the years 1982 and 2011. The year-round prevailing winds are from the west-northwest. This overall annual frequency is driven primarily by a particularly high frequency of winds from this direction during the winter and spring months. In the summer and fall, winds are more commonly from the southwest, with generally lower wind speeds. On an annual basis, the most common wind directions are those that originate between the southwest and northwest. Winds from the east are also relatively common. In the case of strong winds, west-northwest and northeast are the dominant directions. Based on the local wind directionality and the orientation of the buildings and streets in the area, winds from the west-northwest and northeast are considered most important, although winds from all other directions have also been taken into account in the analysis.


Wind Comfort Criteria

The Boston Redevelopment Agency has adopted two standards for assessing the relative wind comfort of pedestrians. First, the BRA wind design guidance criterion states that an effective gust velocity (hourly mean wind speed plus 1.5 times the root-mean-square wind speed) of 31 mph should not be exceeded more than one percent (1%) of the time. The second set of criteria used by the BRA to determine the acceptability of specific locations is based on the work of Melbourne. 2 This set of criteria is used to determine the relative level of pedestrian wind comfort for activities such as sitting, standing, or walking. The criteria are expressed in terms of benchmarks for the one-hour mean wind speed exceeded one percent (1%) of the time (i.e., the 99-percentile mean wind speed). They are as follows:
Dangerous Uncomfortable for Walking Comfortable for Walking Comfortable for Standing Comfortable for Sitting > 27 mph > 19 mph and 27 mph > 15 mph and 19 mph > 12 mph and 15 mph < 12 mph

* Applicable to the hourly mean wind speed exceeded one percent (1%) of the time.

Melbourne, W.H. (1978), "Criteria for Environmental Wind Conditions", Journal of Industrial Aerodynamics, vol. 3, pp. 241-249.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.


Pedestrian Wind Conditions


Wind tunnel tests were conducted recently by RWDI for a proposed building adjacent to the current development. Quantitative wind results are available for the existing and future surrounding conditions in the area. Because of the modest dimensions of the proposed additions to the existing buildings at 327-337 Summer Street, the potential wind conditions around the development site will be similar to those that currently exist. The following subsections present these wind tunnel results and discuss the potential wind effects of the proposed building additions. Previous Wind Tunnel Results

Wind tunnel tests were conducted by RWDI in 2010 for a proposed building at 315 A Street (then known as 319 A Street Rear) in South Boston. That development, approved by the BRA on December 14, 2012, and currently under construction, is located immediately to the south of the current project at 327-337 Summer Street. As shown in the photos in Figure 3.1-2, three surrounding configurations (i.e., No Build, Build and Future Build) were tested in the wind tunnel. Results for the latter two configurations can be directly applied for the current project, since the development at 315 A Street (the red building in the photos) is now considered an existing building for purposes of wind study. With the 315 A Street building in place, wind conditions were found to be comfortable for walking on an annual basis along Summer Street (north faade of the current project) and on West Service Road (east faade). No unacceptable or dangerous wind conditions were detected for any season along these two streets. The future surroundings would improve these conditions, with wind speeds comfortable for standing in several areas. Elevated wind conditions were observed along Pastene Alley between 315 A Street and 327-337 Summer Street, with uncomfortable and/or unacceptable wind speeds at most measurement locations in the alley. This is primarily due to the prevailing northwest and northeast winds downwashing off of the proposed tower at 315 A Street and being channeled between the buildings (See Figure 3.1-3). Once it is complete, the new building at 315 A Street will eliminate these uncomfortable and unacceptable wind conditions in the alley. The future wind conditions were predicted to be comfortable for walking or better annually and seasonally in all pedestrian areas around the building at 327-337 Summer Street.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Future Wind Conditions at Grade

The existing buildings at 327-337 Summer Street are attached to each other, for a total length of approximately 360 feet. The added two bays at the east end will be approximately 32 feet in width, less than nine percent (9%) of the total building length. With the vertical addition of two stories in place, the Project is still one story shorter than the existing building to the immediate west, and considerably lower than the building at 315 A Street, to the south. The two added stories will be set back from the main faade in all directions, which will reduce the potential wind impact of the increased height on the sidewalks and entrances at grade. Therefore, wind conditions around the Project are expected to be similar to those that currently exist. In particular, wind conditions are likely to be comfortable for standing or walking along Summer Street and West Service Road on an annual basis. Along Pastene Alley, uncomfortable wind conditions are expected to remain until the full buildup of future development in the surrounding area. These wind speeds would occur under both the current conditions and the proposed development of 327-337 Summer Street. Under the proposed development, Pastene Alley would remain primarily for vehicular use, and pedestrians would not be significantly affected by wind conditions. Future Wind Conditions on the Roof

Under both the residential and office alternatives, plans for the rooftop addition to 327-337 Summer street include terraces for use by building occupants. Ideally low wind speeds comfortable for sitting are desired for roof terraces in the summer, when these spaces will typically be in use. However, higher-than-desired wind conditions are expected on the roof, due to the increased wind exposure at higher elevations. The Proponent has committed to installing five-foot glass parapets around the roof terrace for wind control.



This qualitative assessment of wind conditions around the proposed expansion at 327-337 Summer Street was based on recent wind tunnel results for an adjacent development, as well as local weather data and our experience in the Boston area. The proposed additions make relatively minor changes to the existing dimensions of the buildings, and the future wind conditions around the development are expected to be similar to those that currently exist. Suitable wind conditions are predicted along Summer Street and West Service Road. Uncomfortable and unacceptable wind speeds currently exist along Pastene Alley, and will remain until the full build out of future development in the surrounding area.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.

(mph) Calm 15 610 1115 1620 >20

Spring (Mar. May)

Summer (Jun. Aug.)


Fall (Sep. Nov.)

Winter (Dec. Feb.)

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 3.1-1

Annual and Seasonal Wind Directionality

No Build


Future Build

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 3.1-2

Wind Tunnel Configurations for the Proposed Building at 315 A Street

Downwashing Flow

Channeling Effect

Northeast Winds

Northwest Winds

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 3.1-3

Wind Conditions on Pastene Alley


3.2.1 Introduction

An analysis of existing and future shadow conditions was conducted as typically required for Expanded PNFs, such as this one. The shadow study included an analysis of impacts to the area surrounding the Project site from the rooftop and East Addition at 327-337 Summer Street. The Project does not include any changes to the building envelope at 319 A Street, and so shadow conditions were not studied there. Results of the analysis indicate that the Project will not cause substantial impacts to the surrounding area. In general, impacts will be primarily to the immediate surrounding public ways and sidewalks. No shadow from the Project is anticipated to fall on existing or proposed open spaces or public parks in the area. While some new shadow will fall onto sidewalks of adjacent streets, no shadow from the Project is expected to be cast onto MBTA subway or bus stations.



The shadow analysis examines existing and build condition shadow impacts for the 9:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., and 3:00 p.m. hours during the Vernal Equinox (March 21), Summer Solstice (June 21), Autumnal Equinox (September 21), and the Winter Solstice (December 21). In addition, shadow studies were conducted for the 6:00 p.m. time period during the Summer Solstice and Autumnal Equinox. The shadow analysis presents shadow from the Project as well as the existing shadow and illustrates the incremental impact of the Project. The analysis focuses on major pedestrian areas, public open spaces, bus stops and subway stations, and the streets and sidewalks adjacent to and in the vicinity of the Project site. For the purposes of clarity, shadow from the proposed Project is shown in blue, so as to be distinguishable from the dark gray existing shadow cast in the Project area. Any shadow impacts to historic resources in the area will be discussed in Section 5.0, Historic Resources. Shadows have been determined using the applicable altitude and azimuth data for Boston. Results of the shadow impact study are discussed in the following subsections, and are supported by Figures 3.2-1 through 3.2-14, which are located at the end of this subsection.


Vernal Equinox (March 21)

In the morning hours of the Vernal Equinox, the low sun will cast a new shadow to the south of the Project site on Pastene Alley. At noon, new shadow from the Project will be cast on part of Summer Street and the sidewalk in front of the East Addition. At 3:00 p.m. on the Vernal Equinox, new shadow from the Project will be limited to a small area of land in a paved area behind 381 Congress Street. (See Figures 3.2-1 through 3.2-3.)
3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street 3-8 Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.


Summer Solstice (June 21)

New shadow will be cast to the south of the Project Site on Pastene Alley in the morning during the Summer Solstice. At noon, new shadow will be cast onto the Summer Street sidewalk in front of the East Addition and a small part of the Summer Street eastbound shoulder. At 3:00 p.m., new shadow will be cast onto a part of the Summer Street eastbound lane on the bridge over West Service Road. At 6:00 p.m., new shadow from the Project will extend the shadow cast on Summer Street sidewalk and Summer Street westbound shoulder, as well as onto a Congress Street parking lot. (See Figures 3.2-4 through 3.2-7.)


Autumnal Equinox (September 21)

In the morning of the Autumnal Equinox, new shadows will only include a narrow band cast on Pastene Alley behind 327-337 Summer Street. At noon, the sun will cast new shadow north of the Project site, extending the existing shadow on Summer Street and the Summer Street sidewalk in front of the East Addition. No new shadows will be caused by the Project at 3:00 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. (See Figures 3.2-8 through 3.2-11.)


Winter Solstice (December 21)

A narrow band of new shadow will be cast on part of the Summer Street eastbound lane and the sidewalk in front of the Project site in the morning during the Winter Solstice. At noon, new shadow will be cast on part of Summer Street and sidewalks on both sides, and on a small paved area next to 322 Summer Street. At 3:00 p.m., a narrow band of new shadow will be cast across Summer Street and sidewalks on both sides in front of the East Addition. (See Figures 3.2-12 through 3.2-14.)



The shadow study analysis provides insight into potential impacts of the Project on the streets, sidewalks, bus stops and subway stations, and open spaces in the Projects vicinity. The results indicate that the Project causes minimal shadow impacts to the surrounding area. Shadow impacts throughout the year will primarily extend existing shadows in the Project area. The most significant shadow will be cast onto the surrounding area during the morning hours, when the sun is low in the eastern sky, creating shadow from the East Side. Addition to 327-337 Summer Street. Some new shadow will fall onto sidewalks of adjacent streets. No shadow from the Project is expected to be cast onto MBTA subway or bus stations. No shadow from the Project is anticipated on existing or proposed open spaces or public parks (i.e., Channel Park and the Boston Harborwalk) in the area.

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Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 3.2-1

Shadow Impact - Vernal Equinox 9:00 a.m.

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 3.2-2

Shadow Impact - Vernal Equinox 12:00 p.m.

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 3.2-3

Shadow Impact - Vernal Equinox 3:00 p.m.

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 3.2-4

Shadow Impact - Summer Solstice 9:00 a.m.

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 3.2-5

Shadow Impact - Summer Solstice 12:00 p.m.

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 3.2-6

Shadow Impact - Summer Solstice 3:00 p.m.

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 3.2-7

Shadow Impact - Summer Solstice 6:00 p.m.

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 3.2-8

Shadow Impact - Autumnal Equinox 9:00 a.m.

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 3.2-9

Shadow Impact - Autumnal Equinox 12:00 p.m.

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 3.2-10

Shadow Impact - Autumnal Equinox 3:00 p.m.

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 3.2-11

Shadow Impact - Autumnal Equinox 6:00 p.m.

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 3.2-12

Shadow Impact - Winter Solstice 9:00 a.m.

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 3.2-13

Shadow Impact - Winter Solstice 12:00 p.m.

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 3.2-14

Shadow Impact - Winter Solstice 3:00 p.m.


3.3.1 Introduction

The purpose of the daylight analysis is to estimate the extent to which a proposed Project will affect the amount of daylight reaching the streets and the pedestrian areas adjacent to the Project site. As is typically required by the BRA, the daylight analysis for the Project considers existing and proposed daylight conditions as well as those of the surrounding area. The results of the analysis indicate that although increases in daylight obstruction are anticipated due to new construction for the Project, the resulting conditions will be consistent with daylight obstruction values along nearby streets and typical of urban areas.



The daylight analysis was performed using the Boston Redevelopment Authority Daylight Analysis (BRADA) computer program. 3 This program measures the percentage of sky-dome that is obstructed by a project and is a useful tool in evaluating the net change in obstruction from existing to build conditions at a specific site. Using BRADA, a silhouette view of the building is taken at ground level from the middle of the adjacent city streets or pedestrian ways centered on the Project. The faade of the building facing the viewpoint, including heights, setbacks, corners and other features, is plotted onto a base map using lateral and elevation angles. The two-dimensional base map generated by BRADA represents a figure of the building in the sky dome from the viewpoint chosen. Due to the constraints of the BRADA program, the setbacks of the building may be simplified or the building may be divided into sections in some cases. The BRADA program calculates the percentage of daylight that will be obstructed on a scale of zero percent to 100 percent based on the width of the view, the distance between the viewpoint and the building, and the massing and setbacks incorporated into the design of the building; the lower the number, the lower the percentage of obstruction of daylight from any given viewpoint. This daylight analysis compares three conditions: Existing conditions; Proposed conditions; and The context of the area.

Method developed by Harvey Bryan and Susan Stuebing, computer program developed by Ronald Fergle, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, September 1984.

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Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Viewpoints for the existing and proposed condition were chosen from the two public ways surrounding 327-337 Summer Street: Summer Street (Viewpoint 1) and West Service Road (Viewpoint 2). Viewpoint 3 was chosen from Pastene Alley, which runs behind 327-337 Summer Street, along the southern edge of the Project site, although this alley is not anticipated to experience a high-level of pedestrian activity, and it is a private way not open to public travel. Additionally, this study considered area context points to provide a basis of comparison to existing conditions in the surrounding area. These viewpoints were taken along Summer Street (AC1), A Street (AC2) and Necco Court (AC3). These viewpoints and area context points are illustrated on Figure 3.3-1. The 319 A Street building massing will remain the same, and therefore its daylight obstruction will not change as a result of the Project.


Daylight Analysis Results

The results for each viewpoint under each condition are described in Table 3.3-1. Figures 3.3-2 through 3.3-4 illustrate the BRADA results for each analysis and are located at the end of this subsection.


Existing Conditions and Area Context

The Project area is densely populated and characterized by a mix of uses, including retail, residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial uses. The Project site is currently occupied by two attached buildings that stand five stories above Summer Street and seven stories above West Service Road and Pastene Alley. Existing daylight obstruction values at the Project site range from 40.9 percent along West Service Road to 88.1 percent along Pastene Alley, as shown in Table 3.3-1. To evaluate general daylight conditions in the area, the analysis included three area context viewpoints, some of which were included in previous filings with the BRA. From Summer Street, the buildings at 312-330 Summer Street (AC1) have a daylight obstruction value of 61.8 percent. The six-story building at 300 A Street (AC2) has an obstruction value of 80.6 percent from the center of A Street. From Necco Court (AC3), the three adjacent buildings at 49, 51 and 63 Melcher Street are anticipated to have an obstruction value of 93.9 percent. Table 3.3-1 Daylight Obstruction Values
Viewpoint Locations Viewpoint 1 Viewpoint 2 Viewpoint 3 Summer Street looking south at the Project site West Service Road looking west at the Project site Pastene Alley looking north at the Project Site Existing 51.8% 40.9% 88.1% Proposed 56.9% 79.6% 89.9%

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Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Table 3.3-1

Daylight Obstruction Values (Continued)

Viewpoint Locations Area Context Points Existing Proposed


Summer Street looking at the buildings at 312-330 Summer Street A Street looking at the building at 300 A Street Necco Court looking at the three adjacent buildings at 49, 51 and 63 Melcher Street

61.8% 80.6% 93.9%

* AC2 and AC3 are based on a daylight analysis prepared by Epsilon Associates for the 49/51/63 Melcher Street Project Notification Form, February 11, 2008; Construction is underway at 49, 51 and 63 Melcher Street by their respective owners.

Summer Street Viewpoint 1

Summer Street runs along the northern edge of the Project site. Viewpoint 1 was taken from the center of Summer Street, looking south towards the Project site. The existing condition at the Project site has an obstruction value of 51.8 percent. The daylight analysis demonstrates that the horizontal and vertical additions proposed by the Project will result in a minor increase in daylight obstruction value to 56.9 percent.

West Service Road Viewpoint 2

West Service Road runs along the eastern edge of the Project site. Viewpoint 2 was taken from the center of West Service Road, looking west towards the Project site. The existing building at the Project site has an obstruction value of 40.9 percent. Primarily due to the horizontal addition bringing the building closer to West Service Road, the daylight obstruction from this viewpoint will increase to 79.6 percent under proposed conditions. This daylight obstruction value is similar to the daylight obstruction values in the surrounding area.

Pastene Alley Viewpoint 3

Pastene Alley, a private way, runs between 327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street, along the southern edge of the 327-337 Summer Street building. The narrow width of the street reduces the amount of daylight reaching the narrow sidewalks along this alley. It should be noted that the alley is a private way not open to public travel, and is not anticipated to be used by pedestrians on a regular basis. Viewpoint 3 was taken from the center of the alley, looking north toward the Project site. Existing conditions at the Project site have an obstruction value of 88.1 percent. The horizontal and vertical additions of the Project will increase the daylight obstruction value only slightly to 89.9 percent. This daylight obstruction value is similar to those found in the surrounding area.

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Project Site Viewpoint Location and Direction AC Area Context Location and Direction
0 50 100 200 Feet

Scale 1:2,400 1 inch = 200 feet

Basemap: Microsoft Bing Aerial Imagery, ESRI (2012)

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts
Viewpoint Locations

Figure 3.3-1

Viewpoint 1 Existing Conditions: Summer Street Looking Southwest at 327-337 Summer Street

Viewpoint 1 Proposed Conditions: Summer Street Looking Southwest at 327-337 Summer Street

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 3.3-2

Daylight Analysis - Viewpoint 1

Viewpoint 2 Existing Conditions: West Service Road Looking Northwest at 327-337 Summer Street

Viewpoint 2 Proposed Conditions: West Service Road Looking Northwest at 327-337 Summer Street

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 3.3-3

Daylight Analysis - Viewpoint 2

Viewpoint 3 Existing Conditions: Pastene Alley Looking Northeast at 327-337 Summer Street

Viewpoint 3 Proposed Conditions: Pastene Alley Looking Northeast at 327-337 Summer Street

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 3.3-4

Daylight Analysis - Viewpoint 3



The daylight analysis conducted for the Project describes existing and proposed daylight obstruction conditions at the Project site and in the surrounding area. The results of the BRADA analysis indicate that daylight obstruction will increase due to the additions proposed as part of the Project. The daylight obstruction related to the Project will be similar to that found in the surrounding area, and are typical of urban areas.


Solar Glare Impacts

3.4.1 Introduction

The Proponent is considering an option to construct the East Addition to 327-337 Summer Street with glass facades. The Rooftop Addition to that building is proposed with glass facades. This Subsection 3.4 includes an analysis of the potential for solar glare impacts on area streets, highway approaches, and nearby public open spaces from those glass facades. The Project would have substantially less solar glare impacts if the East Addition were clad in masonry, as proposed under a second design option. During seven of the 12 time periods considered, the glass additions at 327-337 Summer Street are not expected to result in adverse solar glare impacts because the solar reflection will be outside the cone of vision for pedestrians and vehicular traffic. The five time periods in which such impacts are expected include 3:00 PM during the vernal equinox, 9:00 AM during the autumnal equinox, and 9:00 AM, 12:00 noon and 3:00 PM during the winter solstice. Solar glare was analyzed for the Project at the eastern end of 327-337 Summer Street and for the two new levels of that buildings Rooftop Addition. This analysis is conservative in that it assumes the exterior skin of the building faades to be smooth, specular and 100percent reflective glass. In actuality, these glass exterior would be a low-emittance (Low-E) glass with a reflectivity substantially below 100-percent. As a result, impacts to the surrounding area will be substantially less than those depicted in Figures 3.4-1 through 3.45.



Light and Glare Evaluation

Commonly accepted environmental studies indicate that solar glare should be evaluated when reflected light is visible within the normal human viewing range. The normal human viewing range, also referred to as the cone of vision, is defined as an angle 30-degrees above the horizontal, 45-degrees below the horizontal, and 65-degrees to the right or left of the forward line of sight. This cone of vision can be applied when evaluating impacts on traffic, as well as pedestrians.

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Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Reflected sunlight occurs within the normal human viewing range when the suns altitude angle is 30 degrees or fewer above the horizon and the reflected sunlight is 65 degrees to the right or left of a forward line of sight. Sunlight that is reflected in the same direction as, or that runs perpendicular to, pedestrian or vehicular traffic has no solar glare impact because it is outside the cone of vision. Solar glare is generally described as being either primary or secondary. Primary glare pertains to glare caused by a direct light source, such as the sun, whereas secondary glare is caused by reflected light, also often referred to as reflective glare. Reflective glare is generally of two types: spot glare, in which parallel light rays from the sources are reflected parallel from the reflective surface; and scattered glare, which occurs when parallel light rays from a source are reflected from the reflecting surface in a non-parallel fashion. Spot glare from reflected sunlight is actually quite common; however, it rarely creates a visual nuisance because the angles of reflectance are usually sufficiently large that the angle of incidence with the horizon is greater than 30 degrees, and so does not intrude on vision unless the viewer tilts his or her head upward. Reflective glare from the sun, whether spot and scattered type, is most noticeable during the early or late hours of the day, when the altitude of the sun above the horizon is low, or during the winter months when the angle of the sun is continuously at an angle of less than 30 degrees. Lower solar altitude, typical of the early and late hours of the day and the winter months, produces glare that is within the normal cone of vision. This low altitude causes the suns light to pass through more of the atmosphere. The result is that the intensity of sunlight is much lower than when the sun is at a high angle. Oftentimes, low-angle sunlight cannot reach the street level to affect pedestrians and motorists. Distant glare also has less effect on the human eye because it is out of the field of focus of a pedestrian or motorist. Impacts from glare are studied out to 400 feet from the reflective surface, where most of the impact would occur. Reflective glare outside 400 feet is considered insignificant due to the low solar intensity, and so impacts occurring at that radius and beyond are not addressed in this analysis. Conversely, those areas within 400 feet of each Project building will be referred to in this analysis as the region of impact. The adverse effects of glare on vision are often analyzed in terms of visual discomfort and visual disability. Discomfort occurs when a relatively intense light (compared to the background) is seen before the eye has had sufficient time to adapt to it. Squinting and physical avoidance are signs of discomfort. Disabilities can arise when the eyes cannot adjust simultaneously to a bright light source and a darker background. An example of this is the momentary loss of clarity that occurs when a driver is faced with bright, high-angle headlights of an oncoming vehicle.

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Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Solar glare impacts are calculated using solar altitude and azimuth angles and geometry. The lights angle of reflectance can be determined if its angle of incidence is known, which, in the horizontal plane, is determined using the suns azimuth angle and the orientation of the reflective surface. By projecting the suns rays from the corners of a given building faade facing the sunlight, the potential area affected by the solar glare can be determined. The distance that the reflected sunlight will extend is determined by projecting the suns rays, using the appropriate altitude angle, from the top of the reflective surface. The reflected ray is then extended until it intersects ground level or another building. In some cases, particularly in urban settings, adjacent buildings will intercept reflected light. The reflected light can either be completely blocked by a building or partially intercepted. Existing buildings also act to intercept incoming rays and thus reduce the amount of sunlight actually striking reflective surfaces of proposed buildings.

Building Materials
Two general types of exterior building surfaces can be distinguished: (1) specular (mirrorlike); and (2) porous. Building exteriors that have smooth, specular surfaces reflect the suns rays in a parallel fashion, producing an image of the light source with intensity equal to that of the source, multiplied by the building surfaces reflectivity. Porous surfaces will scatter the suns rays in a number of directions, thereby diffusing it and resulting in scattered glare. Porous surfaces often will appear brighter than specular ones; however they will actually reflect light at a lower intensity than the specular surfaces.

327-337 Summer Street Faade Analysis

The Project entails constructing two distinct additions to the building at 327-337 Summer Street: an East Addition and a two-level Rooftop Addition. The proposed East Addition will either be clad with glass walls, or masonry walls with small windows. The solar glare study analyzes potential impacts assuming the most impactful case, which is the glass-facade scenario for the East Addition. Potential for reflective glare from the Projects facades was evaluated using solar altitude and azimuth angles and simple geometry. Four representative seasonal periods were selected for the analysis: the spring and autumnal equinoxes and the winter and summer solstices. On each of these days, three time periods, 9:00 am, 12:00 noon, and 3:00 pm (local time), were evaluated to provide a representative analysis of reflective glare impacts resulting from the Project faade. The analysis is conservative in that it assumes the exterior skin of the East Addition and Rooftop Addition are specular, smooth and 100-percent reflective glass. In actuality, new exterior walls will be of varying materials (i.e. some metal with glass), and the glass itself will be Low-E, meaning it will have a reflectivity below 100 percent. As a result, impacts to the surrounding area will be substantially less than those assumed in this analysis.
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Reflective Glare Analysis

The Projects reflective glare impacts are discussed in detail below for each of the time periods evaluated. Figures illustrating potential impacts are included with a discussion of the impacts, and the technical data used in the analysis are included on each figure. To provide a clear depiction of the source of potential glare, one graphic depicts glare for each time period. Spring Equinox

The solar altitude in Boston on March 21 at 9:00 AM is 33.3, and at 12:00 PM is 48. As noted above, reflected sunlight occurs within the normal human viewing range when the suns altitude angle is 30 or less above the horizon. Therefore, solar glare analyses for March 21 at 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM were not conducted because any solar glare during these time periods will be out of the cone of vision. At 3:00 PM, the solar altitude in Boston is 30.5, which is only marginally higher than the 30 limit of the cone of vision for pedestrians and motorists, but such that solar glare impacts may be noticeable. Incoming solar rays will be blocked to most of the western and southern faces of the additions by the high-rise building at 315 A Street now under construction and the adjacent Summer Street building. Just a small region at the southwest corners of the Rooftop Addition will receive incoming sunlight. As shown in Figure 3.4-1, the incoming sunlight from the southwest will be reflected off of the westernmost end of the southern facade and the southernmost end of the western faade of both levels of the proposed Rooftop Addition. The reflected glare will fall onto the roof of the next lower tier of the building, with no reflected glare reaching the ground. Summer Solstice

Solar glare analyses for the summer solstice (June 21) were not conducted because any solar glare during the 9:00 AM, 12:00 PM and 3:00 PM time periods will be out of the cone of vision. This is because the suns altitude in Boston on that date is above 30 for each time period. Autumnal Equinox

Because the altitude of the sun in Boston at 9:00 AM on the autumnal equinox (September 21) is below 30, an analysis was conducted for that time period. At that time, incoming light from the east-southeast would reflect off the eastern and northern facades of the proposed East Addition and Rooftop Addition. As shown in Figure 3.4-2 reflected glare from the East Addition will extend across West Service Road, however it will not impact drivers or pedestrians because the reflected light would be nearly perpendicular to the traffic flow (i.e., out of the cone of vision). In addition, there will be a very narrow band of glare from the north side of the East Addition that could potentially affect traffic or

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Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.

pedestrians travelling eastbound on Summer Street. This impact will be noticeable for a short duration. Reflected light from the Rooftop Addition eastern and northern faades will extend across the roof of the next lower tier, but will not reach the ground. At 12:00 PM and 3:00 PM on September 21 the position of the sun in Boston is such that solar glare will be out of the cone of vision; therefore, solar glare analyses were not conducted for those time periods. Winter Solstice

The winter period is generally of most concern for solar glare in Boston. During the winter solstice (December 21), the solar altitude angle in Boston is continuously below 30. Therefore, an analysis was done for 9:00 AM, 12:00 PM and 3:00 PM. Generally, impacts during the winter solstice are somewhat lessened because the reflected sunlight becomes more diffused as the solar altitude drops closer to the horizon, and sunlight must pass through a greater thickness of atmosphere. Solar glare impacts from the Project during the winter solstice are shown in Figures 3.4-3 through 3.4-5. Of the three times analyzed, 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM are expected to be the times during which there are instances of potential solar glare impacts. As shown in Figure 3.4-3, at 9:00 AM during the winter solstice, reflected sunlight from the east faade of the East Addition would not affect eastbound traffic on Summer Street, since the reflected light is heading in the same direction as the traffic, however the glare does extend in a small area into the westbound lane which could potentially affect traffic heading westbound on Summer Street. Pedestrians walking to the west on the southern side of Summer Street may also be affected. A small region on West Service Road near the East Addition will experience glare crossing it. This may minimally affect drivers and pedestrians since the angle of the reflected light is crossing their path near the edge of the cone of vision. The eastern facades of the Rooftop Additions will reflect light as well. The solar glare from these additions will extend over the rooftops of the next lower levels. The southern faade of the additions will also reflect sunlight at 9 AM on December 21 as shown in Figure 3.4-3. A narrow band of reflected sunlight from the south side of the East Addition will extend into Pastene Alley, the private way that separates 327-337 Summer Street from 315 A Street. Reflected sunlight from the southern faade of the Rooftop Addition will fall onto the roof of the next lower tier and will not reach any surrounding ground levels. At noon, as shown on Figure 3.4-4, incoming rays from the south will be blocked by the 315 A Street building. Only the eastern edge of the southern faade of the East Addition will receive incoming solar rays. Reflected light from the southern faade of the East Addition will fall in Pastene Alley. Incoming rays will also be blocked from reaching the southern part of the eastern face of the Penthouse Additions. Incoming rays will reach the entire east face of the East Addition. Reflected sunlight from the east faade of the East
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Addition would potentially affect traffic heading westbound on Summer Street and southbound on West Service Road. Note that there is an area of no glare on the ground beyond Summer Street. This is because Summer Street is elevated above West Service Road, and the elevated roadbed itself casts a shadow on the ground blocking the reflected glare. Beyond the distance of the shadow, the reflected glare reaches the ground. Reflected light from the east faade of the Rooftop Addition falls onto the roof of the next lower tier and does not reach any surrounding ground levels. At 3:00 PM, the 315 A Street building will block many of the incoming solar rays to the southern side of 327-337 Summer Street. Incoming rays will reach the western edge of the southern faade of the Rooftop Addition. As shown in Figure 3.4-5, at 3:00 PM, reflected light from the southern faade of the Rooftop Addition will result in glare falling onto the roof of the next lower tier and is not expected to reach the ground. Therefore reflected light from the Rooftop Addition is not expected to adversely impact any pedestrian or vehicular traffic areas.


Heat Loading on Nearby Buildings

It is anticipated that the Project will have little effect on the thermal heat gain of neighboring structures. The low reflectivity of new glass walls will not only mitigate solar glare, but will also reduce the heat gain on nearby buildings by the same intensity. During time periods with high sun angles, the amount of reflected solar radiation cast upon existing building walls and roofs will be necessarily limited, further reducing the energy received. At low sun angles in the winter, although there is more glare than in summer, the thermal energy is far less due to the thickness of atmosphere through which the light must travel, making potential heat gain less of a negative concern. Heat loading from a reflective high-rise building is primarily a concern for other structures with glass facades (i.e., other high-rises). These high-rise buildings often use curtain wall construction and architectural glass surfaces, which expose the full surface of such buildings to radiation influences. Other than 315 A Street, which is not clad solely in glass, there are no high-rise buildings in the area. Typical perimeter wall materials for area buildings include masonry or other dense materials, with limited glazed areas, normally punched windows. Based on the five time periods studied in this subsection, impacts from solar reflection may impact the 315 A Street building during the morning hours in the winter. Due to the Projects use of Low-E glass and the low intensity of reflected sunlight during the periods of the year when reflections are most prevalent, the amount of heat loading on 315 A Street is anticipated to be minimal.

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Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.





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Proposed Project





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Proposed Project





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Proposed Project





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Proposed Project





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Proposed Project



Under the most conservative assumptions, solar glare impacts from the Project are not expected to occur for seven of the 12 time periods considered, because the solar reflection will be outside the cone of vision for pedestrians and vehicular traffic. For the five other time periods studied, reflected light from the Rooftop Addition is not expected to adversely impact any pedestrian or vehicular traffic areas, while solar glare impacts from the East Addition could impact narrow areas of Summer Street, West Service Road, and Pastene Alley. This solar glare analysis assumes that the exterior skin of the new additions to 327-337 Summer Street will be specular, smooth, and 100-percent reflective glass. In actuality, the facades of these additions will not be uniformly specular and smooth, and will use Low-E glass with a reflectivity substantially below 100 percent. Certain areas, as depicted in the figures to this Subsection 3.4, are expected to receive reflected sunlight, but the intensity will be relatively low. The Proponent will mitigate these potential solar glare impacts by continuing to evaluate faade design and materials for the two additions.


Air Quality Analysis

3.5.1 Introduction

It is expected that the majority of stationary sources of Air-pollutant emissions (boilers, engines, etc) would be subject to MassDEPs Environmental Results Program. Thus, any air quality impacts would be mitigated by this program and air impact analyses would be done at the time of Mass DEP permitting. An air quality analysis was conducted to determine the impact of pollutant emissions from mobile source emissions generated by the Project. Because two alternatives are being considered for the use of 327-337 Summer Street once it is renovated, four cases were examined in this analysis: Existing, No-Build, Residential Alternative, and Office Alternative. A microscale analysis is typically performed to evaluate the potential air quality impacts of carbon monoxide (CO) due to traffic flow around the Project area. The impacts were added to monitored background values and compared to the Federal National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The standards were developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to protect the human health against adverse health effects with a margin of safety.

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Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.

The modeling methodology was developed in accordance with the latest MassDEP modeling policies and Federal modeling guidelines. 4 The air quality analysis results show that CO concentrations at all receptors studied are well under thresholds set by the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) promulgated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Modeling assumptions and backup data for results presented in this subsection are provided in Appendix D.


Microscale Analysis

A microscale analysis is used to determine the effect on air quality of the increase in traffic generated by a project. A microscale analysis is typically required for a project at intersections where: 1) project traffic would impact intersections or roadway links currently operating at Level of Service D, E, or F or would cause LOS to decline to D, E, or F; 2) project traffic would increase traffic volumes on nearby roadways by 10% or more (unless the increase in traffic volume is less than 100 vehicles per hour); or, 3) the project will generate 3,000 or more new average daily trips on roadways providing access to a single location. The microscale analysis involves modeling of CO emissions from vehicles idling at and traveling through signalized intersections. Predicted ambient concentrations of CO for the Build and No-Build cases are compared with federal and state ambient air quality standards for CO. The microscale analysis typically examines breathing-level (1.8 meter) CO impacts due to traffic queues in the immediate vicinity of a project. CO is used in microscale studies to indicate roadway pollutant levels since it is the most abundant pollutant emitted by motor vehicles and can result in so-called "hot spot" (high concentration) locations around congested intersections. NAAQS have been established by the EPA for CO to protect the public health (known as primary standards). These standards do not allow ambient CO concentrations to exceed 35 parts per million (ppm) for a one-hour averaging period and 9 ppm for an eight-hour averaging period, more than once per year at any location. The widespread use of CO catalysts on late-model vehicles has reduced the occurrences of CO hotspots. Air quality modeling techniques (computer simulation programs) are typically used to predict CO levels for both existing and future conditions to evaluate compliance of the roadways with the standards. The analysis followed the procedure outlined in EPAs intersection modeling guidance. 5 The microscale analysis has been conducted using the latest versions of EPA MOBILE6.2 and CAL3QHC to estimate CO concentrations at sidewalk receptor locations.

4 5

40 CFR 51 Appendix W, Guideline on Air Quality Models, 70 FR 68228, Nov. 9, 2005

U.S. EPA, Guideline for Modeling Carbon Monoxide from Roadway Intersections; EPA-454/R-92-005, November 1992.

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Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Existing (2012) and future year (2017) emission factor data calculated from the MOBILE6.2 model, along with traffic data, were input into the CAL3QHC program to determine CO concentrations due to traffic flowing through the selected intersections. Existing background values of CO at the nearest monitor location in Kenmore Square, Boston, were obtained from the MassDEP. CAL3QHC and AERMOD results were then added to background CO values of 1.9 ppm (one-hour) and 1.5 ppm (eight-hour), as provided by MassDEP, to determine total air quality impacts due to the Project. This value was compared to the NAAQS for CO of 35 ppm (one-hour) and 9 ppm (eight-hour). Intersection Selection

An analysis of the six intersections from the traffic study (Section 2.0) was conducted. Microscale modeling was performed for the intersections that met the aforementioned criteria for microscale analyses: Congress Street, A Street, and Thomson Place; Congress Street, West Service Road, and Boston Wharf Road Summer Street and Melcher Street; and, A Street and Melcher Street. The traffic volumes and LOS calculations provided in Chapter 2 form the basis of evaluating the traffic data versus the microscale thresholds. It should be noted that in the 2017 cases, the USPS driveway at A Street and Melcher Street becomes one-way, with no exit to A Street. Emissions Calculations (MOBILE6.2)

The EPA MOBILE6.2 computer program was used to estimate motor vehicle emission factors on the roadway network. Emission factors calculated by the MOBILE6.2 model are based on motor vehicle operations typical of daily periods. The Commonwealths statewide annual Inspection and Maintenance (I&M) program was included, as well as the state specific vehicle age registration distribution. The input files for MOBILE6.2 for the existing (2012) build year (2017) were provided by MassDEP. As is typical, minor edits to the files were necessary to allow the program to output emission factors for the various speeds used in the analysis. The current version of MOBILE6.2 does not explicitly calculate idle emissions. However, idle emissions can be obtained by assuming a vehicle speed of 2.5 mph (the lowest speed MOBILE6 will model). The resulting emission rate given in (grams/mile) is then multiplied by 2.5 mph to estimate idle emissions (in grams/hour). Mobile emissions are calculated

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Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.

based on actual speeds at which free-flowing vehicles travel through the intersections. A speed of 30 mph is used for all free-flow traffic. Speeds of 10 and 15 mph were used for right (and U-turns, if necessary) and left turns, respectively. Winter CO emission factors are typically higher than summer. Therefore, winter vehicular emission factors were conservatively used in the microscale analysis. Receptors and Meteorology Inputs

Sets of up to 100 receptors were placed in the vicinity of each of the modeled intersections. Receptors extended approximately 500 feet on the sidewalks along the roadways approaching the intersection. The roadway links and receptor locations of the modeled intersections are presented in Figure 3.5-1 through 3.5-4. For the CAL3QHC model, limited meteorological inputs are required. Following EPA guidance, 6 a wind speed of one m/s, neutral stability class D (4), and a mixing height of 1,000 meters was used. To account for the intersection geometry, wind directions from 0 to 350, every 10, were selected. A surface roughness length of 321 cm was selected. 7 Impact Calculations (CAL3QHC)

The CAL3QHC model predicts one-hour concentrations using queue links at intersections, worst-case meteorological conditions, and traffic input data. The one-hour concentrations were scaled by a factor of 0.7 to estimate eight-hour concentrations. 8 The CAL3QHC methodology was based on EPA CO modeling guidance. Signal timings were provided directly from the traffic modeling runs. The CAL3QHC input parameters are also described in Appendix D. Background Concentrations

To estimate background pollutant levels representative of the area, the most recent air quality monitor data reported by the MassDEP in their Annual Air Quality Reports was obtained for 2007 to 2011. MassDEP guidance specifies the use of the latest three years of available monitoring data from within 10 kilometers of the Project site. Since some pollutants are no longer monitored, data prior to the most recent three years is used.

U.S. EPA, Guideline for Modeling Carbon Monoxide from Roadway Intersections. EPA-454/R-92-005, November 1992. U.S. EPA, Users Guide for CAL3QHC Version 2: A Modeling Methodology for Predicting Pollutant Concentrations Near Roadway Intersections. EPA 454/R-92-006 (Revised), September 1995 U.S. EPA, Screening Procedures for Estimating the Air Quality Impact of Stationary Sources; EPA-454/R-92-019, October 1992

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Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 3.5-1

Link and Receptor Locations for CAL3QHC modeling of Intersection 1: Congress St., A St., & Thomson Pl.

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 3.5-2

Link and Receptor Locations for CAL3QHC modeling of Intersection 2: Congress St., W. Service Rd., & Boston Wharf Rd.

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 3.5-3

Link and Receptor Locations for CAL3QHC modeling of Intersection 3: Summer St. & Melcher St.

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 3.5-4

Link and Receptor Locations for CAL3QHC modeling of Intersection 4: A. St. & Melcher St.

The closest monitors in Boston Are located at 174 North Street in the North End, One City Square in Charlestown, and at Kenmore Square. Since monitors do not always sample for all pollutants, the nearest monitor for each pollutant was identified. A summary of the background air quality concentrations are presented in Table 3.5-1. Overall air quality is generally good in the area, as all observed concentrations are currently in compliance with applicable NAAQS. Background CO concentrations were determined from the closest available monitoring stations to the proposed Project. For use in the microscale analysis, background concentrations of CO in ppm were required. The corresponding maximum background concentrations in ppm were 1.9 ppm for one-hour and 1.5 ppm for eight-hour CO. Table 3.5-1 Observed Ambient Air Quality Concentrations and Selected Background Levels
Background Concentration (g/m) 127.4 88.4 31.5 6.5 44.0 17.9 24.3 10.2 140.8 38.3 2166 1710


Averaging Time 1-Hour 3-Hour 24-Hour Annual 24-Hour Annual 24-Hour Annual 1-Hour
4 5 6

2009 65 88.4 23.4 6.5 44 17.9 24.1 10.2 112.8 37.788 1596 1254

2010 69.94 62.4 21.84 5.824 32 15.1 24.8 10.03 119.38 35.908 2166 1710

2011 127.4 49.4 31.46 6.136 39 15.9 23.9 10.32 140.812 38.2768 1710 1482

NAAQS 195 365 1,300 80 150 50 35 15 188 100 40,000 10,000


SO2 1,7,8

PM-10 PM-2.5 NO2 3 CO 2

Annual 1-Hour 8-Hour

From 2007-2011 MassDEP Annual Data Summaries KEN = Kenmore Sq. Boston; CTY = 1 City Sq. Boston, NTH = 174 North St. Boston
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

SO2 reported in ppm or ppb. Converted to g/m3 using factor of 1 ppm = 2600 g/m3. CO reported in ppm or ppb. Converted to g/m3 using factor of 1 ppm = 1140 g/m3. NO2 reported in ppm or ppb. Converted to g/m3 using factor of 1 ppm = 1880 g/m3. Background level for 24-hour PM-2.5 is the average concentration of the 98th percentile for three years. Background level for annual PM-2.5 is the average for three years. Maximum annual 1-hr concentrations. The 24-hour and Annual standards were revoked by EPA on June 22, 2010, Federal Register 75-119, p. 35520. The 2010 & 2011 SO2 3-hr value is not reported. Years 2007-2009 used instead.

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The results of the maximum one-hour predicted CO concentrations from CAL3QHC are provided in Tables 3.5-2 through 3.5-5 for the modeled scenarios. Eight-hour average concentrations are calculated by multiplying the maximum one-hour concentrations by a factor of 0.7. 9 The results of the one-hour and eight-hour maximum modeled CO ground-level concentrations from CAL3QHC were added to EPA-supplied background levels for comparison to the NAAQS. These values represent the highest potential concentrations at the intersection as they are predicted during the simultaneous occurrence of "defined" worst-case meteorology. The highest one-hour traffic-related concentration predicted in the area of the Project, for the modeled conditions (1.4 ppm) plus background (1.9 ppm) is 3.3 ppm at Congress Street, A Street, and Thomson Place, in all 2017 cases. The highest eighthour traffic-related concentration predicted in the area of the Project for the modeled conditions (0.9 ppm) plus background (1.5 ppm) is 2.4 ppm for the same location and cases. Both concentrations are well below the one-hour NAAQS of 35 ppm and the eighthour NAAQS of 9 ppm. It would be expected that any other mitigation measures implemented to improve traffic flow at any of the modeled intersections would result in further improved air quality conditions.



Using conservative estimates, the CO concentrations at the nearest receptors for impacts from the studied intersection, plus monitored background values, are well under the CO NAAQS thresholds.

U.S. EPA, Screening Procedures for Estimating the Air Quality Impact of Stationary Sources; EPA-454/R-92-019, October 1992

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Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Table 3.5-2

Summary of Microscale Modeling Analysis (Existing 2012)

CAL3QHC Monitored Modeled CO Background Impacts Concentration (ppm) (ppm) One-Hour 1.1 1.3 0.9 1.0 0.9 1.0 0.7 0.6 Eight-Hour 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 Total CO Impacts (ppm) NAAQS (ppm)


Congress Street, A Street & Thomson Place Congress Street, West Service Road, & Boston Wharf Road Summer Street & Melcher Street A Street & Melcher Street

3.0 3.2 2.8 2.9 2.8 2.9 2.6 2.5

35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35

Congress Street, A Street & Thomson Place Congress Street, West Service Road, & Boston Wharf Road Summer Street & Melcher Street A Street & Melcher Street

0.8 0.9 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.4

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5

2.3 2.4 2.1 2.2 2.1 2.2 2.0 1.9

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Notes: CAL3QHC eight-hour impacts were conservatively obtained by multiplying one-hour impacts by a screening factor of 0.7. A Street & Melcher Street is unsignalized in Existing conditions. Queue inputs estimated from SYNCHRO reports.

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Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Table 3.5-3

Summary of Microscale Modeling Analysis (No Build 2017)

CAL3QHC Modeled CO Impacts (ppm) Monitored Background Concentration (ppm) Total CO Impacts (ppm)


NAAQS (ppm)

One-Hour Congress Street, A Street & Thomson Place Congress Street, West Service Road, & Boston Wharf Road Summer Street & Melcher Street 1.3 1.4 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.7 A Street & Melcher Street 0.7 Eight-Hour Congress Street, A Street & Thomson Place Congress Street, West Service Road, & Boston Wharf Road Summer Street & Melcher Street 0.9 1.0 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 A Street & Melcher Street 0.5 1.5 2.0 9 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.4 2.5 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1.9 2.6 35 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 3.2 3.3 2.7 2.9 2.9 2.8 2.6 35 35 35 35 35 35 35

Notes: CAL3QHC eight-hour impacts were conservatively obtained by multiplying one-hour impacts by a screening factor of 0.7.

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Table 3.5-4

Summary of Microscale Modeling Analysis (Residential Build Alternative 2017)

CAL3QHC Modeled CO Impacts (ppm) Monitored Background Concentration (ppm) Total CO Impacts (ppm)


NAAQS (ppm)

One-Hour Congress Street, A Street & Thomson Place Congress Street, West Service Road, & Boston Wharf Road Summer Street & Melcher Street 1.3 1.4 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.7 A Street & Melcher Street 0.7 Eight-Hour Congress Street, A Street & Thomson Place Congress Street, West Service Road, & Boston Wharf Road Summer Street & Melcher Street 0.9 1.0 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 A Street & Melcher Street 0.5 1.5 2.0 9 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.4 2.5 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1.9 2.6 35 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 3.2 3.3 2.7 2.9 2.9 2.8 2.6 35 35 35 35 35 35 35

Notes: CAL3QHC eight-hour impacts were conservatively obtained by multiplying one-hour impacts by a screening factor of 0.7.

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Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Table 3.5-5

Summary of Microscale Modeling Analysis (Office Build Alternative 2017)

CAL3QHC Modeled CO Impacts (ppm) Monitored Background Concentration (ppm) Total CO Impacts (ppm)


NAAQS (ppm)

One-Hour Congress Street, A Street & Thomson Place Congress Street, West Service Road, & Boston Wharf Road Summer Street & Melcher Street 1.3 1.4 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.7 A Street & Melcher Street 0.7 Eight-Hour Congress Street, A Street & Thomson Place Congress Street, West Service Road, & Boston Wharf Road Summer Street & Melcher Street 0.9 1.0 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 A Street & Melcher Street 0.5 1.5 2.0 9 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.4 2.5 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1.9 2.6 35 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 3.2 3.3 2.7 2.9 2.9 2.8 2.6 35 35 35 35 35 35 35

Notes: CAL3QHC eight-hour impacts were conservatively obtained by multiplying one-hour impacts by a screening factor of 0.7.


Water Quality / Stormwater

The Projects stormwater and drainage are discussed in Subsection 6.4.

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Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.


Flood Hazard Zone / Wetlands

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map indicates the FEMA Flood Zone Designations for the site (City of Boston, Map # 25025C0081G September 25, 2009). The map for the site shows the Project is located in a Zone X area determined to have less than 0.2% annual probability of flooding. The proposed Project site is developed or paved, and does not contain wetland resource areas.


Geotechnical / Groundwater
3.8.1 Introduction

This subsection describes site subsurface soil and groundwater conditions, existing building foundation configuration, planned foundation construction activities for the proposed development, and mitigation measures for protection of adjacent structures and for maintaining nearby groundwater levels during construction.


Site and Building Description

Ground surface adjacent to the existing buildings at 327 and 337 Summer Street varies from about El. 15 Boston City Base Datum (BCB) at the rear (south) side along Pastene Alley to El. 38 to 40 BCB at the front (north) side along Summer Street. The foundation walls for the buildings along Summer Street also serve as retaining walls for the Summer Street embankment, which transitions into the north abutment for the Summer Street Bridge near the easternmost end of the building. The main entrances and ground floor of the buildings are at the Summer Street level. The buildings each have two levels that extend below Summer Street with a sub-basement level partially below Pastene Alley grade; the sub-basement floor is at about El. 12 BCB. According to plans for the buildings prepared for the Boston Wharf Company, the buildings are supported on wood-pile foundations with the pile tops cut off at or about El. 6 BCB. The wood piles were typically driven through fill and organic soils to bear in the top of the hard clay crust, similar to most of the former BWC buildings in the area. The following buildings are in the immediate proximity of the subject structures: 321 Summer Street 319 A Street 315 A Street 10-story masonry building 5-story masonry building 22-story concrete-framed building currently under construction (formerly 319 A Street Rear)

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Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.


Proposed Construction

The proposed development scheme includes maintaining the existing five-story structures at 327 and 337 Summer Street, combining them into a single building, and adding two new floors on the roof. Other than enclosing an approximately 700 square-foot loading area, there are no changes proposed at 319 A Street. At the eastern end of 337 Summer Street, which faces West Service Road, a new five-story addition with two levels below Summer Street, and having a footprint of about 3,000 square feet, will be constructed. No subbasement space is planned for this East Addition.


Soil and Bedrock Conditions

The site is located within an area of South Boston that was filled during the early to mid 19th century. Information on subsurface soil and bedrock conditions in the site vicinity is available from test boring data at nearby properties, test borings completed in the early 1990s for the adjacent Central Artery (I-93)/Tunnel (I-90) Project to the south, and other sources. Subsurface investigations will be performed at the Project site to assess existing foundations and enable design and construction of foundations for the proposed building addition. Generalized subsurface conditions are described below, listed in order of increasing depth below ground surface: Miscellaneous Fill Typically comprised of sand, silt, clay and gravel with varying amounts of demolition debris and other materials. Fill thickness in this area generally ranges from about 13-feet (ft) to 15-ft thick (beneath Pastene Alley) to up to 40-ft thick (as measured from beneath Summer Street grade). The elevation of the bottom of the fill layer is anticipated to be near El. 0 to El. 3 BCB. Organic Deposits Organic silt with peat, 3- to 5-ft thick where encountered and extending to about El. -3. Marine Clay Deposits (Boston Blue Clay) - Silty clay, typically very stiff at the top and gradually softening with depth. The clay thickness is anticipated to be about 42 ft to 47 ft, extending to about El. -45 to El. -50, which corresponds to depths ranging from about 60 to 65 feet below Pastene Alley. Glacial Deposits - Unsorted silty sand, with cobbles and boulders, and where encountered was about 7- to 15-ft thickness. The elevation of the bottom of the glacial deposits is anticipated to be near El. -52 to El. -60, which corresponds to depths ranging from about 67 to 75 feet below Pastene Alley. Bedrock - Cambridge Argillite, locally fractured and weathered within the top 10 to 20 feet. The top of bedrock is estimated at about 70 ft to 75 ft below Pastene Alley.

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Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.



Several groundwater observation wells (OWs) exist in the vicinity of the 327-337 Summer Street building, including wells installed in Pastene Alley by the Boston Wharf Company in 2002, and more recently in 2011 in advance of the start of construction at the adjacent parcel at 315 A Street. Water levels measured in these wells have generally ranged from about El. 7 to El. 10 BCB, which corresponds to depths of about 5 to 8 ft below the surface of Pastene Alley. Groundwater levels can be influenced by weather, precipitation, infiltration of surface water runoff, nearby construction activities, leakage into or out of utility pipes, building/highway underdrain systems, localized water recharging, and other factors. Future groundwater levels could differ from previously-observed levels.


Proposed Foundations and Below-Grade Construction

The proposed building addition and any other features requiring foundations, will be supported on drilled-in, grouted, small-diameter piles or concrete caissons penetrating the fill and organic soils and deriving support in the natural soil strata. Foundation installation will be performed using low-noise, low-vibration, non-displacement methods. Only localized, minor excavations will be made for pile caps, elevator pits, utilities and similar shallow features, anticipated to be no deeper than about above El. 7 BCB.


Groundwater Protection

The Project site is located within the Groundwater Conservation Overlay District. Article 32 requires that projects meeting certain criteria employ mitigating measures to avoid adverse impacts to groundwater levels and, in some instances, to recharge stormwater to help sustain groundwater levels. The proposed Project is subject to Article 32 because the East Addition to 327-337 Summer Street will occupy more than 50 s.f. of lot area, and the Project may also constitute substantial rehabilitation as defined under Article 2A of the Zoning Code. During the construction, the new foundations will be installed using rotary drilling methods that sometimes introduce water into the ground rather than remove water, and excavations for new pile caps and grade beams are expected to be above groundwater levels. Some local dewatering may be required during construction to manage and remove surface water (precipitation) runoff, and to the extent possible, the Project would attempt to recharge/infiltrate that water into the ground on the site. New elevator pits extending below the lowest level floor slab will be waterproofed. No foundation drains or other features that could withdraw groundwater long term will be used. The proposed construction is not anticipated to adversely impact groundwater levels on or near the site, temporarily or permanently.

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Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.


Protection of Existing Structures

The proposed construction is not expected to impact foundations of adjacent or nearby structures. Only surficial, temporary excavations are required for installation of shallow building elements and utilities. New foundation installations will be performed in smalldiameter, non-displacement drilled holes under slurry, or within casing, in a manner that should not adversely impact any adjacent facilities.


Noise, Vibrations and Dust

Below-grade construction will be performed using low-impact, conventional methods and procedures. As noted above, new foundation installation will use non-displacement drilling methods under slurry, which will not result in significant noise or vibrations. No pile driving, blasting or other significant vibration or noise-generating activity is planned in connection with foundation construction. Short-term air quality impacts from fugitive dust may be created by the Project. Plans for controlling fugitive dust, including mechanical street sweeping, wetting portions of the site during periods of high wind, and careful removal of any excavated soils by covered trucks will be utilized as necessary.



The Proponent recognizes the importance for maintaining and monitoring groundwater levels, as well as performance of the construction. The Proponent is committed to monitoring water levels in observation wells in the vicinity of the site at regular intervals before and during project construction, and will provide the water level data to the Boston Groundwater Trust, if requested. Subject to property owner approvals, elevation reference points will be established on adjacent site buildings and other selected nearby facilities prior to construction and monitored during the work to confirm no impact from the construction activities. A geotechnical engineer or technician will be on site during the foundation and subsurface construction to confirm compliance of the work with the project plans and specifications, as well as monitor geotechnical instrumentation.


Solid and Hazardous Waste

3.9.1 Solid Waste Generation during Operation

The Project will generate solid waste typical of other residential or office projects. Solid waste generated by the Project will be approximately 261.7 tons per year under the Residential Alternative or approximately 212.5 tons per year under the Office Alternative. It is assumed that residential space has a generation rate of 0.7 tons per bedroom per year,
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office space has a generation rate of 1.3 tons per 1,000 s.f. per year, and retail/restaurant space has a generation rate of 5.5 tons per 1,000 s.f. per year, all as shown in Tables 3.9-1 and 3.9-2. Table 3.9-1 Solid Waste Generation Residential Alternative
Use Program Generation Rate 0.7 tons/bedroom/year 1.3 tons/1,000 s.f./year 5.5 tons/1,000 s.f./year Solid Waste (tons per year) 119.0 5.2 137.5 261.7

Residential 170 bedrooms Office 4,000 s.f. Retail/restaurant 25,000 s.f. Total Solid Waste Generation

Table 3.9-2

Solid Waste Generation Office Alternative

Use Program Generation Rate 0.7 tons/bedroom/year 1.3 tons/1,000 s.f./year Solid Waste (tons per year) 30.8 181.7 212.5

Residential 44 bedrooms Office 139,800 s.f. Total Solid Waste Generation

Solid waste will include wastepaper, cardboard, glass, bottles, and food waste under both alternatives. A portion of the waste will be recycled as described below. The remainder of the waste will be compacted and removed by a waste hauler contracted by building management. With the exception of household hazardous wastes typical of residential, office and retail uses (for example, cleaning fluids and paint), the Project will not generate hazardous waste under either the Residential Alternative or the Office Alternative. Under both alternatives, all recycling, trash collection, and loading will occur on-site. Solid waste generated by the commercial office tenants and retail tenants will be collected internally by building management and temporarily held in separate trash rooms located in the basements of each building. Under the Residential Alternative, solid waste will be collected at 327-337 Summer Street in the basement via a trash chute that opens on each level of the building. Under the Office Alternative, solid waste will be collected at 327-337 Summer Street each workday evening by the buildings cleaning company. At 319 A Street, under either alternative, residents will take their trash down to a designated room in the basement, where it will be taken out daily by the management company. Recycling bins will be provided for tenants on each floor of each building, and one room in each building will be designated solely for recyclable materials. On a daily basis, the solid waste will be moved to the loading docks into two-yard containers for daily pick-up by a waste management company. A separate pick-up will occur for all recyclable materials.

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Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Recyclable materials under both alternatives are expected to include newspaper, cardboard, cans, and bottles. Recycling by building occupants will be encouraged and coordinated at both buildings, under either alternative. To encourage recycling, the Proponent will implement a recycling program throughout the Project. Under the Residential Alternative, 327-337 Summer Street will include space for recycling on each floor of each building. Under the Office Alternative, 327-337 Summer Street will have recyclables collected each workday evening by the buildings cleaning company. At 319 A Street, under either alternative, residents will take their recycling down to a designated room in the basement, where it will be removed daily by the management company. Loading/receiving areas will include space for the storage and pick-up of recyclable materials.


Solid Waste Generation during Construction

Solid waste generated by construction will consist primarily of demolition debris related to the selective interior demolition of the existing buildings and packaging and scrap materials (such as corrugated cardboard, glass, aluminum, scrap metal, and cable/wire) associated with new construction. Some of this construction-related waste will be recycled by waste disposal companies. Construction waste material from demolition and new construction will be recycled when possible (see below). Solid waste that cannot be recycled will be transported in covered trucks to an approved solid waste facility, per MassDEP's Regulations for Solid Waste Facilities, 310 CMR 16.00. This requirement will be specified in the disposal contract. If asbestos-containing materials are identified, they will be treated as a special waste in accordance with MassDEP guidelines and addressed and disposed of accordingly.

Recycling during Construction

The Proponents Construction Manager will take an active role with regard to the reprocessing and recycling of construction waste. The Construction Manager will evaluate the potential for recycling before construction commences. Construction will be conducted so that some materials that may be recycled are segregated from those materials not recyclable to enable disposal at an approved solid waste facility. A comprehensive recycling program will be included in the final Construction Management Plan.


Hazardous Wastes

Analytical characterization of site soil and groundwater has not been conducted to date. Excess excavated material, if any, will be characterized for offsite transport prior to removing any material from the Project Site. Management of excavated soil and dewatering effluent will be in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.


3.10.1 Introduction

This subsection describes a noise analysis conducted for the Project, including an estimate of future sound levels once the Project is in operation. The analysis was conducted to address potential impacts solely from the Project as it affects 327-337 Summer Street, under both the Residential Alternative and the Office Alternative. The improvements at 319 A Street are not anticipated to result in an increase in sound levels, and so were not analyzed. The scope of the noise analysis is consistent with BRA requirements for such studies. Baseline noise levels were measured in the vicinity of the Project and were compared to predicted noise levels based on reference sound data for likely mechanical equipment identified by the Proponent for the Project. These predicted noise levels were compared to the City of Boston Zoning District Noise Standards (City Noise Standards) and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) Noise Policy. The analysis indicates that predicted noise levels from Project-related mechanical equipment with appropriate noise mitigation will comply with the City Noise Standards, and will result in sound level increases that are below the limit established by the MassDEP Noise Policy.


Noise Terminology

There are several ways in which sound (noise) levels are measured and quantified. All of them use the logarithmic decibel (dB) scale. The following information defines the noise measurement terminology used in this analysis. The decibel scale is logarithmic to accommodate the wide range of sound intensities found in the environment. One property of the decibel scale is that the sound pressure levels of two separate sounds are not directly additive. For example, if a sound of 50 dB is added to another sound of 50 dB, the total is only a three-decibel increase (to 53 dB), not a doubling to 100 dB. Thus, every three dB change in sound levels represents a doubling or halving of sound energy. Related to this is that a change in sound levels of fewer than three dB is imperceptible to the human ear. Another property of decibels is that if one source of noise is 10 dB (or more) louder than another source, then the total sound level is simply the sound level of the higher source. For example, a source of sound at 60 dB plus another source of sound at 47 dB is 60 dB.

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Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.

The sound-level meter used to measure noise is a standardized instrument. 10 It contains weighting networks to adjust the frequency response of the instrument to approximate that of the human ear under various circumstances. One network is the A-weighting network (there are also B- and C-weighting networks). The A-weighted scale (dBA) most closely approximates how the human ear responds to sound at various frequencies. Sounds are frequently reported as detected with the A-weighting network of the sound-level meter. A-weighted sound levels emphasize the middle frequency (i.e., middle pitchedaround 1,000 Hertz sounds), and de-emphasize lower and higher frequency sounds. Because the sounds in our environment vary with time, they cannot simply be described with a single number. Two methods are used for describing variable sounds. These are exceedance levels and the equivalent level, both of which are derived from a large number of moment-to-moment, A-weighted sound-level measurements. Exceedance levels are values from the cumulative amplitude distribution of all of the sound levels observed during a measurement period. Exceedance levels are designated Ln, where n can have a value of 0 to 100 percent. Several sound-level metrics that are commonly reported in community noise studies are described below. L90 is the sound level in dBA exceeded 90 percent of the time during the measurement period. The L90 is close to the lowest sound level observed. It is essentially the same as the residual sound level, which is the sound level observed when there are no obvious nearby intermittent noise sources. L50 is the median sound level, the sound level in dBA exceeded 50 percent of the time during the measurement period. L10 is the sound level in dBA exceeded only 10 percent of the time. It is close to the maximum level observed during the measurement period. The L10 is sometimes called the intrusive sound level because it is caused by occasional louder noises like those from passing motor vehicles. Lmax is the maximum instantaneous sound level observed over a given period. Leq, the equivalent level, is the level of a hypothetical steady sound that would have the same energy (i.e., the same time-averaged mean square sound pressure) as the actual fluctuating sound observed. The equivalent level is designated Leq and is also A-weighted. The equivalent level represents the time average of the fluctuating sound pressure, but because sound is represented on a logarithmic scale and the averaging is done with linear mean square sound pressure values, the Leq is mostly determined by occasional loud, intrusive noises.


American National Standard Specification for Sound Level Meters, ANSI S1.4-1983, published by the
Standards Secretariat of the Acoustical Society of America, Melville, NY.

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Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.

By using various noise metrics it is possible to separate prevailing, steady sounds (the L90) from occasional, louder sounds (L10) in the noise environment or combined average levels (Leq). This analysis of sounds expected from the Project treats all noises as though they will be steady and continuous, and hence the L90 exceedance level was used. In the design of noise control treatments, it is essential to know something about the frequency spectrum of the noise of interest. Noise control treatments do not function like the human ear, so simple A-weighted levels are not useful for noise-control design. The spectra of noises are usually stated in terms of octave-band sound pressure levels, in dB, with the octave frequency bands being those established by a generally-accepted standard. To facilitate the noise-control design process, the estimates of noise levels in this analysis are also presented in terms of octave-band sound pressure levels.


Noise Regulations and Criteria

The primary set of regulations relating to the potential increase in noise levels is the City Noise Standards (City of Boston Code Ordinances: Section 1626 Unreasonable Noise; and City of Boston Air Pollution Control Commission Regulations for the Control of Noise in the City of Boston). Results of the baseline ambient noise-level survey and the modeled noise levels were compared to the City Noise Standards. Separate regulations within the City Noise Standards provide criteria to control different types of noise. Regulation 2 is applicable to the effects of the proposed buildings, as completed, and was considered in the noise study for the Project. Table 3.10-1 includes the City Noise Standards. Additionally, MassDEP regulates community noise by its Noise Policy (DAQC policy 90001). The MassDEP Noise Policy limits source sound levels to a 10-dBA increase in the ambient measured noise level (L90) at the Project property line and at the nearest residences. The policy further prohibits pure tone conditionswhen any octave-band, centerfrequency sound pressure level exceeds that of the two adjacent center-frequency sound pressure levels by three decibels or more. Table 3.10-1 City Noise Standards, Maximum Allowable Sound Pressure Levels
Residential Zoning District Daytime (dB) 76 75 69 62 56 50 All Other Times (dB) 68 67 61 52 46 40 Residential-Industrial Zoning District Daytime (dB) 79 78 73 68 62 56 All Other Times (dB) 72 71 65 57 51 45 Business Zoning District Anytime (dB) 79 78 73 68 62 56 Industrial Zoning District Anytime (dB) 83 82 77 73 67 61

Octave Band Center Frequency (Hz) 32 63 125 250 500 1000

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Table 3.10-1

City Noise Standards, Maximum Allowable Sound Pressure Levels (Continued)

Residential Zoning District Daytime (dB) 45 40 38 60 All Other Times (dB) 33 28 26 50 Residential-Industrial Zoning District Daytime (dB) 51 47 44 65 All Other Times (dB) 39 34 32 55 Business Zoning District Anytime (dB) 51 47 44 65 Industrial Zoning District Anytime (dB) 57 53 50 70

Octave Band Center Frequency (Hz) 2000 4000 8000 A-Weighted (dBA) Notes:

Noise standards are extracted from Regulation 2.5, City of Boston Air Pollution Control Commission, "Regulations for the Control of Noise in the City of Boston", adopted December 17, 1976. All standards apply at the property line of the receiving property. dB and dBA based on a reference pressure of 20 micropascals. Daytime refers to the period between 7:00 am and 6:00 pm daily except Sunday.


Existing Conditions
Baseline Noise Environment

An ambient noise-level survey was conducted to characterize the baseline acoustical environment in the vicinity of the Project site. Existing noise sources consisted of: vehicular traffic (including trucks) on the local roadways, pedestrian traffic, nearby mechanical equipment located in and on surrounding buildings, and the general din of the city. Noise Measurement Locations

The selection of the sound-monitoring locations was based upon a review of the current land uses in the Project area. Four noise-monitoring locations were selected as representative in obtaining a sampling of the ambient baseline noise environment. The measurement locations are depicted in Figure 3.10-1 and are described below. ST-1 is at the corner of Congress Street and Thomson Place, north of the Project site. Noise sources at this location include vehicular and pedestrian traffic and mechanical noise from surrounding buildings. Also, there was construction activity at a nearby building and a mobile generator truck close by that were present during the day. ST-2 is along Summer Street, northwest of the Project site. Noise sources at this location include vehicular and pedestrian traffic, mechanical noise from surrounding buildings, and rustling sidewalk vegetation.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.

ST-3 is at the corner of A Street and Melcher Street, west of the Project site. Noise sources include vehicular traffic, air conditioning units at the existing Project site, and seagulls. ST-4 is along West Service Road, adjacent to the Project site to the east. Noise sources include vehicular and pedestrian traffic, mechanical noise from surrounding buildings, and seagulls. Daytime construction activities at a nearby building were also present. Noise Measurement Methodology

Sound-level measurements were taken for approximately 20 minutes per location during the daytime (9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.) on May 23, 2012, and during nighttime hours (12:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m.) on May 24, 2012. 11 Since noise impacts are greatest at night when existing noise levels are lowest, the study was designed to measure community noise levels under conditions typical of a quiet period for the area. Daytime measurements were scheduled to exclude peak traffic conditions. The sound levels were measured at publicly-accessible locations at a height of approximately 1.5 meters above the ground. The measurements were made under low wind conditions, and roadway surfaces were dry. Wind speed measurements were made with a Davis Instruments TurboMeter electronic wind speed indicator, and temperature and humidity measurements were made using a General Tools digital psychrometer. Unofficial observations about meteorology, including wind speed, temperature, and humidity, as well as land use in the community were made solely to characterize the existing sound levels in the area and to estimate the noise sensitivity at properties near the proposed Project. Measurement Equipment

A Norsonic model Nor140 Sound Level Analyzer, equipped with a Norsonic model 1209 Type 1 Preamplifier, a Norsonic model 40AN half-inch microphone, and a four-inch windscreen were used to collect broadband and octave band ambient sound pressure level data. The instrumentation meets the Type 1 Precision requirements set forth in American National Standards Institute (ANSI) S1.4 for acoustical measuring devices. The meter was tripod-mounted at a height of five feet above ground level (AGL). The meter has data logging capability and was programmed to log statistical data for each 20-minute sampling period for the following parameters: L10, L50, L90, Lmax, Lmin, and Leq.


The only exception was the nighttime measurement at ST-3, which was approximately 10 minutes.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.



. !

Sound Level Measurement Location

0 50 100 200 Feet



Scale 1:2,400 1 inch = 200 feet

Basemap: 2011 Bing Aerial Imagery, ESRI







. !








327-337 Summer Street

. ! ST-3







319 A Street
. !



















327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street





Boston, Massachusetts
Sound Level Measurement Locations











ST-1 . !





Figure 3.10-1

All measurement equipment was calibrated in the field before and after the surveys with a LD CAL200 acoustical calibrator which meets the standards of IEC 942 Class 1L and ANSI S1.40-1984. The meters were calibrated and certified as accurate to standards set by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. These calibrations were conducted by an independent laboratory within the past 12 months. Baseline Ambient Noise Levels

The existing ambient noise environment consists primarily of vehicular traffic on nearby roadways, building mechanical systems, and pedestrian activity. Baseline noise monitoring results are presented in Table 3.10-2, and summarized below. The daytime residual background (L90) measurements ranged from 58 to 76 dBA; The nighttime residual background (L90) measurements ranged from 51 to 59 dBA; The daytime equivalent level (Leq) measurements ranged from 71 to 82 dBA; and The nighttime equivalent level (Leq) measurements ranged from 66 to 67 dBA. A pure tone according to the MassDEP Noise Policy was present both during the day and at night at 63 Hz at Location ST-3. A pure tone was measured at 125 Hz during the day at Location ST-1, and a pure tone was measured at 63 Hz at Location ST-2 at night.


Overview of Potential Project Noise Sources

The Project includes the vertical and horizontal expansion of an existing building, 327-337 Summer Street. The primary sources of continuous sound exterior to the Project will consist of ventilation, cooling, and emergency power noise sources. The majority of the noise sources will be located at the rooftop, but an air intake will be located at the rear of the building at a height of approximately 15 feet AGL relative to Pastene Alley. All noise sources described in this subsection will be included in the Project regardless of whether the Residential Alternative or Office Alternative is built.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Table 3.10-2
Receptor I.D ST-1 Day ST-2 Day ST-3 Day ST-4 Day ST-1 Night ST-2 Night ST-3 Night ST-4 Night

Baseline Ambient Sound Level Measurements 327-337 Summer Street, Boston, MA

Start Time 09:55 a.m. 10:20 a.m. 11:08 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:50 p.m. 12:13 a.m. 01:00 a.m. 12:37 a.m. L10 (dBA) 79 74 73 68 70 70 66 68 L50 (dBA) 77 69 67 61 63 61 55 58 L90 (dBA) 76 66 63 58 59 56 51 56 Leq (dBA) 82 71 64 71 67 67 66 67 Lmax (dBA) 103 84 80 86 81 84 86 89 31.5 71 67 67 63 58 60 56 58 L90 Sound Level (dB) per Octave Band Center Frequency (Hz) 63 81 67 72 64 61 64 60 59 125 86 69 64 59 61 58 54 55 250 75 66 61 56 59 55 51 52 500 71 64 59 55 55 52 48 52 1000 68 61 58 54 53 51 46 51 2000 66 57 54 49 48 47 41 48 4000 63 52 47 43 40 38 34 43 8000 55 42 38 34 31 25 23 37

Notes: 1. Daytime weather: Temperature = 72 F, Relative Humidity = 66%, partially cloudy skies, north winds 0-6 miles per hour. Nighttime weather: Temperature = 66 F, Relative Humidity = 84%, clear skies, southwest winds 0-4 miles per hour. 2. All road surfaces were dry during measurements. 3. Most sampling periods were exactly 20 minutes in duration with the exception of the nighttime ST-3 measurement. The duration of this measurement was 9:50. 4. Daytime measurements were collected on May 23, 2012. Nighttime measurements were collected on May 24, 2012.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Environmental Component Epsilon Associates, Inc.

The major sources of sound exterior to the Project will be one 400-ton, closed-circuit cooler, one 4,500 cubic-feet-per-minute (CFM) energy-recovery ventilation unit, one 6,000 CFM kitchen exhaust fan, one make-up air unit, and one 180 kW standby generator. The proposed rooftop closed-circuit cooler for the building is an Evapco ESWA 400-ton unit. It will be located on the penthouse lower level at a height of 88 3 AGL (Pastene Alley). The Greenheck ERT-52H-30 energy-recovery unit with tempering will be located on the roof at a height of 110 7 AGL. The kitchen exhaust discharge will also be located on the roof. The kitchen exhaust will have a Greenheck SWB-222-75 backward, inclined centrifugal utility fan with a 6,000 CFM rating. The Greenheck DG-118-H30 make-up air unit will be located inside the building and will draw in air from a first floor-louvered opening approximately 15 AGL, facing Pastene Alley. A 7,500 CFM unit was assumed for this analysis. The 180 kW Kohler Power Systems standby generator will be located on the penthouse lower level at a height of 88 3 AGL. The exhaust stack for the generator will extend above the penthouse lower level by 10 feet. A tabular summary of the modeled mechanical equipment proposed for the Project is presented below in Table 3.10-3a. Manufacturer specifications indicating the sound power for each of piece of equipment -- except for the emergency generator -- are presented in Table 3.10-3-b. The sound power of the mechanical and exhaust components of the emergency generator were calculated using the sound-pressure levels provided at a reference distance. These values are presented in Table 3.10-3-b. The Project includes various noise-control measures that are necessary to achieve compliance with the applicable noise regulations. A duct silencer will be installed to reduce the sound levels associated with the make-up air unit. The emergency generator will be controlled using an exhaust silencer and an acoustical enclosure. To further limit impacts from the standby generator, its required periodic, routine testing will be conducted during daytime hours, when background sound levels are highest. A summary of the noise mitigation proposed for the Project is presented below in Table 3.10-3-c.

Table 3.10-3-a Modeled Noise Sources

Noise Source Closed Circuit Cooler Energy Recovery Ventilation Unit Kitchen Exhaust Fan Make-up Air Unit Generator Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 Location Penthouse Lower Level at 88 3 AGL Roof at 110 7 AGL Roof at 110 7 AGL Faade Alley 15 AGL Penthouse Lower Level at 88 3 AGL Size/Capacity 400 Ton 4,500 CFM 6,000 CFM 7,500 CFM 180 kW

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Environmental Protection Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Table 3.10-3-b Modeled Sound Power Levels per Noise Source

Noise Source Closed Circuit Cooler Evapco ESWA Energy Recovery Ventilation Unit Greenheck ERT-52H-30 Kitchen Exhaust Fan Greenheck SWB-222-75 Make-up Air Unit Greenheck DG-118-H30 180 kW Generator Mechanical Kohler Power Systems 180 kW Generator Exhaust Kohler Power Systems Broadband (dBA) 87 93 91 83 116 125 Sound Level (dB) per Octave Band Center Frequency (Hz) 31.5 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k 951 951 941 931 1081 1171 95 95 94 93 108 117 93 91 92 83 112 119 85 93 91 80 118 117 81 92 89 80 110 116 80 87 85 76 108 118 78 84 81 76 108 118 79 80 79 71 106 118 80 77 77 66 103 117

Notes: Sound power levels do not include mitigation. 1. Sound level assumed to be equal to dB level in 63 Hz band.

Table 3.10-3-c Attenuation Values Applied to Mitigate Each Noise Source

Noise Source Make-up Air Unit Greenheck DG-118H30 180 kW Generator Mechanical Kohler Power Systems 180 kW Generator Exhaust Kohler Power Systems Form of Mitigation Duct Silencer Enclosure Silencer Sound Level (dB) per Octave Band Center Frequency (Hz) 31.5 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k 4 4 10 9 7 20 7 13 40 17 25 40 16 25 40 15 25 28 13 25 25 12 25 25 11 13 25


Modeling Methodology

The noise impacts associated with the Project were predicted at the nearest receptors using the Cadna/A noise calculation software developed by DataKustik GmbH. This software uses the ISO 9613-2 international standard for sound propagation (Acoustics - Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors - Part 2: General method of calculation). The benefits of this software are a more refined set of computations due to the inclusion of topography, ground attenuation, multiple building reflections, drop-off with distance, and atmospheric absorption. The Cadna/A software allows for octave band calculation of noise from multiple noise sources, as well as computation of diffraction around building edges.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Environmental Protection Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Future Sound Levels Nighttime

The analysis of sound levels at night considered all of the mechanical equipment without the emergency generators running, to simulate typical nighttime operating conditions at nearby receptors. Twelve modeling locations were included in the analysis. These modeling receptors, which correspond to nearby residential and industrial locations, are depicted in Figure 3.10-2. The predicted exterior Project-Only sound levels range from 21 to 49 dBA at nearby receptors. The range at residential modeling locations is 21 to 40 dBA. According to 2007 data available through the Massachusetts Office of Geographic Information (MassGIS), the immediate area surrounding the Project site is zoned industrial. The current land use in the area according to 2012 data from the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) shows there are several residential uses within this industrial zone. Therefore, the Residential-Industrial limits have been applied to these locations. The remaining locations have been evaluated against the Industrial limits. Predicted sound levels from Project-related equipment are within these broadband and octave-band nighttime limits under the City Noise Standards at the modeling locations. This evaluation is presented in Table 3.10-4-a. In addition, the predicted future total sound levels (Project + Background) are below the MassDEP criteria of 10dBA over the quietest nighttime sound levels (the L90 level) at sensitive receptors with nighttime use. This evaluation is presented in Table 3.10-4-b. The Projects mechanical equipment is not expected to create any additional pure-tone conditions per the MassDEP Noise Policy when combined with existing middle of the night background sound levels at these locations as shown in Table 3.10-4-c. The pure tones shown in the table at 63 Hz are due to existing pure tones during the night at locations ST-2 and ST-3. Table 3.10-4-a Comparison of Future Predicted Project-Only Nighttime Sound Levels to the City of Boston Limits
Modeling Location ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 City of Boston Limits Zoning / Land Use Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Residential-Industrial Industrial Broadband (dBA) 30 34 31 40 31 43 21 45 22 43 39 49 55 70 Sound Level (dB) per Octave Band Center Frequency (Hz) 31.5 37 43 42 49 36 61 37 53 39 52 48 68 72 83 63 39 42 40 48 34 56 35 54 34 51 48 63 71 82 125 36 37 35 43 33 49 29 51 27 49 45 55 65 77 250 33 35 32 41 32 41 23 45 23 44 40 43 57 73 500 30 33 30 39 30 39 19 42 20 40 37 44 51 67 1k 23 27 25 34 25 35 12 38 15 37 32 41 45 61 2k 17 22 22 30 21 36 6 35 11 34 29 42 39 57 4k 8 15 15 24 13 32 0 34 6 31 25 39 34 53 8k 0 0 3 13 0 27 0 28 0 24 13 34 32 50

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Environmental Protection Epsilon Associates, Inc.



. !

Sound Level Modeling Location

0 50 100 200 Feet



Scale 1:2,400 1 inch = 200 feet

Basemap: 2011 Bing Aerial Imagery, ESRI






. !


. ! . !







. ! . ! 9

3 . ! 12

. !


327-337 Summer Street




319 A Street



. ! M WO














327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street





Boston, Massachusetts
Sound Level Modeling Locations





! . . ! 6


. !

. !















Figure 3.10-2

Table 3.10-4-b Comparison of Future Predicted Nighttime Sound Levels with Existing Background MassDEP Noise Policy Modeling Location ID
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Zoning / Land Use

Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial

ProjectGenerated Sound Levels (dBA)

30 34 31 40 31 43 21

Existing L90 -Nighttime (dBA)

592 56

Future L90 Nighttime Total (dBA)1

59 56 51 56 56 52 51

Increase (dBA)1
0 0 0 0 0 1 0

512 56

563 51


Notes: 1. Calculation performed using existing and project sound levels rounded to one decimal place. 2. Sound levels at Modeling IDs 1 through 4 correspond to measured sound levels at monitoring locations ST-1 through ST-4. 3. Ambient sound level assumed to be comparable to Location 2. 4. Ambient sound level assumed to be comparable to Location 3.

Table 3.10-4-c MassDEP Noise Policy Pure-Tone Evaluation of Future Predicted Nighttime Sound Levels
Modeling Location ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Zoning / Land Use Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Sound Level (dB) per Octave Band Center Frequency (Hz)1 31.5 58 60 56 58 60 62 56 63 61 642 602 59 642 61 602 125 61 58 54 55 58 55 54 250 59 55 51 52 55 52 51 500 55 52 48 52 52 49 48 1k 53 51 46 51 51 46 46 2k 48 46 41 48 46 42 41 4k 40 38 34 43 38 36 34 8k 31 25 23 37 25 28 23

Notes: 1. Calculation performed using existing and project sound levels rounded to one decimal place. 2. Pure tone due to existing sound levels.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Environmental Protection Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Future Sound Levels Daytime

As noted above, the emergency generator will only operate during the day for brief, routine testing, when the background sound levels are high, or during an interruption of power from the electrical grid. A second analysis combined noise from the Projects mechanical equipment and its emergency generator to reflect worst-case conditions. The sound levels were calculated at the same receptors as in the nighttime analysis, and then were evaluated against daytime limits. Daytime ambient sound levels were incorporated where applicable. The predicted exterior Project-Only daytime sound levels range from 28 to 50 dBA at nearby receptors. The range at residential modeling locations is 32 to 47 dBA. Predicted sound levels from Project-related equipment are within the daytime broadband and octaveband limits under the City Noise Standards at each of the modeling locations. This evaluation is presented in Table 3.10-5-a. In addition, the predicted future total sound levels (Project + background) are below the MassDEP criteria of 10dBA over the daytime ambient sound levels (the L90 level). That evaluation is presented in Table 3.10-5-b. The Projects mechanical equipment is not expected to create any additional pure-tone conditions as defined under the MassDEP Noise Policy when combined with existing midday background sound levels. The predicted total sound levels per octave band are shown in Table 3.10-5-c. The pure tones shown in the table at 63 and 125 Hz are due to existing pure tones during the day at locations ST-1 and ST-3. Table 3.10-5-a Comparison of Future Predicted Project-Only Daytime Sound Levels to City Noise Standards
Modeling Location ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 City of Boston Limits Zoning / Land Use Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Residential-Industrial Industrial Broadband (dBA) 32 34 34 42 33 47 45 46 28 44 40 50 65 70 Sound Level (dB) per Octave Band Center Frequency (Hz) 31.5 41 48 52 59 45 63 56 58 49 56 56 69 79 83 63 41 43 44 53 38 57 49 55 39 52 51 64 78 82 125 38 38 38 47 35 51 46 52 33 50 46 55 73 77 250 34 36 33 42 33 43 43 45 27 44 41 44 68 73 500 30 33 30 39 31 39 35 42 21 41 37 44 62 67 1k 25 28 27 36 26 39 39 39 21 37 33 42 56 61 2k 23 24 27 34 25 41 41 37 23 35 32 44 51 57 4k 17 18 23 30 20 38 34 35 19 32 28 40 47 53 8k 4 9 15 24 10 35 16 31 11 26 20 36 44 50

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Environmental Protection Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Table 3.10-5-b Comparison of Future Predicted Daytime Sound Levels with Existing Background MassDEP Noise Policy Modeling Location ID
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Zoning / Land Use

Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial

ProjectGenerated Sound Levels (dBA)

32 34 34 42 33 47 45 46 28 44 40 50

Existing L90 Daytime (dBA)

762 662 63 66 63 63

Future L90 Daytime Total (dBA)1

76 66 63 59 66 63 63 66 63 66 58 63

Increase (dBA)1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0




663 58


Notes: 1. Calculation performed using existing and project sound levels rounded to one decimal place. 2. Sound levels at modeling IDs 1 through 4 correspond to measured sound levels at monitoring locations ST-1 through ST-4. 3. Ambient sound level assumed to be comparable to Location 2. 4. Ambient sound level assumed to be comparable to Location 3. 5. Ambient sound level assumed to be comparable to Location 4.

Table 3.10-5-c MassDEP Noise Policy Pure-Tone Evaluation of Future Predicted Daytime Sound Levels
Modeling Location ID 1 2 3 4 5 Zoning / Land Use Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Sound Level (dB) per Octave Band Center Frequency (Hz)1 31.5 71 67 67 64 67 63 81 67 722 64 67 125 862 69 64 60 69 250 75 66 61 56 66 500 71 64 59 55 64 1k 68 61 58 54 61 2k 66 57 54 50 57 4k 63 52 47 43 52 8k 55 42 38 35 42

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Environmental Protection Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Table 3.10-5-c MassDEP Noise Policy Pure-Tone Evaluation of Future Predicted Daytime Sound Levels (Continued)
Modeling Location ID 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Zoning / Land Use Residential-Industrial Residential-Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Sound Level (dB) per Octave Band Center Frequency (Hz)1 31.5 68 67 68 67 68 64 71 63 722 722 68 722 67 64 72 125 64 64 69 64 69 59 64 250 61 61 66 61 66 56 61 500 59 59 64 59 64 55 59 1k 58 58 61 58 61 54 58 2k 54 54 57 54 57 49 54 4k 47 47 52 47 52 43 48 8k 40 38 42 38 42 35 40

Notes: 1. Calculation performed using existing and project sound levels rounded to one decimal place. 2. Pure tone due to existing sound levels.



Baseline noise levels were measured in the vicinity of the Project during the day and at night. These levels were compared to modeled sound levels that were calculated based information provided by the manufacturers of the expected mechanical equipment. ProjectOnly and future sound levels (Project + Background) were compared to applicable limits. Predicted mechanical equipment noise levels from the Project at each receptor location, taking into account attenuation due to distance, structures, and noise-control measures, will be equal to or below the broadband requirements of City Noise Standards based on zoning and land-use maps available through MassGIS and the BRA, respectively. Because the residential uses are located in an industrial zone, the Residential-Industrial limits were evaluated for these locations. The remaining locations were evaluated against the Industrial limits. When the aforementioned mitigation efforts are included, the predicted sound levels from Project-related equipment are expected to remain below 55 dBA, within the nighttime residential-industrial zoning limits for the City of Boston at the nearest residential receptors. The results in Subection 3.10 indicate that the Project can operate without significant impact on the existing acoustical environment and will result in a noise experience similar to that of a typical urban setting. In addition, the Project will comply with the MassDEP Noise Policy.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Environmental Protection Epsilon Associates, Inc.

At this time, the mechanical equipment and noise controls are conceptual in nature. During the final design phase of the Project, mechanical equipment and noise controls will be specified and designed to meet the applicable broadband limit and the corresponding octave-band limits of the City Noise Standards, as well as the MassDEP Noise Policy. Additional mitigation may include the selection of quieter mechanical units, and/or the addition of acoustical louvers, screening walls, mufflers, or equipment enclosures, as needed. 3.11 Construction Impacts In accordance with Article 80 of the Boston Zoning Code, a Construction Management Plan in compliance with the Citys Construction Management Program (CMP) will be submitted to the Boston Transportation Department once final plans are developed and the construction schedule is determined for the Project. The CMP will include detailed information on construction activities, specific construction mitigation measures, and construction materials, access and staging area plans to minimize impacts to abutters and the local community. The construction contractor will be required to comply with the details and conditions of the approved CMP.


Construction schedule

Construction of the Project is estimated to last approximately twelve months, with initial site work expected to begin in the second quarter of 2013. There will be a one-month site mobilization period. The City of Boston allows construction work from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Construction outside of those hours requires a permit. Typical construction hours for the Project will be in compliance with the Citys regulations with no work anticipated on the weekends. In the event that weekend work is necessary, the Proponent will obtain required City approvals. The construction contractor will be responsible for coordinating construction activities during all phases of construction with City of Boston agencies to minimize potential scheduling and construction conflicts with other construction projects in the area.



All three of the existing buildings at the Project site 327 Summer Street, 337 Summer Street and 319 A Street -- will be rehabilitated for adaptive reuse under the Project therefore, their exterior walls and structure will predominately remain. Some selected interior demolition of the existing buildings is anticipated. Demolition debris will be disposed of at a properly licensed solid waste disposal facility.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Environmental Protection Epsilon Associates, Inc.

During demolition, provisions will be made for the use of water spray to control the generation of dust. If asbestos-containing materials are identified, they will be treated as a special waste in accordance with Massachusetts MassDEP guidelines, and addressed and disposed of accordingly. The contractor will contact the Building Materials Resource Center (BMRC) prior to demolition to discuss the potential for reusing building materials through the BMRCs program.


Construction Staging / Public Safety / Access

Construction truck access to the Project site will be outlined in the CMP to be filed with BTD in accordance with the Citys transportation maintenance plan requirements. The Proponent will ensure that staging areas are located to minimize impacts to pedestrian and vehicular flow. It may be necessary to temporarily occupy pedestrian walkways and parking lanes on Summer Street as well as on portions of West Service Road, which is under the jurisdiction of MassDOT, and Pastene Alley, a private way not open to public travel over which the Proponent holds various easements. Secure fencing, signage, and covered walkways may be employed to ensure the safety and efficiency of pedestrian and vehicular traffic flows. Sidewalk areas and walkways near construction activities will be well marked and lighted to protect pedestrians and ensure their safety. Pedestrian protection will be in place early in the construction process and will remain until construction completion. When necessary, police details will be provided to facilitate traffic flow. Construction procedures will be designed to meet OSHA safety standards for specific site construction activities.


Construction Air Quality

During the construction period, temporary effects on ambient air quality adjacent to the construction site may occur. Some construction activities will generate fugitive dust which may result in localized increases in particulate levels. The Project does not involve extensive or deep excavations, therefore air quality impacts associated with fugitive dust are anticipated to be minimal. The Proponent will explore participation in the MassDEP Diesel Retrofit Program. The construction contract will provide for a number of strictly enforced measures to be used by contractors to reduce potential emissions and minimize impacts. These measures are expected to include the following: Installing a wheel wash at all site entrances and exits; Using wetting agents on area of exposed soil on a scheduled basis; Using covered trucks;
3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street 3-79 Environmental Protection Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Minimizing spoils on the construction site; Monitoring actual construction practices to ensure that unnecessary transfers and mechanical disturbances of loose materials are minimized; Minimizing storage of debris on-site; and Periodic street and sidewalk cleaning with water to minimize dust accumulations.


Construction Noise

The Proponent is committed to mitigating noise impacts from the construction of the Project. Increased community sound levels, however, are an inherent consequence of construction activities. Construction work will comply with the requirements of the City of Boston noise ordinance. Every reasonable effort will be made to minimize the noise impact of construction activities. Mitigation measures are expected to include the following: Instituting a proactive program to ensure compliance with the City of Boston noise limitation policy; Using appropriate mufflers on equipment and ongoing maintenance of intake and exhaust mufflers; Muffling enclosures on continuously running equipment; such as air compressors and welding generators; Replacing specific construction operations and techniques with less noisy ones where feasible; Selecting the quietest of alternative items of equipment where feasible; Scheduling equipment operations to keep average noise levels low, to synchronize the noisiest operations with times of highest ambient levels, and to maintain relatively uniform noise levels; Turning off idling equipment; and Locating noisy equipment at locations that protect sensitive locations by shielding or distance.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Environmental Protection Epsilon Associates, Inc.


Construction Period Transportation Issues

Details of the overall construction schedule, working hours, number of construction workers, worker transportation and parking, number of construction vehicles, and routes will be addressed in detail in the CMP to be filed with BTD in accordance with the Citys transportation maintenance plan requirements. The number of workers required during the construction period will vary, depending upon the phase of construction. Because the construction workers will arrive and depart prior to peak traffic periods, the construction trips are not expected to impact local traffic conditions. To reduce vehicle trips to and from the construction site, workers will be strongly encouraged to use public transportation. Space on-site will be made available for workers supplies and tools so they do not have to be brought to the site each day. Specific delivery truck access routes will be established in consultation with the BTD through its approval of the CMP required for the Project. Construction contracts will include clauses restricting truck travel to primary roads. Enforcement of truck routes will be accomplished through clauses in the subcontractors agreements.


Protection of Utilities

Protection of Boston Water and Sewer Commission (BWSC) water, sewer, and drain lines will begin before commencement of site work. The Proponent will request that the locations of existing water, sewer, and drainage lines be marked by BWSC. Excavation in the area of existing water, sewer and drain lines will proceed with caution. Hand excavation will take place when excavation in the immediate area of pipe walls is required. BWSC will require additional protection measures if new pipes are to cross existing pipes. BWSC is currently proposing improvements to the public infrastructure in the Projects vicinity. This work would be completed under the Fort Point Channel Sewer Separation Project, for which construction began in Fall 2005. Impacts of the Project, as they are associated with the Fort Point Channel Sewer Separation Project, will be coordinated with BWSC in consultations regarding the proposed design. The BWSC will require the Proponent to submit a General Service Application and a site plan for review prior to construction. The site plan must include existing water mains, sanitary sewers, storm drains, and proposed service connections.


Vibration Control

All means and methods for performing work at the Project site will be evaluated for potential vibration impacts on the buildings slated for rehabilitation and nearby buildings and utilities.
3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street 3-81 Environmental Protection Epsilon Associates, Inc.


Generation and Disposal of Construction Debris

The Proponent will advise its contractor to take an active role with regard to the reprocessing and recycling of construction waste. The disposal contract should include requirements to allow for the sufficient space for segregation, reprocessing, reuse and recycling of materials. For materials that cannot be recycled, solid waste will be transported in covered trucks to an approved solid waste facility, per MassDEPs Regulations for Solid Waste Facilities, 310 CMR 16.00. Construction will be conducted so that materials that may be recycled are segregated from those materials not recyclable to enable disposal at an approved solid waste facility. As discussed above, removal of any hazardous materials, lead, or asbestos will be undertaken in accordance with applicable regulations. Moreover, the contractor will contact the BMRC prior to the start of construction to discuss the potential for reusing building materials through the BMRCs program or donating materials to the BMRC.


Rodent Control During Construction

A rodent examination certificate will be filed with the building permit application to the City. Rodent inspection and monitoring and treatment will be carried out during and at the completion of construction work for the proposed Project, in compliance with the Citys requirements. Rodent extermination prior to work start-up consists of treatment areas throughout the Project site. During the construction process, regular service visits will be made.


National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System

The proposed Project does not involve the disturbance of over one acre, therefore a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is not required from the Environmental Protection Agency.


Sustainable Design
The Project will comply with the requirements of Article 37 of the Boston Zoning Code. The Proponent will incorporate many green features into the Project. The Project team will use the U.S. Green Building Councils (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building rating system to evaluate the success of the sustainable design measures. The architectural project manager will track the progress through the course of the Project and update the checklists. LEED checklists are provided at the end of this subsection to identify sustainability design goals for the both the Office and Residential alternatives for 327-337 Summer Street and Residential plans for 319 A Street. Highlights are outlined below, including details on implementation measures to the extent that they are defined at this stage of design. Selection of specific building systems and specifications will be determined in consideration

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Environmental Protection Epsilon Associates, Inc.

of the Projects sustainability goals. As goals are now being established, design solutions will be developed in an effort to achieve the pertinent LEED credits. The final design will strive to create a sustainable Project that will minimize environmental impacts, improve energy and water conservation, and optimize interior environmental quality. The LEED New Construction and Major Renovation rating system is used for the Residential schemes. The LEED Core and Shell rating system is used for the Office scheme. The rating system is separated into six major categories: Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, Energy and Atmosphere, Materials and Resources, Indoor Environmental Quality, and Innovation & Design Process. The following subsections discuss Projects sustainable features. The Project target is to achieve 40 LEED points and 1 Boston Green Building credit. Sustainable Sites 1. Construction Activity Pollution Prevention (Prerequisite)

A management plan will enforce measures to protect adjacent areas from pollution. There is no topsoil on site to be distributed, as the site boundaries are the extents of the buildings. However construction activity will be required to prevent sedimentation of storm sewer and polluting the air with dust and particulate matter. 2. Site Selection (Credit 1)

The Project site has previously been developed and is located in an urban area. The Project does not involve developing land that is prime farmland, at an elevation below the 100-year flood elevation, habitat for endangered species, near wetlands or water bodies, or parkland, so it does not violate established criteria. 3. Development Density (Credit 5)

The site is located in the Fort Port Channel district which has a mixed density of residential and business use. Many basic services are within a walking distance of one-half mile radius, including restaurants, cafes, the South Station complex, the Childrens Museum, courthouse, the Institute of Contemporary Art, hardware store, banks, restaurants and a fitness center. 4. Alternative Transportation: Public Transportation Access (Credits 4.1)

The building is one-half mile from South Station, which is a hub for commuter rail, Red and Silver line subway, local buses and regional Amtrak and bus lines. 5. Alternative Transportation: Bicycle Storage & Changing Rooms (Credit 4.2)

Secured bicycle storage and shower facilities will be provided in 327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street.
3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street 3-83 Environmental Protection Epsilon Associates, Inc.


Heat Island Effects: Roof (Credits 7.2)

Roofing material will be selected with high Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) values to reduce urban heat island effect. 7. Tenant Design and Construction Guidelines (Credit 9 under LEED Core & Shell)

For the Office Alternative for 327-337 Summer Street, the Proponent will develop and issue guidelines which will describe the sustainable features in the base building and will provide information on how the tenants fit-out project can also incorporate other sustainable strategies. Water Efficiency 1. Water Efficient Landscaping (4)

There will be no potable water use or irrigation for landscaping. 2. Water Use Reduction (Credits 3.1)

Low flow fixtures for the Project will include low flush toilets, faucets and showers with aerators and EPA WaterSense qualified kitchen faucets. A Project goal is to achieve 30 percent water use reduction over the baseline usage using code compliant plumbing fixtures. Energy and Atmosphere 1. Fundamental Commissioning (Prerequisite 1) Building systems will be commissioned in accordance with the USGBC requirements. 2. Minimum Energy Performance (Prerequisite 2) American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Standard 90.1-2004 will set the minimum standard for the buildings energy use. 3. Fundamental Refrigerant Management (Prerequisite 3) No chlorofluorocarbon-based (CFC-based) refrigerants will be used in the building. 4. Optimize Energy Performance (Credit 1) For 327-337 Summer Street under the Residential Alternative and 319 A Street under either alternative, the target is to demonstrate a 10 percent improvement in building performance when we compare the energy model of the proposed design with the baseline model in

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Environmental Protection Epsilon Associates, Inc.

accordance with ASHRAE 90.1-2007 Appendix G. Improved energy efficiency can be achieved by providing new windows, repair to the masonry exterior wall, insulation on the roof, and energy efficient HVAC systems. For 327-337 Summer Street under the Office Alternative, the target is to demonstrate an 8 percent improvement. 5. Measurement and Verification Tenant Submetering (Credit 5.2) For 327-337 Summer Street under the Office Alternative, the Project will include an electricity submetering system that allow ongoing monitoring and verification of energy use. A tenant measurement and verification plan will be provided to tenants so they can understand the energy conservation opportunities. Materials and Resources 1. Storage and Collection of Recyclables (Prerequisite) Facilities will be provided for collection of recyclable materials. 2. Building Reuse (Credit 1.1) The Project is primarily a renovation of previously occupied, historic buildings. More than 75 percent of existing building wall, floor and roof will be preserved and refurbished. 3. Construction Waste Management (Credit 2) + Exemplary Performance (ID Credit 1) A waste management plan will be implemented that seeks to divert at least 95 percent of construction waste material removed from the Project site from landfills through salvage and recycling. 4. Recycled Content and Regional Materials (Credits 4, 5) Project specifications will include and encourage provision of building materials and product with recycled content and/or that are extracted and manufactured within 500 miles where possible. Indoor Environmental Quality 1. Minimum Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Performance (Prerequisite 1) ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004 will set the standard for minimum indoor air quality. 2. Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control (Prerequisite 2) The Proponent intends to designate the entirety of the buildings as non-smoking facilities.
3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street 3-85 Environmental Protection Epsilon Associates, Inc.

3. Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan, During Construction (Credit 3.1) The Project Specifications will require the contractor to develop and implement an Indoor Air Quality Management plan such that particulates and water is managed during construction, absorptive material are protected and HVAC filters are replaced prior to occupancy. 4. Low-Emitting Materials (Credits 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4) Materials including adhesives, sealants, paint, and carpet will be specified with low volatile organic compounds (VOC) content limits as prescribed by the respective applicable standards. 5. Indoor Chemical and Pollutant Source Control (Credit 5) A permanent entryway system will be installed at the building entrances to prevent solid containments from entering the buildings. Loading area exhaust systems will be separated from the occupied space systems. Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) 13 filters shall be used on air systems. 6. Thermal Comfort, Design (Credit 7.1) The Project will comply with ASHRAE Standard 55-2004, Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy. Innovation and Design Process 1. Innovation in Design: Exemplary Performance Divert 95%+ of construction waste. 2. LEED Accredited Professional The Project team includes a LEED AP. Boston Green Building Credits (Article 37, Boston Zoning Code) The Project intends to achieve the Boston Green Building Credit 2, Historic Preservation. The Project site is located in the Fort Point Channel Historic District, listed in both the State and National Registers of Historic Places, as well as the Citys Fort Point Channel Landmark District. The Proponent has had initial meetings with the FPCLD Commission as well as staff of the Boston Landmarks Commission regarding the Project. As the Project progresses, the Proponent will continue to meet with the FPCLD commission to ensure that its comments and suggestions are addressed.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Environmental Protection Epsilon Associates, Inc.

The Project involves renovation of historic structures. The goal is to preserve and restore the exterior faades. New windows being provided will replicate the historic character of the old windows to the extent possible while providing the most energy efficiency. The Proponent has reviewed the LEED checklists which are included below. A number of credits are being targeted as achievable and would allow the Project to become LEED certifiable. As the design and engineering of the Project progress, the Project team will continue to apply the checklist as a measurement tool, and will coordinate and implement appropriate sustainable design measures.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Environmental Protection Epsilon Associates, Inc.

LEED 2009 for New Construction and Major Renovation

Project Name: 327-337 Summer Street (Residental Scheme) Project Address: Boston, MA 02210
Yes ? No

Project Checklist
BH+A Project No.: 3012.00 DRAFT 12/6/2012

14 Y 1 5

C D D Prereq 1 Credit 1 Credit 2 Credit 3 Credit 4.1 Credit 4.2 Credit 4.3 Credit 4.4 Credit 5.1 Credit 5.2 Credit 6.1 Credit 6.2 Credit 7.1 Credit 7.2 Credit 8

Possible 26 Points
Required 1 5

1 6 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes ? No


Construction Activity Pollution Prevention Site Selection Development Density & Community Connectivity Brownfield Redevelopment Alternative Transportation , Public Transportation Access Alternative Transportation , Bicycle Storage & Changing Rooms Alternative Transportation , Low-Emitting & Fuel-Efficient Vehicles Alternative Transportation , Parking Capacity Site Development, Protect or Restore Habitat Site Development, Maximize Open Space Stormwater Design, Quantity Control Stormwater Design, Quality Control Heat Island Effect, Non-Roof Heat Island Effect, Roof Light Pollution Reduction

1 6 1 3 2 1 1


1 1 1 1 1

6 Y 4

Prereq 1 D Credit 1

Possible 10 Points
Required 2 to 4 2 4 2 2 to 4 2 3 4

2 2


Credit 2 Credit 3

Water Use Reduction Water Efficient Landscaping Reduce by 50% 4 No potable Water Use or Irrigation Innovative Wastewater Technologies Water Use Reduction , 20% Reduction 2 Reduce by 30% Reduce by 35% Reduce by 40%



2 Y Y Y 2


C D D Prereq 1 Prereq 2 Prereq 3 Credit 1 Credit 2

Possible 35 Points
Required Required Required 1 to 19 1 to 7

17 7


2 2 3 2


Credit 3 Credit 4 Credit 5 Credit 6

Fundamental Commissioning of the Building Energy Systems Minimum Energy Performance Fundamental Refrigerant Management Optimize Energy Performance 2 Improve by 10% for Existing Buildings Renovations On-Site Renewable Energy 1% Renewable Energy 3% Renewable Energy 5% Renewable Energy 7% Renewable Energy 9% Renewable Energy 11% Renewable Energy 13% Renewable Energy Enhanced Commissioning Enhanced Refrigerant Management Measurement & Verification Green Power

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 2 3 2

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LEED 2009 for New Construction and Major Renovation

Project Name: 327-337 Summer Street (Residental Scheme) Project Address: Boston, MA 02210
Yes ? No

Project Checklist
BH+A Project No.: 3012.00 DRAFT 12/6/2012 Possible 14 Points
Required 1 to 3 1

6 Y 2


D Prereq 1 Credit 1.1

1 2


Credit 1.2 Credit 2

Credit 3

Credit 4

Credit 5

1 1
Yes ? No


Credit 6 Credit 7

Storage & Collection of Recyclables Building Reuse , Maintain Existing Walls, Floors and Roof Reuse 55% 2 Reuse 75% Reuse 95% Building Reuse , Maintain Interior Nonstructural Elements Construction Waste Management 50% Recycled or Salvaged 2 75% Recycled or Salvaged Materials Reuse Reuse 5% Reuse 10% Recycled Content 1 10% of Content 20% of Content Regional Materials 1 10% of Material 20% of Material Rapidly Renewable Materials Certified Wood

2 3 1 1 to 2 1 2 1 to 2 1 2 1 to 2 1 2 1 to 2 1 2 1 1

8 Y Y


D D Prereq 1 Prereq 2 Credit 1 Credit 2 Credit 3.1 Credit 3.2 Credit 4.1 Credit 4.2 Credit 4.3 Credit 4.4 Credit 5 Credit 6.1 Credit 6.2 Credit 7.1 Credit 7.2 Credit 8.1 Credit 8.2

Possible 15 Points
Required Required 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes ? No


Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring Increased Ventilation Construction IAQ Management Plan , During Construction Construction IAQ Management Plan , Before Occupancy Low-Emitting Materials, Adhesives & Sealants Low-Emitting Materials, Paints & Coatings Low-Emitting Materials, Flooring Systems Low-Emitting Materials, Composite Wood & Agrifiber Products Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control Controllability of Systems , Lighting Controllability of Systems , Thermal Comfort Thermal Comfort, Design Thermal Comfort, Verification Daylight and Views , Daylight for 75% regularly occupied areas Daylight and Views , Views for 90% regularly occupied areas

2 1

C Credit 1

Possible 6 Points
1 to 5 1 1 1 1 1

Yes ? No

Credit 2

Innovation in Design 1 Exemplary Performance: Construction Waste Diversion 95%+ Innovation: Innovation: Innovation: Innovation: LEED Accredited Professional

2 2

2 Regional Priority 2
D D Credit 1

Possible 4 Points
1 to 4 1 1 1 1

Regional Priority 1 Regionally Defined Credit Achieved: SSc7.2 1 Regionally Defined Credit Achieved: MRc1.1 Regionally Defined Credit Achieved Regionally Defined Credit Achieved




64 Project Totals (pre-certification estimates) Certified: 40-49 points, Silver: 50-59 points, Gold: 60-79 points, Platinum: 80+ points

Possible 110 Points

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LEED 2009 for Core and Shell

Project Name: 327-337 Summer Street (Office Scheme) Project Address: Boston, MA 02210
Yes ? No

Project Checklist
BH+A Project No.: 3012.00 DRAFT 12/6/2012

16 Y 1 5

C D D Prereq 1 Credit 1 Credit 2 Credit 3 Credit 4.1 Credit 4.2 Credit 4.3 Credit 4.4 Credit 5.1 Credit 5.2 Credit 6.1 Credit 6.2 Credit 7.1 Credit 7.2 Credit 8 Credit 9

Possible 28 Points
Required 1 5

1 6 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes ? No


Construction Activity Pollution Prevention Site Selection Development Density & Community Connectivity Brownfield Redevelopment Alternative Transportation , Public Transportation Access Alternative Transportation , Bicycle Storage & Changing Rooms Alternative Transportation , Low-Emitting & Fuel-Efficient Vehicles Alternative Transportation , Parking Capacity Site Development, Protect or Restore Habitat Site Development, Maximize Open Space Stormwater Design, Quantity Control Stormwater Design, Quality Control Heat Island Effect, Non-Roof Heat Island Effect, Roof Light Pollution Reduction Tenant Design and Construction Guidelines

1 6 2 3 2 1 1


1 1 1 1 1 1

6 Y 4

Prereq 1 D Credit 1

Possible 10 Points
Required 2 to 4 2 4 2 2 to 4 2 3 4

2 2


Credit 2 Credit 3

Water Use Reduction Water Efficient Landscaping Reduce by 50% 4 No potable Water Use or Irrigation Innovative Wastewater Technologies Water Use Reduction , 20% Reduction 2 Reduce by 30% Reduce by 35% Reduce by 40%



6 Y Y Y 3


C D D Prereq 1 Prereq 2 Prereq 3 Credit 1 Credit 2 Credit 3 Credit 4 Credit 5.1 Credit 5.2 Credit 6

Possible 37 Points
Required Required Required 3 to 21

18 4 2 2 3


3 2

Fundamental Commissioning of the Building Energy Systems Minimum Energy Performance Fundamental Refrigerant Management Optimize Energy Performance 3 Improve by 8% for Existing Buildings Renovations On-Site Renewable Energy Enhanced Commissioning Enhanced Refrigerant Management Measurement and Verification- Base Building Measurement and Verification- Tenant Submetering Green Power

4 2 2 3 3 2

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LEED 2009 for Core and Shell

Project Name: 327-337 Summer Street (Office Scheme) Project Address: Boston, MA 02210
Yes ? No

Project Checklist
BH+A Project No.: 3012.00 DRAFT 12/6/2012 Possible 13 Points
Required 1 to 3 1 2 3 4

9 Y 5


D C Prereq 1 Credit 1.1

Credit 2

1 1


Credit 3 Credit 4

Credit 5

Yes ? No

Credit 6

Storage & Collection of Recyclables Building Reuse , Maintain Existing Walls, Floors and Roof Reuse 25% Reuse 33% Reuse 42% Reuse 50% 5 Reuse 75% Construction Waste Management 50% Recycled or Salvaged 2 75% Recycled or Salvaged Materials Reuse Recycled Content 1 10% of Content 20% of Content Regional Materials 1 10% of Material 20% of Material Certified Wood

5 1 to 2 1 2 1 1 to 2 1 2 1 to 2 1 2 1

8 Y Y


D D Prereq 1 Prereq 2 Credit 1 Credit 2 Credit 3 Credit 4.1 Credit 4.2 Credit 4.3 Credit 4.4 Credit 5 Credit 6 Credit 7 Credit 8.1 Credit 8.2

Possible 12 Points
Required Required 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes ? No


Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring Increased Ventilation Construction IAQ Management Plan , During Construction Low-Emitting Materials, Adhesives & Sealants Low-Emitting Materials, Paints & Coatings Low-Emitting Materials, Flooring Systems Low-Emitting Materials, Composite Wood & Agrifiber Products Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control Controllability of Systems , Thermal Comfort Thermal Comfort, Design Daylight and Views , Daylight Daylight and Views , Views

2 1

C Credit 1

Possible 6 Points
1 to 5 1 1 1 1 1

Yes ? No

Credit 2

Innovation in Design 1 Exemplary Performance: Construction Waste Diversion 95%+ Innovation: Innovation: Innovation: Innovation: LEED Accredited Professional

2 2

2 Regional Priority 2
D D Credit 1

Possible 4 Points
1 to 4 1 1 1 1

Regional Priority 1 Regionally Defined Credit Achieved: SSc7.2 1 Regionally Defined Credit Achieved: MRc1.1 Regionally Defined Credit Achieved Regionally Defined Credit Achieved




53 Project Totals (pre-certification estimates) Certified: 40-49 points, Silver: 50-59 points, Gold: 60-79 points, Platinum: 80+ points

Possible 110 Points

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LEED 2009 for New Construction and Major Renovation

Project Name: 319 A Street (Residental Scheme) Project Address: Boston, MA 02210
Yes ? No

Project Checklist
BH+A Project No.: 3040.00 DRAFT 12/6/2012

14 Y 1 5

C D D Prereq 1 Credit 1 Credit 2 Credit 3 Credit 4.1 Credit 4.2 Credit 4.3 Credit 4.4 Credit 5.1 Credit 5.2 Credit 6.1 Credit 6.2 Credit 7.1 Credit 7.2 Credit 8

Possible 26 Points
Required 1 5

1 6 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes ? No


Construction Activity Pollution Prevention Site Selection Development Density & Community Connectivity Brownfield Redevelopment Alternative Transportation, Public Transportation Access Alternative Transportation, Bicycle Storage & Changing Rooms Alternative Transportation, Low-Emitting & Fuel-Efficient Vehicles Alternative Transportation, Parking Capacity Site Development, Protect or Restore Habitat Site Development, Maximize Open Space Stormwater Design, Quantity Control Stormwater Design, Quality Control Heat Island Effect, Non-Roof Heat Island Effect, Roof Light Pollution Reduction

1 6 1 3 2 1 1


1 1 1 1 1

6 Y 4

Prereq 1 D Credit 1

Possible 10 Points
Required 2 to 4 2 4 2 2 to 4 2 3 4

2 2


Credit 2 Credit 3

Water Use Reduction Water Efficient Landscaping Reduce by 50% 4 No potable Water Use or Irrigation Innovative Wastewater Technologies Water Use Reduction, 20% Reduction 2 Reduce by 30% Reduce by 35% Reduce by 40%



2 Y Y Y 2


C D D Prereq 1 Prereq 2 Prereq 3 Credit 1 Credit 2

Possible 35 Points
Required Required Required 1 to 19 1 to 7

17 7


2 2 3 2


Credit 3 Credit 4 Credit 5 Credit 6

Fundamental Commissioning of the Building Energy Systems Minimum Energy Performance Fundamental Refrigerant Management Optimize Energy Performance 2 Improve by 10% for Existing Buildings Renovations On-Site Renewable Energy 1% Renewable Energy 3% Renewable Energy 5% Renewable Energy 7% Renewable Energy 9% Renewable Energy 11% Renewable Energy 13% Renewable Energy Enhanced Commissioning Enhanced Refrigerant Management Measurement & Verification Green Power

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 2 3 2

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LEED 2009 for New Construction and Major Renovation

Project Name: 319 A Street (Residental Scheme) Project Address: Boston, MA 02210
Yes ? No

Project Checklist
BH+A Project No.: 3040.00 DRAFT 12/6/2012 Possible 14 Points
Required 1 to 3 1

6 Y 2


D Prereq 1 Credit 1.1

1 2


Credit 1.2 Credit 2

Credit 3

Credit 4

Credit 5

1 1
Yes ? No


Credit 6 Credit 7

Storage & Collection of Recyclables Building Reuse, Maintain Existing Walls, Floors and Roof Reuse 55% 2 Reuse 75% Reuse 95% Building Reuse, Maintain Interior Nonstructural Elements Construction Waste Management 50% Recycled or Salvaged 2 75% Recycled or Salvaged Materials Reuse Reuse 5% Reuse 10% Recycled Content 1 10% of Content 20% of Content Regional Materials 1 10% of Material 20% of Material Rapidly Renewable Materials Certified Wood

2 3 1 1 to 2 1 2 1 to 2 1 2 1 to 2 1 2 1 to 2 1 2 1 1

8 Y Y


D D Prereq 1 Prereq 2 Credit 1 Credit 2 Credit 3.1 Credit 3.2 Credit 4.1 Credit 4.2 Credit 4.3 Credit 4.4 Credit 5 Credit 6.1 Credit 6.2 Credit 7.1 Credit 7.2 Credit 8.1 Credit 8.2

Possible 15 Points
Required Required 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes ? No


Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring Increased Ventilation Construction IAQ Management Plan, During Construction Construction IAQ Management Plan, Before Occupancy Low-Emitting Materials, Adhesives & Sealants Low-Emitting Materials, Paints & Coatings Low-Emitting Materials, Flooring Systems Low-Emitting Materials, Composite Wood & Agrifiber Products Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control Controllability of Systems, Lighting Controllability of Systems, Thermal Comfort Thermal Comfort, Design Thermal Comfort, Verification Daylight and Views, Daylight for 75% regularly occupied areas Daylight and Views, Views for 90% regularly occupied areas

2 1

C Credit 1

Possible 6 Points
1 to 5 1 1 1 1 1

Yes ? No

Credit 2

Innovation in Design 1 Exemplary Performance: Construction Waste Diversion 95%+ Innovation: Innovation: Innovation: Innovation: LEED Accredited Professional

2 2

2 Regional Priority 2
D D Credit 1

Possible 4 Points
1 to 4 1 1 1 1

Regional Priority 1 Regionally Defined Credit Achieved: SSc7.2 1 Regionally Defined Credit Achieved: MRc1.1 Regionally Defined Credit Achieved Regionally Defined Credit Achieved




64 Project Totals (pre-certification estimates) Certified: 40-49 points, Silver: 50-59 points, Gold: 60-79 points, Platinum: 80+ points

Possible 110 Points

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Section 4.0 Site Design



The renovation of the 327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street buildings will help to enliven the Fort Point Channel neighborhood by providing upgraded residential/office space coupled with accessible retail, service and entertainment-restaurant-recreational space. The Project area enjoys convenient access to automobile, bus, subway, commuter rail, and even air transportation routes. The Project involves a trio of approximately 100 year-old, historically-significant, brick-andbeam warehouses in the Fort Point Channel district of Boston. Two of the buildings, 327 and 337 Summer Street, are connected internally and function as a single building, although they remain separate legally. These two buildings will be renovated into a single building, to be called 327-337 Summer Street. Under one alternative, 327-337 Summer Street will include approximately 92 dwelling units, within approximately 110,800 s.f., with approximately 25,000 s.f. of retail, service, entertainment-restaurant-recreational space. Under a single office-tenant alternative, 327-337 Summer Street will include approximately 135,800 s.f. of office space. Under both alternatives, 327-337 Summer Street will include approximately 4,000 s.f. of innovation work/office space. At the same time, the existing building at 319 A Street will be renovated to provide a unified development on Pastene Alley, and further the developers master plan for the former Boston Wharf Company portfolio. The existing envelope of 319 A Street will remain unchanged, but its uses will be converted to approximately 18 dwelling units within approximately 43,600 s.f., with approximately 4,100 s.f. of retail, service, entertainmentrestaurant-recreational space. A unique aspect of the Project area is the difference in grade between Summer Street to the north, and Pastene Alley and the West Service Road to the south and east. Summer Street is approximately two-and-one half stories above the other two ways. As currently configured, vertical connections between Summer Street and the adjacent lower street levels (as well as the nearby Congress Street) are minimal. The Project will improve these connections. The Project has five components, which have been discussed in a series of preliminary design reviews with the BRA and the Fort Point Channel Landmark District Commission. These components are: (1) incorporation of a rooftop addition to 327-337 Summer Street; (2) incorporation of a horizontal addition at the easterly end of 327-337 Summer Street; (3) construction of a new universally-accessible, glass-enclosed entry at 319 A Street (Universally-Accessible Entry); (4) faade restoration for all three buildings (Faade Restorations); and (5) minor site improvements (Site Improvements).

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Site Design and Urban Design Epsilon Associates, Inc.

1) Rooftop Addition The PDA Master Plan allows for two-story additions to each of the three buildings, but the proposed Project includes a rooftop addition only at the newly combined 327-337 Summer Street. The design of the Rooftop Addition is modern and minimalist, and is intended to be a quiet visual element atop the existing historic buildings. Along its northerly faade, the Rooftop Addition primarily provides a uniform glass treatment stepped back from the brick face of 327-337 Summer Street. The exception to the glazed faade is treatment of the core element (stairs and elevators) which are treated in horizontal, white-metal cladding. The existing building at 321 Summer Street abuts and is taller than 327 and 337 Summer Street. Consequently, the west end of the Rooftop Addition is not readily visible from the street level due to its proximity to existing party wall with 321 Summer Street. To take advantage of this condition, the west end of the Rooftop Addition will provide a hidden place for rooftop mechanical equipment The southerly faade of the Rooftop Addition, facing Pastene Alley (a private way that, adjacent to 327-337 Summer Street, is actually part of the neighboring lot at 315 A Street), is treated similarly to the Summer Street facades. It includes step backs from the face of the existing brick facades of 327-337 Summer Street. The easterly elevation of the Rooftop Addition is a similar combination of glass and the horizontal metal panels articulating the core area, similar to the faade treatment on Summer Street. After the Proponent studied options informally with BRA and FPCLDC staff, it was concluded that the simple glass Rooftop Addition should be setback on both of its two levels, from Summer Street, West Service Road and Pastene Alley alike. Earlier studies depicted various setbacks including a second-level setback from Summer Street. To calm the appearance of the Rooftop Addition, the faade is articulated with the second setback. The vertical mullion lines which support the glass curtain wall are drawn up from the pattern of windows in the existing buildings below, to establish a rhythm of bays and piers on the Rooftop Addition. The mullion lines are intended to be lighter on the second level of the addition to lighten the building visually. Consistent with guidelines for the Fort Point Landmark District, existing rooftop appurtenances at 327 and 337 Summer Street, such as old elevator overruns, chimneys and other extensions seen on the elevations, will remain. Elements that are internal and not seen from the street level will be removed, as they conflict with the program within the Rooftop Addition. The second level of the Rooftop Addition will have a split-level roof, which is intended to lower the roofline and so make the Rooftop Addition less visible from view on Summer Street within the Fort Point Channel Historic District.
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2) East Addition The design of the East Addition is intended to improve the feasibility of adaptive reuse of 327 and 337 Summer Street for contemporary residential or office occupants. This horizontal addition will sit on a currently-undeveloped parcel of land located between the existing easterly face of 337 Summer Street and West Service Road, a public highway under the jurisdiction of MassDOT. In response to preliminary comments on the East Addition made by the FPCLDC, the new easterly faade could be designed as a new version of the existing easterly faade of 337 Summer Street. The existing faade is perceived to be an important character-defining element of the overall Fort Point Landmark District. Since it is infeasible to remove and rebuild the existing faade at the new property line, a reconstruction of the faade is proposed instead. To make it clear what is original or at least historic, and what has been added later, an approximately six-foot vertical strip of glass will separate the new masonry from the existing masonry. This glass strip creates a new universally-accessible entry to the retail and restaurant areas. As an alternative to the masonry design, the Proponent has also proposed a minimalist glass faade for the East Addition. In many areas, the public will be able see through the glass curtain wall to the historic brick faade beyond. This design direction is the preferred choice of the Proponent in order to differentiate historic elements from new construction, to tie the Rooftop Addition and the East Addition more closely together, and to create a signature architectural feature at the eastern boundary of the FPCLD, facing the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. Under both the glazed and the masonry alternatives, the East Addition would extend thirtytwo (32) feet from the existing easterly face of 337 Summer Street. Likewise, both alternatives include adding a new stair connecting Summer Street with West Service Road, Pastene Alley and Congress Street. These latter three streets are all two-and-one-half stories below Summer Street. In keeping with historical precedent in the district, a portion of this metal stair will affixed to the exterior of the East Addition, based on the expression of fire escapes (which are being retained although they will not actually be reused). Finally, whether its faade is masonry or glass, at grade, the East Addition will provide accessible entries to the newly created retail, service, entertainment-restaurant-recreational space at 327-337 Summer Street, as well as a secondary entry to the main building lobby at grade with Summer Street. This secondary entry will create new access from Summer Street down to Pastene Alley and beyond to off-site parking at the Necco Street Parking Garage.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Site Design and Urban Design Epsilon Associates, Inc.

3) Universally-Accessible Entry At 319 A Street, a new entry providing universal access will be tucked below the existing loading dock on Pastene Alley, a private way closed to public travel. The existing loading dock is defunct. It consists of three bays along Pastene Alley that were originally designed to allow railroad cars to load flush against the side of the building. The design intent for the Universally-Accessible Entry is to recess the glass vestibule and stair enclosure so that the historic railcar loading dock is still readable from the buildings Pastene Alley faade. The rail and cobblestone treatment on the ground will remain in strategic (non accessible areas) to memorialize the historic condition. Tucked under the stair within the new addition will be enclosed bicycle parking spaces. After preliminary meetings with BRA staff and the FPCLDC, the glass faade of the new entry was redesigned to eliminate visible external metal mullions. The current, more minimalist treatment will make the vestibule as transparent as possible, and enable passersby to see through the lobby to the rear brick wall of the historic loading area. The westerly interior wall of the new infill addition will be clad in a combination of granite (at the base), and metal panels (above) where the stair is enclosed. This easterly rear wall of the Universally-Accessible Entry will be located directly opposite the private parking garage exit at 315 A Street, and automobiles from that building will actually pass under a portion of 319 A Street by virtue of a recorded easement. 4) Faade Restorations Approximately 100 years in age, the faades of the three buildings located at the Project site require restoration. The Faade Restorations will focus on masonry repair, window replacement, rehabilitation of selected windows, and repair and rehabilitation of the existing copper cornices. The intent is for replacement windows to be metal from the second level and above, at all buildings. (In fact, a portion of the windows at 327-337 Summer Street have already received metal replacement windows.) The story of 327-337 Summer Street at grade with Summer Street will have restored wooden windows where feasible. New wood mullion windows, matching the existing ones, will be installed where it is not feasible to restore existing windows. At the basement and sub-basement levels visible from Pastene Alley, the existing wooden windows will be restored, unless their existing condition warrants replacement, which will be in kind. To bring life back to the streets of the immediate neighborhood, the Faade Restorations include creating street-level access points to retail, service, entertainment-restaurantrecreational spaces along on Summer Street. Currently, the first story along Summer Street

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Site Design and Urban Design Epsilon Associates, Inc.

is higher than sidewalk grade by approximately five (5) feet. To create viable retail space that meets accessibility requirements, a portion of the faade will be altered to allow for a grade level entry. Out of respect for 327 and 337 Summer Streets historical significance, the Project consciously limits the number of new access points and the areas of the faade that will be modified. To maximize the preservation of original building fabric, an existing loading dock bay, will be retained albeit with the modern garage door replaced with one matching the historic precedent. 5) Site Improvements Various minor site improvements are included in the Project, all of which contribute to the revitalization of the neighborhood. A new sidewalk will be constructed along Summer Street in front of 327-337 Summer Street, with the opportunity to create a more level surface by raising the curb height along the roadbed. Although Pastene Alley will not be opened formally to public travel, the public will continue to be able to use that alley by permission, and the new building entries along Pastene Alley will encourage this. Street lighting along Pastene Alley will also be provided, to improve visibility and safety at night.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Site Design and Urban Design Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Section 5.0 Historic and Archaeological Resources



This section describes the historic and archaeological resources within and adjacent to the Project site and the effects of the Project on these resources.


Historic Resources
The Project site is located within the Fort Point Channel Landmark District administered by the City of Bostons Fort Point Channel Landmark District Commission. It is also located within the Fort Point Channel Historic District, a district listed in the State and National Registers of Historic Places. Finally, the Project site is located within the vicinity of several historic resources listed in the State and National Registers or the Inventory of Historic and Archaeological Assets of the Commonwealth. Table 5-1 and Figure 5-1 identify historic resources located in the vicinity of the Project.

Table 5-1
Map No. A B C 1 2 3 P.1 P.2 P.3

Historic Resources
Name Fort Point Channel Historic District Congress Street Fire Station Russia Wharf Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Stone and Webster Building C Street Area Fort Point Channel Landmark District Seaport Boulevard/Boston Wharf Road Protection Area Proposed A Street Protection Area Address 344 Congress Street Russia Wharf, Atlantic Avenue 556-624 Atlantic Avenue 245 Summer Street Seaport Boulevard/Boston Wharf Road A Street, Wormwood, Melcher Street and West Service Road Designation State and National Register-listed State and National Register-listed State and National Register-listed Inventory Inventory Inventory State Register-listed State Register-listed State Register-listed

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Historic and Archaeological Resources Epsilon Associates, Inc.


Project Site


1/4-Mile Radius State and National Register Properties Inventoried Properties










































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rt P



















































327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts
Historic Resources



Figure 5-1





















Landmark and Protection Areas

Scale 1:5,400 1 inch = 450 feet 0 225 450 Feet







Basemap: 2008 Orthophotography, MassGIS
















Historic Resources within the Project Site

The Project site consists of three buildings at 327 and 337 Summer Street and 319 A Street, and a vacant lot that will be merged with 327-337 Summer Street. The building at 327 Summer Street (identified in the Fort Point Channel Landmark District Commission Study Report (Report) as 327-333 Street) was constructed in 1911, and the building at 337 (identified as 337-347 Summer Street in the Report) was constructed in 1907. The buildings at 327 and 337 Summer Street were constructed for the Boston Wharf Company as warehouses for the Joseph Middlebury, Jr. Inc. that produced bakery and confectioners supplies. The building at 319 A Street was constructed in 1913 by the BWC for the Kistler Leather Co. 327 Summer Street

Classified as a warehouse building in the Report, 327 Summer Street, constructed by the BWC, is a Classical Revival style, load-bearing masonry warehouse building supported with wood posts and beams. Character-defining features of the district, as described in the Report, embodied by this building and its setting include the following: Streetscape and Setting, Density, Uniform Massing and Rooflines, Streets and Sidewalks, Architecture Style and Form, Window Openings and Fittings, and Building Materials. The Summer Street elevation is eight-bays wide and is constructed in a traditional tripartite design. The building features ground-floor commercial space along Summer Street that is articulated with tall plate-glass windows with glazed transoms set beneath a projecting cast stone beltcourse. The upper levels consist of evenly spaced pairs of double-hung sash with a top level separated by a wide brick and cast stone beltcourse. Primary brick piers extend up to high-relief corbelled brick brackets and an overhanging parapet. The red brick rear elevation, which faces Pastene Alley, extends below Summer Street by one-and-one-halfstories. Windows on the Summer Street elevation consist primarily of two-over-two, double-hung, wood windows. First-floor windows consist of large plate glass windows with glass transoms. The rear elevation contains one-over-one and two-over-two, double-hung wood windows. A pedestrian entrance and several loading dock doors are located at the ground level of the rear elevation. Overall, the building is in good condition with localized areas of masonry deterioration. All windows are in poor condition as a result of deferred maintenance. 337 Summer Street

337 Summer Street, constructed by the BWC, is a Classical Revival style, load-bearing masonry warehouse building supported with wood posts and beams. Character-defining features of the district, as described in the Report, embodied by this building and its setting

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Historic and Archaeological Resources Epsilon Associates, Inc.

include the following: Streetscape and Setting, Density, Uniform Massing and Rooflines, Streets and Sidewalks, Architecture Style and Form, Window Openings and Fittings, and Building Materials. The Summer Street elevation is eight-bays wide and is constructed in a traditional tripartite design. The building features ground-floor commercial space along Summer Street that is articulated with tall plate-glass windows with glazed transoms set beneath a projecting caststone beltcourse. The upper levels consist of evenly spaced pairs of double-hung sash with a top level separated by a wide brick and cast-stone beltcourse. Primary brick piers extend up to high-relief corbelled brick brackets and an overhanging parapet. The red-brick secondary side elevation and the rear elevation, which faces Pastene Alley, extend below Summer Street by one-and-one-half-stories. Windows on the Summer Street elevation consist primarily of one-over-one, double-hung, wood windows. First-floor windows on the Summer Street elevation consist of large plate glass windows with glass transoms. The east elevation, which rises six stories, contains one-over-one and two-over-two windows on the upper floors. At the ground level, a large loading bay is centered on the elevation. This level also contains a loading bay and windows with large transoms above. The rear elevation contains one-over-one and twoover-two, double hung wood windows. A pedestrian entrance and several loading dock doors are located at the ground level of the rear elevation. Overall, the building is in good condition with localized areas of masonry deterioration. All windows are in poor condition as a result of deferred maintenance. 319 A Street

The building at 319 A Street was constructed in 1913 by the BWC for the Kistler Leather Co. The Kistler building was designed in the stylized Classical Revival style by Morton D. Safford, one of the two principal architects designing for the BWC at the turn of the century. The narrow brick building features a two-part form, rather than the tripartite form typical of the District, with the elevated first floor separated from the upper levels by a slightly projecting limestone beltcourse. The primary elevation is along A Street and features pairs of large window openings set between wide vertical piers extending up to low-relief corbelled brick brackets. The corbelled parapet wraps around the entire building and is set below a molded copper cornice. The two secondary elevations of the building are red brick, feature cast-stone sills and triple windows within most of the vertical bays. Along the buildings Pastene Alley elevation, the eastern end of the ground floor is set back where a one-and-one-half-story train bay is located. Windows primarily consist of pairs of four-over-four, double hung, wood windows on the three primary elevations. Small basement level two-pane windows are located at the sidewalk or at grade, and windows at the first floor also contain glazed transom. Several windows at the second floor level are one-over-one. Windows are set primarily in pairs or in sets of three separated by wood mullions. A pedestrian entrance is located at the
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southern end of A Street, and a second point of access is located within the train bay on Pastene Alley. Overall, the building is in good condition with localized areas of masonry deterioration. All windows are in poor condition as a result of deferred maintenance.


Historic Resources in the Vicinity of the Project Site

Several contributing buildings in the proposed Landmark District and within the Fort Point Channel Historic District are located in the immediate vicinity of the Project site. Situated adjacent to 327 Summer Street, the BWC wool storehouse at 321 Summer Street was designed by J.M. and C.J. Buckley in 1911. The eight-story, Classical Revival style building is constructed of red brick and articulated with cast-stone detailing, including window sills and lintels, belt courses, decorative brackets, and parapet. The building features ground-floor storefronts and loading bays and upper level pairs of punched window openings set between tall red brick piers. The site of the former 319 A Street Rear (now 315 A Street) building is located immediately south of the 327 and 337 Summer Street and east of 319 A Street. The red-brick former warehouse building on this site was recently demolished, and a new 21-story residential building is being constructed on the site. Improvements to Pastene Alley will also be undertaken as part of the redevelopment of the 319 A Street Rear parcel. Situated across A Street from 319 A Street is the former A Street Deli at 324 Summer Street. Constructed by the Boston Wharf Company in 1945, the one-story, flat roof building is constructed of concrete block and is faced with a buff brick. Situated at the corner of the lot, the one-story building has a corner entrance flanked by large window openings along its A Street and Melcher Street elevations. Smaller punched window openings and a pedestrian door are located at the west end of the Melcher Street faade. [I think there are plans to alter this building on file with FPCLDC.] A vacant lot is located across from 337 Summer Street at 332 Summer Street. The lot is situated one-and-one-half stories below the Summer Street elevation. The rear, solid, redbrick elevation of 381 Congress Street is visible behind the vacant lot. The vacant lot is currently utilized for surface parking. Located across Summer Street is 330 Summer Street. The six-story, buff brick, Classical Revival style building features the distinct triparte faade design found in many Fort Point Channel buildings. The Summer Street elevation features a strong base with large plateglass windows and a side entrance along with a street level loading bay. The middle of the building rises four stories and is separated from the first and sixth floors by a slightly projecting limestone beltcourse. Above the sixth floor is a projecting corbelled cornice. This elevation features evenly spaced rectangular window openings with cast stone sills and lintels. The east elevation is a solid red-brick wall, while the rear, red-brick elevation features evenly spaced punched window openings fronting a narrow alley.
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The Russia Wharf buildings, the Federal Reserve Building (constructed in 1973), the Stone and Webster Building (constructed in 1973), the C Street Area, and other buildings and structures within the Fort Point Channel Historic District, including the Congress Street Fire Station, are located within the vicinity of the Project site.


Archaeological Resources Within the Project Site

The proposed Project is located on filled land which was previously disturbed by the initial construction of Boston Wharf Company buildings. No previously identified archaeological resources are located within the Project site. No impacts to archaeological resources are anticipated.


Relation of the Design Guidelines to PDA No. 69

The Design Guidelines for the FPCLD specifically address the Summer Street portion of the Project site in the context of the PDA Master Plan at Section 10.4(D) identifying it as a site with the potential for new buildings up to 180 feet in height:

The Fort Point Channel Landmark District Commission considered 327 Summer Street, 337 Summer Street, and 319 A Street Rear to be significant to the District. These buildings are identified in Planned Development Area (PDA) No. 69 as parcel A3, which was identified in that document as a site with the potential to receive an addition or new construction that would result in buildings with heights up to 180 feet, and is also eligible to exceed that height (see Study Report Section 6, Planning Context). Within the context of the planning process that resulted in PDA No. 69, the Commission will consider the rooftop addition to 319 A Street Rear and/or new construction in place of 319 A Street Rear and/or Pastene Alley until the PDA Master Plan terminates and expires. The Commission will also consider rooftop additions identified for 327 and 337 Summer Street, subject to the criteria above for rooftop additions (10.4, Section B).
The Project includes a two-story rooftop addition at 327-337 Summer Street and a horizontal addition on the east side of the 337 Summer Street, and the PDA Master Plan remains effective. Accordingly, the Project has been designed to take into consideration the Design Guidelines and the PDA Master Plan, as well as existing site conditions and current market conditions. There are no changes proposed to the existing envelope of 319 A Street.


Visual Impacts to Historic Resources

The proposed Project consists of the adaptive reuse of the existing historic structures located at 327 and 337 Summer Street and 319 A Street, including a horizontal addition on the east side of 337 Summer Street (East Addition)and a new two-story rooftop addition (Rooftop Addition) on 327 and 337 Summer Street.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Historic and Archaeological Resources Epsilon Associates, Inc.



Consistent with sustainable design principles, the adaptive reuse of the existing buildings is intended to be a smart growth project. The Project will reuse the existing historic structures as part of mixed-use development in a dense urban environment close to public transportation. The rehabilitation of these structures will ensure the preservation of these Boston Wharf Company buildings and maintain and enhance this section of the Summer Street and A Street streetscapes. The existing faades of 327-337 Summer Street and 319 A Street are distinctive expressions of the particular history of the site and the surrounding historic district. Existing features of the buildings will be rehabilitated or repaired, as needed. All existing windows are in poor condition and will be replaced with historically-appropriate, simulated divided-light, aluminum replacement windows with a brick mold to match the existing and in a pane configuration to match the existing windows. At the first-floor (Summer Street) level of 327 and 337 Summer Street, existing plate-glass windows will be retained and rehabilitated. Existing openings on the Pastene Alley elevation at the ground-floor level will be modified to serve as doors and windows.


Infill, Horizontal and Rooftop Additions

New construction associated with the Project is limited to a small lobby infill on the ground floor of 319 A Street within the former rail bay, a horizontal addition on the east side of 337 Summer Street and a new two-story rooftop addition on the 327 and 337 Summer Street buildings. The small addition of a lobby within the train loading bay at 319 A Street will provide the necessary access to the residential entrance, which must remain separate from the commercial entrance that will continue to front on A Street. This lobby will also provide the necessary fire egress from the new fire-rated stair to be constructed within the building to serve the residential units on the upper floors of the building. The new lobby will be constructed on glass and masonry to ensure the infill clearly reads as new but is compatible with the historic building. By taking advantage of the available space on the east side of the Summer Street buildings, the Project can create the necessary square footage to remain financially viable while minimizing the additional square footage that otherwise would have been required on the rooftops of the existing Summer Street buildings. A new addition will be located on the east side of 337 Summer Street. The new horizontal and rooftop additions on the Summer Street buildings will be largely constructed of glass curtain wall. This treatment allows the new construction to clearly read as new and be transparent to allow the existing masonry building to maintain its prominence of the site. The horizontal addition on the east side of 337 Summer Street will be visible from Summer Street and West Service Road when viewed from outside the Landmark District. Likewise, the two-story, rooftop addition will also be visible from outside the District. Sight-line
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studies indicate the two-story addition will not be visible from within the District on Summer Street or within Pastene Alley. The rooftop addition will also be shielded from view when looking west on Summer Street due to the presence of the taller 321 Summer Street building. Two options for the architectural expression of the horizontal addition are being considered. One option is intended to be transparent in character by expressing the exterior walls in glass which allows the original exterior wall of the building to be seen through the glass walls. Another option constructs the addition in traditional brick and cast stone masonry. This latter option would be designed in a manner consistent with the traditional base, middle and top character of the historic building.


Visual Impact Conclusions

The sensitive design of the East Addition and Rooftop Addition together with the rehabilitation of the existing buildings will result in no adverse visual impacts to the Fort Point Channel Historic District and notable positive impacts, including activation of the pedestrian level of the buildings and rehabilitation of the building facades. Due to the small scale of the new construction and the density of the Fort Point Channel Historic District, the proposed new construction will be only minimally visible within the historic district. Alterations to the ground and first floors and the modification of existing window and door openings on the rear elevations will be undertaken in a manner sensitive to the character of the existing buildings. Similarly, the proposed horizontal addition and twostory rooftop addition provide the necessary square footage to make the Project viable while allowing the existing buildings to read as the primary structures on the site and the new construction as secondary elements designed to be sympathetic to the character of the historic buildings.


Shadow Impacts to Historic Resources

New shadow impacts on historic resources are limited due to the height of existing buildings, density of the neighborhood and presence of narrow streets. Overall, shadow impacts are minimal and occur primarily on the rooftops of existing buildings. New shadow during the Vernal Equinox is limited to minimal new shadows on Summer Street where the street is already in shadow. During the Summer Solstice, new shadow falls on Summer Street and West Service Road, but does not affect any historic buildings. New shadow is limited to areas immediately adjacent to the ground level which is already in shadow. During the Autumnal Equinox, new shadow is limited to the 9:00AM and 12:00PM hours and is limited to minor new shadow on Summer Street adjacent to areas already in shadow.

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Historic and Archaeological Resources Epsilon Associates, Inc.

During the Winter Solstice, the area is already largely in shadow. New shadow is limited to that produced by the horizontal addition on the east side of the site which casts across Summer Street to the alley adjacent to 381 Congress Street. Due to the height of the buildings and their proximity to the street edge, this area of the Fort Point Channel is already largely in shadow. Net new shadows created by the project are largely limited to the Summer Street and West Service Road roadways and sidewalks. The addition of new shadow is unlikely to affect the architectural character of the historic district.


Consistency with Local, State and Federal Regulatory Requirements

The proposed Project is subject to review by the Fort Point Channel Landmark District Commission. An Application for a Certificate of Design Appropriateness will be submitted to the Commission. The proponent anticipates working collaboratively with the Commission and staff on the final design of the Project. Because the Project does not require state agency action, it need not be reviewed by the Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) to demonstrate compliance with M.G.L. Chapter 9, Sec. 26-27c, as amended by Chapter 254 of the Acts of 1988. (950 CMR 71.00). By recorded agreement, however, the Proponent must consult with MHC regarding any development at Parcel C, the undeveloped parcel that will be merged with 327 and 337 Summer Street to build the East Addition in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.

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Historic and Archaeological Resources Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Section 6.0 Infrastructure Systems


Introduction and Agency Coordination
The following analysis describes the existing utility systems serving the Project area, discusses the Projects potential impacts on these utilities, and identifies mitigation measures to address potential impacts. Proposed connections to the Boston Water and Sewer Commissions water, sewer, and storm drain systems will be designed in conformance with BWSCs design standards, Sewer Use and Water Distribution System Regulations, and Requirements for Site Plans. The Proponent will submit a General Service Application and a Site Plan to BWSCs Engineering Services Division for review and approval. The Site Plan will show the location of water mains, sanitary sewers and storm drains that serve the Site, as well as the location of existing and proposed water, sewer, and storm-drain connections. In addition, a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will be submitted specifying best management measures for protecting the BWSC systems during construction. The Proponent will work with utility companies serving the area, such as NSTAR and National Grid, as building design and permitting progress continues. Updated design information on the proposed utility connections will be made available to the BRA as this information becomes available. Sewer, water, storm drainage, electric, and other utilities are discussed below.


Sanitary Sewer
6.2.1 Existing Sewer Service

The local existing sewer system is owned and maintained by the Boston Water and Sewer Commission, which is part of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) collection and treatment system. Flows from BWSC sewers are ultimately discharged to MWRA interceptors for conveyance, treatment and disposal through the MWRA Deer Island Wastewater Treatment Plant. Existing sewers located in the vicinity of the Project site are shown on Figure 6-1. The sewer system includes a 10-inch sanitary sewer in Pastene Alley, a private way not open to public travel, which discharges westerly to an existing 24-inch combined sewer in A Street, a city street. The existing 24-inch combined sewer in A Street discharges flows in a southerly direction.


Projected Wastewater Flows

Under existing conditions, the buildings at the Site discharge sewage to the 10-inch gravity sewer located in Pastene Alley. The proposed Project will also discharge sewage to the Pastene Alley 10-inch sewer via existing or new sewer services subject to final design of the
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proposed connections and their approval by the BWSC. Depending on the selected development scenario for 327-337 Summer Street (i.e. Residential or Office Alternatives), the combined Project will generate an estimated 16,360 to 45,260 gallons per day (gpd) of sewage flow based on sewage estimates, as calculated in Table 6-1 below in accordance with MassDEP regulations 310 CMR 7.00. Table 6-1 Project Wastewater Flows

327-337 Summer Street Residential Alternative

Land Use Residential Restaurant Storage/Work Area TOTAL 93 units/126 BR 500 seats 18,306 sf 151,926 sf 310 CMR 7.00 Estimates 110 gpd/BR 50 gpd/seat* 5 gpd/100 sf Total 13,860 gpd 25,000 gpd 915 gpd 39,775 gpd

* Includes 35 gpd/seat for food service and 15 gpd/seat for kitchen flow.

327-337 Summer Street Office Alternative

Land Use Office Storage Area TOTAL 135,275 sf 14,574 sf 149,849 sf 310 CMR 7.00 Estimates 75 gpd/1,000 sf 5 gpd/100 sf Total 10,146 gpd 729 gpd 10,875 gpd

319 A Street
Land Use Residential Office/Retail Storage Area TOTAL 18 units/44 BR 3,690 sf 7,335 sf 54,227 sf 310 CMR 7.00 Estimates 110 gpd/BR 75 gpd/1,000 sf 5 gpd/100 sf Total 4,840 gpd 278 gpd 367 gpd 5,485 gpd

In accordance with MassDEP Regulation 314 CMR 7.05 (h), a Sewer Connection Permit from MassDEP is not required for 319 A Street, nor for 327-337 Summer Street building under either alternative. A Certificate of Compliance must be filed with MassDEP for operation of the service connection. The existing sewer system has ample capacity to convey the Projects estimated wastewater flows.
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327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 6-1

Existing Sewer and Storm Drainage Systems


Sewer System Mitigation

New sewer connections to the existing collection system, if required, will be constructed in accordance with BWSC standards and regulations, and will be made watertight. Any existing sewer connections on site that are not to be used will be cut, made watertight (capped), and abandoned in accordance with applicable BWSC and City standards. Upon completion of the design stage, a Site Plan will be submitted to the BWSC for approval. A General Service Application will be submitted for construction of the planned services.


Water Service
6.3.1 Existing Water Service

Existing water services to the Site are provided by the BWSC, which is a member of the MWRA transmission system. There is a well-developed network of piping for water service throughout the Project area. Existing water mains located in the vicinity of the Project site are shown on Figure 6-2. Within the Site vicinity; there are both an existing 16-inch, low-service water main and an existing 12-inch, high-service water main located in A Street. An existing 8-inch service main, which originates from the 12-inch, high-service water main in A Street, extends easterly within Pastene Alley, a private way not open to public travel. This 8-inch main provides both domestic and fire service connections to 319 A Street There is also an existing 12-inch low-service water main located on the north side of Summer Street in front of the Site. BWSC records indicate that existing domestic and fire services for 327-337 Summer Street are connected to this 12-inch water main.


Proposed Water Service

Any new water service for the Project will connect to the existing BWSC water system in the adjacent streets subject to final design of the proposed connections. Provided that the existing water services are in good operating condition and appropriately-sized, they may be re-used for the Project subject to BWSC approval. Depending on the selected use scenario of 327-337 Summer Street, the Project will require an estimated 18,000 to 49,785 gpd of water based upon the estimated average daily sewage flow and using a water consumption factor of 1.10.


Water Supply Conservation and Mitigation Measures

The State Building Code, 780 CMR, requires the use of water-conserving plumbing fixtures. Water conservation measures such as low-flow toilets and restricted-flow faucets will help to reduce domestic water demand on the existing water distribution system. There is no landscaping planned for the Site, and so it will not present an irrigation demand.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Infrastructure Systems Epsilon Associates, Inc.

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure 6-2

Existing Water System

The Proponent will arrange for water meters consistent with the BWSCs automatic meterreading system. The BWSC will provide meter transmission units (MTUs) at the Proponents expense. The Proponent will provide a telephone line and jack near the meters and outside meter-reading devices. The BWSC will connect the telephone lines and MTUs to the meters, and will program the MTUs. To prevent cross-connections from the sprinkler systems for the buildings or other regulated plumbing equipment, backflow preventers will be installed on appropriate plumbing fixtures. The designs for the devices used to prevent backflow into the potable water supply will be submitted to the BWSC Cross Connection Control Department for review and approval in accordance with BWSC regulations. The proposed water-supply systems and the fire-protection systems for the buildings will be carefully designed to meet the needs of the Project. The Project will comply with the standards of the State Plumbing Code, 248 CMR 10.000, as well as of the National Fire Protection Association. All required fittings for the mix of uses included in the Project will be installed in accordance with the applicable codes. Based on existing development in the general area of the Site, it is anticipated that the existing BWSC water system will not be adversely affected by the Project.


Storm Drainage System

6.4.1 Existing Storm Drainage System

Stormwater from the Site currently discharges to the existing stormwater systems in the adjacent streets. Figure 6-1 above depicts the existing BWSC storm drainage systems in the Project area. There is an existing 12-inch drain in Pastene Alley. This drain flows westerly in Pastene Alley to an existing 30-inch drain in A Street. That drain in turn flows to a 48inch drain in Melcher Street which then turns southerly down Necco Street and ultimately to Fort Point Channel. There is also a 12-inch drain in Summer Street which connects to the 30-inch drain in A Street.


Proposed Storm Drainage System Volume

Since the existing Site consists entirely of impervious cover, the Project cannot create additional impervious areas. Consequently, post-development runoff conditions will be the same as existing conditions thereby maintaining current runoff rates to the BWSC stormdrain system.


DEP Stormwater Management Policy Standards

In March 1997, the MassDEP adopted a Stormwater Management Policy to address non-point source pollution, which is administered locally pursuant to MGL Ch. 131, s. 40. The policy prescribes specific Stormwater Management Standards for development projects,
3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street 6-6 Infrastructure Systems Epsilon Associates, Inc.

including urban pollutant removal criteria for projects that may impact environmental resource areas. Compliance is achieved through the implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) in the stormwater management design. This Project is a redevelopment project under the policy and will comply with all of the applicable standards to the maximum extent practicable.


City of Boston Groundwater Overlay District

According to City of Boston Zoning maps, the Site is located within the citys Groundwater Conservation Overlay District, which is regulated under Article 32 of the Zoning Code. Please refer to Subsection 1.8.7 for a description of the Projects compliance.


Mitigation Measures

As noted in Subsection 6.4.2 above, the existing Site is entirely impervious, and Project will worsen that condition. However, the use of subsurface leaching and recharge devices will be reviewed for application specific to this Site during the design phase. These devices, generally, can provide limited recharge of surface runoff to subsurface soils in areas where soil and other conditions allow. Necessary investigations of relevant site constraints will be evaluated during the design process and, if appropriate, such devices will be incorporated into the Project. Prior to construction, erosion and sedimentation control measures will be installed on Site to prevent the discharge of sediments to the BWSCs stormwater drainage system. Finally, in conjunction with the Site Plan and General Service Application submitted to the BWSCs Engineering Services Division, the Proponent will submit a SWPPP identifying existing drainage patterns and areas to be used for storage or treatment of any contaminated soils, groundwater or stormwater.


Energy Requirements and Service

6.5.1 Existing and Proposed Electric Power

NStar (formerly Boston Edison Company) provides electric service in the City of Boston. There are existing electric manholes and duct banks with service drops in A Street, Street and in Pastene Alley, nearby the Project site. The existing buildings currently have transformers and emergency generators located in Pastene Alley. The electrical, spaceheating and energy systems for the Project have not yet been designed. However, it is anticipated new transformers for the buildings will be located in accordance with all applicable codes and requirements.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Infrastructure Systems Epsilon Associates, Inc.


Gas Service

National Grid (formerly Boston Gas Company) provides natural gas service in the City of Boston. There is an existing 12-inch gas main in A Street which connects to a 6-inch gas line in Pastene Alley. Gas service is anticipated to be available from either of these sources. The heating systems for the Project will not be determined until the final design stages of the Project.


Energy Conservation Measures

The Proponent will install energy-efficient lighting, heating and cooling systems in the design for the building. Applicable standards and regulations will be complied with in regard to the use of energy conservation measures.


Telephone and Cable Television

The Proponent will coordinate with representatives of the relevant telephone and cable television franchisees regarding these services. There are existing underground telephone and cable lines both in A Street and in Pastene Alley.


Utility Protection During Construction

During construction, existing utility infrastructure will be protected using sheeting and shoring, temporary relocations, and construction staging, as required. The general contractor will be required to coordinate all such protection measures, as well as temporary supports and temporary shutdowns of utilities, with the appropriate utility owners and agencies. The contractor will also be required to provide adequate notification to the utility owner prior to work affecting their particular utility. In the event that a utility cannot be maintained in service during switchover to a temporary or permanent system, the contractor will be required to coordinate the shutdown with the utility owner and Project abutters to minimize impacts and inconveniences.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Infrastructure Systems Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Project Certification

Appendix A Site Survey and Legal Description


Appendix B Floor Plans and Renderings

2,260 SF

DECK 3,173 SF




1,880 SF



327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts

Residential : 7 Penthouse Upper Level : 5,270 gsf

327-337 Summer Street Seventh Floor Plan - Residential Alternative

Figure B-1


UNIT 1 1,530 SF

UNIT 2 1,000 SF

UNIT 3 1,920 SF





UNIT 6 1,040 SF

UNIT 5 1,105 SF

UNIT 4 1,290 SF



327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts

Residential : 6 Penthouse Lower Level : 9,750 gsf

327-337 Summer Street Sixth Floor Plan - Residential Alternative

Figure B-2

UNIT 1 1,021 SF

UNIT 2 1,098 SF

UNIT 3 1,243 SF

UNIT4 1,046 SF

UNIT 5 901 SF

UNIT 6 757 SF

UNIT 7 788 SF

UNIT 8 1,510 SF





UNIT 9 1,042 SF

UNIT 17 803 SF

UNIT 16 730 SF

UNIT 15 544 SF

UNIT 14 667 SF

UNIT 13 661 SF

UNIT 12 555 SF

UNIT 11 786 SF

UNIT 10 1,425 SF



327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts

Residential : 2-5 Typical Residential Level : 18,920 gsf

327-337 Summer Street Second through Fifth Floor Plans - Residential Alternative

Figure B-3




UP DN UNIT 1 1,202 SF



UNIT 9 657 SF


UNIT 8 512 SF

UNIT 7 516 SF

UNIT 6 667 SF

UNIT 5 661 SF

UNIT 4 539 SF



327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts

Residential : 1 Summer Street Entry Level : 18,920 gsf

327-337 Summer Street First Floor (Summer Street) Plan - Residential Alternative

Figure B-4












UNIT 1 603 SF

UNIT 2 459 SF

UNIT 3 445 SF

UNIT 4 505 SF




327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts

Residential : -1 Mezzanine Level : 13,080 gsf

327-337 Summer Street -1 Mezzanine Level Plan - Residential Alternative

Figure B-5





















327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts

Residential : -2 Floor Plan : 18,920 gsf

327-337 Summer Street -2 Floor Plan - Residential Alternative

Figure B-6




















327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts

Residential : Sub-basement Level : 13,500 gsf

327-337 Summer Street Sub-basement Level Plan - Residential Alternative

Figure B-7

DECK 7,080 SF


4,325 SF




327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts

Office Scheme : 7 Penthouse Upper Level : 5,750 gsf

Figure B-8

327-337 Summer Street Seventh Floor Plan - Office Alternative

8,861 GSF




327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts

Office Scheme : 6 Penthouse Lower Level : 8,860 gsf

Figure B-9

327-337 Summer Street Sixth Floor Plan - Office Alternative





327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts

Office Scheme : 2-5 Typical Office Level : 18,920 gsf

Figure B-10

327-337 Summer Street Second through Fifth Floor Plans - Office Alternative






327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts

Office Scheme : 1 Summer Street Entry Level : 18,920 gsf

Figure B-11

327-337 Summer Street First Floor (Summer Street) Plan - Office Alternative







327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts

Office Scheme : -1 Mezzanine Level : 13,080 gsf

Figure B-12

327-337 Summer Street -1 Mezzanine Level Plan - Office Alternative










327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts

Office Scheme : -2 Floor Plan : 18,920 gsf

Figure B-13

327-337 Summer Street -2 Floor Plan - Office Alternative
















327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts

Office Scheme : Sub-Basement Level : 13,500 gsf

Figure B-14

327-337 Summer Street Sub-basement Level Plan - Office Alternative

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure B-15

327-337 Summer Street View East Down Summer Street - Glass Addition

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure B-16

327-337 Summer Street View West from Summer Street Bridge - Glass Addition

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure B-17

327-337 Summer Street View East Down Summer Street (Night) - Glass Addition

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure B-18

327-337 Summer Street View West from Summer Street Bridge (Night) - Glass Addition

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure B-19

327-337 Summer Street View East Down Summer Street - Brick Addition

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure B-20

327-337 Summer Street View West from Summer Street Bridge - Brick Addition

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure B-21

327-337 Summer Street View East Down Summer Street (Night) - Brick Addition

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure B-22

327-337 Summer Street View West from Summer Street Bridge (Night) - Brick Addition



327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts
319 A Street Floor Plans

Figure B-23

327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Boston, Massachusetts Figure B-24

319 A Street from Pastene Alley Looking Southeast

Appendix C Transportation


The Transportation Appendix is available upon request from Epsilon Associates, Inc.

Appendix D Air Quality


This Air Quality Appendix provides modeling assumptions and backup for results presented in Subsection 3.5 of this Expanded PNF. Included within this documentation is a brief description of the methodology employed along with pertinent calculations and data used in the emissions and dispersion calculations supporting the microscale air quality analyses.

Motor Vehicle Emissions

The EPA MOBILE6.2 computer program generated motor vehicle emissions used in the mobile source CAL3QHC modeling. The model input parameters were provided by MassDEP. Emission rates were derived for 2017 for speed limits of 2.5, 10, 15, and 30 mph for use in the microscale analyses.

For the intersections studied, the CAL3QHC model was applied to calculate CO concentrations at sensitive receptor locations using emission rates derived in MOBILE6.2. The intersections queue links and free flow links were input to the model along with sensitive receptors at all locations nearby each intersection. The meteorological assumptions input into the model were a 1.0 meter per second wind speed, Pasquill-Gifford Class D stability combined with a mixing height of 1000 meters. For each direction, the full range of wind directions at 10 degree intervals was examined. In addition, a surface roughness (z0) of 321 cm was used for the intersections. Idle emission rates for queue links were based on 2.5 mph emission rates derived in MOBILE6.2 and converted from grams per mile to grams per hour. Emission rates for speeds of 10, 15, and 30 mph were used for right turn, left turn, and free flow links, respectively.

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street


Air Quality Appendix

Epsilon Associates, Inc.

MOBILE6.2 Emission Factor Summary

327-337 Summer Street - Boston, MA Calculation of Microscale Modeling Emission Rates Summary of MOBILE6.2 Output Carbon Monoxide Only Queues Free Flow Right Turns Left Turns Summer Idle 2.5 mph 10 mph 15 mph 30 mph Winter Idle 2.5 mph 10 mph 15 mph 30 mph 2012 31.518 12.607 5.668 4.806 3.954 2012 50.215 20.086 10.834 9.736 8.682 Idle 30 mph 10 mph 15 mph 2017 26.673 10.669 4.844 4.104 3.349 2017 42.868 17.147 9.392 8.479 7.610 Units g/hr g/mile g/mile g/mile g/mile Units g/hr g/mile g/mile g/mile g/mile

Model Input/Output
Due to excessive size CAL3QHC, and MOBILE6.2 input and output files are available on digital media upon request.

Appendix C Transportation

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

Traffic Count Data

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Melcher St / PO Driveway City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear Groups Printed- Cars - Trucks PO D'Way 'A' St From East From South Thru Right Left Thru 0 2 25 41 0 0 22 51 0 0 15 54 0 0 26 60 0 2 88 206 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 50 0.1 2 100 0 0 26 25 33 30 114 202 27.9 10.2 197 97.5 5 2.5 76 85 78 63 302 508 70.2 25.7 484 95.3 24 4.7 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710001 : 01710001 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 07:00 AM 07:15 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM Total 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 08:45 AM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total % Cars % Cars Trucks % Trucks

'A' St From North Left Thru 2 89 3 73 3 74 4 103 12 339 1 1 1 1 4 16 1.6 0.8 16 100 0 0 93 101 96 91 381 720 73.8 36.4 702 97.5 18 2.5

Right 23 19 19 24 85 39 40 46 29 154 239 24.5 12.1 232 97.1 7 2.9

Left 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 50 0.1 2 100 0 0

Right 2 4 2 4 12 0 0 1 1 2 14 1.9 0.7 14 100 0 0

Melcher St From West Left Thru 6 5 4 2 5 2 7 1 22 10 14 6 14 6 40 62 22.5 3.1 59 95.2 3 4.8 2 0 1 1 4 14 5.1 0.7 13 92.9 1 7.1

Right 20 19 17 26 82 32 19 35 31 117 199 72.4 10.1 183 92 16 8

Int. Total 215 198 191 255 859 283 277 305 254 1119 1978

1904 96.3 74 3.7

'A' St PO D'Way From North From East Left Thru Right Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 07:45 AM 4 103 07:45 AM 24 131 0 0 0 08:00 AM 1 93 39 133 0 0 0 1 101 40 142 0 0 0 08:15 AM 46 143 08:30 AM 1 96 0 0 0 Total Volume 7 393 149 549 0 0 0 % App. Total 1.3 71.6 27.1 0 0 0 PHF .438 .954 .810 .960 .000 .000 .000 Cars 7 382 145 534 0 0 0 % Cars 100 97.2 97.3 97.3 0 0 0 Trucks 0 11 4 15 0 0 0 % Trucks 0 2.8 2.7 2.7 0 0 0

App. Total


'A' St From South Thru Right

60 76
85 4

App. Total


Melcher St From West Thru Right


App. Total

Int. Total

0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0

26 26 25

110 26.6 .833 106 96.4 4 3.6

78 299 72.2 .879 283 94.6 16 5.4

0 0 1 5 1.2 .313 5 100 0 0

90 102 110


414 .924 394 95.2 20 4.8

6 14 41 26.1 .732 40 97.6 1 2.4

0 1 4 2.5 .500 4 100 0 0

26 32 19

34 48 25

255 283 277


112 71.3 .800 105 93.8 7 6.3

157 .785 149 94.9 8 5.1

1120 .918 1077 96.2 43 3.8

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Melcher St / PO Driveway City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear
'A' St In 534 15 549

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710001 : 01710001 : 7/18/2012 :2

Out 323 17 340

Total 857 32 889 7 0 7 Left

145 382 4 11 149 393 Right Thru

Peak Hour Data

Total 400 16 416 Out 16 0 16 40 1 41 Left 0 0 0 0 0 0 Right Thru North Peak Hour Begins at 07:45 AM Cars Trucks PO D'Way In Melcher St In 149 8 157

105 4 7 0 112 4 Right Thru

0 0 0


Out 251 8 259

Total 16 0 16

0 0 0

Left Thru Right 106 283 5 4 16 0 110 299 5 487 18 505 Out 394 20 414 In 'A' St 881 38 919 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at:
07:45 AM 07:00 AM 08:00 AM 08:00 AM

+0 mins. +15 mins. +30 mins. +45 mins. Total Volume % App. Total PHF Cars % Cars Trucks % Trucks

4 1 1 1 7 1.3 .438 7 100 0 0

103 93 101 96 393 71.6 .954 382 97.2 11 2.8

24 39 40 46 149 27.1 .810 145 97.3 4 2.7

131 133 142 143 549 .960 534 97.3 15 2.7

0 1 0 0 1 33.3 .250 1 100 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0

2 0 0 0 2 66.7 .250 2 100 0 0

2 1 0 0 3 .375 3 100 0 0

26 25 33 30 114 27.3 .864 109 95.6 5 4.4

76 85 78 63 302 72.2 .888 289 95.7 13 4.3

0 0 1 1 2 0.5 .500 2 100 0 0

102 110 112 94 418 .933 400 95.7 18 4.3

14 6 14 6 40 24.8 .714 38 95 2 5

2 0 1 1 4 2.5 .500 4 100 0 0

32 19 35 31 117 72.7 .836 108 92.3 9 7.7

48 25 50 38 161 .805 150 93.2 11 6.8

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Melcher St / PO Driveway City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear
'A' St In - Peak Hour: 07:45 AM 534 15 549 145 382 4 11 149 393 Right Thru 7 0 7 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710001 : 01710001 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Melcher St In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 150 11 161 PO D'Way In - Peak Hour: 07:00 AM 3 0 3 38 2 40 Left 2 0 0 0 2 0 Right Thru North Cars Trucks

108 4 9 0 117 4 Right Thru

Left 1 0 1

Left Thru Right 109 289 2 5 13 0 114 302 2 400 18 418 In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 'A' St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Melcher St / PO Driveway City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear Groups Printed- Cars PO D'Way 'A' St From East From South Thru Right Left Thru 0 2 25 38 0 0 22 49 0 0 15 51 0 0 26 57 0 2 88 195 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 50 0.1 25 25 30 29 109 197 28.3 10.3 75 82 69 63 289 484 69.6 25.4 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710001 : 01710001 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 07:00 AM 07:15 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM Total 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 08:45 AM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

'A' St From North Left Thru 2 88 3 71 3 72 4 100 12 331 1 1 1 1 4 16 1.7 0.8 89 98 95 89 371 702 73.9 36.9

Right 20 19 19 24 82 38 38 45 29 150 232 24.4 12.2

Left 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 50 0.1

Right 2 4 2 4 12 0 0 1 1 2 14 2 0.7

Melcher St From West Left Thru 6 4 4 2 4 2 7 1 21 9 14 6 13 5 38 59 23.1 3.1 2 0 1 1 4 13 5.1 0.7

Right 15 18 16 26 75 31 17 31 29 108 183 71.8 9.6

Int. Total 202 193 184 249 828 275 267 286 248 1076 1904

'A' St PO D'Way From North From East Left Thru Right Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 07:45 AM 4 100 07:45 AM 0 0 0 24 128 08:00 AM 1 89 38 128 0 0 0 1 98 38 137 0 0 0 08:15 AM 45 141 08:30 AM 1 95 0 0 0 Total Volume 7 382 145 534 0 0 0 % App. Total 1.3 71.5 27.2 0 0 0 PHF .438 .955 .806 .947 .000 .000 .000

App. Total


'A' St From South Thru Right

57 75
82 4

App. Total


Melcher St From West Thru Right


App. Total

Int. Total

0 0 0 0 0 .000

26 25 25

106 26.9 .883

69 283 71.8 .863

0 0 1 5 1.3 .313

87 100




100 394 .921

6 13 40 26.8 .714

0 1 4 2.7 .500

17 31 105 70.5 .847

23 45 149 .793

249 275 267


1077 .941

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Melcher St / PO Driveway City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear
'A' St In 534

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710001 : 01710001 : 7/18/2012 :2

Out 323

Total 857 7 Left

145 382 Right Thru

Peak Hour Data

Total 400 Out 16 40 Left 0 0 Right Thru North Peak Hour Begins at 07:45 AM Cars PO D'Way In 0 Melcher St In 149

105 4 Right Thru


Out 251

Total 16

Left Thru Right 106 283 5 487 Out 394 In 'A' St 881 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at:
07:45 AM 07:00 AM 08:00 AM 08:00 AM

+0 mins. +15 mins. +30 mins. +45 mins. Total Volume % App. Total PHF

4 1 1 1 7 1.3 .438

100 89 98 95 382 71.5 .955

24 38 38 45 145 27.2 .806

128 128 137 141 534 .947

0 1 0 0 1 33.3 .250

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

2 0 0 0 2 66.7 .250

2 1 0 0 3 .375

25 25 30 29 109 27.2 .908

75 82 69 63 289 72.2 .881

0 0 1 1 2 0.5 .500

100 107 100 93 400 .935

14 6 13 5 38 25.3 .679

2 0 1 1 4 2.7 .500

31 17 31 29 108 72 .871

47 23 45 35 150 .798

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Melcher St / PO Driveway City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear
'A' St In - Peak Hour: 07:45 AM 534 145 382 Right Thru 7 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710001 : 01710001 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Melcher St In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 150 PO D'Way In - Peak Hour: 07:00 AM 3 38 Left 2 0 Right Thru North Cars

108 4 Right Thru

Left 1

Left Thru Right 109 289 2 400 In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 'A' St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Melcher St / PO Driveway City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear Groups Printed- Trucks PO D'Way 'A' St From East From South Thru Right Left Thru 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 5 5 17.2 6.8 1 3 9 0 13 24 82.8 32.4 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710001 : 01710001 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 07:00 AM 07:15 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM Total 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 08:45 AM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

'A' St From North Left Thru 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 1 2 10 18 72 24.3

Right 3 0 0 0 3 1 2 1 0 4 7 28 9.5

Left 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Right 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Melcher St From West Left Thru 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 2 3 15 4.1 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 1.4

Right 5 1 1 0 7 1 2 4 2 9 16 80 21.6

Int. Total 13 5 7 6 31 8 10 19 6 43 74

'A' St PO D'Way From North From East Left Thru Right Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 07:45 AM 07:45 AM 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 4 5 08:00 AM 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 3 5 0 0 0 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 Total Volume 0 11 4 15 0 0 0 % App. Total 0 73.3 26.7 0 0 0 PHF .000 .688 .500 .750 .000 .000 .000

App. Total


'A' St From South Thru Right

3 1 3

App. Total


Melcher St From West Thru Right

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 1 2

App. Total

Int. Total

0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 1 0

4 20 .333

16 80 .444

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

3 2 3

0 0 0

0 1 2

6 8 10

20 .417

1 12.5 .250

7 87.5 .438

8 .400

43 .566

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Melcher St / PO Driveway City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear
'A' St In 15

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710001 : 01710001 : 7/18/2012 :2

Out 17

Total 32 0 Left

4 11 Right Thru

Peak Hour Data

Total 16 Out 1 0 0 Right Thru Left 0 North Peak Hour Begins at 07:45 AM Trucks PO D'Way In 0 Melcher St In 8

7 0 Right Thru



Total 0

Left 4 18 Out

Thru Right 16 0 20 In 'A' St 38 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at:
07:30 AM 07:00 AM 07:45 AM 08:00 AM

+0 mins. +15 mins. +30 mins. +45 mins. Total Volume % App. Total PHF

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

2 3 4 3 12 80 .750

0 0 1 2 3 20 .375

2 3 5 5 15 .750

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 1 0 3 4 20 .333

3 1 3 9 16 80 .444

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

3 2 3 12 20 .417

0 0 1 1 2 18.2 .500

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 2 4 2 9 81.8 .563

1 2 5 3 11 .550

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Melcher St / PO Driveway City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear
'A' St In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM 15 3 12 Right Thru 0 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710001 : 01710001 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Melcher St In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 11 PO D'Way In - Peak Hour: 07:00 AM 0 2 0 0 Right Thru Left North Trucks

9 0 Right Thru

Left 0

Left 4

Thru Right 16 0

20 In - Peak Hour: 07:45 AM 'A' St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Melcher St / PO Driveway City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear Groups Printed- Bikes Peds PO D'Way 'A' St From East From South Thru Right Peds Left Thru Right Peds 0 0 2 2 2 0 27 0 0 3 1 1 0 20 0 0 3 1 6 0 24 0 0 13 2 4 0 8 0 0 21 6 13 0 79
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 19 8 27 60 81 5 2 2 5 14 20 35.1 25.3 7 4 6 7 24 37 64.9 46.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 2 0 13 92

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710001 : 01710001 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 07:00 AM 07:15 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM Total

08:00 AM 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 08:45 AM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

Left 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

'A' St From North Thru Right Peds 0 1 6 0 0 6 2 0 6 1 0 14 3 1 32

1 1 0 0 2 5 83.3 6.3 0 0 0 0 0 1 16.7 1.3 13 11 13 16 53 85

Left 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Left 0 0 1 3 4
3 1 1 2 7 11 68.8 13.9

Melcher St From West Thru Right Peds 0 1 2 0 0 18 0 1 2 0 0 10 0 2 32

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 3 5 31.2 6.3 13 21 20 8 62 94

Exclu. Total

Inclu. Total

Int. Total

37 47 35 45 164 38 56 43 51 188 352 81.7

6 2 11 10 29 18 9 9 14 50 79 18.3

43 49 46 55 193 56 65 52 65 238 431

'A' St PO D'Way From North From East Left Thru Right Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 08:00 AM 1 1 08:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 08:15 AM 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 08:30 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 08:45 AM Total Volume 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 % App. Total 0 100 0 0 0 0 PHF .000 .500 .000 .500 .000 .000 .000

App. Total


'A' St From South Thru Right


App. Total


Melcher St From West Thru Right

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

App. Total

Int. Total

0 0 0 0 0 .000

2 2 5 14 36.8 .700

4 6 7 24 63.2 .857

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000



6 8 12 38 .792

1 1 2 7 70 .583

1 0 0 3 30 .375

2 1 2 10 .500

9 9 14 50 .694

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Melcher St / PO Driveway City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear
'A' St In 2

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710001 : 01710001 : 7/18/2012 :2

Out 31

Total 33 0 Left

0 2 Right Thru

Peak Hour Data

Total 24 Out 7 0 0 Right Thru Left 0 North Peak Hour Begins at 08:00 AM Bikes Peds PO D'Way In 0 Melcher St In 10

3 0 Right Thru


Out 14

Total 0

Left Thru Right 14 24 0 5 Out 38 In 'A' St 43 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at:
07:30 AM 07:00 AM 08:00 AM 07:30 AM

+0 mins. +15 mins. +30 mins. +45 mins. Total Volume % App. Total PHF

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

2 1 1 1 5 100 .625

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

2 1 1 1 5 .625

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 .000

5 2 2 5 14 36.8 .700

7 4 6 7 24 63.2 .857

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

12 6 8 12 38 .792

1 3 3 1 8 66.7 .667

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 0 2 1 4 33.3 .500

2 3 5 2 12 .600

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Melcher St / PO Driveway City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear
'A' St In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM 5 0 5 Right Thru 0 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710001 : 01710001 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Melcher St In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM 12 PO D'Way In - Peak Hour: 07:00 AM 0 8 0 0 Right Thru Left North Bikes Peds

4 0 Right Thru

Left 0

Left Thru Right 14 24 0 38 In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 'A' St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Melcher St / PO Driveway City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain Groups Printed- Cars - Trucks PO D'Way 'A' St From East From South Thru Right Left Thru 0 0 18 57 0 0 19 80 0 0 14 69 0 1 19 73 0 1 70 279 0 0 1 0 1 1 16.7 0 1 100 0 0 2 1 0 0 3 4 66.7 0.2 4 100 0 0 21 20 27 27 95 165 21 7.5 163 98.8 2 1.2 74 95 72 79 320 599 76.2 27.2 595 99.3 4 0.7 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710001 : 01710001 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total % Cars % Cars Trucks % Trucks

'A' St From North Left Thru 1 81 5 99 2 113 3 104 11 397 1 3 0 4 8 19 2.1 0.9 19 100 0 0 102 118 62 97 379 776 86.1 35.3 766 98.7 10 1.3

Right 7 8 5 10 30 10 14 22 30 76 106 11.8 4.8 106 100 0 0

Left 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 16.7 0 1 100 0 0

Right 2 1 3 5 11 5 2 3 1 11 22 2.8 1 22 100 0 0

Melcher St From West Left Thru 24 0 22 2 18 1 17 2 81 5 22 23 29 23 97 178 35.2 8.1 177 99.4 1 0.6 3 1 0 0 4 9 1.8 0.4 9 100 0 0

Right 41 38 46 38 163 35 44 37 40 156 319 63 14.5 309 96.9 10 3.1

Int. Total 231 274 271 272 1048 275 322 253 301 1151 2199

2172 98.8 27 1.2

'A' St PO D'Way From North From East Left Thru Right Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 05:00 PM 2 05:00 PM 1 102 10 113 0 0 1 118 135 0 1 05:15 PM 3 14 1 05:30 PM 0 62 22 84 0 0 4 30 05:45 PM 97 131 0 0 0 Total Volume 8 379 76 463 1 1 3 % App. Total 1.7 81.9 16.4 20 20 60 PHF .500 .803 .633 .857 .250 .250 .375 Cars 8 372 76 456 1 1 3 % Cars 100 98.2 100 98.5 100 100 100 Trucks 0 7 0 7 0 0 0 % Trucks 0 1.8 0 1.5 0 0 0

App. Total


'A' St From South Thru Right

95 5

App. Total


Melcher St From West Thru Right


App. Total

Int. Total

2 1 0 5 .625 5 100 0 0

21 20


27 95 22.3 .880 95 100 0 0

72 79 320 75.1 .842 318 99.4 2 0.6

2 3 1 11 2.6 .550 11 100 0 0

22 23




102 107 426 .910 424 99.5 2 0.5

23 97 37.7 .836 97 100 0 0

1 0 0 4 1.6 .333 4 100 0 0

37 40 156 60.7 .886 151 96.8 5 3.2

66 63 257 .945 252 98.1 5 1.9

253 301 1151 .894 1137 98.8 14 1.2

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Melcher St / PO Driveway City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain
'A' St In 456 7 463

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710001 : 01710001 : 7/18/2012 :2

Out 418 2 420

Total 874 9 883 8 0 8 Left

76 372 0 7 76 379 Right Thru

Peak Hour Data

Total 424 5 429 Out 23 0 23 97 0 97 Left 3 1 0 0 3 1 Right Thru North Peak Hour Begins at 05:00 PM Cars Trucks PO D'Way In Melcher St In 252 5 257

151 4 5 0 156 4 Right Thru

5 0 5


Out 172 0 172

Total 28 0 28

1 0 1

Left Thru Right 95 318 11 0 2 0 95 320 11 524 12 536 Out 424 2 426 In 'A' St 948 14 962 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at:
04:30 PM 04:45 PM 05:00 PM 05:00 PM

+0 mins. +15 mins. +30 mins. +45 mins. Total Volume % App. Total PHF Cars % Cars Trucks % Trucks

2 3 1 3 9 1.9 .750 9 100 0 0

113 104 102 118 437 90.1 .926 430 98.4 7 1.6

5 10 10 14 39 8 .696 39 100 0 0

120 117 113 135 485 .898 478 98.6 7 1.4

0 0 1 0 1 16.7 .250 1 100 0 0

0 0 0 1 1 16.7 .250 1 100 0 0

1 2 1 0 4 66.7 .500 4 100 0 0

1 2 2 1 6 .750 6 100 0 0

21 20 27 27 95 22.3 .880 95 100 0 0

74 95 72 79 320 75.1 .842 318 99.4 2 0.6

5 2 3 1 11 2.6 .550 11 100 0 0

100 117 102 107 426 .910 424 99.5 2 0.5

22 23 29 23 97 37.7 .836 97 100 0 0

3 1 0 0 4 1.6 .333 4 100 0 0

35 44 37 40 156 60.7 .886 151 96.8 5 3.2

60 68 66 63 257 .945 252 98.1 5 1.9

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Melcher St / PO Driveway City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain
'A' St In - Peak Hour: 04:30 PM 478 7 485 39 430 0 7 39 437 Right Thru 9 0 9 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710001 : 01710001 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Melcher St In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 252 5 257 PO D'Way In - Peak Hour: 04:45 PM 6 0 6 97 0 97 Left 4 1 0 0 4 1 Right Thru North Cars Trucks

151 4 5 0 156 4 Right Thru

Left 1 0 1

Left Thru Right 95 318 11 0 2 0 95 320 11 424 2 426 In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 'A' St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Melcher St / PO Driveway City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain Groups Printed- Cars PO D'Way 'A' St From East From South Thru Right Left Thru 0 0 17 56 0 0 19 80 0 0 13 69 0 1 19 72 0 1 68 277 0 0 1 0 1 1 16.7 0 2 1 0 0 3 4 66.7 0.2 21 20 27 27 95 163 20.9 7.5 73 94 72 79 318 595 76.3 27.4 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710001 : 01710001 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

'A' St From North Left Thru 1 80 5 99 2 112 3 103 11 394 1 3 0 4 8 19 2.1 0.9 100 115 60 97 372 766 86 35.3

Right 7 8 5 10 30 10 14 22 30 76 106 11.9 4.9

Left 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 16.7 0

Right 2 1 3 5 11 5 2 3 1 11 22 2.8 1

Melcher St From West Left Thru 23 0 22 2 18 1 17 2 80 5 22 23 29 23 97 177 35.8 8.1 3 1 0 0 4 9 1.8 0.4

Right 40 37 44 37 158 34 43 34 40 151 309 62.4 14.2

Int. Total 226 273 267 269 1035 271 317 248 301 1137 2172

'A' St PO D'Way From North From East Left Thru Right Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 05:00 PM 2 05:00 PM 1 100 10 111 0 0 1 115 132 05:15 PM 0 1 3 14 1 05:30 PM 0 60 22 82 0 0 4 30 05:45 PM 97 131 0 0 0 Total Volume 8 372 76 456 1 1 3 % App. Total 1.8 81.6 16.7 20 20 60 PHF .500 .809 .633 .864 .250 .250 .375

App. Total


'A' St From South Thru Right

94 5

App. Total


Melcher St From West Thru Right


App. Total

Int. Total

2 1 0 5 .625

21 20


27 95 22.4 .880

72 79 318 75 .846

2 3 1 11 2.6 .550

22 23




102 107 424 .914

23 97 38.5 .836

1 0 0 4 1.6 .333

34 40 151 59.9 .878

63 63 252 .940

248 301 1137 .897

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Melcher St / PO Driveway City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain
'A' St In 456

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710001 : 01710001 : 7/18/2012 :2

Out 418

Total 874 8 Left

76 372 Right Thru

Peak Hour Data

Total 424 Out 23 97 Left 3 1 Right Thru North Peak Hour Begins at 05:00 PM Cars PO D'Way In 5 Melcher St In 252

151 4 Right Thru


Out 172

Total 28

Left Thru Right 95 318 11 524 Out 424 In 'A' St 948 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at:
04:30 PM 04:45 PM 05:00 PM 05:00 PM

+0 mins. +15 mins. +30 mins. +45 mins. Total Volume % App. Total PHF

2 3 1 3 9 1.9 .750

112 103 100 115 430 90 .935

5 10 10 14 39 8.2 .696

119 116 111 132 478 .905

0 0 1 0 1 16.7 .250

0 0 0 1 1 16.7 .250

1 2 1 0 4 66.7 .500

1 2 2 1 6 .750

21 20 27 27 95 22.4 .880

73 94 72 79 318 75 .846

5 2 3 1 11 2.6 .550

99 116 102 107 424 .914

22 23 29 23 97 38.5 .836

3 1 0 0 4 1.6 .333

34 43 34 40 151 59.9 .878

59 67 63 63 252 .940

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Melcher St / PO Driveway City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain
'A' St In - Peak Hour: 04:30 PM 478 39 430 Right Thru 9 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710001 : 01710001 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Melcher St In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 252 PO D'Way In - Peak Hour: 04:45 PM 6 97 Left 4 1 Right Thru North Cars

151 4 Right Thru

Left 1

Left Thru Right 95 318 11 424 In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 'A' St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Melcher St / PO Driveway City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain Groups Printed- Trucks PO D'Way 'A' St From East From South Thru Right Left Thru 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 33.3 7.4 1 1 0 0 2 4 66.7 14.8 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710001 : 01710001 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

'A' St From North Left Thru 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 2 0 7 10 100 37

Right 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Left 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Right 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Melcher St From West Left Thru 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9.1 3.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Right 1 1 2 1 5 1 1 3 0 5 10 90.9 37

Int. Total 5 1 4 3 13 4 5 5 0 14 27

'A' St PO D'Way From North From East Left Thru Right Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 04:45 PM 04:45 PM 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 05:00 PM 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 Total Volume 0 8 0 8 0 0 0 % App. Total 0 100 0 0 0 0 PHF .000 .667 .000 .667 .000 .000 .000

App. Total


'A' St From South Thru Right


App. Total


Melcher St From West Thru Right

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1 1 1

App. Total

Int. Total

0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 1 0 3 100 .750

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 1 0 3 .750

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 1 1

3 4

6 100 .500

6 .500

5 17 .850

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Melcher St / PO Driveway City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain
'A' St In 8

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710001 : 01710001 : 7/18/2012 :2

Out 3

Total 11 0 Left

0 8 Right Thru

Peak Hour Data

Total 6 Out 0 0 0 Right Thru Left 0 North Peak Hour Begins at 04:45 PM Trucks PO D'Way In 0 Melcher St In 6

6 0 Right Thru



Total 0

Left 0 14 Out

Thru Right 3 0 3 In 'A' St 17 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at:
04:45 PM 04:00 PM 04:00 PM 04:00 PM

+0 mins. +15 mins. +30 mins. +45 mins. Total Volume % App. Total PHF

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 2 3 2 8 100 .667

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 2 3 2 8 .667

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 0 1 0 2 50 .500

1 0 0 1 2 50 .500

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

2 0 1 1 4 .500

1 0 0 0 1 16.7 .250

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 1 2 1 5 83.3 .625

2 1 2 1 6 .750

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Melcher St / PO Driveway City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain
'A' St In - Peak Hour: 04:45 PM 8 0 8 Right Thru 0 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710001 : 01710001 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Melcher St In - Peak Hour: 04:00 PM 6 PO D'Way In - Peak Hour: 04:00 PM 0 1 0 0 Right Thru Left North Trucks

5 0 Right Thru

Left 0

Left 2

Thru Right 2 0

4 In - Peak Hour: 04:00 PM 'A' St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Melcher St / PO Driveway City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain Groups Printed- Bikes Peds PO D'Way 'A' St From East From South Thru Right Peds Left Thru Right Peds 0 0 2 0 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 1 0 9 0 0 3 0 3 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 11 0 4 0 24
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 8 11 6 29 40 0 0 0 1 1 1 14.3 3 1 0 0 1 2 6 85.7 18.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 8 0 9 22 46

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710001 : 01710001 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total

05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

Left 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

'A' St From North Thru Right Peds 1 1 3 3 0 8 1 0 8 6 1 5 11 2 24

4 1 2 2 9 20 90.9 60.6 0 0 0 0 0 2 9.1 6.1 7 9 13 10 39 63

Left 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Left 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Melcher St From West Thru Right Peds 0 1 6 0 0 0 0 2 6 0 1 8 0 4 20

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 100 12.1 9 12 13 10 44 64

Exclu. Total

Inclu. Total

Int. Total

16 22 23 18 79 25 37 37 35 134 213 86.6

3 4 6 8 21 5 1 2 4 12 33 13.4

19 26 29 26 100 30 38 39 39 146 246

'A' St PO D'Way From North From East Left Thru Right Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 04:15 PM 04:15 PM 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 04:30 PM 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 6 1 7 04:45 PM 0 0 0 0 05:00 PM 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 Total Volume 0 14 1 15 0 0 0 % App. Total 0 93.3 6.7 0 0 0 PHF .000 .583 .250 .536 .000 .000 .000

App. Total


'A' St From South Thru Right


App. Total


Melcher St From West Thru Right

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0

App. Total

Int. Total

0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 1 5 100 .417

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000


0 1 5 .417

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000


4 6

1 0 3 100 .375

1 0 3 .375

5 23 .719

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Melcher St / PO Driveway City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain
'A' St In 15

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710001 : 01710001 : 7/18/2012 :2

Out 5

Total 20 0 Left

1 14 Right Thru

Peak Hour Data

Total 4 Out 0 0 0 Right Thru Left 0 North Peak Hour Begins at 04:15 PM Bikes Peds PO D'Way In 0 Melcher St In 3

3 0 Right Thru



Total 0

Left 0 17 Out

Thru Right 5 0 5 In 'A' St 22 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at:
04:15 PM 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:00 PM

+0 mins. +15 mins. +30 mins. +45 mins. Total Volume % App. Total PHF

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

3 1 6 4 14 93.3 .583

0 0 1 0 1 6.7 .250

3 1 7 4 15 .536

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 3 0 1 5 100 .417

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 3 0 1 5 .417

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 0 2 1 4 100 .500

1 0 2 1 4 .500

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Melcher St / PO Driveway City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain
'A' St In - Peak Hour: 04:15 PM 15 1 14 Right Thru 0 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710001 : 01710001 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Melcher St In - Peak Hour: 04:00 PM 4 PO D'Way In - Peak Hour: 04:00 PM 0 0 0 0 Right Thru Left North Bikes Peds

4 0 Right Thru

Left 0

Left 0

Thru Right 5 0

5 In - Peak Hour: 04:15 PM 'A' St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street / Thompson Place E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear Groups Printed- Cars - Trucks Congress St 'A' St From East From South Left Thru Right Left Thru 77 71 0 18 0 72 78 4 21 0 66 80 1 29 0 104 81 2 23 2 319 310 7 91 2 99 132 114 90 435 754 53.9 26.5 726 96.3 28 3.7 79 91 83 65 318 628 44.9 22.1 599 95.4 29 4.6 0 4 3 4 11 18 1.3 0.6 16 88.9 2 11.1 45 38 39 34 156 247 49.2 8.7 234 94.7 13 5.3 2 2 0 1 5 7 1.4 0.2 6 85.7 1 14.3 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710002 : 01710002 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 07:00 AM 07:15 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM Total 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 08:45 AM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total % Cars % Cars Trucks % Trucks

Thompson Pl From North Left Thru 5 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 7 3 1 4 1 1 7 14 31.1 0.5 10 71.4 4 28.6 1 2 2 3 8 11 24.4 0.4 10 90.9 1 9.1

Right 2 3 0 1 6 2 3 6 3 14 20 44.4 0.7 19 95 1 5

Right 22 23 31 34 110 34 38 42 24 138 248 49.4 8.7 227 91.5 21 8.5

Congress St From West Left Thru 0 43 0 53 1 51 2 74 3 221 2 6 2 3 13 16 1.8 0.6 15 93.8 1 6.2 64 88 80 94 326 547 60.9 19.2 491 89.8 56 10.2

Right 34 29 29 49 141 45 46 54 49 194 335 37.3 11.8 327 97.6 8 2.4

Int. Total 274 284 289 373 1220 374 454 426 371 1625 2845

2680 94.2 165 5.8

Thompson Pl From North Left Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 07:45 AM 1 0 1 2 104 07:45 AM 08:00 AM 1 1 2 4 99 08:15 AM 3 4 2 9 132 08:30 AM 1 2 9 114 6 Total Volume 7 5 12 24 449 % App. Total 29.2 20.8 50 56.7 PHF .438 .625 .500 .667 .850 Cars 6 5 12 23 432 85.7 100 100 95.8 96.2 % Cars Trucks 1 0 0 1 17 % Trucks 14.3 0 0 4.2 3.8

Congress St From East Thru Right

App. Total


'A' St From South Thru Right

App. Total


Congress St From West Thru Right

App. Total

Int. Total

81 79 91 83 334 42.2 .918 322 96.4 12 3.6

2 0 4 3 9 1.1 .563 7 77.8 2 22.2

187 178 227 200 792 .872 761 96.1 31 3.9

23 45 38 39 145 48.5 .806 141 97.2 4 2.8

2 2 2 0 6 2 .750 5 83.3 1 16.7

34 34 38 42 148 49.5 .881 136 91.9 12 8.1

59 81 78 81 299 .923 282 94.3 17 5.7

2 2 6 2 12 2.3 .500 12 100 0 0

74 64 88 80 306 59.8 .869 276 90.2 30 9.8

49 45 46 54 194 37.9 .898 191 98.5 3 1.5

125 111 140 136 512 .914 479 93.6 33 6.4

373 374 454 426 1627 .896 1545 95.0 82 5.0

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street / Thompson Place E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear
Thompson Pl In Total 23 47 1 4 51 24 6 1 7 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710002 : 01710002 : 7/18/2012 :2

Out 24 3 27

12 5 0 0 12 5 Right Thru

Peak Hour Data

Total 954 49 1003 Out 418 43 461 12 0 12 Left 7 322 2 12 9 334 Right Thru Congress St Out In 475 479 16 33 491 512 North Peak Hour Begins at 07:45 AM Cars Trucks Congress St In Total 761 1179 31 74 792 1253

191 276 3 30 194 306 Right Thru

432 17 449 Left

Left Thru Right 141 5 136 4 1 12 145 6 148 628 20 648 Out 282 17 299 In 'A' St 910 37 947 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at:
08:00 AM 07:45 AM 07:45 AM 08:00 AM

+0 mins. +15 mins. +30 mins. +45 mins. Total Volume % App. Total PHF Cars % Cars Trucks % Trucks

1 4 1 1 7 24.1 .438 6 85.7 1 14.3

1 2 2 3 8 27.6 .667 8 100 0 0

2 3 6 3 14 48.3 .583 13 92.9 1 7.1

4 9 9 7 29 .806 27 93.1 2 6.9

104 99 132 114 449 56.7 .850 432 96.2 17 3.8

81 79 91 83 334 42.2 .918 322 96.4 12 3.6

2 0 4 3 9 1.1 .563 7 77.8 2 22.2

187 178 227 200 792 .872 761 96.1 31 3.9

23 45 38 39 145 48.5 .806 141 97.2 4 2.8

2 2 2 0 6 2 .750 5 83.3 1 16.7

34 34 38 42 148 49.5 .881 136 91.9 12 8.1

59 81 78 81 299 .923 282 94.3 17 5.7

2 6 2 3 13 2.4 .542 12 92.3 1 7.7

64 88 80 94 326 61.2 .867 294 90.2 32 9.8

45 46 54 49 194 36.4 .898 191 98.5 3 1.5

111 140 136 146 533 .913 497 93.2 36 6.8

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street / Thompson Place E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear
Thompson Pl In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 27 2 29 13 8 1 0 14 8 Right Thru 6 1 7 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710002 : 01710002 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Congress St In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 497 36 533 Congress St In - Peak Hour: 07:45 AM 761 31 792 12 1 13 Left 7 322 2 12 9 334 Right Thru North Cars Trucks

191 294 3 32 194 326 Right Thru

432 17 449 Left

Left Thru Right 141 5 136 4 1 12 145 6 148 282 17 299 In - Peak Hour: 07:45 AM 'A' St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street / Thompson Place E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear Groups Printed- Cars Congress St 'A' St From East From South Left Thru Right Left Thru 73 65 0 16 0 69 72 4 17 0 64 76 1 27 0 99 78 1 22 1 305 291 6 82 1 93 128 112 88 421 726 54.1 27.1 78 87 79 64 308 599 44.7 22.4 0 4 2 4 10 16 1.2 0.6 43 38 38 33 152 234 50.1 8.7 2 2 0 1 5 6 1.3 0.2 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710002 : 01710002 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 07:00 AM 07:15 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM Total 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 08:45 AM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

Thompson Pl From North Left Thru 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 4 2 0 4 1 1 6 10 25.6 0.4 1 2 2 3 8 10 25.6 0.4

Right 2 3 0 1 6 2 3 6 2 13 19 48.7 0.7

Right 20 19 28 31 98 33 36 36 24 129 227 48.6 8.5

Congress St From West Left Thru 0 39 0 48 1 45 2 65 3 197 2 6 2 2 12 15 1.8 0.6 56 83 72 83 294 491 58.9 18.3

Right 32 28 28 48 136 44 45 54 48 191 327 39.3 12.2

Int. Total 250 261 271 349 1131 354 438 404 353 1549 2680

Thompson Pl From North Left Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 08:00 AM 08:00 AM 0 1 2 3 93 2 3 08:15 AM 4 9 128 08:30 AM 1 2 9 112 6 08:45 AM 1 2 6 88 3 Total Volume 6 8 13 27 421 % App. Total 22.2 29.6 48.1 57 PHF .375 .667 .542 .750 .822

Congress St From East Thru Right

App. Total


'A' St From South Thru Right

App. Total


Congress St From West Thru Right

App. Total

Int. Total

78 87 79 64 308 41.7 .885

0 4 2 4 10 1.4 .625

171 219 193 156 739 .844

43 38 38 33 152 53.1 .884

2 2 0 1 5 1.7 .625

33 36 36 24 129 45.1 .896

78 76 74 58 286 .917

2 6 2 2 12 2.4 .500

56 83 72 83 294 59.2 .886

44 45 54 48 191 38.4 .884

102 134 128 133 497 .927

354 438 404 353 1549 .884

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street / Thompson Place E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear
Thompson Pl In Total 27 54 6 Left

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: 01710002 : 01710002 : 7/18/2012 :2

Out 27

13 8 Right Thru

Peak Hour Data

Total 970 Out 429 12 Left 10 308 Right Thru Congress St Out In 473 497 North Peak Hour Begins at 08:00 AM Cars Congress St In Total 739 1168

191 294 Right Thru

421 Left

Left Thru Right 152 5 129 620 Out 286 In 'A' St 906 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at:
08:00 AM 07:45 AM 08:00 AM 08:00 AM

+0 mins. +15 mins. +30 mins. +45 mins. Total Volume % App. Total PHF

0 4 1 1 6 22.2 .375

1 2 2 3 8 29.6 .667

2 3 6 2 13 48.1 .542

3 9 9 6 27 .750

99 93 128 112 432 56.8 .844

78 78 87 79 322 42.3 .925

1 0 4 2 7 0.9 .438

178 171 219 193 761 .869

43 38 38 33 152 53.1 .884

2 2 0 1 5 1.7 .625

33 36 36 24 129 45.1 .896

78 76 74 58 286 .917

2 6 2 2 12 2.4 .500

56 83 72 83 294 59.2 .886

44 45 54 48 191 38.4 .884

102 134 128 133 497 .927

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street / Thompson Place E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear
Thompson Pl In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 27 13 8 Right Thru 6 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710002 : 01710002 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Congress St In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 497 Congress St In - Peak Hour: 07:45 AM 761 12 Left 7 322 Right Thru North Cars

191 294 Right Thru

432 Left

Left Thru Right 152 5 129 286 In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 'A' St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street / Thompson Place E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear Groups Printed- Trucks Congress St 'A' St From East From South Left Thru Right Left Thru 4 6 0 2 0 3 6 0 4 0 2 4 0 2 0 5 3 1 1 1 14 19 1 9 1 6 4 2 2 14 28 47.5 17 1 4 4 1 10 29 49.2 17.6 0 0 1 0 1 2 3.4 1.2 2 0 1 1 4 13 37.1 7.9 0 0 0 0 0 1 2.9 0.6 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710002 : 01710002 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 07:00 AM 07:15 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM Total 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 08:45 AM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

Thompson Pl From North Left Thru 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 1 4 66.7 2.4 0 0 0 0 0 1 16.7 0.6

Right 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 16.7 0.6

Right 2 4 3 3 12 1 2 6 0 9 21 60 12.7

Congress St From West Left Thru 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 9 0 24 0 0 0 1 1 1 1.5 0.6 8 5 8 11 32 56 86.2 33.9

Right 2 1 1 1 5 1 1 0 1 3 8 12.3 4.8

Int. Total 24 23 18 24 89 20 16 22 18 76 165

Thompson Pl From North Left Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 07:00 AM 0 07:00 AM 4 3 1 4 07:15 AM 0 0 0 0 3 07:30 AM 0 0 0 0 2 07:45 AM 0 0 0 0 5 Total Volume 3 1 0 4 14 % App. Total 75 25 0 41.2 PHF .250 .250 .000 .250 .700

Congress St From East Thru Right

App. Total


'A' St From South Thru Right

App. Total


Congress St From West Thru Right

App. Total

Int. Total

6 6 4 3 19 55.9 .792

0 0 0 1 1 2.9 .250

10 9 6 9 34 .850

2 4 2 1 9 40.9 .563

0 0 0 1 1 4.5 .250

2 4 3 3 12 54.5 .750

4 8 5 5 22 .688

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

4 5 6 9 24 82.8 .667

2 1 1 1 5 17.2 .625

6 6 7 10 29 .725

24 23 18 24 89 .927

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street / Thompson Place E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear
Thompson Pl In Total 2 4 6 3 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710002 : 01710002 : 7/18/2012 :2


0 1 Right Thru

Peak Hour Data

Total 57 Out 39 0 1 19 Right Thru Left Congress St Out In 28 29 North Peak Hour Begins at 07:00 AM Trucks Congress St In Total 34 73

5 24 Right Thru

14 Left

Left 9 20 Out

Thru Right 1 12 22 In 'A' St 42 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at:
07:00 AM 07:00 AM 07:00 AM 08:00 AM

+0 mins. +15 mins. +30 mins. +45 mins. Total Volume % App. Total PHF

3 0 0 0 3 75 .250

1 0 0 0 1 25 .250

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

4 0 0 0 4 .250

4 3 2 5 14 41.2 .700

6 6 4 3 19 55.9 .792

0 0 0 1 1 2.9 .250

10 9 6 9 34 .850

2 4 2 1 9 40.9 .563

0 0 0 1 1 4.5 .250

2 4 3 3 12 54.5 .750

4 8 5 5 22 .688

0 0 0 1 1 2.8 .250

8 5 8 11 32 88.9 .727

1 1 0 1 3 8.3 .750

9 6 8 13 36 .692

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street / Thompson Place E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear
Thompson Pl In - Peak Hour: 07:00 AM 4 0 1 Right Thru 3 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710002 : 01710002 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Congress St In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 36 Congress St In - Peak Hour: 07:00 AM 34 1 1 19 Right Thru Left North Trucks

3 32 Right Thru

14 Left

Left 9

Thru Right 1 12

22 In - Peak Hour: 07:00 AM 'A' St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street / Thompson Place E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear Groups Printed- Bikes Peds 'A' St From South Peds Left Thru Right 1 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 4 0 2 3 2 0 2 7 7 0 5
2 5 2 3 12 19 3 2 3 4 12 19 70.4 32.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 8 29.6 13.6

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: 01710002 : 01710002 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 07:00 AM 07:15 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM Total

08:00 AM 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 08:45 AM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

Left 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Thompson Pl From North Thru Right 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 1 100 1.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Peds 27 21 31 47 126
62 38 51 36 187 313

Left 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Congress St From East Thru Right 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0

2 0 3 0 5 7 100 11.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Peds 4 13 13 22 52
10 24 19 19 72 124

Left 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Congress St From West Thru Right 1 1 1 1 1 0 4 1 7 3

1 4 4 3 12 19 79.2 32.2 2 0 0 0 2 5 20.8 8.5

Peds 5 3 5 11 24
23 36 10 19 88 112

Exclu. Total

Inclu. Total

Int. Total

37 39 50 83 209 97 103 82 77 359 568 90.6

5 3 7 10 25 8 6 12 8 34 59 9.4

42 42 57 93 234 105 109 94 85 393 627

Thompson Pl From North Left Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 07:45 AM 07:45 AM 0 0 0 0 0 08:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 08:15 AM 0 0 0 0 0 08:30 AM 0 0 0 0 0 Total Volume 0 0 0 0 0 % App. Total 0 0 0 0 PHF .000 .000 .000 .000 .000

Congress St From East Thru Right

App. Total


'A' St From South Thru Right

App. Total


Congress St From West Thru Right

App. Total

Int. Total

1 2 0 3 6 100 .500

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 2 0 3 6 .500

2 3 2 3 10 71.4 .833

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

2 0 0 2 4 28.6 .500

4 3 2 5 14 .700

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

4 1 4 4 13 81.2 .813

1 2 0 0 3 18.8 .375

5 3 4 4 16 .800

10 8 6 12 36 .750

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street / Thompson Place E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear
Thompson Pl In Total 0 0 0 0 Left

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: 01710002 : 01710002 : 7/18/2012 :2


0 0 Right Thru

Peak Hour Data

Total 32 Out 17 0 0 6 Right Thru Left Congress St Out In 16 16 North Peak Hour Begins at 07:45 AM Bikes Peds Congress St In Total 6 23

3 13 Right Thru

Left 0

Left Thru Right 10 0 4 3 Out 14 In 'A' St 17 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at:
07:00 AM 07:45 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM

+0 mins. +15 mins. +30 mins. +45 mins. Total Volume % App. Total PHF

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 0 0 0 1 100 .250

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 0 0 0 1 .250

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 2 0 3 6 100 .500

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 2 0 3 6 .500

4 2 3 2 11 73.3 .688

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

2 2 0 0 4 26.7 .500

6 4 3 2 15 .625

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

4 1 4 4 13 81.2 .813

1 2 0 0 3 18.8 .375

5 3 4 4 16 .800

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street / Thompson Place E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear
Thompson Pl In - Peak Hour: 07:00 AM 1 0 1 Right Thru 0 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710002 : 01710002 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Congress St In - Peak Hour: 07:45 AM 16 Congress St In - Peak Hour: 07:45 AM 6 0 0 6 Right Thru Left North Bikes Peds

3 13 Right Thru

Left 0

Left Thru Right 11 0 4 15 In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM 'A' St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street / Thompson Place E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain Groups Printed- Cars - Trucks Congress St 'A' St From East From South Left Thru Right Left Thru 39 59 1 28 1 56 65 2 36 1 53 58 0 28 2 39 63 3 27 1 187 245 6 119 5 44 63 55 74 236 423 44.1 14.4 415 98.1 8 1.9 53 50 93 80 276 521 54.3 17.8 511 98.1 10 1.9 2 4 0 3 9 15 1.6 0.5 15 100 0 0 31 43 21 32 127 246 33.7 8.4 244 99.2 2 0.8 0 0 2 6 8 13 1.8 0.4 12 92.3 1 7.7 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710002 : 01710002 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total % Cars % Cars Trucks % Trucks

Thompson Pl From North Left Thru 2 0 1 0 3 6 1 9 7 15 4 3 3 2 12 19 29.2 0.6 19 100 0 0 0 2 4 1 7 22 33.8 0.8 22 100 0 0

Right 1 3 0 5 9 6 3 1 5 15 24 36.9 0.8 24 100 0 0

Right 42 59 42 43 186 59 67 83 75 284 470 64.5 16 462 98.3 8 1.7

Congress St From West Left Thru 3 81 1 75 4 64 1 78 9 298 1 0 0 2 3 12 1 0.4 12 100 0 0 94 58 99 124 375 673 57.1 23 633 94.1 40 5.9

Right 58 57 56 65 236 61 71 64 62 258 494 41.9 16.8 488 98.8 6 1.2

Int. Total 315 356 316 335 1322 355 364 425 466 1610 2932

2857 97.4 75 2.6

Thompson Pl From North Left Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 05:00 PM 44 0 05:00 PM 4 6 10 05:15 PM 3 2 3 8 63 05:30 PM 3 1 8 55 4 05:45 PM 2 1 5 8 74 Total Volume 12 7 15 34 236 % App. Total 35.3 20.6 44.1 45.3 PHF .750 .438 .625 .850 .797 Cars 12 7 15 34 231 100 100 100 100 97.9 % Cars Trucks 0 0 0 0 5 % Trucks 0 0 0 0 2.1

Congress St From East Thru Right

App. Total


'A' St From South Thru Right

App. Total


Congress St From West Thru Right

App. Total

Int. Total

53 50 93 80 276 53 .742 273 98.9 3 1.1

2 4 0 3 9 1.7 .563 9 100 0 0

99 117 148 157 521 .830 513 98.5 8 1.5

31 43 21 32 127 30.3 .738 126 99.2 1 0.8

0 0 2 6 8 1.9 .333 8 100 0 0

59 67 83 75 284 67.8 .855 280 98.6 4 1.4

90 110 106 113 419 .927 414 98.8 5 1.2

1 0 0 2 3 0.5 .375 3 100 0 0

94 58 99 124 375 59 .756 353 94.1 22 5.9

61 71 64 62 258 40.6 .908 254 98.4 4 1.6

156 129 163 188 636 .846 610 95.9 26 4.1

355 364 425 466 1610 .864 1571 97.6 39 2.4

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street / Thompson Place E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain
Thompson Pl In Total 34 54 0 0 54 34 12 0 12 Left

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: 01710002 : 01710002 : 7/18/2012 :2

Out 20 0 20

15 7 0 0 15 7 Right Thru

Peak Hour Data

Total 1024 30 1054 Out 645 26 671 3 0 3 9 273 0 3 9 276 Right Thru Left Congress St Out In 414 610 4 26 418 636 North Peak Hour Begins at 05:00 PM Cars Trucks Congress St In Total 513 1158 8 34 521 1192

254 353 4 22 258 375 Right Thru

231 5 236 Left

Left Thru Right 126 8 280 1 0 4 127 8 284 492 9 501 Out 414 5 419 In 'A' St 906 14 920 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at:
04:30 PM 05:00 PM 05:00 PM 05:00 PM

+0 mins. +15 mins. +30 mins. +45 mins. Total Volume % App. Total PHF Cars % Cars Trucks % Trucks

3 1 4 3 11 26.2 .688 11 100 0 0

6 9 0 2 17 40.5 .472 17 100 0 0

0 5 6 3 14 33.3 .583 14 100 0 0

9 15 10 8 42 .700 42 100 0 0

44 63 55 74 236 45.3 .797 231 97.9 5 2.1

53 50 93 80 276 53 .742 273 98.9 3 1.1

2 4 0 3 9 1.7 .563 9 100 0 0

99 117 148 157 521 .830 513 98.5 8 1.5

31 43 21 32 127 30.3 .738 126 99.2 1 0.8

0 0 2 6 8 1.9 .333 8 100 0 0

59 67 83 75 284 67.8 .855 280 98.6 4 1.4

90 110 106 113 419 .927 414 98.8 5 1.2

1 0 0 2 3 0.5 .375 3 100 0 0

94 58 99 124 375 59 .756 353 94.1 22 5.9

61 71 64 62 258 40.6 .908 254 98.4 4 1.6

156 129 163 188 636 .846 610 95.9 26 4.1

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street / Thompson Place E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain
Thompson Pl In - Peak Hour: 04:30 PM 42 0 42 14 17 0 0 14 17 Right Thru 11 0 11 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710002 : 01710002 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Congress St In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 610 26 636 Congress St In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 513 8 521 3 0 3 9 273 0 3 9 276 Right Thru Left North Cars Trucks

254 353 4 22 258 375 Right Thru

231 5 236 Left

Left Thru Right 126 8 280 1 0 4 127 8 284 414 5 419 In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 'A' St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street / Thompson Place E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain Groups Printed- Cars Congress St 'A' St From East From South Left Thru Right Left Thru 39 57 1 28 1 55 63 2 36 0 52 57 0 27 2 38 61 3 27 1 184 238 6 118 4 42 61 54 74 231 415 44.1 14.5 53 48 93 79 273 511 54.3 17.9 2 4 0 3 9 15 1.6 0.5 31 42 21 32 126 244 34 8.5 0 0 2 6 8 12 1.7 0.4 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710002 : 01710002 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

Thompson Pl From North Left Thru 2 0 1 0 3 6 1 9 7 15 4 3 3 2 12 19 29.2 0.7 0 2 4 1 7 22 33.8 0.8

Right 1 3 0 5 9 6 3 1 5 15 24 36.9 0.8

Right 40 59 42 41 182 58 66 82 74 280 462 64.3 16.2

Congress St From West Left Thru 3 75 1 71 4 59 1 75 9 280 1 0 0 2 3 12 1.1 0.4 89 52 94 118 353 633 55.9 22.2

Right 57 57 56 64 234 58 71 64 61 254 488 43.1 17.1

Int. Total 304 348 308 326 1286 344 352 418 457 1571 2857

Thompson Pl From North Left Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 05:00 PM 0 05:00 PM 42 4 6 10 3 2 3 8 61 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 3 1 8 54 4 05:45 PM 2 1 5 8 74 Total Volume 12 7 15 34 231 % App. Total 35.3 20.6 44.1 45 PHF .750 .438 .625 .850 .780

Congress St From East Thru Right

App. Total


'A' St From South Thru Right

App. Total


Congress St From West Thru Right

App. Total

Int. Total

53 48 93 79 273 53.2 .734

2 4 0 3 9 1.8 .563

97 113 147 156 513 .822

31 42 21 32 126 30.4 .750

0 0 2 6 8 1.9 .333

58 66 82 74 280 67.6 .854

89 108 105 112 414 .924

1 0 0 2 3 0.5 .375

89 52 94 118 353 57.9 .748

58 71 64 61 254 41.6 .894

148 123 158 181 610 .843

344 352 418 457 1571 .859

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street / Thompson Place E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain
Thompson Pl In Total 34 54 12 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710002 : 01710002 : 7/18/2012 :2

Out 20

15 7 Right Thru

Peak Hour Data

Total 1024 Out 645 3 9 273 Right Thru Left Congress St Out In 414 610 North Peak Hour Begins at 05:00 PM Cars Congress St In Total 513 1158

254 353 Right Thru

231 Left

Left Thru Right 126 8 280 492 Out 414 In 'A' St 906 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at:
04:30 PM 05:00 PM 05:00 PM 05:00 PM

+0 mins. +15 mins. +30 mins. +45 mins. Total Volume % App. Total PHF

3 1 4 3 11 26.2 .688

6 9 0 2 17 40.5 .472

0 5 6 3 14 33.3 .583

9 15 10 8 42 .700

42 61 54 74 231 45 .780

53 48 93 79 273 53.2 .734

2 4 0 3 9 1.8 .563

97 113 147 156 513 .822

31 42 21 32 126 30.4 .750

0 0 2 6 8 1.9 .333

58 66 82 74 280 67.6 .854

89 108 105 112 414 .924

1 0 0 2 3 0.5 .375

89 52 94 118 353 57.9 .748

58 71 64 61 254 41.6 .894

148 123 158 181 610 .843

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street / Thompson Place E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain
Thompson Pl In - Peak Hour: 04:30 PM 42 14 17 Right Thru 11 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710002 : 01710002 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Congress St In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 610 Congress St In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 513 3 9 273 Right Thru Left North Cars

254 353 Right Thru

231 Left

Left Thru Right 126 8 280 414 In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 'A' St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street / Thompson Place E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain Groups Printed- Trucks Congress St 'A' St From East From South Left Thru Right Left Thru 0 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 3 7 0 1 1 2 2 1 0 5 8 44.4 10.7 0 2 0 1 3 10 55.6 13.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 18.2 2.7 0 0 0 0 0 1 9.1 1.3 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710002 : 01710002 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

Thompson Pl From North Left Thru 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Right 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Right 2 0 0 2 4 1 1 1 1 4 8 72.7 10.7

Congress St From West Left Thru 0 6 0 4 0 5 0 3 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 5 6 22 40 87 53.3

Right 1 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 1 4 6 13 8

Int. Total 11 8 8 9 36 11 12 7 9 39 75

Thompson Pl From North Left Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 04:30 PM 04:30 PM 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 04:45 PM 05:00 PM 0 0 0 0 2 05:15 PM 0 0 0 0 2 Total Volume 0 0 0 0 6 % App. Total 0 0 0 54.5 PHF .000 .000 .000 .000 .750

Congress St From East Thru Right

App. Total


'A' St From South Thru Right

App. Total


Congress St From West Thru Right

App. Total

Int. Total

1 2 0 2 5 45.5 .625

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

2 3 2 4 11 .688

1 0 0 1 2 33.3 .500

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 2 1 1 4 66.7 .500

1 2 1 2 6 .750

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

5 3 5 6 19 82.6 .792

0 1 3 0 4 17.4 .333

5 4 8 6 23 .719

8 9 11 12 40 .833

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street / Thompson Place E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain
Thompson Pl In Total 0 0 0 0 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710002 : 01710002 : 7/18/2012 :2


0 0 Right Thru

Peak Hour Data

Total 30 Out 23 0 0 5 Right Thru Left Congress St In 23 North Peak Hour Begins at 04:30 PM Trucks Congress St In Total 11 34

4 19 Right Thru



Left 2 10 Out

Thru Right 0 4 6 In 'A' St 16 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at:
04:00 PM 04:30 PM 04:00 PM 05:00 PM

+0 mins. +15 mins. +30 mins. +45 mins. Total Volume % App. Total PHF

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 1 2 2 6 54.5 .750

1 2 0 2 5 45.5 .625

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

2 3 2 4 11 .688

0 0 1 0 1 16.7 .250

0 1 0 0 1 16.7 .250

2 0 0 2 4 66.7 .500

2 1 1 2 6 .750

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

5 6 5 6 22 84.6 .917

3 0 0 1 4 15.4 .333

8 6 5 7 26 .813

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street / Thompson Place E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain
Thompson Pl In - Peak Hour: 04:00 PM 0 0 0 Right Thru 0 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710002 : 01710002 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Congress St In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 26 Congress St In - Peak Hour: 04:30 PM 11 0 0 5 Right Thru Left North Trucks

4 22 Right Thru

Left 6

Left 1

Thru Right 1 4

6 In - Peak Hour: 04:00 PM 'A' St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street / Thompson Place E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain Groups Printed- Bikes Peds 'A' St From South Peds Left Thru Right 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 6 1 0 0 10 1 0 5
2 2 0 0 4 14 1 0 0 0 1 2 28.6 5.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 71.4 14.7

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710002 : 01710002 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total

05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

Left 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Thompson Pl From North Thru Right 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Peds 29 34 26 24 113
12 13 21 19 65 178

Left 0 0 0 2 2
0 0 0 1 1 3 21.4 8.8

Congress St From East Thru Right 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 5 0

2 1 2 1 6 11 78.6 32.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Peds 16 15 11 6 48
14 19 33 35 101 149

Left 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Congress St From West Thru Right 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 1 3 3

2 0 1 1 4 7 53.8 20.6 1 1 0 1 3 6 46.2 17.6

Peds 7 14 12 18 51
13 7 8 16 44 95

Exclu. Total

Inclu. Total

Int. Total

55 63 50 54 222 41 41 62 70 214 436 92.8

1 4 7 7 19 6 2 3 4 15 34 7.2

56 67 57 61 241 47 43 65 74 229 470

Thompson Pl From North Left Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 04:15 PM 04:15 PM 0 0 0 0 0 04:30 PM 0 0 0 0 0 04:45 PM 0 0 0 0 2 05:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 Total Volume 0 0 0 0 2 % App. Total 0 0 0 25 PHF .000 .000 .000 .000 .250

Congress St From East Thru Right

App. Total


'A' St From South Thru Right

App. Total


Congress St From West Thru Right

App. Total

Int. Total

1 1 2 2 6 75 .750

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 1 4 2 8 .500

0 0 1 1 2 28.6 .500

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 5 0 0 5 71.4 .250

0 5 1 1 7 .350

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 1 1 2 5 55.6 .625

2 0 1 1 4 44.4 .500

3 1 2 3 9 .750

4 7 7 6 24 .857

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street / Thompson Place E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain
Thompson Pl In Total 0 0 0 0 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710002 : 01710002 : 7/18/2012 :2


0 0 Right Thru

Peak Hour Data

Total 17 Out 10 0 0 6 Right Thru Left Congress St In 9 North Peak Hour Begins at 04:15 PM Bikes Peds Congress St In Total 8 18

4 5 Right Thru



Left 2 6 Out

Thru Right 0 5 7 In 'A' St 13 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at:
04:00 PM 04:45 PM 04:15 PM 04:15 PM

+0 mins. +15 mins. +30 mins. +45 mins. Total Volume % App. Total PHF

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 .000

2 0 0 0 2 22.2 .250

2 2 1 2 7 77.8 .875

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

4 2 1 2 9 .563

0 0 1 1 2 28.6 .500

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 5 0 0 5 71.4 .250

0 5 1 1 7 .350

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 1 1 2 5 55.6 .625

2 0 1 1 4 44.4 .500

3 1 2 3 9 .750

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street / Thompson Place E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain
Thompson Pl In - Peak Hour: 04:00 PM 0 0 0 Right Thru 0 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710002 : 01710002 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Congress St In - Peak Hour: 04:15 PM 9 Congress St In - Peak Hour: 04:45 PM 9 0 0 7 Right Thru Left North Bikes Peds

4 5 Right Thru

Left 2

Left 2

Thru Right 0 5

7 In - Peak Hour: 04:15 PM 'A' St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Boston Wharf Road E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : Boston, MA Weather : Clear Groups Printed- Cars - Trucks Congress St Boston Wharf Rd From East From South Left Thru Right Left Thru Right 4 120 6 31 8 20 9 127 6 40 9 15 5 120 6 40 14 14 11 144 9 43 8 17 29 511 27 154 39 66 5 10 9 17 41 70 5.8 2.7 62 88.6 8 11.4 120 151 152 136 559 1070 88.6 40.5 1036 96.8 34 3.2 7 14 11 8 40 67 5.6 2.5 67 100 0 0 42 45 49 28 164 318 62 12 301 94.7 17 5.3 10 12 12 12 46 85 16.6 3.2 79 92.9 6 7.1 10 10 13 11 44 110 21.4 4.2 105 95.5 5 4.5 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710003 : 01710003 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 07:00 AM 07:15 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM Total 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 08:45 AM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total % Cars % Cars Trucks % Trucks

Boston Wharf Rd From North Left Thru Right 8 4 13 9 3 11 4 3 16 7 5 23 28 15 63 10 10 12 9 41 69 28.3 2.6 62 89.9 7 10.1 6 6 8 6 26 41 16.8 1.6 33 80.5 8 19.5 19 19 16 17 71 134 54.9 5.1 126 94 8 6

Congress St From West Left Thru 15 23 11 41 9 34 20 39 55 137 17 15 24 26 82 137 20.2 5.2 127 92.7 10 7.3 56 67 57 53 233 370 54.7 14 323 87.3 47 12.7

Right 17 17 23 23 80 26 19 21 24 90 170 25.1 6.4 158 92.9 12 7.1

Int. Total 269 298 288 349 1204 328 378 384 347 1437 2641

2479 93.9 162 6.1

Boston Wharf Rd From North Left Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 07:45 AM 7 5 35 07:45 AM 23 11 08:00 AM 10 6 19 35 5 08:15 AM 10 6 19 35 10 08:30 AM 16 9 12 8 36 Total Volume 39 25 77 141 35 % App. Total 27.7 17.7 54.6 5.4 PHF .813 .781 .837 .979 .795 Cars 36 19 76 131 30 92.3 76.0 98.7 92.9 85.7 % Cars Trucks 3 6 1 10 5 % Trucks 7.7 24.0 1.3 7.1 14.3

Congress St From East Thru Right

App. Total

Boston Wharf Rd From South Left Thru Right App. Total


Congress St From West Thru Right

App. Total

Int. Total

144 120 151 152 567 88.2 .933 546 96.3 21 3.7

9 7 14 11 41 6.4 .732 41 100 0 0

164 132 175 172 643 .919 617 96.0 26 4.0

43 42 45 49 179 66.1 .913 173 96.6 6 3.4

8 10 12 12 42 15.5 .875 38 90.5 4 9.5

17 10 10 13 50 18.5 .735 49 98.0 1 2.0

68 62 67 74 271 .916 260 95.9 11 4.1

20 17 15 24 76 19.8 .792 70 92.1 6 7.9

39 56 67 57 219 57 .817 193 88.1 26 11.9

23 26 19 21 89 23.2 .856 82 92.1 7 7.9

82 99 101 102 384 .941 345 89.8 39 10.2

349 328 378 384 1439 .937 1353 94.0 86 6.0

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Boston Wharf Road E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : Boston, MA Weather : Clear
Boston Wharf Rd Out In Total 149 131 280 10 10 20 159 300 141 76 19 1 6 77 25 Right Thru 36 3 39 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710003 : 01710003 : 7/18/2012 :2

Peak Hour Data

Total 1140 67 1207 Out 278 30 308 70 6 76 Left 41 546 0 21 41 567 Right Thru Congress St Out In 795 345 28 39 823 384 North Peak Hour Begins at 07:45 AM Cars Trucks Congress St In Total 617 895 26 56 643 951

82 193 7 26 89 219 Right Thru

30 5 35 Left

Left Thru Right 173 38 49 6 4 1 179 42 50 131 260 391 18 11 29 149 271 420 Out In Total Boston Wharf Rd

Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at:
07:45 AM 07:45 AM 07:45 AM 08:00 AM

+0 mins. +15 mins. +30 mins. +45 mins. Total Volume % App. Total PHF Cars % Cars Trucks % Trucks

7 10 10 12 39 27.7 .813 36 92.3 3 7.7

5 6 6 8 25 17.7 .781 19 76 6 24

23 19 19 16 77 54.6 .837 76 98.7 1 1.3

35 35 35 36 141 .979 131 92.9 10 7.1

11 5 10 9 35 5.4 .795 30 85.7 5 14.3

144 120 151 152 567 88.2 .933 546 96.3 21 3.7

9 7 14 11 41 6.4 .732 41 100 0 0

164 132 175 172 643 .919 617 96 26 4

43 42 45 49 179 66.1 .913 173 96.6 6 3.4

8 10 12 12 42 15.5 .875 38 90.5 4 9.5

17 10 10 13 50 18.5 .735 49 98 1 2

68 62 67 74 271 .916 260 95.9 11 4.1

17 15 24 26 82 20.2 .788 77 93.9 5 6.1

56 67 57 53 233 57.5 .869 204 87.6 29 12.4

26 19 21 24 90 22.2 .865 83 92.2 7 7.8

99 101 102 103 405 .983 364 89.9 41 10.1

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Boston Wharf Road E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : Boston, MA Weather : Clear
Boston Wharf Rd In - Peak Hour: 07:45 AM 131 10 141 76 19 1 6 77 25 Right Thru 36 3 39 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710003 : 01710003 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Congress St In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 364 41 405 Congress St In - Peak Hour: 07:45 AM 617 26 643 77 5 82 Left 41 546 0 21 41 567 Right Thru North Cars Trucks

83 204 7 29 90 233 Right Thru

30 5 35 Left

Left Thru Right 173 38 49 6 4 1 179 42 50 260 11 271 In - Peak Hour: 07:45 AM Boston Wharf Rd

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Boston Wharf Road E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : Boston, MA Weather : Clear Groups Printed- Cars Congress St Boston Wharf Rd From East From South Left Thru Right Left Thru Right 4 116 6 28 8 18 6 124 6 36 9 14 5 118 6 37 13 13 9 137 9 42 8 17 24 495 27 143 38 62 5 8 8 17 38 62 5.3 2.5 114 147 148 132 541 1036 88.9 41.8 7 14 11 8 40 67 5.8 2.7 41 41 49 27 158 301 62.1 12.1 7 11 12 11 41 79 16.3 3.2 10 9 13 11 43 105 21.6 4.2 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710003 : 01710003 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 07:00 AM 07:15 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM Total 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 08:45 AM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

Boston Wharf Rd From North Left Thru Right 7 3 11 7 2 9 4 3 14 6 4 22 24 12 56 10 9 11 8 38 62 28.1 2.5 4 5 6 6 21 33 14.9 1.3 19 19 16 16 70 126 57 5.1

Congress St From West Left Thru 14 19 10 35 9 29 17 36 50 119 17 14 22 24 77 127 20.9 5.1 51 57 49 47 204 323 53.1 13

Right 16 16 22 21 75 25 17 19 22 83 158 26 6.4

Int. Total 250 274 273 328 1125 310 351 364 329 1354 2479

Boston Wharf Rd From North Left Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 08:00 AM 08:00 AM 10 4 5 19 33 9 5 19 33 8 08:15 AM 16 33 08:30 AM 8 11 6 08:45 AM 8 6 16 30 17 Total Volume 38 21 70 129 38 % App. Total 29.5 16.3 54.3 6.1 PHF .864 .875 .921 .977 .559

Congress St From East Thru Right

App. Total

Boston Wharf Rd From South Left Thru Right App. Total


Congress St From West Thru Right

App. Total

Int. Total

114 147 148 132 541 87.4 .914

7 14 11 8 40 6.5 .714

126 169 167 157 619 .916

41 41 49 27 158 65.3 .806

7 11 12 11 41 16.9 .854

10 9 13 11 43 17.8 .827

58 61 74 49 242 .818

17 14 22 24 77 21.2 .802

51 57 49 47 204 56 .895

25 17 19 22 83 22.8 .830

93 88 90 93 364 .978

310 351 364 329 1354 .930

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Boston Wharf Road E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : Boston, MA Weather : Clear
Boston Wharf Rd Out In Total 158 129 287 70 21 Right Thru 38 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710003 : 01710003 : 7/18/2012 :2

Peak Hour Data

Total 1133 Out 285 77 Left 40 541 Right Thru Congress St Out In 769 364 North Peak Hour Begins at 08:00 AM Cars Congress St In Total 619 904

83 204 Right Thru

38 Left

Left Thru Right 158 41 43 142 242 384 Out In Total Boston Wharf Rd

Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at:
07:45 AM 08:00 AM 07:45 AM 08:00 AM

+0 mins. +15 mins. +30 mins. +45 mins. Total Volume % App. Total PHF

6 10 9 11 36 27.5 .818

4 4 5 6 19 14.5 .792

22 19 19 16 76 58 .864

32 33 33 33 131 .992

5 8 8 17 38 6.1 .559

114 147 148 132 541 87.4 .914

7 14 11 8 40 6.5 .714

126 169 167 157 619 .916

42 41 41 49 173 66.5 .883

8 7 11 12 38 14.6 .792

17 10 9 13 49 18.8 .721

67 58 61 74 260 .878

17 14 22 24 77 21.2 .802

51 57 49 47 204 56 .895

25 17 19 22 83 22.8 .830

93 88 90 93 364 .978

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Boston Wharf Road E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : Boston, MA Weather : Clear
Boston Wharf Rd In - Peak Hour: 07:45 AM 131 76 19 Right Thru 36 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710003 : 01710003 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Congress St In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 364 Congress St In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 619 77 Left 40 541 Right Thru North Cars

83 204 Right Thru

38 Left

Left Thru Right 173 38 49 260 In - Peak Hour: 07:45 AM Boston Wharf Rd

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Boston Wharf Road E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : Boston, MA Weather : Clear Groups Printed- Trucks Congress St Boston Wharf Rd From East From South Left Thru Right Left Thru Right 0 4 0 3 0 2 3 3 0 4 0 1 0 2 0 3 1 1 2 7 0 1 0 0 5 16 0 11 1 4 0 2 1 0 3 8 19 4.9 6 4 4 4 18 34 81 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 1 6 17 60.7 10.5 3 1 0 1 5 6 21.4 3.7 0 1 0 0 1 5 17.9 3.1 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710003 : 01710003 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 07:00 AM 07:15 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM Total 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 08:45 AM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

Boston Wharf Rd From North Left Thru Right 1 1 2 2 1 2 0 0 2 1 1 1 4 3 7 0 1 1 1 3 7 30.4 4.3 2 1 2 0 5 8 34.8 4.9 0 0 0 1 1 8 34.8 4.9

Congress St From West Left Thru 1 4 1 6 0 5 3 3 5 18 0 1 2 2 5 10 14.5 6.2 5 10 8 6 29 47 68.1 29

Right 1 1 1 2 5 1 2 2 2 7 12 17.4 7.4

Int. Total 19 24 15 21 79 18 27 20 18 83 162

Boston Wharf Rd From North Left Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 07:45 AM 1 07:45 AM 1 1 3 2 0 0 2 0 08:00 AM 2 08:15 AM 1 1 0 2 2 08:30 AM 1 2 0 3 1 Total Volume 3 6 1 10 5 % App. Total 30 60 10 19.2 PHF .750 .750 .250 .833 .625

Congress St From East Thru Right

App. Total

Boston Wharf Rd From South Left Thru Right App. Total


Congress St From West Thru Right

App. Total

Int. Total

7 6 4 4 21 80.8 .750

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

9 6 6 5 26 .722

1 1 4 0 6 54.5 .375

0 3 1 0 4 36.4 .333

0 0 1 0 1 9.1 .250

1 4 6 0 11 .458

3 0 1 2 6 15.4 .500

3 5 10 8 26 66.7 .650

2 1 2 2 7 17.9 .875

8 6 13 12 39 .750

21 18 27 20 86 .796

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Boston Wharf Road E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : Boston, MA Weather : Clear
Boston Wharf Rd Out In Total 10 10 20 1 6 Right Thru 3 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710003 : 01710003 : 7/18/2012 :2

Peak Hour Data

Total 67 Out 30 6 0 21 Right Thru Left Congress St Out In 28 39 North Peak Hour Begins at 07:45 AM Trucks Congress St In Total 26 56

7 26 Right Thru

Left 5

Left 6

Thru Right 4 1

18 11 29 Out In Total Boston Wharf Rd

Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at:
07:00 AM 07:45 AM 07:00 AM 08:00 AM

+0 mins. +15 mins. +30 mins. +45 mins. Total Volume % App. Total PHF

1 2 0 1 4 28.6 .500

1 1 0 1 3 21.4 .750

2 2 2 1 7 50 .875

4 5 2 3 14 .700

2 0 2 1 5 19.2 .625

7 6 4 4 21 80.8 .750

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

9 6 6 5 26 .722

3 4 3 1 11 68.8 .688

0 0 1 0 1 6.2 .250

2 1 1 0 4 25 .500

5 5 5 1 16 .800

0 1 2 2 5 12.2 .625

5 10 8 6 29 70.7 .725

1 2 2 2 7 17.1 .875

6 13 12 10 41 .788

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Boston Wharf Road E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : Boston, MA Weather : Clear
Boston Wharf Rd In - Peak Hour: 07:00 AM 14 7 3 Right Thru 4 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710003 : 01710003 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Congress St In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 41 Congress St In - Peak Hour: 07:45 AM 26 5 0 21 Right Thru Left North Trucks

7 29 Right Thru

Left 5

Left Thru Right 11 1 4 16 In - Peak Hour: 07:00 AM Boston Wharf Rd

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Boston Wharf Road E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : Boston, MA Weather : Clear Groups Printed- Bikes Peds Boston Wharf Rd From South Peds Left Thru Right Peds 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 11 1 0 0 0 37
0 0 2 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 4 18 21 54 91

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710003 : 01710003 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 07:00 AM 07:15 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM Total

08:00 AM 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 08:45 AM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

Boston Wharf Rd From North Left Thru Right Peds 0 0 0 38 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 34 0 0 0 52 0 0 0 156

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 56 59 58 220 376

Left 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Congress St From East Thru Right 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

0 1 1 1 3 4 100 13.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Left 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 2 2 8 6.9

Congress St From West Thru Right 1 0 6 0 0 0 5 0 12 0

1 5 4 1 11 23 92 79.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Peds 2 2 3 0 7
0 0 2 3 5 12

Exclu. Total

Inclu. Total

Int. Total

46 41 51 63 201 58 60 81 82 281 482 94.3

1 6 1 5 13 3 6 5 2 16 29 5.7

47 47 52 68 214 61 66 86 84 297 511

Boston Wharf Rd From North Left Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 07:45 AM 07:45 AM 0 0 0 0 0 08:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 08:15 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 08:30 AM Total Volume 0 0 0 0 0 % App. Total 0 0 0 0 PHF .000 .000 .000 .000 .000

Congress St From East Thru Right

App. Total

Boston Wharf Rd From South Left Thru Right App. Total


Congress St From West Thru Right

App. Total

Int. Total

0 0 1 1 2 100 .500

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 1 1 2 .500

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 2 0 0 2 11.8 .250

5 1 5 4 15 88.2 .750

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

5 3 5 4 17 .850

5 3 6 5 19 .792

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Boston Wharf Road E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : Boston, MA Weather : Clear
Boston Wharf Rd Out In Total 2 0 2 0 0 Right Thru 0 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710003 : 01710003 : 7/18/2012 :2

Peak Hour Data

Total 19 Out 15 2 0 2 Right Thru Left Congress St In 17 North Peak Hour Begins at 07:45 AM Bikes Peds Congress St In Total 2 17

0 15 Right Thru



Left 0

Thru Right 0 0

0 0 0 Out In Total Boston Wharf Rd

Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at:
07:00 AM 08:00 AM 07:00 AM 07:45 AM

+0 mins. +15 mins. +30 mins. +45 mins. Total Volume % App. Total PHF

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 1 1 1 3 100 .750

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 1 1 1 3 .750

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 2 0 0 2 11.8 .250

5 1 5 4 15 88.2 .750

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

5 3 5 4 17 .850

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Boston Wharf Road E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : Boston, MA Weather : Clear
Boston Wharf Rd In - Peak Hour: 07:00 AM 0 0 0 Right Thru 0 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710003 : 01710003 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Congress St In - Peak Hour: 07:45 AM 17 Congress St In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 3 2 0 3 Right Thru Left North Bikes Peds

0 15 Right Thru

Left 0

Left 0

Thru Right 0 0

0 In - Peak Hour: 07:00 AM Boston Wharf Rd

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Boston Wharf Road E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : Boston, MA Weather : Rain Groups Printed- Cars - Trucks Congress St Boston Wharf Rd From East From South Left Thru Right Left Thru Right 22 78 2 13 4 5 23 62 3 13 6 9 23 59 3 13 5 6 32 59 5 10 6 8 100 258 13 49 21 28 30 38 33 34 135 235 28.8 7.2 219 93.2 16 6.8 68 80 73 64 285 543 66.5 16.7 535 98.5 8 1.5 4 7 8 7 26 39 4.8 1.2 39 100 0 0 12 11 10 10 43 92 51.4 2.8 86 93.5 6 6.5 5 4 4 1 14 35 19.6 1.1 33 94.3 2 5.7 8 4 6 6 24 52 29.1 1.6 51 98.1 1 1.9 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710003 : 01710003 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total % Cars % Cars Trucks % Trucks

Boston Wharf Rd From North Left Thru Right 13 31 16 13 38 12 13 36 20 12 47 22 51 152 70 24 26 19 12 81 132 19.9 4.1 131 99.2 1 0.8 51 60 63 53 227 379 57.3 11.6 370 97.6 9 2.4 18 19 28 16 81 151 22.8 4.6 144 95.4 7 4.6

Congress St From West Left Thru 12 51 11 56 17 65 20 80 60 252 22 24 24 23 93 153 9.6 4.7 152 99.3 1 0.7 82 93 111 106 392 644 40.3 19.8 609 94.6 35 5.4

Right 87 92 83 93 355 102 108 127 110 447 802 50.2 24.6 799 99.6 3 0.4

Int. Total 334 338 343 394 1409 426 474 506 442 1848 3257

3168 97.3 89 2.7

Boston Wharf Rd From North Left Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 05:00 PM 24 51 18 93 30 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 60 19 105 26 38 05:30 PM 19 33 63 28 110 05:45 PM 12 53 16 81 34 Total Volume 81 227 81 389 135 % App. Total 20.8 58.4 20.8 30.3 PHF .779 .901 .723 .884 .888 Cars 81 225 79 385 124 100 99.1 97.5 99.0 91.9 % Cars Trucks 0 2 2 4 11 % Trucks 0 0.9 2.5 1.0 8.1

Congress St From East Thru Right

App. Total

Boston Wharf Rd From South Left Thru Right App. Total


Congress St From West Thru Right

App. Total

Int. Total

68 80 73 64 285 63.9 .891 283 99.3 2 0.7

4 7 8 7 26 5.8 .813 26 100 0 0

102 125 114 105 446 .892 433 97.1 13 2.9

12 11 10 10 43 53.1 .896 39 90.7 4 9.3

5 4 4 1 14 17.3 .700 12 85.7 2 14.3

8 4 6 6 24 29.6 .750 24 100 0 0

25 19 20 17 81 .810 75 92.6 6 7.4

22 24 24 23 93 10 .969 93 100 0 0

82 93 111 106 392 42.1 .883 373 95.2 19 4.8

102 108 127 110 447 48 .880 446 99.8 1 0.2

206 225 262 239 932 .889 912 97.9 20 2.1

426 474 506 442 1848 .913 1805 97.7 43 2.3

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Boston Wharf Road E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : Boston, MA Weather : Rain
Boston Wharf Rd Out In Total 131 385 516 2 4 6 133 522 389 79 225 2 2 81 227 Right Thru 81 0 81 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710003 : 01710003 : 7/18/2012 :2

Peak Hour Data

Total 1313 28 1341 Out 478 19 497 93 0 93 Left 26 283 0 2 26 285 Right Thru Congress St Out In 401 912 8 20 409 932 North Peak Hour Begins at 05:00 PM Cars Trucks Congress St In Total 433 911 13 32 446 943

446 373 1 19 447 392 Right Thru

124 11 135 Left

Left Thru Right 39 12 24 4 2 0 43 14 24 795 75 870 14 6 20 809 81 890 Out In Total Boston Wharf Rd

Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at:
04:45 PM 05:00 PM 04:15 PM 05:00 PM

+0 mins. +15 mins. +30 mins. +45 mins. Total Volume % App. Total PHF Cars % Cars Trucks % Trucks

12 24 26 19 81 20.8 .779 80 98.8 1 1.2

47 51 60 63 221 56.8 .877 218 98.6 3 1.4

22 18 19 28 87 22.4 .777 84 96.6 3 3.4

81 93 105 110 389 .884 382 98.2 7 1.8

30 38 33 34 135 30.3 .888 124 91.9 11 8.1

68 80 73 64 285 63.9 .891 283 99.3 2 0.7

4 7 8 7 26 5.8 .813 26 100 0 0

102 125 114 105 446 .892 433 97.1 13 2.9

13 13 10 12 48 47.5 .923 45 93.8 3 6.2

6 5 6 5 22 21.8 .917 22 100 0 0

9 6 8 8 31 30.7 .861 30 96.8 1 3.2

28 24 24 25 101 .902 97 96 4 4

22 24 24 23 93 10 .969 93 100 0 0

82 93 111 106 392 42.1 .883 373 95.2 19 4.8

102 108 127 110 447 48 .880 446 99.8 1 0.2

206 225 262 239 932 .889 912 97.9 20 2.1

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Boston Wharf Road E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : Boston, MA Weather : Rain
Boston Wharf Rd In - Peak Hour: 04:45 PM 382 7 389 84 218 3 3 87 221 Right Thru 80 1 81 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710003 : 01710003 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Congress St In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 912 20 932 Congress St In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 433 13 446 93 0 93 Left 26 283 0 2 26 285 Right Thru North Cars Trucks

446 373 1 19 447 392 Right Thru

124 11 135 Left

Left Thru Right 45 22 30 3 0 1 48 22 31 97 4 101 In - Peak Hour: 04:15 PM Boston Wharf Rd

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Boston Wharf Road E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : Boston, MA Weather : Rain Groups Printed- Cars Congress St Boston Wharf Rd From East From South Left Thru Right Left Thru Right 21 78 2 12 4 5 22 59 3 13 6 9 22 57 3 12 5 6 30 58 5 10 6 7 95 252 13 47 21 27 27 34 32 31 124 219 27.6 6.9 67 79 73 64 283 535 67.5 16.9 4 7 8 7 26 39 4.9 1.2 10 11 9 9 39 86 50.6 2.7 5 3 3 1 12 33 19.4 1 8 4 6 6 24 51 30 1.6 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710003 : 01710003 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

Boston Wharf Rd From North Left Thru Right 13 29 15 13 37 11 13 34 18 11 45 21 50 145 65 24 26 19 12 81 131 20.3 4.1 51 59 63 52 225 370 57.4 11.7 17 19 27 16 79 144 22.3 4.5

Congress St From West Left Thru 12 47 11 52 17 61 19 76 59 236 22 24 24 23 93 152 9.7 4.8 77 89 108 99 373 609 39 19.2

Right 87 91 83 92 353 101 108 127 110 446 799 51.2 25.2

Int. Total 325 327 331 380 1363 413 463 499 430 1805 3168

Boston Wharf Rd From North Left Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 05:00 PM 05:00 PM 24 51 17 92 27 59 19 104 05:15 PM 26 34 05:30 PM 19 32 63 27 109 05:45 PM 12 52 16 80 31 Total Volume 81 225 79 385 124 % App. Total 21 58.4 20.5 28.6 PHF .779 .893 .731 .883 .912

Congress St From East Thru Right

App. Total

Boston Wharf Rd From South Left Thru Right App. Total


Congress St From West Thru Right

App. Total

Int. Total

67 79 73 64 283 65.4 .896

4 7 8 7 26 6 .813

98 120 113 102 433 .902

10 11 9 9 39 52 .886

5 3 3 1 12 16 .600

8 4 6 6 24 32 .750

23 18 18 16 75 .815

22 24 24 23 93 10.2 .969

77 89 108 99 373 40.9 .863

101 108 127 110 446 48.9 .878

200 221 259 232 912 .880

413 463 499 430 1805 .904

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Boston Wharf Road E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : Boston, MA Weather : Rain
Boston Wharf Rd Out In Total 131 385 516 79 225 Right Thru 81 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710003 : 01710003 : 7/18/2012 :2

Peak Hour Data

Total 1313 Out 478 93 Left 26 283 Right Thru Congress St Out In 401 912 North Peak Hour Begins at 05:00 PM Cars Congress St In Total 433 911

446 373 Right Thru

124 Left

Left Thru Right 39 12 24 795 75 870 Out In Total Boston Wharf Rd

Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at:
05:00 PM 05:00 PM 04:15 PM 05:00 PM

+0 mins. +15 mins. +30 mins. +45 mins. Total Volume % App. Total PHF

24 26 19 12 81 21 .779

51 59 63 52 225 58.4 .893

17 19 27 16 79 20.5 .731

92 104 109 80 385 .883

27 34 32 31 124 28.6 .912

67 79 73 64 283 65.4 .896

4 7 8 7 26 6 .813

98 120 113 102 433 .902

13 12 10 10 45 46.4 .865

6 5 6 5 22 22.7 .917

9 6 7 8 30 30.9 .833

28 23 23 23 97 .866

22 24 24 23 93 10.2 .969

77 89 108 99 373 40.9 .863

101 108 127 110 446 48.9 .878

200 221 259 232 912 .880

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Boston Wharf Road E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : Boston, MA Weather : Rain
Boston Wharf Rd In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 385 79 225 Right Thru 81 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710003 : 01710003 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Congress St In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 912 Congress St In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 433 93 Left 26 283 Right Thru North Cars

446 373 Right Thru

124 Left

Left Thru Right 45 22 30 97 In - Peak Hour: 04:15 PM Boston Wharf Rd

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Boston Wharf Road E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : Boston, MA Weather : Rain Groups Printed- Trucks Congress St Boston Wharf Rd From East From South Left Thru Right Left Thru Right 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 5 6 0 2 0 1 3 4 1 3 11 16 66.7 18 1 1 0 0 2 8 33.3 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 4 6 66.7 6.7 0 1 1 0 2 2 22.2 2.2 0 0 0 0 0 1 11.1 1.1 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710003 : 01710003 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

Boston Wharf Rd From North Left Thru Right 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 2 2 1 2 1 1 7 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 5.9 1.1 0 1 0 1 2 9 52.9 10.1 1 0 1 0 2 7 41.2 7.9

Congress St From West Left Thru 0 4 0 4 0 4 1 4 1 16 0 0 0 0 0 1 2.6 1.1 5 4 3 7 19 35 89.7 39.3

Right 0 1 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 3 7.7 3.4

Int. Total 9 11 12 14 46 13 11 7 12 43 89

Boston Wharf Rd From North Left Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 04:15 PM 04:15 PM 0 1 1 2 1 0 1 04:30 PM 2 2 4 2 1 4 04:45 PM 2 1 05:00 PM 0 0 1 1 3 Total Volume 1 5 5 11 7 % App. Total 9.1 45.5 45.5 50 PHF .250 .625 .625 .688 .583

Congress St From East Thru Right

App. Total

Boston Wharf Rd From South Left Thru Right App. Total


Congress St From West Thru Right

App. Total

Int. Total

3 2 1 1 7 50 .583

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

4 3 3 4 14 .875

0 1 0 2 3 75 .375

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 1 0 1 25 .250

0 1 1 2 4 .500

0 0 1 0 1 4.8 .250

4 4 4 5 17 81 .850

1 0 1 1 3 14.3 .750

5 4 6 6 21 .875

11 12 14 13 50 .893

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Boston Wharf Road E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : Boston, MA Weather : Rain
Boston Wharf Rd Out In Total 1 11 12 5 5 Right Thru 1 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710003 : 01710003 : 7/18/2012 :2

Peak Hour Data

Total 36 Out 19 1 0 7 Right Thru Left Congress St Out In 15 21 North Peak Hour Begins at 04:15 PM Trucks Congress St In Total 14 33

3 17 Right Thru

Left 7

Left 3

Thru Right 0 1

15 4 19 Out In Total Boston Wharf Rd

Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at:
04:00 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM 04:15 PM

+0 mins. +15 mins. +30 mins. +45 mins. Total Volume % App. Total PHF

0 0 0 1 1 7.7 .250

2 1 2 2 7 53.8 .875

1 1 2 1 5 38.5 .625

3 2 4 4 13 .813

1 2 3 4 10 66.7 .625

2 1 1 1 5 33.3 .625

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

3 3 4 5 15 .750

0 2 0 1 3 50 .375

0 0 1 1 2 33.3 .500

1 0 0 0 1 16.7 .250

1 2 1 2 6 .750

0 0 1 0 1 4.8 .250

4 4 4 5 17 81 .850

1 0 1 1 3 14.3 .750

5 4 6 6 21 .875

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Boston Wharf Road E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : Boston, MA Weather : Rain
Boston Wharf Rd In - Peak Hour: 04:00 PM 13 5 7 Right Thru 1 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710003 : 01710003 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Congress St In - Peak Hour: 04:15 PM 21 Congress St In - Peak Hour: 04:30 PM 15 1 0 5 Right Thru Left North Trucks

3 17 Right Thru

10 Left

Left 3

Thru Right 2 1

6 In - Peak Hour: 04:45 PM Boston Wharf Rd

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Boston Wharf Road E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : Boston, MA Weather : Rain Groups Printed- Bikes Peds Boston Wharf Rd From South Peds Left Thru Right Peds 1 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 13 2 0 0 0 8 2 0 0 0 19 5 0 0 0 56
0 2 0 0 2 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 22 29 24 101 157

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710003 : 01710003 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total

05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

Boston Wharf Rd From North Left Thru Right Peds 0 0 0 52 0 0 0 36 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 57 0 0 0 177

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 86 61 52 253 430

Left 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Congress St From East Thru Right 2 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 9 0

2 4 3 4 13 22 91.7 71 1 0 0 1 2 2 8.3 6.5

Left 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Congress St From West Thru Right 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1

1 1 1 1 4 5 71.4 16.1 0 0 0 1 1 2 28.6 6.5

Peds 1 1 1 2 5
0 0 0 0 0 5

Exclu. Total

Inclu. Total

Int. Total

70 50 43 80 243 80 110 90 76 356 599 95.1

2 3 3 3 11 4 5 4 7 20 31 4.9

72 53 46 83 254 84 115 94 83 376 630

Boston Wharf Rd From North Left Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 05:00 PM 05:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 05:15 PM 0 0 0 0 0 05:30 PM 0 0 0 0 0 05:45 PM 0 0 0 0 0 Total Volume 0 0 0 0 0 % App. Total 0 0 0 0 PHF .000 .000 .000 .000 .000

Congress St From East Thru Right

App. Total

Boston Wharf Rd From South Left Thru Right App. Total


Congress St From West Thru Right

App. Total

Int. Total

2 4 3 4 13 86.7 .813

1 0 0 1 2 13.3 .500

3 4 3 5 15 .750

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 1 1 1 4 80 1.00

0 0 0 1 1 20 .250

1 1 1 2 5 .625

4 5 4 7 20 .714

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Boston Wharf Road E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : Boston, MA Weather : Rain
Boston Wharf Rd Out In Total 2 0 2 0 0 Right Thru 0 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710003 : 01710003 : 7/18/2012 :2

Peak Hour Data

Total 18 Out 0 2 13 Right Thru Left 4 Congress St Out In 13 5 North Peak Hour Begins at 05:00 PM Bikes Peds Congress St In Total 15 19

1 4 Right Thru

Left 0

Left 0

Thru Right 0 0

1 0 1 Out In Total Boston Wharf Rd

Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at:
04:00 PM 05:00 PM 04:00 PM 05:00 PM

+0 mins. +15 mins. +30 mins. +45 mins. Total Volume % App. Total PHF

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

2 4 3 4 13 86.7 .813

1 0 0 1 2 13.3 .500

3 4 3 5 15 .750

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 1 1 1 4 80 1.000

0 0 0 1 1 20 .250

1 1 1 2 5 .625

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Boston Wharf Road E/W Street: Congress Street City/State : Boston, MA Weather : Rain
Boston Wharf Rd In - Peak Hour: 04:00 PM 0 0 0 Right Thru 0 Left

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710003 : 01710003 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Congress St In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 5 Congress St In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 15 0 2 13 Right Thru Left North Bikes Peds

1 4 Right Thru

Left 0

Left 0

Thru Right 0 0

0 In - Peak Hour: 04:00 PM Boston Wharf Rd

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Necco Street E/W Street : Melcher Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear Groups Printed- Cars - Trucks Necco St From South Thru Left Right 28 2 1 28 1 0 22 3 2 29 2 2 107 8 5 36 30 48 40 154 261 58.8 21.3 253 96.9 8 3.1 3 4 7 5 19 27 73 2.2 25 92.6 2 7.4 4 0 1 0 5 10 27 0.8 10 100 0 0 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710004 : 01710004 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 07:00 AM 07:15 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM Total 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 08:45 AM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total % Cars % Cars Trucks % Trucks

Melcher Street From East Left 17 16 14 19 66 30 26 36 25 117 183 41.2 14.9 180 98.4 3 1.6

Melcher Street From West Thru 31 24 22 38 115 42 25 50 38 155 270 36.1 22 251 93 19 7

Right 43 62 60 57 222 60 72 63 60 255 477 63.9 38.8 475 99.6 2 0.4

Int. Total 122 131 123 147 523 175 157 205 168 705 1228

1194 97.2 34 2.8

Melcher Street From East Start Time Left Thru App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 08:00 AM 30 36 66 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 26 30 56 08:30 AM 36 48 84 08:45 AM 25 40 65 Total Volume 117 154 271 % App. Total 43.2 56.8 PHF .813 .802 .807 Cars 115 148 263 98.3 96.1 97.0 % Cars Trucks 2 6 8 % Trucks 1.7 3.9 3.0


Necco St From South Right

App. Total

Melcher Street From West Thru Right App. Total

Int. Total

3 4 7 5 19 79.2 .679 18 94.7 1 5.3

4 0 1 0 5 20.8 .313 5 100 0 0

7 4 8 5 24 .750 23 95.8 1 4.2

42 25 50 38 155 37.8 .775 144 92.9 11 7.1

60 72 63 60 255 62.2 .885 254 99.6 1 0.4

102 97 113 98 410 .907 398 97.1 12 2.9

175 157 205 168 705 .860 684 97.0 21 3.0

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Necco Street E/W Street : Melcher Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710004 : 01710004 : 7/18/2012 :2

Peak Hour Data

Melcher Street Out In Total 166 398 564 7 12 19 173 410 583 Melcher Street Out In Total 149 263 412 11 8 19 160 271 431 254 144 1 11 255 155 Right Thru North Peak Hour Begins at 08:00 AM Cars Trucks 148 6 154 Thru 115 2 117 Left

Left Right 18 5 1 0 19 5 369 3 372 Out 23 1 24 In Necco St 392 4 396 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 08:00 AM 08:00 AM 30 36 66 3 +0 mins. +15 mins. 26 30 56 4 36 48 84 7 +30 mins. +45 mins. 25 40 65 5 Total Volume 117 154 271 19 % App. Total 43.2 56.8 79.2 PHF .813 .802 .807 .679 Cars 115 148 263 18 % Cars 98.3 96.1 97 94.7 2 6 8 1 Trucks % Trucks 1.7 3.9 3 5.3

4 0 1 0 5 20.8 .313 5 100 0 0

7 4 8 5 24 .750 23 95.8 1 4.2

08:00 AM 42 25 50 38 155 37.8 .775 144 92.9 11 7.1

60 72 63 60 255 62.2 .885 254 99.6 1 0.4

102 97 113 98 410 .907 398 97.1 12 2.9

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Necco Street E/W Street : Melcher Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710004 : 01710004 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Melcher Street In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 398 12 410 Melcher Street In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 263 8 271 254 144 1 11 255 155 Right Thru North Cars Trucks 148 6 154 Thru 115 2 117 Left

Left Right 18 5 1 0 19 5 23 1 24 In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM Necco St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Necco Street E/W Street : Melcher Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear Groups Printed- Cars Necco St From South Left 1 1 3 2 7 3 4 6 5 18 25 71.4 2.1 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710004 : 01710004 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 07:00 AM 07:15 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM Total 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 08:45 AM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

Melcher Street From East Left 16 16 14 19 65 30 26 36 23 115 180 41.6 15.1

Thru 26 28 22 29 105 34 29 45 40 148 253 58.4 21.2

Right 1 0 2 2 5 4 0 1 0 5 10 28.6 0.8

Melcher Street From West Thru 26 23 20 38 107 40 23 45 36 144 251 34.6 21

Right 43 62 60 56 221 60 72 62 60 254 475 65.4 39.8

Int. Total 113 130 121 146 510 171 154 195 164 684 1194

Melcher Street From East Start Time Left Thru App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 08:00 AM 30 34 64 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 26 29 55 08:30 AM 36 45 81 08:45 AM 23 40 63 Total Volume 115 148 263 % App. Total 43.7 56.3 PHF .799 .822 .812


Necco St From South Right

App. Total

Melcher Street From West Thru Right App. Total

Int. Total

3 4 6 5 18 78.3 .750

4 0 1 0 5 21.7 .313

7 4 7 5 23 .821

40 23 45 36 144 36.2 .800

60 72 62 60 254 63.8 .882

100 95 107 96 398 .930

171 154 195 164 684 .877

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Necco Street E/W Street : Melcher Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710004 : 01710004 : 7/18/2012 :2

Peak Hour Data

Melcher Street Out In Total 166 398 564 Melcher Street Out In Total 149 263 412 144 Thru North Peak Hour Begins at 08:00 AM 115 Left Cars 148 Thru

254 Right

Left Right 18 5 369 Out 23 In Necco St 392 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 08:00 AM 08:00 AM 30 34 64 3 +0 mins. +15 mins. 26 29 55 4 36 45 81 6 +30 mins. +45 mins. 23 40 63 5 Total Volume 115 148 263 18 % App. Total 43.7 56.3 78.3 PHF .799 .822 .812 .750

4 0 1 0 5 21.7 .313

08:00 AM 40 23 45 36 144 36.2 .821 .800

7 4 7 5 23

60 72 62 60 254 63.8 .882

100 95 107 96 398 .930

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Necco Street E/W Street : Melcher Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710004 : 01710004 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Melcher Street In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 398 Melcher Street In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 263 144 Thru North Cars 115 Left 148 Thru

254 Right

Left Right 18 5 23 In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM Necco St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Necco Street E/W Street : Melcher Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear Groups Printed- Trucks Necco St From South Thru Left 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 1 3 0 6 8 72.7 23.5 0 0 1 0 1 2 100 5.9 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710004 : 01710004 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 07:00 AM 07:15 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM Total 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 08:45 AM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

Melcher Street From East Left 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 2 3 27.3 8.8

Right 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Melcher Street From West Thru 5 1 2 0 8 2 2 5 2 11 19 90.5 55.9

Right 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 2 9.5 5.9

Int. Total 9 1 2 1 13 4 3 10 4 21 34

Melcher Street From East Start Time Left Thru App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 08:00 AM 0 2 2 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 0 1 1 3 3 08:30 AM 0 08:45 AM 2 0 2 Total Volume 2 6 8 % App. Total 25 75 PHF .250 .500 .667


Necco St From South Right

App. Total

Melcher Street From West Thru Right App. Total

Int. Total

0 0 1 0 1 100 .250

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 1 0 1

2 2 5 2 11 91.7 .550

0 0 1 0 1 8.3 .250

2 2 6 2 12

4 3 10 4 21

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Necco Street E/W Street : Melcher Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710004 : 01710004 : 7/18/2012 :2

Peak Hour Data

Melcher Street Out In Total 7 12 19 Melcher Street Out In Total 11 8 19 1 11 Right Thru North Peak Hour Begins at 08:00 AM Left Trucks 2 6 Thru

Left 1 3 Out

Right 0 4 Total

1 In Necco St

Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 08:00 AM 07:00 AM 1 0 2 2 +0 mins. +15 mins. 0 1 1 0 +30 mins. 0 3 3 0 2 0 2 0 +45 mins. Total Volume 2 6 8 1 % App. Total 25 75 100 PHF .250 .500 .667 .250

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

08:00 AM 2 2 5 2 11 91.7 .250 .550

1 0 0 0 1

0 0 1 0 1 8.3 .250

2 2 6 2 12 .500

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Necco Street E/W Street : Melcher Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710004 : 01710004 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Melcher Street In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 12 Melcher Street In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 8 1 11 Right Thru North Trucks Left 2 6 Thru

Left 1

Right 0

1 In - Peak Hour: 07:00 AM Necco St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Necco Street E/W Street : Melcher Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear Groups Printed- Bikes Peds Necco St Melcher Street From South From West Left Right Peds Thru Right 1 0 29 1 0 0 0 34 0 1 1 1 32 1 1 4 1 33 3 2 6 2 128 5 4
2 2 2 2 8 14 82.4 18.7 0 0 0 1 1 3 17.6 4 21 34 36 24 115 243 5 2 3 4 14 19 54.3 25.3 5 4 2 1 12 16 45.7 21.3

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710004 : 01710004 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 07:00 AM 07:15 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM Total

08:00 AM 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 08:45 AM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

Melcher Street From East Left Thru 1 2 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 6

0 0 3 0 3 4 17.4 5.3 4 4 2 3 13 19 82.6 25.3

Peds 4 2 4 2 12
13 9 4 11 37 49

Peds 5 4 4 9 22
1 6 4 4 15 37

Exclu. Total

38 40 40 44 162 35 49 44 39 167 329 81.4

Inclu. Total 5 2 5 12 24 16 12 12 11 51 75 18.6

Int. Total 43 42 45 56 186 51 61 56 50 218 404

Melcher Street From East Start Time Left Thru App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 07:45 AM 0 2 2 07:45 AM 08:00 AM 0 4 4 0 4 4 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 3 2 5 Total Volume 3 12 15 % App. Total 20 80 PHF .250 .750 .750


Necco St From South Right

App. Total

Melcher Street From West Thru Right App. Total

Int. Total

4 2 2 2 10 90.9 .625

1 0 0 0 1 9.1 .250

5 2 2 2 11 .550

3 5 2 3 13 50 .650

2 5 4 2 13 50 .650

5 10 6 5 26 .650

12 16 12 12 52 .813

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Necco Street E/W Street : Melcher Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710004 : 01710004 : 7/18/2012 :2

Peak Hour Data

Melcher Street Out In Total 22 26 48 Melcher Street Out In Total 14 15 29 13 13 Right Thru North Peak Hour Begins at 07:45 AM Left Bikes Peds 3 12 Thru

Left Right 10 1 16 Out 11 In Necco St 27 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 08:00 AM 07:30 AM 4 4 1 0 +0 mins. +15 mins. 0 4 4 4 3 2 5 2 +30 mins. +45 mins. 0 3 3 2 Total Volume 3 13 16 9 % App. Total 18.8 81.2 81.8 PHF .250 .813 .800 .563

1 1 0 0 2 18.2 .500

07:45 AM 3 5 2 3 13 50 .550 .650

2 5 2 2 11

2 5 4 2 13 50 .650

5 10 6 5 26 .650

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Necco Street E/W Street : Melcher Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710004 : 01710004 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Melcher Street In - Peak Hour: 07:45 AM 26 Melcher Street In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 16 13 13 Right Thru North Bikes Peds Left 3 13 Thru

Left 9

Right 2

11 In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM Necco St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Necco Street E/W Street : Melcher Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain Groups Printed- Cars - Trucks Necco St From South Thru Left Right 24 20 11 29 39 14 17 25 10 31 27 11 101 111 46 26 30 46 52 154 255 93.4 22.9 253 99.2 2 0.8 34 32 48 38 152 263 72.5 23.6 263 100 0 0 16 10 16 12 54 100 27.5 9 100 100 0 0 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710004 : 01710004 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total % Cars % Cars Trucks % Trucks

Melcher Street From East Left 2 0 3 1 6 1 2 5 4 12 18 6.6 1.6 18 100 0 0

Melcher Street From West Thru 42 52 52 48 194 42 59 61 48 210 404 84.3 36.2 393 97.3 11 2.7

Right 10 8 5 8 31 7 9 20 8 44 75 15.7 6.7 75 100 0 0

Int. Total 109 142 112 126 489 126 142 196 162 626 1115

1102 98.8 13 1.2

Melcher Street From East Start Time Left Thru App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 05:00 PM 1 26 27 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 2 30 32 05:30 PM 5 46 51 4 52 56 05:45 PM Total Volume 12 154 166 % App. Total 7.2 92.8 PHF .600 .740 .741 Cars 12 154 166 100 100 100 % Cars Trucks 0 0 0 % Trucks 0 0 0


Necco St From South Right

App. Total

Melcher Street From West Thru Right App. Total

Int. Total

34 32 48 38 152 73.8 .792 152 100 0 0

16 10 16 12 54 26.2 .844 54 100 0 0

50 42 64 50 206 .805 206 100 0 0

42 59 61 48 210 82.7 .861 205 97.6 5 2.4

7 9 20 8 44 17.3 .550 44 100 0 0

49 68 81 56 254 .784 249 98.0 5 2.0

126 142 196 162 626 .798 621 99.2 5 0.8

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Necco Street E/W Street : Melcher Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710004 : 01710004 : 7/18/2012 :2

Peak Hour Data

Melcher Street Out In Total 306 249 555 0 5 5 306 254 560 Melcher Street Out In Total 259 166 425 5 0 5 264 166 430 44 205 0 5 44 210 Right Thru North Peak Hour Begins at 05:00 PM Cars Trucks 154 0 154 Thru 12 0 12 Left

Left Right 152 54 0 0 152 54 56 0 56 Out 206 0 206 In Necco St 262 0 262 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 05:00 PM 05:00 PM 1 26 27 34 +0 mins. +15 mins. 2 30 32 32 +30 mins. 5 46 51 48 4 52 56 38 +45 mins. Total Volume 12 154 166 152 % App. Total 7.2 92.8 73.8 PHF .600 .740 .741 .792 Cars 12 154 166 152 % Cars 100 100 100 100 0 0 0 0 Trucks % Trucks 0 0 0 0

16 10 16 12 54 26.2 .844 54 100 0 0

50 42 64 50 206 .805 206 100 0 0

04:45 PM 48 42 59 61 210 82.7 .861 204 97.1 6 2.9

8 7 9 20 44 17.3 .550 44 100 0 0

56 49 68 81 254 .784 248 97.6 6 2.4

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Necco Street E/W Street : Melcher Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710004 : 01710004 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Melcher Street In - Peak Hour: 04:45 PM 248 6 254 Melcher Street In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 166 0 166 44 204 0 6 44 210 Right Thru North Cars Trucks 154 0 154 Thru 12 0 12 Left

Left Right 152 54 0 0 152 54 206 0 206 In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM Necco St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Necco Street E/W Street : Melcher Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain Groups Printed- Cars Necco St From South Left 20 39 25 27 111 34 32 48 38 152 263 72.5 23.9 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710004 : 01710004 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

Melcher Street From East Left 2 0 3 1 6 1 2 5 4 12 18 6.6 1.6

Thru 23 29 16 31 99 26 30 46 52 154 253 93.4 23

Right 11 14 10 11 46 16 10 16 12 54 100 27.5 9.1

Melcher Street From West Thru 41 50 50 47 188 41 58 58 48 205 393 84 35.7

Right 10 8 5 8 31 7 9 20 8 44 75 16 6.8

Int. Total 107 140 109 125 481 125 141 193 162 621 1102

Melcher Street From East Start Time Left Thru App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 05:00 PM 1 26 27 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 2 30 32 05:30 PM 5 46 51 05:45 PM 4 52 56 Total Volume 12 154 166 % App. Total 7.2 92.8 PHF .600 .740 .741


Necco St From South Right

App. Total

Melcher Street From West Thru Right App. Total

Int. Total

34 32 48 38 152 73.8 .792

16 10 16 12 54 26.2 .844

50 42 64 50 206 .805

41 58 58 48 205 82.3 .884

7 9 20 8 44 17.7 .550

48 67 78 56 249 .798

125 141 193 162 621 .804

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Necco Street E/W Street : Melcher Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710004 : 01710004 : 7/18/2012 :2

Peak Hour Data

Melcher Street Out In Total 306 249 555 Melcher Street Out In Total 259 166 425 44 205 Right Thru North Peak Hour Begins at 05:00 PM 12 Left Cars 154 Thru

Left Right 152 54 56 Out 206 In Necco St 262 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 05:00 PM 05:00 PM 1 26 27 34 +0 mins. +15 mins. 2 30 32 32 5 46 51 48 +30 mins. +45 mins. 4 52 56 38 Total Volume 12 154 166 152 % App. Total 7.2 92.8 73.8 PHF .600 .740 .741 .792

16 10 16 12 54 26.2 .844

05:00 PM 41 58 58 48 205 82.3 .805 .884

50 42 64 50 206

7 9 20 8 44 17.7 .550

48 67 78 56 249 .798

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Necco Street E/W Street : Melcher Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710004 : 01710004 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Melcher Street In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 249 Melcher Street In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 166 44 205 Right Thru North Cars 12 Left 154 Thru

Left Right 152 54 206 In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM Necco St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Necco Street E/W Street : Melcher Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain Groups Printed- Trucks Necco St From South Thru Left 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 100 15.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710004 : 01710004 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

Melcher Street From East Left 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Right 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Melcher Street From West Thru 1 2 2 1 6 1 1 3 0 5 11 100 84.6

Right 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Int. Total 2 2 3 1 8 1 1 3 0 5 13

Melcher Street From East Start Time Left Thru App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 04:00 PM 1 1 0 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 0 0 0 04:30 PM 0 1 1 04:45 PM 0 0 0 Total Volume 0 2 2 % App. Total 0 100 PHF .000 .500 .500


Necco St From South Right

App. Total

Melcher Street From West Thru Right App. Total

Int. Total

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 2 2 1 6 100 .750

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 2 2 1 6 .750

2 2 3 1 8 .667

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Necco Street E/W Street : Melcher Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710004 : 01710004 : 7/18/2012 :2

Peak Hour Data

Melcher Street Out In Total 2 6 8 Out 6 0 6 Right Thru North Peak Hour Begins at 04:00 PM Left Trucks 0 Melcher Street In Total 2 8 2 Thru

Left 0 0 Out

Right 0 0 Total

0 In Necco St

Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 04:00 PM 04:00 PM 1 1 0 0 +0 mins. +15 mins. 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 +30 mins. +45 mins. 0 0 0 0 Total Volume 0 2 2 0 % App. Total 0 100 0 PHF .000 .500 .500 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

04:00 PM 1 2 2 1 6 100 .000 .750

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 2 2 1 6 .750

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Necco Street E/W Street : Melcher Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710004 : 01710004 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Melcher Street In - Peak Hour: 04:00 PM 6 Melcher Street In - Peak Hour: 04:00 PM 2 0 6 Right Thru North Trucks Left 0 2 Thru

Left 0

Right 0

0 In - Peak Hour: 04:00 PM Necco St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Necco Street E/W Street : Melcher Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain Groups Printed- Bikes Peds Necco St Melcher Street From South From West Left Right Peds Thru Right 0 0 7 2 1 0 0 28 0 1 0 0 22 2 3 2 0 14 1 2 2 0 71 5 7
1 2 0 1 4 6 100 21.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 25 22 14 81 152 0 0 1 0 1 6 35.3 21.4 0 1 2 1 4 11 64.7 39.3

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710004 : 01710004 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total

05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

Melcher Street From East Left Thru 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 5 100 17.9

Peds 0 5 5 3 13
4 4 4 4 16 29

Peds 1 4 0 4 9
0 1 9 2 12 21

Exclu. Total

8 37 27 21 93 24 30 35 20 109 202 87.8

Inclu. Total 4 1 5 6 16 1 3 5 3 12 28 12.2

Int. Total 12 38 32 27 109 25 33 40 23 121 230

Melcher Street From East Start Time Left Thru App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 04:00 PM 1 1 0 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 0 0 0 04:30 PM 0 0 0 04:45 PM 0 1 1 Total Volume 0 2 2 % App. Total 0 100 PHF .000 .500 .500


Necco St From South Right

App. Total

Melcher Street From West Thru Right App. Total

Int. Total

0 0 0 2 2 100 .250

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 2 2 .250

2 0 2 1 5 41.7 .625

1 1 3 2 7 58.3 .583

3 1 5 3 12 .600

4 1 5 6 16 .667

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Necco Street E/W Street : Melcher Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710004 : 01710004 : 7/18/2012 :2

Peak Hour Data

Melcher Street Out In Total 4 12 16 Out 5 7 5 Right Thru North Peak Hour Begins at 04:00 PM Left Bikes Peds 0 Melcher Street In Total 2 7 2 Thru

Left 2 7 Out

Right 0 9 Total

2 In Necco St

Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 04:45 PM 04:30 PM 0 1 1 0 +0 mins. +15 mins. 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 +30 mins. +45 mins. 0 2 2 2 Total Volume 0 3 3 5 % App. Total 0 100 100 PHF .000 .375 .375 .625

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

04:00 PM 2 0 2 1 5 41.7 .625 .625 0 2 1 2 5

1 1 3 2 7 58.3 .583

3 1 5 3 12 .600

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Necco Street E/W Street : Melcher Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710004 : 01710004 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Melcher Street In - Peak Hour: 04:00 PM 12 Melcher Street In - Peak Hour: 04:45 PM 3 7 5 Right Thru North Bikes Peds Left 0 3 Thru

Left 5

Right 0

5 In - Peak Hour: 04:30 PM Necco St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Melcher Street E/W Street : Summer Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear Groups Printed- Cars - Trucks Melcher St From South Thru Left Right 77 22 5 92 20 9 97 17 3 121 27 8 387 86 25 96 98 137 104 435 822 86.3 28.2 751 91.4 71 8.6 30 21 36 24 111 197 71.6 6.7 188 95.4 9 4.6 9 11 19 14 53 78 28.4 2.7 76 97.4 2 2.6 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710005 : 01710005 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 07:00 AM 07:15 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM Total 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 08:45 AM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total % Cars % Cars Trucks % Trucks

Summer St From East Left 8 12 12 14 46 31 11 24 19 85 131 13.7 4.5 125 95.4 6 4.6

Summer St From West Thru 104 119 125 139 487 147 152 143 166 608 1095 64.8 37.5 1024 93.5 71 6.5

Right 66 74 72 76 288 67 78 85 78 308 596 35.2 20.4 577 96.8 19 3.2

Int. Total 282 326 326 385 1319 380 371 444 405 1600 2919

2741 93.9 178 6.1

Summer St From East Start Time Left Thru App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 08:00 AM 31 96 127 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 11 98 109 08:30 AM 24 137 161 19 104 123 08:45 AM Total Volume 85 435 520 % App. Total 16.3 83.7 PHF .685 .794 .807 Cars 83 398 481 97.6 91.5 92.5 % Cars Trucks 2 37 39 % Trucks 2.4 8.5 7.5


Melcher St From South Right

App. Total


Summer St From West Right

App. Total

Int. Total

30 21 36 24 111 67.7 .771 106 95.5 5 4.5

9 11 19 14 53 32.3 .697 51 96.2 2 3.8

39 32 55 38 164 .745 157 95.7 7 4.3

147 152 143 166 608 66.4 .916 568 93.4 40 6.6

67 78 85 78 308 33.6 .906 297 96.4 11 3.6

214 230 228 244 916 .939 865 94.4 51 5.6

380 371 444 405 1600 .901 1503 93.9 97 6.1

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Melcher Street E/W Street : Summer Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710005 : 01710005 : 7/18/2012 :2

Peak Hour Data

Total 1369 93 1462 Out 619 42 661 297 568 11 40 308 608 Right Thru North Peak Hour Begins at 08:00 AM Cars Trucks 398 37 435 Thru Summer St In Total 481 1100 39 81 520 1181 Summer St In 865 51 916

83 2 85 Left

Out 504 42 546

Left Right 106 51 5 2 111 53 380 13 393 Out 157 7 164 In Melcher St 537 20 557 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 07:45 AM 14 121 +0 mins. 31 96 +15 mins. +30 mins. 11 98 24 137 +45 mins. Total Volume 80 452 % App. Total 15 85 PHF .645 .825 Cars 76 418 95 92.5 % Cars Trucks 4 34 % Trucks 5 7.5

135 127 109 161 532

.826 494 92.9 38 7.1

08:00 AM 30 21 36 24 111 67.7 .771 106 95.5 5 4.5

9 11 19 14 53 32.3 .697 51 96.2 2 3.8

39 32 55 38 164
.745 157 95.7 7 4.3

08:00 AM 147 152 143 166 608 66.4 .916 568 93.4 40 6.6

67 78 85 78 308 33.6 .906 297 96.4 11 3.6

214 230 228 244 916

.939 865 94.4 51 5.6

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Melcher Street E/W Street : Summer Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710005 : 01710005 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Summer St In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 865 51 916 Summer St In - Peak Hour: 07:45 AM 494 38 532 297 568 11 40 308 608 Right Thru North Cars Trucks 418 34 452 Thru 76 4 80 Left

Left Right 106 51 5 2 111 53 157 7 164 In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM Melcher St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Melcher Street E/W Street : Summer Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear Groups Printed- Cars Melcher St From South Left 19 20 17 26 82 28 19 35 24 106 188 71.2 6.9 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710005 : 01710005 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 07:00 AM 07:15 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM Total 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 08:45 AM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

Summer St From East Left 7 12 11 12 42 30 11 23 19 83 125 14.3 4.6

Thru 70 82 88 113 353 85 89 131 93 398 751 85.7 27.4

Right 5 9 3 8 25 9 11 17 14 51 76 28.8 2.8

Summer St From West Thru 101 113 115 127 456 141 137 136 154 568 1024 64 37.4

Right 61 73 70 76 280 66 75 80 76 297 577 36 21.1

Int. Total 263 309 304 362 1238 359 342 422 380 1503 2741

Summer St From East Start Time Left Thru App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 08:00 AM 30 85 115 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 11 89 100 08:30 AM 23 131 154 08:45 AM 19 93 112 Total Volume 83 398 481 % App. Total 17.3 82.7 PHF .692 .760 .781


Melcher St From South Right

App. Total


Summer St From West Right

App. Total

Int. Total

28 19 35 24 106 67.5 .757

9 11 17 14 51 32.5 .750

37 30 52 38 157 .755

141 137 136 154 568 65.7 .922

66 75 80 76 297 34.3 .928

207 212 216 230 865 .940

359 342 422 380 1503 .890

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Melcher Street E/W Street : Summer Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710005 : 01710005 : 7/18/2012 :2

Peak Hour Data

Total 1369 Out 619 568 Thru North Peak Hour Begins at 08:00 AM 83 Left Cars 398 Thru Summer St In Total 481 1100 Summer St In 865 Out 504

297 Right

Left Right 106 51 380 Out 157 In Melcher St 537 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 07:45 AM 12 113 +0 mins. 30 85 +15 mins. +30 mins. 11 89 23 131 +45 mins. Total Volume 76 418 % App. Total 15.4 84.6 PHF .633 .798

08:00 AM 28 19 35 24 106 67.5 .802 .757 125 115 100 154 494

9 11 17 14 51 32.5 .750

08:00 AM 141 137 136 154 568 65.7 .755 .922 37 30 52 38 157

66 75 80 76 297 34.3 .928

207 212 216 230 865


Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Melcher Street E/W Street : Summer Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710005 : 01710005 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Summer St In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 865 Summer St In - Peak Hour: 07:45 AM 494 568 Thru North Cars 76 Left 418 Thru

297 Right

Left Right 106 51 157 In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM Melcher St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Melcher Street E/W Street : Summer Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear Groups Printed- Trucks Melcher St From South Thru Left 7 3 10 0 9 0 8 1 34 4 11 9 6 11 37 71 92.2 39.9 2 2 1 0 5 9 81.8 5.1 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710005 : 01710005 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 07:00 AM 07:15 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM Total 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 08:45 AM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

Summer St From East Left 1 0 1 2 4 1 0 1 0 2 6 7.8 3.4

Right 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 18.2 1.1

Summer St From West Thru 3 6 10 12 31 6 15 7 12 40 71 78.9 39.9

Right 5 1 2 0 8 1 3 5 2 11 19 21.1 10.7

Int. Total 19 17 22 23 81 21 29 22 25 97 178

Summer St From East Start Time Left Thru App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 08:00 AM 1 11 12 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 0 9 9 08:30 AM 1 6 7 08:45 AM 0 11 11 Total Volume 2 37 39 % App. Total 5.1 94.9 PHF .500 .841 .813


Melcher St From South Right

App. Total


Summer St From West Right

App. Total

Int. Total

2 2 1 0 5 71.4 .625

0 0 2 0 2 28.6 .250

2 2 3 0 7 .583

6 15 7 12 40 78.4 .667

1 3 5 2 11 21.6 .550

7 18 12 14 51 .708

21 29 22 25 97 .836

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Melcher Street E/W Street : Summer Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710005 : 01710005 : 7/18/2012 :2

Peak Hour Data

Total 93 Out 42 11 40 Right Thru North Peak Hour Begins at 08:00 AM Left Trucks 2 37 Thru Summer St In Total 39 81 Summer St In 51 Out 42

Left 5 13 Out

Right 2 20 Total

7 In Melcher St

Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 07:15 AM 07:45 AM 0 10 10 1 +0 mins. 2 +15 mins. 1 9 10 +30 mins. 2 8 10 2 1 11 12 1 +45 mins. Total Volume 4 38 42 6 % App. Total 9.5 90.5 75 PHF .500 .864 .875 .750

0 0 0 2 2 25 .250

08:00 AM 6 15 7 12 40 78.4 .667 .667 1 2 2 3 8

1 3 5 2 11 21.6 .550

7 18 12 14 51

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Melcher Street E/W Street : Summer Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710005 : 01710005 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Summer St In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 51 Summer St In - Peak Hour: 07:15 AM 42 11 40 Right Thru North Trucks Left 4 38 Thru

Left 6

Right 2

8 In - Peak Hour: 07:45 AM Melcher St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Melcher Street E/W Street : Summer Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear Groups Printed- Bikes Peds Melcher St Summer St From South From West Left Right Peds Thru Right 3 0 19 0 1 0 0 36 1 1 1 0 36 4 1 7 1 73 7 2 11 1 164 12 5
4 4 3 5 16 27 93.1 25 0 1 0 0 1 2 6.9 1.9 49 53 58 93 253 417 6 3 3 5 17 29 61.7 26.9 4 3 2 4 13 18 38.3 16.7

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710005 : 01710005 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 07:00 AM 07:15 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM Total

08:00 AM 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 08:45 AM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

Summer St From East Left Thru 0 0 0 3 0 5 0 2 0 10

1 0 2 1 4 4 12.5 3.7 2 5 6 5 18 28 87.5 25.9

Peds 5 4 2 8 19
9 13 10 8 40 59

Peds 38 36 55 65 194
81 113 91 112 397 591

Exclu. Total

62 76 93 146 377 139 179 159 213 690 1067 90.8

Inclu. Total 4 5 11 19 39 17 16 16 20 69 108 9.2

Int. Total 66 81 104 165 416 156 195 175 233 759 1175

Summer St From East Start Time Left Thru App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 08:00 AM 1 2 3 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 0 5 5 2 6 8 08:30 AM 08:45 AM 1 5 6 Total Volume 4 18 22 % App. Total 18.2 81.8 PHF .500 .750 .688


Melcher St From South Right

App. Total


Summer St From West Right

App. Total

Int. Total

4 4 3 5 16 94.1 .800

0 1 0 0 1 5.9 .250

4 5 3 5 17

6 3 3 5 17 56.7 .708

4 3 2 4 13 43.3 .813

10 6 5 9 30 .750

17 16 16 20 69 .863

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Melcher Street E/W Street : Summer Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710005 : 01710005 : 7/18/2012 :2

Peak Hour Data

Total 64 Out 18 13 17 Right Thru North Peak Hour Begins at 08:00 AM Left Bikes Peds 4 18 Thru Summer St In Total 22 40 Summer St In 30 Out 34

Left Right 16 1 17 Out 17 In Melcher St 34 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 08:00 AM 07:45 AM 7 1 2 3 +0 mins. +15 mins. 0 5 5 4 2 6 8 4 +30 mins. +45 mins. 1 5 6 3 Total Volume 4 18 22 18 % App. Total 18.2 81.8 90 PHF .500 .750 .688 .643

1 0 1 0 2 10 .500

07:30 AM 4 7 6 3 20 66.7 .625 .714

8 4 5 3 20

1 2 4 3 10 33.3 .625

5 9 10 6 30 .750

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Melcher Street E/W Street : Summer Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710005 : 01710005 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Summer St In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM 30 Summer St In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 22 10 20 Right Thru North Bikes Peds Left 4 18 Thru

Left Right 18 2 20 In - Peak Hour: 07:45 AM Melcher St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Melcher Street E/W Street : Summer Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain Groups Printed- Cars - Trucks Melcher St From South Thru Left Right 66 31 8 99 50 15 79 30 10 83 42 13 327 153 46 103 83 109 101 396 723 94.4 25.5 697 96.4 26 3.6 44 36 49 37 166 319 64.8 11.3 318 99.7 1 0.3 15 21 45 46 127 173 35.2 6.1 172 99.4 1 0.6 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710005 : 01710005 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total % Cars % Cars Trucks % Trucks

Summer St From East Left 7 3 5 3 18 8 5 3 9 25 43 5.6 1.5 43 100 0 0

Summer St From West Thru 135 160 146 135 576 151 159 154 162 626 1202 76.3 42.4 1144 95.2 58 4.8

Right 60 44 52 46 202 37 48 56 31 172 374 23.7 13.2 362 96.8 12 3.2

Int. Total 307 371 322 322 1322 358 352 416 386 1512 2834

2736 96.5 98 3.5

Summer St From East Start Time Left Thru App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 05:00 PM 8 103 111 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 5 83 88 109 112 05:30 PM 3 9 101 110 05:45 PM Total Volume 25 396 421 % App. Total 5.9 94.1 PHF .694 .908 .940 Cars 25 388 413 % Cars 100 98.0 98.1 0 8 8 Trucks % Trucks 0 2.0 1.9


Melcher St From South Right

App. Total


Summer St From West Right

App. Total

Int. Total

44 36 49 37 166 56.7 .847 166 100 0 0

15 21 45 46 127 43.3 .690 127 100 0 0

59 57 94 83 293
.779 293 100 0 0

151 159 154 162 626 78.4 .966 597 95.4 29 4.6

37 48 56 31 172 21.6 .768 168 97.7 4 2.3

188 207 210 193 798

.950 765 95.9 33 4.1

358 352 416 386 1512

.909 1471 97.3 41 2.7

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Melcher Street E/W Street : Summer Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710005 : 01710005 : 7/18/2012 :2

Peak Hour Data

Total 1319 41 1360 Out 724 29 753 168 597 4 29 172 626 Right Thru North Peak Hour Begins at 05:00 PM Cars Trucks 388 8 396 Thru Summer St In Total 413 1137 8 37 421 1174 Summer St In 765 33 798

25 0 25 Left

Out 554 8 562

Left Right 166 127 0 0 166 127 193 4 197 Out 293 0 293 In Melcher St 486 4 490 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 05:00 PM 05:00 PM 8 103 111 44 +0 mins. +15 mins. 5 83 88 36 109 112 49 +30 mins. 3 +45 mins. 9 101 110 37 Total Volume 25 396 421 166 % App. Total 5.9 94.1 56.7 PHF .694 .908 .940 .847 Cars 25 388 413 166 % Cars 100 98 98.1 100 Trucks 0 8 8 0 0 2 1.9 0 % Trucks

15 21 45 46 127 43.3 .690 127 100 0 0

59 57 94 83 293
.779 293 100 0 0

05:00 PM 151 159 154 162 626 78.4 .966 597 95.4 29 4.6

37 48 56 31 172 21.6 .768 168 97.7 4 2.3

188 207 210 193 798

.950 765 95.9 33 4.1

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Melcher Street E/W Street : Summer Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710005 : 01710005 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Summer St In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 765 33 798 Summer St In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 413 8 421 168 597 4 29 172 626 Right Thru North Cars Trucks 388 8 396 Thru 25 0 25 Left

Left Right 166 127 0 0 166 127 293 0 293 In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM Melcher St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Melcher Street E/W Street : Summer Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain Groups Printed- Cars Melcher St From South Left 30 50 30 42 152 44 36 49 37 166 318 64.9 11.6 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710005 : 01710005 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

Summer St From East Left 7 3 5 3 18 8 5 3 9 25 43 5.8 1.6

Thru 63 93 73 80 309 101 82 106 99 388 697 94.2 25.5

Right 8 15 9 13 45 15 21 45 46 127 172 35.1 6.3

Summer St From West Thru 129 155 137 126 547 145 151 148 153 597 1144 76 41.8

Right 58 42 50 44 194 36 47 54 31 168 362 24 13.2

Int. Total 295 358 304 308 1265 349 342 405 375 1471 2736

Summer St From East Start Time Left Thru App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 05:00 PM 109 8 101 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 5 82 87 05:30 PM 3 106 109 05:45 PM 9 99 108 Total Volume 25 388 413 % App. Total 6.1 93.9 PHF .694 .915 .947


Melcher St From South Right

App. Total


Summer St From West Right

App. Total

Int. Total

44 36 49 37 166 56.7 .847

15 21 45 46 127 43.3 .690

59 57 94 83 293 .779

145 151 148 153 597 78 .975

36 47 54 31 168 22 .778

181 198 202 184 765 .947

349 342 405 375 1471 .908

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Melcher Street E/W Street : Summer Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710005 : 01710005 : 7/18/2012 :2

Peak Hour Data

Total 1319 Out 724 597 Thru North Peak Hour Begins at 05:00 PM 25 Left Cars 388 Thru Summer St In Total 413 1137 Summer St In 765 Out 554

168 Right

Left Right 166 127 193 Out 293 In Melcher St 486 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 05:00 PM 05:00 PM 109 44 8 101 +0 mins. +15 mins. 5 82 87 36 +30 mins. 3 106 109 49 9 99 108 37 +45 mins. Total Volume 25 388 413 166 % App. Total 6.1 93.9 56.7 PHF .694 .915 .947 .847

15 21 45 46 127 43.3 .690

05:00 PM 145 151 148 153 597 78 .779 .975

59 57 94 83 293

36 47 54 31 168 22 .778

181 198 202 184 765 .947

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Melcher Street E/W Street : Summer Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710005 : 01710005 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Summer St In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 765 Summer St In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 413 597 Thru North Cars 25 Left 388 Thru

168 Right

Left Right 166 127 293 In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM Melcher St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Melcher Street E/W Street : Summer Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain Groups Printed- Trucks Melcher St From South Thru Left 3 1 6 0 6 0 3 0 18 1 2 1 3 2 8 26 100 26.5 0 0 0 0 0 1 50 1 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710005 : 01710005 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

Summer St From East Left 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Right 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 50 1

Summer St From West Thru 6 5 9 9 29 6 8 6 9 29 58 82.9 59.2

Right 2 2 2 2 8 1 1 2 0 4 12 17.1 12.2

Int. Total 12 13 18 14 57 9 10 11 11 41 98

Summer St From East Start Time Left Thru App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 04:00 PM 0 3 3 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 0 6 6 04:30 PM 0 6 6 04:45 PM 0 3 3 Total Volume 0 18 18 % App. Total 0 100 PHF .000 .750 .750


Melcher St From South Right

App. Total


Summer St From West Right

App. Total

Int. Total

1 0 0 0 1 50 .250

0 0 1 0 1 50 .250

1 0 1 0 2 .500

6 5 9 9 29 78.4 .806

2 2 2 2 8 21.6 1.00

8 7 11 11 37 .841

12 13 18 14 57 .792

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Melcher Street E/W Street : Summer Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710005 : 01710005 : 7/18/2012 :2

Peak Hour Data

Total 56 Out 30 8 29 Right Thru North Peak Hour Begins at 04:00 PM Left Trucks 0 18 Thru Summer St In Total 18 48 Summer St In 37 Out 19

Left 1 8 Out

Right 1 10 Total

2 In Melcher St

Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 04:00 PM 04:00 PM 1 0 3 3 +0 mins. +15 mins. 0 6 6 0 0 6 6 0 +30 mins. +45 mins. 0 3 3 0 Total Volume 0 18 18 1 % App. Total 0 100 50 PHF .000 .750 .750 .250

0 0 1 0 1 50 .250

04:30 PM 9 9 6 8 32 84.2 .500 .889

1 0 1 0 2

2 2 1 1 6 15.8 .750

11 11 7 9 38 .864

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Melcher Street E/W Street : Summer Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710005 : 01710005 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Summer St In - Peak Hour: 04:30 PM 38 Summer St In - Peak Hour: 04:00 PM 18 6 32 Right Thru North Trucks Left 0 18 Thru

Left 1

Right 1

2 In - Peak Hour: 04:00 PM Melcher St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Melcher Street E/W Street : Summer Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain Groups Printed- Bikes Peds Melcher St Summer St From South From West Left Right Peds Thru Right 0 1 18 5 3 0 0 21 1 0 0 0 49 4 6 2 0 58 3 0 2 1 146 13 9
1 1 2 1 5 7 87.5 12.5 0 0 0 0 0 1 12.5 1.8 39 43 67 65 214 360 6 1 2 0 9 22 68.8 39.3 0 1 0 0 1 10 31.2 17.9

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710005 : 01710005 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total

05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

Summer St From East Left Thru 0 3 0 2 0 3 0 2 0 10

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 6 16 100 28.6

Peds 2 3 2 4 11
2 4 0 1 7 18

Peds 19 54 45 36 154
18 19 16 21 74 228

Exclu. Total

39 78 96 98 311 59 66 83 87 295 606 91.5

Inclu. Total 12 3 13 7 35 9 5 5 2 21 56 8.5

Int. Total 51 81 109 105 346 68 71 88 89 316 662

Summer St From East Start Time Left Thru App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 04:00 PM 3 3 0 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 0 2 2 04:30 PM 0 3 3 04:45 PM 0 2 2 Total Volume 0 10 10 % App. Total 0 100 PHF .000 .833 .833


Melcher St From South Right

App. Total


Summer St From West Right

App. Total

Int. Total

0 0 0 2 2 66.7 .250

1 0 0 0 1 33.3 .250

1 0 0 2 3 .375

5 1 4 3 13 59.1 .650

3 0 6 0 9 40.9 .375

8 1 10 3 22 .550

12 3 13 7 35 .673

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Melcher Street E/W Street : Summer Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710005 : 01710005 : 7/18/2012 :2

Peak Hour Data

Total 34 Out 14 9 13 Right Thru North Peak Hour Begins at 04:00 PM Left Bikes Peds 0 10 Thru Summer St In Total 10 24 Summer St In 22 Out 12

Left 2 9 Out

Right 1 12 Total

3 In Melcher St

Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 04:00 PM 04:45 PM 3 3 2 0 +0 mins. +15 mins. 0 2 2 1 +30 mins. 0 3 3 1 0 2 2 2 +45 mins. Total Volume 0 10 10 6 % App. Total 0 100 100 PHF .000 .833 .833 .750

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

04:00 PM 5 1 4 3 13 59.1 .750 .650

2 1 1 2 6

3 0 6 0 9 40.9 .375

8 1 10 3 22 .550

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : Melcher Street E/W Street : Summer Street City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710005 : 01710005 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Summer St In - Peak Hour: 04:00 PM 22 Summer St In - Peak Hour: 04:00 PM 10 9 13 Right Thru North Bikes Peds Left 0 10 Thru

Left 6

Right 0

6 In - Peak Hour: 04:45 PM Melcher St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Necco Garage Road City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear Groups Printed- Cars - Trucks 'A' St From South Right Left Thru 22 7 66 21 7 74 17 12 77 25 7 86 85 33 303 32 41 34 27 134 219 23.2 11.9 218 99.5 1 0.5 23 26 10 20 79 112 13.6 6.1 112 100 0 0 101 106 110 94 411 714 86.4 38.9 689 96.5 25 3.5 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710006 : 01710006 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 07:00 AM 07:15 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM Total 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 08:45 AM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total % Cars % Cars Trucks % Trucks

'A' St From North Thru 90 73 82 100 345 91 99 101 91 382 727 76.8 39.6 691 95 36 5

Necco Garage From West Left 1 2 2 0 5 2 3 2 1 8 13 20.3 0.7 12 92.3 1 7.7

Right 6 4 11 3 24 1 11 5 10 27 51 79.7 2.8 50 98 1 2

Int. Total 192 181 201 221 795 250 286 262 243 1041 1836

1772 96.5 64 3.5

'A' St From North Start Time Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 08:00 AM 91 32 123 08:00 AM 41 140 08:15 AM 99 08:30 AM 101 34 135 08:45 AM 91 27 118 Total Volume 382 134 516 % App. Total 74 26 PHF .946 .817 .921 Cars 362 134 496 % Cars 94.8 100 96.1 Trucks 20 0 20 5.2 0 3.9 % Trucks


'A' St From South Thru

App. Total

Necco Garage From West Left Right App. Total

Int. Total

23 26 10 20 79 16.1 .760 79 100 0 0

101 106 110 94 411 83.9 .934 396 96.4 15 3.6

124 132 120 114 490

.928 475 96.9 15 3.1

2 3 2 1 8 22.9 .667 7 87.5 1 12.5

1 11 5 10 27 77.1 .614 26 96.3 1 3.7

3 14 7 11 35
.625 33 94.3 2 5.7

250 286 262 243 1041

.910 1004 96.4 37 3.6

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Necco Garage Road City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear
'A' St In 496 20 516 134 362 0 20 134 382 Right Thru

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710006 : 01710006 : 7/18/2012 :2

Out 403 16 419

Total 899 36 935

Peak Hour Data

Necco Garage Out In Total 213 33 246 0 2 2 213 35 248 Left North Peak Hour Begins at 08:00 AM Cars Trucks 7 1 8 26 1 27 Right

Left Thru 79 396 0 15 79 411 388 21 409 Out 475 15 490 In 'A' St 863 36 899 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 07:45 AM 100 25 +0 mins. +15 mins. 91 32 +30 mins. 99 41 101 34 +45 mins. Total Volume 391 132 % App. Total 74.8 25.2 PHF .968 .805 Cars 373 132 95.4 100 % Cars Trucks 18 0 % Trucks 4.6 0

125 123 140 135 523

.934 505 96.6 18 3.4

08:00 AM 23 26 10 20 79 16.1 .760 79 100 0 0

101 106 110 94 411 83.9 .934 396 96.4 15 3.6

124 132 120 114 490

.928 475 96.9 15 3.1

08:00 AM 2 3 2 1 8 22.9 .667 7 87.5 1 12.5

1 11 5 10 27 77.1 .614 26 96.3 1 3.7

3 14 7 11 35
.625 33 94.3 2 5.7

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Necco Garage Road City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear
'A' St In - Peak Hour: 07:45 AM 505 18 523 132 373 0 18 132 391 Right Thru

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710006 : 01710006 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Necco Garage In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 33 2 35 Left North Cars Trucks 7 1 8 26 1 27 Right

Left Thru 79 396 0 15 79 411 475 15 490 In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 'A' St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Necco Garage Road City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear Groups Printed- Cars 'A' St From South Left 7 7 12 7 33 23 26 10 20 79 112 14 6.3 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710006 : 01710006 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 07:00 AM 07:15 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM Total 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 08:45 AM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

'A' St From North Thru 84 69 79 97 329 86 94 96 86 362 691 76 39

Right 21 21 17 25 84 32 41 34 27 134 218 24 12.3

Thru 64 72 74 83 293 100 102 101 93 396 689 86 38.9

Necco Garage From West Left 1 2 2 0 5 1 3 2 1 7 12 19.4 0.7

Right 6 4 11 3 24 1 11 5 9 26 50 80.6 2.8

Int. Total 183 175 195 215 768 243 277 248 236 1004 1772

'A' St From North Start Time Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 08:00 AM 86 32 118 08:00 AM 41 135 08:15 AM 94 08:30 AM 96 34 130 86 27 113 08:45 AM Total Volume 362 134 496 % App. Total 73 27 PHF .943 .817 .919


'A' St From South Thru

App. Total

Necco Garage From West Left Right App. Total

Int. Total

23 26 10 20 79 16.6 .760

100 102 101 93 396 83.4 .971

123 128 111 113 475


1 3 2 1 7 21.2 .583

1 11 5 9 26 78.8 .591

2 14 7 10 33

243 277 248 236 1004


Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Necco Garage Road City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear
'A' St In 496 134 362 Right Thru

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710006 : 01710006 : 7/18/2012 :2

Out 403

Total 899

Peak Hour Data

Necco Garage Out In Total 213 33 246 Left North Peak Hour Begins at 08:00 AM Cars 7 26 Right

Left Thru 79 396 388 Out 475 In 'A' St 863 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 07:45 AM 97 25 +0 mins. +15 mins. 86 32 94 41 +30 mins. +45 mins. 96 34 Total Volume 373 132 % App. Total 73.9 26.1 PHF .961 .805

08:00 AM 23 26 10 20 79 16.6 .935 .760

122 118 135 130 505

100 102 101 93 396 83.4 .971

08:00 AM 1 3 2 1 7 21.2 .928 .583

123 128 111 113 475

1 11 5 9 26 78.8 .591

2 14 7 10 33 .589

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Necco Garage Road City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear
'A' St In - Peak Hour: 07:45 AM 505 132 373 Right Thru

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710006 : 01710006 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Necco Garage In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 33 Left North Cars 7 26 Right

Left Thru 79 396 475 In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 'A' St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Necco Garage Road City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear Groups Printed- Trucks 'A' St From South Right Left 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2.7 1.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710006 : 01710006 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 07:00 AM 07:15 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM Total 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 08:45 AM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

'A' St From North Thru 6 4 3 3 16 5 5 5 5 20 36 97.3 56.2

Thru 2 2 3 3 10 1 4 9 1 15 25 100 39.1

Necco Garage From West Left 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 50 1.6

Right 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 50 1.6

Int. Total 9 6 6 6 27 7 9 14 7 37 64

'A' St From North Start Time Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 08:00 AM 5 5 0 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 5 0 5 08:30 AM 5 0 5 08:45 AM 5 0 5 Total Volume 20 0 20 % App. Total 100 0 PHF 1.00 .000 1.00


'A' St From South Thru

App. Total

Necco Garage From West Left Right App. Total

Int. Total

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 4 9 1 15 100 .417

1 4 9 1 15 .417

1 0 0 0 1 50 .250

0 0 0 1 1 50 .250

1 0 0 1 2 .500

7 9 14 7 37 .661

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Necco Garage Road City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear
'A' St In 20 0 20 Right Thru

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710006 : 01710006 : 7/18/2012 :2

Out 16

Total 36

Peak Hour Data

Necco Garage Out In Total 0 2 2 Left North Peak Hour Begins at 08:00 AM Trucks 1 1 Right

Left 0 21 Out

Thru 15 36 Total

15 In 'A' St

Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 08:00 AM 07:45 AM 5 5 0 0 +0 mins. +15 mins. 5 0 5 0 +30 mins. 5 0 5 0 +45 mins. 5 0 5 0 Total Volume 20 0 20 0 % App. Total 100 0 0 PHF 1.000 .000 1.000 .000

3 1 4 9 17 100 .472

08:00 AM 1 0 0 0 1 50 .472 .250

3 1 4 9 17

0 0 0 1 1 50 .250

1 0 0 1 2 .500

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Necco Garage Road City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear
'A' St In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 20 0 20 Right Thru

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710006 : 01710006 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Necco Garage In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 2 Left North Trucks 1 1 Right

Left 0

Thru 17

17 In - Peak Hour: 07:45 AM 'A' St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Necco Garage Road City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear Groups Printed- Bikes Peds 'A' St Necco Garage From South From West Left Thru Peds Left Right 1 4 4 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 7 2 0 0 2 6 2 0 0 4 18 9 0 1
1 0 1 0 2 6 10.7 8.6 10 6 8 8 32 50 89.3 71.4 5 2 5 3 15 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 1 6 7 100 10

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710006 : 01710006 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 07:00 AM 07:15 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM Total

08:00 AM 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 08:45 AM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

'A' St From North Thru Right 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 3 0

2 2 0 0 4 7 100 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Peds 1 4 2 5 12
3 8 4 13 28 40

Peds 5 10 9 11 35
21 23 23 33 100 135

Exclu. Total

10 15 13 18 56 29 33 32 49 143 199 74

Inclu. Total 7 2 8 9 26 15 11 9 9 44 70 26

Int. Total 17 17 21 27 82 44 44 41 58 187 269

'A' St From North Start Time Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 07:45 AM 1 0 1 07:45 AM 08:00 AM 2 0 2 2 0 2 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 0 0 0 Total Volume 5 0 5 % App. Total 100 0 PHF .625 .000 .625


'A' St From South Thru

App. Total

Necco Garage From West Left Right App. Total

Int. Total

2 1 0 1 4 11.8 .500

6 10 6 8 30 88.2 .750

8 11 6 9 34 .773

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 2 3 0 5 100 .417

0 2 3 0 5 .417

9 15 11 9 44 .733

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Necco Garage Road City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear
'A' St In 5 0 5 Right Thru

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710006 : 01710006 : 7/18/2012 :2

Out 30

Total 35

Peak Hour Data

Necco Garage Out In Total 4 5 9 Left North Peak Hour Begins at 07:45 AM Bikes Peds 0 5 Right

Left 4 10 Out

Thru 30 44 Total

34 In 'A' St

Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 07:30 AM 07:45 AM 2 1 0 1 +0 mins. +15 mins. 1 0 1 1 2 0 2 0 +30 mins. +45 mins. 2 0 2 1 Total Volume 6 0 6 4 % App. Total 100 0 11.8 PHF .750 .000 .750 .500

6 10 6 8 30 88.2 .750

08:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 .773 .000

8 11 6 9 34

2 3 0 1 6 100 .500

2 3 0 1 6 .500

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Necco Garage Road City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Clear
'A' St In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM 6 0 6 Right Thru

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710006 : 01710006 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Necco Garage In - Peak Hour: 08:00 AM 6 Left North Bikes Peds 0 6 Right

Left 4

Thru 30

34 In - Peak Hour: 07:45 AM 'A' St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Necco Garage Road City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain Groups Printed- Cars - Trucks 'A' St From South Right Left Thru 1 4 65 4 6 82 2 1 67 3 6 77 10 17 291 2 3 2 3 10 20 1.8 0.9 20 100 0 0 2 1 7 2 12 29 4.3 1.4 29 100 0 0 87 85 90 97 359 650 95.7 30.7 645 99.2 5 0.8 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710006 : 01710006 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total % Cars % Cars Trucks % Trucks

'A' St From North Thru 123 138 159 140 560 140 143 86 139 508 1068 98.2 50.5 1048 98.1 20 1.9

Necco Garage From West Left 10 18 19 18 65 18 25 27 19 89 154 44.1 7.3 154 100 0 0

Right 16 19 21 18 74 19 33 46 23 121 195 55.9 9.2 195 100 0 0

Int. Total 219 267 269 262 1017 268 290 258 283 1099 2116

2091 98.8 25 1.2

'A' St From North Start Time Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 05:00 PM 140 2 142 05:00 PM 143 3 146 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 86 2 88 05:45 PM 139 3 142 Total Volume 508 10 518 % App. Total 98.1 1.9 PHF .888 .833 .887 496 10 506 Cars % Cars 97.6 100 97.7 Trucks 12 0 12 % Trucks 2.4 0 2.3


'A' St From South Thru

App. Total

Necco Garage From West Left Right App. Total

Int. Total

2 1 7 2 12 3.2 .429 12 100 0 0

87 85 90 97 359 96.8 .925 358 99.7 1 0.3

89 86 97 99 371
.937 370 99.7 1 0.3

18 25 27 19 89 42.4 .824 89 100 0 0

19 33 46 23 121 57.6 .658 121 100 0 0

37 58 73 42 210
.719 210 100 0 0

268 290 258 283 1099

.947 1086 98.8 13 1.2

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Necco Garage Road City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain
'A' St In 506 12 518 10 496 0 12 10 508 Right Thru

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710006 : 01710006 : 7/18/2012 :2

Out 447 1 448

Total 953 13 966

Peak Hour Data

Necco Garage Out In Total 22 210 232 0 0 0 22 210 232 89 0 89 Left North Peak Hour Begins at 05:00 PM Cars Trucks

121 0 121 Right

Left Thru 12 358 0 1 12 359 617 12 629 Out 370 1 371 In 'A' St 987 13 1000 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 04:30 PM 05:00 PM 159 161 2 2 +0 mins. +15 mins. 140 3 143 1 140 2 142 7 +30 mins. +45 mins. 143 3 146 2 Total Volume 582 10 592 12 % App. Total 98.3 1.7 3.2 PHF .915 .833 .919 .429 Cars 570 10 580 12 % Cars 97.9 100 98 100 Trucks 12 0 12 0 % Trucks 2.1 0 2 0

87 85 90 97 359 96.8 .925 358 99.7 1 0.3

89 86 97 99 371 .937 370 99.7 1 0.3

05:00 PM 18 25 27 19 89 42.4 .824 89 100 0 0

19 33 46 23 121 57.6 .658 121 100 0 0

37 58 73 42 210 .719 210 100 0 0

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Necco Garage Road City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain
'A' St In - Peak Hour: 04:30 PM 580 12 592 10 570 0 12 10 582 Right Thru

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710006 : 01710006 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Necco Garage In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 210 0 210 89 0 89 Left North Cars Trucks

121 0 121 Right

Left Thru 12 358 0 1 12 359 370 1 371 In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 'A' St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Necco Garage Road City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain Groups Printed- Cars 'A' St From South Left 4 6 1 6 17 2 1 7 2 12 29 4.3 1.4 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710006 : 01710006 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

'A' St From North Thru 121 137 156 138 552 136 140 81 139 496 1048 98.1 50.1

Right 1 4 2 3 10 2 3 2 3 10 20 1.9 1

Thru 63 82 66 76 287 87 84 90 97 358 645 95.7 30.8

Necco Garage From West Left 10 18 19 18 65 18 25 27 19 89 154 44.1 7.4

Right 16 19 21 18 74 19 33 46 23 121 195 55.9 9.3

Int. Total 215 266 265 259 1005 264 286 253 283 1086 2091

'A' St From North Start Time Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 05:00 PM 136 2 138 05:00 PM 140 3 143 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 81 2 83 139 3 142 05:45 PM Total Volume 496 10 506 % App. Total 98 2 PHF .886 .833 .885


'A' St From South Thru

App. Total

Necco Garage From West Left Right App. Total

Int. Total

2 1 7 2 12 3.2 .429

87 84 90 97 358 96.8 .923

89 85 97 99 370

18 25 27 19 89 42.4 .824

19 33 46 23 121 57.6 .658

37 58 73 42 210

264 286 253 283 1086


Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Necco Garage Road City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain
'A' St In 506 10 496 Right Thru

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710006 : 01710006 : 7/18/2012 :2

Out 447

Total 953

Peak Hour Data

Necco Garage Out In Total 22 210 232 89 Left North Peak Hour Begins at 05:00 PM Cars

121 Right

Left Thru 12 358 617 Out 370 In 'A' St 987 Total

Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 04:30 PM 05:00 PM 156 158 2 2 +0 mins. +15 mins. 138 3 141 1 136 2 138 7 +30 mins. +45 mins. 140 3 143 2 Total Volume 570 10 580 12 % App. Total 98.3 1.7 3.2 PHF .913 .833 .918 .429

87 84 90 97 358 96.8 .923

05:00 PM 18 25 27 19 89 42.4 .934 .824

89 85 97 99 370

19 33 46 23 121 57.6 .658

37 58 73 42 210 .719

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Necco Garage Road City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain
'A' St In - Peak Hour: 04:30 PM 580 10 570 Right Thru

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710006 : 01710006 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Necco Garage In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 210 89 Left North Cars

121 Right

Left Thru 12 358 370 In - Peak Hour: 05:00 PM 'A' St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Necco Garage Road City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain Groups Printed- Trucks 'A' St From South Right Left 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : 01710006 : 01710006 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

'A' St From North Thru 2 1 3 2 8 4 3 5 0 12 20 100 80

Thru 2 0 1 1 4 0 1 0 0 1 5 100 20

Necco Garage From West Left 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Right 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Int. Total 4 1 4 3 12 4 4 5 0 13 25

'A' St From North Start Time Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 04:45 PM 2 0 2 04:45 PM 05:00 PM 4 0 4 05:15 PM 3 0 3 05:30 PM 5 0 5 Total Volume 14 0 14 % App. Total 100 0 PHF .700 .000 .700


'A' St From South Thru

App. Total

Necco Garage From West Left Right App. Total

Int. Total

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

1 0 1 0 2 100 .500

1 0 1 0 2 .500

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 .000

3 4 4 5 16 .800

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Necco Garage Road City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain
'A' St In 14 0 14 Right Thru

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710006 : 01710006 : 7/18/2012 :2

Out 2

Total 16

Peak Hour Data

Necco Garage Out In Total 0 0 0 Left North Peak Hour Begins at 04:45 PM Trucks 0 0 Right

Left 0 14 Out

Thru 2 16 Total

2 In 'A' St

Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 04:45 PM 04:00 PM 2 0 2 0 +0 mins. +15 mins. 4 0 4 0 +30 mins. 3 0 3 0 +45 mins. 5 0 5 0 Total Volume 14 0 14 0 % App. Total 100 0 0 PHF .700 .000 .700 .000

2 0 1 1 4 100 .500

04:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 .500 .000

2 0 1 1 4

0 0 0 0 0 0 .000

0 0 0 0 0 .000

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Necco Garage Road City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain
'A' St In - Peak Hour: 04:45 PM 14 0 14 Right Thru

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710006 : 01710006 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Necco Garage In - Peak Hour: 04:00 PM 0 Left North Trucks 0 0 Right

Left 0

Thru 4

4 In - Peak Hour: 04:00 PM 'A' St

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Necco Garage Road City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain Groups Printed- Bikes Peds 'A' St Necco Garage From South From West Left Thru Peds Left Right 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 3 1 2
1 0 0 0 1 2 25 4.5 1 0 1 2 4 6 75 13.6 2 2 1 2 7 10 0 0 0 0 0 1 16.7 2.3 0 1 2 0 3 5 83.3 11.4

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710006 : 01710006 : 7/18/2012 :1

Start Time 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total

05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Total Grand Total Apprch % Total %

'A' St From North Thru Right 1 1 2 0 4 0 10 0 17 1

3 1 6 2 12 29 96.7 65.9 0 0 0 0 0 1 3.3 2.3

Peds 3 4 3 1 11
2 2 3 5 12 23

Peds 3 4 1 1 9
16 4 10 18 48 57

Exclu. Total

6 8 6 3 23 20 8 14 25 67 90 67.2

Inclu. Total 2 3 9 10 24 5 2 9 4 20 44 32.8

Int. Total 8 11 15 13 47 25 10 23 29 87 134

'A' St From North Start Time Thru Right App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 04:15 PM 2 0 2 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 4 0 4 10 0 10 04:45 PM 05:00 PM 3 0 3 Total Volume 19 0 19 % App. Total 100 0 PHF .475 .000 .475


'A' St From South Thru

App. Total

Necco Garage From West Left Right App. Total

Int. Total

0 1 0 1 2 40 .500

1 1 0 1 3 60 .750

1 2 0 2 5 .625

0 1 0 0 1 33.3 .250

0 2 0 0 2 66.7 .250

0 3 0 0 3 .250

3 9 10 5 27 .675

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Necco Garage Road City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain
'A' St In 19 0 19 Right Thru

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710006 : 01710006 : 7/18/2012 :2

Out 4

Total 23

Peak Hour Data

Necco Garage Out In Total 2 3 5 Left North Peak Hour Begins at 04:15 PM Bikes Peds 1 2 Right

Left 2 21 Out

Thru 3 26 Total

5 In 'A' St

Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 04:45 PM 04:15 PM 10 10 0 0 +0 mins. +15 mins. 3 0 3 1 1 0 1 0 +30 mins. +45 mins. 6 0 6 1 Total Volume 20 0 20 2 % App. Total 100 0 40 PHF .500 .000 .500 .500

1 1 0 1 3 60 .750

04:30 PM 1 0 0 0 1 25 .625 .250

1 2 0 2 5

2 0 0 1 3 75 .375

3 0 0 1 4 .333

Accurate Counts
N/S Street : 'A' Street E/W Street : Necco Garage Road City/State : South Boston, MA Weather : Rain
'A' St In - Peak Hour: 04:45 PM 20 0 20 Right Thru

File Name Site Code Start Date Page No

: 01710006 : 01710006 : 7/18/2012 :3

Peak Hour Data

Necco Garage In - Peak Hour: 04:30 PM 4 Left North Bikes Peds 1 3 Right

Left 2

Thru 3

5 In - Peak Hour: 04:15 PM 'A' St

Synchro Reports

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

327-337 Summer Street 2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street

2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group EBT Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 Lane Width (ft) 16 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 Turning Speed (mph) Lane Util. Factor 0.95 Frt 0.949 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) 3297 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) 3297 Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) Headway Factor 0.97 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 601 Travel Time (s) 13.7 Volume (vph) 608 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 Heavy Vehicles (%) 7% Parking (#/hr) Adj. Flow (vph) 661 Lane Group Flow (vph) 999 Turn Type Protected Phases 1 Permitted Phases Detector Phases 1 Minimum Initial (s) 8.0 Minimum Split (s) 25.0 Total Split (s) 54.0 Total Split (%) 54.0% Maximum Green (s) 49.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 Recall Mode C-Max Walk Time (s) Flash Dont Walk (s) Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) Act Effct Green (s) 56.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.56 v/c Ratio 0.54 Control Delay 5.5 Queue Delay 0.0 Total Delay 5.5

EBR 1900 16 4.0

WBL 1900 14 4.0 50 0 15 0.95

WBT 1900 15 4.0 50 0 0.95

NBL 1900 16 4.0 50 0 15 1.00 0.953 0.968 1708 0.968 1708 23 0.97 30 379 8.6 111 0.77 5% 144 220

NBR 1900 12 4.0

9 0.95

9 1.00

0 0 No 0.97

0.991 3123 0.573 0 1806

0 0 Yes 1.14


308 0.91 4% 338 0

85 0.69 2% 123 0 Perm

1.08 30 1580 35.9 435 0.79 9% 0 551 674

53 0.70 4% 76 0 2

1 3 1 1 1 3 8.0 8.0 8.0 25.0 25.0 15.0 0.0 54.0 54.0 20.0 0.0% 54.0% 54.0% 20.0% 49.0 49.0 15.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lead Lead 2.0 2.0 2.0 C-Max C-Max None

0.0 0.0%

4.0 26.0 26.0 26% 23.0 2.0 1.0 Lag 2.0 None 8.0 15.0 50

56.5 0.56 0.66 28.2 0.0 28.2

14.7 0.15 0.81 63.7 0.0 63.7 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 8/10/2012 2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions HSH Associates

327-337 Summer Street 2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street

2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS

EBT A 5.5 A



WBT C 28.2 C

NBL E 63.7 E


Intersection Summary Area Type: CBD Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 56 (56%), Referenced to phase 1:EBWB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 80 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.81 Intersection Signal Delay: 20.3 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 66.2% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 Splits and Phases: 2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street

327-337 Summer Street 8/10/2012 2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 2

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Lane Width (ft) 12 11 10 11 12 12 12 16 Storage Length (ft) 100 50 0 0 0 Storage Lanes 1 1 1 0 0 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Turning Speed (mph) 15 9 15 9 15 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.994 0.936 Flt Protected 0.997 0.950 0.975 Satd. Flow (prot) 0 2850 1330 1525 1693 0 0 1687 Flt Permitted 0.618 0.359 0.975 Satd. Flow (perm) 0 1766 1330 576 1693 0 0 1687 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 141 2 39 Headway Factor 1.14 1.19 1.25 1.19 1.14 1.14 1.14 0.97 Link Speed (mph) 30 30 30 Link Distance (ft) 1285 478 519 Travel Time (s) 29.2 10.9 11.8 Volume (vph) 13 326 194 435 318 11 156 5 Peak Hour Factor 0.54 0.87 0.90 0.82 0.87 0.69 0.87 0.63 Heavy Vehicles (%) 8% 10% 2% 3% 0% 9% 3% 0% Adj. Flow (vph) 24 375 216 530 366 16 179 8 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 399 216 530 382 0 0 355 Turn Type Perm Perm D.P+P Split Protected Phases 1 5 15 3 3 Permitted Phases 1 1 1 Detector Phases 1 1 1 5 15 3 3 Minimum Initial (s) 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 Minimum Split (s) 16.0 16.0 16.0 13.0 14.0 14.0 Total Split (s) 25.0 25.0 25.0 15.0 40.0 0.0 21.0 21.0 Total Split (%) 25.0% 25.0% 25.0% 15.0% 40.0% 0.0% 21.0% 21.0% Maximum Green (s) 21.0 21.0 21.0 11.0 16.0 16.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Recall Mode C-Max C-Max C-Max None None None Walk Time (s) Flash Dont Walk (s) Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) Act Effct Green (s) 39.6 39.6 50.6 54.6 17.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.40 0.40 0.51 0.55 0.17 v/c Ratio 0.57 0.35 1.34 0.41 1.11 Control Delay 29.1 8.2 196.0 24.9 120.0 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 327-337 Summer Street 8/10/2012 2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions HSH Associates

NBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

SBL 1900 12 0 0 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

SBT 1900 16

SBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

4.0 50 0

9 1.00

0 0 Yes 1.14

1.00 0.938 0.985 0 1717 0.985 0 1717 24 0.97 30 390 8.9 8 0.67 0% 12 52 4

9 1.00

0 0 Yes 1.14


138 0.82 7% 168 0

7 0.44 14% 16 0 Split 4

14 0.58 0% 24 0

4 4 10.0 10.0 17.0 17.0 0.0 18.0 18.0 0.0% 18.0% 18.0% 13.0 13.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 Lag Lag 2.0 2.0 None None

0.0 0.0%

11.0 0.11 0.25 28.9 0.0 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group 2 Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) Lane Width (ft) Storage Length (ft) Storage Lanes Total Lost Time (s) Leading Detector (ft) Trailing Detector (ft) Turning Speed (mph) Lane Util. Factor Frt Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) Headway Factor Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Volume (vph) Peak Hour Factor Heavy Vehicles (%) Adj. Flow (vph) Lane Group Flow (vph) Turn Type Protected Phases 2 Permitted Phases Detector Phases Minimum Initial (s) 4.0 Minimum Split (s) 21.0 Total Split (s) 21.0 Total Split (%) 21% Maximum Green (s) 18.0 Yellow Time (s) 2.0 All-Red Time (s) 1.0 Lead/Lag Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 Recall Mode None Walk Time (s) 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 11.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 20 Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio v/c Ratio Control Delay Queue Delay 327-337 Summer Street 8/10/2012 2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions HSH Associates Syncrho 6 Report Page 3

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group Total Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS


EBT 29.1 C 21.8 C

EBR WBL 8.2 196.0 A F

WBT WBR 25.2 C 124.5 F


NBT 120.0 F 120.0 F



SBT 28.9 C 28.9 C


Intersection Summary Area Type: CBD Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 57 (57%), Referenced to phase 1:EBWB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 145 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.34 Intersection Signal Delay: 88.4 Intersection LOS: F Intersection Capacity Utilization 73.2% ICU Level of Service D Analysis Period (min) 15 Splits and Phases: 1662: Congress Street & A Street

327-337 Summer Street 8/10/2012 2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 4

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group Total Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS Intersection Summary

327-337 Summer Street 8/10/2012 2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 5

327-337 Summer Street 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group EBL EBT EBR Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 Lane Width (ft) 12 13 16 Storage Length (ft) 0 0 Storage Lanes 0 1 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 50 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 0 0 Turning Speed (mph) 15 9 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.850 Flt Protected 0.986 Satd. Flow (prot) 0 1579 1525 Flt Permitted 0.506 Satd. Flow (perm) 0 810 1525 Right Turn on Red Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 103 Headway Factor 1.14 1.10 0.97 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 478 Travel Time (s) 10.9 Volume (vph) 82 233 90 Peak Hour Factor 0.79 0.87 0.87 Heavy Vehicles (%) 6% 12% 8% Parking (#/hr) Adj. Flow (vph) 104 268 103 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 372 103 Turn Type Perm Perm Protected Phases 1 Permitted Phases 1 1 Detector Phases 1 1 1 Minimum Initial (s) 15.0 15.0 15.0 Minimum Split (s) 21.0 21.0 21.0 Total Split (s) 41.0 41.0 41.0 Total Split (%) 41.0% 41.0% 41.0% Maximum Green (s) 36.0 36.0 36.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 Recall Mode C-Max C-Max C-Max Walk Time (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 0 0 Act Effct Green (s) 54.9 54.9 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.55 0.55 v/c Ratio 0.84 0.12 Control Delay 36.6 3.1

WBU 1900 12

WBL 1900 11 0 1 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

WBT 1900 12

WBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

NBU 1900 12

NBL 1900 12 0 1 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

NBT 1900 13

NBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

SBL 1900 12 0 0 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

4.0 50 0 9 0.95

4.0 50 0 0.95 0.988 3210 3210 10 1.14 30 426 9.7 599 0.92 0% 651 707

9 0.95

4.0 50 0 9 1.00

4.0 50 0 1.00 0.885 1502 1502 152 1.10 30 204 4.6 46 0.85 11% 54 230 2

9 1.00

0.950 1486 0.359 0 562 0

0 0 Yes 1.14

0.950 1530 0.950 0 1530

0 0 Yes 1.14

0 0






7 0.44 0%

41 0.60 7%

16 68 0 84 Perm Perm

1 1 1 1 1 1 15.0 15.0 15.0 21.0 21.0 21.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0% 41.0% 41.0% 36.0 36.0 36.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0

40 1 0.71 0.25 0% 100% 0 56 4 0 0 Split 2

164 0.96 4% 171 175 Split 2

44 0.25 2% 176 0

41 0.85 7% 48 0 Split 3

2 2 2 15.0 15.0 15.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 0.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 0.0% 27.0% 27.0% 27.0% 22.0 22.0 22.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lead Lead Lead 3.0 3.0 3.0 None None None 7.0 7.0 7.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 0 0 0 18.4 18.4 0.18 0.18 0.62 0.57 47.4 19.1

3 4.0 24.0 0.0 26.0 0.0% 26.0% 21.0 3.0 2.0 Lag 3.0 None 7.0 10.0 0

3.0 3.0 3.0 C-Max C-Max C-Max 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 0 0 0 54.9 54.9 0.55 0.55 0.27 0.40 17.4 14.9

327-337 Summer Street 8/10/2012 2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) Lane Width (ft) Storage Length (ft) Storage Lanes Total Lost Time (s) Leading Detector (ft) Trailing Detector (ft) Turning Speed (mph) Lane Util. Factor Frt Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) Headway Factor Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Volume (vph) Peak Hour Factor Heavy Vehicles (%) Parking (#/hr) Adj. Flow (vph) Lane Group Flow (vph) Turn Type Protected Phases Permitted Phases Detector Phases Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s) Total Split (s) Total Split (%) Maximum Green (s) Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Recall Mode Walk Time (s) Flash Dont Walk (s) Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio v/c Ratio Control Delay

SBT 1900 11

SBR 1900 11 120 1 4.0 50 0 9 1.00 0.850 1405 1405 Yes 76 1.19

4.0 50 0 1.00 0.971 1436 0.971 1436

1.19 30 941 21.4 26 0.81 19% 32 80 3

71 0.93 0% 76 76 Prot 3

3 3 4.0 4.0 24.0 24.0 26.0 26.0 26.0% 26.0% 21.0 21.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 Lag Lag 3.0 3.0 None None 7.0 7.0 10.0 10.0 0 0 10.9 10.9 0.11 0.11 0.51 0.34 46.3 10.9

1.0 6.0 6.0 6% 3.0 2.0 1.0

3.0 Ped 3.0 0.0 0

327-337 Summer Street 8/10/2012 2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 3

327-337 Summer Street 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group Queue Delay Total Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS


EBT 0.0 36.6 D 29.4 C

EBR WBU 0.0 3.1 A

WBL 0.0 17.4 B

WBT WBR 0.2 15.1 B 15.3 B


NBL 0.0 47.4 D

NBT 0.0 19.1 B 31.3 C



Intersection Summary Area Type: CBD Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 75 (75%), Referenced to phase 1:EBWB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 100 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.84 Intersection Signal Delay: 23.7 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 65.3% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 Splits and Phases: 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

327-337 Summer Street 8/10/2012 2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 4

327-337 Summer Street 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group Queue Delay Total Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS Intersection Summary

SBT 0.0 46.3 D 29.1 C

SBR 0.0 10.9 B

327-337 Summer Street 8/10/2012 2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 5

327-337 Summer Street 96: Melcher Street & A Street

2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) Lane Width (ft) Turning Speed (mph) Lane Util. Factor Frt Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) Headway Factor Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Volume (vph) Peak Hour Factor Heavy Vehicles (%) Parking (#/hr) Adj. Flow (vph) Lane Group Flow (vph) Sign Control

EBL 1900 12 15 1.00

EBT 1900 12 1.00 0.908 0.986 1433 0.986 1433 1.14 30 334 7.6 4 0.50 0% 0 8 203 Stop

EBR 1900 12 9 1.00

WBL 1900 12 15 1.00

WBT 1900 12 1.00 0.950 1805 0.950 1805 1.00 30 162 3.7 0 0.25 0% 0 4 Stop

WBR 1900 12 9 1.00

NBL 1900 12 15 1.00

NBT 1900 13 1.00 0.999 0.986 1860 0.986 1860 0.96 30 384 8.7 302 0.89 4% 339 476 Free

NBR 1900 12 9 1.00

SBL 1900 12 15 1.00

SBT 1900 13 1.00 0.958 1659 1659 1.10 30 519 11.8 381 0.94 3% 0 405 592 Free

SBR 1900 12 9 1.00

0 0 1.00

0 0 1.00

0 0 1.00

0 0 1.00

0 0 1.00

0 0 1.00

0 0 1.00

0 0 1.00

40 0.71 5% 0 56 0

117 0.84 8% 0 139 0

1 0.25 0% 4 0

0 0.25 0% 0 0

114 0.86 4% 133 0

2 0.50 0% 4 0

4 1.00 0% 0 4 0

154 0.84 0% 0 183 0

Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Control Type: Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Utilization 70.8% Analysis Period (min) 15

ICU Level of Service C

327-337 Summer Street 8/10/2012 2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 173: Necco Garage Rd & A Street

2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group EBL Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 Turning Speed (mph) 15 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 Frt 0.894 Flt Protected 0.989 Satd. Flow (prot) 1427 Flt Permitted 0.989 Satd. Flow (perm) 1427 Headway Factor 1.14 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 307 Travel Time (s) 7.0 Volume (vph) 8 Peak Hour Factor 0.67 Heavy Vehicles (%) 13% Parking (#/hr) 0 Adj. Flow (vph) 12 Lane Group Flow (vph) 56 Sign Control Stop

EBR 1900 9 1.00

NBL 1900 15 1.00

NBT 1900 1.00 0.991 1641 0.991 1641 1.14 30 69 1.6 411 0.93 4% 0 442 546 Free

SBT 1900 1.00 0.961 1587 1587 1.14 30 384 8.7 382 0.95 5% 0 402 565 Free

SBR 1900 9 1.00

0 0 1.00

0 0 1.00

0 0 1.00

27 0.61 4% 0 44 0

79 0.76 0% 0 104 0

134 0.82 0% 0 163 0

Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Control Type: Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Utilization 67.6% Analysis Period (min) 15

ICU Level of Service C

327-337 Summer Street 8/10/2012 2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 83: Melcher Street & Necco St

2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group EBT Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 Lane Width (ft) 12 Turning Speed (mph) Lane Util. Factor 1.00 Frt 0.920 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) 1529 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) 1529 Headway Factor 1.14 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 379 Travel Time (s) 8.6 Volume (vph) 155 Peak Hour Factor 0.78 Heavy Vehicles (%) 7% Parking (#/hr) 0 Adj. Flow (vph) 199 Lane Group Flow (vph) 486 Sign Control Free

EBR 1900 12 9 1.00

WBL 1900 12 15 1.00

WBT 1900 9 1.00 0.979 1461 0.979 1461 1.30 30 334 7.6 154 0.80 4% 0 193 336 Free

NBL 1900 14 15 1.00 0.951 0.969 1629 0.969 1629 1.05 30 373 8.5 19 0.68 5% 0 28 44 Stop

NBR 1900 12 9 1.00

0 0 1.00

0 0 1.00

0 0 1.00

255 0.89 0% 0 287 0

117 0.81 2% 0 144 0

5 0.31 0% 0 16 0

Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Control Type: Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Utilization 51.7% Analysis Period (min) 15

ICU Level of Service A

327-337 Summer Street 8/10/2012 2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street

2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group EBT Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 Lane Width (ft) 16 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 Turning Speed (mph) Lane Util. Factor 0.95 Frt 0.961 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) 3395 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) 3395 Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) Headway Factor 0.97 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 601 Travel Time (s) 13.7 Volume (vph) 626 Peak Hour Factor 0.97 Heavy Vehicles (%) 5% Parking (#/hr) Adj. Flow (vph) 645 Lane Group Flow (vph) 868 Turn Type Protected Phases 1 Permitted Phases Detector Phases 1 Minimum Initial (s) 8.0 Minimum Split (s) 25.0 Total Split (s) 41.0 Total Split (%) 41.0% Maximum Green (s) 36.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 Recall Mode C-Max Walk Time (s) Flash Dont Walk (s) Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) Act Effct Green (s) 47.9 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.48 v/c Ratio 0.53 Control Delay 11.6 Queue Delay 0.0 Total Delay 11.6

EBR 1900 16 4.0

WBL 1900 14 4.0 50 0 15 0.95

WBT 1900 15 4.0 50 0 0.95

NBL 1900 16 4.0 50 0 15 1.00 0.934 0.975 1765 0.975 1765 48 0.97 30 370 8.4 166 0.85 0% 195 379

NBR 1900 12 4.0

9 0.95

9 1.00

0 0 No 0.97

0.996 3320 0.777 0 2590

0 0 Yes 1.14


172 0.77 2% 223 0

25 0.69 0% 36 0 Perm

1.08 30 1580 35.9 396 0.91 2% 0 435 471

127 0.69 0% 184 0 2

1 3 1 1 1 3 8.0 8.0 8.0 25.0 25.0 15.0 0.0 41.0 41.0 33.0 0.0% 41.0% 41.0% 33.0% 36.0 36.0 28.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lead Lead 2.0 2.0 2.0 C-Max C-Max None

0.0 0.0%

4.0 26.0 26.0 26% 23.0 2.0 1.0 Lag 2.0 None 8.0 15.0 50

47.9 0.48 0.38 28.5 0.0 28.5

23.3 0.23 0.85 46.2 0.0 46.2 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 8/10/2012 2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions HSH Associates

327-337 Summer Street 2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street

2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS

EBT B 11.6 B



WBT C 28.5 C

NBL D 46.2 D


Intersection Summary Area Type: CBD Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 68 (68%), Referenced to phase 1:EBWB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 70 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.85 Intersection Signal Delay: 23.8 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 58.6% ICU Level of Service B Analysis Period (min) 15 Splits and Phases: 2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street

327-337 Summer Street 8/10/2012 2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 2

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group EBL EBT EBR Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 Lane Width (ft) 12 11 10 Storage Length (ft) 100 50 Storage Lanes 1 1 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 50 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 0 0 Turning Speed (mph) 15 9 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 0.95 1.00 Frt 0.850 Flt Protected 0.999 Satd. Flow (prot) 0 2963 1330 Flt Permitted 0.720 Satd. Flow (perm) 0 2135 1330 Right Turn on Red Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 143 Headway Factor 1.14 1.19 1.25 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 1285 Travel Time (s) 29.2 Volume (vph) 3 375 258 Peak Hour Factor 0.38 0.76 0.91 Heavy Vehicles (%) 0% 6% 2% Adj. Flow (vph) 8 493 284 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 501 284 Turn Type Perm Perm Protected Phases 1 Permitted Phases 1 1 Detector Phases 1 1 1 Minimum Initial (s) 8.0 8.0 8.0 Minimum Split (s) 16.0 16.0 16.0 Total Split (s) 23.0 23.0 23.0 Total Split (%) 23.0% 23.0% 23.0% Maximum Green (s) 19.0 19.0 19.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 1.0 1.0 1.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lead Lead Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 2.0 2.0 Recall Mode C-Max C-Max C-Max Walk Time (s) Flash Dont Walk (s) Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) Act Effct Green (s) 36.6 36.6 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.37 0.37 v/c Ratio 0.64 0.49 Control Delay 33.0 16.3 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0

WBL 1900 11 0 1 4.0 50 0 15 1.00 0.950 1540 0.224 363

WBT 1900 12

WBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

NBL 1900 12 0 0 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

NBT 1900 16

NBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

SBL 1900 12 0 0 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

SBT 1900 16

SBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

4.0 50 0 1.00 0.994 1684 1684 2 1.14 30 478 10.9 276 0.74 1% 373 389

4.0 50 0

4.0 50 0

9 1.00

0 0 Yes 1.14

1.00 0.915 0.984 0 1728 0.984 0 1728 77 0.97 30 527 12.0 8 0.33 0% 24 526 3

9 1.00

0 0 Yes 1.14

1.00 0.942 0.986 0 1800 0.986 0 1800 24 0.97 30 470 10.7 7 0.44 0% 16 56 4

9 1.00

0 0 Yes 1.14




236 0.80 2% 295 295 D.P+P 5 15 1 5 15 8.0 13.0 14.0 37.0 14.0% 37.0% 10.0 3.0 1.0

9 0.56 0% 16 0

127 0.74 1% 172 0 Split 3

284 0.86 1% 330 0

12 0.75 0% 16 0 Split 4

15 0.63 0% 24 0

3 3 8.0 8.0 14.0 14.0 0.0 25.0 25.0 0.0% 25.0% 25.0% 20.0 20.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 Lead Lead 2.0 2.0 None None

4 4 10.0 10.0 17.0 17.0 0.0 17.0 17.0 0.0% 17.0% 17.0% 12.0 12.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 Lag Lag 2.0 2.0 None None

0.0 0.0%

2.0 None

46.6 0.47 1.03 89.9 0.0

50.6 0.51 0.46 15.2 0.4

21.0 0.21 1.24 157.6 0.0

11.0 0.11 0.26 29.9 0.0 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 8/10/2012 2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions HSH Associates

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group 2 Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) Lane Width (ft) Storage Length (ft) Storage Lanes Total Lost Time (s) Leading Detector (ft) Trailing Detector (ft) Turning Speed (mph) Lane Util. Factor Frt Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) Headway Factor Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Volume (vph) Peak Hour Factor Heavy Vehicles (%) Adj. Flow (vph) Lane Group Flow (vph) Turn Type Protected Phases 2 Permitted Phases Detector Phases Minimum Initial (s) 4.0 Minimum Split (s) 21.0 Total Split (s) 21.0 Total Split (%) 21% Maximum Green (s) 18.0 Yellow Time (s) 2.0 All-Red Time (s) 1.0 Lead/Lag Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 Recall Mode None Walk Time (s) 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 11.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 20 Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio v/c Ratio Control Delay Queue Delay 327-337 Summer Street 8/10/2012 2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions HSH Associates Syncrho 6 Report Page 3

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group Total Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS


EBT 33.0 C 27.0 C

EBR 16.3 B

WBL 89.9 F

WBT WBR 15.6 B 47.6 D


NBT 157.6 F 157.6 F



SBT 29.9 C 29.9 C


Intersection Summary Area Type: CBD Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 25 (25%), Referenced to phase 1:EBWB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 135 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.24 Intersection Signal Delay: 67.4 Intersection LOS: E Intersection Capacity Utilization 72.7% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 Splits and Phases: 1662: Congress Street & A Street

327-337 Summer Street 8/10/2012 2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 4

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group Total Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS Intersection Summary

327-337 Summer Street 8/10/2012 2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 5

327-337 Summer Street 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group EBL EBT EBR Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 Lane Width (ft) 12 13 16 Storage Length (ft) 0 0 Storage Lanes 0 1 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 50 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 0 0 Turning Speed (mph) 15 9 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.850 Flt Protected 0.991 Satd. Flow (prot) 0 1682 1647 Flt Permitted 0.771 Satd. Flow (perm) 0 1309 1647 Right Turn on Red Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 508 Headway Factor 1.14 1.10 0.97 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 478 Travel Time (s) 10.9 Volume (vph) 93 392 447 Peak Hour Factor 0.97 0.88 0.88 Heavy Vehicles (%) 0% 5% 0% Parking (#/hr) Adj. Flow (vph) 96 445 508 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 541 508 Turn Type Perm Perm Protected Phases 1 Permitted Phases 1 1 Detector Phases 1 1 1 Minimum Initial (s) 15.0 15.0 15.0 Minimum Split (s) 21.0 21.0 21.0 Total Split (s) 32.0 32.0 32.0 Total Split (%) 32.0% 32.0% 32.0% Maximum Green (s) 27.0 27.0 27.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 2.0 2.0 Recall Mode C-Max C-Max C-Max Walk Time (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 0 0 Act Effct Green (s) 44.2 44.2 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.44 0.44 v/c Ratio 0.93 0.50 Control Delay 48.7 4.9

WBU 1900 12

WBL 1900 11 0 1 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

WBT 1900 12

WBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

NBL 1900 12 0 1 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

NBT 1900 13

NBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

SBL 1900 12 0 0 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

SBT 1900 11

4.0 50 0 9 0.95

4.0 50 0 0.95 0.986 3175 3175 10 1.14 30 426 9.7 285 0.89 1% 320 352

4.0 50 0 1.00 0.908 1522 1522 32 1.10 30 204 4.6 14 0.70 14% 20 52 2

4.0 50 0 1.00

9 0.95

9 1.00

0.950 1457 0.143 0 219 0

0.950 1490 0.950 0 1490 Yes 0 1.14 1.14

0 0 Yes 1.14

0.986 1618 0.986 0 1618 0




2 0.50 0%

135 0.89 8%

4 152 0 156 Perm Perm

26 0.81 0% 0 32 0

43 0.90 9% 48 48 Split 2

24 0.75 0% 32 0

81 0.78 0% 104 0 Split 3

1.19 30 946 21.5 227 0.90 1% 252 356 3

1 1 1 1 1 1 15.0 15.0 15.0 21.0 21.0 21.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 32.0% 32.0% 32.0% 27.0 27.0 27.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0

2 2 15.0 15.0 27.0 27.0 0.0 27.0 27.0 0.0% 27.0% 27.0% 22.0 22.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 Lead Lead 2.0 2.0 None None 7.0 7.0 13.0 13.0 0 0 16.0 16.0 0.16 0.16 0.20 0.19 39.0 20.8

3 3 4.0 4.0 28.0 28.0 0.0 35.0 35.0 0.0% 35.0% 35.0% 30.0 30.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 Lag Lag 2.0 2.0 None None 7.0 7.0 10.0 10.0 0 0 25.8 0.26 0.85 51.2 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

2.0 2.0 2.0 C-Max C-Max C-Max 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 0 0 0 44.2 44.2 0.44 0.44 1.61 0.25 341.8 11.3

327-337 Summer Street 8/10/2012 2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions HSH Associates

327-337 Summer Street 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group SBR Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 Lane Width (ft) 11 Storage Length (ft) 120 Storage Lanes 1 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 Turning Speed (mph) 9 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 Frt 0.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) 1377 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) 1377 Right Turn on Red Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 95 Headway Factor 1.19 Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Volume (vph) 81 Peak Hour Factor 0.72 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% Parking (#/hr) Adj. Flow (vph) 112 Lane Group Flow (vph) 112 Turn Type Prot Protected Phases 3 Permitted Phases Detector Phases 3 Minimum Initial (s) 4.0 Minimum Split (s) 28.0 Total Split (s) 35.0 Total Split (%) 35.0% Maximum Green (s) 30.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 Lead/Lag Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 Recall Mode None Walk Time (s) 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 10.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 Act Effct Green (s) 25.8 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.26 v/c Ratio 0.26 Control Delay 7.3

1.0 6.0 6.0 6% 3.0 2.0 1.0

2.0 Ped 3.0 0.0 0

327-337 Summer Street 8/10/2012 2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 3

327-337 Summer Street 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group Queue Delay Total Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS


EBT 0.0 48.7 D 27.6 C

EBR WBU WBL 0.2 0.0 5.0 341.8 A F

WBT WBR 0.0 11.3 B 112.8 F

NBL 0.0 39.0 D

NBT 0.0 20.8 C 29.6 C



SBT 0.0 51.2 D 40.7 D

Intersection Summary Area Type: CBD Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 19 (19%), Referenced to phase 1:EBWB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 115 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.61 Intersection Signal Delay: 50.9 Intersection LOS: D Intersection Capacity Utilization 85.2% ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 Splits and Phases: 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

327-337 Summer Street 8/10/2012 2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 4

327-337 Summer Street 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group Queue Delay Total Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS Intersection Summary

SBR 0.0 7.3 A

327-337 Summer Street 8/10/2012 2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 5

327-337 Summer Street 107: Melcher Street & A Street

2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) Lane Width (ft) Turning Speed (mph) Lane Util. Factor Frt Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) Headway Factor Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Volume (vph) Peak Hour Factor Heavy Vehicles (%) Parking (#/hr) Adj. Flow (vph) Lane Group Flow (vph) Sign Control

EBL 1900 12 15 1.00

EBT 1900 12 1.00 0.922 0.981 1520 0.981 1520 1.14 30 348 7.9 4 0.33 0% 0 12 302 Stop

EBR 1900 12 9 1.00

WBL 1900 12 15 1.00

WBT 1900 12 1.00 0.932 0.988 1750 0.988 1750 1.00 30 152 3.5 1 0.25 0% 4 16 Stop

WBR 1900 12 9 1.00

NBL 1900 12 15 1.00

NBT 1900 13 1.00 0.995 0.990 1920 0.990 1920 0.96 30 369 8.4 320 0.84 1% 381 509 Free

NBR 1900 12 9 1.00

SBL 1900 12 15 1.00

SBT 1900 13 1.00 0.973 0.999 1691 0.999 1691 1.10 30 527 12.0 379 0.80 2% 0 474 611 Free

SBR 1900 12 9 1.00

0 0 1.00

0 0 1.00

0 0 1.00

0 0 1.00

0 0 1.00

0 0 1.00

0 0 1.00

0 0 1.00

97 0.84 0% 0 115 0

156 0.89 3% 0 175 0

1 0.25 0% 4 0

3 0.38 0% 8 0

95 0.88 0% 108 0

11 0.55 0% 20 0

8 0.50 0% 0 16 0

76 0.63 0% 0 121 0

Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Control Type: Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Utilization 79.6% Analysis Period (min) 15

ICU Level of Service D

327-337 Summer Street 8/10/2012 2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 119: Necco Garage Road & A Street

2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group EBL Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 Turning Speed (mph) 15 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 Frt 0.915 Flt Protected 0.982 Satd. Flow (prot) 1536 Flt Permitted 0.982 Satd. Flow (perm) 1536 Headway Factor 1.14 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 336 Travel Time (s) 7.6 Volume (vph) 89 Peak Hour Factor 0.82 Heavy Vehicles (%) 0% Parking (#/hr) 0 Adj. Flow (vph) 109 Lane Group Flow (vph) 292 Sign Control Stop

EBR 1900 9 1.00

NBL 1900 15 1.00

NBT 1900 1.00 0.997 1705 0.997 1705 1.14 30 294 6.7 359 0.93 0% 0 386 414 Free

SBT 1900 1.00 0.997 1672 1672 1.14 30 369 8.4 508 0.89 2% 0 571 583 Free

SBR 1900 9 1.00

0 0 1.00

0 0 1.00

0 0 1.00

121 0.66 0% 0 183 0

12 0.43 0% 0 28 0

10 0.83 0% 0 12 0

Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Control Type: Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Utilization 47.6% Analysis Period (min) 15

ICU Level of Service A

327-337 Summer Street 8/10/2012 2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 96: Melcher Street & Necco Street

2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group EBT Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 Lane Width (ft) 12 Turning Speed (mph) Lane Util. Factor 1.00 Frt 0.967 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) 1629 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) 1629 Headway Factor 1.14 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 370 Travel Time (s) 8.4 Volume (vph) 210 Peak Hour Factor 0.86 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% Parking (#/hr) 0 Adj. Flow (vph) 244 Lane Group Flow (vph) 324 Sign Control Free

EBR 1900 12 9 1.00

WBL 1900 12 15 1.00

WBT 1900 9 1.00 0.996 1533 0.996 1533 1.30 30 348 7.9 154 0.74 0% 0 208 228 Free

NBL 1900 14 15 1.00 0.966 0.964 1699 0.964 1699 1.05 30 464 10.5 152 0.79 0% 0 192 256 Stop

NBR 1900 12 9 1.00

0 0 1.00

0 0 1.00

0 0 1.00

44 0.55 0% 0 80 0

12 0.60 0% 0 20 0

54 0.84 0% 0 64 0

Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Control Type: Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Utilization 36.4% Analysis Period (min) 15

ICU Level of Service A

327-337 Summer Street 8/10/2012 2012 Existing AM Peak Conditions HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street

2017 No Build AM Peak Conditions

Lane Group EBT Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 Lane Width (ft) 16 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 Turning Speed (mph) Lane Util. Factor 0.95 Frt 0.941 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) 3274 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) 3274 Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) Headway Factor 0.97 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 601 Travel Time (s) 13.7 Volume (vph) 623 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 Heavy Vehicles (%) 7% Parking (#/hr) Adj. Flow (vph) 677 Lane Group Flow (vph) 1115 Turn Type Protected Phases 1 Permitted Phases Detector Phases 1 Minimum Initial (s) 10.0 Minimum Split (s) 25.0 Total Split (s) 54.0 Total Split (%) 54.0% Maximum Green (s) 49.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 Recall Mode C-Max Walk Time (s) Flash Dont Walk (s) Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) Act Effct Green (s) 55.6 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.56 v/c Ratio 0.61 Control Delay 10.5 Queue Delay 0.1 Total Delay 10.6 HSH Associates

EBR 1900 16 4.0

WBL 1900 14 4.0 50 0 15 0.95

WBT 1900 15 4.0 50 0 0.95

NBL 1900 16 4.0 50 0 15 1.00 0.957 0.967 1713 0.967 1713 20 0.97 30 379 8.6 135 0.77 5% 175 256

NBR 1900 12 4.0

9 0.95

9 1.00

0 0 No 0.97

0.990 3126 0.516 0 1629 0

0 0 Yes 1.14


399 0.91 4% 438 0

105 0.69 2% 152 0 Perm

1.08 30 1580 35.9 449 0.79 9% 0 568 720

57 0.70 4% 81 0 2

1 3 1 1 1 3 10.0 10.0 6.0 25.0 25.0 15.0 0.0 54.0 54.0 21.0 0.0% 54.0% 54.0% 21.0% 49.0 49.0 16.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lead Lead 3.0 3.0 3.0 C-Max C-Max None

0.0 0.0%

4.0 25.0 25.0 25% 21.0 3.0 1.0 Lag 3.0 None 7.0 14.0 50

55.6 0.56 1.09dl 27.5 0.0 27.5

16.4 0.16 0.86 62.9 0.0 62.9 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street

2017 No Build AM Peak Conditions

Lane Group EBT LOS B Approach Delay 10.6 Approach LOS B 90th %ile Green (s) 49.0 90th %ile Term Code Coord 70th %ile Green (s) 49.0 70th %ile Term Code Coord 50th %ile Green (s) 49.0 50th %ile Term Code Coord 30th %ile Green (s) 49.0 30th %ile Term Code Coord 10th %ile Green (s) 76.9 10th %ile Term Code Coord Stops (vph) 418 Fuel Used(gal) 9 CO Emissions (g/hr) 648 NOx Emissions (g/hr) 126 VOC Emissions (g/hr) 150 Dilemma Vehicles (#) 0 Queue Length 50th (ft) 176 Queue Length 95th (ft) m158 Internal Link Dist (ft) 521 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 1820 Starvation Cap Reductn 94 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.65



49.0 Coord 49.0 Coord 49.0 Coord 49.0 Coord 76.9 Coord

WBT C 27.5 C 49.0 Coord 49.0 Coord 49.0 Coord 49.0 Coord 76.9 Coord 452 12 869 169 201 0 250 274 1500 906 0 0 0 0.79

NBL E 62.9 E 16.0 Max 16.0 Max 16.0 Max 16.0 Max 13.1 Gap 151 4 269 52 62 0 120 #204 299 308 0 0 0 0.83


21.0 Ped 21.0 Ped 21.0 Ped 21.0 Ped 0.0 Skip

Intersection Summary Area Type: CBD Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 42 (42%), Referenced to phase 1:EBWB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 90 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.86 Intersection Signal Delay: 22.8 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 72.7% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. dl Defacto Left Lane. Recode with 1 though lane as a left lane. Splits and Phases: 2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 2

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2017 No Build AM Peak Conditions

Lane Group EBL Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 Lane Width (ft) 12 Storage Length (ft) 0 Storage Lanes 1 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 Turning Speed (mph) 15 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 Frt Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) 0 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) 0 Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) Headway Factor 1.14 Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Volume (vph) 13 Peak Hour Factor 0.54 Heavy Vehicles (%) 8% Adj. Flow (vph) 24 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 Turn Type Perm Protected Phases Permitted Phases 1 Detector Phases 1 Minimum Initial (s) 10.0 Minimum Split (s) 16.0 Total Split (s) 18.0 Total Split (%) 18.0% Maximum Green (s) 14.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 1.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 Recall Mode C-Max Walk Time (s) Flash Dont Walk (s) Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio v/c Ratio Control Delay Queue Delay HSH Associates

EBT 1900 11

EBR 1900 10 50 1 4.0 50 0 9 1.00 0.850 1330

WBL 1900 11 0 1 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

WBT 1900 12

WBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

NBL 1900 12 0 0 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

NBT 1900 16

NBR 1900 12 0 1 4.0 50 0 9 1.00 0.850 1358 1358 Yes 301 1.14

SBL 1900 12 0 0 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

SBT 1900 16

SBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

4.0 50 0 0.95 0.997 2850 0.571 1632

4.0 50 0 1.00 0.994 1694 1694 3 1.14 30 478 10.9 340 0.87 0% 391 407

4.0 50 0 1.00

4.0 50 0

9 1.00

1.19 30 1285 29.2 352 0.87 10% 405 429 1 1 10.0 16.0 18.0 18.0% 14.0 3.0 1.0 Lead

0.950 1525 0.502 1330 806 Yes 142 1.25 1.19

0 0 Yes 1.14

0.955 1799 0.955 0 1799 0

1.00 0.959 0.990 0 1789 0.990 0 1789 17 0.97 30 390 8.9 26 0.67 0% 39 79

9 1.00

0 0 Yes 1.14


230 509 0.90 0.82 2% 3% 256 621 256 621 Perm Perm

15 1 15 1 15 15 10.0 16.0 18.0 56.0 56.0 18.0% 56.0% 56.0% 14.0 3.0 1.0 Lead

186 247 7 0.87 0.82 0.44 3% 7% 14% 214 301 16 0 301 0 custom custom Split 4 4 45 3 3 4 4 45 4 4 45 3 3 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 9.0 9.0 8.0 8.0 0.0 12.0 12.0 50.0 11.0 11.0 0.0% 12.0% 12.0% 50.0% 11.0% 11.0% 7.0 7.0 6.0 6.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lag Lag Lead Lead 3.0 3.0 None None 3.0 3.0 None None

11 0.69 9% 16 0

0.97 30 519 11.8 7 0.63 0% 11 225


14 0.58 0% 24 0

0.0 0.0%

3.0 3.0 C-Max C-Max

28.8 0.29 0.91 63.7 0.0

28.8 66.8 0.29 0.67 0.53 1.15 24.3 111.3 0.5 24.2

66.8 0.67 0.36 9.5 0.2

8.0 0.08 1.56 307.0 0.0

46.0 0.46 0.38 5.7 0.0

6.9 0.07 0.57 52.4 0.1 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2017 No Build AM Peak Conditions

Lane Group 2 5 Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) Lane Width (ft) Storage Length (ft) Storage Lanes Total Lost Time (s) Leading Detector (ft) Trailing Detector (ft) Turning Speed (mph) Lane Util. Factor Frt Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) Headway Factor Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Volume (vph) Peak Hour Factor Heavy Vehicles (%) Adj. Flow (vph) Lane Group Flow (vph) Turn Type Protected Phases 2 5 Permitted Phases Detector Phases Minimum Initial (s) 4.0 6.0 Minimum Split (s) 21.0 13.0 Total Split (s) 21.0 38.0 Total Split (%) 21% 38% Maximum Green (s) 17.0 33.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 1.0 2.0 Lead/Lag Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 3.0 Recall Mode None None Walk Time (s) 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 10.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 20 Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio v/c Ratio Control Delay Queue Delay HSH Associates Syncrho 6 Report Page 3

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2017 No Build AM Peak Conditions

Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL Total Delay 63.7 24.8 135.5 LOS E C F Approach Delay 49.1 Approach LOS D 90th %ile Green (s) 14.0 14.0 14.0 90th %ile Term Code Coord Coord Coord 70th %ile Green (s) 14.0 14.0 14.0 70th %ile Term Code Coord Coord Coord 50th %ile Green (s) 35.0 35.0 35.0 50th %ile Term Code Coord Coord Coord 30th %ile Green (s) 35.0 35.0 35.0 30th %ile Term Code Coord Coord Coord 10th %ile Green (s) 46.0 46.0 46.0 10th %ile Term Code Coord Coord Coord Stops (vph) 197 146 349 Fuel Used(gal) 9 4 15 CO Emissions (g/hr) 663 297 1074 NOx Emissions (g/hr) 129 58 209 VOC Emissions (g/hr) 154 69 249 Dilemma Vehicles (#) 0 0 0 Queue Length 50th (ft) 112 48 ~329 Queue Length 95th (ft) m#312 m#205 #640 Internal Link Dist (ft) 1205 Turn Bay Length (ft) 50 Base Capacity (vph) 470 484 538 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 48 25 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.91 0.59 1.21

WBT 9.6 A 85.7 F



7.0 Max 7.0 Max 7.0 Max 7.0 Max 7.0 Max 129 3 189 37 44 0 67 193 398 1132 180 0 0 0.43

NBT 307.0 F 134.6 F 7.0 Max 7.0 Max 7.0 Max 7.0 Max 7.0 Max 138 14 951 185 220 0 ~207 #217 439 144 0 0 0 1.56

NBR 5.7 A


6.0 Max 6.0 Max 6.0 Max 6.0 Max 0.0 Skip 60 2 113 22 26 0 40 m51

SBT 52.5 D 52.5 D 6.0 Max 6.0 Max 6.0 Max 6.0 Max 0.0 Skip 36 1 59 11 14 0 39 61 310 141 0 1 0 0.56


787 0 0 0 0.38

Intersection Summary Area Type: CBD Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 1:EBWB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 150 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.56 Intersection Signal Delay: 84.8 Intersection LOS: F Intersection Capacity Utilization 71.1% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 4

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

Splits and Phases: 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2017 No Build AM Peak Conditions

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 5

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2017 No Build AM Peak Conditions

Lane Group Total Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 90th %ile Green (s) 90th %ile Term Code 70th %ile Green (s) 70th %ile Term Code 50th %ile Green (s) 50th %ile Term Code 30th %ile Green (s) 30th %ile Term Code 10th %ile Green (s) 10th %ile Term Code Stops (vph) Fuel Used(gal) CO Emissions (g/hr) NOx Emissions (g/hr) VOC Emissions (g/hr) Dilemma Vehicles (#) Queue Length 50th (ft) Queue Length 95th (ft) Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) Starvation Cap Reductn Spillback Cap Reductn Storage Cap Reductn Reduced v/c Ratio Intersection Summary

17.0 Ped 17.0 Ped 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip

33.0 Max 33.0 Max 33.0 Max 33.0 Max 33.0 Max

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 6

327-337 Summer Street 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

2017 No Build AM Peak Conditions

Lane Group EBL EBT Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 Lane Width (ft) 12 13 Storage Length (ft) 0 Storage Lanes 1 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 0 Turning Speed (mph) 15 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.960 Flt Protected 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1533 1529 Flt Permitted 0.182 Satd. Flow (perm) 294 1529 Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) 21 Headway Factor 1.14 1.10 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 478 Travel Time (s) 10.9 Volume (vph) 184 259 Peak Hour Factor 0.79 0.87 Heavy Vehicles (%) 6% 12% Parking (#/hr) Adj. Flow (vph) 233 298 Lane Group Flow (vph) 233 408 Turn Type D.P+P Protected Phases 5 15 Permitted Phases 1 Detector Phases 5 15 Minimum Initial (s) 6.0 Minimum Split (s) 12.0 Total Split (s) 16.0 42.0 Total Split (%) 16.0% 42.0% Maximum Green (s) 10.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 Recall Mode None Walk Time (s) Flash Dont Walk (s) Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) Act Effct Green (s) 55.0 59.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.55 0.59 v/c Ratio 0.75 0.45 Control Delay 38.7 12.2 HSH Associates

EBR 1900 16 0 0 4.0

WBL 1900 11 0 1 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

WBT 1900 12

WBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

NBL 1900 12 0 1 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

NBT 1900 13

NBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

SBL 1900 12 0 0 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

SBT 1900 11

SBR 1900 11 120 1 4.0 50 0 9 1.00 0.850 1405 1405 Yes 130 1.19

4.0 50 0 0.95 0.988 3210 3210 9 1.14 30 426 9.7 596 0.92 0% 648 706

4.0 50 0 1.00 0.920 1530 1530 61 1.10 30 204 4.6 147 0.85 11%

4.0 50 0 1.00

9 1.00

9 0.95

9 1.00

0.950 1468 0.182 0 281 Yes 0 0.97 1.19

0.950 1562 0.250 0 411 Yes 0 1.14 1.14

0 0 Yes 1.14

0.968 1441 0.598 0 890 0


96 0.87 8% 110 0

78 0.60 7% 130 130 Perm

1 1 1 1 15.0 15.0 21.0 21.0 0.0 26.0 26.0 0.0% 26.0% 26.0% 21.0 21.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 Lead Lead 3.0 3.0 C-Max C-Max

184 173 184 369 pm+pt 3 34 34 34 3 34 1.0 6.0 0.0 15.0 37.0 0.0% 15.0% 37.0% 10.0 3.0 2.0 Lead 3.0 None

41 0.71 0% 0 58 0

177 0.96 4%

49 0.25 2% 196 0

151 0.85 7% 178 0 Perm

1.19 30 941 21.4 74 0.81 19% 91 269

121 0.93 0%

4 4 6.0 11.0 0.0 22.0 0.0% 22.0% 17.0 3.0 2.0 Lag 3.0 Min

130 130 custom 4 4 45 4 4 6.0 6.0 11.0 11.0 22.0 22.0 22.0% 22.0% 17.0 17.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 Lag Lag 3.0 Min 3.0 Min

43.0 0.43 1.07 129.6

43.0 0.43 0.51 17.2

29.0 0.29 0.75 46.5

33.0 0.33 0.68 31.1

18.0 0.18 1.68 357.5

34.0 0.34 0.23 4.2

Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

2017 No Build AM Peak Conditions

Lane Group 2 Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) Lane Width (ft) Storage Length (ft) Storage Lanes Total Lost Time (s) Leading Detector (ft) Trailing Detector (ft) Turning Speed (mph) Lane Util. Factor Frt Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) Headway Factor Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Volume (vph) Peak Hour Factor Heavy Vehicles (%) Parking (#/hr) Adj. Flow (vph) Lane Group Flow (vph) Turn Type Protected Phases 2 Permitted Phases Detector Phases Minimum Initial (s) 4.0 Minimum Split (s) 21.0 Total Split (s) 21.0 Total Split (%) 21% Maximum Green (s) 17.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 1.0 Lead/Lag Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 Recall Mode None Walk Time (s) 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 10.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio v/c Ratio Control Delay HSH Associates Syncrho 6 Report Page 3

327-337 Summer Street 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

2017 No Build AM Peak Conditions

Lane Group EBL EBT Queue Delay 0.0 0.4 Total Delay 38.7 12.6 LOS D B Approach Delay 22.1 Approach LOS C 90th %ile Green (s) 10.0 90th %ile Term Code Max 70th %ile Green (s) 10.0 70th %ile Term Code Max 50th %ile Green (s) 10.0 50th %ile Term Code Max 30th %ile Green (s) 10.0 30th %ile Term Code Max 10th %ile Green (s) 10.0 10th %ile Term Code Max Stops (vph) 178 191 Fuel Used(gal) 3 3 CO Emissions (g/hr) 218 228 NOx Emissions (g/hr) 42 44 VOC Emissions (g/hr) 51 53 Dilemma Vehicles (#) 0 0 Queue Length 50th (ft) 107 130 Queue Length 95th (ft) m135 m102 Internal Link Dist (ft) 398 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 310 911 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 179 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.75 0.56


WBL 0.0 129.6 F

42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 49 3 181 35 42 0 ~92 #92

WBT 0.0 17.2 B 34.6 C 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 451 7 478 93 111 0 179 m230 346 1385 0 0 0 0.51


NBL 0.0 46.5 D

NBT 0.0 31.1 C 36.2 D



10.0 Max 10.0 Max 10.0 Max 10.0 Max 10.0 Max 130 3 187 36 43 0 88 #166

17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 143 2 164 32 38 0 169 251 124 546 0 0 0 0.68

SBT 0.0 357.5 F 242.4 F 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 157 19 1321 257 306 0 ~252 #357 861 160 0 0 0 1.68

SBR 0.0 4.2 A

17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 24 1 79 15 18 0 11 42 120 564 0 0 0 0.23

121 0 0 0 1.07

246 0 0 0 0.75

Intersection Summary Area Type: CBD Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 85 (85%), Referenced to phase 1:EBWB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 110 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.68 Intersection Signal Delay: 65.8 Intersection LOS: E Intersection Capacity Utilization 73.0% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 4

327-337 Summer Street 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)
Splits and Phases:

2017 No Build AM Peak Conditions

4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 5

327-337 Summer Street 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

2017 No Build AM Peak Conditions

Lane Group Queue Delay Total Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 90th %ile Green (s) 90th %ile Term Code 70th %ile Green (s) 70th %ile Term Code 50th %ile Green (s) 50th %ile Term Code 30th %ile Green (s) 30th %ile Term Code 10th %ile Green (s) 10th %ile Term Code Stops (vph) Fuel Used(gal) CO Emissions (g/hr) NOx Emissions (g/hr) VOC Emissions (g/hr) Dilemma Vehicles (#) Queue Length 50th (ft) Queue Length 95th (ft) Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) Starvation Cap Reductn Spillback Cap Reductn Storage Cap Reductn Reduced v/c Ratio Intersection Summary

0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 6

327-337 Summer Street 96: Melcher St & A Street

2017 No Build AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group EBL EBT Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 Lane Width (ft) 12 12 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 0 Turning Speed (mph) 15 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.921 Flt Protected 0.981 Satd. Flow (prot) 0 1449 Flt Permitted 0.981 Satd. Flow (perm) 0 1449 Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) 76 Headway Factor 1.00 1.14 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 334 Travel Time (s) 7.6 Volume (vph) 80 4 Peak Hour Factor 0.71 0.50 Heavy Vehicles (%) 5% 0% Parking (#/hr) 0 0 Adj. Flow (vph) 113 8 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 292 Turn Type Split Protected Phases 5 5 Permitted Phases Detector Phases 5 5 Minimum Initial (s) 8.0 8.0 Minimum Split (s) 23.0 23.0 Total Split (s) 37.0 37.0 Total Split (%) 37.0% 37.0% Maximum Green (s) 32.0 32.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 2.0 Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 2.0 Recall Mode None None Walk Time (s) 8.0 8.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 4.0 4.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 0 Act Effct Green (s) 21.4 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.21 v/c Ratio 0.79 Control Delay 27.5 Queue Delay 0.0 Total Delay 27.5 HSH Associates

EBR 1900 12 4.0

WBL 1900 12 4.0

WBT 1900 12 4.0

WBR 1900 12 4.0

NBL 1900 12 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

NBT 1900 13 4.0 50 0

NBR 1900 12 4.0

SBL 1900 12 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

SBT 1900 13 4.0 50 0 1.00 0.962

SBR 1900 12 4.0

9 1.00

15 1.00


9 1.00

0 0 Yes 1.00

0 0

0 0

0 0 Yes 1.00

1.00 0.999 0.988 0 1864 0.675 0 1273 1 0.96 30 384 8.7 404 0.89 4% 454 598

9 1.00

9 1.00

0 0 Yes 1.00

1664 0.998 0 1661 34 1.10 30 519 11.8 486 0.94 3% 0 517 725

0 0 Yes 1.00


144 0.84 8% 0 171 0

0 0.25 0% 0 0

1.00 30 162 3.7 0 0.25 0% 0 0



0 0.25 0% 0 0

120 0.86 4% 140 0 Perm

2 0.50 0%

4 1.00 0% 0 4 4 0 0 Perm

171 0.84 0% 0 204 0

0.0 0.0%

0.0 0.0%

0.0 0.0%

1 1 1 1 1 39.0 39.0 44.0 44.0 0.0 63.0 63.0 0.0% 63.0% 63.0% 58.0 58.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0

1 1 1 1 1 39.0 39.0 44.0 44.0 0.0 63.0 63.0 0.0% 63.0% 63.0% 58.0 58.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0

0.0 0.0%

2.0 2.0 C-Max C-Max 8.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 0 0 70.6 0.71 0.67 14.3 0.0 14.3

2.0 2.0 C-Max C-Max 8.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 0 0 70.6 0.71 0.61 13.8 2.5 16.3 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 96: Melcher St & A Street

2017 No Build AM Peak Conditions


Lane Group LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 90th %ile Green (s) 90th %ile Term Code 70th %ile Green (s) 70th %ile Term Code 50th %ile Green (s) 50th %ile Term Code 30th %ile Green (s) 30th %ile Term Code 10th %ile Green (s) 10th %ile Term Code Stops (vph) Fuel Used(gal) CO Emissions (g/hr) NOx Emissions (g/hr) VOC Emissions (g/hr) Dilemma Vehicles (#) Queue Length 50th (ft) Queue Length 95th (ft) Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) Starvation Cap Reductn Spillback Cap Reductn Storage Cap Reductn Reduced v/c Ratio


26.5 Gap 25.9 Gap 21.6 Gap 17.1 Gap 10.7 Min

EBT C 27.5 C 26.5 Gap 25.9 Gap 21.6 Gap 17.1 Gap 10.7 Min 177 3 199 39 46 0 99 32 254 529 0 0 0 0.55






63.5 Coord 64.1 Coord 68.4 Coord 72.9 Coord 79.3 Coord


NBT B 14.3 B 63.5 Coord 64.1 Coord 68.4 Coord 72.9 Coord 79.3 Coord 308 5 336 65 78 0 192 370 304 899 0 0 0 0.67



63.5 Coord 64.1 Coord 68.4 Coord 72.9 Coord 79.3 Coord

SBT B 16.3 B 63.5 Coord 64.1 Coord 68.4 Coord 72.9 Coord 79.3 Coord 429 7 482 94 112 0 194 m448 439 1183 323 0 0 0.84


Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 9 (9%), Referenced to phase 1:NBSB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 70 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.79 Intersection Signal Delay: 17.6 Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 92.2% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 96: Melcher St & A Street

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 2

327-337 Summer Street 173: Necco Garage Rd & A Street

2017 No Build AM Peak Conditions

Movement Lane Configurations Sign Control Grade Volume (veh/h) Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow rate (vph) Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) p0 queue free % cM capacity (veh/h) Direction, Lane # Volume Total Volume Left Volume Right cSH Volume to Capacity Queue Length 95th (ft) Control Delay (s) Lane LOS Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS

EBL Stop 0% 46 0.67 69



NBT Free 0% 421 0.93 453

SBT Free 0% 392 0.95 413


30 0.61 49

93 0.76 122

255 0.82 311

None 384 0.83 1266 0.83 568 0.83 724

1321 6.5 3.6 40 114 EB 1 118 69 49 167 0.70 106 66.0 F 66.0 F

478 6.2 3.3 90 483 NB 1 575 122 0 772 0.16 14 4.0 A 4.0

666 4.1 2.2 84 772 SB 1 724 0 311 1700 0.43 0 0.0 0.0

Intersection Summary Average Delay Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Period (min)

7.1 77.9% 15

ICU Level of Service

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 83: Melcher Street & Necco St

2017 No Build AM Peak Conditions


Movement Lane Configurations Sign Control Grade Volume (veh/h) Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow rate (vph) Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) p0 queue free % cM capacity (veh/h) Direction, Lane # Volume Total Volume Left Volume Right cSH Volume to Capacity Queue Length 95th (ft) Control Delay (s) Lane LOS Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS

EBT Free 0% 260 0.78 333



WBT Free 0% 182 0.80 228

NBL Stop 0% 19 0.68 28


261 0.89 293

120 0.81 148

5 0.31 16

None 379 627 334 1004 480

627 4.1 2.2 84 955 EB 1 WB 1 627 376 0 148 293 0 1700 955 0.37 0.16 0 14 0.0 4.8 A 0.0 4.8 NB 1 44 28 16 289 0.15 13 19.7 C 19.7 C 2.5 59.2% 15

1004 6.4 3.5 88 224

480 6.2 3.3 97 590

Intersection Summary Average Delay Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Period (min)

ICU Level of Service

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street

2017 No Build PM Peak Conditions


Lane Group EBT Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 Lane Width (ft) 16 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 Turning Speed (mph) Lane Util. Factor 0.95 Frt 0.954 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) 3375 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) 3375 Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) Headway Factor 0.97 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 601 Travel Time (s) 13.7 Volume (vph) 642 Peak Hour Factor 0.97 Heavy Vehicles (%) 5% Parking (#/hr) Adj. Flow (vph) 662 Lane Group Flow (vph) 957 Turn Type Protected Phases 1 Permitted Phases Detector Phases 1 Minimum Initial (s) 10.0 Minimum Split (s) 25.0 Total Split (s) 47.0 Total Split (%) 47.0% Maximum Green (s) 42.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 Recall Mode C-Max Walk Time (s) Flash Dont Walk (s) Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) Act Effct Green (s) 48.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.48 v/c Ratio 0.59 Control Delay 18.0 Queue Delay 0.0 Total Delay 18.0 HSH Associates

EBR 1900 16 4.0

WBL 1900 14 4.0 50 0 15 0.95

WBT 1900 15 4.0 50 0 0.95

NBL 1900 16 4.0 50 0 15 1.00 0.947 0.971 1782 0.971 1782 31 0.97 30 370 8.4 278 0.85 0% 327 540

NBR 1900 12 4.0

9 0.95

9 1.00

0 0 No 0.97

0.996 3321 0.757 0 2524 0

0 0 Yes 1.14


227 0.77 2% 295 0

30 0.69 0% 43 0 Perm

1.08 30 1580 35.9 410 0.91 2% 0 451 494

147 0.69 0% 213 0 2

1 3 1 1 1 3 10.0 10.0 6.0 25.0 25.0 15.0 0.0 47.0 47.0 28.0 0.0% 47.0% 47.0% 28.0% 42.0 42.0 23.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lead Lead 3.0 3.0 3.0 C-Max C-Max None

0.0 0.0%

4.0 25.0 25.0 25% 21.0 3.0 1.0 Lag 3.0 None 7.0 14.0 50

48.0 24.0 0.48 0.24 0.41 1.20 20.4 138.9 0.0 0.0 20.4 138.9 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street

2017 No Build PM Peak Conditions


Lane Group EBT LOS B Approach Delay 18.0 Approach LOS B 90th %ile Green (s) 42.0 90th %ile Term Code Coord 70th %ile Green (s) 42.0 70th %ile Term Code Coord 50th %ile Green (s) 42.0 50th %ile Term Code Coord 30th %ile Green (s) 42.0 30th %ile Term Code Coord 10th %ile Green (s) 67.0 10th %ile Term Code Coord Stops (vph) 517 Fuel Used(gal) 10 CO Emissions (g/hr) 707 NOx Emissions (g/hr) 138 VOC Emissions (g/hr) 164 Dilemma Vehicles (#) 0 Queue Length 50th (ft) 211 Queue Length 95th (ft) m264 Internal Link Dist (ft) 521 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 1620 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.59



42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 67.0 Coord

WBT NBL C F 20.4 138.9 C F 42.0 23.0 Coord Max 42.0 23.0 Coord Max 42.0 23.0 Coord Max 42.0 23.0 Coord Max 67.0 23.0 Coord Max 358 316 9 15 645 1048 125 204 149 243 0 0 116 ~398 228 m#534 1500 290 1211 0 0 0 0.41 451 0 0 0 1.20


21.0 Ped 21.0 Ped 21.0 Ped 21.0 Ped 0.0 Skip

Intersection Summary Area Type: CBD Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 48 (48%), Referenced to phase 1:EBWB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 90 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.20 Intersection Signal Delay: 51.4 Intersection LOS: D Intersection Capacity Utilization 71.7% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 2

327-337 Summer Street 2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street

Splits and Phases: 2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street

2017 No Build PM Peak Conditions


HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 3

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2017 No Build PM Peak Conditions

Lane Group EBL Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 Lane Width (ft) 12 Storage Length (ft) 0 Storage Lanes 0 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 Turning Speed (mph) 15 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 Frt Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) 0 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) 0 Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) Headway Factor 1.14 Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Volume (vph) 3 Peak Hour Factor 0.38 Heavy Vehicles (%) 0% Adj. Flow (vph) 8 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 Turn Type Perm Protected Phases Permitted Phases 1 Detector Phases 1 Minimum Initial (s) 10.0 Minimum Split (s) 16.0 Total Split (s) 17.0 Total Split (%) 17.0% Maximum Green (s) 13.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 1.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 Recall Mode C-Max Walk Time (s) Flash Dont Walk (s) Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio v/c Ratio Control Delay Queue Delay HSH Associates

EBT 1900 11

EBR 1900 10 50 1 4.0 50 0 9 1.00 0.850 1330

WBL 1900 11 0 1 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

WBT 1900 12

WBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

NBL 1900 12 0 0 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

NBT 1900 16

NBR 1900 12 0 1 4.0 50 0 9 1.00 0.850 1439 1439 Yes 515 1.14

SBL 1900 12 0 0 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

SBT 1900 16

SBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

4.0 50 0 0.95 0.999 2962 0.672 1993

4.0 50 0 1.00 0.994 1684 1684 3 1.14 30 478 10.9 310 0.74 1% 419 435

4.0 50 0 1.00

4.0 50 0

9 1.00

1.19 30 1285 29.2 426 0.76 6% 561 569 1 1 10.0 16.0 17.0 17.0% 13.0 3.0 1.0 Lead

0.950 1540 0.438 1330 710 Yes 142 1.25 1.19

0 0 Yes 1.14

0.964 1854 0.964 0 1854 0

1.00 0.949 0.987 0 1815 0.987 0 1815 23 0.97 30 470 10.7 10 0.44 0% 23 63 3 3 1.0 6.0 8.0 8.0% 3.0 3.0 2.0 Lead

9 1.00

0 0 Yes 1.14


310 377 0.91 0.80 2% 2% 341 471 341 471 Perm Perm

9 0.56 0% 16 0

15 1 15 1 15 15 10.0 16.0 17.0 57.0 57.0 17.0% 57.0% 57.0% 13.0 3.0 1.0 Lead

169 0.74 1% 228 0 Split 4

4 6.0 11.0 0.0 14.0 0.0% 14.0% 9.0 3.0 2.0 Lag

443 0.86 1% 515 515 custom 4 45 45 4 45 6.0 11.0 14.0 54.0 14.0% 54.0% 9.0 3.0 2.0 Lag

0.97 30 527 12.0 25 0.33 0% 76 304


12 0.75 0% 16 0 Split 3 3 1.0 6.0 8.0 8.0% 3.0 3.0 2.0 Lead

15 0.63 0% 24 0

0.0 0.0%

3.0 3.0 C-Max C-Max

3.0 3.0 None None

3.0 3.0 None None

27.2 0.27 1.05 91.4 4.9

27.2 0.27 0.73 35.1 6.5

67.2 0.67 0.99 58.8 31.6

67.2 0.67 0.38 9.8 0.3

10.0 0.10 1.64 333.2 0.0

50.0 0.50 0.53 4.1 0.8

4.0 0.04 0.66 65.5 9.1 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2017 No Build PM Peak Conditions

Lane Group 2 5 Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) Lane Width (ft) Storage Length (ft) Storage Lanes Total Lost Time (s) Leading Detector (ft) Trailing Detector (ft) Turning Speed (mph) Lane Util. Factor Frt Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) Headway Factor Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Volume (vph) Peak Hour Factor Heavy Vehicles (%) Adj. Flow (vph) Lane Group Flow (vph) Turn Type Protected Phases 2 5 Permitted Phases Detector Phases Minimum Initial (s) 4.0 6.0 Minimum Split (s) 21.0 13.0 Total Split (s) 21.0 40.0 Total Split (%) 21% 40% Maximum Green (s) 17.0 35.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 1.0 2.0 Lead/Lag Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 Recall Mode None None Walk Time (s) 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 10.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 20 Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio v/c Ratio Control Delay Queue Delay HSH Associates Syncrho 6 Report Page 3

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2017 No Build PM Peak Conditions

Lane Group EBL Total Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 90th %ile Green (s) 13.0 90th %ile Term Code Coord 70th %ile Green (s) 13.0 70th %ile Term Code Coord 50th %ile Green (s) 34.0 50th %ile Term Code Coord 30th %ile Green (s) 34.0 30th %ile Term Code Coord 10th %ile Green (s) 42.0 10th %ile Term Code Coord Stops (vph) Fuel Used(gal) CO Emissions (g/hr) NOx Emissions (g/hr) VOC Emissions (g/hr) Dilemma Vehicles (#) Queue Length 50th (ft) Queue Length 95th (ft) Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) Starvation Cap Reductn Spillback Cap Reductn Storage Cap Reductn Reduced v/c Ratio

EBT EBR 96.3 41.6 F D 75.8 E 13.0 13.0 Coord Coord 13.0 13.0 Coord Coord 34.0 34.0 Coord Coord 34.0 34.0 Coord Coord 42.0 42.0 Coord Coord 265 105 14 6 961 412 187 80 223 96 0 0 185 82 #336 m#333 1205 50 542 465 0 0 7 82 0 0 1.06 0.89

WBL 90.4 F

WBT 10.2 B 51.9 D



9.0 Max 9.0 Max 9.0 Max 9.0 Max 9.0 Max 225 7 501 97 116 0 198 #434 144 3 183 36 42 0 73 173 398 1133 275 0 0 0.51

NBT 333.2 F 126.7 F 9.0 Max 9.0 Max 9.0 Max 9.0 Max 9.0 Max 140 15 1030 200 239 0 ~283 96 447 185 0 0 0 1.64

NBR 4.8 A


3.0 Max 3.0 Max 3.0 Max 3.0 Max 0.0 Skip 88 3 187 36 43 0 43 m56

SBT 74.6 E 74.6 E 3.0 Max 3.0 Max 3.0 Max 3.0 Max 0.0 Skip 23 1 53 10 12 0 26 25 390 95 0 14 0 0.78


477 0 44 0 1.09

977 88 202 0 0.66

Intersection Summary Area Type: CBD Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 1:EBWB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 150 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.64 Intersection Signal Delay: 83.2 Intersection LOS: F Intersection Capacity Utilization 64.9% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 4

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

Splits and Phases: 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2017 No Build PM Peak Conditions

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 5

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2017 No Build PM Peak Conditions

Lane Group Total Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 90th %ile Green (s) 90th %ile Term Code 70th %ile Green (s) 70th %ile Term Code 50th %ile Green (s) 50th %ile Term Code 30th %ile Green (s) 30th %ile Term Code 10th %ile Green (s) 10th %ile Term Code Stops (vph) Fuel Used(gal) CO Emissions (g/hr) NOx Emissions (g/hr) VOC Emissions (g/hr) Dilemma Vehicles (#) Queue Length 50th (ft) Queue Length 95th (ft) Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) Starvation Cap Reductn Spillback Cap Reductn Storage Cap Reductn Reduced v/c Ratio Intersection Summary

17.0 Ped 17.0 Ped 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip

35.0 Max 35.0 Max 35.0 Max 35.0 Max 35.0 Max

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 6

327-337 Summer Street 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

2017 No Build PM Peak Conditions


Lane Group EBL EBT Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 Lane Width (ft) 12 13 Storage Length (ft) 0 Storage Lanes 1 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 0 Turning Speed (mph) 15 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.920 Flt Protected 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1624 1588 Flt Permitted 0.400 Satd. Flow (perm) 684 1588 Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) 65 Headway Factor 1.14 1.10 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 478 Travel Time (s) 10.9 Volume (vph) 241 426 Peak Hour Factor 0.97 0.88 Heavy Vehicles (%) 0% 5% Parking (#/hr) Adj. Flow (vph) 248 484 Lane Group Flow (vph) 248 1034 Turn Type D.P+P Protected Phases 5 15 Permitted Phases 1 Detector Phases 5 15 Minimum Initial (s) 6.0 Minimum Split (s) 12.0 Total Split (s) 15.0 41.0 Total Split (%) 15.0% 41.0% Maximum Green (s) 9.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 Recall Mode None Walk Time (s) Flash Dont Walk (s) Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) Act Effct Green (s) 54.0 58.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.54 0.58 v/c Ratio 0.52 1.09 Control Delay 19.9 81.1 HSH Associates

EBR 1900 16 0 0 4.0

WBL 1900 11 0 1 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

WBT 1900 12

WBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

NBL 1900 12 0 1 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

NBT 1900 13

NBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

SBL 1900 12 0 0 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

SBT 1900 11

SBR 1900 11 120 1 4.0 50 0 9 1.00 0.850 1377 1377 Yes 108 1.19

4.0 50 0 0.95 0.987 3178 3178 9 1.14 30 426 9.7 300 0.89 1% 337 370

4.0 50 0 1.00 0.964 1540 1540 17 1.10 30 204 4.6 160 0.70 14%

4.0 50 0 1.00

9 1.00

9 0.95

9 1.00

0.950 1454 0.182 0 279 Yes 0 0.97 1.19

0.950 1490 0.211 0 331 Yes 0 1.14 1.14

0 0 Yes 1.14

0.971 1598 0.658 0 1083 0


484 0.88 0% 550 0

145 0.89 8% 163 163 Perm

1 1 1 1 15.0 15.0 21.0 21.0 0.0 26.0 26.0 0.0% 26.0% 26.0% 21.0 21.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 Lead Lead 2.0 2.0 C-Max C-Max

53 229 53 302 pm+pt 3 34 34 34 3 34 1.0 6.0 0.0 15.0 38.0 0.0% 15.0% 38.0% 10.0 3.0 2.0 Lead 2.0 None

27 0.81 0% 0 33 0

48 0.90 9%

55 0.75 0% 73 0

439 0.78 0% 563 0 Perm

1.19 30 946 21.5 355 0.90 1% 394 957

235 0.72 2%

4 4 6.0 11.0 0.0 23.0 0.0% 23.0% 18.0 3.0 2.0 Lag 2.0 Min

326 326 custom 4 4 45 4 4 6.0 6.0 11.0 11.0 23.0 23.0 23.0% 23.0% 18.0 18.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 Lag Lag 2.0 Min 2.0 Min

43.0 0.43 1.36 234.3

43.0 0.43 0.27 15.6

30.0 0.30 0.23 25.5

34.0 0.34 0.56 30.3

19.0 0.19 4.65 1663.6

34.0 0.34 0.60 20.9

Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

2017 No Build PM Peak Conditions


Lane Group 2 Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) Lane Width (ft) Storage Length (ft) Storage Lanes Total Lost Time (s) Leading Detector (ft) Trailing Detector (ft) Turning Speed (mph) Lane Util. Factor Frt Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) Headway Factor Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Volume (vph) Peak Hour Factor Heavy Vehicles (%) Parking (#/hr) Adj. Flow (vph) Lane Group Flow (vph) Turn Type Protected Phases 2 Permitted Phases Detector Phases Minimum Initial (s) 4.0 Minimum Split (s) 21.0 Total Split (s) 21.0 Total Split (%) 21% Maximum Green (s) 17.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 1.0 Lead/Lag Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 Recall Mode None Walk Time (s) 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 10.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio v/c Ratio Control Delay HSH Associates Syncrho 6 Report Page 3

327-337 Summer Street 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

2017 No Build PM Peak Conditions


Lane Group EBL EBT Queue Delay 0.0 32.4 Total Delay 19.9 113.5 LOS B F Approach Delay 95.4 Approach LOS F 90th %ile Green (s) 9.0 90th %ile Term Code Max 70th %ile Green (s) 9.0 70th %ile Term Code Max 50th %ile Green (s) 9.0 50th %ile Term Code Max 30th %ile Green (s) 9.0 30th %ile Term Code Max 10th %ile Green (s) 9.0 10th %ile Term Code Max Stops (vph) 144 803 Fuel Used(gal) 3 23 CO Emissions (g/hr) 187 1597 NOx Emissions (g/hr) 36 311 VOC Emissions (g/hr) 43 370 Dilemma Vehicles (#) 0 0 Queue Length 50th (ft) 98 ~706 Queue Length 95th (ft) m103 m#704 Internal Link Dist (ft) 398 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 473 948 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 62 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.52 1.17


WBL 0.0 234.3 F

42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 100 8 556 108 129 0 ~136 m#238

WBT 0.0 15.6 B 82.5 F 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 146 3 205 40 48 0 56 89 346 1372 0 0 0 0.27


NBL 0.0 25.5 C

NBT 0.0 30.3 C 29.6 C


10.0 Max 10.0 Max 10.0 Max 10.0 Max 10.0 Max 33 1 36 7 8 0 23 51

164 3 180 35 42 0 147 167 124 535 0 0 0 0.56

SBT 0.0 1663.6 F 1246.2 F 18.0 18.0 Max Max 18.0 18.0 Max Max 18.0 18.0 Max Max 18.0 18.0 Max Max 18.0 18.0 Max Max 759 279 19499 3794 4519 0 ~1154 #1397 866 206 0 0 0 4.65


SBR 0.0 20.9 C

18.0 Max 18.0 Max 18.0 Max 18.0 Max 18.0 Max 122 3 238 46 55 0 94 120 120 539 0 0 0 0.60

120 0 0 0 1.36

227 0 0 0 0.23

Intersection Summary Area Type: CBD Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 80 (80%), Referenced to phase 1:EBWB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 150 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 4.65 Intersection Signal Delay: 514.2 Intersection LOS: F Intersection Capacity Utilization 144.5% ICU Level of Service H Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 4

327-337 Summer Street 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)
Splits and Phases:

2017 No Build PM Peak Conditions


4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 5

327-337 Summer Street 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

2017 No Build PM Peak Conditions


Lane Group Queue Delay Total Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 90th %ile Green (s) 90th %ile Term Code 70th %ile Green (s) 70th %ile Term Code 50th %ile Green (s) 50th %ile Term Code 30th %ile Green (s) 30th %ile Term Code 10th %ile Green (s) 10th %ile Term Code Stops (vph) Fuel Used(gal) CO Emissions (g/hr) NOx Emissions (g/hr) VOC Emissions (g/hr) Dilemma Vehicles (#) Queue Length 50th (ft) Queue Length 95th (ft) Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) Starvation Cap Reductn Spillback Cap Reductn Storage Cap Reductn Reduced v/c Ratio Intersection Summary

0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 6

327-337 Summer Street 107: Melcher Street & A Street

2017 No Build PM Peak Conditions


Lane Group EBL EBT Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 Lane Width (ft) 12 12 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 0 Turning Speed (mph) 15 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.934 Flt Protected 0.977 Satd. Flow (prot) 0 1538 Flt Permitted 0.977 Satd. Flow (perm) 0 1538 Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) 53 Headway Factor 1.00 1.14 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 348 Travel Time (s) 7.9 Volume (vph) 152 4 Peak Hour Factor 0.84 0.33 Heavy Vehicles (%) 0% 0% Parking (#/hr) 0 0 Adj. Flow (vph) 181 12 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 377 Turn Type Split Protected Phases 5 5 Permitted Phases Detector Phases 5 5 Minimum Initial (s) 8.0 8.0 Minimum Split (s) 25.0 25.0 Total Split (s) 39.0 39.0 Total Split (%) 39.0% 39.0% Maximum Green (s) 34.0 34.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 2.0 Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 2.0 Recall Mode None None Walk Time (s) 8.0 8.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 4.0 4.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 0 Act Effct Green (s) 26.4 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.26 v/c Ratio 0.85 Control Delay 36.2 Queue Delay 0.0 Total Delay 36.2 HSH Associates

EBR 1900 12 4.0

WBL 1900 12 4.0

WBT 1900 12 4.0

WBR 1900 12 4.0

NBL 1900 12 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

NBT 1900 13 4.0 50 0

NBR 1900 12 4.0

SBL 1900 12 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

SBT 1900 13 4.0 50 0

SBR 1900 12 4.0

9 1.00

15 1.00


9 1.00

0 0 Yes 1.00

0 0

0 0

0 0 Yes 1.00

1.00 0.996 0.991 0 1923 0.659 0 1279 2 0.96 30 369 8.4 479 0.84 1% 570 725

9 1.00

0 0 Yes 1.00

1.00 0.968 0.999 0 1684 0.984 0 1658 26 1.10 30 527 12.0 518 0.80 2% 0 648 869

9 1.00

0 0 Yes 1.00


164 0.89 3% 0 184 0

0 0.25 0% 0 0

1.00 30 152 3.5 0 0.25 0% 0 0



0 0.38 0% 0 0

119 0.88 0% 135 0 Perm

11 0.55 0%

8 0.50 0% 0 20 16 0 0 Perm

129 0.63 0% 0 205 0

0.0 0.0%

0.0 0.0%

0.0 0.0%

1 1 1 1 39.0 39.0 44.0 44.0 0.0 61.0 61.0 0.0% 61.0% 61.0% 56.0 56.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0

1 1 1 1 39.0 39.0 44.0 44.0 0.0 61.0 61.0 0.0% 61.0% 61.0% 56.0 56.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0

0.0 0.0%

2.0 2.0 C-Max C-Max 8.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 0 0 65.6 0.66 0.86 28.7 0.0 28.7

2.0 2.0 C-Max C-Max 8.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 0 0 65.6 0.66 0.79 19.8 16.6 36.4 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 107: Melcher Street & A Street

2017 No Build PM Peak Conditions


Lane Group LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 90th %ile Green (s) 90th %ile Term Code 70th %ile Green (s) 70th %ile Term Code 50th %ile Green (s) 50th %ile Term Code 30th %ile Green (s) 30th %ile Term Code 10th %ile Green (s) 10th %ile Term Code Stops (vph) Fuel Used(gal) CO Emissions (g/hr) NOx Emissions (g/hr) VOC Emissions (g/hr) Dilemma Vehicles (#) Queue Length 50th (ft) Queue Length 95th (ft) Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) Starvation Cap Reductn Spillback Cap Reductn Storage Cap Reductn Reduced v/c Ratio


34.0 Max 28.2 Gap 26.4 Gap 22.4 Gap 16.2 Gap

EBT D 36.2 D 34.0 Max 28.2 Gap 26.4 Gap 22.4 Gap 16.2 Gap 243 5 319 62 74 0 155 10 268 573 0 0 0 0.66






56.0 Coord 61.8 Coord 63.6 Coord 67.6 Coord 73.8 Coord


NBT C 28.7 C 56.0 Coord 61.8 Coord 63.6 Coord 67.6 Coord 73.8 Coord 427 8 536 104 124 0 341 #625 289 839 0 0 0 0.86



56.0 Coord 61.8 Coord 63.6 Coord 67.6 Coord 73.8 Coord

SBT D 36.4 D 56.0 Coord 61.8 Coord 63.6 Coord 67.6 Coord 73.8 Coord 504 8 568 111 132 0 496 m588 447 1096 233 0 0 1.01


Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 5 (5%), Referenced to phase 1:NBSB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 70 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.86 Intersection Signal Delay: 33.5 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 96.7% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 107: Melcher Street & A Street

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 2

327-337 Summer Street 119: Necco Garage Road & A Street

2017 No Build PM Peak Conditions


Movement Lane Configurations Sign Control Grade Volume (veh/h) Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow rate (vph) Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) p0 queue free % cM capacity (veh/h) Direction, Lane # Volume Total Volume Left Volume Right cSH Volume to Capacity Queue Length 95th (ft) Control Delay (s) Lane LOS Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS

EBL Stop 0% 255 0.82 311



NBT Free 0% 368 0.93 396

SBT Free 0% 521 0.89 585


136 0.66 206

17 0.43 40

159 0.83 192

None 369 0.66 1156 0.66 681 0.66 777

1238 6.4 3.5 0 120 EB 1 517 311 206 165 3.14 Err Err F Err F

514 6.2 3.3 44 370 NB 1 435 40 0 615 0.06 5 1.9 A 1.9

660 4.1 2.2 94 615 SB 1 777 0 192 1700 0.46 0 0.0 0.0

Intersection Summary Average Delay Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Period (min)

2990.2 66.2% 15

ICU Level of Service

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 96: Melcher Street & Necco Street

2017 No Build PM Peak Conditions


Movement Lane Configurations Sign Control Grade Volume (veh/h) Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow rate (vph) Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) p0 queue free % cM capacity (veh/h) Direction, Lane # Volume Total Volume Left Volume Right cSH Volume to Capacity Queue Length 95th (ft) Control Delay (s) Lane LOS Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS

EBT Free 0% 239 0.86 278



WBT Free 0% 242 0.74 327

NBL Stop 0% 152 0.79 192


44 0.55 80

12 0.60 20

54 0.84 64

None 370 358 348 685 318

358 4.1 2.2 98 1212 EB 1 WB 1 358 347 0 20 80 0 1700 1212 0.21 0.02 0 1 0.0 0.6 A 0.0 0.6 NB 1 257 192 64 460 0.56 84 22.2 C 22.2 C 6.2 40.9% 15

685 6.4 3.5 53 410

318 6.2 3.3 91 727

Intersection Summary Average Delay Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Period (min)

ICU Level of Service

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative) 12/7/2012 2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street

Lane Group EBT Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 Lane Width (ft) 16 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 Turning Speed (mph) Lane Util. Factor 0.95 Frt 0.941 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) 3274 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) 3274 Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) Headway Factor 0.97 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 601 Travel Time (s) 13.7 Volume (vph) 623 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 Heavy Vehicles (%) 7% Parking (#/hr) Adj. Flow (vph) 677 Lane Group Flow (vph) 1117 Turn Type Protected Phases 1 Permitted Phases Detector Phases 1 Minimum Initial (s) 10.0 Minimum Split (s) 25.0 Total Split (s) 54.0 Total Split (%) 54.0% Maximum Green (s) 49.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 Recall Mode C-Max Walk Time (s) Flash Dont Walk (s) Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) Act Effct Green (s) 55.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.56 v/c Ratio 0.61 Control Delay 10.5 Queue Delay 0.1 Total Delay 10.6 HSH Associates

EBR 1900 16 4.0

WBL 1900 14 4.0 50 0 15 0.95

WBT 1900 15 4.0 50 0 0.95

NBL 1900 16 4.0 50 0 15 1.00 0.958 0.967 1715 0.967 1715 20 0.97 30 379 8.6 136 0.77 5% 177 258

NBR 1900 12 4.0

9 0.95

9 1.00

0 0 No 0.97

0.990 3126 0.516 0 1629 0

0 0 Yes 1.14


400 0.91 4% 440 0

105 0.69 2% 152 0 Perm

1.08 30 1580 35.9 449 0.79 9% 0 568 720

57 0.70 4% 81 0 2

1 3 1 1 1 3 10.0 10.0 6.0 25.0 25.0 15.0 0.0 54.0 54.0 21.0 0.0% 54.0% 54.0% 21.0% 49.0 49.0 16.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lead Lead 3.0 3.0 3.0 C-Max C-Max None

0.0 0.0%

4.0 25.0 25.0 25% 21.0 3.0 1.0 Lag 3.0 None 7.0 14.0 50

55.5 0.56 1.09dl 27.6 0.0 27.6

16.5 0.16 0.86 64.9 0.0 64.9 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative) 12/7/2012 2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street

Lane Group EBT LOS B Approach Delay 10.6 Approach LOS B 90th %ile Green (s) 49.0 90th %ile Term Code Coord 70th %ile Green (s) 49.0 70th %ile Term Code Coord 50th %ile Green (s) 49.0 50th %ile Term Code Coord 30th %ile Green (s) 49.0 30th %ile Term Code Coord 10th %ile Green (s) 76.7 10th %ile Term Code Coord Stops (vph) 422 Fuel Used(gal) 9 CO Emissions (g/hr) 651 NOx Emissions (g/hr) 127 VOC Emissions (g/hr) 151 Dilemma Vehicles (#) 0 Queue Length 50th (ft) 176 Queue Length 95th (ft) m158 Internal Link Dist (ft) 521 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 1818 Starvation Cap Reductn 94 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.65



49.0 Coord 49.0 Coord 49.0 Coord 49.0 Coord 76.7 Coord

WBT C 27.6 C 49.0 Coord 49.0 Coord 49.0 Coord 49.0 Coord 76.7 Coord 452 12 869 169 201 0 250 274 1500 905 0 0 0 0.80

NBL E 64.9 E 16.0 Max 16.0 Max 16.0 Max 16.0 Max 13.3 Gap 152 4 277 54 64 0 123 #206 299 308 0 0 0 0.84


21.0 Ped 21.0 Ped 21.0 Ped 21.0 Ped 0.0 Skip

Intersection Summary Area Type: CBD Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 42 (42%), Referenced to phase 1:EBWB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 90 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.86 Intersection Signal Delay: 23.1 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 72.8% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. dl Defacto Left Lane. Recode with 1 though lane as a left lane. Splits and Phases: 2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 2

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative)


Lane Group EBL Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 Lane Width (ft) 12 Storage Length (ft) 0 Storage Lanes 1 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 Turning Speed (mph) 15 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 Frt Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) 0 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) 0 Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) Headway Factor 1.14 Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Volume (vph) 13 Peak Hour Factor 0.54 Heavy Vehicles (%) 8% Adj. Flow (vph) 24 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 Turn Type Perm Protected Phases Permitted Phases 1 Detector Phases 1 Minimum Initial (s) 10.0 Minimum Split (s) 16.0 Total Split (s) 18.0 Total Split (%) 18.0% Maximum Green (s) 14.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 1.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 Recall Mode C-Max Walk Time (s) Flash Dont Walk (s) Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio v/c Ratio Control Delay Queue Delay HSH Associates

EBT 1900 11

EBR 1900 10 50 1 4.0 50 0 9 1.00 0.850 1330

WBL 1900 11 0 1 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

WBT 1900 12

WBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

NBL 1900 12 0 0 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

NBT 1900 16

NBR 1900 12 0 1 4.0 50 0 9 1.00 0.850 1358 1358 Yes 318 1.14

SBL 1900 12 0 0 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

SBT 1900 16

SBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

4.0 50 0 0.95 0.997 2850 0.571 1632

4.0 50 0 1.00 0.994 1694 1694 3 1.14 30 478 10.9 340 0.87 0% 391 407

4.0 50 0 1.00

4.0 50 0

9 1.00

1.19 30 1285 29.2 352 0.87 10% 405 429 1 1 10.0 16.0 18.0 18.0% 14.0 3.0 1.0 Lead

0.950 1525 0.502 1330 806 Yes 143 1.25 1.19

0 0 Yes 1.14

0.955 1799 0.955 0 1799 0

1.00 0.959 0.990 0 1789 0.990 0 1789 17 0.97 30 390 8.9 26 0.67 0% 39 79

9 1.00

0 0 Yes 1.14


231 519 0.90 0.82 2% 3% 257 633 257 633 Perm Perm

15 1 15 1 15 15 10.0 16.0 18.0 56.0 56.0 18.0% 56.0% 56.0% 14.0 3.0 1.0 Lead

187 261 7 0.87 0.82 0.44 3% 7% 14% 215 318 16 0 318 0 custom custom Split 4 4 45 3 3 4 4 45 4 4 45 3 3 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 9.0 9.0 8.0 8.0 0.0 12.0 12.0 50.0 11.0 11.0 0.0% 12.0% 12.0% 50.0% 11.0% 11.0% 7.0 7.0 6.0 6.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lag Lag Lead Lead 3.0 3.0 None None 3.0 3.0 None None

11 0.69 9% 16 0

0.97 30 519 11.8 7 0.63 0% 11 226


14 0.58 0% 24 0

0.0 0.0%

3.0 3.0 C-Max C-Max

28.8 0.29 0.91 63.7 0.0

28.8 66.8 0.29 0.67 0.53 1.18 24.2 119.8 0.6 25.9

66.8 0.67 0.36 9.6 0.2

8.0 0.08 1.57 308.6 0.0

46.0 0.46 0.40 5.2 0.0

6.9 0.07 0.57 52.4 0.1 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative)


Lane Group 2 5 Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) Lane Width (ft) Storage Length (ft) Storage Lanes Total Lost Time (s) Leading Detector (ft) Trailing Detector (ft) Turning Speed (mph) Lane Util. Factor Frt Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) Headway Factor Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Volume (vph) Peak Hour Factor Heavy Vehicles (%) Adj. Flow (vph) Lane Group Flow (vph) Turn Type Protected Phases 2 5 Permitted Phases Detector Phases Minimum Initial (s) 4.0 6.0 Minimum Split (s) 21.0 13.0 Total Split (s) 21.0 38.0 Total Split (%) 21% 38% Maximum Green (s) 17.0 33.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 1.0 2.0 Lead/Lag Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 3.0 Recall Mode None None Walk Time (s) 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 10.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 20 Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio v/c Ratio Control Delay Queue Delay HSH Associates Syncrho 6 Report Page 3

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative)


Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL Total Delay 63.7 24.8 145.8 LOS E C F Approach Delay 49.1 Approach LOS D 90th %ile Green (s) 14.0 14.0 14.0 90th %ile Term Code Coord Coord Coord 70th %ile Green (s) 14.0 14.0 14.0 70th %ile Term Code Coord Coord Coord 50th %ile Green (s) 35.0 35.0 35.0 50th %ile Term Code Coord Coord Coord 30th %ile Green (s) 35.0 35.0 35.0 30th %ile Term Code Coord Coord Coord 10th %ile Green (s) 46.0 46.0 46.0 10th %ile Term Code Coord Coord Coord Stops (vph) 197 147 348 Fuel Used(gal) 9 4 17 CO Emissions (g/hr) 662 298 1155 NOx Emissions (g/hr) 129 58 225 VOC Emissions (g/hr) 154 69 268 Dilemma Vehicles (#) 0 0 0 Queue Length 50th (ft) 112 49 ~350 Queue Length 95th (ft) m#312 m#206 #655 Internal Link Dist (ft) 1205 Turn Bay Length (ft) 50 Base Capacity (vph) 470 485 538 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 53 26 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.91 0.59 1.24

WBT 9.7 A 92.5 F



7.0 Max 7.0 Max 7.0 Max 7.0 Max 7.0 Max 130 3 189 37 44 0 68 195 398 1132 184 0 0 0.43

NBT 308.6 F 131.3 F 7.0 Max 7.0 Max 7.0 Max 7.0 Max 7.0 Max 138 14 960 187 223 0 ~208 #219 439 144 0 0 0 1.57

NBR 5.2 A


6.0 Max 6.0 Max 6.0 Max 6.0 Max 0.0 Skip 63 2 118 23 27 0 47 m49

SBT 52.5 D 52.5 D 6.0 Max 6.0 Max 6.0 Max 6.0 Max 0.0 Skip 36 1 59 11 14 0 39 61 310 141 0 1 0 0.56


796 0 0 0 0.40

Intersection Summary Area Type: CBD Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 1:EBWB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 150 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.57 Intersection Signal Delay: 87.5 Intersection LOS: F Intersection Capacity Utilization 71.8% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 4

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

Splits and Phases:

2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative)


1662: Congress Street & A Street

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 5

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative)


Lane Group Total Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 90th %ile Green (s) 90th %ile Term Code 70th %ile Green (s) 70th %ile Term Code 50th %ile Green (s) 50th %ile Term Code 30th %ile Green (s) 30th %ile Term Code 10th %ile Green (s) 10th %ile Term Code Stops (vph) Fuel Used(gal) CO Emissions (g/hr) NOx Emissions (g/hr) VOC Emissions (g/hr) Dilemma Vehicles (#) Queue Length 50th (ft) Queue Length 95th (ft) Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) Starvation Cap Reductn Spillback Cap Reductn Storage Cap Reductn Reduced v/c Ratio Intersection Summary

17.0 Ped 17.0 Ped 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip

33.0 Max 33.0 Max 33.0 Max 33.0 Max 33.0 Max

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 6

327-337 Summer Street 2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative) 12/7/2012 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

Lane Group EBL EBT Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 Lane Width (ft) 12 13 Storage Length (ft) 0 Storage Lanes 1 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 0 Turning Speed (mph) 15 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.960 Flt Protected 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1533 1529 Flt Permitted 0.182 Satd. Flow (perm) 294 1529 Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) 21 Headway Factor 1.14 1.10 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 478 Travel Time (s) 10.9 Volume (vph) 184 270 Peak Hour Factor 0.79 0.87 Heavy Vehicles (%) 6% 12% Parking (#/hr) Adj. Flow (vph) 233 310 Lane Group Flow (vph) 233 424 Turn Type D.P+P Protected Phases 5 15 Permitted Phases 1 Detector Phases 5 15 Minimum Initial (s) 6.0 Minimum Split (s) 12.0 Total Split (s) 16.0 42.0 Total Split (%) 16.0% 42.0% Maximum Green (s) 10.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 Recall Mode None Walk Time (s) Flash Dont Walk (s) Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) Act Effct Green (s) 55.0 59.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.55 0.59 v/c Ratio 0.75 0.47 Control Delay 38.1 12.6 HSH Associates

EBR 1900 16 0 0 4.0

WBU 1900 12

WBL 1900 11 0 1 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

WBT 1900 12

WBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

NBL 1900 12 0 1 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

NBT 1900 13

NBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

SBL 1900 12 0 0 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

SBT 1900 11

9 1.00

4.0 50 0 9 0.95

4.0 50 0 0.95 0.988 3210 3210 8 1.14 30 426 9.7 601 0.92 0% 653 711

4.0 50 0 1.00 0.920 1530 1530 61 1.10 30 204 4.6 147 0.85 11%

4.0 50 0 1.00

9 0.95

9 1.00

0 0 Yes 0.97

0.950 1479 0.182 0 283 0

0.950 1562 0.250 0 411 Yes 0 1.14 1.14

0 0 Yes 1.14

0.968 1441 0.598 0 890 0




99 0.87 8% 114 0

7 0.44 0%

71 0.60 7%

16 118 0 134 Perm Perm

1 1 1 1 1 1 15.0 15.0 15.0 21.0 21.0 21.0 0.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 0.0% 26.0% 26.0% 26.0% 21.0 21.0 21.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lead Lead Lead 3.0 3.0 3.0 C-Max C-Max C-Max

190 173 190 369 pm+pt 3 34 34 34 3 34 1.0 6.0 0.0 15.0 37.0 0.0% 15.0% 37.0% 10.0 3.0 2.0 Lead 3.0 None

41 0.71 0% 0 58 0

182 0.96 4%

49 0.25 2% 196 0

151 0.85 7% 178 0 Perm

1.19 30 941 21.4 74 0.81 19% 91 269

4 4 4 4 6.0 6.0 11.0 11.0 0.0 22.0 22.0 0.0% 22.0% 22.0% 17.0 17.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 Lag Lag 3.0 Min 3.0 Min

43.0 0.43 1.10 136.5

43.0 0.43 0.51 17.3

29.0 0.29 0.77 48.8

33.0 0.33 0.68 31.1

18.0 0.18 1.68 357.5 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative) 12/7/2012 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

Lane Group SBR 2 Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 Lane Width (ft) 11 Storage Length (ft) 120 Storage Lanes 1 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 Turning Speed (mph) 9 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 Frt 0.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) 1405 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) 1405 Right Turn on Red Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 131 Headway Factor 1.19 Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Volume (vph) 122 Peak Hour Factor 0.93 Heavy Vehicles (%) 0% Parking (#/hr) Adj. Flow (vph) 131 Lane Group Flow (vph) 131 Turn Type custom Protected Phases 4 2 Permitted Phases 45 Detector Phases 4 Minimum Initial (s) 6.0 4.0 Minimum Split (s) 11.0 21.0 Total Split (s) 22.0 21.0 Total Split (%) 22.0% 21% Maximum Green (s) 17.0 17.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 1.0 Lead/Lag Lag Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 2.0 Recall Mode Min None Walk Time (s) 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 10.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 Act Effct Green (s) 34.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.34 v/c Ratio 0.23 Control Delay 4.2 HSH Associates Syncrho 6 Report Page 3

327-337 Summer Street 2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative) 12/7/2012 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

Lane Group EBL EBT Queue Delay 0.0 0.5 Total Delay 38.1 13.0 LOS D B Approach Delay 21.9 Approach LOS C 90th %ile Green (s) 10.0 90th %ile Term Code Max 70th %ile Green (s) 10.0 70th %ile Term Code Max 50th %ile Green (s) 10.0 50th %ile Term Code Max 30th %ile Green (s) 10.0 30th %ile Term Code Max 10th %ile Green (s) 10.0 10th %ile Term Code Max Stops (vph) 171 209 Fuel Used(gal) 3 3 CO Emissions (g/hr) 214 243 NOx Emissions (g/hr) 42 47 VOC Emissions (g/hr) 50 56 Dilemma Vehicles (#) 0 0 Queue Length 50th (ft) 107 141 Queue Length 95th (ft) m132 m108 Internal Link Dist (ft) 398 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 310 911 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 173 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.75 0.57



WBL 0.0 136.5 F

42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord

42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 49 3 189 37 44 0 ~97 #95

WBT 0.0 17.3 B 36.2 D 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 456 7 483 94 112 0 181 m232 346 1385 0 0 0 0.51


NBL 0.0 48.8 D

NBT 0.0 31.1 C 37.1 D



10.0 Max 10.0 Max 10.0 Max 10.0 Max 10.0 Max 134 3 198 39 46 0 92 #176

17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 143 2 164 32 38 0 169 251 124 546 0 0 0 0.68

SBT 0.0 357.5 F 241.8 F 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 157 19 1321 257 306 0 ~252 #359 861 160 0 0 0 1.68

122 0 0 0 1.10

246 0 0 0 0.77

Intersection Summary Area Type: CBD Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 85 (85%), Referenced to phase 1:EBWB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 150 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.68 Intersection Signal Delay: 66.0 Intersection LOS: E Intersection Capacity Utilization 73.8% ICU Level of Service D Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 4

327-337 Summer Street 2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative) 12/7/2012 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)
Splits and Phases: 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 5

327-337 Summer Street 2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative) 12/7/2012 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

Lane Group Queue Delay Total Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 90th %ile Green (s) 90th %ile Term Code 70th %ile Green (s) 70th %ile Term Code 50th %ile Green (s) 50th %ile Term Code 30th %ile Green (s) 30th %ile Term Code 10th %ile Green (s) 10th %ile Term Code Stops (vph) Fuel Used(gal) CO Emissions (g/hr) NOx Emissions (g/hr) VOC Emissions (g/hr) Dilemma Vehicles (#) Queue Length 50th (ft) Queue Length 95th (ft) Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) Starvation Cap Reductn Spillback Cap Reductn Storage Cap Reductn Reduced v/c Ratio Intersection Summary

SBR 0.0 4.2 A

17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 24 1 79 15 18 0 11 42 120 564 0 0 0 0.23

0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 6

327-337 Summer Street 96: Melcher St & A Street

2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative)


Lane Group EBL EBT Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 Lane Width (ft) 12 12 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 0 Turning Speed (mph) 15 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.921 Flt Protected 0.981 Satd. Flow (prot) 0 1449 Flt Permitted 0.981 Satd. Flow (perm) 0 1449 Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) 76 Headway Factor 1.00 1.14 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 334 Travel Time (s) 7.6 Volume (vph) 80 4 Peak Hour Factor 0.71 0.50 Heavy Vehicles (%) 5% 0% Parking (#/hr) 0 0 Adj. Flow (vph) 113 8 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 292 Turn Type Split Protected Phases 5 5 Permitted Phases Detector Phases 5 5 Minimum Initial (s) 8.0 8.0 Minimum Split (s) 23.0 23.0 Total Split (s) 37.0 37.0 Total Split (%) 37.0% 37.0% Maximum Green (s) 32.0 32.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 2.0 Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 2.0 Recall Mode None None Walk Time (s) 8.0 8.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 4.0 4.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 0 Act Effct Green (s) 21.4 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.21 v/c Ratio 0.79 Control Delay 27.4 Queue Delay 0.0 Total Delay 27.4 HSH Associates

EBR 1900 12 4.0

WBL 1900 12 4.0

WBT 1900 12 4.0

WBR 1900 12 4.0

NBL 1900 12 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

NBT 1900 13 4.0 50 0

NBR 1900 12 4.0

SBL 1900 12 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

SBT 1900 13 4.0 50 0 1.00 0.963

SBR 1900 12 4.0

9 1.00

15 1.00


9 1.00

0 0 Yes 1.00

0 0

0 0

0 0 Yes 1.00

1.00 0.999 0.989 0 1866 0.675 0 1273 1 0.96 30 384 8.7 418 0.89 4% 470 614

9 1.00

9 1.00

0 0 Yes 1.00

1666 0.998 0 1662 34 1.10 30 519 11.8 498 0.94 3% 0 530 738

0 0 Yes 1.00


144 0.84 8% 0 171 0

0 0.25 0% 0 0

1.00 30 162 3.7 0 0.25 0% 0 0



0 0.25 0% 0 0

120 0.86 4% 140 0 Perm

2 0.50 0%

4 1.00 0% 0 4 4 0 0 Perm

171 0.84 0% 0 204 0

0.0 0.0%

0.0 0.0%

0.0 0.0%

1 1 1 1 1 39.0 39.0 44.0 44.0 0.0 63.0 63.0 0.0% 63.0% 63.0% 58.0 58.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0

1 1 1 1 1 39.0 39.0 44.0 44.0 0.0 63.0 63.0 0.0% 63.0% 63.0% 58.0 58.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0

0.0 0.0%

2.0 2.0 C-Max C-Max 8.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 0 0 70.6 0.71 0.68 14.9 0.0 14.9

2.0 2.0 C-Max C-Max 8.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 0 0 70.6 0.71 0.62 14.0 2.8 16.8 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 96: Melcher St & A Street

2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative)


Lane Group LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 90th %ile Green (s) 90th %ile Term Code 70th %ile Green (s) 70th %ile Term Code 50th %ile Green (s) 50th %ile Term Code 30th %ile Green (s) 30th %ile Term Code 10th %ile Green (s) 10th %ile Term Code Stops (vph) Fuel Used(gal) CO Emissions (g/hr) NOx Emissions (g/hr) VOC Emissions (g/hr) Dilemma Vehicles (#) Queue Length 50th (ft) Queue Length 95th (ft) Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) Starvation Cap Reductn Spillback Cap Reductn Storage Cap Reductn Reduced v/c Ratio


26.5 Gap 25.9 Gap 21.6 Gap 17.2 Gap 10.7 Min

EBT C 27.4 C 26.5 Gap 25.9 Gap 21.6 Gap 17.2 Gap 10.7 Min 176 3 199 39 46 0 99 32 254 529 0 0 0 0.55






63.5 Coord 64.1 Coord 68.4 Coord 72.8 Coord 79.3 Coord


NBT B 14.9 B 63.5 Coord 64.1 Coord 68.4 Coord 72.8 Coord 79.3 Coord 326 5 354 69 82 0 203 393 304 899 0 0 0 0.68



63.5 Coord 64.1 Coord 68.4 Coord 72.8 Coord 79.3 Coord

SBT B 16.8 B 63.5 Coord 64.1 Coord 68.4 Coord 72.8 Coord 79.3 Coord 443 7 496 97 115 0 202 m450 439 1184 322 0 0 0.86


Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 9 (9%), Referenced to phase 1:NBSB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 70 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.79 Intersection Signal Delay: 18.0 Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 92.8% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 96: Melcher St & A Street

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 2

327-337 Summer Street 173: Necco Garage Rd & A Street

2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative)


Movement Lane Configurations Sign Control Grade Volume (veh/h) Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow rate (vph) Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) p0 queue free % cM capacity (veh/h)

EBL Stop 0% 60 0.67 90



NBT Free 0% 421 0.93 453

SBT Free 0% 392 0.95 413


33 0.61 54

96 0.76 126

267 0.82 326

None 384 0.80 1281 0.80 575 0.80 738

1352 6.5 3.6 14 104

468 6.2 3.3 89 472 NB 1 579 126 0 740 0.17 15 4.3 A 4.3

672 4.1 2.2 83 740 SB 1 738 0 326 1700 0.43 0 0.0 0.0

Direction, Lane # EB 1 Volume Total 144 Volume Left 90 Volume Right 54 cSH 147 Volume to Capacity 0.98 Queue Length 95th (ft) 179 Control Delay (s) 128.9 Lane LOS F Approach Delay (s) 128.9 Approach LOS F Intersection Summary Average Delay Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Period (min)

14.4 79.7% 15

ICU Level of Service

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 83: Melcher Street & Necco St

2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative)


Movement Lane Configurations Sign Control Grade Volume (veh/h) Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow rate (vph) Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) p0 queue free % cM capacity (veh/h) Direction, Lane # Volume Total Volume Left Volume Right cSH Volume to Capacity Queue Length 95th (ft) Control Delay (s) Lane LOS Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS

EBT Free 0% 260 0.78 333



WBT Free 0% 182 0.80 228

NBL Stop 0% 20 0.68 29


262 0.89 294

120 0.81 148

5 0.31 16

None 379 628 334 1004 481

628 4.1 2.2 84 954 EB 1 WB 1 628 376 0 148 294 0 1700 954 0.37 0.16 0 14 0.0 4.8 A 0.0 4.8 NB 1 46 29 16 286 0.16 14 19.9 C 19.9 C 2.6 59.3% 15

1004 6.4 3.5 87 223

481 6.2 3.3 97 590

Intersection Summary Average Delay Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Period (min)

ICU Level of Service

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative) 12/7/2012 2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street

Lane Group EBT Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 Lane Width (ft) 16 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 Turning Speed (mph) Lane Util. Factor 0.95 Frt 0.954 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) 3375 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) 3375 Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) Headway Factor 0.97 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 601 Travel Time (s) 13.7 Volume (vph) 642 Peak Hour Factor 0.97 Heavy Vehicles (%) 5% Parking (#/hr) Adj. Flow (vph) 662 Lane Group Flow (vph) 959 Turn Type Protected Phases 1 Permitted Phases Detector Phases 1 Minimum Initial (s) 10.0 Minimum Split (s) 25.0 Total Split (s) 47.0 Total Split (%) 47.0% Maximum Green (s) 42.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 Recall Mode C-Max Walk Time (s) Flash Dont Walk (s) Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) Act Effct Green (s) 48.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.48 v/c Ratio 0.59 Control Delay 18.0 Queue Delay 0.0 Total Delay 18.0 HSH Associates

EBR 1900 16 4.0

WBL 1900 14 4.0 50 0 15 0.95

WBT 1900 15 4.0 50 0 0.95

NBL 1900 16 4.0 50 0 15 1.00 0.947 0.971 1782 0.971 1782 31 0.97 30 370 8.4 280 0.85 0% 329 542

NBR 1900 12 4.0

9 0.95

9 1.00

0 0 No 0.97

0.996 3321 0.757 0 2524 0

0 0 Yes 1.14


229 0.77 2% 297 0

30 0.69 0% 43 0 Perm

1.08 30 1580 35.9 410 0.91 2% 0 451 494

147 0.69 0% 213 0 2

1 3 1 1 1 3 10.0 10.0 6.0 25.0 25.0 15.0 0.0 47.0 47.0 28.0 0.0% 47.0% 47.0% 28.0% 42.0 42.0 23.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lead Lead 3.0 3.0 3.0 C-Max C-Max None

0.0 0.0%

4.0 25.0 25.0 25% 21.0 3.0 1.0 Lag 3.0 None 7.0 14.0 50

48.0 24.0 0.48 0.24 0.41 1.20 20.4 140.7 0.0 0.0 20.4 140.7 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative) 12/7/2012 2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street

Lane Group EBT LOS B Approach Delay 18.0 Approach LOS B 90th %ile Green (s) 42.0 90th %ile Term Code Coord 70th %ile Green (s) 42.0 70th %ile Term Code Coord 50th %ile Green (s) 42.0 50th %ile Term Code Coord 30th %ile Green (s) 42.0 30th %ile Term Code Coord 10th %ile Green (s) 67.0 10th %ile Term Code Coord Stops (vph) 519 Fuel Used(gal) 10 CO Emissions (g/hr) 709 NOx Emissions (g/hr) 138 VOC Emissions (g/hr) 164 Dilemma Vehicles (#) 0 Queue Length 50th (ft) 213 Queue Length 95th (ft) m264 Internal Link Dist (ft) 521 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 1620 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.59



42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 67.0 Coord

WBT NBL C F 20.4 140.7 C F 42.0 23.0 Coord Max 42.0 23.0 Coord Max 42.0 23.0 Coord Max 42.0 23.0 Coord Max 67.0 23.0 Coord Max 358 318 9 15 645 1064 125 207 149 247 0 0 116 ~402 228 m#513 1500 290 1211 0 0 0 0.41 451 0 0 0 1.20


21.0 Ped 21.0 Ped 21.0 Ped 21.0 Ped 0.0 Skip

Intersection Summary Area Type: CBD Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 48 (48%), Referenced to phase 1:EBWB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 90 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.20 Intersection Signal Delay: 52.0 Intersection LOS: D Intersection Capacity Utilization 71.8% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 2

327-337 Summer Street 2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative) 12/7/2012 2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street
Splits and Phases: 2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 3

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative)

Lane Group EBL Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 Lane Width (ft) 12 Storage Length (ft) 0 Storage Lanes 0 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 Turning Speed (mph) 15 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 Frt Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) 0 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) 0 Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) Headway Factor 1.14 Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Volume (vph) 3 Peak Hour Factor 0.38 Heavy Vehicles (%) 0% Adj. Flow (vph) 8 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 Turn Type Perm Protected Phases Permitted Phases 1 Detector Phases 1 Minimum Initial (s) 10.0 Minimum Split (s) 16.0 Total Split (s) 17.0 Total Split (%) 17.0% Maximum Green (s) 13.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 1.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 Recall Mode C-Max Walk Time (s) Flash Dont Walk (s) Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio v/c Ratio Control Delay Queue Delay HSH Associates

EBT 1900 11

EBR 1900 10 50 1 4.0 50 0 9 1.00 0.850 1330

WBL 1900 11 0 1 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

WBT 1900 12

WBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

NBL 1900 12 0 0 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

NBT 1900 16

NBR 1900 12 0 1 4.0 50 0 9 1.00 0.850 1439 1439 Yes 548 1.14

SBL 1900 12 0 0 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

SBT 1900 16

SBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

4.0 50 0 0.95 0.999 2962 0.672 1993

4.0 50 0 1.00 0.994 1684 1684 3 1.14 30 478 10.9 310 0.74 1% 419 435

4.0 50 0 1.00

4.0 50 0

9 1.00

1.19 30 1285 29.2 426 0.76 6% 561 569 1 1 10.0 16.0 17.0 17.0% 13.0 3.0 1.0 Lead

0.950 1540 0.438 1330 710 Yes 142 1.25 1.19

0 0 Yes 1.14

0.964 1854 0.964 0 1854 0

1.00 0.949 0.987 0 1815 0.987 0 1815 23 0.97 30 470 10.7 10 0.44 0% 23 63 3 3 1.0 6.0 8.0 8.0% 3.0 3.0 2.0 Lead

9 1.00

0 0 Yes 1.14


310 398 0.91 0.80 2% 2% 341 498 341 498 Perm Perm

9 0.56 0% 16 0

15 1 15 1 15 15 10.0 16.0 17.0 57.0 57.0 17.0% 57.0% 57.0% 13.0 3.0 1.0 Lead

170 0.74 1% 230 0 Split 4

4 6.0 11.0 0.0 14.0 0.0% 14.0% 9.0 3.0 2.0 Lag

471 0.86 1% 548 548 custom 4 45 45 4 45 6.0 11.0 14.0 54.0 14.0% 54.0% 9.0 3.0 2.0 Lag

0.97 30 527 12.0 25 0.33 0% 76 306


12 0.75 0% 16 0 Split 3 3 1.0 6.0 8.0 8.0% 3.0 3.0 2.0 Lead

15 0.63 0% 24 0

0.0 0.0%

3.0 3.0 C-Max C-Max

3.0 3.0 None None

3.0 3.0 None None

27.2 0.27 1.05 91.4 10.1

27.2 0.27 0.73 35.1 8.7

67.2 0.67 1.04 73.8 46.7

67.2 0.67 0.38 9.9 0.3

10.0 0.10 1.65 336.7 0.0

50.0 0.50 0.55 4.2 0.9

4.0 0.04 0.66 65.5 9.1 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative)

Lane Group 2 5 Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) Lane Width (ft) Storage Length (ft) Storage Lanes Total Lost Time (s) Leading Detector (ft) Trailing Detector (ft) Turning Speed (mph) Lane Util. Factor Frt Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) Headway Factor Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Volume (vph) Peak Hour Factor Heavy Vehicles (%) Adj. Flow (vph) Lane Group Flow (vph) Turn Type Protected Phases 2 5 Permitted Phases Detector Phases Minimum Initial (s) 4.0 6.0 Minimum Split (s) 21.0 13.0 Total Split (s) 21.0 40.0 Total Split (%) 21% 40% Maximum Green (s) 17.0 35.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 1.0 2.0 Lead/Lag Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 Recall Mode None None Walk Time (s) 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 10.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 20 Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio v/c Ratio Control Delay Queue Delay HSH Associates Syncrho 6 Report Page 3

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative)

Lane Group EBL Total Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 90th %ile Green (s) 13.0 90th %ile Term Code Coord 70th %ile Green (s) 13.0 70th %ile Term Code Coord 50th %ile Green (s) 34.0 50th %ile Term Code Coord 30th %ile Green (s) 34.0 30th %ile Term Code Coord 10th %ile Green (s) 42.0 10th %ile Term Code Coord Stops (vph) Fuel Used(gal) CO Emissions (g/hr) NOx Emissions (g/hr) VOC Emissions (g/hr) Dilemma Vehicles (#) Queue Length 50th (ft) Queue Length 95th (ft) Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) Starvation Cap Reductn Spillback Cap Reductn Storage Cap Reductn Reduced v/c Ratio

EBT EBR WBL 101.5 43.8 120.5 F D F 79.9 E 13.0 13.0 Coord Coord 13.0 13.0 Coord Coord 34.0 34.0 Coord Coord 34.0 34.0 Coord Coord 42.0 42.0 Coord Coord 265 105 243 14 6 9 961 412 615 187 80 120 223 96 143 0 0 0 185 82 220 #336 m#333 #438 1205 50 542 465 477 0 0 0 14 92 49 0 0 0 1.08 0.91 1.16

WBT 10.3 B 69.1 E



9.0 Max 9.0 Max 9.0 Max 9.0 Max 9.0 Max 146 3 185 36 43 0 76 175 398 1133 275 0 0 0.51

NBT 336.7 F 123.9 F 9.0 Max 9.0 Max 9.0 Max 9.0 Max 9.0 Max 140 15 1044 203 242 0 ~285 97 447 185 0 0 0 1.65

NBR 5.1 A


3.0 Max 3.0 Max 3.0 Max 3.0 Max 0.0 Skip 100 3 202 39 47 0 39 m56

SBT 74.6 E 74.6 E 3.0 Max 3.0 Max 3.0 Max 3.0 Max 0.0 Skip 23 1 53 10 12 0 26 25 390 95 0 14 0 0.78


994 92 211 0 0.70

Intersection Summary Area Type: CBD Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 1:EBWB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 150 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.65 Intersection Signal Delay: 89.7 Intersection LOS: F Intersection Capacity Utilization 66.3% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 4

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

Splits and Phases:

2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative)

1662: Congress Street & A Street

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 5

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative)

Lane Group Total Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 90th %ile Green (s) 90th %ile Term Code 70th %ile Green (s) 70th %ile Term Code 50th %ile Green (s) 50th %ile Term Code 30th %ile Green (s) 30th %ile Term Code 10th %ile Green (s) 10th %ile Term Code Stops (vph) Fuel Used(gal) CO Emissions (g/hr) NOx Emissions (g/hr) VOC Emissions (g/hr) Dilemma Vehicles (#) Queue Length 50th (ft) Queue Length 95th (ft) Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) Starvation Cap Reductn Spillback Cap Reductn Storage Cap Reductn Reduced v/c Ratio Intersection Summary

17.0 Ped 17.0 Ped 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip

35.0 Max 35.0 Max 35.0 Max 35.0 Max 35.0 Max

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 6

327-337 Summer Street 2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative) 12/7/2012 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

Lane Group EBL EBT Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 Lane Width (ft) 12 13 Storage Length (ft) 0 Storage Lanes 1 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 0 Turning Speed (mph) 15 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.922 Flt Protected 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1624 1591 Flt Permitted 0.388 Satd. Flow (perm) 663 1591 Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) 63 Headway Factor 1.14 1.10 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 478 Travel Time (s) 10.9 Volume (vph) 241 448 Peak Hour Factor 0.97 0.88 Heavy Vehicles (%) 0% 5% Parking (#/hr) Adj. Flow (vph) 248 509 Lane Group Flow (vph) 248 1066 Turn Type D.P+P Protected Phases 5 15 Permitted Phases 1 Detector Phases 5 15 Minimum Initial (s) 6.0 Minimum Split (s) 12.0 Total Split (s) 15.0 41.0 Total Split (%) 15.0% 41.0% Maximum Green (s) 9.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 Recall Mode None Walk Time (s) Flash Dont Walk (s) Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) Act Effct Green (s) 54.0 58.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.54 0.58 v/c Ratio 0.53 1.12 Control Delay 19.9 93.1 HSH Associates

EBR 1900 16 0 0 4.0

WBU 1900 12

WBL 1900 11 0 1 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

WBT 1900 12

WBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

NBL 1900 12 0 1 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

NBT 1900 13

NBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

SBL 1900 12 0 0 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

SBT 1900 11

9 1.00

4.0 50 0 9 0.95

4.0 50 0 0.95 0.987 3178 3178 9 1.14 30 426 9.7 310 0.89 1% 348 381

4.0 50 0 1.00 0.964 1540 1540 17 1.10 30 204 4.6 160 0.70 14%

4.0 50 0 1.00

9 0.95

9 1.00

0 0 Yes 0.97

0.950 1457 0.182 0 279 0

0.950 1490 0.211 0 331 Yes 0 1.14 1.14

0 0 Yes 1.14

0.971 1598 0.658 0 1083 0




490 0.88 0% 557 0

2 0.50 0%

143 0.89 8%

4 161 0 165 Perm Perm

1 1 1 1 1 1 15.0 15.0 15.0 21.0 21.0 21.0 0.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 0.0% 26.0% 26.0% 26.0% 21.0 21.0 21.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lead Lead Lead 2.0 2.0 2.0 C-Max C-Max C-Max

64 229 64 302 pm+pt 3 34 34 34 3 34 1.0 6.0 0.0 15.0 38.0 0.0% 15.0% 38.0% 10.0 3.0 2.0 Lead 2.0 None

27 0.81 0% 0 33 0

58 0.90 9%

55 0.75 0% 73 0

439 0.78 0% 563 0 Perm

1.19 30 946 21.5 355 0.90 1% 394 957

4 4 4 4 6.0 6.0 11.0 11.0 0.0 23.0 23.0 0.0% 23.0% 23.0% 18.0 18.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 Lag Lag 2.0 Min 2.0 Min

43.0 0.43 1.38 240.5

43.0 0.43 0.28 15.8

30.0 0.30 0.28 26.4

34.0 0.34 0.56 30.3

19.0 0.19 4.65 1663.6 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative) 12/7/2012 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

Lane Group SBR 2 Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 Lane Width (ft) 11 Storage Length (ft) 120 Storage Lanes 1 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 Turning Speed (mph) 9 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 Frt 0.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) 1377 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) 1377 Right Turn on Red Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 109 Headway Factor 1.19 Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Volume (vph) 237 Peak Hour Factor 0.72 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% Parking (#/hr) Adj. Flow (vph) 329 Lane Group Flow (vph) 329 Turn Type custom Protected Phases 4 2 Permitted Phases 45 Detector Phases 4 Minimum Initial (s) 6.0 4.0 Minimum Split (s) 11.0 21.0 Total Split (s) 23.0 21.0 Total Split (%) 23.0% 21% Maximum Green (s) 18.0 17.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 1.0 Lead/Lag Lag Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 2.0 Recall Mode Min None Walk Time (s) 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 10.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 Act Effct Green (s) 34.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.34 v/c Ratio 0.61 Control Delay 21.1 HSH Associates Syncrho 6 Report Page 3

327-337 Summer Street 2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative) 12/7/2012 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

Lane Group EBL EBT Queue Delay 0.0 34.1 Total Delay 19.9 127.1 LOS B F Approach Delay 106.9 Approach LOS F 90th %ile Green (s) 9.0 90th %ile Term Code Max 70th %ile Green (s) 9.0 70th %ile Term Code Max 50th %ile Green (s) 9.0 50th %ile Term Code Max 30th %ile Green (s) 9.0 30th %ile Term Code Max 10th %ile Green (s) 9.0 10th %ile Term Code Max Stops (vph) 139 806 Fuel Used(gal) 3 26 CO Emissions (g/hr) 185 1798 NOx Emissions (g/hr) 36 350 VOC Emissions (g/hr) 43 417 Dilemma Vehicles (#) 0 0 Queue Length 50th (ft) 95 ~753 Queue Length 95th (ft) m103 m#781 Internal Link Dist (ft) 398 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 464 949 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 62 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.53 1.20



WBL 0.0 240.5 F

42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord

42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 97 8 567 110 132 0 ~140 m#243

WBT 0.0 15.8 B 83.7 F 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 150 3 211 41 49 0 58 92 346 1372 0 0 0 0.28


NBL 0.0 26.4 C

NBT 0.0 30.3 C 29.6 C


10.0 Max 10.0 Max 10.0 Max 10.0 Max 10.0 Max 40 1 44 9 10 0 28 59

164 3 180 35 42 0 147 167 124 535 0 0 0 0.56

SBT 0.0 1663.6 F 1243.4 F 18.0 18.0 Max Max 18.0 18.0 Max Max 18.0 18.0 Max Max 18.0 18.0 Max Max 18.0 18.0 Max Max 759 279 19499 3794 4519 0 ~1153 #1398 866 206 0 0 0 4.65


120 0 0 0 1.38

227 0 0 0 0.28

Intersection Summary Area Type: CBD Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 80 (80%), Referenced to phase 1:EBWB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 150 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 4.65 Intersection Signal Delay: 511.4 Intersection LOS: F Intersection Capacity Utilization 146.2% ICU Level of Service H Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 4

327-337 Summer Street 2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative) 12/7/2012 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)
Splits and Phases: 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 5

327-337 Summer Street 2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative) 12/7/2012 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

Lane Group Queue Delay Total Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 90th %ile Green (s) 90th %ile Term Code 70th %ile Green (s) 70th %ile Term Code 50th %ile Green (s) 50th %ile Term Code 30th %ile Green (s) 30th %ile Term Code 10th %ile Green (s) 10th %ile Term Code Stops (vph) Fuel Used(gal) CO Emissions (g/hr) NOx Emissions (g/hr) VOC Emissions (g/hr) Dilemma Vehicles (#) Queue Length 50th (ft) Queue Length 95th (ft) Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) Starvation Cap Reductn Spillback Cap Reductn Storage Cap Reductn Reduced v/c Ratio Intersection Summary

SBR 0.0 21.1 C

18.0 Max 18.0 Max 18.0 Max 18.0 Max 18.0 Max 123 3 241 47 56 0 96 121 120 540 0 0 0 0.61

0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 6

327-337 Summer Street 107: Melcher Street & A Street

2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative)


Lane Group EBL EBT Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 Lane Width (ft) 12 12 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 0 Turning Speed (mph) 15 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.934 Flt Protected 0.977 Satd. Flow (prot) 0 1538 Flt Permitted 0.977 Satd. Flow (perm) 0 1538 Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) 53 Headway Factor 1.00 1.14 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 348 Travel Time (s) 7.9 Volume (vph) 152 4 Peak Hour Factor 0.84 0.33 Heavy Vehicles (%) 0% 0% Parking (#/hr) 0 0 Adj. Flow (vph) 181 12 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 377 Turn Type Split Protected Phases 5 5 Permitted Phases Detector Phases 5 5 Minimum Initial (s) 8.0 8.0 Minimum Split (s) 25.0 25.0 Total Split (s) 39.0 39.0 Total Split (%) 39.0% 39.0% Maximum Green (s) 34.0 34.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 2.0 Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 2.0 Recall Mode None None Walk Time (s) 8.0 8.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 4.0 4.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 0 Act Effct Green (s) 26.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.26 v/c Ratio 0.85 Control Delay 36.2 Queue Delay 0.0 Total Delay 36.2 HSH Associates

EBR 1900 12 4.0

WBL 1900 12 4.0

WBT 1900 12 4.0

WBR 1900 12 4.0

NBL 1900 12 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

NBT 1900 13 4.0 50 0

NBR 1900 12 4.0

SBL 1900 12 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

SBT 1900 13 4.0 50 0

SBR 1900 12 4.0

9 1.00

15 1.00


9 1.00

0 0 Yes 1.00

0 0

0 0

0 0 Yes 1.00

1.00 0.996 0.991 0 1923 0.658 0 1277 2 0.96 30 369 8.4 508 0.84 1% 605 760

9 1.00

0 0 Yes 1.00

1.00 0.969 0.999 0 1685 0.984 0 1660 25 1.10 30 527 12.0 542 0.80 2% 0 678 899

9 1.00

0 0 Yes 1.00


164 0.89 3% 0 184 0

0 0.25 0% 0 0

1.00 30 152 3.5 0 0.25 0% 0 0



0 0.38 0% 0 0

119 0.88 0% 135 0 Perm

11 0.55 0%

8 0.50 0% 0 20 16 0 0 Perm

129 0.63 0% 0 205 0

0.0 0.0%

0.0 0.0%

0.0 0.0%

1 1 1 1 39.0 39.0 44.0 44.0 0.0 61.0 61.0 0.0% 61.0% 61.0% 56.0 56.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0

1 1 1 1 39.0 39.0 44.0 44.0 0.0 61.0 61.0 0.0% 61.0% 61.0% 56.0 56.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0

0.0 0.0%

2.0 2.0 C-Max C-Max 8.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 0 0 65.5 0.66 0.91 33.6 0.0 33.6

2.0 2.0 C-Max C-Max 8.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 0 0 65.5 0.66 0.82 20.7 26.3 47.0 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 107: Melcher Street & A Street

2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative)


Lane Group LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 90th %ile Green (s) 90th %ile Term Code 70th %ile Green (s) 70th %ile Term Code 50th %ile Green (s) 50th %ile Term Code 30th %ile Green (s) 30th %ile Term Code 10th %ile Green (s) 10th %ile Term Code Stops (vph) Fuel Used(gal) CO Emissions (g/hr) NOx Emissions (g/hr) VOC Emissions (g/hr) Dilemma Vehicles (#) Queue Length 50th (ft) Queue Length 95th (ft) Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) Starvation Cap Reductn Spillback Cap Reductn Storage Cap Reductn Reduced v/c Ratio


34.0 Max 28.2 Gap 26.4 Gap 22.4 Gap 16.3 Gap

EBT D 36.2 D 34.0 Max 28.2 Gap 26.4 Gap 22.4 Gap 16.3 Gap 244 5 320 62 74 0 155 10 268 573 0 0 0 0.66






56.0 Coord 61.8 Coord 63.6 Coord 67.6 Coord 73.7 Coord


NBT C 33.6 C 56.0 Coord 61.8 Coord 63.6 Coord 67.6 Coord 73.7 Coord 449 9 607 118 141 0 382 #674 289 838 0 0 0 0.91



56.0 Coord 61.8 Coord 63.6 Coord 67.6 Coord 73.7 Coord

SBT D 47.0 D 56.0 Coord 61.8 Coord 63.6 Coord 67.6 Coord 73.7 Coord 532 9 601 117 139 0 539 m591 447 1097 233 0 0 1.04


Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 5 (5%), Referenced to phase 1:NBSB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 75 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.91 Intersection Signal Delay: 40.0 Intersection LOS: D Intersection Capacity Utilization 99.5% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 107: Melcher Street & A Street

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 2

327-337 Summer Street 2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative) 12/7/2012 119: Necco Garage Road & A Street

Movement Lane Configurations Sign Control Grade Volume (veh/h) Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow rate (vph) Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) p0 queue free % cM capacity (veh/h) Direction, Lane # Volume Total Volume Left Volume Right cSH Volume to Capacity Queue Length 95th (ft) Control Delay (s) Lane LOS Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS

EBL Stop 0% 284 0.82 346



NBT Free 0% 368 0.93 396

SBT Free 0% 521 0.89 585


142 0.66 215

24 0.43 56

183 0.83 220

None 369 0.62 1203 0.62 696 0.62 806

1329 6.4 3.5 0 96 EB 1 561 346 215 133 4.23 Err Err F Err F

506 6.2 3.3 39 351 NB 1 452 56 0 566 0.10 8 2.8 A 2.8

685 4.1 2.2 90 566 SB 1 806 0 220 1700 0.47 0 0.0 0.0

Intersection Summary Average Delay Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Period (min)

3087.4 70.1% 15

ICU Level of Service

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 96: Melcher Street & Necco Street

2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Residential Alternative)


Movement Lane Configurations Sign Control Grade Volume (veh/h) Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow rate (vph) Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) p0 queue free % cM capacity (veh/h) Direction, Lane # Volume Total Volume Left Volume Right cSH Volume to Capacity Queue Length 95th (ft) Control Delay (s) Lane LOS Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS

EBT Free 0% 239 0.86 278



WBT Free 0% 242 0.74 327

NBL Stop 0% 154 0.79 195


46 0.55 84

12 0.60 20

54 0.84 64

None 370 362 348 687 320

362 4.1 2.2 98 1208 EB 1 WB 1 362 347 0 20 84 0 1700 1208 0.21 0.02 0 1 0.0 0.6 A 0.0 0.6 NB 1 259 195 64 459 0.57 86 22.6 C 22.6 C 6.3 41.0% 15

687 6.4 3.5 52 409

320 6.2 3.3 91 726

Intersection Summary Average Delay Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Period (min)

ICU Level of Service

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street

2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative)


Lane Group EBT Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 Lane Width (ft) 16 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 Turning Speed (mph) Lane Util. Factor 0.95 Frt 0.940 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) 3271 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) 3271 Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) Headway Factor 0.97 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 601 Travel Time (s) 13.7 Volume (vph) 623 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 Heavy Vehicles (%) 7% Parking (#/hr) Adj. Flow (vph) 677 Lane Group Flow (vph) 1123 Turn Type Protected Phases 1 Permitted Phases Detector Phases 1 Minimum Initial (s) 10.0 Minimum Split (s) 25.0 Total Split (s) 54.0 Total Split (%) 54.0% Maximum Green (s) 49.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 Recall Mode C-Max Walk Time (s) Flash Dont Walk (s) Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) Act Effct Green (s) 55.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.56 v/c Ratio 0.62 Control Delay 10.5 Queue Delay 0.1 Total Delay 10.6 HSH Associates

EBR 1900 16 4.0

WBL 1900 14 4.0 50 0 15 0.95

WBT 1900 15 4.0 50 0 0.95

NBL 1900 16 4.0 50 0 15 1.00 0.958 0.967 1715 0.967 1715 20 0.97 30 379 8.6 136 0.77 5% 177 258

NBR 1900 12 4.0

9 0.95

9 1.00

0 0 No 0.97

0.990 3126 0.515 0 1626 0

0 0 Yes 1.14


406 0.91 4% 446 0

105 0.69 2% 152 0 Perm

1.08 30 1580 35.9 449 0.79 9% 0 568 720

57 0.70 4% 81 0 2

1 3 1 1 1 3 10.0 10.0 6.0 25.0 25.0 15.0 0.0 54.0 54.0 21.0 0.0% 54.0% 54.0% 21.0% 49.0 49.0 16.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lead Lead 3.0 3.0 3.0 C-Max C-Max None

0.0 0.0%

4.0 25.0 25.0 25% 21.0 3.0 1.0 Lag 3.0 None 7.0 14.0 50

55.5 0.56 1.09dl 27.7 0.0 27.7

16.5 0.16 0.86 64.4 0.0 64.4 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street

2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative)


Lane Group EBT LOS B Approach Delay 10.6 Approach LOS B 90th %ile Green (s) 49.0 90th %ile Term Code Coord 70th %ile Green (s) 49.0 70th %ile Term Code Coord 50th %ile Green (s) 49.0 50th %ile Term Code Coord 30th %ile Green (s) 49.0 30th %ile Term Code Coord 10th %ile Green (s) 76.7 10th %ile Term Code Coord Stops (vph) 427 Fuel Used(gal) 9 CO Emissions (g/hr) 656 NOx Emissions (g/hr) 128 VOC Emissions (g/hr) 152 Dilemma Vehicles (#) 0 Queue Length 50th (ft) 178 Queue Length 95th (ft) m159 Internal Link Dist (ft) 521 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 1817 Starvation Cap Reductn 93 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.65



49.0 Coord 49.0 Coord 49.0 Coord 49.0 Coord 76.7 Coord

WBT C 27.7 C 49.0 Coord 49.0 Coord 49.0 Coord 49.0 Coord 76.7 Coord 452 12 870 169 202 0 250 274 1500 903 0 0 0 0.80

NBL E 64.4 E 16.0 Max 16.0 Max 16.0 Max 16.0 Max 13.3 Gap 151 4 275 54 64 0 127 #206 299 308 0 0 0 0.84


21.0 Ped 21.0 Ped 21.0 Ped 21.0 Ped 0.0 Skip

Intersection Summary Area Type: CBD Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 42 (42%), Referenced to phase 1:EBWB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 90 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.86 Intersection Signal Delay: 23.1 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 73.0% ICU Level of Service D Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. dl Defacto Left Lane. Recode with 1 though lane as a left lane. Splits and Phases: 2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 2

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative)


Lane Group EBL Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 Lane Width (ft) 12 Storage Length (ft) 0 Storage Lanes 1 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 Turning Speed (mph) 15 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 Frt Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) 0 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) 0 Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) Headway Factor 1.14 Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Volume (vph) 13 Peak Hour Factor 0.54 Heavy Vehicles (%) 8% Adj. Flow (vph) 24 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 Turn Type Perm Protected Phases Permitted Phases 1 Detector Phases 1 Minimum Initial (s) 10.0 Minimum Split (s) 16.0 Total Split (s) 18.0 Total Split (%) 18.0% Maximum Green (s) 14.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 1.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 Recall Mode C-Max Walk Time (s) Flash Dont Walk (s) Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio v/c Ratio Control Delay Queue Delay HSH Associates

EBT 1900 11

EBR 1900 10 50 1 4.0 50 0 9 1.00 0.850 1330

WBL 1900 11 0 1 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

WBT 1900 12

WBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

NBL 1900 12 0 0 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

NBT 1900 16

NBR 1900 12 0 1 4.0 50 0 9 1.00 0.850 1358 1358 Yes 315 1.14

SBL 1900 12 0 0 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

SBT 1900 16

SBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

4.0 50 0 0.95 0.997 2850 0.571 1632

4.0 50 0 1.00 0.994 1694 1694 3 1.14 30 478 10.9 340 0.87 0% 391 407

4.0 50 0 1.00

4.0 50 0

9 1.00

1.19 30 1285 29.2 352 0.87 10% 405 429 1 1 10.0 16.0 18.0 18.0% 14.0 3.0 1.0 Lead

0.950 1525 0.502 1330 806 Yes 149 1.25 1.19

0 0 Yes 1.14

0.955 1799 0.955 0 1799 0

1.00 0.959 0.990 0 1789 0.990 0 1789 17 0.97 30 390 8.9 26 0.67 0% 39 79

9 1.00

0 0 Yes 1.14


241 585 0.90 0.82 2% 3% 268 713 268 713 Perm Perm

15 1 15 1 15 15 10.0 16.0 18.0 56.0 56.0 18.0% 56.0% 56.0% 14.0 3.0 1.0 Lead

187 258 7 0.87 0.82 0.44 3% 7% 14% 215 315 16 0 315 0 custom custom Split 4 4 45 3 3 4 4 45 4 4 45 3 3 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 9.0 9.0 8.0 8.0 0.0 12.0 12.0 50.0 11.0 11.0 0.0% 12.0% 12.0% 50.0% 11.0% 11.0% 7.0 7.0 6.0 6.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lag Lag Lead Lead 3.0 3.0 None None 3.0 3.0 None None

11 0.69 9% 16 0

0.97 30 519 11.8 7 0.63 0% 11 226


14 0.58 0% 24 0

0.0 0.0%

3.0 3.0 C-Max C-Max

28.8 0.29 0.91 63.7 0.0

28.8 66.8 0.29 0.67 0.55 1.33 24.5 180.5 0.3 20.4

66.8 0.67 0.36 10.1 0.2

8.0 0.08 1.57 307.7 0.0

46.0 0.46 0.40 4.9 0.0

6.9 0.07 0.57 52.4 0.0 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative)


Lane Group 2 5 Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) Lane Width (ft) Storage Length (ft) Storage Lanes Total Lost Time (s) Leading Detector (ft) Trailing Detector (ft) Turning Speed (mph) Lane Util. Factor Frt Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) Headway Factor Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Volume (vph) Peak Hour Factor Heavy Vehicles (%) Adj. Flow (vph) Lane Group Flow (vph) Turn Type Protected Phases 2 5 Permitted Phases Detector Phases Minimum Initial (s) 4.0 6.0 Minimum Split (s) 21.0 13.0 Total Split (s) 21.0 38.0 Total Split (%) 21% 38% Maximum Green (s) 17.0 33.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 1.0 2.0 Lead/Lag Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 3.0 Recall Mode None None Walk Time (s) 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 10.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 20 Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio v/c Ratio Control Delay Queue Delay HSH Associates Syncrho 6 Report Page 3

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative)


Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT Total Delay 63.7 24.8 200.9 10.3 LOS E C F B Approach Delay 48.7 131.6 Approach LOS D F 90th %ile Green (s) 14.0 14.0 14.0 90th %ile Term Code Coord Coord Coord 70th %ile Green (s) 14.0 14.0 14.0 70th %ile Term Code Coord Coord Coord 50th %ile Green (s) 35.0 35.0 35.0 50th %ile Term Code Coord Coord Coord 30th %ile Green (s) 35.0 35.0 35.0 30th %ile Term Code Coord Coord Coord 10th %ile Green (s) 46.0 46.0 46.0 10th %ile Term Code Coord Coord Coord Stops (vph) 198 147 402 137 Fuel Used(gal) 9 4 26 3 CO Emissions (g/hr) 663 310 1810 195 NOx Emissions (g/hr) 129 60 352 38 VOC Emissions (g/hr) 154 72 419 45 Dilemma Vehicles (#) 0 0 0 0 Queue Length 50th (ft) 113 50 ~558 72 Queue Length 95th (ft) m#312 m#216 m#759 m199 Internal Link Dist (ft) 1205 398 Turn Bay Length (ft) 50 Base Capacity (vph) 470 489 538 1132 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 209 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 29 18 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.91 0.58 1.37 0.44



7.0 Max 7.0 Max 7.0 Max 7.0 Max 7.0 Max

NBT 307.7 F 131.4 F 7.0 Max 7.0 Max 7.0 Max 7.0 Max 7.0 Max 138 14 958 186 222 0 ~208 #218 439 144 0 0 0 1.57

NBR 4.9 A


6.0 Max 6.0 Max 6.0 Max 6.0 Max 0.0 Skip 60 2 114 22 26 0 46 m48

SBT 52.4 D 52.4 D 6.0 Max 6.0 Max 6.0 Max 6.0 Max 0.0 Skip 36 1 59 11 14 0 39 61 310 141 0 0 0 0.56


795 0 0 0 0.40

Intersection Summary Area Type: CBD Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 1:EBWB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 150 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.57 Intersection Signal Delay: 105.3 Intersection LOS: F Intersection Capacity Utilization 75.8% ICU Level of Service D Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 4

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

Splits and Phases:

2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative)


1662: Congress Street & A Street

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 5

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative)


Lane Group Total Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 90th %ile Green (s) 90th %ile Term Code 70th %ile Green (s) 70th %ile Term Code 50th %ile Green (s) 50th %ile Term Code 30th %ile Green (s) 30th %ile Term Code 10th %ile Green (s) 10th %ile Term Code Stops (vph) Fuel Used(gal) CO Emissions (g/hr) NOx Emissions (g/hr) VOC Emissions (g/hr) Dilemma Vehicles (#) Queue Length 50th (ft) Queue Length 95th (ft) Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) Starvation Cap Reductn Spillback Cap Reductn Storage Cap Reductn Reduced v/c Ratio Intersection Summary

17.0 Ped 17.0 Ped 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip

33.0 Max 33.0 Max 33.0 Max 33.0 Max 33.0 Max

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 6

327-337 Summer Street 2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative) 12/7/2012 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

Lane Group EBL EBT Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 Lane Width (ft) 12 13 Storage Length (ft) 0 Storage Lanes 1 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 0 Turning Speed (mph) 15 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.960 Flt Protected 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1533 1529 Flt Permitted 0.182 Satd. Flow (perm) 294 1529 Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) 21 Headway Factor 1.14 1.10 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 478 Travel Time (s) 10.9 Volume (vph) 184 268 Peak Hour Factor 0.79 0.87 Heavy Vehicles (%) 6% 12% Parking (#/hr) Adj. Flow (vph) 233 308 Lane Group Flow (vph) 233 421 Turn Type D.P+P Protected Phases 5 15 Permitted Phases 1 Detector Phases 5 15 Minimum Initial (s) 6.0 Minimum Split (s) 12.0 Total Split (s) 16.0 42.0 Total Split (%) 16.0% 42.0% Maximum Green (s) 10.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 Recall Mode None Walk Time (s) Flash Dont Walk (s) Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) Act Effct Green (s) 55.0 59.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.55 0.59 v/c Ratio 0.75 0.46 Control Delay 38.1 12.4 HSH Associates

EBR 1900 16 0 0 4.0

WBU 1900 12

WBL 1900 11 0 1 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

WBT 1900 12

WBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

NBL 1900 12 0 1 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

NBT 1900 13

NBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

SBL 1900 12 0 0 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

SBT 1900 11

9 1.00

4.0 50 0 9 0.95

4.0 50 0 0.95 0.988 3210 3210 8 1.14 30 426 9.7 631 0.92 0% 686 744

4.0 50 0 1.00 0.920 1530 1530 61 1.10 30 204 4.6 147 0.85 11%

4.0 50 0 1.00

9 0.95

9 1.00

0 0 Yes 0.97

0.950 1479 0.182 0 283 0

0.950 1562 0.250 0 411 Yes 0 1.14 1.14

0 0 Yes 1.14

0.968 1441 0.598 0 890 0




98 0.87 8% 113 0

7 0.44 0%

71 0.60 7%

16 118 0 134 Perm Perm

1 1 1 1 1 1 15.0 15.0 15.0 21.0 21.0 21.0 0.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 0.0% 26.0% 26.0% 26.0% 21.0 21.0 21.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lead Lead Lead 3.0 3.0 3.0 C-Max C-Max C-Max

221 173 221 369 pm+pt 3 34 34 34 3 34 1.0 6.0 0.0 15.0 37.0 0.0% 15.0% 37.0% 10.0 3.0 2.0 Lead 3.0 None

41 0.71 0% 0 58 0

212 0.96 4%

49 0.25 2% 196 0

151 0.85 7% 178 0 Perm

1.19 30 941 21.4 74 0.81 19% 91 269

4 4 4 4 6.0 6.0 11.0 11.0 0.0 22.0 22.0 0.0% 22.0% 22.0% 17.0 17.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 Lag Lag 3.0 Min 3.0 Min

43.0 0.43 1.10 136.8

43.0 0.43 0.54 17.9

29.0 0.29 0.90 66.3

33.0 0.33 0.68 31.1

18.0 0.18 1.68 357.6 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative) 12/7/2012 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

Lane Group SBR 2 Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 Lane Width (ft) 11 Storage Length (ft) 120 Storage Lanes 1 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 Turning Speed (mph) 9 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 Frt 0.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) 1405 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) 1405 Right Turn on Red Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 137 Headway Factor 1.19 Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Volume (vph) 127 Peak Hour Factor 0.93 Heavy Vehicles (%) 0% Parking (#/hr) Adj. Flow (vph) 137 Lane Group Flow (vph) 137 Turn Type custom Protected Phases 4 2 Permitted Phases 45 Detector Phases 4 Minimum Initial (s) 6.0 4.0 Minimum Split (s) 11.0 21.0 Total Split (s) 22.0 21.0 Total Split (%) 22.0% 21% Maximum Green (s) 17.0 17.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 1.0 Lead/Lag Lag Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 2.0 Recall Mode Min None Walk Time (s) 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 10.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 Act Effct Green (s) 34.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.34 v/c Ratio 0.24 Control Delay 4.2 HSH Associates Syncrho 6 Report Page 3

327-337 Summer Street 2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative) 12/7/2012 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

Lane Group EBL EBT Queue Delay 0.0 0.5 Total Delay 38.1 12.8 LOS D B Approach Delay 21.8 Approach LOS C 90th %ile Green (s) 10.0 90th %ile Term Code Max 70th %ile Green (s) 10.0 70th %ile Term Code Max 50th %ile Green (s) 10.0 50th %ile Term Code Max 30th %ile Green (s) 10.0 30th %ile Term Code Max 10th %ile Green (s) 10.0 10th %ile Term Code Max Stops (vph) 171 205 Fuel Used(gal) 3 3 CO Emissions (g/hr) 214 239 NOx Emissions (g/hr) 42 46 VOC Emissions (g/hr) 50 55 Dilemma Vehicles (#) 0 0 Queue Length 50th (ft) 107 139 Queue Length 95th (ft) m132 m105 Internal Link Dist (ft) 398 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 310 911 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 174 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.75 0.57



WBL 0.0 136.8 F

42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord

42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 49 3 189 37 44 0 ~98 #96

WBT 0.0 17.9 B 36.1 D 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 481 7 513 100 119 0 190 m243 346 1385 0 0 0 0.54


NBL 0.0 66.3 E

NBT 0.0 31.1 C 44.3 D



10.0 Max 10.0 Max 10.0 Max 10.0 Max 10.0 Max 153 4 283 55 65 0 109 #226

17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 143 2 164 32 38 0 169 251 124 546 0 0 0 0.68

SBT 0.0 357.6 F 238.4 F 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 158 19 1321 257 306 0 ~252 #357 861 160 0 0 0 1.68

122 0 0 0 1.10

246 0 0 0 0.90

Intersection Summary Area Type: CBD Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 85 (85%), Referenced to phase 1:EBWB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 110 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.68 Intersection Signal Delay: 66.8 Intersection LOS: E Intersection Capacity Utilization 74.8% ICU Level of Service D Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 4

327-337 Summer Street 2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative) 12/7/2012 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)
Splits and Phases: 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 5

327-337 Summer Street 2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative) 12/7/2012 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

Lane Group Queue Delay Total Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 90th %ile Green (s) 90th %ile Term Code 70th %ile Green (s) 70th %ile Term Code 50th %ile Green (s) 50th %ile Term Code 30th %ile Green (s) 30th %ile Term Code 10th %ile Green (s) 10th %ile Term Code Stops (vph) Fuel Used(gal) CO Emissions (g/hr) NOx Emissions (g/hr) VOC Emissions (g/hr) Dilemma Vehicles (#) Queue Length 50th (ft) Queue Length 95th (ft) Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) Starvation Cap Reductn Spillback Cap Reductn Storage Cap Reductn Reduced v/c Ratio Intersection Summary

SBR 0.0 4.2 A

17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 17.0 Max 25 1 82 16 19 0 11 43 120 568 0 0 0 0.24

0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 6

327-337 Summer Street 96: Melcher St & A Street

2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative)


Lane Group EBL EBT Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 Lane Width (ft) 12 12 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 0 Turning Speed (mph) 15 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.921 Flt Protected 0.981 Satd. Flow (prot) 0 1449 Flt Permitted 0.981 Satd. Flow (perm) 0 1449 Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) 76 Headway Factor 1.00 1.14 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 334 Travel Time (s) 7.6 Volume (vph) 80 4 Peak Hour Factor 0.71 0.50 Heavy Vehicles (%) 5% 0% Parking (#/hr) 0 0 Adj. Flow (vph) 113 8 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 292 Turn Type Split Protected Phases 5 5 Permitted Phases Detector Phases 5 5 Minimum Initial (s) 8.0 8.0 Minimum Split (s) 23.0 23.0 Total Split (s) 37.0 37.0 Total Split (%) 37.0% 37.0% Maximum Green (s) 32.0 32.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 2.0 Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 2.0 Recall Mode None None Walk Time (s) 8.0 8.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 4.0 4.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 0 Act Effct Green (s) 21.4 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.21 v/c Ratio 0.79 Control Delay 27.5 Queue Delay 0.0 Total Delay 27.5 HSH Associates

EBR 1900 12 4.0

WBL 1900 12 4.0

WBT 1900 12 4.0

WBR 1900 12 4.0

NBL 1900 12 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

NBT 1900 13 4.0 50 0

NBR 1900 12 4.0

SBL 1900 12 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

SBT 1900 13 4.0 50 0 1.00 0.966

SBR 1900 12 4.0

9 1.00

15 1.00


9 1.00

0 0 Yes 1.00

0 0

0 0

0 0 Yes 1.00

1.00 0.999 0.989 0 1866 0.642 0 1211 1 0.96 30 384 8.7 416 0.89 4% 467 611

9 1.00

9 1.00

0 0 Yes 1.00

1670 0.998 0 1666 29 1.10 30 519 11.8 573 0.94 3% 0 610 818

0 0 Yes 1.00


144 0.84 8% 0 171 0

0 0.25 0% 0 0

1.00 30 162 3.7 0 0.25 0% 0 0



0 0.25 0% 0 0

120 0.86 4% 140 0 Perm

2 0.50 0%

4 1.00 0% 0 4 4 0 0 Perm

171 0.84 0% 0 204 0

0.0 0.0%

0.0 0.0%

0.0 0.0%

1 1 1 1 1 39.0 39.0 44.0 44.0 0.0 63.0 63.0 0.0% 63.0% 63.0% 58.0 58.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0

1 1 1 1 1 39.0 39.0 44.0 44.0 0.0 63.0 63.0 0.0% 63.0% 63.0% 58.0 58.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0

0.0 0.0%

2.0 2.0 C-Max C-Max 8.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 0 0 70.6 0.71 0.71 16.5 0.0 16.5

2.0 2.0 C-Max C-Max 8.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 0 0 70.6 0.71 0.69 15.5 7.0 22.6 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 96: Melcher St & A Street

2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative)


Lane Group LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 90th %ile Green (s) 90th %ile Term Code 70th %ile Green (s) 70th %ile Term Code 50th %ile Green (s) 50th %ile Term Code 30th %ile Green (s) 30th %ile Term Code 10th %ile Green (s) 10th %ile Term Code Stops (vph) Fuel Used(gal) CO Emissions (g/hr) NOx Emissions (g/hr) VOC Emissions (g/hr) Dilemma Vehicles (#) Queue Length 50th (ft) Queue Length 95th (ft) Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) Starvation Cap Reductn Spillback Cap Reductn Storage Cap Reductn Reduced v/c Ratio


26.4 Gap 25.9 Gap 21.6 Gap 17.2 Gap 10.8 Min

EBT C 27.5 C 26.4 Gap 25.9 Gap 21.6 Gap 17.2 Gap 10.8 Min 178 3 199 39 46 0 99 32 254 529 0 0 0 0.55






63.6 Coord 64.1 Coord 68.4 Coord 72.8 Coord 79.2 Coord


NBT B 16.5 B 63.6 Coord 64.1 Coord 68.4 Coord 72.8 Coord 79.2 Coord 335 5 368 72 85 0 210 418 304 856 0 0 0 0.71



63.6 Coord 64.1 Coord 68.4 Coord 72.8 Coord 79.2 Coord

SBT C 22.6 C 63.6 Coord 64.1 Coord 68.4 Coord 72.8 Coord 79.2 Coord 534 8 584 114 135 0 352 m462 439 1185 319 0 0 0.94


Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 9 (9%), Referenced to phase 1:NBSB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 70 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.79 Intersection Signal Delay: 21.2 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 96.8% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 96: Melcher St & A Street

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 2

327-337 Summer Street 173: Necco Garage Rd & A Street

2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative)


Movement Lane Configurations Sign Control Grade Volume (veh/h) Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow rate (vph) Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) p0 queue free % cM capacity (veh/h)

EBL Stop 0% 58 0.67 87



NBT Free 0% 421 0.93 453

SBT Free 0% 392 0.95 413


32 0.61 52

116 0.76 153

342 0.82 417

None 384 0.73 1379 0.73 621 0.73 830

1517 6.5 3.6 0 69

483 6.2 3.3 88 425 NB 1 605 153 0 627 0.24 24 6.3 A 6.3

768 4.1 2.2 76 627 SB 1 830 0 417 1700 0.49 0 0.0 0.0

Direction, Lane # EB 1 Volume Total 139 Volume Left 87 Volume Right 52 cSH 100 Volume to Capacity 1.38 Queue Length 95th (ft) 251 Control Delay (s) 299.9 Lane LOS F Approach Delay (s) 299.9 Approach LOS F Intersection Summary Average Delay Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Period (min)

28.9 85.3% 15

ICU Level of Service

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 83: Melcher Street & Necco St

2017 Build AM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative)


Movement Lane Configurations Sign Control Grade Volume (veh/h) Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow rate (vph) Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) p0 queue free % cM capacity (veh/h) Direction, Lane # Volume Total Volume Left Volume Right cSH Volume to Capacity Queue Length 95th (ft) Control Delay (s) Lane LOS Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS

EBT Free 0% 260 0.78 333



WBT Free 0% 182 0.80 228

NBL Stop 0% 20 0.68 29


268 0.89 301

120 0.81 148

5 0.31 16

None 379 634 334 1008 484

634 4.1 2.2 84 949 EB 1 WB 1 634 376 0 148 301 0 1700 949 0.37 0.16 0 14 0.0 4.8 A 0.0 4.8 NB 1 46 29 16 285 0.16 14 20.0 C 20.0 C 2.6 59.6% 15

1008 6.4 3.5 87 222

484 6.2 3.3 97 587

Intersection Summary Average Delay Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Period (min)

ICU Level of Service

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street

2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative)


Lane Group EBT Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 Lane Width (ft) 16 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 Turning Speed (mph) Lane Util. Factor 0.95 Frt 0.954 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) 3375 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) 3375 Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) Headway Factor 0.97 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 601 Travel Time (s) 13.7 Volume (vph) 642 Peak Hour Factor 0.97 Heavy Vehicles (%) 5% Parking (#/hr) Adj. Flow (vph) 662 Lane Group Flow (vph) 958 Turn Type Protected Phases 1 Permitted Phases Detector Phases 1 Minimum Initial (s) 10.0 Minimum Split (s) 25.0 Total Split (s) 47.0 Total Split (%) 47.0% Maximum Green (s) 42.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 Recall Mode C-Max Walk Time (s) Flash Dont Walk (s) Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) Act Effct Green (s) 48.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.48 v/c Ratio 0.59 Control Delay 14.2 Queue Delay 0.0 Total Delay 14.2 HSH Associates

EBR 1900 16 4.0

WBL 1900 14 4.0 50 0 15 0.95

WBT 1900 15 4.0 50 0 0.95

NBL 1900 16 4.0 50 0 15 1.00 0.948 0.970 1782 0.970 1782 30 0.97 30 370 8.4 285 0.85 0% 335 548

NBR 1900 12 4.0

9 0.95

9 1.00

0 0 No 0.97

0.996 3321 0.757 0 2524 0

0 0 Yes 1.14


228 0.77 2% 296 0

30 0.69 0% 43 0 Perm

1.08 30 1580 35.9 410 0.91 2% 0 451 494

147 0.69 0% 213 0 2

1 3 1 1 1 3 10.0 10.0 6.0 25.0 25.0 15.0 0.0 47.0 47.0 28.0 0.0% 47.0% 47.0% 28.0% 42.0 42.0 23.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lead Lead 3.0 3.0 3.0 C-Max C-Max None

0.0 0.0%

4.0 25.0 25.0 25% 21.0 3.0 1.0 Lag 3.0 None 7.0 14.0 50

48.0 24.0 0.48 0.24 0.41 1.22 20.4 147.1 0.0 0.0 20.4 147.1 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street

2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative)


Lane Group EBT LOS B Approach Delay 14.2 Approach LOS B 90th %ile Green (s) 42.0 90th %ile Term Code Coord 70th %ile Green (s) 42.0 70th %ile Term Code Coord 50th %ile Green (s) 42.0 50th %ile Term Code Coord 30th %ile Green (s) 42.0 30th %ile Term Code Coord 10th %ile Green (s) 67.0 10th %ile Term Code Coord Stops (vph) 441 Fuel Used(gal) 9 CO Emissions (g/hr) 631 NOx Emissions (g/hr) 123 VOC Emissions (g/hr) 146 Dilemma Vehicles (#) 0 Queue Length 50th (ft) 154 Queue Length 95th (ft) m213 Internal Link Dist (ft) 521 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 1620 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.59



42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 67.0 Coord

WBT NBL C F 20.4 147.1 C F 42.0 23.0 Coord Max 42.0 23.0 Coord Max 42.0 23.0 Coord Max 42.0 23.0 Coord Max 67.0 23.0 Coord Max 358 321 9 16 645 1115 125 217 149 258 0 0 116 ~410 228 m#511 1500 290 1211 0 0 0 0.41 450 0 0 0 1.22


21.0 Ped 21.0 Ped 21.0 Ped 21.0 Ped 0.0 Skip

Intersection Summary Area Type: CBD Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 48 (48%), Referenced to phase 1:EBWB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 90 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.22 Intersection Signal Delay: 52.1 Intersection LOS: D Intersection Capacity Utilization 72.1% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 2

327-337 Summer Street 2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street

Splits and Phases:

2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative)


2008: Summer Street & Melcher Street

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 3

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative)

Lane Group EBL Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 Lane Width (ft) 12 Storage Length (ft) 0 Storage Lanes 0 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 Turning Speed (mph) 15 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 Frt Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) 0 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) 0 Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) Headway Factor 1.14 Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Volume (vph) 3 Peak Hour Factor 0.38 Heavy Vehicles (%) 0% Adj. Flow (vph) 8 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 Turn Type Perm Protected Phases Permitted Phases 1 Detector Phases 1 Minimum Initial (s) 10.0 Minimum Split (s) 16.0 Total Split (s) 17.0 Total Split (%) 17.0% Maximum Green (s) 13.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 1.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 Recall Mode C-Max Walk Time (s) Flash Dont Walk (s) Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio v/c Ratio Control Delay Queue Delay HSH Associates

EBT 1900 11

EBR 1900 10 50 1 4.0 50 0 9 1.00 0.850 1330

WBL 1900 11 0 1 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

WBT 1900 12

WBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

NBL 1900 12 0 0 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

NBT 1900 16

NBR 1900 12 0 1 4.0 50 0 9 1.00 0.850 1439 1439 Yes 613 1.14

SBL 1900 12 0 0 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

SBT 1900 16

SBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

4.0 50 0 0.95 0.999 2962 0.672 1993

4.0 50 0 1.00 0.994 1684 1684 3 1.14 30 478 10.9 310 0.74 1% 419 435

4.0 50 0 1.00

4.0 50 0

9 1.00

1.19 30 1285 29.2 426 0.76 6% 561 569 1 1 10.0 16.0 17.0 17.0% 13.0 3.0 1.0 Lead

0.950 1540 0.438 1330 710 Yes 142 1.25 1.19

0 0 Yes 1.14

0.964 1854 0.964 0 1854 0

1.00 0.949 0.987 0 1815 0.987 0 1815 23 0.97 30 470 10.7 10 0.44 0% 23 63 3 3 1.0 6.0 8.0 8.0% 3.0 3.0 2.0 Lead

9 1.00

0 0 Yes 1.14


312 392 0.91 0.80 2% 2% 343 490 343 490 Perm Perm

9 0.56 0% 16 0

15 1 15 1 15 15 10.0 16.0 17.0 57.0 57.0 17.0% 57.0% 57.0% 13.0 3.0 1.0 Lead

173 0.74 1% 234 0 Split 4

4 6.0 11.0 0.0 14.0 0.0% 14.0% 9.0 3.0 2.0 Lag

527 0.86 1% 613 613 custom 4 45 45 4 45 6.0 11.0 14.0 54.0 14.0% 54.0% 9.0 3.0 2.0 Lag

0.97 30 527 12.0 25 0.33 0% 76 310


12 0.75 0% 16 0 Split 3 3 1.0 6.0 8.0 8.0% 3.0 3.0 2.0 Lead

15 0.63 0% 24 0

0.0 0.0%

3.0 3.0 C-Max C-Max

3.0 3.0 None None

3.0 3.0 None None

27.2 0.27 1.05 91.4 19.9

27.2 0.27 0.74 35.3 9.7

67.2 0.67 1.03 69.0 45.3

67.2 0.67 0.38 9.9 0.3

10.0 0.10 1.68 344.1 0.0

50.0 0.50 0.60 4.5 1.5

4.0 0.04 0.66 65.5 5.5 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative)

Lane Group 2 5 Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) Lane Width (ft) Storage Length (ft) Storage Lanes Total Lost Time (s) Leading Detector (ft) Trailing Detector (ft) Turning Speed (mph) Lane Util. Factor Frt Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) Headway Factor Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Volume (vph) Peak Hour Factor Heavy Vehicles (%) Adj. Flow (vph) Lane Group Flow (vph) Turn Type Protected Phases 2 5 Permitted Phases Detector Phases Minimum Initial (s) 4.0 6.0 Minimum Split (s) 21.0 13.0 Total Split (s) 21.0 40.0 Total Split (%) 21% 40% Maximum Green (s) 17.0 35.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 1.0 2.0 Lead/Lag Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 Recall Mode None None Walk Time (s) 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 10.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 20 Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio v/c Ratio Control Delay Queue Delay HSH Associates Syncrho 6 Report Page 3

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative)

Lane Group EBL Total Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 90th %ile Green (s) 13.0 90th %ile Term Code Coord 70th %ile Green (s) 13.0 70th %ile Term Code Coord 50th %ile Green (s) 34.0 50th %ile Term Code Coord 30th %ile Green (s) 34.0 30th %ile Term Code Coord 10th %ile Green (s) 42.0 10th %ile Term Code Coord Stops (vph) Fuel Used(gal) CO Emissions (g/hr) NOx Emissions (g/hr) VOC Emissions (g/hr) Dilemma Vehicles (#) Queue Length 50th (ft) Queue Length 95th (ft) Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) Starvation Cap Reductn Spillback Cap Reductn Storage Cap Reductn Reduced v/c Ratio

EBT EBR WBL 111.3 45.1 114.2 F D F 86.4 F 13.0 13.0 Coord Coord 13.0 13.0 Coord Coord 34.0 34.0 Coord Coord 34.0 34.0 Coord Coord 42.0 42.0 Coord Coord 266 106 237 14 6 8 961 416 578 187 81 113 223 96 134 0 0 0 186 83 214 #336 m#336 #429 1205 50 542 465 477 0 0 0 26 94 50 0 0 0 1.10 0.92 1.15

WBT 10.2 B 65.3 E



9.0 Max 9.0 Max 9.0 Max 9.0 Max 9.0 Max 145 3 184 36 43 0 75 174 398 1133 275 0 0 0.51

NBT 344.1 F 119.5 F 9.0 Max 9.0 Max 9.0 Max 9.0 Max 9.0 Max 142 15 1081 210 251 0 ~292 98 447 185 0 0 0 1.68

NBR 6.0 A


3.0 Max 3.0 Max 3.0 Max 3.0 Max 0.0 Skip 134 3 237 46 55 0 38 m60

SBT 71.1 E 71.1 E 3.0 Max 3.0 Max 3.0 Max 3.0 Max 0.0 Skip 23 1 53 10 12 0 26 25 390 95 0 10 0 0.74


1026 100 232 0 0.77

Intersection Summary Area Type: CBD Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 1:EBWB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 150 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.68 Intersection Signal Delay: 90.0 Intersection LOS: F Intersection Capacity Utilization 66.1% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 4

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

Splits and Phases:

2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative)

1662: Congress Street & A Street

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 5

327-337 Summer Street 1662: Congress Street & A Street

2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative)

Lane Group Total Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 90th %ile Green (s) 90th %ile Term Code 70th %ile Green (s) 70th %ile Term Code 50th %ile Green (s) 50th %ile Term Code 30th %ile Green (s) 30th %ile Term Code 10th %ile Green (s) 10th %ile Term Code Stops (vph) Fuel Used(gal) CO Emissions (g/hr) NOx Emissions (g/hr) VOC Emissions (g/hr) Dilemma Vehicles (#) Queue Length 50th (ft) Queue Length 95th (ft) Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) Starvation Cap Reductn Spillback Cap Reductn Storage Cap Reductn Reduced v/c Ratio Intersection Summary

17.0 Ped 17.0 Ped 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip

35.0 Max 35.0 Max 35.0 Max 35.0 Max 35.0 Max

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 6

327-337 Summer Street 2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative) 12/7/2012 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

Lane Group EBL EBT Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 Lane Width (ft) 12 13 Storage Length (ft) 0 Storage Lanes 1 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 0 Turning Speed (mph) 15 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.924 Flt Protected 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1624 1593 Flt Permitted 0.391 Satd. Flow (perm) 669 1593 Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) 58 Headway Factor 1.14 1.10 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 478 Travel Time (s) 10.9 Volume (vph) 241 492 Peak Hour Factor 0.97 0.88 Heavy Vehicles (%) 0% 5% Parking (#/hr) Adj. Flow (vph) 248 559 Lane Group Flow (vph) 248 1129 Turn Type D.P+P Protected Phases 5 15 Permitted Phases 1 Detector Phases 5 15 Minimum Initial (s) 6.0 Minimum Split (s) 12.0 Total Split (s) 15.0 41.0 Total Split (%) 15.0% 41.0% Maximum Green (s) 9.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 Recall Mode None Walk Time (s) Flash Dont Walk (s) Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) Act Effct Green (s) 54.0 58.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.54 0.58 v/c Ratio 0.53 1.19 Control Delay 19.0 120.0 HSH Associates

EBR 1900 16 0 0 4.0

WBU 1900 12

WBL 1900 11 0 1 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

WBT 1900 12

WBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

NBL 1900 12 0 1 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

NBT 1900 13

NBR 1900 12 0 0 4.0

SBL 1900 12 0 0 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

SBT 1900 11

9 1.00

4.0 50 0 9 0.95

4.0 50 0 0.95 0.987 3178 3178 9 1.14 30 426 9.7 307 0.89 1% 345 378

4.0 50 0 1.00 0.964 1540 1540 17 1.10 30 204 4.6 160 0.70 14%

4.0 50 0 1.00

9 0.95

9 1.00

0 0 Yes 0.97

0.950 1457 0.182 0 279 0

0.950 1490 0.211 0 331 Yes 0 1.14 1.14

0 0 Yes 1.14

0.971 1598 0.658 0 1083 0




502 0.88 0% 570 0

2 0.50 0%

143 0.89 8%

4 161 0 165 Perm Perm

1 1 1 1 1 1 15.0 15.0 15.0 21.0 21.0 21.0 0.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 0.0% 26.0% 26.0% 26.0% 21.0 21.0 21.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lead Lead Lead 2.0 2.0 2.0 C-Max C-Max C-Max

61 229 61 302 pm+pt 3 34 34 34 3 34 1.0 6.0 0.0 15.0 38.0 0.0% 15.0% 38.0% 10.0 3.0 2.0 Lead 2.0 None

27 0.81 0% 0 33 0

55 0.90 9%

55 0.75 0% 73 0

439 0.78 0% 563 0 Perm

1.19 30 946 21.5 355 0.90 1% 394 957

4 4 4 4 6.0 6.0 11.0 11.0 0.0 23.0 23.0 0.0% 23.0% 23.0% 18.0 18.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 Lag Lag 2.0 Min 2.0 Min

43.0 0.43 1.38 240.6

43.0 0.43 0.28 15.7

30.0 0.30 0.27 26.2

34.0 0.34 0.56 30.3

19.0 0.19 4.65 1663.6 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative) 12/7/2012 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

Lane Group SBR 2 Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 Lane Width (ft) 11 Storage Length (ft) 120 Storage Lanes 1 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 Turning Speed (mph) 9 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 Frt 0.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) 1377 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) 1377 Right Turn on Red Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 108 Headway Factor 1.19 Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Volume (vph) 236 Peak Hour Factor 0.72 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% Parking (#/hr) Adj. Flow (vph) 328 Lane Group Flow (vph) 328 Turn Type custom Protected Phases 4 2 Permitted Phases 45 Detector Phases 4 Minimum Initial (s) 6.0 4.0 Minimum Split (s) 11.0 21.0 Total Split (s) 23.0 21.0 Total Split (%) 23.0% 21% Maximum Green (s) 18.0 17.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 1.0 Lead/Lag Lag Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 2.0 Recall Mode Min None Walk Time (s) 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 10.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 Act Effct Green (s) 34.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.34 v/c Ratio 0.61 Control Delay 21.1 HSH Associates Syncrho 6 Report Page 3

327-337 Summer Street 2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative) 12/7/2012 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

Lane Group Queue Delay Total Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 90th %ile Green (s) 90th %ile Term Code 70th %ile Green (s) 70th %ile Term Code 50th %ile Green (s) 50th %ile Term Code 30th %ile Green (s) 30th %ile Term Code 10th %ile Green (s) 10th %ile Term Code Stops (vph) Fuel Used(gal) CO Emissions (g/hr) NOx Emissions (g/hr) VOC Emissions (g/hr) Dilemma Vehicles (#) Queue Length 50th (ft) Queue Length 95th (ft) Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) Starvation Cap Reductn Spillback Cap Reductn Storage Cap Reductn Reduced v/c Ratio

EBL EBT 0.0 34.3 19.0 154.3 B F 129.9 F 9.0 Max 9.0 Max 9.0 Max 9.0 Max 9.0 Max 135 816 3 32 180 2272 35 442 42 526 0 0 95 ~839 m99 m#876 398 466 0 0 0 0.53 948 58 0 0 1.27



WBL 0.0 240.6 F

42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord

42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 97 8 568 110 132 0 ~139 m#242

WBT 0.0 15.7 B 84.0 F 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 42.0 Coord 149 3 210 41 49 0 57 91 346 1372 0 0 0 0.28


NBL 0.0 26.2 C

NBT 0.0 30.3 C 29.6 C


10.0 Max 10.0 Max 10.0 Max 10.0 Max 10.0 Max 38 1 41 8 10 0 26 56

164 3 180 35 42 0 147 167 124 535 0 0 0 0.56

SBT 0.0 1663.6 F 1244.3 F 18.0 18.0 Max Max 18.0 18.0 Max Max 18.0 18.0 Max Max 18.0 18.0 Max Max 18.0 18.0 Max Max 759 279 19499 3794 4519 0 ~1153 #1398 866 206 0 0 0 4.65


120 0 0 0 1.38

227 0 0 0 0.27

Intersection Summary Area Type: CBD Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 80 (80%), Referenced to phase 1:EBWB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 150 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 4.65 Intersection Signal Delay: 514.1 Intersection LOS: F Intersection Capacity Utilization 149.6% ICU Level of Service H Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 4

327-337 Summer Street 2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative) 12/7/2012 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)
Splits and Phases: 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 5

327-337 Summer Street 2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative) 12/7/2012 4057: Congress Street & Boston Wharf Road (WSR)

Lane Group Queue Delay Total Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 90th %ile Green (s) 90th %ile Term Code 70th %ile Green (s) 70th %ile Term Code 50th %ile Green (s) 50th %ile Term Code 30th %ile Green (s) 30th %ile Term Code 10th %ile Green (s) 10th %ile Term Code Stops (vph) Fuel Used(gal) CO Emissions (g/hr) NOx Emissions (g/hr) VOC Emissions (g/hr) Dilemma Vehicles (#) Queue Length 50th (ft) Queue Length 95th (ft) Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) Starvation Cap Reductn Spillback Cap Reductn Storage Cap Reductn Reduced v/c Ratio Intersection Summary

SBR 0.0 21.1 C

18.0 Max 18.0 Max 18.0 Max 18.0 Max 18.0 Max 123 3 240 47 56 0 95 121 120 539 0 0 0 0.61

0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip 0.0 Skip

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 6

327-337 Summer Street 107: Melcher Street & A Street

2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative)


Lane Group EBL EBT Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 Lane Width (ft) 12 12 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 4.0 Leading Detector (ft) 50 50 Trailing Detector (ft) 0 0 Turning Speed (mph) 15 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.934 Flt Protected 0.977 Satd. Flow (prot) 0 1538 Flt Permitted 0.977 Satd. Flow (perm) 0 1538 Right Turn on Red Satd. Flow (RTOR) 53 Headway Factor 1.00 1.14 Link Speed (mph) 30 Link Distance (ft) 348 Travel Time (s) 7.9 Volume (vph) 152 4 Peak Hour Factor 0.84 0.33 Heavy Vehicles (%) 0% 0% Parking (#/hr) 0 0 Adj. Flow (vph) 181 12 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 377 Turn Type Split Protected Phases 5 5 Permitted Phases Detector Phases 5 5 Minimum Initial (s) 8.0 8.0 Minimum Split (s) 25.0 25.0 Total Split (s) 39.0 39.0 Total Split (%) 39.0% 39.0% Maximum Green (s) 34.0 34.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 3.0 All-Red Time (s) 2.0 2.0 Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 2.0 2.0 Recall Mode None None Walk Time (s) 8.0 8.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 4.0 4.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 0 Act Effct Green (s) 27.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.27 v/c Ratio 0.83 Control Delay 35.0 Queue Delay 0.0 Total Delay 35.0 HSH Associates

EBR 1900 12 4.0

WBL 1900 12 4.0

WBT 1900 12 4.0

WBR 1900 12 4.0

NBL 1900 12 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

NBT 1900 13 4.0 50 0

NBR 1900 12 4.0

SBL 1900 12 4.0 50 0 15 1.00

SBT 1900 13 4.0 50 0

SBR 1900 12 4.0

9 1.00

15 1.00


9 1.00

0 0 Yes 1.00

0 0

0 0

0 0 Yes 1.00

1.00 0.997 0.992 0 1926 0.679 0 1318 2 0.96 30 369 8.4 567 0.84 1% 675 830

9 1.00

0 0 Yes 1.00

1.00 0.969 0.999 0 1685 0.982 0 1656 25 1.10 30 527 12.0 535 0.80 2% 0 669 890

9 1.00

0 0 Yes 1.00


164 0.89 3% 0 184 0

0 0.25 0% 0 0

1.00 30 152 3.5 0 0.25 0% 0 0



0 0.38 0% 0 0

119 0.88 0% 135 0 Perm

11 0.55 0%

8 0.50 0% 0 20 16 0 0 Perm

129 0.63 0% 0 205 0

0.0 0.0%

0.0 0.0%

0.0 0.0%

1 1 1 1 39.0 39.0 44.0 44.0 0.0 61.0 61.0 0.0% 61.0% 61.0% 56.0 56.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0

1 1 1 1 39.0 39.0 44.0 44.0 0.0 61.0 61.0 0.0% 61.0% 61.0% 56.0 56.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0

0.0 0.0%

2.0 2.0 C-Max C-Max 8.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 0 0 65.0 0.65 0.97 43.9 0.0 43.9

2.0 2.0 C-Max C-Max 8.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 0 0 65.0 0.65 0.82 21.1 26.9 48.1 Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 107: Melcher Street & A Street

2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative)


Lane Group LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 90th %ile Green (s) 90th %ile Term Code 70th %ile Green (s) 70th %ile Term Code 50th %ile Green (s) 50th %ile Term Code 30th %ile Green (s) 30th %ile Term Code 10th %ile Green (s) 10th %ile Term Code Stops (vph) Fuel Used(gal) CO Emissions (g/hr) NOx Emissions (g/hr) VOC Emissions (g/hr) Dilemma Vehicles (#) Queue Length 50th (ft) Queue Length 95th (ft) Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) Starvation Cap Reductn Spillback Cap Reductn Storage Cap Reductn Reduced v/c Ratio


34.0 Max 30.5 Gap 26.5 Gap 22.6 Gap 16.3 Gap

EBT D 35.0 D 34.0 Max 30.5 Gap 26.5 Gap 22.6 Gap 16.3 Gap 235 4 311 61 72 0 201 12 268 573 0 0 0 0.66






56.0 Coord 59.5 Coord 63.5 Coord 67.4 Coord 73.7 Coord


NBT D 43.9 D 56.0 Coord 59.5 Coord 63.5 Coord 67.4 Coord 73.7 Coord 495 11 767 149 178 0 458 #751 289 858 0 0 0 0.97



56.0 Coord 59.5 Coord 63.5 Coord 67.4 Coord 73.7 Coord

SBT D 48.1 D 56.0 Coord 59.5 Coord 63.5 Coord 67.4 Coord 73.7 Coord 524 9 597 116 138 0 530 m592 447 1086 232 0 0 1.04


Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 5 (5%), Referenced to phase 1:NBSB, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 80 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.97 Intersection Signal Delay: 44.1 Intersection LOS: D Intersection Capacity Utilization 102.2% ICU Level of Service G Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 107: Melcher Street & A Street

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 2

327-337 Summer Street 119: Necco Garage Road & A Street

2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative)


Movement Lane Configurations Sign Control Grade Volume (veh/h) Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow rate (vph) Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) p0 queue free % cM capacity (veh/h) Direction, Lane # Volume Total Volume Left Volume Right cSH Volume to Capacity Queue Length 95th (ft) Control Delay (s) Lane LOS Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS

EBL Stop 0% 343 0.82 418



NBT Free 0% 368 0.93 396

SBT Free 0% 521 0.89 585


153 0.66 232

22 0.43 51

176 0.83 212

None 369 0.62 1189 0.62 691 0.62 797

1305 6.4 3.5 0 101 EB 1 650 418 232 136 4.80 Err Err F Err F

503 6.2 3.3 35 356 NB 1 447 51 0 576 0.09 7 2.6 A 2.6

674 4.1 2.2 91 576 SB 1 797 0 212 1700 0.47 0 0.0 0.0

Intersection Summary Average Delay Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Period (min)

3432.0 73.1% 15

ICU Level of Service

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

327-337 Summer Street 96: Melcher Street & Necco Street

2017 Build PM Peak Conditions (Office Alternative)


Movement Lane Configurations Sign Control Grade Volume (veh/h) Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow rate (vph) Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) p0 queue free % cM capacity (veh/h) Direction, Lane # Volume Total Volume Left Volume Right cSH Volume to Capacity Queue Length 95th (ft) Control Delay (s) Lane LOS Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS

EBT Free 0% 239 0.86 278



WBT Free 0% 242 0.74 327

NBL Stop 0% 159 0.79 201


45 0.55 82

12 0.60 20

54 0.84 64

None 370 360 348 686 319

360 4.1 2.2 98 1210 EB 1 WB 1 360 347 0 20 82 0 1700 1210 0.21 0.02 0 1 0.0 0.6 A 0.0 0.6 NB 1 266 201 64 458 0.58 90 23.2 C 23.2 C 6.5 41.3% 15

686 6.4 3.5 51 409

319 6.2 3.3 91 727

Intersection Summary Average Delay Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Period (min)

ICU Level of Service

HSH Associates

Syncrho 6 Report Page 1

Trip Generation

3011/PNF/327-337 Summer Street & 319 A Street

Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.

327-337 Summer Street

Detailed Trip Generation Estimate Office Scheme
Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates
Assumed national vehicle occupancy 2 rate


Land Use Residential - Apartments 5



Trip Rates (Trips/ksf or unit)

Unadjusted Vehicle Trips

Internal trips1

Capture Rate

Less capture trips

Converted to Person trips

Transit 3 Share

Transit Trips

Walk/Bike/ Walk/ Bike/ 3 Other Share Other Trips

Vehicle 3 Share

Assumed national vehicle occupancy Total Adjusted Vehicle 2 Person Trips rate Vehicle Trips

Daily Trip Generation 18 Units Total In Out 12.92 6.46 6.46 42.94 21.47 21.47 11.01 5.51 5.51 233 116 116 176 88 88 1,539 770 770 1,948 974 974 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 25% 25% 25% 0% 0% 0% 233 116 116 132 66 66 1,539 770 770 1,904 952 952 AM Peak Hour Trip Generation 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.1 1.1 1.1 256 128 128 238 119 119 1,693 847 847 2,187 1,093 1,093 19% 19% 19% 5% 5% 5% 21% 21% 21% 49 24 24 12 6 6 356 178 178 416 208 208 34% 34% 34% 43% 43% 43% 22% 22% 22% 87 44 44 102 51 51 372 186 186 562 281 281 47% 47% 47% 52% 52% 52% 57% 57% 57% 120 60 60 124 62 62 965 483 483 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.1 1.1 1.1 109 55 55 69 34 34 877 439 439 1,055 528 528

Retail 6
4.1 KSF Total In Out

Office 7
139.8 KSF Total In Out Total In Out


Residential - Apartments

18 Units

Total In Out

0.68 0.20 0.48 1.00 0.61 0.39 1.55 1.36 0.19

12 4 9 4 3 2 217 191 26 233 197 36

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0% 0% 0% 25% 25% 25% 0% 0% 0%

12 4 9 3 2 1 217 191 26 232 196 36

1.1 1.1 1.1 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.1 1.1 1.1

13 4 10 6 3 2 238 210 29 257 217 40 17% 27% 4% 6% 16% 24%

3 1 2 0 0 0 43 36 8 46 36 10 23% 29% 43% 54% 36% 42%

5 1 4 0 1 1 57 48 8 62 51 13 60% 44% 53% 40% 49% 34%

5 2 3 3 2 1 138 126 13

1.1 1.1 1.1 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.1 1.1 1.1

5 2 3 1 1 0 126 114 11 132 117 15


4.1 KSF

Total In Out

Office 7
139.8 KSF Total In Out Total In Out


PM Peak Hour Trip Generation

Residential - Apartments 5
18 Units Total In Out 1.43 0.87 0.56 3.73 1.83 1.90 1.49 0.25 1.24 26 16 10 15 7 8 208 35 173 249 59 191 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 25% 25% 25% 0% 0% 0% 26 16 10 11 6 6 208 35 173 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.1 1.1 1.1 28 17 11 21 10 11 229 39 190 278 66 212 27% 17% 6% 4% 24% 16% 6 4 2 1 1 0 43 11 32 50 15 35 29% 23% 54% 43% 42% 36% 11 7 4 10 5 5 55 11 44 76 24 52 44% 60% 40% 53% 34% 49% 11 6 5 10 4 6 131 17 114 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.1 1.1 1.1 10 5 5 5 2 3 119 16 104 135 23 112

Retail 6
4.1 KSF Total In Out


139.8 KSF

Total In Out Total In Out



1. Intrenal trips based on ITE Trip Generation Handbook, 2nd Edition, Multi-Use Development 2. 2001 National vehicle occupancy rates - 1.1: Home to work; 1.8: Retail; 2.2: Social and Recreational 3. Mode shares based on 2000 Census data and BTD Data for Area 13 4. Local vehicle occupancy rates based on 2000 Census data and 2001 National VOR. 5. ITE Trip Generation Equation, 8th Edition, LUC 220 (Apartment), equation 6. ITE Trip Generation Rate, 8th Edition, LUC 820 (Shopping Center), average rate 7. ITE Trip Generation Rate, 8th Edition, LUC 710 (General Office Building), average rate 8. ITE Trip Generation Rate, 8th Edition, LUC 931 (Quality Restaurant), average rate

327-337 Summer Street

Detailed Trip Generation Estimate Residential Scheme
Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates
Assumed national vehicle occupancy rate2


Land Use Residential - Apartments 5



Trip Rates (Trips/ksf or unit)

Unadjusted Vehicle Trips

Internal trips1

Capture Rate

Less capture trips

Converted to Person trips

Transit Share3

Transit Trips

Walk/Bike/ Other Share3

Walk/ Bike/ Other Trips

Vehicle Share3

Vehicle Person Trips

Assumed national vehicle occupancy Total Adjusted rate2 Vehicle Trips

Daily Trip Generation 110 Units Total In Out 7.18 3.59 3.59 42.94 21.47 21.47 11.01 5.51 5.51 89.95 44.98 44.98 790 395 395 1,250 625 625 44 22 22 0 0 0 2,084 1,042 1,042 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 25% 25% 25% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 790 395 395 937 469 469 44 22 22 0 0 0 1,771 886 886 AM Peak Hour Trip Generation 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.1 1.1 1.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 869 435 435 1,687 843 843 48 24 24 0 0 0 2,556 1,278 1,278 19% 19% 19% 5% 5% 5% 21% 21% 21% 5% 5% 5% 165 83 83 84 42 42 10 5 5 0 0 0 249 125 125 34% 34% 34% 43% 43% 43% 22% 22% 22% 43% 43% 43% 296 148 148 725 363 363 11 5 5 0 0 0 1,032 510 510 47% 47% 47% 52% 52% 52% 57% 57% 57% 52% 52% 52% 409 204 204 877 439 439 28 14 14 0 0 0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.1 1.1 1.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 371 186 186 487 244 244 25 13 13 0 0 0 859 429 429


29.1 KSF

Total In Out Total In Out


4.0 KSF

Restaurant 8
0.0 KSF Total In Out Total In Out


Residential - Apartments

110 Units

Total In Out

0.56 0.16 0.40 1.00 0.61 0.39 1.55 1.36 0.19 0.81 0.66 0.15

62 18 44 29 18 11 6 5 1 0 0 0 97 41 56

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0% 0% 0% 25% 25% 25% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

62 18 44 22 13 9 6 5 1 0 0 0 90 37 53

1.1 1.1 1.1 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.1 1.1 1.1 2.2 2.2 2.2

68 20 48 39 24 15 7 6 1 0 0 0 107 44 64 4% 6% 17% 27% 4% 6% 16% 24%

15 3 12 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 17 4 13 43% 54% 23% 29% 43% 54% 36% 42%

27 7 20 19 10 8 2 1 0 0 0 0 46 17 29 53% 40% 60% 44% 53% 40% 48% 34%

26 9 16 19 13 6 4 4 0 0 0 0

1.1 1.1 1.1 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.1 1.1 1.1 2.2 2.2 2.2

24 9 15 10 7 3 4 3 0 0 0 0 34 16 18

Retail 6
29.1 KSF Total In Out


4.0 KSF

Total In Out


0.0 KSF

Total In Out Total In Out


PM Peak Hour Trip Generation

Residential - Apartments 5
110 Units Total In Out 0.74 0.45 0.29 3.73 1.83 1.90 1.49 0.25 1.24 7.49 5.02 2.47 81 49 32 109 53 55 6 1 5 0 0 0 195 104 92 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 25% 25% 25% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 81 49 32 81 40 42 6 1 5 0 0 0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.1 1.1 1.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 89 54 35 147 72 75 7 1 5 0 0 0 236 126 109 6% 4% 27% 17% 6% 4% 24% 16% 19 13 6 7 4 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 26 17 9 54% 43% 29% 23% 54% 43% 42% 36% 35 23 12 71 39 32 2 0 1 0 0 0 106 62 45 40% 53% 44% 60% 40% 53% 34% 48% 35 18 17 68 29 40 4 0 3 0 0 0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.1 1.1 1.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 32 17 15 38 16 22 3 0 3 0 0 0 70 33 37

Retail 6
29.1 KSF Total In Out


4.0 KSF

Total In Out


0.0 KSF

Total In Out Total In Out



1. Intrenal trips based on ITE Trip Generation Handbook, 2nd Edition, Multi-Use Development 2. 2001 National vehicle occupancy rates - 1.1: Home to work; 1.8: Retail; 2.2: Social and Recreational 3. Mode shares based on 2000 Census data and BTD Data for Area 13 4. Local vehicle occupancy rates based on 2000 Census data and 2001 National VOR. 5. ITE Trip Generation Equation, 8th Edition, LUC 220 (Apartment), equation 6. ITE Trip Generation Rate, 8th Edition, LUC 820 (Shopping Center), average rate 7. ITE Trip Generation Rate, 8th Edition, LUC 710 (General Office Building), average rate 8. ITE Trip Generation Rate, 8th Edition, LUC 931 (Quality Restaurant), average rate

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