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ENGLISH OFFICE TENSES / SET1 1- Wages and salaries -------- usually --------- in regular weekly or monthly installments.

a) have / paid b) are / paying c) were / to pay d) are / paid e) will / have paid 2- In 1746 a group of London publishers --------- Samuel Johnson to compile an English dictionary. a) were commissioned b) were being commissioned c) had been commissioned d) would have commissioned e) commissioned 3- Michelangelo --------- to delegate work to the students in his studio, though at that time the studios of the great masters of one age --------- the training ground for those of the next. a) didnt like / were b) hadnt liked / would be c) doesnt like / have been d) wasnt to like / had been e) couldnt like / would have been 4- Deserts --------- vast, barren, rocky and sandy wastes where there -------- almost no rainfall and little or no vegetation. a) were / used to be b) are / have been c) are / is d) should be / would be e) have been / had been 5- In the ancient world, probably the most impressive systems -------- by the Romans, whose aqueducts still -------- in modern Italy, Spain, France and Turkey. a) had been built / are standing b) were built / stand c) have been built / have been standing d) built / are being stood e) were to be built / are standing

UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK 6- Nearly all dances from antiquity to the 19th century --------- one important common characteristic. a) have b) had c) were to have d) had had e) were having 7- Generally it -------- that Victoria --------a remarkable queen. a) agrees / is b) is agreed / was c) has been agreed / had been d) is being agreed / will have been e) was agreed / would have been 8- After taking a degree in archaeology, he -------to the States where he --------- in Roman sculpture. a) goes / had been specialized b) went / specialized c) was going / had specialized d) had gone / has specialized e) is going / is specializing 9- The aim of most people in the country --------their living standard in line with economic development. a) is raising b) has to raise c) is to raise d) is being raised e) raises 10- After Muhammed Ali -------- a gold medal in the Olympics, he -------- professional. a) won / had turned b) has won / has turned c) had won / turned d) is winning / is turning e) wins / has been turning 11- The first great theorist of dramatic art -------Aristotle, whose discussion of tragedy in The Poetics -------- critical thought ever since. a) is / dominated b) may be / dominates c) has been / has been dominated d) was / has dominated e) had been / had dominated

ENGLISH OFFICE 12- Russia -------- a fleet of 250 nuclear submarines, 170 of which --------- currently out of service. a) had / were b) has / are c) will have / had been d) is having / are being e) had had / were being 13- Population growth In both China and India In the next five years -------- by the World Bank to be under two per cent. a) will be expected b) will expect c) expects d) is expected e) is to expect 14- In 1992, Clint Eastwood -------- three Oscars for the film Unforgiven which he --------. a) awarded / was directed b) was to be awarded / was being directed c) had awarded / was to be directed d) was awarded / directed e) has been awarded / has been directed 15- She -------- a really hard time lately; no wonder she -------- depressed. a) had had / has been b) has had / had been c) is having / was d) has been having / is e) had / will have been 16- Throughout the history of music, composers ---------- to find new and original means of expression. a) have been sought b) had soughts c) are seeking d) were seeking e) have sought 17- In the past the ideal -------- the natural and spontaneous expression of beauty, but it no longer ---------. a) has been / was b) was / had been c) had been / will be d) was / is e) was being / is being

UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK 18- As soon as the semester --------- over, Dr Baines --------- the sinking of the shaft. a) was / had supervised b) has been / has been supervised c) is / will supervise d/ had been / was supervised e) will be over / supervises 19- Obviously, during the Second World War, many scientists -------- in the development of new weapons. a) have been involved b) had involved c) involved d) were to involve e) were involved 20- While the Captain --------- on that film about underwater life, he accidentally -------- the wreck of an old ship. a) worked / has discovered b) had been working / was discovered c) was working / discovered d) has been having / discovers e) worked / was discovering

ENGLISH OFFICE TENSES / SET2 1- For decades, scientists -------- that much of the universe -------- of nearly undetectable dark matter and dark energy. a) have theorized / is made up b) theorized / made up c) will have theorized / makes up d) had theorized / would be made up e) may theorize / had been made up 2- Gregor Mendel probably -------- to study garden peas because he -------- familiar with them. a) chose / was b) would chose / will be c) have chosen / has been d) chooses / would be e) will have chosen / is 3- The part of an animal where gases -------- with the environment --------- the respiratory surface. a) exchange / calls b) were exchanged / is called c) are being exchanged / is calling d) are exchanged / is called e) are to be exchanged / is to be called 4- When the first transistor amplifiers -------along, there ------- a number of design deficiencies. a) come / have been b) came / were c) were coming / had been d) will come / are e) have cone / could have been 5- Since albatross --------- the longest wings in nature, they --------for hundreds of kilometres without flapping their wings. a) had / have been gliding b) have had / glided c) have / can glide d) had had / were gliding e) will have / have glided 6- In North America, the electrical grid -------in piecemeal fashion over the past 100 years. a) would have evolved b) was evolving c) has evolved d) had evolved e) evolves

UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK 7- Until recently, there -------- no reliable method to measure the age of dinosaurs, and thus, ---------out the conditions in which they grew. a) has been / figured out b) had been / being figured out c) is / to be figured out d) was / to figure out e) would have been / was figured out 8- Although Leibniz ---------250 years before the invention of the computer programme, he --------very close to the modern idea of algorithmic information. a) was living / had come b) lived / came c) has lived / has been coming d) would live / might have come e) will live / will have come 9- This year researchers from some 60 nations --------- in the International Polar Year, an intensive burst of interdisciplinary research --------- on the polar regions. a) participate / focus b) participated / to focus c) have participated / has focused d) are participating / focusing e) will participate / to have focused 10- Our knowledge of cell structure ---------- a giant leap forward as biologists ---------- using the electron microscope in the 1950s. a) took / began b) has taken / had begun c) was taking / have begun d) was taken / had been begun e) had been taken/ have been beginning 11- --------250 years before the launching of the computer programme, Leibniz -------- a notion of modern algorithmic information. a) Lived / has had b) To live / had had c) Having lived / was having d) Living / had e) Being lived / would have had

ENGLISH OFFICE 12- Fossils --------- the remains of organisms which ---------- for fantastic periods of time. a) have been / endured b) will be / have been endured c) are / have endured d) were / had been endured e) would be / had endured 13- The huge ice sheet -------- Greenland, which is the worlds largest island, -------- a habitat for many arctic species. a) covered / provided b) has covered / to be provided c) covers / has provided d) being covered / is providing e) covering / provides 14- The Weddell seal --------- under the ice at a depth of 500 metres for more than an hour without ---------- up for air. a) swims / to come b) is swimming / having come c) could swim / to be coming d) can swim / coming e) swam / came 15- I --------- a news report this evening about a man who --------- many forest fires. a) watched / had started b) have watched / was started c) watch / starts d) had watched / started e) am watching / has been started 16- During our visit in the summer of 1994 to the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, a region within a 30 km radius of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, we --------- by the diversity of mammals --------- in the shadow of the ruined reactor only eight years after the meltdown. a) have been amazed / to be living b) amazed / to have lived c) had been amazed / to live d) were amazed / living e) have amazed / lived

UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK 17- Until the 1950s, Nepal --------- a closed society ruled by hereditary prime ministers, but since then it --------- an open-door policy for integration with the outside world. a) has been / had b) would be / was having c) had been / will have had d) was / has had e) is / has 18- It ----------- that at least 100,000 children ------------ in court cases in the US every year. a) estimates / are testified b) had estimated / testified c) is estimated / would have supervised d) has been estimated / testify e) was estimated / had been testified 19- The seventeenth century ----------- probably the first in English history in which more people ----------- than immigrated. a) was / have emmigrated b) had been / were emmigrated c) is / emmigrated d) has been / were emmigrating e) would have been / had emmigrated 20- Ancient Greece --------- of a number of citystates, of which Athens ---------- one of the greatest. a) has consisted / has been b) consists / was c) consisted / was d) had consisted / had been e) would consist / could be

ENGLISH OFFICE TENSES / SET 3 1- Ever since the impressive remains of ancient states and cities -------- , the collapse of their civilizations -------- a focus of debate and inquiry. a) discovered / have been b) have been discovered / was c) were discovered / has been d) had been / are e) had discovered / had been 2- In the US, the percentage of obese people -----over the past two decades. a) would have doubled b) has doubled c) had doubled d) doubles e) will have doubled 3- The Romans -------- from the Greeks not only epic and lyric poetry, but also rhetoric, philosophy, and the writing of history. a) adopt b) adopted c) will adopt d) have adopted e) had adopted 4- The number of frauds in the US in which the criminal uses someone elses credit card number------- to 162,000 cases in 2002. a) may double b) doubled c) has doubled d) has been doubling e) had doubled 5- Some researchers -------- recently whether drug protocols used in American lethal injections -------- death without pain. a) questioned / are produced b) question / would produce c) had questioned / produced d) have been questioned / will produce e) have questioned / produce

UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK 6- Until the 1950s, Nepal -------- a closed society ruled by hereditary prime ministers, but since then it -------- an open-door policy for integration with the outside world. a) had been / has b) was / has had c) has been / had d) was / would have e) would be / might have had 7- At the start of World War I, Romania -------its neutrality, but later -------- the war against Germany and her allies. a) has proclaimed / was joined b) had been proclaimed / joined c) proclaimed / joined d) had proclaimed / has joined e) was proclaimed / had joined 8- The most important idea of the nineteenth century in Britain -------- that everyone -------- the right to personal freedom. a) was / had b) had been / had had c) has been / has had d) would be / must have e) was being / was having 9- In 2002, when Australias Great Barrier Reef -------- hard by unseasonable warming, 95 per cent of its coral -------- adversely. a) hit / affected b) had hit / has affected c) was hit / was affected d) has been hit / had affected e) had been hit / has been affected 10- Until recently, there -------- no reliable method to measure the age of dinosaurs, and thus, to figure out the conditions in which they --------. a) has been / have grown b) had been / had grown c) would have been / might grow d) would be / could grow e) was / grew

ENGLISH OFFICE 11- Although Leibniz -------- 250 years before the invention of the computer programme, he -------very close to the modern idea of algorithmic information. a) has lived / comes b) had lived / had come c) had been living / was coming d) was living / had been coming e) lived / came 12- This year researchers from some 60 nations -------- in the International Polar Year, an intensive burst of interdisciplinary research -------- on the polar regions. a) have been participated / focused b) are participating / focusing c) participate / being focused d) will participate / to have focused e) are being participated / to be focusing 13- Before leaves --------, many of their essential elements -------- in the stem. a) fell / have been stored b) are falling / are being stored c) fall / are stored d) have fallen / were stored e) were falling / had stored 14- Pasteur -------- that the winemakers -------the wine for a short time to destroy the bacteria. a) has suggested / were heated b) suggests / heated c) had suggested / should be heated d) suggested / heat e) was suggesting / could have heated 15- Fossils -------- the remains of organisms which -------- for fantastic periods of time. a) have been / will have endured b) could be / should endure c) were / had been endured d) had been / had endured e) are / have endured 16- A population -------- a group of individual organisms of the same kind that -------- to some particular space. a) was / could limit b) is / are limited c) has been / has limited d) had been / would have limited e) would be / limit

UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK 17- Earth -------- so great that the Hubble Space Telescope -------- its surface features. a) had been / couldnt have revealed b) is / can not reveal c) has been / wouldnt reveal d) would be / might not be revealed e) used to be / shouldnt have revealed 18- In recent years, most of the great rivers in the world -------- empty periodically because mankind -------- their every last drop. a) have been running / has been used b) run / uses c) ran / is using d/ have run / has used e) are running / were using 19- The fate of the polar-region ice sheets -------how much the sea level -------- in the coming century. a) will determine / rises b) determines / has risen c) is determined / will rise d) has determined / rises e) determined / will have risen 20- According to the most accurate scientific theory ever created and generally known as the standard model, all of space-------- with a mysterious stuff -------- the Higgs field. a) fills / calls b) filled / was called c) has been filled / is called d) is filled / called e) has filled / has called

ENGLISH OFFICE ACTIVE & PASSIVE SET 1 1- Later on in the article he --------- that the creation of the single currency --------- the competitive advantage that German companies used to enjoy over their European neighbors. a) points out / has wiped out b) pointed out/ was wiped out c) has pointed out / is wiped out d) is pointed out / is wiped out e) had pointed / wiped out 2- It --------- that the new social policies introduced by the government of Singapore --------- the sensitive issue of race relations. a) fears / can stir up b) is feared / may stir up c) was feared / may be stirred up d) has been feared / had stirred up e) will have been feared / is going to stir up 3- In 1973 Le Due Tho ---- to accept the Nobel Prize for peace, insisting that peace----in South Vietnam and didn't seem likely to be so. a) refused / hadnt been established b) was refused / couldnt be established c) had refused / hadnt established d) would have refused / wasnt established e) has refused / hasnt been established 4- One of his friends -------- the Fortean Society which --------- Fort's articles before and after his death. a) was set up / would publish b) sets up / is published c) set up/ published d) will set up / will be published e) had been set up / was published 5- The troubles in Peru --------- a month ago when truck owners ---------- main roads, thus threatening food supplies. a) were beginning / were blocked b) began / blocked c) had begun / were blocking d) have begun / have blocked e) would have begun / must have blocked

UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK 6- Mr. Clarke, the education secretary, seems increasingly --------- along by a system that he nominally ----------. a) being swept / has controlled b) to have swept / is controlled c) to be swept / controls d) to be sweeping / controlled e) to sweep / is controlling 7- When female monkeys that --------- of early social contact were successfully mated, they -------poor mothers, tending to neglect and even abuse their first-born infants. a) has been / figured out b) had been / being figured out c) is / to be figured out d) had been deprived / made e) would have been / was figured out 8- Much -------- from a study of two Medicare bills that --------- their way through Congress currently. a) learns / work b) would be learnt / had been working c) can be learnt / are working d) should learn / might work e) was learnt / have been working 9- -------- as a palace and fortress for the Moorish monarchs of Granada, the Alhambra -------- by a heavily fortified wall more than a mile in perimetre. a) Designed / is surrounded b) Having designed / was surrounded c) Being designed / surrounds d) Designing / has been surrounded e) To have designed / had surrounded 10- The Parliament --------- the legislation before --------- it to the Council for adoption. a) has to be appoved / having begun b) approves / to begin c) had approved / began d) will be approved / to be beginning e) must approve / submitting

ENGLISH OFFICE 11- Despite various scientific advances, in the early 1900s the public still --------- mental illness and -------- mental hospitals and their inmates with fear and horror. a) doesnt understand / views b) hasnt understood / is viewing c) wasnt understood / was viewed d) didnt understand / viewed e) hadnt understood / was viewing 12- The report -------- that, due to serious acidification in the coastal waters, many marine organisms -------a) is emphasized / die out b) emphasized / have died out c) emphasizes / have died out d) had emphasized / had died out e) has been emphasized / died out 13- Sounds -------- near a sleeper who is already dreaming --------- into the dream. a) occurred / will incorporate b) having occurred / are incorporating c) occur / are incorporated d) to occur / should incorporate e) occurring / can be incorporated 14- As ships -------- less fuel than any other form of transport, they -------- as environmentally friendly. a) are used / will be regarded b) used / regarded c) have been used / have been regarded d) are using / had been regarded e) use / are regarded 15- Once the wind -------- the critical threshold of 94 miles per hour, it -------- only about 30 seconds for the bridge to collapse. a) reaches / has taken b) had reached / took c) has reached / is taking d) was reached / had taken e) is reaching / is taking

UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK 16- Chemistry, as a field of study -------- on scientific principles, --------- into being in the latter part of the eighteenth century. a) was based / was coming b) is based / had come c) has been based / has come d) bases / would come e) based / came 17- For the past two years NASA -------- on designing a new crew vehicle and launch system that ------- astronauts to the moon by 2018. a) has been focusing / has returned b) focused / would have returned c) have been focused / will have been returned d) has focused / could return e) are focusing / might return 18- Last January, "Hygens", a space probe -------by the European Space Agency, -------- on Titan, Saturn's largest moon. a) was built / was landed b) having been built / has been landed c) has been built / landing d) building / landed e) built / landed 19- Bozono, chief engineer of the Phoenix Bridge Company, -------- confident that he -------- a bridge to span the Kinzua gorge. a) was / could build b) is / can be built c) has been / would be built d) would be / was built e) had been / had built 20- Engineers -------- 70 tonnes of earth from the base of the Tower of Pisa, so the lean -------- by 45 cm. a) have been removed / has been reduced b) are removing / had been reduced c) removed / was reduced d) will remove / was reduced e) have removed / reduced

ENGLISH OFFICE MODALS 1- Robots -------- much good at household tasks such as pouring coffee or polishing shoes unless they ------- their position accurately. a) should never be / will have calculated b) can never be / would calculate c) would never be / could be calculated d) may never be / should be calculated e) will never be / can calculate 2- Engineers have ethical obligations to their clients, because the client often -------- the quality of the engineers technical advice. a) cannot assess b) wouldnt be assessed c) shouldnt be assessed d) neednt have assessed e) wont have assessed 3- One of the most pressing international priorities is to control the dissemination of nuclear materials that -------- in attacks by terrorists or rogue states. a) must be used b) should be used c) have to be used d) need to be used e) could be used 4- One of the worst fears of the authorities is that terrorists -------- highly-enriched uranium into the country to build a crude Hiroshima-style atomic bomb. a) could be smuggled b) need to have smuggled c) should have smuggled d) would have smuggled e) might smuggle 5- A robot is any machine that -------- decisions independent of human control. a) used to make b) had to make c) must have made d) can make e) is used to making

UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK 6- The most south-westerly point on the Scandinavian peninsula is where you -------if if you want to watch migrating birds. a) would go b) must have gone c) may have gone d) ought to have go e) should go 7- President Putin of Russia -------- he -------- the forces of Afghanistan's Northern Alliance in their fight against the Taliban. a) was saying / could be supported b) had said / shall support c) says / must have been supported d) said / would support e) was said / could support 8- The Minister -------- how necessary it was that all institutions -------- be willing to work with the government to bring down inflation. a) was emphasized / could b) has emphasized / may c) emphasizes / will d) emphasized / should e) had emphasized / have to 9- When we -------- trying to fit people into a common mold, we-------- produce brighter, more effective citizens . a) stopped / should be able to b) stop / would have been able to c) are stopping / must have been able to d) have stopped / have been able to e) stop / will be able to 10- He -------- that the world -------- out of key resources, so he was a harsh critic of the wastefulness of modern industrial society. a) has realized / will have run b) realized / could run c) had realized/ may run d) is realizing / should have run e) may have realized / ought to run

ENGLISH OFFICE 11- Although global warming -------- outside the parameters of their study, it is nevertheless a fact that --------. a) is / must have faced b) had been / may be faced c) has been / will have faced d) was / should have been faced e) may be / had to face 12- Since mines -------- there, large areas of valuable farmland -------- by bamboo. a) may have been laid/ are being overgrown b) would be laid / have overgrown c) should be laid / must have overgrown d) have to be laid / will have overgrown e) could be laid / overgrew 13- Computer researchers ------- that quantum computers -------- a reality within 10 to 15 years. a) have been predicted / will have become b) are predicting / should have become c) are predicted / may become d) predict / will become e) predicted / become 14- Plutos distance from Earth -------- so great that the Hubble Space Telescope -------- its surface features. a) had been / wouldnt have been b) will be / may not reveal c) has been / must not be revealed d) is / can not reveal e) was / wouldnt be revealed 15- The mummified remains of Oetzi the Iceman seem to suggest that this famous Stone Age man -------- from an attacker before -------- to death. a) would have bled / to have bled b) should have fled / having bled c) must have fled / being bled d) could be fleeing / to bleed e) may have fled / bleeding 16- Dinosaurs -------- other creatures during their time on Earth. a) must be terrorizing b) may have terrorized c) will have terrorized d) could be terrorized e) should terrorize

UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK 17- Most people -------- put off by the idea of a computer that -------- living brain cells. a) will be / contained b) should be / is contained c) must be / has been contained d) would be / contains e) might be / had contained 18- Instead of -------- on creating training opportunities, their government -------its attention to creating more jobs. a) being concentrated / will turn b) having concentrated / should turn c) having been concentrated / must be turned d) to have concentrated / can turn e) concentrating / ought to turn 19- Western scholarship -------- impose itself on the developing world, but at last the West is beginning to realize that it has much to learn itself. a) shall b) needs to c) used to d) would e) had better 20- The first stage in decision-making -------- the identification of problems that --------. a) is / need to be solved b) was / could be solving c) has been/ had to solve d) had been / have to to be solved e) would be / will have been solved


ENGLISH OFFICE IF CLAUSES 1- Small children often -------- unsettled if they -------- to spend long stretches of time in a restricted space. a) would become / forced b) may become / will be forced c) become / are forced d) will become / could be forced e) would have become / have been forced 2- President Bush said Iraq -------- nuclear weapons fairly soon if the United Nations -------- arms inspection a) might have / werent started b) would have had / had not started c) didnt have / did not started d) will have / doesnt start e) should have had / hasnt started 3- It -------- almost impossible to create a sense of community if there --------no shared activities. a) has been / have been b) is / are c) was / were d) would be / had been e) could be / would be 4- If you -------- to the Lake District, -------- sure to visit the little town of Grasmere. a) went / would be b) had gone / would have been c) go / be d) are to go / will be e) should go / could be 5- Things -------- better if people -------- an interest in local politics, but unfortunately few do. a) might have been / could take b) must have been / took c) have been / will take d) would be / took e) had been / could have taken 6- If efforts -------- to cut down on the profits, the companies -------- back to keep up their excessive profits. a) are made / will fight b) were made / would be fought c) had been made / had to fight d) have been made / were going to fight e) could be made / would have fought

UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK 7- --------- you travel across America, you will see some of the great sights of the natural world. a) Unless b) So that c) In case d) If e) For 8- This publication -------- 15,000 copies if things -------- well. a) sells / will be going b) might sell / were going c) would sell / had gone d) has sold / should go e) should sell / went 9- Finding less expensive accommodation in big cities can be difficult -------- one stays outside the city centre. a) provided b) as if c) so that d) unless e) in case 10- According to a recent report, public libraries in Britain -------- redundant by 2020 if current trends --------. a) are / will continue b) would have been / had continued c) will be/ continue d) have been / have continued e) had been / would continue 11- If you -------- any more information or help, please -------- us at our website. a) have required / will contact b) require / contact c) will require/ are contacting d) had required / should have contacted e) may require / would contact 12- If AIDS -------- contained among the groups that harbour it, it -------- rapidly into the general population, as it has in Africa. a) wouldnt be / was spreading b) werent / may spread c) isnt / can spread d) hadnt been / would have been spread e) cant be / has spread


ENGLISH OFFICE 13- It really seems -------- athletes cannot be discouraged. a) if b) though c) as if d) if only e) unless 14- The US dollar's slide might continue, but if -------- carefully it -------- the world economy. a) had been / couldnt have harmed b) handled / shouldnt be harmed c) handling / wont have harmed d) to handle / would not harm e) handled / may not harm 15- Soldiers will continue to be killed in "friendly fire" incidents -------- a better and more reliable communications technology is developed. a) as though b) providing that c) unless d) only if e) as long as 16- Battlefield radios -------- obsolete if software programmable units --------. a) would have become / took over b) may become / take over c) must have become / had taken over d) will have become / should take over e) should become / would take over 17- Actually, these countries -------- even more forest land if they -------- their oil and mineral reserves. a) might have lost / had not been able to exploit b) would be lost / werent able to exploit c) will lose / cant be exploited d) should lose / would be able to exploit e) have lost / will be able to exploit 18- An asteroid would remain in the same relative position, -------- the initial velocity were suitably chosen. a) as if b) otherwise c) provided d) by the time e) even so

UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK 19- If the Earth -------- to solar wind, life as we know it --------. a) directly exposes / will not exist b) would be directly exposed / did not exist c) were directly exposed / could not exist d) had been directly exposed / might not exist e) can be directly exposed / may not be existed 20- -------- it be wonderful if there -------- no flies or insects in the world? a) Wouldn't / were b) Wont / are c) Couldnt / had been d) Shouldnt / would be e) Must / will have been


ENGLISH OFFICE RELATIVE CLAUSES 1- If such a projectile were ever used, those -------- had developed it would be made to regret the fact. a) which b) whose c) whom d) who e) whomsoever 2- The idea was to replace the 50-year-old Panama Canal, -------- locks were too narrow for the world's growing fleet of super-tankers and aircraft carriers. a) whatever b) what c) which d) whose e) that 3- In the ideal world, the design efforts of architects and engineers complement each other, resulting in a building -------- is both a joy to look at and a pleasure to use. a) that b) of which c) where d) whereby e) what 4- One London-based solar energy systems supplier is very impressed with some new solar cells -------- have just come on the market, both on account of their efficiency and also because they are practical. a) whichever b) whatsoever c) by which d) what e) that 5- The cost of installing solar cells for the home is -------- deters people from using solar power. a) that b) what c) whatever d) at which e) where

UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK 6- The politicians, most of -------- were French, were not expecting the European Union Constitution to be so overwhelmingly rejected by the people. a) those b) whom c) who d) which e) whoever 7- Darwin stands out in history with people like Newton and Einstein, scientists -------- synthesized ideas with great explanatory power. a) whoever b) which c) by whom d) who e) thereby 8- In Mozambique, the 1992 peace accord that ended 15 years of civil war mandated a blanket amnesty for all those -------- had committed war crimes. a) which b) by whom c) who d) whoever e) whom 9- Economists take pride in the sophisticated statistical techniques -------- they rely to analyze phenomena such as growth rates, inflation, unemployment, trade and fiscal practices. a) that b) on which c) where d) in that e) what 10- The view from the right eye is processed in the brains left hemisphere, -------- also seems to handle language. a) where b) that c) what d) when e) which


ENGLISH OFFICE 11- The people -------- to create new systems of air transportation are nearly all men -------- learned to fly as teenagers. a) raced / that b) to race / whom c) racing / who d) having raced/ whose e) to be raced / of whom 12- The largest group were probably the sons of Catholic families -------- for religious houses in France and elsewhere. a) to be making b) made c) having been made d) to make e) making 13- As a painter, Czanne dismissed the old masters as only artists -------- style was old-fashioned. a) whom b) who c) that d) whose e) whomsoever 14- Robert Fogel from the University of Chicago estimated that the chronic malnutrition -------by limited food supplies at those times limited labour productivity. a) caused b) having caused c) to be caused d) to be causing e) to have been caused 15- A huge new aqueduct supplied running water from the Lower Apennine mountains, -------flowed from fountains throughout the city, even in private homes. a) that b) where c) on which d) which e) whatever

UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK 16- People -------- by the fertile lands around volcanoes prefer to live there, --------- the dangers of a volcanic eruption. a) attracting / ignored b) attracted / ignoring c) to be attracted / being ignored d) having attracted / to ignore e) having been attracted / to be ignored 17- A laptop maker recently released a model -------- lets users change the processor, graphics card and other parts by just removing one panel. a) in which b) that c) what d) where e) whose 18- Although the evolutionary origin of animals is unclear, biologists have gathered enough evidence -------- forward a new theory about it. a) to put b) put c) putting d) to be putting e) having been put 19- Most people -------- want to stop smoking try many times before they succeed. a) who b) whom c) whoever d) whose e) of whom 20- Sulphur dioxide emissions in Europe, -------contribute to Arctic haze , were reduced by 67% between 1980 and 2000. a) where b) that c) in which d) which e) wherever


ENGLISH OFFICE CONJUNCTIONS & TRANSITIVES 1- -------- radon causes many deaths, it is clear that a lot of them are preventable. a) As b) Although c) Despite d) Due to e) In case 2- By the end of the year, the NASA scientists should know for certain -------- there is water on Mars in the form of ice a) whether b) so that c) since d) when e) once 3- Hurricane Katrina was obviously extremely destructive -------- the increasingly warm ocean must have provided it with an unusual amount of energy. a) in order that b) because c) thus d) instead e) even though 4- The biofuels currently manufactured in the US are doing great things for some farmers and some large agricultural companies, -------- little for the environment. a) so b) even c) but d) thus e) subsequently 5- Chief imperial architect Sinan was in his eighties -------- he built the Selimiye, which marks the zenith of his lifelong endeavour to perfect the domed building. a) if b) because c) when d) since e) only if

UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK 6- Since the first underwater excavations -------in Turkish coastal waters in 1960, much -------about shipbuilding technology in antiquity and the commodities the ships were carrying. a) carried out / has discovered b) were being carried out / had been discovered c) could be carried out / would be discovered d) have been carried out / was discovered e) were carried out / has been discovered 7- Some Italian film-makers believe that -------Americans start making films in Rome again, local films will flourish as well. a) unless b) however c) once d) though e) for 8- They are installing a great deal of information technology, -------- the staff are quite incapable of using it. a) even though b) as c) as if d) therefore e) so that 9- The experience of the play is registered directly upon the spectators senses; -------- it may be fuller and more compact. a) nevertheless b) rather c) in spite of d) actually e) therefore 10- -------- he ignores certain fundamental facts about the past century, he presents a distorted picture of reality. a) Even though b) Despite c) Since d) But for e) Besides


ENGLISH OFFICE 11- -------- conventional IQ tests are good predictors of college grades, they are less valid for predicting later job success. a) Insomuch as b) On condition that c) Although d) Unless e) However 12- -------- unemployment is rising and wages are falling, Americans are naturally worried about the state of the economy. a) Because b) As soon as c) Even though d) In case e) Instead 13- -------- Luhrmanns New York critics may think of his new production of La Bohme, he has certainly breathed new life into this opera. a) Whereas b) As c) Whatever d) As soon as e) Whether 14- Chinas economic growth rate isnt exceptional -------- we compare it with other giant economies in Asia. a) by the time b) because c) moreover d) therefore e) if 15- While watching a play, the spectator sees what is done and hears what is said -------- responding to words on a printed page. a) because of b) as well as c) instead of d) despite e) by

UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK 16- -------- Michigan ranks first among the States in the production of motor vehicles and parts, it is also a leader in many other manufacturing and processing lines, including prepared cereals, machine tools, hardware and furniture. a) When b) Alhough c) Unless d) While e) Thanks to 17- The origin of football is uncertain, -------- we know that the Romans played one type of this game which eventually spread throughout Europe. a) additionally b) hence c) whereas d) but e) if 18- The volcanic island of Thera in the Aegean Sea erupted more than 3500 years ago -------buried the prehistoric settlement of Akrotiri on its southern shore. a) and b) nonetheless c) now that d) insomuch as e) in fact 19- It is now nearly 40 years -------- John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. a) when b) that c) since d) because e) as soon as 20- -------- biometric technology can improve security in some situations, its costs more frequently far outweigh its benefits. a) Whatsoever b) Just as c) On the grounds that d) While e) As long as


ENGLISH OFFICE NOUN CLAUSE 1- A crucial question that should be asked before putting a team together is -------- you need one at all a) what b) why c) whether d) that e) how 2- If a new environmental or safety rule is proposed in the auto industry, executives warn -------the company will lose money. a) whether b) that c) why d) how e) whose 3- One can see at a glance -------- small children are immediately attracted to these noisy, colourful toys. a) why b) who c) what d) whom e) whichever 4- Did you know -------- theres a new kind of test that shows us our true ideas about certain topics? a) wherever b) that c) whose d) what e) for which 5- Kierkegaard clearly defined -------- existentialism meant for a full understanding of human existence. a) how b) whether c) what d) as e) where

UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK 6- Interpretation is unavoidable -------- a written formula has to be applied to a particular case. a) whichever b) whatever c) whoever d) whenever e) however 7- His forecast turned out to be surprisingly accurate considering -------- little information he had to work on. a) which b) whether c) what d) that e) how 8- Perry came up with the idea -------- heat moved more easily deep inside the Earth than it does close to the surface. a) how b) whether c) where d) that e) by which 9- Pasteur -------- that the fermentation which produced wine -------- by living yeast cells. a) knew / was caused b) knows / will cause c) had known / would have caused d) has known / may have caused e) was known / could cause 10- In response to the question Why do people pursue self-esteem? most people would answer -------- having self-esteem makes you feel good. a) how b) whether c) that d) since e) only if 11- In a recently published paper, the writer -------- that China has produced much of the worlds rice for many decades. a) points out b) wonders c) asks d) questions e) uses


ENGLISH OFFICE 12- One of the first questions the archaeologist must face when he or she is interpreting animal remains -------- the cause of death. a) has been decided b) is to decide c) would decide d) was decided e) will decide 13- It -------- that the number of tourists visiting China will grow by the end of this decade to about 50 million. a) had been estimated b) estimates c) has been estimated d) must estimate e) would have been estimated 14- Kavli -------- that you -------- willing to fund science without knowledge of the benefits. a) believes / have to be b) is believed / will be c) has been believed / should be d) was believed / might be e) believed / will have been 15- Traditionally, the study of planet formation has proved frustrating, as astronomers have never been sure -------- their theories apply to other planetary systems. a) what b) in which c) as for d) whether e) in terms of 16- Computer researchers -------- that quantum computers -------- a reality within 10 to 15 years. a) have predicted / would have become b) predict / became c) have been predicted / may become d) predict / will become e) had predicted / become 17- In his preface to Spaceflight Revolution, David Ashford recalls -------- he started his research into rocket motors. a) what b) whether c) how d) which e) whom

UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK 18- The Mariner 10 space probe -------- that Mercury, unlike Venus and Mars, -------- a significant magnetic field. a) determines / would have b) is determined / might have c) was determined / could have d) will determine / will have e) determined / has 19- I wonder -------- Jupiters moon Europa has so few craters, when some of its other moons and our own moon have so many. a) when b) why c) that d) for which e) where 20- Herodotus, an ancient Greek historian, -------- that in the past the Mediterranean Sea -------much farther south than it does today. a) guesses / would reach b) would have guessed / has reached c) guessed / had reached d) has guesses / will reach e) had guessed / may reach


ENGLISH OFFICE QUANTIFIERS & PRONOUNS 1- Darwinism upholds the view that -------- organism always strives to reproduce so long as it is possible. a) all b) the whole c) every d) none e) neither 2- Today the world faces a growing crisis over the management of -------- great rivers. a) theirs b) them c) its d) itself e) their 3- Even some great rivers have from time to time run dry due to the overuse of -------- capacity. a) their b) its c) themselves d) theirs e) itself 4In biology, isolating particular enzymes is a tedious process of trial and error which involves --------- different experiments. a) much b) few c) plenty d) many e) a lot 5- Their latest digital radio is supplied with a pair of active speakers, so you dont have to plug -------- into an amplifier. a) theirs b) it c) themselves d) yourself e) them 6- Genetically modified trees are being developed for a variety of uses, though -------- are yet being grown on a commercial scale. a) many b) a few c) several d) either e) none

UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK 7- Some animals avoid colder temperatures by migrating to warmer climates for the winter, whereas -------- avoid the cold by passing the winter in a dormant state called hibernation. a) the other b) others c) each other d) one another e) another 8- The Wireless Museum has -------- of the earliest crystal wireless sets from the 1920s which ran on electromagnetic waves with no external power source. a) several b) much c) little d) a great deal of e) any 9- If astronauts have nothing meaningful to do, there is no point in sending -------- into space. a) its b) them c) theirs d) themselves e) itself 10- -------- of the scientific literature on amphibian declines focuses on decreases in tropical countries. a) A few b) None c) Much d) Several e) A number of 11- After the discovery of fire, people began to notice changes in -------- rocks and minerals exposed to high temperatures. a) certain b) any c) a little d) much e) either


ENGLISH OFFICE 12- -------- of the Japanese car companies make money through sales abroad only when the yen is weak. a) One b) Little c) A great amount d) Most e) Whole 13- No pharaoh Is more famous than Tutankhamen but, despite his fame, very -------- is actually known about him. a) some b) many c) much d) few e) little 14- Anti- smoking campaigns have used -------techniques to discourage smoking. a) any b) a great deal of c) a wide variety of d) others e) none 15- Romanesque architecture, which prevailed throughout Europe from the mid-1Oth to the 13th century, is based upon an art which developed from -------- of the Romans. a) one b) this c) all d) that e) these 16- In the first half of the 20th century, acid rain -------- natural or unnatural - was a hidden phenomenon. a) both b) not only c) neither d) whether e) as well 17- The state decided to build a new drawbridge with the same height -------- the old one. a) of b) as c) with d) for e) about

UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK 18- Tsunamis can form -------- quickly for an official warning, but recognizing the immediate signs, such as a rapidly receding ocean, can give people precious minutes to reach safety. a) enough b) too c) the more d) some e) any 19- In magnetic or gravitational fields, it is not clear how different fundamental particles interact with --------. a) other b) each other c) other one d) another e) ones 20- Rivers and streams generally support communities of organisms quite different from -------of lakes and ponds. a) that b) these c) this d) those e) its


ENGLISH OFFICE ADJECTIVES & ADVERBS 1- -------- I investigated and studied my scientist colleague's account of an environmental experiment, -------- thoroughly convinced I have become that it has no value whatsoever. a) Just / as b) The most / less c) The more / the more d) So / that e) As far as / which 2- The prehistoric inhabitants of Ireland had a -------- advanced knowledge of the Sun's movements -------- previously believed. a) much / as b) more / than c) so / that d) such / as e) little / so 3- Computers can provide reasonable limitations of randomness, which is -------- humans can do. a) so much that b) as few as c) the same d) as well as e) more than 4- The US army is already developing liquid metal weapons that are -------- more effective than conventional ones. a) far b) little c) quite d) many e) the 5- It seems that physicists are -------- at predicting trends on the stock markets than economists are. a) so good b) even good c) as good d) best e) better

UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK 6- Of all the suggestions I've listened to, this was -------- outrageous. a) the most b) more c) such d) rather e) the more 7- According to the figures released by the US Census Bureau, the population in all the states has increased, but -------- dramatic increase has been in the southeastern and western parts of the country. a) more b) least c) less d) the most e) most 8- Picasso was one of -------- inventive and prolific talents in 20th century art a) the most b) more c) much d) so e) as such 9- -------- because no hilltop remained in Istanbul worthy of such a monument or perhaps as a gesture of loyalty to a city where Selim had spent nine years of his life, it was decided that the mosque should be built in Edirne. a) Not only b) Neither c) Either d) Each e) Both 10- The two portraits mentioned there were -------- spectacular, but everything else was very second-rate. a) too b) much c) less d) quite e) rather


ENGLISH OFFICE 11- President Bush said Iraq would have had nuclear weapons -------- soon if the United Nations had not started arms inspection. a) much b) most c) fairly d) so far e) enough 12- A second-rate actor gives -------- importance to pleasing his audiences. a) too b) enough c) such much d) very few e) too much 13- To this day, in fact, Vesuvius remains one of the worlds -------- dangerous volcanoes. a) the most b) more c) most d) much e) the less 14- Methane has many sources: some are natural, -------- wetlands and plants, and some are the consequences of modern society. a) the least b) at most c) so that d) as e) such as 15- When volcanoes -------- Vesuvius erupt, they tend to erupt explosively. a) as b) for example c) such that d) like e) so as 16- The energy needs of computers can easily be reduced by implementing -------- of the strategies recommended for providing fuel efficiency in automobiles. a) no b) some c) much d) least e) every

UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK 17- The acidic soil of the Peruvian Amazon, for example, harboured far -------- bacterial species than did the neutral dirt of the arid American Southwest. a) less b) the least c) fewer d) much e) few 18- A mystery virus has wiped out -------- 90 per cent of some bird species in India. a) more than b) enough c) as much as d) far less e) too many 19- -------- species of fish are poisonous to eat, but the most poisonous of all are some kinds of fish in the Red Sea and Indo-Pacific region. a) Much b) Less c) A small amount of d) Many e) Any 20- -------- measuring system must establish base units from which all other units are derived. a) Most b) All c) Any d) None e) Fewer


ENGLISH OFFICE PARTICIPLES 1- All of us want -------- what we can do to maximize the conditions that allow us -------- brilliant thoughts. a) to know / to have b) to be known / having c) being known / to be had d) to be knowing / to be having e) to have known / having had 2- NASA may develop ways -------- astronauts from radiation on Mars. a) to shield b) to have shield c) of being shielded d) to have been shielded e) to be shielded 3- Environmentalists fear that -------- prices for both crops will push farmers -------- up some 35 million acres of marginal farmland. a) rising / to plow b) to rise / plowing c) having risen / to be plowing d) to be rising / to have been plowing e) being risen / being plowed 4- Some renewable fuels could improve the US economy and help it -------- less dependent on other countries a) to have been becoming b) to have become c) to be becoing d) becoming e) to become 5- It would be useful first -------- some research on Darwins theory. a) to have been done b) having done c) to have done d) to do e) doing

UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK 6- -------- emissions from coal-fired power plants represents our best opportunity -------- sharp reductions in greenhouse gases. a) Tackling / to make b) Tackled / to be making c) To have tackled / made d) Having tackled / making e) Being tackled / to be made 7- -------- the origin of language was once thought -------- such an endeavour that scientific societies actually forbade it. a) To study / being b) To be studied / was c) Studying / to be d) Having studied / to have been e) To be studying / been 8- It -------- in a recent report that the US is trying hard -------- the share of its oil imports from subSaharan Africa. a) reveals / to be increased b) would be revealed / increasing c) has been revealed / to increase d) is revealed / to have increased e) was revealed / being increased 9- Christine Lagarde, Frances first female minister for finance and the economy, says it is time for French people -------- up their sleeves and stop --------about holidays. a) to roll / thinking b) rolled / to think c) to be rolled / to be thinking d) to roll / to have been thinking e) rolling / to be thought 10- The mountain kingdom of Bhutan has decided -------- its national policies on -------- its gross national product. a) building / improving b) to be built / being improved c) to have built / to improve d) to build / improving e) being built / to be improving 11- As a family we are used to -------- from one part of the country to another. a) be moved b) have been moved c) have moved d) move e) moving 23

ENGLISH OFFICE 12- A deeply hypnotized subject does not like -------- activity and would rather -------- for the hypnotist to suggest something to do. a) initiating / to wait b) to initiate / wait c) to be initiated / waiting d) being initiated / be waiting e) to have initiated / to be waited 13- Once rarely -------- in newsrooms, women now comprise about half of the news-editorial staffs of Americas daily newspapers. a) finding b) having found c) to have found d) found e) to be found 14- Comets are thought -------- very little over the last 4 billion years. a) being changed b) changing c) to be changing d) to change e) to have changed 15- Should the cabin pressure somehow --------, the oxygen canisters located above the passenger seats in a plane provide oxygen to the passengers through masks. a) be lost b) lose c) to lose d) losing e) being lost 16- When -------- from its base on the Pacific Ocean floor, the Hawaiian volcano Mauna Kea is about 1,000 metres taller than Mount Everest. a) measured b) to measure c) having measured d) measuring e) to be measured 17- Some people believe that solar power stations on the moon could provide enough electricity -------- the Earth by the year 2050. a) having been powered b) to have powered c) to be powered d) powering e) to power

UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK 18- The main function of a filter is -------- the appearance and the taste of water. a) to improve b) to have improved c) improve d) improving e) being improved 19- -------- topics such as the origin of the universe, we need to understand how the universe works. a) To be understanding b) To understand c) Being understandood d) Having been understandood e) To have understood 20- Plutonium is also produced in all nuclear reactors -------- by uranium, including those built for -------- electric power. a) fuelled / generating b) fuelling / generate c) to fuel / to generate d) being fuelled / having generated e) having been fuelled / being generated



UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK 6- Society is capable -------- suppressing genetically-based tendencies, but when it comes -------war, most cultures actually fuel the flames. a) of / to b) in / from c) at / in d) with / for e) by / after 7- -------- a gestation period of six months, bats are the slowest reproducing mammal for their size and therefore especially vulnerable -------- extinction. a) During / by b) By / on c) From / in d) On / with e) With / to 8- Nuclear fusion can be created -------- passing pulses of electricity -------- a high-density plasma of hot gas. a) about / by b) for / in c) with / into d) by / through e) in / with 9- Everything points -------- the fact that much of the coal that is mined today is -------- biological origin. a) out / from b) to / of c) at / by d) by / about e) for / in 10- The recent discovery -------- two new exoplanets has attracted a great deal of attention from astronomers because they mark important milestones in the search -------- planets orbiting other stars. a) by / on b) of / for c) on / by d) across / around e) in / over

1- When female monkeys that had been deprived -------- early social contact were successfully mated, they made poor mothers, tending -------- neglect and even abuse their first-born infants. a) of / to b) from / about c) by / from d) for / in e) with / for 2Even when they are -------- bars, the powers of Brazil's criminal bands remain uncurtailed. a) in b) by c) of d) behind e) across 3- The Postal Service has the longest history -------- monopoly power in the country and has the distinction -------- being mentioned in the US Constitution. a) in / between b) for / for c) by / about d) of / of e) with / by 4- Western culture views children -------- vulnerable and requiring a great deal of attention, care and shelter -------- harm. a) to / against b) for / to c) by / about d) as / from e) in / off 5- Russia delivers its oil and gas -------- time and is steadily paying -------- its foreign debts. a) in / by b) by / to c) on / off d) as / from e) within / in


ENGLISH OFFICE 11-------- World War II, the demands -------bombs of increasing size and disruptive power were incessant. a) / on b) On / in c) At / by d) For / about e) In / for 12- Jordan is now taking the lead -------- encouraging other Arab states to improve relations -------Israel. a) by / for b) in / with c) of / by d) upon / of e) about / in 13- -------- regard to the current oil crisis, the US Senate is planning to set -------- a subcommittee. a) For / out b) In / down c) As / off d) With / up e) On / about 14- Founded -------- the Romans in the first century A.D. as an administrative centre and trading port, London is the capital -------- the country. a) by / of b) for / in c) with / across d) after / within e) in / throughout 15- Virtually all human societies before 11,000 B.C. consisted -------- small bands of hunter-gatherers that moved incessantly -------- search of food. a) by / on b) of / in c) in / to d) on / for e) up / with

UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK 16- Since 1993, China has invested -------- more than fifty oil and gas projects -------- some thirty nations. a) on / with b) in / in c) at / around d) for / for e) by / at 17- If the birth rate in India isnt controlled, the population will double -------- the next 25 or 30 years, increasing -------- about 900 million to about 1,800 million. a) for / by b) in / from c) during / in d) by / with e) within / over 18- The population -------- the world continues to increase -------- an alarming rate. a) in / by b) on / in c) of / at d) for / of e) across / within 19- The British Parliament recently passed a law which restricted access -------- information directly related to the production -------- biological weapons. a) in / in b) of / to c) at / through d) to / of e) on / about 20- Chief imperial architect Sinan was -------- his eighties when he built the Selimiye, which marks the zenith -------- his lifelong endeavour to perfect the domed building. a) within / on b) on / from c) in / of d) at / in e) about / at



UDS / KPDS GRAMMAR PACK SET 2. Every single organism living on land has to meet the same environmental ---(1)--- : obtaining enough water; preventing excessive water loss; getting enough energy; and in polar regions, ---(2)--- widely varying temperature extremes. How those challenges are met varies from one organism to ---(3)---, and in large part explains the diversity of life encountered on land today. Some animals avoid colder temperatures by migrating to warmer climates for the winter, ---(4)--others avoid the cold by passing the winter in a dormant state called hibernation. Many plants also ---(5)--- winter in a dormant state. 1a) challenges b) pollutants c) supplies d) alternations e) advantages 2a) tolerating b) tolerated c) to tolerate d) being tolerated e) to have tolerated 3a) other b) another c) the others d) others e) one another 4a) in order that b) in case c) whereas d) because e) therefore 5a) could have spent b) have been spent c) spend d) spent e) were spending

SET 1. The Wireless Museum has several of the earliest crystal wireless sets from the 1920s ---(1)--- ran on electromagnetic waves with no external power source, and were easily made at home. Valve radios, which ---(2)--- in the 1930s, needed electricity to heat up the valves and the museum has both mains and battery-powered valve radios ---(3)--- display. The collection also ---(4)--- some rare wartime civilian receivers the only type of valve radio ---(5)--during the Second World War. 1a) when b) in that c) what d) during which e) which 2a) turned over b) came along c) used up d) broke off e) set out 3a) in b) on c) for d) at e) off 4a) has b) had c) had had d) will have had e) would have had 5a) to have manufactured b) manufacturing c) to manufacture d) having manufactured e) manufactured


ENGLISH OFFICE SET 3. Anja Silja, ---(1)--- remains one of the most exciting and controversial figures in opera, was born in Berlin in 1940. Her childhood ---(2)--- in the home of her grandfather, who was a painter and amateur musician. With him she studied voice and piano from the age of five. He was, ---(3)--- Ms Silja recalls, a very dominating personality. Everyone in the family was frightened ---(4)--- him, except her. By the age of 12 she was giving concerts, and was not yet 16 when she made her stage ---(5)--- as "Rosina" in Rossini's "Barber of Seville". 1a) whom b) whose c) that d) who e) when 2a) spends b) spent c) was spent d) would be spent e) has been spent 3a) like b) though c) because d) as e) when 4a) to b) with c) of d) at e) towards 5a) debut b) assasination c) retirement d) appreciation e) break SET 4.


The history of the Red Cross began ---(1)--- the personal experience of one man. In June 1859, Henri Durant, a businessman and philanthropist, ---(2)--- in Italy where chance led him to the battlefield of Solferino. He was horrified by the sight of the ---(3)--- left to die by thousands. He ---(4)--- set to work to care for ---(5)--- and was soon joined by the local people. 1a) for b) with c) at d) on e) about 2a) was traveling b) have been travelling c) are travelling d) would have been travelling e) travels 3a) wounded b) fortunate c) excited d) bored e) reserved 4a) immediately b) hesitantly c) reluctantly d) actually e) hardly 5a) their b) themselves c) them d) him e) himself


ENGLISH OFFICE SET 5. The Stone Age is, in fact, divided into ---(1)--- stages. Dominating the period is the Palaeolithic Age, ---(2)--most anthropologists would extend down to roughly 11,000 B.C. Within the Stone Age in general, ---(3)--- , scholars also speak of an Upper Palaeolithic Era, beginning around 40,000 B.C. They ---(4)--- attention to some significant changes in human behaviour around this date. Humans also began producing the most effective, finely crafted tools ---(5)--- fishhooks and arrowheads. 1a) various b) any c) plenty d) mostly e) much of 2a) when b) what c) that d) thereby e) which 3a) indeed b) despite c) so as d) however e) since 4a) draw b) were drawn c) would draw d) have been drawn e) were to draw 5a) if only b) as for c) rather than d) such as e) further SET 6.


Psychotherapy refers to the treatment of mental ---(1)--- by psychological means. The term embraces a variety of techniques, all of ---(2)--- are intended to help emotionally disturbed individuals ---(3)--- their behavior, thoughts and notions. Some psychotherapists believe that modification of behavior is dependent on the individual's understanding ---(4)--- his or her unconscious motives and conflicts. ---(5)--- focus on changing habitual patterns of thinking and behavior rather than on unconscious conflicts. 1a) settings b) aids c) resources d) disorders e) cures 2a) which b) those c) that d) whom e) what 3a) modifying b) modify c) to have modified d) having modified e) to be modifying 4a) of b) in c) onto d) with e) for 5a) the other b) another c) other d) one another e) others




SET 7. The ability to recognize people automatically by analyzing bodily characteristics such as fingerprints, faces and eyeballs, collectively known as biometrics, has long been a goal of technologists and governments ---(1)--- . Plans for large-scale projects to incorporate biometric scans ---(2)--- passports, identity cards and visas are now under way in several countries. ---(3)--January 5th the US has been scanning foreigners from ---(4)--- countries as they arrive at its airports. Both the US and Europe plan to start ---(5)--- biometric passports as soon as next year. 1a) alike b) either c) neither d) as well as e) though 2a) into b) of c) over d) on e) by 3a) As of b) On c) In d) Since e) During 4a) so b) particular c) each d) single e) whole 5a) collecting b) marketing c) issuing d) piling e) further

SET 8. The entire future of human space exploration rests ---(1)--- a patch of lunar ice. For the past two years NASA has focused on designing a new crew vehicle and launch system ---(2)--- could return astronauts to the moon by 2018. The agencys ultimate --(3)--- is to establish a permanent lunar base and use it for a human mission to Mars. ---(4)--- the grand plan depends on a risky prediction that NASA ---(5)--- water ice in a permanently shadowed crater basin at one of the moons poles. 1a) over b) on c) in d) into e) for 2a) whose b) why c) how d) where e) that 3a) identity b) respect c) evidence d) impact e) goal 4a) So that b) But c) Whether d) As e) Though 5a) had found b) will find c) would be found d) has been found e) was finding




SET 9. If you have ever burned your finger on a metal pot while waiting for the water in it to boil, you ---(1)--- that water heats up much more slowly than metal. In fact, ---(2)--- hydrogen bonding, water has a better ability to resist temperature change ---(3)--- most other substances. Because of this ---(4)---, Earths giant water supply moderates temperatures, keeping them ---(5)--- limits that permit life. 1a) would have known b) must be known c) should have known d) know e) knew 2a) as of b) because of c) notwithstanding d) thus e) yet 3a) like b) rather c) ever d) in e) than 4a) opportunity b) experience c) hazard d) property e) allignment 5a) over b) within c) beyond d) among e) beneath

SET 10. With their magnificent architecture and sophisticated knowledge of astronomy, and mathematics, the Maya ---(1)--- one of the great cultures of the ancient world. ---(2)--- they had not discovered the wheel and were without metal tools, the Maya constructed massive pyramids, temples and monuments of stone ---(3)--- in large cities and in smaller ceremonial centers throughout the lowlands of the Yucatan Peninsula, which covers parts of ---(4)--- are now southern Mexico and Guatemala and essentially all of Belize. From celestial observatories, ---(5)--- tracked the progress, for example, of Venus and developed, a calendar based on a solar year of 365 days. 1a) would have boasted b) must boast c) boasted d) has boasted e) boasts 2a) In order that b) Due to c) Unless d) As soon as e) Although 3a) also b) each c) both d) neither e) either 4a) opportunity b) experience c) hazard d) what e) allignment 5a) it b) ones c) their d) that e) they





TENSES / SET 1 1.d 2.e 3.a 11.d 12.b 13.d TENSES / SET 2 1.a 2.a 3.d 11.d 12.c 13.e TENSES / SET 3 1.c 2.b 3.b 11.e 12.b 13.c

4.c 14.d 4.b 14.d 4.b 14.d

5.b 15.d 5.c 15.a 5.e 15.e 5.b 15.b 5.d 15.e 5.d 15.c 5.b 15.d

6.b 16.e 6.c 16.d 6.b 16.b 6.c 16.e 6.e 16.b 6.e 16.b 6.b 16.b

7.b 17.d 7.d 17.d 7.c 17.b 7.d 17.d 7.d 17.d 7.d 17.a 7.d 17.b 7.c 17.d 7.e 17.c 7.b 17.b 7.d 17.c

8.b 18.c 8.b 18.d 8.a 18.d 8.c 18.e 8.d 18.e 8.b 18.c 8.c 18.a 8.a 18.a 8.d 18.e 8.a 18.b 8.a 18.a 8.c 18.a

9.c 19.e 9.d 19.c 9.c 19.a 9.a 19.a 9.e 19.c 9.d 19.c 9.b 19.a 9.e 19.c 9.a 19.b 9.b 19.b 9.c 19.d 9.a 19.b

10.c 20.c 10.a 20.c 10.e 20.d 10.e 20.c 10.b 20.a 10.c 20.a 10.e 20.d 10.c 20.d 10.c 20.c 10.c 20.d 10.d 20.c 10.d 20.a

ACTIVE & PASSIVE 1.a 2.b 3.a 4.c 11.d 12.c 13.e 14.e MODALS / SET 1.e 2.a 3.e 11.d 12.a 13.d IF CLAUSES 1.c 2.b 3.b 11.b 12.c 13.c 4.e 14.d 4.c 14.e

RELATIVE CLAUSES 1.d 2.c 3.a 4.e 11.c 12.e 13.d 14.a

CONJUNCTIONS & TRANSITIVES 1.b 2.a 3.b 4.c 5.c 6.e 11.c 12.a 13.c 14.e 15.c 16.b NOUN CLAUSES 1.c 2.b 3.a 11.a 12.b 13.c 4.b 14.a 5.c 15.d 6.d 16.d 6.e 16.c 6.a 16.b

QUANTIFIERS & PRONOUNS 1.c 2.c 3.a 4.d 5.b 11.a 12.d 13.e 14.c 15.d ADJECTIVES & ADVERBS 1.c 2.b 3.e 4.a 5.e 11.c 12.e 13.c 14.e 15.d

GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES & PARTICIPLES 1.a 2.a 3.a 4.e 5.d 6.a 7.c 11.e 12.b 13.d 14.e 15.a 16.a 17.e




PREPOSITIONS 1.a 2.d 3.d 11.e 12.b 13.d

4.d 14.a

5.c 15.b

6.a 16.b

7.e 17.b

8.d 18.c

9.b 19.d

10.b 20.c

CLOZE TESTS SET 1 1.e 2.b SET 2 1.a 2.a SET 3 1.d 2.c SET 4 1.b 2.a SET 5 1.a 2.e SET 6 1.d 2.a SET 7 1.a 2.a SET 8 1.b 2.e SET 9 1.d 2.b SET 10 1.c 2.e 3.b 3.b 3.d 3.a 3.d 3.b 3.d 3.e 3.e 3.c 4.a 4.e 4.c 4.e 4.a 4.a 4.b 4.b 4.d 4.d 5.e 5.c 5.a 5.c 5.d 5.e 5.c 5.b 5.b 5.e


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