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Page 1. Introduction Rejuvenation is your re-orientation 2. Demystifying the God Principle Step One: There is a source of life 3. Step 2: Break-free thinking 4. Step 3: Communicate to create/Detaching from division 5. Step 4: Appreciation for life; Being grateful 6. Absolute Understanding; we become what we conclude 7. Refining Visualization 8. Mirror, Mirror (in my mind) 9. Being a Hueman God 10. Understanding Christ Consciousness 11. Dont trust the God of today 12. Mind over Matter 13. Nothing needs changed, just understood Part I 14. Nothing needs changed, just understood Part II 15. Building the building blocks Your foundation of life 16. The letter Self-recognition and Self-realization 17. Create the circle of life Money: More is better 18. Create the circle of life Obesity: Less is better 19. Clearing illusions remove impossibility 20. The problem is not the problem, and the solution is not the solution 21. Seeing how creation works Observation 22. Self-governing order 23. Ending obligations becoming a visionaire 24. Part I Where is your consciousness? Vacating old images/Installing new visions 25. Part II Vacating old images 26. Cracking the Code Beyond seeing is believing into knowing 122 126 135 1 6 10 16 22 26 29 36 48 53 58 62 67 74 79 83 88 93 98 101 105 112 119

27. Misunderstanding God: Co-dependence; Understanding God: Co-Creator 28. Power vs. Force 29. The two states of the one God 30. Why people die organ-is-ms of energy 31. The new picture/story 32. Identity God or man, its your choice

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Introduction Rejuvenation is your re-orientation

YOU cant stay where you are now and get there. You have to demystify the God principle to see where you need to be energetically, to clear the air. What mist-e(eye)fies you? You dont know that or you would not be attracted to searching for it. Given this realization we will test you so you can find out where you are orientation-wise. Hello, God, my name is _______________. (Fill in blank with your name.) Im introducing myself to you because I want to really get to know you! Now, stop and ask yourself how you honestly felt about writing your name in the blank space. Did the energy in your mind start darting side to side to see how you felt about being so open and stepping up to God and saying I really want to get to know you? If it did, you definitely need to re-orient what you are thinking (believing) about the God principle. If writing your name came naturally and with ease, your orientation contains true knowledge about God and youre on the path of truth. A truth that will manifest your reality by choice. Now let us begin. Huemans are directors and receivers of an unconditionaleyesd, undifferentiated, and all-encompassing energy that we call God. This ocean of energy is the space between what is seen and unseen. It is clear, still, and silent, which makes it pure, as well as cry-stall clear! This same clear state is put into motion with every thought that you think and every move you make, no matter how slight it is. Man has found himself caught in the seen and heard, visible part of this reality and unable to get out of it or leave it by choice. So, after struggling for so long, to be a free/freed entity, mankind finally resigned and accepted the path of dis-ease, dying, and death as the only way out of here. As such, decadence and obsessions were given allegiance, not enlightenment. Now, the ideal of the all-knowing and all-powerful God, where all things are possible, has been reduced to the point where free will and choice is meaningless to most people, because the vast majority immediately buy into the birth to death pattern now accepted by humans!

Lets look at this. What if a large group of people agreed to build a building together? Could they do it? Yes. Now, stop any mental doubts, questions, plans or goals about how and consider the very first step of building this building! They think they can do it! They see it! Thats first! Second, they agree to do it. Third, how it will look and serve its occupants. Fourth, then do it! Action! They put together what they saw and said and agreed to. Now, using this same group idea and the same principle steps of thought to action, lets build a new consensus to live by. Okay. Right here is where we will lose most of you because in our building example above, we did not have to tear down the old consensus to put up the new. In an already accepted consensus, the old has to be left behind, dismantled, and replaced with the new. So, on that first step we also have to think we can dismantle and detach emotionally from the old way of seeing and believing, thus behaving in life! Which is what we have in life now, but no longer needed. To set the stage to make this work, people must be able to see how the old was created! That, which they now place their trust in, even though it is not serving them with vitality or immunity from disease, aging and death. This is, unfortunately, where they (mis)place their trust. A trust outside of themselves, in the belief that the guru, a deity, a leader, etc., knows better than they do. Yet they seek youthfulness, vitality, and immunity within a non-working system, by conforming to the present consensus. Why? Because they do not know how to get out of the old and into the new. How was this (old) disease-producing consensus created? By beliefs and illusions that it is the way, and in many attitudes, the only way, back to life. The key words in the last sentence are back to life. This says weve strayed or left life behind and engaged in non-life attitudes, while we ignore the all things are possible, which includes life eturnall, here and now. Life is possible, or we would not be alive. So, it is definitely not impossible. In fact, it flourishes here! So, the simple deduction we have to make and be willing to admit is that we are ignorant about how to create it and maintain it! This being an obvious truth tells us our consensus is not correct or wed be able to use our free will and choice to be who we see ourselves being!

THIS IS WHERE NEW KNOWLEDGE HAS TO REPLACE OLD BELIEFS! Now, the way to gain this new knowledge is not limited to technology and/or science. Nor is it necessarily found in government or church. It is found in you! This is what you have to learn to be free of disease and dying. It is not difficult to do if you apply yourself to changing how you see reality and think about reality now. This will be, on the other hand, very difficult if you cant learn to be an observer, because it is a required state of mind to see the truth. Why? Because without the neutral state of mind, that the observer has, you remain caught in your magnetic attraction or repulsion polarity of mentally taking sides. When you are on one side or the other, you are in the react-eve state, which has a bias of pass-eve or act-eve energy, which is one wrong and one right, split into the belief/illusion you hold in a fixed attitude (about reality/life). In your mind, and rigid, it solidly deflects any other possible solution. Being fixed, biased attitudes (beliefs) cause rigidness and it sets up rigor mortis in your body, while fixed knowledge and understanding creates fluidity via free will/choice and all things are possible. Knowledge is wholly and united to self. Belief is not whole and divides self. This is why living by rigid rules, fixed laws, regulated morals and dogmatic dictates will not produce immortality here and now. Change the stuck points in the mind that you view/see as correct versus incorrect and this rigidness will return to clarity, fluidity, and flow, which every person can relate to by looking at a mountain stream versus a river delta. Re: fast energy flowing/slow energy (barely) flowing. The quest of mankind is to stop living in the sediments of physicality and return to the spring and clarity of the Spirit. Then, the clogging up around the stuck areas will wash away and immortality will show its face, here and now! You all suffer from the same disease, only this time we will not call it excess, internal pressure and heat. We will call it attachment. You are so attached to your beliefs held in your attitudes and in your material goods, that you cant detach from them. To even think of giving them up, losing them, or having them taken away, leaves you full of doubt and fear as to how you could possibly get along without them, be they people or objects.

You have allowed your love for Spirits formations of things plus the affection toward them to take priority, and you are ignoring the Spirit of life creating them and you. Youve magnetized your attitude to attract and hold onto what has already been created, which is no longer new the moment it is created. Because new is what has not yet been created. To most people new is to buy something you dont have. All form is old! New is only new when it is created! So, new (k/new) comes from k/nowing. Therefore, the new is the triad of positive(Spirit)negative, added together, which creates all realities in what we call reality, from the neutral space that is not new or old. It is the omniscient power of life. There is no place in eturnall life for the attachment to the physical/material states, or you remain divided by it. This does not mean you are not here. It means you are not stuck here! Because your refined state of energy moves readily through all disease, so disease can not accumulate inside you. You have to learn to detach, which demagnetizes your love for the physical and returns this love to the spiritual. Love attracts, so the love of Spirit/God attracts Gods Spirit. Which creates our physical forms and states of being! So, with the focus on seek ye first the kingdom of God/Spirit free will and choice work! They will not work as long as you remain magnetized to attract more goods, people, possessions, etc. into your life that you deem as necessary. Thats bondage, co-dependency and entrapment, which is why there is no place for it in rejuvenation, transfiguration, and transformation of the physical body. Materialism creates heaviness and gravity. Spiritualism creates lightness and levity. Weakness and power, respectfully. When you encounter fear (not danger) in your life, you believe you are afraid of the unknown! That is not what you fear at all! You fear what you believe you do not see, often called the fear of darkness. Well, that fear is only dark for one reason! You are refusing TO SEE a different reality than you see now. Which just happens to be attracting what you do not want to see: fear! Darkness. The pro-verb-e-all d/evil! Look, there is only seen and unseen, okay? Agree? Then kick common sense into gear and reconcile YOUR PROBLEM! What you see, you know! What you do not see is un-known!

Whos doing the seeing? YOU ARE!! You are not afraid of any unknown! You cant be because everything you see is known. So, you are actually afraid of what you see now, which is what you k/now now! You are afraid of you and your own lack of power. A lack of light and power you create by not seeing the light through proper channels. Re: Spirits whole light that has no conditional-eyes! No light versus dark, no right versus wrong, or any other catch 22 idioms! Which always have a blind (dark) side. You have to take responsibility for how you think, not what you believe, before you will ever be empowered. Because power is not in what you believe, it is in what you know! And, all you can ever know is made up of what you allow yourself to see! So, to learn to generate life, manifest food, etc. and be 100% self-governed, you have to see yourself there! Then, you have to say to your Spirit (verbally), I am there! Seeing (a perception seed) has to be conceived in order to birth. This inner-course (co/ur/see) (coare-see) is (+) perception (vision) mating with conception (-) (voice) and being impre/gnated with Spirit. The primeall triad of all new life/forms. The bottom line of materializing life by choice is to know how to dematerialize! Not keep accumulating what has already proven itself as a dead-end ave-a-new! (have-anew). Collecting any physical stuff is not really helpful. Even continuing to write is not helpful once you have the key. For then, you are honoring the doubt or fear that your key is not the right key, which if never used, you will never know. So, what are you (still) seeing that you do not want to see any longer? Answer, your deficiency of whatever you believe it is. Change it! Do it now! You cant see deficiency and create efficiency. Got it! We live in God (energy), so we are of God (that energy) which means we have what God has because we are him, extended into physical form. Hes the trunk and we are the limbs: di-vines. Now, we are realeyesing: we are both! We are all divine, loved creations of God, who have deceived ourselves into believing we are separate from the source of life. We are not separate, as you will begin to see, as you de-mystify the God principle. Live on, live on Spirit that you are. So be it.

Orientation Demystifying the God Principle Step One There is a source of life

We said in our earlier writing (righting, actually uprighting) that WE ALL WANT TO BE ABLE TO CREATE OUR OWN REALITY, but the problems encountered in doing this readily were not understood. Demystifying the God principle is a major step towards empowering yourself to create your reality by choice and return to a fully embued (i-m-be(ing)you) life. Ever hear that truth is often stranger than fiction? Why can that be? Well, first, if you are in truth, there is no fiction. Where theres no fiction, all is in the truth or in agreement. So, where there is fiction, there is also friction because all is not in agreement. To say friction and disagreement exists in our lives is to say the truth. Clearly it is not fiction. It does exist. Not only does it exist, it is deeply rooted in the very agencies we are supposed to be able to depend on for getting the truth; our governing bodies, our religious organizations, our judicial system, our media, and, of course, businesses. The bottom line of this is simple, once you stop taking sides within your thought process so you are not believing the illogical (illusion), you can see the truth. YOU CANT GET TRUTH FROM WHAT IS NOT IN AGREEMENT. Because what is not aligned and in agreement is divided and what is divided is not the truth! Its a bending, coloring, or fictionalizing of it. What you call God (go-d) is a whole, undivided, clear state that is never in disagreement with itself. This clear light, set into motion by proper and improper thought, is the power of creation. It is responsible for the formation of all life forms. It is only conditionalized, or bent, colored, or fictionalized by hueman beings and what they see and say. Seeing and saying is the thought process: vision and voice, vocal and focal, light and sound, electric and magnetic! Life is the above and below combined, not divided or separated into beliefs or illusions that reside in the fiction, friction and imbalance of taking sides. Unity creates life, while taking sides creates death.

Have you seen God? What does God look like? Does God actually exist? Well, look at the world at large and there is obviously a power of creation causing life and lifeforms in never-ending varieties and numbers. Call it whatever you will, and on this point we can all agree, THERE IS A SOURCE OF LIFE. This is our first, needed, spiritual anchor or foundation block! Without this starting point, all else is meaningless. Understand this state of mind. It is not divided and it is not friction-producing, and it is in perfect order by alignment. Why? Because EVERYONE AGREES its the truth. This first step of demystifying God gives you the life and power, and opens the door to self-realization, self-governing, and self-empowerment. Please recognize the state of mind in this ability to agree. Empowerment requires it. Before we go on to step two to continue the strand of agreement weve started, we need to do some bushwacking to clear out the jungle of thoughts still blocking the absolute clarity and truth of life on earth. The religious sectors divide the faith-based into two basic categories (cat-a-goreease). They call them the believer and the non-believer. The governments do the same thing, but call them by different names, i.e. Republicans, Democrats, Liberals, or Conservatives. The principle underlying these right and left sides is division. Division is where disagreement prevails (pre-veils). Are you on track with this? Is anyone out there in disagreement with this basic principle understanding? Now, look at any other arm of society. Jurisdiction guilt vs. innocence; medicine - health vs. disease; education failing vs. passing; business rich vs. poor; and they all have names for believing and non-believing! What were saying is that our world order is predicated and built on the divided principle, not on the unified principle. Scripturally, it is said to build your house on a rock, not a sand pile. Why? Because rock is consolidated sand, and sand is divided rock, or stable and unstable. The world condition has rested on this state of unstable division for centuries (centure-ease), and no matter how hard the devoted, well-intended citizens have tried to put Humpty Dumpty back together again, they have not succeeded! Why? Now, ask yourself, How can the glue of life (love) be found and used to put this division back together again? If you are unable to answer this immediately, youve got work to do because your mind is not cleared of its preconceptions, misconceptions,

beliefs and illusions that are maintaining your lack of clarity and causing your confusion. Youre still being swayed by beliefs and illusions. Book 4 is graduate status information. Its not for the hopeful, its for the ready! If you cant answer that question to your satisfaction, you have not demystified the God principle, which says, going to step two before you can climb step one is senseless and is an utter waste of time. If youre floundering, the clarity is present and the answer already given to you in the previous pages of Orientation #1. This time read (re-add) it correctly. Focus, study, stabilize (stay-ability) to return to where the source of life is! Where is it? In knowing these answers automatically! Like 1+1=2, and ABC stuff. Understand? What you can not come up with, answer-wise, leaves doubt. Doubt will not create power or life. To be in the source of life, you can not be questioning where it is! And that is exactly what the followers and leaders of this world order are doing! Searching, questioning, doubting, and destroying life. Where is the creator in this approach? Busy. Busy creating dis-ease, centuring ease, disturbing peace, foiling life by soiling the soul, and so on! Honestly, it is sometimes difficult for me to not see the huemore in this. My inflection as a once-aspiring standup comedian type is this, we go to great lengths to potty train our kids so they dont crap in their own drawers and leave stinky messes for others to clean up, right? Then why dont we have potty training for our mind(s), that crap all over the place and expect others to clean it up? Not only do they make a mess, destroy, and terror-eyes others, then they have the gall to say its your fault this is happening! My question for all leaders and all followers that believe vs. not believe is this, whos pulling the triggers, whos calling the shots, whos running amuck, and lastly, who believes fighting against anything is the source of life? No, Im not deranged, and although my style of presentation does not appeal to every reader, my honesty and introspection is very hard to miss! Which brings me to one more of my inflections. Divisions cause fighting. Right? So, why does the world at large profess fighting for the cure, fighting for the peace, and fighting for our security and safety as important? Its not important and heres a simple analogy to make my point. When you want your spouse to go to the bedroom, do you intentionally start a fight, hurt her/him physically or emotionally, or condemn her/him with your beliefs? Then why do

world leaders and educators use fear (predecessor to the actual fighting) to train students, members, or employees? Its pure hypocrisy and nothing less. What has really caused problems, as this approach grew, is the deception that hides the honesty. Example, pay very close attention to what is being said! Is it, I want you to be free! Or is it, I want you to believe what I believe! Our huemanitarian efforts are largely ineffective at helping create peace because they come with lots of unspoken, obligatory innuendoes. Namely, we want you to believe as we believe! Which contains the punch-line, then we will be your friend and help you, otherwise well remain the enemy. In step two we are going to continue to weave the agreement threads and create an unbreakable line of truth that connects you directly to the source of life. The power of creation, made manifest by crystallization (Christ-all-eye-sat-ion) of your thoughts, so they shape and form your reality. We can not continue to see life in division, be it church vs. state, or them vs. us, etc. and create the unity life requires. Youve seen the divisions weve illustrated. So, now its up to the individual to reconnect these divisions in their own mind, emotion and body (behavior). Then, the systems change to unity and division ends. Then, there is no for or against opposition in your energy. Contemplate the depth of this so you can see the importance of detachment from its tentacles. Study. Be wise. So be it.

Orientation Step 2 Break-free thinking

Resurrection is all about orientation. Its why this book has chapter headings called orientations. Rejuvenation of a disease-oriented state of mind has to have a different orientation. This means your attitude, which is how you are seeing life (now) has to change. No change equals no resurrection, no transfiguration, and no rejuvenation. Right now the mind is in flux and it needs to be absolutely stable. To gain mental stability, dont repeat stories, scripture, media reports, polls, etc. Why? Because it blinds you to the underlying principle that is bringing the reality to the surface! Example: what principle was present in Jesus state of mind that caused him to walk away from being the carpenter to become the master? Did he move away from instability and co-dependence upon others for his welfare? Or, did he re-orient his focus and his attitude? Where did he place his trust? Get these answers anchored (a-in-coared) in your mind. They are spiritual k/knowledge that hold you in the truth, which is the source of life! Jesus is the pinnacle of mastery in present-day teachings. So, doesnt it make sense to see his resurrections clearly? Of course! Heres the roadblock of the Christ/Christian core-belief that stops unity and maintains division in the thought process, Where there is division, there IS prejudiced division from the unified state of life. Life is life and death only becomes a part of life when life is not fully, completely, and wholly understood, and adhered to, so it stays unified. Did Jesus have to understand this so he could go into death and re-unify what divided him from life? I do not see how he could not know where he was going and exactly what he was doing! Why else would he say, The time has not yet come! How could he know that, if he did not know that? Get the point? He knew exactly what he was doing! Do we? We are rapidly approaching his epoch realization: life prevails over death. And, all we have to do is loosen our death grip on the ideologies, theologies, and philosophies that distort, disrupt, and divide the truth of creation! We have to stop believing Uncle Sam, more money, technology, extra-terrestrials, Allah, or Jesus is going to save us from our plights! The distortion around these ideas have turned into one-sided beliefs and


illusions, and are further dividing the truth. Can you actually be honest to yourself? Lets find out! Do you think people should be responsible citizens? Do you think each persons behavior is his or her own reward or punishment? Do you think people should get something for nothing? Do you know how to create life in your body? Immunity in your body? Vitality in your body? Now, do you think Jesus would answer all of those questions with a yes answer? If you dont, you would be wise to anchor the format and infrastructure of what mastery consists of. Lets see how this works. Did Jesus pay for the fish and bread he fed the multitudes with? Did he pay for the wine he turned the water into? Did he pay for his life with his death? Did he empower himself to create life? At what cost? Again, our point is to clarify the state of mind Jesus had to have to do what he did. Certainly he did not believe his government, his church, his money, or someone else was going to save him. He knew they werent, and he insisted that they were not to try. How else can he ever mean what he said when he said, forgive them. Are we to ignore the foundation he built his resurrection upon? The father and I are one. Does that sound like a divided state of mind? Or a very sound and stable mind? Was Jesus irresponsible? Then, was he responsible? You need to see these answers or you will not break free of the co-dependency state you formed with church, state, money, or even extra-terrestrials. Not to mention the attachment you have to job and family! Dont be bunked or de-bunked about what Jesus was or was not. All that matters is his state of mind, not what he was surrounded with! Or what people wrote about him! Why? Because we have to adopt that same state of mind or we are not going to have the direct connection to the source of life we need to rejuvenate. Now, ask yourself, WOULD I CHOOSE TO HAVE THE POWER TO CREATE MY REALITY BY CHOICE? OR AM I GOING TO LEAVE MY NEEDS AND WANTS UP TO SOMEONE ELSE? For Step 2, we start with Step 1. Step 1 We agree there is a source of life. Now, we must make another agreement. Step 2 We agree that we are free to think anything we choose to think and break free!


With each plodding step we take, you will need to be sure the steps prior to it are STUCK IN YOUR MIND! These are your anchors, foundation blocks, and paths for your energy to adhere (add-here) to. To adhere to life is to have life. You have not been taught to do this or you would not age and die. Once this structuring and re-orienting is complete and you quicken it with the process in our other books, your life will be forever better. How much and how far you go with this is entirely yours to control. Each step has its obstacles to be removed or you will not be able to re-orient your focus to give you more energy. So, here we go. And remember this, stabilizing the mind increases the velocity of your life energy as it is not diffused, slowed or blocked by your mind flipping and flopping. Is the freedom to think anything we choose a liberty or a curse (to you)? Are you directing your thoughts or are they directing you? Are you self-initiating or waiting for change? What is a responsible life style? Have you noticed were firing questions almost non-stop? Have any idea why? Heres why! We want you to get out of and away from what you believe is a truth. You cant get out of your beliefs and illusions unless you or someone else gets you to use your mind/brain connections in a different orientation. Write a book or two and it will teach a lot about yourself and others. Namely, that most people only read to see if what is written agrees with how they believe. They are not reading to learn, they are reading to judge, criticize, and find a way to defend against whats written. Or to escape and avoid actually changing. This is an obstacle to learning. To teach is to eliminate this obstacle. So, we redirect your focus so you can have totally NEW thoughts. Thoughts youve never considered before! Why? Because society teaches people to skim, scan and surface read. Real reading has depth, so dig down deep and think. For in depth, you actually draw your mind down and into brain and body. So, you start to feel! When you feel, you drop the beliefs that misguide you. This is why we are asking questions, to give you depth and height! Hint. Its easy to climb a mountain by moving sideways, but its not so easy to climb it vertically. Life is not a coasting along, or floating by, reality. Death promotes that kind of irresponsible behavior. Life knows better! So, was Jesus an irresponsible person? Of


course not! Then why do you believe he wants you to be irresponsible and depend on him to help you? Who in their right mind wants hoards of helpless people leaning on them? No one! BE HONEST, BE PAINFULLY HONEST. He wants you to understand how to help yourself, which, in turn, helps others. WHY HAVE DISCIPLES IF HE WAS GOING TO SAVE US?? IN FACT, WHY BOTHER TO PRAY? Heres another very valid point to make about leaders that promote and promulgate that they, or their ideology, can save you. Whats at the bottom of this claim? A claim covered with millions of dead bodies, historically. Why cant leaders save themselves? Why cant they produce miracles while they are alive? Why do they need doctors? Where did they come by the information, facts, ideas they have and hold? Did Jesus tell them? Well, guess what? Jesus did not tell me either! So, why should you listen to me? You should not listen to me! But, you should learn to hear your own voice, which Jesus did, so it connects you to your ideal/vision. And you restore your power of creation to your life. All Ive done with scripture is to remove the distortions by clarifying the obvious. When scripture says, without vision we perish, I wanted to know why, and now I do. When it said, the truth will set you free, I wanted to know why and now I do. When Jesus said, we will do even greater things, I had to know how and now I do. When he professed, the father and I are one, same thing. Now I know. I know, I know because I am physiologically able to experience my thoughts. I can make my body cool when its hot, and warm when its cold. It has passed unbelievable stuff out of it, as I cleared my obstructions. My body lightened up, and it added power! How? By adding Spirit with the proper use of my words. Remember scripture, in the beginning was the word. Yes, I am restating scripture, but not in the defense of anything, or anyone out there thinking or saying anything defensively or offensively. I am living it! Not using it as a tool or a weapon to convince anyone or anything. The message in all the books is the same! YOU ARE YOUR OWN SOURCE OF LIFE, ALREADY! Live it and be it because you feel it and it is who you are. Parroting or rubber-stamping behavior based on recalling what you believe will never connect you to life now.


You have to direct your thoughts to space and activate Spirit. By space, we mean the source of life that you live in, which surrounds you and maintains you according to how you see and say life is to be! See and say life is great and feel its resonance! Thats true atone-meant! And true at-one-ment! Because once your old energy clogging the system is cleared, you feel what you hear (here)(her-e) yourself say! At-one-ment is connecting vision to voice. You do it with words, spoken into the invisible. Remember, Jesus spoke to the Spirits as if they were there! If you understand this, but do not feel it, keep learning and you will reach the depth of feeling where and what you hear yourself say you will feel. This is why how we think is so important. It is the access to being and becoming (energetically) anything we choose! The miracles of Jesus are simply Spirit used correctly by how we see the source of life. Free of any conditionaleyesing, prejudice, etc. then called into being, form-alleyes-said, with the voice, our say-so. Fill your consciousness with absolute neutral energy and there is no biased die/a/gone/all lines of thought pushing or pulling your energy off course from being at one with the father (fat-her) source of life. This is only possible when there is not biass in the mind at all. To have no biass in your mind is only possible by having your mind anchored in the stable, unmoving truth, which is the knowledge of how to create reality, by choice using your free will. Can you see why the normal approach of studying Jesus work, his associates, meanderings, birth place, and death have little to say about what he was thinking and his state of mind, internally? To have faith is not an admonition to have faith in Jesus. It is an instruction to stabile-eyes your mind. So, you do not worry, work, or war against others. Disease and dying come from an unstable mind de-stabile-eye-sing your body The absolute freedom to think what you will is the source of life and of death. So how to think, the act of seeing and saying, is a matter of life or death and you get to choose which, exactly as Jesus did. He used free will choice, without dependence on an outside source. He trusted the source! This is one more point of stabilizing the mind and building a foundation of truth, You, nor Jesus, nor God, can have any reality without the clarity of knowing it is yours.


If we lived in a predestined state, then free will choice would not exist. Nor would our thoughts and energy from free will have any power to move and change our reality. So, anything professed to be the way falls under a cloud of suspicion, as it is circumcising our right to think anything we choose to think, which the free will choice does. It guarantees us 100% jurisdiction over our thoughts and the reality resulting from them. When you insert the belief that someone or something else will save you, you are deprived of the 100% wholeness of mind being in your jurisdiction. You cant believe in having jurisdiction on one hand (side of mind) and believe in not having it on the other. Thats a definite division depriving you of a whole state of mind. This is why its important to study the state of mind, not just the physicall, because all physicall life is in the divided state. So, there will always be a duality of form. But there should never be a duality of mind if you intend to empower your life. Got it? Good. So be it.


Orientation Step 3 Communicate to Create/Detaching from Division

Look at the media mediums, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, computers, videos, movies, advertising, etc. It is everywhere you look, and just as often, most of what you listen to. Dont forget the conversations, dialogues, debates and coffee shop chatter sprinkled with behind closed doors secrets and gossip. We have moved from the covered wagon and a natural, unbiased environment into an environment invaded by electronic perswayshuns and information, most of which are intrusions. How much cell phone chatter results in the individual being more at peace, at ease and in control? The slow pace of the past with its clear space is not like the fast pace with its clutter, which comes primarily from what we cant actually see or hear until its reflections or percussions are converted to visible light and audible sound. In the explosion of information and instant communication, man is becoming so specialized no one really understands whats going on, except those engineering it. So, seeing or listening to the daily news does not give you knowledge and understanding. In fact, it does the opposite. It leaves you shaking your head as to why huemans do what they do. Then, after creating the report, they tell you to decide for yourself. So the entire program is only aiming at getting your attention, not teaching you so you learn, which subconsciously says heres the stuff in life that causes problems or provides info to create prejudices and/or solutions, but you have to figure it out. Duh. Electronic data aimed at keeping individuals minds on one side vs. the other side maintains disease. How can we figure out what we know nothing about? Accept the facts provided to us, by them! Thats not learning, its misdirection of it; learning. To learn is to know beyond a doubt because you experience it. Knowing holds life up and doubting lets life down. This kind of communication is not creative, even on its positive pole because its coming out of the biass-based foundation. Again, ask yourself, how does all the coverage (spreading) of facts about war, laced with commercials about disease, help you become a calm, at ease, fun loving person who enjoys life? If you believe being up to


date and well informed is carrying the baggage of daily news reports in your mind, you wont experience communication as a means of creation. Let us look at our environment again to anchor Step 3 and build upon it. All there is in our lives is light and sound. Light is separated by color and sound is separated by tone. These two qualities of being a hueman, or being a light to the world, creates the shape and condition of each persons reality. Amazing as it seems, it is all woven, threaded, wound together with thought: sight and sound. So, which environment is going to be the best for creating by communication? The clear space or the cluttered space? Also, ask yourself this, is creation (the power of direct manifestation of ones needs straight from Spirit) an after-effect to fix what you dont like? If you answer that yes, stop now and reconcile what creation is! It is something brand new, never yet in existence! It is not old reality or old form(s) rearranged to your liking. Thats not creation in the unified whole Spirit, its manipulation in the already divided Spirit. Until you are the whole of Spirit in your beingness of the light, words alone will not support you. You will still be working to support yourself, which is survival, not actual support. Actual support makes your body light and lightweight, so you can command the energy to become your choice, and it will! Were going to keep orienting the focus so you can grasp the depth of how the miracle-man creates substance directly from Spirit. Without the depth and height of seeing and being your words, you wont feel what is said here/hear so you can be your choice! To come back into wholeness of the Spirit, you have to remove the focus from division. Why? Because all earthly/physical form (for/me) is made of light/color and sound/tone in a state of division. To create with words alone this positive (+) light and negative (-) sound has to be moved back together. To say the color returns to seethrough clear, so there is no distortion or division from color tainting it. And, how do we achieve this de-coloring, or clarifying of color? With our words. The sound of our own voice, heard internally (in-turn-all-e). Words move the light of reality and the e-motion, energy in motion within words moving, give Spirit to life. You do this all the time by


the tone (t-one) of your voice. But, the reason your words do not manifest your desire is found in what and where you are aiming them. Lets wade through this overwhelming condition and find ourselves free of it! Consider clutter vs. clarity in nature, and then in your daily life. Heres a key. Does nature force clutter? Force clarity? Or is it a condition we can cause? Example, what is the mind-set of prayer groups praying for people on their list? Did they pray for the person prior to him/her ending up on the list? or only afterward? And, what mind-set is the person in who says, Put me on your prayer list, I need help? I attended many churches in my life and I can say this legitimately from my own experience, all Ive ever seen, except newborns being blessed, is after-the-fact praying for problems to be solved. To pray for solutions to problems in improper prayer, as it is grounded in the duality of ones state of conscious awearness! That there is a problem, a disease, a lacking, etc. that I/we do not like! Liking or disliking is a coloring of the Spirit. It is nothing more than a positive vs. negative prejudice. It is taking sides against your imagined/believed-to-be enemy, which religions seek to conquer with prayer, while governments try to conquer with laws and guns, and the media tries to conquer with influence/perswayshun. Look at laws, morals, traditions and none of them solve this division. In fact, they support it and maintain it by keeping the focus on one side (good) or the other side (bad). God is not good or bad, until the person sees reality that way! God is neutral, zero-point, core, middle (a-mid-all) energy. God is our still, silent, clear self! Until we direct it into being by the attitude we hold about life in our mind. We have to end our mental reflections and our verbal echoes coursing through our mind, that become our e-motion, and growing in the body and coming into reality, and showing up as our behaviors (behave-eye-or-is). Look at government programs and law-making. They are always aimed at what? Controlling. Be it people, trade deaficits, military infringements, etc. Where in our government programs is there a promotion of neutrality, void of any arguing and fighting? The entire premise in government is aimed at authority over leadership, which others are supposed to follow pleasantly and willingly, even though it does absolutely nothing to free them from their problems.


The American governments are called democracies. Look and listen to the energy contained in that word and its simple to see it is much different than what it holds itself out to be. De-mock-ra-see! Or, demo(n)-see-race-e. Or, de-mo-see-are-see-why! No matter how it looks and sounds, re: de-moan-oct-ray-see, it is still filled with divided energy and does not address unity, knowing, and freedom which it is professed to be! Change is so subtle, most people do not actually recognize it. For instance, did you know the USA used to be called the Republic (re-public) of the United States? How vastly different the message conveyed in that name! Why arent we the people included in the ability to self-govern? Then, we the people would not have ANY need to be regulated, controlled, and used. For what? To benefit the few. When did we become a democratic (demo-in-see/rat-eye-see) state? When the populace, in sufficient numbers, moved their focus to the belief that money was more important to them than their freedom. We descended into the material estate, and left our freedom at the door of our own mental division. Well, there you go! We did it! So, we can undo it and return to the freedome (free-do-me). Freedom is the clear state. Entrapment is the divided estate, as in energy (e-motion) moving, but not freed to be at total liberty. When energy moves in the divided estate, it is trapped in the right vs. wrong consensus. When energy ignores this division, in favor of being free and free to create at will (re: free will), it is not trapped into dividing! Instead, it is sent into retracting, and recombining the division(s), which unifies the state of mind and leaves it 100% free of any biass, prejudice, or assumption. This is where you feel life, not want to feel it. This is where your power is available and will coagulate your words into physical behaveyours, and objects as well! But, it cant do that with a multiple lens focus, which is what acting and reacting to whats outside and already in existence (ex-is-ten-see-e) does. Immortality and eturnite can not be felt as real until you retract completely back into a state of being at-one with the light and a-toned with sound. This is not hard or difficult to do. BUT, clearing your mind of its prejudices (pre-judge-eye-sees) is difficult and usually the biggest and longest hurdle. Why? Because its easy to accept: Step 1 There is a source of life, and Step 2 I am free to think anything I choose to think, but


Step 3 Communicate to create leaves me totally lacking the where-with-all to accept it as a possibility (possess-ability). Ive communicated all my life and all it has ever gotten me is _____________ (you describe it). Now, no matter what you put down in the blank space, it does not matter now! Why? Its not about success/failure, have or have not, it is about feeling! In this case, about feeling you are inside and from there regulate the outside. We can tell you even the presidents (pre-side-dents) dont feel that feeling! Nor do the saints (s-aints) or the super rich (r-itch) feel it! Because, as yet, they do not know how to be 100% free of their surroundings and its con-current influences (in-flu-e-in-seeis). This is what detachment is! And, this is why currency (current-see) is not salvation nor empowerment, be it paper, plastic, or metal! Your voice is your only saving grace (g-race)(g-are-ace); G is 7, g is go, g is God! G is go-ad. Your voice and its incan/tations or tone, move reality. What else moves reality? Paper? Plastic? Metal? NO! Only you move reality. WORDS MOVE REALITY! Words move reality into division or into unity. Motion, activity, or exercise do not change anything, because thoughts that are spoken, silently or aloud, make motion possible. Motion is not possible without words. Its not light that moves you, its sound! Light lets you see where you choose to go, but sound impels to get there. Words move us to laugh or to cry, they give us direction if were lost, and console us if were hurt. The silence of light does not do that! Oh, you say, what about funny silent movies that make us laugh? We say, What is making the silent movie move? The words that went into it. Moving alone, however, does not constitute change, but change always constitutes moving. Even your car, or a bulldozer building a road, is being operated and moving because of sound, mated to light, to bring about motion. Work with this until its clear to you! ABSOLUTELY nothing operates without the sound influence and initiation of a hueman. Are you so sure were not gods in physical clothing? What other reason (re-ason) would everything on earth be subject to hueman invention, activation, and operation? Even my ink pen that wrote these books would not move without my intention and activation of that intention! Got it?


We have the ultimate say-so as to how life arranges itself, because we cause what we see (to be) in our reality by what we say about it; or have said and, in turn, formed a preveiling attitude about it thats directing it into continous (conten-you-us) function. We neutraleyes or differentiate life energy by what we see and say, and in turn, accept or reject as being the truth. What gets us into trouble is accepting a biass (in the division) as a whole truth, instead of recognizing it as the half-truth that it is. We call them lies, falsehoods, and untrue, like they belong to someone or something outside of us, but they are really OUR OWN beliefs and illusions (echoes and reflections) of our division (of the truth) coming back to us: split (sp-lite). It is this split in the fabric of our mass mind that is driving the division of our belief systems, now running and ruining the wholeistic perception and conception of freedom! There is no freedom in spying, surveillance, security checks, road blocks, border controls, sanctions, persecutions, threats, and military invasions! These are harsh in-true-shuns in our reality. And, what about the less obvious intrueshuns weve repeatedly written about? Such as voting, licensing, regulating, comparing, and ostracizing every aspect of society into prejudice profiles that convey guilt or innocence based solely on appearances, bereft of guilt or innocence by known behavior? Restore your feelings and you can tell a good person from a bad person without a word ever being uttered. No cameras needed! Wake up world. A new order is coming and it is ORDERLY THINKING. The entirety of the Book of Resurrection, Book 4, is based on orderly thinking, because all you need to master, all of your life, is to feel the whole of your life. Then, you do know you know! Which is whear all know-l-edge is found. In the k(now)! All true knowledge is in the now of being that knowledge, which is why all real experiences n/ever change, but pseudo (make believe its true) experiences always change. This may be easy for some of you to rise into. It has not been easy for me and I am not done with it. But, enough incredulous and awesome realizations have occurred for me to say, This is the path of self-empowerment, because it does not require anyone elses participation, acceptance, or approval. Thats the freedom Im entering more deeply each day. To this end, I am William Nature. So be it.


Orientation Step 4 Appreciation for life; Being grateful

Behind any choice to create is a motive. The motive is the mindset that Spirits power is running through. If you feel trapped, your motive may be to escape or get away from that feeling. Or, you may see the ideal of freedom and want to feel the freedom of it. Either way, the motive is always present in avoiding, running away, divorce, or even hurting yourself or others. It is also present in designing, constructing, building and giving to ones self the feeling of being the joy in the creation. Motive is the pressure or impetus to motion, even if unnoticed. YOU always cause or allow that motion its place in your life! Thought, which is always streaming into the mind, exerts a motive pressure in us. The body moves because this pressure (press-you-are) exists. It follows the path of focus and selection to create a specific reality, or it follows your beliefs/illusions that you hold (rigid and stuck) about the thought you reflected on or echoed about! To say you did not allow the thought into and out of your mind WITHOUT reacting to it thus resisted it, slowing it and heating your body!! Every reaction you have to any sight, sound, motion that you do not like, understand or hold a preference about, is a resistance to lifes energy flow. Because you are diverting it from flowing through you, into being stuck inside of you and circulating, whirling, or pooling up. These energies cause the troubles, problems, conflicts, and disease of the body. Your stuck points, or rigid attitudes based on opinions, assumptions, guesswork, wishing and other nebulous realizations, act like a rock in a stream. They force the energy around it and cause an a-no-maly in the flow, which deprives that portion of the body from receiving needed neutrients (new-tri-e-in-it-is). Then, the self-preservation instinct of the body to stay alive and unharmed goes to work to clear it out or seal it off. This is what produces symptoms! Which todays approach to healing says is the disease! So, they set about to block it, remove it and in whatever way possible annihilate (an-i-late) it. This is a war against an error of thought that is in the mind and creating its shadow and obstruction (symptom) in the body. But, changing the body


never changes the mind. However, many people will change their mind, because they trust the treatment. This is unfortunate because they never recognize how it was created in the first place, and removed in the second place. The unlearned less/on will come again, until it is fully understood. So, clearing symptoms is not necessarily real change! Which is why it never causes more life, only relief! It is the nearly continuous orientation, focused on the solutions to problems and struggle, that has our worlds health in dire straights. This is not just hueman health, its the health of our air, water, soil and especially our minds. Wheres the health of a mind that openly professes killing others is a solution? Which today is done with very careless and reckless abandon. This is another place to test your own integrity. Wheres the appreciation, gratitude, and thankfulness in a persons mind who professes, supports or initiates warring attitudes against anyone or anything? The war/ring mind always creates turmoil, harm, desolation, hopelessness and more fear, which, all too often, causes a reaction that causes another reaction. Which ends up as a chain reaction, all triggered by a single incident! Its time to stop passing this mentality on! Thus, our earlier admonition not to repeat things you hear and see. It can cause a frenzy to race through unstable, gullible minds and such things as riots, bombings, burnings, which are not life-giving, result! Its time to learn that silence is often the best solution to a problem because it allows the calm to return before a reaction starts. Now, please note how spoken words, especially in the heat of the moment, create huge energy movements! We are normally only shown the unwelcome side of this energy moving, but it does not refute the truth! The sound/voice/words YOU USE moves reality! So, IT can move IT into desirable or undesirable states! And, again, YOU CONTROL THIS! People simply refuse to see and accept that they have control already, but are afraid to use their own vocal resources (re-sources) correctly. Step 1 there is a source of life! Who is the recipient of this source of life? You are! How so? By what you say to yourself that you are. So, if you do not see yourself as having control over self, your self, who does? No one! And no one has control Step 2, but you think what you


choose to think, you have 100% control! You dont equate that this control of reality is in your own voice, say-so, and vocal direction! Or you would not be so timid. You arent afraid of others and/or what you believe they will say about you! You are afraid (a-frayed) of you, hearing (here-ing) your own voice telling you who you are! Why? Because all youve ever been taught, and therefore concluded, is that you are only as good as the measurement you make between yourself and others. A measurement is me-assure-me-in-it! Well? You are not in it! Or you would not keep selling yourself short with what you say! Dont think or say things like: I dont know I just hate that I cant stand so and so Kill the bastard Beats me I dont know why __________ Im sick and tired of __________ Oh, crap! What the hell? These are verbal (verb-all) instructions that regulate your bodys behavior, add-verse-ly. You totally believe you have to live up to certain standards to be accepted by others! Thats a very cruel assessment of who you are! Which makes how you would choose to be secondary to what others might say! Youre punishing yourself because they might say something (about you) you do not want to hear! Why dont you like to hear it? Because youre not recognizing and standing for who you see yourself being! You are, literally (litter-all-e) a pushover like so much litter blowing down the street! Thats not mastery (mast-her-e)! Its coasting, void of direction and its irresponsible. Dont believe me? Then ask Jesus! Where is gratitude and appreciation and thankfulness in comparing yourself, your looks, your status, your age, your appearance to others? Its gone! Now, look closely at who you are! If you are not grateful, what are you? Appreciative? Thankful? Not hardly. Youre (silently) miserable! Do you know to be ungrateful is to be scornful, and


to lack appreciation is to be unloving, and to be without thankfulness says you believe someone owes you something? Wheres wholeness? Gone with the ill winds of your own missed-perception (sight) and your missed conception (sound)! By lacking this absolute, necessary connection of positive and negative that insures life, you accept your death, while believing one of two things: I am inferior to __________, or I am superior to _________. Both of which stop you from Step 3 creating by communicating and feeling, Step 4 gratitude and appreciation! Master to be, hear this, Step 4 is impossible for man to create in and of itself because it is the feeling that comes from fulfilling Step 3, within your mind and body. So, when you begin to naturally feel gratitude for your life and the reality comprising it, you are entering and accepting Step 3 communication (to and with Spirit) as a means of creation. You can not false-i-fye your sincerity to get gratitude by any imposed effort on your part to be nice so you will be liked! Because gratitude will not come without honesty. And, as you know, many people behave nicely, or as expected, and totally hide how they feel inside! This person can not genuinely feel appreciated for who they are because they are not being who they are. Theyre acting, pretending and playing a part! Masters do not play parts, for parts are not unified reality! Comprehend this. Understand this. Then, no questions will ever delude you into being what you are not. Just be you, all the way, every moment, every day. You do this by directing Spirit to conform you to your transfiguration and no matter what comes at you, comfortable or uncomfortable, you remain stable and thankful for it. Soon, you will feel the vitality and change Spirit is conforming to and you will not be able to feel ungrateful anymore. So be it.


Orientation Absolute understanding; we become what we conclude

Concluding is both the opportunity and the obstacle to Step 3 creation by communication. It lies in the fact that most people rarely reach a conclusion in their mind. When you learn facts and they accumulate in the mind, its very easy to be deluded by this and believe it is wisdom, knowledge, or understanding. First, let us give meaningful direction to the words we are using. Otherwise, no depth is created and the 2dimensional (di-mention-all) fact never becomes the 3-dimensional reality. Wisdom (w-is-dome) is the womb that contains what you conclude (know). What you know, you understand because it concludes itself with the feeling of it. So, you can have huge libraries of facts in your mind, all organized, indexed, and ready for use, but without wisdome (w-is-do-me) to contain them, there is no womb to birth what you want to conclude. So, having facts (accumulations in mind) is not the same as using knowledge, which you need to conclude the formation of a new reality desired. This is why facts are just excess baggage unless you give life to them by applying them, constructing them and allowing them to grow. Which they will never (no-ever) do if you do not seal (see-all) them into your desire to be the essence of them, which is to feel them as real. Not sense them as an unfulfilled dream because you have not learned how to reach a conclusion in the mind and a feeling in the body! Do you real-eyes unfulfilled dreams are what youre stuck in? Which is the dissatisfaction you feel about life. A conclusion is an enclosure for closing off of the desire, opened in your mind. It is no longer I want, I hope, I pray, and/or I wait until God is ready for me to have my desire! It is, I AM THE DESIRE. I have concluded that I am! Right now! Why? Because delays abort now into later and later into never. Because doubt holds the womb of creation open. Your perception (sight) opens the desire to sire (birth) what you see. But, what you have here, at this point, prior to concluding/completing and having it, is the fact (f/act). The fact is a barren seed, void of life, moving through it. So, it is only a potential, not an actual growth, until it is germinated. The germination of a fact (mental seed) is accomplished in exactly the same manner as a physical seed. You put it inside


the soil that protects it from the greater whole light surrounding it, then water it (nourish it) so the lesser light inside it, stored as the potential, can come out of the see-d and become the form you envisioned in your mind. The mental seed is planted, is the soul of life, and it is watered with your words (sound), accepting it as a concluded state of mind. Or, I am, I am, that come directly from I know, I know, and it is me. This is the path of all creation. In the mental, spiritual, union, marriage of perception (positive) to conception (negative), bonded by the spirit/water, there is absolute understanding and absolute knowing because all aborting intrusions are sealed out and away from womb of wisdome! Your motive pressure is no longer locked up, latent potential, within. It is now moving, flowing, and supporting life, directly to what you concluded you are. Being eternal (e-turn-all) is not work! It is self-realization (real-eye-say-on(e))! Because self-realization completed is who and what you conclude yourself to be. What you can not conclude (finish) in your own mind, you will never be in this reality. Because you have not joined your sight/vision to your sound/voice, and nourished it with your acceptance! Which allows Spirit to flow into it and sustain it. Huemans deny this power so they have no power! Restoring energy flows to your body restores life to it! Piling facts on top of facts to figure out how to do it only blinds you and blocks you from doing it! Doing it is the mental act of connecting vision and voice, not a physical act of study, effort, or force! Its easy to do, but difficult to clear out all the intrueshuns and obstructions you hold in the mind that detour and abort your orientation that PROPER COMMUNICATION IS CREATION. Conclude that understanding and there is no-thing in this world beyond your reach, to have and hold physically. We are of the power, so we have the power. It is not just delegated to one. It is delegated to all. This is the place you arrive at, mentally and emotionally, that demystifies God once and for all. How can God be unconditional, unlimited, all powerful, and ever present if God only gives to one, not all? To be everywhere present, God can not be surrounding just one person (Jesus).


Misperceptions and misconceptions are abortions to creating a reality by choice. Because you are repeatedly causing miscarriages in your mind, due to being sterile (steerill), barren (bare-in) and unable to conceive how creation actually comes about. Learn this. It ends all your woes (whoas). Do it, be it, have it, and you are it. Conclude that you are one with God and then you are what God is: creative power. Doing what? Being hueman. So be it.


Orientation Refining Visualization

I watched Adam the healer on TV and realized how important what we say is. The programs visualize health prescription cant work alone from where we are: her/e, he-ar(e)! (Looking is not see(+)-ding(-).) The entire program of visualization (alone) reeks with false promise. Think about light reflected, and it falls into what is called fantasy (fan-act-see). It stimulates you and gives you the illusion of feeling better. So, it works to stimulate and move your energy around in the box, but it never lifts the energy out of the box to inspire you. Which is the symptom felt which causes (Spirit moving up) to actually lift you up. Reason this out in your mind, what is sexual foreplay? Fantasy via visualization? It is stimulation, heating up and it turns you on because the reflected light in your mind heats your body and makes it acteve, not passeve! Which gives rise to blood that fills your erotic zones and makes you sexually ready to have intercourse. We are said to be in heat, horny, turned on. Now, this is visualization being brought into physical function, but it does not change your well-being, healthwise. It ends in relief of the heat, and additional pressure inside you is vented, which your focus on explicit sex functions (visualized) caused. But, if you blow up a balloon, creating pressure, it wont hold any more energy inside and it explodes also. A climax (climb-axe) is no different. Think. Reason. Look. Dont just blindly accept what someone says is the way. What we call a good movie ends with an emotional release, which is a climactic moment when the energy put inside comes rushing out, be it via laughter, crying, or sexual release. And, it is created with visual stimulation. And movies are now dubbed over with sound sensations that move you even quicker and more intensely than the old soundless visuals of silent movies. Heres (hears) the problem with visualization. It is called day-dreaming, and it affects you because heat and pressure drive you. But, being driven is our problem, not our solution. The word drive is dry-eve. What happens to life when the soil/soul dries up? It shrinks, cracks, gets hard, rigid, and will not support life. Why? Because the water has been driven off in evaporation. What


causes water to evaporate? Light, heat, and wind! Common sense says the prescription for returning life to dying plants, animals, and people who are not getting enough water is to give them more water. A conductor. Dry air, which moving light is, without moisture/ humidity is a very poor conductor. So, why do we believe more light, more heat, and more exercising, more sweating, will heal anything? It wont heal you. Why does your body look different? Because you are forcing yourself apart from what you believe is the problem. Stop forcing and the problem returns. Force, heat, pressure is the source of our disease and discomfort, not the cure! You really need to see visualization correctly to understand the way to the power to create life and ease by choice is not just visualization alone. Nor is it being charismatically drawn into someone elses voice, words, sound. Thats hypnosis. Its tick-tock talk. To really understand this, study Orientation: Power vs. Force, and Orientation: Two States of One God. Here, apply some more common sense. If a person is freezing to death, is the cure to freeze him even more? If a person is burning up with a fever, is he/she cooled down or heated up? What people do not see about visualization correctly is this. It is a mental mirror that each individual sees when the mind is opened up. It works exactly like your bathroom mirror, only you get to pick the picture you want to see. Will your mirror heal you? Obviously, no, or all of us would be well. Okay. Whats the solution to our dilemmas? Our own voice and our own words, re: sound! Not just any sound, our sound, the sound that we make. Why? Because it makes visual-i-lay-shun stand up within the energy field, so it can move freely up the spine (spin-e), and be distributed to the body from the vision youre holding in your mind. A light-based, visual sight alone can not do that because it is a whoreizontall projection only when it is confined to physical sensory perception only. Our sound is the magnetic field that wraps around the light and lifts it up. Why else are we told to talk to God, pray to God, and trust God? This sounds absurd, but we have to goad (go-ad) God, to get our gode (god-e): motion. We goad God by using our voice and we receive motion, moved by our own chosen moteve. Now, consider the day-dream, the fantasy, or the imagination which we all use daily. Does seeing the desire cause you to feel fear, doubt, failure? No. Our wants do


not scare or frighten us. Then what does scare us? What we feel, not what we see. What do we feel? Motion. What causes motion? Words, sound and Spirit moving them. When you feel guilt or shame or experience an embarrassment it is provoked by what is said, or about to be said, thus moved. It is not what you see. We fear what moves, so we have learned to remain rigid so we do not frighten ourselves! But, this rigidness is not a whole state of silence and stillness. It is divided by fear. This is where a great deal of confusion exists because the whole light does not move. When it is then moved, by our words, it goes into echoes (tones) and reflections (light) that marry to create our reality! Which we feel! We do not actually feel or see the whole light. We feel the divided, trapped, surrounded light the light with sound! The charisma in your magnetic voice and electric light (vision) unified. The Christ is the whole Spirit, moving us, not our forced state. For example, all colors have counter-matching sound with them. We are not taught that we see sound when we see light reflected as co/lore, but we do! Once we understand this, it is quite easy to see why is up to us to join the positive light with the negative sound so our life energy comes back in and unites us. Because all that is outside of us is not wholly united to us. We influence it and it influences us, but it does not and can not connect us back to the whole state of perfect wellness! Because all forms, in separate states of being, are not compatible. Meaning, they will not merge, melt or run together. But, when the focus is taken off of form, the Spirit can, will, and does unite the vision (+) to the vocal (-) to create a reality via your choice, directed verbally (a verb-all state is a state of motion). This motion impinges on the latent, whole state which returns it to you. Light alone or sound alone will not birth choice. It will birth the bias of choice, like good vs. bad, and youll get both, but not the whole, balanced state where ease is the symptom. And, as you know, good and/or bad is the driven, stressed state of dis-ease, not the harmonious state of absolute well-being. All that you see and hear during the day or night is in division. Meaning, the light and sound are already split and separated from the whole. Exactly like limbs split and separate from the tree trunk, which is the spine (vertical path) of the tree. All other parts are divisions of the vertical, also. The solid roots in the dark earth are not the same as the


flexible, flimsy, moving limbs in the light/air. Re: positive air/negative earth. Sound roots supports lights behavior. What man must re-learn is that true knowledge is not just facts, because facts come from outside of us. And, facts are nothing more than mental road signs that tell you things. Please pay close attention to this: they (facts) tell you things. And what do computers, books, newspapers, TV, etc. do? THEY TELL YOU THINGS. Now, ask yourself, if all I am doing is listening to or looking at what is coming to me from others words, sights, insights, actions, appearances, and directions, who am I being? Pray tell, I cant be being me because I am not telling myself anything. This disconnected state of not being you is the source of every problem, conflict and disease you have. Why? Because you are connecting to that, to them, to others, and staying disconnected from the Spirit of your own life. You depend on them and not on yourself. Turn this around. Say, I am, I am. Do not say, Who am I? Never want to be a ___________ when you finish school, etc. This only tells you you are not being who you are! Be who you are (now) and wanting stops, emptiness stops, searching stops, running amuck stops, and only goodness of being yourself fills you! It cant fill you if you spend/waste your life searching, wanting it, needing it, working for it, etc. You need all of you, nothing else. You have to stop hoping, believing, having faith, and get busy returning to instructing yourself! See who you choose to be and say, This is who I am. Do not want! Choose! Write a book, give a speech, dance, sing, and enjoy being what you are being. But, trust Spirit providing it and stop leaning on others or outside facts, sounds, directions, impulses, stimuli for it! They wont do it for you! You do it for you and no one else. Only then will your life be full enough to have anything to give to others. The reality we seek is a new mind, not another person to be with, or a place in our society that draws attention to us. It is the state of consciousness where we are, all the way, into it! That state of mind that leaves no room for retreat, like the military tactic of burning the bridges you cross and have no way back. The one difference here is the attitude held. It is not a militant, conquer by force, with opponents or enemies to remove, for your end result is the completion of self. The


quest is not a physical acquisition of anything. It is a gathering up of ones energy, so it is all in the one place, space, object, desire that you see and say you are! How can you be whole if you are not wholly together? To say, the mindset can not wander all over the place looking for solutions, answers, products to sell, or information to gain title to (ownership), etc.! Its a recognition process and realization that you are no longer the old you, as your depth of being has brought the new you into visible form. You have to go beyond the patterns of energy youve grown up in. You have to infuse yourself with energy (in-her-g) that creates the power of life inside you, so nothing is being wasted by being sucked into external activities, which are your habits, addictions, and obsessions you believe you need and, if you dont get it/them, anxiety drives you up the walls. Wealth (we-all-the) is a weather (we-at-it-her) condition like hot/cold, wet/dry, windy/calm, or stormy/sunny. It is never stable because the forces driving its patterns are always changing its destiny. This prevents the people from being able to catch it and hold it for any extended period of time. Why? Well, whos paying for the destruction, and even construction, the world leaders put into motion? Not them! Us! This is why wealth can not be your focus to create life. It will not free you from their programs for you. You have to focus on your own personal empowerment. It is not musclebuilding, or training for winning. It is not about getting in Guinnesss Book of World Records, nor winning the lottery. It is you seeing the new you and totally forgetting the old you. So, start and never look back. Keep each new step into being you, then go to the next step. Dont look back. Its full of regrets. The new you is you turning your focus around, so you are not being sucked into the dysfunctional system of the diseased and dying of the world order as it exists today. The energy patterns now in place decimate you by drawing your attention into whats out in the world of forms, objects, images, and appearances. They force you apart and you do not see it taking place. So, you take a stance and argue that the image you see in the mind is right, so theirs is wrong. This mirror you are looking at, not being recognized for the image it is, blocks your extended vision, which is your guiding light beyond the chaos of self-images created for appearances sake to impress others and receive praise or accolades in return.


Understand, praise is what criticism comes from. So, it cant be used as a means to an end because you believe in not being criticized or disapproved of as how to feel loved, accepted, etc. When you, in turn, echo your sentiments, a reaction, be they positive/praise or negative/criticism, you are still stuck in the mirror images of worldly order. This order is a jungle of cross-linking lights, running into each other non-stop! There is no easy way through this, but there is a way to keep it from coming in at you and impinging its crush (pressure to conform to it) upon you. To move through disorder, which is what you believe needs fixed in reality, you have to stop reacting to anything. No matter how right or wrong you believe it is! The reason this is so important? It stops you from trying to force reality into conformation with what you believe. Then, right or wrong is no longer the issue. The issue is youre not forcing anything. When you are not forcing, you are far more relaxed, at ease, and capable of actually comprehending; when you move away from ease because you started reacting again, which is outside of you and actually not even an internal part of who you see yourself being. This ignoring of outer conditions lets you breathe easier, symbolically and literally. This opens the conduit to your feelings, which will guide you through reality without the need to force anything or anyone to comply with you, which eliminates conflict. While enforcing our beliefs about right vs. wrong always brings up conflict. When you begin this mental reorganization and the energy feeding the new focus/ orientation starts making its way through you, you will often feel uncomfortable about doing nothing when it seems you should be busy. Do not move and dont react. Your Spirit is preparing the outcome and it will soon be very evident as the info and action that seemed not to be moving was moving and it come to you. So, never force yourself against what you are feeling. It will be in vain, and effort wasted. Remember this clearly, there are no rush orders to hurry up in eternity, because eturnite is your own still, state of mind, receiving energy through you. Rejuvenations energy wheel of life turns the opposite direction of deaths wheel. Forcing anything into a rushed, hurried state produces disease and dying. So practice not getting rattled. See yourself and say to yourself, I am always (all-ways) neutral, still and silent so I can direct Spirit to perform my service for me. Not vice versa. Be calm (cal/


me). Proper communication is creation. I am is Spirit; use me, call me, and you will always be in the state of rest. So be it.


Orientation Mirror, Mirror (in my mind)

Do this, or just imagine it. Put a mirror (full-size) in the middle of your living room. It is reflecting from the shiny side and it is non-reflecting on the dark, back side. Now, stand in front of it and look at your reflection. This is what your conscious awareness has created: you! With all of its agreeable and/or disagreeable traits, it is how youve identified yourself. Stand there long enough to realize your energy, or Spirit of life, is embodied in what you see looking back at you from the mirror. Now, this is important to know, so you can absolutely grasp in your conscious awareness why were saying what were saying. You do not see this with your eyes, you have to understand the truth of its presence. Which has to be present or you could not see the reflection in the mirror, which is this: there is motion between you and the mirror! If there was not motion (energy transferring light) you could not see a reflection! Okay? Got it? Now, walk around to the other side of the mirror. Stand there long enough to realize that the light being moved between you and the mirror is not behaving the same. The light/space between you and the mirror is still there, but there is no reflection. Ask yourself, did the energy stop moving? Or is it passing through the mirror? Is it being absorbed by the dark surface, rather than being reflected back to you from the shiny/light surface? When you see anything in the mirror of your mind, youve done exactly what weve shown you in the above example. So? Well, we want you to tell us how to connect the light side to the dark side! We also want you to realize by walking around the mirror, you did not change one iota! Except, perhaps, you are perplexed, or confused, as to how to connect the light and the dark so they are no longer a divided reality. Know this, as you ponder the question, everything in the physical reality has a dark and a light side. One reflects and the other absorbs (as in acting as a conduit). One is a positive polarity, and one is a negative polarity. We can also help you to see the answer by telling you positive is the light, vision and negative is the dark, voice. To say, within each of us there is light and there is dark, all within the same containment, awareness, embodiment.


To help you some more, consider the reflection. It is always going out and coming back on a straight, reflected line. Even as you stand to the side and turn your head to the mirror to see, the reflection is being reflected on a straight line. To say, you can never, with the eyes, see the other side of yourself. To clarify this, look at the moon. Have you ever seen the back side of it with your own eyes? Perhaps if youve been an astronaut, otherwise, no. Now, do something with this same instruction, look at any physicall object and you can not see through it. What does that tell you? It tells you what you are seeing is a reflection. No matter what color, size, shape, or distance that separates you from it, it is reflecting! You can not, as we just mentioned, see through it! Objects, then, are mirrors just like images in mind are mirrors. Learning this thoroughly will teach you to understand that what you see in the world, or in the mind, is not all there is to creation, thus, personal change. Say youre overweight and do not want to be overweight. Just looking at the new you in the mirror of your mind does not change you. It can, and will, stimulate you to move, to do something about it, but unless you know how to join the light side and dark side of the self, all youve done is walk around the mirrored side of you that you do not like and impose another mental mirror that reflects what you do like about yourself. So, energetically, the old is still there, and so is the new. Which, energy-wise, is a division of the motion between you and the reflected state. Now, you have an internal battle going on, and that is never good for you, because the new is trying to conquer the old, and the old entrenched you is silently rebelling and repulsing your efforts by reflecting the overweight identity. Whats hard to understand about how this works in creation to cause a change in you, is found in this fact. You take the mirror around with you when you walk around (or refocus) on the other side. To say, the mirror is fixed at a 90 angle to you, but it rotates with you, no matter where you look. So, you are really seeing the old you image, with the new you image overlaying it. This is exactly like putting two slides in the projector at the same time. So, when you believe you can change who you are by putting a different mental picture in your mind, it would be wizer to know how to remove the old identity that is still active and actively resonating that identity before overlaying another light-


grabbing shade, contrast, obstruction to the light. Imagine how little light will come through when youve put several slides on top of each other! Well, guess what? Everywhere in your life that you hold like versus dislike, good versus bad, should versus shouldnt, etc., you are putting another slide in front of Gods whole light/Spirit, and it is dimming it more and more. And, with every division (dievision), which is just another reflecshun, you have given away more of your light, life, vitality, to the dark gravity, grave-sucking energy. Which we all have been trained to believe is bad. It is bad when you do not know how to put it in its proper place. Negative polarity is not bad because it is the mother of life, or the reflecting objects on earth. Even us humans. The forbidden fruit in scripture is referring to the misguided use of the physicall substance/forms. To partake of sub-stance is not the same process as creating substance. Partaking of substance breaks it apart, while creating substance welds it together. When our only focus is on the physicall, the whole light between us and what we see breaks reality apart, because we are not properly oriented polarity-wise. And, not knowing how creation works, we misuse our thought process and rely (primary) only on what we look at in our mind. That is then transferred emotionally to our brain/body, but never connected to feminine, mother, earth, the dark side of being, to be birthed into reality. However, what weve been taught and have not even realeyesed, is that the negative, dark, receiving side of life is not evil, terrible, and to be shunned completely because it births life itself. Well, now that science is beginning to catch up with religion, it turns out that religion made some mistakes in their observations. Again, to illustrate now to yourself, you use contrasts to create pictures. But, you do not have to add your division to what was brought to light by asking, Was it intentional, or unintentional? Which is, in present day terms, Is it right/positive, or wrong/negative? Which is mankinds plight (p-light) today, because they are only connected to reality by which side they stand on, re: are focused on. The only way out of this duality quandary is to direct Spirit from a neutral, unbiased state of clarity. Then clarity conducts light. It is directing light/Spirit intentionally, and clearly, that balances reflection (+) and absorbshun (-), and conducts


energy to create reality, just as it is seen and said into being! Spirit marries the two (positive and negative) into one and its reality follows. Please ponder all the lessons, illusions, orientations, and dialogues, and tell us, How do you connect the light side to the dark side of the mirror in your living space (room)?? Which is also asking you, How do you connect the undivided, whole light that exists in all space between your view and your reflection? (Because) it is what you see that you choose to want or not want, and that sets up your desire to have it. But, you can not have it until you learn to connect it! WHY? Because desire for anything, which is prior to actually choosing it, is connected by the light you see. But, even though the connection is made between you (your view, your visualization) and the reflection of it coming back to you by the energy carried on optic light waves, it does not equate to having it. Whether its a new car or a new trim body, its still an image in the mental mirror. Now, how do you conceive the light? By receiving it, which you do as soon as you see it, but conceiving it is the key to having it. Conception, clearly understood and used, stops the wanting of it. Because conception is the mental procreation or impregnating of the light you see into the feminine, dark, receiving side of our life. While you have division of Spirit into the male/female form, they are both comprised of exactly the same energy, a light side (+) and a dark side (-)! In the embodiment, if you did not have both, youd fly apart because opposites attract each other. But, they also repel each other when the polarity of agreement versus disagreement switches to one side or the other. In agreement, you attract In disagreement, you repel

Its simple science to understand which adds to or takes from in the above law of physics (the physical). Its also simple to realize if all you do is always add to, we would be buried in the accumulation of matter. And if, inversely, matter was always taken away, soon there would be no matter left. So, the real need to be understood is how to balance these. Consider being overweight, again. Obviously theres an imbalance between abstaining and indulging. So, the balance point is causing the level, even state of


equality to be pushed into an out-of-balance condition. This shows up in, and on, the body, but it is not caused by the bodys positive pole (+) versus the negative pole (-) energy, which the person tries to compensate for by changing the physical condition, habit, addiction. Now, this is not a good way to move the weight (off the body) because you have to push it uphill! This is energy that condenses and comes down into you. You have down-pressure creating gravity and then you try to force it back up, and away from the body by abstaining, exercising, counting calories, etc. Weight is created by pressure and density. So, when you pressure yourself to behave in opposition to the pressure weighing you down already, what are you doing? Youre increasing up-pressure to remove down-pressure, and you are creating even more pressure for your body to contend with. So, while you may shed obesity by force, you are now causing big problems elsewhere, because that pressure does not go away until you learn how to balance your life energy, not just reshape the body. A body now overheating internally from the unrest of your emotional imbalance, forcing it to behave unnaturally, perpetuates the imbalances until you understand how to mentally, emotionally, and physically conceive through Spiritual procreation! Which is a connection of positive and negative, not a conquering of it. Yes, we are a long way from the mirror in the living room, but not as far as you may believe. Let us just say this, the mirror is the forbidden fruit that Eve consumed, and Adam consumed, also. The mis-conception mankind has that prevents creation from being readily available, here and now, is found in the same tree of knowledge/life written about in Genesis Adam and Eve story. It says, Do not partake of good or evil. And, as soon as you do, you will feel shame, and want to hide yourself. Understand the story. Its about moving the mind out of unity and into division that causes unrest in us, and that becomes disease and death. Its not about physical food. Its about spiritual trespass. And we see it everywhere we look. Every hueman on this earth can look in the mirror and find something about themselves they do not like. Re: are self-conscious of. As soon as you do that, you have partaken of the forbidden knowledge and are ashamed. You are, in all honesty, criticizing your creator by blaming him. And, that is your source of guilt and shame, which you immediately want to keep secret, or cover up with cosmetics or


surgery, or work off at the gym. But, you cant exercise or diet your guilt and shame away. Nor can you pass it off and make it look like someone else is at fault! Your intentional deceptions (keeping secrets from others) are never anyone elses fault. We have to stop judging what we believe is right versus wrong. Why? Because its being on one side or the other of your beliefs that imbalances you. This is where religion made an error! It is not about good versus bad, moral versus immoral, believing versus not believing, male versus female. Its all about the truth that sets us free, the vision we hold so we dont perish, and the rest we find in Him, the Lord God of our being. Look at our world. It is a combination of light and sound, which is vision and voice. Which is also positive light and negative sound. These are our male/female genders. We are electric and magnetic energies. These are not good, nor are they bad (evil). They are a mirror, two parts of the world of matter. So, what creates how light and sound, male (+) and female (-), is used? Us, the individual! When we judge these, we divide them into disagreement with, and from, our Lord God/creator. By not agreeing with the Creators law of creation, we die. Why? Because our mindset is creating an opposition/repulsion pressure against our own life energy! Eliminate pressure in your mind and you eliminate dis-ease in your body, because deception (a shadow in your mind) is gone and the light of knowing and understanding creates ease! Where on the balance beam is the truth, the vision, the voice, the rest, the ease? In the absolute center. Then, where is this same center a balanced, equal state? In nonjudgement! The instant your mind goes out to the left or right, looking for good or bad, youve altered the pressure from ease at perfect balance, to the imbalance of imperfection that causes dis-ease. Which is your loss of lifes vital needs for harmony with the whole Spirit: at oneness/a-tone-d! To this, add your lack of cooperation by always competing for each others attention or property and you can see how little harmony and rhythm you create. Then, consider to what lengths you go to to prepare for disasters. You are planning your problems, rainy days, emergencies, diseases, and even your own death. This is what you see in the mirror and you believe what you see is true. Once you believe the lie youve created to cover up the truth of your imbalance, you have to defend it. So, you prepare


for a disaster that you are actually creating! How foolish is that? Deadly foolish! All because pride and arrogance have led you to believe life is one of abstinence or one of indulgence. Well, thats what you have, but its never really what you want. Let us give you some very straight talk! You are putting in, or allowing in, into the mirror-mind, what you do not want. Why? Because you believe you have to win, fight, battle, conquer to get the desire. This is funny, because which images do you have to whack, beat up, and try to kill so you succeed? Everything that is not connected to success. So, you wont relax, trust, cooperate, give, pull together, and create a rhythmic harmony and peacefull, abundant life. Look at this. You connect to failure, so you can find success? If you took that same attitude with you when you go fishing, heres what you would see, the fisherman standing in the river and casting onto the bank to catch their limit! Its funny because its crazy. But, its also insanely true. I know, because I did it, too! Now, Im doing my level best to teach people to stop doing it! Its stupid to see trouble into being reality. Yet, even our highest-ranking leaders are guilty of this. In fact, they promote it as the means of establishing peace. To this Id say, putting a tiger in a cage may keep him from biting you, but it sure isnt guaranteed to make him peaceful. Forcing people to do anything they do not want to do has the same end-result. Our leaders, and most of us, do not know there is motion being moved between you and what you see, and in this lack of understanding, one more criticall oversight is present. For motion to exist, it has to have a positive to negative polarity, which is the light (+) to dark (-). The oversight is found in the concluded definition of what dark is! Dark is not in the color spectrum of white-colors-black. It is the opposite of clear. The space we see through is clear, and the degrees of density, visible in color and carried by sound, creates the amount of darkness there is in Spirit. To say, the whole Spirit is crystal clear. It does not reflect or absorb, it conducts life-giving and forms reality! The divisions of Spirit are not clear. So, by definition, Spirit in form now is dimmed or darkened by the light and consolidated into forms. So, everything and everyone that is visible or audible, even images in our night dreams, are in the divided estate of Spirit. Because it is no longer aligned to the balance point of ones life energy. Which is why the Lord God told Eve and Adam not to partake of the knowledge of good versus bad (evil). Because the instant you let your focus go off and into one side or the other, you


create the dimming of Spirit. When you stack enough of these light-blocking (slides) on top of each other, you literally put your own light(s) out! And, the Spirit can no longer bring the clear energy of life into you and your body. So, you die. All because you shut off your clear, whole energy in favor of the dimmed, dam-based energy that stops the clarity and causes the confusion. Which takes away power and adds to weakness. In the William Nature manuals (found by typing into your address bar), weve repeatedly said, beliefs and illusions cause disease and dying. This is one more way to illuminate and illustrate how the Spirit is being impeded, detoured, and resisted, and actually deployed to work against our own embodiment. All because we, the people, could not see how the blind are leading the blind straight into the waiting arms of the dire, ominous, dark we were admonished to stay out of thousands of years ago, by not partaking of the good versus bad, light versus dark, hot versus cold, and all the other divisions we describe as the either/or, catch 22 (see Choice versus Decision, Book 1). Now, to wrap up our question, let us consider how sunlight is absorbed and taken in to a dark surface, and is reflected by a light surface, and passes right through a clear surface (like a window or water). Well, it is very easy to believe that the light of the sun is hot because thats how you sense it. This is not accurate science because if it was actually hot, every sunny day during the winter would melt the ice-coldness of the season. And, it would melt the ice caps, but it does not do that. Why? This is your key to self-realizing why, and how, the mirror works. And why it can be your worse enemy or your best friend. In the physical plane, this is and has to be, division. They look like opposites such as love/hate or black/white, but they are not opposites, they are exactly the same thing, in varying degrees (angles) of opposition (re: pushing up, against whats coming down). They are extensions, protrusions, limbs that you PROJECT OUT into your opinions, beliefs, illusions demanding to be given attention to because YOU BELIEVE IN YOUR RIGHT-NESS to the exclusion of all other angles, degrees, positions or propositions. Now, look at the beam (be-am) and spin it like a fan blade. What happens to the positive (+) point and the negative (-) point (dot) we put on the beam to illustrate


abstinence, indulgence, or positive/negative? Thats right. No matter which direction you spin, clockwise or counterclockwise, the energy is thrust out to the perimeter where love/hate, hot/cold, or positive/negative, male/female are separated. But, where is your brain and body? Standing in absolute center. If this were not true, you would fall over, as in being dizzy or passing out. So, the mirror reflects, yes? Then what is the sun doing? Keep motion in mind because it connects and exists all objects together that we believe are separate in space. Also, consider how ice cold our outer space around the earth is. Why doesnt it heat up if the sunlight is actually hot? May we help you see this? The clear all-pervasive Spirit is what is in motion between all objects on or off this planet. The sun is so dark in the middle, it is resisting Spirit. We are also of the same design. What is going on inside our earth? Its super hot! How does the sunlight get in there? How does it burn without oxygen? It doesnt! This is the global (warming) illusion and why its hard for science to see that it is being caused BY HOW WE THINK, not by greenhouse gases. They are only the symptom of cause (+) and effect (-)! So, when we divide life into issues based on right versus wrong, we are causing the darkness that causes the whole light to be in resistance to our state of mind, our state of be/aming of our attitudes! We are coloring reality by dimming it, and the darker it gets, the greater the heat inside of our planet, and our body. Because? The polarity of Spirit coming off the sun is positive (+), or projecting. And, what are we doing in this world by choosing to be at odds with each other by competing and fighting? We are projecting (+), too. We are doing battle with Spirit head-on (then blaming or questioning why God would allow such atrocities). Welll-l-l-l, is God really doing it? NO!!! We are resisting the power of life, causing heat and causing death. Why? Because we believe whole-heartedly in opposing life. Heat is a localized state of resisting what life is! Heat destroys life because heat repels magnetism, which is what the Christ (cryst)(cry) is! Now, for the projecting (+) pole sun to be feeding earth, what must earth be? Thats right! It is (-). Father (+) and mother (earth)(-)! And, the trinity is? Father/sun/wholly g-host (Spirit). Now, to make the picture understandable, look at the word earth. It is ear-th. What do ears do? They receive, they do not project! Now, do


your eyes receive or pro-ject? Be careful. This is a major misconception. Your eyes receive and the ears receive, so light and sound come into the body! But, how do we use this incoming energy when we see it and say it? We use it by reflecting it. We are resisting it! Why? Because we are mis-using it in the divided duality by aiming it against each others viewpoints. We are forever busy trying to convince others to see it as we see it, and no matter which side that is on, it is still projecting/opposing! So, we receivers of light and sound, regardless of gender, are the mother/feminine aspect of the energy. The father (fat-her) of life is the power of life, which is the Spirit in motion, between us. The son/sun is the light positive pole reflector of the neutral power of life: together a whole, undivided Spirit! Well, if you have not seen this yet, it means we are the dark, absorbing, recepteve, conducteve, side of life. And, as most religions have it, that is the grim reaping devil himself. Poised with his pitchfork in the fires of hell (hell-o!) ready to roast you in eturnall dam-nation. Well, this just dont add up! Why is the fire of the sun on the perimeter or surface, and the fire of the earth inside at the core? And, just for fun, why is Adam Adam, and/or an Ad-am? And, why was the female (fee-male) made from a rib of the male? Look at the word, because all words (sound) and all light (sight) are limbs of the one source of life. A rib is r (+), or are (-), which is light (r) and sound (are), and connected light and sound are your fee-ling! The fee-ling is the fe-male side of each person connecting to their male side. You cant connect male (+) when you refuse to allow Spirit to connect you because you insist on always projecting your point of view. Now, back to the rib. Male Light R I B Positive (+) plus plus plus plus Female Sound Are Eye Be Negative (-)


Do you understand this split? Can you see how insisting on having it our way or no way will not flow into feeling agreeable? So our hot, electric side, not combined with our cool, magnetic side, will only result in being hot-headed male or cold-hearted female, which stops us from being in balance and neutral. Which is the only place, energetically, thats perfectly clear, allowing the whole unified Spirit to power us. The narrow gate is the balance point, or neutral state of mind, when emotions from beliefs and illusions are not running the show. Now, since light and sound are divisions of the whole, a clear space in division (re: like a prism) dividing this prism, what happens when we rejoin the light (+) (vision) and the sound (-) (voice)? This is the answer to our question about rejoining the light and dark side of the mirror, or mind and body, that create a triad! So, the part of sound that reconnects you to clear Spirit is tone (t-one). Because tone is the unseen (darc) sound of the word (or letter) and color is the light seen. Part of it, as below:

The eyes see/co-lore (+) paired The ears hear/T-one (-)


= Neutral or zero BELOW

Without mathematic (mat(h)mat-i (eye)-c (see)) numbers to show this combining of colore and tone (light and sound), its next to impossible to see how they re-turn, reverse, re-duce, and in-vert back from the outer extro-verted energy and become introverted, where they wed, marry, pair, and join each other, and how they divide into form and reconnect to become Spirit and, in turn, return form to us. This is how matter is created. Numbers show you the angles of projection and reception. Notice that odd and eve-n numbers collapse back together at zero and ten (1 + 0). And, recognize that only when you pay a/t-ten-i-on to something will it begin to add up (ad-am). And, when you ignore the truth (zero point on be/am) by believing it does not matter what is on one side or the other, of the even playing field, you are blinding yourself to how you balance physical life! So, you can, in turn, access the Spirits power of life to create


reality by choice, void of conflict because your understanding pre-seeds what you create intentionally. All this says In the end of what you begin, or the beginning of what you end, is that the only way to understand materialization and dematerialization, which is what nature does continuously (contenyou/us/lee), is to put yourself into being the one (1)(+) (may-all) male energy (projection), or into being the zero (0)(-) female (recepteve) energy. One + zero is 10 (10). One is male and zero is in female, or male spearit and female f/or/m: motion! Light is stillness inside and sound is motion circling, or cycling around the outside. Sound, then encircles light, to create the choice (son and daughter) of life, as viewed by you, and accepted, rather than be reflected by you and rejected! Mind you, we are the medium through which the Spirit of life flows. And, it is ONLY by our own responsible acting upon this same energetic medium, that we can willfull-e be doing what is called Gods will. And, what is Gods will? To be fruitfull and multiply (ad-(am) to life), by connecting to Eves even-ness, and level-ness, so we are all living balanced lives in the center of the tree of life, not out on a limb that loses its fruit, rather than produces it. What is called soul, in Spirit, is the soil of the earth. This soil is a receiver of life, and it conducts life out of it via water: the Spirits medium. If this were not true, why does all that stems from earth need water to grow, be fruitfull, and multiply? Learn to conduct-Eve and from stillness to motion, aligned, and you are home free. So be it.


Orientation Being a Hueman God

It is now apparent to me that being a God is a simple thing to be. Its all about focus/orientation. As a hueman weve never completely understood life, because we do not have the knowledge of life. Our knowledge is limited to being limited. To keep us limited, those in the knowledge of deception and usuary keep us learning only what in the end serves their needs. We are taught to worry, work, and war against each other and to see each other as unequals. We are taught unrest, deception, and false promises. We are taught that the way to life is through success and power over reality. This prevails in everything you see on the earth. This is why no one can win the war on terror, because war is terror. The very premise of unconditional love is lost in conditional dogma and drama, and traditions taught by church and state. Who, in organized society, teaches you you are a god, of God. That all are gods of the God. That we, as the image of God, have the same power available to us that God has. The power of direct, instant, manifestation of our physical needs and of continuous life. So fighting to live versus die is a war, also. We cant war against ourself without diminishing self which is what causes death. The hardest part of your rejuvenation is the last step. Let us declare again, Being a god is very easy and very simple. Stopping yourself from seeing yourself as a helpless, limited hueman being is whats hard for you. Its hard because there is nothing around you in your physicall world that even remotely reflects or echoes the truth of this truth! You are already what you are looking for, but you cant escape from the constant stream of peoples beliefs, and beliefs in laws, regulations, and control over others. Everything in the governed world order, no matter how poor or how rich you are, is subject to the restrictions of trying to live by rules, rather than free will choices. Rules and laws created from one-sided belief systems: pro vs. con, liberal vs. conservative. So the hard part of mastery is to maintain your focus orientation on absolute unlimitedness, zero resistance, zero problems, and stay focused on your own neutral state from which all is created!


We come from the power so we have access to it. But, when we turn away from it, the conduit to it closes and we go into the limiting division, which is where society and civilizations live today. So, all they know about is fighting, screwing, and taking advantage of each other and/or others circumstances. Ancients of old that exist only in books and the futuristic fantasies in movies and TV, propose the idea/ideal that anything is possible in life. But these arent flesh and blood people that we access with our physical senses. This makes it very hard to reconcile the scriptures that tell you all things are possible with God, when all you see is sickness, contention, and dying, and false promises that suffering will get you there. Well, I know better now and Im saying what weve heard does not line up. Over 35 years ago, when I heard that all things are possible with God, I had a thought and saw a man with his snow skis on his shoulder trying to walk through a revolving door. It did not work. This started an endless parade of thoughts that validated my point of view, not all things are possible with God. So, I concluded the scripture had to be saying, you will know what is or is not possible with God, as he will show you. But even with this limited state of mind, I also saw the potential probability that levitation, and/or teleportation, could be possible. And that knowing via the mind was not bound to knowing by the physical experiences that dont always work! Now, I would like to offer this to you so you dont end up trapped for years, like I was before. Finally, concluding that all things are (in fact) possible with God, but, and this is the important point of the scripture, which it says nothing about, you have to know how to create the mental environment that makes all things possible. My mistake was equating it to and trying to get it to fit into the physical, known (visible with the eyes) material world. Another very valuable reference that goes largely unnoticed is the unknown God Jesus professed he represented. Heres how you have to approach everything is possible.


First, you have to know that how you think causes your reality: All of it! Second, that you have to learn how to focus your attention back into the source of life: Spirit, before it is moved out of unity and into divinity (made into the material vine of the divided spiritual state, of physical duality). Third, that in the duality of positive and negative (divided unity of the whole Spirit), you can move in the reality, but you can not change your reality while you are still fixated on fixing what you believe is wrong, or right, about being here. Fourth, that to get back to the source of life, you can not see anything wrong. You must close the mind that youve left open to problems, so there are no problems. This ends the divisions you believe exist, but actually only exist because you believe they do. Fifth, know that life is created, that change is created, and that all of it comes from the unknownable source (re: unknown God). This is the invisible, still, silent, unmoved, unified, whole Spirit, which all life comes from. It can never be known as it has no form, no color, no sound, no substance, and no shape. It is clear and it is pure and can not be made otherwise. It is everywhere and all powerfull, irrevocable. Sixth, life and creation is this energy, in obedience to the thinker directing it: you! But, you have to be in neutral and no longer mentally or emotionally attached to the physicall sensory perceptions or your directions will be distorted and the reality will be distorted. Seventh, all desire must be mentally viewed as brand new, meaning never in existence yet! To want whats outside of you, keeps you stuck in the duality and the only way to get it from that mental orientation is to work for it, find it, or steal it. Eighth, know that there is no past and there is no future, there is only creation, which you get to choose and use in life anytime you want to use it once you learn how to get fully connected back in and up to the source. So know that any past is irrelevant, and so is any future, for they are beliefs holding you in the opened duality that professes hope on one hand and watches hopelessness occurring on the other. Ninth, you dont need hope, faith, devotion, or believer-ship of any kind. You need knowledge and wisdom about life and how it is created. Then all in life is seen


through love, not through the beliefs, biases, judgements, prejudices, and conditions that destroy life and stop you from seeing and being life by choice! Tenth, you must be what God is, or you cant create life and anything in it, by choice! What is God? Power! That only you can control! Yes, this is correct. You control God, the power of all life! You do it all day, every day, already. But you do it from limitation, restriction, disease, strain, confusion, and doubt, so you end up with the same things being personified in your daily existence. Start divided and you end up dividing the divided state, not creating new reality. Eleventh, know you have to be clear in mind. For God is clear. And without clarity of knowing what God is, you will cloud Gods clarity. This is NOT, we emphasize emphatically, NOT about clearing up your past or constructing your future, to make room for clarity. That never ends. By being clear, we mean having the knowledge and understanding of how to use this knowledge so you can call on the source of life, the power of life, the creator of life, and get exactly what you want, may we say, without going through the oppressors governed energy that exists only to control you and enslave you. Twelfth, you must know you are in God now, and accept your part of being in God now. You cant pray for mercy and expect power. You cant pray for an end to disease and expect health, and so on. Because you are coming from the material ideology of good replacing bad. That kind of focus is down here in the muck and mire of helplessness, and when you pray amiss, you pray amiss because you do not realeyes you are God being a hueman and God is brought into being by prayer and commanding the energy to conform to your directions. Without you, God doesnt move! When you lean or move, in duality, the unified God power is without you. So lift your vision up, into clarity and know you are the source of your own life because you know how God becomes form. No, you do not have to go through the birth canal to be born on this earth. Why? Because all of you were born in the light, then delivered from the womb because you left your power behind when you forgot that you come from God, from your design, from your creation: from you. You come from you, because you belong to God. All of us do. All of us. So be it.


P.S. Turn your focus around. Having intentions alone wont do that for you, which is why good intentions are paving bricks to hell if not used from your neutral space: God! See yourself as a God, in the God of whole, latent, life energy that moves by your direction given to it. Be with the neutral unconditionaleyesd life that God is, and then, pray your prayer by saying I see, therefore, it is! Embrace it, hold it, know it, feel it, and let your containment of the light, of I see, therefore, I am warm you. It will and you will be it! Because from the space of undifferentiated life comes the differentiated life that you seed by seeing your choice and saying it into existence in that space called God, which fills with Spirit and creates form. Trust you and you trust God, and when you trust God, you are God: fully a-toned completely at-one and master of life. Its worth learning this. It is THE TRUTH that sets you free. Its worth finding it. I know, because I did it and so can you. It does not matter what your name is, all that matters is how you see yourself being and speaking it into Spirit, to become it. There is nothing in or of this material world that you need to empower yourself. But you have to mentally move out of touch with it, or you will not be in the whole space that Spirit creates forms from. Thats where the source of all life is. Thats the place where the skier dematerializes the skis, walks through the revolving door, rematerializes them and knows, all things are possible with God. So be it.


Orientation Understanding Christ Consciousness

We do not live a life of creating, we live lives overflowing with problem solving! Mans ongoing (latent) urge is to find a way to satisfy him or herself. This is the subconscious, substructure we spoke of previously. This is our foundation that lies under our motivation/motions of daily life. When this foundation is in flux or shifting from one thing to the next, which it always does, we will not feel any long-term satisfaction, because it wont grow as it is disturbed, thus aborted! A Christ does not fluctuate or waiver. For example, there is, of course, very little impetus to go to dinner then go to dinner again minutes later. When we look at this, its very easy for you to get the idea that emptiness or being hungry drives us to eat or perhaps seek the company of good friends on a night out. Which says, filling the void (hole) of what you feel is lacking in your life will let you reach satisfaction. Look at the empty to full state of mind. Look carefully and find your own state of flux, and instability, in your way of living life. It is so accepted as the way to live, no one is skeptical of it. Its virtually accepted worldwide as being the way of life. So much so, that it is not even questioned! This is a yo-yo lifestyle of down to up and up to down, but never free of the string (thought) connecting you to the daily ups and downs. It is this action/reaction pattern that creates the foundation of shifting sand. Watch this cycle in your life and it appears over and over and over. The gas tank, the food cycles hourly/daily/monthly, the check book, the grass growing, the monthly bills, etc. Your sub-structure/foundation is shifting continuously from empty to full, and full to empty, from have to have not, and on longer term cycles health to disease and life to death. And, yes, single to married, job to new job, position to position, title to title. We cant have satisfaction, which is not actually fullness or relief (its other side), as our platform for living our lives and be continuously happy. Why? Because seeking relief or seeking fullness is not a state of freedom. Neutral is missing. Your ability to still yourself and your internal activity,


driving the outer reality to want what you believe you do not have or have too much of, such as obesity, wrinkles, gray hair, etc., never ceases to drive you. This unstabile mental sub-floor structure in your life robs your freedom by causing the ifs. IF I just looked like that or this, Id feel good. IF I just had X dollars, Id be happy. IF people would see it my way, I wouldnt have this problem. Now whats confusing about feeling dissatisfied is how it doubles your doubts and you dont realeyes it. IF is a doubt and it breeds what if, the same fear as doubt, but again, on the other side. Say youve got the belief IF I lost 30 pounds, Id look like I want to look and Id feel good. How many times have you wished for and wanted this reality, but the baggage is still stuck on you? What happens? You cant see beyond the mountain of disbelief youve been creating by wanting, but not having. Youve lost any trust you had in yourself and you are wearing it every day and it wont leave you alone. So, when you get any new sense of direction that would lead to a real resolution (re: a creation), your mind flips instantly into the doubt of WHAT IF! WHAT IF this does not work? I cant face another failure. Oh, God, I dont know what to do, etc. Can you see how your mind is driving you, side to side, and making forward motion impossible? Your subconscious mind is driving you crazy with the desire to have it and at the exact (ex-act) same time pressuring you to seek relief from this problem, which you can only achieve by losing the weight! Right? WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!! This fallacy (fall-a-see) of life is the continued promotion of the division of it because the thought process is at odds with itself! This causes pressure on you and the weight (gravity) of it causes your obesity. All because you feel empty and want to fill the void (hole) in your sub-structure/foundation, with food/substance that your body does not need! Which is why, when it disposes of what it does not need in the first place, the emptiness returns. This vicious cycle is your death sentence, which you can happily live without once you know how! The yo-yo is not the best example, visually, because it is seen as up and down motion, primarily. So, lets connect this to the other references used, that we are laying before you to understand and see clearly.


Ever hear of karma? Yin/yang? Damned if you do and damned if you dont? Good! Because youve just described the state of mind that bounces between the walls of wanting to have and not having. The ifs and the what ifs, which we call the either/ or, should versus shouldnt mentality, are the rut youre stuck in! What mankind, and all of the agencies in it, are doing is trying to resolve problems. The mental infrastructure, underlying foundation of living on earth, is based in problem-solving! You see obesity as a problem, wrinkles as a problem, infidelity as a problem, etc. Now, look at medicine, government, policing, transportation, food, fuel, and all of life as it is seen today! Who wants peace, who wants war; who wants poverty, who wants wealth; who wants sunshine, who wants rain; who wants control, who wants to give up control? This is the short list, very short list, of life today as it is lived. Theres also, who wants laws, who wants to abolish law; who wants marriage, who wants divorce; who wants low prices, who wants high prices; who wants clear skies, who wants polluted skies. All were saying is simply this! A very, very large segment of this planetary civilization is based on regulating lifes behavior patterns so it stays stuck between the two extremes of the positive/negative, side versus side, opposition. Then, warring/fighting to fix the problem(s), or on the other side, rebuking those who war and fight. This is the tree hugger versus the logger, the rehab people versus the drunks/addicts, or the manufacturers versus global warming, the miners and the environmentalists, etc. Its the pro-choice versus pro-life, and its politicians versus the constituents. With nothing else on your mind and in your mind, you are bound by the splitfocus mentality to keep shifting from full to empty and empty to full. No neutral, no freedom, no rest, no peace, and no ease is the result. Even though you know this is what you want, and prefer, its not in your life! Why? YOU HAVE THE WRONG PLATFORM AND FOUNDATION TO CREATE LIFE. Youre creating a division of life, called biass, entrapment, anxiety, war and disease, which causes death. THE SECRET IS TO STOP TRYING TO CONTROL LIFE, AND DIRECT LIFE TO GIVE YOU YOUR DESIRE(S)! This has nothing to do with behavior being regulated through, and by, laws, diets, exercise, moral implication,


sinning, voting, promoting, or demoting. It has to do with where you have placed (or misplaced) your trust! Which is where your focus is low-cated. Everything we described previously as the yo-yo effect is based on material forms and the spoken and unspoken laws regulating it. What we just highlighted above does not even relate to, or touch, the walls of EITHER (AND/OR) OR! So, being in the absolute middle (am/id-all) is not the same as being stuck in-between! In the middle you have balance, and upward flow. But, being stuck in-between, right or left, good or bad, positive or negative, you are bouncing off the walls of desired and undesired! Side to side makes you nervous and anxious, while balance and flow makes you calm and at ease, because you are actually, and energetically, moving on the path that you created by directing life (Spirit) to give to you. This is the true meaning of being obedient, and discerning the Spirit(s). When scripture says seek ye first the kingdom of God, IT IS NOT SAYING seek ye first (what you believe is right versus wrong) within the kingdom of God!! When you do this, you ARE NOT neutral or at ease. Directing Spirit is not a biass state, but believing is a biass state for it favors one over the other (good versus bad, right versus wrong). Now, heres the place you will get into trouble creating, by choice, if you are not paying attention to where your mind is coming from. You can, and you do, direct Spirit to favor you and your beliefs, which is definitely not appropriate to being at one with Spirit, the whole Spirit! How can you say you love the unconditional love that Spirit is, then divide it and judge it as being for you and no one else? This is why Jesus was not God in flesh, unto himself and himself alone! All are a part of Spirit, or Spirit would not be whole. Who fathered your life? The Spirit? The God within? Who fathered Jesus life? The father whom he gave total credit and allegiance to being one with? Please be calm, observant, and see it as it has to be, not what is taught to you. Do ask yourself this and balance it in your mind - it is taught that Jesus was/is the only begotten son of God, so he is/was God in the flesh. Then why did he distinguish between God, the father, and himself? He said, the father and I are one. This did not mean we are the same or he would have said, Jesus and I are the same. Jesus did not say he was God, he said, I am with God, and being as God is being, concluding the father and I are one. Acting,


behaving and being the whole Spirit, undivided. A unified state is a marriage, or a pair, not a whole unto itself. Nowhere in the teachings does it teach Jesus was the whole, and therefore, all that God is. Had this been true, why bother with teaching disciples and passing on guidance to us? If Jesus is the one and only God, then we dont need saved, baptized, or instructed as to how we should live in order to be more godly, or born again. Why bother with commandments, love your neighbor, and unconditional love, IF WE HAVE NO POWER TO INSTITUTE IT INTO BEING PART OF OUR LIVES? Why pray, if not to access change? Jesus, and others who ascended and resurrected, did it by unifying the essence and elements in life to life the Spirit and made themselves whole. Where did Jesus say, Im going to die for you? Where did Jesus say, Im going to save you? I am the way, does not say I am doing it for you. I am the way, you do it! is correct and it fits all else that is taught, historically, even with the distortions of the teachings. It makes logical sense as to why we are supposed to be responsible humans. Especially if it is our choice to be empowered and have eturnall life. Did Jesus wait for it to come to him or did he shoulder it, walk away from work, and go into the wilderness to finish his selfappointed, self-chosen calling? Yes, free-will choice existed 2000+ years ago! And Jesus recognized his role in Spirit, fully. So, he stopped trying to satisfy himself or solve problems and became the creator, in oneness and wholeness with OUR creator. And he did not say, You have to be at one with me, because he knew people of everlasting life does not come from here: earth. It comes from Spirit, that we direct from here. So be it.


Orientation Dont Trust the God of Today

This orientation sounds stupid. After all, if we cant trust God, who can we trust? BUT, yes, there is a but to it, which is found when you actually find out who, and what, God is. Trusting God, as it is taught today, is assigned to believing in an all powerful diety who presides over us, judging us, and making us suffer the trials and tribulations until we become saintly enough, holy enough, and pure enough to be given a graduation status. At which time, having followed all the rules, we are admitted to heaven at death, and saved from going to hell. With that kind of assignment to live by, its no wonder youre supposed to have faith in God and trust him. What about free will? Where is it in the assignment to live by the rules or else? How can God be love and will you to go to hell if you dont follow the rules? That does not sound like an all-loving father. And where is forgiveness in this teaching? If it is present, then the either/or reward or punishment program to live by is not what we are actually supposed to be doing with our life(s). And didnt Jesus say forgive seventy times 7 and keep forgiving? What weve lost over the centuries is forgiveness and unconditional love, which has created the belief patterns that now exist as Gods laws. Laws impossible to live by because they steer your mind away from free-will choice and into good versus bad. There is no conflict in a God-given, free-will-chosen reality. Theres endless conflict in good versus bad, catch 22 decisions. Even before Jesus came to earth and the ten commandments were given to huemanity, living by them was not working. The reason the commandments dont work is very simple to see once you adorn your consciousness with the ideal of them, not the idea (belief) about them. They are perimeters for your conscious choices, not laws. Go beyond the perimeters of being good to yourself and good to other life, and you will find yourself trapped in the acts of malice the commandments describe. You harm you, when you cause harm, even when you believe you got away without being caught, which centuries


ago was easier to do, because others had not shifted away from the unified energy into the divided energy. There was no strong enemy consciousness established yet. Now it exists in every person alive (except a rare few). But scripture depicts being caught, even if not knowingly, as ill gotten gains will be taken away. This shift has created a world full of people lacking any ideals in life, because they are not allowed, taught, or entrained to establish an ideal life on earth. They are taught to do away with what they do not like! Be it in their own life and others life! There is no balance in a life of struggle, conquer, or avoid. So, if you really seek to understand God, and you believe God is love, then why would God insist that we live life unbalanced and in constant struggle? The answer to that, HE DOESNT! BUT, WE DO! Because we believe in living unbalanced and prejudice-filled lifestyles, void of any ideal to live by. We believe in domination and it results in damnation. Whos doing the believing? NOT GOD, US! As in ME AND YOU! Then, we turn to God for help and it doesnt come. The struggle continues, and we still refuse to see our role in creating the problem(s), setting up the struggles. So, we espouse Trust God, and eventually youll have your reward! No, you wont, unless you consider death a reward! Trust God has become the bywords for lame-brain excuses for any and all offensive and harmfull behavior that individuals use to justify harmfull actions. Even to avoid being the good person they already are, but cant see it! Do yourself a huge favor and forget God for a while. Leave him out of your life so you can see you and you alone. Then, you cant blame it on Gods will, or Gods test, or Gods judgement. You have to wake up and allow yourself to see whats going on in your own mind thats defeating you. Because the falsely held ideology youve learned is why God is not able to bless you now! Right now! This error is very common, and its not hard to see it if you give yourself the honesty you need to admit to yourself, maybe Im wrong, maybe this is wrong, and if it is, I deserve to know the truth so the struggle ends! Is this what it means when scripture says, without vision we perish? If I was supposed to believe in the conflict of good versus bad, wouldnt scripture say without beliefs, we perish? Contemplate this. We know beliefs divide us, or we would not always have those who do not agree with us.


Vision is, however, just a light in the mind or a mental picture. So, it is not the vision that divides us, its what we do with the vision. Meaning, if it is not good and ideal, I will choose not to do it. And, I will put into my vision the ideal, in its place. The commandments were never meant to be argued about. They were meant to guide you into the corridor of good and goodness. What is good? God extended into good. God and man together is Good. Reduce good and it is just God! Now, God is also bad and this is the part you are supposed to stay out of but you dont! Please remind yourself over and over until it sinks in. God is power. The power of creation and the power of desecration. He is both, but the good side of God can only come to you when you choose it. Not choose it to stop bad, but choose it to create from what God is: THE POWER CREATING OUR CHOICES! Our immunity to disease and death is not in subduing what we dont want. Our immunity is in choosing the exact ideal we do want: good! Which you design with vision and create by voice when you speak into God, the neutral space where power comes from. Get real with yourself and you can see that trusting God for your needs is a joke, unless you know how to talk to God and get God to respond to you! Its not God you need to trust, its you you need to trust! Then the giver of life gives! But, if you do not know your relationship to God and stay lost in confusion, which robs you of clarity, the Lord taketh away! Moving out into the perimeter where bad and evil exist is your own fault. Being out there in the wars, battles, competitions, illusions, beliefs, false promises, misplaced trust, unfounded faith, darkness, shadows, misery and decay of disease and dying is why you have excess heat, temptation, lust, anxiety, pressure, and all the unrest it creates. You choose life and you will leave all of that behind, forever. Then, by seeing desecration, without being trapped in it, you will know why it is necessary. You will see that heat and pressure are Gods fire that distills the dross of lifes unneeded excrements back into useable and usefull mediums upon which life as we know it, physically, grows! Let us conclude by saying, DONT TRUST GOD, KNOW GOD, then you will trust yourself and see into the face of death without quaking or quivering and feeling afraid, because you will know you have rizen above, from below, and in your lofty estate


of mind can come and go at will and never have any need of fear for life is the greater power and once you know this, you know what Jesus knew, which christened him with Christhood. A very noble place for all of us to be. So be it.


Orientation Mind over Matter

Mind over matter is not a correct observation because what is in the mind is still separated and sensory-driven. It is the place of echoes and reflections, not the place of power. Power (Spirit) makes activity in the mind, or you would not see light and hear sound. But it is already in division at this point, which is in opposition be it negative versus negative or positive versus positive, or in attraction negative/positive or positive/negative. The physical form is nothing more than the mental world youre holding in your mind. Your perceptions and your conceptions that you believe in hold you together. But, being held together traps you in your body that traps you into seeking the power to be free of it. Until you fully realeyes that the mind medium, with its light and sound, is not what you seek to have, nor is the matter that comes into form and function through the mind. What you seek to have wont make you become a master. Seeking physical forms is negative to negative opposition. Seeking the light in the mind is positive to positive opposition. Mind is the storage room for all that is. It is a place of unlimited supply and library of all knowledge. But, it is powerless. Mind can not move matter and it does not create matter. Every light and sound you see and hear in the mind is a seed. But, like garden seeds, they do not grow without the positive/negative marriage and Spirit powers growth. Why do the Einsteins, Edisons, and Telsas of the world die? Because they all wanted to make their mark in the world. They sought after what they saw in the mind and replicated it physically. Again, this is not the power of life and of creation from the whole Spirit. It is only duplicating, cloning, replicating, simulating, and mimicking what is seen. Like writing books, they are simple transcriptions of ideas and words you allow yourself to see and hear, which you make into a paper and ink copy! They are all duplications of thought experienced in the mind and replicated on paper.


This is not you being you. You are not being the words or the work. You are simply glued to them as a reader or a writer or inventor. You are not in the work you produce, so it only reflects your mental furnishings, which is no different than walking into a room and being surrounded by its furnishings. It does not create life! It does not create choice. It only emanates a feeling to you: your feeling. Why do we suppose what we see and/or hear is our salvation or resurrection while millions of believers continue dying, seeking to feel better? They are trying to replicate life, not be it! Feelings and sensory perceptions such as taste, touch, smell, hearing, and sight are not power either. Nor are our pleasure and displeasure that comes from them. So, wanting them continuously in our life makes little sense either. Given the fact that they also keep us stuck in replicating them over and over. Be it addiction to substances or activities, like work or sex, it is still not empowering in any way. There is no mental or physical activity of any kind that will empower you. Even thinking wont empower you, but it will connect you to the power! Which is all you need to know to master every thing and every condition on this planet. Thats what being free of this space is about. Then, it is all subject to you, you are not subject to it! The irony of power becomes very evident as you let go of all desire to influence others, alter your environment, or take sides on any issues. The very act of not controlling anything, especially yourself, does a very strange thing. It opens you to the power you already are, but could not see/be/feel because you were expending it on whats out there, not in here/hear! The energy of the physicall, material world is in the dual nature. It is split into positive and negative. But, the nature of this nature is not correctly understood. We are made in the image of God. This says, we are a 3-dimensional reflection of God. If we are the image, he is the mirror or light we are projected from, and reflected into being. What if we move back to this source of life?? Our dual nature is active or reactive, or cause and effect. They are split into light and dark, good and bad, etc. But, God, the whole Spirit is not split or divided. Ask yourself, how can this whole light be made into two parts? Then rejoined to create life inside so the seed becomes the form and is given life (active/ness) by choice! The fire creates the heat, but man does not see how fire (light) opposes fire (light) and will not


create heat (actually release heat) into growth, not destruction of it, until it is given the proper medium to become active and mobilized. This is the womb of the negative mother earth energy who seeks to rize up through the spine every night. But, being held apart mentally by the focus, seeing the light in the mind and wanting it in the physical, but unable to get it to come down and mate with dark, it stays stuck. This opposition is the excess heat being released. This same heat, put into the seed of choice and allowed to m/ate with the dark, will create the d/arc, or choice seen, not the dark. The common terms for this excess heat is lust, temptation, being horny, or in heat, keeping up with the Joness, comparing and competing, manipulating and enjoying, etc. You cant leave the minds eye light open, or you are always trapped in the dream energy of whats out there. This trap is the blind-side, not the dark side! So, the continuous focus on night dreams, day dreams, meditations, movies, TVs, computers, and all physicall and mental states being sought after by reacting to the visual impetus they emit, kills the body. I, m, pet/ting is the put-ting on of the heat of passion, or denying passion and putting on the opposite side, called (+) compassion, or (-) oppression. You are in the flipflop of the hot, care-less just give it to me attitude of passion, or the cold, caring attitude of just let me give it to you so you will know what I know. In short, be submissive and dont resist my controlling advances. It is very easy to get trapped in the pole switch from hot/careless to cold/carefull! Why? Because you are sensing the other side of your personification. You are acting on and reacting to your own considerate side of life and moving out of being inconsiderate. A very common denominator found in the switching from hot to cold is in your dependability. The old, unreliable, shoddy person slows down and becomes Mr. or Mrs. Clean-cut and dependable person. What is so troubling to this person is this, Ive changed and I now fit into the mold of being nice, not mean, and Im helpful to others, not hurtfull, but still others are in my face for no reason at all. I get blamed for things I did not say or do. The problem is very simple and very easy to see ONCE YOU REALIZE you did not change! You only moved into a space (room) with different furnishings, but you are still the same person inside! What person? The person wanting to have control OVER


OTHERS so they will approve of you, so they will change to please you, by acting like you want them to act. The blinders you wear in this mentality is the illusion and belief program that society trains you to hear and see by continuously bombarding you with good is right and bad is wrong! Which you follow and seek to get it to fulfill you, but it doesnt! This is what you can not reconcile and balance because being nice, being good, doing it right, looking the part, and following the rules is not giving you the life of freedom and ease you were sure it would! Being in sensory-agreement with your energy, the energy of having yourself or others agreeing with you, adds to the power you feel available to you, but it is not the unified power that creates life. It is the divided power made stronger by adding to the heat driving it! Leaders get consumed by this feeling of invincibility. They have such strong passion (heat) that they can not see their other side, believed by them to be weak and undesirable. This is why leaders are often targets for assa/sin/ations, demotions, ridicule, and so-called accidental death! They are not balanced and are very judicial and prejudiced. Never mind that it is destructive! History is full of leaders who seemingly met with an untimely death. Yet, very few people realize it was their own imbalance of power within them that attracted death to such a vibrant life! When a man or woman believes it is up to them to change the world around them (others) they are headed for trouble! Real change is spirit-based, not people-based. That kind of lop-sided power, with all of its perks, bonuses, wealth, and adoration from the (outer) world, only serves to per/pet/you/ate ones imbalance within, because it validates it as being okay, we agree with you, so you cant be wrong! Now ask yourself, would these people have chosen death as their path for living if they would have realeyesed where they were heading was to their demise? How much good is created by not knowing where the power of life is found? Use your wisdom and look at Jesus, who knew death had no power over life, and look at the others who sought to lead us but did not know how to maintain life in the face of death. There is a very obvious difference! That difference is resurrection! To resurrect is to transform ones self, not preach to others, regulate others, or in any way influence others to behave in a moral or immoral manner. Doing this makes free will choice bereft of its purpose and isolates choice into right versus wrong, which is where all conflict is born, and in conflict


death is insured, because no matter how many agree with you, the passive force not agreeing with you, is still in force. And, it is not seen as a threat to your life because you believe you are above it, beyond it, and immune to it, which is why it is so easy for it to kill you. It attacks you from the side of you you believe you do not have, the blind side. This is not the mother/negative, dark side, it is the glaring light of foolish pride and self-glory that cooks your goose because you cant see it coming! This book is called The Book of Resurrection because it is the final chapter of what being bound by the physicall world is about. For anyone who subscribes to the ideal of ideals: I want nothing from the world because I have returned to the source of life and life gives me anything and everything I choose! Most of us have a very hard time thinking we are worthy of such an exalted state. Right? Well, heres/hears some fabulous news for you. You do not have to be worthy to have it all! You have to be wize, or perhaps smart, but worthy is not what you need to be. Why? Because the energy around being good is constantly instilling a very bad omen and its the worthy c/rap Im good, so Im worthy of it and deserve it. Would you step back and look at that attitude? Self-righteousness, arrogance, and assumed power over others! Why? Look. Look at what is not being said. Do you see it? If you dont heres how to see it. Finish the sentence, Im worthy and deserve it because Because I am good and you are bad! If this were not true, you would not need my help! Listen to the superiority factor in this. I know, but you dont! I care, but you dont! Im educated and youre not. On and on the leash of deception goes, and as it is stretched out, fart/her and fart/her from neutral, the backlash tension builds up! This tension will only do one of two things, pull you apart or snap back to neutral. This tension is your creation because you believe mind is over matter, and suppose to control matter, by whatever means necessary. Mind does not have power, it is driven by the power beyond it, which is wholly neutral space until a man or woman calls it to move and when it moves, it is Spirit. And, it is Spirits motion that moves mind and matter. Be clear about this and you can find your way beyond whats on your mind. So be it.


Orientation Nothing Needs Changed, Just Understood Part I

The body is created with very distinct divisions arms, legs, eyes, ears, nostrils. This tells us something because of their independent states and ability to function with or without each other, namely that they are coming out of the same source or center axis. This could be like the tree with its limbs, only huemans are not physically rooted down into earth. But, even so, they are bound or held down to it and cant readily fly away; gravity. Let us look at gravity by mentally backing up your view of you on earth, so gravity becomes a big bubble surrounding earth, whose boundary layers hold everything intact, but not totally anchored in the same spot, allowing motion and mobility, but not escape. Yes, you can go to space, but your biology has to have what you have here or it will not live (stay in motion/aliveness) and Spirit will leave it behind. There are two different polarities of motion to life, of life. Spiritual motion integrates (unites) and physicall motion disintegrates (divides). The key to immortality and eturnite is created by combining these, not eliminating one in favor of the other. Mind must join matter, not rule over it as it does now. The present-day practice of trying to separate good from bad is not clearly understood. Trying to have one over the other is imbalancing your reality. This is why anxiety and stress is so high and rage is r/ageing (r-our-aging). R/age accelerates aging. As such, the key to eternal life will never be found in separating anything, be it morality or even the elements in your earth. (Every hueman has a receiving, dark and light, protecting side, just like earth). They cant be over-ruled, just used and balanced. So, what you call gravity is not understood correctly because the down-force holding you on earth is not created by down-pressure. It is caused and created by separation and extension out from the axis! Graveite is g-force (g-rave-force)(g-rayeve). Does removing a bad arm or bad eye balance you? Then why would removing bad make you good? Which arm or eye is good versus bad? You cant legitimately


answer that because there is no such thing as an evil arm doing bad, or a saintly arm doing good! But, you insist that thoughts, which are all neutral until you biass them into beliefs or illusions, are bad and need removed so the behavior thats unacceptable coming out of them is not present in daily life. The destructive mind rules both sides of you, so cut off one arm and the other arm will obey/follow your mind. Yeah, right. The destructive side of life is not seen for what it is. Which is why you get sick and die. Do you realize your immune system is made of what is called the dark, bad, evil side of your beingness? Named simply, it is the process of decay, putrefaction, and digestion, and separation of toxins from the body. Look at the word die-gest or diegestation. Look at decay, base word for decadence, or die-cadence. Every hueman body has destruction, decimation, divorcing, and elimination going on inside it constantly. The depleted cells are being killed, done away with, toxins removed, and excess matter eliminated, so the newly formed cells can keep the body supplied with fresh, clean vital cells. Without this we would all succumb to death very rapidly. Your attitude about disease is very detrimental and deadly to your life, because as soon as you feel a fever, get a cough, or have a headache, you believe youre getting something bad for you! So, you start trying to stop the symptom arising. Arizing because you are mentally and emotionally closed down and overloaded. This attitude is not giving the body the time or space it needs in each daily cycle to regenerate the life youve depleted. The excess pressure in your body has to be neutralized, NOT SUBDUED, or the life stream is not ever truly cured of the attitude causing your discomfort in the first place. What were teaching next is important to you and it needs to be a part of your mental make-up and always accessible to you. Just like your abcs and 123s are accessible to you. Why? Because life has to have a foundation like the letters and numbers where it is supported and agreed to by every person using them. This means they are the unchanging foundation for communication with others and with Spirit! They are not questioned, praised, or doubted, they are utilized! What foundation do you have and use to support your health and vitality? What does everyone utilize as an agreed upon, never changing platform and mental pattern to live a healthy life by? You dont have a foundation for living and being healthy, you have a foundation for disease and dying! Which is undesirable to all of you, but you insist on keeping it. Why? Why do


you refuse to create a self-supporting foundation for life? Because it did not occur to you. We are bringing you the filler for the hole and you become whole. So, what were giving you is the foundation you ALL need to use to remain healthy. So healthy that you can leave earth by choice and free will, not by disease and death and suffer with its misery while taking you away. Your spiritual body is energy. Energy is indestructible. The mass or matter of your physical body is also energy, but it is consolidated into form. It is, therefore, convertible back into energy, which means it can be split, cut, divided and the Spirit will not have the containment to keep animating it and giving it motion. When this happens, the form diminishes. Disease is not an external act like a wound or accident-caused injury. It is an internal restriction, clogging, slowing and depleting of energy, via internal detours. The energy is simply going where it is not needed or wanted. When this accumulates, heat builds up, and pressure causes emotional outbursts or physical lesions. The fear held in mind (attitude) determines where it manifests. Passive people have different disease manifestations than active people, because they keep it in and active people let it out. However, as you will see in the study of the manuals, relief of pressure changes nothing. It just keeps the body alive while youre learning to neutralize, not subdue, life. Let us use a simple illustration. Imagine your water hose or plumbing. It is designed to carry energy (water) and if it is not full of leaks (lesions) or clogged up (accumulations/cholesterol) the pressure moving the water (life) remains constant and is available on demand. But, if it has several leaks, the pressure (vitality) drops and you do not have enough in-line pressure (containment). Or, if it is dented, squeezed, corroded, or crimped, the pressure available also drops. Theres a difference between internal clogging and external leaking and it is the back-pressure. When the passive resistive is afraid to be honest and admit feelings openly, theres no relief. This is the candidate for a heart attack. While the active resistive whos always blowing up and relieving the backpressure is a cancer candidate. Why? Because this person does not have enough backpressure, so theres nothing to cool the body down and it starts burning up. Remember, cold heart and hot head?


Yes, you can easily point out exceptions to the basic lineage of how disease and death occur. But, if you do, you are not seeing how the passive/active (manic/depressive) is trying to subdue the side of him or herself that is predominate at the time of their hyperactiveness or depression! Which they are using to do combat internally and externally with how they feel, in the vain effort to subdue the life they do not like about themselves! LIFE CAN NOT BE SUBDUED. IT CAN, HOWEVER, BE NEUTRALIZED! Then free will choice works. It cant work in the biased, prejudiced, judgemental mind seeking to subdue life. Before we give you the basic foundation of a vital, healthy life, we must provide the understanding as to why its important. Otherwise you will be drawn right back into the path of destruction you are all working to get out of. So, let life be your quest! And, momentarily suspend what you believe! Focus only on being life not wanting it, now or later, to say the quest is simply without division into when or if, and is I AM LIFE. When you say, I am life, stop there so it is not leaking out of your hose (life energy) (w/hose) or plugging up and choking your life energy. The energy is given choice, direction, and free will to follow the path (hose) youve designated for it. Were going to show you how to self-contain Spirit, so it grows into the form of your choice. This will take your concentration and your attention to get this anchored in your mind because your mind is used to running out to see what you believe, not stopping to look around and observe whats going on, truthfully and wholistically. SPIRIT FOLLOWS THOUGHT (detailed throughout text). The spoken thought is I AM LIFE. Nothing added and nothing subtracted! And, there it is, absolute and unchanging, just like 1 is 1, 2 is 2, 3 is 3, and ABC is ABC, etc. Unless you try to conditionalize it, then life is divided. This is our need, the unchanging foundation: I AM LIFE. Spirit is the neutral/neural energy of life. It does what you tell it to do. This is how you differentiate it (biass it) into what you choose to have in your life, physically. Do you choose to have life in your life? Then say it, because your word (the word God is giving you) is law unto yourself!


Again, I AM LIFE, period! To the exclusion of all else, because nothing else is in my mind or my matter, accepted, signed, sealed, used, and delivered to reality by choice. I AM LIFE! When you reduce the di(e) pole, or divided conditions by putting in the absolute statement I AM LIFE, by decree you neutralize duality, division and death. Then, I am life is I am life: above/below. Here are some very common conditions people insert into the creation of choice. The choice being I AM LIFE, when and if: I eat right exercise enough go to church refrain from sex dont get a divorce evangelize make enough money pay taxes take my vitamins look like a queen live like a king. Every item on this list, and hundreds more, are divisions and separations you hold in mind that drain the life out of your body. All because you refuse to do a very simple thing, ACCEPT THAT YOU ARE (ALREADY) LIFE! So you will stop trying to make life better or worse and stop trying to change what does not need to be changed. And stop getting in the way of the life YOU ALREADY HAVE. How foolish will it seem to you to follow ideas that do not work when it finally dawns on you that WANTING WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE IS NOT WISE, IT IS FOOLISH! The only reason life is not continuous in the body right now is because we believe our lists of needing this or that before life is full. Those things/conditions on the list are doctrines as surely as the political and religious teachings are doctrines. They are doctrines because they have been doctored with rines of misunderstanding. Please keep your attention focused, dont go back to what you believe, it is the truth you have to find. In fact, it is your truth you have to find, because living by it sets you free.


Now, lets keep rising above what is not providing life. This uncovers the truth and understanding that creates wisdom (wize-do-me). This is not, I will be life later. Because thats a death sentence you just gave to yourself, which creates exactly what you just told neutral Spirit to create on the neuronal circuits of your brain. I am not life (now), I will be it later (when), is to a very large part of religion equated to sainthood, martyrdom, and the giving up of ones physicall body to receive supposed rewards versus punishments for following or not following Gods laws according to their individual doctrines (doctor-rines). Gods laws are not doctrines, praise, criticism, or isms. They are without biass (buy-us), so they do not exert influence on us. God is 100% neutral, which is the only reason mankind can direct it to power/empower his or her choices. It is the only reason prayer can work at all. What has been created is the sacrifice of life, not the creation of life, which people in formed bodies construed as appropriate (ap-pro-pry-it)! Why would God give us life and then tell us to take it away? So, we can have it back? This makes no sense and does not follow any lines of intelligence known to me. Again, you really have to make a concerted effort to see this in a new light, or you remain stuck. If you think you must believe one way or the other, then at least dont condemn what youve never even thought of before. Listen for the truth in our next realization. Its there. Jesus did not sacrifice his life. He did, however, choose with free will to resurrect it, after it was physically divided by external injury. Please note, the body does not come from the body, it comes from the Spirit giving life to the body! Jesus knew this and he knew how to utilize it. We are still learning this! If Jesus was not creating life versus sacrificing it as is taught, then how did he get it back? How did he return? Reappear? Continue teaching? There was never a sacrifice, there was a marvelous, awesome, empowered master creating a reality for us to see and learn by. What did we do? We begged for mercy. Did he? We prostrated ourselves to authorities over us. Did he? He came back. Can we? You have knowledge beyond what you read or hear or see, and it comes with the small, still voice, which actually takes you above this voice into the pure (undivided)


feeling of I know this, but I dont know why I know it, I just know it is true! It connects and feels right, it makes sense, and it fits. Even when all that surrounds it leaves me doubting, this leaves me certain. This is your unified Spirit sending you the value of knowing what life is, without you dividing it into I AM LIFE (later/future) or I AM LIFE (now) or I WAS LIFE (before/past). I AM LIFE is not biased, it is absolute! Its the rock, its the foundation, its the base-is that the root from which life grows extends itself into physical form. The neutral does not perceive or conceive past/present (now) or future. It only receives the feeling of life that I AM LIFE! Build these unchanging foundation blocks into your attitude and you live, by choice, and by your design. And, by doing so, God will bless you forever and forever. So be it.


Orientation Nothing Needs Changed, Just Understood Part II

The expression of the outer (what we do every moment of every daily cycle) is how we are within (feelings-wise). Notice - its easy to look at one restriction after another and believe something needs to be done about it! But, the increasing loss of personal liberties via laws that regulate all behaviors versus regulating just detrimental behavior is not the cause of our loss of these liberties. Nor are they a loss of our freedom to empower ourselves! Yes, the space within the system is being made smaller and more troublesome, which causes unrest. But unrest, being the other side of rest, will soon find less and less subscribers to its confinements. Its serving a purpose, but it is not the power. Seeking to change it will only subdue you, not them! So, what illusions and beliefs are you still holding, inside you, that causes your concern, anxiety, and frustration? Everything physical has its place and has its form. This is not the power. The power is the consciousness that knows nothing needs changed. To look and not see is the reflection of what you believe, based on how you feel inside: vulnerable, which only illustrates how powerless you actually feel within. You feel this encroachment as wrong. So, you are biased. But, how does reacting to what you saw in the mirror of physical reality empower you? It doesnt! It makes you reactive, volatile, and discontented in the so-called status quo. This is like the night dreams I gave over my leadership/mastery to for a while. I could see myself creating beliefs requiring my initiation and action on one side or the other, but could not see how limited the scope of wanting faults fixed was. Now, I know everything you think/believe needs corrected is a rubber wall and when you walk into it or throw something at it, it will come back at you. This is the duality of materialism. All form is energy. It is how you regard it that changes the reality of it. Your body will go where you send it, once you disregard what you believe about it, now! When Jesus was hungry and the temptation (a physical mirror reflection) was to change the stones into bread, which is possible, but the need for bread, which comes from


the same source as the stone, made him realize nothing needs changed (fixed) because the invisible store house holds it all in unlimitedness. Had he looked around and said, theres no food, and regarded (re-guarded) this as a problem, then the problem would be whats within his mind, and the power to receive bread would be divided on the wrong track, and unavailable. Which ensures (what was guarded) was not going to leave and change. Then, no food is the fact, because the regard for the problem protected it, and you become your own enemy. You guarantee your own failure. Our working at (toward) things, even money, is a restriction to mastery. The Spirit, contained and brought back inside, is the place of power. This power is called the gate between Spirit and form (heaven and earth). We, the thinkers of our reality, do not see the connection of Spirit and form as it already is. Instead we see it as being separate. Theres a Spirit and theres a body, and we are taught that one is here and the other is over there. And to get there, you must sacrifice life and then be judged as to whether or not we get through the pearly gates, which is the same gate as the narrow gate. Now, as a thinker, consider the basic beliefs in place in your world. One is an accepted standard and foundation block for life, not death. Lets start with it. It is this, the Spirit gives life to the body because when the Spirit leaves the body it is lifeless. So, what do we know from this accepted standard and foundational statement? Please think. Thinking connects Spirit into form, like roots connect trees to the ground. So, the more you allow yourself to know about your self, the more stable and anchored in life you become. This grounded, agreed-upon statement is universally accepted, just like ABC and 123 are universally accepted. What happens when all are in agreement? Resistance, restriction, intrusion, interference, and arguing about it stops. Why? Because the energy is coming together and not coming apart. The greater the combined flow, the greater the power. Now, consider, also, that the Spirit is coming through the gate, or we would not be alive and the body would not move. How many of us live on this earth? Billions. Well? How can the gate be reduced to being a narrow gate, construed to be a one-way


portal, gate to heaven only accessible by whatever means each religion dictates? This has to be faulted, because we all know there are at least 5 billion access gates, or each hueman alive would not be alive. Now, imagine what the scripture is saying when two or more are gathered in Gods (his) name, I will be there. To see this, it says, two or more. Why not say one or more? Because agreement combines the two energy streams together and makes more power available. Now, even if the gate remains the same size (like our hose example) the power behind it is greater. Or, consider the gate (hose) now being larger, because the two hoses became one. Theres still more power because volume is doubled. Its got more weight, even though it is moving slower. So, our single hose has faster speed and less volume! In electrical terms these are volts and amps. Respectfully, you still have pressure and speed coming together through agreement, which results in more vitality, the fuel of life. We huemans are designed exactly like batteries, only we have self-cleaning and self-renewal capabilities. Learn what happens to batteries when connected in series, or in parallel, then you will know how and why the size of the gate that Spirit flows through could never be like what is being taught about the rich man in scripture. That its not as hard to pass a camel through the eye of a needle as it is to get a rich man through the gate. Let us explain. What sticks in your mind from this scripture? A camel will not go through a needles eye, and the being rich (or being poor) has nothing to do with it! Well, heres a great way to absolve this, energetically. Then, the text of any book, holy or not, does not grab your mind and keep you stuck on it. Ask: Are there different sized camels? Are there different sized needles? Is a gate a door or an access? Can we enlarge accesses and open up doors? Can we change? No doubt you answered yes to each question. Then, lets agree to a new concensus! If the needle access is too small to get our smallest camel through it, we will make a bigger needle, with an access that does not restrict us. I know youre seeing this,


even though you cant realistically see a need for a needle that size. Well, thats not our objective. Now, imagine the scripture had been written using the poor man, not the rich man! What changes? Dont get side-tracked, which you are doing if your mind goes out and starts searching rich man versus poor man. What changes? Absolutely nothing. The camel will not fit, period! Unless and until the rich man or the poor man or both together change the size of the gate. It has no bearing on rich or poor, only the size of the opening matters. The closed mind is still the closed mind rich or poor, which keeps the gate narrow, but when you open your mind to Spirit, the eye of the needle (need-all) expands. Which is why our earlier writings spoke of disease being caused in the body, due to the openings in the body becoming restricted, therefore, not allowing disease (wastes/toxins) to pass through it! They close down because people mentally close down and believe petty ideas over truthfull real-eye-sations! You make the gate to life narrow by how you think! The gate to heaven is not small, nor is it reserved for poor people, saintly people, etc. If it is reserved at all, it is reserved for neutral, balanced individuals who know how to think and create reality on purpose, without interfering with others, which means we need to create foundations of understanding so we cooperate, not compete with each other! Nothing needs changed in the world, but we need to change how we see things. Our daily patterns tell us a great deal about ourselves. So, if you find yourself conferring to what you believe needs changed and then mentally setting about to arm yourself with rules, laws, quotes, scripture, etc., to establish your viewpoint in their mind, you are going to hit the rubber wall. Guess what the rubber wall is? Mental constrictions that cause physical restrictions and they hold disease in your body. If you want others to be open-minded, you have to be open-minded and when you truly are, they wont be in your way and you wont be in their way, as you will be energetically in parallel! In harmony. At peace. Cooperating. Now, work with this, individually, so you attract like minds into your


daily cycle. Then, agreement prevails and the gate is not being constricted, nor is the body. This is how life is given back to you and your body. A master can breathe or swallow anything and be unharmed by it. Why? Because there is no belief in a masters mind that anything is poisonous. Jesus knew death was not terminal, so it wasnt! We are still deceived by what we believe because our life is strewn with problems. This is changing. Man is embuing the body with more and more Spirit and insuring his own well-being. This will spread because its contagious. Not contagious in an uncontrollable sense; contagious because we are all ready for life to be easy instead of strained and constricted! To close, ask yourself this, will I ever see the camel and the eye of the needle the same way as before? Good, now take a moment and establish the truth of the truth I opened up my perception and in so doing I opened up my body. My life-giving gates in being narrow were causing me to resist what anyone else would say about the narrow gate (or the resurrection) and believing this made me defend it and not find the truth in the truth, to understand it. Now, I know we need to agree that we all want life and are entitled to it, but should not find points to argue about in order to receive it, as narrowing does not allow ease! Closing the mind does not allow life in my body and the master (was) is free of everything, or he is not the master. This is what being on the earth but not of it means. I can, I will, I am, it is! This is the mindset that resurrection comes from as it has no dependence for physical needs on any outside material agency or physically held illusions/beliefs. We conclude this section with our instruction, ending Part I, to build your own foundation for life by constructing your own irrevocalable foundation blocks to live within. The next orientation is devoted to this practice. So be it.


Orientation Building the building blocks Your foundation of life

We have to create an unmovable foundation for life to reside in and on. We have to do this with the sound of our voice and the number of repeating cycles it takes to thread and sew light with the string of sound. The magnetic sound holds the electric light in its conduit and sphere so it does not short circuit and run off and into activities; activities that do not align with the vision held in mind. These foundation blocks have to be grounded in the conscious, awearness and therefore always be a part of your energetic makeup. Consider what we do with our numbers and letters that are always available to us to use in our thoughts and communicating them to each other. They serve us daily by directing us to our destinations, to our productivity, inventions, constructions, and all manner of conscious guidance. Now, imagine having this same guidance system set up in our mind that becomes our automatic pilot which always directs us onto the path/conduit of eturnall life! Well, then, what are we waiting for? Didnt you get tutored and taught in school to memorize the numbers and letters so you could read (re-add) and write (right)? Whats the common denominator in all of this, even though there are many languages and signs (letters) throughout the world? We all use the same foundation: seeing and saying, which is light (seen) and sound (spoken or heard). This is what guides us, because it is thought, stabilized. It does not change in principle or in the ingredients added to the principle, which is the prime/primeall source that creation stems from and flows through, to create you, me and all inhabitants on this earth. And, it is not the primary power of life that makes us different, it is the foundation blocks in our mind that makes us different. And, these we can change. And upon doing so, we change. Our consciousness then is what we keep conferring back to (reflecting), to guide our thinking process. This same consciousness is how you identify yourself. So, if it is always unstable because you have never anchored it in the mind, then the mind runs your show instead of the primary Spirit running your show. And you feel exactly as your mind or mental condition dictates. Unsettled, overwhelmed, or anxious, which you, in


turn, seek to stabilize by forcing yourself to behave differently than you feel. Which puts you at odds with yourself and causes the internal struggles, trials, tribulations, and suffering that cause continuous stress in your daily life. Understand, YOU CAN NOT CONQUER YOURSELF! But your upbringing and foundation for living a dying life says you can. Well, obviously you cant because it kills every hueman who tries to conquer themselves. And Spirit, moving through ire-re-vocal-able law that you do not understand, takes you down. Ire-re-vocal-able law complied with by huemans, makes an invisible change in the geometrics of the life (or death) energy. Consider this, it is well-established that Spirit is up and matter (form) is down, generically speaking. It is also accepted that Spirit descends into the body to give us life, animation, motion. Okay? With this in mind, it would appear that what comes down, at some point, has to go back up. This is correct and it follows a very simple pattern. What descends con-denses and what ascends evapor-rates. Whats missing in this simple analogy of energy moving is how the extensions, limbs, and arms of life grow and shape is created three di-mention-all-e. Well, this is precisely what your foundation for living creates because all of the energy coming through you is strained, sorted, and guided by what you know about yourself. When this is lacking and your knowledge consists only of whats in the world around you, your energy goes out, not up! And exactly like nature, the more extended, or shall we say over-extended, the more the pressure and the gravity of life affects you. Which is always adversely because you are so far out on the proverbial limb, its unstabile and prone to breaking. You literally become SEE-SICK because your entire life is predicated on how you believe what you see as truth is truth. When, in fact, it is you lying to you, and expecting others to agree with you. Heres a dismal account of the unseen magnetic energy at work. This will not set well with many of you because your death-grip (this is literal) will stop you from finding your way back to the free, neutral, unbiased, energy of life. Millions upon millions of people belong to group energies. Weve written previously about group energy, but weve never explained this. Leaders need followers, and likewise, followers need


leaders. The shoe seems to be a good fit. Seems to be, is correct. Lets look at the energy, not at the need, or believed need. How does energy behave? Exactly like water. It seeks its own balance. So, our group energy is like a body of water (energy), seeking its own balance. Ask yourself, Why is there one leader and many, perhaps a thousand or more, followers? Why do millions tune in to energy every time it comes together? Be it on TV or at an outside location, or both? For energy to behave this way there has to be a huge hole/void to fill (in consciousness) or the energy would not gravitate (an act of gravity) towards self-leveling balance! Another point to make with a question is, Why doesnt the hole/void fill up when all that energy floods into it each time the groups come together? What if the hole/ void is actually being re-created, unbeknownst to its membership and leader? Recall the comment about the best doctor in the world BEING THE DOCTOR YOU DO NOT NEED ANYMORE? Then why do we believe we need to hear politicians, preachers, judges, presidents, CEOs of companies, stock brokers, authors, spokesmen and others on some kind of regular or scheduled basis to keep us self-leveled? Because WE DO NOT KNOW WHO WE ARE! So, we depend on them to tell us and they depend on us being there to be told. And, what does this do to the huge hole/void? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Because the flock of members have not uttered any directions to their Spirit for themselves to be free/freed from their co-dependency to the company, the state, the church, the nationality, etc. And isnt it obvious that not one of these co-dependent states follow the wellknown and widely taught foundation block for living a life of life. Namely, SEEK YE FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD. We die because we do not seek the all-knowing and all-powerful energy first! And, secondly, we never qualify it with our own individual life-giving building blocks. Instead, we believe and respond to whats outside of us. We guide and direct where our Spirit goes. This is proper use of free will. Now, knowing this, we can fill our conscious awearness with intelligent choice(s), such as, I AM LIFE I AM FREE I AM GENTLE I AM CALM




And, last but not least, I AM A GOD, WITH GOD, AS MY BEINGNESS IS EXHIBITED ON HEAVEN AND EARTH TO THE GLORY OF MY SPIRITUAL LORD GOD (OF MY BEING), THEREFORE, I AM, I AM! Use your own words to construct the conscious awareness of life. It is essential that you do this if you are truly desirous of mastering life here. Furthermore, understand this is not just mental memorizing of the words youve written. You have to emotionalize each foundation block so you actually become awear of it being who you are. This is how YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. Otherwise you remain trapped in what the world at large says you are; weak, sick, trapped, unable, less than, sinful, politically incorrect, ignorant, inferior, unworthy, hopeless, or arrogant, devilish, blasphemous, etc. The bottom line of mastery is clearing the confusion thats constantly foisted upon us as the solution to our problems. Problems adjudicated and appointed to us, by others, which we, in turn, accepted. Do your own appointing and adjudicating by building your emotional intensity that this is who I am and you will be it. Furthermore, you dont have to attend meetings, pledge allegiance, or become a member and pay your dues to receive ever-lasting life. You only need to use your own words and voice to activate Spirit to flow through your mental (chosen) foundation of life as you desire it and you will be it as in sew be it! So be it.


Orientation The letter Self-recognition and self-realization

Change your list of opinions and viewpoints you now hold out as true. Change what you believe is the (right or wrong) way to live. Change your outlook. How? Write yourself a letter about how you feel about you! Tell yourself what you are sick and tired of you being and doing! Open up to how you feel about what you do! At first your focus will be ego-bound. Meaning, you are still convinced and believe how you feel is caused by your circumstances, not you. Soon, youll be very surprised to see how imbalanced you really are if you truly open up to yourself. Then, look at what you deem as necessary and start dismantling what you believe about it. This is a very powerful source of self-realization if you allow all the trapped energy to come out of the shadows, secrets, guilts, and shames you are still hanging onto mentally/secretively. This is not an exercise of being moral vs. immoral. It is about how you really feel about you. Its not about what you do every day. Its not about duty. Example. Morality and laws have a its your duty death-grip on people and they do not see it! Why? Because they are so rigid and numb that the opposing energy ripping them apart and telling them its okay to suffer, hurt and be hurt, or kill or be killed, if its in the name of good has them stuck. Stuck in the middle of strife and unable to see it as their own. Why? Because they are hell-bent on converting others to their religion, their God, their government, their creeds, and their way of believing and thinking, which is to dominate others and it comes from each side standing in disagreement. They profess free will and condemn anyone who disagrees with them! Which is strife and strife causes trials and tribulations! Which, in turn, causes disease and death. So, your letter to yourself has to be a no holds barred, everything falls under your scrutiny approach. You cant say to yourself suffering is the price we pay for eternal life and escape from suffering! GET REAL! It is the suffering you want to end or you would not seek help to end it! Be it medicine, prayer, income, escape, divorce, etc. Or reading books such as these!


You cant keep hiding how you feel about what you are doing that is not, we repeat, THAT IS NOT YOU SUPPORTING YOU! Suffering lets you down, vitality lifts you up. But, as long as you yank suffering out of vitality with your belief, that it is necessary to living an enjoyable or rewarding life, it is impossible to leave strife behind and actually live in peace, ease and joy. Why? Because you cant stop worrying. Now, with this clearly fixed in your focus, write in your letter to yourself, in your words, this statement. It is okay for me to be irresponsible, lacidaisical, and even whimsical, when I feel the need to act spontaneously. Meaning, without struggle or strife to fit it into moral and out of immoral. Do this and allow it or you will never break the rigidness in your attitude that is causing the rigidness in your body and stealing your mobility and vitality of life. Giving yourself and your Spirit the permission to move creates a very liberating feeling. It is this liberty we need, not the stifling of it by fighting against our own feelings, to favor our illusions and beliefs making us miserable. Anything you question is stuck in division and not moving! Now, this list of to-dos are your daily, self-induced obligations in rigid, repeating patterns you try to live by. Well, it does not serve your well-ness and well-being as it is always a compulsion driving you. Even when you are certain it is what your life is supposed to be. The way you know if this is true or false is simple. Is there strife, friction, conflict, and upsetting circumstances in your life? If so, these are not normal, and neither are you: normalized! Only when you can see your list as directions to Spirit to perform for you and to change you (never, never to change others), will you be freed from doing what you believe is right or wrong, better or worse, etc. Why is this true? Because all thought is a directive, but not all thought is whole and without bias. So, if you are not well physically and you pray to God (which is moving your Spirit) to help someone else (who is not well), you are sending your own lack of wellness to them, no matter what you said (s-aid)! Because all directives travel on how you feel! Uninspired people can not inspire others, because the only thing they have to give is uninspiring. Get your own house in order first. Or there is no other way to reverse the weak, diseased state into the strong, at ease state. Feelings are very contagious, so


passing your weakened state to another weakened person only amplifies weakness. What your letter to yourself does is clear up the clutter youve collected and put in a new memory file of how to live. But, when its not working, its time to toss it out of your life by replacing the old with new. After you write the letter(s) (it takes several for most of us) to yourself, with brutal honesty and change the outer focus to the inner focus, and strife in your life has lessened, you will notice this, My physical actions are coming out of how I feel, not what I think. I am responding to what is coming into my mind from within! I am not making the thought up by telling myself to go do this! Rather I am responding to my direction to Spirit to end the strife in my life. My feelings are moving me, not my mental reflections. When this starts, you know you are moving in a state of ease, because the connections, be they phone calls, new or old acquaintances, meetings, and work or play, are always connected and always accomplished with ease. This will come from both directions. Example: Youre in the middle of a project and it needs concluded, but you do not feel like concluding it then! This troubles you because you told yourself, or others, when youd do it! What has happened? Answer: You did not allow Spirit to give you the (k)nod as to when to conclude it. Instead, you believed it was to conclude when you said so, whether conditions were in place for it to do so or not! This is the place of strife, catch 22, either/or. What to do? Put it to rest. How? First, recognize your error of not directing and/or trusting Spirit to give you the feeling to do so. Second, undo what you did and contact the parties involved and tell them how you feel and that concluding it now does not feel correct. Either time-wise or composition-wise, something is out of place. (Or it would feel right.) This is how you use Spirit to prevent problems, while the end-result is still being created in the invisible, even though physical action is on hold until the proper structure is spiritually complete. Real knowledge is always a feeling, not a one-sided, belief-based conclusion, because anyone can mentally conclude how they would like it to be and believe thats how it is supposed to be. But this does not remove it from the mind, which leaves unresolved feelings trapped in your e-field and body. Feelings show you that what you


like is only the other side of what you dont like. So, you have to have and hold the vision of being what you are and who you are. Only then will you be devoid of seeking one side over the other as your conclusion! Real power has no emotion about one side or the other. It is not winning vs. losing. It is just there, now and right on! Knowing already concludes everything. Knowing that comes (on and with) the feeling its already concluded! It is all-ways correct: Always! The feeling of knowing already (all-re-ad-e). Every hueman is a visionaire already, but they dont utilize their gift. Why? Because they do not know they are heirs to their visions, voiced into being! They still rely on whats out there, in the physical form, instead of relying on the vision and voice that causes Spirit to become whats out there. Heres a tidbit to consider. You are born in the light and birthed in the dark. Study this. It solves many mis-conceptions that mankind has strangled himself with! As you study this, look at vision and voice, not babies from a birth canal or chicks from an egg! Lift your thinking up and direct Spirit to tell you how we are born in the light. Where is the light? Where is the dark? We are not talking about daytime and nighttime here. Open up. Allow. Shut off the old notions and let new octions come in! Octions is not pronounced auctions or our meaning is lost. It is pronounced oc-tiions or o/c-tie-eye-on-is. It is not in your dictionary, but it would do you good to look at its similarities. Death is a very simple condition found in you and your energy field, and caused by your outlook on life. That condition is you, causing (see-a-using) your energy to slow, keep slowing, and eventually stop! Slow energy stops the immune system from working so you get sick. Sickness leads to dis-ease and disease to death. You have made life into a serious, disturbing, unmanageable state of being. This is the slowing down, resistence to life you hold in your mind and subsequently in your attitude. You have made daily living a grave concern and the gravity of it is a literal pressure pushing you down and into the ground.


So, put in your letter to yourself that you do not want gravity in your life. And, put in your directions to Spirit to create levity in your life. Because without levity, which is your spiritual lever-age, you cant find freedom, ease and the joy of life. So, pray for levity, not for healing. When you pray for healing, you are also acknowledging, magnetically, that illness is present, which keeps it present. Got it? Good. So be it.


Orientation Create the circle of life Money more is better

Man is so positive that his activities, motions, and authority to make things happen are the path of, and for, a better life, he does not recognize the excess pressures created that damage the physiology coming from this attitude. So, the first requirement is to see it for what it really is. There is a really big problem in front of humans and they rarely acknowledge it. Death is made of diversity. Thats not the problem, however, thats just the truth about the problem. The problem is based on a core belief that humans support and agree to, in mass. The belief is this, more is better. Look at this honestly and you will see its falsity. Start with the opposing energy of it and it says, less is better. The most obvious division of this comes with the loaded gun and hair trigger mindset, which only requires one simple word to activate. That word is MONEY! The instant you think it, hear it or see it, it activates the belief about it, more is better. Now, the loaded gun is aimed through the core/core-eye-door of your belief and the energy, literally, begins to activate a string of thoughts about how to get more money. This is when the mind/brain connection is in its seek, search and conquer mode. Soon enough, like a computer in search mode, ideas, and deals come up on the screen of your mind. What happens next? You get out your calculator and push the pencil. If you like it, and it adds up to more (money), you mentally come into agreement with yourself that its on the bulls eye and your cross-hairs are locked on it. Then, you pull the mental trigger. This sets you into motion, activity, and pursuit to go gather up what you believe is yours, which you are sure is going to provide for you and your life will be fulfilled, easy and fun. After all, it is satisfying your belief. More is better! But it is not supplying your need to balance your energy. Lets look at it. Consider what else is visually out of your view when you enter a deal and become a part of it. What happens? You create a cycle of give and take codependency. It is often called servicing the customers needs, depending on which side of this youre on.


It is you work, he pays or vice versa. This seems harmless, but you are officially agreeing to be stuck in the repeating/cycling pattern. Look diligently at the energy, not what you believe you need from this energy pattern! Here, take the same pencil you used to calculate (call/cue-late) your bottom line (why do they call it bottom line?)(dead line?). Draw a circle. Now, mentally watch your energy begin this circle and end this circle. Okay? Where did you end up? Right where you started from. Yes, I know, you got paid for doing what you did. Now, do it again, draw the circle (sir-call) on top of the first circle. Now, where did you end up? How many times do you begin and end that cycle in a month? Or a year? Well, no matter how many times you completed the cycle, you always end up right where you started! The rut may be deeper, but the destination is always located right where you started! Energetically, youve gone nowhere. You are stuck in your belief, repeating itself. Heres where diversity comes into play. Look at your cycle/circle and equate the order to fill and the cost to fill it. Heres where you lose what you believe you gain. Do you know what diversity is? It is the state or condition of diverting. To divert is to change ones direction and go differently! How does diverting more is better into a state that lessens what you are equate to being better? fuller? happier? etc. It doesnt. Where are these diversions? Everywhere you spend money or use time. You know: cost of goods, transportation, insurance, debt, utilities, upgrades, accidents, payments, fees, licenses, schooling, depreciation, taxes, wages, down time, employee problems, strikes, backorders, broken contracts, lawyers, mediators, flat tires, traffic jams, floods, droughts, earthquakes, sickness, fraud, stolen goods, embezzlement, new laws, blackouts, protests, insects, divorces, and on and on it goes. Every advertisement and every new product or survey publicized represents another diverting, diversion, and die-verse-it-e in your energy. Now, as youve heard before, sit down, shut up, and ask yourself, Do I want these diversions usurping my energy? Dont think or say, usurping my money! Money does not make you sick, tired, or weak, nor does it make you healthy, well, and energetic. You have to comprehend whats happening to your energy before you will ever comprehend why you die. Only then can you live here as long as you choose to live here, without being stuck: here!


Your intention in deal-making, like buying and selling, is to benefit yourself. How does it benefit you to use 100% of your energy in the cycle, to end up with less than 10% of it? You are losing 90% of your imagined income. And, it is all wasted energy as you will soon see. Would you knowingly and willingly give anyone 90% of your life for their benefit? You just did! You give 90% of your energy away, to get 10% back! Thats why you die! As kids wed tease each other when someone made a simple error in math and say, Oh, you went to school at _________ High school. Then wed laugh. Its funny, but its accurate and we do not realize it! Now, take your pencil again, and this time, as you draw your circle, put a line intersecting the line of the circle for each expenditure youve made to keep your end of the deal. Now, your circle will look like a porcupine. Next, connect this with the center point of your circle. You will have lots of pie-shaped triangles (try-angles). These are where you divided your wholeness into die-versity to supposedly get whats best for you! More? More of what? Seeing obligations, expenses, and work as the solution(s) to problems is totally misplaced activity. Activity driven by the outer influences, distractions, and intrueshuns entering your state of mind at each intersecting point, which draws your inner energies out of you, when you encounter it and it diverts your mind and your reality. Not to mention the money they require of you. It is said all is thought in varying degrees of light to dark, right to wrong, in harmony or discord. That all elements of ether, gas, liquid, matter, etc. are just vibrations. Life is the association of energy, meaning physical formation. Death is the disassociation of energy, meaning the decay of physical formation. Within this understanding, motion drives life to-get-her(e) and drives life into pieces (pie-see-e-is), or apart. The only question left to answer is, How does man stop the disassociation into diversity? Which is not a difficult answer to arrive at. Look. When we said draw a circle, beginning to end, you had one single thought. Then, by moving your pencil, you created on your paper a form/formation that was totally non-existent, physically, before you were moved by your thought to draw the circle. You created an enclosure. You can call it a fence, or boundary. Now, draw anything you would desire inside the circle. This


is thought, also. Okay? This is very basic, but it is the most important understanding you can ever learn, because it brings to you the power of creation. Get this 100% anchored and grounded in your consciousness, or you will not learn to find your power. This is it, when you drew the circle, you did it without ANY intrusion. No in-true-shun says you were true to what was coming in to my-ion: eye on! This is kindergartener basics, but its God-science that causes life. To cause life, you do not go outside the (mental) enclosure, which is you agree with you about drawing a conclusion, and then not ever going beyond that enclosure. Earlier, when we had you interrupt the boundary line of the circle, it was easy to see just how endless intrusions, and interruptions, can be. Imagine you had livestock in your circle and that the circle fence had a hole at each intrusion. How long would the livestock, your thoughts, stay inside, contained, so you have them? Not long. This is precisely why die-versity has to come to an end. Because it is the holes in our attitude that leak life out (of us) and into disassociation/decay of our body. ITS THIS SIMPLE. TO HAVE LIFE ENERGY THAT EMPOWERS YOUR BODY AND GENERATES NEW CELLS, CONTINUOUSLY, IT CAN NOT BE LEAKING OUT OF YOU! WHICH IS PRECISELY WHAT IT DOES WHERE YOU DO NOT CONTAIN YOUR DESIRE(S) INSIDE OF YOUR STATE OF MIND. Outer influences can not come in, nor can the inner influences (motivation) leak out. The trick of learning this transformation state of mind is to learn to stop your thoughts from running around in chaotic disorder, disassociated states, in boxes and/or out of boxes. Almost all of what is taught today about thought control is based solely on visualization techniques. Visualization will not stabilize your thoughts, because it is light and light heats up anything it encounters. This excited light then starts to bounce and reflect or deflect, like mirror fragments in a collide-a-scope. The other problem with trying to use visualization alone to stabilize and contain thought(s) is the fact that it travels in straight lines, unless bent by force. How do you get a straight line to enclose anything? It will guide reality, like a train on a track, but it will not stop the train of thought from going outside, beyond the circle of life. The only way to control the light in the mind is to encircle it, enclose it, and contain it. Otherwise it directs you and you do


not direct it. The way to accomplish this is to marry the positive light in your head (headd) to the negative sound in your heart (hear-it), by moving it with your mouth (me-outhere) into the neutral space of Spirit, causing it to take the shape and form you direct with your words. Of course, drawing things on paper is not the 3-D reality it represents. But, without it, 3-D reality has no re-pre-sent-a-tion. All 3-D starts in 2-D. So, perception, the drawings (blueprints) once conceived by accepting the breath of life into them, Spirit, move out of 2-D, dormant, latent state, into the 3-D, alive and animated state. Man is still working, thus slowing life down, in order for this to occur. Soon this will change and the working for it belief will give way to the new knowledge. Then, the old, misplaced illusion about work will be I am, therefore it is! Instant manifestations, not arduous efforts that pain the body. So, keep going and soon youre there now. Soon you will feel it. Then, it is you, void of diversity, that sucks the life out of the vision and manifests into your daily life, because you have learned how to create reality, rather than fix it by working. You will be active, but it will be effort-less and joyfull. So be it.


Orientation Create circle of life Obesity Less is better

The affluent individuals of the world have far more obesity problems than the impoverished individuals. The affluent have very strong belief patterns that LESS IS BETTER. On the opposite side, or pole, of this same energy (energy in the division of duality) there is an equally strong belief pattern that MORE IS BETTER. These clearly oppose each other, energetically. One is positive and one is negative. Then why do they oppose each other? Science, and nature herself, all indicate that opposite poles attract each other. You see it in hot/cold, male/female, magnets/north/south, condensation/evaporation, etc. The law of physics, according to science, says opposites attract and likes repel! There is definitely something lacking in our understanding of Spirit and science when any individual, educated or not, can tell you that less is not more, and more is not less. They are opposites and oppose each other! So, how can science and nature say otherwise? In fact, why am I attracted to the opposite sex? And, why am I attracted to food and indulging when I know I do not want to be fat, obese, and overweight? Especially since I know being attracted (even addicted) to what is not serving my desires to be other than I am now? (Be it fat or be it skinny). Why am I attracted to heat if I am cold? Why am I attracted to water if I am thirsty? Now, inversely, why am I not attracted to these opposites when I am satiated or full of them? And, if over-full of them, totally oppose, repel and reject them? Ahh, the mystery of life, hee hee hee. Funny place we live in. I wonder what kind of diabolical mind would create an environment that one day we love beyond our wildest dream and the next day cant stand to be a part of and want to get out of here as quick as possible? Well, irony presents itself again. How? By informing you that you are the diabolical (dye-a-bawl-ic) mind creating this duality! Furthermore, you are absolutely doing it intentionally and on purpose because you chose to do so. Albeit, you lost your immediate memory as to why.


This is what we are here to help you re-call back into your conscious awareness. Who am I and why am I here? But first, let us discuss the finer points of why people believe more money is better, while believing less obesity is better. Understand, we are discussing the affluent side here. Reverse it and it is the impoverished side of the story. What is the common denominator in all people? What do all people, impoverished or affluent, want in their lives? No matter if they are young or old, colored or white, able or unable, etc. What do we all want? We all want to feel loved and taken care of! Now, reducing this to the tangible, physical world, it equates to we all want a plentiful supply of our needs and wants. And, we want the state of plenty or abundance, so we will feel safe, assured and comfortable in our life(s). In short, we want plenty of money, plenty of health, plenty of food, plenty of drink, and plenty of friends, etc. Youve got a lot of stuff on this list and its everything you deem as important. To travel, go to church, politicking, racing, inventing, sex, swimming, treasure hunting, mooching, boozing, etc. What is not on that list is the most important thing in the whole world. It is this, Who I am! How do we know its not on your list? Because every thing on your list is how you are seeking to find that identity you are still lacking and looking for through objects of your affection. You know you do not know who you are when it comes out of your conscious awearness as a question (doubt), and you ask, Who am I? Rather than being able to say, This is who I am, and go on to describe it. And, better yet, be it! The reason you are still asking who you are is based SOLELY in your observations of who you believe you are. You believe you are a physical hueman being and, in this role, you live in the duality of opposites. The either vs. or division. You see more or you see less. What you do not real-eyes and see is that you are being formed into a body on earth by the whole Spirit. Which is also YOU! This is what you forgot. This is what you are here to re-call and re-member. Then, the duality of life you are now identified with ends. This is the unification process that enlightens and empowers humans to become super-huemans, masters, adepts, avatars, etc.


This occurs because the man or woman shifts the perception up and away from the either/or of more vs. less, into the unified (you-in-f-eyed) state of This is who I am. There is no question or doubt when you unify you by having and holding the knowledge (steadfast) that THIS IS WHO I AM! Then, there is no other reality possible because you have not let your thought(s) divide into the good vs. bad of more vs. less issues (isyou-is). More vs. less is a belief and an illusion and it has to end before it starts or continues, or you will be trapped in it, as so many of you already are. The key to weight-loss, or money-earning, is not found on the bathroom scale or in the bank balance. It is found in who you see yourself being, void of any beliefs that more is better or less is better. Also, void of all the how to get it programming youve absorbed from your exposure to the dualitys approach for fixing your problems. Ask yourself this, If I apply myself to understanding how life is created, wouldnt this, by its very nature, include the process of having ALL my needs met? Be it more money or less obesity? And, inversely, if I only learn to earn, or how to lose weight, would I know how to create life? Realizing the answer to this question already puts us in the position to see how fruitless it is to learn to lose weight and/or gain income, and still lose our life. You see, you want the wrong thing when you want only at the physical level, because it is thought that creates and controls everything in the physical plane. When you are not happy and satisfied being here, there is only one reason for that dissatisfaction and it has nothing to do with what you believe you do not have enough of, money or too much of obesity. It has to do with you still being focused on and in the division and duality of the material world, rather than lifting your orientation above this place so your focus sees only the unified state of being I am. I am, I am, and I know it! Lock your consciousness into this state and every mystery (my-story) will become crystal (Christ-all) clear to you. How? Because you will not be clouding it with doubt(s) and divisions about who you are: more or less. Learn to remember who you are by calling the wholly Spirit to clarify it. Then the diagone-all lines of the dia-ball-i-call mind folds in-word, into your unified Spiritself, and the male vs. female in opposition grab onto each other in attraction and mate. In


mating positive and negative, life is created! Were talking about mental procreation, not physical sex. So, tell your physics and science teachers to complete their observation of attraction and repulsion laws so they illustrate the truth, which is this! We choose whether or not opposites attract or likes repel by where we place our focus! In the dipole (die-pole) (4 corners) of the form, or in the bipole (by-pole) (2 ends/up and down) of Spirit. Up and down is above and below, and it also complies with the law of density in physics that states, likes flow to likes, meaning water flows into water, oil into oil, etc. Scripturally, its birds of a feather flock together. So, what are we doing by moving our focus orientation up to the level of being at one with the whole Spirit? We are being what God is being, which is why our power to life is opened up and life pours into our body, down here! We unified our self into oneness and our oneness immediately rejoined the see/sea of energy that God is. We did this, and do this, exactly like a powerless raindrop, landing in the ocean and having merged with this ocean of energy, finds itself to have the same power the ocean has. Every thought you have is a raindrop from the source. Return it and it becomes the source. This is why youre here. To hear this and realize, I (as part of the collective whole called we), created this place and we come here to play in our creations. But, we got so engaged and engrossed in its sensuality that we forgot to pay attention to our spirituality that created it. Remembering this is re-hooking it to our source! This means OH MY GOD, WE ARE GODS of and from God. Expressing our impressions of who we see ourselves being: God or man. More or less. Wow! Thats it? Yes! Yes, that is it! So, get off your donkey, like Jesus did, and be at one with the father of life. This is your resurrection, this is your rebirth, this is your savior, and it is your ascension into the whole light. And, its your choice if you stay or if you go. No one gets taken up unless they reunified themselves to Spirit and it is always their choice. Because without choice, God will not move a finger to change you from where you are right now to any other place. If this is too much to absorb all at once, earmark it on your calendar and read it again in 30 or 60 days. Do this conscientiously, at least 7 times, and each time make notes to yourself about the new perceptions it brings to you in the reviewing. This is


important because you are creating brand new circuits in your brain (b-rain). As the raindrops of perception gather together, they get heavier, physically, because you are getting lighter spiritually. This does not mean you are gaining weight (obesity), it means you are gaining power, spiritually. And, in the power, the choice is conformed to it in the body. The lofty mindset causes the ideal body type. The lower mindset does not have the power to create the ideals as it is stuck in the weakened state of division, apart from the whole, therefore, lacking the power of the whole. Now you know. So be it.


Orientation Clearing illusions remove impossibility

To clear the illusions/beliefs and the mental patterns they create, we have to know what is keeping them stuck in our mind. First, illusions will not just present themselves to you for resolution. Why? Because they are attached to you and make up the part of your consciousness called ego, or altered ego, subconscious, memory, or past. They are attached to you because you believe you need your beliefs! Why? Because these culprits also protect you from being (even more) vulnerable to far worse beliefs. This is rather hard to fathom, but you actually leave the enemy to life to guard the door of your reality. This is not real easy to see how this can be true until you get to the bottom of it. Heres an example. We all strive, to some degree, to better our lives. This tells us we hold beliefs about certain possible/possibilities coming true. But, we normally never hold beliefs about the impossible possibly coming true (with the exception of addicted gamblers, perhaps). The point to this is why dont we entertain the impossible as being possible? Because weve left Mr. Impossible at the door we have to go through to find Mr. Possible! Impossibility is guarding the door and turning away all applicants (apply-cants) who want to go through and into the possible. Your ego says, I cant. It wont work. I havent got the money. I need an education. Im too old, too young, too dumb, and on an on it goes. When you mentally allow cant, wont, no money, no education, too old, too young, and too dumb to guard the door, along with impossibility, its a formidable and overwhelming state of mind, assembled for one reason and one reason only: to stop you. To keep you trapped in fear and away from trusting yourself! Unfortunately, this is what we do to avoid our desires. Those who do not avoid, attack the desires. But, the guards are still there even when they are ignored. Being ignored, they defend their position with doubt, smokescreens, more illusions, and misleading thoughts. So, no matter what the person does, their effect is always felt, even if it is never seen.


Well, hallelujah, because the problem just happens to be the solution. How so? Every mental pattern has a junction or conjunction of energy where the undivided flow hits, turns, or Ys off into other energy. There are also detours and blocked accesses. Each of these causes a feeling in you. Some subtle and some profound, but always present. When certainty, a flow of feeling, is divided by a belief, it creates doubt or uncertainty. If you, in turn, react to this because you do not like it, anger and aggression can also come into being and readily form another belief that you are supposed to get rid of. Society teaches this emotional discord constantly. By their actions they say are to defend themselves. Well, well, aint that nice! All you need to end this is to realize this anger is inside of me. Its my anger. Do I kill myself? Some fools do. This mentality of offend, or defend, is a global dilemma. Thankfully, there is a solution and you can use this solution to calm and neutralize every emotion (e-go-ing) and turn it into the feeling of your choice. Take your mind off of what you saw, heard, tasted, experienced, and focus only on what youre feeling. Why? Because what you are feeling is the energy stream coursing through the problem, dilemma, discomfort you are still holding anchored in your mind. Youre not used to doing this, so it is helpful to make a written list of emotions and feelings to refer to to describe this to yourself, such as, angry, hurt, fearful, doubt, trapped, helpless, anxious, calm, bored, empty, off-balance, missing, ambitious, overwhelmed, joyful, relieved, content, lazy, confused, driven, proud, humbled, embarrassed, ashamed, guilty, etc. Regeneration of the hueman body by using your power of mind with matter requires you to end all of the illusions and beliefs you hold in your consciousness, because they all represent division and separateness from the power of life: our wholeness. Wholeness travels in pairs, or conducteve circuits, and creates the charisma, or magnetic person-all-at-e of the hueman. Division breaks the bond of the pairs and goes to the closest possible link-up. This is chaos that creates the jungle of energy in your mental patterns which cause your problems. Problems that slow your energy. The only way to solve a problem is to change the feeling causing it. Because you cant change whats already been created. You have to create a brand new cause, and


create a brand new feeling that is the feeling of ones choice! And, this causes the reality of that choice! All limitations and restrictions in the hueman conscious come from ones perception and focus being split, which causes a person to hold dozens of unresolved either/or relationships. Whats worse is the further dividing and splitting that compounds the first split. This is why the only way to dissolve these is to change the existing feeling to the new feeling via the proper use of the Lord/God energy and your own vision and voice pairing to move Spirit to move you to feel differently: new not old! You have to make the surroundings secondary and the feeling primary in your focus, or you will be subject to your environment, which as weve said is backwards. The surroundings and environment are to be subject to you! How else can a world be changed?? Clearly the world is suffering from our errors, so it can just as easily be celebrating by our corrections. Clean your mental house, the conscious us, and watch life grow clear, pure, and young. So be it.


Orientation The problem is not the problem, and The solution is not the solution

No, this orientation is not a mistake. The purpose of this orientation is to teach you the process of actually finding and maintaining the neutral prime-all state of Spirits whole energy. The energy you then divide into the symptom or end result, which in the physical duality can only be one of two endings: the problem or the solution. We spoke before about this civilization and its never-ending penchance toward solving its problems, which leaves the conscious state of any entity or individual locked into the imbalance of feeling like they need something or someone in their life to fill that need. So, what you have is mass consciousness based on fixing what you believe is wrong, empty, unjust, improper, false, deceptive, dangerous, needing corrected, regulated, secured, etc. The oversight of this kind of thinking is being (almost) totally ignored and overlooked because the masses believe the problem is the problem! When you believe this, you are not able to realize SOMETHING CAUSED THE PROBLEM, which you hide by looking for the culprit who caused it. Be it the criminal, virus, bacteria, food, water, air, chemicals, genetics, etc. The ability to change any reality is to first find out what the real cause of the problem is. Well, the problem is not the problem, no matter what you believe. The real problem is found in you, because it is you thats confused about how the problem was caused and about how it is resolved. THEREFORE, THE REAL PROBLEM IS THE LACK OF KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING OF HOW TO CREATE A SOLUTION. Now, we need to discuss the solution side of the problem/solution duality, because the masses also hold another belief that is as self-defeating as the erroneous idea that problems can be fixed. This belief is on the opposite side of the coin (co-in). This is a belief that wars are born in, because it is the conception that battling for, and competing with, each other will produce a solution.


The hurdle and obstacle (obstallicall) I had a very difficult time getting beyond was why dont really brilliant, smart, genius, or gifted people have the wizedome to keep themselves alive? Why cant the high-calling of kings, queens, inventors, presidents, gurus, and priests know how to keep themselves from dying? Well, here is the answer to that question and the answer as to why any of us are aging and dying, they (we) believe the solution is the solution to our problems. This is driving the 9 to 5 workforce, it is driving the spending sprees, and overwhelming debt. It is driving flocks of people to churches every Sunday. It is driving the entire winning-at-all-costs mentality. It drives crime, and it drives this world crazy because the instant they recognize their role in creating the problems, they are absolutely certain that by adopting the other side of being good, straight, clean, helpful, and then volunteer with civicminded charity, and/or evangelic enthusiasm, that their problems are over. They are not over! Do you know why? If you are still struggling to see this clearly, stop looking at what changed outwardly and look for what never changed at all thats driving the switching of sides from good to bad! Who among us can see how being polarized good is equally as bad as being polarized bad? This is what you have to know and use or you will remain stuck, because what you are still doing is wanting and dreaming instead of choosing and directing God/Spirit to create. Put the next statement in your consciousness building blocks. THE SPIRIT OF GOD ONLY CREATES! IT NEVER FIXES ANYTHING! Spirit creates your stability and/or your instability, and you choose which one you want, which you thought you did when you moved from being irresponsible to being responsible! But, you did not aim your orientation at creating a new reality. You only moved your focus to the opposite side and believed being good would replace feeling bad. It cant. Again, why? Because you have ignored the cause of feeling that you needed fixed or fulfilled in the first place. Nothing changed! You needed a whole life and you still need a whole life, which you will never feel you have in the physical realm until you go to the whole energy field of Spirit/God and direct the cause of life to bring it to you. Then, it comes into the physical plane in a perfect balance of harmonious, joyful, peaceful living.


Because the only way to put an end to the beliefs and illusions you hold in your mind that create an imbalance of always needing and not having (halving) is to use choice properly. Choice is not a physical decision of desiding to be good or bad, moral or immoral, it is a connection to the all-knowing, all-powerful, unified, whole, prime-all essence of life. You will always have and hold biases, prejudices, and false judgment about the people and things around you until you learn to use choice correctly! Which is to stop believing, eluding, and echoing sentiments about color, creed, culture, sexual preference, appearance, images, and all places in the mind where you hold beliefs of right vs. wrong, or good vs. bad. So, any condemnation of any behavior is incorrect use of Spirit. Likewise, any accolades and praises heaped on what you believe is good behavior, is also incorrect use of Spirit because in either one of these actions, you are splitting or dividing the whole estate into your biased, belief-based split estate of imbalance! This is the true meaning of judge not, lest ye be judged. And, as you can see, it is not God dividing your energy into a judge-mental split, it is you! So, YOU JUDGE YOU by how you see reality. And, when you do not see and seek the whole energy first, you can not balance life on earth and be at rest here. There is only duality in opposition on earth, so to understand the trinity or tri-add of life, expressed as father (+), son or daughter (-) (also, father/mother, god/goddess) and wholly Spirit, we have to recognize (re/cog/in/eyes) our role is connecting the duality of opposition to the one (1) that ends the opposition vs. attraction and literally marries opposition to attraction, that re-joins their division and attracts each other for the sole (soul) purpose (per/pose) of creating the child of choice: your choice. This is why the divisions between people need to be understood. Then there is no accusing, blaming, pointing fingers, judging, or criticizing. Nor is there any trophies, rewards, accolades, cheering or booing, or false idols. Praise in duality is just as bad as criticism because it painted the picture that heroes are somehow better than non-heroes. Heres why! Risk-taking is still risk-taking, whether its a condemned action or a praised action, and risk-taking is in duality. So, you can not elevate yourself or another without also demeaning the other side. That is not life nor love being created. It is only selfglorification and false pride.


We have to stop saying, God is good, and stop saying, God is love, because he is not divided into either good or bad, love or hate. We do all of the dividing, not God! So, if you do not feel loved, its because you divided Spirit into the mental focus/orientation that divides love into hating. Or, its lesser, little brothers (little bothers) of disliking, discomforting, and disease. God is not tainted or colored with any positive or negative attribute, or he would be exactly what we are: huemans. Which are the hues of Gods clear, pure, whole light, sent out through the prism, a triangulated shape, to cause color, shape and form. Along with this, we have to stop condemning actions we believe are right vs. wrong, and begin to direct Spirit to direct us to be honest and express our feelings without any emotional biases coloring our comments. So, if youre still searching for the truth, be sure you are not looking at anything, anyone, or any script or scripture thats of this world. Also, cease looking in the mind for the truth, because all visible and all audible perceptions and conceptions have been dualized already and are nothing more than another emotional prejudice you prefer. Restated, preferences are prejudices, unless choice directs Spirit to become the preference. The truth is only accessible by learning how to return the duality to the unity, which these programs of orientation teaches you to do. Study, think, and so be it.


Orientation Seeing how creation works Observation

All observation is is the intentional act of neutralizing what youre involved in thats bringing discomfort. Say someone said something that hurt or offended you. Or someone stole something and it offended you. Or you got passed over, or gone around, and it affected your income, which also offended you! Why is this happening? First, lets clarify this. Observation is not stopping or seeking to fix what happened. Youre too late for that because it has already come into the physical state. To observe is to look at how it got to this point. What part did you play? In our examples above, we made you out to be the victim. What if you were the perpetrator and you were doing the offending, instead of being offended? Just look at it. Now, look at it from what you believe and think! Do you hate hurtful people? Thieves? Ramrods? Etc. Are you afraid of losing what you have now? Do you misplace your trust in those who turn out to be untrustworthy? Are you working to create a new life in co-dependent situations? Meaning, if the dominoes fall, do they take you down, too? Is debt strangling you? Are people always wanting favors from you? How much time a day do you give solely to yourself? Were asking you to find out who you are being now! This will create a clarity in your observation role. A role where you do not take any mental, emotional, or physical reaction to whats going on in your world. Only then will you begin to see how you set yourself up for the problems and discomforts that beset you. All of physical life has two sides, called opposites. But, they are not actually opposites. This is not understood clearly, or youd create paradise, not war zones. Youd create life, not death. What you call opposites are nothing more than degrees/angles away from true center, or true neutral, which is where the truth is. When you believe love and hate are opposites, the angle of hate follows your intensity of the hatred (hat-red). So, you energy leans over to the side, away from neutral. Our teachings call these illusions or beliefs. Now, heres the irony of holding


this attitude. It magnetically attracts to you what you hate, because hate flows together with hate, like oil flows with oil. Okay? But, when you cant see this in yourself, you blame others, the weather, etc. Hear this clearly. None of your problems are caused by others, or they would not be called your problems. Every problem is born of an attitude that is not in neutral position. Once you see the truth of this, you will start dropping your attitudes like hot potatoes. And, you will stop making an issue out of everything someone does or says. How did you get this attitude of hate? You learned it from others who took themselves out of neutral and proclaimed mentally, visually, and vocally that they hate this or that. Then, they taught others that it is good or right to hate this or that! Then, arguments started, fighting began, and hurting and harming became a (stupid) way of life. Stupid has literally become a standard for killing as a means of creating peace. Give me a break! There is nothing peaceful about war, conflict, arguing, or even worrying. And guess what? Every one of these detrimental activities is born from an attitude that people hold off-center in the mind, as a solution to a problem. IT IS THE PROBLEM. Wake up. Observation lets you get back into neutral. Then, your mind does not race off and into an attitude of hating. No matter what it is! Hating is causing the problem because thats where your focus is oriented. Reorient the focus and nothing will come to you that is hurtful or hateful. Vacate the old emotional, memory-bound prejudices and biases and stay calm. Do you realize hate-red can cause cancer? It does this because our body is composed of the colors of the rainbow. Red is the heat that activates and stimulates our system into motion. When man erroneously projects hate, it goes out on the red color ray. Being projected, instead of received, it collides head-on with red coming into us. Where the (+) red from Spirit hits the (+) red from mans misused thought, repulsion and intense heat are generated. Excess heat causes the cells to propagate insanely because the order has been replaced with disorder, and tumors (two-mores) grow. How do you cut poison, or burn hatred from the mind, to cure a cancer? You dont! Near the end of this chapter we describe this process and the absurdity of trying to


physically fix life. Moving a symptom to another place does not change the cause one iota. Now, what about the attitude of love? Again, if it is off-center and not balanced, it is just as destructive as hate. This sure sounds absurd, ridiculous, and impossible, but it is not, as you will see. Love travels on the blue color ray. Blue is what cools your body and calms it down. Blue is below red on the color scale. Red is in the head and blue is in the heart. Now, imagine projecting the blue ray with your thought, and it hits the blue ray coming in on Spirit. Again, a collision of energy occurs. Now, remember, in physics opposites attract and likes repel, but birds of a feather flock together. To say, oil unites with oil, and water unites with water. So, biased blue repulses natural blue, but it does not heat up, it gets cold. Why? Because heat unites with heat, and cold unites with cold. Now, excess pressure is created, but its cold, not hot like red. Think. Why do cold and frozen ice cubes expand if excess pressure isnt present? Obviously, pressure is present. Biased blue hitting blue causes a cold heart, or hard-heartedness. Voila! The cause of heart attacks unveiled. Again, the mind is creating this condition and the bodys self-preservation immediately sets to work to warm up this condition, so the body is not bound up with excess internal pressure. Again, weakening the body and creating restrictions of blood flow continuously. Cold fingertips and toes are signs of this condition. How is this condition caused? By misusing love. Please be patient and connect fully with the understanding you are now getting. Its a major hurdle to get over and its a major improvement to life once you do. It took me years to understand this. Why? Because I was taught that saying thank you, I love you, and in general being considerate, nice, charitable, and helpful to others was the right way to live life. Supposedly the way to stay out of trouble with others, the law, and avoid ending up in hell. Sorry, but this is not even close to being the truth! Why? Because being nice INSTEAD OF BEING HONEST is living a lie, unless you vacate old dishonesty so you dont act differently than you feel! Millions of people act nice and have very naughty, mean, and vicious thoughts. We are supposed to live in the truth, to be set free! So, I can honestly tell you this, If you live the moral life on the


right side vs. neutral side, of life, YOU WILL AGE AND YOU WILL DIE. As do those who live on the immoral, left side. The behavior associated with being kind and being nice is predominately found in civic-minded organizations like charities, churches, rehabs, volunteer agencies, counseling, support groups, etc. If what I have finally perceived as the truth is not the truth, why dont the moral right live long, healthy lives, and the immoral left all die young? Because many smokers and drinkers and cantankerous people are in closer balance and harmony with life than their holier than thou, moral counterparts, because they are more honest (h-one-st). Remember this, it will help you maintain balance. When anyone wants something from you, no matter what it is, they are really wanting to draw you into their imbalanced state. Why? Because if you agree with them, then it makes them right, in their own eyes. Joining up, taking sides, and switching from bad behavior to good behavior is a reaction to others. It is not an action you impress your Spirit with to bring forward the power of creation. So, how do we get love into our life(s)? First by clearing out the beliefs/illusions we hold that divide our energy. Second, which is really first, you learn what and where the Lord/God is, and then you use your vision and your voice to connect to that power of life energy that creates all of reality. This is the true meaning of creating with free will choice. Then, you create a life you desire, and you love it! Love follows creation, it does not precede creation. Now, look at love and hate and decide which is best for you! Did you? I hope not! If you did, you fell instantly back into the division of love vs. hate. Look, listen, and learn. You can not choose love over hate. They are the same thing in duality, or the physical state. Hate on left, and love on right, and both are split vines coming off of Spirit. In division you want love, but cant get it. In creation, you do not want to get love or get rid of hate, because you always create what is good for you. This manifests the feeling of absolute love. Love is attached to what you create. It is not a requirement, as is taught, it is a gift from self, from the spirit of life. Man is taught just the opposite, love your neighbor right? Wrong! To love anyone, you first have to be honest with them. Because when youre not honest with


them, youve already created a gap and a tension between you. Honesty eliminates conflict, even if they dont think like you do, while dishonesty attracts conflict, even if youve been agreeable for years for it will find its way out and into the open, where you can then address it honestly, or become enemies honestly! It is connecting to the whole source of life that gives you your desires. All of them. Who can not love a life full of their own desires? Then before you realize it, youve become very God-like and this never fails to attract attention. Then, you can share with others because they want you to, not because you want something from them. (Like their acceptance or love.) You dont need love from any outside source, once you comprehend this and see this as it really is. So, being a god is not as difficult as it seems because of this revelation and connection to what role man is playing in the spiritual all that is and the creative, but divided earthly role. We are the matrix that God becomes, and we are the director of what matrice (mold) is and the maytrix we become! God is the power to create the endresult, for he is the fuel that propels the energy (invisible molding) into being, the visible result of our vision, vocally embraced into visible form. Getting beyond the illusions of what the world deems as necessary is all there is to it. For the removal of ones focus from the turmoil ends it, providing the focus is placed in neutral, not switched to the opposite side. This is not a withdrawal process or a quitting of something you have deemed to be bad for you because thats a judgement. This switching of the focus can not be forced, as in being stubborn (stub-born), because rigidness is not a neutral, balanced state. It is an enforced state of imbalance that eliminates any other options for learning, except hard knocks. To remove your focus from the turmoil, you have to engage the Spirit to wed you, marry you, unify you to the new focus of choice. For it is our direction(s) to Spirit that changes the magnetic positioning of the focus. You might say thats nonsense, because you can willfully focus on anything you choose to focus on! Thats what free will is. I agree. However, one element of this focus is missing and has not been taught clearly before now, or man would not deem free will to be all there is in the use of ones mind to bring about his or her reality. All ineffective petitions, prayers, and directions to God are caused by improper orientation of focus prior to use of free will. What is equally important to free


will choice is the foundation that free will rests on, which is the orientation of ones focus when the consciousness is at ease and relaxed. Our energy is in a magnetic field and that magnetic field regulates where the focus self-levels, or orients. To say, beliefs/illusions are impulses and compulsions of energy that move us to do things and to think things relative to them. When you stop willing (holding energy in place with will power) the focus, and relax the mind (not body only), where does your focus return to? Where does it settle down and cease running out and into search and do mode? How you feel, then, drives your state of being. This is a point in the mind that you constantly use as an escape, a defense, or position of taking charge! Until you learn to create reality in the mind, first. Examples The people who use drugs, take pills, or smoke dope thats illegal, or the smoker who has to have cigarette, the drinker a drink, the playboy another woman, the playgirl another guy, the business people another deal, the actors another role to play, the politicians another law or another vote to get, the minister another down and out person to mentally nurse back to health, the doctors another patient, the racers another win, the killers another victim, etc. are coming out of imbalance. When the lack of relaxation of the mental focus starts pushing your anxiety buttons, that is your orientation! If it is not a feeling of absolute ease and freedom, you have some reorienting to do! This is your point of beginning of every single mental pattern in your life today. Until this point has no anxiety pushing you, you are not free to actually use free will choice and get it to work for you. Why? Because your choice is being run through the very anxiety you are wanting to get rid of! You have to beseech the Spirit to clear the mind before it will work properly. This is the confusion the masses hold about how God works. Its like having a bad valve in your engine, or a leaky pipe in the plumbing, then increasing the power driving the functioning of the system. What happens? It causes more problems, not fewer problems! This is why pouring more power (determination, effort, and concentration) into resolving issues does not resolve them! Look at war, abortion, disease, security, business, church, politics and all you see is more and more arguing, divisions, scattering and less of the desired end-result: peace and ease.


The power exerted to change a physical condition is a wasted effort. Why? Because it only accomplishes one thing! The scattering of the seeds of discontentment. These are precisely the same side effects you see when pills, drugs, chemicals, and radiation are used to supposedly cure dis-ease. Imagine a rock as a disease and you want to get rid of it. Bomb it, cut it, melt it, smash it, grind it, poison it, paint it, or bury it, etc., and no matter what you do and how you leave it, the rock is still there! It will look differently, or be spread out and scattered, but it is not gone! All disease is caused by what is in your mind, not what is in your physical environment. This is what were here to learn. Look at killing and capturing of the lieutenants of war. Those the accusers deemed to be the problem-makers. Did it stop the warring? No! Killing cancer or other disease does not stop it either. It just gets rerouted and harder to understand, because you hide it from your view. Then, what you cant see keeps eating at you, until you die. WHAT DID YOU CURE? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! So be it.


Focus Orientation Self-Governing order

Our society has to have new models for understanding life. For the most part the world is locked into the misused authority over others mentality, thus behavior is overridden. Man utilizes weapons and war, punishable laws and enforcement, taxes and impoverishment, entrapment and spying, and, as a child, whipping, spanking, yelling and grounding. And what has all of this created? Cheating, lying, rage, with hospitals and prisons all over-flowing with unstabile, unhealthy people. Look at why everything has competing with others as its driving force! Kids compete for grades, skills and appearances. Then, later, the now-adults compete for spouses, jobs, titles, income, etc. Every other TV show today is about fighting to be #1, winning over others, and ending up with some imagined, covetous prize. Whats wrong with this model of society? In my books, plenty. We mentioned the obvious, but there are much more insidious messages thread through the authority-over model. Look at religions, which are supposed to represent the higher powers. Or look at governments to supposedly empower the people. They reek with authority-over and fight with each other about the right way versus wrong way to live. Which brings us to the new model for society that we can all envision and bring into being. We could call this new model of and for society, THE SELF-GOVERNING ORDER, for living life at peace, in ease, and fully free. It begins by understanding what competition is doing within our mind and concurrently doing to our body. Namely, causing divisions, which if maintained, lead directly to disease. Competition comes from comparing; mentally comparing, that is. What making a comparison does is this, it weighs, sorts, and separates the thought process into compartmentalized rooms. Because man does this with the head(light) predominately, not his heart or feelings, the matrix in the mind becomes a series of reflections. This way of thinking sets up the memory collection that looks like a cobweb, extending out of you (the center of it) in spokes and cross-links, only its threedimensional. An appropriate description might be a 3-D cobweb.


This maze and lattice, in time, thickens and we literally get wrapped up by our own dream (web) works. The layers and cross-linking of this unconcluded, unrealized thought and emotion has to be unwrapped, unraveled, and unfolded. Then, your access to the higher, finer, purer and full empowered states are reachable. What man has found himself trapped in is his wanting but not having condition. This lack of knowledge to have is stuck in-between the principle of want to have. The feeling state each hueman wears daily, consciously or unconsciously, underlies this division of I have this or I lack that. As such, mankind has overloaded the mind with the principle of I want it, but I dont have it! IT, meaning anything you see or say you want, but never conclude by having. Look at it like this. You open the thought of I want (to have knowledge) and close the thought to have (the condition lacking it) my desire(s). If you dont know how to have your want you create space, distance and time in-between wanting and having, which is precisely where aging takes place! In the passing of time, which is actually your mind moving, not time moving. Now, why do you suppose science says we use very little of the brain? Because the mind is full of unfinished, incomplete, unrealized and never felt states of mind. Why? Because we have not been taught that the body infrastructure is made up of our thought processes. Instead, weve been taught that what is in the physical side of life is all thats important. With this focus, no one has life, a giving foundation of who they are, supporting their life. This is why so many huemans are walking around with so many unresolved issues (is-yous). Your mind and your brain in the body are interrupted and dysfunctional. Your reservoir of wanting in the mind is full to over-flowing, while your body is drained of its vitality by not having the wants! Its exactly like a dam on a river, holding water (wants) back and depriving you of (having) enough water to keep you alive. Your body is shriveling up because your water does not have enough Spirit in it to sustain it. We hope by now, if youve studied the Wm. Nature teachings, you realeyes your beliefs and illusions are the dam in this analogy, holding your dreams away and apart from you.


The web-works that surrounds you and your body is the impenetrable dam and dam-nation within your energy field that is depriving you from having the ability TO CREATE. Therefore, denying you of your own desires. Dams are touted to be needed to supply electric power and irrigation for the food supply. But, if we look at this period of immense change in the geography of the waterways, it created problems man still has not resolved. Fish, salmon, etc., of course, is one obvious problem, but theres many more down stream and up stream because the natural, sustainable resource (water flow) has been shut off in favor of competitive, economic interests who own the surrounding lands, that grow food or raise animals. This does not sound bad, because we huemans limit our beliefs to the idea (another belief) that this is the only way to supply our needs. Water, the life-blood of earths inhabitants, should not be shut off. Shut off your blood supply and what happens? Keep it shut off and that part dies. Its not the food chain itself, its the energetic imbalance in its growth, distribution, preservation and supply system. The starving people in the 3rd world and the obesity plagues in the more affluent nations clearly show this imbalance. Where did this come from? It came from competing for the money, profits, and resources rather than creating a system of actual balance. This out-growth of fighting to possess the basic needs of each hueman has become the malignant, dysfunctional system we have today. Where they who have control those who do not have! Compare, compete, conquer and control are the by-words and by-laws of this diseased and dying world. These same mentalities have taken the reality of life away from the Spirit of life, and caused so many pitfalls, hardships, entrapments and manipulations for mankind to try and live by, its impossible for the average person to see beyond the massive web-works. Web-works, damming the Spirits self-sustaining quality of life when it is left to flow naturally. Its so bad that you cant even call a person on the phone without being trapped in the electronic cobwebs! Why did people live to be hundreds of years old in biblical days and we cant get beyond 80 to 100 years old now? Hint. There was no proliferation of the division between a Spirit-lived life and a physically-lived life with death ending it. The split was there in days past, but two defining streams of energy were obvious in the historical


accounts. One was to live by the heart and feelings, the other was to live by the head and numbing intellect of logic and reason, and forego the feelings. This is how conquer, regulate and control over others came into being! The division of reflecting on things of the physical nature overtook and overwhelmed the more sensitive feeling states of intuition, conscience, and natural understanding, where fighting and competing is not part of life! It is part of death, which has concluded itself in the conquer death state of mind versus live life wholly and fully state of mind! We dont need to tame anything, be it rivers, animals, people, or weather. We need to understand it so it befriends us and does not resist us, which in turn causes us to react to it, causing the fighting against it to begin with. This is what the scripture meant when it said, to love your enemies. The problem with this scripture as it was translated lays in the use of the word enemies. Why? Because in the pure, wholly state, the thought than an enemy exists is not present: period! How can this be true? Simple. There is no enemy unless the individuals thought and mindset has created it. In which case it could not have happened in the pure, whole Spirit of God, because that state is not active unless the person activates it! Which thought does, in complete compliance to what is actually thought! This means if we see anything or anyone as the enemy, we create the enemy state of mind, and the ensuing reality of it. This also means, if you see everything as friendly, it will leave you alone or even be your friend. To say, It will not harm you. Which foundation block do you hold in mind? Friend, or enemy? Forewarning: approaching anything with the idea of being its friend is dangerous, because even to believe its okay is not an absolute still, neutral state of mind. Its very easy to delude yourself that the snake wont bite, or the bear wont attack, etc. When you approach any animal (or person) with the idea of befriending it, take this wise advice with you! The answer is found in why am I wanting to approach this in a befriending way in the first place? To help you answer this, look at the situation. Animals are normally fearful of man, for good reason. But people are not normally fearful of other people without good reason (physically, anyway). What have we got under these conditionalized situations? Fear or curiosity?


First animals are not sitting around all day figuring out by comparative analysis, how to bite you, attack you, or devour you. But, people do this with regularity, because they plan on and devise ways to kill, trap, tame, regulate, and force their surroundings into submission to them. Even when it is not to eat them. Second Huemans want to feel and they confuse touching, petting, and taming animals to eat out of their hands as being friendly. They do the same with other people by approaching them with the idea of befriending them when inside its how can I take advantage of the relationship to get what I (dont have) want: to feel loved! Stop feeding the gator and when he comes for food and its not there, he doesnt care whether you are friendly or not. Hell eat your hand or foot and not care at all! You cant be neutral, no matter how hard you try, when you believe in getting the energy (already) surrounding to comply with your wishes, because all energy that surrounds you is already in the friend/enemy, positive/negative pattern. You cant change that energy by electing friend over enemy, or enemy over friend. Neutral is a state of being whole, wanting to have a friend or not wanting to have an enemy is not a whole state. Without the whole state of mind, which wanting causes, you are stuck in reflections and echoes versus feelings, whole state. Real friendliness is never wanted, it is felt. The feeling, not the wanting, is your guide. The whole state is where the lamb and the lion come together and peace prevails. So, it is the feeling you already have that dictates the outcome of any meeting of others or animals. It is not the desire for a friendly or unfriendly meeting. Be honest to yourself. No one thats remotely sane wants to intentionally have unfriendly meetings or extended unfriendly relations. So, our present mind, full of biased beliefs and illusions are the problem(s), not our natural desires hidden behind them. These are what control over others brings to life. While self-governing how we feel and who we are being does not go out into the reactionary state of the friend versus enemy mental pattern. This is why self-established clarity, order, and knowledge become our SELFGOVERNED SOCIETY of natural, orderly living, where we all honor each others foundation of life, for life, in one Spirit, of many divine individuals.


Another aspect of self-governing order is found in what is called time. Most people do not see how time, focused on, stops you from feeling. This inability to connect what you feel holds your energy away from the state of order (wholly connected mind/body) and keeps it stuck on when and if, or what if, or how soon, etc. This occurs because your illusions and beliefs about loss and gain are all measured (divided) back to how much time was involved. And, when you block out the actual gain, already done and accomplished, without putting it into a time box equation, you always gain when you work. If this were not true, nothing would ever get constructed. Gain is constructing. Loss is imagined, only, when it is a time and date comparison. The point of order is simple. Go forward and you gain. But, if you have based and predicated going forward (earning/income) to meet debt demand that is supposed to be derived from the imagined gain, not the real gain, you created a trap. And, when time passes and youre not on schedule (theirs), your behavior leaves natural ease and gain. Now, the over-polarized tension and anxiety start flooding the body with feelings of worry and doubt, which are disorder. Your disorder, caused by your willingly going into the box, which you do not control, they do, relinquishes your whole state of going at your pace and creating orderly gain without risk. Why go into high risk, based on a nebulous future constructed on whats outside of your control and your jurisdiction? Real self-governing is always predicated on real time and real knowledge, by how you feel. So, when you put how you are going to feel in their control, which they do with timed return, you gave away the energy you need inside you, powering life, to what is outside of you, powering dis-ease and death. We will always gain if we do not risk our gain by gambling on the belief that we can beat the clock. We cant beat the clock until we remove our attitudes from clocks and calendars, deadlines and rigid schedules that only exist (at all) because we agreed to it! Learn to live by open-ended appointments so no possibility of conflict ever arises. Learn to give yourself larger time windows, like between 9 and 9:30, so when theres heavy traffic, a wreck, or a flat tire youre not trapped. Put in weather pending if it could affect you.


Learn to stop promising youll do something later. How do you know where you might rather be later?

If you make deals, do it jointly so any unexpected delays dont become just your responsibility.

Share reality, not compete for it. Let people think for themselves and make sure they let you think for yourself.

Stop the its your turn, its your job not mine, etc. Change this stuff to the priority user, meaning if they want it/need it, its up to them, not you. Of course, this has to apply to you also.

And, access your actual state. Is it real loss/gain or imagined/fantasy.

So be it.


Orientation Ending Obligations Becoming a Visionaire

The neutral state is being created by not going out to get things done (your mental to do list)(to do = two-due). So, to dos are the split-focus between positive and negative that is due. What is due (you believe), you owe. What you owe to yourself or others is an obvious obligation! A debt, and in this case, a self-imposed pseudonecessity! We cant wrap ourselves up in to-do lists to empower ourselves. To list is to lean, and it is an off-center state of being. The other error of physical lists is the activity you engage in to do them. It is not you being you, it is you doing them. Them, in this case, is your belief or illusion that youve let your thinking convince you its necessary for your well-being. But the truth of activities stuck in the positive or negative and not coming from directed, neutrality and choice of the vision, voiced, is that its stuck in reactively doing it, not actively being it! To do lists come from thoughts you make up to follow! Thoughts that lead you around by the nose and eyes and ears! Spirit-directed thought is feeling-supported, not beliefsupported. Look at your actions so you can learn the difference between the feeling nature of whole/active states of being and the un-whole, divided states of reactivity. Again, where does reactivity come from? It comes from reacting to the divided state of either/or. It comes from images (not your vision) caught in the in-between of right vs. wrong. This all falls into decision-making, catch 22, stuck in the middle energy, which, when used by the individual, sucks his/her energy into its dispersing chaos and the resultant conflicting disorder! The place of disease! Realeyes, being stuck in-between works like a person whos got two people pulling him/her their way by tugging on both the left and right are at the same time. Mentally, this occurs when you are stuck on your belief/illusion and it wont budge. Or, you are confused, doubtful and skeptical about the situation you are in. This is not the neutral state. It is the biass state of listing over, of leaning over, or flip-flopping back and forth. Like a rocking boat, it is not a stable, absolute state of mind.


So, with the mirror surface in the mind, you can not give yourself a clear vision, because the sir-face is disturbed, blurred, and shaking, therefore, unable to mirror the vision. You do not see the extended eye-deal of having and being a visionaire (a person in possession of their own vision). This persons vision does not see a million or a billion pieces of paper so they can be ranked among the wealthy vs. the not so wealthy or poor people. A visionaire (visual-heir) is a person who knows exactly, precisely, and clearly where they stand, who they are, and why there are here. Their vision is their identity and they are always being true to it. They do not see earning, a state of doing, as the means to an end, like hopeful millionaires who accumulate physical reality like assets, equity, money, products, etc. Or, inversely, gamble, bet, and take chances so they have wealth hopefully. The vision-heir does not work for, gamble for, or accumulate anything because things are not the power to create life. This understood, the individual does not have to strive to break free of the bonds of duality pulling on his/her arms (mind) in opposite (oppose-site) directions. Knowing that striving is the symptom of separation, split-focus and division of Spirit, the vision-heir withdraws from fruitless, reactive states. This is simple to see and to feel. Play it out and have two people pull on you in opposite directions. Or, get two people who have different viewpoints and let them try to convince you why their side is the right side for you to be on! Do this long enough for you and them to get emotionally and/or physically tired, pissed off, or resigned. At that point, when you are no longer striving to be free of the dual nature of your mind, the body and mind are in neutral and quit struggling, straining, stressing, obsessing, and looking for a way out! It relaxed the tension and stress of wanting out of the place you were in, feeling caught in the middle. You have to create this neutral zone as a permanent part of life. You dont do it by taking sides. Our latent (zero-point energy) is also zero resistance! Now, theres no fighting, no working, no conquest, and no cure needed! Hear this. Here this. NO CURE IS NEEDED! Vision-heirs know this! Profit-based millionaires do not know this, or their focus would not be on the accumulation of lifeless things they believe they need to make life whole. Bring this vision home, within you.


Then you can direct Spirit and you will feel Spirit respond. You feel it because you are consolidating the power of life, not accumulating materialized things (thin-g-is) which require your attention to maintain, collect, liquidate, move, store, insure, protect, etc. The visionaire expands the energy of freedom, ease, empowerment, and knowledge. Our real liberty. So, whos got who? Clearly, the millionaire mindset is possessed by the things, money, status, etc. Inversely, the visionaire is heir to all the life holds and never has a single concern or worry about protecting it, keeping it, adding value to it, insuring it, storing it, or moving it. Nor does a visionaire ever fear the loss of anything. Why? Because ALL things are replaceable. Because all things come from the latent Spirit, intentionally directed to activate it, so it comes into being. So, be patient and learn to stop striving! Which is you wanting control over others, over your divided self, or the environment. Dominion, not domination, is the affect/result you must be in to be coming from neutral. The reason disease, illness and aging that leads to death seems so difficult to cure is found in the way it is approached. Our natural state is ease, so disease stems from ease. It does not come from the symptom you see, it comes from you disrupting and dividing ease (the lack of strife) and causing dis-ease, and its corresponding symptoms you label. So, your beliefs in struggle and strife, to fight and conquer disease are the cause of you losing the ease of living, which makes life bad to you, mad at you, uncontrollable, and at times damn disgusting and unmanageable! On those days when you cant take it anymore and/or you are bored stiff, do this! See next orientation. So be it!


Orientation Part I Where is your consciousness? Vacating old images/Installing new visions

Previously we explained you are only what you are conscious of being. So conscious-ness is what you are conscious of being. Another way to recognize your conscious makeup or composition is to survey what you put into your daily regimes and routines, mentally and emotionally. The reason this is helpful is to keep you acquainted with the volume of thoughts you are enter-taining each day and the grouping of thoughts you are putting them into. Example: I have my early a.m. group almost exclusively devoted to understanding God consciousness with more and more clarity, which I write about in the format of the human body rejuvenation books I publish. Type the following web address in your address bar to view our website: The other groups: 1. God consciousness 2. Business/money earning, etc. 3. Property maintenance and improvements 4. Misc vehicles 5. Eating/body care 6. Dealing with conflicts/challenges 7. TV time (check out time) 8. Sleeping/dreaming 9. Old memories of intensity! What this shows you is two-fold. One, how much you are putting into your mind, which is in the atmosphere, and two, what subject matter your focus is connected to! Such as the grouping of similar thoughts aimed at causing a change of the reality. Now, for thought to be realized in the physical reality it has to be given a sufficient amount of attention and caring for it or it will not precipitate from the mind (atmosphere) and come into the body (geosphere). Each group of thought represents a gestalt (g-e-s(t)alt) or cloud of that particular energy. Energy in a c/loud is energy


condensing into form, like rain clouds that contain the moisture. But, also contain the (+) light of lightening and the (-) sound of thunder. Your thoughts have the exact same composition with one notable difference. Your choice, via vision, allows you to create anything you choose to have come into being. So, thought is a particulate, just like other particulates such as smog, pollens, smells, pollutions, fog, etc. But, it will not become visible to your eyesight until it has collected together in sufficient quantities (volume in reduction) to condense. Water vapor starts and becomes clouds, clouds become fog, fog becomes dew, and dew becomes rain or snow, they become streams, and streams become rivers, and rivers rejoin the greater waters of the oceans. Your thoughts do the same thing, only they start in Spirit, the wholeness, from which you evaporate a thought from. Like oceans evaporate to cause rain and rivers. Likewise, your thoughts go up and out of you and, step by step, consolidate to form the streams of energy flowing through you, which end up in your reality. When we disregard this pattern, we are stuck in wanting what we dont really need, because our focus is not really on the desire or choice. Why? Because its stuck on the belief or illusion that you are convinced you have to have in order to get what you want. Going to war to get peace is one obvious example. What part of war is peaceful? None of it! Even in nature the two formats are completely different. We are speaking of a storm and the calm that follows. Storms (war) are storms and calm (peace) is calm, and never co-exist in the same space. Whos doing the warring? People who hold c/louds of thought that strike like lightening and echo the noise (no-ease) of banging thunder. THIS IS NOT PEACE. So working up a war will never cause a calm, peaceful state of being. Now, the other example is about work itself. When you want anything to make your life better, you are wanting whats under the work and has nothing to do with the work as an activity. Like war, its the peace of not being at war thats wanted. With work, its the freedom you actually want. Like our first example, how can you justify being enslaved by work and have your freedom? You cant! Why do people work and weaken themselves? Why do people war and destroy themselves? Fear!


What fear does is separate your balance, emotionally, by influencing you into being too pass-eve or too act-eve, which keeps the light needed for a complete, full, whole, understanding from one side of the balance. You should be able to see both sides, then you wont react! Because you will not see the imagined insult or harm; you will see the behavior for what it actually is. Someone acting out their beliefs! The rule is to understand it. We are not implying that fear is the same as danger. If you are in danger, get out of the way. This is an easy to understand condition. Fear, a state of your mind, is not as easily understood. Fear is a lack of your conscious state of being not being in a complete, whole, full state. To say, a mind full of trust has no room in it for doubt. So, a mind full of life has no room in it for death. Therefore, the purpose of finding out exactly where your conscious awareness is focusing will alert you to the changes needed, so you are not always losing the gain you are seeking. How many thousands of times have we reveled and felt good about a new insight, opportunity, dream, or aha moment, only to have the exhilaration drain from us a few days, or weeks later? And, it often seems totally unexplainable. Well, Mr. and Mrs. Reader, it is very explainable every time, once you wake up to realeyes you are not using your full state of consciousness, which is why science says we are not using our brain to its fullest capacity. The brain has no capacity limits, because when it is fully used it grows, unused it atrophies. This orientation is important to your growth because until you know what and where your conscious is and what you are doing with it, you have no guidelines to the changes in your thought processes that you need to enlighten and empower your brain, the processor for your body, which has to be involved in your ability to rejuvenate your physical state of being. You will see in the next orientation its not just a body-only affect/effect. Why? Because cause is not just inside your body or what you take for it, do to it, or make it do for you. Causes of reality extend beyond your body so the very atmosphere of life is clouded, or cleared, by how people think en masse. This influence, when it makes the clouds (see-louds) of consciousness dark and ominous, or stormy and unstable, needs rectified in your mind, or you are part of the wrecking of society and mankind. Even your weather, earthquakes, and volcanoes respond to this massive (mass-


eve) energy composition. How can this be possible? Because we are all connected to the whole, even when we do not know how or why. Now, imagine knowing how and why were one with the whole, then its not much of a stretch to also realeyes how unified individuals, who do not want anything from others, so they are not co-dependent in any way, can use their minds to multiply, amplify and concentrate energy to bring back the clear skies and clean water of yesteryears, which the groups of misguided and misdirected energy have made cloudy, detrimental, and harmful to life. Meaning it leads others by influence to believe in the counter productive beliefs that cloud life and brings death to the body. Life is, as always, indestructible. But the body is not and has to have a very clear mind and consciousness guiding it or it suffers, gets tired, wears down, becomes sick, ages, and then dies, which it does not have to do. But, it is your responsibility to understand how it is created and cared for. If you dont, you wander and wonder around, in obscurity, hitting brick walls, and continue to stay stuck in the never ending school of hard knocks. This is why all the stuff, under being at one with the God conscious, has to be removed from your mind pattern, or the old pictures still have dominance over the ALWAYS ALL-WAY-IS origin-all energy that God/Spirit creates, colors, and primes physical life with so it comes into being, on command. It can not do that when the past impedes and deters the present. Get clear in the mind and the body follows the clearing up. This is the purpose of knowing what your consciousness is and where you are dividing your focus and giving away your power to be completely and wholly at one with the father of life. The same father of life Jesus said he was one with! Are we clear? So be it.


Orientation Part II Vacating old images

Relieving pressure is definitely not the proper path to power, nor is exerting pressure to be relieved later. And, as I am now seeing this, we use our voice to throw the energy out and that encounters the spin of earth and it is drawn around the inside of the boundary that we live within and it is sent back into us. It then joins the axial light rays of vertigo and the two, light (+) and sound (-), stream back into Spirit. This seems to me to be exactly like water surrounding us, only it is the whole Spirit we immerse ourself into by calling it to wed, surround, and seal us off from division. Then, we can either meekly proclaim to Go/d what to materialize, or we can do the same with strong intensity and great emphasis to materialize the command. It goes without saying which is the most effective. Hint: does a wind clear the air when it is rigid, stagnant, bored, and not moving? Now, considering what weve learned about the energy of Spirit, being on (all in) or off (out), its not very difficult to realize we have to make very strong impressions into the Spirit that surrounds us! This creates the shape/mold of our vision, which we impress into Spirit by expressing it into Spirit. It works like making an impression in soft clay, except it is from the inside out! Not from outside into outside! The only force or effort used is that of the voice, atoned and amplified to the desire you visualized, not expressed out to others, but in to the whole Spirit! The more powerful your ex/press-shun, the more vacuum you create to attract the reality into your embodiment, providing youre not letting it all out again, which religiously follows the Spirits orders to conform. But it is up to us, the individual, to place the order, design and time of its arrival into the physical world. This is not clock time, it is having the soil of your soul in a receptive and acceptable attitude. Again, we can see how time, being used in the dual/duality, traps us in the cycle of time, distance, and later. This entire (new to me) insight makes everything Ive looked at for 20 plus years very simple to see, understand and use! It also makes the dream-


world at night very clear, which often does not fit my waking consciousness and does not respond to my nighttime suggestions or my commands. Now I know why! The heated dreaming, along with the heat (drives the water out of the body: sweat, drool). And because the outside pressure is in opposition to the (excess) pressure (stress-sound/anxiety-light) inside of us, it also causes and creates other nighttime symptoms such as vibrating, erections, headaches, tensions, and pains (soreness) (lethargy)(boredom) and all manner of things we believe we need to do to fix, stop or relieve our dis-ease, aging, addiction, etc. So, anything you say or see to heat/stimulate your energy throughout the day, is going to show up at night. Fantasies, angers, revenge or, inversely, guilts, shames or victim roles, are imbalances drawing it. All because strong expressions, as vents, create nothing but relief and once vented, they begin to build pressure again. When they cant vent during the day, the heat, pressure and anxiety seek and find their way out at night. This happens day and night, but most of it is expressed in physical activity, or mentally-engaged activity during the daytime, then at night it returns as sleeplessness, dreams, and heat releases, etc. Why? Because you are stuck in a pattern of living where all you do all day creates pressure, by wanting whats outside of you to change. This occurs because all you do is pursue what you believe you need to make you feel better. But, it never ceases, even though you do it daily, week after week, year after year, until you wear yourself out and drop dead! All because youve never been taught to vacate life first, so your vision/desire is attracted to you. Then, there is no pursuit, period. And, your expressions return to the inner consciousness, which keep buoyancy inside and excess pressure away from your outside surface, where it causes you to seek relief rather than creating change. The law of creation is very simple. 1. Go within. This is what you call getting into it. It is the zone, but not the physical zone of activity. Within is the zone where you are shut off from your sensory perceptions. You are not hearing or seeing whats going on out in the world. You do not realize it, but you are also closed off from smell, taste, and touch, etc. The only sense you are actively involved in is thought, which is seen (vision/visualized) and


said (heard or spoken), or light and sound. Your 6th sense is thought, fully realized. When you go within and have yourself closed off, you are 100% surrounded by the Spirit, re: the whole Spirit! It surrounds you as surely as water or air surrounds you. 2. You now activate it, and with your voice, using your words (sound), tell it to conform to your vision, which youre giving to the whole energy as a seed-thought for physical manifestation (growth: consolidated form). 3. Now, give/show your Spirit your vision desired. See it, then bury it in the dark soil of your soul (which means stop seeing it). 4. This is not a step, but it is essential to under-stand-ing how to create. Vision is the design and 3-D shape you desire to have in your physical reality. Now, once you drop this, plant this in the dark soil, you are literally planting it inside your bodys soul/soil. It becomes the shape/ mold that Spirit fills so it becomes form, solid, physical. Never go back and look at it, check on it, weigh it, etc. 5. Next, you have to germinate this light-seed. This process is akin to the process in nature called fertilization, or in humans called conception. You, in essence, have to deposit your male energy (positive/light) and then accept it with your female energy. You do this by voice, to fill the vision-made mold (void) of the design, shape and color, of the buried seed. It is the sound or t/one that accepts the male energy, because sound (-) is the female side of thought. It is voe-call, not foe-call. (Note: your language has a word similar to voecall, called vie, as in vying for this or that. Voe is the past-tense of vie, meaning you are not wanting it, but that you have it. Foecall says enemy or foe, because light allowed in soil/soul aborts the germination process. Light (male) enters the sound, dark portion of your physical being and creates, upon germination, another word unknown to you: d/arc, or darc. Germination begins in the seed when sound spins the cocoon (co-coon) Spirit around the vision/light you planted in the dark. Once you


have completed the wrapping or winding of Spirit around your visual form, you have created something youve heard about for years, but did not understand. It is the arc of (your) covenant! (The form-all binding agreement or impregnation!) A cove is a hollowed space. In it means your Spirit has entered (e-in-it-toured) it! So, the arc is a/re/see(c), that you, by stopping linear thought that moves on a positive or negative, straight line-of-thought, and by trapping it in a cove (your design/mold/vision) then wind it up with Spirit, which is now made in the curve (arc) of the female with the straight-line male energy inside it. You have made the energy spin, and it creates a sphere, which the 3-D form materializes in. So, germination is the process of empowering the Spirit to take on the power required to manifest the chosen desire envisioned. So, it is you that creates reality. 6. By impressing your Spirit, which, ironically (ire-on-eye-see-all-e), is accomplished by expressing yourself, verbally (eve-are-be-all-e)! That impression, via expression, has to contain every (eve-are-e) tone quality of life you seek! So, it has to be strong to create strength in your physical body. It has to be convincing, so your body is firm. It has to be absolute to be certain, so you wont be swayed emotionally (by old memories or outside influences). It must be vibrant, and completely liberated, so you feel vital and free. It must be enduring so it engulfs you and you never, ever feel any frustration or despair. And, it has to be absolute, or all in, by going all out to express your whole Spirit, God; so God, the latent energy becomes the act-eve energy inside you. And, last but not least, you have to have great appreciation for the working of Spirit to give you your fondest desire, eturnall life, so you will feel immeasurable gratitude for the way life really is life. 7. Get to the feeling of continuous gratitude and you will be the master of your own life destiny. Also, be sure you are literally living the life you see and say you choose to be. Because until you have lost contact with wanting it and trying to be it, you are not crystallizing it. This is why


just empowering the voice will not complete the connection to the light and then keep the light contained after you come back out from the within. Emotion constructs your reality and the way your body feels. Therefore, your emotion creates your ease or your disease. What you think with a powerful attitude aiming it, finds its way to the body. So, how you see yourself and admit it with the power of having your own voice creates it. THE TRICK IS TO BE HOW YOU WANT TO FEEL AND FORGET WHAT YOU WANT TO HAVE. What you have does not change how you want to feel. Furthermore, voice constructs reality, because voice causes light to conform to you so it materializes in space, in your reality. How you feel is your magnetic orientation, which attracts what you have or do not have and no matter what it is that feeling will attract its equivalent. Feel free and you attract freedom. Feel abundant, and you attract abundance. Feel at ease and you have ease. And so on and on it goes! What you do when you isolate a specific physical desire to have an object, relationship, career, income, or appearance, is divide your power into the object or object-eve! Which weakens how you choose to feel and be. Why? Because it is only by accumulating the way and power of feeling like you choose to feel that gives you what you desire. What you desire is NEVER what you see. Seeing is only a triggered (seed) impetus! It, what you see, does not belong in the b/ag of choices until you feel you can have it at anytime you choose to have it. What you are doing with your visual side of thought is over-using it! When you keep staring or looking at what you want to be like, and you do not (yet) have it, you are uprooting the seed and killing the growing process by allowing light into the darc soil of the soul (womb) for light. Do not keep looking at the mirror or the scale, or in your mind, because when you pay attention to them, you invalidate what you want validated. Why? Because there is only one real validation that you are who you are! And that only comes by being it! When you are your desire, you have made it a valid part of your life. It will never be a


valid part of your life as long as you keep validating that you are not there by accepting what you look at and agreeing with it! This opens conduits and paths of destruction directly into what you are choosing to construct! How sensible is that? Orient your focus on being the way you choose to feel, and remove your habit of thinking silently with reflected light. SHUT OFF THE LIGHT AND RAISE THE VOICE, INTERNALLY, AND PROFESS HOW YOU FEEL. Memorize this: YOU ALWAYS LOOK (BODILY) THE WAY YOU FEEL. HOW YOU FEEL IS HOW YOU LOOK! SO, WHEN YOU FEEL YOU LACK ANYTHING, YOU CREATE THAT APPEARANCE ON YOUR BODY! And that feeling can not be fixed physically. Seeking to do so is like painting rotten lumber. The wood wont hold the paint and soon new wood is needed. Proper mental orientation is the only way to add life to your e-field and body. Because voice sounded is the only way to move the way you feel! Searching for answers, working at it, and figuring it out is NOT the proper orientation because this is all exturnallizing (seeing). Heat de-magnetizes your energy, which eliminates the attraction polarity and creates the repulsion polarity. This keeps your body stimulated through the physical sense-or-e perceptions. By inturnallizing and using your voice, you do not lose your heat, and heat up (externalizing heats), in fact, you co-ol down. So, your Spirits heat is set in motion, to congregate and condense, and is felt moving into you, being your choice. It is coming down into you, via your intentional act of directing Spirit to move on your command. So, Spirit moving down into you is creating from the attraction polarity you initiated by in-turn-all-izing with your voice, how you feel, which, in turn, leaves your body feeling inspired, lifted, certain, and absolute about the way you are being. And, it is how you feel that connects and directs how you are being. You feel love being you, coming together, while your hate/dislike you is coming apart! The literally living of the ideal life we see and say into being is where we are going off track! We are not actually living it. For many years I thought of writing as the ideal life because you could do it anywhere you chose to go. The beach, the cabin, at home, and no employees, etc. I never got to the ideal, as it included the income Id need to be able to do the work I imagined and I didnt know how to create income by writing. I also imagined owning, or


having, salable stone resources to develop and sell. I have them and I sell them. The part of this that does meet the ideal is being tied to accounting and problems that arize when someone is not staying on track. Ive become an accountant of sorts, a job Id never have chosen to do as part of my livelihood. For the time I actually work, I am paid well, but still feel trapped in the arrangements Ive made. Of course, not as trapped as in the days gone by, but still imposed upon by the reality Ive surrounded myself in, which in the daily scheme of things, has other impositions and contentions to deal with; like banks, senseless laws, taxation, neighbors, ideas (beliefs in right vs. wrong) thiefs, global insecurities, etc. And, when you look at the duality of living here, especially in the monetary system, you find yourself ill-at-ease when you dont have money, and then illat-ease when you do have money, because the fear of someone taking it arises. Whats completely absurd is the norm people are trying to live in and make it comfortable. Our daily lives are oxymorons! We are not even close to actually living in our ideal. We are trapped in trying to figure out how to get to the ideal, which is very evident when you look at life. I write books, I sell resources, and have no debts, but I am still caught in places (energetically) that impose on me. This says I am not energetically moving fast enough inside to keep the outer energy from getting through my e-field. I am clearing and speeding up, but like the absurd TV promotion that says BRAND NEW RERUNS, Ive got some more old pictures in memory to pull out and uproot so they dont re-run themselves in my life. Proper expression (ex-press-eye-on) is the way we vacate the body. Why? Because our conscious-ness state is the reality we are conscious of being. The last few days Ive had no conscious awearness of being all-powerful. So, the already present (pre-sent) pictures in my memory web-works are whats moving the energy into this s/pace and p/lace. These are the ob-stall-icalls, not the cry-stall-izations. The complete clearing of the ob-stall-calls (old pictures/images) is accomplished by in-ten-se expressing; blowing them out on the wind of cry-ing out until you are unable to cry out any more. This process vacates the e-field and allows the pictures/vision you now hold (as your ideal) (I am young; I am being God) which youve p-laced on top of those already in your space/sphere to be known to you. In fact, come down from Spirit (mind) to emotion (feeling) and into body (being.)


Weight is created by stacking. So, when you stack new energy on top of old energy, the old energy is pushed into the body/form. When it is a bias or division, it comes into you and through you just as you have it held in your mind. So, the biggest obstallicall to mastery is what has already been cry-stall-eyes-sad in the past. NOW, BEWARE, STUDENTS OF LIFE! You have also crystallized the positive, egogratifying, pride, glory-seeking positions, which, of course, you and your society see nothing wrong with because you exalt winners over losers. You exalt the ambitious, famous, rich, smart, good looking people. Why? Because you believe they have or have found what you want. Before you find yourself unable to extricate yourself from the gray clouds you unknowingly created on your way to the top by crawling over those now below you, dont forget which direction gravity flows, and read the next orientation that puts this in simple terms. Otherwise, the bright lights of the illusion in your mental mirror will blind you. So be it!

UPDATE Since this book and chapter was written many months ago, I feel it is only appropriate to tell about the changes that have recently occurred to me. The old pictures in our mind/memory are all predicated on our basic needs to survive, which weve been trained to believe is based in procreation, working, eating, and sleeping. Dont continue to believe this, it is absolutely erroneous! Because there is a time of conscious fulfillment. It comes when we have saturated our mind with the truth that Spirit is our source of all needs required by the human body. Recently, my mental pattern shifted out of needing food. What I believed was absolutely necessary to life is not necessary at all. I am lighter, stronger, and far more neutral, emotionally, than Ive ever been, and I do not eat any solid foods. Why? Because my Spirit cleared my mind of its emotional biases. Now, my body is also clearing its emotional biases, to say I do not feel empty (emotional hunger of imbalance) so I do not feel like eating. My health and youthfulness are returning and it saves me at least $600/month.


I will be writing about this and it will be of great benefit to society to realize no one needs to starve. People are starving from an impoverished mind, thus body, because they lack Spirit. Let it be known now, food is an obsession, and an addiction as surely as alcoholism, gambling, smoking, drugs, etc. More later.


Orientation Cracking the Code Beyond seeing is believing into knowing

First, let us say this, If you see any object or person from a different angle, they never look exactly the same. Now, let us relate this to ones conscious, aware state of being. Starting by saying, You can walk around an object to have a different angle on it, or you can stand still and rotate the object to see it differently. Now, how many times do we actually do this with whats in our mind? Rarely. Because we have gotten ourselves stuck on the axiom (a false belief, as it is used normally) that seeing is believing. Well, that part of it is correct as it sets up what you believe, but it does not set up what you know by having encompassed yourself within the 360 degree, complete knowledge of it, so you wholly understand it. A belief will not and can not give you accurate feedback for assessment of the situation at hand. Why? Because your energy follows the angle of your belief/illusion only. Doing this with your conscious state of mind deprives you of a vast portion of the entire circumference of whats going on around the issue, in its wholeness/totality. So, when you jump in head first, void of the whole state of intro-speck-ion, you lack knowledge. A lack of knowledge leaves you oblivious to what can or will come out of it and affect you adversely. This lack of knowledge, being blanked out and causing blind spots in the mirror of the mind, are problems you do not see. Now, understand clearly, if you did not ignore the problem, it could not and would not be there! You do actually ignore a vast portion of the consciousness simply because no one has ever taught you to see the issue from a 360 degree viewpoint, rather than just seeing it from the limited view-point(s) of personal prejudices, preferences, biases, and stubborn attitudes of my way or no way. Now, how does this relate to cracking the code? Consider this analogy. When you go buy a house, do you just look at it, or go inside? Compare this to your belief, do you just look at it or go inside? Be very honest with yourself or you will not gain any additional perception and conception about the whole perception versus your jaded perception.


The misleading pattern of seeing only what you agree with, which is believing the mental seeing as if its whole when, in fact, it is very divided, and is self-deception. And self-deception causes failure, because you did not get the complete, whole, bigger, 360 degree overview, just your point-of-view. Which means YOU DID NOT LOOK INSIDE THE HOUSE, but you concluded it must be okay because it is what you agreed with. Do you think the divorce rate would be so high if we were taught to see the whole state of reality versus just our opinion of this looks good so it must be good, as it agrees with me? Appearances that agree with you are very deceiving because they are see-ducteve and suck you in. So lets go back to our house-buying example. Now we are wiser, so we do go inside, and it really looks great. Now, the outside and the inside fit our needs, the price is agreeable, and the appearance is good, except a couple of minor color changes and a new carpet. Well buy it. Is this a fully conscious thing to do, or does it fit so good into what your reality is now you are still ignoring other considerations and conditions, both present and upcoming, that you do not see? What about the attic? What about the crawlspace? What about possible zoning laws that are likely to change? Schools, etc.? Was the property a reclaimed area with possible sinkage or odor? Where are the factories, traffic, noise, pollution, etc.? Who are the neighbors? Is there a large apartment nearby with a large turnover of people, likely to be more transient? Please understand, all issues encompass a whole area of impact, not just the issue being addressed, or the address of the house you may buy. This impact area will affect you, pleasantly or unpleasantly, based on who you see yourself being. Unless you take this into consideration, you are doing yourself a disservice, which you will regret later. No, this does not, and can control others that may come in later, but when the mind-set of the group area, or neighborhood, is one that does not attract problems, your potential for unexpected problems are far less. Understand, this works both way, so if you are not real keen on yard work and appearances, even though you have plenty of money to move into an upscale neighborhood, it will only cause you and them trouble. Go buy a place with more space. Okay? Cracking the code has become more en vogue lately and what weve described does not seem to fit into the idea of cracking that code. Well, thats only because we, the


citizenry, know nothing about a code. Our background only had morse code. But, lately code has resurfaced. Now, it is computer encryption, bible code, DaVinci code, spy codes, gambling codes, the military codes, and old Indian codes. And the hieroglyphic/pictograph codes, etc. Codes to the average person is what is hidden from my understanding. The ancient mystery schools were supposed to be purposely hiding secrets, so the uninformed could not find the hidden passage to the holy grail or the goose that laid the golden egg. So, what do we need to crack the code(s)? Intelligence, or our own genius, which we already possess but do not fully comprehend or it would already encompass us, or surround us from all directions. Now, are you beginning to see why you need to be aware of your whole impact area, not just your immediate moment or place in time and space! Intelligence lays around you in layers or gradients. So, if you ignore whats off to the sides of you and your viewpoint, youve denied your own intelligence. These multiple layers are much like grades in the education system that run from kindergarten to high level doctorates. The linear process just described is not the same as an individual with a 360 degree trained perception. The education system is flawed because it runs on the same tracks, year after year. The grading is correct, as it is not just the horizontal, it is also the vertical. The genius has depth, the career person, trained by others only has width. Depth comes from the whole Spirit, not the divided Spirit, because the Spirit is the only avenue by which you can navi-gate and inte-grate the depth and width, which combines and equals a whole perception when Spirit moves it into your conscious understanding. Then, it is absolute knowledge, not subjective, super-face-shell beliefs echoed or reflected, but rather completely connected. Therefore, in the reality of absolute knowing, and the having or possession of the truth, there is no code! Because wisdom is the whole state of knowing, and coded versus decoded is the divided state of knowing. We caution you, do not look for codes, because you divide your attention away from the Spirit of being who you are, into the belief that there is a secret you must uncover to unlock the door to the unlimited, ALL THERE IS, God state. Know why no one has ever found that secret? Because it is not a secret!


There is no secret, unless you believe it, into your state of mind, which people do by reading things that are not true, and believing! Wake up! If the secret was ever found, even once, it would have made its mark of life and left its imprint, footprint, or blueprint. Where is it? It is not a secret, and it has not been lost through the passage of time. It is you, you are looking for, but you insist on believing its an outside artifact or intellectual fact, or privileged passageway through and to Spirit that grants you access to heaven. Wake up. You are in heaven now! (Genesis Chapter 1, Verse 8-10) How did you get here? By using your intelligence that you now leave out of your thinking and thoughts by only paying attention to what you believe and agree with. People believe we have to get to heaven when we are already in heaven. What is called the firmament, said to be above earth (land) is exactly where we reside. We walk on land (terra firma) and live in air. That is, until the body dies, then it goes back into the earth. Look at the word firm-a-meant. It cant be any more plain than what it is saying, which is to mean to make solid (firm). Which is achieved by a firmamental attitude. Which is an attitude of absoluteness or knowing. Knowing what? That the Spirit of life becomes a firm or solid life body. When you refuse to see the truth that you already live in heaven, its no wonder you chase illusive codes, ghosts, disenfranchised spirits! We live in the very influencial impact area of light and sound, or positive and negative forces. You have to consider the area of your embodiment, not just the body itself. You cant be well-informed and understand who you are by only paying attention to what you want in your life when your life extends out and into areas around you. You impact people and that influence transfers your identity to others. They do the same and it transfers to you. When you can not recognize the fullness and wholeness of your own self, you are simply not all here. Energetically, then, your power is curtailed by your lack of self-understanding, and self-realeyesation. So, why dont you trust you? Why dont others trust you? Thats your answer. Because in Spirit all of your being is openly visible. But, being open here is seen as being vulnerable, weak, and unprotected. So you shut off your wholeness, and create your weakness, which you feel as a probable loss (a


fear) which you, in turn, seek to ward off by being stand-offish (avoid) or conquer by force (confront) to overpower it. Neither of these connects the height (Spirit) to the depth (hueman) with the width of being in the know, right here, right now. You do this and you will know why there is no code to crack because every code that ever existed, or ever will exist, is a divined division of the whole. When you go back into your wholeness, like the drop of water returning to the ocean (o-seen), it (you) experience and have the power of the greater whole. You cant learn that in a textbook, or an old, ancient alchemical drawing. It is only accessible by you directing the wholly Spirit to give it to you mentally, emotionally, and physically. That triad, connected and contained, in your own jurisdiction to use your free will choice, is the creation of a consciousness that all geniuses and masters have. The formula of life can be written down in numbers and letters, but it cant be made to work by following its instructed steps that the energy takes to manifest Spirit into form. Why? Because only your orientation, focus and vocal administrations will activate what you choose to do. And guess what? The entire imprint for all of life is already in place. So, no man or woman actually needs to know its form-you-lay. Those who do seek to know are the technical, inventive, science, physics, and math people. Its their thing. It does not have to be your thing. But, you do have to recognize your place in the wholeness of life, which ends with I direct it and it comes into being, as long as I am not divided by my beliefs and illusions, and/or misinformation and misplaced trust Ive placed there. Codes can be fun and dress codes can serve a need, but codes as a means of deceiving you, protecting you, or informing you, are absolutely worthless. So, the only reason mankind chooses to believe in secrets and codes has to do with his/her own willingness and ability, or lack thereof, to rejoin the wholeness of God and Gods Spirit, and be what it is. Again, like the raindrop reuniting with the ocean, man has to reunite with the wholeness of what life is. WHERES THE SECRET IN THIS? IN PLAIN SIGHT. So, if you do not see it, how can you blame others who do see it? Or envy others, or imagine the unknown holds the passage to eternity. Not so, my friends. It is we who divide the eternal in the division of past and future, not God. So be it.


Orientation Misunderstanding God: Co-Dependence Understanding God: Co-Creator

Almost everyone has the truth turned around because they believe God gives to us without reservation. So, we have a huge amount of the populace co-dependent upon God. LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN (l-is-ten) so you can turn this around! God is dependent on us to tell him what to create, or we do not have fulfillment! Being co-dependent is misplaced trust, because it takes away your role of being responsible (response-able)! You can not create life when you believe you are helpless, which is what you feel in any co-dependent situation. Even in your relationship with God, you have to be a responsible person. If you are not, you are being an irresponsible person. You cant deny that last statement because every person on Earth can see the truth in it. Being irresponsible and responsible at the same time just wont fit into the truth of reality. So, you are one or the other, period. And, since mankind is on the path of dying and death, he is not on the path of living and life! So, we have to be being irresponsible! You die because you refuse to admit to yourself that what you believe is harmful to you. So, you go on insisting and getting weaker every year. But, even then you wont change and become responsible thinkers. Oh, no! All I need is a good doctor, or a cure forthcoming, or Jesus to save me. Well, where are they? For that matter, where in the whole of the world is the cure for death?? You get help and the surgery or medicine stops the symptoms of your disease, right? Do you realize drunks and addicts cure their symptoms and stop them every time they indulge?! Now. Do you stop comparing yourself to them because you got your fix in a different way? Probably not. You most likely see them as the scum of the Earth. Well, heres a truth you can start coming to grips with that will prolong your life and end the disease at the same time. Neither the moral or immoral represented in the above example cured death. While both temporarily fix disease, neither side generated new life! Maybe the scum on the boat collects on both sides of the boat? And the only place it doesnt collect is when you are above, away from where it grows! Like out of the darkness of your prejudices


and beliefs, in positive vs. negative, and in the self-supporting role of being an absolutely responsible person. Stop being dependent on God and co-create with the God energy. Then your prayers will work! Which requires you to neutralize/stop going out on your co-dependency and get in to your own mind by leaving the collective mind alone! Because it definitely contains the scum and barnacles of death. The recycling of lifes excrements (divisions) on earth is the recycling of dying and death. You know youre in it when life is not comfortable, easy, fun and enjoyable. The cure for death is to be life! How do you do that? You learn what life is and you become so identified with it that you do not know youre not life. It is who you are, it is what you see it is, what you say, and it becomes THE WAY. Because you have put yourself on the path of life and removed yourself from the path of death simply by no longer associating with it! Our man-u-alls are the focus required to shift your conscious state away from believing and seeing the illusions that cause death, therein putting you on a focus that causes life. We are showing you how to see life and have life, but you have to put it to use! Then, it builds and builds and gets stronger and clearer. And, one day you look at your body and it is glowing. You are seeing your light because youve turned your attention and focus away from the dark. And, you feel very in control of life! Because you have learned how to be in control of life, which makes life and light yours. And, your light is staying balanced in the body, not draining from it. When you become (be-co-me) you, you are being one with your Spirit, which is one with life. So, you are life. It is at this point in your self-real-eyes-ation that you are no longer dependent upon God, for you are one with God. You have stopped seeing and believing God is out there where you never found him, and you realize the reason! Hes in here! Because I am living inside Him and could not see it, all because my focus was on what dies, changes, recycles, and is always temporary. But, now, I am focused on what is permanent, all powerful, and all encompassing: the Spirit of life. My Spirit of life. When your focus is returned, meaning turned around and open to Spirit, Spirit moves you. Its your obedience to this law of creation that turns you into the creator! Because you are never, ever dependent on anything or anyone who is out there in the


mass (me-ass) mind where the dregs of life are consumed and purified by fire. A fire so hot it consumes all of lifes droppings! Not just what you call fecal matter, but all matter that the Spirit is withdrawing from. This is the only place in the universe that even remotely resembles hell, because too much volcanic heat in your body tore/me/ants you. Its pressure makes the consciousness volatile, temperamental, and eventually dead. Because the heat (he-at) drives off the magnetic field that holds life intact in the physical bond, and your light and Spirit leave the containment of your embodiment. Thats death. Cold death freezes the medium (water) for magnetism, so forms do not depose quickly, as is done with heat. To cure death, you obviously have to stay cool, but not too cool or the light forms crystals of silica in the body, instead of the carbon(s) which heat causes, and you die of stiffness, rigidness, and coldness, which is the lack of heat, and causes stones to form in the body. You can actually tell a lot about a person by seeing the way death is created, then through common sense know why some people die by drowning, accidents, murder, starvation, under collapsed buildings, falling off mountains, choking, over-dosing, cancer, heart attack, etc., because each temperament (temper-me-in-it) causes its own death! Because a temper is a level of heat, too much heat in the body, or not enough! You know, hot-headed or cold-hearted. Here, check your temperature, no thermometer required! 1. Do you hate winter? 2. Do you hate summer? 3. Do you hate heights? 4. Do you hate being in water?

1. Then you fear freezing to death. 2. Then you fear cooking to death (like dying in a desert or a fire). 3. Then you fear falling to your death. 4. Then you fear drowning to death.


Play this out. Its a good mental exercise to see whats driving your thinking that you had no clue was there influencing you. By the way, these are divisions of life, so do not stay stuck on this focus! Heat moves you, but its the pressure that kills you, because either freezing or cooking causes internal pressure. Now, you know the truth about hell. So, do people actually burn up in whats called spontaneous combustion? Yes, they do and anyone who does has been so stubborn and unrelenting in their own mental torture (torch-your), they have built up so much internal pressure they ignite! They ignite because the water to oil level in the body is far too oily. This does not mean fat, alone. It means combustible residue, oily substances and vapors coming off of them being caused by the heat driving off the water content, then igniting the combustible oils. You see heaven and hell have to be balanced by even-ness and neutrality. But, were not taught this. Instead, were taught a bias about heaven and hell. Heavens root word is heavy, and what is heavy causes pressure. So, heaven is cold pressure, and hell is hot pressure. Its all academic, Oliver (all of her), which is why Ad-am has to marry Eve, or life ceases to go on and on and on! So be it.


Orientation Power v/s Force

In electricity they have terminology to describe how it behaves. Power is current or amperage, and force is voltage or how much potential is available for x length of time, with x amount of current displacing the potential available. So it is recognized that the power available is based on whats backing up the current flow, like a reservoir of water (potential) feeding supply and current downstream. It only lasts until the water is gone. Now, the illusion between power and force as it is used in the work-a-day world, is that there is no difference, because in mans mind it is simply seen as strength to rule over, or have power over, others or nature. It becomes a control issue, mentally, emotionally, and/or physically. It is this lack of understanding power v/s force that harms your physiology, because you cause and allow yourself to unconsciously resist the current(s) of life by not knowing that force becomes your grim reaper, your adversary, and the enemy you believe exists! Until you stop defending that you are right to resist evil, bad, wrong, etc., you are pitting yourself against an unmoving force. Now we must consider that force is a stationary, non-moving, stable force so you stop beating yourself to a pulp trying to change the unchangeable. It is like the water trapped behind the dam. It is a concrete wall that regulates where your motion (current) is going through it. It exists, but it is not doing anything to you unless you open the floodgate. Then the current will wash you away. Or, with the wall, if you try to knock it over with your fist, then it will damage your hand. Remember the Berlin wall? Now, reflect on the US/Mexican border/fence/wall. Or the fences people build to separate land ownership. These obstacles in and of themselves do nothing to you. They do, however, regulate what energy flows where. And how easily it does so, or how difficult it is for it to go around, over, or through it, determines how much resistance we encounter. Okay, now what does every stationary object do in order for it to do what it does: obstruct! It stops current flowing, and motion of anything coming at it, or it changes the direction of the current.


Now, lets apply this to our thoughts and our e-motions. Then, you can see how you obstruct your own life-giving energy that literally destroys your body and di-sent-egrates it. Not to mention all the trouble it brings with it. But, first, keep solidly in mind that thought has two distinct qualities to it that follow specific rules of order. Thought is composed of light (mental images) and of sound (emotion) moving. In light or electricity, the hot/positive/male energy, is the stationary force. It is the solid, obstruction you put into mind-space. It is what you see. It does not move! Yes, we will make this clear and easy to understand. Bear with us as we have to unwind your illusions youve wrapped around your beliefs, which have led you down the wrong path of assumption, bias and opinion that creates the unworkable attitudes you end up having to contend with. Youve been taught that force is motion! Such as water flowing or electricity running in/on a wire. You also look in your mind and see images coming into view and fading or changing from one view to the other. This visual motion, imagined in the mind (day-dreaming), or the water rushing off the hills through the embankment of the streambed, is not the light that is moving. Consider a movie film. Does the light move or is it the film moving in front of the light? Your mind holds your films, and, if divided into past and future, it is split. So, your movie of life is split. What we see is stationary, and once we understand how to become stationary, mentally, the force is then used as corridors, conduits, paths, aims or vessels, containers, and wombs for sending the moving current(s) of the power of life into the specific, exact mold and design we see for it to move through or ad-here to! By learning this, we can mold the energy to become anything we choose and do it without any effort, denial, resistance, friction, or unwanted or unexpected intrusions or distractions! But, we have to properly align our own energy field to how Spirit manifests forms before we will be capable of manifesting form by thought alone. So, LIGHT IS A FORCE. A force is a barrier, wall, channel, tube, insulator, obstruction, conductor, or container. It has a boundary or surface. It can assume any shape, color, and variation thereof. Look at this writing, text, and letters. What are they doing for you? Separating energy so you can see what I am conveying and moving to you, energetically. Spiritually, these letters are a force. They do not move, and they have


distinct boundaries and shape. They control, conduct and arrange energy into a form-at, and if stacked on top of each other, become a 3-dimensional form. But, whether they are in the mind, on flat paper, or in 3-dimensional shape, THEY ARE NOT POWER. Why? Because power comes from movement, motion, current, and streaming of energy that moves, re: e-motion! Your e-motion is the source of your power to create reality by choice. Forcing energy into corners it can not get out of causes it to react or come back at the force, seeking to keep it from moving. When you are the person (alone or with others) seeking to regulate that motion of Spirit from moving, you are the barrier, obstruction, and problem causing your problem! What does this sound like? What does this look like? Come up with some answers to these questions, which are acting as, one, a barrier to keep you from understanding, or, two, acting as a funnel or conduit to give you an understanding. So that what you desire to know, have and hold, actually comes to you, on the Spirit/energy that moves life to us. Life is the adding to and death is the taking from. So, if the information (out here) is used to de-ter (detour) your energy, then that energy is a forcebarrier put up so you will not be able to act freely. If it is you putting it up, then youre the one seeking to stop the energy from moving freely. Does this tell you why nobody really likes being told what to do? Even though most followers live by what others tell them to do, their underlying demeanor is always, Im here because it will help me get there! So, the motive is coming from below the conscious awareness that agrees with your Spirit, not their Spirit, which in your own internal agreement says I will do this, but only until I understand how to get where I am going without having to do this. Weve all heard of the sub-conscious mind, but almost no one understands what this is. So, they believe it is un-conscious to them. Sub does not mean invisible, or beyond your sight. It can mean that, but it actually means below, not beyond, your normal awareness. This is the depth of your being-ness, which is tied directly to above, the height of your beingness. This is the trunk, or axis, of your energy. In the body it is the spinall column. Now, return your focus to the role force plays and you can see what you are holding onto below, and how it is guiding and directing your energy up into your reality.


You have your own force, barriers, wings, and channels for energy to move through you already, and they are very visible to you once you stop blocking the view by holding the placards of belief in front of them that stop you from seeing them. Lets remove the blinders, placards, your other force/barriers and have a look at who we really are here to be! Not knowing this is why there is so much wasted effort and weakening motion in this world. Using the follower example and being willing to follow until you can get there on your own is where we start. Precaution, you have more than one blinder/barrier held up in front of your eyes, stopping your energy from being correctly seen, so you align with the power you are seeking to get you from here to there and where you want to be. All followers sense a dis-satisfaction in life. A something is missing or lacking and I need it so I feel complete, connected, closed, full, and at peace with my reality! SO your motive is already in place. You have the desire (your motive) to feel complete, whole and happy. This is your blueprint, with its force/barriers of light (vision) depicting how you will build the life and the housing for your energy. See, it is very easy to see your own reality because you already know what you want, even when it is cloaked with knowing what you do not want! Now, the next step is how to get that reality up and the Spirit down, so it becomes your choice! We are going to connect force to power and the life energy will turn on the current to give you the desire and choice. Very simple and very easy. The hard part for you to get through is the removal of all the other force/blocks to your energy flow that are deterring (detouring) you from going directly to the desire you can see, but do not feel. Not feeling it has to turn into feeling it, or the energy of you having it is not moving in, through or out of you. This says, Ive got a dam or a division, force-barrier, IN MY MIND, that is detouring my energy or rejecting my energy so it is unable to fill my house, my reservoir, my body, with my energy, converted into the substance of choice. (Hey, theres that word again, sub.) Now, look at it again (see-you-be). S is the Spirit and it hooks the above and brings it down (the father) into the below (substance) which are called elements and they are lifted up and out of the earth (the mother) who births reality and they are born (bored-in) inside of you! How? By you directing the Spirit of life, God, to


go do your work, based on the word(s) you give to Spirit! Now the force-barrier words on paper, or in print, that do not move, are sent into motion (by your voice) clarifying to Spirit what God is to fill your vision with! Now, you have the living word of God/life, not just the stationary, fixed, rigid light barriers that God has given to us to use so we can direct energy to go where we want it to go! What you absolutely have to master are the beliefs in this system that say you have to pursue what you want. Go hunt for it, and if anything gets in your way, destroy it, which equates to knocking down their barriers while they are knocking down yours! You also have to get out of being co-dependent on debt, others, groups, family, spouses, money, appearances, guilts, shames, etc. These are all detours, deterrents to being who you see yourself being, thus feeling you are fully capable, empowered, beautiful, wise, and gifted enough to have your choices in life, in your reality. Well have more to say about this, but the main ingredient you need right now is more inturnaleyesing, not more exturnalleyes(wings)ings! Which says, stop surveying your surroundings for the object(s) of your desire. What you want is not outside of you! Whats outside of you has already been born into this reality! What you want is first and foremost not a person, place, thing or money you believe will buy it for you. What you lack, and therefore want, is the power (energy of creation) to attract it, build it, or manifest it directly. The unlimited is only limited by how you see yourself. So, when you do not have your desire, there is only one reason. You have not let go of what you see, mentally or physically, as your means of fulfilling you. The things you see do not move, and they only become what you want when you learn how to move them inside you so they are gestating/growing. They become your physical reality rather than just being your minds eyes mental reality. You create, not want. Listen, you have to focus and funnel your energy to you! You have to make the vision and voice mate. That is where the power is found. When you sound what you see, the visions solid, non- moving part (force) divides the voice, the moving energy Spirit, into each specific shape or compartment for its containment, growth, birth and physical realization. You can feel this reality rooting and growing within your consciousness. Now, apply this simple statement to an aging person.


Were using this because this discourse is about you rejuvenating your body, which you already know if youre successful at having your youthfulness return, you can do anything! Which, as of this date, is still being relegated to being impossible. I can assure it is not impossible, because I am doing it! So, how does an aging person feel? They feel like they are getting older. Why? Because they are not sounding what they see (that they actually, truly, and dearly want: their youth back), they are seeing the effects and symptoms of losing power (current/flow) and they are sounded by saying things like: It sucks to get old. You wouldnt have done that 20 years ago. Back when I was young. Dont forget your pills. Get your checkup. It doesnt work like it used to. Better cut your hours back. Start dieting. Start exercising. I need glasses, I cant see this. Give me an antacid. Buy a lottery ticket. Its the only way well ever retire. I better get my nap. This list is a mile long and I wont waste my time, or yours, going through it. But, I will illustrate that every single thought on the total list is a stationary, force-barrier dividing the whole, unified Spirit of life (your immortality) into the weakened cellular composition that dies within your energy field before it can be removed like it is supposed to be. Not knowing how your mind (above) and body (below) work together leaves you in the black of the dark side, and these residual, dead molecules and cells constrict and clog your veins (vanes) and you keep s/lowing and s/lowing until the buoyancy (boy-in-see) of Spirit can no longer support you. You have no magnetic tone in the blood or body (sound) and you have no whole light, only divided light, which is a very, very weak electric impulse trying to maintain the assault on its normal balance and


clarity. To stop dying and master life, you have to direct Spirit to turn this all around! You have to polarize the emotions inturnalle so they birth reality in your heart (hear-it) which connects to your head (he-ad) and your b-lack is converted to your b-rain, and in that precipitation the water will gather, drop by drop, until the container/womb can hold no more. Then, the tide turns, and the water breaks, forewarning you of your new birth coming through you. And, yes, you will feel yourself growing younger, lighter, freer, happier, even while you are casting out the die-moans of old. Godspeed. Go-d, God, and get the G-ode of new life. So be it.


Orientation The two states of the one God

Our relationship to life is only as good and as deep as our understanding of creation and how we play our part in the omni-es/sence of the God-energy. My introduction into church was one of being forced at a young age to go, like it or not. So, when I reached a more mature age and I could get out of it, I stopped going and wanted nothing to do with it. Fifteen to twenty years later, feeling trapped in a fruitless life and relationship, I took on the church banner, again. Only this time I did not sleep through it, I engaged in it. Before long, because of my unending curiosity about things, Id ask questions beyond the scope of the church ministry. I was not satisfied with rote answers that made no sense to me, especially the one about someone else dying for me! So, after considerable turmoil, I left and Im now sure they were glad because I was rocking the boat of their own prejudices and condemnations of other religious factions, etc. Again, because it did not fit. Where was this never-ending love and power of all things possible? Not in that church, that was clear. So, like a drunk who goes bar-hopping, I ended up church-hopping. To my amazement, they all served the same liquor of illusion, coming out of the one thing I did know for certain they did not have the power or the love described in the religion being preached, which to me meant, they talked the story (of creation) but did not live it! And on that matter, they clearly did not have the right tools to do the job. Well, it took me 30 plus years to undo what was done by my lack of knowledge and the completely distorted interpretation of the holey books that I accepted. But now, it was worth it, because the effortless, friction-free, unbiased life is making itself well-known to me and I am living it because I am in my creation and using Spirit to accomplish, have and be the e-turnall aspect of self! I havent raised the dead yet, but Ive freed myself from the debt and duty people teach. Ive eliminated all needs for doctors, medicine or insurance. Im very alive and I dont just believe in stories about life. I am life in full measure! And, it is getting more fun, awesome, and interesting to me almost daily. I no longer feel trapped because my own books, written from the Spirits spiritual guidance, laid bare the path of life and this removed me from deaths grip, which are the illusions painted, glamorized, and promoted


non-stop, by 99% of the factions in our physical world today. Rule numero uno, we cant live by their rules or we will die! What is missing in religion is the very thing they are supposed to be in business of knowing about: the whole Spirit! They all trust their versions of the stories, but they know little or nothing about the mechanics, design, and energetic reality they call God or Spirit. If they did, they would have the power they say is possible with God. Nor would they say it comes later. Well, now, tell me how feeding the multitudes, restoring withered limbs, curing lepers, making wine from water and filling lamps with oil comes later? Thats power, not an excuse, story or duty to live by so you qualify for heaven later. Church and religion has the key, but they cant figure out how to use it to unlock deaths door and move beyond it into eternal life and immortality. Let me say wake up because you are going to have a lot of explaining to do to yourself and others in the religious circles when us, the non-believers who know about God/Spirit, are able to heal, do miracles, levitate, and walk through walls just like Jesus did! At this point you cant say Jesus is the only man-God, nor can you say life begins on the day of judgment. May I offer a small piece of advice? Stop telling historic stories and learn about energy! Thats the stuff you do not see, but you always feel! Know what it is? THE SPIRIT! The Spirit you profess as being vital to your message, which you, in turn, ignore because you are so wrapped up in reading, talking, and repeating stories, youre trapped in, and spouting scripture, which does not empower you. Wake up. Everyone has heard it all before. You know what the sermon is before it is said. Why? Because church is seriously addicted to their stories, just as addicts are to their drugs. Get out of your mind, and direct the Spirit to change how you feel! Thats how to wake up and become a conscious person and find a life that does not end in death. Now, the two parts of the one God. GOD IS TWO THINGS: STILLNESS AND MOTION. This is energy on both counts: stillness and motion. This took me years to understand. So, to explain it clearly, we need to tie it into what is already known, but not clearly observed. After you read this, go back and read the Orientation: Power vs. Force again, because these two states are clearly explained and they are connected. God is


force and God is power. And, without knowing the difference, its difficult to recognize how to create life by choice. The irrevocalable laws are the force-field energy that does not move, but regulates the energy that does move. But, the belief that mankind holds is that he/she has nothing to do with what is irrevocable! So, when you know about reality and how it works, you do not rely on conjecture or theory, and can put this ir-re-vocalable force in place so motion (growth) occurs. When you doubt how it works, your force-field energy is not stable or anchored and current is not allowed to accumulate and gain power, because you allow the mind-set to move. Example: See a vision of you being young, and then say to Spirit, I am young. What have you done? First, by seeing it, it now exists. It exists as a stationary, still, non-moving force. You make this yours when you see it. What you have not learned is the role the vision plays in the consolidation of energy into physical form. Let us be very clear here. This vision, not changed by your non-acceptance of it, once you magnetize it with the sound voice, will attract Spirit and Spirit will birth it! So, its absolutely necessary that you accept this knowledge, or your vision will not stay in its attraction polarity/mode. Doubt is an abortion to mental procreation, because it changes the position of what your focus is seeing, which disconnects the power and you have to start over! Second, youve got your vision and it is locked in. Youre holding your focus on the certainty that the vision is you! You are so clear about this that it is all that exists. Not only do you not see the old person you used to be, but you cant even recall being old. You could even look at a picture of yourself when you were old, and you would see it, but there would not be any feeling, emotion, attachment, or dj vu about it. And, knowing what you know now, you might even think, Why would I ever let myself look like that? Third, its time to energize the vision with the voice: yours. Sound is of the magnetic spectrum, vision is of the electric, color spectrum, and you are combining these together. You are permanently holding the vision, locked into your minds eyesight, and it is who you are. You are consumed by your new vision, and your old vision is consumed (replaced) by you because mental procreation is absolute acceptance of knowing that, I am what I say I am! So, my pro/claimations, my pro/fessions are about who I am, not what I want to be.


The force-field of light is a mold that Spirit fills with color, shape, electricity, and magnetism, and being animated with Spirit, it is alive and needs nothing. You have to learn to ignore your appearance in the physical, and accept the vision you magnetized so it super-im-poses the way you look now and becomes what you see in your vision. You cant mix old with new, or you pollute the creation. So, do not say, Im fat, or wrinkled, or tired, and I want the trim, toned, vital body back. You will not get it. It does not need measured, weighed, or mentally judged as likable or unlikable. These are divisions of consciousness and will not give you whole life. Whole life is anchored light in the minds mental mold that you never let move. It is you: period! This mold is in your mind and is an energy mitt, a catcher of Spirit moving through you to become form. And, it is who you are, like a g/love on your hand, only this is an energy glove that is made by the Spirit, when you remain unmoved so who you see is who you are! Your identity to being the youthfull person is so strong, spiritually, that you will lose all other identities youve taken on/in by error. They cease to exist because you know who you are, which excludes all else. I am who I see and no one can change my mind. When you hold this attitude fixed, you literally fill it with the power of creation by holding the force-field still, clear, and unmoved. Then it grows and grows as the Spirit is adding to it. The very life youve chosen, seen and said into existence. WE CREATE REALITY BY KNOWING HOW TO CREATE IT. Mental procreation can take time to occur when youre still loaded with visual misperceptions and audible misconceptions. These are, very simply, what is outside of you that you believe needs your attention. Nothing outside of you needs your attention, or you are drawn out and into it. Now, we can also real-eyes Spirit in motion is life, flowing through our stabileeyes-d vision of the reality weve chosen to live. You can also quicken mental procreation by learning to pump energy into your vision using your voice and engaging the bodys transformational, cellular structure. Your cells are tiny batteries and when you understand this, you can activate and energize them to behave in absolute harmony to what you see in your visual mold.


To ask, see, knock, and find is a very misleading idea because it leads away from the truth of creation. The power of creation becomes yours when you mentally stop your vision (vise-eye-on) force-field, not send it out knocking, searching, and hoping to find what you have not lost at all, but do not real-eyes it. To realeyes it is so simple it defies our logical state of being, which is why we misplaced our power of life! Stop looking and you wont get lost! The act of looking in the mind for answers is bad for you because your aim, focus, view is in a constant turmoil. So, being in a vibratory duality, the way to get more energy is to stop stimulation so inspiration is created. You dont pump iron, you let ire (I-are)in! You cant build a physical house by changing your blueprints every few moments. So, why do you believe you can build a new body by foregoing the blueprints to search for answers, look for solutions and otherwise comb the woods (woulds vs. would knots) in search of some imagined, lost treasure that will mysteriously restore your life? Do you see whats driving that agenda? Its doubt! Which you feel as lack, which signals your brain/body connection that something is missing! Whats missing is your stayability and your willingness to be your light! And, your need to let the wholly Spirit fill that light. Then, the brain/body connection signal is clear and you receive the feeling of this is who I am! When you feel it, being it is automatic. I am who I see and say I am. There is no missing link. Youre wholly connected to your energetic Spirit self and it is flowing current through your body and keeping your cells (batteries) pumped up and turned on, so the he/ad (brain) lights are filling your entire body. Your nerve endings are no longer outside of your body. They are inside your cells, charging them up. So, your density is g/lowing because the energy is engulfing you and entering your batteries. These inturnall-eyes, are in harmony (h-arm-on-e) emitting/emanating from the body, not being construed as harm, meaning the harm on e(energy), or harmful energy, that threatened feeling from outside. The out-of-balance body is not at rest, nor is it at ease, so the balance of harmony between the good and bad, which is neutrally balanced in duality, will not stay that way when the individual insists on maintaining the off-balance state of believing and eluding, thus denuding, the body of its equilibrium (equal-libert(y)-ease) in your energy field.


This is why you have to STOP STOP

STOP looking for the answers and

solutions to the problems you believe you have out in the world, which are really your own misaligned state of mind. You are your problem, SO, you are your solution. Its all a matter of using and/or misusing the power of life, our primeall force, to be our choice(s). The two states of the one God, (your) power of life, is what you have to learn about to have jurisdiction, control and sense of direction in your life. They are: stillness and motion! Thinking is the mind in motion. Seeing is the mind in stillness. What you hold STILL is the vision! The Makers blueprint from you to Go/d for manifestation. But, what is STILL, can not, and will not, move the energy to you and through you to make you animated. The choice/vision you hold, then vocalized (vocaleyesd), told God to Go/d(o) can return to you, because you animated his stillness with your voice! It is much better for mankind to relearn what God is than continue in the asinine way of living life because it is all ending at the dead-end sign! Which is really a stop sign, because it is the end of your time on earth, again! Our implication is to see God as energy. Energy that is whole, pure, still, and quiet, which you activate with your vision and your voice so it is colored, shaped, enlivened, and per-mitted to be you. The body is an e-mit, like a catchers g/love. And when you pitch (throw your voice) to the all-knowing, all-powerful omni-es/sent/us, it is then re-turned to you. And, therefore, it is re-verse-d. Or, to say, time is the catchers emit (spell it backward: time). Time is reversed by the simple realization that God is our fuel, our engine, our motor, our power, and it is 100% available to 100% of the people 100% of the time:emit, which is your e-b/ode inside the g-(e)-ode, and an ode! The ode is your story (store-e) you vocalized (e-voke-all-eyes-said) to the whole Spirit that divides it into the exact proportions necessary for it to manifest here. God hear-ring your voice, answers your c/all (see all). And, once you learn HOW TO SEE, not look,


for your needs in order to have them met, they happily, joyfully, abundantly and plentifully show up in all levels of your life. You have arrived and the move-e (movie) does not end with the words THE END. It ends with NOW, BEGIN fo-lowing this simple e-quation (e-q-you)! Stop, go, start: (mind) Start, go, stop: (body) You stop the mind from going, so you can start it going specifically into your vision. Go-d then sends his/her energy together and it manifests by allowing it in the body. It stops when it is complete: whole. Vision (plus) Voice (equals) the VV(w)hole Spirit! For this to work you have to stop believing and seeing in divisions. Him and her are the same thing in different states of motion. And, to manifest earthly things (solid/matter) it requires the ear-th energy, not just the energy of the atmosphere (believed to be Spirit). Your g-o-sphere is the e-mit, just like your body. It is essential to the creation of form that Spirit be caught and stopped with the mitt, and the b-all returned to the pitch-er (who is) YOU!! Yes, you get the ball back so you can do it again! Do what? Create! Change! Move! Be! Feel! Have! All without it ever ending. Wellcome (we-all-co-me) to e-turn-it-e. Sew be it. Begin. Stop-go-start (mind) and start-gostop (body). Re-member yourself to a living paradise and you will be all you ever dreamed of having and far more. Godspeed.


Orientation Why people die organ-is-ms of energy

The real problem created in society is group energy of any nature, be it government, corporations, churches, associations, etc. It is the dependency factor they create. Its an odd mix of energy because it is supposed to serve the individual needs. But, how can it do that when the individual is dependent upon it, and it is solely dependent on the individual members of it? Wheres the freedom? Now, multiply this and when all the grouping mentality of the groups are accounted for, you have an entire society built around a self-defeating system because it relies totally on the group rules, laws and behavior to make it work, which forces the members to work at it to sustain it! Now, you have what I call a brain-less, mind-less, robotic motion, which will not support itself without the robots: us. It does not require our direction. It only requires our reflection and reaction! So, we arent really thinkers. We are doers. Of what? Their agenda. Why are we so nave that we believe if we always follow orders we will ever get where we would like to be? Youre on a railroad track, just as surely as the train cars are. And, what is pulling the train cars in this track/tracking based system? Loco-motives. Every day has the same set of tracks, the same train cars (people), and the same beliefs and illusions that youre getting somewhere? How can you be getting anywhere when you are always doing the same thing, on the same track? Why do holidaze come around every year if we are not stuck on the same track? Daily, weekly, monthly, annually, its all the same until were dead. Thats not how we change, or change our reality. How can it be when we always end up doing the same thing over and over? Honestly, as I see it, its down right stupid to believe we have to go on like this! And when we do, and we sure do, we are being dumb! I like humor and it seems to be that stupid and dumb combined would create numbskulls. My words are not to insult anyone, they are my description of how I lived for at least 40 years. What do we have to be, if we keep believing were going anywhere by always going in circles: boring, boring, boring! Even our linear perception of time has to be jaded because it operates from, and within, the same rules (pre-set tracks). Time can not be passing by us if it is


traveling around and around. Ive got the distinct feeling that time only exists because we insist on counting it, and then comparing it (that count) to the counting of things/goods within the countering/count! Were wrong about time aging us! We have to be! Because you cant always be at the same place on the circle of time, and be someplace else (older). So, if we are always right where we are, every time we are there on that cycle/circle, we cant be older. It makes no sense to believe we get older when we drive around the block, when we dont! So, when we say (key word: say) that we are a year older but are at the start of the new year, where does getting older equate to being at the beginning and ending of a circle?? Was 11:59 pm a year old and 12:00 am brand new? Perhaps the experiences in the cycle are not all the same, but if there is a cycle, or even linear destination, then we should not repeat the same thing year after year! And, repeating should not equate to aging. Why? Because to age in a year would mean we are definitely in a different place, a different space, and need to be having a totally different experience, but were not! Why? Well, from my perception, we have not changed at all because if we had, we would not even be able to look back and equate to the numbers and cycles we counted, but never changed. All we did was count and account for. We measure what we did not change, but wanted to. Had we actually changed, to be what we wanted, there would be no counting. Why? Because counting only tells you one thing, which is? Whether you are there or not! Time is an electric impulse that tells the robots what to do. Stop counting, and counting on something to be added to, or taken from, and you have to be WHO YOU SEE! Because all division of not being who you see ceases the moment you quit wanting what you dont have (a state of postponing). Which is only caused by you measuring how long it took to get it, or how long it will take to get it (what you are seeing and unable to be). Have you ever really thought about a horse walker or old-style milling/grinder that was/is driven by a horse going in a circle (round and round) and compared them to our own repeating patterns? Now, mind you, if no one is urging the horse, donkey, or numbskull to keep going, he will not do so because, if theres no escape, why keep going round and round.


Now, unlike the old-style horse-driven mill, with people whipping the animal to urge it on, the modern day horse walker has a variable speed motor to tug on the horse to keep it going. Now, reflect on this and jot down the ways our society is geared to stimulate, reward, punish, urge, demand, promote, regulate, lie and prompt us, we, the people, to move, walk, run and work. Where our only choice, if we stop going in circles, is to be punished, ostracized, locked up, fined, penalized, condemned, criticized, and made to pay homage and allegiance to the triggers, tugs, and electronic reminders to comply or else risk our own welfare. What does this tell you? It tells you, your energy is connected to a driving force (the loco-motives) outside of you. It tells you, you have no choice to really live and be who you choose to be. It tells you our programs and education are seriously flawed and aimed only at tracking our every move! So they, the engineers of the loco-motives, can keep us on their treadmills! Maintaining their organizations, and keeping the robotics of group energy driving what they see as progress and I see as senseless and meaningless, rot/e activities that do not elevate the human dignity, understanding, or freedom to empower ourselves. We do not age from time, or the so-called ravages of time. Its not really possible because time is the most eternal thing that exists in this society. Time. How long of a line will time make if you stretch it from one end to the other?? No one really knows, or they would not keep trying to figure out the origin of the universe because that has to be the origin of the beginning of time! So, what is time? Time is energy, but it is not motion as it is believed to be. Time is seen as passing because mankind lacks the wisdom of what our own languages and thoughts tell us. E is energy in the early being state of be(b-e-ing) energy. So, time is ti-me or ti(e)/me. M is motion, so m-e is me in motion. But, I am (choice), is me in stillness. See it and be it is stillness given motion. Remember, thinking in mind is motion and seeing in mind is stillness, and what we say regulates us. In fact, what we say and send into motion causes our e/motion of love or hate, etc. Now, tie-me (shortened to time), is the anchored, still state of being tied, or kept from moving. But, me is this active state of who I see. So, times still-state is ti(e), and times active, moving-state is me. So, I am mov(e)ing, not time. And, if I am moving,


and time is not moving, I cause my aging, not the pass-age of time. Man is not seeing this, but it is he/she/us that pass the implication of aging off on time. We, literally, give the belief about time passing complete control over our own death (sentence) that ends our life because we have foolishly accepted that time ages us and it is really us aging ourselves, and accusing time for it. Who says, Were getting older? We say it! While time remains absolutely silent and still. DO you know why you do that? Blame time? Because you are on their treadmill going round, round, and round. Youre bored to death Youre frustrated to death Youre angered to death Youre literally worn down to nothing, and go to your death

But, you dont see this. And, many of you will refuse this entire understanding so you dont have to take off your blinders. Why? Because when you are blind, you can be excused (lame). But, if you have your eyes open and keep walking in deaths revolving door, thats stupid and no one will excuse that (let you off the hook). Now, facing the task of being a response-able person after centure-ease of not being responsible, can be scary. Our conditioning and brain-washing has us acting like animals. And, like caged animals after a while, they do not know how to feed or fend for themselves. So, when the gate is opened (what our manuals do) many will not leave and return to their freedom. Why? Because you have forgotten, emotionally, how it feels to live under your own jurisdiction. How to function by your own directions, not by their rules and regulations. You must re/verse your perception and let the truth about light enter your awareness. Then, you wear the truth (true-the), and you are truth of your own light, being hueman. Lets have some fun, since we are so sure we die of old age, that time causes this, as we now believe, okay? So, if it is universally accepted that time passing causes our death, why are all the researchers looking for causes and cures of aging in the chemicals, pharmaceuticals (drugs), viruses, bacteria, and genetics? Why bother if everyone already believes old age is inevitable?! And, why arent they (or us) looking for the way to stop time, if time is really the cause of disease and death?


They are not looking at time as the solutions because you cant administer a drug to it! You cant cut it, radiate it, block it, and, for this matter, they cant even find it! So, they do not see it, and how can you charge money for something you cant see, control and tax? Send time a monthly statement for services and the very first thing the computer-generated robot will ask you, because its not in his or her program, is which address do I send the bill to? Can you see why science, at large, doesnt give a hoot about finding anything they cant bill you for?? PEOPLE ARE DYING BECAUSE WE DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH PEOPLE TO SEND OUR OWN MONTHLY BILLS TO, to support life! In fact, MOST PEOPLE DONT SEND ANY BILLS AT ALL, they just receive them month after month, and year after year. No, this is not a mistake. People die because the energetic organ-is-ms in this society suck the life out of people by forcing them to stay in, and on, the economic and group compliance-based membership energy treadmill(s)! They will not let you stop because they keep the bills coming, even after you retire. And, we are supposed to give our allegiance to this?? Imagine this not being the way we do business and you can readily realize why you do not, and should not, have to work, save, invest so you have a way to pay for the bills they keep sending. Paid for homes, that seniors own, should never be returned to the debt pool just because they cant pay for health problems. So, what I am saying is this. If you really want to make a wholesale difference in this society, and get life back into the living, we have to change our commercial-ism to fit into our i/deal/ism! It is impossible to find freedom and sovereignty in a pre-set, prestaged, tracked, surveillance-based regulatory system. This is a police state and it has been here longer than you are aware of, cloaked under good sounding words such as, live the American dream, you decide, free money, be informed, its your right, no pain no gain, etc. Where there is debt and duty, regulated and monitored behavior, control of people, you will always find anarchy, treason, and wholesale manipulation based at escaping from it. Which also promotes theft, dishonesty, looking the other way, and/or padding the records, and bending the truth! So, you will look like they expect you to look. Then, the same mind-less, brain-less, action-based on the face-less laws, rigid


enforcement, and indoctrination of these programs (promoted as the epitome of living the good life) silently rule your life. Sadly, you probably voted for or against it, like I used to, which only helps maintain it. While you are continuously told, as you grow up, you can do anything if you put your mind to it and work hard, this is their energy being imposed, imprinted and felt, by you. Now, later, the unseen aspects of this regulated approach to living go largely unnoticed! While your entire lifetime of actions are being run, controlled and directed by mental (triggers) servo-mechanisms that are planted in your mind before you are even close to going out on your own. Thats at the point of inception in your thoughts because it is always there (planted/imprinted) in your mind, so when you have a simple request arise in your mind, your head is already filled with their mental mirrors and sounding boards. Say, you need some money. Say it! Say it even if you do not think you need any money. Now, write down where you are able to go get this request. And, to prove the point being made in this orientation, put some effort into this. Write down every place you think you can get some money you need. Now, ask at least 10 more people from various age groups to do the same. You will be absolutely amazed when you compare your notes/responses at the exact sameness of the responses. And, you will also, if youre wise, watch for some oddball, out of mind, normally not thought of, response. Return to the person relating this and ask if they ever procured money doing it (this is not to assign guilt). The point we want you to see in this very simple request is for you to realize another deeply rooted, invisible way you divide a mind so it will serve your agenda and you do nothing to force the person to act like you want them to. They act on whats in their mind, not to you, because when they think, it is whats in their mind that regulates what comes to their mind. Do you see why we ask the question for you to look closely at any odd source of resource/money? Heres why. From your childhood, you are taught a very conflicting message. Your parents and peers tell you to share, be it your toys, candy, etc. But, at the same time you are being taught, consciously and unconsciously, to compete, which is emotionally the opposite way of behaving! Win at school, sports, etc., not share. But, also hearing


pull together, united we stand, etc. We cant be both, but we are programmed to believe we can (??) Now, what this does in the mind/brain relationship is create two circuits, very much like having a radio plugged in in one room and a TV plugged into a separate circuit in an adjacent room. As long as just one is moving (switched on) they do not interfear. But, what happens when both circuits are triggered (switched on) and the sound or light energy is entering the room/brain at the same time? A problem, of what? Clarification! The instant confusion enters your mind and enters your head, you are operating, energetically, from two (or more) contradictory and conflicting circuits. And, you did not choose to have this, but you did unknowingly accept it as the truth, which is not the truth, only a belief or illusion about it. And where is this stored? In your mind! Your cellular, biological computer, the mind/brain, has been programmed by others you grew up with. So, our example about mentally relating to the place(s) where you can get money, follows a very organized, predestined path for you to follow mentally. And, in this following, try to out-wit, and compete with each other so you get it in bigger quantities, or be first! All because value is placed only on winning, not on living ideally. Find the simplicity of how the energy is plugged in, and watch how you are responding. Then, their mirrors and voices bouncing off the pre-set sounding boards will not take precedence over your choice because it got sucked into pre-existing visual and audible labyrinths, created long ago, by leaders (authorities) who wanted to rule (conquer) the world. Which you (today) have a very difficult time understanding, still resonates in your emotional history of planet earth. So, when you reach what you believe is a conclusion in your own mind, such as where to get money, you are not concluding it for yourself as it appears! Because every one of the places to get money were previously put into your mind. UNDERSTAND THIS. Again, you did not put this in your mind. What you do not put there is not yours, it is theirs or someone elses. And, this is precisely why they can control you and you do not even know it! Who put up the signs and signals that control the thought-traffic in the/your mind? If it was you, you would be on track, following your lead, and being obedient to


the power of life from whence you were given life! But, as long as you even bother to respond and react to the outside authority, you have no real authority over you or your reality! Now, the really awake, aspiring master just got triggered again. Are you alert? Are you seeing it? Do you know what were talking about? We just told you what to do! Did you do it? Who put up the sign? Who is making this map for you to follow? Whats the point? Pay attention to where the energy you are using is going. What is happening? As you do this, you regain the power that got shifted away from you in your dissension into matter, which has become trapped in you because the magnetic density of so many beliefs and illusions are drawing your attention to what they say you should do, including us and what were saying here. The only way out of victim-hood is to understand this. We are not the doctor wanting more patients, or the entrepreneur wanting more money, we are the Spirit saying see it, be it, trust it, and have it. That is the rightful inheritance of every hueman on this earth. It was Jesus inheritance and it is yours. But, you have to be able to understand it, use it, and have it in your possession, or it will not work. So, let us refer to the title of this orientation: WHY PEOPLE DIE: ORGAN-ISMS OF ENERGY. We know youve heard of disease-based organisms that sickness thrives in. Well, our message is simple if you review conscientiously what has been said and shown to you in these manuals. You will see organisms of energy that create ease, not disease. And, we have no ads, commercials, pop-ups, spam, markets, telemarketers, trackers, memberships, cameras, agreements, detectives, spies, etc. We have understanding, wisdom, freedom, choice, etc. First, unless you are in complete charge of being who you can see yourself being, you will find that your energy will never be at ease. Second, this energy that is not at ease will snap, connect, and rejoin electromagnetically in the brain and hook you up to what has historically created dis-ease in how you feel, think, and are being in your body. So this energy is the bias/prejudice energy in the treadmill, grid, merry-go-round, rut, gap, labyrinth, hall of mirrors, and resounding echoes of days gone by. Yet, you use it as your sign, your map, your response, your reaction, and your excuse to blame (b-


lame) others and conditions. You are not in charge of the power of life until you learn how to direct Spirit and be what the Spirit is that keeps you powering your life. Let us end this manual by changing how you see free-will choice. You already know its not an either/or, one vs. the other mentality. But, we also want you to know it will not go anywhere if you do not design the ideal reality for you to live in so it goes into that script, that play, that stage, and on that path and track. Our unconditional God goes where we aim our mind, focus, desire, choice. We are the force-field God depends on to unconditionally create any reality we choose to see into existence. The prayer for all to learn is simply this, learn to tell God that we see (collectively) and choose to call into being the ideal society. No wars, no hospitals, no prisons, no lacks, no diseases, and no qualms about it. We, the people Are the lens Of our reality That Spirit moves through. We, the people need to learn that because we, the people are officially writing our own history from now on. And, if we dont get on the ball, our past is going to cause a lot of havoc because it is catching up with us. We have to let it move through and get out of the way. Because what has been put into the planetary agenda, division and dissension, is over. The sooner we become one with life, the quicker the ideal society will come into being. How do we do this? We have to eliminate our indoctrination, our rhetoric, or traditions, our dogmas, our beliefs, our illusions, and replace them with our own, internally anchored ideals. We have to train ourselves and our young people to see what we/they desire, and stop reflecting on how to get it and/or how long it will take. Stop thinking as an activity and see your thought (vision) being the film your reality comes through. It will when you direct Spirit to manifest it for you. Theres a silent message hidden in the direction/instruction weve given you to use. This is it, when you stop the mental activity in your mind, you literally control time! Because the still-state of being what you see moves your life-giving energy back inside you, away from clocks, calendars, and mental measurements that dictate how


youre supposed to be living. See yourself 100% free from all debt, and all obligatory roles. And, you will be amazed at how many other places your needs and desires will come from that were not on the list we asked you to create. Trust your Spirit to give you all that you design into mind. All that is ideal, because if it is not ideal, you are including others. Freedom to live ideally. Also, practice. It perfects your ability to design and live in your own reality. So be it.


Orientation The new picture/story

The entire I am_________ ideal life has to be re-written and remembered by getting the orgasmic inclusion without going out and into the world to make it happen. Feeling has to come and it can not come when the brainwave pattern is the same ol pattern seeking fulfillment on the same pathways. When youre stuck, of course, being bored or depressed is the source thats visible, but what is causing the boredom? No new visions! No new visions voiced into being! No new vibes, no new awareness. Your wrestling mentally with old issues and old stuff. You are afraid or fearful of being a new entity with a new identity because it might cause you a loss and youd feel like you swore you never wanted to feel again, trapped, ashamed, guilty, empty. But, what you are calling fear and being afraid is still not the real cause of your unwillingness to change who you are. Even fear has a cause, and it is found in what all dis-satisfied, unhappy, bored and frustrated people FEEL. They feel they lack something, and that feeling is often hidden and buried in the I want list of desires, which masquerade as solutions to fill the lack of what you believe is physically missing from your life. When, in truth, there is nothing missing and the error of not having your desires is found in how you have arranged your mental self-direction. Which is why it is hard for humans to imagine that their loneliness and wanting are just simply low spots in the energy you call life. Like a low spot on earth, that becomes a collection space for runoff, etc. This is often experienced as depression, or hyperactivity, its opposite polarity. You dont normally associate over-activity with being depressed but it is exactly the same issue. A good way to identify the truth of this is to realize that depression is an under-active not over-active state. Another way to recognize this is found in how the emotions feel. You feel in control during overactiveness, and without control during under-active, depressed states. The message here is simply common sense science once you grasp the basic tenets of what life energy is doing to you, and for you when you think you can change thoughts. Depression, misunderstood, has been given a really bad rap in your society, when it only needs to be seen correctly to be understood. Once it is, you can easily


change the low space to level space, and the manic/depressive mood swings stop. You cant be lonely when you are not in a low spot! Nor can you be hyper (high-per) when youre in a high spot. Why? Well, just reason this out. What direction is your energy moving when you focus on the positive or negative aspect of the duality? And, what do you , unconsciously or consciously, have to keep doing to compensate for the imbalance of being on one side or the other of this split, mental/emotional state? In decline, or on incline? Figure it out? You reflect and contemplate between right, wrong, or (socially) accepted manner to resolve what you feel needs fixed. Giving thought to the reality to change it is correct orientation. It is not correct orientation to give thought to one side or the other to enhance it or diminish it, because then your reflections and echoes cause the lack to be felt on the side you are ignoring and when you feel lack, emptiness, bored, frustration, or anxiety, you react. You know because you eat when you are empty, not actually hungry, you drink beyond relaxing, get inebriated, escape into locked rooms, hide in your work, and in general, create habit patterns that do nothing to serve your real needs and desires for reality to be fun, enjoyable, etc. Reaction does not serve your desire to change because it never lifts you out of the box. Catch 22 exists until you learn how to change what you see in your mind, because the vast majority of mankind is simply digging a hole (low spot in consciousness) and pushing, using the dirt to cover up the depression (hole) they previously dug. Its a bit like watching a squirrel bury nuts. Its not long, if you watch their behavior, before they dig up what theyve already buried, and they re-bury it elsewhere. What kind of mindset energetically would do that? The kind of mindset that unstable people possess. Havent you heard the phrase that reflects this mentality? Before air heads came into vogue, people who behaved illogically were often referred to as squirrelly suckers! Now, lets discuss what these low spots in the life energy are and how you get rid of them so your feelings, desired, come to you. Rather than some unidentified, unwanted mood affecting you that does not actually align to your needs. First, if you have a mood or emotion thats driving you or dragging you down, its always a past imposing its self on the present, which becomes your future if you do not change whats causing it. Now, that does nothing to help you find the problem, right?


Well, that depends on your powers of observation and how crowded your mind may be with the beliefs that agree with fixing a problem, any problem, and especially your problem, because that paragraph does contain the answer, even if you did not say it. But, first consider what you believe the problem is. Do this! If you just breeze past it, you wont find what you are actually looking for. The purpose of stopping your mind and looking for this is because it is at least half of the problem. Why? Because if you are doing this, you are looking for something, or someone to blame, accuse, or give credit to, for how you feel even when you believe it is a poison, chemical, virus, or bacteria, etc. What your past holds is all yours and yours alone. So, to blame or look for it is to believe you have nothing to do with how you feel. Think. How can you be feeling the mood, and it have nothing to do with you? If you were feeling everything and everyone around you, you would not have your individual, unique life, period. This is exactly like a tree limb that breaks off blaming it on a limb on the other side of the tree. When you put yourself in the belief that something outside of you is your problem, THAT IS YOUR PROBLEM! Because you have detached yourself from your own response-ability to create reality by your free will and your choice. So, how wise is it to believe someone or something outside of you is your solution to your problem. Be sure that you understand if you are saying they are the problem then you are also saying they are the solution. Because your implication carries the belief that if this was not present, Id be okay! Dream on, blind one, because it is you seeing this problem into its existence in your life. Now, second, the low spot in your energy is a place in your mind and energy (stored emotions) where something happened to you that you did not like, or even hated, despised, or resented. Now, a high spot in your consciousness is just the opposite. It was a love affair with someone or your own position in life that you absolutely did not want to end, but it did. So, now you have energy of hating this or that and of loving this or that and the people involved. Now, heres the trouble either one, or both, of these memories can cause you. You want out of the low spot, and into the high spot. Now, whats wrong with this? Observe the energy and the statements made. Dont skim the surface when you read (re-


add). Why? Because if what youre looking for was on the surface, everyone would have what they want and need. It goes without saying thats not the case. Ask yourself, what would I be focused on, to want out of depression, or into expression, to better my life? Are you focused on Spirit? No! And even if you are telling Spirit to resolve this, you are still straddling the fence and wanting out of misery or into happiness, attending to what you believe the past has to offer you. Your past has nothing to offer you. Okay. Yes, were nit-picking and were doing it because it is so easy to get sucked back into the black holes of old, stored energy that it often takes a pile-driver to get the point we make across to you. Namely, stop trying to fix things and create anew. Design a paradise, build a utopia, and stop the madness of defending every viewpoint offered. Create your own beautiful world, impress yourself, and ignore those who believe youre living in lala land. Who are they to tell you when youre happy? Which is precisely why the They or Them of self-appointed or elected authorities know nothing of our real needs. If they did, wed all be free, happy, and abundant now. Right now. This orientation concludes with its title, which is the third part of leveling out and rebalancing your energy, so life always runs smoothly. Create in your mind your grand, awesome, richly deserved life. See the ideal, the improbable, and the impossible, and make it your mental pattern. Make it come alive. Even if you start with the smallest of pieces of it, give it to yourself no matter what anyone else thinks or says! Be original, and give yourself space, freedom, and credit worthy of a king or a queen. Be regal in your thoughts and embellish who you are: see it. Dont want it, just see it. Wanting has become a trap because having has ensnaring ideas around it. So just see it and allow yourself to frolick in it. This adds life and liberty to how you feel. YOU DO THIS and you can not feel bad, lonely or miserable because this is what life is made of. Then, you go within and command Spirit to experience it fully with you, so you feel the cosmic (cause-me-eye-see) energy wrap you in its loving arms and envelope you in its orgasmic passion, so you completely lose touch with the outer world, and enter the divine sanctity of what the real communion with God is about. Be so deeply devoted to the new life in Spirit that you become Spirit, and no longer are of the world, only in the world.


Give life its rightful place in your life and no dream will ever be beyond your reach. By doing this you give life meaning, feeling and that is your purpose for being here, because without it, being here has no reward, no light, no joy. This is yours by doing away with the symbolic gestures you call living, but are only hollow shells youve created so others will approve of you. They dont need to approve of you, YOU NEED TO APPROVE OF YOU! So be it.


Orientation Identity God or man, its your choice

How can I be just a hueman? I have to be a God, also, because my body is moved by the energy of Spirits flow through me. If I am, then so are you. Before I realized I was a part of God, I did not realize how my thinking was impeding my well-being, health, and longevity. I was always busy, but did not realize the business was the illusion of empowerment, and aimed only at impressing others, which only brought aging, not youthfulness. Gods do not do that. They impress the all per-vase-eve energy of what is called the creator: the Lord, the God of our whole state of being! Impressing others is not on their agenda in any way, shape or form because they know others give them no power of life. Huemans have bodies that contain invisible life energy, and use it to propel the body. However, the energy, as man is taught to use it (here on earth), is in constant conflict with mans natural and powerful, eternal order: the primeall cause of all life. This conflicting energy is the cause of weakness, illness, and dying. Conflicts are the result of illusions. Man is God, is simply a display of rays (light) until he learns to arrange (a ray range) the rays of light with his own voice, so the vision becomes the reality. We are hue-mans. A hue is light being man. The light of God is coagulated and solidified so we people-extensions (Spirits) that can move on the descending energy and experience creation. But, creation has become the trap and we are stuck in the descended state because it is web-like and layered. The layers have made the light short-circuit between layers! This matrix is like a dense jungle of vines, trees, and brush with a canopy of leaves over the top where only small shafts of light penetrate this. This analogy describes your consciousness as it is now. It blocks out the light and Spirit you need (for life) to move quickly and freely, which is what is required to keep a body properly cleansed of its impediments that become toxic and subdue life. Once these impediments and restrictions (the under/over-growth) start, the more life is expended, because the body is doing its best to get rid of the parasitic (pair-a-sit-


eye-see) attachments, like using a machete to cut a trail. This is the short circuit! So, now the attached impediments are draining and using the energy of the body part it grabbed onto; teeth, bone, muscle, organs, brain, skin, etc. This all starts with thought gone astray because man is schooled and educated about how to die, not how to live. No, there are no signs on the front doors of our offices, schoolrooms, family rooms, etc. that say, This leads to death, but its obvious it does. We need to change this mental programming: learning. Properly ordered and properly oriented thought does not ever run into each other. So, there is no conflict and shorted out, burnt up circuits. No arguments, no victims, and no attackers. The web-works give way to the pair-a-level flowing paths of energy, like the mountain stream (without damming cholesterol) is the prime example of how our body is designed to work. When sediment gets in it, it washes it away. Next, this may sound strange to you but its true, the deltas, bayous, and swamps are the earths excrement repositories, where they cook and clear up the muck and mire earth dumps. Just like our excrements. They fertilize, digest, and distill until they decompose, evaporate and become fodder and huemus for life to take root in. Why arent the swamps located where its cold? Why arent your turds and urine cold? Think about it. Reason the transition of life to death, and its very simple to see why excess heat and pressure in the wrong place inside your body is deadly. Because your body is in the composting, decaying state! What is decadence? Look at what we teach; look at the root word: decay. And de:cadence. What is a cadence? Look it up if you do not know! What does decadent (decay-dent) thought do? It destroys your cadence by disrupting it! Your energy is slug-ish, dark and not springy and vital. You know, people have a very serious problem on their hands and do not see it at all. They swear up and down sin and sinners are the problem. Do you really believe going to church or prison stops sins and sinners? It cant! Because the cause of decay, decadent, aberrant, and deviant behavior is not of the physical plane. It is acting upon and from what the Spirit is being mentally instructed to do by the person doing the thinking. The thought in the mind causes the decadence, decay and dying of man, and that is of the physical plane. Sin is a created symptom of thought(s) gone astray. Change this and there is no in-sin-sear-it-e! And no sinners.


Not everyone (but most) believes if you change the behavior you solve the problem. Not true! You hide it, not change it! And, it being there, now below conscious awareness, is still causing you to be at odds with your own life energy. This hole sucks you into self: your grave. To change, you have to know how to change the way YOU THINK (even the direction you have aimed the thoughts) you hold in your mind. Look at religion. They do something that amazes me. They tell you you are all sinners and must be forgiven because you are less than whole. Then, they rail you out of the flock when you see yourself, at one and atoned, with God, which they also profess as the way. Heres the question, How can man ever be at one with God if he continues to see himself as a sinner? In particular, a sinner needing forgiveness? How can being at one with God include being less than God? First-grade math and common sense says, I am not what I am not! They teach I am as a means of, and to, salvation! But, if you say, I am a God, you have violated their code of pseudo-self-righteousness! The rightuse-of-us is to unite with God, the source of unconditional love. Then, why does the church believe it is sacrilegious to see and say you are a God? Didnt Jesus say, The father (God) and I are one? Its okay for Jesus to say it, but its not okay for me or you to say it? This certainly does not fit into Gods unconditional love for all. When you figure out how you can CONDEMN people for pledging their allegiance to the power of life, which creates mankind and fits perfectly into the unconditional loving God, I want to know! Because condemnation is not what God does. God gives and man receives. All else is conditional by-asses, called the abyss (a-by-ass)! The abyass is full of excrements unnecessary to eturnall life and man continues to hold them in mind, and they continue to manifest into discomfort, arguments, and disease. Temper-all life is a conditional state and where one depends on the other. In eturnall life there is not dependence, period! Just creation. Desecration is only found in temper(ature) controlled life. Free will and choice, used properly, controls the temperature of life (such as animals do)! How do they live summer and winter with the same coat? By not worrying, blaming, accusing, and rationalizing, which causes hot to cold imbalances in our body. TOO MUCH INTERNAL HEAT MAKES THE BODY ACIDIC AND DEHYDRATED. THEN, IT ATTRACTS THE COLD, ALKALINE, CAUSTIC,


HYDRATION TO COOL IT DOWN. BUT, THE CAUSE IS STILL PRESENT, WHICH IS OUR DISCONNECTED STATE OF NOT BEING AT ONE WITH THE POWER OF LIFE: CREATOR/SPIRIT GOD. Why arent animals eturnall? Because they are not free-will thinkers. We are and how we use this dictates our destiny through every moment of life! The sooner we learn this, the sooner we free ourselves from our own web of deception! We are Gods. Get comfortable with it, or remain trapped in your misery. So be it.


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