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SPM 1994 a) Blood transports oxygen through red blood cells in the blood plasma.

Oxygen and haemoglobin react synthesise to form oxyhaemoglobin in the red blood cells. Once the red blood cells reaches the oxyhaemoglobin dissociate to release oxygen respiration cells it breaks down to oxygen to provide energy for cellular activities. Blood also transports carbon dioxide. When co2 binds with haemoglobin, carbominohaemoglobin is formed. Carbominohaemglobin in the red blood cells is transported to the lungs by the blood stream. Dissociate into carbon dioxide and haemoglobin. Carbominohaemoglobin in the red blood cells reaches the alveolus and diffuses to become oxygen. Hormones are also transported by blood. Hormones are produced in the endocrine diffuse gland and are absorbed into the blood plasma to be transported to the target organs. Heat is also transported by blood to lungs and skin. transported by blood. Heat produced by respiration is absorbed into the blood stream. The heat is lost when sweat evaporates and some heat is lost by radiation from skin. Heat is also through exhaled air. diffuses into the muscles and diffuses out of the skin through sweating. Blood also transports urea and uric acid from ;liver to the kidneys. In the kidneys the nitrogenous wastes are through urine waste products. End products of digestion such as glucose and amino acids are absorbed into in blood plasma in the the blood capillaries which are then transported by the hepatic portal vein to the liver for assimilation. absorption and then the blood carries the waste products to the kidney to be removed from the body. SPM 2001 a) Figure 1- Red blood cell volume of cytoplasm in the cell. Cytoplasm contains haemoglobin for transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide Red blood cell has no nucleus thus increasing the efficiency of transporting oxygen. A red Increase surface are for absorption of gases blood cell measures 7-9 uM. Its biconcave disc shape allows it to squeeze to enter small capillaries and then return back to original shape. Cytoplasm of red blood cell is large due to absence of nucleus, this allows the cytoplasm to have a high volume of oxygen. Figure 2- Root Hair Cell The cell wall of a root hair cell is permeable to water and nutrients. The vacuole has a hypertonic cell sap so that osmosis can take place.Plasma membrane of a root hair has transport protein for active transport of mineral ions from soil into the cell. transports proteins. It has a long cylindrical extension to increase surface area for absorption mineral ions of nutrients.

Comments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Paragraph your answer. Start each concept/ principle in a new paragraph. Names of chemical substances/ compounds must be written in words; e.g. oxygen/ carbon dioxide 1 fact + explanation = 1m Facts are concepts / principles / theories / data given in question FACTS are answerable to WHAT? e.g. What is the shape of a red blood cell? What is the pigment that transport oxygen/ carbon dioxide?

6. Explanations will answer one or more of the following: WHY, HOW, WHICH, WHEN, WHERE, HOW MUCH ? e.g. FACT What shape: RBC spherical, biconcave disc-shaped EXPLANATION Why: to increase surface area to volume ratio For efficient diffusion of gases; [1m] Easy movement of cell through narrow Blood capillaries [1m] Benefit: Increase volume of cytoplasm Large amounts of haemoglobin in cytoplasm for oxygen transport [1m]

What: RBC has no nucleus

7. Provide suitable, large, clear and labeled diagrams where necessary.; word equations if necessary 8. Comparisons: compare two or more facts in the same sentence by using conjunctions like : whereas/ while e.g. Compare RBC and WBC RBC has no nucleus in cell whereas WBC have lobed nucleus (phagocytes) or spherical nucleus (lymphocytes) 9. Where you need to justify: each statement must be proven with explanation/ proofs e.g. Excessive fatty food is harmful as it may lead to obesity, artherosclerosis, high blood pressure

Sample answer: SPM 1994 Blood as a transport medium: Introduction ( not always needed; an introduction is usually statement explaining the principle/ concept in the question. Discussion must include: What substance; from where; to where; in what form; special pathways. Answer: Blood as a transport medium conducts respiratory gases, nutrients, hormones, nitrogenous waste products and heat from where they are produced to where they can be used or removed. Transport of respiratory gases: Oxygen from the alveoli of lungs diffuses into blood in the capillaries. In the blood oxygen diffuse into erythrocytes and dissolves in haemoglobin to form oxyhaemoglobin. When blood reaches the respiring cells, oxyhaemoglobin dissociates into oxygen and haemoglobin. Oxygen is then used by respiring tissues. Most of the carbon dioxide produced by cells diffuse into erythrocytes and forms hydrogen carbonate ions. These ions are transported in blood plasma. Some carbon dioxide react with haemoglobin to form carbo-aminohaemoglobin and some dissolve in blood plasma to form carbonic acid solution. When blood reaches the lungs, carbon dioxide reforms and expelled through exhaled air. [3m] Transport of nutrients: Water soluble nutrients like glucose, amino acids and mineral ions diffuse across the epithelia of villi into the blood capillaries. These nutrients are then carried in blood to the liver by hepatic portal vein. Fat soluble nutrients like glycerol, fatty acids, steroids and vitamins A, D, E, and K diffuse into the lacteals of villi. These nutrients are then transported in lymph fluid which is emptied into the subclavian vein at the neck. These nutrients finally reach the liver in blood. [3m] Transport of Hormones: Hormones are produced by endocrine glands. The hormone molecules diffuse into blood capillaries of the glands and are transported in blood plasma. The hormones are carried throughout the body but bring about responses only in their target organs. [2m] Transport of nitrogenous wastes. The liver breaks down excess amino acid to produce urea. Urea, uric acid and ammonium ions are transported in blood plasma to the kidneys and excreted in urine. [2m] Transport of heat: Heat is produced by all respiring cells. The liver and muscles produce larger amounts of heat. Heat is conducted by blood to skin where most of the heat is used to evaporate produced sweat. Some heat is also released through exhaled air. Loss of heat from blood helps to regulate the body temperature. [2m]

SPM 2001: The red blood cell is about 8.0 micrometers and 2.0 thick. It has a biconcave disc-like shape. These two feature increase the surface area to volume ratio and enable easy diffusion of respiratory gases. The disc-like shape enables the cells to pass through narrow capillaries easily. A mature RBC has no nucleus and this increases the volume of cytoplasm of the cell. The cytoplasm is therefore packed with haemoglobin. Haemoglobin pigment is necessary for oxygen and carbon dioxide transport. The plasma membrane of the cell is elastic and enables the cell to stretch slightly when gases diffuse into the cell. This will avoid the RBC from bursting. [5m] The root hair is unicellular epidermal cell of the root. It is long and cylindrical in shape. These features increase the surface area for diffusion of water. The cellulose cell wall is rigid and maintains shape of the cell. It is very permeable to water and mineral ions. The plasma membrane of the cell has numerous carrier proteins which actively transport mineral ions from the soil into the soil. The large vacuole has hypertonic cell sap and enables easy osmosis of water. The vacuoles function to store the water in the cell. [5]

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