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FA??? (FBI GTE UAL Maintenance facility in No tape indicated
THINKS IT'S STAR San Francisco -UA says that there were
SANDY FIX four star fix calls. Why
BRADSHAW) only one call reported at
(Pax) Tom Burnett; GTE Pax Tom Burnett to wife No tape indicated Surfed: 9:20 am (NYT March 27") According to Deena Tom Tells her that To Do:
call 1 ; Ticketed for Deena Burnett. plane is hijacked. She does not have -Get time/duration of
seat 4B— first class Started: Approximately 9:30 according to Deena time to tell him about what happened at call
Burnett's FBI 302 IV WTC (Sacramento Bee, Sept. 11, 2002
"A Time to Reflect.") —Ask Deena if she really
- told the NYT that Tom
(Note: During one of the Burnett calls said one of them had a
he tells his wife that the hijackers had a gun. Why wasn't this in
gun. NYT1MES MARCH 27, 2002). her 302.

Burnett tells his wife "No I'm on -Get Deena's notes on

United Flight 93 from Newark to San the call.
Franciso. The plane has been hijacked.
We are in the air. They've already —Find out who the
knifed a guy. There is a bomb on neighbor was who
board. Call the FBI." (News account) listened to the call.

According to Deena Burnett's FBI 302,

Mr. Burnett said: "The plane had been
hijacked. The hijackers claimed to
have a bomb. . . a passenger had been

(Pax) Tom Burnett: GTE Pax Tom Burnett to wife No tape indicated Started: 9:30 am (NTY March 27, 2002) According to Deena Tom Tells her that To Do:
call 2; Ticketed for Deena Burnett "The guy they knifed is dead... I tried -Get time/duration of
seat 4B— first class Started: "10 minutes after first call" according to to help him, but I couldn't get a pulse." call
Deena Burnett's FBI 302 Deena then tells Tom: "Tom, thy are
hijacking planes all up and down the
East Cost They are taking them and
hitting designated targets. They've
already hit both towards of the World
Trade Center." Tom then relayed the
news to another passenger saying "Oh
my God, It's a suicide mission."
During the call Tom said: "No wait,
we're turning back the other way.
We're going south." During the same
call Deena said "They just hit the
Pentagon." (Sacramento Bee, Sept. 11,
2002 "A Time to Reflect") During this
same call Tom said "(The hijackers are
talking about crashing this plane into
the ground. We have to do something .
I'm putting a plan together." Deena
said "Who's helping you?" He replied
"Different people. Several people.
There's a group of us." (Sacramento
Bee, Sept 11 , 2002 "A Time to

He told her hijackers were in the

cockpit (NYT March 27, 2002)

According to Deena's FBI 302 Mr.

Burnett said "Have you heard about
any other planes." Deena tells him
about the WTC. Burnett asked "Were
they commercial planes?" (265 A-
(Pax) Tom Burnett; GTE Pax Tom Burnett to wife Started: "five minutes after second call" according "We're waiting until we're over a rural To Do:
call 3; Ticketed for Deena Burnett to Deena Burnett's FBI 302 IV area. We're going to take back the —Get time/duration of
seat 4B— first class airplane. . .If they're going to crash this call
plane into the ground, we're going to
have to do something." (Sacramento
(Note: a neighbor was
with Deena while she Bee, Sept. 1 1, 2002 "A Time to
was on the phone with
According to Deena's FBI 302 Mr.
Burnett said "The passenger that had
been knifed had died. . ."they' were in
the cockpit " (265A-NY2803SO-302-

(Pax) Tom Burnett; GTE Pax Tom Burnett to wife "hi his fourth call, he told of the To Do:
call 4; Ticketed for Deena Burnett group's plans to storm the hijackers. "I —Get time/duration of
seat 4B— first class know we're all going to die. There's call
three of us who arc going to do
something about it" (NYT March 27,
According to Deena's FBI 302 Mr.
Burnett said, "a group of us are getting
ready to do something." (26SA-

(FA) Sandy 777 FA Sandy Bradshaw to her No tape indicated Started: a little before 10:00 a.m. according to "Everyone's running to first class, I've To Do:
Bradshaw husband Philip Bradshaw Philip Bradshaw's FBI 302. got to go." (Times Herald Port Huran —Find out if it was a cell
Michigan, Sept. 1 1, 2002, Mike or GTE
Connell) -Get exact
time/duration of call
According to Philip, Philip hold her
about the WTC. Sandy stated that
she."... saw the hijackers carrying
knives as weapons. All three of the
hijackers put red headbands on their
heads as they were hijacking the
plane. . .hijackers went up to the front
of the plane. ..all passengers and flight
attendants were in the rear of the
plane. . .the pilots were not in the back
of the plane. ..the passengers were
getting hot water out of the galley and
were going to rush the hijackers."
Toward the end of the conversation
Sandy said "Everyone is running up to
First Class" and she hung up the
phone. (265A-NY280350-302-95686)

(Pax) Honor Pax Honor Wainio to her step "I need to go. They're getting ready to
Wainio; Ticket seat mother break into the cockpit." ." (Times
1 IF -Coach Herald Port Huran Michigan, Sept. 11,
2002, Mike Connell)
(Pax) Todd Beamer; GTE Pax Todd Beamer to GTE Started: 9:45(Times Herald Port Huron Michigan, (Said at 9:57 am) "You ready? OK To Do:
Ticket seat 10D- Airphone operator Lisa Jefferson (GTE Sept. 1 1, 2002, Mike Connell) Let's roll." The words of Todd Beamer —Get time/duration of
Coach was owned by Verizon) as reported by Lisa Jefferson. (Times call from GTE records.
Started: 9:45 and ended at 9:36 (sic) according to Herald Port Huran Michigan, Sept 1 1, -Find out of GTE taped
Jefferson's 302 IV. 2002, Mike Connell) their calls.
-Why doesn't
Duration: 1 5 minute call (NYT March 27, 2002.) Beamer told Jefferson he was sitting Jefferson's 302 say
next to a flight attendant He could see anything about "Let's
three hijackers, armed with knives. RolL"
One insisted he had a bomb. Twenty- -Find out what seat call
seven of the passengers had been was placed from.
herded to the rear of the plane, where
the hijackers with the bomb was
guarding them. Two hijackers were in
the cockpit. A fourth was in first class.
According to Jefferson, Beamer said: 1
"The airplane is about to be
hijacked. . .three individuals, two
wielding knives, the third with a bomb
strapped to his waist with a red belt,
were preparing to take over the flight"
after seven minutes Beamer said: "the
two hijackers armed with knives
entered the cockpit, securing the door
behind them. The third hijacker with
the bomb remained in the main cabin
with the passengers after closing the
privacy curtain between First Class and
Economy class. After a short period
Beamer stated, "The aircraft
maneuvered erratically and continued
to do so." He stated that "the aircraft
was turning around." At 10:00 Beamer
said that "the passengers were about to
*V attack the hijackers." Beamer said "the
J' hijackers knew they were on phones
and 'didn't seem to care.'" (265A-
NY280350-302-95630); (265A-
(Pax) Jeremy Click; GTE Pax Jeremy Click to his Started: 9.29 am (Times Herald Port Huran He asked his wife it was true that To Do:
Ticket seat 11 A- mother-in-law Joanne Makely Michigan, Sept. 1 1, 2002, Mike Connell) planes had been crashed into the World
Coach and his wife Lyzbeth Trace Center indicating how the story -Get the time/duration
Started: Approximately 9:30 according to Ms. had already spread through the plane. of the call from GTE
Makely and Mrs. Click's FBI 302. She told him they had, ami-belaid phone records.
passengers were takin££rvote><niould
Duration: Approximately 15-20 minutes according they try to take back UM-phtne? (news j
to Ms. Makely and Mrs. Click's FBI 302. . account) didn't say anything
\Sr about the "vote" in her
1 ^w»«rfc "Click phoned his wife Lyzbeth he 302.
I \^\ji) said that the pilots jmd flighUItendants
had been fofcedtothe back_qf the -Ask Lyzbet* and V
gjane." ([lailasivionungNews Sept. Joanne if AA really told I
tt (jf 17*, 2001) the Dalla^Nrbnting
\ News th^/he PILOTS
\^ C)>/^ According to Mrs. Click and Ms. had be«n forced to the
Makely Jeremy said, "Flight 93 had back of the plane.
K v/^\ been hijacked by three Iranian looking
$•' o males, with dark skin and —Ask Lyzbeth if she's
\^~ i\fi^ bandanas. . . one of the males stated that sure that the hijackers
I» he was in possession of a bomb in a red did not have guns.

box and one was armed with a
v 0>A knife. ..the hijackers had herded the -Ask Lyzbeth if she's
jSr^ passengers into the rear of the plane, . sure that the hijackers
nnj) Hj thffn thur if thay dirl-<i6rcrJasb? said they were going to
(fnto the World Trade CeQjjfffiey crash into tht WTC, and
1 r - - if
^V_^ kvould blow up the nlans.lftiijiirill?
•nrjackersTolS the passengers to call
whether that was
information given to
l[li ii lim il 111 n i Ifff three hijackers Jeremy in the middle of
then entered the cockpit He and four the call.
other male passengers were
contemplating rushing the
hijackers... Jeremy replied they did not
have guns."
(265A-NY2803SO-302-1 1722)

(Pax) Marion Borrowed Pax Marion Britton to friend Started: 9:41 (Times Herald Port Huran Michigan, Hijackers have slit the throats of two To Do:
Britton—Ticket cell phone Fred Fiumano atf 1 Sept. 11, 2002, Mike Connell) people (possibly flight attendant -Confirm time/duration
Seat 12B-Coach Deborah Welsh and Mickey of call.
Started: Between 9:30-9:45 according to Fred Rothenberg)- (Times Herald Port -Ask Fred if she said
Fiumano Huran Michigan, Sept- 1 1, 2002, Mike how she knew that two
Connell) planes had crashed into
the WTC— from
According to Fiumano, Britton told hijackers or other pax?
him that "her plane was hijacked. . .the
hijackers had cut two passengers
throats. . .she knew that two planes had
crashed into the WTC."

(Pax) Linda ?? Pax Linda Grbnlund to Sister Tape recording was made Started: 9:53 (Times Herald Port Huran Michigan, Grondlund leaves message for sister Questions:
Grondlund; Ticket Elsa $trong: i of call Sept 11, 2002, Mike Connell) saying that the passengers are aware of -Did Elsa talk to Linda?
Seat 2A - First Started: 9:47 (according to time stamp on message the attacks on New York. She says of -Did the Macy's
Class machine) the hijackers "I think they're going to accurately report what
try to do something like that with us." Elsa had told them about
Ended: (Times Herald Port Huran Michigan, the call?
Sept. 1 1, 2002, Mike Connell)
To Do:
Duration: According to Elsa Strong's FBI IV -Listen to tape
Linda said "aircraft was being hijacked -Ascertain the actual time
by terrorist and they had a bomb. . .The of the call.
terrorist also stated that they had -Determine if it was a
already taken down the World Trade cell or GTE airphone call.
Center. (265A-NY280350-302-4080)
(FA) CeeCee Lyles Cell FA CeeC^e Lyles to Husband Tape recorded Started: 9:58 according to voicemail (302) "They're getting ready to force their To Do:
Phone Lome; \o tape indicated way into the cockpit. . .They're doing -Confirm time/duration
it! They're doing it! They're doing it!." of call
(NYT March 22, 2002) -Why was the call
recorded if Lome
Transcript of call indicates that CeeCee picked-up.
said: "My plane is being -Was the entire
hijacked. . .they are forcing their way conversation recorded.
into the cockpit. . .they forced their way —Where did this quote
into the cockpit. . .if feels like th plane "they're doing it" come

is going down. (TP 0026; TP 0730; TP from if it wasn't on the
419) tape.

(Pax) Mark GTE to Pax Marie Bingham to his None indicated Started: 9:44 a.m. (according to Alice Hoglan who According to Alice and Kathleen, To Do:
Bingham; Ticket (408) Aunt Kathleen Brady Hoglan looked at the clock when she took the call). Mark said, "I'm on United Airlines, —Confirm time of call,
Seat 4D— First 741-8029 and his mother Alice Hoglan Flight 93. It's being hijacked. ..the and location of call on
Class Duration: Estimated to be three minutes by Alice plane's been taken over by three guys. plane from CTE
and Kathleen Hoglan). They say they have a bomb. ( 265 A- records.
NY280350-302-4069) & (265A-
(Pax) Ed Felt; Cell (Pax) Ed Felt to Call was taped; Shaw has Started: 9:57 (according to Westmoreland DPS) According to the 91 1 officer John To Do:
Ticket Seat 2D— Phone Westmoreland County, PA notes Shaw Felt repeated several times that —Confirm time/duration
First Class (718) 91 [(Talked to John Shaw) the plane was being hijacked. (265A- of call;
805-0388 NY280350-302-38710); -Get Shaw's notes
-Listen to tape
According to another FBI 302 "he -Resolve discrepancy
(Felt) believed the aircraft was going about explosion and white
down, and that some sort of explosion smoke story.
had occurred aboard the aircraft. . .there —Ask Shaw if there were
was white smoke somewhere on the any portions of the 91 1
plane." (265A-NY280350-302-17823) call that weren't recorded.

Note: public sources said the story of

an explosion and white smoke was not
accurate. I've reviewed transcript of
tape and it doesn't say anything about
explosion or white smoke.
Pax Joseph Deluca;
Ticket Seat 28-First
Pax Lauren
Grandcolas; Ticket
seat 1 ID-Coach
Pax Louis Nacke;
Ticket Seat 12F-
Pax Walesca
Martinez; Ticket
seat: lOF-Coach

Hijacker (Janah) To Passengers and ATC Tape and Transcript 9:39 am ." (Times Herald Port Huran Michigan, Jarrah gets on Intercom and announced
Sept. 1 1, 2002, Mike Connell) that there is a bomb aboard. He tells
passengers to stay calm and says they
are returning to the airport in Newark.
." (Times Herald Port Huran Michigan,
Sept. 1 1, 2002, Mike Connell) —

"There is a bomb on board. And we are

going to turn back to the airport And
they had our demands, so please
remain quiet." NYT March 27, 2002


Deena Burnett call to FBI after first

call from husband Tom aboard flight
Deena Burnett calls Tom's parents
and his sisterj 1,and
| ftp relay .
information from the call. \m Burnett's sister! I

i icalls Deena after the third. •

plane hits--the Pentagon . \e Makely calls 9 1 1 to report . ,

Jeremy Click's emergency. \o Do: —Get tape of Makely's

911 call.

9/11 First
Re spondei/ Family

Did Linda Gronlund leave a message and talk to Elsa Strong?

Did FBI check all passengers' cell phone records to see who they called?

Did FBI get the GTE rundown of itemized calls from both 93 and 175?Are all itemized calls accounted for?

Did FBI do a study of the cancellations and no-shows for 93 and 175 to aid identification of the 20th hijacker?

Is this the full list of Tape recorded calls?

Why did Jarrah urge people to call to the ground when they were bound to find out about WTC and revolt?

Do you have any reason to believe that one person or group rather than another should be credited with the rebellion.

At what point was the plane aeronautically in big trouble.

What time do you believe the revolt started?

Who was your expert at translating the Arabic in the CVR?

Did you have an expert explain how cell phones could be used on an airplane?

Why do you guys think it was Sandy Bradshaw that called SAMC?

Why so few calls from 77?

Who was] Jon the manifest. There was no ticket for him?

How did they check for explosives at the site. How likely is it they would be detected?

How likely can a gun survive the crash and burn.

Did they find GPS in evidence.

Was there any forensic evidence regarding the

Cockpit doors at either 93 or 77 to indicate whether they'd been breached, (from PZ letter)

Were the bodies of the hijackers' recovered and did they have a key on them.(from PZ letter)

Have any of the detainees said how they were taught to breach cockpits (from PZ letter)

What was the Mayday call that 93 supposedly made according to Penttbom.

9/11 First

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