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English Conversation Name : Chesna Wahyu Diana Indah Laily Fadillah P07120111006 P07120111018

Thursday, On 31st January 2013 in Cempaka ward Panembahan Senopati Bantul Hospital at 09.00 a.m. there is a client. She is Indah. She has typus abdominalis. Chesna is a nursing student of nursing program Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta will to check vital sign of Client Indah.

Nurse (N) Client (K) N K N N

: Good morning, miss. : Good morning, nurse. : How are you today miss ? : Not very well I think. : Oh, Im sorry to hear that. : Oh, Im sorry miss, before Im checking your health. I want inrtroduce to my self

Im Chesna,miss. Im a nursing student at nursing program of Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta. Im practice here to take care you for 30 minutes. now I need your biography to fill in the admission form. I hope you cooperate miss. Will you miss ? K N K N K N K N K N K : Yes, nurse. : What is your full name miss ? and how can I adrees you ? : Im Indah Laily Fadillah, nurse. Many people call me Miss. Indah. : OK, miss. Indah. How do you spell it miss ? : I-N-D-A-H, nurse. :How old are you, miss? : Im 19th years old, nurse. : When were you born, miss ? : I were born in Bantul, in 17th November 1993, nurse. : Where do you live miss. Indah ? : I live in Mojosari, Piyungan, Bantul, nurse. I live with my parents and my sister, nurse.


: What is your occupation, miss ? : Im a student in accounting program at AA YKPN University, nurse. : Are you married miss ? : No, miss. Im single now. : Im sorry miss, can I know, what is your religion miss. Indah ? : Im Islam, nurse. : Who is your nearest relative miss. Indah ? And do you live at the same address ? : My father, nurse. His name is Tarmidi. Yes, I do, nurse. I live at the same address with my father.


: Any contact person in emergency case, miss ? : Yes, nurse. 087839090959. : OK, miss. Indah, thanks for your attention. Now, I will check your health. What is your problem miss ?

K : I have a headache ,my feel dizzy and neusa , nurse. I think my body very hot. But I feel cool and clammy. How must I do. N K N : Have you taken your temperature with thermometer, miss ? : Not yet, nurse. : OK, now I will check your temperature with thermometer, miss. Just insert this thermometer into your right armpit for 5-10 minutes. K : OK, nurse Chesna. After 10 minutes K N K N : What is my temperature miss ? : Your temperature is 39,40 C, miss. I will report this to your doctor. : Thank you, nurse. : OK, miss. I want to repeat again about your biodata. Nurse Chesna repeat again abaout Clients biodata


: Any question miss ? : No, nurse, thankyou. : ok, if you need help, you can call me or other nurse, have a nice rest miss Indah. Good morning.

: Good morning nurse.

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