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B 933


B.Ed. DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2010 (For candidates admitted during the academic year 2008-2009) Optional Subject ELEMENTS OF ECONOMICS Paper I Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 75

PART I (10 2 = 20 marks) Answer any TEN questions. Each answer should not exceed half-a-page. Each answer carries 2 marks. 1. Explain any three aims of teaching Economics.

Pzu |UP[P USP.




List out the features of project method.

\ vmh A\[P mikP.

3. What is meant by Computer Assisted Instruction?

Po Pzu G G?
4. What is meant by lesson plan?

hzvmh G G?
5. What are the components of skill of explanation?

USu v EmTP ?


What is curriculum design?

Pzvmh i G G?
7. What is mode?

Pk G G?
8. What are the merits of teaching Economics through case study method?

u| B Pu {P ?
9. What are the principles of Unit Planning?

AS vmhh PPP ?
10. What are the components of discussion method?

u EmTP ?
11. Write a short note on lecture method.

] S P.
12. Define Evaluation.

vk & UP.
PART II (5 5 = 25 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. Each answer should not exceed 1 page. Each answer carries 5 marks. 13. What are the principles of curriculum construction?

Pzvmh i PmkP ?
14. Explain the steps involved in problem solving method.

a\ w Eh[Q i{P USP. B 933 2


Briefly state the important steps of a lesson plan?

J hzvmhzv UQ i{P _UPP SkP?

16. What are the criteria to be kept in mind while selecting instructional media?

Pzu FhPzv uukuP v P si APP ?

17. Describe briefly the importantance of library in the field of economics.

x \u {zv UQzxzu _UPP UP.

18. Explain the uses of Over Head Projector in teaching of Economics.

Pzu uUS zv P Gu USP.

19. Describe the salient features of Computer Assisted Instruction in teaching of Economics.

Pzu Po Pzu ] A\[P UP.

20. What are the merits of supervised study method?

i |P ?
PART III (2 15 = 30 marks) Answer BOTH the questions. Each answer should not exceed 3 pages. Each answer carries 15 marks. 21. (a) Explain the relationship between economics and other social sciences.

US \P AUS Ch E uh USP.
Or 3

B 933


What is Micro Teaching? Explain any three skills of micro teaching with suitable examples.

~s{ Pzu G G? Hux ~s{ Pzu vP uSu GkzxUPmkPh USP.

22. (a) Explain the characteristics of a good Economics teacher.

J | B] Sn|P USP.
Or (b) Explain the characteristics of a good achievement test. Explain its types.

| u sP USP. Au PP USP.

B 933

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