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Lesson Planning Sheet Title: Dividing Fractions Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson: All students should be able to divide one ordinary fraction by another using its reciprocal. Most students should be able to divide a fraction by a mixed number using its reciprocal. Some students should be able to solve problems involving the product of two ordinary fractions or mixed numbers. Key words: Reciprocal, Division, Mixed Number, Top heave fraction Learning Activities Starter/Introduction Students review calculating the product of two fractions and mixed numbers through cross simplifying. This is an essential skill when dividing fractions so have the class present their answers on mini-whiteboards to ensure a solid understanding. To extend this activity students could check their answers by converting the fractions and mixed numbers to decimals and calculate their product. Development The main concept for dividing with fractions is understanding that division is the inverse of multiplication. Therefore, in order to divide one fraction by another we must multiply it by its reciprocal. A common misconception is for students to calculate the reciprocal of the fraction on the left hand side rather than the right. Emphasise which fraction is being divided by which. The second slide provides basic practise with this using ordinary fractions. However, emphasise the need to cross simplify when possible so the problems on the next slide which involve mixed numbers can be easily calculated. Have students attempt a few of the latter questions on the second slide independently using mini-whiteboards to assess their progress and feedback. Once completed, the questions on the third slide could be attempted independently. Students could check their answers using the fraction function on a scientific calculator for immediate feedback. Plenary The plenary is intended to provide an application for solving problems involving the division of fractions. Have students work in pairs to first set up the calculation and next evaluate it. For the most able the area or length could be a mixed number as opposed to an ordinary fraction. Once completed have a student come to the board, if willing, to demonstrate the solution. Differentiation More able: Students could attempt to solve simple equations using division of fractions such as Resources: Mini-whiteboards Calculators

Calculating the length of a cuboid when given three other dimensions links the topic to other areas of maths. Less Able Calculating the reciprocal or multiplying fractions may need additional time to be consolidated. Students may need to stick with dividing ordinary fractions and move on to mixed numbers the next lesson.

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