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Sources of Information On Pipelines

(April 2001)

Kay Kenyon Barboza, Librarian Information Resource Center Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. Fairbanks, Alaska Julia H. Triplehorn, Librarian Keith B. Mather Library Geophysical Institute/ International Arctic Research Center Fairbanks, Alaska

Sources of Information on Pipelines

Table of Con tents

I. Basic References
A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Corrosion and Cracking Design and Construction Economics and Environment Fluid Dynamics and Hydraulics General Historical Pigging Safety Slurry Pipelines Underwater Pipelines



III. Codes, Regulations, and Standards IV. Conference Proceedings V. Database and Indexes

VI. Dictionaries and Encyclopedias VII. Directories VIII. Ha ndb ook s an d Ma nua ls IX. Jo urna ls X. Maps

XI. Organizations XII. Web Resources

I. Basic References
A. Corrosion and Cracking
(See also Handbooks and Manuals)

Brad ford, S amu el. 199 3. Corrosion Control. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 354 p. Pea bod y, A.W . 197 8. Control of Pipeline Corrosion. Houston, TX: National Ass ociatio n of C orros ion E ngine ers, 1 90p . Sch weitze r, Philip A . 199 4. Corrosion-Resistant Piping Systems . New York: Marcel Dek ker, 4 43p .

B. Design and Construction

Am erican Soc iety of C ivil Eng ineer s. Co mm ittee on Gas and Liquid Fue l Lifeline s. 198 4. Guidelines for the Seismic Design of Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems . New York, NY: Am erican Soc iety of C ivil Eng ineer s, 473 p. Fay, K urt F. vo n an d Mic hae l T. Pe abo dy. 199 4. Historical Performance of Buried Water Pipe Lines. Denver, CO: Materials Engineering Branch, Research and Lab orato ry Servic es D ivision , Den ver O ffice, B urea u of R eclam ation, 3 7p. How ard, A mste r K. 19 96. Pipeline Installation: A Manual for Construction of Buried Pipe. Lake woo d, CO : Rela tivity Pub ., variou s pag ings. Kan nap pan , Sam . 199 2. Introd uctio n to P ipe S tress Analys is . Malabar, FL: Krieger Pub . Co., 2 46p . Moh itpour , Mo, H . Gols han , and A. Mu rray. 20 00. Pipeline Des ign & Co nstruction: A Practical Approach. New York, N Y: Am erican Soc iety of M echa nical E ngine ers, 7 00p .

Mos er, A.P . 200 1. Buried Pipe Design. 2 nd ed. N ew Yo rk, NY : McG raw-H ill, 544p . Natio nal R esea rch C oun cil (U.S .). Tran spor tation R esea rch B oard . 199 1. Culve rts and Pipe lines : Des ign, M onito ring, E valua tion a nd R epa ir . (Transportation Research Record, no. 1315.) Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board, Natio nal R esea rch C oun cil, 66p . Natio nal R esea rch C oun cil (U.S .). Tran spor tation R esea rch B oard . 199 5. Design and Perfo rma nce of Un derg roun d Pip e. (Tran spor tation R esea rch R ecor d, no .151 4). W ashin gton , DC: N ationa l Aca dem y Pres s, 92p . Pipe line Ind ustries Guild (Grea t Britain ). 198 4. Pipeline: Design, Construction, and Operation . New York, N Y: Co nstru ction P ress, 1 83p .

Sos nin, H .A. 19 83. Procedures for Pipewelding. Washington, DC: National Ass ociatio n of P lumb ing, H eating , Coo ling C ontra ctors, 5 1p. Tho mps on, G raha me. 1 997 . Pipe Join ts: A G uide to De sign and Mate rials . London, UK: M echa nical E ngine ering Pub lication s, 320 p. Tho mso n, Jam es C . 199 3. Pipejacking and Microtunnelling. New York, N Y: Blac kie Aca dem ic Pro fess ional, 2 73p . Vinc ent-G eno d, Jac que s. 198 4. Fundamentals of Pipeline Engineering. Houston, TX: G ulf Pu blishin g, 19 6p. W atkins , Reyn old K ing an d Lo ren R una r And erso n. 20 00. Structural Mechanics of Buried Pipes. Bato n Ro uge , FL: C RC P ress, 4 44p . W illiams , Pete r J. 197 9. Pipelines and Permafrost: Physical Geography and Development in the Circumpolar North. (Topics in Applied Geography ). New York, NY: L ong man , 98p . W illiams , Pete r J. 198 6. Pipelin es & P erma frost: S cienc e in a C old C limate . Ottaw a, ON : Carle ton U nivers ity Press , 129 p. Youn g, Olive r Cha rles. 19 84. Buried Rigid Pipes: Structural Design of Pipelines . New York, NY: Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, 234p.

C. Economics and Environment

(See also Bibliographies)

Berry, J ame s and Mark S. De nniso n. 20 00. The Environmental Law and Com pliance Handbook . New York, N Y: McG raw-H ill, 700p . Crov itz, Gord on, e d. 19 83. Europes Siberian Gas Pipeline: Economic Lessons and Strategic Implications. Occasional Paper No. 6. London, UK: Alliance Publishers for Institute for Eu rope an D efen ce an d Stra tegic S tudies , 48p . DeW ald, O mar E ., et al. 19 83. Regional Environmental Assessment: Gulf of Mexico Pipeline Activities . Prepared by the Minerals Management Services, Gulf of Mexic o OC S Re gion. M etaire , LA: U .S. De partm ent o f the In terior, T he S ervice , 175 p. Dou glas, R ichard J. 198 0. Assessment of the Knowledge of Potential Effects of the Northwest Alaskan Pipeline Project on Mammals: Literature Review and Agency Input: Fin al Repo rt. Fairbanks, AK: LGL Ecological Research Associates, Inc. and University of Alaska, 150p. Gallic k, Ed ward C. 19 93. Comp etition in the Natural Ga s Pipeline Indu stry: An Eco nom ic Po licy Ana lysis . W estpo rt, CT : Prae ger, 2 84p . Gallu n, Re becc a A., e t al. 200 1. Fundamentals of Oil & Gas Accounting . 4 th ed. Tulsa, OK: PennWell, 650p.

John son, L .A. 19 81. Revegetation and Selected Terrain Disturbances Along the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, 1975-1978. (CRREL Report, 81-12). Hanover, NH: U.S. Army Corp s of E ngine ers, 1 15p . Pea rson , Norm an. 1 995 . Pipelines and Farming . Lond on, ON , Cana da: Stra thmo re House, 518p. Rob ertso n, Ge orge , ed. 19 95. Buye r Bew are: E nviro nm enta l Liab ility Exp osu re in Oil and Gas Transactions. Tuls a, OK : Pen nW ell, 288 p. Tipp ee, B ob. 1 993 . Wheres the Shortage? A Nontechnical Guide to Petroleum Economics . Tuls a, OK : Pen nW ell Pu b Co ., 309 p. Tirats oo, J.N .H., ed . 198 4. Pipelines and the Environment. Beaconsfield, Buck, UK: Pipe s & P ipeline s Inter nation al, 94p .

D. Fluid Dynamics and Hydraulics

Ben edict, R obe rt P. 19 80. Fundamentals of Pipe Flow . New York, N Y: W iley, 531 p. Cran e Co mpa ny. En ginee ring D ivision . 1988 . Flow of Fluids Through Valves, Fittings, and Pipe. King of Pru ssia, P A: Cra ne C o., n.p. Laro ck, B ruce E., Ro land W . Jepp son, a nd G ary Z. W atters . 200 0. Hydraulics of Pipeline Systems . Boc a Ra ton, F L: CR C Pre ss, 53 7p. Leste r, C.B. 1 994 . Hydr aulic s for P ipelin ers, V ol 1: F und ame ntals . 2 nd ed. Houston, TX: G ulf Pu blishin g Co ., 336 p. Tullis , J. Pa ul. 198 9. Hydraulics of Pipelines: Pumps, Valves, Cavitation, Trans ients . New York, N Y: Joh n W iley & S ons, 2 66p .

E. General
Berg er, Bill D . and Ken neth E. An ders on. 19 92. Modern Petroleum: A Basic Primer of the Ind ustry . 3 rd ed. T ulsa, O K: Pe nnW ell, 517 p. Datta -Baru a, Lo hit. 199 1. Natural Gas Measurement and Control: A Guide for Opera tors and Engin eers . New York, N Y: McG raw, 2 05p . Ken ned y, John . L. 199 3. Oil an d Ga s Pip eline Fun dam enta ls , 2 nd edition. Tulsa, OK: Pen nW ell Bo oks, 3 66p . Libra ry of Co ngre ss. C ong ressio nal R esea rch S ervice . 198 6. Pipeline SafetyThe Rise of th e Fede ral Role: A R eport . Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 187 p. Pipe line Ind ustries Guild (Grea t Britain ). 199 4. Pipelines: All You Wanted to Know But Were Afraid to Ask. London, UK: Pipeline Industries Guild, 348p.

She ppa rd, No ra, ed . 198 4. Introduc tion to the O il Pipeline Ind ustry , 3 rd ed. Austin, TX: Petroleum Extension Service. Division of Continuing Education, University of Texas at Au stin, 10 3p.

F. Historical
Berry, M ary Cla y. 1975 . Alaska Pipeline: The Politics of Oil and Native Land Claims. Bloo ming ton, IN : Indian a Un iversity P ress, 3 02p . Blinke n, An thon y J. 198 7. Ally Versus Ally: America, Europe, and the Siberian Pipe line C risis . New York, N Y: Pra ege r, 193 p. Cas tane da, C hristop her J . and Clara nce M . Sm ith. 199 6. Gas Pipelines and the Eme rgence of America s Regu latory State: A H istory of Pan hand le Eastern Corporation, 1928-1993. New York, N Y: Ca mbrid ge U nivers ity Press , 296 p. Cole , Derm ot. 199 7. Amazing Pipeline Stories: How Building the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Transformed Life in Americas Last Frontier. Kenmore, WA: Epicenter Pres s, 224 p. Hos man ek, M ax. 19 84. Pipeline Construction. 2 nd ed. Austin, TX: Petroleum Exten sion S ervice , 123 p. Kiefn er, J.F . and E.B. C lark. 19 96. History of Line Pipe M anufa cturing in No rth America. New York, N Y: Am erican Soc iety of M echa nical E ngine ers, va rious p aging s. Ros cow , Jam es P . 197 7. 800 Miles to Valdez: The Building of the Alaska Pipeline. New York, N Y: Pre ntice-H all, 227 p.

G. Pigging
(See also Conference Proceedings)

Cord ell, Jim and Hers hel V anza nt. 199 5. All About Pigging: The Design of Pipelines and Fac ilites fo r Con vent iona l and Intellig ent P iggin g an d a G uide to Pig Selection, Operation and Maintenance and to Pipeline Pigging. Claremore, OK: Hers hel V anza nt & A ssoc iates, v ariou s pag ings. Pigg ing P rodu cts an d Se rvices Ass ociatio n. 19 95. An Introduction to Pipeline Pigging. 2 nd Editio n. Ho uston , TX: G ulf Pu blishin g, 92 p. Tirats oo, J.N .H., ed . 199 2. Pipeline Pigging Technology. 2nd Edition. Houston, TX: Gulf Publishing Co., 460p.

H. Safety
Cote , Arthu r E., ed . 199 7. Fire Protection Handbook . 18th ed. Quincy, MA: National Fire P rotec tion A ssoc iation, 2 300 p.

Dau ghe rty, Jack . 199 9. Industrial Safety Management: A Practical Approach. Roc kville, M D: G overn men t Institute s, 667 p. Hag an, P hilip E., M ontg ome ry, John F. an d Jam es T . ORe illy, eds. 2 001 . Accident Prevention Manual for Business & Industry: Engineering & Technology. 12th ed. Itasca , IL: Na tional S afety C oun cil, 877 p. Levitt, R aymo nd a nd N ancy S ame lson. 1 993 . Construction Safety Management. 2 nd ed. N ew Yo rk, NY : John W iley & S ons, 2 73p . Natio nal R esea rch C oun cil (U.S .). Com mittee on th e Sa fety of M arine Pipe lines. 1 994 . Improving the Safety of Marine Pipelines. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 141 p. Mac Collu m, D avid V . 199 5. Construction Safety Planning. New York, NY: Van Nos trand Rein hold, 2 85p . Muh lbaue r, W . Ken t. 1996 . Pipeline Risk Management Manual, 2 nd ed. Houston, TX: Gulf P ublish ing C o., 43 8p. Ree se, C harle s D. a nd Ja mes V. Eid son. 1 999 . Handbook of OSHA Construction Safety a nd H ealth . Boc a Ra ton, F L: Le wis P ublish ers, 9 96p . Spe llman , Fran k R. a nd N ancy E . W hiting. 1 999 . Safety Engineering: Principles and Practices. Roc kville, M D: G overn men t Institute s, Inc., 4 59p . Unite d Sta tes. N ationa l Tran spor tation S afety B oard . Pipeline Ac cident R eport . Irregular. Washington, DC: National Transportation Safety Board; Springfield, VA: NTIS.

Unite d Sta tes. O ffice o f Pipe line S afety. A nnu al. Annu al Rep ort on Pipelin e Safe ty . W ashin gton , DC: O ffice o f Pipe line S afety. (P roce ede d by U nited S tates. M ateria ls Tran spor tation B urea u. Ann ual R epo rt of Pip eline S afety).

I. Slurry Pipelines
Fad dick, R obe rt R. 19 79. The En vironme ntal and Pollution As pects o f Coal Slu rry Pipelines . Cincinnati, OH: Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Dev elopm ent, Ind ustrial E nviron men tal Re sear ch La bora tory, 114 p. Hus ban d, W .H.W . 198 6. Slurry Pipeline Manual: Design and Construction. Saskatoon, SK, Canada: Transportation Development Centre (Canada), Saskatchewan Res earc h Co uncil, 1 02p . Jaco bs, B .E.A. 1 991 . Design of Slurry Transport Systems. New Y ork, NY: E lsevier, 312p. W asp, E dwa rd J., Jo hn P . Ken ny and Ram esh L . Gan hi. 197 9. Solid-Liquid Flow Slurry Pipeline Transportation. Hou ston, T X: Gu lf Pub lishing Com pan y, 224p .

J. Underwater Pipelines
DeL aMa re, R.F . 198 5. Advances in Offshore Oil and Gas Pipeline Technology. Hou ston, T X: Gu lf Pub lishing , 383 p. Herb ich, Jo hn. B . 198 1. Offsh ore P ipeline Desig n Elem ents . New York, NY: Marcel Dek ker, In c., 233 p. Mazurkiewicz, B.K., ed. 1987. Offshore Platforms and Pipelines: Selected Contributions. Clau sthal-Z ellerfe ld, W est G erma ny: Tra ns T ech P ublica tions, 3 85p . Mou sselli, A .H. 19 81. Offshore Pipeline Design, Analysis, and Methods. Tulsa, OK: Pen nwe ll Boo ks, 19 3p.

II. Bibliographies
Am erican Petro leum Institute Libra ry. 1992 . Petro leum Indu stry: S ourc es o f Bas ic Information. Washington, DC: American Petroleum Institute, 21p. Am erican Soc iety of C ivil Eng ineer s. 198 9. List of Sources and Reference Material on Pipeline Design . New York, NY: American Society of Civil Engineers, 57p. Bow ie, Ge orge L. an d Ro bert W iegel. 1 977 . Marine Pipelines: An Annotated Bibliography. Fort Belvoir, VA: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Res earc h Ce nter, 5 8p. British Hydro mec han ics R esea rch A ssoc iation. 1 990 . Pipelines Construction Bibliography. Cranfield, Bedford, England, UK: British Hydromechanics Research Association, 550p. Buc k, Eu gen e H., e t al. 197 8. Comprehensive Bibliography and Index of Environmental Information Along the Three Alternative Gas Pipeline Routes. Anchorage, AK: Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center; Springfield, VA: NT IS, 31 5p. Dav is, Bo b J. 19 82. An Annotated Pipe Line Bibliography. 3 rd ed. Washington, DC: Ass ociatio n of O il Pipe L ines, 4 4p. Guy, N .G., ed . 198 7. Pipe Protection Bibliography. New York, NY: Elsevier Applied Scie nce, 2 85p . Lai, N .W ., et al. 19 73. A Bibliograp hy of Offsh ore Pipe line Literature . College Station, TX: Department of Marine Resources Information, Center for Marine Resources, Texas A & M University; Springfield, VA: NTIS, 133p. (NTIS Number: TAMU-SG-74206).

Rieb er, Mic hae l and S .L. So o. 19 82. Coa l Slurry Pipe lines : A Re view and Analys is of Prop osals, Pro jects and Literature . Palo Alto, CA: Electric Power Research Institute; Sp ringfield, V A: NT IS, 253 p. (NT IS Nu mbe r: EPR I/EA-25 46). Sea ring, G ary F. 1 981 . Effects of Elevated Linear Deve lopmen ts on W ildlife: A Review and Annotated Bibliography. Calgary, AB, Canada: Foothills Pipe Lines (Sou th Yuk on) L td., 87p . Sha nk, C hristop her C . 197 9. Hum an-Re lated Be haviou ral Disturba nce to N orthern Large Mammals: A Bibliography and Review . Calgary, AB, Canada: Foothhills Pipe Lines (Sou th Yuk on) L td., 254 p. Sm allidge , Elisab eth R . 199 7. Bibliography on Northern Pipelines in the Former Soviet Union, Special Report 97-17. Ft. Belvoir, VA: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Cold Reg ions R esea rch a nd E ngine ering Lab orato ry, 25p.


Codes, Regulations, and Standards

(See also Organizations) Am erican Petro leum Institute . 199 1. Pipeline Maintenance Welding Practices. 3 rd ed. W ashin gton , DC: A meric an P etrole um In stitute, 2 1p. (A PI RP 110 7). Am erican Petro leum Institute . 199 4. Specification for Pipeline Valves (Gate, Plug and Check Valves). 21th edition . W ashin gton , DC: A meric an P etrole um In stitute, 4 7p. (API S pec 6 D1; Ju ne 19 98 Su pplem ent 2). Am erican Petro leum Institute . 199 9. Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities. 19 th edition. W ashing ton, DC : Ame rican P etroleum Institute, 78 p. (API S TD 1 104). Am erican Petro leum Institute . 200 0. Specification for the Line Pipe . 47th ed. W ashing ton, DC : Ame rican P etroleum Institute, 15 4p. (AP I SPE C 5L). Am erican Soc iety for T esting and Mate rials. 19 99. ASTM Stand ards R elated to Trenchless Technology. West Conshohocken, PA: American Society of for Testing and Mate rials, 53 8p. Am erican Soc iety of M echa nical E ngine ers. 2 001 . ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code . New York , NY: A me rican Soc iety of Mec han ical E ngin eers . Pub lishe d ev ery 3 years w ith upd ates. Am erican Soc iety of M echa nical E ngine ers. 1 999 . Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems . New York, NY: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (ASME B31.8) Am erican Soc iety of M echa nical E ngine ers. 1 992 . Refrigeration Piping, New York, NY: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 87p. (ASME B31.5; 1994 Addenda B31 .5A).

Am erican Soc iety of M echa nical E ngine ers. 1 998 . Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids . New York, NY: American Society of Mec han ical En ginee rs, 10 6p. (A SME B31 .4). Am erican Soc iety of M echa nical E ngine ers. 1 998 . Power Piping. New York, NY: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 351p. (ASME B31.1; 1999 Addenda B31.1A, 2000 Addenda B31.1B) Am erican Soc iety of M echa nical E ngine ers. 1 999 . Process Piping. New York, NY: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (ASME B31.3, Addenda B31.3A) Am erican Soc iety of M echa nical E ngine ers. 1 989 . Slurry Transportation Piping Systems. New York, NY: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 81p. (ASME B31.1 1; 199 1 Add enda B31.1 1A) Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Ann ual. Volume 6: Paints, Related Coatings, and Aromatics; Section 6.02: Paint Products & Applications; Protective Coatings; Pipeline Coatings . Philad elphia , PA: A meric an S ociety fo r Tes ting & Mate rials, 90 0p. Code of Federal Regulations. Title 49 Transportation, Parts 186-199. Ann ual. Washington, DC: Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, Gen eral S ervice s Ad minis tration . Also a vailab le free on th e Inte rnet: Institute of Ele ctrical a nd E lectron ics En ginee rs. 19 97. Nation al Elec trical Sa fety Code . New York, N Y: Institu te of E lectrica l and E lectron ics En ginee rs, 26 5p. Intern ationa l Asso ciation of Plu mbin g an d Me chan ical O fficials . 200 0. Uniform Plumbing Code. 22nd ed. Walnut Creek, CA: International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials. Intern ationa l Con feren ce of Build ing O fficials . 199 7. Uniform Building Code . 3 vols. W hittier, C A: Inte rnatio nal C onfe renc e of B uilding Officia ls. Intern ationa l Con feren ce of Build ing O fficials . 199 7. Uniform Mechanical Code . Whittier, CA: International Conference on Building Officials, 186p. Intern ationa l Fire C ode Institute . 199 7. Uniform Fire Code. 2 vols. Whittier, CA: International Conference on Building Officials. Natio nal F ire Pro tection Ass ociatio n. 20 00. National Electrical Code Handbook . Quin cy, MA : Natio nal F ire Pro tection Ass ociato n, 10 63p . Natio nal F ire Pro tection Ass ociatio n. An nua l. National Fire Codes . 13 v ols. Q uinc y, MA: N ationa l Fire P rotec tion A ssoc iation. A lso av ailable by sub scriptio n on Intern et; upd ated frequ ently. http://www .nfpa.o rg


IV. Conference Proceedings

Advances in Subsea Pipeline Engineering and Technology. 1996. Proceedings of an International Conference organized by the Society for Underwater Technology and Pipe line Ind ustries Guild and held in Abe rdee n, 27 -28 N ovem ber 1 996 . Lon don : Soc iety for Un derw ater T echn ology, 2 46p . Advances in Underground Pipeline Engineering: Second International Conference. 1995. Bellevue, Washington June 25-28, 1995. Edited by Jey K. Jeyapalan and Menaka Jeyapalan. New York, NY: American Society of Civil Engineers, Pipeline Division, 860p. Aging Pipelines: Optimizing the Management and Operation, Low Pressure, High Pressu re . 1999. Institution of Mechanical Engineering (ImechE), Conference Transactions, 11-13, October 1999, Newcastle Civic Centre, UK. Bury St. Edmunds, UK: Professional Engineering Publishing, 354p. American Gas Association. Operating Section Proceedings . Annual. Arlington, VA: Am erican Gas Ass ociatio n. Effective Tools and Methods for Fighting Pipeline Corrosion--Both Internally and Exte rnally . 1994. International Pipeline Corrosion Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Tex as, O ctobe r 17-2 0, 19 94. H ousto n, TX : Gulf P ub. C o. an d Sc ientific S urveys , Ltd., variou s pag ings. Environmental and Pipeline Engineering . 200 0. Pro ceed ings o f the A meric an S ociety of Civ il Eng ineer s Na tional C onfe renc e on Enviro nme ntal & Pipe line E ngine ering , July 23-2 6, 20 00. E dited b y Rao , Y. Sura mpa lli . Resto n, VA : Am erican Soc iety of C ivil Engineers, Environmental and Water Resources Institute, 604p. Fatigue, Fracture, and High Temperature Design Methods in Pressure Vessels and Piping. 1998. Presented at the 1998 American Society of Mechanical Engineers/JSME Joint P ressu re Ve ssels and Pipin g Co nfere nce, S an D iego, C aliforn ia, July 2 6-30 , 199 8. Edited by Kenneth Yoon. New York, NY: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pres sure Ves sels a nd P iping D ivision , 438 p. Hydraulics of Pipelines . 1994. Proceed ings of the International Con ference, Phoe nix, Arizona, June 12-15, 1994. Edited by Deon T. Fowles and Douglas H. Wegener. New York: A meric an S ociety o f Civil E ngine ers, P ipeline Divisio n, 49 5p. Innovative Concepts in Power Piping Design. 1983. Presented at the 4 th National Congress on Pressure Vessels and Piping Technology, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Portland, Oregon, June 19-24, 1983. Edited by Eric Van Stijgeren. New York, NY: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Divisio n, 19 9p. International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. [Proceedings]. 1982--. Annual. New York, NY: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Division.


International Conference on Pipeline Protection [ Proceedings ]. Every 2 years. Organized and sponsored by the BHR Group Ltd., Bury St. Edmunds, UK: Mechanical Engineering Publications. International Conference on Pressure Surges and Fluid Transients in Pipelines and Open Channels. [Proceedings] . 1996. Organized by BHR Group Limited and held in Harrogate, UK on 16-18 April 1996. Edited by A. Boldy. Bury St. Edmunds, London, UK: Mechanical Engineering Pub., 638p. Hydrotransport. International Conference on Slurry Handling and Pipeline Transp ort . Triannually. Every 3 years. Organized and sponsored by the BHR Group Ltd. Bury St. Edmunds, UK: Professional Engineering Pub. International Deepwater Pipeline Technology Conference and Exhibition. [Proceedings]. 1999. 2nd, March 22-25, 1999, New Orleans: LA. Organized by Clarion Technical Conferences, Pipes and Pipelines International, and Marine Tec hno logy S ociety. H ousto n, TX : Clario n Te chnic al Co nfere nces , variou s pag ings. International Pigging Conference and Exhibition. [Proceedings ]. Ann ual. Organized by Pipes & Pipelines International. Houston, TX: Clarion Technical Con feren ces a nd S cientific Surve ys Ltd. International Pipeline Conference. Proceedings. 1996--. Biennial. New York, NY: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Divisio n. NDE Engineering Codes and Standards and Materials Characterization. 1996. Pres ente d at the 199 6 Am erican Soc iety of M echa nical E ngine ers, P ressu re Ve ssels and Piping Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, July 21-26, 1996. Edited by J.G. Cook, C.D. Cowfer, and C.C. Monahan. New York, NY: American Society of Mechanical Eng ineer s, 95p . Pipeline Crossings . 199 6. Pro ceed ings o f the S pecia lty Con feren ce he ld in Burlington, Vermont, June 16-19, 1996. Edited by Lawrence F. Catalano. New York, NY: A meric an S ociety o f Civil E ngine ers, P ipeline Divisio n, 51 0p. Pipeline Design and Installation: Proceedings of the International Conference . 1990. Sponsored by the Pipeline Planning Committee of the Pipeline Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 25-27, 1990. Edited by Kenneth K. Kienow. New York, NY: American Society of Civil Engineers, Pipeline Plan ning C omm ittee, 70 0p. Pipeline Engineering Symposium: Presented at the Annual Energy-Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition. 1983-1990. New York, NY: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Petroleum Division. Pipeline In frastructure . 1988 . Proce eding s of the Conf erenc e, W estin C opley Pla za Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts, June 6-7, 1988. Edited by Bruce A. Bennett. New York, NY: American Society of Civil Engineers, Pipeline Division, 525p.


Pipe line In frastru cture II. 199 3. Pro ceed ings o f the In terna tional C onfe renc e he ld in San Antonio, Texas, August 16-17, 1993 . Edited by Mark B. Pickell. New York, NY: Am erican Soc iety of C ivil Eng ineer s, Pip eline D ivision , 706 p. Pipeline Leak Detection: Government, Industry, Technology: A Unique Perspective . 1992. Presented at Houston, Texas, October 5-6, 1992. Edited by E.R. Ellul, Basu Basavaraj and Sonja Jackson. New York, NY: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Petroleum Division, 25p. Pipeline Materials and Design: Proceedings of a Session . 1984. Sponsored by the Pipeline Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers, San Francisco, California, Octo ber 5 , 198 4. Ed ited by B .J. Sc hroc k. Ne w York : Am erican Soc iety of C ivil Eng ineer s, Pip eline D ivision , 69p . Pipeline Risk Management and Reliability Conference. 199 7. Om ni Ho uston Hote l, Houston, Texas, November 17-20, 1997. Organized by Pipes & Pipelines International and Clarion Technical Conferences. Houston, TX: Clairon Technical Conferences, various pagings. Pipeline Safety, Reliability, and Rehabilitation. 1999. Proceedings of the Group of Am erican Soc iety of C ivil Eng ineer s Te chnic al Se ssion s at the 199 9 Am erican Pub lic Works Association. International Public Works Congress & Exposition, September 1922, D enve r, CO . Edite d by R and all C. C onn er. Re ston, V A: Am erican Soc iety of C ivil Eng ineer s, Am erican Pub lic W orks A ssoc iation, 3 07p . Pipeline Technology: Proceedings of the International Pipeline Technology Conference. 1995. Proceedings of the 2 nd International Pipeline Technology Conference, Ostend, Belguim, September 11-14, 1995. Edited by R. Denys. New York, NY: E lsevie r Scie nce. Pipeline Technology: Proceedings of the International Pipeline Technology Conference 2000. Proceedings of the 3rd International Pipeline Technology Conference, Brugge, Belgium, May 21-24, 2000. Edited by R. Denys New York, NY: Else vier Sc ience . Pipelines in the Constructed Environment . 1998. Proceedings of the 1998 Pipeline Division Conference August 23-27, 1998, San Diego, California. Edited by Joseph P. Cas trono vo an d Jam es A . Clark . Res ton, V A: Am erican Soc iety of C ivil Eng ineer s, 812 p. Proceedings of the API Pipeline Conference. Annual. Washington, D.C.: American Petro leum Institute . Proc eed ings of the Con feren ce o n Pip eline s in Ad verse Env ironm ents II. 198 3. San Diego, California, November 14-16, 1983. Edited by Mark B. Pickell. New York, NY: Am erican Soc iety of C ivil Eng ineer s, Pip eline D ivision , 740 p. Proceedings of the ISOPE European Offshore Mechanics Symposium, 2nd. 199 9. Edited by Jin S. Chung. Santa Clara, CA: International Society of Offshore & Polar Eng ineer s, 135 p.


Trenc hless Pipelin e Pro jects: P ractica l Applica tions. P rocee dings of a Conference. 1997. Boston, Massachusetts, June 8-11, 1997. Edited by Lynn E. Osborn. New York, NY: American Society of Civil Engineers, 488p.

V. Databases and Indexes

API En Compass News . 197 5 --. Up date d da ily. New York, N Y: AP I EnC omp ass. Ava ilable elec tronic ally. News from major worldwide publications on petroleum, petrochemical, natural gas and energy industries. APILIT . 196 4 --. Up date d we ekly. Ne w York , NY: A PI En com pass . Ava ilable elec tronic ally. Com preh ensiv e cov erag e of litera ture p ertain ing to p etrole um, p etroc hem ical, natural gas, and energy related industries. Applied Science and Technology Index. v. 46 (1 958 ) --. Upd ated mon thly with quarterly and annual cumulations. New York, NY: H.W. Wilson. Continues Indu strial A rts Index v.1 (1913) -- v.45 (1957). Cumulative subject index with product reviews after 199 1. Available on CD-ROM, updated quarterly. Available electronically. Covers international English-language periodicals in the applied sciences and technology. Business Periodical Index. v. 1(1958) --. Updated monthly (except Aug) with annual cumulation. Bronx, NY: H.W. Wilson. Indexes by subject, selected author, and corp orate nam e. Av ailab le on CD -RO M, up date d qu arter ly. Ava ilable elec tronic ally, 198 2 --, up date d twice wee kly. COMPENDEX PLUS. 1969--. Updated monthly. New York, NY: Engineering Inform ation, In c. Ava ilable o n CD -RO M, 19 89 to pres ent, u pda ted q uarte rly. Availa ble electro nically, 1 969 to pre sent, u pda ted m onth ly. Energy Science and Technology. 1974--. Updated biweekly. Springfield, VA: U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service and Oak Ridge, TN: U.S. D epa rtmen t of En ergy. A vailab le elec tronica lly. Worldwide multidisciplinary database from the Department of Energy and other agencies of basic, applied scientific and technology research on energy. ENERGYLINE . 197 1-19 93. B ethe sda, M D: Co ngre ssion al Info rmatio n Se rvice. Availa ble ele ctron ically. Online version of Energy Information Abstracts plus energy and environmental records from Energy Index. Engineering Index . 1907 --. Updated monthly; superseded by annual volume. New York, N Y: Eng ineer ing Inf orma tion Inc . Availa ble ele ctron ically: se e CO MPE NDE X.


FLUIDEX (Fluid Engineering Abstracts). 1973--. Updated mon thly. New York, NY: Else vier Sc ience . Availa ble ele ctron ically. Worldwide literature in all aspects of fluid engineering. NTIS (National Technical Information Service). 1964--. Springfield, VA: U.S. Dep artm ent o f Co mm erce . Ava ilable elec tronic ally. Technical abstracts for U.S. government sponsored research plus some summaries of state and local government agencies and some foreign government sponsored research. Petro leum Abstrac ts . 196 1--. Tu lsa, O K: Pe troleu m A bstra cts, U nivers ity of Tu lsa. Available online: see Tuls a (Pe troleu m A bstra cts). Worldwide geotechnical literature for oil and gas exploration and production . Pub Science . Availa ble fre e on Intern et: A unique partnership of journal publishers and the Department of Energy research community to provide the largest compendia of energy related bibliographic citations available electronically. TRIS . Tran spor tation R esea rch B oard and U.S. D epa rtmen t of Tra nspo rtation . 196 8 --. Upd ated mon thly. W ashin gton , DC: T rans porta tion R esea rch B oard . Availa ble electronically. Available free on the Internet: http://199.7 9.179.8 2/sundev/se arch.cfm Comprehensive database with abstracts on transportation topics from published articles , repo rts, an d res earc h pro jects. Tulsa (Petroleum Abstracts). 1965--. Updated weekly. Tulsa, OK: Petroleum Abstracts, University of Tulsa. Available electronically. Available on the Internet (license requ ired). Worldwide Geotechnical literature for oil and gas exploration and production.

VI. Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Gloss ary of the P etroleum Industry . 1996 . 3 rd ed. E nglish /Spa nish, S pan ish/E nglish . Tuls a, OK : Pen nwe ll Pub Co., 4 10p . Lan gen kam p, R.D . 199 4. Handbook of Oil Industry Terms and Phrases. 5 th ed. Tulsa, OK: Pennwell Pub Co., 522p. Lan gen kam p, Ro bert D ., ed. 19 94. Illustrated Pe troleum Referen ce Diction ary . 4 th ed. T ulsa, O K: Pe nnw ell Pu b Co ., 904 p. Lee , C.C. 1 998 . Environ men tal Engin eering D ictionary . 3 rd ed. Rockville, MD: Gov ernm ent In stitutes , Inc, 68 2p. Liebs on, D ona ld. 199 3. Petro leum Pipe line E ncyc lope dia . Bou lder, C O: O il Petro leum Res earc h Institu te, 48 00p .


Park er, Syb il P., ed. 1 997 . McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Engineering. New York, NY: McG raw-H ill, 582p . Sha nn, C .D., ed . 197 8. Pipeline G lossary an d Directo ry . Buc ks, U K: Sc ientific Surv eys, 12 3p. Tipp ee, B ., ed. 20 00. International Petroleum Encyclopedia 2000. Tulsa, OK: Pen nW ell, 343 p. Unive rsity of T exas . Petro leum Exten sion S ervice . 199 1. A Dictionary for the Petroleu m Indu stry . Austin, TX, University of Texas at Austin, Petroleum Extension Serv ice, 31 7p.

VII. Directories
Browns Directory of North American and International Gas Companies . Ann ual. Dalla s, TX : Edg ell Co mm unica tions. Cana dian O il Industry Direc tory . Annual. Tulsa, OK: PennWell Pub. Co. Financial Times Energy Yearbook. Oil & Gas. Ann ual. Lo ndo n, UK : FT E nerg y. Gas U tility Compa nies an d Pipeline Contra ctors: W orldw ide Direc tory . Ann ual. Tuls a, OK : Midw est R egiste r Inc. Internation al Pipe L ine and Offsho re Con tractors D irectory . Annual. Dallas, TX: Ene rgy Co mm unica tions, In c. Pipeline Industry: Worldwide . Annual. Tulsa, OK: Midwest Register, Inc. Pipeline P ersonn el Directory . Annual . Houston, TX: Universal News Inc. Natural G as Direc tory . Annual. Tulsa, OK: PennWell Pub. Co. USA O il Industry Direc tory . Ann ual. T ulsa, O K: Pe nnW ell Pu b. Co . World wide Offsho re Directo ry . Annual. Tulsa, OK: PennWell Pub.Co. World wide Pipeline & Contra ctors Dire ctory . Annual. Tulsa, OK: PennWell Pub Co.

VIII. Ha ndb ook s an d Ma nua ls

Bae ckm ann , W . von, S chw enk, W and W . Prinz, e ds. 19 89. Han dbo ok o f Cath odic Corrosion Protection: Theory and Practice of Electrochemical Protection Processes . 3 rd ed. H ousto n, TX : Gulf P ub C o., 56 7p.


Brad ford, S amu el A. 2 000 . Prac tical H and boo k of C orros ion C ontro l in So ils . Edmonton, Canada: CASTI Pub., 411p. Che n, W .F., ed . 199 5. Civil Engineering Handbook . Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 260 9p. Craig , Bruc e D. a nd D avid S . And erso n, ed s. 199 5. Han dbo ok of C orros ion D ata . Materials Park, OH: ASM International, 998p. Dick enso n, T. C hristop her. 1 999 . Valves, Piping & Pipelines Handbook , 3rd e dition. Tuls a, OK : Pen nW ell, 871 p. Dorf, R ichard C., ed . 199 6. Engineering Handbook . Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2298p. Dorf, R ichard C., ed . 199 7. Electrical Engineering Handbook . 2 nd ed. Boca Raton, FL: C RC P ress, 2 ,719 p. Fink, D ona ld G. a nd B eaty H . W ayne, e ds. 20 00. Standard Handbook for Electrical Engin eers . 14th ed. N ew Yo rk, NY : McG raw-H ill, variou s pag ings. Hick s, Tyle r G., H icks, S . David and Jose ph L eto. 19 95. Standard Handbook of Engineering Calculations. 3 rd ed. N ew Yo rk, NY : McG raw-H ill, variou s pag ings. Lam it, Louis Gary. 1 984 . Pipe Fitting and Piping Handbook . Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Pren tice-H all, 220 p. Lee , R.R. 1 999 . Pock et Gu ide to F lange s, Fitting s, and Piping Data . 3 rd ed. Hou ston, T X: Gu lf Pub Co., 1 72p . Mark s, Ale x. 198 0. Handbook of Oceanic Pipeline Computations. Tulsa, OK: Pen nW ell Bo oks, 5 24p . Mark s, Lion el S. 1 996 . Marks S tandard Hand book for Mech anical En gineers . 10th ed. N ew Yo rk, NY : McG raw-H ill, variou s pag ings. McA llister, E.W ., ed. 19 98. Pipe Line Rules of Thumb Handbook: Quick and Accurate Solutions to Your Everyday Pipe Line Problems, 4 th ed. H ousto n, TX : Gulf Profe ssion al Pu blishin g, 60 2p. McK etta, Jo hn J., e d. 19 92. Piping Design Handbook. New Y ork, NY: M . Dekk er, 119 8p. Meg yesy, Eu gen e F. 1 998 . Pressure Vessel Handbook. 11th ed. Tu lsa, OK : Press ure Ves sel P ublish ing Inc , 499 p. Men del, O tto. 198 1. Practical Piping Handbook. Tuls a, OK : Pen nW ell Bo oks, 3 40p . Merritt, F rede rick S , Loftin , M. Ke nt an d Jon atha n T. R icketts , eds. 1 996 . Stand ard Hand book for Civil Eng ineers . 4 th ed. N ew Yo rk, NY : McG raw-H ill, variou s pag ings.


Muh lbaue r, W . Ken t. 1996 . Pipeline Risk Management Manual. 2 nd ed. Houston, TX: Gulf P ub. C o., 43 8p. Nayya r, Moh inder , L., ed. 2 000 . Piping Handbook . 7 th ed. New York, NY: McGrawHill, vario us pa gings . Pag e, Joh n S. 1 999 . Cost Estimating Manual for Pipelines and Marine Structures . Hou ston, T X: Gu lf Pub lishing , 316 p. Park er, Ma rsha ll and E dwa rd Pe attie. 19 84. Pipe Line Corr osio n an d Ca thod ic Prote ction : A Pra ctica l Man ual fo r Cor rosio n En gine ers, T ech nicia ns, a nd F ield Personnel. 3 rd ed. H ousto n, TX : Gulf P ublish ing C o., 16 6p. Peg gs, La wren ce A . 198 5. Underground Piping Handbook. Malabar, FL: R.E. Krieg er, 27 9p. Perry, R obe rt H., G reen , Don W . and Jam es O . Malo ney, ed s. 199 7. Perrys Chemical Engineers Handbook. New York, N Y: McG raw-H ill, variou s pag ings. Sch urr, Bria n. 19 82. Manual of Practical Pipeline Construction. Hou ston, T X: Gu lf Pub Co., 1 60p . Schweitzer, Philip A. 1985. Handbook of Corrosion Resistant Piping. 2 nd ed. Malabar, FL: R.E. Krieger, 417p. Sko usen , Philip L . 199 8. Valve Handbook. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 726p. Tho mps on, G raha me. 1 998 . An En ginee rs Gu ide to P ipe Jo ints . London, UK: Profe ssion al En ginee ring P ublish ing, 25 5p. Unite d Sta tes. F ede ral En ergy R egu latory C omm ission . Gas and Oil Litiga tion D ivision . 199 2. Staff Oil Pipeline Handbook . 2 nd ed. Washington, DC: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the General Counsel, Gas and Oil Litigation Division, n.p. W arring , R.H. 1 982 . Handbook of Valves, Piping, and Pipelines. Hou ston, T X: Gu lf Pub lishing Co., 4 34p . W illiams Natu ral Ga s Co mpa ny. En ginee ring G roup . 199 6. Pipe Characteristics Handbook . Tuls a, OK : Pen nW ell Co ., 229p . Zap pe, R .W . 199 9. Valve Selection Handbook: Engineering Fundamentals for Selecting Manu al Valves , Check Valves, P ressure Relief Valve s, and R upture Discs . 4 th ed. H ousto n, TX : Gulf P ub., 3 24 p .


IX. Jo urna ls
Civil Engineering . v.1 (19 30) --. M onth ly. New York , N Y: Am erican Soc iety of C ivil Engineers. ENR (Eng ineer ing-N ews Rec ord). v.1 (187 4) --. W eekly. N ew Yo rk, NY : McG raw-H ill Com pan ies. A lso av ailable free o n the Intern et: Journal of Cold Regions Engineering. v. 1 (1987)--. Quarterly. New York, NY: American Society of Civil Engineers. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. v.1 (1987)--. Quarterly. Amsterdam: Else vier. Als o ava ilable a s a su bscrip tion on the Inte rnet: http://w ww.e lsevie /pub lication s/store /5/0/3 /3/4/5 Journal of Transportation Engineering. v.1 (1969) --. Bimonthly. New York, NY: American Society of Civil Engineers. Mechanical Engineering . v.1 (1986) --. Monthly. New York, NY: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Oil and Gas Journal. v. 1 (1902) --. Weekly. Tulsa, OK: PennWell Publishing Com pan y. Also a vailab le free on In terne t Pipeline & Gas Ind ustry . v.1 (1954) --. Monthly. Houston, TX: Gulf Publishing Co. Pipeline & Gas Journal. v. 1 (1859) --. Monthly. Houston, TX: Oildom Publishing Co. of Texas. Pipe Line Industry (Houston). v. 1 (1954) --. Monthly. Houston, TX: Gulf Publishing Co. Pipes and Pipelines International. v. 1 (1956) --. Bimonthly. Beaconsfield, UK: Scientific Survey Ltd. Underground Construction . v.1 (1945) --. Monthly. Houston, TX: Oildom Pub Co.

X. Maps
Crude Oil Pipelines of the United States and Canada. 199 5. 4 th ed. M ap: 3 8 X 5 4. Tuls a, OK : Pen nW ell Pu b. Co . Gulf Coast Pipeline Atlas . 1993. 11 X 14. Tulsa, OK: PennWell Pub. Co. LPG/NGL Pipeline and Facilities Map of the United States and Canada. 1999. Map: 48 X 70. Tulsa, OK: PennWell Pub. Co. Natural Gas Pipelines of Texas and Southeast New Mexico . 199 7. Ma p: 39 X 59 . Tulsa, OK: PennWell Pub.Co.


Natural Gas Pipelines of the United States and Canada. 199 6. 5 th ed. Ma p: 39 X 62. Tulsa, OK: PennWell Pub. Co. Natural Gas Pipelines Atlas of the United States and Canada. 199 7. 4 th ed. 11 X 14. Tulsa, OK: PennWell Pub. Co. Pipeline and Facilities: Atlases of the Continental United States and Canada. 1997-2000. Available in print and CD-ROM. Tulsa, OK: PennWell Pub. Co.

XI. Organizations
American Gas Association (AGA), 400 N. Capitol Street, NW, W ashington, DC 20001; phone 202-824-7000; fax 202-824-7115; home page http://www Americ an N ationa l Stand ardiza tion Ins titute (ANSI), Washington, DC Headquarters: 181 9 L S treet, N W , 6 th Fl., Washington, DC 20036; phone 202-293-8020; fax 202-2939287; New York City Office: 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Fl., New York, NY 10036; phone 212-642-4900; fax 212-398-0023; home page http://web Americ an Pe troleum Institute (API), 1220 L Street, NW, W ashington, DC 20005; phone 202-682-8000; home page http://www America n Soc iety of Civil Eng ineers (ASCE), World Headquarters: 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Reston, VA 20191-4400; phone 1-800-548-2723 toll free, 701-295-6300 international; fax 703-295-6222; ASCE-Washington Office: 1015 15th St., NW , Suite 600, Washington, DC 20005; phone: 202-789-2200; fax 202-289-6797; home page http://www .asce.o rg America n Soc iety of Mech anical En gineers (ASME), Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990; phone 212-591-5267; fax 212-591-7674; home page http://www .asme .org Ame rican Soc iety for T estin g an d Ma terials (ASTM), 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959; phone 610-832-9585; fax 610-832-9555; home page http://www .astm.o rg American Waterworks Association (AWWA), 6666 West Quincy Ave., Denver, CO 80235; phone 303-794-7711; and 1401 New York Ave., NW, Washington DC 20005; phone 202-628-8303; home page http://www .awwa .org Americ an W elding Socie ty (AWS), 550 NW LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126; phone 800-443-9353 or 305-443-9353; home page http://www Association of Oil Pipe Lines (AOPL), 1101 Vermont Ave., NW , Suite 604, Washington DC 20005, phone 202-408-7970; fax 202-408-7983; home page http://www Canadian Energy Pipeline Association (CEPA), 1650 801 6th Ave nue , SW , Cal gary, Alberta, Canada T2P 3W2; phone 403-221-8777; home page


Gas Tech nolog y Institute (GT I), 170 0 So uth M oun t Pros pect R oad , Des Plain es, an d IL 60018-1804; phone 847-768-0500; home page http://www Institute of E lectrical and Electron ics Eng ineers (IEEE ), 182 8 L S treet, N W , Suite 1202, Washington, DC 20036-5104; phone 202-785-0017; home page http://www Instrument Society of America (ISA), 67 Alexander Drive, PO Box 12277, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709; phone 919-549-8411; fax 919-549-8288; home page http://www Manu facturers S tandard ization So ciety of the V alve and Fittings Ind ustry (MSS ), 127 Park Street, NE, Vienna, VA 22180-4602; phone 703-281-6613; fax 703-281-6671; home page NACE International (NACE), PO Box 218340, Houston, TX 77218; phone 713-4920535; home page http://nac National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), 1300 North 17 th Stree t, Suite 1847, Rosslyn, Virginia 22209, phone 703-841-3200; fax 703-841-3300; home page http://www .nem Pipe Line Contractors Association (PLCA), 1700 Pacific Ave, Ste. 4100, Dallas, TX 75201-4675; phone 214-969-2700; home page http://www Pipeline Contractors Association of Canada (PCAC), Suite 201, 1075 North Service Road West, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6M 2G2; phone 905-847-9383; fax 905-8477824; home page Pipeline Industries Guild, 14/15/ Belgrave Sq., London SW1X 8PS, UK; phone 44(0) 20 7235 7938; fax 44(0) 20 7235 0074; home page SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC), 40 24th Stree t 6 th Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4656; phone 877-281-7772; home page Society o f Petroleum Engin eers (SPE), 222 Palisades Creek Drive, Richardson, TX 75080; phone 972-952-9393; fax 972-952-9435; home page http://www Underwriters Laboratories (UL), 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, IL 60062-2096; phone 847-272-8800; fax 847-272-8129; home page World Federation of Pipe Line Contractors Associations (W FPL CA), 1 700 Pac ific Ave., Ste. 4100, Dallas, TX 75201; phone 214-969-2700

XII. Web Resources

Alyesk a Pip eline S ervice Co.; p ipeline facts

21 Australian Pipeline Industry Association, Inc http://w ww.b lm.go v/nhp /index .htm Bureau of Land Management. Interior Department Energy Information Administration. Energy Department http://w ww.fe rc.fed .us/oil/o il2.htm Federal Energy Regulatory Commission: Oil Pipelines http://www Natio nal P etrole um C oun cil. Adv isory C omm ittee to th e Se creta ry of En ergy.

National Petroleum Technology Office Natura l Gas, th e ene rgy sourc e netw ork http://www .naturalg Natural Gas Information & Educational Resources Office o f Pipeline and H azardo us Ma terials. Na tional T ransp ortation S afety Bo ard (NTSB)

Oil and Gas Online Office of Pipeline Safety. United States Department of Transportation Petrolink s: sites o f interest to the Pe troleum Indus try Pigging Products and Services Association Pipes & Pipelines International (UK) http://inf owa y.lib.nm .us/re feren ce/pip eline.h tml Resources on Natural Gas Pipeline Safety, Farmington Public Library Reference



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