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Sociology Mock Test-1

1. Herbert Spencers model of society was essentially (a) Consensus (b) Organismic (c) Functionalist (d) Conflict 2. Who has given the concept of formal sociology? (a) Giddings (b) Spencer (c) George Simmel (d) Robert K Merton 3. According to August Comte, _________ is the study of the inter-relationship between the various parts of human societies. (a) Social statics (b) Positivism (c) Social dynamics (d) Metaphysics 4. Who gave the definition, Sociology is the science of collective behaviour? (a) Cuber (b) MacIver (c) Burgess (d) Kimble young 5. Of the following who introduced the term Industrial Sociology? (a) August Comte (b) Karl Marx (c) Saint Simon (d) Emile Durkheim 6. Man is a social animal is the famous analysis of human nature. It was said by (a) August Comte (b) Socrates (c) Plato (d) Aristotle 7. The concept of Looking-glass self has been given by (a) Mead (b) Gidding (c) Cooley (d) MacIver 8. Among the following whose name is considered as the pioneer of law of three stages of social development? (a) Karl Marx (b) August Comte (c) Herbert Spencer (d) Max Weber 9. According to which of the following sociologists society is a web of social relations? (a) Cooley (b) MacIver (c) Parsons (d) Leacock 10. First scientific step towards growth of language is believed to be (a) Voice of sages (b) Symbol (c) Imitation (d) Emotions 11. Cours de Philosophie the first book highlighting the special subject of sociology is written by (a) August Comte (b) Max Weber (c) Arnold Green (d) Saint Simon 12. Organic Theory about origination of society was supported by (a) Sir Henry Maine (b) Rousseau (c) Herbert Spencer (d) Mac Dougal

Sociology Mock Test-1

13. When a father relieves his aggression by beating the child, ________ finds expression in disguised form (a) Id (b) Ego (c) Super ego (d) Real Self 14. Maturation is a process over which an individual has (a) Direct Control (b) No control at all (c) Only remote control (d) Positive and effective control 15. (a) (b) (c) (d) 16. (a) (b) (c) (d) 17. (a) (b) (c) (d) Socialism is a __________, not a process. Theory Virtue Biological specialization State of nature Tribe is an example of Association Exogamous group Community Social Group Which of the following is an institution? Family Leadership Social Movements Movements 19. (a) (b) (c) (d) Society is a system of Usages and procedures Rigid rules Unbreakable customs Few grouping and divisions

20. Who has differentiated between community and association? (a) MacIver (b) Linton (c) Ferdinand Tonnies (d) George H Mead 21. (a) (b) (c) (d) 22. (a) (b) (c) (d) The term Division of Labour was coined by E. Durkheim Karl Marx Adam Smith Max Weber Sanctions can be in the form of Rewards Punishments Neither punishment nor rewards Both punishment and rewards

23. Who has classified social systems into organic solidarity and mechanical solidarity? (a) Durkheim (b) Weber (c) Morgan (d) Tylor 24. When a group of people decides to replace the old means and goals of society by new means and goals, it is known as (a) Innovation (b) Ritualism (c) Retreatism (d) Rebellion

18. Who has tried to divide the functions of an institution as manifest and latent? (a) K.Davis (b) MacIver (c) Gillin and Gillin (d) R.K. Merton

Sociology Mock Test-1

25. Which among the following is not a secondary group? (a) Political party (b) A city (c) Labour union (d) Students in a class room 26. The concept of reference group was first given by (a) Merton (b) Ogburn (c) Hayman (d) Sorokin 27. (a) (b) (c) (d) Cultural lag is the difference between Two material culture Two non-material culture Material and non-material culture Economic and political structure 31. A group organized on the basis of the common ancestry of its members is called (a) Primary group (b) In-group (c) Secondary group (d) Descent group 32. Who among the following was the first to give socialization theory? (a) Cooley (b) Mead (c) Parsons (d) Durkheim 33. Which of the following theorists would most likely to be in agreement with the adage Laws make criminals? (a) W.I. Thomas (b) D.B. Cooper (c) Howard Becker (d) Edwin Sutherland 34. (a) (b) (c) (d) The social order is largely maintained by Division of labour Law Socialization State

28. The book The Division of Labour in Society is written by (a) Adam Smith (b) E. Durkheim (c) Georg Simmel (d) Max Weber 29. Which of the following is characterized by both likeness and difference? (a) Society (b) Community (c) Status-set (d) Potential group 30. Who among the following has given the functional view of society? (a) Giddings (b) August Comte (c) T. Parsons (d) H. Spencer

35. Which one of the following is not concerned with the institution of family? (a) Marriage (b) Family Business (c) Child (d) Kinship 36. (a) (b) (c) (d) Who did the pioneering work on ideal type? Max Weber Alfred Weber Emile Durkheim Karl Manheim

Sociology Mock Test-1

37. The Jews, the Germans, the Gypsies, the Pygmies are examples of a/an (a) Nation (b) State (c) Ethnic group (d) Association 38. Who of the following sociologists is associated with Rampura vllage? (a) Oscar Lewis (b) Yogendar Singh (c) M.N. Srinivas (d) S.C. Dube 39. (a) (b) (c) (d) 40. (a) (b) (c) (d) 41. (a) (b) (c) (d) The term Ethnomethodology was coined by Radcliffe Brown E. Burgess W.G. Sumner H. Garfinkel What is interaction without social contact? Conflict Conformity Competition Compliance Magic was called as pseudo-science by Malinowski Frazer Tylor Max Muller 43. The term caste is derived from the Portuguese word (a) Casta (b) Costa (c) Caste (d) None of the above 44. The Mandal Commission was constituted under which article of the Constitution? (a) Art. 340 (b) Art. 335 (c) Art. 275 (d) Art. 164 45. (a) (b) (c) (d) Who called the untouchables as Harijans? Thakkar Bappa M.G. Ranade Jotiba Phule Mahatma Gandhi

46. The largest unit with which sociology is ordinarily concerned is (a) a society (b) an individual (c) the world (d) a nation 47. (a) (b) (c) (d) Thou shall not kill is a/an Norm Virtue Belief Attitude

42. What do you call a family where descent is traced through the mother? (a) Matriarchal (b) Matrilocal (c) Matrilineal (d) Matrifocal

48. The specialized and standardized ways of doing things common to those sharing a particular culture is referred to as (a) Mores (b) Norm (c) Custom (d) Value

Sociology Mock Test-1

49. All the descents of a common ancestor are called (a) Kindred (b) Descent (c) Affines (d) A stock 50. Which among the following is an example of achieved status? (a) A farmer (b) A doctor (c) An old man (d) A kshatriya 51. The rule prescribing marriage within ones group is called (a) Endogamy (b) Exogamy (c) Agamy (d) Monogamy 52. Common standards or ideas which guide members responses in all established groups is called (a) Mores (b) Custom (c) Norm (d) Rule 53. The structure of personality consists of id, ego and superego. Whose view is this? (a) G. Allport (b) G. Murray (c) T. Parsons (d) S. Freud 54. The only permitted social mobility between castes is (a) Hypogamy (b) Hypergamy (c) Monogamy (d) Adelphic polyandry 55. (a) (b) (c) (d) 56. (a) (b) (c) (d) 57. (a) (b) (c) (d) 58. (a) (b) (c) (d) Who coined the term symbolic interactionism? W.I Thomas Herbert Blumer Robert Park C.H. Cooley Jajmani system is a Political system Socio-cultural system Economic system All the above Family is a Unilateral grouping Bilateral grouping Group None of above Who were the first to develop the elite theory? Pareto and Mosca Mills and David Lane Mitchell and Mosca Pareto and Mills

59. The author of the book Modernisation of Indian Tradition is (a) Yogendra Singh (b) M.N. Srinivas (c) K.L Sharma (d) Sachidananda 60. (a) (b) (c) (d) Find the odd one out. Slavery Caste Estate Status

Sociology Mock Test-1

61. The word sociology is derived from the Latin word socius which basically means (a) Group (b) Cooperation (c) Fellowship (d) State 62. (a) (b) (c) (d) The most fundamental unit of human society is Religion Family Economy Individual 67. Who among the following is the author of the book Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft? (a) R.K. Merton (b) F. Tonnies (c) James Frazer (d) Radcliffe Brown 68. A group of students recreating by the sea shore is an example of (a) Aggregate (b) Public (c) Mob (d) Community 69. (a) (b) (c) (d) Who has given the concept of Role Set? Linton Tylor MacIver Merton

63. The scientific study of human population is known as (a) Sociography (b) Demography (c) Geography (d) None of the above 64. Which of the following articles of Indian Constitution prohibits untouchability? (a) Art. 14 (b) Art. 15 (c) Art. 16 (d) Art. 17 65. The term used to denote a state of social well being is (a) Euphoria (b) Anomie (c) Dysphoria (d) Equilibrium 66. With whom do you associate the concept of social fact? (a) Karl Marx (b) M. Mauss (c) Max Weber (d) E. Durkheim

70. The type of family in which after marriage husband moves to the residence of wife is known as (a) Patrilocal (b) Matrilocal (c) Changing residence (d) Matrilineal 71. (a) (b) (c) (d) A dynamic or behavior aspect of status is called Culture Value Norms Role

72. The concept of relative deprivation was formulated by (a) Parsons (b) Stouffer (c) Marx (d) Merton

Sociology Mock Test-1

73. (a) (b) (c) (d) The spread of elements of culture is called Innovation Diffusion Invention Cultural change 79. The 73rd and 74th amendment Constitution of India 1992 deals with (a) Right to Information Act (b) Panchayat Raj (c) Education for All (d) Land Reforms of the

74. The terms sacred and profane were coined by (a) Mallinowski (b) Emile Durkheim (c) Radhakrishnan (d) M.N. Srinivas 75. (a) (b) (c) (d) 76. (a) (b) (c) (d) Concentric Zone hypothesis was forwarded by Robert Park Devid Ullman E.W. Burgess Walter Firey The Nuer tribe was studied byDurkheim Radcliffe-Brown Evans-Pritchard Mallinowski

80. The number of children women are able to have in biological terms in known as (a) Birth rate (b) Fertility (c) Life expectancy (d) Fecundity 81. (a) (b) (c) (d) Most roles are Reciprocal Individualized Spontaneous Isolated

77. Which caste formed the backbone of Dr. Ambedkars Movement? (a) Mahars (b) Nadars (c) Rajputs (d) Nayars 78. When was established? (a) 1944 (b) 1945 (c) 1946 (d) 1947 Human Rights Commission

82. Which one of the following types of societies shows total absence of bureaucracy? (a) Post-industrial (b) Agrarian (c) Tribal (d) Industrial 83. The concept of little tradition and great tradition were formulated by (a) Milton Singer (b) Norman Brown (c) McKim Marriot (d) Robert Redfield 84. The community programme in India was launched in the year (a) 1947 (b) 1950 (c) 1952 (d) 1956

Sociology Mock Test-1

85. The famous book The Culture of Cities was written by (a) Kingsley Davis (b) Lewis Mumford (c) M.R. Davie (d) J.A Quinn 86. The three-tier system of Panchayat Raj was recommended by (a) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee (b) Elwin Committee (c) Dhebar Commission (d) Jayaprakash Narayan Committee 87. (a) (b) (c) (d) Which one of the following is a caste? Marwari Bhil Yadava Sudra 91. When an immigrant group loses its previous cultural identity and adopts that of the host group, it is called (a) Assimilation (b) Integration (c) Acculturation (d) Culturation 92. (a) (b) (c) (d) 93. (a) (b) (c) (d) The basis of social stratification is Social harmony Social inequality Social understanding Social problems Who has written the book, The Mother? Westermarck Murdock Briffault None of the above

88. A status group, according to Max Weber, is one which is based on (a) Honour and Prestige (b) Honour and Power (c) Power and Prestige (d) Honour, Power and Prestige 89. A marriage in which a woman of upper caste marries a man of lower caste is known as (a) Exogamy (b) Hypogamy (c) Hypergamy (d) Endogamy 90. The mutual impact of British and Indian culture on each other is termed as (a) Acculturation (b) Accommodation (c) Westernization (d) Assimilation

94. According to Durkheim, the function of punishment is to (a) Remove crime in the society (b) Establish law and order (c) To socialize the culprit (d) To maintain the collective sentiments at their necessary level of strength. 95. (a) (b) (c) (d) The Structure of Social Action was written by Weber Merton Parsons Radcliffe Brown

96. Which of the following systems refers to the statuses and roles of the individual (a) Ideational (b) Positional (c) Cultural (d) Normative

Sociology Mock Test-1

97. Groups have been classified as primary and secondary by (a) Sumner (b) Mead (c) Cooley (d) Giddings 98. Population tends to increase in a geometrical ratio, whereas agriculture produces increase in arithmetic ratio. Who said this? (a) Marx (b) Malthus (c) Adam Smith (d) Pareto 99. The first significant contribution to the study of kinship terms was made by (a) Tylor (b) Morgan (c) Malinowski (d) Redcliffe Brown 100. The type of isolation in which a criminal is kept isolated is known as (a) Organic (b) Social (c) Cultural (d) Spatial 101. The book Social Thought from Lore to Science was authored by (a) Morris Ginsberg (b) Becker and Barnes (c) P.A. Sorokin (d) Max Weber 102. A collectivity of persons of all ages and both sexes who share a common culture and reside in a relatively limited space or locality is called (a) Community (b) Association (c) Group (d) Aggregate 103. A tribal chief enjoys (a) Traditional authority (b) Rational-legal authority (c) Charismatic authority (d) Democratic authority 104. What is the minimum size of population to declare a particular urban area as town according to Indian Census? (a) 20,000-49,999 (b) 10,000-19,999 (c) 5001-9999 (d) 5000 105. Development of ones positive attitudes towards own ethnic or racial group is usually termed as (a) Groupism (b) Cultural relativism (c) Ethnocentrism (d) Localism 106. It is the functional importance in society which determines social stratification. This was the core concern of (a) Karl Marx (b) Max Weber (c) Davis and Moore (d) P. Sorokin

Sociology Mock Test-1

107. Habitual behavior of not keeping appointment with other is an example of: (a) Illegal action (b) Deviant behavior (c) Unethical practice (d) None of the above 108. While developing Sociology as scientific discipline, August Comte first termed it as(a) Social Engineering (b) Social Morphology (c) Social Physics (d) Social Analogy 109. Brahmo Samaj was founded by (a) Vinoba Bhabe (b) Jotiba Phule (c) Ranade (d) Raja Ram Mohan Roy 110. The Science Sociology should be the Queen of the Sciences, who made this statement? (a) August Comte (b) Karl Marx (c) L.T. HobHouse (d) Talcot Parsons 111. Who specifically spoke of sociology as the science of societies? (a) August Comte (b) Herbert Spencer (c) Emile Durkheim (d) Max Weber 112. Who divided sociology into two parts- social statics and social dynamics? (a) Herbert Spencer (b) Pitirine Sorokin (c) Emile Durkheim (d) August Comte 113. According to Max Weber, the smallest unit to which sociological analysis is applied is (a) The society (b) The social relationships (c) The social act (d) The individual 114. Which among the following is the best criterion of contrast between a rural and urban community? (a) Diversification of occupation (b) Geographic location (c) Specific size of population (d) Specific density of population 115. A belief or a judgment held by a person which may or may not persist for a lengthy period of time is known as (a) Conviction (b) Attitude (c) Opinion (d) Knowledge 116. A city, a town and a village are examples of (a) Social group (b) Community (c) Formal association (d) Geographical area 117. Who gave the theory of The Circulation of Elite? (a) Pareto (b) Mosca (c) Mitchel (d) C.W. Mills 118. Who developed the concept of anomie? (a) Karl Marx (b) R.K. Merton (c) Emile Durkheim (d) Max Weber

Sociology Mock Test-1

119. Old age is an example of (a) Achieved status (b) Ascribed status (c) Decaying status (d) None of the above 120. Authority in a bureaucratic system is (a) Distributed (b) Specialized (c) Organized (d) Centralized 121. Which among the following is the indicator of open stratification system? (a) Ethnicity (b) Caste (c) Class (d) Religion 122. Which one of the following is ascribed status? (a) Priest (b) Soldier (c) Husband (d) Son 123. Which one of the following sociological concepts is most closely related to social inequality? (a) Social stratification (b) Social differentiation (c) Social dynamics (d) Social control 124. What element of the West did differ from the East that, according to Weber, led to the emergence of capitalism in the former? (a) Technology (b) Religious ethics (c) Rationality (d) Science 125. What did totemism exemplify/signify according to Durkheim? (a) Animal worship (b) Clan (c) Simplest religion (d) Tribal identity

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