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Unidad 5. Civilizaciones antiguas. Mesopotamia y Egipto Fenicios y Hebreos El lejano Oriente Los griegos y su gran herencia El imperio romano

Unidad Unid ad 8. El encuentro de dos mundos La llegada de Coln Conquista de La Espaola El gobierno de La Espaola Oro y encomiendas La poblacin indgena

Unidad 6. Un recorrido por Amrica. Amrica. Los primeros pobladores de Amrica Los mayas Los aztecas Los incas Los tanos Unidad 9. Colonizacin de Amrica. La industria azucarera La sociedad en los tiempos del azcar La reaccin de los esclavos La expansin europea en Amrica Contrabando y devastacin

Unidad 7. El mundo medieval. El fin del imperio romano La sociedad feudal El Islam Las sociedades de frica Occidental Una nueva poca Espaa y Portugal en el siglo

Nota: Estudiar del libro y del cuaderno. Incluir el vocabulario de las pgs. 76, 78, 80, 112, 134, 138. Estudiar las siguientes actividades: #1 pg. 97 #1 y 2 pg. 99 #3 pg. 121 #2 pg. 135

Lengua Espaola Tpicos Examen Cuatrimestral 5 th Prep, Gladys Prez

GRAMATICA Gnero y nmero de los sustantivos. Esquema descriptivo. Concordancia del sustantivo con el adjetivo y artculo. El artculo, contracciones, clases. Aumentativos, diminutivos, despectivos. Palabras de enlaces: conjuncin, preposicin, interjeccin. Campos semnticos. ORTOGRAFIA Uso adecuado de B y V Uso de R y RR. Uso adecuado de letras maysculas. Uso de G y J. C,S,Z. Tilde diacrtica Abreviatura Parafrasear Palabras compuestas Adverbio, clasificacin Oraciones unimembres y bimembres. Recursos poticos. Anlisis de poemas. Pronombres, sus clases. El Verbo: formas verbales; reconocimiento del tiempo verbal simple y compuesto, modos, nmero y persona. conjugacin. Los determinantes.

ANA ANALISIS DE TEXTO Elementos de un cuento: (escenario, personajes, conflictos, trama, resolucin). Secuencia de los hechos. Personaje: caractersticas, pensamientos, palabras, acciones y motivaciones. Estudio del Gnero: ficcin realista, histrica, no descriptiva, narrativa, no Narrativa. Clsicos: -Un ladrn entre nosotros. - Cosas Anejas.

REDACCION La Comunicacin. sus elementos. La carta, partes. La entrevista. Descripcin de personas, animales y objetos. La tcnica del Subrayado y resumen. Comentario de texto. Anlisis de los personajes y los valores humanos. Experiencia personal y comentario de lecturas realizadas dentro y fuera de clase. Comparar texto

VOCABULARIO palabras compuestas parafrasear acrstico caligrama simpticos sujeta fiasco asinti pronsticos protesta espectacular avergonzada contagiar ingenioso estropear irresistible dramtico ensimismado proclamo agradecida

LECTURA DE CLASICOS Y AUTORES Anlisis, interpretacin, redaccin de comentarios de: Un ladrn entre nosotros. Cosas Anejas.

TECNICAS TECNI CAS DE EXPRESION ORAL Y ESCRITA Estrategias de la expresin oral: (hablar y escuchar) Esquema del cuento Esquema para redactar biografas y autobiografas.

FRANAIS LANGUE ETRANGERE Anne scolaire 20132013 -2014 5eme anne du primaire QUESTQUEST-CE QUE TU AIMES ? QUESTQUEST- CE QUE TU NAIMES PAS ? QUESTQUEST- CE QUE TA MERE AIME ? QUESTQUEST- CE QUE TA MERE NAIME PAS ? ESTEST- CE QUE QUE TU AIMES LES FRUITS ? ESTEST- CE QUE TU DETESTES LE CHOCOLAT ? Vocabulaire : les aliments (pages 26, 27, 28, 29, 65 et 67 du cahier dexercices) La pomme, la pche, la poire, labricot, lorange la banane,. Les pommes, les pches, les poires, les abricots, les oranges, les bananes. Le poisson, le gteau, les gteaux, le chocolat, le fromage, le poulet, les frites, la galette, la salade UNITE 7

Pomme pche poire abricot - Yo YouTube uTube

Les pronoms personnels: personnels je, tu, il, elle, on Le verbe aimer au prsent la forme affirmative et ngative Aimer means "to like" or "to love" when followed by a noun or infinitive. The French use the compound adverb "ne...pas" to indicate negation. Roughly translated, it means "do not." Place "ne" in front of verbs that start with consonants. Place "n'" in front of verbs that start with vowels to create a liaison. Place "pas" immediately after the conjugated verb. J'aime Paris - I love Paris. JE NAIME PAS PARIS. Il aime les chats - He likes cats. Je naime pas les chats. Tu aimes sauter. Tu naimes pas sauter. J aime Je n aime pas Tu aimes Tu n aimes pas aimer Il Il n pas Elle Elle n pas On On n pas

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Les articles dfinis: dfinis le, la, l, les The French definite article corresponds to "the" in English. There are four forms of the French definite article: 1. 2. 3. 4. le masculine singular la feminine singular l' m or f in front of a vowel or h muet les m or f plural

Which definite article to use depends on three things: the noun's gender, number, and first letter: If the noun is plural, use les, If it's a singular noun starting with a vowel or h muet, use l', If it's singular and starts with a consonant or h aspir, use le for a masculine noun and la for a feminine noun Note: Note : When there are two or more nouns listed in a French sentence, the definite article must be listed in front of each one. Quest-ce que tu aimes? Jaime les poires, les pommes et les oranges. Quest-ce que ta sur aime ? Elle aime les abricots et les bananes RAPPEL Aprs les verbes de sentiment (aimer, dtester, adorer), on utilise les articles dfinis (le, le, la, les, l). Exemple : Mon frre aime le poisson. Ma mre naime pas le poisson. Et ta mre ? Quest-ce quelle aime ? Quest-ce quelle naime pas ? UNITE 8 QUEST QUEST- CE QUE TU SAIS FAIRE ? QUESTQUEST- CE QUE TU NE SAIS PAS FAIRE ? QUESTQUEST- CE QUE TU AIMES FAIRE ? QUESTQUEST- CE QUE TU NAIMES PAS FAIRE ? ESTEST- CE QUE TU SAIS LIRE ? JONGLER ? FAIRE LA CUISINE ? ESTEST- CE QUE TA MERE SAIT DESSINER ? FAIRE DU VELO ? Vocabulaire : sports et activits (pages 30, 31, 32, 33 et 67 du cahier dexercices) Lire, couter de la musique, compter, dessiner, jouer au ballon, nager, jouer la poupe, jouer au billes, faire du vlo, voler, danser, chanter, faire du cheval, jongler, faire la cuisine, jouer de la flte, faire du ski, faire du judo. Le verbe savoir au prsent la forme affirmative affirmative et ngative.

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Je sais Tu sais savoir Il sait Elle sait On sait Ton frre sait sauter la corde ? Ta mre sait jongler ? Quest-ce que ton pre sait faire ? Est-ce que ta sur sait faire du judo ? Quest-ce que Loulou sait faire ? Est-ce que Mamie sait faire du ski ? Jouer du, de la + instrument de musique Je joue du saxophone Tu joues de la flute Il joue de la guitare Jouer au, a la, aux + sports et autres activits. Mon pre joue au football et au tennis. Ma sur joue la poupe. Mon frre joue aux jeux vido. Basile joue aux billes. Les nombres de 1 20

Je ne sais pas Tu ne sais pas Il ne sait pas Elle ne sait pas On ne sait pas

Numbers Song in French. Une Chanson des Chiffres. un (1), deux (2), trois (3), quatre (4), cinq (5), six (6), sept (7), huit (8), neuf (9), dix (10), onze (11), douze (12), treize (13), quatorze (14), quinze (15), seize (16), dix-sept (17), dix-huit (18), dix-neuf (19), vingt (20) UNITE 9 QUESTQUEST- CE QUE TU METS AUJOURDHUI? QUESTQUEST- CE QUE MAMIE MET ? QUESTQUEST- CE QUE ZOE MET ? QUESTQUEST- CE QU ALEX MET ? QUESTQUEST- CE QUE LE LOUP MET
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Promenons nous dans les bois... - YouTube

Vocabulaire : les vtements (pages 34, 35. 36,37 et 67 du cahier dexercices). Un pantalon Un tee-shirt Un gilet Le pantalon Le tee-shirt Le gilet Un bonnet Un chapeau Un pull Le bonnet Le chapeau Le pull La jupe La robe La veste Une jupe Une robe Une veste Les articles indfinis: indfinis un, une, des The singular indefinite articles in French correspond to "a," "an," or "one" in English, while the plural corresponds to "some." There are three forms of the French indefinite article. un masculine, une feminine, des m or f plural Note that the plural indefinite article is the same for all nouns, whereas the singular has different forms for masculine and feminine. The plural indefinite article means "some":

J'ai achet des pommes.

I bought some apples. Change the indefinite or partitive article following a negative statement to "de" (not/any). For example, "J'ai une robe" (I have a dress) becomes "Je n'ai pas de robe" (I don't have any dresses) when negated. Ta grand-mre a un chat? Non elle na pas de chat. Tu as un pantalon vert ? Non, je nai pas de pantalon vert. Les adjectifs possessifs mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes, son, sa, ses

Possessive adjectives are the words used in place of articles to indicate to whom or to what something belongs. C'est le chat de Marie; c'est son chat. It is Marie's cat ; it is her cat. Mon pre travaille dur. My father works hard. In French, they agree with the following noun. But in the plural, there is no difference between masculine and feminine.

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English English

Masculine mon ton son ta sa

Feminine ma tes ses

Plural mes

my your his, her, its

Le verbe mettre au prsent la forme affirmative et ngative. Je mets Tu mets Il met Elle met On met Je ne mets pas Tu ne mets pas Il ne met pas Elle ne met pas On ne met pas


Les couleurs: Unlike in English, the words for colors appear after nouns in French. So if you were to say "pink shirt" in French the proper word order would be "shirt pink". Agreement with Nouns and Pronouns If you look into your French dictionary you will notice that all words for colors are adjectives. An adjective is a word that describes nouns and pronouns. In French language, all adjectives agree in gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural) with the nouns and pronous that they modify. For instance, if you wanted say that you have blue eyes (eyes = yeux - masculine plural) then you'd have to select the matching masculine plural form of the color blue (bleus bleus). bleus You may want to dedicate more time to practicing the agreement of adjectives with the words that they describe. The following table will help you to learn many different forms that words for colors assume depending on whether they modify masculine, feminine, singular or plural nouns and pronouns. You will find that some colors are much easier to learn then the rest as they have exactly the same form in all genders and numbers.

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Color Masculine sing. black noir white blanc red blue green orange yellow brown violet pink gray rouge bleu vert orange jaune marron violet rose gris

Feminine sing. noire e blanche he rouge bleue e verte e orange jaune marron violette te rose grise e

Masculine plural noirs s blancs s rouges s bleus s verts s orange jaunes marron violets s roses s gris

Feminine plural Noires es Blanches hes Rouges s Bleues es Vertes es orange Jaunes marron Violettes tes Roses s grises es

Blanc, blanche. Mon chapeau est blanc. Ma veste est blanche. Mes chaussures sont blancs. Bleu, bleue. Jai un bonnet bleu. e . Tes lunettes sont bleues es bleu Jai une chemise bleue Jaune. Jai un crayon jaune et une trousse jaune. Mes bottes sont jaunes. jaune s. Noir, noire, Jai un stylo noir et une trousse noire. Rouge,Jai une gomme rouge et un stylo rouge. Les pommes sont rouges. Vert, verte, Jai un livre vert et une gomme verte. Les pommes sont vertes



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Vocabulaire : les aliments (pages 38, 39, 40, 41 et 69 du cahier dexercices). Le caf Le lait Le caf au lait du Le chocolat Le the Le jus dorange Le pain grille Le fromage Le beurre La confiture La pizza La salade Les crales Les oeufs Les frites Les fruits des de la

Les articles partitifs, The partitive articles in French correspond to "some" or "any" in English. There are four forms of the French partitive article: 1. 2. 3. 4. du de la de l' des masculine singular feminine singular m or f in front of a vowel or h muet m or f plural

The form of the partitive article to use depends on three things: the noun's number, gender, and first letter:

If the noun is plural, use des If it's singular starting with a vowel or h muet, use de l' If it's a singular noun and starts with a consonant or h aspir, aspir , use du for a masculine noun and de la for a feminine noun Meaning and usage of the French partitive article: article The partitive article indicates an unknown quantity of something, usually food or drink. It is often omitted in English.

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Avez-vous bu du th ? Did you drink some tea? J'ai mang de la salade hier. I ate salad yesterday.
In a negative construction, construction, the partitive article changes to de, de , meaning "(not) any": Tu manges de la salade? Oui, je mange de la salade. Non, je ne mange pas de salade. Les verbes manger, boire et prendre a la forme affirmative et ngative. ngative Je mange Tu manges Il Elle On Je bois Tu Il Elle On Je prends Tu Il Elle On Les nombres de 1 60 Je ne mange Tu ne manges Il ne Elle ne On ne Je ne bois Tu ne Il ne Elle ne On ne Je ne prends Tu ne Il ne Elle ne On ne pas pas pas pas pas pas pas pas pas pas pas pas pas pas pas





Apprenons le franais /Let's learn french - Numbers/Nombres - part 1 French Lesson 9 - Numbers from 0 to 100 (part 2) Les nombres de 21 ... Facebook page : 12 LES PARTIES DU CORPS.

Jean Petit qui danse - French and English subtitles.mp4 - YouTube

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3:51 3:51

"Jean Petit qui danse" is a famous "popular" song. It's about Jean Petit (John Little), who dances with ... Son doigt Son pied Sa fesse Sa main Sa jambe Son epaule Son bras Son ventre Sa tte

UNITE 13 OU ESES- TU ? Vocabulaire : les animaux de la ferme (notes des classes) Les articles indfinis et la ngation. Tu as une poule ? Non, je nai pas de poule. Ton pre a une chvre ? Non, il na pas de chvre. A la bibliothque il y a des chats ? Non, a la bibliothque il ny a pas de chats A lcole il y a un tracteur ? Non, a lcole il ny a pas de tracteur. t

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A la radio IL Y A un poussin Et le poussin Piou

A la radio il y a une poule Et La poule cot cot

A la radio il y a un coq (x2) Et le coq cocorico

A la radio il y a une dinde Et la dinde Glou glou glou

A la radio il y a un pigeon Et le pigeon roucoule

A la radio il y a un chat Et le chat Miaou

A la radio il y a un chien chien Et le chien Ouaf Ouaf

A la radio il y a une chvre Et la chvre b

A la radio il y a un agneau Et l'agneau M

A la radio il y a une vache Et la vache Meuh

A la radio il y a un taureau Et le taureau Muu A la radio il y a un tracteur Et le tracteur Bruum

Bonne chance !!!!!

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Final Exam Topics 5th Grade Prep Social Studies: Ancient Civilizations Ms. Adames Greek Mythology Questions for "Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief" Who was Percy's father? What did Percy's pen turn into after he What is the name of the goddess who turns clicked it? everyone into stone? Percy can only read one language. What When Percy, Annabeth and Grover were in language was that? the museum they had to defeat a multi In the beginning of the movie, Percy has a headed monster, the Hydra. How did they teacher, Mr. Bruner. Mr. Bruner is also a defeat the monster? demigod. His body is half human and what? Where was the lightning bolt hidden? Why did Percy's mother marry the stepfather? What did they have to do to the pearls in When Percy fights Annabeth in beginning of order to be transported? the movie, she cuts him with her sword. On top of what building were Luke and Percy Afterwards, Percy hears his father's voice fighting? telling him to go to the water. What happens to Percy when he touches the water? Answer the following question based on the story "Tales from the Odyssey" on page 266 in the textbook: Why did Odysseus want the messenger to thin he had gone mad (crazy)? Who was Zeus and why is he important? Choose one god on Greek Mythology and explain his/her birth, life and powers in at least one paragraph. 2. Early Civilization in Greece Vocabulary Know the definitions for the following vocabulary words: Peasant Cultural borrowing Bard Study notes on the following topics: The Minoans Minoan Life The Mycenaeans
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Legend Epic Myth Mythology

Legends and Myths The Greek Dark Age

3. Greek CityCity- States Vocabulary Know the definitions for the following vocabulary words: Polis Acropolis Agora Study notes on the following topics: The Rise of City-States New Ways of Governing Commerce and Colonies

Oligarchy Tyrant Democracy Commerce Colony Greek Culture A New Kind of Warfare

4. "My Citizenship Project" List at least three laws and you and your group decided to incorporate into your constitution and why do you think that these laws are important. 5. Indus Valley Civilization Vocabulary Know the definitions for the following vocabulary words: Subcontinent Study notes on the following topics: The Indian Subcontinent Importance of Floods Well-Planned Cities 6. Beginnings of Hinduism Vocabulary Know the definitions for the following vocabulary words: Aryan Sanskrit Vedas Study notes on the following: The Aryan Migrations Influences on Indian Culture

Monsoon Citadel Granary Harappan Trade Mohenjo-Daro

Caste Hinduism Reincarnation Dharma Karma India's Classes Ideas of Hinduism

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5 th Prep Science Final Exam Topics Plants 190-202 o Gymnosperm, angiosperm, vascular, nonvascular, seeds, spores, pollination Species 270-275 o Extinct species, endangered species (not in textbook), invasive species Natural Resources 330- 337, 343- 345 o Renewable resources, nonrenewable resources, conservation, reduce, reuse, recycle, pollution Solar System 539-549 o Planet, moon, dwarf planet, comet, asteroid, rotation, revolution, inner planets, outer planets, order of the planets Matter 579-627 (We will cover this after the science fair) o Solids, liquids gases, physical changes, chemical changes, mixtures, solutions Your own science fair project o There will be open response questions about your individual topic. Please be able to explain your topic, what you learned and the process (starting with a question, researching, creating a hypothesis, doing an investigation/ experiment, results, conclusion, etc)

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Mathematics Final Exam Topics 5th Prep, Rosita Dilone

Chapter 5 Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Estimating Sums and Differences p. 212 Fractions with like Denominators p. 217 Adding Mixed Numbers p. 228
Chapter 6 Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Multiply Fractions Multiply Mixed Numbers Divide Fractions P. 261 P. 266 p. 272

Subtracting Mixed Numbers Equations with Fractions

p. 232 p. 240

Divide Mixed Numbers p. 276 Solve fraction Equations by Multiplying p. 282

Chapter 7 Ratios, Proportions, and Percents Ratios p. 306 Unit Rates p. 312 Understanding Proportions p. 316 Chapter 8 Tools of Geometry Point, Lines, Segments, and Rays p. 362 Angles p. 367 Special Pairs of Angles p. 374 Classifying Triangles p. 380 Solving Proportions p.320 Percents, Fractions, and Decimals p. 331 Finding the Percent of a Number p. 336

Classifying Quadrilaterals p. 386 Congruent and Similar Figures p. 392 Line of Symmetry p. 398 Transformation p. 402

Chapter 9 Geometry and Measurement Perimeter and Area of Rectangles p. 426 Area of Parallelograms and Triangles p. 432 Circles and Circumference p.438 Chapter 11 Integers Explore Integers Compare and Order Integers Adding Integers p. 516 p. 520 p. 524 Subtract Integers Multiply Integers Divide Integers p. 530 p. 534 p. 540

* Remember to study from your book, notebook, and quizzes we have done.

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Language Language Arts Final Exam List of Topics 2013 5 th Prep Longfellow/Mir/Scott I Vocabulary Words - Students must be able to understand the meaning and use the following vocabulary words correctly from the different selections read in class as well as unfamiliar words theyve learned. 1. Abbreviation 2. Acronym 3. Analogies 4. Analyzing 5. Antonym 6. Background 7. Basking 8. Bracing 9. Calling 10. Career 11. Compare 12. Conduct 13. Contrast 14. Cramped 15. Destruction 16. Distracted 17. Edition 18. Embark 19. Fatal 20. Formula 21. Household 22. Insights 23. Initials 24. Intensive 25. Juvenile 26. Marine 27. Ordeal 28. Pressing 29. Publication 30. Representatives 31. Required 32. Shattered 33. Stunned 34. Surveyed 35. Synonym 36. Theme 37. Treating 38. Truce 39. Uneventful 40. Viewpoint

II Literary Terms Students must be able to identify and use the following literary terms from the different selections read in class. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Alliteration Autobiography Biography Consonance Concrete Poem Element Figurative Language Haiku Hyperbole 11. Internal rhyme 12. Line 13. Lyric 14. Metaphor 15. Meter 16. Myth 17. Narrative Poem 18. Onomatopoeia 19. Paraphrase 20. Personification 21. Poetry 22. Quotations 23. Retelling 24. Rhyme 25. Rhythm 26. Stanza 27. Simile 28. Summarizing 29. Symbolism 30. Theme

10. Imagery

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31. First Person Point of View III Spelling Words - Students must be able to recognize the correct spelling of the following words. Aboard Absorb Adore Armor Arrive Aware Barely Bargain Barge Beware Burden Carton Common Custom Dairy Former Glory Journey Lawyer Object Ordeal Pardon Pattern Perform Perhaps Permit Publish Shoulder Scissors Soar Sorrow Stairway Subject Suggest Suppose Timber Torch Tunnel Vary Warn

IV Reading Selections - Study the following texts that were read and discussed in class: Interrupted Journey: Saving Endangered Sea Turtles, an informational text by Kathryn Lasky, pp. 150-162 Dangerous Crossing, a historical fiction by Stephen Krensky, pp. 279-290 The Dog Newspaper, an autobiography by Peg Kehret, pp. 459-466 The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks Nims Island, by Wendy Orr

V Grammar Students must be able to identify and correctly use the following: Subject-Verb Agreement Common and Proper Nouns (PB 43-45) Singular and Plural Nouns (PB 55-57) Verbs Action, Helping, and Linking (PB 67-69) Verb Tenses (PB139-141)

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VI Writing Students must be prepared to respond to a writing prompt. Their knowledge of grammar, spelling and context will be evaluated.

Use your Houghton Mifflin Harcourt textbook Journeys, Practice Book, the reading selections, as well as your notebook and all the worksheets provided throughout the semester to prepare. Good luck!

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