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Lia Gubau Llibre 7 - History 12/16/12 Major Gods & Goddesses of Ancient Egypt Name of Deity Amun What

the Deity Rules God of the sun, and later on he became god of the wind. Description King of the gods. Image


God of burials, dead, mummification and graveyards.

Son of Nephthys and Set. Head of a jackal.

Bast (Bastet)

Goddess of cats and the home.

Daughter of Ra and Isis. Her image was a fierce lion.


Goddess of love, beauty, motherhood, foreign lands, music, joy and mining. God of the war and hunting.

She was a cow goddess. She was daughter of Ra.



Goddess of motherhood, magic and fertility.

His parents were Osiris and Isis. He usually appeared as a falcon or a falcon headed man, but sometimes he appeared as a falcon headed crocodile. She used the magic to protect the people. She was sister and wife of Osiris, and they had a son named Horus. She was usually shown wearing a white linen dress. Her feather of the truth was strapped to her head. He was brother and husband of Isis. They had a sun named Horus. Osiris was murdered by his brother Seth.


God of the ancient Egyptian concept of truth, order and justice.


God of the afterlife, the underworld and the dead.


God of creation, the arts and fertility.


God of the midday sun.

Set (Seth)

God of the desert, storms, and foreigners in ancient Egyptian religion.


God of wisdom, hieroglyphs and knowledge.

He was shown as a bearded mummified man, often wearing a skull cap, holding a djed. He was married to Sekhmet. He may be depicted in his most well known form as the hawk-headed man with which the sun disk may seen above him. Her wife was named Nephthys, who was also her sister. He was shown as a mysterious creature called the Set Animal, who had a curved snout, square ears, dog-like body, forked tail, red eyes and red hair. Thoth was often shown with the head of an ibis, but also as a squatting dog-headed baboon. Thoth was said to be born from the skull of Seth and from the heart of Ra.

Choose three more to name and describe. Seshat Goddess of wisdom and writing. When Thoth became the god of wisdom, Seshat was seen as his daughter, or sometimes, as his wife. In art she was shown as a woman with a with a stylized papyrus plant above her head. Shu was her brother and husband. Tefnut was the mother of Nut and Geb. In art she was represented as a woman with head of a lion with Sun disc.


Goddess of moisture, water and fertility.


God of the waters and flood.

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