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April 17th, 2013

The dust is still settling along the Finish Line of the Marathon with the nation in mourning, while detractors from the awful event are hitching their wagons behind this or that, hoping that once again a horrific catastrophic situation will enhance their position in the chaotic political environment the West now muddles through. There has been no definitive fact that points at any one faction of our society, and as such the doors are wide open for speculation on who the culprit or culprits really are, not surprisingly the immediate reaction is to point a tear-streaked finger at Muslims. Yes I know that some state that is was radical Islam, with some supreme leaders of the now fading Tea Party firming their radical response to the incident where law-enforcement officials as having questioned or questioning a person of interest from Saudi Arabia. It is Judson Phillips the supposed big boss of the Tea Party Nation in pounding his bully-pulpit screaming that, we have government that is not committed to protecting America, since it isnt willing to destroy radical Islam, throwing into his rant his displeasure other nations in the West as being just as guilty as Obamas government in its failings. That Mr Phillips is an out-of-focus person is not a debatable subject, it is a simple fact. One hand wrapped around his Bible the other clutching a copy of Americas Constitution, which his ilk cherry picks to fit its wishes or demands, his statements that his divine religion is under attack only supports the proposition that the creator only cuddles up to Christians. My rant, as what in

reality it really is, is not meant to be a slam against anyone religious beliefs, in being a student of history I can safely state that there is not a religion on the planet that hasnt at one time or the other done battle against its neighbor because he or she doesnt believe in the way they hit their knees in acknowledgement of their creator. Why this is so is somewhat a mystery, even so it is a fact. What I have seen is the fact that if the radical right or radical left in our Land of Freedom cannot nail down a real threat or boogieman they will create one. Today on the United States political table is immigration and the 2nd Amendment, both topics loaded with rhetoric from both sides of the political spectrum and as of late the roaring saddle-tramps, Bibles tucked in their saddle-bags are riding at a furious gallop across the dry and dusty plains of Texas. Just yesterday the esteemed Attorney General of the oil-rich land stated that Obama and his administration are far more dangerous than Kim Jong Un of North Korea, and youd better load your 30-30s and pistols as Obama and the UN want your guns. As for immigration, it seems to have been alright when the under-the-table immigrants from south-of-the-border where picking our vegetables for pennies, now that the economy has gone elsewhere, you cannot go on any social media and not see complaints about these same stealing primary jobs, and now couple this with the Boston bombings naturally an immigration problem. Today there are 315.7 million people in the United States, worldwide there are 7.08 billion, with 1.35 billion in China and 1.22 billion in India as you can note the citizens of the USA are a bit behind the rest of the planet when it relates to bodies albeit has the largest military force in the world, equipped with enough fighting machines and destructive material to destroy all of civilization. In this some believe we deserve the right to dictate to the rest of the world. In this we see that our President is a little before his time he is reluctant to engage in global warfare, while we still have a fair majority that firmly believe that might is right or that my government right or wrong, in America we have grown up with the mantra that the strong (with their weapons) will win the day, regardless of the consequences associated

with such an ideal therefore any movement towards peace is seen as an act of weakness. It is only natural within a Democracy for some to like the government along with some who dislike the government, that is a democracy lately we have gone far beyond like and dislike to either defending the sitting government with vigor or hating it beyond comprehension. There is very little middle-ground, consequently constructive debate within our political leaders is to the point of being non-existent with feet planted firmly on the ground each side chants, my way or the highway as they smile and smirk like schoolyard bullies. In this we see that we have gone from governing between elections to strictly campaigning between elections, with every move geared towards winning control over the electorate in the future. To what end is confusing, whereas after the next election no-matter who prevails the same situation will exist, we have forgotten how to exist side-byside despite our differences. It is a foregone conclusion amongst thoughtful members of our society that we can no longer afford to remain divided, thereby believing that if this is to continue the words from our leaders in the past that America will be destroyed not by an external force but from within. We are now tickling the edges of self-destruction, like we havent seen since the Civil War youd think we have learned apparently not! I have just seen (here in Kenitra) that the authorities have a suspect in custody in Boston, the suspect observed in a store outside video device seen entering the area with a backpack and then leaving without it there will be an official announcement with more details a bit later right now it is 6:38 PM here in Kenitra and 2:38 PM in Boston. We wait. As it turns out the video showed a person of interest only, and no arrests have been made. 3:12 PM Boston. As it turns out (4-18-2013) our officials are no closer to solving the event in Boston than they were yesterday (if they are they are keeping their yaps closed), on top of this in Texas we learned that a fertilizer plant was blown to pieces taking some 5-15 lives and injuring over 100. No indication of any foul play only that a fire which got out of control ignited some explosive chemicals.

There can be no doubt that we live within a society that will continue to suffer the ill effects of an exploding population base, along with this we will continue to experience the sometimes silent control of that base by the ruling elite being that today the multi-national corporations and their well heeled representatives along the Potomac have a firm grip on some of our elected representatives. Even if the electorate manages to shift their elected officials nothing will change, like the mantra states, once we have eliminated our productive planet, you cant eat money the mantra in our Capital is votes are good, but you cant eat them! So it is that the newly elected crowd will look out for number 1 and where his or her next meal is coming from, it is called nature. Im not sure what the reasoning is behind Boston, one can only speculate, whatever it is it did nothing to deter the fear that the ordinary folks who love than guns that the government has a bottom line to eventually suck them from their hands driving the gun owner into obscurity. No matter, they are safe for now and the gun manufactures are guaranteed that their sales will once again escalate and the greenbacks will flow like it was meant to be bottom line enhancement is the goal, nothing more, nothing less. Riding alongside of the corporate greed is a horse carrying the burden of the unemployed, with over 23 million Americans bouncing on a well-worn saddle with no future on the horizon. Then statistics show us that an organization, funded by and headquartered in America shipping by the container full it resources (provided by the American Taxpayer) over the past six decades to assist in rebuilding Europe praising itself that it has helped support the anti-poverty efforts to other parts of our planet. Much to no ones surprise the World Bank, because of taxpayer funds is mildly taken back by the fact that their buckets of American taxpayer money has succeeded faster than they expected amongst their biggest borrowers and best sources of profit, such as Brazil, Mexico and China, who in effect have removed their poverty stricken hands from the World Banks coffers. Now, under the guidance of the Obama appointee Jim Yong Kim the/his goal is to buildup the Middle Class of the world with the WBs funds of over $330 billion, most from the Middle Class of America never mind that the

Middle Class in America is falling faster than the discarded first stage of an Apollo Moon Rocket. But thats okay, isnt it you out there who were sucked in like a moth to a light bulb to the imaginary fear that someone was going to snatch your trusty hunting rifle or your 15 round clip, you bought it hook-line-and-sinker while your idols are ripping away the rest of your survival I hope youre satisfied with your hollow victory. Boston ? Well as the law enforcement officials paw through tons and tons of evidence, keep in mind that idle hands will be busy just a thought!

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