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FRIENDSHIP There are many valuable things in life, but friendship may be one of the most important. To live life without the experience of friendship, is life without living. Human interaction is a necessity to survival, but developed friendships are essential to the successful well being of anyone. Based upon Webster's Dictionary, the definition of a friend is, "A person whom one knows, likes and trusts." But to all, Friendship has no defined terminology. The definition of a friend, and friendship, is based upon one's own notions. Many people look for different characteristics in friends, things that may be common in nature. There are many different types of friends that one wants or needs. There are Five different categories for these friends. It is best in nature to recognize and appreciate various kinds of friends. The first type of friend in the friendship is an acquaintance. This is the beginning to all basics, and deeper friendships. This is the person with whom, is only known on a pure, and basic level. The insight to this person's life, is merely an observation from a person's perception. Usually, these are the types of friends that a person may meet in school, a... What is friendship? Friendship is a word used to describe many different kinds of personal relationships. Many people are just acquaintances, yet they call it friendship. True friends know the difference. Other people are friends in school, and then after school, they go their own ways. True friends are not just "sometime friends". The dictionary defines friendship as "the condition or relation of being friends". But friendship could never be understood by simply reading a definition out of a book. The thesaurus also tries to define friendship by using synonyms like cordiality, fellowship, and brotherhood, but t

You lifted me up when I could not lift up myself, you made me smile when I forgot how to, you were there for me in the times of need, and you were there for me when I needed nothing at all. Friendship to me is a gift without the expectation of anything in return; instead the reward is the friendship itself. The Webster Dictionary defines friendship as a state of being friends. There are many aspects of the word friendship such as trustworthy, loyalty, and honesty. Friendship comes in many shapes, sizes, and colors. I have seen many friendships work and many that did not. Being trustworthy is a very important factor in a friendship. If there is no trust then the it is not going to work out. For example, I had to learn the hard way on choosing my friends. I would confide my deepest secrets to one friend, and she was the only one that I told. A couple of days would go by and I would end up hearing my secrets from someone else. After this same incident happened one to many times I had to end our friendship. I was hurt because I could not trust Friendship C. S. Lewis defines friendship as that which is formed between people who share the same goals and ideals, the same outlook. One sees this principle both exemplified and contradicted in All the Pretty Horses. There is strong evidence of this in Cole and Rawlins friendship with each other and in their friendship with Blevins. Cole in All the Pretty Horses, subscribes to the cowboy myth. A set of ideals romanticized in the legend of the old West. These ideals advocate self-reliance, justice, introspection, honor, and loyalty. Cole seeks a life where he can indulge this moral code, and do so with the support of those around him. Rawlins, though Coles best friend and thereby (according to Lewis) one of his supporters, does not subscribe to this same moral code. At first this would seem to contradict Lewis definition of friendship, but this is not e

A Definition of a Friend Friendship is not simply a "relationship", knowing someone, conversing with that person, or dealing with that person in business, school, or in casual acquaintance. True friendship is not just a "relationship", but self-sacrificing love. A friend is also one who supports, sympathizes, and is a person in whom you can confide. There are unique qualities that a person must have to be considered a friend. An acquaintance is not automatically considered a friend. Just because you know someone does not mean there is an instant friendship. This does not mean that an acquaintance cannot change into a valued friendship. There are qualities that a friend must have, but time is also a factor. A friendship can develop in as short as a day, or it could take as long as a few years for full development. In the end, if time is taken for full development, then a real friendship will develop. The main way that trust is built up is with time. Whe

Friends Rough Draft, Essay #2 Human beings are social creatures. They strive for companionship with others. Although there are some people that might find pleasure in solitude, it seems clear that the majority of people do seek companionship if possible. Central among these companionships are friendships. For some people, this is what makes life worthwhile, the presence of friends. Friendship is a sort of goodness, or at the least implies it. When taking a closer, more specific look at this kind of relationship, one is not only able to create connotations for the word, but are also able to experience the true advantages gained through the virtue of friendship. Friendship in essence is what really measures a good person. With friendship one is not following laws, one is naturally giving and receiving, a mutual

sharing of things in life. Wanting friendship is natural instinct, and for the most part there is no escaping friendship in some form or another. If one is involved in community life, marriage, or plainly has a family in general, friendship will cross the path. Throughout our lives, we get into different kinds of relationships. Some relationships we cannot choose like family ties. These are relationships we ar

On friendship In poem On friendship the Kahlil Gibran speaks to us as a prophet. He discusses the relationship between people. He wants us to understand the meaning of friendship. To each of one of us friendship has a different meaning. However for all of us it is a gift. I think the glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him. I agree with author. My best definition of a best friend would be someone who is always there when you need a shoulder to cry on and is someone who you can trust. In his poem he says: And he is you board and you fireside. I think

Happiness: What Does it Mean? Happiness: What Does it Mean? Watching the sun rise, getting a raise, putting a smile on someones face these are all examples of when a person may feel a happy. They are all diverse, just like the individuals in the world. Happiness is acquired through countless stimuli, whether they are material or emotional. One can not give a general definition for happiness, due to the fact that each person has their own perception of what happiness is. Happiness lies in the eye of the beholder, and as the beholder I see happiness as: 1. My family 2. My achievements Thus through this essay I will describe what happiness means to me, by discussing the above mentioned. My family I have found that through completing my Happy Moments Journal, that my family is a huge element of my happiness. Over half of the entries in my journal involved some interactio

To different people being happy could be as simple as a day at the park, yet to others its more complicated and detailed. Being happy in the eyes of many consists of being wealthy and/or famous. Yet to others it could simply mean spending the rest of their lives with their significant other. In my eyes, happiness is something which fulfills a person in any method or manner. Happiness can come in different forms to different people. One can be happy for having impeccable health, yet another can be happy for being financially secure. Still, both of them would be happy because they feel as if they have been fulfilled. In my eyes happiness can be gained through hard work and devotion, but at the same time it can be something that just occurs. Happiness to some people is just a sense of looking around you and noticing some of the small details which helps distinguish a persons life. Others would define the term happiness as being satisfied or content. I believe that a persons happiness depends a lot on the person, their age and type of status that they have in life. A person who has just turned twenty one would have different

In life it is necessary to laed a life of happiness.But is it possible? No? Man is born to enjoy both happiness and sorrow. Life is a journey feom birth to death. In this life journey we have to face several hurdles. Even in the worst of time, we should feel that we are happy. It is essential in life to have faith in God. any God whom we have faith. Man is born with God's blessings. Thus we must have faith in God. Every religion prescribes

Philosophy of ethics is based on a couple of main theories that were found by the philosophers of the past several thousand years. Two of the main theories are the Virtue Theory found by Aristotle and the Theory of Utilitarianism found by the British philosopher John Stuart Mill. The two of them have very different opinions on what happiness is to each human being and how we should live our lives to reach the ultimate happiness. It is understandable that the theories they each came up with are quite different because they happened to live over two thousand years apart and one would expect that the way people look at life would change over such a long period of time. Living couple of hundred years before common era and learning philosophy from Plato, Aristotle came up with the Virtue theory. He believed that

I. Introduction Economy is a science including many changeable subjects when researching in a certain vicinity. To explain basic economic regulations of the world in a homogeneous structure does not fit the economics nature. Even if

economy is a process that can show diversified changes, behind these there are concrete reasons that effect long term economic programs that should not be missed, which is historical process. When researching a countys economy, the priority should be to state that countrys historical elements. My opinion about economy is that it keeps logic for all world countries, even if its technological developments. When researching, a good way to follow is finding the facts of the existing geography, the effects of that geography or possible effects and comparing the country that I chose and the other countries of the same region, after connecting economy with its past. This helps us to make a judgement for the countrys politics of economy, its productivity and earnings from these. After examining the subjective elements in its own region, then it will be easy to put a name to that objectivity. II. History The original speakers of the Turkish language lived in Central Asia. They wer

Fear. A powerful feeling of dread that can paralyse even the very physically strong in the face of it. Fear - to some, it is self-consuming, but to others, an emotion to overcome at all odds. I do not think that there is anybody here in this room today that can truly vouch and say that they have never experienced some sort of fear in their lives at any point in time or another. But what really is this feeling of fear really all about and why do we get it? Fear, is a sensation that grips the mind and soul, racing the heartbeat; and making the hair stand on end and sending shivers down the spine. It is usually brought about by bad experiences in the past, although fears could also arise from the knowledge of something dreadful through listening to others or reading about them. Some examples of fear would include the fear of rejection or failure, and the fear of darkness. However fear in the extreme is called a phobia. The funniest thing is that man is only born with two fears. The first being the fear of loud noises, and the second being the fear of falling. All others are learned. Fears have ex

Fear. Fear is an odd feeling all people experience in some form at some time in their lives. There are many different types of fears, some more controllable, and some more unhealthy than others. Imaginary fears are fears of things or people who dont exist. Their origin is in the mind of the one with the fear. For example: when children are afraid of ghosts in their closets or monsters under their beds. These things dont really exist, but the child believes in their mind that there really are ghosts and monsters. Another example: when people are afraid of a branch scraping a window. The branch really exists, but that is not what the person is afraid of; they are afraid of the image in their mind of an eight foot, three hundred pound man with a knife trying to break into their house. The mind often plays tricks and peoples imaginations go wild, causing peop

It is like the saying "to have loved and lost is better than to have never loved at all". Such as: the fear of being hurt, the fear of getting into a car accident, the fear of losing a loved one, the fear of rejection, or the fear of financial insecurity. Fears of speculation are also fears that don"tmt exist, but that could be possible. This type of fear is normal and most of the time accompanied by excitement. If one becomes so fearful of starting a new job that they never have the courage to just dive in and do it, then the fear is again running their life and they need to take control and overcome their fear of the unknown. le to fear things that don"tmt even exist. Like scary movies, or books, or haunted houses. If one keeps their mind in control, they can control this type of fear. All people have fear of some sort; they just need to make sure that they don"tmt let it ruin their life. Students fear going to a new school, employees fear starting a new job. People fear what they don"tmt know about. People also fear the future, because they don"tmt know what is going to happen. Who knows why people like to put these things in their minds. If one lets their mind speculate about the bad things that could happen to them or their loved ones, they can cause harm both to the one who speculates and to the ones around them. Fun fears are fears when people intentionally place themselves in a position to be scared.

Have you ever experienced a traumatic incident that left you in a state of fear? No matter how old or young, everybody has experienced anxieties and fears one time or another. Children who have such feelings are normal; they are necessary for the growing process. Going through and dealing with anxieties can prepare young people to handle the traumatic experiences and challenging situations of life. The word anxiety is defined in the dictionary as apprehension without apparent cause. The major cause of an anxiety attack is when a person gets nervous

for no apparent reason. Anxiety makes a person want to escape the situation as fast as he can. His heart will start to beat swiftly and he will get butterflies in his stomach all leading to a very uncomfortable state. Nevertheless, this will actually make a person perform better, because it will keep him more alert and more focused on what he has to do. Having fears or anxieties can also be helpful, because it keeps people out of danger. For an example, a kid with a fear of fire would avoid playing with matches. As you continue to read this paper, I hope you have a better understanding of fear and how fear works. Doing this paper has helped me to better

Step by step, I finally overcome my nightlight obsession and I kept my door closed for the rest of the night. Other times, fear comes as a sudden reaction to a sudden conflict with danger. If people recognize that their fears are real and find more information about them, teach themselves some coping strategies, in time they can get over their fear. In today A s society, technology is deeply integrated. Some may have fears of heights, dogs, snakes, insects, or public speaking. So if a person experiences arachibutyrophobia, which is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of hisher mouth, they A re probably one in a million, but they are still out there. Nobody looks under their bed or check their closet for the bogeyman before going to sleep, or going ballistic if the lights go out, and you eat salads every so often. If a person have arithmophobia (fear of numbers) or logophobia (fear of words), he can always go talk to a psychiatrist. As children grow, their fears disappear or are replaced by others. Since teens think and care about the larger world community, they may also have global fears such as a fear of war or violence. Remember everybody have gone through the fear of going to bed because heshe had the fear of the bogeyman, the dark, andor vegetables. Babies often cling to their parents when they are introduce to different people that they do not recognize. Young children tend to fear things like the dark, monsters, loud thunder and lightning, getting lost or big dogs, while older kids are more likely to fear things like being bullied or getting hurt (Coping With Anxiety, Fears, and Phobias). Some normal fears seem a lot like a worry, or something a person feels usually afraid of or uneasy about.
As long as fear exists, men will never be free. Most of the time, it is thought as a driving force that takes away human motives. It originates from the innate depths of peoples souls, and controls the self-assurance that is needed to survive. It presents endless challenges in our direction that restrain individual rights and impels us to clash with our inner emotions. The true fear that everyone holds is from lacking love, desire, and acceptance. To have a complete and absolute resolution in our feelings can be only achieved by our ability to let go, and forget the past. Freedom is always within our grasp, for it is created and nurtured in our zminds. The one thing that keeps us from that goal is the way we perceive fear, and how it affects our everyday lives. The Giver by Louis Lowry, illustrates how people are influenced on fear, and how they accept the way their society works. The routine and organized life that the community had was the way of life to many of the people. Their fear of being released represents the feeling of not being worthy, and the complete rejection through the eyes of the society. The utopian society, as it is portrayed in the book, is made up of people that are controlled by a superior gr

Do you think that abortion is the same thing as murdering your own child? People have argued this question for centuries. In 1996, there were 30 abortions for every 1,000 women aged 15-19 (Teen 1). I think abortion should be against the law because its harmful to the mother and it kills the baby. I will discuss about abortion by talking about the abortion methods, reasons and affects of abortion. Abortions are performed using one of several methods. The safest and most appropriate method is determined by the age of the fetus, or the length of pregnancy, which is calculated from the beginning of the pregnant womans last menstrual period (Abortion 1). Most pregnancies last an average of 39 to 40 weeks (Teen Pregnancies 2). This period is divided into three stages known as trimesters. The first trimester consists of the first 13 weeks, the second trimester spans weeks 14 to 24, and the third trimester lasts from the 25th week to birth. Abortions in the first trimester of pregnancy are easier and safer to perform while abortions in the second and third tri

An Estimated 50 million abortions are performed world wide each year ("Abortion" 1). Both of these drug combinations effectively end pregnancy in 95 percent of the women who take them. "Teenagers who get pregnant are mostly living in poverty" (Teen" 1). In a method commonly

referred to as the morning-after pill, a woman is given large doses of estrogen (a female hormone) within 72 hours of unprotected sexual intercourse and again 12 hours later. This includes making sure that girls have opportunities, dreams, and hopes for the future ("Teen" 1). Now that you have learned a little about abortion methods, reasons and affects of abortion, I hope it makes you think about if it"tms right or wrong. A variety of drug-based abortion methods may be carried out under a physician"tms supervision. The most serious complications, such as arrhythmia, edema, and pneumonia, affect the heart and lungs and may cause death. Why do women get abortions Sometimes women are raped and as a result they don"tmt want the baby ("Abortion(law)" 2). In the United States, a pregnant woman"tms risk of death from a first-term abortion is less than 1 in 100,000. About a week later, the woman takes misoprostol to induce uterine contractions and expel the fetus. mesters require more complicated procedures and pose greater risks to a woman"tms health. A pregnant woman first takes the drug mifepristone, known as RU-486, which blocks progesterone, a hormone needed to maintain the pregnancy. The risk increases by about 30 percent with each week of pregnancy after 12 weeks ("Abortion" 1).
The Catholics hold strict views concerning abortion. They often view it as being a waste of life. By taking the life from an unborn child, you are taking away its chances to live the life that it should. Not only is abortion morally wrong, but also it is against Gods commandments. Although different groups often oppose these views, Catholics see abortion as being a waste of life, a mortal sin, a serious crime, and being morally wrong. Granted, Catholics hold the main view of abortion being a waste of life. This comes from the fact that the child never gets the chance to live. All of the childs natural rights of being human are totally disregarded at the point when it is killed. The child must suffer from the cause of someone elses mistake. A person only has one chance to live, and this is too often destroyed for unborn babies killed in an abortion. Moreover, abortion is also a mortal sin the Catholic religion. The commandment reading Thou shall not k

Although Catholics will never be able to stop it, they will just have to keep hoping that this problem will one day be solved. The woman who is pregnant with the child is also a murderer for having an abortion done. Some view abortions as being the choice of the woman. This is a serious matter to have to deal with. Although most people still oppose abortion and wish it to be illegal, it will most likely remain the choice of the woman. In another sense, abortion is morally wrong to participate in. ------------------------------------------------------------------------Bibliography. Catholics, along with many other groups that oppose abortions, have endlessly tried to do away with it completely. A moral person should not be involved in the killing of a child. By taking the life of the unborn baby, the doctor has committed murder. ill" is completely disregarded by people who go through an abortion. Abortion should also be considered a serious crime, and in some places it is. The doctors who perform abortions also disregard it. Many laws have been passed to try to control abortion, but no matter what happens, it will still exist somewhere in the world. Abortion is against everything that the Church stands for.
Abortion is one of the most controversial issues in the United States today. One out of every three pregnancies never come to term because a woman has an abortion (Flanders 3). It is understood that a new individual human begis growing in the mothers uterus at fertilization (When Does Life Begin). The term abortion refers to any premature expulsion of a human fetus. Approximately 93 percent of all induced abortions are done for elective, non-medical reasons. In 1973, the Supreme Court handed down Roe v. Wade ad Doe v. Bolton decisions legalizing abortion in all 50 states during all nine months of pregnancy, for any reason, medical, social, or otherwise (Abortion: Some Medical Facts). Other than spontaneous abortions, induced abortions include many different procedures, each with its own risks, consequences, and results. A chemical abortion is only one of two methods for aborting a fetus. This method involves the injection of drugs or chemicals through the abdom

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