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Grammar at its best !!!

Future Tense
The future indefinite is used for a single act that has yet to take place;
E.g. Harry will meet us at the bus station tomorrow.

Rule: - subject +shall / will + root verb

Examples: I shall finish the work before the sunset.

We shall play cricket match on Sunday. He will go to London by plane.

She will withdraw money from her savings bank account. It will rain at some places. They will leave for Boston at 5.30 a.m. the next day. You will forget to post letters into the letterbox. Britney will sing a song.
It will hurt your foot badly. The teacher will punish the late comers.

She will have a breakfast at eight oclock. This train will halt at all stations.
I shall pay dues on next Monday.

Grammar at its best !!!

Future Perfect Tense

The future perfect shows that an action will be completed at a certain time before another future action takes place;

I shall have returned home before the sunset.

Rule: - subject + shall / will + have + past participle of root verb

I shall have paid the bill by date.

We shall have got together for the meeting. You will have paid him in the same coin.

The teacher will have taught the lesson before the school is over. He will have married a daughter of rich merchant.
She will have ironed my clothes.

It will have hurt her feelings. They will have reached New York before Sunday.
Andrew will have got his hair cut at the saloon. The doctor will have given the patient some medicine. The police will have arrested the gang of robbers.

Grammar at its best !!!

Future Forms of To Be
First Person: Second Person:
Third Person:

I shall be. You will be.
He will be. She will be.

We shall be. You will be.
They will be. They will be.

It will be.

They will be.

Examples: (Affirmative Sentences) I shall be at home on Sunday.

We shall be at work the whole week.

You will be at the wedding hall day after tomorrow.

He will be on his duty.

She will be in the kitchen all day. It will be a pleasant morning. They will be at the party.

Harry will be in the class.

Children will be in the garden. My father will be out of station the day after tomorrow. The doctor will be in the dispensary.

There will be plenty of food to eat. There will be enough rainfall this year.

You will be at school tomorrow.

There will be a good harvest this year. The New Year will be prosperous to all. There will be bright sunshine next week.

The patient will be in the intensive care unit.

It will be a great moment in my life. She will be with her husband. They will be in a queue at the bus stop.

You will be in a reading room the next morning.

I shall be at my maternal uncles on next Sunday.

There will be thousands of spectators at the stadium. There will be panic in the city on account of terrorists. There will be a thunder storm tonight. My uncle will be at the parents meeting. John and his friends will be at the club.

Prices will be very high during famine. There will be misunderstanding between two friends. There will be a noise during question hour in the parliament.
The photographs will be ready by tomorrow.

The headmaster will be in his office.

I shall be very much grateful to you for your timely help. We shall be thankful to you for your cooperation. Man will be a wolf to man. Two brothers will be at daggers drawn. I shall be at your mercy.

Everything will be okay. Water will be germfree when boiled.

Guests will be with us at the dinner. There will be a snowfall during winter.

There will be a lot of joy and fun at the fair. You will be at loss in the deal.

I shall be sixty-five next July.

There will be a scarcity of drinking water on account of scanty rainfall. Very soon man will be on Mars. He will be behind the bars.
Tea will be ready in five minutes. She will be a software engineer when she grows up.

Examples: (Negative Sentences) I shall not be present in the class on Monday.

We shall not be at home next weekend.

You will not be at discomfort, I hope. You all will not be aware of this perhaps. He will not be there at this hour.

She will not be ready yet.

It will not be fair to see them late at night. They will not be in hurry, I suppose. Peter will not be in sound condition to help us.

Your mother will not be anxious about your whereabouts.

The merchant will not be dishonest to the customers.

It will not be very hot today, I hope. The train will not be late, I hope.

The film will not be as boring as you say.

The doctor will not be at the dispensary on Sunday.

The dog will not be at the gate.

Your father will not be doubtful about us. The people will not be out during curfew order. The food prices will not be steady until the new harvest. The sky will not be cloudy today.

Man will not be a beast to man. Parents will not be too busy to pay attention to their childrens study.

I shall not be able to lend you a helping hand this time. There will be no shortage of food grains next year. You will not be ungrateful to me, I trust. It will not be decent to poke my nose into your private affair. The new Government will not be so unjust to the common man.

You will not be so reckless in future.

My friend will not be thoughtless while choosing a career.

Teachers will not be partial in their profession.

Your invention will not be a curse to the mankind.

I shall not be in a position to help you. She will not be a jealous wife.

It will not be possible for me to help you all the time. She will not be responsible for the ruin of the house.
They will not be faithful to their master.

A wounded lion; however brave it may be will not be able to hunt anymore.
We shall not be your slaves henceforth.

You will not be very selfish in future.

He will not be a coward when he grows up. She will not be a greedy woman.

They will not be unfriendly to one another.

This summer will not be so harsh, I hope.

Your timely help will not be futile. The boys will not be disobedient to their parents. I shall not be a truant in future.

You shall not be traitor.

I shall not be present at the function. The New Year will not be troublesome to the entire mankind. This medicine will not be harmful to anyone. This medicine will not be harmful to anyone.

Grammar at its best !!!

Future Forms of To Do
First Person: Second Person:
Third Person:

I shall do. You will do.
He will do. She will do.

We shall do. You will do.
They will do. They will do.

It will do.

They will do.

Examples: I shall do it.

We shall do feeding.
You will do nothing. He will do tables. She will do watering.

It will do some harm to you.

They will do fire. He will not do acts of mischief. Stephen will not do wrong to anyone.

He will not do any injustice to me.

She will do embroidery in her spare time.

The agent will do a market survey.

The Managing Director will do something to increase the production.

I shall do all the arrangements of food and stay for you.

Grammar at its best !!!

Future Forms of To Have

First Person: Second Person:
Third Person:

I shall have. You will have.
He will have. She will have.

We shall have. You will have.
They will have. They will have.

It will have.

They will have.

Examples: (Affirmative Sentences) I shall have bread and butter for the breakfast.

We shall have some fun.

You will have rich experience. He will have tooth decay. She will have a child.

It will have good look.

They will have some money. My uncle will have a car next month. Peter will have a promotion.

The boys will have test matches.

You will have good education. Dogs will have infectious disease.

Farmers will have bumper crops this year. Our neighbor will have a color television set.

The school will have swimming competition.

The merchant will have a good business. The consumer will have benefit of fair price and quality. The patient will have good treatment. Everybody will have an access to education. All workers will have a New Year bonus.

The hen will have chicks after twenty one days.

Gold will have great demand during wedding season.

God will have mercy on me.

She will have some washing to do.

My grandson will have many English friends. I shall have satisfaction of helping an ambitious young man. All individuals will have rights to plug and play in the much expanded Globalized market. Only the best talents will have an access to high ranking jobs. Everyone will have job opportunity to suit his skill.

All people will have a race to run.

They will have tools to thrive and survive. They will have every opportunity to update their education, knowledge and communication skills.

Everyone will have tea and biscuits at 4 p.m.

You will have right to choose your career.

She will have equal job opportunity against her male counter parts. The patient will have two options surgery and medication.
My neighbor will have peace and happiness.

Your parents will have a great pride for you. She will have one more chance to appear in the examination and qualify for the job. Everyone will have chance to collaborate and communicate in the globalized work.
They will have software technology to compete, to win, to excel and to survive in the globalized market.

I shall have some letters to post in the letterbox.

He will have a hard struggle.

Children will have holidays. They will have a lot of fun and frolic. She will have menopause at the age of forty two. Teachers will have decent salary. Parents will have tough love to administer to their children. Children will have some pains for longer gains.

They will have incessant struggle for survival.

Examples: (Negative Sentences) I shall have no any selfish motive behind this.

We shall have no claim over our children unless we make them the best citizens of Globalized World.
You will have no guarantee of job in the Globalized world of works. He will have no lame excuse for his failure. She will have no ground for doubt. It will have no any side effect.

They will have no share in the profit without work.

They will have no restrictions of any sorts.

The boys will have no permission to complain against the management.

The teacher will have no binding of workload. I shall have no objection in the matter.

We shall have no objections to your proposal.

The merchant will have no rights to cheat customers.

The Government will have no ground to levy unjust taxes. The new budget will have no effect on the common man.
It will have no solution.

The people will have no relief.

You will have no chance to escape punishment. She will have no voice in the parliament as she is from the opposition.

The change in the climate will have no adverse effect on life. The politician will have no ground to harass the people. You will have no access to free ship. She will have no talents for high ranking jobs. He will have no support from his parents.

Andy will have no special facilities. She will have no permission to go out.
I shall have no trust in you, henceforth. They will have no right to indulge in fighting with others. I shall have no extra money to spend. She will have no one to help her.

You will not have any discomfort in our house. It will have no advantage over me.

Fisherman will have no bait for fishing.

You will have no replacement once the article is sold.

I shall have no connection with them.

You will have no loan facility. No one will have free gate pass. You will have no right to freedom of speech.

The students will have no freedom to hold elections. No one will have liquor in the college premises. You will have no right to hold illegal property.

I shall have no bank balance after this withdrawal. He will have no more interest in studies.

She will have no hard work to do. Strangers will have no right to trespass.
You will have no free ticket. Passengers under 65 will have no concession in the fare. Dogs will have no entry. We shall have no information from the office.

We shall have no help till tomorrow.

Grammar at its best !!!

Future Continuous Tense

Future continuous shows that an action going on at some point in future time;
E.g. She will be preparing breakfast then.

Rule: - subject + shall / will + be + root verb + ing

Examples: I shall be waiting for you at the bus stop.

We shall be doing our lessons at school. You will be working out mathematical problems.

He will be brushing his teeth at that time.

She will be washing clothes at the water tap. It will be raining at this time. They will be chatting whole morning.

George will be fishing all day tomorrow.

Monica will be cooking for us tonight. The boys will be playing cricket the whole afternoon. Cattle will be grazing in the meadow. The doctor will be examining the patients tonight.

The dog will be guarding my house day and night. We shall be going for picnic on Sunday.

Grammar at its best !!!

Future Perfect Continuous Tense

The Future perfect continuous shows that the action will be going on before it will be finished at a certain future time;

They will have been arguing whole day.

I shall have been reading two hours. The class teacher will have been preparing progress charts of the students. The shopkeeper will have been weighing things for the consumers.

Rule: - subject + shall have, will have + been + root verb + ing

Example: I shall have been washing my car the whole morning. We shall have been playing football in the afternoon.

You will have been teasing them all day.

He will have been solving the problems whole morning. She will have been sewing loose buttons of my shirt.

It will have been raining the whole night.

The sparrows will have been collecting materials for the nests. They will have been eating ice-cream in the garden. Mary will have been playing with her pretty doll.

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