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Launceston General Hospital Policy (March 2007) SDMS ID: P2010/0165-001 Ref No 6.

11-08 WACS LGHCLINProc00 Title: Replaces: Description: Target Audience: Key Words: Policy Supported: Role of the Psychiatric Nurse in Initial Assessment and Specialling in Ward 4K. No

How to provide nursing care to paediatric psychiatric patients on ward 4K within the Legislative framework provided within the context of the Nursing Board of Tasmania Guidelines. Mental health team, oakrise,DEM,4K,Paediatricains, After Hours Nurse managers Paediatric Psychiatric patients on Ward 4K

P2010/0374-002 Memorandum of Understanding Mental Health and LGH

BACKGROUND: Mental Health Services and Ward 4K are to work in partnership, facilitating a co-operative work environment to ensure optimal outcomes for clients in their joint care. STRATEGIES: 1. A senior Psychiatric Nurse is to be involved in the initial assessment process of the client within the Department of Emergency Medicine. This is to be done in consultation with the Psychiatrist, or the Psychiatric Registrar. 2. The Psychiatric Nurse is responsible for formulating and documenting a management plan, including a risk assessment, in consultation with the Psychiatrist, or the Psychiatric Registrar. 3. The Psychiatric Nurse is to ensure that the client's psychiatric history is taken to Ward 4K upon admission and remains on Ward 4K for the duration of the client's admission, allowing immediate access for the psychiatric team. 4. When the client has a psychiatric diagnosis, the Psychiatric Nurse is responsible for both the physical and psychiatric aspects of care for the client. The physical aspects of care include daily hygiene, fluid and dietary intake; and physical observations including blood pressure, temperature, pulse and respirations. The psychiatric aspects of care include the administration of medications as prescribed on the client's medication chart, daily risk assessment where applicable and daily mental state assessment. 5. When the client has a psychiatric diagnosis in combination with a medical condition, Ward 4K staff are responsible for the provision of medical care. 6. It is the responsibility of the Psychiatric Nurse to liaise and consult with other disciplines of Mental Health Services and family members involved in the management of the client. 7. The Psychiatric Nurse is to keep the Clinical Nurse Manager of Ward IE informed of management issues and progress on a daily basis. 8. The Psychiatric Nurse is to ensure that the Psychiatrist in charge of the client's care clearly documents in the client's progress notes when the special has ceased.
Title XX Oct-10 LGHClinproc0000000

All Staff Positions accountable for CNC 4K, After-Hours Nurse Manager, Emergency Dept. a) compliance with the policy: b) monitoring and evaluation of the policy: c) development and revision of the policy:

Unit Manager or Department Heads Positions accountable for a) compliance with the policy: b) monitoring and evaluation of the policy: c) development and revision of the policy: Performance Indicators: Non-compliance of the policy will be monitored by the CNC 4K. Review Date: Annually verified for currency or as changes occur, and reviewed every 3 years via the Document Development Checklist and process. Department of Womens & Childrens Services and Department of Mental Health. Above.

Developed By: Stakeholders:

___________________________ Sue McBeath Co-Director (Nursing & Midwifery) Womens & Childrens Services

Date: ____________________

Title XX Oct-10


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