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Tools drivers required for development

CC2531 Head-End Two CC2531 evaluation board are used as the coordinator and the packet sniffer hardware respectively. The evaluation board related document can be downloaded from here. To program and debug software running on the CC2531 USB dongle an external development tool, like the CC-Debugger.CC-Debugger related documents can be downloaded from here The CC2531 Dongle comes preprogrammed with software that lets the dongle operate as a packet capture device for the SmartRF Packet Sniffer. The other CC2531 dongle/evaluation board has to be programmed with coordinator relate hex file. This is again done by using CC-Debugger. This Quick Start Guide will describe how to use the dongle with the packet sniffer and the next steps for your own software development. CC2530 Radio Board The radio board consists of CC2530SOC. The data sheet and user guides are found here. To program and debug software running on the radio board an external development tool, like the CC-Debugger. There are two different connectors supplied with CC-Debugger.They are compatible with the radio board and CC2531 evaluation board. The radio board is programmed with ZNP software The ZNP software/Z-Stack [ is needed to generate the end-node hex code] related documents can be found here. In case you want to customize your software IAR IDE 8051 is needed to program the CC2531 dongle evaluation board and radio board There are hex files and example files provided by TI that can be normally used. Read the compile options guide for more specific details for setting the transmit power, channel number, enabling security features etc.

IAR embedded work bench. The CC-2530 and CC2531 related development need IAR-8051 embedded work bench.This is available only for windows environment .You need to either subscribe for code limited version but perpetual license or full feature but time-limited version after installing the IAR work bench. The procedures require an active internet connection and can be launched after installing the IAR embedded work bench. Procesor ( LPC1347) related development We used LPC1347 evaluation break away board to interface the debugging and development circuitry for processor related coding. The LPC1347 evaluation board[LPC Expresso break away board] related information can be downloaded from here. In order to use this as a debugger interface please read the breaking away procedure explained in the document . To download and de-bug you need to five jumpers to connect the processor board and the debugger board. Please follow the schematics and do this accordingly. The sample set up picture is given here. The IDE for LPC1347 comes for linux apple mac and also windows all these files can be downloaded here. You must first register for a code limited but not time limited NXP version of the LPC-expresson.We used 4.X from code red for our development. Sensor board related development You do not need to individually download any code to pre-program the sensor board to work with rest of the system. The sensor board PGA[LMP8358], ADC[ADC161S626] are SPI compatible devices and require the LPC1347 controller to run simple SPI WRITE and SPI READ[respectively] routines to make them work. Their data sheets are provided here. The accelerometer is I2C compatible device and it requires few steps to program from LPC to set the registers for thresholds, to support sleep and wake up configuration, to support interrupts etc. The data-sheet and corresponding application notes are provided here.

Typical application scenario

Number of WSN Node is enclosed and placed firmly on the steel girder below the railway track. A head-end PC is populated with a RF packet sniffer hardware and zig-bee coordinator hardware. This set up are placed at a suitable and convenient place away from the wsn node. The head end node which is a zig bee coordinator device authorizes the association requests from the zig-bee radio node. These strain gauge sensor filament is stuck on the girder whose strain has to be measured The micro controller in wsn node is mostly in deep-power-down state, the accelerometer and the zigbee end node radio are in sleep mode

Upon the arrival of a train the accelerometer senses the vibration wakes up the wakes up and interrupts the controller. The micro-controller then samples the accelerometer, sets the default gain in the gain amplifier then reads the ADC . The radio is associated with the head end coordinator before going to sleep The micro-controller sends the received packets from the accelerometer and ADC to the Radio with appropriate and unique identifiers and markers. The radio transmits the packets thus received from the micro-controller to the head-end node. These packets are received by the sniffer and dumped for further analysis..

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