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Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 07 February 2010

Welcome to your Newsletter. I do hope that you have enjoyed a Wonderful, Joyful and Healthy "week". As always I have the greatest pleasure in welcoming all new members to this Newsletter, published every Sunday. As we accelerate towards the Great Transition, we approach the Point by which Moment every human being should knows their path and position upon it, a Path concealed from humanity for thousands of years due to the ambitions of the few. Before anyone can awaken and joyfully set foot on their True Path they must be aware of the choices - just as you once were. So please do forward this document, or the link to download it to as many people you know, care about and Love as possible, and let them decide for themselves. If you are receiving this Newsletter for the first time, and wish to receive it every Sunday, visit our website and enter your details in the form at the top of every page: For those wishing for a higher understanding of the mysteries of Life, my book, Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and Destiny of Mankind can be of Service, and is available in Paperback from adid=0RHDXKN8RN1GYZVFFYEG& And For readers in the UK from =07F1DAPYQTFZMJTHS64A&

Chakra Meditation Update

I would like to thank everyone enquiring about the status of The Chakra Meditation. I am delighted to say that it is nearly ready to make available to you. I apologise for the delay which was largely due to my home move and to ensure that The Chakra Meditation is as ready as possible for you.

The Principle of Expression

During our previous two newsletters we discussed The Perception Deception, which introduced the illusory nature of what people regards as "reality" and The Experiential Loop which is the mechanism through which it is propagated. This week, in the final part of this three part series, we will discuss, in the Light of this Knowledge, precisely how we may Express any Experience we desire. I have named this process in the interests of understanding, "The Principle of Expression". Now the fundamental basis for Personal Empowerment is True Understanding. In the past, most notably with orthodox religions, the nominated representatives, e.g. the "clergy", tell the congregation how things are supposed to be, and the congregation is expected to blindly believe it. Even the "Law of Attraction" has assumed the characteristics of a religion, with thousands of "experts" preaching about it. Now let me say right away that the reason The Law of Attraction fails for most people is for the same reason that religious prayer fails for most people - they are abrogating their personal power to self-appointed intermediaries, e.g. the clergy, and/or, to some external fictitious deity, generically known as "God". As Expressions of the Divine we have, flowing within and through us, All of the Same Powers of The Divine - Source. Our Experience, in any Moment, is proportional to our ability of Divine Expression. With Understanding comes True Faith, and through True Faith we Claim Our Divine Inner Strength, Power and above All - Love. An intellectual or academic understanding is not enough, it is rather an All Encompassing Knowing and Feeling Within Our Very Being. Let us first look at 10 Fundamentals for Invoking The Principle of Expression:

1. Implicit Inner Knowing of the Truth that We Are Expressions of The One Source Energy, First Cause, "God Principle".

When we Express our wishes, needs and desires in to our material, experiential reality, we do not do so through our own "power". It is Crucial to Understand, Know and Feel, beyond doubt that..... We are not "attracting" anything from anywhere. There is No "Where" We are Already Whole and Cannot Be Added To or Subtracted From. The Entire Universe, All Creation, All That Is, Eternally Exists Within Us. Nothing exists outside of or apart from us. The Great Master who became known as Jesus taught this Truth thus: "I and the Father are One". "The Father within me doeth the works." It is crucial to know and understand that when Jesus uses the singular "I" or "Me", He Actually means You, I and Every Human Being. We are all Equal, Infinite, Immortal, Divine Expressions of Our Source, and All CoCreators in the Universe Through and With Source.. Our Experiences here on Earth are very simple but necessary in the Grand Scheme of Things. The Physical Universe - Earth in our case - may be likened to the Kindergarten of the Universe, a Sandbox where those Spirits just setting out on the Divine Path may play and learn without affecting the World outside the Sandbox. It is because of our Unlimited, Divine Power that this is necessary, that we may learn, through Experience and Divine Freewill, and through numerous incarnations of Higher Self, that we become prepared for a Role in the Greater Universe, beyond the comprehension of most, and one that carries with it Great Responsibilities Only When Higher Self has completed Its missions, and gained the necessary Spiritual Maturity - proportional to the Vibratory Rate of our Spiritual Body here we move on to Experiences as Expressions of the Divine Which are Glorious, far beyond the comprehension of Mortal Humans as we take our place in the Great Works of God, which are Splendid, perfect and Eternal. The Incarnation of the Higher Self that achieves Enlightenment and thus completes the mission, assumes the Identity, Individuality of Higher Self, which, thus complete, goes on as a Whole yet Evolving Spiritual Being on to far Greater adventures, all Ultimately leading to re-Unity with Our Source from Whence we were Expressed.

2. Faith

Perfect Faith is the most important Principle and Power behind Expression. Faith can have two polarities - Positive/Creative and negative/destructive. Hebrews 11:2 of the Old Testament, most succinctly said of Faith: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Faith is therefore the Certain, Absolute Feeling and Knowing that we Already Have Everything we could possibly wish for need and desire. Anything we can possibly desire Already Exists as Part of Us and Part of The Whole, all we ever need do is Become Aware of it. Much more could and should be said about Faith but which would occupy many pages, if not an entire book. I will dedicate future Newsletters to this Most Fundamental Factor in our lives. Suffice it to say - True Faith is immensely powerful as opposed to blind faith which is utterly powerless and has no value except for perhaps comfort factor.

3. Expectation

Expectation is quite simply Faith in progress. An absolute Knowing that You Can Experience the object of your desires, your Faith. Expectation is The Faith that whatever you are Choosing to Express through Source is available to your Experiential Reality - your Experience - In Your Life. There is no such condition as "hope". "Hope" is weakness. "Hope" is lack of True Faith Expectation is Strength.

4. Belief

Belief goes hand in hand with Faith. "Belief" is not some abstract belief in some deity which will only help you if you follow a set of rules. Belief is True, Unshakeable Belief in Your Own Divine Powers of Expression. This is why the Master known as Jesus spoke of Belief so frequently, often in the context of Faith. Belief is the unshakable Belief in Who we Are as Expressions of the Divine, and therefore the Certain Belief that All Experience is possible with Perfect Faith.

5. Trust

Trust is Trusting in our own Infinite Power and Potential as and Through, The Divine, Source Energy, God. If we do not Trust Our Divine Reality, how can we Trust our Divine Powers? Trust supports Faith and Belief. It is through Trust in Who We Are that We Experience.

6. Acceptance

As we know already that the Expression of our wishes, needs and desires are already part of us, we must Accept them with Joy, Love and Gratitude.

7. Gratitude

Gratitude is not simply an uttering of thanks - indeed such uttering's are so often stated in the interests of politeness. True Gratitude is rather a Feeling, Knowing and Energy that recognises that the Expression of needs, wishes and desires has already been Realised through the Expressive Energy of Divine Providence. Gratitude is never a pre-condition of experiencing our wishes, needs, and desires, but rather an Inner Knowing that we already have and enjoying them. Gratitude therefore goes hand in hand with Faith and Belief, all of Which already acknowledge beyond such sentiments as "hope" that Whatever we wish for is Ours.

These final three factors in The Principle of Expression are not States of Consciousness in the same way as our first seven, they are rather Expressive Forces or Energies that give Power to the Expressive Principle.

8. Imagination

Imagination is an important Expressive Quality of Mind that Crystallises, the Nature of that which we are Expressing in to our Experiential Reality. The Clearer we can Visualise, Feel, Hear, Taste and Smell - not at a physical level but at a mental level - the Aspect of Mind Principle The more Real" and persistent it becomes Now it is impossible to Imagine anything that does not Already Exist within the All of the Eternal Now. If We can Imagine it, We can Experience it - without limitation. It is impossible to Imagine something "too big" to Experience. If it was "too big to Experience at our stage of Evolution, then we would not vibrate in harmony with it, and would not be available to our Field of Imagination. Never be afraid of being "greedy", or "unworthy" or minimalistic. If You Can Imagine it then you are Worth of it and may accordingly Experience it.

9. Emotion

Emotion is a state of Consciousness that influences the Expression of our Experience in accordance with the quality of the Vibration of the corresponding Emotion. Emotion can therefore be thought of as E-Motion, or "Energy in Motion". The more Positive Emotional Energy we Invoke Within, in the context of the Expressive Nature of our needs wishes and Desires, the "faster" relative to the concept of Earth "time", will those needs, wishes and desires be Expressed in to our Experiential Reality. Such Emotions are for example Excitement, Joy and even Euphoria. E-Motion is therefore a powerful catalyst in the Expression process.

10. Feeling.

Feeling works hand in hand with Emotion, in that the more we can Feel that which we are experiencing, the Expressed Fruits of your Imagination, the sooner we will Realise those Feelings in our Experiential Reality. I hope that these last three newsletters have helped you to understand and assimilate our true Divine Nature, and therefore Empowering you to Express the Experience of your choosing. It is not enough to understand at an academic or intellectual level. True Understand is the True Inner Knowing of our Divine Reality, Powers and Responsibility. This I promise you. When you have assimilated all we have discussed and live your Life in this way - In Source, In God - then your Experience must and will be Truly Magical, for this is True Magic in its Purest Form. Until next newsletter I wish you every Joy and may you always Express your Perfect Experience in the Only Moment of Now - Which is All There Is. And so it is. Brought to You In Divine Love and Light, Adrian.

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