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Gross Outlook
September 2004


Home runs, slam-dunks, and go-for- nize there is always more than a sporting
broke downfield passes are the highlight chance that we can be wrong, that we
moments in professional sports, but might wind up in a locker room filled
every coach will tell you it’s defense that with tears instead of champagne.
wins championships. Similarly, the Peter
Lynch “10-bagger” and PIMCO’s recent When your offense goes flat, when the
$35 billion purchase of Treasuries are long bomb falls incomplete or the slam-
what gain the raves of journalists and the dunk incredibly bounces off the rim, then
investment media. But it’s a portfolio’s a coach looks to his defense to hold the
structure—in addition to its strategic line. I use this metaphor not to report on,
sizzle—that provides the foundation for or even to anticipate, a secular forecasting
consistent alpha generation and long- “miss.” PIMCO has had a high histori-
term performance. It’s not that the deci- cal percentage rate of completions and I
sive interest rate calls don’t make money, have no reason to anticipate otherwise in
or that the headlines and articles about future years. It is just that—to restate the
them don’t sell tickets—they do. But you metaphor’s premise—championships are
can’t count on strategy to add value every won with a great defense and in invest-
year, especially when markets don’t move ment terminology that speaks to a portfo-
much, although approaching markets lio’s structure, its fundamental character
from a strategic long-term perspective is that incorporates longer than secular,
one tactic to try to put the odds in your near permanent principles that should be
favor. If your “macro” bets germinate able to deliver alpha during years when
from observations of somewhat consis- the magic shooting touch seems to have
tent secular trends such as demographics, disappeared, or there’s simply a time-out
globalization, and voter attitudes towards on the court with secular investment
the private or public sectors, then you opportunities few and far between.
have a leg up on your competition. That,
at least, has been the PIMCO philoso- I have written about investment struc-
phy, and our performance numbers and ture in prior Investment Outlooks and,
information ratios for several decades therefore, I will only briefly summarize
now provide validation. Still, we recog- here. Banks have a formidable investment
Investment Outlook

structure and therefore, a great defense: in, year out consistency. While not try-
borrow short near the risk free rate— ing to reinvent the wheel, our ongoing
lend longer and riskier. If a bank doesn’t structure acknowledged the formation
overdo it (and they can and have) profits of an increasing array of new wheels
are almost guaranteed on a long-term made of rubber and synthetics instead
basis as long as capitalism as we know of stone. While some of these financial
it survives. Insurance companies with innovations were judged faulty by us and
their “free” reserves and predictable li- later disintegrated at high speeds, others
abilities have another financial structure promised to provide traction on rain slick
almost guaranteed to generate a positive highways—a better defense. These were
return on capital. Closer to home, Warren the ones we added to the team, and they
Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway has a struc- include futures, the moderate sale of
ture dependent on “float”—he writes and options and volatility, as well as the use
talks about it frequently—which when of increasingly liquid credit sectors such
combined with his bottom-up secular as emerging market bonds and swaps.
stock picks have led to one of the world’s
great fortunes and investment success More recently, my PIMCO associates and
stories. I have become enamored with financial
market history, deciphering what struc-
Each of these “structures” shares the tural elements of the bond market have
common element of longevity and near provided the best risk/return character-
permanence. They span time periods istics over a century of time and asking
beyond even the secular segments of whether conditions still exist under which
3-5 years, which define our own PIMCO these same structures would continue to
forecasts, or recent secular stretches of thrive. They include durational, curve, and
inflation/disinflation that have endured real interest rate histories, which in certain
over several decades of time. In addition combinations have produced consistent
to their profit generating elements then, alpha relative to the “market” under most
an investment’s structural magic comes environments. Harry Markowitz, while
from its Methuselahian ability to persist. speaking primarily to stocks in the late
An investment coach, therefore, would 1950s, might have labeled this structural
label a structural player as “steady, reli- quest as an attempt to extend the bond
able—a great defender.” market’s “efficient frontier” not via his
diversification theories, but through a tilted
PIMCO’s defense has evolved through or less diversified mix of securities that
the years, adding a player here, a player would maximize return relative to desired
there, all of whom exhibited alpha gen- risk. I would agree with that conceptual
erating capabilities with the goal of year framework. A bond portfolio almost

September 2004
certainly has a “structural” efficient fron- risk by concentrating “structural” posi-
tier and the attempt to find it is allegorically tions. In structural bond market parlance,
akin to the quest for a financial philoso- such a strategy would lead to accentuat-
pher’s stone, where the money manager ing longer-term profitable structures and
instead of turning lead into gold, attempts de-emphasizing less profitable, “alpha
to turn index returns into “index + alpha” lite” alternatives—assuming they even
without increased risk on an intermediate to existed. While the short-term, day-to-day
long-term timeframe (important qualification). volatility of this new bulked-up structure
would logically be greater than its index,
With the Lehman Brothers Aggregate it should be (and has proved to be) mini-
as one of our clients’ referenced bogeys, mal relative to increased returns. In fact,
however, we start every January 1st “alpha- PIMCO’s historical tracking error for a
less.” And while alpha typically refers to representative number of our bond port-
pure “active” return which is the value folios relative to their respective indices
added by the manager, I would argue approaches 1.0 with resultant information
that structural, semi-permanent altera- ratios approaching 1.0 as well.*
tions in portfolio composition relative to
their index can qualify as alpha as well, Such a structural, alpha+ assumption
even though “structural” changes may might initially appear as futile as look-
seem glacial as opposed to frequent. ing for that alchemist’s stone that could
To add alpha via structure though, we turn lead into gold. But what if, unlike
must alter an already existing structure the physical world of atoms and relatively
without increasing measurable risk in a stable elements and compounds, long-
significant way, or better yet, we must standing human/investor preferences
find those structural elements within the exerted a risk/reward bias on the bond
index itself that exhibit the best reward market? What if accounting standards,
relative to risk over time and accentuate mortgage structures, regulatory biases,
those while reducing and de-emphasiz- or simply individual risk/liquidity prefer-
ing the structures that do just the oppo- ences moved an index or the market itself
site. I did this in another form while play- away from the efficient frontier, sacrificing
ing a professionals’ game of blackjack in too much return for too little reduction
Las Vegas during 1966. I made small bets in risk? Then you would have a crack
when the odds favored the dealer and in the door and a chance to open it and
doubled, tripled and quintupled them find the bond market’s structural philos-
when the remaining cards in the deck opher’s stone—a near enduring structure
favored me. This is not Markowitz’s effi- that added alpha even without active
cient frontier based on diversification, but management. In fact, a goodly portion of
an attempt to maximize return relative to the advertised “active” management would
consist of research and ongoing thinking or merely dressing up in a sorcerer’s
to not only find new high reward/low costume with a pointed hat shouting
risk structures, but to ensure that those ‘Abracadabra’.” Well, not so. In the last
in place remained profitable and consis- few years of Investment Outlooks, I have
tently alpha generating. written about nearly all of them in some
detail. In addition, during your individual
This, ladies and gents, is my Merlin’s and joint PIMCO seminar visits, I have
eye vision of the modern day and future elaborated as well. To reiterate the general
PIMCO. As coach for nearly three decades philosophy: bond market structural alpha
and, hopefully, a few more (years), I have exists because of segmentation, regulatory,
come to appreciate the importance of and risk biases that almost invariably lead
providing consistent alpha. In addition, to higher returns relative to inherent risks
whereas in the early years, that alpha was for some investments. By identifying those
generated almost exclusively by offensive structures (curve, the mild sale of volatil-
thrusts, utilizing secular strategies oriented ity, and utilization of futures instead of cash
around interest rate and sector spread Treasuries—to name the primary ones)
forecasting, today we have used our draft and emphasizing the alpha generating
choices and free agency to build a solid ones relative to sub-par index holdings, a
structural defense as well that comes in portfolio manager can generate structural
especially handy when secular investment alpha that is independent of day-to-day
strategies are limited by reduced volatil- or year-to-year investment strategies
ity. When you visit today’s avant-garde with hopefully (and historically) similar
PIMCO, it is hopefully very obvious that volatility.
there are lots of Barry Bonds, Peyton Man-
ning, and Shaquille O’Neal look-alikes on Can’t I still be more specific? Well, I’m
our various floors, although none with running out of space and like I said, all
size 24 shoes! But it should also become you have to do is read the old Outlooks
increasingly apparent that we have bulked and ask about what might be new when
up our linebackers and developed a host you visit. Besides, you wouldn’t expect
of Gold Glove defenders. a so-called magician to be telling you all
his tricks would you? That would take
“Not so obvious to me,” you say. “You’ve all the mystery and maybe even some of
written here about philosopher’s stones the alpha out of it.
and defensive structural strategies with-
out ever really telling me much about William H. Gross
what they are so that I could judge for Managing Director
myself whether you’re making sense
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

*This information is based on a representative total return account that makes up the majority of the total return
strategy portfolios with at least 10 years of performance data.

This article contains the current opinions of the author and such opinions are subject to change without notice.
This article has been distributed for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation or offer of any
particular security, strategy or investment product. Information contained herein has been obtained from sources
believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed.

Each sector of the bond market entails risk. Investments in derivative instruments, such as options contracts,
futures contracts, options on futures contracts and swap agreements may involve certain costs and risks such
as liquidity risk, interest rate risk, market risk, credit risk, management risk and the risk that a portfolio could
not close out a position when it would be most advantageous to do so. Portfolios investing in derivatives could
lose more than the principal amount invested. Investing in non-U.S. securities may entail risk due to non-U.S.
economic and political developments, which may be enhanced when investing in emerging markets.

No part of this article may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express
written permission of Pacific Investment Management Company LLC. ©2004, PIMCO.

840 Newport Center Drive

Newport Beach, CA 92660

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