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Chapter 44 Autumn Breezes The summer closed with a whimper.

. Autumn cool breezes filtered through the land like a fresh breath, driving away the fear and grief of the past few months. Since their wedding, Harry and Ginny had been involved in the events surrounding Morganas glorified escape attempt, and any attempt at normalcy or routine had been fleeting, at best. The cooling temperatures helped to level the fears and anxiety that permeated the Ministry of Magic. The losses to the Cerberus attack turned out to be lighter than first feared. Over the months since the assault, the injured had returned to a modicum of health. The dead were mourned, and the granite memorial wall in the passageway in the Office of Aurors had been appropriately decorated with the names and images of the seven Aurors that had been lost. Harry walked passed the wall, reflecting on the dead. He saw Masterson, who was ambushed trying to protect Luna Lovegood. Beside him were faces of Dawes and Milton, forever bound together in memory as they were friends in life. Harry continued to reflect on the images, his eyes passing through and finally resting on Gawain Robards. Gawain had been the head of the Office of Aurors for years, and in fact had recommended Harry for acceptance to that august group. Robards had fallen, facing the enemy, but his loss was felt to this day. Harry! The voice knocked him out his reflection. Turning, Harry saw the approaching figure of John Dawlish, newly designated chief of the Office of Aurors. There you are, I thought you were heading to the training arena? Im heading there later; Lachlan wanted to run Ron through some advanced scenarios, so I asked if Sarah could join them. Lachlan is much more devious than I am. Ron and Sarah were flying through training. Their experience over the summer had allowed Dawlish to take the unprecedented step of passing them through their Year Two M.A.G.E.s. The added bonus was that both were now taking accelerated training to take their third and final M.A.G.E. by Christmastime, allowing them to become full Aurors more rapidly than anyone else had, in the history of the office. Part of the reason was the holes left by the losses, but both Ron and Sarah had distinguished themselves in the field and practical experience trumped school lessons any time. Lachlan is devious. Dawlish let out a chuckle. When he was my tutor, he liked to set my wand on fire with a flagrante charm, forcing me to either cast a spell or drop the wand. Speaking of which, how have you been coming along with your trials at wandless magic? Since his return, Harry had been working with Miles Jackson-Smythe on refining his skills at casting spells without a wand. Its been inconsistent. I do pretty well with defensive spells and charms. Its the offensive spells I seem to have problems with. Were working on it. Harry laughed, the level of weakness of his stunning spells versus his shield spells when he cast them without his wand was over a factor of ten. Hows Cavendish? Dawlishs cheeks reddened; a completely different look for the older wizard. His budding romance with the mysterious amber-eyed Auror had caught the Office by surprise, but was appreciated, nonetheless. Since his elevation to head the Office, Dawlish had been reticent to discuss the matter, feeling that he didnt want to show favoritism. Harrys view was entirely different, liking the fact that Dawlish was exhibiting signs of life outside the office. He let his friend off the hook, Did you need something? No, Im heading up to the Ministers office. Dawlish gave a wave and made for the bank of lifts at the end of the hall. Harry waved him off and continued his stride down the hall. With the carnage that had occurred inside the Ministry and in the Office of Aurors, Dawlish had instituted a massive overhaul of their facilities. While the training arena was kept, the Aurors were now housed in one large room lined with office cubicles. Each Auror was assigned a

cubicle with senior Aurors assigned spaces towards the front of the row. Dawlish made sure that seniority in the ranks had nothing to do with time in service. His senior Aurors were now Lachlan McCrory, Savage, Proudfoot and Harry. Each had office space at the head of a row of cubicles. The Aurors who sat in the adjacent office spaces in their row were members of the senior Aurors team. Each team consisted of eight Aurors, including their leader and the Ministry had mandated that the Auror population would not exceed thirty members, unless required by crisis. Dawlish was aiming for a leaner, more agile organization. The unspoken offshoot of this method, was that the Aurors became the elite of the elite. The Azkeban guardians were assigned to the Ministry directly and the Hit Team was still being reestablished. For now, the Office of Aurors was the primary law enforcement mechanism for the Ministry and Harry was a key part of it. He walked to his desk and sat for a moment, ignoring the piles of paperwork and memos that were stacked upon it. A flutter of wings announced the arrival of his owl, Helios, a great golden owl that had been a gift to him from Ginny when he turned eighteen. A note hung loosely from his leg so Harry rose up and pulled it from its binding. Absently, he rubbed the owls proud head as he perused the message, Ginnys unmistakable scrawl marking its words. Harry, Ive decided to drop in and pick you up at work. If you turn around, youll see me standing just behind you. Love Ginny. His hand dropped to his side and he turned around and there she was, bright as day. She was wearing jeans and a sweater, her normal wear for work as she spent the bulk of her time at Quidditch pitches, in her role as the chief Quidditch correspondent for the Daily Prophet. She was leaning against a wall, her arms crossed. Her brown eyes sparkled, matching the full lips of her smile. He soaked in her beauty, her auburn locks framed around her face, making her stand out. Her expression was sly, coquettish, the hint of mischief in her face. He felt a pulse of electricity cross the space between them and hit him between the eyes and stop his heart. He honestly could say that shed never seemed more beautiful and that he loved more, right now, then ever before. Heedless of where he was and what he was doing, he walked over and grabbed her up off her feet and swung her around in a circle, delighted at her presence. Before he allowed reality to set in, he kissed her and the electricity hed been feeling turned into a ful l power surge. The power of her presence, the softness of her lips, the smell of her hair, her total essence caused his knees to buckle and he found himself trying to lean against a nearby wall, overcome with Ginny being, well, Ginny. What are you doing here? His question wasnt alarmed; in fact, he absolutely radiated thorough elation at her visit. Work is fine; I just finished my story for deadline. I was thinking, She winked at him, turning her head down slightly, Well, its just that I missed you and I had to find you straight away. He gave her a wry look, still not really piecing together where she was going. Have you seen the weather outside, Harry? The turn of the conversation was odd, but seeing that he hadnt been outside, really outside, not just seeing the weather patterns produced on the Ministrys walls in almost a week, he shook his head no. Its beautiful out. The trees are turning colors, the wind is brisk, and its one of my favorite times of the year. I love walking outs ide in the fall almost more than any other time, but do you know what I enjoy more than walking in the fall? Harry couldnt stop himself; he was, after all, a man. Ive got a few guesses. His tone was decidedly more teasing. She blushed, telling him that hed not been far off the mark, but she recovered enough to offer him a playful punch to the shoulder. Manners! Thats not what I had in mind. Her cheeks were burning furiously, their shade almost matching her hair. What I was saying before yo ur mind went to the gutter was that what I fancy more than a walk outside on a cool autumn day is taking that walk with my man.

She pulled him by the arm; he didnt really offer much resistance. That is, if I dont break his legs for embarrassing me in front of his coworkers. She was playful and he loved that part of her as well. Now that was just dirty! Ron Weasley entered the cubicle area trailed by Sarah and Lachlan who could barely restrain a tremendous bout of laughter. Rons clothing was in tatters, all shredded save for his boxers which were adorned with large hearts that had H loves R in perpetual rotation around each. Harry controlled his response, while Ginny hid her head behind his back, shoulders wracking in an uncontrollable bout of hysterics. Ron, what happened? What happened? Ron turned towards Harry with an obvious attempt to retain some portion of his pride. Lachlan over here used a Reducio spell on my clothes, Harry. Those robes were a gift from Hermione! He shrank my clothes and then disarmed me when my shirt sleeves drew too tight. Harry nodded sagely. Ron, youve been in some nasty rows, you know that there arent any rules to fighting, except maybe, to win. Harrys neck was turning a brilliant shade of red, and he was desperately trying not to make eye contact with the perpetrators of Rons predicament. There is one bright spot, though, Ron. Harry choked on his words. Ron eyed Harry closely, just now noticing the form of his sister who was gasping for breath behind her husband, unable to stifle her laugh. Whats that, Harry? You can tell Hermione that Lachlan didnt destroy all of the clothes she gave you. Harry began to snicker, his control fading. Although, Im hoping that the reducio spell hadnt hit your boxers, because, imagine the size they were before being reduced? Ginny just managed to pull Harry down the hall before Ron reduced his best friend. As they ran down the hallway she leaned to Harry and whispered, Remind me that I have to find you a different present for Christmas. She paused, the image of Rons mishap in her mind, Hermione already stole my idea. Harry stopped and stared at her for a moment. Cinching up his trousers, he chased after her disappearing form hoping shed been joking. Chapter 45 Office Politics A palpable change permeated the air in Diagon Alley. As the days of autumn passed, the merchants at the various establishments prepared themselves for the Halloween and Christmas rushes. They peddled their wares more aggressively, highlighting specials and exclusives to the increasing numbers in the throng of shoppers passing by. The crowd both inside and outside of Weasleys Wizards Wheezes was especially exuberant as its proprietors, Lee Jordan and Geo rge Weasley took every opportunity to ensure that this seasons new product lines were aggressively marketed to the masses. This year, they had a new employee. For the most part, muggles did not flourish in the wizard world, however, the Wheezes had an especially popular section that specialized in muggle sleight of hand and illusion. Dudley Dursley had bonded with Lee and George during Harrys bachelor party and his particular expertise in muggle tricks and gaffs offered Weasleys Wizard Wheezes a unique source of products. The partnership was doing extremely well and the association with George and Lee had brought Dudley out of his shell and made him more open, more fun. Of course, Ginny would never acknowledge that something beneficial could be made out of an association with George and Lee, but she was willing to give Dudley the benefit of the doubt. She

shook her head as she passed 93 Diagon Alley, the home office of Weasleys Wizard Wheezes , watching Dudley and Lee trying out an assortment of Whoopie cushions on several unsuspecting diners at a nearby sidewalk caf. Dudley had purchased several of the rubber bladders and brought them to the Lee, whod added a foul scent to the standard offering, which completely changed the dynamic of the joke. Ginny had to make her way past her brothers shop everyday she went into the offices of the Daily Prophet, and tried with as much aplomb to disassociate herself with their antics. Her role as the chief Quidditch correspondent for the Prophet was going well. It hadnt hurt that she was still renowned for her prowess on the pitch and she leveraged her past relationships to find storylines with impact. She made a point to avoid the more salacious aspects of her subjects. The Quidditch world had been buzzing ever since rumors of a torrid relationship surfaced between Gwenog Jones, captain of her former club, the Holyhead Harpies and Oliver Wood, the starting keeper for the Harpies rival Puddlemere United. While there may be some truth to the rumor, kindled in part, by their meeting at Ginny and Harrys wedding, Ginny felt that her role was to report real news, not gossip. This did not, however, preclude other members of the Prophet staff from trying to dig into the private lives of others, most notably Rita Skeeter. The wizard worlds answer to tabloid journalism had resurrected her reputation with her exclusive interview of Harry for the Quibbler and through her fantastical book on Dumbledore. The Daily Prophet, in its drive to reinvigorate its own tarnished reputation after the Thicknesse dalliance, had brought Skeeter back as a special investigative correspondent. What this really meant was that the newspaper was giving her a blank check to pursue any vapid rumor or story on any person of note that she could. Ginnys stomach literally turned at the sight of her and even more so when Rita made attempts to curry favor while at the same time take surreptitious peeks at items on Ginnys desk in order to find juicy tidbits on notable Quidditch players or on Ginnys immediate family, who were celebrities in their own right, especially Harry whos relationship with Skeeter was rocky to say the least. Such was the case when Ginny was walking to her desk. As she rounded the corner to the open area that housed their work spaces, Ginny spotted a platinum blonde set of tight curls nestled over the top of Ginnys desk. The flashy hair held a pair of bejeweled spectacles in place and the eyes behind the glasses were busily poring over a journal that had been left on the desk. Ahem, Ginnys annoyance with Skeeter was rising to the surface, Is there something I can help you with, Rita? Not perturbed at being caught, Rita raised her heavy-jawed face to reveal some thickly penciled eyebrows and gave Ginny a toothy, crocodile smile, Not at all dear, just looking over your material, seeing if I can give you hand with your prose. Theres nothing like showing the ropes to the wife of my great friend, Harry Potter. How is dear Harry? Is everything alright with you two? Her tone was syrupy and bracing at the same time. Ginny opted not to answer the question this time. Any response would have been convoluted into some impossible situation. If she said everything was fine, then Skeeter would report that Harry and Ginny were barely on speaking terms. If Ginny expanded in any way, then Skeeter would have Harry running off with the nearest witch in the Office. Ginny decided to ignore Skeeter altogether and waved the vile woman off. Rita Skeeters byline the next day spoke of Trouble for the Heroic Power Couple. The story contemplated a rocky road for Harry and Ginny Potter as their hectic lifestyles had driven them apart. Skeeter speculated that perhaps Ginnys high flying career as a socialite rep orter had led her to ignore her wifely duties. Skeeter then offered commentary as to how sad she was for her good friend, Harry Potter, who deserved happiness in marriage. Rita Skeeter dedicated herself to making sure that Harry Potter had a happy life. She committed a whole series of her columns to

the endeavor, and she desperately hoped that neither Harry or Ginny were making the problem worse by straying from each other. Over the next few days, Rita began her series by following Ginny around. Unfortunately, Ginny herself was writing a detailed story on the Holyhead Harpies and their season. Skeeter had not been able to find anything juicy since a woman covering an all-female Quidditch team would not inspire much suspicion. Skeeter than turned her attention to Harry. Whenever he left the Ministry, she would maintain a vigil as to his comings and goings. For the first couple of days, Harry was always alone, and went straight home after work, so Rita decided to loiter in the main hall of the Ministry during the daytime hours. Her persistence paid off, as Harry came bounding from the elevators with Sarah Peebles in tow. The two Aurors were talking in whispers. Skeeters eyebrows raised up in a gesture of satisfaction. Now here was a story she cou ld follow up on. The next day, Skeeter was seated at her desk, filling in the pieces to her big expose on the questionable relationship between Harry and his protg. As she edited her piece, she saw Ginny sitting at her own desk, considerably troubled by something. Rita watched as Ginny threw a folded piece of parchment into a wastebasket and ran from the room. While corroborating facts were never necessary for her stories, Rita was always on the lookout for items that made her writings half-way digestible. Skeeter walked over to Ginnys desk and eased the discarded paper from the trash can. She ran back to her own desk and opened the scroll eagerly, smoothing it out to make out the words: How could they get together? Harry and Sarah, Wednesday, Lunch, Grimmauld Place Visions of noon time trysts played out in Ritas mind, especially when thrown in with the idea that a noisy confrontation would follow with the rejected wife. Rita wrote a tantalizing piece for the evening edition, proclaiming a scoop of earth-shattering proportions to rival her book on Albus Dumbledore. She was absolutely giddy about her prospects. The only thing that would make this better, she believed, was to have witnesses, credible witnesses. She penned a quick note and sent it out by owl. The stage was set. Seated at a bench outside 12 Grimmauld Place, Rita wore darkened glasses in some misconceived notion of anonymity. She heard the footprints approaching, Ms. Skeeter, I got your note, what is it that absolutely required the interruption of my day? Percy Weasley was visibly annoyed. Skeeters note had been to the Minister, but given Kingsley outright contempt for Skeeter, but unable to avoid her missive, the Junior Undersecretary to the Minister was tasked to see what she wanted. Mr. Weasley, your presence is almost better than the Ministers. You see, Im the bearer of bad news. The great Harry Potter is stepping out on his wife, your sister and you will be witness to this infidelity. Percys expression became horrified. His stunned face was word enough to Skeeter that her news was more than enough to get his attention. Percy was having difficulty looking at Rita, the disbelief he displayed offering a note of triumph to Rita. She was back, she could feel it, and it would be at the expense of the great Harry Potter. A couple was approaching from down the block. From a distance, she could see that the woman was Ginny Potter. As she neared, Rita saw that she was with Lee Jordan, a family friend. Obviously, Ginny had tried to get help from her brother George, and his erstwhile business partner had come to assist her in the confrontation. This story was getting better and better by the minute. Approaching from the other direction, Rita saw the great Harry Potter walking up the street, on his arm, Sarah Peebles. The moment of truth had arrived. Harry James Potter! Ginnys voice rang through the air, freezing everyone. Ginny stormed up to Harry and Sarah, looking at both of them in anger.

Youre late! Ginny burst into laughter and kissed Harry and offered Sarah a hug. She motioned to Lee to approach. Lee was somewhat shy, his eyes lowered a bit. You two have been tap dancing around each other for months. Ginny pulled Lees hand over to Sarahs. Its about time you two decided that you liked each other and did something about it. Somewhat chagrined, Lee smiled and closed his hand around Sarahs. Youre right, of course. Lee bent down and kissed Sarah on the top of the hand, Woul d you care to join me for lunch? Sarah was blushing unabashedly, her face beaming. She turned to look at Harry. Take the rest of the day. Harry winked and the couple went off. You finished, Miss Matchmaker? Harry teased his wife. Not just yet. Ginny turned and strode purposefully over to where a shocked Rita Skeeter stood. Hello, Percy. What did I tell you? You were right, Ginny. Quite shocking, indeed. Percy gave a snicker and moved away from Rita Skeeter. What is the meaning of this? What is this all about? Skeeter was perplexed, trying to figure an angle to pursue on this. Ginny looked at the tabloid diva with strident expression. This was part one of a two part lesson in Leave the Potters Alone, Rita. Keep your nose out of our business. I dont know what you mean. What lesson? What are you talking about Mrs. Potter? What are you up to? Ritas voice was haughty. How dare this strumpet talk to her like that? Ginnys voice lowered, becoming menacing. It means that I wont stop at fighting you tit for tat. You will find, that I am the one Potter or Weasley, for that matter that will not just get even, I get ahead. With that, Ginny handed Rita a small package and turned to catch up with Harry. The two walked off arm in arm, laughing. Rita Skeeter looked down at the package in her hand. She unwrapped the plain brown paper offering and found a mirror with a note attached. The note had a brief message in Ginnys hand. Rita, Part two of your lesson is in your hand. The paper you stole from my wastebasket was jinxed, courtesy of my sister-in-law. Remember, I dont get even, I get ahead. Regards, Ginny Potter. Her hands trembling, Rita Skeeter raised the looking glass to her eyes. The sight caused her to gasp and fall to the ground in a dead faint. Her golden curls had receded from her forehead and her brow was covered in large pustules of acne. The welts had formed themselves into a word that covered all the skin. There was only a single word, which punctuated the fact that Rita Skeeter had been had. The acne formed word was, LIAR. Chapter 46 All in the Line of Duty The entire cadre of Aurors was gathered in the training arena. The murmur of individual conversations buzzed through the hall while every few moments eyes darted to the set of double doors set onto the far wall. Harry and Lachlan stood huddled together, both conversing but

neither really hearing the other. Every so often, Harry would take to pacing back and forth, his strides were hurried. Theyll be done when theyre done! Lachlans exasperated drawl finally penetrated Harrys focus, causing him to look towards the senior Auror. Dont you remember your own? It must have taken more than few hours to complete. Harry nodded and resumed his pacing, like an expectant father. A clamor at the doors drew his eye as the force of two bodies crashed the doors open. Two tired but elated figures burst into the room holding sheets of parchment over their heads. We did it! We passed! Ron Weasleys beaming face radiated in elation, matching the expression of Sarah Peebles who was trailing behind him. No trouble at all, we passed with flying colors! Brilliant, Ron! I knew you could do it. Harry turned to his own tra inee, Sarah, whose smile warmed Harrys heart. I definitely knew you could do it, Sarah! Her blush highlighted her triumphant smile. Ron and Sarah had just sat for and passed their Year 3 M.A.G.E.s, or Master Auror Governing Examination, the last step for a trainee in the process of becoming a full fledged Auror. Given that they were both taking the tests well before their eighteenth month of training was testament to their experiences and hard work over the past few months. Of course, Harry and Lachlan would often point to their own tutelage as key indicators of success. Nevertheless, both Ron and Sarah had now completed the final stage to becoming Aurors. The two were surrounded by the new colleagues receiving salutations and congratulatory pats on the back. The crowd parted revealing the proud faces of Hermione Weasley, Rons bride and, to everyones surprise, Lee Jordan, Sarahs newly found beau. Hermione ran to Ron and embraced him fully, smothering his lips with hers in a wildly passionate and somewhat public display of affection. Im so proud of you Ron! Hermione was at a loss for words, the superlatives seeming inadequate to the accomplishment. Ron smiled, happy for the chance to share this seminal moment with the person he loved the most on the planet. He knew her support and guidance had been integral to his achievement. He laughed with Hermione as they saw Sarah grab Lee stridently and kissed him full on the lips. It had been many years since theyd seen the normally loquacious Lee Jordan taken aback, unable to speak. May I have your attention, please? The distinguished form of John Dawlish stepped to the front, carrying two cardboard boxes. He placed the boxes on the floor in front of him and continued, Could I have Mr. Weasley and Ms. Peebles step forward with their tutors? Harry moved to the center of the room with Sarah and Lachlan accompanied Ron. Dawlish drew his wand and motioned for Harry and Lachlan to do so as well The three pointed their wands at the boxes in the center of the room while Dawlish began to intone an oath. The greatest privilege is to serve others. The choice to protect society through the promotion of justice and peace is the one that is not entered lightly. The commitment to protect the innocent and the helpless is one that requires dedication. Ron Weasley and Sarah Peebles, you have demonstrated persistence, loyalty and courage. It is my pleasure to accept you into the Office of Aurors. Muto Lamnia! Harry and Lachlan repeated the spell, offering the power of their wands as teachers, Muto Lamnia!

Incandescent beams of golden light struck the nondescript boxes, causing them to glow internally. The cardboard making up the boxes disappeared leaving two glowing silver pieces of metal on the floor. Harry and Lachlan reached down and took one piece each. Holding the brilliant talismans up for the crowd, the two approached their graduated protgs. The metal pieces had shaped themselves into Auror shields with comets and moons in orbit around their fronts. Harry walked up to Sarah and affixed the shield to her robes. When hed finished a shower of sparks etched her name onto the shield. When Harry turned towards Ron, he saw that his name was similarly etched on his own shield. Dawlish approached the two and shook their hands. The party was just beginning. Later in the day, Harry had slipped away and was working through a pile of paperwork on his desk. Dawlish came up and slapped Harry on the back. Well done, Harry! You did an exceptional job with Sarahs training. Harry took the congratulations well. Did you notice that no one had even thought twice about turning down Sarah all those months ago? Well, saving the world tends to buy you a lot of goodwill. Harry harbore d no real ill feelings towards his friends and colleagues. The pain and loss over the past few months had washed that all away. Dawlish smiled brightly and his laugh was genuine, heartfelt. Harry tested Dawlishs humor, So, you headed home or have you made plans. Dawlish stifled his laugh, but couldnt help his smile, Elizabeth and I have plans, if you must know. Harry smiled, happy for his friend. What about you, Harry? Isnt about time for you to head home? I will, theres a party down at the Burrow to celebrate. Im going to head there, but I think Ill take the stroll. Dawlishs smile became a little more serious. Harry, youre a good Auror, but remember why you do this. You should go and be with your family. I will John, I just like to do it. Dawlish nodded, understanding Harry more than most laymen would. With a wave, Dawlish left the room. The Stroll was a tradition started by Gawain Robards years ago that consisted of an Auror walking the length of Diagon Alley, much like a police officer in the muggle world would walk his neighborhood beat. In fact, the inspiration for Robards came from his affectation for police dramas on television hed watched at home with his muggle parents. The practice had been stopped when Voldemort had secretly seized control of the Ministry and the Aurors had become an extension of his terror policies. Robards had rekindled his Stroll when the Dark Lord had been defeated, as a means to reassure the public. When Robards had died, Harry had taken up the practice, as a dedication to Robards and to his colleagues who had passed away. Arriving at the Leaky Cauldron, Harry found the place packed with patrons knocking back drinks to forget the day. Making his way to the entrance to Diagon Alley, Harry adjusted his robes, ensuring his talisman of office was prominently displayed. Confident that he looked suitable for the task, he walked into Diagon Alley. Harry nodded to the passersby, taking in the sights and sounds of the shopping arena. He passed the apothecary and looked in its window. A loud bang from the nearby cauldron shop drew his attention. Watch out! The voice from above was too late, and a flood of liquid poured down onto Harrys head from a second story window. It was green and thick. The perpetrator of the accident was an rotund face, kindly, but shocked at the mess shed caused. Im so sorry there, Mr. Auror, the pot just got away from me! Harry shook his hands, the viscous ooze spraying all around him. No worries, maam . Nothing that cant be cleaned. Harry took a quick look up at the woman with his one clear eye, Is it?

The woman had disappeared leaving Harry to wonder. He cleaned himself off as best as he could and gave serious thought to just heading home, but decided he could continue. As he walked, he began to notice a peculiar smell, almost rancid. When he turned to find the source, he discovered that he was the source of the aroma, the liquid emanating a particular rotten effervescence. Sighing, he continued his walk trying to avoid as many people as possible. As he passed Eelops Owl Emporium a flurry of feathers and muscle zoomed from the door. Puck! Come back here! An owl was effecting an escape from the shopkeeper. Without knowing, it flew right into Harrys chest, feathers flying everywhere and then landing on Harrys sticky robes and holding fast. Im sorry, sir, I dont know whats come over him. Hes normally very tame. Harry looked at the owl, one of its eyes pointed up and to the righ t and the other straight down. I can see how he was able to hit me. Harry chuckled and nodded to the keeper . Now Harry was covered in an odiferous slime and covered with owl feathers. He tried his best to brush the feathers off and moved on down the alley. As he approached Florean Fortescues, he made a mental note to stay on this side of the alley in an effort to avoid the entrance to Gringotts. While the goblins had said they forgave him for his breach of their vault almost five years ago, he didnt want to give the guards pause in his present state. So preoccupied with this thought he didnt see the child that ran out of the ice cream parlor and right into his leg. Harry bent over to check the boy, and noticed that entire contents of a double chocolate fudge sundae had made its way to the knees of his robes, coating them with the hot, sweet remnants of the dessert. Topping the whole scene off, the boy began to cry uncontrollably and was pointing at Harry with an accusing finger. He pushed me and made me drop my ice cream! Harry was mortified as were the childs parents who had chased him outside. Trying to apologize, Harry handed the family a few scythes to replace the ice cream and hurried off. When the first mishap had happened, Harry had doubts about continuing his walk, now he was sure of his doubts. Harrys wandering made him lose sight of his surroundings. Peering up, he found himself outside Weasleys Wizard Wheezes. The horror that George, Lee or Dudley would find him this state sent him running. As he looked back to check his escape, he failed to notice the obstruction that tripped him up and sent him flying headfirst into an open trash bin. Harry pulled himself up, bits of flotsam and food hanging from every part of his body. He also found himself missing the smell of the green ooze from before, because now he smelled of rotten refuse. Throwing his hands in the air, Harry apparated away leaving a smoky, trashy smell behind. Near the trash can, snickers began to turn into full fledged guffaws. Two pairs of shoes, followed by two pairs of pants and so on, began to reveal themselves as two figures were revealed as they removed the Invisibility Cloak theyd been sharing. I win, you said hed leave after the owl shop. George Weasleys carrot topped head beamed in a large smile as he gloated to his partner in crime, Dudley. Well I thought tripping the kid with ice cream was low, but the trashcan trick was brilliant! Dudley laughed out loud. George winked, causing the muscles around his lost ear to contract obscenely, Thats the best part, I had nothing to do with the trashcan. You owe me, he lasted longer than you said he would. The tar and feather trick was classic. Double or nothing. Dudley didnt like losing a wager. George shrugged his shoulder. I bet he goes home and changes first, then goes to the party at your parents.

George pondered the dare, You know, Ginny warned him not to be late to the party, or shed make him pay. Youre on! Dudley grinned and reached out to shake Georges hand, sealing the bet. By the way, are you sure that my video camera was able to get the entire thing through that invisible cloakee thingee? I dunno, lets check. Dudley rewound a few seconds of the tape in the handheld video camera he was carrying. He saw Harrys last forlorn fumble into the trash heap. Dudley looked at George, a devilish grin on his face, Oh yes, we got the whole thing. Christmas will be fun, this year. George smiled with his friend and grabbed his arm, side-along apparating, heading to the burrow to confirm the winner of the latest wager. Chapter 47 Christmas Gifts He lay awake. He knew it was close to dawn, but winters onset made it harder for the suns rays to permeate the window in his bedroom. He was a slightly anxious, almost nervous lately as the day approached. Hed been anticipating today almost as much as hed anticipated his wedding. He felt tightness in his chest and it seemed all he could do not to hyperventilate as he reflected on his plan. He rolled on his side and gazed at her. Her eyes were closed, her long lashes resting on her dimples which were accentuated by the freckles that dotted her face. Her red hair glowed, every strand seemingly with a mind of its own but placed as if they were of the same intent, which was to frame her beauty. Her red full lips were closed with the hint of a smile, as if she were thinking of a joke that only she knew the punch line to. One rebellious tress of crimson broke away from its brethren, falling carelessly across her face, tickling her nose causing it to twinkle unconsciously. He reached up and gently moved the recalcitrant strand from her face, his touch soft, loving, trying to avoid disturbing her slumber and breaking the spell of awe he felt every time he looked at her. He slowly rolled over and quietly rose from the bed. Putting on his robe and slippers, he silently made his way from the bedroom and down the stairs to kitchen. Good morning, Master Harry! Kreacher, Grimmauld Places resident house elf was rustling around the kitchen. Harry looked at his homes only permanent moving fixture. Hed freed the house -elf months ago, but the octogenarian pug decided to continue to service the home and its owners and still insisted on calling Harry, Master. This reality was even more awkward than when Kreacher had technically been a slave, still, Harry could not imagine Sirius old family home without Kreacher and would learn to live with it. Master Harry, would you like some breakfast? Harry shook his head, Not yet, thank you, just some coffee. Ill wait until Ginny gets up before I eat. Kreacher nodded sagely, Very good, Master Harry. Kreacher will be heading back to Hogwarts, but you will find what you need warmed in the oven. Harry smiled his thanks, but noticed that Kreacher was eyeing him strangely. What is it? Harry could swear that the house-elf was smiling, only if Kreachers lips were physically capable of doing so. Kreacher bowed, Everything is prepared for today. If I may be so bold, Master Harry, Kreacher is not getting younger, it would make his life complete to care for little Potters.

Harry rolled his eyes. Ever since his freedom, Kreachers favorite words were If I may be so bold, which was invariably followed by something blunt and usually inappropriate. Hermione would probably hex him, but sometimes Harry found himself missing the days when Kreacher was a slave and hated him. Of course Harry didnt mean it, but Harr y had only really known two truly free house-elves before Kreacher and his interactions with them hadnt been as intrusive. Kreacher, Ive told you again and again, it will happen when it happens. Were just living our lives. We have time enough for all that. Harry grasped the mug of steaming coffee that Kreacher placed before him and took a small sip. Kreacher bowed, again an almost-smile on his face, Time is a mystery, never enough and sometimes too much, but Kreacher only knows what is. Wit h that, the small gray figure apparated away. Harry had no idea what Kreacher meant and playing the words over in his head did not make it any clearer. With a shrug, Harry took his cup into the front seating area of the house. He made his way into the room, adorned like the Gryffindor Common room and saw Kreacher had lit a fire to combat the cold from outside. Instead of making for one of the easy chairs, Harry went to stand in one of the large bay windows. Drawing back the curtains, he took in the winter spectacle outside. Harry especially enjoyed winter. Its briskness and freshness always seemed to cleanse the landscape. With Christmas near, the worlds denizens, muggle and wizard alike seemed cheerful and happy. Hope was abounding and Harry always seemed to draw strength from the spirit of the season and the time. A new snow had fallen the night before, covering every part of the street and park outside. It was early still, so nothing moved. No birds, no people; all was still. An endless wave of drifts and valleys covered in a magical white blanket of newness instantly calmed his pulse, settling him down. The edges of the window were coated in frost and ice painting mosaics of crystal on the panes like the border to a fine winter landscape. A light dusting of flakes fell in a haphazard fashion, driven to their resting places by a gentle breeze. The best part of this time of year, was that magic seemed to permeate all of the society and Harry thought that was perfect. He heard her steps on the hardwood floors, the soft tread of her stride as she neared him. His heart began to race, how was it after being married for six months and having known her for so many years that her mere presence elicited such a response from him? She walked up behind him and reached an arm around his waist. He raised an arm and placed it around her shoulders. Her body fit perfectly into his; they were meant for each other. He looked down and the vision of her washed over him, as if he was seeing her for the first time. Her smile was warm, welcoming and always with a hint of daring and playfulness. He reached down and kissed her, the power of that simple gesture weakening his knees. She was beautiful, kind, soft and warm, but at the same time strong, independent and brave. This was not contradictions in personality, but the foundation of the most perfect person hed ever met and his eyes watered slightly as he, judged himself unworthy of her presence, but lucky at his good fortune. Good morning. His smile was warm. She returned his greeting. Her nightgown was flannel, extending to her knees. She was wearing a pair of soft fuzzy slippers in the shape of a bunnys ears, a gift from Hermione on her birthday. She hugged him tightly. I love the way you look at me Her brown eyes glowed, basking in his attention. She reached up and kissed him again. Youre not working today? Its pretty slow, and Lachlans team is covering everything. I was hoping youd want to spend the day with me, if you dont have anything else planned. Harry had made sure that her calendar at work was free. Hed even consented to lifting the hex on Rita Skeeter, so that, Ginnys publisher

would clear the next few days for him. Its only a few days until Christmas and I wanted to have some alone time with you, before we head to the Burrow. She thought for a moment, realizing that shed really had nothing planned. No, I think Im free until after the holiday. A wicked smile came over her. So, we dont have anywhere t o be and no one is around. She pulled his arm, drawing him to the stairs. Harry didnt need a second invitation. A few hours later, they sat in the kitchen wolfing down the breakfast that Kreacher had left them. As usual, the offerings were delightfully succulent. They enjoyed being in each others presence, casting sly glances at each other, and giggling like adolescents. I have a surprise for you. Harry broke the silence. Ginny raised her eyebrows. Oh really? Yes, were going on an overnight. You mean you had something planned for today, besides the obvious? She reveled in the torrid shade of red his face became. Yes, so pack a bag. We can go anytime. She bolted from her seat and ran up the stairs. ********************************************************************************************************* They disapparated on a lonely country road near an old stone bridge. The trees were laid bare by winters hand and freshly fallen snow covered everything. Harry grasped Ginnys hand and led her down the lane. As they neared the bridge he waved a hand wiping the snow from the small brass plaque affixed to the side of the bridge. Slaughter Bridge? Ginny read the name on the sign, her breath visible in the cold air. Harry nodded, This is where the Battle of Camlann was fought. This was the place that Mordred and Arthur fought to the death. This was where we came to find Nimue, the Lady of the Lake. Ginny took in her surroundings, a look of wonder on her face. Harry smiled and led her across the bridge to the slope on the other side. The sound of bells rustled in the air. Ginny turned towards the sound and found a simple sleigh standing in the clearing near the stream. It was white with silver trim. A broad, black leather seat was its main feature with two flame-lit lanterns attached on gambols on either side of the seat. They walked toward the sleigh, the drifts coming up to their knees, making progress difficult. With little effort, Harry leaned down and picked her up and carried her to their conveyance. He gently placed her on the seat and reached on the platform behind them and pulled out a heavy down blanket, protecting her from the chill of the open Bodmin Moor. Reaching to the rear of the seat once more, he pulled out a thermos and poured a cup of steaming hot chocolate, and gave it to her, the aroma surrounding them in the quiet spot. Ginny took a sip of her cocoa and looked forward to the team that was attached to the sleigh. Two sinewy thestrals nuzzled each other, cooing in their ethereal language. Ginny smiled in wonder and looked up at her husband in amazement. He smiled back at her and drew on the reins lightly, prompting their chargers to move on. They followed the contours of the moor, the rolling hills covered in a smooth white blanket. The scene was unrecognizable from last summer when Harry, Ron and Sarah had trudged through the muck and mud of the moorland in the summer. The thestrals maintained a slow and steady gait, while Harry leaned back and put his arm around Ginny. She put her shoulder on his and opened the blanket to share. They cuddled, taking in the landscape, not speaking, but hearing everything that transpired. She loved the

sound of the bells as the thestrals gracefully traversed the countryside. The runners on the sleigh slid effortlessly through the perfect snowfall. She closed her eyes for a moment, and imagined that she could hear Harrys heart beat, pounding in love and care for her. She thought, for a moment that the wind swept cold made her eyes water, but realized in an instant that the love she felt for this man next to her was close to overwhelming. The moment was perfect. They continued over the hills, eventually happening on an open area where the hills met the running stream. Thats Dozmary Pond. Thats where Bedivere brought Excalibur and threw it to Nimue. The lake drew nearer, the edges covered in ice, the water a dark black, smooth, almost like ice itself. The sleigh drew to a halt near the edge of the Pool. Harry extended a hand to Ginny, helping her out of the sleigh and walking her near the waters edge. Do you remember when we were in Avalon? When Arthur freed Nimue from her service? Ginny nodded, remembering the scene. Nimue was delighted, wanting to renew her love for Merlin. Shed come over to Harry and kissed him on the cheek and whispered in his ear. She said something to you, didnt she? Ginnys curiosity was piqued. Harry nodded. She said, You alone understood the hope that love gave me. You realized that love was eternal. You will be blessed by your own love. My gift for you is here . Shed put something in my pocket. Harry pulled a faded parchment from his pocket and read it. Ginny, take out your wand, please. Ginny was confused, the request unexpected. Trusting Harry, she drew her wand and stood next to him. Im going to conjure my Patronus and I need you to do the same. Well do it together, out towards the center of the lake. Ready? Ginny nodded. As one they pointed their wands to the lake. Expecto Patronum! A flash of brilliant white light extended from both wands, overpowering the white of the snow on the ground. Cast against the blackness of the water, they noticed the light changing into their forms. A large shining stallion was joined by an equally stunning mare. The pair frolicked together and ran off towards the middle of the lake, nuzzling each other, helping each other across. The Patronuses disappeared over the horizon of the lake. The surface of the lake began to roil near its middle the blackness frothing white in a turbulent display of energy and power. A small point of white began to rise from the water, slowly growing to become the top of a tall spire. The spire was attached to a tower which continued to rise until in the midst of the pool stood a castle of ice, shimmering in the winter sun. The castle sat on a floe that was motionless and stable. A long finger of ice stretched from the flow to the point on the shore where they stood. Harry smiled at Ginny and led her onto the ice bridge, towards the castle. When they got to the ice floe, they noticed that every structure, every gate, every step was made of ice, perfectly formed into its integral parts. They entered the main keep area and saw torches of white light emanating from the walls and arches. In the middle of the main room, a fountain of water ushered into the air. In the middle of the fountain, a full sized image of Nimue floated, suspended in the streams of water. The eyes of the image shone a bright solid hue of emerald, its green hair flowing as if caught in a summer breeze. The image smiled down at them. Harry, welcome to my winter palace. At first, Id always thought of this place as my prison, but what it became was a monument of my love for Merlin. I share this with you so that you can have the opportunity to display your commitment to your own beloved. This place is yours for the

evening. All you need do is ask and your every need will be answered. Know that Merlin and I are together and happy. Remember your own words, Harry, love is eternal and its power is the greatest magic. With that, she disappeared in a shower of light. Ginny took a deep breath, finding her voice. This is incredible. Youve planned this all this time? Its good to know that I can still surprise you. Harry winked and then kissed her deeply. Lets see how this works. In his minds eye, he pictured a piping hot cup of tea. In an instant, a table with cup and saucer appeared in front of them. That was easy enough. They explored their surroundings and glimpsed the wonders of the place. Doors were adorned with priceless gems and jewels in their surfaces. Harry got an inspiration and led Ginny up a spiral staircase to the top of the tower in the center of the castle. When they reached the summit, they gasped at the view. They could see for miles across the lake over the snow capped hills. It was as if they were monarchs governing their own solitary magic realm. Harry turned to his bride. Ginny, I have one more surprise. I know that Christmas is only couple of days away, and I have something for you when we are at your parents, but I have something for you, something special. He fumbled in his pocket and withdrew a small gift box. Opening the box, he turned around so she could see it. It was a locket. It was very simple and small. It looked to be made of plain gold, smooth, with intricately etched scroll work on its edges. Its chain was fine, thin but sturdy. Ginny smiled and took the locket, opening it. A small shower of light displayed two images, one of Harry and Ginny holding each other, and one of another couple, very familiar to Ginny. Are those your parents? Her voice shook, amazed by the images. Harry straightened his shoulders. A while back, I went to meet Dudley out at a small caf near Privet Drive. When I got there, he was sitting with my Aunt Petunia. Needless to say, I was surprised. Dudley explained that hed been working on her, arguing about how wrongheaded shed been, and, well, she wanted to talk with me. Harry paused, his heart racing, his mind in a whirl as to what he should say. Ginny put her hand on his arm, urging him on. Anyway, Aunt Petunia apologized for her attitude and well, told me she was happy that Id gotten married. We had a good talk. Harry chuckled. The thing of it is, when my parents died, Aunt Petunia was given whatever possessions they had to hold for me. It wasnt much, but this locket was part of the bunch. Shed forgotten about it and when they returned to Privet Drive after Voldemort was defeated, she found it. Ginny had a sharp intake of breath, the implications of Harrys words coming clear. You see, that locket belonged to my mother. Aunt Petunia said that it belonged to Lilys family. Shes right. It belongs to Mrs. Potter. It belongs to you. Ginny began crying openly, she reached up and hugged him tightly. He drew back and took the locket by its chain. Opening the clasp, he laid it around her neck and closed the clasp. It fell nicely at the bottom of her neck, as if it were meant to be there. He touched her cheeks tenderly, wiping the tears from her face and kissed her, soulfully, no other person near them, the world theirs for this one lasting moment. After a moment, Ginny chuckled and began to laugh softly. Harry looked a question towards her.

Its nothing, really. She looked up at her husband, the devil may care twinkle back in her eyes. I was going to give you your gift early too. You dont have to, you know. I can wait until Christmas. Harry was curious. Ginny gently fingered the locket on her neck, the symbol of the gesture making her float higher than the tower she was on. No, I think Ill give you your gift. Looking around the castle and the landscape, she smiled. After all, youve outdone yourself. Harry anticipated a kiss the likes of which hed never had, much like his birthday present the first time theyd gotten together. Ginnys smile grew wider, Your gift is, well, were going to have a baby! Harry stopped breathing for a moment. His heart stopped. Everything stopped as he processed her words. He looked at her, his love bursting from every pore of his body. He swept her up and kissed her solidly. Finally letting her down gently, he turned to the open expanse of water and shouted at the top of his lungs. Were going to have a baby!!! Chapter 48 Christmas with the Weasleys The Weasley home near Ottery St. Catchpole consisted of an odd assortment of additions and stories. As more children were added to the family, the more area was added to the home. From the outside it appeared to grow higher and wider, like a boxy inverted pyramid. The only thing really keeping the structure from collapsing on itself was the magic that Arthur Weasley employed to keep the building sound. The concept of the Sunday Dinner was a resounding success, however, the tradition that seemed to bear the test of time was the Weasley Family Christmas. Molly Weasley would lock herself in her kitchen almost a full week before Christmas, running all curiosity seekers out with forceful spells. At various times in the past, George or Fred or Ron would try secretive ways to find out what their mother was up to, to no avail. Even after George and Fred had started their fledgling business and had access to a wide array of gadgets and spells, Molly would find a way to thwart their attempts at premature knowledge of the Christmas feast. Arthur, for his part, would take over the living room, trying to create the perfect Christmas atmosphere. His projects were always muggle-inspired and almost always abject failures. One year he was infatuated with Christmas carols, but drew his example from a muggle singing group called Alvin and the Chipmunks. It took Molly Weasley almost two weeks to reverse the spell that had elevated Arthurs voice to a pitch that dogs could barely hear. Another year, Arthur was completely taken with finding the perfect tree. He scanned movies and magazines to find the image of the ideal tree. Once hed settled on the right look, he began a frantic search for an evergreen that would fit the bill. Unable to find a pine of the proper height and girth with the appropriate fullness of branch, Arthur found a small Douglas fir sapling and using an engorgio charm, which caused the small tree to explode up to thirty times its size and density. Arthur had been pinned against a wall by the wayward boughs and the stairs that had passed directly above the living room were not navigable until a team of wizards and loggers appeared to clear the way. It was almost three months until the last vestiges of pine needles, cones and limbs were finally cleared from the living room, and a little longer until Molly would actually speak to Arthur in anything but monosyllabic words. To this day, a fresh pine-scented aroma wafted through the living room as a reminder of the Great Tree Fiasco of 1990.

This year, Arthur was particularly inspired by the whole notion of The Christmas Village. Hed read that this phenomenon in an American magazine that talked about the lengths people would go to create a perfect Victorian village scene, complete with lit ceramic buildings, landscapes, snow and of course, trains. Arthur adored trains and the idea that he could use magic to enhance a basic diorama of utopian Yule time living was almost too much to ignore. Further, since this involved a panoply of effects and detail; George, Lee and Dudley were more than taken in with the project, assisting in every aspect of the creation of what fast became a monstrosity of urban renewal, right in the middle of the living room. All of the furnishings from the living room were removed, except for the Weasley family grandfather clock, and that remained because a belligerent Molly Weasley had stood with her arms folded, head and shoulders covered in flour, toes tapping, and threatened serious bodily injury if the precious heirloom was touched. The entire living room had been transformed into a rolling landscape of hills, dales and rivers in perfect three dimensional display. Various portions of wizarding Britain were represented: Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, Quidditch stadiums and the like. A scale model of the Hogwarts Express ran from a miniature Kings Cross station up and back to Hogsmeade station. Arthur had pleaded with some of his colleagues in the environmental section at work to lend him snow spells, which he employed to keep a constant dusting of the powder in perpetual covering of the area. Lee had been responsible for the lighting and hed conjured fireworks and flames to represent the sun and the moon as well as street lights, but always added an explosion here or there to make the display have what he called character. Dudley was fixated on automobiles and would bring in remote controlled cars and place them on a continuous loop throughout the display. Of course, no one really thought that it mattered that a modern era monster truck was really incongruous with a Victorian scene. George was responsible for populating their production with human figures, people. He started with the mundane, but eventually allowed his base side to carry the day. Soon there were images of Deatheaters on brooms colliding in fiery ways with the ground or a train or other flyers. The plumes of smoke marking their detonation always were a crowd pleaser. As with all of Arthurs Christmas endeavors, he probably would not hear from his lovely bride until Christmas Day. Her issue this time was that given the number of people coming to the party this year, hed used their only interior entertainment space for his gadgetry. In fact, hed also blocked their Floo entrance for their visitors, causing a very circuitous trip around the diorama in order to gain access to the rest of the house. Arthur began furiously erecting a pavilion in their court yard to accommodate their guests. Christmas morning arrived with a flourish causing the senior Weasleys to race around attending to last minute details. George and Lee had stayed overnight, making last minute changes to their creations on the Christmas Village. The extended Weasley clan began its arrival around mid morning. Ron and Hermione made their appearance, having spent Christmas Eve with her parents. The couple stepped onto the hearth and was immediately struck by a flash of light and snow that constituted the sunrise and blizzard of the ornate scene in the living room. For a moment, they were stuck in their position, with any one path through impossible. Ron picked his bride up and tossed her over his shoulder, in a firemans carry, much to her consternation, and tiptoed through the village with minimal damage. You could have just let me apparate to the courtyard, you git! She gave him a playful smack and turned to greet her mother-in-law. Ron felt a tug on his trousers. allo, Uncle Ron! A radiant Victoire Weasley was demanding his attention and he was more than happy to oblige. Nearing five years of age, the tow-headed daughter of Rons brother Bill and his wife Fleur was the distinct copy of her mother. Her hair was fair and came down to just below her shoulders. She had a regal bearing about her, but Ron noticed, right away that her smile was distinctly Weasley in origin. Her smile was mischievous as if shed placed a Weasleys Wheeze under the dining room table, which, the more Ron thought about it, she just might have. She was the dangerous mix of her mothers brilliant beauty and her fathers family rioto usness.

Hello, sunshine! Ron picked her up and held her close, putting a kiss on her cheek. Ive missed you so much. Uncle Ron! Put me down! Im a big girl and a lady. Ladies do not get bear hugs! Ron smirked at her reaction and put her down. Well then, Lady Victoire, what is the proper greeting for a lady of your stature? Rons tone was serious, no trace of mocking or humor. Victoire stood straight and raised her nose slightly, an air of arrogance in her voice, Well, if you must know, this is the way a lady is greeted. She put her arm out, hand with its palm down. Ron gave an exaggerated bow and took her hand, placing a small kiss on the top. Is that better, mlady? Her cheeks reddened, smile breaking out on her lips. Much, thank you. Teddy!!! All pretense at decorum dropped as Victoire ran like mad to embrace the new arrivals to the Burrow. Andromeda Tonks and her grandson, Teddy, were wending their way through the door. Teddy heard his name and saw the flash of blonde hair approaching. His own hair turned a dark black and he rolled his eyes. He looked helplessly at his grandmother and braced for the assault. When Victoire reached him, she flung her arms around him and hugged him tightly. Teddys hair instantly turned a deep red, almost matching the purple in his cheeks either from the crushing force of the hug from Victoire or from the embarrassment of the display. It was probably a good dash of both. Merry Christmas, Teddy! Victoire released him and drew a deep breath. Did you bring me a present? I have one for you. Teddys hair began to shuffle between a multitude of colors reflecting how flustered he was. Red turned to blue turned to green turned to orange as he stammered through his greeting, Yes, er, Victoire, um, well Merry Christmas to you. Um, no, er I mean yes, we have, that is, my grandmother and me got you a gift, er His eyes drifted through the room, pleading for rescue, but Teddy knew that there were Weasley boys about who reveled in his discomfort. It almost seemed as if they ate their own. Victoire! A lady never flusters a man. Let Teddy breathe! Fleur Weasley came to his rescue, shooing her daughter away. Well, Teddy! You look so handsome! You are what, seven? Almost. Teddys hair turned a calm shade of aqua, thankful for the rescue. Fleur smiled, you ave grown so tall. What a andsome young man! She gave him a peck on the cheek causing him to blush harder while his hair became almost plaid as it flew through another range of color changes. Remind me to teach him how to play poker. George whispered to Lee. Hell never be able to bluff. Teddy saw George and Lee whispering and knew immediately thats where the fun and mischief of the day would be. He walked over and greeted them. The two role models quickly began to tutor Teddy on the fine art of the whoopee cushion. More and more guests arrived. Sarah Peebles was not too far behind Ron and Hermione, having decided that shed much prefer being with Lee than at home. Right after Sarah, Charlie Weasley made his appearance, looking none the worse for wear for someone that spends his days in the company of dragons. The party was hitting full stride with everyone heading outside to the heated pavilion. A large table with a fire pit was set up in the middle and soon everyone began to congregate around the table. A crack and whoosh announced the arrival of Dudley, his mother Petunia in tow.

Petunia looked disoriented and clung to Dudley for dear life. George and Lee came up and shook Dudleys hand fiercely. Dudley seemed a little out of sorts. George gave him pat on the back, Whats the matter, Duds? You have problems with the port key? It worked, didnt it? Well, yes, no problems, but Dudley held up the object in his hand, I know you have to use common objects, but a toilet seat? Couldnt you have used something else? His two friends snickered and shrugged their shoulders, dragging Dudley with them to fill him in on their latest caper. Molly Weasley approached Petunia Dursley and took her hand. Welcome to our home. It must be a little strange for you, but I absolutely loved Lily, she was one of a kind. Petunia was a little shaken and she had problems finding the words, Th -thank you. You have a wonderful home. Her eyes widened a miniature witch on a broom flew past her face. Wheres Harry, by the way? As if on cue, Harry and Ginny appeared. They were holding each other, gazing, smiling at each other, seemingly oblivious to anyone around. Molly looked at them, a memory of the last family gathering where Harry and Ginny had huddled around like that. OK, out with it, what are you two up to anyway? Molly put her hands on her hips. Harry didnt hesitate. He looked up from Ginny and at his mother in law, his voice carrying across the entire space. Were going to have a baby! Everything stopped. There was no noise and no activity. It was if the words hung like a balloon in the air. Molly Weasley was a dedicated family woman. Her emotions were tied to the sanctity and safety of her large family. Her expression was raw, loving. Her only daughter was going to be a mother. Her youngest child was going to have a baby. Molly Weasley let out a huge wail and started bawling, then grabbed Harry and Ginny up and squeezed them together. Wonderful! Thats wonderful. Arthur, come here, your baby is going to have a baby! The mood of the party became more uplifting, more upbeat. Everyone crowded around the happy couple, clapping them on the back, a surreptitious hand here and there touching Ginnys stomach, as if the baby were coming just then. Harry saw his Aunt Petunia. Leaving Ginny to enjoy the attention of their moment, Harry walked over to his aunt. He was unsure of what to do, hug her or shake hands. He was caught in the middle. She smiled and wrapped her arms around him. Im so glad you could come. She nodded. It means so much that youre here Aunt Petunia. I want you to meet Ginny. Ginny and Harrys communication was much better. As he was saying those words, he felt a hand in his, Ginny having moved over to where he was. Ginny, this is my Aunt Petunia. Aunt Petunia, this is my wife, Ginny. Petunia smiled, Pleased to meet you. You are so lovely. Congratulations on the news. Petunia turned towards Harry, Your mother would have been so happy for you, Harry. She spied the locket around Ginnys neck and smiled as a tear dropped from her eye. Dudley had made his way over to them, Everything alright, mum? Petunia smiled at her son. Everything is perfect. She smiled knowingly at Ginny and Harry.

With everyone abuzz about the news, the feast kicked off in high gear. Dudley had helped Mr. Weasley understand how to work the disk player, so Christmas music piped in to their ears as they dined and enjoyed each others company. They celebrated another year together and toasted their lost family members. Everyone exchanged gifts, the children Teddy and Victoire receiving the lions share of pack ages to open. When everyone had settled in, Dudley and George moved to head of the table and set up a large television on its end. We have a gift for everyone. George smirked at Dudley. You see, we have in our midst, a great man, the greatest Auror ever. George nodded at Dudley who started the small video player near the television. George continued, But even the most accomplished wizard and Auror can be had, with the proper motivation. The video showed Harrys Diagon Alley misadventures. Harrys face showed shock and his face reddened. The assembled partygoers broke into applause as Harrys carefully executed face plant into the trash can was displayed. He couldnt help himself, he laughed. Hed been had. When the video ended, George stood up. Harry rose from his seat and looked at his cousin, accusingly. He imperialized me. Dudley pointed to George. George held up both of his hands. Now Harry, you know it was all good fun. I mean, you cant hold a little thing like this against me, can you? A small bolt of lightning struck George in the rear end. Harry looked around, he hadnt cast any spells. He looked at his wife; she was as stunned as he was. Bugger! Ill get you! Lee Jordan had his wand out and began to hurl charms at his erstwhile partner, who began to flee outside. The noise caused the whole room to become a flood of noise, spells and excitement. Molly was chasing after Lee and George, trying to keep them from escalating the battle. Dudley was right behind, his video camera at the ready. Andromeda Tonks and Fleur were trying to separate little Victoire from Teddy, who she was trying to drag towards a tuft of mistletoe hanging over the tent entrance. Arthur, Bill and Charlie were chasing the miniature Hogwarts Express that had escaped its panorama in the living room and was making a beeline for the front gate. Ron and Hermione had locked arms and walked over to where Harry and Ginny were standing. They were soon joined by Sarah, who was shaking her head. What was that all about? What got Lee so riled up? Harry looked at Sarah, wondering what was going on. Lee feels that it was a betrayal to leave him out of such a perfect gag. He said it was lower than if theyd done the gag to him. Sarah shook her head. Id better make sure they dont hurt themselves. Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ginny looked at each other and laughed uncontrollably. The riot of sound and fury was all around them, a continuous cacophony of disorder and mayhem. Somewhere a Christmas tune was playing, not matching the flurry of activity going on. Harry turned to his bride, a bright smile on his face. You know what? He raised his voice slightly, pointing to the madhouse around them. This is perfect. He reached down and kissed her. Ginny knew what he meant. Shed grown up in this environment. The fights, the tumult, the craziness, all these things came with being part of a loving family. She and Harry were starting

their own family, and as she saw Harry taking every bit of the silliness in, she saw that he was right. Everything was just perfect. Chapter 49 New Years Resolutions One of the most interesting things about being newlyweds is that every event or holiday that the couple experiences in their first married year is a new feeling. The new family is creating traditions and memories that will endure for their lives and the lives of their children. Sometimes the effort that young couples put into making signature holiday events memorable can be harder than the event themselves. Harry and Ginny wracked their brains trying to figure out how they should spend the New Years holiday together. They knew that while they would spend Christmas at the Burrow, they wanted New Years to be something that was uniquely the irs. In the end, it came down to history. The Weasleys were family and theyd always have family time. The new Potter family tradition for New Years Eve had been decided. The man was bent over his desk, the light of a single candle the only source of illumination as he furiously scribbled into a battered journal. Splayed about were numerous bits of flora set at different angles near his work. Hed lost track of time, as was his wont. He was so engrossed in his work that he did not hear the approach of the footsteps to his door. He reached for another bit of leaf sitting on his desk and held it up to the feeble light. Neville, knock it off! Youre going to miss the whole thing. Dean Thomas was standing in Neville Longbottoms office door. Neville had been so engrossed in his research for the upcoming term that hed lost track of time. The truth of the matter was that as the resident Herbology professor at Hogwarts, Neville was having the time of his life. He often found himself lost in the vagaries of exotic plant life and its relationship to magic. He was uncovering new and different applications of all parts of the plants he cared for and took great pleasure in passing his discoveries on to his students. Right, sorry Dean. Thanks for coming up for me. Neville grinned and shut his journal. Extinguishing the candle with a wave of his hand, he walked over and joined his friend. They made their way down the corridor towards a nearby flight of stairs that led up to the seventh floor. Absently, they stopped talking and walked past the same place three times. Before long a doorway appeared on the wall nearby. Neville pulled on the handle and held the door open for his friend. The Room of Requirement had configured itself into a large ballroom that was filled with revelers. Above them, the ceilings were high, marked with raised arches and grand chandeliers. White flower petals fluttered about and the sound of music drifted throughout the room providing a festive ambience to the party. At the far end of the ballroom, a clock face covering the entire wall kept steady time, a phantom pendulum swinging. Along either side of the room, buffet tables loaded with all kinds of food and dessert and a bar serving all manner of drink were stationed for the party goers. The crowd was gathered around a raised dais in the center of the room, amidst the dance floor. I found him! Dean waved to the group which cheered in greeting and delight. He was fiddling with his weeds, again. Dean pat Neville on the back and guided him to the group. Atop the platform, standing by a podium, Harry raised a glass of champagne in mock salute to the late comers. Now that were all here, Ill continue. Ginny and I were trying to come up with the best way to ring in the New Year. We thought about all the romantic or memorable things we could come up with and nothing seemed right. He took in the faces of the people looking at him. We thought about you, our friends. Weve been through so much together. Weve been through life and

death and weve survived and won. All we could think of was that the only way to spend New Years was with Dumbledores Army! The crowd burst into spontaneous applause. Well done, Harry! Seamus Finnegan raised a mug of beer, suds flying. As if by premonition, the lights dimmed and the music began playing in earnest. Harry dismounted from the podium and it rose up out of the way. The party goers and their dates began to whirl around the dance floor. Harry walked over to where Ginny, Ron and Hermione were standing, near a punch bowl. He gave Ginny a quick kiss, then turned and kissed Hermione on the cheek and shook Rons hand. Great idea, mate. Ron sipped his drink and took in the room. Using the Room of Re quirement was inspired. Ginny spoke up, Actually, that was Neville. When we owled him about the party, he came up with the idea of using the room. Its beautiful. Hermione admired the dcor. The music was ringing through their ears and the rhythm combined with the dance made her do a twirl. Grasping her husbands hand, Come on Ron, I fancy a dance! Harry laughed at his friends and put his arm out to his wife. She took it and he led her out to the dance floor. Fireflies flit about their heads, like fireworks in the night. The light in the raised ceiling blackened and pinpricks of light, like stars gave the illusion of dancing under an open sky. Harry kissed his bride, his hand slyly moved to her stomach, his eyes locking with hers, enjoying the moment. The kissed once more and held on tight through the music. Neville stood by the punchbowl, his toe tapping time to the music. His eyes surveyed the people who had made the party. Cho Chang and Dennis Creevey were holding each other tight, barely moving on the floor. George had a beautiful blonde woman on his arm and he seemed to be chatting seriously with her. Lee and Sarah were seated on a bench seat, kissing passionately. Everywhere, people were with other people. The fact of it was, Nevilles love was his work and hed not even thought about something social. He wasnt sad about it. It was just life. He sighed and sipped his drink. You dont like to dance? The lyrical voice of Luna Lovegood cut into his reflection. Oh, hi Luna. I really dont dance. Neville turned to his friend, a pleasant smile greeted him as she sipped on punch. Of course you do, everyone likes to dance. It seems to me that you just dont have a partner. She held out her hand to him and the walked over to the dance floor. They joined their friends in moving to the music and Neville found himself more fleet of foot than he expected. There was something calming for her friends whenever they found themselves around her. Lunas smile was innocent but knowing. It was if Luna was the mistress of her own universe and everyone else were welcome visitors. As the night wore on, and the hands of the clock approached midnight, a noticeable anticipation moved across the crowd. Ron had been congregated with George and Lee, chatting over some new aspect of their business. As he would always do, his eyes roved the room, looking for his wife. He spotted Hermione standing by herself and noticed a wistful look on her face, which disappeared as Padma Patil walked over to talk to her. Ron saw the look. Something was troubling her. He excused himself from his conversation and walked over to her.

Padma had moved on and Hermione noticed Rons approach. Anyone who knew her would say that nothing seemed awry, but Ron saw the flicker of difference in her eye. He approached and kissed her. Whats wrong? His question was direct, knowing. She didnt go through the dance, she admitted that she had something on her mind. Weve been married almost two years. Harry and Ginny have only been married a few months. Its just that He jumped to the heart of the matter. Youre ready for children? Her eyes cast downward. She gave a slight, almost imperceptible nod. If youre ready, then so am I. She looked up at him, searching his eyes for indications of hesitancy or condescension. She saw none. Instead she saw an earnestness that filled her heart with warmth and love. I do, Ron. Im ready. Hermione, were a family. I love you more than life itself and I cant wait to have children with you. Her eyes welled with tears, and he pulled her to him, hugging her tight, stroking her hair. Come on you two! Its almost time! Harry was walking past them with Ginny in tow, moving towards the center of the room, in front of the large clock. Ron and Hermione followed them and by the time theyd arrived with the rest of their friends, the long tones of the clock marking the arrival of midnight began to toll. As the last peals of the clock finished, they group exploded in a rousing cheer of Happy New Year! Here and there, couples marked the arrival of the year with kisses, as for the most part, everyone in relationships saw this new year as emblematic of huge change. Dennis and Cho kissed deeply, new love kindling with the promise of something more. Lee and Sarah embraced still awkward but soft, telling of a new encounter with the promise of something more. Neville and Luna shared a kiss, less romantic but more friendly, symbolic of the fact that everyone here would always be close and there to support each other. Hermione and Ron kissed with a renewed passion, sealing their commitment on moving forward with the next phase of their marriage. Harry and Ginny kissed, their bodies melded, sharing the energy of new life. Their year had been marked by loss, joy and the ultimate renewal. As was always the case, the Room of Requirement anticipated the needs of the people inside. The lights dimmed and as the New Year arrived, the stars on the ceiling began bursting into a lightshow of fireworks and sound. The music began playing Auld Lang Sine and the party goers were singing along. Dumbledores Army had renewed their commitment to each other and knew that the D.A. had found a way to express their solidarity. *************************************************************************************************************** The changing over of a new year is an event of renewal and growth. It can also mark a time of change. The man walked into the foyer of the large mansion. The corners and crevices of the entryway were shadowed in darkness. He walked into a main gallery, where light had not penetrated in years, save for the flicker of candles surrounding a small figure in the center of the room. The man walked towards the figure and knelt, his head bowed low. The time has come. The last of Voldemorts fools have been captured. The figure was shrouded in a blood red hood and robe. That idiot Voldemort hampered our ascension with his selfish pursuit of glory and pure blooded nonsense, but now we can proceed.

The man basked in the glow of the raw power of his patron. His voice was low, supplicating. Perhaps hes unwittingly helped us in our task. The fools are now convinced that they have faced down the worst evil they will ever face. They are complacent. The hooded figure looked at its minion. That is true, and I have always been patient. We will destroy them from within. We will unify the wizarding world and the Minister and his lackeys will help us win. Their arrogance will make them unaware. Their compassion will make them weak. Their lack of ruthlessness will paralyze them. Their faith in each other will be their ultimate defeat. The man allowed himself a small smile. Truer words had never been spoken and the anticipation of ultimate victory washed over him. His master rose to full height. You may begin. The end of all things is at hand and there is no one to stop our rise. The man joined in his masters glee, their laughter echoing through the open space of the gallery. The time was finally at hand.

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