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Quick Start Guide
Dr. Simeons Original HCG Diet Menu
Much of the following overview is taken from the manuscript, Pounds and Inches
as well as the HCG Amino Plus Diet Manual.
Provided by PNP Health, LLC.

As with any diet plan, care should be given in considering how this will affect your overall health
and happiness. People enjoy the great health benefits when eating right and living a healthy
lifestyle that includes exercise and a balanced diet. Before beginning this or any other diet, please
consult your physician. Your physician can help you make modifications to this diet to help you
meet your specific health and lifestyle needs. Anyone pregnant or nursing should not begin this
diet. If you have any underlying health conditions, we must insist on you consulting with your
doctor prior to beginning.
Directions for use
HCG Amino Plus provides homeopathic support for weight management when taken with proper
diet and exercise. Place 10 drops (.35ml) under your tongue 3 times a day. Hold for 30 seconds
before swallowing. Drops should be taken on an empty stomach 20 minutes before meals.
The HCG Diet Overview for Phase I
As part of Phase I, it is important that you load properly. Do not begin loading if you have not
started taking the HCG Drops. Begin taking the HCG Drops under your tongue on day 1. During
the first 3 days of taking the drops, you should be eating very high calorie foods that contain high
fat and sugar contents. You want to make sure that your body feels over loaded. You do not
have to eat until you are sick. Listen to your body. There is no limit to the number of calories or
the types of foods that are eaten (please consult your doctor if you have any underlying ailments or
special needs). Sweets, nuts, cookies, ice cream, deep fried foods, etc are all acceptable foods.
Phase I is a very critical part of the diet. It is common for people to gain 3-5 pounds in the first two
days. Dont worry, you will lose it all in the follow 48 hours. People that chose not to load
properly have found that the rest of the unwanted weight does not drop as easily or quickly as
those people who took the time to load.

The HCG Diet Overview For Phase II
Phase II begins on day 4 of the diet. Phase II will last until day 21-40. You should still fill full on
day four from your load days. This is the day that you begin eating a strict diet of 500 calories as
outlined below. We must stress that you need to be drinking water constantly. You should drink
half of your bodys weight in fluid ounces each day. For example, if you weigh 150 lbs, you
should drink 75 ounces of fluid. This will help flush out all of the built up toxins that are stored in
your body. People who are not drinking enough water may experience headaches as their body
releases the fats and toxins that have built up over years in the body. You may take an aspirin,
Tylenol or ibuprofen to help. You will experience some hunger during the first week. This is
common, but will pass as the HCG builds in your system and begins to naturally suppress your
appetite. Your body will become accustomed to eating smaller portions and the hunger will
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subside. You will most likely be surprised as you come to a realization of how much food you
usually eat during a day that you never thought about. How often do you walk through the kitchen
and pop something into your mouth to snack on? Most calories that add to your stored fats are
the simple snacks that people eat throughout the day, even when they are not hungry. They are
usually high in fat and sugar. We have provided you with a Food Journal in the back of this
manual to help you track your food intake and calculate your daily caloric intake. We highly
recommend that you begin the use of a food journal immediately and continue to use it daily.
Tracking your daily food intake will help you to stay on track to meet your weight loss goals.

You will find that by following Dr Simeons diet and only eating the right foods in the correct
quantities, you will maximize your weight loss and be much happier upon completing all phases of
the diet. Below is the list from Dr Simeons Manuscript with the approved foods and quantities.

Breakfast: Tea or coffee in any quantity without sugar. Only
one tablespoonful of milk allowed in 24 hours.
Saccharin or Stevia may be used. Stevia is a much
healthier choice.
Lunch: 1. 100 grams/3.5 ounces of veal, beef,
chicken breast, fresh white fish, lobster,
crab, or shrimp. All visible fat and skin
must be carefully removed before cooking,
and the meat must be weighed raw. It must
be boiled or grilled without additional fat.
Salmon, eel, tuna, herring, dried or pickled
fish are not allowed. The chicken breast
must be removed from the bird. Boneless
and skinless.
2. One type of vegetable only to be chosen
from the following: spinach, chard,
chicory, beet-greens, green salad, tomatoes,
celery, fennel, onions, red radishes,
cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage.
3. One breadstick (grissino) or one Melba
toast (Wasa Bread is also acceptable).
4. An apple, orange, or a handful of
strawberries (6-9 depending on their size)
or one-half grapefruit.
Dinner : The same four choices as lunch (above.)

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Hint: Our clients have found that saving your fruit and/or melba toast for a snack
between lunch and dinner has helped them to not feel as hungry as well as keep their
metabolism burning more steadily throughout the day.

Drinks and Seasonings
The juice of one lemon daily is allowed for all purposes.
Salt, pepper, vinegar, mustard powder, garlic, sweet basil, parsley, thyme, marjoram, etc., may be
used for seasoning, but no oil, butter or dressing. Use fresh herbs and spices. Please check your
favorite seasoning for hidden sugars or starches. This has led to frustration and discouragement by
many who ended up not losing weight for many days. You will also be more successful by
watching your intake of sodium.
Tea, coffee, plain water, or mineral water are the only drinks allowed, but they may be taken in any
quantity and at all times. It is recommended that you drink as many ounces of fluid that are equal to
the number of half your weight in pounds. Keeping your body hydrated will help cut cravings,
improve metabolic functions throughout your body and help you to detoxify.

How much is a serving of fruits or veggies?
This question comes up very often. Dr Simeons never gave any guidance as to how many grams
equals a full serving for fruits and vegetables. As we did more research, we have found the best
answer to this question can be found with the USDA. We also found a British chart to help as well.
Please follow these two links to both sites to learn more about serving sizes for various fruits and
We have compiled a Caloric Values Chart that can be found at the back of the HCG Amino Plus
Diet Manual that has broken down the caloric values of each of the approved foods. Having this
information at hand will help you to better chart your daily caloric intake using the food journal
also provided in the Diet Manual. Even as you try new recipes, you can easily calculate the total
value of the food.

Portions and specially prepared unsweetened, low calorie foods.

"In many countries specially prepared unsweetened and low calorie foods are freely available,
and some of these can be tentatively used... the total daily intake must not exceed 500 calories
if the best possible results are to be obtained. The daily ration should contain 200 grams (7
ounces) of fat-free protein and a very small amount of starch." From Dr Simeon's "Pounds
and Inches."

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Important Highlights:

The 500 calorie limit must always be maintained.

2 small apples are not an acceptable exchange for 1 apple.

On occasion, we allow egg - boiled, poached or raw - to patients who develop an aversion to
meat, but in this case they must add the white of three eggs to the one they eat whole.

Cottage cheese made from skimmed milk is available. 100 grams (3.5 ounces) may
occasionally be used instead of the meat.

Planning ahead is one of the most important keys to your success. Do not wait until the last
minute to decide what you are going to eat that day. Take the necessary time to plan out your
meals and make sure that you have everything that you will need to prepare it. Use the food
journals not only to track your meals and know what you have eaten, but us them proactively
before hand to plan out each day and know ahead of time what meals you will be eating. By
keeping them and rotating them, it will not only make your meal planning much easier, but
help you reach your goals by keeping you on track.

HCG Diet Overview Phase III

Phase III is the most important phase when it comes to successfully keeping the weight off long term.
The purpose of phase III is to reset your metabolism and help you maintain your ideal weight. Phase
III lasts for 3 weeks from the last day of taking the drops. Once you hit the end of Phase II, you will
stop taking the drops. Once you have stopped using HCG Amino Plus drops, continue the 500 calorie
diet for 3 more days. It takes about 3 days for your body to eliminate the HGC Amino Plus from your
system. In that time weight can be regained if you begin to eat too many calories too soon.
Always keep your portable bathroom-scale on hand. You must, without fail, weigh yourself every
morning as you get out of bed, having first emptied your bladder. It takes about 3 weeks before the
weight reached at the end of phase II becomes stable, (i.e. does not show large fluctuations after
occasional excess). During this period you must realize that the so-called empty carbs, that is sugar,
rice, bread, potatoes, pastries, etc, are by far the most dangerous. If no carbohydrates are eaten, fats
can be indulged somewhat more liberally and even small quantities of alcohol, such as a glass of wine
with meals, does no harm, but as soon as fats and starches are combined, things are very liable to get
out of hand. This has to be observed very carefully during the first 3 weeks after the end of Phase II
otherwise you may become frustrated if the unwanted weight creeps back on.

*It is important that you do not continue the 500-calorie diet after completing the hCG diet.
You especially need to eat foods high in protein, healthy fats (omegas) and healthy fiber.
Continuing to follow a low calorie diet could result in unwanted weight gain or health issues.

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We do not recommend strenuous exercise while completing the diet protocol. However, we do
recommend walking and other low impact exercise for 20-30 minutes a day. Weight can temporarily
increase after significant physical exertion of long duration leading to a feeling of exhaustion. A game
of tennis, a vigorous swim, a run, a bike ride or a round of golf do not have this effect; but a long trek,
a day of skiing, rowing or cycling or dancing into the small hours usually result in fatigue and a gain
in weight the following day, unless you are in perfect training. Any kind of massage during treatment
is strongly discouraged. It is unnecessary for fat loss and potentially disturbs a very delicate process
that is going on in the tissues.

This is your chance to begin your new life. Take full advantage of it. Do not allow yourself to slip
back into poor habits. You will have just spent 6 to 9 weeks of your life losing excessive fat and
learning how to make healthy food choices. Take your new knowledge and new habits of good
choices and continue on. Enjoy the compliments of others who notice the change in your life. You
will inspire them and they will support you.
We wish you the best success as you begin. The sacrifice is worth it. You are worth it. Your body will
thank you. Remember that planning ahead is the key to avoiding failure or frustration.

Best Wishes,

PNP Health, LLC

*There is a great deal more detail and specifics in the manuscript itself. It is suggested that this
summary be used as a quick reference only. As with any diet program, if you experience complications
or if you have any health risks or concerns, consult your Doctor immediately before beginning this or
any other diet program.
2010, All Rights Reserved
Shopping List for Grocery Store:

Shrimp, White Fish (Talapia, Halibut, Orange Ruffy, etc).
Turkey, chicken breast.
Lean Ground Beef, Steak or Roast

Beet Greens
Green Onions
Spinach or Swiss Chard


Mrs Dash
Bragg Liquid Amino (Like Soy Sauce)
Garlic Cloves
Stevia- Both powder as well as liquid and flavors
Kosher Salt or Sea Salt
Other spices (be careful of ingredients, no sugars)

Other Items
Herbal Tea
Green Tea
Water container with ounces for tracking
Apple Cider Vinegar
No Fat Cottage Cheese
Fresh Salsa (no sugars or preservatives)
Melba Toast, Grissini Bread or Wasa Bread
Multi-Vitamin (make sure that there are no oils).
Miracle Noodles can be found online.

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