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Self-Promotion Kit

SI 520 4/25/2013

dustin l. hodge

Logotype Freespace Guide

Freespace requirements for horizonal logotype are the same whether or not the tagline is present.
1/5 X

dustin l. hodge
Urban Interaction Designer
X 1/5 X X 1/5 X X 1/5

1/5 X

1/5 X

dustin l. hodge
Urban Interaction Designer

dustin l. hodge

@ Company/Institution
Jan 2010 - now

Project One

@ Company Name
Jan 2010 - now

Job Title One

Fusce in nisl sed nunc imperdiet aliquam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris sodales, ipsum id malesuada. Project One Project Two

Bachelor of Science in Stuff and Things

@ Institution

Project One Project Two Project Three

#UX #IA #another tag #for balance #UX #IA

dustin l. hodge
Urban Interaction Designer

#graphic design #illustrator #graphic design #illustrator #graphic design #illustrator

#graphic design #illustrator


#graphic design #illustrator

Personal Project
Jan 2009 - Jan 2010

Project One

Job Title Two Longer

Jan 2009 - Jan 2010

@ Company Name is really really long

Master of Science in Even More Things

@ Institution

Pellentesque lobortis consectetur tortor in aliquet. Quisque ullamcorper sollicitudin lobortis. Sed quis.
#graphic design #illustrator #UX #IA #graphic design #illustrator #UX #IA

Project One Project Two Project Three

#UX #IA #another tag #for balance #UX #IA

#graphic design #illustrator #graphic design #illustrator

@ Company/Institution
Jan 2009 - Jan 2010

Project Three Longer Title

#graphic design #illustrator

say hello
#graphic design #UX #IA

about me stay connected



@ Company/Institution
Jan 2010 - now

Project One

dustin l. hodge
Urban Interaction Designer

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean porta dictum Job Title One ligula nec tempus. Bachelor of Science Curabitur @ Company Name facilisis vestibulum sollicitudin. in Stuff and Things Jan 2010 - now Ut lacinia quam et massa @ Institution tempus ut tincidunt arcu egesFusce in nisl sed nunc imtas. Donec pharetra purus nec Project One perdiet aliquam. Aliquam condimentum utTwo pellenerat volutpat. Mauris sapien so Project tesque metus dictum. Donec dales, ipsum id malesuada. Project Three eget mauris vel erat tristique Project One aliquam. Integer lacinia #graphic design eros #UX sit amet nibh iaculis varius. #IA Project Two #illustrator
#graphic design #UX #graphic design #another tag

say hello about me stay connected


Sed felis justo, commodo sed #illustrator #for balance #illustrator #IA aliquam a, posuere at libero. #illustrator #IA #graphic design #UX Aenean eget elementum ante. #illustrator #IA Nunc elementum cursus dui eu Job Title Two tincidunt. Vestibulum viverra Project One scelerisque mi eu consequat. Longer Personal Project of Science Nulla ut odioMaster enim. In conse@ Company Name is really really Jan 2009 - Jan 2010 quat luctus dui id congue. in Even More Things long Etiam malesuada, turpis quis @ Institution Jan 2009 - Jan 2010 feugiat commodo, enim nisi Pellentesque lobortis congue conante,non posuere Project One sectetur tortor in aliquet. sapien massa eget justo. Project Two Quisque ullamcorper solliciProject Three tudin lobortis. Sed quis. Nunc nec estquis massa faucibus consequat quis vitae est. #graphic design #UX #graphic design #UX #graphic design #UX Lorem ipsum#illustrator dolor sit amet,#IA #illustrator #IA #illustrator #IA consectetur adipiscing elit. #graphic design #another tag Pellentesque habitant morbi #illustrator #for balance tristique senectus et netus et #graphic design malesuada fames ac turpis #UX Project Three #illustrator egestas. Aenean metus nisl,#IA Longer Title pretium at tincidunt non, ac@ Company/Institution cumsan at turpis. Mauris ullaJan 2009 - Jan 2010 mcorper tempor hendrerit. Fusce sit amet neque tortor, ac sagittis arcu. Vivamus a egestas tellus. Integer facilisis blandit eros et interdum. Curabitur fermentum vehicula #graphic design #UX libero, a aliquam elit convallis #illustrator #IA ac. Nunc sagittis, dolor nec tristique feugiat, risus massa hendrerit nunc, nec volutpat neque risus ut libero. Morbi gravida elit sed neque mattis in placerat nibh dictum. Aliquam volutpat, nibh a viverra volutpat, sapien nisl sollicitudin massa, non tincidunt massa ipsum sit amet nisl. Duis eleifend imperdiet ante nec varius. Nam in nunc nunc. Cras imperdiet dictum metus vitae dignissim. Nam sollicitudin congue tellus, nec elementum augue dignissim lacinia.
#graphic design #UX

@ Company/Institution
Jan 2010 - now

Project One

@ Company Name
Jan 2010 - now

Job Title One

Fusce in nisl sed nunc imperdiet aliquam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris sodales, ipsum id malesuada. Project One Project Two

Bachelor of Science in Stuff and Things

@ Institution

Project One Project Two Project Three

#UX #IA #another tag #for balance #UX #IA

dustin l. hodge
Urban Interaction Designer

#graphic design #illustrator #graphic design #illustrator #graphic design #illustrator

#graphic design #illustrator


#graphic design #illustrator

Personal Project
Jan 2009 - Jan 2010

Project One

Job Title Two Longer

Jan 2009 - Jan 2010

@ Company Name is really really long

Master of Science in Even More Things

@ Institution

Pellentesque lobortis consectetur tortor in aliquet. Quisque ullamcorper sollicitudin lobortis. Sed quis.
#graphic design #illustrator #UX #IA #graphic design #illustrator #UX #IA

Project One Project Two Project Three

#UX #IA #another tag #for balance #UX #IA

#graphic design #illustrator #graphic design #illustrator

@ Company/Institution
Jan 2009 - Jan 2010

Project Three Longer Title

#graphic design #illustrator

say hello about me stay connected


#graphic design #illustrator #UX #IA Message

Name Email Address


Projects Jobs Education

dustin l. hodge
Urban Interaction Designer

dustin l. hodge
Urban Interaction Designer

Dustin Hodge 206.856.4103 @Zelbinian

Color Palette
Triad Harmony w/ Tints

C: M: Y: K: C: M: Y: K:

0 R: 0 0 G: 0 0 B: 0 100 0 R: 239 86 G: 75 100 B: 35 0

C: M: Y: K: C: M: Y: K: C: M: Y: K:

0 0 0 1 65 11 0 0 16 0 0 0

R: 252 G: 252 C: 0 B: 252 M: 36 Y: 100 R: K: 62 10 C: 67 R: 92 G: 178 M: 0 G: 186 B: 230 Y: 100 B: 70 K: 0 C: 97 R: 209 C: 19 M: 0 G: 237 M: 0 Y: 77 B: 251 Y: 26 K: 10 K: 0 R: 208 G: 231 B: 200

C: 100 C: 0 R: 252 M: 47 M: 16 G: 219 Y: 0 Y: 12 B: 210 K: 10 K: 0


Georgia Aa Kk Uu 1 Bb Ll Vv 2 Cc Mm Xx 3 Dd Nn Yy 4 Ee Ff Oo Pp Zz 5 6 Gg Hh Ii Qq Rr Ss 7 8 9 Jj Tt 0

Verdana Aa Kk Uu 1 Bb Ll Vv 2 Cc Mm Xx 3 Dd Nn Yy 4 Ee Ff Oo Pp Zz 5 6 Gg Hh Ii Qq Rr Ss 7 8 9 Jj Tt 0

Kunstler Script Aa Kk Uu 1 Bb Ll Vv 2 Cc Mm Xx 3 Dd Nn Yy 4 Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Zz 5 6 7 8 9 0


C: M: Y: K:

0 R: 0 0 G: 0 0 B: 0 100


Icons Concept

All icons from the free Pyconic icon set I based the entire idea off a characature of myself. In the past few years, Ive featured a variety of facial hair styles and Ive become known for my sometimes wild curly hair. So I thought itd be fun to make a logo that featured just hair and made a face from negative space. Youll notice that the facial hair changes from time to time, and thats the idea. When this is a real website, everytime the user visits the facial hair on the logo will change, which also showcases my personality. I chose typography that juxtaposed refined and carefree. I think Kunstler (which would be used as an image on the web) and Verdana play off each other nicely. Adding the modernist typeface Georgia for the headers on the webpage further solidifies the professional-yet-carefree the package is intended to deliver. The self-portrait continues this theme. Its an otherwise sober photo, but is satirically annotated like a product for sale (which, of course, I am). The colors were chosen to give each section of the site a distinct feel. The real website would allow each of those sections to expand to full width, and the color would be an excellent navigational cue and also compliment the blacks and grays nicely.

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