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Nature vs.

They Work Together

By: Paige Katchur

The theories of nature versus nurture have been proposed for centuries. Over the years, scholars have argued whether nature or nurture is the influencing factor of an individuals psychological behavior. The study of this topic backdates to the beginning of the psychology profession. The importance of this topic is due to the vast misunderstanding that either nature or nurture is the sole deciding factor of an individuals psychological behavior and outcome. Psychological outcomes effect a number of things including violence and the ability to function in society. It also effects teaching, learning, interactions with family, emotional capabilities, and a number of other aspects of an individuals life. Despite the vast number of studies, some

psychologists still believe that either nature or nurture is the sole factor in shaping an individual. While there may be some outdated information supporting these theories, more recent studies have shown that this is not the case. Psychological behavior is driven not only by nature, but by nurture as with this that they to form the well. It is balancing act work together behaviors

and personalities of human beings around the world.

Violence and the inability to function well in society are both prevalent issues for individuals. While some people believe that it is either nature or nurture that drives these behaviors, it is not. These behaviors derive from a

combination of an individuals upbringing, as well as their own human nature. In other words, it is both nature and nurture that cause a person to be violent or socially maladjusted.

Nature and nurture are proven influencing factors on an individuals behavior through various case studies. In a study published in the Delaware Medical Journal in November 2006, a young adult males inability to function in society is described. In terms of the individuals background, his mother had substance abuse issues as well as untreated mental conditions. His birth came premature, causing a wide array of issues. He was cared for in an intensive care unit for three weeks due to brain problems

caused by hypoglycemia and hypoxia. These brain issues would prove to be an ongoing problem throughout his life, but they were not the only obstacles he would have to overcome. Despite the insurmountable genetic predispositions to having difficulty functioning in society, he also had a lack of nurturing by his family. During his developing years as a child, he lived in a poverty stricken household. There was an immense lack of interaction from both his mother and his father. During his adolescence, he was sent to live with an aunt. Later in life, after becoming an adult, he had many issues trying to survive in society. His behaviors due to his brain damage and upbringing made it impossible for him to hold down a job. His erratic behavior

landed him in several public hospitals, and he was forced to take copious amounts of medication to combat his behavior. He was everything but successful at living within the public community. Quite possibly the most interesting piece of this study was a question that was answered by the individual. When asked who he refers to as important in his life, he said it was Since his uninvolved his mother. mother is in his life,

the answer from a typical, developed young adult male would not be his mother. His inability to function in society was driven not only by his immense amount of brain damage, but also by the lack of nurturing by his mother and father. These two things hindered his ability to develop and behave as a young man typically does in society. This case

study predominantly shows how the environment and genetics, or nurture and nature, influence an individuals behavior and development throughout their early life.

The debate of whether it is nature or nurture that is the influencing factor on an individuals behavior has been ongoing for years. Some people still believe that nature is the only factor that shapes an individual. Others believe that nurture is the only influencing factor on a person. However, studies have proven that the two coincide to shape a persons behavior. The studies that have been covered so far show how nature and nurture play an influencing factor in the inability to function in society. While studies are ongoing,

they all lean towards nature and nurture coinciding to form personality and behavior.

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