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Free Prophecy For You Get God's Plan For You in 2013. Receive Your Free Written Prophecy!

There is only one being and anything that seems to exist that is not that being is an illusion. The Yogis name that illusion Maya. In the Quran its called baatil. The function of Maya makes the one being seem to be many. The religions that claim to be monotheistic are not really monotheistic at all. Theyre dualistic because they posit the existence of God and something that is not God, i.e., devil. But the ancient masters who are derogatively called pagan, polytheist, or pantheist knew that nothing really existed but the original being and that everything that seemed to exist was nothing but God dressed up to seem like something else. Therefore, the real monotheists are the ancient Egyptians, the Dravidians, the Yogis, the Taoists, The Tantrics, the Buddhists, the Yoruba all of whom have been persecuted by the zealously ignorant pretend Monotheists who are actually dualists. Behind all the infinite separate beings resides one true being who is the one who sees, witnesses and hears all things. Part of spiritual cultivation involves ignoring the left-brain monkey mind to witness the witness. That is why the Quran has so many verses that say Allah is the Seer, Allah is the Witness, Allah is the Hearer, Allah is

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the Knower. One of the meanings of Ausar is Seer. The ancient Egyptians symbolized that one underlying beings Seer function as an Eye. The Arabic word for Seer is Baseer. This is actually a combination of Ba and Sar or Ausar. Check out my article on the Arabic letter Ba for details on the Ba level of being. The Ba is the true Self, the Atman of yogic science. This Self is the only being there is. Ultimately, there arent many selves, there is one Self. That one Self or Nafs al Mutmainnah is the core of every being. We are all the same Self. Therefore, we are all equal. When we realize that only one Self exists, any act against another is really a kind of self-abuse. Since only one Self (God) exists, ultimately nothing is better or worse than anything else. All people are that Self and all actions are performed by Gods energy (Sakeenah or Shakti). Therefore, every event is God god-ing or doing Her thing. While we, on our lower level, see good and bad, ultimately only good exists and in the end well all dig that. The Quran says of Allah, He has no fear of the consequences. In other words, when all this karma (Qadr) is worked out, everything will return to its true essence, God. The Hindus metaphorize this as the inhalation of Brahman, drawing the universe back into Itself. Brahmans exhalation is what western science has named the expression of the universe. The initiate cultivates a kind of detachment from identifying with the vicissitudes of life. Whatever occurs is the play of Shakti and the unfolding of karma. The initiate (wayfarer) just does her duty but realizes she is not really the Doer, the Sakeenah is. This is what Taoists call Wu Wei, actionless action. By the Soul and its equanimity. -- Quran 91:7 The Arabic word sawwaa means equality, proportion, completion, equanimity, balance. So the Quran is here discussing equality consciousness. Yogic practices are designed to aid in the realization of our true selves. One of those are called bandhas (locks) such as
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the mulabandha. Bandhas lock and direct prana (energy) to places such as glands so that higher states of consciousness can be reached. Hey, you who (would) attain Amen, perfect with the locks. -- Quran 5:1

Proper sadhana (practice) to employ mudras and bandhas can help us achieve Nirvana.

Free Prophecy For You Get God's Plan For You in 2013. Receive Your Free Written Prophecy!

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