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Good morning every body, first of all I would like to introduce my self, my name is Irlan Awalia Sabrini.

In this occasion I want to present for all of you about Childhood Undernutrition in Indonesia. I will divide into five points to explain the topic of my presentation. First Id like to talk about what is nutrition? Second nutrition for children, the third what is undernutrition? And the next go to the main topic, childhood undernutrition in Indonesia and the summary is how the solution for this problem? And the first point, what is nutrition? Nutrition is the overall various processes in the body creature living for receive materials from the environment his life and using materials - such materials in order that produce a various activity in his body. The materials is known as nutrient (nutrients are substances that many food constituent required by the body for metabolism, namely: water (H2O), protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals (Faculty of medicine (Issue 1), 1985). And nutrient required by the body to grow and develop. Second, nutrition for children. In the growth and development of children is influenced by several factors both internal factors and external factors. One of the external factors that have been raised are nutrients obtained by the child. Dr. Rubiana Sukardi SpA child cardiology consultant explained that there are six nutrients that play a role in the growth of infants and children, namely: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water, which when combined with the well will provide optimal nutrition and growth of children is good. Nutritional option for babies is breast milk (ASI). For healthy infants over 6 months of age is recommended granting calories between 108 to 117 kilocalories per kilogram of body weight per day. Hence the need protein at the early age of high infant (due to rapid muscle growth), it is recommended nutrient delivery more than 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight. Third, Malnutrition is a general term for a medical condition caused by eating or giving improper or insufficient. The term is often associated with a state of undernutrition (underweight) is caused by lack of food consumption, poor absorption, or excessive loss of nutrients. When talking about undernutrition, the biggest concern will be addressed in children, especially infants. This is because at that age, which lasted less intake in the long term, will have an impact on child development process with all the consequences in the future. Not only on the physical growth of the child, but also his mental development. One thing that will impact on the productivity of a nation. According to Dr. Rubiana Sukardi SpA (K) is a state of undernutrition infants or children with poor nutrition that impaired growth. While the definition of growth failure is when the weight of the child, or the child's weight and height ratio, less than 2 standard deviations below his age. Problem of malnutrition is still common in many places in Indonesia, and the Indonesian ironically experienced both extreme malnutrition problems. On the one hand, areas experiencing food insecurity and economic groups with inadequate capacity could be vulnerable to malnutrition in the form of undernutrition. World food organization (FAO) noted during the period 2001-2003 in Indonesia, there are about 13.8 million people are undernutrition. While based

on the 2005 National Socioeconomic Survey, malnutrition is 28% of Indonesian children. Even though the state is often caused by a condition undernutrition food shortages either due to production problems or issues should be noted that the distribution is not uncommon undernutrition, especially in children, is also due to incorrect feeding patterns or types of food provided. As a result, children do not get adequate intake for physical growth and mental development. Minister of Health, Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih on National Nutrition Day at the Ministry of Health, Jakarta, Tuesday (25/01/2011) says this concerning the problem of chronic malnutrition. We still face the problem of malnutrition, especially chronic and acute in some groups of our society. Additionally, basic health research in 2010 also found a prevalence rate of malnutrition among children under five is estimated at 17.9 percent or about 3.7 million children under five are malnourished and less malnutrition. And the solution for this problem which can including educating the public by providing accurate information about nutrition would be a good step in preventing or overnutrisi undernutrisi. Government in the National Development Plan has set three basic strategies that emphasize community nutrition and nutrition education efforts to empower, encourage good quality food intake through food diversification approach or through food fortification and nutritional supplementation. I things we can do as a nutritionist is to consistently provide exemplary lifestyle 'conscious', it is considered effective to break the chains that are less conscious culture in the community. Additionally socialization becomes very important as a trigger to change for the better.

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