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Phase 5 Individual ProjectPhase 5 Individual Project

CS 362CS 362

Mark MurphyMark Murphy 9/19/20129/19/2012


ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................................. 2 Part 1: Function ............................................................................................................................................. 2 Part 2: Stored Procedure ............................................................................................................................ 23 Part 3: Indexes .............................................................................................................................................. 3 PART 1: FUNCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 4 PART 2: STORED PROCEDURE ....................................................................................................................... 8 PART 3: INDEXES ......................................................................................................................................... 13 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................................................... 21 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................... 22

There were several steps to this assignment. I had to add proper indexes, a function, and a stored procedure to my database. The changes will provide functionality used by the teachers for screens such as a grade book. The parts of this assignment are broken down into parts and described in further detail below.

Part 1: Function
Write a user-defined function (UDF) that calculates a student's GPA for a given time frame. Inputs are StudentId int, ClassStartDateStart datetime, and ClassStartDateEnd datetime. The output should be the student's GPA for all classes that were taken between ClassStartDateStart and ClassStartDateEnd. Also, supply the script to call this new function.

Part 2: Stored Procedure

Write the script to make a stored procedure that returns data needed to display a grade book screen for a professor. The only input for the stored procedure is a ClassId. Outputs need to include student names and grades for all assignments as well as a calculated overall grade for the class for each student. Provide an example calling this new stored procedure, passing it parameter values of your choice. Include a screenshot of the output.

Part 3: Indexes
Provide a list of suggested indexes and the script to create them. Include an explanation of the purpose of indexes and how you made your decision for the fields to include in your list of suggested indexes.

This part of the assignment requires me to calculate a students GPA. To determine the students GPA, I had to use the inputs StudentId int, ClassStartDateStart datetime, and ClassStartDateEnd datetime. This is how I added the inputs to my database to create the Function. From the Object Explorer, I selected the database I was working with. I expanded the database and selected the Functions folder.

I right clicked on the Functions folder and selected New Inline Table Valued Function.

This is a screenshot of the template that appeared.

From here I could edit the Function and create the function I needed for the project. This is how I did that.

I entered USE and [CS 362 Phase 1 Individual Project] then on the next line I entered the word GO. That bit of scripting tells the server that I am using the CS 362 Phase 1 Individual Project database and GO tells the server to go to that database. Next, I had to indicate that I was creating an object that was going to be used in a database that was a User Defined Function. I wanted to save the function as StudentsGPA and I saved the date when I created the script. For the actual script part, I entered CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[sp_StudentsGPA]. The inputs I used were StudentID, ClassStartDateStart and ClassStartDateEnd. The output I wanted was going to be the students GPA so I added up the grade from the students four assignments and divided that grade by 4 (since there are a total of 4 assignments). After I entered all that I ran it to see if it was correct. And this is the output from my function after it was compiled and verified.

This is the script for my User Defined Function. USE [CS 362 Phase 1 Individual Project] GO /******Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[StudentsGPA] Script Date: 9/23/2012 SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED INDETIFIER ON GO CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[sp_StudentsGPA] (StudentID int, ClassStartDateStart datetime, ClassStartDateEnd datetime) AS BEGIN RETURN (@Assignment1+@Assignment2+@Assignment3+@Assignment4)/4 END GO */

And this is the execute script for my User Defined Function to show that it was completed successfully.


For this section, I had to create a script to make a stored procedure work. The only input for this procedure is ClassId and the output should include the student names and grades for all the assignments as well as a calculated overall grade for each student in the class.

This is how I created the new stored procedure. From the Object Explorer, I opened the Programmability section.

I selected the Stored Procedures and right clicked on that.

I selected New Stored Procedure and this template appeared.

From here, I could create my stored procedure and this is how I did that.


For this assignment, I had to make a stored procedure that returns data needed to display a grade book for a professor. To do that, in the query window I typed use [CTU CS 362 Phase 1 Individual Project] and then I typed the word go on another line. I selected CS 362 Phase 1 Individual Project because it is the database I am working with and the word GO tells the server to go to that database. Here is a screenshot.

I entered that I wanted to create an object that was a Stored Procedure. I wanted to use the Stored Procedure in my database and I wanted the Stored Procedure to be saved as sp_GetStudentsGrades. I wanted the results of the procedure to be displayed as a decimal with one digit followed by a decimal and two other digits. I choose to display the results this way because it could display a students grade in the class as a numeric output. Also, I wanted the output to display the students first name, last name and their grade, in that order. After I entered all the data into the query window, I verified


the information. This is screenshot of the procedure I created and that it was compiled successfully.

Now that the information was compiled correctly, I wanted to save the script.


This is the SQL text for my Stored Procedure.

use [CS 362 Phase 1 Individual Project] go /******Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_GetStudentsGrades] Script Date: 9/23/2012 SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE FUNCTION [sp_GetStudentsGrades] StudentsGrades decimal 1,2 as select FirstName, LastName, Grades go */


In this section I had to provide a list of suggested indexes and the SQL text scripts that I used to create them. Indexes are created to help search data and are especially useful when a large amount of data must be searched. Indexes can convert text characters and convert them to a numeric value. This is done because it is easier and faster to search through a large amount of number data than it is to search text.

For this assignment, I had to create one index. I choose to create an index for the students last name and this is how I created the index. From the Object Explorer, I opened the database I was working with, like this.

I opened the Tables section and, since I am making an index for the Students last name, I selected the Students table.


From here, I right clicked Students and selected Design. This is the next screen that appeared.


From here, I right clicked on LastName and selected Indexes/ Keys. This is what that process looked like.

My next step was to setup the index. This is how I did that.


I selected the Columns options in the General section and an Index Columns table appeared. I selected Last Name since that is what I am using as my index. And I opted for the results to be sorted in ascending order. This is a screenshot of what that looked like.


I clicked OK and saved the index. Then I wanted to make sure that the index was saved properly, so I went back to the Object Explorer and refreshed the tables to the database. I expanded the database tables and here is a screenshot.


The index I just created is saved under the Indexes folder. Next I will explain how to script this index and include the SQL text script.

I right clicked on the index and selected Script Index As then CREATE To and New Query Editor Window. Here is a screenshot of that.


Here is a screenshot showing that the Index was compiled corrected and verified.


And here is the script.

USE [CS 362 Phase 1 Individual Project] GO /****** Object: Index [PK_Students] Script Date: 9/21/2012 5:04:28 PM ******/ ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Students] ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_Students] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [StudentID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] GO


CONCLUSION This is my phase 5 individual project. This has been a difficult class for me, but I think I learned a lot. I have worked hard and gained a deep appreciation for databases. Although I was not able to watch any of the classes live, I think I learned a lot from watching the archived chat sessions. For this project, I had to create a function, stored procedure and an index. This was a challenging and time consuming project. I referred to the live chats several times for guidance. I hope the hard work and time I put into this project is reflected in my submitted work.



ONeill, T. (2012). SQL Server Stored Procedures for Beginners. Retrieved September 24, 2012, from pinaldave. (2008, January 15). SQL SERVER What is DML, DDL, DCL and TCL Introduction and Examples. Retrieved September 2, 2012, from QiSQL. (n.d.). Learning SQL - SQLite Basics. Retrieved August 25, 2012, from w3schools. (2012). SQL Data Types. Retrieved September 22, 2012, from

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