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Testicular Breathing

Testicular Breathing

The first thing an initiate has to learn is testicle breathing. This is done by inhaling, directing the breath down to the testicles so your balls rise up. As you exhale your balls fall back down. This cools down passion and stimulates sexual chi in a yin mode. Exhaling gets out accumulated wastes. After a while a cool/cold chi is felt inside the scrotum between the 2 balls. You next "sip" this coolness to the Hui Yin (perineum) thru an imaginary straw. Once the Hui Yin is cold you next sip it through the tip of the spine to the coccyx. This step is difficult and important. There's a lot of bone that has to be broken through. Now there are pumps in the body. One very important one is the sacral pump. When moving chi from the perineum to the coccyx it helps to activate the sacral pump. It pumps sexual force up the spine and transforms the energy at the same time. The sacral pump is activated by humping -- i.e., moving the sacrum down and then pulling it up. There's also a cranial pump in the back of the head. A sexual master activates both to pull the chi to the brain. After moving the cold chi to the coccyx it is next sipped to T-11, the 11th thoracic vertebra, behind or opposite the solar

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Testicular Breathing

plexus. There you let the sperm force accumulate till it's ready to move on its own. Flexing that part of the back will help it travel up. By the way, this movement of sexual force (kundalini) up the spine to the head is called "raising up the salaat" in Islam. In esoteric Christianity it's known as "uplifting the Christ." The sperm force is next drawn to the Jade Pillow (back of the head) between C-1 (1st cervical vertebra) and the base of the skull. Pressing the chin to the chest activates the cranial pump and moves the chi to Pai Hui (crown of the head). The chi in the head should then be circulated inside the brain 36 times clockwise and 36 times counter clockwise. This vitalizes the brain. After some practice you can draw the sexual force from the testicles to the brain in one long draw. After filling the brain, press the tongue to the palate and let the sexual force flow down the front to the lower Tan Tien and the sexual center. These are preliminary practices to mastering Sexual Kung Fu. Women perform ovarian breathing to bring vaginal and uterine sexual force to the brain. A woman who masters this suppresses menstruation and is symbolized in Semitic Wisdom as a "virgin." Such a "virgin" may enjoy many hours of sexual pleasure, multiple orgasms and enlightenment. But she is a "virgin" because, at the levels of mastery, she doesn't menstruate and can use her and her husband's sexual power to become physically rejuvenated. In the Nation of Islam, Master Fard Muhammad named the women's divisions the Muslim Girls Training because, in the New Islam, the women would be teachers and masters of Tantric Sex Yoga and use there awesome sexual force to heal themselves of psychological and physical damage and restore themselves to youthfulness.

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Testicular Breathing

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that his followers would become youthful and have bodies that were 16 years old. Sixteen (1+6 = 7) symbolizes the 7 chakras, but the fulfilment of this is actually physical, not just symbolic. In advanced levels of spiritual sexual cultivation a "student" (i.e., initiate) learns to regrow the thymus gland by pulsating it with refined sexual chi (prana, salaat or kundalini). Because tantra means "to weave" many tantric teaching are coded under "weaving," "sewing," "knitting," and the like. The Egyptian Goddess Neith's name means "weaver" and thus reveals her tantric identity. The secret Nation of Islam lesson on M.G.T. goes: "What is the meaning of M.G.T. and G.C.C.?" Answer: "Moslem Girls Training and General Civilization Class, this was the name given to the training of women and girls in North America, how to keep house, how to rear their children, how to take care of their husbands, sew, cook and in general, how to act at home and abroad. These training units were named by our prophet and leader of Islam, W.D. Fard." Most women stay in the Nation for about 3 years because, other than suppression, no-one teaches those poor women what to do with their sexual force. For awhile the momentum of their new faith conversion is enough to get positive results, but that wears thin after life's challenges hits them with more than they are equipped to handle. So many very sincere sisters "fall back into the dead world." Let me be frank. The level of understanding taught in the Nation is nowhere near enough to fight off the forces of negativity in the world. The same is true of Sunnism, Ahmaddiya, Moorish Science, Baptist, Shi-ite, Catholic, Pentecostal and New Age. So I don't blame the people for failing, I blame a bankrupt and failed religious system.

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Testicular Breathing

And the system fails because the understanding is deficient. The M.G.T. lesson is subset # 14 of Lost-Found Lesson No. 1. Fourteen connects the M.G.T.'s purpose to the 14 Mystic Letters, Lunar Letters, 14 Kau of Ra and the phases of the Moon. "Keeping house" represents maintenance of the body through diet, exercise, yoga and chi cultivation. "Rearing children" symbolizes "magical children" which are created on the astral plane and sometimes via sex magic. It more deeply refers to the energy and spirit bodies that are created in advanced energy practices. Because the force is directed up the spine, the M.G.T. "rear their children." "Taking care of their husbands" means helping their mates to divinity via tantric sexual practices which, in the Quran, are called Sakinah. And among His signs is this, that He created for you wives from your souls so that you might taskanu [i.e. practice Sakinah] with them. And He made love and mercy (flow) between you. Surely there are miracle signs in this for a people who meditate. -- Quran 30:21 In dual sexual cultivation the male force flows into the woman and the female force flows into the man. Eventually, the energies weave and merge so that she becomes him and he becomes her -- in consciousness. They truly know each other and become true "soul mates." The sexual ching chi can heal both parties. The woman can begin to prophesy, give spiritual advice or heal people. They can do miracles -- according to the sexual position.

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Testicular Breathing

Your wives are a tilth for you, so enter into your tilth however you will. And send (good) beforehand for your souls. -- Quran 2:223 Okay, I'm sure modern women aren't thrilled to be called "tilths" but, in the context of the times, it meant that one's wife was valuable beyond price. A tilth is cultivated, growable, watered land. How priceless was that in the deserts of Arabia! "Going into them however you will" refers to sexual positions used according to the goal. In Sex Magic the Missionary Position (man on top) is used to positively affect the man's situation. Woman Superior (woman on top) is used to positively affect the woman's circumstances. Man behind (doggy style or laying like spoons is for helping a friend, family member or associate of the man. Woman on top, but her back to the man is used for associates of the woman. There are lots of other postures. In fact all of the yogic postures originally had a sexual function. This and more is coded in the phrase "take care of their husbands." "Sewing" refers to the weaving of sexual energies as well as the penetration of the penis into the vagina in a sewing-like manner. "Cooking" refers to the percolation, bubbling effect the kundalini force has in the coccyx before it shoots up the spine. It also refers to a Taoist procedure for stirring, steaming and cooking sexual chi in the lower Tan Tien to refine it. This is done in the Kan and Li rites. "Acting at home and abroad" points to the use of sexual role-playing for spiritual cultivation.

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Testicular Breathing

Let's posit that a couple or group wishes to evoke the goddess Nekhebet for psychic purposes. Well, the woman who'd be the vessel for Nekhebet would, in ceremony, dress as the goddess, act like the goddess. In acting -- and being simultaneously sexually aroused -- eventually a miracle would occur. Suddenly, she becomes the goddess and possesses the goddess' powers. This is heavy stuff and I'm only touching the fringes. Oils, caresses, kisses, chanting, colors, drinks, et al are employed to worship the goddess. "Acting abroad" refers to functioning on the higher planes such as the astral plane. Sexual cultivation and its special relationship with spirituality should be taught in every church, mosque, synagogue, temple and ashram.

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