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Americas Generation Gap: | Fall Com 2243-02

4/29/13 10:30 AM

Fall Com 2243-02

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Americas Generation Gap:

Posted on December 4, 2012 by Daniel Walker How Experiences Shape Our Thinking By: Daniel Walker The United States of America, a dream envisioned hundreds of years ago by a few determined men, is now as diverse and multicultural as the earth we inhabit. We come from different socioeconomic backgrounds, races, religions, and even cultures, but what separates us most from one another is completely exempt from those listed, it is something, regardless of how we feel about it, cannot changeour generation.

Clockwise: Silent Generation, Generation X, Baby Boomers, and Millennials. Source: Oliver Munday for TIME Magazine

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Americas Generation Gap: | Fall Com 2243-02

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Five major groups, four of which are very prominent in our society today, section America: the Silent Generation, the Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, and the Millennial Generation. These four groups dissect the experiences and outcomes of every major event in history, the way we were raised, and even how we learned from those experiences. The Population Reference Bureau does an extensive, in-depth, analysis from generations dating back to 1871. But, does history define us or do we define history? Does our generation makeup reflect upon the achievements and disasters of those before us or do we set the precedent? Steven, Mike, Carol, and Ruth have experienced many ups and downs in life, all from different point of views, but equally see their generation as a significant factor in shaping America and an example for generations to come.

The Current Generations in America. Source: Pew Research

The Millennial or Dependent Generation The Millennials (born 1980-present) sit in the presence of a technological boom, soaking up every opportunity to test all the resources that come with it. With the invention of the cellular phone and the modernization of a compact computer, technology is evolving and the Millennials are keeping pace. Steven Dooley, 25, shared his views on the impact of technology on his generation. Technology is designed to make our lives easier. He also noted the dependency his generation has on technology explaining why Millennials are so attached to the newest thing our there. Steven went on to say the world has become more secularized creating a generation that does not value religion as it Page 2 of 6

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did 50 years ago, but also went on to share that we are more individualistic rather than community-oriented, adding to the reason why Millennials are not drawn to religion in a way, say, their grandparents are. The September 2001 terrorist attacks, a significant turning point in American foreign policy, do not play a significant role in the lives of Millennials, Steven states. The impact of World War II had a much greater influence on the Silent generation than the War on Terror for Millennials he went on to say. Quiz: See how you compare to the Millennial Generation Generation X or Forgotten Generation Generation X (born 1965-1980), across the board from all generations, is believed to be the forgotten generation to some extent. Mike Faison, 37, shared the struggles those in his generation face everyday. The generation before us didnt take us into consideration that much, Mike said. Some believe the massive size of the Baby Boomers sucked up all the resources putting a lot of strain of those that follow, putting Xers in the shadows. Mike went on the explain a college degree did not necessarily mean a job and his generation will be the first to do worse than the generation before. The 2010 Census by the United States Census Bureau calculated the current age variation in America today and how each age group stacks up against each other. During the expansion of Generation X, America experienced the Cold War putting many in a place of fear, not too sure what our neighbor to the westRussiawould do. Mike exclaimed, even as a child, the effects the Cold War had on American society brought to his recollection sitting under his classroom desk for a nuclear drill. Nearing the end of the Cold War, the USA experienced disaster on the home front with the explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger. Mike shared his opinion that the explosion was a black eye to Americas patriotism. Generation X has fought tooth and nail to break out of the shadows of the Boomers, a task, at times, seems to be insurmountable. Baby Boomers or Stubborn Generation Carol Uselman, 62, has been through it all: a hippie in the 1960s, viewing firsthand the effects of the Vietnam War, and the thrill of seeing the first man on the moon. But Carol exclaimed her generation has spent much of their time caught up in their own concerns, growing up, our parents who fought in World War II just thought we were the best, handing us everything on a silver patter, Carol said. She went on to say her generation is stubborn and the Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964) were crafted into being an indulged generation. She continued to explain Boomers, idealistic and stubborn, have created the issues in Washington, D.C. today. In trying to please everyone, weve managed to please no one, Carol exclaimed. The 1960s were a bittersweet time for Carol as a hippie, but she, too, was also dead set against the Vietnam War. Page 3 of 6

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The people did not understand why the nation was at war. She did say if she could go back, even though she no longer holds the views of a hippie, she would definitely do it all over again. Carol did note her generation has created some great accomplishments along the way, such as, Steve Jobs and Steven Wozniak in creating Apple Inc. and the conclusion on the mission to put man on the moon. Putting man on the moon capped everything the Silent generation work for. In trying to please everyone, weve managed to please no one. Below: Steven, Carol, and Mike give us some more insight on the problems their generations face.

The Silent or Greatest Generation Some could argue Tom Brokaw said it best by phrasing the Silent Generation as truly the Greatest Generation. It is, I believe, the greatest generation any society has ever produced, Tom explains in his book, The Greatest Generation. The Silent Generation (born 1928-1945) survived the Great Depression, World War II, then created the most successful period for the middle class. They have survived many struggles along the way, but the Silent Generation has stood strong. During the countrys presence in World War II, Ruth Nolin, 78, shared the sense of unity the country had over the war. It was a time of sticking together and agreement. There was no conflict on the home-base.

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Ruth spent her childhood in the midst of the worst financial disaster our country had ever seen and, at the time, most concerning to her was her bubblegum. She exclaimed as a young child she was not fully aware of what was going on, but she did note the struggle her family had whilst raising five children. To survive, my dad and older sisters would sell sandwiches to the school for the kids lunches, Ruth said. My father and his brother would even travel all over [the Midwest] to find items from certain places that had it and take it to others that did not to earn money. Ruth also added the need for food stamps during the toughest of times. During the years of President Dwight Eisenhower, the middle class expanded and created a wonderful time to live. Just the other day I thought to myself, I wish we were back in the 50s. It was comfortable, simple living. We rode our bikes, went swimming at the local pool, played outdoors, kids dont do that these days. Ruth also explained the day she saw her first television her brother-in-law bought and the excitement surrounding it. The only conflict she remembered during the late 1950s and 1960s was the anxiety over the Cuban Missile Crisis. I remember listening to my radio that sat over the washer, anxious, over the whole issue. Ruth even described where she was the day President John F. Kennedy was shot. I remember it very vividly, she said, my friend, Betty, and I were watching our soap opera, As the World Turns and getting a news flash across the screen, not knowing what it was for. I was upset they were interrupting my soap opera. Then they told us what happened and both of us were balling our eyes out, we were so upset. Lastly, Ruth was a bit modest in describing her generation as the greatest generation. I think every generation has something to make them seem to be the greatest generation. She did, however, believe her generation has proven they could be the greatest the country has.

The above set is what kitchens in the 1950s would have had for daily cooking. Source: Daniel Walker

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The above set is what kitchens in 2012 could use for daily cooking. Source: Daniel Walker

Every generation has something to offer to the world and every generation has the opportunity to make their generation a staple for greatness. Every generation has experienced the ups and downs of fashion, music, and even in war times; each generation had something good, and even bad, opinions about their generation and the generations before and after them, but all agree their generation plays a pivotal part in creating a successful, prosperous nation for years to come. American culture, socioeconomic backgrounds, religions, and race play an important part in our daily lives, but our generation transcends all that to make a significant mark on history. To find out more about the generation gap visit TIME Magazines article on the subject. To read The Pew Researchs full study on the Millennial Generation, visit here. This entry was posted in Uncategorized by Daniel Walker. Bookmark the permalink [] .

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