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Scope of Promotion ( Marketing )

Purpose of Promotion
The purpose of promotion is to guide the general public into buying a specific product or service within the market. Basically the purpose for promoting is so that the customers around the world are aware that there is a product being sold. The idea of an organisation is to sell the most they can to generate a vast amount of profit. So to do so, promoting whatever they are selling is a perfect way to start. It is also cheap! It is also a key in which organisations utilise to increase their reputation and expand the name of their brand. Another purpose why organisations promote is to inflate their sales and to build awareness to the public which is therefore effective to reach a wide audience. This is very helpful in order to attract people from all over the world. It helps businesses assist future customers to see why they should buy that product or service and helps customers to be attracted to the idea of actually buying that product or service. Another reason why organisations promote things is to stimulate demand for a product. This helps create ideas to future customers on how the specific product or service will be of use to them. When companies promote their products or services through national television, it certainly helps viewers create an image in their own minds of them owning that product or service.

INTRODUCTION Education, public awareness and training are linked to virtually all areas in Agenda 21 and even more closely to those relating to the satisfaction of basic needs, capacity building, data and information, science and the role of major groups. This chapter sets out proposals in outline, while specific suggestions related to sectoral issues are contained in other chapters. The Declaration and Recommendations of the Tbilisi Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education in the 1 /, organized in 1977 by UNESCO and UNEP, contain the basic principles underlying the proposals. Action areas of the program described in this chapter are the following: a) Reorienting education towards sustainable

development; b) Promote the training.

AREAS A. Reorienting education towards sustainable development Basis for action Education, including formal education, public awareness and training should be seen as a process by which human beings and societies can reach their full potential. Education is critical in terms of promoting sustainable development and improving the capacity of individuals to address environmental issues and development. Basic education is the foundation of all education in environment and development, but this should be incorporated as an essential part of education. Education, school-type or not, are indispensable to changing people's attitudes so that people have the ability to assess the sustainability issues and to address them. It is also essential to raise awareness of environmental and ethical, as well as values and attitudes, skills and behavior consistent with sustainable development, and to ensure effective public participation in decision-making. To be effective, education on environment and development should focus on the dynamics of the physical / biological and socio-economic as well as that of human development (including, where appropriate, the development Brandy Spirits l ) be integrated in all disciplines and employ conventional and unconventional methods and effective means of communication. Objectives Given that countries, regional organizations and international organizations will develop their own priorities and schedules for implementation in accordance with their needs, policies and programs, the following objectives are proposed:

a) endorse the recommendations arising from the World Conference on Education for All: Meeting Basic Learning Needs 2 / (Jomtien, Thailand, 5-9 March 1990), and seek to ensure universal access to basic education to ensure that at least 80% of girls and 80% of boys age primary school receive a primary education, school-type or not, and to reduce the adult illiteracy rate to half at least its 1990 level. Efforts should focus on reducing the high rates of illiteracy and aim to address the lack of basic education services for women so that the literacy rate of the latter is equal to that of men; b) Ensure that all sectors of society in the world are as soon as possible aware of environmental issues and development; c) Seek to ensure that all groups of the population, since the age of primary school until adulthood, access to education, environmental and development related to the social education; d) Promote the integration of concepts of environment and development, including demography, in all educational programs, in particular the analysis of the causes of major environment and development in a local context, To do this using the best available scientific data and other relevant sources of knowledge, and with particular emphasis on the training of decision makers at all levels. Activities 36.5 Given that countries, regional organizations and international organizations will develop their own priorities and schedules for implementation in accordance with their needs, policies and programs, the following activities are proposed: a) All countries are encouraged to endorse the recommendations of the Jomtien Conference and strive to implement the framework. This implies the development of national strategies and activities focused on the following objectives: the needs of basic education, universalizing access and promoting equity, broadening the means and scope of action of the

education, improve the learning context, mobilizing resources and strengthening international solidarity to address the economic and social disparities and inequalities between men and women that hinder the achievement of these objectives.NGOs can make an important contribution by developing and implementing educational programs, and should be taken into account; b) Governments should seek to develop or update strategies for integrating environment and development in all aspects of education at all levels, and in the next three years. They should be done in cooperation with all sectors of society. These strategies should set out policies and activities to be undertaken and identify needs, cost, means and schedules for implementation, evaluation and review. A thorough review of curricula should be undertaken to ensure a multidisciplinary approach, integrating issues of environment and development issues and their links and sociocultural and demographic. Should take due account of the needs identified by the communities and the diversity of knowledge, including science, cultural and social c) Countries are encouraged to set up national bodies or round tables for consultation and coordination on environmental education, involving representatives of various interests, particularly in the fields of environment, development of education, women's concerns, including non-governmental organizations to encourage the establishment of partnerships, help mobilize resources, provide a source of information and be a center of international trade . These bodies would help mobilize different population groups and different communities and help them assess their needs and develop the skills necessary to create and implement their own initiatives on environment and development; d) With the help of community groups or nongovernmental organizations, the education authorities are encouraged to establish training programs prior to employment or during employment - or to lend their assistance in development of such programs - for all teachers, administrators, and educational planners, as well as non-formal educators in all sectors, these programs would focus on the nature and methods of

education of environment and development would benefit from the experience of non-governmental organizations in the field; e) The competent authorities should ensure that each school receives assistance for the development of work plans on environmental activity, with the participation of students and faculty. Schools should involve schoolchildren in studies and activities devoted to local and regional environmental health, including safe drinking water, sanitation and nutrition, as well as ecosystems, giving them the possibility of parallel provide services and to participate in research in the national parks, wildlife reserves, ecological heritage sites etc..; f) The education authorities should promote proven educational methods and the development of innovative methods adapted to different educational settings. They should also recognize appropriate traditional education systems in local communities; g) Within two years, the United Nations should undertake a comprehensive review of their programs relating to education, including training and public awareness, to reassess priorities and make a new distribution of resources. The International Education Programme Environmental Unesco / UNEP should, in cooperation with relevant United Nations agencies, governments, NGOs and other entities to develop over the next two years a program integrate the decisions of the Conference in the current framework, which is suited to the needs of educators at different levels and in different circumstances. Regional organizations and national authorities should be encouraged to implement similar parallel programs and create similar opportunities by analyzing how to mobilize different sectors of the population to assess their needs in the field of education on environment and development and to respond; h) There is a need to strengthen in the next five years, information exchange by enhancing technologies and capacities necessary to promote education and public awareness of environmental and development. Countries should cooperate with each

other and with the various sectors of society and population groups to develop educational tools that address issues and regional initiatives on environment and development, using to materials and resources suited to their needs; i) Countries could support the activities and networks of higher education and tertiary education for environmental and development.Interdisciplinary courses should be accessible to all students. There is a need to encourage the expansion of existing networks and activities at the regional and national actions by universities to promote research and disseminate pedagogical methods common in the field of sustainable development, and should be set new partnerships and build relationships with business and other independent sectors, as well as all countries for the transfer of technology, know-how and other knowledge; j) With the help of international organizations, NGOs and other sectors, countries could strengthen or establish national centers of excellence and regional specialized in interdisciplinary research and education on environmental science and development, law and management of specific environmental problems. It could be universities or existing networks in each country or region, whose role is to promote collaborative research and the exchange and dissemination of information. Globally, these functions could be performed by appropriate institutions; k) Countries should facilitate and promote activities of non-formal education at local, regional and national levels by cooperating with non-formal educators and community organizations, and supporting their efforts. The bodies of the United Nations, in cooperation with NGOs, should encourage the establishment of an international network in order to achieve the objectives in education worldwide.Local and national, public and scholastic forums should discuss environmental issues and development and suggest sustainable alternatives to policy makers; l) with, where appropriate, with non-governmental organizations, including women's organizations and

organizations of indigenous groups, education authorities should promote a wide range of educational programs for adults to provide training in the field of environment and development, taking into account local problems through activities in elementary and secondary schools. These authorities and the business community, schools should encourage commercial, industrial and agricultural to include these topics in their curricula. Companies may include the concept of sustainable development in their education and training. Programs graduate education should include courses designed specifically to improve the decisionmakers; m) Governments and educational authorities should enhance opportunities for women in non-traditional fields and eliminate gender stereotyping which they are subject in the curriculum. To do this, they can include improving enrollment opportunities, involve women in advanced programs as students and instructors, reforming teacher recruitment policies and encourage the creation of childcare. Priority should be given to the education of young women and programs promoting literacy among women; n) Governments should affirm, as required by legislation, the right of indigenous peoples to use their experience and understanding of sustainable development factors to integrate education and training; o) Through agencies, the United Nations could play a role in monitoring and evaluation of the decisions of the Conference relating to education and awareness. In cooperation with governments and non-governmental organizations, as appropriate, the United Nations system should present and disseminate decisions of the Conference in various forms, ensuring execution and examine their implications for education especially in the context of events and conferences appropriate. Means of implementation Financing and cost evaluation The Conference secretariat has estimated that the total

expenditure for the implementation of activities under this program for the period 1993-2000 would amount to an average amount of approximately between 8 and 9 billion per year , amount to be funded to a maximum of about 3.5 to 4.5 billion dollars by the international community on grant or concessional terms. It is only rough estimates for reference, which have not been reviewed by Governments. Actual costs and financial terms, including non-concessional, will depend including specific strategies and programs Governments decide upon for implementation. Given the situation in each country could increase, in appropriate circumstances, support for teaching, training and awareness, including the following measures: a) Giving higher priority to these activities during the budgetary allocations, and exempt from budgetary restrictions for structural reasons; b) Under the existing budgets for education, transfer credits towards primary education, with emphasis on educational activities in the field of environment and development; c) Promoting conditions where a larger share of the expenses would be borne by local communities, the richest of them from helping the poor; d) Obtaining additional funds from private donors, especially for the poorest countries and those where the literacy rate is less than 40%; e) Encourage the conversion of debt into investment in education; f) Lifting restrictions on private education and increasing the flow of funds received or provided by non-governmental organizations, including small local organizations; g) Promote the efficient use of existing resources and facilities, including organizing school shifts, fuller development of open universities and correspondence

courses; h) Facilitate use free or reduced-price means of communication for the purposes of education; i) Encouraging twinning of universities in developed and developing countries.

B. Promote training Basis for action Training is one of the most important means of development of human resources and transition to a more stable world. It must be focused on specific occupations and seek to fill gaps in knowledge and skills to help individuals find employment and to participate in activities related to environment and development. At the same time, training programs must promote a greater awareness of issues related to environment and development, the learning process takes place in both directions. Objectives should target the following objectives: a) establish or strengthen vocational training programs that meet the needs of the environment and development, with ensured access to training opportunities, regardless of social status, gender, age, race or religion; b) Create a workforce flexible and adaptable to different ages, with the necessary means to face growing problems in environment and development and the changes resulting from the transition to a sustainable society; c) Strengthening national capacities, particularly in education and training in science, for governments, employers and workers to achieve their environmental and development to facilitate the transfer and assimilation of a new technology and technical processes environmentally sound, socially acceptable and appropriate; d) Ensure that considerations based on respect for the environment and ecology are integrated at all levels of management bodies and in all management areas, including marketing, production and finance. Activities

Countries should, with the support of the United Nations system, to define their training needs of the workforce and consider measures to meet these needs. The United Nations could undertake in 1995 a review of progress in this area. The national professional organizations are encouraged to develop or revise their codes of ethics and conduct in order to reinforce their obligations and commitments to the environment. Training and personal development components of programs sponsored by professional organizations should focus particularly on techniques and information relating to the implementation of sustainable development at all stages of policy development and decision decisions. The countries and institutions should incorporate issues of environment and development in existing training programs and encourage the exchange of methodologies and assessments thereon. Countries should ensure that all sectors of society, including industry, academia, government, non-governmental organizations and community organizations include an element of environmental management in all training activities in the field, focusing on the immediate acquisition of qualifications through vocational training and management tasks provided in the short term by the school and the workplace. We need to strengthen training capacity to manage the environment and create specialized programs "training of trainers" to improve the training at the national level and that of the company. Must develop, training practices environmentally sound effect, new approaches aimed at creating employment opportunities and to maximize the use of methods based on local resources. Countries should strengthen or establish practical training programs for graduates of vocational schools, secondary schools and universities, in all countries, to enable them to meet the requirements of the labor market and s' provide adequate means of support. Must establish training programs and recycling to meet structural adjustments which have an impact on employment and qualifications. Governments are encouraged to consult with people who are isolated geographically, culturally or socially, to determine the training they need to be able to contribute more fully to developing work and lifestyles acceptable and sustainable. Governments, industry, trade unions and consumers should strive to understand the relationship between a healthy environment and sound business practices. Countries should create a service environmental technicians trained and recruited locally that are able to provide the public and local communities, especially in urban and rural areas, the services they need to begin by the primary care environment. Governments should facilitate access to information and knowledge available on environment and development, as well as analysis and effective use of them. We must strengthen the special training programs already exist to meet the information needs of

special groups, including employers 'organizations, trade unions, rural workers' organizations and non-governmental organizations, and assess the impact of these programs on productivity, health, safety and employment. We need to create national and regional information on the labor market in the field of ecology, which provide realtime data on jobs and training opportunities that are offered. We must develop and maintain guides for training resources and environmental development, which will provide information on training programs, study design, methods and evaluation results, and at national, regional and international levels. Aid agencies should strengthen the training component of all development projects, with emphasis on a multidisciplinary approach, promoting awareness and empowering them to acquire the skills necessary to ensure transition to a stable society. UNDP guidelines on environmental management for operational activities of the United Nations system can contribute to this end. Existing networks of employers and workers organizations, industry associations and non-governmental organizations should facilitate the exchange of experiences regarding training programs and awareness. In cooperation with relevant international organizations, governments should develop and implement strategies to deal with threats and emergencies involving the environment at national, regional and local levels, with emphasis on practical training and accelerated programs of awareness to improve preparedness. The United Nations system should expand its training programs, especially environmental, and support activities for employers' organizations and workers. Means of implementation Financing and cost evaluation The Conference secretariat has estimated that the total expenditure for the implementation of activities under this program for the period 1993-2000 would amount to an average of about $ 5 billion per annum, which would be financed amount of approximately $ 2 billion by the international community on grant or concessional terms. It is only rough estimates for reference, which have not been reviewed by Governments. Actual costs and financial terms, including non-concessional, will depend including specific strategies and programs Governments decide upon for implementation.

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