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Andrew Core Team Covenant

We believe that it is an honor and a privilege to serve here at St. Andrews and to have the opportunity to use our God-given talents to advance His Kingdom. As a Core Team, we recognize that we are called to be representatives of the Lord Jesus and His Church and we must continually depend upon the power and presence of the Holy Spirit to fulfill our part in accomplishing His purposes here, for without Him we can do nothing.

In 1 Peter 4:8-11 we read, Above all love each other deeply because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he/she has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks he or she should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he or she should do it with the strength that God provides so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power forever and ever.

Therefore I understand and agree to the following calling and commitment as a St. Andrew Core Team Leader:

As a St. Andrew Core Team leader I recognize that... 1. I represent Jesus, His Kingdom, and this parish to people I find myself involved with daily both those within and outside our church 2. I have been entrusted by the Lord to be an example in this parish by expressing its vision, values, and practices 3. I know that St. Andrew brought his brother Peter to Jesus. I recognize that I too have a part in bringing people to the Lord through my words and attitudes, seeking to model Christ through humility, the example of service, and stewardship of my time

As a St. Andrew Core Team Leader I am a representative of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, I commit to 1. Remain loyal to my fellow core team leaders through my speech and actions. I will exhibit this by being kind, courteous and on time, expressing gratitude and appreciation for my fellow servants in the Lords vineyard. I will refrain from gossip, never betraying anyone's confidence, and will resolve any conflicts with prayer and the help of the Spirit. I will willingly offer and receive forgiveness and recognize everyone's gifts and abilities 2. Support the Youth Ministry while at the same time knowing that we can raise questions and concerns among ourselves in a loving and Christcentered manner 3. Demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit and the fostering of a good reputation as a man or woman of character 4. Continue to embody a lifestyle of service, ready to give witness of Christ's life in me in everything I say and do 5. Recognize that as a Core Team, we not only work together and minister together but we also must have time for fruitful prayer together, time to bond with one another, and time to be there for one another

I agreed that with the Lord's help, I will live out the calling and commitment of this Core Covenant and do all that I can to build up the Body of Christ here at St. Andrews Church and in the world.

___________________________ Signature

_________________ Date

St. Andrew Catholic Church Youth Ministry Office 1571 Southgate Ave., Daly City, CA 94015 650-580-3724 Email: September 9, 2012 Dear Parent/Guardian, Your son/daughter has been chosen as a Core Leader for St. Andrews Youth Ministry based on his/her leadership skills, commitment, and strong work ethic. Each person accepted leadership role and agreed to the responsibilities of being a Core Leader. Throughout the year, the team will be planning youth group meetings, events, and fundraisers for the youth. Additionally, they will serve as role models for their fellow peers. We are so proud to have eleven committed teenagers and three Youth Advisors willing to serve God and this community this year. Each Sunday after the 12:30PM Mass, they will meet in the youth room to fulfill their duties and reflect on the needs of our youth ministry. Occasionally, we will also have bonding activities as a team outside of church. I understand that the responsibilities can be overwhelming at times and I have stressed to each of the leaders that school always comes first. I ask that you also emphasize the importance of homework and studying to your teen, which should always be his/her top priority. Whenever there are conflicts in scheduling (such as team sports, school clubs, or work), I just ask that the leaders clearly communicate such conflicts with the rest of the team so we can work things out. In the past it has been difficult to inform parents of the events that we host, but we are working on creating a website, which you will be informed of as soon as it is created. If you have any questions or concerns at any time, please feel free to contact me at 650-580-3724 or email me at Thank you and God bless. Sincerely,

Ynez Lizarraga Youth Coordinator St. Andrew Church

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