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PART I. Its acceptable to say /teach that Chazals scientific statements are not necessarily inaccurate. R Sherira Gaon Teshuvos HaGaonim, no.394 [Harkaby]; Otzar HaGaonim, Gittin 68, Teshuvah #376] Rambam Moreh Nevuchim 3:14 R Avrohom ben Maamar Al HaAgadot, printed in Hakdama to Ein Yaakov HaRambam Pachad Yitzchok Tzeidah Osurah [R Lampronti] R Hirsch Maamar HaR Shimshon Rafael Hirsch Al Agados Chazal R Dessler Michtav MeiEliyahu, Vol. 4, p.355 (footnote) R J.David Bleich He said that, perhaps, when contemporary science disagrees with Chazal about the relative safety of a food, its due to Chazal using erroneous data contemporaneous with them [Tradition 20:2] R Hershel Said that my Kuntres with Sheetas Rabbenu Avrohom Ben HaRambam was fit for Schachter Pirsum and mentioned that I could even add Rav Hirschs statement that Agados Chazal are not binding R Shlomo Zalman Auerbach

PART II. Its unacceptable to say [and/or teach] that any of Chazals scientific statements are

inaccurate Teshuvos HaRivash #4471 Teshuvos HaRashba #98; Mishmeres HaBayyis 4:12 Beer HaGolah, Beer HaShishi: [It] is forbidden to say that the Sages erred in matters of science. [quoted by Rav Aharon Feldman]

Rivash Rashba Maharal The Leshem3

Chazon Ish

R Elyashiv

Koveitz Igros, Vol 1, Letter 15 [quoted by Rav Aharon Feldman]: Our tradition is that the shechita of someone who denies the truth of the Sages whether in the Halacha or Aggada (the non-halachic parts) of the Talmud is disqualified just as is someone who is a heretic; Five Great Leaders, p.377 n.1: In his halachic writings, the Chazon Ish reveals his expertise in astronomy, geography, mathematics, and other areas of general knowledge. He would stress that such wisdoms were known to Chazal not from secular sources, but by way of Ruch HaKodesh. He strongly condemned a certain works contention that an astronomic theory found in the Talmud was adopted from the teachings of the ancient secular world. 1st Letter of R Aharon Feldman re R Nosson Slifkin, 2005, where he (R Elyashiv) states that we may not teach that Chazal could err in science.4

Cited by Rav Aharon Feldman. Rav Yehuda Levi says that the Rashba and the Rivash here refer only to halakhah received from Sinai. [Torah and Science, p.226]

Ibid. Given that Agaddos Chazal are Divrei Elokim Chayyim, does that include scientific accuracy, or is it limited to spiritual accuracy?

R Feldman states that R Elyashiv holds that the views cited by R Slifkin [re Chazals science and re the age of the universe] are Apikorsus; some say they are confident that this is an overstatement by R Feldman and that all R Elyashiv wants is that it not be taught in Beis Yaakovs; R Belsky said all R Elyashiv wants is that it should not be taught publicly; R Feldman himself had written earlier that R Elyashiv was surprised when he saw that the ad said they were Sifrei Kefirah.

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