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Publication 545

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I NALE BN A T 0 G0 M M I S S I 0 t { E t r G TR0 T E Ct fn | 0 UE | } t T E
- lS0) (affili6e de Normalisation Internationale A l'0rganisation N(IRME DEtA CEI

lM G(A L MISSI(lI{ I N T E R N A T I ( l NE AL LE C T R ( l T E C H N I C
- lS0) (affiliated forStandardization 0rganization to the International I E CS T A N D A R D

Publication 545
- First edition 6dition Premidre


hydrauliques pour des turbines etI'entretien I'exploitation lar6ception, Guide

turbines 0fhydraulic maintenance and operation lorcommissioning, Guide

- Copyright - all rights Droits dereproduction reserved r6servds

Bureau Central lnternationale de la Commission Electrotechnique

deVarembd 1,rue

Oendve, Suisse

R6visionde la pr6sentepublication
Le contenutechnique despublications de la CEI est constamqu'il reflete ment revu par la Commission afin d'assurer bien I'etat actuelde la technique. Les renseignements relatifs a ce travailde rdvision, a I'etablissementdeseditions revisdes et aux mises ajour peuvent Otre obtenus aupres desComites nationaux de la C EI et en consultant lesdocumentsci-dessous: O Bulletin de la CEI O Rapportd'activit6de la CEI Publieannuellement O Catalogue despublications de la CEI Publieannuellement

Revision of this publication

The technical content of IEC publications is keprunderconsranl reviewby the IEC, thus ensuring that the conrenr reflects current technology. Information the issue on the work of revision. oirer isededitions and amendmentsheetsma!' be obtainedt-ronrI E C \ational I E C Sourir-i Committees and from the follorving

IEC Bulletin

O Reporton IEC Activities Published vearlv O Catalogue of IEC Publications Published vearlv

Terminologieutilis6e dans la pr6sentepublication

Seuls sont definisici les termesspeciaux se rapportant a la prsentepublication. g6nrale, En cequi concerne la terminologie le lecteur sereportera dlaPublication 50 de IaCEI: Vocabulaire Electrotechnique Inter(V.E.l.), qui estetablie national sousformede chapitres s6par6s traitant chacund'un sujetdefini,I'lndex gnral etantpublieseparement. Des details complets sur le V.E.l. peuvent treobtenus sur demande.

Terminologyusedin this publication

-rr.: Onlt'specialterms required this publicarion forthe purposeof definedheretn, For general terminology, readers arereferred to I E C Publicarion (I.E.V.),uhich is Vocabulary 50: International Electrotechnical issued with a specific in the form of separate chapters eachdealing field,the General Indexbeingpublished asa separate Full booklet. details on request. of the I.E.V. will be supplied

Symbolesgraphiqueset litt6raux
graphiques Seulsles symboles et litt6rauxspeciaux sont inclus publication. dansla prdsente graphiques par la Le recueilcompletdes sy'mboles approuves CEI fait I'objet de la Publication ll7 de la CEI. parla C E I font Lessymboles litteraux et autres signes approuvs I'objet de la Publicatio.n2T de la CEI.

Graphical and letter symbols

graphical Only special and letter symbolsare includedin this publication. The complete series of graphical symbols approved by the IEC is givenin IEC Publication l17. Letter symbols and other signs approvedby' the I E C are contained in IEC Publication 27.

par le m6me Autres publications de la CEI etablies Comit6d'Etudes

L'attentiondulecteurestattirdesurlapage3delacouverture,qui e n u m d r e l e s a u t r e s p u b l i c a t i o n s d e l a C E lp r e p a r e s p a r l e C o m i t d'Etudes qui a etabli la presentepublication.

Other IEC publications prepared bt the same TechnicalCommittee

T h e a t t e n t i o no f r e a d e r s i s d r a w n r o t h e i n s i d eo f r h e b a c k c o v e r . w h i c h l i s t s o t h e r I E C p u b l i c a t i o n si s s u e d b l ' t h e T e c h n i c a l Committee which has preparedthe presenr publication. .41 .224.001 C.D. U. /U. D. G. : 621 | .42.W4.1

0l 1 { A L E R1 { A T {0uE I t{TE c 0 M] | | s s | 0 1 { Et r c T R0 T Ec H1 |
- 180) (affili6e deNormalisation Internationale d l'0rganisation N(IRME llE LACEI

lL MMISSItlN C (A I } I T E R N A T I ( l I IE AT LE C T R ( l T E C H I I I C
- lS0) (affiliated for Standardization 0rganization to the International I E CS T A I { D A R D

Publication 545
- First ddition edition Premidre

1976 SPIIV"2o4 t

hydrauliques turbines pour des etI'entretien I'exploitation lar6cepti0n, Guide

turbines 0fhydraulic maintenance and operation lorcommissioning, Guide



PtfS{T Pf{Yr.lit. ':il illl,Ar *!f K-Ll$Tf, (l


1g?7 9 DEC

- Copyright allrights reserved r6serv6s dereproduction Droits

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Electrotechnique lnternationale dela Commission Bureau Gentral


0endve, Suisse

FilX,t5. ?, 4g.btl

- 3


Fonewono PmrecE,
CHeprsn I: GENEnnrClause

.... 1. Scope a n do b j e c t 2. Terms and definitions. conditions. 3. Data on operating


7 7 9

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
CHeprEnIII: Ops,neTIoN

13 13 13 15 t7

9. 10. 11.
Cuepren IV: MITNTENANCE 12. General



13. Basisfor maintenance activities 14. Restoration to optimum condition 15. Re-starting... AppnNox-Measurements

. . . . .31 .......31 .....33

- 5



FOREWORD l) The formal decisions or agrcemnts of the IEC olr technical matters, preparcd by Technicat Committes on which all the National Committes havitrg a specialinterest therein are rcpresented,express,as nearly as possible,an intemational consensusof opinion on the subjects dealt with. 2) They have the form of recommendationsfor intemational us and they are acceptdby the National Committees in that snse. the wish that all Natio[al Committes should adopt the text of the I EC 3) In o.der to promote international unification, the I EC expresses recommendationfor thefunational rules in so far as national conditions i{ill permit. Any divergencebtwenthe IEC recommndationand the consponding natioml rules should, as far as possible,be cleady indicated in the latter'

PREFACE CommitteeNo. 4, HydraulicTurbines. by IEC Technical has beenprepared This standard of hydraulicturbineswas initiatedduring the and maintenance operation Work concerning the commissioning, of The Committeeof Action confirmedthat this activity fell within the scope meeringheld in Madrid in 1959. first draft 1966, a in Paris in and in 1964 in Aix-les-Bains held meetings After the No. 4. Technical Committee in1972.Asa resultof the meetingheld in Munich in1973, draft wascirculated and a revised wasprepared in 1970 was submitted to the National Committeesfor approvalunder the Six a draft. Document 4(CentralOffice)30, Months' Rule in February1974. The following countriesvoted explicitly in favour of publication: Australia Austria Belgium Canada France Germany Italy Japan Norway Poland Portugal Romania o0 South Africa (RePublic SPain Sweden Switzerland TurkeY Republics Union of SovietSocialist United Kingdom United Statesof America

Other IEC publications quoted in this standard:

Pubrication'**,;l;IlHffi .lJ,','"','3Ji'.*':??1,t111il'fff0,'1"' lillxl3:::i:;ililif (1965).

to Publication193 l93A: First supplement for HydraulicTurbines. GoverningSystems 308 : InternationalCode for Testingof Speed

- 7



1. Scopeand object for commissioninghydraulic in a generalway, suitableprocedures The purposeof this guide is to establish, turbines and associated equipment,and to indicatehow such turbines and equipmentshould be operatedand maintained. It is understoodthat a publicationof this type will be binding only if, and to the extent that, both contracting partieshave agreedupon it. bound up with the conduct interest,exceptthoseinextricably mattersof purely commercial The guideexcludes operationand maintenance. of commissioning, to largeturbinesdirectlycoupled to impulseand reactionturbinesof all types,and especially The guide applies It appliesalso to pump-turbineswhen operatingas turbines. to electricgenerators. The guide is not concernedwith water conduits, gates,valves, drainagepumps, cooling-waterequipment,, generators, from the turbine and its equipment. etc., exceptwhere they cannotbe separated (or drawingsor information shall be suppliedby a manufacturer Whereverthe guide specifies that documents, his information for shall be requiredto fumish the appropriate eachindividual manufacturer by manufacturers), own supply only.

2. Terms and definitions

Terms Definitions

2.1 Commissioning

Testing of new equipment to check its conformity with contractual specifications, as well as operation of the equipment until formally accepted by the purchaser. Utilization of the equipmentto produceenergy,or a stateof readiness for such production. Activity on the equipment directed to its conservationin a state of optimum operatingcondition. Test betweencompletionof erectionof the equipmentand initial run. First movement of rotating parts after erection. Operationto obtain one set of data for a specifictest. Utilization of the equipmentfor testing purposes. It includes Test periodfollowing initial run and followedby test service. power plant well no-loadruns for checking equipment,as as load runs and load reiection tests.

2.2 Operation 2.3 Maintenance 2.4 Pre-starttests 2.5 Initial run 2.6 Testrun ) I Testoperation

period 1.8 Tesroperation

- 9 service 2.g. Test Operationof the equipmentfor an agreedperiod,during which the for the way in which it is operated. manufacturer is generally responsible responsibility, to Operationof the equipment,under the purchaser's produce for such operation. energy,or a stateof readiness periods, aswell as and includingservice Periodstartingafteracceptance periodswhen the equipmentmay be out of operationfor maintenance, repairs, inspection, etc. Time, extending thiough an agreedpart of the commercialservice period,during which the manufacturer has commercial to obligations in his equipmentin orderto bring it into conformitywith correctdefects with the appropriate testsin accordance the contract.For this purpose, partsof Sub-clause 17.I.4,shall be performed. Check on the condition of equipment. Inspectionat regularintervals,often combinedwith incidentalrepairs. Restorationafter wear or damage. Changeintendedto improve performance. Complete inspection with necessaryrepairs and/or modifications intendedto bring the unit or part of it to, or nearly to, the optimum functioning condition.

sentice 2.I0 Comrnercial


seniceperiot! Commercial

period 2.12 Guarantee

2.13 Inspection inspection 2.I4 Maintenance 2.15 Repair 2.16 Modificarion 2.17 Overhaul

3. Data on operatingconditions knowledge of the turbine is a satisfactory 3.1 A fundamentalrequirementfor properoperationand maintenance personnel. and its accessories by the purchaser's all necessary The manufacturer(manufacturers) shall deliver to the purchaser'sresponsiblerepresentatives They shall include: instructions and information. documents, - generaldrawingsand data; - materiallists, descriptions for main parts; and test certificates - function diagrams; - instructionsfor operation, asgiven in the inspection of his supplyand tablesof measurements and maintenance Appendix; - assembly and dismantling instructionsand/or explodedview of the parts; - safetyinstructions; - list of original spareparts,as statedin the contract. representatives assoonasrequired Thesedocuments, evenin a preliminaryform, shallbe given to the purchaser's and, in any case,beforethe initial run. shall include the following data,some of 3.2 The documentssubmitted by the manufacturer(manufacturers) gathered during commissioning. which may be amendedaccording to experience flow and output, wicket-gate openings 1) Diagram(suchas a hill diagram)relatingheads,tailwaterelevations, position. limits; where runner blade or deflector also, applicable, and operating

- 11 to IEC Publication193,InternationalCode for 2) Statementof similitude of model and prototype,according Tests of Hydraulic Turbines,if appropriate; Model Acceptance relief valves. 3) Information on turbine inlet and outlet gates,valvesand pressure 4) Wicket-gateopening(or needleopeningof impulseturbines)for no-load,starting and cavitationlimits, as runner bladeor deflectorposition. functionsof head and tailwaterlevelsalso,where appropriate, 5) Turbine governorand servomotorcharacteristics. protectiondevice. 6) Adjustment of overspeed and information on purification 7) Characteristics of the fluids for the governingsystem.Filter specifications frequencyand method. variationsat various runawayspeedand maximum momentaryspeedand pressure 8) Maximum steady-state operatingheads. 9) Minimum continuous operatingspeedfor initial run (dependingon design of thrust bearing and other bearings). of lubricants and frequencyof 10) Description of lubrication systems,stating amount and characteristics replacement. data on jacking systemfor rotating partsand maximum time after shut-downbeforere-start 11) If applicable, without operating the jacking system. 12) Speed limits below which operationof the thrust bearingoil injection systemis necessary. 13) If applicable, maximum and minimum speeds for brakeoperation. 14) Intermediateoil levelsand pressures at which pumps and compressors should be startedor alarmsgiven; alsodata for automaticsignalling and emergency devices. 15) Maximum and minimum temperatures in bearings, seals and in the oil or fluid pressure circuits(alarmand values). shut-down 16) Maximum and minimum pressures, flows and levelsin oil or fluid pressure systems and bearings, according to control system(alarm and shut-down values). 17) Maximum and minimum pressures and flows in coolers(alarmand shut-down values). 18) Maximum water levels in drainagepits (alarmand shut-down values). 19) Data on electricmotors, pumps and other accessories. 20) Safetyinstructions for test and operatingstaff. 21) Other data of importancewhich are considered necessary by either purchaseror manufacturerfor safe operationof the equipmentor for instruction of personnel. 3.3 The manufacture(s)shall give appropriate instructionsto the purchaser's staff and providethe information statedin Sub-clause 3.2 on operatingthe equipmentduring the final stageof erection,initial run, test runs and test serviceperiod,particularlyfor all items not previouslyused by the purchaser. During the final stage of erection, the start,the testruns andtestservice, the purchaser shallmakehis staff available to the manufacturerfor instruction and training in order that they may be capable of operatingproperlythe turbine and associated equipment. period,the equipmentshall not be operated outsidethe limits statedin the contract 3.4 During the guarantee without agreement with the manufacturer.



-t. General -t.l Commissioningoccursafter first erectionof a new unit. Similar procedures may also be utilized with or r.r ithout formal acceptance after repairor overhaul. given in Clause3 shallbe compliedwith during commissioning. 1.2 The operating requirements If the operating conditions of the powerstationpreventcommissioning within theserequirements, the purchaser and manufacturer procedure. shall agreeon the commissioning 4.3 For correct interpretation and determination of the causesof any unexpectedphenomena,it will be advantageous to make simultaneousrecordingsof significant parameterson a recording instrument. Each recordingshall mention the time and date. 4.4 It is the purchaser's responsibilityto obtain from all the authoritiesconcerned, agreements on specified conditions(flow, grid, etc.)for test operation

5. Test co-ordinator A testco-ordinator shallbe chosen the main contractors by the purchaser, and the manufacturers. He is in charge of drawingup the programme of commissioning. His programme shallbe checked and approved by the purchaser, the main manufacturers and contractors appearto be necessary. beforeand during the tests if changes He shall conductthe tests and checkthe results. The test co-ordinator is responsible for the executionof all testsup to the beginningof the test serviceperiod. Operatingand commissioningpersonnelshall report to the co-ordinatoron all operationsperformedon the equipment.

6. Pre-start tests 6.1 Prior to Jilling waterways Beforethe turbine casingis filled with water,the generator, as well as auxiliaryand stand-byequipment,shall be checked. At leastthe following items shall be checkedand resultsrecorded by the test co-ordinator. l) Inspection (thesemight cause of all the turbinewaterways and removalof all foreignor looseobjects damage). If required,the measuringsections and pressure taps for future turbine acceptance tests shall be checkedand confirmedas satisfactory and dimensionsrecorded as appropriate. 2) Calibration for wicket-gate of scales openings and,whereapplicable, for runnerblades, needles and deflectors, including their cam relationships; also measurement of clearances. 3) Operationof pressure oil units, hydraulic shut-off valves,pressure relief valves,governors, automaticand manually-operated starting and stoppingdevicesand signallingdevices. 4) Oil levelsand pressures in governorsystem;conditionof all oil filters. i) Protectivedevices,, such as oil level and temperature alarmsand relays,with adjustmentif needed.

- 15 with movable of turbines mnnerblades i.e.wicketgates, elements, of goveming andclosing 6) Timesof opening for pressure devices with safety reliefvalvestogether of impulseturbines,pressure and deflectors needles blades, command signaldeadband' relief valve malfunction and, if possible, 7) Valve or gate openingand closingtimes. bearings,the oil injection system shall be g) Bearingand seal clearances. In the caseof pressure-lubricated checked. lubricatingpumps. pumps and separately-driven 9) Operationof leakageand drainage and water supply to all bearingsand sealsrequiringlubricationor cooling. 10) Oil, grease 11) Operationof the braking systemof the unit. 12) Properfasteningof all man-holecovers. turbinesset at rest position. 13) Bladesof movable-blade the needles After the abovechecks,the valvesor gatesshall be closed,the wicket gatesof reactionturbinesor the brakesappliedand the controlboardenergized' of impulseturbinesshall be closed(and locked,if applicable), shallgive instructionsfor the waterways that all conditionshavebeenmet, the test co-ordinator When satisfied to be hlled. 6.2 After filling watetwaYs on the tailwaterlevel,a checkfor leaksshallbe made' first. Depending The tailwatervalveor gateshallbeopened or a small opening manuallyeither through a by-pass The whole waterwayshall be filled slowly,and preferably When the waterwayhas beensufficientlyfilled, the gateshall be openedor the stop-logs of the gateor stoplogs. removed. and checkedbeforethe If there is a turbine inlet valve, the turbine casingshall be carefullyfilled, pressurized this valve shallthen be checked which actuate devices of automaticprotection The operation main valve is opened. and the functioning of the valve itself tested' the especially Automatic protectiondeviceswhich actuatethe intake or outlet gateor valve shall be checked, or leakage unusual no and gate work satisfactorily gate.If the protectivedevicesand the emergency emergency test shall be carriedout: an operational deformationhas beenobserved, - on the pressure reliefvalve. if any; diverting); - on the needles of impulse turbines(with deflectors - on the tailwaterdepression systemof impulseturbines,if applicable.

7. Initial run and the turbine wicket and brakesarereleased devices hasgiven permission,locking After the test co-ordinator to bringthe speed requirements, to the manufacturer's under manualcontrol,according gates areopened or needles 3'2. Item 9). up to at leastthe minimum statedvalue (seeSub-clause of any If any noise, scrapingor other abnormalphenomenais observed,or if an authonzedrepresentative (A tendencyfor the unit to rotatewith leakage the unit shallbe shut down immediately. sorequests, manufacturer flow only shall be noted.)


8. Test runs 8.1 l{o-load tests (see Sub-clause 9)until bearing 8.1.1 The unit is kept undermanualcontrolat or abovethe startingspeed 3.2,,Item representatives. temperatures are satisfactory to the manufacturers' too rapidly, the unit shall be shut down and the causesof this If any temperatureis excessive or increases phenomenoninvestigated and conected. in pre-arranged If all goeswell, the unit speedshall be increased stepsup to the rated value, remainingat each successivespeed until the rate of rise of all bearing temperaturesis satisfactoryto the manufacturers' representatives. and/or observations shall be 8.1.2 During eachspeedstepof the test run, at leastthe following measurements made: 1) Deformationof coversand bearingsupports. 2) Noise or vibration in the turbine and/or generator. in water-lubricated bearingsand packings, and coolingof shaft-sealing devices. 3) Water supply pressure conditionsof standby,turbine safetyand signaldevices, in particular thosewhich could not be 4) Operating properlytestedbeforewater was admitted and the unit rotated. conditionsfor the oil pressure and other pumps. 5) Operating If wateris observed andpressure oil systems. in oil, the leaksshallbe located 6) Conditionof oil in the bearings If oil foaming the and eliminated. is observed, causeshall be located and eliminated. pressure, in pressure 7) Oil pressure and lubrication systems; circulation and inlet and outlet temperature of coolingwater. 8) Levelsof oil in lubricating systems of bearings and in oil pressure systems. packingsand lubricationoil. 9) Temperatures of bearings, 10) Shaft runout at turbine and generator bearingsand axial displacement of rotating parts,if possible. At some agreedspeedvalue, usually after the rated-speed no-load test, the action of the braking system(also brakingjets of impulse turbines)shall be checked. 8.1.3 The functioningof the governingsystemmay be checked at this time and, with the governoroperating protection conectly,the turbinemay beusedfor dry-out andbalancing equipment, of the unit, testson the electrical and automaticdevices, etc. 8.1.4 When the no-loadtest at rated speedis completed, the turbine speedis carefullyincreased, still under protectiondevices. manual control, for checkingthe action of overspeed The set speedfor eachdeviceshall be measured and any necessary adjustmentsmade. After the load rejectiontests,a further adjustmentof the overspeed devicesetting may be required.

- 1 9 8.2 Load run and load rejectiontests 8.2.I General When the generatorand switching equipment have been declaredready for operation,the unit may be precautions During the load rejectiontests,all necessary synchronized. shall be taken to ensurethat ratedvalues will not be exceeded. of penstockand turbine stresses may include settinggovernortiming at a slower-than-design Such precautions rate. When adjustmentsare made on governor or regulating devices,all tests which might be affectedby the adjustmentshall be repeated. 8.2.2 Purposes The purposes of load run and load rejectiontests are: listedin Sub-clause to the documents 1) to check,with an agreed accuracy, the output of the unit, compared 3.2; loads; 2) to check the unit for instability,vibration or cavitationin the rangeof guaranteed

3) to checkthe functioning of governorand regulatingdevices,as well as that of the entire unit; 4) to determinethe momentarypressure and speedvariationsof the unit and to find their extremevalues;
relief 5) to adjust the closingtimes of the wicket gates,needlevalves,runner blades,deflectorsand pressure limit of pressure variations; valvesto minimize overspeed of the unit within the permissible equipment,including protectionand other 6) to permit testingof the operation of other hydraulicand electrical automaticdevices. 8.2.3 Procedure higher loads up to the The load shall be increased in stepsand a load rejectiontest made at successively rejections may be madeat 25%o maximum expected and 100oA to be placedon the unit (for example, , 50% ,,75 %o of rated load, as well as from the maximum load that may be agreedupon). Two rejections shallbe madeat eachload.One rejectionis madeundergovernorcontrolto no-loadgateor needle opening,the other shall be an emergency shut-down by the stop solenoid. gate or valve or by any other If specified, load rejectiontests shall alsobe made by meansof the emergency emergency device. After the completionof eachload rejectiontest, the pressure rise and turbine speedrise data shall be analyzed to ensurethat the specified safelimits will not be exceeded during the next higher load rejectiontest. measurements 8.2.4 Observations, and recordings During these tests, the test co-ordinatorshall ensure,where possible,that the following observations and measurements are made and recorded: operation a) Steady-state 1) Head and tailwaterlevels(or pressures). 2) Generatoroutput. bladeor deflectorposition). 3) Wicket gate or needleopening(whereapplicable, 4) Pressure at turbine inlet and outlet.

s)Axial thrust.


216) Pressures and levelsin oil pressure systems. pumps. 7) Operating times of oil pressure 8) Pressure differentialsin servomotors requiredfor wicket-gate or needleclosurein relationto pressure gatetripping. settingfor emergency 9) Temperatures in bearings and seals. 10)Noiselevels,if valuesarespecified in the contract. . r 11)Abnormal noises, if any. 12) Vibrationand other displacement of rotatingand fixed parts. 13)Actionof air admission devices, if any. b) Load rejection andsubsequent tests 1) Headand tailwaterlevels(or pressures). 2) Generator output. (whereapplicable, and closingtimes of wicket gatesor needles 3) Strokes of bladesor deflectors). 4) Pressure at turbine inlet and outlet. 5) Level variationsat intake and surgetanks. 6) Time/speed relationship of the unit. 7) Maximum axial thrust (if possible). 8) Openingstrokesand opening/closing times for pressure relief valve, if any. 9) Pressure dropin the oil pressure system in theprocess of goveming, andvariationoflevel in theoil pressure reservoir. 10)Noiselevels, if values in the contract. arespecihed 11)Abnormal noises, if any. 12) Vibration and other displacement of rotatingand fixed parts. 13)Actionof vacuumbreaking valves, if any. 14) Action of emergency valve or gateunder flow, if specified. just Ifpossible,an estimate preferably of leakage throughthe turbinewith closed wicketgates shouldbe made, afterthe load rejetion tests. period(Sub-clauie It is recommended that afterthe testoperation 2.8),an inspection of the unit be carried out, possible checkfor any rubbingcontactwhich may haveoccurre.d. . , If duringthe tests(Sub-clause 8.2)unusualphenomena or vibntion havebeenobserved, or if a runawayspeed performed (Sub-clause testhasbeen 11.1.6), this inspetion mustbecanied out priorto thestartofthe testservic period (Sub-clause 2.9).



9. General periodincludesthe followingparts: The operation - test servlce, - commercial period, service, dividedinto:guaranree post-guaranree period. periodshallbe appliedto new units after first erectionand The sub-clauses on test service and the guarantee commissioning, or to any unit after repairor overhaulcarriedout by a manufacturer or a contractor.
periodmay be appliedas long as the unit is in operation. Clause12 on commercialserviceafter the guarantee

it I I

10. Test serviceperiod 10.1 If nothing unusual has beenobserved during the load run and load rejectiontests,the test serviceperiod generally shall follow. As the manufactureris responsible for his equipmentduring test serviceand also for the way in which it is operated, personnel it is recommended that the purchaser's operatethe equipmentunder the guidanceduring test service. manufacturer's After the first erection,the test serviceperiodshouldbe long enoughto satisfythe purchaser that all components periodcanbe shortened operating arein satisfactory condition.After an overhaul,the test service or evenomitted. I0.2 The duration of the hnal part of the test serviceperiodduring which the unit must operatewithout any interruption shall be statedin the contract. period,the purchaser's 10.3 During the test service staff shallstudy the functioningof the equipmentand record at regularintervals(at leastoncea day, at the beginningoncean hour or even more often, and after any change of head,flow or output). Theserecordsshall deal with the items in the following list where they apply: - upstreamand downstreamwater levels; - pressures at turbine inlet and outlet; - output and powerswings; - rate of flow (if possible); - wicket-gateor needleopening,and, where appropriate, runner bladeor deflectorposition; - temperatures in bearings, sealsand lubricatingoil; - temperatures pressures and in pressure oil systems; Observations shall also be made regarding: - functioning of governorand pressure oil units as well as all auxiliaries; - action of interlocksand signallingdevices; - deformationof the turbine casingor cover; - air admission(extent and effectiveness); - circulationof lubricatingoil and coolingwater; - effectiveness of lubricationat variouspoints, filters and coolers; oil quality; - water levelsin drainagepits and presence of leakingoil; - load-carrying ability of the machine;

-25 - ambient air temperature and surfacetemperature generator). of sunounding machines(such as electrical

pulsations, The staff shall also observenoise,pressure cavitationphenomena, bangs,vibration, leakage, etc., in the unit and recordsuch phenomenaand the circumstances under which they were observed. period,the pressure 10.4 At the end of the test service fluid systems and the lubricatingsystems shallbe checked for impurities. 10.5 When the test serviceperiodhasbeensuccessfully completed, commercial serviceunder the responsibility periodbegins (Sub-clau of the purchaser begins. At the sametime, the guarantee se2.12)and the contracting parties shall both placethis on record.

11. Commercialservice period 11.1 Guarantee 11.1.1 Measurements and obsentations The measurements and observations specifiedin Clause 10 shall also be made during commercialservice. Depending on operating conditions, the intervals between mostmeasurements canbeextended. The time anddate for eachmeasurement or observation shall be recorded. 1 1 . 1 . 2 .S l t u r - t l o v ' r t If an1' troubleoccurs andcannotbe immediatell' corrected, e.g.a sudden temperature risein bearings or pressure decrease in pressure oil unit. the unit shallbe shut down.

1 1 . 1 . 3R e p a i r When inspectionindicatesthe needfor a repairduring the guarantee period,such repairshould be madeonly by agreement with the manufacturer. ll.L4 Acceptance tests

Acceptance tests may be completedin accordance with the following: 1) Efficiencyand powertestsshouldbe performedaccording to I E C Publicatio n 4l,International Codefor the Field Acceptance Testsof HydraulicTurbines,whereapplicable; otherwise by agreement between manufacturer and purchaser. 2) The maximum openingvaluesof the wicket gatesor needles, indicatedby the manufactureraccording to Sub-claus e 3.2,shallbe checked and operating limits shallbeestablished, power considering noiselevelor and/or efficiencydecrease. If continuousoperation is considered undesirable over any loadrange,the limits of this rangeshallbe established and an agreement shall be made on how to eliminate the trouble and/or how to passthrough this range. 3) In the caseof movable-blade turbines,it is recommended that the cam relationship be verified by the index method of testing and a corrected cam, if required,be installedas soon as possible. 11.1.5 Speed-governing systems The acceptance tests of speed-governing systemsshould be performedaccordingto IEC Publication308, InternationalCode for Testing of Speed GoverningSystems for HydraulicTurbines,where applicable, otherwise by agreement betweenmanufacturerand purchaser.

I i

-27 speed 11.1.6 Field testsforrunaway in the contract cases and then, if specified shall be performedonly in exceptional Field testsfor runawayspeed precautions shall be taken. All appropriate for both turbine and generator. ll.l.7 inspection Guarantee


concernsonly the guaranteeitems in the contract.On a date agreedby manufacturerand This sub-clause purchaser(usually just before the end of the guaranteeperiod),a guaranteeinspectionof the unit shall be (see applyshallbe inspected to which cavitationpitting guarantees performed. all of the components In particular, consideration). pitting under evaluation, publication on cavitation IEC inspection. shall be invited to take part in the guarantee representative The manufacturer's 13.1. and checksgiven in Sub-clause shall coveroperations inspection The guarantee Theserecords (manufacturer shallmakeajoint recordof the resultsof the inspection. and purchaser) The parties and to be taken, name the party to perform them and which party shall bear the expense shall list all measures programmethe work.


period Post-guarontee

period.The in Clause10 may be continuedafter the guarantee specified and observations The measurements purchaser himself. the by determined are and their extent intervalsbetweenmeasurements shall decidewhether the unit or noted on a recording,the purchaser If any unusual phenomenonis observed for inspection. down continuesto operateor whether it must be shut

conditions 11.3 Specialoperating operation 11.3.1 Cold weather wherethey passthrough particularattentionto smallwaterconduits,especially requires Cold weatheroperation blockedby ice.* it may become insulated, If the water velocity is low and the conduit is not unheatedareas. to heat the oil in it may be necessary When a unit has been shut down for some time at low temperatures, and governorsystemto reduceits viscosity. bearings will usuallyproduceenoughheat to maintain goodlubricationproperties As long asa unit is running, its losses of oil.

operation 11.3.2 De-watered Separate coolingwill be necessary operationrequiresparticularattention to coolingrequirements. De-watered and high at the shaft seal and, particularly for high-head reaction turbines with small runner clearances The manufacturershall provide may becomenecessary. peripheralspeeds, cooling of these clearances separate instructionsfor such operation,if applicable.

x Ice can alsocauseblockage particularlyat trash-racks and wicket gates. of largewaterways,

12. General l2.l



Maintenanceconsistsof preventiveand restorativeactivities(repair).

and wearwith the is to search for causes of damage maintenance for both preventiveand restorative One purpose objectof eliminating them. is to reducewear and the probabilityof damageor breakdown. The purposeof preventivemaintenance is to restoredamagedand/or worn partsto their optimum condition. maintenance The purposeof restorative equipmentsuch as: 12.2 Maintenanceactivitiesconcernall partsof the turbine and associated - waterpassages; - fixed and rotating turbine parts; - control and regulatingdeviceswith their associated equipment; - lubricating, systems; coolingand drainage - automaticsequencing and safetydevices; - control board and measuringapparatus relatedto the turbine. I2.3 Loss of efficiencyand/or strength of machinerycan generallybe tracedto one or a combinationof the following causes: matter in the water; a) weardue to silt or other abrasive b) cavitationphenomena; c) fatiguestressphenomena; d) defeclivematerial,not previouslydiscovered; and/or instructions; with manufacturer's recommendations not in accordance e) operation or maintenance linkages. connections or mechanical fl failuresin electrical nozzles, deflectors, runner on needles, Wear due to silt or other abrasive contentin the water will usually appear general, gates, valve wearing rings and/or seals. seats in hub, wicket runner bucketsor blades, runner bucketsor blades,runner hub, wicket gates, deflectors, on needles, Cavitationpitting will usually appear runner chamberand/or throat ring. in reactionturbinesdo not Impulseturbine runnersaresub.ject In general, fatiguestresses to high fatiguestresses. reachseriouslevelswithout being evidenced by vibration. I2.4 Experience of wear and/or cavitation pitting during the first part of commercialservice(i.e. during the period)can be used to estimatethe date of the next inspection. guarantee periodshall be madeaccording 11.1.3. to Sub-clause during the guarantee 12.5 Repairs periodshallbe madeby the manufacturer or by any otherqualifiedparty. Repairs and overhaulafter the guarantee

13. Basis for maintenanceactivities activities;these 13.1 A number of observations and checksshall be made to provide a basisfor maintenance include:


a) During rated speedoperation: - operationof all mechanical vibration, temperature rise); parts(any knocking, abnormalnoise,excessive - oil and/or water leaks; - lubricating,cooling and drainagesystems(levels,flows, pressures, inlet and outlet temperatures); - governorand associated fluid system; - valuesset for the action of safetydevices,as compared with initial values; - powerand flow (or an index value proportional or needleopeningfor generation, to flow), head,wicket-gate as well as for no-loadoperation. b) During transients: - maximum momentaryspeedand pressure variations; - pressure relief valves; and pressure system.Closingtimes of wicket gates,needles changein the oil pressure - time to shut unit down; - unusual phenomena (any knocking,abnormalnoise,excessive vibration, leaks,etc.). c) At standstill: - pressures; - levelsand temperatures of lubricatingoil or governorfluid; - closed inlet and outlet gatesandvalves,governor positionsof wicket gates, deflectors, runner blades, needles, with initial values. and servomotor,as compared inspections and during repairactivity: d) During maintenance - wear,damageand crackson otherwiseinaccessible wearingrings, parts,e.g.runners,needles, nozzles, seals, bearingsand linkage. The shut-down prior to regular inspectionshould be a full-load rejection in order to check the regulating mechanism. and checks,to follow a check list preparedbeforehandfor the I3.2 It is convenient,for these observations and what shall be noted during different particularunit and statingexplicitlythe frequencyof theseobservations stages. on shallbe recorded 13.1,Itemd), the measurements indicatedin Sub-clause When carryingout the observations sheetssimilar to those in the Appendix to this guide. 14. Restorationto optimum condition are open, namely: In the restorationactivity, two courses - to replace worn or damagedparts; - to repairthem. In the latter case,techniquessuch as grinding, welding, sprayingor solderingmay be used. regulations requirements, to localconditions,purchaser's Procedures should be chosenwith due consideration and experience. 15. Re-starting may be followed as for the initial start. The When starting a unit after overhaul,the samegeneralprocedure ascertained. of any fundamentaldifferences with thoseof the originaltestsand the causes resultsshallbe compared



1. General during erectioninclude among others: Dimensionsto be measured - reference for locationof fixed parts and shaft alignment; marks and measurements wicket - gapsand clearances betweenrunnersand covers,runnersand wearingrings,runner bladesand casings, gatesand wearingplates,etc. templates. with the corresponding profrles may be plottedbeforeor during erectionand compared Cross-section recorded. be shall profile template and the betweenthe surface The differences

2. Adjustment valuesfor shaft alignment using Figure 1, page35, for horizontalunits and Figure 2, page37, for The following forms shall be completed, verticalunits.

3. As appliedto a reactionturbine Main data and dimensionsas measuredduring erectionare insertedon a suitablesketch provided by the manufacturer. Figure 3, page 39, is a generalsketch for a Francis type reactionturbine and Figure 3, page41, gives the table for resultsof measurements. corresponding


Powerplant: Unit No.:



Shaft alignment sketch




Checkon coupling flanges

Shaft alignment sketch (continued)


t l

If the unit is fitted with three bearings, the bearingB is only an auxiliary supportfor erection

Checkon coupling flanges (continued)

^gw #ft+
'-| LJd


Parallelismand buckle check








l 80'







A and B: feelergauges
Coupling flangesengaged B D

Gradient of journals and spindles (1/1000 mm/m)

l 80"


flanges disengaged


(horizontal section) Journal side-clearances

(vertical section) Journal lower clearances

in Clearances bearingsin one single position

, ,rN\\.\.-.
_ . ! r -


Point Bearing

# N
Point Point 5 6 Bearing 1 8 9


Bearing A



=s . : '. mm hg ae vs etobeplacedunderbeariA ng F o r s h a fa t lignment,thickergau

-Q= " 'mm -D= ' "mm


- 3 7Powerplant: Unit No.:



Check on coupling flanges







Which shaft is to be turned dependsupon the thrust-bearinglocation

Clearances in bearings (1/1000 mm)









Eccentricity in bearings

Four positions for shaft 1: upperpart

Nr or 2 Storl Et orz Wtor2





Nt or: Stor2 Etor: Wt orl






2: lower part

computed eccentricity

-Permissibleeccentricitydo ' ' ' do =0.03*rn*



a = o . s , l 6 1 f i G j w f l , = d i s t a n c e b e t w e e n t h r u s t r i n g a n d m e a s u r e m e n t p o l n t D =diameterofthethrustring ..... mm dA=.. dB=.. ..... mm

-39Powerplant: Unit No.:



DIMENSIONS to be plotted (in practice will dimensions be plottedon a sketchprovided by the manufacturer)

Powerplant Unit No.:

FIGURE 3 (continued)


Clearances between open wicket gates and rvearing plates (1/1000 mm)

Wickel gate Point L












Wicket gate No. 1: see below No.4

- marked point I - next down the flow

Clearances between the edge and the surface of the closed wicket gates










(1/1000 mm)
4 Checkon the stay ring surface
(horizontal unit) Parallelism


Gradient(verticalunit) (1/1000mm/m) Mr-r

Mz-+ Nr.: Nz-+

of Parallelism wearingplatesin millimetres



Maximum permissible value of shaft displacement Clearances betweenrunner and wearing rings Four positions for runner Four measurements for eachposition ( l / 1 0 0 0m m )

Horizontal displacement



These measurements take place at the end of erection; the rotating parts are pushed around after oil injection on thrust bearing or after lifting.


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