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Name: __________________________ Class: _____________________ Date: _____________________

Digestive System Study Guide

Mouth Anatomy
Label each of the following structures: Incisors, tonsils, uvula, hard palate, soft palate, tongue, frenulum.

Stomach Anatomy
Label each of the following structures: Esophagus, duodenum, pyloric sphincter, fundus, body, cardiac, pylorus, rugae.

Biology Teaching Resources

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Name: ___________________________ Class: ______________________ Date: ____________________ Label each of the following structures: Pancreas, liver, duodenum, gall bladder.

Label each of the following structures: Esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small intestine, appendix, ascending colon, descending colon, transverse colon, rectum.

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Name: ___________________________ Class: ______________________ Date: ____________________

1. Mastication 2. Amylase 3. Pepsin 4. Lipase 5. Sucrase 6. Lactase 7. Trypsin 8. Peristalsis 9. Bolus 10. Chyme

Short Answer
Be able to answer questions similar to these. 11. What form of mechanical digestion occurs in the mouth? Chemical digestion?

12. Which sphincter divides the esophagus and stomach? The stomach and duodenum?

13. Several areas of the digestive tract contain folds. Examples are the rugae in the stomach and villi in the small intestine. What is the purpose of these?

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Name: ___________________________ Class: ______________________ Date: ____________________ 14. Gastrin is a hormone released when food enters the stomach. Explain what happens after gastrin is released, using the words chief cells, parietal cells, hydrochloric acid, pepsinogen, and pepsin.

15. What substances are absorbed by the stomach?

16. What substances are released by the pancreas into the duodenum? What is the purpose of each?

17. Where does bile come from? What does it help digest?

18. What occurs in the jejunum and the ileum?

19. What is digested in the large intestine? What is absorbed?

20. Explain how the internal and external anal sphincters combine to form the defecation reflex.

21. The pancreas releases the hormones that control blood sugar. List each hormone and explain how it affects blood sugar. How is the liver involved in this process?

22. The appendix is considered a vestigial structure. What does this mean?

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Name: ___________________________ Class: ______________________ Date: ____________________ 23. Identify the cause of each of these digestive disorders: a. Mumps b. Heartburn c. Diarrhea d. Diabetes Type I e. Diabetes Type II 24. Why does lactose intolerance cause diarrhea and gas?

25. What steps does the body take place to prepare for vomiting?

26. This is a summary chart of each of the enzymes active in the digestive tract. Fill out the missing information.

Salivary Glands Stomach

Salivary Amylase

Target Molecule


Protein Pancreatic Amylase Fatty Acids

Pancreas Trypsin


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