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The Transfiguration

Each day in your classroom, we ask you to follow the structure below. This is the
format that the Teacher’s Manuel and Student Workbooks have been written in
to establish consistency throughout the week of Youth Camp.

1. Read Daily Lesson from Scripture

2. Introduce Daily Icon

3. Answer: Who, What, Where, When, & Why?

4. Daily Activities

5. Daily Memory Verse

The learning continues…

After class, the teenagers will present a skit
on the lesson of the the Transfiguration.


The Transfiguration
WHO: The Holy Trinity, Christ, Moses, Elijah, Moses represents the Jewish Law,
Peter, James and John his brother Elijah represents the Prophets,
and those who are alive in Christ
since he ascended in chariot of fire
(Identify people in icon) The Father speaks, Christ is present,
and the Holy Spirit is Divine Light

WHAT Jesus took Peter, James, and John his bother and led them up on Mt Tabor by themselves.
Christ was transfigured before them, meaning His appearance changed, a metamorphosis.
His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light. Moses and Elijah
appeared also and were talking with Jesus. A bright cloud overshadowed them and the voice
of the Father came out of the cloud and said, “This is My beloved Son, in who I am well
pleased. Hear Him!” The disciples fell on their faces and were greatly afraid.

WHERE: Mt Tabor, a high mountain in Scripture is often a place of revelation (Ex 19:3, Is 2:3)

WHEN: This event happened before Christ was crucified.

The Church commemorates this event on Aug 6 Matthew 17

WHY Jesus shows us that He is God
God shows us He is the Holy Trinity
Jesus is the bridge of the past, present, and future: Moses, Elijah, and new disciples
Jesus shows us our potential to become like Him: Radiant in His glory as the Saints are


The Transfiguration
ACTIVITIES (Pre-K-4th) - Coloring Sheet
(2nd – 12th) - Word Scramble

GAMES: Blindfolded Journey (Review the icon of the Transfiguration)

The teacher should anonymously break the class

into groups of four. Three students in each group should
be blindfolded, and assigned the names Peter, James, & John.
The fourth student will be the guide, as Jesus was.

Ask the guides to lead the blindfolded students in their small group
throughout the building, on a trust exercise holding hands in a
long chain. The end location that all groups should arrive at
is in the Chapel. There, students should be seated, with their
blindfolds on.

Father, or any adult present, should position themselves

On the Solea with a large shining spotlight. Ask the students
to remove their blindfolds as a voice in the crowd states loudly,
“This is my beloved Son, of Whom I am well pleased.
Listen to Him.”


The Transfiguration

ALONG (Pre-K – 6th Grade)

CD - Panaghia With us All

“My Mother Loves Me” Track # 4

…and I can change the world

by letting His love flow through me…

“Lord Jesus Christ” Track # 3

…Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,

have mercy on me a sinner…


The Transfiguration

HYMN: You were transfigured on the Mount,

Christ God revealing Your glory to Your disciples,
Insofar as they could comprehend.
Illuminate us sinners also with our everlasting light,
Through the intercessions of the Theotokos.
Giver of light, glory to You.

(Apolytikion of the Feast)

ALONG “This Little Light of Mine” (Pre-K – 2nd Grade)

…I’m going to let it shine,

This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine…
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine…


The Transfiguration
CRAFT All crafts allow the “LIGHT of CHRIST” to shine through them
Explain this is what we are to become as children of God.

Paint in Stain Glass Cross - (5th-6th Grades)

Tissue Paper Stain Glass Greek Fish (Pre-K – 4th Grade)

Mosaic Icon on Overhead Projector Sheet (Teens)


The Transfiguration


“And He was transfigured before them.

His face shone like the sun,
and His clothes became as white as the light”

Matthew 17:2

SKIT: The teenagers will offer a skit to all the children

Assign the following roles:

• Christ
• God the Father
• The Holy Spirit
• Moses
• Elijah
• Peter
• James
• John


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