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Name: _____________________ Date: ________________ Homeroom Teacher: ____________________________

Multiple Choice. Circle the correct answer choice. 1. An object that sinks when placed in water is A. Less dense than water. B. More dense than water. C. Always made of metal. D. None of the above Anything that has mass and takes up space is ______________. A. Matter B. Length C. Density D. Volume The three states of matter are _________, ________, _________. A. mass, volume, weight B. space, weight, mass C. solid, liquid, gas D. solid, mass, weight An objects volume describe: A. How much it weighs B. How much space it takes up C. How loud it is D. None of the above A state of matter that does not have a shape or a volume of its own is a __________________. A. Solid B. Liquid C. Gas D. Volume A state of matter that has a certain volume but has no shape of its own is a ___________________. A. Solid B. Liquid C. Gas D. Volume When water is heated on the stove, the water begins to A. Condense B. Matter







Name: _____________________ Date: ________________ Homeroom Teacher: ____________________________ C. Buoyancy D. Evaporate

Name: _____________________ Date: ________________ Homeroom Teacher: ____________________________ 8. A state of matter that keeps its shape and can be seen is a _______. A. Solid B. Liquid C. Gas D. Matter Which is a liquid? A. Ice C. Snow B. Milk D. Uncooked Oatmeal B. Water Vapor D. Brick B. Air D. Lotion


10. Which is a gas? A. Vinegar C. Oil 11. Which is a solid? A. Water C. Pencil

12. When water vapor cools down, the water begins to A. Condense B. Matter C. Buoyancy D. Evaporate 13. What tool is used to find the temperature at which water boils? A. Graduated Cylinder B. Triple Beam Balance C. Compass D. Thermometer 14. What tool is used to find the mass of a small plastic dinosaur? A. Graduated Cylinder B. Triple Beam Balance C. Compass D. Thermometer 15. What tool is used to find the volume of a liquid? A. Graduated Cylinder B. Triple Beam Balance C. Compass D. Thermometer 16. What is the boiling point of water?

Name: _____________________ Date: ________________ Homeroom Teacher: ____________________________ A. 100 degrees Celsius Celsius C. 50 degrees Celsius Celsius B. 0 degrees D. 200 degrees

17. The amount of space an object takes up is its ______________. A. Solid B. Liquid C. Gas D. Volume 18. The freezing point of water is _______________. A. 100 degrees Celsius B. 0 degrees Celsius C. 50 degrees Celsius D. 200 degrees Celsius 19. A gas and a liquid are alike because they________________. A. Take the shape of their container B. Cant be seen C. They have a definite shape D. Are always soft If the density of an object is less than the density of water, the object will ___________________. A. Float B. Sink C. Go halfway down D. Turn upside down A graduated cylinder measures liquid volume in units of _______. A. Grams B. Pounds C. Milliliters D. Meters



22. Which of these units of measure did we use to measure mass? A. Grams B. Pounds C. Milliliters D. Meters

Name: _____________________ Date: ________________ Homeroom Teacher: ____________________________ 23. A graduated cylinder is a tool for measuring A. Length B. Width C. Volume D. Temperature 24. Atoms in a ____________ are packed tightly together. A. Liquid B. Gas C. Solid D. Mass 25. Steam is an example of a ___________________. A. Solid B. Liquid C. Gas D. Chocolate

Name: _____________________ Date: ________________ Homeroom Teacher: ____________________________ VOCABULARY. Match the definitions with the correct vocabulary word. A. Matter that does not have its own shape, but has its own volume. B. The amount of space an object takes up. C. When a gas changes to a liquid. D. The amount of mass compared to the volume of an object. E. Matter that does not have its own shape or volume. F. Anything that takes up space and has mass. G. How something looks, feels, smells, tastes, or sounds. H. Matter that has its own shape and volume. I. The ability of an object to float in the water. J. When a liquid changes to a gas. K. The amount of matter in an object.

26. Matter ____ 27. Solid ____ 28. Liquid ____ 29. Gas ___ 30. Volume ___ 31. Evaporation ___ 32. Condensation ___ 33. Mass ___ 34. Physical Properties ___

Name: _____________________ Date: ________________ Homeroom Teacher: ____________________________ 35. Density ___ 36. Buoyancy ___

Name: _____________________ Date: ________________ Homeroom Teacher: ____________________________ TRUE/FALSE. CIRCLE the correct answer. 37. True or False Mass is how much something weighs. 38. True or False If something is really light, then you know its not very dense. 39. True or False Liquids have their own shape. 40. True or False Something made of really heavy material like steel can still float. 41. True or False A larger object will always be more dense than a smaller object. 42. True or False The temperature of an object does not effect whether its a solid, liquid, or gas. 43. True or False There are three forms of matter. 44. True or False Gas has a definite volume and shape. 45. True or False Carrots sink because they are more dense than water. 46. True or False Solids have a volume, but do not have a shape. 47. True or False Everything on the earth is made up of matter. 48. True or False Water can be a liquid, gas, or solid. 49. True or False Atoms in a solid move around freely. 50 True or False Apples float because they are less dense than water.

Name: _____________________ Date: ________________ Homeroom Teacher: ____________________________ EXTRA CREDIT. The Scientific Method is an organized approach to the study of science. Put these steps into their correct sequence. Place a 1 by the first step, a 2 by the second and so on. _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Form a hypothesis Analyze the data Perform an experiment Form a conclusion Identify the purpose

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