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The CCCNJ Weekly Prayer Requests

4/1/ 09

“The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the
desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them.” (Psalm 145:18-19)

Weekly Theme: “The Visions of Church”

1. Pray that our church pastors, elders and coworkers have a burden of building up God’s
house (church), and have a vision of expanding God’s kingdom.
2. Pray that our church pastors, elders, and coworkers are all connected to our Lord Christ, and
have an attitude of working together in harmony according to the part of the church body
each member belongs to so that we can help and edify one another with love.
3. Pray God to help us to work with Him to build our church with one united mind.
4. Pray God that we all have the same vision of church planting for the growth of the church
and the expansion of God’s kingdom. Pray God that we can commit ourselves to serving our
God with a mind of team work, and are willing to care for one another so that God’s visions
can be carried out, and the gift of each individual coworker can be fully utilized by God.
5. Pray for the four current church’s key goals: church expansion, church planting, pastor
search, and new elder nomination.
6. Pray for the mission organizations:
Organizations: World Impact Inc, Addulum Bible Camp, CASA
Missionaries: Kuang-Yuan Chiang, Jun Zhang, Elder & Mrs. Chia-Shan Yang, David and
Shirley Ng.
Seminary student: Wey Wang (Nyack).
Oversea short-term mission: Pray for the peace and safety of those brothers and sisters
who are on mission.
--- English Ministry / Youth Ministry:
• Motive. Pray that candidates would come with a desire to know God and be known by Him,
and no other reason.
• Understanding. Pray that baptism candidates would understand that relationship with God
comes by His grace alone, not by any good works (including baptism). Pray that they would
really recognize their sinfulness and uselessness without God, and embrace the love of a
Savior who would love and embrace them anyway.
• The work of the Holy Spirit. Pray that God would use this baptism class and interview
process to mold, refine, and search out the hearts of each person candidating for baptism.
Pray that He would personally speak to each of them in the course of the next month
• Please pray for our youth sponsors, they are:
Linda Chan, Christina Chen, David and Jamie Hsieh, Johnny Lee, Fran and Homer Lin, Brian
Tam, Jiaran Wang, Rob Yuen, Bill Yuey
--- Children Ministry:
• Pray for Spring quarter's Sunday school teachers and helpers.
• Pray for children’s ministry council.

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