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. .

Lu !0u
`^ Friend
I will not call you a rose,
For roses do decay,
And your beauty i s eternal . . .
I wil l not cal l you an ocean
Because inside there i s an amazing
But the waves are always violent.
I wi l l not cal l you a sunset
Because i t i s onl y there a second
And then i t l eaves you i n darkness
What I will call you
Is friend,
For you're a rose that never fades
A tranquil ocean,
An everlasting sunset ...
You ...
Are a friend."
- Mai sy Hi dal go
Andrea Raaska Bran
"Smile, it increases your face value"
"Andrea: I l ove you and you will always be my best
fri end. " Remember, "Dos patitos en el agua no se
pueden ahogar. dos ami gos que se aman no se
pucdcn olvidar."
- Mari ce! Castarer
"Words cannot descri be how
she was to everyone who knew
Everyone who knew her, loved her
Whenever she was there, any
lems I might have had vanished. |
often thought how fortunate was t
find a best fri end who was a tri
- Julie Billesb)
Melanie Raaska Bran
Mraur Ku!tS!
"I swear the stuff she pul l ed. Sometimes i t
makes me sad though . have to remind
mysel f that some birds aren't meant to be caged,
thei r feathers are just too bri ght. And when they
fly away, the part of you that knows it was a si n
to lock them up rejoi ces ... but sti l l , t he pl ace
that you l ive i n is that much more drab and
empty that they are gone ... my fri end."
-Shawshank Redempti on, Alcx1crkulc-
lPHauP uu KaaSka
"Stephanie's contagi ous smi l e, enthusiasm, and fri endl i ness wi l l be a part of us
forever "
Mal donado-
"Stephani e pr oved to be t he
fri endl i est 6t h grader , always ex
tendi ng hersel f t o her peers, bei ng
there for them at al l ti mes. Her si n
cere fri endshi p deepl y touched those
of us who knew her."
-. Mal donado-
" I t ' s knd of hard to l et her go,
because al most everywhere I go, I
am remi nded of her . . . "
-Mel anie Irizarry-
" ... the most dedicated soccer player in the team. Improved, practiced
and followed instructions better than most. May not h8Y0 0UeP the best,
but sure had the biggest heart. cv0r g0I Udd .. muU0 the UUS |uHHy
moments possible."
Heart, the biggest
8SS0P, always
-Carlos \IcIuilu-
Friendship, 0H0 00H 00uHI on
Funny, We'd laugh forever
Skill, graceful manner
lu other Wlu8, we'll m88 you!!!
-Colegio Maya 10um-

... I00rcmDl0person ... we'll dlWH}8 rememoer the

JHU "garbage man. " h0U! WS vec unique, lU
ad hc uI icuI safsfaction out of maI|ng people hJQ
o m0m0|I0S which 8 I0 keep forever . .. |0 our hearts.
His spirit. will always remain with U5.

-Mi chel l e
I salute and congratul ate you, the members of the graduating class of
1996. I n the few months that I have been your di rector , I have observed
an unparal l el ed qual i ty of l ove and concern for others. The "cel ebrati on
of l i fe" you organi zed to both cel ebrate and mourn the deaths of your
classmates at the begi nni ng of the school year i s a memory I shall never
forget. You al l l eave Col egi o Maya wi th a sol i d academi c foundation and
a quali ty often missi ng in hi gh school graduates, whi ch is an appreci ati on
and l ove of cul tures and l anguages di fferent from your own - a true
si gn of an educated person. You are wi se beyond your years. Your class
has carri ed Col egi o Maya to a new l evel and we, the admi ni strati on,
teachers, and staff appreci ate the exampl e you have set for the rest of
our students. I wi sh you wel l as you head of f to face t he challenges of
the future. Congratulat i ons! We are proud of you!
A "Ahhh . . . doesn't it feel good to be a kid again!" A `I remember when was this big ... "
"Today we follow,
tomorrow we lead. " -Tony Truji l lo
A The el emenlary school gathers to cel ebrate the hol i days.
In the classroom or on the playground, in the computer
l ab or at l unch, el ementary students are acti vel y ex
pl ori ng thei r wor l d. They construct bri dges, l aunch rock
ets and send yo-yos around the gl obe. Life i n the el
ementar i s a never-ending whirl of discovery, invention,
and fun.
n Action
I've done i t, I've done i t!
Guess what I've done!
I nvented a l i ght that pl ugs into the sun.
The sun i s bri ght enough,
The bulb i s strong enough,
But, oh, there' s onl y one thi ng wrong . . .
The cord ain't l ong enough.
-Shel Silverstein

"They keep me hoppi ng."

Ci ndi
Hong-Chi n An
Sophia Da Si l veira
A Mrs. Lee and the Pre-Ki nder class watch the I ndependence Day cel ebrati ons.
Shantal Francis
Emely Garcia
Alejandro Gomez
Mari tza Lacayo
Yi -Hsi ng Lee
Jonathan Leon
Li sa Marroqui n
Ri cardo Montemayor
Erick Ramsey
Edan Wall
A C1eaLing wit h clay .
. .. What does green j el l o taste l i ke?
The Smallest Eagles
. Fi rst stop of t he day. making di nosaurs out of cl ay .
. .. "Turkey Trot" games
.. Adding the moon to the uni verse.

"Roses are red, violets are blue,

My little kindergarteners are leaving,
Boo, hoo, hoo!" -Ms. Guy
1 3
1 4
An-Yen Chen
Christina Lara
Sasha Turner
Dana Leon
Brendan Loka
Adri an Lopez
Ana Mazari egos
Rodol pho Mi l l ensted
Al exandra Mi l l er
Vi ncent Park
Carlos Quan
James Secki nger
Chri stopher Stanton
Leanne Trujil l o
Amy Bond
Chri stopher Browni ng
Dante Caballero
A Ghosts and gobli ns share Hal l oween treats.
Kder students and thei r lady bug teacher show off the new pl aygroun
equi pment.
Everday Life in the Clouds
someday I'll wish upon a sLar.
and wake up where the clouds are far behind me,
Where troubles melt like lemon drops,
Away up on the chimney tops,
That's where you'll ||nd me."
1 5
"I t al l happens in First Grade. " -Mrs. Mejia
Sung-Chin An
Daniel Benson
Francisco Brady
Angel Braun-Valle
Johnny Chi ou
Song-Ha Choi
Dani el Drazba
Cl ari ssa Fanj ul
Rodrigo Gal an
Jacob Jacobson
Katclynn Lawless
Jee-Mi Lee
A0u |oez
Tomas Membreno
Jennifer Ocasio
Geoffrey |umsey
Max Rhodes
Patrick Seckinger
Al ej andro Sori ano
Maarten Stari ng
Loubna Turjuman
<1 Fi rst grade students
ent husi asti ca l l y present a Reader' s
Theater for parents and friends.
From sl i ding to read
i ng, from Hal l oween
L o Ch r i s t ma s , ou r
f i r s L gr ad ers sLay
busy al l day.

"Thi s is a great class to work wi th because each student is very enthusi astic and
al ways tri es to do hi s/her best . " -Mrs. Rossel l
"Thi s i s one of the most fun, creative, and i magi native groups that I've worked wit h.
I has really been a pleasure being their teacher." -Mrs. Marroquin
Lauren Da Si l vei ra
Sasha DeBeausset
Veroni ca Di az
I sabel Edwards
Benjami n Fei a
Johana Gaymer
Phi l i p Gol dman
Lui s Gutierrez
Mana Hattori
Ari ane Loser
Patricia Mano
Catherine Meriwether
Vanessa Rami rez
Mi tchel Ramsey
Al l yse Rust
Charles Seo
Paul Spakauskas
Ant hony Truj i l l o
Chung Chieh Wang
Giorgi o Val l e
Veroni ca Di az, Sasha DeBeausset,
Mana Hat tori and I sabel Edwards
show visitors l i fe in the ocean.
Al exander Al varez
An-Wei Chen
Jeremy Chri stopher
Daily Lives
" I love teaching third grade because students are very enthusiastic and curious." -
Mrs. O'Sullivan
Patri ci a Abbot
Lise! Bond
Lorenzo Brady
Raul Bustamante
Arturo Carri on
Wal ter Drennan
Shino Hattori
Yong-Hee Lee
Yi-Ting Lee
Stel l a Lee
Somi Lee
Aurora Lopez
Sofia Martineh
lyar Mazar
Maria Pardon
Hyung- Min Park
Richard Park
Vi ctori a Ramsey
Georgi na Robbins
Megan Turpin
Camilo Velez
Vanessa Victori a
Dulce Villar
David Lawl ess
Kyoung-Kon Ki m
\ol| |S m0|C |uu |u |0uS
A A A Magnets are magi cal
A Songs or Chri stmas
A A . So1>hia's speci al smi l e
A Best fri ends
. Expl ori ng computers
Exploring the world

"After the compli ments heard thi s year from my fourth graders, would like to
give one fi nal compl i ment: you guys were perfect ! " -Mrs. Ramirez
"This i s the most fabul ous group of children I've ever taught . They're fri endly, kind,
respectful, and a pleasure to work with." -Mrs. Leon
Kenneth Al exander
Ryan Al exander
Cri sLna Arel l ano
Bi anca Brady
Mari a Claudi a Bustamante
El ena Buvol l en
Mari a Paz Cambronero
Rebeca Contreras
Kyle DeBeausseL
Maria Diaz
Stefanya Drazba
Nicholas Feia
Jeffery Gonzalez
Dani el Hidal go
Gabri el a Koch
Christopher Mi l l ensted
Hyong Joo Park
Robert Reynoso
Ni chol as Roney
Peter Seo
Andrea Spakauskas
Timothy Stanton
Tarek Turjuman
Felipe Velez
Noah Wall
Katja Al exander
Hard at work and play
A < Scout's bake sale
lntcrnaLonal games
M Shming holiday joy
No one can match the 4th grade spi ri t
<1 <1 Studying hard
<1 Ready ror recess

"The fifth graders are
intelligent, talented, and
athletic. They're young
people with heads full of
curi osity and hearts ful l of
l ove! I had a dynamite
year." -Mrs. Crawford
"Fifth grade has been a
blast. The students are very
energetic, and creative. I
know they are going to be
ready for Middl e School . " -
Mr. Crasto
"It is a pleasure to teach
such a small group of kind,
curious, and interesting
students from al l over the
worl d. " -Ms. Greenwood
Ji-Hoon Aim
10uu oC0K h
>Ic\cu |cIIeII
Marcel Bergonzoli
Morgan Cal al b
Jorgc Casti l l o
I r i s Chiou
Andres Contreras
Franci sco Gal an
Ai Hattori
Svcn Hol bi k
Mari on Hol l a
Suk-Young Hwang
Won-Joon Kim
Vict or Lara
Rodrigo Lopez
Dani el Mano
Di mi tris Markopoul os
Monica Martinez
Ana Merbreno
Fl orence Muyshondt
James Nea l
Leti ci a Ol ivares
Yu-Ra Park
Jose Rodri guez
Andres Romero
Ana Rui z
Chri stopher Ruiz
Joaquin Sal cedo
Fernando Santella
Jonathan Schwartz
Ji u-Jen >hu
Ana Toriel l o
Ni ba l Turj uman
Chcng- Daw Wu
At the top of their league
5th grade sci ence students discover
the fastest way to cl ean up oil spi l l s.
Y Bri dge bui l ders consi der engi neeri ng
questions as wel l as economics.
Y Y Servi ng the guests at Chri stmas .
Y St udents. teachers. and parents
share a meal at Internati onal Food Day.

"Elementary school is the place where
tomorrow's leaders are formed today." -Tony
A The el ementary 8|u, gui ded by pri nci pal Tony Trunillo. warm up for t he !99b-9b school year.
3 1
P. O'Sul l ivan, 3rd grade, J. Marroqui n, 2nd, & E.
Wong, |>!
V. Leon & A. Ramirez, 4th, & A. Adams, P.E.
. Richardson & C. Guy, Ki nder
T. Greenwood & D. Crasto, 5th
A. Mejia, 1st, & M. Crawford, Pre-Ki nde
A. Santel l a R. Goularte, Spani sh
T. Rhodes, Librari an J. Rami rez , Art G. Castell anos, Computers L. Tangeman, 3rd
ludttudtutt Duy
lU!U September Io, Col egi o 0}0 students cel ebrated UH!UU00U Independence la}. The Spanish depaltment
ut together acts, speeches, and a typi cal dance for the cel ebrati on. Mr . Arellano, a parent, taught the student body the
arty history of Guatemala. The 6th and 7th grade students demonstrated a Guatemalan dance. The Mayan Community
tso had the opportuni ty to appreci ate Mar imba musi c performed by a group of students from Val l e Verde School .
A A 4t h graders showi ng thei r stuff.
A Gaby and Maria Cl audia.
A Patricia and Stel l a and many more pri ncesses .
. Rastawoman Rhodes and scary Max.
< A Our ranLasy worl d .
A A LiL Lie An-Yen.
N Ms. Guy and her buddies
A Loll, J,auren, and Vannessa.
The month of December saw the e l
ementary school come ali ve wi th deco
rati ons, musi c and surpri ses. The Spani sh
Department fol l owed the Guatemal an cus
tom of burni ng the devi l on December 8.
On the 15th al l the students sang, danced
and acted i n a Chri stmas program di rected
by Mrs. De Beausett . Young and ol d en
j oyed Mr. Truj i l l o' s puppet show, which has
become a Mayan tradi ti on.
. WaiLi ng for the puppet show
. .. 4Lh grade percussi on
A lst grade tees on hi gh
.. Burni ng the devi l
A < Pre-Ki nder del i ghts the audi ence wi th thei r si ngi ng
A It's har d t.o decide whi ch Chri stmas cookie i s best
M Mr. Trujillo once again ent.ertains his audi ence wit. h a special holiday puppet. show
A The elementary Christmas concert. concl ucl es wit. h t . he lighling of candl es
Proud daughters and even prouder fathers and grandfathers cel ebrated
Val enti ne' s Day at the annual Father-Daughter Dance. Sponsored by the
PTA, young and old danced the eveni ng away i n the beautiful l y decorated
cafeteri a. Fami l i es and fri ends are: Mr. Rhodes wi th Maggie and Maria
Koch; Mr. Wiater and Vanessa; Mr. Marroqui n and Lisa; Elena and Mr.
Buvollen; and Mr. Turpin and Megan. ( above and cl ockwi se)
iddle School
"We are who we are ' cause we are"
The " Mi ddl ers" go wi l d finishi ng up thei r paper Lowers for the sci ence fai r.
What i n the worl d i s a l ock-i n? Eighty stu
dents, teachers and admi ni strators spent the
ni ght i n the gym. But that was onl y the start.
There was al so games, food, a camp fire,
music and yes, most peopl e did sleep. The
most important outcome of the two days was
an emergi ng sense of communi ty and a terri fi c
start t o the mi ddl e school year.
."Di nner' s on," cal l s Mrs. Tsuji
< A Team spirit!
A "Did you know?", asks Mari ana
AN m0kt geLs in your eyes
AA Chri sLi na, "I l i ke peopl e who .
AN 1Ut gentemen of Lhe 8Lh grade l end a hel pi ng hand
A Mi chael Losses a beanbag
N Ha1
Mi ddl e School actors, si ngers, and musi ci ans made " Comi ng
Age" a success.
lOM!^G O! ^G!
Performed by the only people who could.
Loosi ng the puberty bl ues.
The Middle School musical sparkled with all the
joy and humor, tragedy and crisis of being a
teenager. From "Girl Watching" to "Grounded" the
play presented the range of experiences that face
students today. Directors K. Storey and J. Feia led
the talented group of middle school students to an
outstanding production.
Most spi ri t - Su Han & Maggi e Ni cest smi l e - Ti to & Mari a
Most l i kel y to succeed - Dan & Pai ge
Most attracti ve - Mal' i a & Stephi n Best dressed - Dan & Mari ana
Best performers - Dan & Maggie
Cool est - the 8th grade cl ass
Bi ggest Fl i rt - Hei di & Dan
Nicest Eyes - Ci ancarl o & Sindy Most Arti stic - Susana & Pat
Shyest - Mi guel 1-shaun
Most Athl etic- Melanie & Dan ( see left)
Favori te Teacher-M. Kayayan

" It's a challenge to teach this grade, because they have high academic standards, and
the group as a whole is made up of very special, beautiful individuals." -Mrs.
Mal donado
"Sixth graders make up an eager, enthusiastic group that wants to succeed, and are
j ust beginning to explore life in the middle school." -Mr. Hansen
Jeremy Beike
Rishi Bond
Aaron Caballero
Eun-Kung Chang
Daniel Contreras
Wi chael Harri s
Sung Jean
Byeong-Mi n Kwon
Mark Lent
Di ego Mar tinez
Mari a Meriwether
Elizabet h Wlti
Hugo Wil er
Diego Nicolas
Andrea Odi e
Taylor Ramsey
Ni col e Spruijt
Amaranta Villar
Alexandra Waechter
Diego Werren
Vanessa Wi ater
M Si xth grade ac t or s. Moni ca
Chang, Elizabeth Mil l er, Aaron
Cabal l ero, Mark Lent, Jeremy
Berke, Andrea Odie, Diego Wer
ren, Amaranta Vi l l ar, and MI
chael Harris prepare to go on
. Hugo, the mummy
. Sith grade si ngs out
.. I ndependence Day
Y Ni col e, Vanessa and tower
Y Maria and Alexi concentrate before per
formi ng
Entering the big time
" Seventh graders are a happy group. They l i ke acti vi ti es. They enj oy working
together i n smal l groups, and on proj ects. They' re a gentl e and cari ng group of
students. They have a l ot of j oy i n them" - Ms. Fei a
" Seventh grade students are al ways ful l of surpri ses. They can be outrageously
funny and deeply seri ous al l in the same c l ass period. " -Mrs. Kayayan
PcLer Benson
Mari a Brady
Ruth Carbonel l
Si ndy Chamorro
Ivy Chen
Chri sLi na Ci ntron
Al on Cohen
Erez Cohen
Marina Drazba
Michel l e Fl ores
lP0 U!C
Liv Halvorsen
Mel ani e Iri zarry
Kei I to
Ji han Jwei les
Kyong-Hwa Ki m
Byeong-Joon Kwon
Kyun-Hee Lee
Xmena Lopez
Salameh Massi s
Sebasti an M uioz
Ceci l l e Ocasi o
Kevi n Odie
Adriana Ol ivares
Gi anna Pi poli
Rosanna Reynoso
Hei di Robbi ns
Chri sLna Rui z
Mauricio Saca
Eduardo Santella
Bri an Shu
Randa Turj uman
Chri sLina Walsh
James WinkelhorsL
l-LSPu \P
In the Middle of the Middle
# . David helps out
A Al on a n d Mi chel l e pr epar e
cal endars
M Sinda and Maria on stage
!I class
. <1 Peter l ooks for i nspi ratons
. Fl'iends saying goodbye

"Ei ghth graders are the most energeti c and creative group of students i n the Middle
School. They are hi ghly moti vated and eager to assume responsibility. It is a great j oy
to work wi th them. " -Mrs. Kayayan
Daniel Arellano
Denise BenneL
Eun-Ji Byun
Roberto Castarier
Hyung-Kyun Chang
Mari o Chicas
Zul ei ra Chock
Pai ge Cunningham
Nicol as De Gaay
Esteban Fanj ul
Esther Fox
Magnus Frankl in
Carol ina Gomez
Mel i ssa Hamill
Mi Jin Kang
Mari a Koch
Stephin Lee
Carol i na Mejia
Jessi ca Neal
l-lee-Jung Park
Su-Han Park
Mari ana Raskosky
Margaret Rhodes
Horaci a Roclrfguez
Matthew Roney
Reinier Spr'uijt
Sebasti an Strzal kowski
Jacob Turpin
Ciancarlo Valle
Daniel l e Waechter
Sounglui Yoo

Magnus and Jesse breaki ng i t

down at the Middle School Chri st
mas Dance

"Huh? What do you mean the

al i ens are comi ng to i nvade us?"
This game requires a lot of con
centrati on. and great hand-eye co
ordi nat i on.
Ready. Get set! Mel i ssa, Dan,
and Maggi e getting ready t o run
their heart s out.
" Mommy, Mommy! Hel p me! I
can ' t breat he! "
Almost 1htIt!
Si xth grade hel ps the fi rst grade.
Jul i a concentrates on pri nt-maki ng.
Magnus and Kevin i n Art cl ass.
St udents wai t to have a turn pl ayi ng wi t h
Nati onal Badmi nton t eam.
Maggie and Dani pl ay American Footbal l .
" Cri sti na demonstrates Spani sh danci ng.
They just never stop; they never rest. Middle
school students are constanLy on the go
si ngi ng, acti ng, danci ng, pl ayi ng, worki ng, or
hel pi ng out .
We are who we are
Who are we? We come from 20 countries and speak 1 2
di fferent l anguages. We l ove basketbal l a n d musi c, pi zza
and hamburgers. We worry about the destructi on of the
envi ronment and the spread of AI DS. We are concerned
about our fri ends and our future. We ARE the Middl e
School .
A Mulr, Uun. and AlIulr come of age .
A 1Ht in and I out crowd
A lhtlSIlnu i s |h0Country Mouse
.. Puture architects.
Cause we are
?Ih grade witches
Y A |l! g'aders presenL a Japanese folk Lale
Y CompuLer geniuses
Y Miqurl checks for 00v arri val s
Y Core |cro,oac
What happens when the 2: 50
bell rings, and buses start roll
ing down the hill? The campus
certainly doesn't get quiet and
peaceful. In fact, it remains as
l ively as ever . On any afternoon
i n March there mi ght be mi ddl e
school basketbal l practice on
the court, and high school and
elementary soccer practice on
the field. Upstairs there might
be Scouts or arts and crafts
classes. Outsi de the art room
you woul d be sure to find stu
dents working on the produc
tion of Ht.
Middle school bas
ketbal l practice.
.. Mel issa takes a
shot .
.. The high school
soccer team ponders
the up-coming sea
son .
.. .. Klkl l eads the
A Gi rl scout smi l e!
.. Vanessa paints a back-drop .
.. .. Abdi as and Natasha practi ce for FAME.
"Live, Love, and Laugh. Without these there is no life." - Mr. Vance
Mrs. Kayayan, Ms. Storey, and Mrs. DeBeausset strut their stuff during the Talent Show.
M. Contl 'eras, H. Hansen M. Mal donado, 6th
J. Bcke & T. Bondq Hi gh School Science
C. Truj i l l o & M. Kayayan ? hIhgracl es
J. Fei a & . McLane Hi gh School Math J. Pastore J. Connol ly, Engl i sh & Cor


.. ._
K. Wever, Soci al Studi es U. Keil , Art T. Getten, ESL P. Sanchez, P.E.
B. Vance & J. Thomas, Engl i sh Soci al Studi es A. Feia, Engl i sh & Math A. Bond, C. Barrera, & M. Cintron, Spani sh
|uuhIin Iht u0I'
.. Ms. Story is lUt spookiest spook of al l on Hal l oween.
Mrs. Wever ICsts from her crutches .
A Mr. rastorc, engrossed in hi s readi ng, at the Mi ddl e School Lock-ln.
.. Mr. Fei a bel ts it
out 0I |UtTal ent Show .
.. .. Mr s . C i n t r o n
moves cl ass i nt o the sun
on a col d day .
.. Mrs . DeBeausset
l e a d s mi d d le s c h o o l
teachers i n songs around
the campfi re.
Y Dr. Thomas and Mr.
Vance hang backdrops
for Ten Lilli e Indi ans .
K. Lee and M. Winterwood, counsel
ors wiLh S. McLane.
G. Casto, Spani sh
P. Berke, Li brary Assi sLanL
L. Greenwood, Nurse
HC!|B US ^
A. Stansel l , Speci al Needs
The FAME haL brigade
The pause that refreshes.
^DM!^!1K1!VL 1^
Making It All Work
Maria Jose Alvarez, Di rectOI' s
Aida Tsuji, Administrative Assi s
tant, hel ping Mrs. Tmjlllo
Kari n de De Leon, E l emenLry
Principal 's Secret.ry, and Camil a
Gonz al ez, recepti oni st
Hi l da de Mejia, Secondary Pri n
cipal ' s Secretary a n d Moni ca
Gonzalez, Counsel or's Secret.ry.
Sonia Samayoa, Fi nancial Assi s
tant and Bi as Rosales, Financial
Mi guel Angel Oliva, and Lorena
de Rosales, Accountants
Support Staff
They keep the school moving.
Carpenters and el ectri cians,
gardeners and plumbers - the
maintenance staff is comprised of
hard-worki ng, dedi cated i ndi vi dual s.
Thei r work behi nd t he scenes
enabl es the school to functi on
smoothl y.
The moni tors and bus dri vers
ensure that students have a safe
trip to 0HU from school.
The cafeteria staff provides
l unches and snacks to hungry
students and teachers.
uICiuuIluuu uuu Uuy
uud uUtS
< "I don'L know whaL Lhey are, buL Lhey look delicious."-WalLer
Melissa Hamel! and ltul8t BenneLL help 3rd graders in Lhe games.
< RoberLO and Magnus shuc food from around Lhe wor l d.
Head over heel s for \uyu run.
.. Kennetll and Georgi o at the
Pun Run .
.. .. Tonat i u h , Val er i o, and
Javi er at t he Sci ence Fai r.
. Best fri ends: Agueda, Jessica, and Chi sa .
.. Jemi , Mai sy, and Mari a, tile tower bui l ders.
M Alex, Suzy, and Katri na wi th a
bi rthday surpri se.
Y Vi vi ana, Kari n, and Vanessa i n
the sun.
A < I van and Cri sti na deli ver Chri stmas baskets.
M Esther, Dani , Mari a, and Maggi e entertai n at the Lock- l n .
P luuUCiI
Chri stmas time, and seni ors share their spi ri t wi th the school .
~ A Mr s . Bond a n d Dr . Pasqual e
dance to El Aio Viejo .
. Seniors share Spanish Christmas
carol s.
N Mrs. Barrera di rects the seni ors
by candlel ight.
lh Ch00l
"School shoul d not be simply viewed as a stage that "prepares" a person for
l ife. School i s life; vi brant, textured, chal lenging and arduous. " -Dennis
Good [ri ends havi ng a good L i me.
Ten Little I ndi ans, di rected by Brian Vance and produced by Judy Thomas, brought the Agatha Chri sti e novel to th
stage of the Ameri an School . A tal ented cast and dedi cated techni cal crew created a drama of hi gh suspense and acti o
Beaut i ful sets by Di ane Kei l compl emented the fi ne performances by Dan Luna, Debra Walsh, lnbal Mazar, Carol i n
Grimi er, Abdias Irizarry, Margie Chamorro, Alvaro Zelaya, Mike Ramsey, Natasha Muren, Manuel Negron, an
Vanessa Bergonzol i .
. . Who i nvi ted us al l ?
. Vanessa i n agony
. Masters of the Bri Lsh accent
l nbal , in di sgui se
Alex, the back-stage chi ef
A A . The happy cast and crew
A A A Abdi as ponders his future
Taki ng a bow
. . Smi rk
. Debra, at your servi ce
Who wil l die next?
H3l 0W00h
Mayan Ghosts and Goblins
The 1 995 Hal l oween cel ebrati ons took pl ace on October 31 duri ng the l ast peri od cl asses. The student coun<
arranged a vari ety of activi ti es for al l Mayan students to parti ci pate i n. Some of these acti vi ti es i ncl uded mumn
wrappi ng, pi e eati ng, pumpki n carvi ng, costume competi ti on and vol l eybal l games.
A Margi e, Lhe gypsy, with her "Yeah RighL ! " l ook.
A Some of the " hard worki ng" yearbook c lass
members get ready to go paradi ng, i ncl udi ng Mar
tin Doe, Mi ke Arel l ano, Marko Petrl cevl c, Car
ol i na Barrera, Al ex ter Kul l e, Katrina Carlson,
Susy Lee, Jason Peterson, Lizette Chamorro,
and Vi vi an Val buena.
Some Mayan wi tches, Ivy Chen, Christi na
Wal sh, and Llv Halvorsen, thi nki ng. " How wel l
woul d t hese vol l eyba l l teams pl ay i f we turned
them i n to frogs?
N Mayan diversity shows as
Ud| | OwCCHdpp|OdCUC5
< < Y Amanda i s " SLayi ng Al i ve' "
<Y OOOH . . . lr| t' ' Don' t you l ook
hot i n that pi nk dress? MamaciLa!
Y Sindy Chamorro, Rosanna
Reynoso, Michelle Fl ores, and
Chri sti na Rui z show how yummy
Mc Donal d' s food is, especial l y when
eaten in the bathroom.
Y Y Hel l o . . . There' s got to be
something more i nteresting than Lhis!
LB S8 lSBll, JtSS I8 L6t,
Aucda Ln. h|| Shoc| 0g drop
Brenda Kim 000 Yoon-Jung. H|gh
School Lower bui l di ng conlesL.
Stepbin Lc, lal Yuu, and 8uHaa
Fark.Middle School egg drop wDDOr8.
Mi - Ji n Kang, Eun- JI Byun, and
Susana Chang. b00l6 b0000| I0Bf
0| 0|0gw000lS.
l `l
The annual Sci ence Fai r was hel d on December 1 . There were two categori es: th
egg drop contest. and the paper tower contest. Both hi gh school and mi ddl e sch
students parti ci pated wi th enthusi asm. The bui l di ng contest saw towers r i
more t han one meter i n l ess than 20 mi nutes, al l over t he new gym fl
Spectacul ar bombardment of raw eggs i n funky-l ooki ng contai ners dropped
the gm' s roof and amazed b I students.
< Ji - l l o: Pl anni ng to bui l d
hi s tower at the l ast mi nutes
of the contest.
YAsaf and Dan lunatri ng
to create a tower tal l er than
themsel ves.
7 1
\^LI`1IAI D^1
Hearts and flowers, bal loons and
candy, Col egio Maya students of
al l ages cel ebrated Val entine' s
Day. El ementary students shared
goodi es i n cl assroom parti es and
Mi ddl e School Student Counci l
sol d candy-grams. Hi gh School
St udent Co u nci l sponsored a
dance and Javier wowed them in
the l ove connecti on.
The Hi gh School Student Counci l Sponsored aspi ri t- l i fti ng pep ral ly to moti vate the basketbal l teams, on their way to the
AASCA tournament i n El Salvador. The seniors won the cheeri ng competiti on and Ji Ho ate the appl e fastest (of course, he
started before anyone else) . The hi ghlight of the ral ly was a surpri se for AJex, a mouthful of oni on.

"They are the best c l ass i n the school . " -Mr. Fei a
Eli zabeth Adams
Gustavo Andrade
Benj ami n Bal di zon
Mari a Barrera
Jami e Brown
Vanessa Carbonel l
Pau l Carl son
George Chester
Chri stina Cowart
Al bert Del gado
Moni ca Garci a
Susan Gomez
Kri sti n Gonzal ez
Woo-Chul Hwang
Gyong- Hae Ki m
Yoon-J eong Ki m
Nathani el Lee
l nbal Mazar
Chri sti na Mi l l er
Paul O' Sul l i van
Al exander Petri cevi c
Kyong-wan Ro
Al i son Tsuj i
Mi chel l e Wi ater
Jee- Eun Yoon

"They have a real Jeckle and Hyde personality." -Mr. Berke
Mi ke Chi ang
Val eri o De Meo
Adri an Devoto
Ana Garci a
Shi zue Hamano
Markus Hol l a
Shoko I to
Young-Jin Kang
Chii -Hyun Kim
Javier Lacayo
Mary -Jo Lent
El izabeth Luk
Dani el Luna
Teresa Membreno
Asaf Mazar
Al l yson Morri l
Juan-Car l os Muyshondt
Jason Peterson
Nieve Pi zzaLi
J ul i o Pong
Amanda Rhodes
Sung-Wan Ro
Tonatuh Romero
Al i son Schwarz
Joe Tal ly
Andrea Viei ra-Damasceno
Debra Wal sh
Mino Yang
Ji - Hyun Yoo
Joe Yoo
Vanessa Bergonzoli
Al i ce Chen
Li-Tsai Chen
lluSS 0l I JJb
The sophi sti cated . . .
- - . FAME- ous Al l i son
- - Math?
- . "Speak Lo us. Mr. Fei a"
- Anot her Al gebrai c shot!
. Smi l e. you' re on candi d camera

" I f u0lH| uel se, they know how | make money. "
-M8. I0tr)-
"You thi nk we made money thi s year . . . wai t unti l 96-97! "
-Mt. la8l0rr-
Jae-Eun Ahn
Wel l , I ' m pretty exci ted about becomi ng a seni or.
' here' s one more year to go and I ' m outta here. Then, I ' l l
e free FOREVER! ! Two good reasons why I hate school :
: chool sucks i t' s a waste of ti me. I ' ve got a bil l i on
hings to see, but I ' m stuck here.
Li fe is short, so enj oy every moment of your l i fe
ecause once you l ose i t , you' l l never get i t back! ! PEACE
Jeff Brown
" Dinosaurs eat wherev
er they want to. " Tigers
are made of " Butterfl i es
and kat tydi dsq but mostl y
chewed up l i ttl e ki ds. "
Calvi n & Hobbs
He who trusts i n Hi m wi l l not be di sappoi nted. Romans
1 0: 1 1 " Love i s onl y chatter, Fri ends are al l that matter. "
Gelett Burgess Dedi cated to all my friends, you know
who you are.
Gianna Caneba
AprII J, 979(lta-Gua)
Peace and l ove to al l my fri ends and fami l y. You are always
i n my heart.
Marice I
Dec. 8, 1 979
Puerto Rico
"Li ve the l i fe you l ove.
Love the l i fe you l ive. "
Mama, Papa Y Rober: Los qui ero mucho. Moni , Marl ,
Cri sti , Caro, Carol i na, Kei l a ( BFF) : Las ext r afo, no
cambi en & have fun! J0II r. I miss you a l ot! Good l uck wi th
the guys. JAM ||l Maisy: l ocuras, poses, ti pos, ! I antos, y
suefos . . . si empre j untas! Graci as, , i \ 3cm| .
Graci as por ser tan honesta , comi ca y una gr' an ami ga. .
Kevi n Andrew: You re l he besl "dorks" i n Lhe whol e
wor' l d; Kevi n (graci as por l os consej os y por escucharme) ,
Andy ( thanx for bei ng so sweet , I ' m gonna mi ss you) I l ove
you both. No se ol vi den de nuestra ami tad pq. son l os
mej ores ami gos que al gui en pueda |cuc| Jac. Thank you for
al ways bei ng there for me, you' re real ly a great fri end, don' t
change good l uck. Graci as K-rinos a: Cri stina, Ben,
Abdias, Mike, MMR, Al l i son, Maria, Mart i n , Jenni fer,
Al e Leyl a. a ughler i s the road to happiness" ( Andrea:
I ' l l never forget you ; JAM, ||l
Jorge Luis
Cortez R.
Tryi ng not to b e too cheery, I j ust want t o thank my
new [Ti ends for the warm wel come! Especial l y to
Melissa, Susy, Carl os, Aaron and J0II(I hope we get
to j am) , Mariamarta and to some other pal s! Stay cool
I f you don' t l i ke any of these bands you are a bore
. . . Ni rvana, Pearl Jam, Megadeat h, Offspri ng, Mr . Bi g,
Fai th No More, Bush, Pri mus.
Aaron Chock
By Col egio
Thank you Dr. ascua l e for maki ng my educati on a l ot easi e
now that my hat i s off and the circul ati on to my brai n ha
begun to fl ow.
Carlos Cruz
| woul d l ike to thank God fa
gi ving thi s page to wri te on.
woul d l i ke t o t ha n k H
nei ghbors cat for givi ng H
suppor t . I woul d l i ke t
thank my skateboard for bt
i ng there for me. Gui tar, yo
are the best, you never di tc
me. Maria Mara: Viva l o
Ta c o s . Aa r o n : Ni r va n
sucks (not ) . Kari n: Reebi
Jeff: Hi . Asaf: Hi. Allisor
The perfec t target . I woul d al so l i ke to thank Jorge becau
you are j ust there. Susanne: Freak. Kevi n: Ha, ha. Mom '
Dad: Graci as Por Todo. Jennifer l. Hol a gorda. Last Rat
Avendano, I wi l l never forget you man. Rest i n peace.
Martin Doe
0l0. lC0. ! , ! UUU
ati onal i ty: Canadian, Span
sh, US ( pi ck a country, any
; ountry)
\ Teddy Bear. Dough
>Oy, Moneyman, and what
wer you want to cal l me.
Fri ends can fl oat away l i ke t he wi nd, but thei r memory
s i mmortal . For everyone of U, UNOWHOUR, I wi l l al ways
' Behol d I turn away from You. " - Mysel f
' Oof! Puchica! " - Susie l.
Fa ass
Oct. 3, 1 978
Fi rst. Maml und vatl . l hr sei t di e
esten der ganzen wel t , aber sei t
i cht so overprotect i ve. I ' l l always
e your l i tt l e baby. (I guess) I ' d l i ke
thank Yvonne, For bei ng t he best
ister i n the whol e worl d. You are
ot onl y my si ster. but al so my best
i end. l don' t know what I woul d do
'i thout you. I l ove you Rocki e! Mi chel e: You are the best fri end anyone
oul d ever have. Thank you for everythi ng. We have been through a l ot
Jgether, good Li mes and real l y bad Li mes. I l ove you hun. Jenni fer
e' re final ly gonna rul e the school . Thanks for everythi ng BFF Marco,
ri c, Alvaro: I can' t bel i eve you guys are l eavi ng. I ' m gonna mi ss you .
larc: I ' m gl ad you' re not l eavi ng too' Angel T. : You are my best fri end.
l ove you sweety1 Carl os V. : I ' m sorry for the way I treated you. you
eserve better anyway. Raul : I real l y mi ss you. and l ove you tons. One
ay does not pass by when I do not thi nk about you . I know I ' l l see you
gai n some day.
Maria Estrada
Uruguay a
Ma Pa: Los qui ero mucho. Graci as por todo. Nacho y
Javi er: Los etraio empi l a . . . Que l asti ma que no puden
estar aca para Protegerme. Al l i son & M. M. : " El Peine, "
" Lambada, " "Stuffed bat " and from now ti l l June, who
knows what el se . . . Don' t change. Maricel Maisy: Por
todos l os recuerdos . . . no cambi en. Kevi n: Fudge, Shi n
gl es. Pen . . . Thanx 4 everythi ng! Jason: Hopeful ly by the
ti me you see thi s, you wi l l have received your Val enti ne' s
present. Ana l nes, Fede, Fel . , Phil l i pe Y (uque: Graci as
por bancal me tanto! Los quero empi l a! Ana, Xime, Andi ,
Mal e, Magda P. , Valen, K0SI , Maiti , Magda V. , Agus,
Bel en, Lul l , Gi orgi , . . . Los extrano mucho . . . Juli :
T. Q. M! BFF
Andrew Hamill
I ' d like to give a special good
bye to Mike, Kevin and Abdias.
I ' d al so like to thank Marice I ,
Mai sy , J e nni fe r , Vi vi a na ,
MMR, Maria, and al l my other
friends for making Guatemal a
speci al .
Maisy Hidalgo
July 30, 1 979
Graci as a mi fami l ia por
s i e m p r e a p o y a r m e ,
mi marme . Mami , Papi es
pero nunca de fra udar l os.
Besos. J emi : Graci as por todas l as l ocuras, y toda su
ami stad. Sabes que er es mi mej or ami ga, si empre l o
seras. Te qui ero un muchote. Mari ce! : mi ami gui ta, es
pero que tantas poses, ri sas y de toda si rvan para nunca
ol vi darnos. Sabes que ti enes un espaci o muy I i ndo en mi
corazon. J uli e: Mi ss ya! I real ly wi sh you were here. Have
fun, l ove ya. Andrea: Si empre segui ras presente en mi,
mi ss ya! I ' l l try to keep smi l i ng, after, all i t i ncreases my
face val ue, RI GHT! Kevi n: Eres el mas bueno y sincero
que he conoci do, graci as por brindarme tu amistad. An
drew: Too bad you' re l eaving, we' l l miss you pl ease, be
ni ce to me. Jae: my sweetest fri end , I ' m gl ad we're
getti ng al ong so wel l . Mari a: Eres muy i mportante para
mi . Muchas graci as a : K. C. , A. V. , MMR, J . C. , B. B. , J . P. ,
C. C. , A. C. , M. D . , M. L. , & A. L. por hacer que despues de
todo no sea tan aburri do. "Un verdadero amigo, es un
alma en dos cuerpos . . .
Jerry Hsiao
Likes :
Basketbal l ,
sl eeping, fun
Di sl ikes: None
l 1
l &
Marc Holbik
Thanks for the 1 ,4 page!
10 0C ||| Cd,
10u CC0 I0 udClSId Cr.
You nee0 I0 make her crazy
You need to be away from her
boy fri end
You need to l ove her -
was born in Korea on June , I U1b, and
came to Guatemal a on May 1 , 1 UU 1 . !
l earned Engl i sh and Spani sh in Col egi o
Maya. have many remembrances of Gua
temal a that I wi l l keep forever. have many
fri ends who real ly care about me and worry
about me. This i s my l ast year i n Guatemal a
and I wi l l remember my fri ends here for
ever . Even though I go back to Korea, they
wi l l be in my heart forever.
MtSS Jj Lt0
Guatemal an/ Austral i an
ugust 8, 1 979
Mum Dad: Thanks for a l l the support and l ove you have
ven to me over the years. I l ove you both very much! Dana
Jonathon: I l ove you two, you crazy sibl ings of mine.
lul i o: Gordo, tc extrano un mont on, si empre tendras un
ugar en mi corazon. Oliver K. : Thank for your fri endshi p
nd the l aughs we' ve shared. Suzy: I ' m gl ad we' re fri ends,
hanks for everything. Uff! Martin: We' ve been through
ui te a bit together, you' ve been there for me when I ' ve
peeded you. Thanks TB. Albert : Thanks for bei ng a fri end i n
eard ti mes. Susan & Shorty: The Three Musketeers! Juni or
Class: Thanks guys for al l the fun ti mes thi s year , CLSS of
7 R LES. For the peopl e l di dn ' t menti on: You ar e al l
peci al to me and al l of you hol d a pl ace i n my heart. I ' l l
ever forget any o f you! My teachers: 'l'hanks for the pa-
i ence and help you ' ve given to me over the years. SOCCER
Jin K
Kim ( Daisy)
No morning sun l asts forever.
Tomas Lin
Special thanks (in order of im
port ance) God Fa mi ly Macs
Cl assmates Coffee E's Mush
rooms K' s CO's (Some) Teachers
7's The phi principle Snakes
Pencils Fontographer Earphones
Guns Yel l ow Pages Obscene
shi rt s Money Fl oppi es Life
pi Tomails Sharpeners Spoons
Earlobes Bikes Water The 70's
You are in t ot al
control but you are
St a t. guCS-
t0H 0ut utH0t-
t y. P L PLL-
WI LL b1L 1
- you know what
i t me a ns , don' t
Allison Logo
M & D, F, P, R, MA & U - I l ove U al l !
"And if the cloud bursts t hunder i n your ear; you shout
and no one seems to hear; and i f the band you' re i n starts
playi ng a di fferent t une; I ' ll see you on the dark si de of
the moon"
Mariamarta 7-up, Lambada, stuffed bat , pei ne
Carl os "You' re so rude! "
Jennifer Marie
Birthday: Feb.
6, 1 979
Mom, you' re my #1 fri end, and the best mom. Daddy, I ' l l
al ways be your l i t t l e pri ncess. Jason, you are the best
brother anyone coul d have . I ' m gl ad we have been real ly
getti ng al ong wi th one another. Vanessa, thanks Al l i son
Karin, you guys are the best fri ends anyone could
have. I love you all (The Club) . Federi co, gracias por
todo. You are one of my best friends. I l ove U. Hannah,
Eri c, & Marko, I ' m real ly goi ng to mi ss you guys. I t ' l l be
di fferent wi thout you.
Loretta Luk
Birthday - April 22
I l ike musi c, math, chemi stry, and pl ayg. Thank you t o a
my friends for their friendship, and to my parent s.
Suzanne Marie
San Antonio,
Mom & Dad: Thank you f or a
the l ove and support you' v
given me. I l ove you! Di an
Thank you for bei ng an aw
some fri end. I miss ya ton,
Come visit us from Orl and
BFF! Love ya! Kev: Where do I even start? Thanks for be
there when I needed you. I ' l l mi ss you i f you go! Don' t l eav
Love ya tons! Hakuna matata! BFF! Di as: stop touching yo
hai r . Carlos C. : Qui t bei ng a pai n do your work for one
Excel ente! Jen: whatever! thanks for everything! Mike
Andy: I ' l l mi ss you guys, but not your ponds! As i f! Marie
amorci ta, come back! Tex: oof! Love ya tons. To the rest
my fri ends: Even though l can' t menti on each one i
divi dually, I can only say thank you for everything you'
done for me. Love you guys! Mr. Berke: you have to adm
i t, the Cowboys are si mply better than the Redskins! !
Michael Glenn
Born: Feb. 1 4, 1 979
Gainesvil l e, Fl orida
Favorite quote: | everyone
val ued food and cheer and song
over hoarded gol d i t woul d be a
merri er worl d" - from J . R. R.
Tol kei n' s THE HOBBI T.
I ' ve l i ved al l over South and Central Ameri ca i n my l i fe,
but Guatemal a has been my favori te pl ace by far . I t ' s been
real ly fun livi ng here and I ' l l mi ss i t when I l eave thi s
summer. I ' d l ike to say thanks to my best fri ends at Maya
and for what each has given me.
Kevi n: You wer e my first fri end at Maya and you' ve always
been there for me. I ' l l never forget you. Mike A: I ' l l al ways
treasure the ti me we spent pl aying tenni s, bui l di ng model s,
and watching movies together Andrew and Abdi as: both
of you made me l augh and hel ped me forget the gruel i ng
drudgery we know as school . To al l the rest of ( especi al l y
everyone i n the j uni or c l ass) goodbye and good l uck.
Ayumi Sakamoto
Birthday: April 26
Li kes - Art s, movi es, TV, shoppi ng, honest peopl e
Disl i kes - cockroaches, sushi , betrayers,
Thanks to My fami ly, teachers and to my fri ends! ! Speci al
thanks to the Luks, you are such ni ce fri ends si nce I came
I woul d rather be a superb meteor , every atom of
me i n magni fi cent gl ow,
than a sl eepy and permanent planet .
The proper functi on of human kind is to l ive, not to
exi st
I shal l not waste my days tryng to prol ong them.
I shal l use my time. - Jack London
1l ur0
Santa Fe de
Carlos Victoria S.
Cali, Colombia
Sal udos a mis amiguitos: MIl
Herrera, Dr. B, Sr. R. C. , Carecos
Susan Sperry
May 23, 1 978
, , To my new fri ends,
Thanks for making me feel so
wel come .
. . . To my ol d fri ends,
Mi ss you and l ove you.
I ' l l never forget you.
J0ISSu |L|IS|IDu thanks for
Jemi Yang
Nov. 2 1 1 978
Costa Rica
En pri mer I ugar l es qui ero
deci r a mi fami l ia que si n su
carifo y si n su apoyo, yo no
hubi era l l egado hasta aqui .
Los qui ero mucho y graci as
por haberme soportado por
todo este tiempo. Mai sy: te
digo que eres una ami ga supe
padre o sea en qui en puedo confi ar todo. Espero que
si gamos asi . Te qui ero mucho. Mari ce! : t u eres I a amiga
mas honesta y si ncera. Nunca dej emos que se rompa esta
ami stad. Jae: te digo que to tengo mucho carifo por
haberme regal ado una amistad tan sweet . Nunca cambi es
porque te qui ero asi t al como eres! Maria, Dai sy, Ki m,
Ji hyun y toda demas ami gas l es doy todas l as graci as por
bri ndarme sus ami stades si endo de t o mas padre comigo.
Espero verl as aqui denuevo el otro ano!

"To a cl ass I'l l mi ss forever, may
your col l ege years trea t you right .
Don' t ever forget the cl ass of ' 96"
Marko P .
A Chi sa. Cri sti na, Agucda and
J essi ca gather around, carvi ng
t he Hal l oween pumpki n.
u0 0lIh0
SlRq. fft[llRt[dft lRt[0ltRftRdS00R
0J00, IRt S0ttlJ 0J00 f0RltR]0dtS, lRt f0R-
Hrrl0H 0 rIrHlS. GIral HrH HaIr afna]S d0Hr S0
The class of I99b has always been a special and unique
colection of individual hearts vibrating to that iron string,
who accept and thrive on life 's challenges and the connection
of events. While you have come from many places and from
diverse cultures, the vibration that you have created at
Colegio Maya resonates powerfuly throughout the school
and the communit. You have been role models for un
derclassmen, and have demonstrated a love for learning and
your school that is admirable and strongly felt by students
and teachers alke.
As your teachers, h have always felt privieged and
honored to be part of such a special and talented group, and
wanted to be sure that we lived up to the h expectations
you have set for yourselves. In that sense, you have helped us
to be better teachers, and for that we wil always be grateful.
We have enjoyed being with you and have loved watching you
grow and develop into the fine young men and women you
have become. You should take the opportunity to reflect on
all of your high school accomplishments, the hard work and
long hours you have put in to make your lives more complete
and your futures so bright. You should be ver proud of your
high school careers, and should celebrate yourselves at this
most important crossroad of your young lives. You must also
continue to strive and to grow, to never stop learning and
pursuing your dreams.
H have tried to guide you as best as we could along the
way, and as you reach the end of this road, you wil pick up
new guides in the pathways of your future. Together we have
tried to understand the pathways of those who have come
before us, and have tried to understand the words and wis
dom of the greatest minds of human histor, both ancient
and moder. As you contue on along the journey, choose
your paths well and use that wisdom to help guide you. We
wish you al the best and wil continue to treasure the
experience we have had with you. Thank you, class of 99h.
Mr. Brian . Vance Dr. Judy . Thomas
Michael Antonio Arellano Eddy
"THE CHI LD I S FATHE R OF THE MAN" - Wi l l i am Wordswort h.
SMOOCH, POPS, MARCELO, DANNY AND CRISTY, I l ove you wi th al l my
Abuel ita Grandfather; tias Al i ci a, Dori na, Soni a and Susie; tios Chari
Eddy, Hernan y Lucho; cousi ns Matt , Bi l l y and Marissa, MUCHAS GRACIAS
THANK YOU. To al l my fri ends i n the Juni or and Seni or cl asses (especi al l y ""'"""
Carol i na, Chisa, Cristina, Katri na, Susy, Ivan, Ji- Ho, Mi ke, Kevi n,
Abdi as, Nick, and Jul i e) , | c oul d not l ive wi thout you. Mrs. Barrera, Mr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bond, Mr. Connol l y, Mr. Fei a, Mrs. Kayayan, Pabl o Sanchez,
Pastore, M Stephens, Dr. Thomas, and Mr. Vance, I wi l l carry thy Knowl ed
and advi ce to the unexplored, maki ng the best of i t. I AM PROUD TO BE PART
Seni or Cl ass ` hh. I l ove
you al l and I ' l l mi ss tile
great L i mes we had to
gether in Seni or retreat ,
C o b a n , L a n k i n .
Champey. Cal l me i f you
get back. And " Keep
Smi l i ng and shi nni ng. "
Good l uck in Col l ege and
your future! '
Ana Carolina Barrera Valenzuela
Naci onalidad: Pura Chapina.
Gracias a U|os por permitime d I0 vida. A m| familia l o
segundo mas |mpor|0n|e 0H0I0of00H q06 |0S ad6ro. MumI y
Papl: G|0c|0s por s|0mr0estar al I0 y |0m0I0
por haberme ensenado qu0 I0 vida u0 CS l0 q lu0har 0t
nuestras metas. los quiero. M0H Juanf: I08 qu u00do me
necesiten 0st0I0o mi8 amigos, hBltln0:
Kding, " I love you aud I wi l l n0v0r |0fg0I the
together. Jr88l. qm0l0 un mont6n, gracias por tu 00
l os regalos, las risas que t0m0I|008 juntas 1u
tuose laughs, " 8 por 08tuth0|lu0 00 Lu0
discutios C6 valiosa, |0Yd Ifur
Las t0mum0H08, du de habl ar tanto. son mentiras, las l0 8P
mouI0u U|00I88 0| todo "Pulga, 0estapadci`
Agu|l0. 0
Markus, Kei n, Aaron, Am0u,Au0rrw, MarltelM0i8. Gracias por
suum| s|ud, |udos8uu||uu08 I08 YUy d aar. Sus: YUllC}-D8ll lS oer
but h| c0dsuip l asts forever. Jul ie: Love Yu' ' I m8sed you u lot |h|8
Mr. V0ut0. Th0nk you for this years full of jokes and fun, I ' l l mi ss you.
hlIlu MI LIlBuu
Nationality: U. S./Colombia
Birthdate: June 1 0, 1 978
"A happy memory i s on earth perhaps truer t han happi ness. "
M0mmy and D00y: Thank you for always bei ng there for me in both good an
bad ti mes. You are the best parents anyone can have and you have given
everything I could want, especi al ly l ove. ! l ove you. |!I! and I!m0u:You pi
a speci al part i n my l i fe, gi ving me l ove and teachi ng me about l ife. I l ove you an
mi ss you. |0t0Iiu0. I have known you for 4 years and you have become one of
best fri ends. Whenever you need someone to turn to I ' l l be there! Good l uck
the future and I wil l mi ss you. C!lS|lu: You are someone I can confide i n an
trust. Don't forget our fri endshi p. Make sure to visit me and you know wh
10SSI. "Que sera, sera! " You are a very sweet person and have been a gre
fri end. "Strike a pose! " A0(0. You have al ways hel ped me when I needed i
You are a great friend and I wi l l mi ss you. |hiS0. You never get mad, al wa
smi l e, and are l oved by everyone. Don' t change. Cuu0. You are a great fri en
See you i n I tal y. J0I/(. Fri ends l ike you are hard to find. Don' t change for anyon
ClSS 0I J0. We wil l be goi ng our separate ways and starti ng our new l i ves.
l ove you al l and wi l l mi ss you. Good l uck i n the future.
Lizette Chamorro
Graci as lBSporque has estado conmi go en l as buenas y mal as. Te amo. l Mml :
Gracias a todo el apoyo y sacri fi ci o que me han bri ndado he l ogrado "maravil l as . " Ha
l l egado el ti empo para que me gradue, me I l ena de fel i ci dad pero i gual mente es el final de
una etapa muy bel l a de mi vi da y reconozco que de ahora en adel ante me van hacer mucha
fa Ita. Los qui ero mucho. MIl: Thanx for al ways bei ng there, we are gonna have a bl ast
i n Col ombi a. ( Col ombi an men) . You are my best fri end and soul mate. l ove U. lud}. Hey
' Pocahontas, ' watch out with al l those guyz! Be wi se . . . Remember . . . don' t do anythi ng
I woul d do. I mgonna mi ss you ni ia consenti da. You better mi ss your ol der si sters too . . -
I l ove t. ABuPlll: Graci as por todo, que el seior me Ia bendi ga, Ia qui ero mucho.
Alson, Joray, y Fercha: Nos veremos en Col ombi a! "Bueno ahora si podemos empezar
| Rumba! " Viviana: sH0cs . . . U0\c|s . . um . . . || 0wcr . . N0s\cm0scu |0| 0m0|
hermani ta! Michele: You better come vi sit , 0|we' l l go there! Gonna mi ss ya ra bel l e . . .
Col ombi ans: "Ah . . . que orgul l oso me si ento de ser unbuen Col ombi ano. " Nos veremos
por al i a en I a ti erra! Class: See ya around, Keep i n touch! A-b]r-H]r!
Margid Chamorro
Thank you Jesus for hel ping me get t hi s far . l l ove you. I ' m movi ng on
wi th my l i fe, a new begi nning - col l ege. I ' l l never forget al l the
beauti ful moments of my chi l dhood and wi l der teenage years. Thanx to
everyone who has been there to bui l d a l l the memori es I ' m taki ng wi th
me. Li zette: I l ove |, my l i fe-l ong best fri end, thanx for wai t i ng so we
can go to col l ege together. Thi s year has been ' bri l l i ant' l i ke so many
we' ve shared. Veamos que nos espera en nuestra ti erra bel l a Col ombi a!
Mami ta: no hay pal abras para el agradeci miento que si ento por todo su
apoyo y sacr i fi ci o. Me l l evo conmi go l os ratos hermosos y especi al es
que hemos comparti do de madre e hi j a. Me vas hacer mucha fal t a en I a
Uni versi dad Te qui ero mucho. Papito: me si ento cel osa de l os aios que
duraste en TOY. Me hi ci ste mucha fa i ta. Tu sonri sa me Ia l l evo conmigo.
Ercs una persona admi rabl e. Espero l l egar a ser admi rada como tu l o
eres. Graci as por todo. Te qui ero. Si ndy: "The beauty Queen" . . .
cuanto me vas hacer fal t a ' agapi mou. ' I want so much to share your
' teen' years mai s c' est I a vi e! Take care | l ove I. Abuel i tas: Ls qui ero
mucho. Cyprus: s' agapo ' 89- ' 95 Fal con, AI SC, B52, 9-el even, Markari
os AV, mi ss you. El eni : I l ove U! Con AdreasjLambraki s: my hi ghschool
sweet heart s! I l ove you! Ana: I l ove bi g but s! Gonna mi ss the tal ks.
Come vi si t. Vivi ana: ya sabe donde queda I a casa para "estudi ar. "
Whatever! Michele: Basketbal l ' EI Salvador' ` | wanna have your ba
bi es! " Al ex: Remi nd me never to ask you for di rect i ons. Han
nah/Caroli ne: Happy Happy Joe Joe! Hannah' s pi ct ure >>> "The
wi tch wal k. ' ' Cal mia/Germs/Peluca: I l eave y' al l a dehydrated Johnny!
Marko: Good l uck wi th shri mps. Jorge: Papasi to! Eri c: "a gent l eman "
never change. Jul i e: I l ove y ou even though we' ve been through a l ot!




- .
Hannah Rebecca Edgerton
Mom & Dad: My fri ends. my guardian angel s. I feel
your support in ewry step I take. Thank you. I love you.
Jessie: Thank you for bei ng my best fri end and my
gui de. You have taught me how to fol l ow my 0\\ 1 advi ce
and yours. We shoul d hme been l \\ i ns. Liesbct h: You
are r ny soul mat e. Como quieres que te ol vi de, si
cuando qui ero Ol \' i darte Nada descri be mc, or l o que si ent o por U. Cada di a te extra no mas. Carmelyn: Through thi ck and thi n
I ' l l lore you foreve. Thank you for the t i mes we had. for t he l aughter. and for the trust I mi ss you. iaLasha: I ' ve neverknown
anyone for so l ong. i n so l i ttl e tme. Thank you for t he past ( 1 7?) years. There are mor e to come. Te qui cro. Carol i ne: I mi ssed you.
Thank )OU for the t . us. . and t hank you fm shai ng you. I \\ i l l nrcr forget t hese si x years. and I wi l l never forget our l augh at t ads
i publ i c pl aces. Lve you. Aex: Bathroom bonder! \\ e galla st ar t a dance connecti on. I won' t forget t hi s year. I '' i sh \\ C had
di sco,eed each other sooner. I ' l l mi ss you. 1\l l : Your l aughter wi l l al ways echo i n my mi nd. Keep your head hel d hi gh and you' l l
glm' forever. Don ' t forget r ed oses and who yow guardi an angel s ar e. Harbarlta: Si empre est aremos j unt as en nuestros
corazont' s. N unca olvidare los tcmpos que pasamos j unt as. Te qui ero un monti hcrmani t a. Jennifer: I won' t ever forget the
t imes we ve had. l " l l mi ss you so much next year. ) OL! ' re goi ng to have to come cel eb.ate my birt hday wi t h me every year. \\ atch
out for t hose veget abl es. they bi t e. Eri c: We have made it through six years. we' ve sti l l got a l i feti me. Thank you for the t rust . t he
l aught er. and t he teas. \\ ho are you goi ng to be wi t h on every l ong weekend? No matter what I" II al ways l ove you. Marko:
Hermano. Te necesi t+conmingo en I a universi dad para cuidarme. You re al ways been t here for me. I apprcci ate i t, and I won' t ever
forget our li mes together. Te quiem un mont6n. Chri st i an: Thank you for bei ng my best fri end - I 've never had one l i ke you. I' m
savi ng room i n my heart for more memories. I mi ss you and l ove you. Manuel : Somehow wl 1cn I think of you a pal m t ree and pl ai d
paj amas come t o mi nd. Thank you for the gi ggl es and your wel comr for t he t ea. We make such cut e nei ghbors. Mi chel e. Vh'lana,
Margie. and Lizzete: Wut"s that butn fouur ? I f you .uys hadn' t come I woul d have spent t he year wonderi ng what was mi ssi ng.
I ' l l miss you. Carlos: You know you' l l nevcr wi n an argument. Dr. Thomas& Mr. Vance: Thank you for your gui dance and your
fri endshi p. What you hmc L aught me al ways speaks t o me from my heart I l ove you both. Classor t 996: We are seei ng each
ot her off to our fut ures. Thank you for al l \e ve shal'ed. I won' t forget you guys . CLASS OF ' 96 RULES! Amanda: Keep on smi l ing.
I ' l l miss you and I ' l l neve1 ' forget you. "El'crytJing lwppcns for a reason "
Caroline Christine Janet Grimier
Manll & lapi - Los qui ero mucho! Who' s gonna wake me up i the morning? You guys are my wor l d. I love you! Oorothee
You are a trol l ! Love ya! Jeffery - uh . . . O. K. George. Love Shmukey. Merlta - 1.1 qui ero mucho. gracias por cuidarme por
tantos aios. Meggie - Happy Ti mes Chapter 1 . 000? Summers Rul e & you' re the one that smel l s! I crack mysel f up' Archie
my hands are col d' I ' l l al ways be your Betty. Willy - I ' l l al ways l ove you & don' t di ssappear for too l ong! Alex - I ' l l beat
day i n the l OOm Mosey! I ' l l mi ss ya buddy! By the way, you l ook l i ke a muppet! Alison - To us . . . To the dorks standing
Status! To . Quesoso! l l annah - So. what' s for di nner? Love ya Hanni ! Tash - my
danci ng buddy! Man. we deserve to wi n the bottl e! Te qui ero! Suzi - you make me l augh.
What are we gonna do wi thout al l the thi ngs we gotta do? Liesbeth - Liesbetina. I a muieca
que patina. Nose ring buddi es! Gaby - Gabster. 1 l abster. you re si l ly. l miss you! Rob - Are
we ever gonna stop fighting? Maybe? Love ya. Tony - Chi li -ken & Stimpy, man! Love.
1\.l uddy. Serge - No monkey no cry! I ' l l see ya i n Boston! Alonzo - MENG-ren.-reng
meng. Marko - Chul o. te quiero mucho! Pues si? lrlc - What can I say? Miss ya! Manuel
- You ,,e so stupi d. That' s the way i t' s suppose to be. I t' s a comi c book . . . I mean the
guy. YOU . . . I mean the chmacters . Ugghh! You a1e so f1ustrali ng! Aharo - I t ' s the
AASCA one act duet! Chris T. & Mmk 1. - I t rol l s down stails: al one or i n pairs . . . i t' s
l og. l og. i t' s better than bad. i t' s good' Environmental Sci ence Class - "Smi l e & the worl d
smi l es wi th you. f. and you stand al one! " Or. 'homas & Mr. Vance - Thank-you for
bei ng the1'e for me so many Ures. I ' l l miss you. "Are you leal l y sure that a floor can' t al so
be a cei l l i ng?" - M. L. Eschor
Michele Maria Hall
Daddy, <l though you di dn't see me ,i0w up. I know y o u were watchi ng and hopeful l y you ' re proud. You
taught me about l i fe and what La expect. You wer e right: i t ' s a j ungl e out there! But | ' ' survi ve. | l ove you!
Maml: we ve gone through a l ot together and I ' m glad that we' re cl oser. We got on wi th our l ives and l ook at al l
Lhe good that has come our way. You chose a wonderfu l husband l i ke Bob and hope I wi l l be as l ucky i n lhe
future. l l ove you wi th al l my heart ( " Do you l ove me?") Bob: i n spite of our di fferences ( HA-1- IA) I ' m very happy
LhaL I have a stepfather. You can real l y understand about being a teenager. Thank you for your trust and
support i n al l I do. I l ove you. Tla: ay, como empi ezo? Que pals i remos a vi si tar ahara? Mi ra I a que Lengo en mi
pi e, mi ra mi mana, mi brazo ( 1A-1A) Graci as par ser buena conmigo y darme Ia oporLuni dad de i r a Europa. Yo
soy como Ia hi j a que nunca Luvi sLe. Cuando me vaya a Fl ori da me tienes que visitar y nos vamos a parrandear!
Te quiero mucho! Andrew & Mi chael : Hey furbal l s! You guys are practi cal ly my brothers! Keep i n Lauch and
work hard to school so you can show everyone what you' re made of. LOVE U! Vanessa: You are a great fri end
and I ' m grat eful for your fri endshi p. PANAMA RULES! ! ! When are we going back girl ? Hey, eventual l y we' l l see
each other agai n and then i ts Li me Lo PARTY! Watch out wi th those guys! ( onl y one at a ti me) Al exi s: l are one
of the best thi ngs LhaL coul d have happened i n my l i fe! I ' m your Bi g Si s, so you can count on me for anythi ng. I
l ove U Baby' Vi vana: | stl l can L geL it i nto my head LhaL we both ended up here. We were in opposi te si des of
the worl d. So when do we go back La l l onduras and show them the new ol d us? You l azy butt, you better wri te
me and we sti l l have i L pl anned for you La come vi si t i n Fl ori da right? PARTY, PARTY, PARTY! Yezzz, Uh-Uh
Uh-Uh Y I Love ya! I ' l l mi ss you . Al ex: Uwnx for bei ng my bathroom buddy, bl up, bl up, blup. Hannah: Torti l l a
woman, Lhanx f or steal i ng #h J. K. ! Carol i ne: ' ' I ' m Ti r ed" Rock a by bay . . . Chamorros: Vaya, col ombi anas
trerendas' Dej a de coquetear LanLo, que hay que comparLr l os hombres! Marko & Eri c: Party animal s! See ya
in Fl ori da. Tatasha: Wipe that smi rk orr your face. Qui et with what we tal ked about! Pl ease keep in Lauch
because l know t11at you are the one that l can count on. Love ya1 I ' m gonna mi s you. Manuel : Pel don P' que
l l egaste Lal de? Suzy: You are a very dedi cated gi rl and have tal ent i n al l that you do. I wi sh you the best i n the
future. To the rest of the Seni or Class: Tlwnk you for maki ng me feel wel come i n your cl ass!
Eric Daniel Holbik
Born: Jan. I 1, I U1b Nationality: U. S.
I woul d l i ke to thank a l l the peopl e who have hel ped me get to where I am. Especi al l y
fami l y: Mom, thanks for bei ng my mom, thanks for the trust u had i n l eLng me do so
thi ngs, and for Laki ng care of me a l l these years. I l ove |' Dad, maybe u weren' t a
there, but u hel ped me out a l ot when u coul d. Keep the good humor, stay in touch,
car e and I l ove u . Marc, thanks for bei ng my " l i LLi e" brother and the thi ngs we
together, keep pl ayi ng sports, ( Remember 9BB Copa Maya, & I want Lo hear MVP for
next year 1 ) have fun and l ' l l mi ss u . Sven, thanks for a l l the favors u di d for me, carefu l wi
t he gi rl s, have fun and I ' l l mi ss u too. To al l my fri ends whom I ' l l never forget : Marko P,
yrs. ! ) Can u bel i eve i t ? We have been through and done so many thi ngs. Never forget
fri endshi p, t he weekends, the beach, Wes' s house, the mi radores, BB soccer gam
everythi ng el se t hat happened i n those 9 yrs. ! Wes, I ' m fi nal l y done, t hanks for
never forget the fri endshi p u, me and Marko had. Your house, a l l t he BB soccer
( ' 95 BB Copa MAya) Bohemi a concerts, were a l l memori es never Lo be forgo
member the deal with Marko about worki ng together! See u soon. Jason S, even tho
weren' t here, I thank u for your fri endshi p and hel p. Thanks for keepi ng contact ,
forget the things we di d: Bug Hannah, Ol ga, C. W. , BB soccer, weekends. I mi ss u a
see u in U. S. Hannah l, b yrs even though I onl y remember Lhe l ast 3. I are
speci al who wi l l always have a pl ace i n my heart. Remember a l l the fun we had wi th
of the gang. Keep in contact ! Al ex T, take care in t he frozen wastel ands of Ca
pl aying BB soccer. I ' l l never forget your games and our fri endshi p. Alvaro L. ki l l
moose, keep j ammi ng and when u become famous remember me! Thanks for
Caroline h. Hey Ti ger! Keep pl ayi ng sports, and work on that b pack! Al ways remem
gang. Natasha, I ' m gonna mi ss you bi g - I mean mouth. Maybe we weren' t best
but someti mes u were. Don' t si n u mormon, ancl marry Serge wi l l u! Amanda R, I ' l l n
forget your atttude and BB Soccer games. t he three 3 poi nters! Take care. Jennifer
were someone very speci a l who I wi l l never Forget , Te amo para si empre I ' m goi ng to
u. Carlos V, or Dr. J or Beche l os ' 70' s, keep havi ng fun never forget the soccer and
games. ( EI Sal v. BB ni ght s! the l augh) Al l the Col ombians, t her e i s t oo many of u.
fun and l ove Guate. ! Pi nal l y, I ' d l i ke to t hank al l t he teachers I ' ve ever had. Especi al l y,
Thomas Mr. Vance: l guys are t he greatest. Mr. Bond, thanks For your humor ( I f u
cal l it t hat ) your musi c, & advi ce. Pabl o, Graci as por todo, y nunca te ol vi des de n
equi pos de futbol de l os aios pasados. Graci as por quedar este aio. I wi l l al ways rPnnPrn nA
C. M. Guat e. " Li fe i s a l l a memory except for the one present moment that goes
qui ckl y you can hardl y catch i t goi ng. " Tennessee Wi l l i ams, " I am the master of my fa
am the captai n of my soul . " \. E . Henl ey
Jessica Lee (Shu-Hui)
Wel l , l thi nk i t i s t i me to say goodbye, me si ento fel i z that I hnal ly made i t , but
at the same ti me siento tri steza, por las personas que me han dado tanto cari io
y se van de mi vi da. Mami y Papi : There i s nothi ng I can say to show how much I
love you. Thank you for your understandi ng, al l the support and always bei ng
there for me- I l ove you so much. Tio: Muchas gracias por ayudarme en l os
tiempos difci les y por tu paciencia , he madurado mucho. Gracias, te quiero
mucho y te voy a extrair muchi si mo. El i sa, Sindy, Wendy: My dear sisters,
l ove you al l , al ways. Jerry: unqut no estuvimos j untos por mucho tiempo tu
si empre estaras en mi coraz6n. Te qui ero! Cai': Sabes que tu sos una amiga tan
especi al , graci as por aguantarme cuando estoy de mal humor y si empre estar alii
when I need your hel p. Graci as! I ' l l miss you a l ot. Katrina: Graci as por tu
ami stad y voy a racordar todo l os ti empos que tuvi mos j untas. Love you.
Agueda: Gracias por todo, I hope we will keep in touch after we graduate.
Buena Suerte. Cristi na: Nunca voy a olvidar como te ries, sos una ami ga muy
linda, I l l mi ss you! Chisa: No se porque si empre estas fel i z y nunca te enoj as.
Graci as por darme t u cari io y sonri sas. Te extraiare. Susy: You are a very
special person, most busi est person i n the worl d. Thank you for always bei ng
|Ht|t whtu l needed your hel p. Good Luck, and l hope to see you agai n! Mr.
Vance: Thank You for being patient with me and I ' l l al ways remember Mr.
Quizzy. Juli e: Even though you are not here anymore, want you to know, you
are al ways on my mi nd. I miss you a l ot! Class ' 9b. Love you al l and hope to see
you agai n. Good Luck! ! !
1 01
Agueda Lin Wu
Taiwan -Januar 26, 1 979
The end of a very i mportan phase i n my l i fe has arri ved, and together wi th i t
comes the memori es and other unforgetabl e experi ences. I woul d have not
survi ved thi s wonderful but extremely chal l enging peri od i f i t was not because of
al l the peopl e surroundi ng me that offered me thei r hel p and support. Today, I
want to take advantage of thi s opportunity to thank each and everyone of them.
Papa y mama: Graci as por soportarme todos est os afos. Les agradezco mucho
todo el ti empo y apoyo que me han dado. Cufdense mucho. Cristi na, Katri na,
Jessica, Carol i na: Cada una de ustedes son muy especi al es y aunque aveces
mol estan demasi ado, l as qui ero mucho. Se que todas tri unfaran y l es qui ero
deci r en anti cipaci 6n que estoy orgul l osa de tener a dos empresarias, un
di sefadora de moda y una admi ni stradora de Hotel es como amigas. unca l as
voy a ol ivadar . Chisa: Eres una persona muy especi al que me puso barai ro no
j i nsei . Di sfrute todo l o que hi ci mos y todos l os momentos que pasamos j untas.
Nunca me ol vi dare de aquel dia que nos mori mos de boca uarai en Shi nri gaku. Te
voy a extrafar mucho y te deseo todo l o mej or. Te qui ero mucho pero . . . por
favor, dej a de ser J unsui . Mr. Vance, Dr. Thomas, Mrs. Keil , Mrs. Truj i l l o,
Mr. Berke, Mr. Feia, Mrs. Barrera: Thank you for your advi ces, motivati ons,
and support . Al l of you made Col egi o Maya a more comfortabl e pl ace to be i n.
Besi des bei ng great teachers, al l of you are al so wonderful human bei ngs. Once
more, thank you very much. Ayumi y Loretta: Graci as por su simpata y por ser
tan busus. Las quiero mucho y buena suerte en su Seni or Year.
! 0J
Cristina Lin
Wel l , I final ly made i t. However, wi thout the support of the peopl e around me
woul dn' t be where I am today. For the same reason, | want to thank al l of yo
To my family: Growi ng up in forei gn countri es wasn' t easy for me. But wi th yo
supports and affecti on I final ly know who | am. Thank you. Peggy and Peyi na:
am so proud of you guys. You always remi nd me to work hard and move forwar
Don' t forget, si sters are meant for l i feti me. To Carol i na, Katri na, Jessie
Agueda, and Chisa: Each of you are di fferent and speci al . Ever si nce I met yo
al l , I real i zed how uni que i t was to be di fferent . I am glad I met you guys. Keep o
wi th al l your hard work and each of you wi l l succeed. To Susy: I enj oyed my sta
i n Cal i forni a. Thank you. You are the busi est person I have ever known. Don' t yo
dare to forget me when you are i n col l ege O. K. ? To Marice! and Mai sy: Son I a
personas mas l i ndas que he conoci do. Graci as por l os buenos momentos en
bus. Cuidense mucho! To Gi anno, Kevin and Ben: You guys have such a sens
of humor. Ja! Ja! Ja! Thanks for the good j okes. To Cristy, Ruth and Soni a: Fu
real mente u n pl acer mio el poder haber creci do j unto con ustedes. Las adoro
todas. Fi nal ly, I j ust wanted al l of you to know that I appreci ate bei ng wi th yo
and I LOVE YOU All from the bottom of my heart!
Natasha Moren
Al e\: you haw s o many qual i t i es I admi re s o much. ) au are a true friend! Thanx for al l the t al ks & your understandi ng. Love ya.
Carol i ne: I al\\ ays tol d you your generosi t y. cari ng & l ove wi l l al ways stay wi th me. You have a passi on for l i fe that has t ouched
me. Take care of yoursel f Tige1! Lore ya. Hannah: We have been through everyt hi ng. I Feel I have known you a l i fe ti me. I know
you <e al ways there fo1' me. Gol den-dust twi ns. I l ove U! l .lesbet h: Te qui ero! Tu ami stad. cari io y amor. todavi a puedo senti r. TU
dcbcs estar aqui . Te quicro. te quiero. Lc qui cro! Al i son: Mi hermani ta. Te YOY a extrmiar sooo much. You have been such a big
part of my l i fe. You know I ' m always there for you. Vh'lana & Mi chel e: wha' s that but en por? Where my cucal ela I l ove you
guys! You make me laugh so much. lt" s j ust a shame we di dnl become fri ends sooner. I wil l never forgct you guys - NEVER. Eric
& Marko: the cut est coupl e i n school ( ha ha) . You guys are great . I ' m goi ng to mi ss you guys so much. I l ove ya! Manuel : I l o, e
you. I can' t t el l you hm' much om' rel ali onshi p has meant to me. You have hel p me through so much. Pl ease be careful out t here.
"And a fri end' s a fiend forever . " Tony: I love you! Serge: el mono mas chul a en cl mundo. Gracias por todo. te qui ero. Te
qui ero. Rob: I ' l l never forget ou1' long tal ks. It was such a cool lme. I l l se ya in L.A. "So what i f . " Mcng Meng: You are the
S\\ eelrst I miss you so much & I l ove ya. Mom & Oad: Love ya! Sl bbll ngs: The best thi ngs of my l i fe. "The value of life firs not in
tie /enf II of days. bur ifl r he use we make of r flem .

Manuel Negron
"We' re after the same rai nbow' s end, I know. I t ' s j ust around the bend. I t ' s onl
j ust around the bend. " - Sean Patri ck Morri ssey
Before Prom 95 After Prom ' 95
to Susy, a wal l that everyday i s geLL i ng higher ( to protect, not
separate) . I love you. to lnbal , "Sel f-reli ance" an extreme ap
preci aL i on of sel L You are beauL i ful . to Natasha, hugs. I love you,
too' to Vi vi ana, a li ghtni ng bug that ' s almost there, defyi ng the l aws
of uni versal gravi ty. to Vanessa, the universe. Go get i t.
Bel l Tower
` l don' t want the yogurt ! "
Chisa Nishii
Wel l , I am not ready to graduate yet , however i t i s time to accept real i ty. I woul d l i ke to
thank everybody who has offered me thei r tremendous amount of hel p and support i n every
possi bl e aspect. Mom Uad: Fi rst of al l , thank you for bringing me to thi s worl d. I real ly
l i ke my l i fe you gave me and I appreci ate it a l ot. Thanx for your support and pati ence i n
l i steni ng to my i nsupportabl e compl ai nts. | l ove you both! ! Mutsuml : I hope you' l l have a
wonderfl experi ence in Japan that wi l l hel p you in the future. Ingri d: Thank you for a great
ti me of studying and l aughi ng! You mean a l ot to me. mi ss you . . . Naomi: Mi rensel a! The
encounter wi th you i n my l i fe i s one of the most i mportant treasure I have. Thank you for the
great ti me we spent together. I understand that becoming a gol f pl ayer is not easy, but I al so
know that you can do i t! Stri ve di rectl y toward your goal ! Fri ends forever! ! Miwa: You are
l i ke my real si ster. Best wi shes in your col l ege l i fe! Midori Ayako: Graci as por soportar
mi s cartas con |K`| fal tas de ortogra fa. nunca se i magi naran cuanto goce el ti empo con
ustedes. Son unas grandes ami gas! Agueda: How many ti mes di d we attempt to tal k i n
Engl i sh for our own sake? Ha, ha, ha . . . pcro casi nunca l o l ogramos . . . Graci as por dedi car
tanto ti empQ conmi go que I a di sfrute tanto! ! (te recordas de Psychol ogy?) Te adoro! Dai suki ! !
Jessica: God! I ' ve never seen a gi r l who l oves her own pi ctures t hat much! ! Tu opti mi smo
si empre me sorprende. Nunca cambi cs excepto que ti enes que ponerte l as pi l as( tal vez una
vcz al aio, ha, ha, ha) Katrina: Asi que tu eras I a que ordenabas a l as otras para que me
mol estaran. ci erto? Di sfrute vi cndotc mentir ( you are such a bad liar) Carol i na: Si empre
trate de pararte cuando me haci as cosqui l l as . . . but your evi l smi l e always defeated me . . .
Cristina: Sos unas de l as personas mas amigabl es del mundo. Never change because I thi nk
that thi s al ways bri ng you l uck and happi ness. Dr. Thomas, Mr. Vance & Mr. Pastore;
Thank you |or the tremendous amount of hardwork! ! However. al l of you are my best
teachers! I ' l l mi ss you .
Q g]==
C :: C :: o
nx hr )f 5m| 8 0 yrm! W
d | ut H yaamra+!'' @
! 0
1 08
Vanessa Novo Wolff
Bueno, l l ego el momento ms esperado de mi vi da y por fi n mi sueio se hi zo real i dad. Compar
mi s l ogros en estos aios con mi s padres a l os cual es les debo todo lo que he teni cl o y se I
agradezco. AI hacer recuento de l os 1 2 aios, dej o atras muchos ami gos, experi enci as,
momentos i nol vi dabl es que j amas podre borrar de mi mente. Pa1i y Mar: Muchas graci as p
todo el esfuerzo que han hecho para darme un buena educaci on Ia cual l levare conmi go en ca
momento. Eri cka: No sabes I a Fal La que me has hecho durante este aio pero me ha servi do pa
comprender que tenemos cami nos di ferentes. Qui ero que sepas que t e quiero un mont on y qu
pesar de nuestras diferencias eso nunca va a cambiar. Te deseo mucha suerte en todo l o q
hagas y que puedas l ograr lo que qui eres KEEP GOI NG. Gi gi : A | te falt a un cachito pe
di sfrutal o al maxi mo y aprovechal o. Te quiero mucho y HAVE FUN. Leon ( Mi TuRuRu) : Este a
ha si do super especi al para mf y a que has estado a mi l ado hasta el fi nal . Graci as por ayudarn
en mi s essays de I ngl es y por todo el tapi ng ( pero reconoce que Le I a pasaste bi en con 1
pronunci aci on) . Espcro que en I a n ueva ctapa de mi vi da tambi en estes a mi I a do y graci as por s
como eres y por hacerme senti r tan especial . 1 AMO. Vane y German: Pobreci to de vosotros
no me i nvi tan a su bodaJ J J ( Tambi en a |eca' ' Graci as por vuestra amistad y os qui ero 1
montonazo. Carl itos: Gracias por l as ri sas que me causastes tantas veces, por l os buen
moments que pasamos cuando estabamos l os ocho y por tus chi stes. Tomal o Suaave y di sfru
Col ombi a, Azucar! ! ! Col ombi anas: Good l uck i n Col ombi a, have fun and don' t forget to party 1
the Lme. Alej andro: Take it easy and enj oy your l ast ycar Raul : A pesar de que ya no estes ci
nosotros eso no si gni fi ca que no me recuerde de |, eso es imposi bl e. Graci as por todas I ,
sal i das, l os momentos i nol vi dabl es que todos pasamos en tu coche, escuchando Vi l ma Pal m
por haber sido tan especi al con t odos nosotros. Te QUI ERO MUCHI SI I I SI I I MO Y TE EXTRA
Ivan Ou
hlllBdlr. November b, ! J11
dl 0Bll]. Taiwan ( R. O. C. )
UiSl I krS. \ar poll|| c-, corrup-
|| ou
hlllhl tr: Santi ago, Chi l e
LlkrS. Musi c, beauty, gui tar, art,
coupulcrraph|c-,au| mat| ou
Mom and Dad: There arc no words to express my l ove and grati t ude. I owe my exi stence |you, and
al l tha| I am wi l l be an eternal debt | wi l l forever be ret urni ng. Wendy: Thanks for being the best Si s
and fri end i n t he worl d. You have made my l i fe meani ngful . Ci ndy and Steven: Brother and si ster
forever! ! ! ManurI. Graci as por tu ami stad, l as carcaj adas, Ia l ocura, y el mundo entero de artc y
musi ca que me hi ci stc ronoccr. X and Hi de r ul e! 1 ! Pcrdon si t e h ice senUr mal por l as di ferenci as de
opi ni on. lrrddy. I ' ve known you for t he l ongest ti mel l 1 I ' ve al ways appreci ated your easy-goi ng styl e
and h umour. Don' t l et i t di e. krnIat0. I never coul d understand your worl d of art and real i ty, but
thanks for t ryi ng. Jorge: Si n comentari os. ( Que vi va I a musi ca! ' ! ) Mi ke and u8y. Thanks For the
friendshi p and great a L t i tude towards l i fe ( especi al l y Mi ke) . Your posi ti ve vi ew and power for
achi evement has made everythi ng possi bl e. Agueda: My si ncere respect and admi raton for your
super-human abi l i ties! ' ! Chi sa: Thanks for that contagi ous smi l e. To t he Guitarists | ve known at
" Cl ub Maya" : Rock t he Worl d1 ! !
Wendy: Thi s one' s For you! ! '
1 09
Dear: Fami l y
I fi rst want to tel l you that I ' m going to
miss you wi th all my heart. when I go ofF to
col l ege. Mom you a1e the greatest mom i n
the worl d. for you have al ways stood by my
side. You have hel ped me become a re
sponsi bl e man. Fi nal l y. I l ove you more
than anythi ng for you have been a mother
and father. Ale; l i ttl e bro I ' m goi ng t o mi ss
you. but final ly you arc the man of the
house. Have fun i n hi ghschool for it goes
by fast. 'anla big si s. I fi nal l y will be wi th
you after four years. you have g1own i nto a
woman. and i nto an adul l . To my father
may he be resti ng i n peace. I l ove you.
1 1 0
Bolivian, March 1 , 1 977
- still living.
To my Fri ends:
Wel l to al l my fri ends I love you al l dearly. Fi i'St Eric 9 yea
thanks for everythi ng. l l anlta l i nda I ' m going to miss b uggi1
you. but what I'm goi ng to mi ss the most i s om g1e
FRI ENDSHI P. Wes I want to thank you and your family f
always gi vi ng me a home. Al ex have fun i n Canada. Marc yo
To the A. a. x2 cl ub I mi ss you. Natasha, Carol i ne, Angel , t
I l ove you guys. Gaby I promi se I ' l l wri te you. mi ss you al (
And for those that I di dn' t put in my page (Yvonne, Karl
Vanessa and Jennifer) I I O\C you. Fi nal ly to al l m teac
ers that hel ped me graduate Mr. Bond you rock, Pabl o r
coach. Mr. Vance and Dr. Thomas thank you. and Mr. f'el
To the Col ombians it's been great.
Aleida Alexandra ter Kuile
" I f we shadows have offended,
Thi nk but thi s and al l i s mended,
That you have but sl umbered here
Whi l e these vi si ons di d appear . "
! !
! ! Z
Viviana Valbuena
Graci as Di os por haberme ayudado a termi nar est e aio. Papi y Mami : Qui er
agradecerl es por todo el apoyo y dedi caci 6n que me han dado. Graci as a su ayuda h
l ogrado termi nar esta etapa de mi vi da. Los qui ero mucho y l os voy a extrafa
A| cj a0dr0. Hey Bro take care and keep enj oyi ng those glu p gl up l essons. J ui ci o co
l as muchachas y el carro. I ' l l see you soon. Andrea y Liliana: Hey save some guy
for me when 0 to |0l 000| ' Ustedes li enen un I ugar muyespeci al en mi corazon
l as qui ero como si fueran mi s hermanas. Cui dense y | u| c| o con l as muchacho
Nadeem: Don' t worry I ' l l go vi si t you i n Georgi a . Are you taki ng good care of my pet!
Wel l I hope so. Take care and l | be seei ng you soon! Mi chel e: Fate has been good t
us, n ' est ce pas! Thi s year has been in a speci al way a conti nuati on to al l th
memori es we shared i n 8th grade. Hey! we are graduat i ng together yeeesss. -
heheheee . . I l ove you. Liz and
argi d. Nos vemos en Col ombi a con nuestr
carri to, apartament o y por supuesto con novi o! ( Li z - two heartbeats! ) Manuel
"Uhhh" know what to leave you -a bi t 0leverythi ng. I ' l l miss you. Tatasha
Hey M. F. what shou l d | l eave you 0m0 . . . a cucal eta or a bi chol eto! l l 0| SS yo
too. Alex: l l l get you back some day, how many ti mes was i t 5, O, zO . . . ? Hann
Whut ' s t hat but ton faor? ( torti l l a woman?) Powder gi r l : good l uck next year! got t
fi nd a new partner for gum stop. To the rest of the Seni ors: I t was ni ce knowi ng yo
al l !
Ji-Ho Yoo Birthday: Jan. 29, 1 978
Fi rst of al l , I am so gl ad that I am graduati ng, and goi ng to col l ege. Speci al thanks to myparents for
making me a real \A`. U00 0n0 M0m. Thank you very much for your l ove and support And I ' l l
promi se that I ' l l try my best and work hard in col l ee. JR
uu: omet| Hes you are a |ai n i n the butt, but
you are an awesome si ster. Take care! Mike . Thanks for bei ng such a good ||| tu0, can al ways count
on you . Good l uck i n the col l ege, you' l l do wel l . Jerry H. . ( next year' s B-Bal l captain) . Man! 1h0about
al l the stuff that we 0| 0i n your car 0t| 00 the bui l 0ing u0i n El Sal vador . Your brai n and m brai n are
ful l of basketbal l , and 0 damn proud of you and me. Good l uck next year, ' cause I ' m outta here, man.
eat Troj ans and Teguci gal pa. h0Sk0I00I I 100m ` 9h. We' ve been doi ng awesome, and we had fun.
:ood l uck next year. t00thl0I0t0. You tauht me real basketbal l . Thanks for teaching me t o control
|tm|t|, 00 ht [| 0 mt qu| | eatin cheeseburgers. Cl ass of . Thanks for ben |ht|t for me
en needed you . Good l uck ( wherever you are goi ng. ) Al l Koreans u Club B
B: You have more
t and energy than any other peopl e, don' t get i nto troubl e. God bl ess you. Wai t for me |S|, here
T h i s
s p a c e i s
r e s e r ve d
f o r my
1 1 4
Alvaro Daniel Zelaya
Don' t turn t hi s page, there' s a monster at the
end of thi s book. " Grover "
"How is your l i fe di ffer
ent?" fri ends asked "How
have you c hanged?" I hat
ed the question.
" Give us answers, " I
heard, but the demand was
real ly coming from me, I
wanted to say, "l ook at me.
Look what I ve done. "
- Sue Bender
I t' s been |uh, but now i t' s
done. ( Shal l I j ust ease on down
the road?) Leaving the ci rcus
and goi ng i nto the carnival wi th
cotton candy and a dozen cavi
ti es wi l l be painful ly wonderful .
l have a mi l l i on peopl e to IhK,
0ul | sti ll haven' t won an Oscar.
To fl i p my eye i nside out i s real
l y tough, there i s j u s t so much
to remember . | wer e Homer, I
woul d si hg my l i fe to everyone.
Now s i x countri es later. I can cel
ebrate a smal l di scovery I made - life is
good' One of the main ingredients are -
padres increibles! Dad y Mami (a.k. a.
Pops and Mamoosh) No hay seres mas
bellos que ustedes. Me han dado I a vida
de un rey y el amor de un dios.
Si ncerely.
P.S. - Merry Buttafuoco to all.
P. S.S. -A warm gracias to all my teach
ers in school vida. especi ally to the
Mighty K |
There are so many pockets
my heart, each hol di ng a me
full of emot i on; e. g. Cafe
arts festi val , the Forest,
mi radores, Bohemia Surbana
certs, the park, U U
Anti gua, . . . and the j ohn.
i ng back at my l i fe i n Gua
onl y covers three years out
ei ghteen year af fa i r wi t h
wor l d' s many al i en nati ons.
l i eve me an al i en i s a person
best fri end.
! J
I I b
A g u e d a , Ch a mo r r o s ,
Manuel , Mi chelle, Chi sa,
Carol i na, l l annah , Susy ,
Ivan, Christ i na ( Lt . | u Kl ,
|0 | 0u0|| 0m)
Vi vi ana, Marko, Jessi ca,
Kat ri na , Natasha , Eri c ,
Al e x, J i - ll o , Ca r o l i n e ,
Mi ke.
`VKO`M`1^ 1K
Every year Mr. Berke takes part of the Senior cl ass on the adventurous and amazi ng Envi ronmental Sci ence Tri p. Thi s trip
i s surrounded by fun, amazement, danger, beauty, and lots of l aughs. Seniors enj oy themsel ves as they visi t di fferent pl aces
where they l earn to val ue the envi ronment and ways of taki ng care of i t . These pl aces i ncl uded the l eather l eaf farm, coffee
pl antati on, Mr. Berke' s l and, Lanquin and i ts caves, as wel l as the beauti ful l agoons and waterfal l s of Champey. One gooq
thi ng about thi s tri p i s that i t promoted Seni or uni ty.
I I o
Senior Retreat JO
For the fi rst t i me i n Maya hi story, the seni ors went on a retreat to i ni ti ate thei r school year at Lake Amati tl an for two
ni ghts and three days. Accompani ed by Mrs. Winterrod, Mrs. Lee, Mr. Vance, and Dr. Thomas, i t was a success. The
parti ci pated i n acti vi ti es to gain |Iu5|, and ||0IB0I. Duri ng thi s ti me, the seni ors shared tears, l aughters, and smi l es. The
went as i ndi vi dual s, and came back as a whol e.
I Z0
A The senior chefs, Jessi ca and
Cri sti na prepari ng ` |t Magn|hq0c
Frui t "
A M Mi ke, Carol i n a ; I f uS
t take it seri ousl y we wi l l
never geL back .
A Katri na, Carol i na , ancl uS)
take t hei r ti me to RELAX! !
M < 1Ht>t0| 0| A! ! | |dc(Acx)'
.. Susy,

catcH hi m' Catch hi m' |
don ' t wa0 t h i m to fa l l 00 mt
(Eri c)"
1 2 1
^ 1H
A N Sel f-study
A # The l ibrary crowd
A Rehearsal for " Fame"
< J uni ors prepari ng candy grams
1 ZZ
^1 L^L

M Al berl and lht great y0-y0

chal l enge

Ready to start a new day

. . Asaf, a man of many t al ents
Maya. Maya, Maya
. Kevin ancl Maricel
LM1 1HK'
1 24
"There are defeats more tri umphant than vi ctories. "
Carol i ne pepares for t he rebound.
1 25
l00 OuI
1 995-96 Maya Vol l eyball
" I stood in the mi ddl e of the court, amazed, l ooking around
as fami l i ar faces, our school mates of al l ages, gathered to
cheer us on. I was j umpi ng up and down, taki ng deep breaths to
cal m my nerves. Then, we hel d hands i n a ti ght ci rcl e and,
shutting out the crowd, we screamed with al l our might, Bump,
set, spike i t. That ' s the way we l ike i t , HUH! Fol l owed by a
tremendous uproar, I fel t the gym floor trembl e. My team
mates and | coul d only smi l e, wi tnessi ng the togetherness of
our smal l school . "
1 26
Tensi on bui l ds as " the boys" move one
poi nt cl oser to vi ctory . . . A
. yet |0 a huddl e they rel ax and have
fun . .
The Maya communi ty comes
to support the varsity teams.
"The gi rls" enj oy the taste of
vi ctory.
Y "Oh my God. gi r l s. l ook at
thei r . "
Y Ready for acti on and smi l i ng
1 28
Varsi ty Gi rl s Volleyball Team. Top row:
Mrs. Feia, Hannah Edgerton, Ka
trina Carlson, Alex ter Kull e, Car
olina Barrera ( co-Capt . ) , and Gi anna
Ca n e b a . Bo t t o m r o w: Ca r o l i n e
Gri mier, Mel issa Leon, and Susy Lee
(co-Capt. )
"Are you gonna serve or
what?( Abdias and Paul ) Y
A Abdias, Marko, Mike, and Eric in
their ready positi ons at the game
against I nter.
JV. Gi rl s Vol l eybal l Team. Top row:
Jami e Brow, Mi chel l e Wi ater, Al
lyson Morril , Amanda Rhodes ( co
Capt . ) , El i zabeth Adams, Vanessa
Carbonel l e, Mr. Feia. Bottom row:
Andrea Oamasceno-Vieira, Mary Jo
Lent ( co-Capt. ) . Alison Tsuj i , Marla
Barrera, and Debrah Walsh
The guys wai t pati enty for Copa Maya to begi n.
Y "Pi eeese l et us wi! Pl ease, Pl ease .
. The girl s J V team in acti on.
Top row: Valerio Oe Meo, Oan
Luna, Marko Petri cevic ( co-Capt . } ,
Carlos Victori a, Marc Hol bik, Mar
ten Doe. Middl e row: Joseph Tally,
Paul Carlson, Tonatiuh Romero, Ja
son Peterson, Mike Arel l ano, Gus
tavo Andrade. Bottom row: Marcus
Hol l a, Li -Tsai Chen, Al bert Del gado,
Andrew Hami l l , Abdi as Irizarry, Eric
Hol bik ( co-Capt. ) . and Coach Pastore.
1 29
The mi gh ty Mayan bas ket ba l l
teams worked hard to achi eve the
goal of vi ctory. Practi ces were l ong
and hard, and required dedi cati on
and sel f-di sci pl ine. There were many
cl osely fought games, and di sap
poi ntments, and vi ctory.
Dan fl i es.
Coach Pastore
UUJ- UUb Men' s Basketbal l Team
( Standi ng Lt . to Rt. ) J. Pastore, A. Hamil l , C. Victoria, M. Petricivec, J. 1
( Kneel ing Lt . to Rt . ) D. Luna, J. Hsiao, J. Lacayo, E. Hol bik, M. Arell ano,
The 1 995-96 Women' s Basketbal l Team ( back to front, l eft to ri ght) Mi chel l e
Hal l , Hannah Edgerton, Susy Lee, Coach Thomas, Amanda Rhodes, Debra
Walsh, Allyson Morrill , Alex TerKuil e, Margie lhamorro,Hc|issaLeon, Mary
Jo Lent, Caroli ne Grimi er, ( not p' c|arcJ-lorcttaluk)
Jerry goi ng in for a shot.
Alex wai ti ng at the l i ne.
Susy shooti ng.
( l eft to ri ght)
A Amanda on Lhe tip-off
A A Super- fan Vance
A Coach Thomas
1 3 1
l 3lY300!
The basketbal l trip to Salvador brought opportunity
to experi ence fri endshi ps with other school s . However,
when secl uding oursel ves as the Mayan team, we ate
. .
ice cream and pi zza, sl ept i n some study hal l s, and
most importantl y, we all pl ayed hard. Alex
. . Carol i ne aL L he l i ne
A A I n Lhe huddle
. Ltit i n acL i on
# Wai Li ng Lo pl ay
The gi rl s l i ke pi zza
1 32
The Copa Maya gave both A B teams the chance to compete agai nst 7 other
school s. The games were often cl ose, but al ways wel l played.
- - Gi 1 1 s pl ay yet anot her hard fought
N Dan shoots.
A H0ysB team i n practi ce.
< < Gi r l s B team i n a huddl e.
N Strategy sessi on.
1 33
A A "When | hi L Lhe hei ghts"
A The fi ghL
# F'an dance
I J+

Thi s school year, students and teachers
put together the musi cal mr. Di rectors,
MI. t& MS. h0Itj, worried day in and
day out, making the musical a success.
Pl ay practi ci ng two hours everyday after
school , for two months, the cast worked
thei r hearts out .
. . Nat asha, warmi ng up
A . . Wai Li ng to go on
A . The magi ci an
. The band
. . Mi ke maki ng the
magi c work
. Max, the magi ci an' s
! J
U^ 1`G
Hard Work!
U0/I 0l I0Smu
" I si ng Ll le body el ecL ri c" Musi c c l ass
I^\l . . . | wanna l i ve forever
I wanna l earn how to fly!
Seni ors geL inLo Lhe spiril of |oac
I J1
l^ K^'
1 38
. Martin Doe and Andrew Hami l l meeL Lhe Fun Run
chal l enge.
Y Mike Arell ano crosses the fini sh line in first place.
Y Sophi a Da Si l vei ra and fri end are ready Lo r un .
. Mrs. Leon waves a greeting as Leachers, sLudenLs,
and parents approach the sLarti ng l i ne.
1D`1 |O`|
School Student Counci l Offi cers: M . Rhodes, E. Fox, M . Raskosky, and K.
Student Counci l s i n bot h t he mi ddl e and
hi gh school s had an extremel y busy year.
They sponsored soci al events, boosted
school spi ri t, and worked on sol uti ons to
s t udent pr o bl e ms . They c ons i s t ent l y
showed responsi bi l i ty, energy and l eader
shi p i n al l thei r acti vi ti es.
Repr e s e n t a t i v e s d i sc us s
school probl ems.
Cheeri ng i n the Pep Ral ly.
Asaf Cristina open the
Copa Maya.
Pl anni ng the next acti vi ty.
1 39
^1 U^ HU^UKUl11
A NHS OfFi cers Mike Arel l ano, Katrina Carlson, Hannah
Edgerton, Manuel Negron and Susy Lee.
A New members
Y AL Lhe reception fol l owi ng L he ceremony.
Y The members of the NHS were once agai n i n charge ChrisL
mas basket s for the workers.
A New members of J uni or Nati onal Honor Soci ety.
A Dr. Thomas present s Allison wi th a certfi cate duri ng the i nducti on ceremony.
| U
1h0 M3\3 lLL
A new publ i cati on made i t s debut i n January, The Maya PULSE. The magazi ne combi ned student wri ti ng
i n both Engl i sh and Spani sh wi th news, reviews and general i nformation. Mr. Pastore, advi sor, expects to
publ i sh a second 1 00 page edi ti on before the end of the year .
Some hard worki ng staff members.
( above and cl ockwi se: Ben, Alvaro,
Mike, Dan, Manuel , Eric and Ji -Ho. )
1 4 1
Cl ass Brai n Agueda & Manuel
MosL L ikel y to Succeed Susy & Manuel
Bi ggest Fl i rL Jason & Vanessa Lazi est Marc & Kari n Favori te Teacher Mr. Pastore
I 1Z
Ni cest Eyes - Mai sy, Jason, & Mary Jo
Ni cest Smi l e - Mari cel & Marko Cl ass Cl own - Viviana & Manuel Most Athl eti c - Susy & Eri c
Bi ggest Mooch - Kari n & Eri c Most Artstc -Agueda & Asaf Best Dressed - Joe & Jesse
1 43
' ' With a voice of singing' '
A N The choi r, with di rector K. Storey pose for
post-concert pi cture .
A The Col ombi an gang havi ng fun in El Sal vador .
.. Choi r can be fun .
.. Col egi o Maya' s Choi r, si ngi ng in the morning for t
Ameri can School of E l Sal vador.
Whil e studying, rel axi ng, and playing,
the students of Maya show their
dedi cati on.
1 44A
Whether between cl asses or at
l unch, Mayan st udents enj oy
spendi ng ti me wi th friends. The
new cafeteri a, the carpeted area
of the hi gh school , and the ti me
capsul e draw students and
teachers duri ng transi ti on ti me.
Sharing food. sharing music. or just shming a {
00\1 \.imc. Mayan st.udent. of all ages
eelehl'al.c life.
1h0 ^0ll\0 l 0m0nl3[
El ementary st udent s part i ci
pate i n a wi de range of acti vi ti es
each and every day. Buddi ng art
i sts created robots from a vari ety
of materi al s. Students coul d even
l ook through one of them! The
thi rd grade cel ebrated Chi nese
New Year wi th a bri ght red dragon
t h a t wo u n d i t s mu s i c a l - way
through the school . Fourth grad
ers perfected thei r square danci ng
ski l l s i n P. E. whi l e Ki nder and 1 st
grade students put on a ci rcus .
A A fi erce Dragon
M M Megan proudl y poi nts out
her robot
M A fourth grade square
M Ci rcus performers wai ti ng to take center ri ng at the command of ring
master, Tomas .
A The L i ght-rope wal kers
I 1
From October I J I 1 Col egio Maya was proud to host
the 1 995 AASCA Leadershi p conference. Mr. Feia was i n
charge of organi zi ng thi s event, whi ch was attended by
Costa Ri ca Academy, Col egi o l nternaci onal de San
Sal vador, Escuel a San Pedrana, Col egi o lnterameri cano,
and Col egi o Americana. Speakers i ncl uded the U. S.
Ambassador Mari lyn McAffe, Dr . Carl os E. Berganza, and
Licda. Ot i l i a Lux de Coti . The days were spent l earni ng
what i t takes to be a successful l eader and maki ng new
fri ends.
1 46
" Hmmm, thi s is actual ly i nteresti ng. " A
Mr. Tangeman shares hi s experi ences wi th t he l eaders
of the future. A
Katri na Carl son, Cristi na Li n, and Mi chael Arel l ano
pose for a pi cture .
"The conference brougtll friend
Ship mnongst the participants.
" "Hannah Edgerton shows our
appreciation ro our special guest
Ambassador McAfee.
smile boys!" llarrin Doe. ,Jeff
Brown and Andrew Hamill.
"! ate, ok!" says Nieve Pzt
who IS saig a me with Paul
Talent Show
The second annual tal ent show was hel d on October 7, 99J on the gym stage. Duri ng thi s event, students, parents,
teachers, and even speci al guests showed thei r many tal ents. Si ngers, dancers, whi stl ers, and j uggl ers entertai ned an
enthusi asti c audi ence. Thi s event was made possi bl e wi th the hel p of hi gh school student counci l .
A A Mr . Trujil l o wi th a lLi e bi t of funk from James Brown.
A 8t h graders, Esther Fox and Maggi e Rhodes, tri p the l i ght fantasti c i n
Ihc '0rprisc.
1 48
.. Mana musi c came to
l i fe wi t h Mari a Marta
Ru a n o a n d Va nessa
Be rgonz ol l . Ba c ki n g
them up was the great
gui tar pl ayer, I van Ou.
A M The " Guess Who
Dwarves": Carol i na and
Juan Carlos Barrera.
Ih0 Uu(lu .0(/S, put together by
the Seni ors. Showi ng thei r faces are Car
oline Grimi er, Manuel Negron, Agueda
Li n , Nat asha Mu re n , and Ha nna h
Y Susy Lee and Crist i na Arel l ano sang
sweetly C0I0t8 0I/h0 h0.
Y Natasha Muren, Alex ter Kuile, AJ
ison Schwarz, Caroline Grimier, Manuel
(j ust one or the gi rls) Negron, and Han
nah Edgerton ready ror thei r revenge!
Kevi n Bal di zon
and Marti n Doc put on
their j uggling show.
Wi th her gui tar, Cri s
l B8 B played some
classical music.
I 10
1 50
1Kh 1
Carol i na & Lhe cropper
Katri na
Marli n & Jorge
Overhead in the Publications Room
" Guard my cropper with Your l i fe. "
" One-quarter page! That ' s not fai r . "
"Michael Jordan came to me in a dream and
sai d, ' Don' t qui t basketbal l . ' "
" Why can' t | draw in the mi ddl e of the pi ca?"
S Carolina to wri te the copy. "
" Can I go to the l ibrary?"
" Oh, yeah! "
"It' s not my fault. "
Mari cel , Mai sy & Vi vi ana
Chlsa & Agueda
Cri sti na & the machi ne
Aex hard at work
Mascot. Spiri t-l i fters
JI -Ho taki ng a pi cture! ? One more page to type?
The yearbook staff entered the modern era of publ i cati on
j ust after Thanksgivi ng. Super-croppers and quad packs
repl aced cut past e. Not only di d we l earn a whol e new
vocabul ary, but we al so embarked on an i ntensive course i n
the "Tayl or" method of book production. Thanks to Mr .
Pastore' s enthusi asm and gui dance, even the most re
l uctant soon were wi eldi ng red penci l s and rul ers. As al
ways, dedi cati on and creativi ty were the cornerstones of the
My personal thanks to al l the students who made the
book possi bl e. Susy, edi tor-i n-chi ef. was dedi cated above
and beyond the cal l of duty. Mi ke, sports editor and typi st
par excel l ence, gave extra ti me and effort. The desi gn staff,
Katri na, Carol i na, Agueda, Jessi ca and Chi sa, were val i ant i n
the face of al l dead l i nes and never once refused an as
si gnment. Mark Holbi k was the keeper of " the book, " whi l e
Mai sy and Mari ce! protected J uni or ri ght s. Jenni fer and
Allyson ran errands, checked names, and veri fi ed spel l ings.
SuWan and Jorge were the masters of the quad packs whi l e
Ji -Ho was the muscl e. Martin was a wi l li ng worker even i f
we never were "ul tra-ed. " Vivi ana, Li sette, and Margi e
l i ghtened our moods. Thank you al so to our unoffi ci al staff,
Aida Tsuj i and Bel ter who shi pped the pages, and to my
fami ly for endl ess tri ps to the photographer. To al l our
readers, the 1 995-96 staff del i vers thi s yearbook to you. I t
i s t he cul mi nati on of our work and dreams. We hope that for
all of you la Vl0awi l l truly be a cel ebrati on of that speci al
worl d that i s Col egi o Maya. - M. Kayayan
1ht edi tor & edi tee?
1 5 1
M. K! . . . UIa|
10I 10u0n
What do you
mca0l| 00|
I need a
Suzy!! Come
In case you di d not noti ce, thi s
year ' s yearbook i s done di ffer
ently. This i s the first time i n
Maya Yearbook hi stor to use
t he Tayl or Pub-
On behal f of the yearbook
staff, I woul d l ike to thank our
supervi sor, MIS. h0, for
keeping us on track. Al so, thank
you Mr. Pastore
l i shi ng Company
( a pr o f e s s i o n a l
one! ) . As you can
see, the qual i ty of
this yearbook i s a
l o t b e t t e r . Our
' ' Wch0pcy0u
f o r h e l p i n g u s
wi th our doubts .
And final ly, from
me to the year-
Y earbool. ' '
. b o o k s t a f f ,
techniques are not very devel
oped; but as ti me goes on, the
yearbooks wi l l excel l I ' m sure.
Wo r k i n g o u r
hearts out to meet the dead
l i nes, we' ve l earned a whole l ot.
I hope you are as proud of thi s
yearbook as we are.
What happened
to the dozen of .
black pens?
Here! You do
the copy and .
captons . . .
" Huh? . . . dunno?! " " What does that say?" 0 typi ng it
ri ght?"
1 52

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